FUN for 20 Minutes-Entitled Snobs Hilariously EATEN by MONSTERS-Disney Who S01E05 Dot and Bubble

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 13 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 43

  • @AGoodPlace365
    @AGoodPlace365 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    When they said not one of us, we thought not part of social media group or not of the age 17 to something

  • @ackyfacky4332
    @ackyfacky4332 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    You guys help keep me sane. I was so frustrated with all the praise this weird, stupid episode was getting.

  • @davidlandrum
    @davidlandrum 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I was reminded of the scene from Fahrenheit 451 where the neighborhood wives gathered around the TV playing their game show wondering when their husbands will return from “the war” and not realizing they’re dead.
    Also, Montag’s decent from society into the real world wondering if he can survive without instructions.

  • @ericastuart1844
    @ericastuart1844 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The Dr was the only one with a moustache!

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

      Good point. I hadn't even noticed that. There were so many differences about the Disney Doctor that it's hard to tell which one was the culprit. I wish the story had been clearer about which bias it was. -Mollie

  • @ineptgamer3814
    @ineptgamer3814 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Honestly I think you guys are absolutely right. I believe that RTD deliberately wanted everyone to decide what the ending meant so that our own biases would be highlighted.
    A dirty trick to be sure because even though it isn't true, he'd probably say that if you think they were being ists toward the Doctor at the end, then you must be an ist yourself.
    After all, even though nobody else on the planet thought so, he believed that "people shouldn't associate the wheelchair-bound/disability with evil." Hence the change to Davros.
    Anyway, you both have such great takes and opinions on this.
    Thanks for another cool video...! 👍🏻

  • @MoonPhantom
    @MoonPhantom 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    You know... the funny plot twist here could be. Njah they don't wanna follow him because he is a timelord and they have so many historical records about how people did what a timelord told them to do and it lead to the apocalypse, and all of those records were indeed the doctor effing up in the past.

  • @JohnS-il1dr
    @JohnS-il1dr 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Someone on X claimed that his spitting was supposedly ad libbed by him.

    • @ackyfacky4332
      @ackyfacky4332 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I can respect the dedication, I suppose...

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      In that case, I'd call this a failure of the director and whoever decided which take to use. If there was only one take, we're right back at the director. -Mollie

  • @darktenor4967
    @darktenor4967 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Thanks for another review.
    Again, have to nerve myself even to look at reviews of Doctor who these days so it was a while before I got to yours, especially with how potentially controversial this episode was.
    Firstly, as a miner point, I’m fairly sure the Disney Doctor using endearments like “honey”, or “babes”, to Lindy is more him playing up the stereotypical “gay”, thing, than a her being a woman; “babes”, in particular sounds very put on camp to me.
    The old man is absolutely right about surreal dark humour, and this sounding a lot like the long game in exploring a social problem with a future society.
    What however really bothers me in this one, is that there is no exploration of the society, or the causes for why things are the way they are at all, much less any attempt to show that people despite dystopic social control, might still have some redeeming virtues.
    This one reminded me strongly of the 2005 fifth doctor audio story three’s company.
    That features a society of teenagers, all of whom never leave their rooms and communicate entirely via screens. They exercise on automated gym equipment, and teleport around to visit each other once a week, though (as per the title), only two people occupy the same room at a time (the people have panic attacks if they’re in a room with more than one other person).
    Clearly a commentary on obsessive screen use and isolation, yet we keep finding out more.
    It turns out the society is controlled by “aunty” (played in fact by Debra Wotling who played Victoria Waterfield back in the sixties), who is presented initially as a big brother type dictator, then it turns out she’s working for carnivorous aliens, then it turns out she’s being coerced and is actually trying to save who she can.
    The story also features a very flaky teenaged girl whom perry has to literally cajole into walking a small distance under the open sky, but unlike in this story, she manages to get her act together, and even finds that it’s rather nice to be in the same room with a teenaged boy she’s had a crush on.
    There are other stories like this, indeed when the old man mentioned the society mistrusting the Doctor because he’s old, this is exactly what happens in the 2017 story the middle, which features a society where the young party until they’re 35, then enter “the middle”, where they do all of the society’s administrative work, then enter “the end”, at sixty five, , which you initially think is death, but turns out to be a bunch of old people piloting mechs in a never ending war! (talk about hilariously weird premises), Again, the longer the story goes on, the more we find out about the society, and the deeper the mystery gets, and as in three’s a crowd or the long game, the problems get solved in the end.
    What do we find out here though?
    Does the doctor investigate why slugs are eating people or where they come from? Absolutely not.
    That brings me on to the real controversy here.
    It’s interesting that you question what the “not one of us”, vibe was at the end.
    According to Millie Gibson, Nguti Gatwa and I believe Russel T Davies, this is absolutely supposed to be about skin colour.
    Indeed, Gibson and Davies have said directly if you don’t immediately see a society of just white people and ask why something is wrong, “you! Are the problem!”
    (see youtuber Alteori’s review of this story for a discussion of some of the behind the scenes comments).
    This goes on the heals of several really nasty racial speeches in the UK.
    The Scottish first minister (now retired), having a famous rant where he accuses Scotland of being too white, the national trust (the Uk’s environmental agency), famously publishing a heavily criticised report where they directly state the UK’s Rural areas are racist due to being “predominantly white”. Heck last year at King Charlse coronation, the actress Adjoa Andoh, who played Martha Jones’ mother in Doctor who, famously caused an uproar when she pointed at the royal family and declared them, “terribly white.”
    Not sure how it is in the Us in terms of demographics, but in the UK cities tend to be fairly cosmopolitan areas, but the further out you go, the more native English people; IE white people, you see.
    Heck, my grandma once told me she’d never even seen a black person until she was in her forties.
    There is currently a major issue in the UK as regards immigration, which various opponents are spinning into a pure issue of racism and skin colour.
    So between Davies, Gibson and Gatwa’s comments, and the mention of the rich kid’s “god’s duty”, as compared to the so called “voodoo” of the Doctor’s Tardis, this was absolutely intended to be all about skin colour, at least by the show’s creators.
    That I think was the impetus with making Lindy a horrible person, indicating that she was actually a racist.
    Needless to say, the assumption here, that a group of white people automatically equals racism is about the most tautologically racist idea ever!
    Indeed, one wonders why; if they really wanted to explore the idea of racism against black people, they didn’t have an episode set at some racist point in history, the way that the Rosa Parks episode of the Jody Witicker era did, since here, it seemed the racism really came out of nowhere, and was very much tacked on, where as in a historical context it would’ve made much more sense and perhaps actually been a more logical part of the story.
    Again, I absolutely agree that the idea here was very much punitive, rather than informative, or trying to elicit sympathy.
    What really bothers me about this story though, is how bloody useless the Doctor is.
    First, the spitting and wining and crying! I don’t’ know if this is an attempt to make the Doctor; a male character, less stoic, or more gay or something, but it’s frankly just demeaning!
    More than that though, this doctor is just plain incompetent!
    He’s obviously upset about the racist brats deciding to go off and get themselves killed.
    So what does he do?
    Does he go to the city and deal with the randomly murderous ai? Does he fly the Tardis in front of the party, step out of it and thereby prove it works? Does he go and collect some survival gear and drop it off for these people to find? Does he contact someone like the Shadow proclamation, someone in authority who can help these people out? Does he set up some sort of safe haven for them in the forest?
    No! He just wines and cries and spits and curses!
    I don’t agree with the old man that the Doctor doesn’t save people, the Doctor in the past has expended massive amounts of effort (Pompeii was a fixed point in time, hence why the tenth Doctor was adamant everyone had to die) .
    Neither has he let bad attitudes stop him in the past. When in the original Daleks episode from 1963, the Thals are about to get themselves killed because they refuse to fight back against the Dalek attack, the Doctor tries every which way to reason with them, then finally tells Ian to take a thal girl to the Daleks in exchange for the machine parts he needs to fix the Tardis, only for the girl’s father to deck both him and Ian, thus proving that the Thals will in fact fight for something when threatened!
    But what does Disney Doctor do when faced with a few racist people? Cry! Spit and run away!
    For that reason this episode is another I won’t be watching, aside from anything else I signed up to watch Doctor who, and whatever crap Davies says, the Doctor Gatwa is not. Not because he’s black or gay or anything else, but because he’s a pathetic, useless coward! Who’d rather wring his hands and winj about how racist people are as he watches them go off to die, than try and actually do something about it when he quite easily could!
    Okay I know this was a particular rant, but honestly, this one really! Got up my nose even more than usual, just for how bloody crap it makes the Doctor! Heck, Gatwa’s Doctor is making Jody Witicker’s doctor look like a pinnacle of compassion and competence at this point!

  • @Cara-Moore
    @Cara-Moore 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The Finetime people reminded me of the girls from Mean Girls mixed with Clueless. When she said the Tardis was voodoo, I thought it was their alien religion stopping them going with the Dr.
    Russell T Davies should have left it open to interpretation.

  • @peterpineapple7420
    @peterpineapple7420 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Hi, Mollie and the Old Man!
    I have had a question for this series. Will the Doctor be the only Black male on this show?
    Good job on the recap, Mollie,
    Thanks for the review, you two.

  • @dramaticwords
    @dramaticwords 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Just hearing your plot summary left me thinking... Are these people even worth saving?

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Anything beyond empathy for another living creature - it's difficult to justify beyond that -- Old Man

  • @Random_Tangent
    @Random_Tangent 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    TV writers (like musicians) often have fragments of ideas laying around. It feels like the first part was a spare fragment that was repurposed into some social commentary. A more engaging ending might have been the revelation that Finetime is actually run by these creatures and people who get sent here to "work" are meant to be food because they are vapid and vain. We could have had a society dependant on their bubbles that were actually a way to control the population and have the Doctor want to disable the bubble and have the society face the challenge of "freedom" from the bubble and decide they'd rather be captives to the slug monsters than live outside the bubbles they've become so dependant upon.
    Anyway, didn't the group wait for Ricky to come back? If they leave on the boat they're all deciding to strand him and the people he went back to save. Yes, we know he's dead but the others do not. Lazy ending.

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That's a variation of The Matrix's story when you think about it. At least, the first film.
      Interesting point about Ricky. So even within their entitled group they preyed upon each other -- Old Man

  • @SuperCosmicMutantSquid
    @SuperCosmicMutantSquid 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Man, maybe this is me going into boomerisms in my 30s but I HAAAAAAATE stories like this. Growing up with the fast evolution of social media and phones, I get the 'message' but it still feels like it's being relayed by someone who doesn't get the culture or are SO obsessed with social media themselves they have no self-awareness to how out of touch they seem lecturing to others who don't obsess with it as much as they do. The whole "Everyone is a hot mess like me!" type of mindset where they don't realize others aren't in a 'bubble', especially when you have a choice not to even join in one. Is this for Dr. Who fans or just for Hollywood Hills people trying to reassure themselves that they don't have problems, while forcing others to watch their trash fire therapy session?
    The whole story is such an obnoxious slog. It's just annoying people being annoying and the show expects us to feel sorry for them being so ignorant to not see the monsters when in reality I want monsters to destroy the entire city. Not for any sort of moral, they're just obnoxious and seeing something finally happening is actually entertaining.
    And the Doc is so annoying. He just shows up to be as obnoxious and vapid as everyone else.

  • @AGoodPlace365
    @AGoodPlace365 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    If dots are killing the residence then y don't they just use arrow to guide them to roof and walk forward, its not like they are listening to others or seeing what's around them

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That's a good point. That seemed like an overly elaborate way just to bump off some annoying people -- Old Man

    • @AGoodPlace365
      @AGoodPlace365 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mollieandtheoldman thanks for replaying Old Man, one thing I watched Acolite episode 1&2, And I request for the sake of your health please don't watch it,
      I had physical pain when I watched it, I can't explain how but its really really bad

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Thanks for the heads-up.
      We're not planning on watching any more Disney Star Wars until new management comes in. We were so disappointed with Ahsoka (and we liked Rebels). So, we're just going to pass on The Acolyte -- Old Man

  • @davfree9732
    @davfree9732 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's 'Guess Who'. The board game? Look at the vid feeds, they look like the cards in Guess Who with coloured backgrounds and similarities to call out...
    It makes me wonder if the whole episode's initial visuals is based on a children's board game.

  • @MoonPhantom
    @MoonPhantom 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You know to the doctors credit he is a better person than me.
    If I was trying to rescue a group of black people from certain death and their attitude was. "Oh sorry, not from someone of your kind."
    I would honestly go. "Okay fine. Bye then."
    I'll probably make sure EVERYBODY gets to make the decision by themselves, maybe just one of them isn't an idiot. But if they all say no I wouldn't shed a tear.

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think Lindy sacrificing Ricky's life to save her own, and then lying about it, made it easier to dislike the entire group, and it killed our sympathy for them. I wish that scene hadn't happened so we could have had a better opportunity to explore our own feelings without them being clouded by Ricky's death. It makes it more difficult for me to determine what I would have done. Would I be allowing them to make their own decision, or would I just be acting as executioner for a group of people with distasteful beliefs, one of whom being responsible for the death of another. It's a shame Davies muddied the water the way he did with the ethics exploration. -Mollie

  • @fastertrackcreative
    @fastertrackcreative 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    This is the song she was singing:

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      A bit older, if you go to the 1960 original -- Old Man

  • @dramonmaster222
    @dramonmaster222 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Considering how rude and vain the characters were (except Ricky) and the fact they said "one of our kind", I'm positive it was about race.

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Was Ricky one as well? Mollie and I think that showing someone who appeared nice but also has that bigotry would have been more interesting than saying - "hey, this murderer also has some backwards bigotry". We would have preferred either Lindy wasn't a murderer or Ricky made it back and showed that he also was a bigot. Demonstrating, one can't judge a book by his cover. -- Old Man

    • @dramonmaster222
      @dramonmaster222 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mollieandtheoldman No. I don't think he was. He seemed to be the one person in that environment that wasn't self absorbed which is probably why he was killed off.
      Still, I get what you are saying.

    • @oddlibrarianout1295
      @oddlibrarianout1295 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Isn't racism an important enough topic that it deserves better than a cheep plot twist? I think about the DS9 episode "Far Beyond the Stars" why not do something like that?

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @oddlibrarianout1295 That's a big part of why we were confused at the end of the episode. Racism is a serious subject, and it felt like it was shoehorned in as an afterthought, which left us thinking, "This can't possibly be the episode they told us to expect that would deal with racism. This episode didn't really 'deal' with racism. What did we just watch?"
      Other shows have definitely done it better. DS9 is a great example. TOS did it better. Babylon 5 did it better. Even the fan series Star Trek Continues did it better. Those shows dedicated whole episodes to dealing with racism. What Russell Davies did in this episode was so weak that I was left unsure if that's what the end was actually about at all. -Mollie

    • @dramonmaster222
      @dramonmaster222 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@mollieandtheoldman I don't believe it was a cheap plot twist.
      I mean at first watch, I thought the main character was just a stickup snob.
      It wasn't until the end with the Doctor that it finally clicked.
      Sure it could have been more obvious but I don't think it would have gotten the same reaction.

  • @MatadorMedia
    @MatadorMedia 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I thought they didn't trust the Doctor because he was an outsider (not from their planet or out of their weird social network). It was only after the long shots of the girl's face and the Doctor's meltdown that I considered this could be a race issue; felt like they were forcing an issye that wasn't obvious.

  • @DeadpoolNegative
    @DeadpoolNegative 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    The episode I liked overall but it’s as heartless and nihilistic as the attitudes it’s trying to satirize.

  • @AGoodPlace365
    @AGoodPlace365 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Sonic that's useless when disarming a mine but can only be used as un-mute remote, great
    Was the smart mine in Boom made of wood?
    Or am I missing a scene in which the mine was deadlocked

    • @Random_Tangent
      @Random_Tangent 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It can disarm mines but because PLOT it didn't work.

    • @AGoodPlace365
      @AGoodPlace365 3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@Random_Tangent I recently watched blink, and I just wonder what happened to all the talent,
      Its just pain, y are all our heros getting resurrected just to be humiliated

  • @rocky-o
    @rocky-o 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    sad thing is it's not only young people who are like this...
    just look around today at trump supporters...
    he is definitely their bubble...

    • @mollieandtheoldman
      @mollieandtheoldman  3 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I think this could serve as a cautionary tale to everyone about being aware that we all have our bubbles, and there is a world outside of what's right in front of us. Every so often, I think it's good to try to look outside that bubble. Granted, this episode took that tale to an extreme with these kids being unable to walk and getting gobbled up by monsters, but I think that made it a more memorable lesson. -Mollie