The newspaper Hindu has published an interview of Siraj Hussain, former Agriculture Secretary on the MSP. The government is reluctant to give the MSP in view of the financial constraints
Ashok Gulati has been publishing articles in the national newspapers advocating for the Corporatisation of Agriculture. He furnished information from the book of " Clashes of Civilization" by Samuel P.Hutington on the population profile of the world from centuries back coming to 8 billions presently. He is against subsidy. The government picks Ashok Gulati in the Committee. Presently, the agriculture has become completely unviable. There is tremendous rural distress due to dismal state of agriculture sector
This Prof is fabulous. I just wish there was a panel discussion with him and Prof Gulati in the same room. Add some other experts and have it out at one go-- that would be more effective, efficient and illuminating.
The problem is of mindset. Farmers are considered problem but infact they should be considered assets/resource to the country. Incentivising them will not only help crop diversification but will reduce govt's import bill and help saving foreign exchange. I like Prof's argument if we can have PLI scheme for mobile manufactures why can't we have MSP regime for Farmers. It just reflects govt's priorities favoring rich corporates more than poor Farmers.
Sorry brother I don't know how it is relevant, but just do a quick Google search on doctors' salaries in India. Private doctors earn in crores as well. Often you will find these doctors as Surgeons who give their services to multiple hospitals like Fortis, Apollo, etc. Sorry brother but I don't how it's related to the above comment.
I heard both Prof. Gulati and Prof. Himanshu interviews, and I think I side with Prof Himanshu more than Prof. Gulati. I have always (since previous farmers protest), believed that Prof Gulati's plan looked more feasible, and always thought that it was a very tough lift for any Govt. But, Prof. Himanshu's point of view is more simpler and realistic to implement. Also, it aligns with market dynamics more. Of course, economically it has bigger impact to the Govt's pocket, and am not sure if this Govt will be willing to bite that bullet.
Legal guarantee also means that all supply chains under corporate and organised sector would be forced to buy at MSP. Over a period, feedback self corrective mechanism would bring about stability in the prices. Also, prosperity of the farm sector would jerk start rural demand leading to overall growth.
Excellent discussion 👏 The prof has explained everything so well, especially how MSP is a subsidy to consumers rather than a subsidy to farmers. Managing symptoms is not enough, govt should keep an open mind, take expert opinions like these and take concrete steps to resolve the MSP issue. It will benefit farmers, consumers and improve our economic growth.
yep, wheat should be 10000 rs/quintal and rice 20000 rs/quintal. Farmers should be paid 1lakh rupees per month, free electricity, free house, free international travel for one month every quarter. and every year farmers should be paid 1 crore dividend per year.
@@Victor-y9g1w people like you who sit in their cosy AC rooms want to enjoy a luxurious life and you are ok with Businessmen doing the same while they owe the country lakhs of crores? But if farmers ask for a decent price for their crop then all hell breaks loose for you guys. Govt and blind supporters like you want a 10 trillion economy and you think you can achieve it by ignoring farm sector reforms? When govt is happy to stop farmers from earning through exports then they have to support them so that they get a decent price in domestic markets. It would be fun to watch the Businesses of this country being treated the same way as this govt is treating farmers.
@@NaveenNitinChandra sir it actually wont affect inflation because as you give incentive to farmer through msp they'll put that incentive in producing more crops which will increase food supply also so in that case the prices will remain stabled or they'll get lowered but how will they increase. Infact through msp's money farmers will grow more food whch will eventually help india become more independent and exporting ka kharcha bhi bachega. (so what he is saying is not not one sided view it is reality)!!
I was absolutely not buying Gulati’s arguments from the very beginning. Agriculture is not industry where supply can be adjusted by producing less or more as per demand.
I have worked with MSP for more then 7 years.....The concept that When government starts purchase price goes gradually up is a hoax..... It won't.....i have seen many times..... In contrary MSP operation goes continuing till last day....i have seen in the state of karnataka....
@@adarshverma2014It doesn't happen because the supply is high.You can't regulate the supply to what level it is needed.Professor in this video is wrong.And also what the government is going to do with tomatoes etc and other crops if they buy it???
One thing i wish to state clearly..... There is no point in continuing MSP for unlimited period..... It can never bring prosperity to farmers.....Economic conditions of farmers can only improve when investment comes flowing into this sector in large scale by private players ie corporate world..... MSP is out dated idia and shall be used as medicine unfortunately the farmers have mistaken medicine as regular food in this country.....
अगर भारतरत्न महान कृषि विज्ञानी डॉ एम एस स्वामीनाथन MSP पर कुछ गलत कह रहे थे तो मोदी ने उन्हें भारत रत्न क्यों दिया। किसानों को सभी फसलों पर C2+50 से कम मंजूर नहीं
His views shall be taken to local public debates in every nook& corner of the country so than the consumers must know how much they have to pay to producer and how should be paid to business men.
At last, we could hear a saner ,reasoned talk, a broad outlook, from prof.Himanshu,sir, on the contentious issue of MSP, unlike many, many, so called intellectuals, in some way or other setting a subjective, ill informed, lopsided presentation, as if MSP will lead to an upsurge inflation,price hikes...etc. As prof,said MSP will,definitely, will stabilise ,benefit the overall economy, in a country ,where about 80 percent of population,with small holdings, struggle and earn an honest livelihood. A self-sustaining countryside, with farming as the back bone , its continued health, is a need ,the govts at states and Union, must, treat as two eyes, caring ,promoting, MSMEs and Agriculture as a cardinal principle of policy makers . Many have been , saying farmers should be brought out of farming, including many agri experts, ministers,... then and now; where are you going to take them for a decent living?. Like PLI to corporates let there be MSP for farmers ....,at par... To add to the owes, there were clamours from vested groups to clamp tax on farm incomes, to eliminate subsidies, in power , fertilizer ,seeds etc.. to disrupt the frugal , simple living populace and their livelihood, a balanced rural economy of our nation. INDIAN Farmers have the grit, determination, capacity to assimilate, adopt, ...all new technologies, new scientific innovtions; Assure MSP, FREE POWER, NO Income Tax, donot over emphasize organic farming, let fertilizers be made available, strengthen Agri culture department's services, so as to reach each farmer, as in sixties and seventies. Wonder ful insight from prof.Himanshu. நீடுவாழ்க.
Thankyou karan for removing the fallacies being spread by likes of Dr Gulati. Very ably explained with relevant examples by Professor. Irony is that with shallow knowledge and high headedness, Gulati is a trusted advisor of govt.
I like your approach Karan! You did not bring Himanshu and Gulati on the same show! Talk to them individually listen to each other patiently, and the audience can think and take away something from the debate, rather than a headache! like other channels where the same bunch of people speak out of tern and are mostly uncouth!
Income support is like giving a beggar money [which is a favor], whereas MSP is akin to giving a beggar a job, which he is also otherwise entitled to....Chances are that if a farmer gets MSP on all 23 commodities with guaranteed offtake, his agricultural crop portfolio would diversify leading to balanced economic growth, synergistic benefits, reduced imports, export markets development! Then, he may not need your income support.
I am not at all an expert in this topic but just because this person is from JNU, I have serious doubts about whether what this professor is saying is the complete thing. Another point is that two economists and two lawyers will NEVER EVER agree on any topic. This topic is no different. One option is to try out the MSP for 2-3 years, study the market dynamics and then draft a practical MSP law and legislate it.
And let's not forget the impact global warming has had on the crop production. Erratic weather causes a lot of damage to the crops so the likes of kisan yojnas are required along with MSP. Honestly it is a no brainer if MSP is applied for 21 crops then farmers will grow those that will ensure profits based on the weather conditions, so in places of depleted water tables they would prefer a crop that requires lesser water.
50% markup is essential because for businesses where overall turnover is 2lacs 50% will be hardly 1 lac and that will be total income on that farmer need to sustain. Let us take another example govt is tax exemption upto 2.5 lac income for every citizen of the country. For a farmer to earn 2.5 lacs he has to have produce worth 5lacs. How much landholding is required to produce a crop worth 5lacs. In any case it is not less than 5-10 acres. More than 90% farmers are less than 10acres. So 50% is minimum upmarket on c2
@@Manish_Kumar_Singhit’s not interfering it’s caring for the land of your ancestors exactly like white Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and Americans still care about what happens in UK… you never stop caring…
@@ravibanga4563 Oh that's why the USA fought a war of independence with the UK ? And the rest also don't use British currency? Anyways, we are not Anglo-Saxon, and those who pay allegiance to the Christian god and the British monarch can never be our descendents. This is a clear case of interference.
The climate of every state and every place is different And different crops come in different seasons Therefore, it is also wrong for the government to say that if MSP is given then farmers will grow more of those grains on which MSP is higher
Contradiction- if SMALL FARMER is akin to any other business entrepreneur why to seek subsidy/charity but to seek/ get incentive like PLI for export promotion/ import substitution But how to reduce/ control/ rationalise PARALI BURNING FREE POWER WATER TABLE MANAGEMENT SOIL QUALITY ASSURANCE
Problem is that at times Govvt is seen as doing market manipulation activities [offloading produce in market to crash market prices artificially exactly before farmers' produce is scheduled to hit the markets]. There seems to be no will to help the farmers, whereas lots of efforts are made to help Industrialists increase their proifit margins. There is a huge gap between profit margins that farmers are desirous of and profit margins desired by Industry. Thus,middlemen thrive at expense of both farmers & consumers (aam janta).
If I am right, in industry the profit is on total capital investment plus recurring expenditure. In agriculture if the same formula is implemented then C2 will have to include the actual price of land and agricultural machinery. With this the C2+50% will give profit much less than the expected profit in industry or business. In MSP C2 includes only input cost on a particular crop and not the land value and machinery cost or its depreciation as is the case in industry or business.
Why does the govt not employ the agriculture ministry to beforehand lay it down for the farmers what to grow in a particular sowing season specific to the region, based on anticipated demand and give msp accordingly?
Poultry, Fisheries and Milk can't be stored for a long time and continue harvested throughout the year buyers can't reduce prices during harvest. Not much beneficial for big companies to store and get a higher price.
The view points in both the interviews were really clear and interesting. Thanks for this format, hoping to see more such discussions. You got your one subscriber back :)
Dear Karan, forget the government intervening. You need to stop intervening when experts speak. what happens is you drown out the last few words that they speak. you need to develop another mechanism to interrupt, so that the viewer can pick up each word that the expert is speaking. otherwise, congratualtions to both Drs.
The things like poultry, milk, and fishery can't be compared with crops. Crops are dependent on seasons and hence very vulnerable. Moreover, these seasonal crops from all the farmers are harvested almost at the same time. This increases the supply in the market suddenly, hence their price drop to a very low value. This problem is not in poultry, etc.
Every business has risks, genius! Dairy and Poultry farming have enormous risks of diseases that could wipe out somebody. With contract farming, those risks are shared and small farmers get an assured price and also know-how and expert help from big companies. That is the whole point!! Milk farmers all over India have lot less land than these Punjabi farmers, yet make good steady income and have less debt and related stress. Why should the hard-working middle class keep paying for (comparatively rich) land holding farmers from couple of states?!
Thanks to the host and the expert guest for Demystifying the MSP debate especially after the misleading interview from the previous expert on the show.
Poultry, Milk& fisheries are not affected by environment, It seems Mr Gulati is not a scientist, he is bogie. He is comparing Poultry, fisheries, dairy with crops,which are having different inputs & adverse impacts, On fisheries, dairy,Poultry does not have climatic affect,with climatic affect in crops your inputs are changed drastically and severely affects yields
Arguments are for both sides. You can never come to know without trying. So limited time trial in phased manner are a good idea. I think the governments plan works in that manner. It can always be extended if successful. Can can be stopped if there are problems
MSP on all the agriculture products is a Garunty to keep inflation in check because the consumer will know the basic price+ profit, will cost them, then the government will not have the donation especially of corporate House's.
14.50 economists should understand that once government invests in one crop’s MSP, the whole community will be uplifted. Govt will be collecting more in taxes depending upon how many hands the currency exchanges.
Secondly, why Govt should enter into every kind of economic activity like purchase of each and every commodity like pulses, potato, onions, garlic etc etc. Govt should make an all india survey with likely demand and supply of major commodity and incentive all geographical area in case of only those commodities which is likely to be imported or to be exported.
Small cultivators( farmers, 10 cr ) less than 1 hac must be addressed . 100 % buy back of their crops. Large cultivator/ farmers ( around 80 lakhs ) ( more than 10hac) , 100% buy back and they should pay income tax. Rest 4 cr armers with marginal, semi-medium and medium land holdings may be given MSP but govt should guide what to grow.
If MSP is a subsidy for consumers then how come nearly everything is cheaper outside India than in India? Rice is cheaper and better quality in thailand, onions and potatoes are cheaper in Pakistan, wheat is cheaper in the US and tomatoes are better quality and cheaper in Vietnam! Farmers are failures and failures must be rejected not supported.
😂Politicians have access to best economists BUT they do NOT want to follow accordingly because that will not give hundreds of billions of dollars of windfall profits toAdanis/Ambani/Friends ofVishwagurus😂
Karan,the title of the interview give way to misunderstanding.Here "consumer" should be added with a prefix ''PDS consumer'',those who buys subsidised wheat and rice from govt ration shops. Actually since five decades indian farmers are providing cheap grains to the poorer masses of the country and without any significant profitability when they sell their produce to govt.
So a shop owner also deserve same ! Why not almost all working professionals deserve that same ? Bruh its gonna halt India's economy literally communist thinking lol to pay everything on minimum fix rate with fix 50% profit 😂
Renowned Journalist Mr. Thapar ji, MSP is a kind of support to the industrial inputs producers not a farmer. If a government provide MSP to the farmers, which may help the farmers and reduce unwanted profit of agricultural products purchasing industrialists and baniyas those are recognised as corporate houses in India now. If a government declines provide legal MSP to farmers. It means the government is anti farmers and supporting the corporate houses.
If a question arises he is saying I dont know 50% profit guarantee is needed.Then what you know? just saying intervene and Legal guarantee every crop what the govt is going to do with all those vegetables,cereals etc. ??? Do the government need to force market players yo buy at this price If so it os not free market It will be dictatorship!!!
Point is There is a problem * Difficulty in earning livelihood through farming. Solution Farming should be sustainable and it should earn livelihood. Constraints Sometimes we want to earn profit. Irony Market (take risk ) earns profit. Sometimes very high. Logical solution Farmer should market Not possible due to many reasons The real solution is modified Agricultural laws.
Even after procuring more than surplus, the market price may remain below the MSP when the procured rice and wheat are distributed free for the consumer. Because those consumers who got free ration will not buy rice and wheat in the market. Hence demand will not rise. The government may have to procure the amount of grain equal to surplus plus distributed quantity to increase the demand.
सरकार एक तरफ किसानों को उनकी उपज के दामों के लिए खुली बाजार व्यवस्था स्वीकार करने को कहते हैं, लेकिन जब प्याज के दाम बढ जाते हैं, जिससे के किसान को अच्छा मुनाफा मिलने लगता हैं, तब सरकार प्याज कि export बंद कर प्याज के दर गिरा देते हैं और प्याज उत्पादक किसान फिर से घाटे में जाने लगता हैं, ऐसे हि जब गेहूँ के किसान को बढे हुए गेहूँ के दामों से मुनाफा होने लगता हैं, तब सरकार बाहर से गेहूँ import करती हैं जिससे के गेहूँ के दाम गिरने लगते हैं और गेहूँ उत्पादक किसान फिर से होने वाले संभावित फायदे से वंचित रह जाता हैं, या तो सरकार बाजार में दखल देना हि बंद करे, या फिर किसानों कि उपज के दाम जब बढे या गिरे, तब उन दोन परिस्थितियों में सरकार हमेशा बाजार में intervene करती रहे, ता के ना तो कोई उत्पाद बहुत महंगा हो, और ना ही कोई उत्पाद बहुत सस्ता में बिके
Honestly now I m confused by the argument and counter arguments amongst the economists.. How come common people and farmers understand this when economists are not on the same page.
Minimum support price must be announced biannually based on COP averaged for the country. Approximately forty items should be covered. Governments can buy upto 20% of the production. No agency or corporate can buy below MSP except in case of quality issues. This itself is not good enough. All input items should be exempted from GST or charged nominally. More than sixty percent of the population is agro based. At the final retail side monitor MRP for finished goods. Squeeze the profit margin of all middlemen and corporates to half of what it is today. For example the highest quality basmati rice retails @ 80/- whereas the farmer is getting less than 20/-. Pay the farmer at least 40/- and profits and taxes add up to the other 40/-. Everybody makes a profit. Exempt farmers earning less than 10 lacs per annum income tax free. Agricultural production comprises a small fraction of the GDP. Where is the problem? Is it the corporate lobby? Or is it because farmers don't buy electoral bonds??
In our country their are geographicaly diversity as per person which are likely to eat for proteen which type of food they will provide to people of India ( weather we use or own or by the people )
They should do a special where we have both Himanshu and Gulati then only we can come to a conclusion And Devinder is also left 😅 I don’t know what to believe I wish I could understand everything on my own
The newspaper Hindu has published an interview of Siraj Hussain, former Agriculture Secretary on the MSP. The government is reluctant to give the MSP in view of the financial constraints
Ashok Gulati has been publishing articles in the national newspapers advocating for the Corporatisation of Agriculture. He furnished information from the book of " Clashes of Civilization" by Samuel P.Hutington on the population profile of the world from centuries back coming to 8 billions presently. He is against subsidy. The government picks Ashok Gulati in the Committee. Presently, the agriculture has become completely unviable. There is tremendous rural distress due to dismal state of agriculture sector
Absolutely eye open interview. Thanks Karan Thapar for referring to Mr. Gulati interview. That made the interview more insightful. Thanks!!!
Very nicely explained by Professor Himanshu. Thank you Karan and Professor Himanshu
This Prof is fabulous. I just wish there was a panel discussion with him and Prof Gulati in the same room. Add some other experts and have it out at one go-- that would be more effective, efficient and illuminating.
The problem is of mindset. Farmers are considered problem but infact they should be considered assets/resource to the country. Incentivising them will not only help crop diversification but will reduce govt's import bill and help saving foreign exchange. I like Prof's argument if we can have PLI scheme for mobile manufactures why can't we have MSP regime for Farmers. It just reflects govt's priorities favoring rich corporates more than poor Farmers.
Why is a I tech expert is paid more than crores in a year but a few lakhs to doctor?
Sorry brother I don't know how it is relevant, but just do a quick Google search on doctors' salaries in India. Private doctors earn in crores as well. Often you will find these doctors as Surgeons who give their services to multiple hospitals like Fortis, Apollo, etc. Sorry brother but I don't how it's related to the above comment.
I heard both Prof. Gulati and Prof. Himanshu interviews, and I think I side with Prof Himanshu more than Prof. Gulati.
I have always (since previous farmers protest), believed that Prof Gulati's plan looked more feasible, and always thought that it was a very tough lift for any Govt.
But, Prof. Himanshu's point of view is more simpler and realistic to implement. Also, it aligns with market dynamics more. Of course, economically it has bigger impact to the Govt's pocket, and am not sure if this Govt will be willing to bite that bullet.
Excellent, logically, rationally and objectively explained
Legal guarantee also means that all supply chains under corporate and organised sector would be forced to buy at MSP. Over a period, feedback self corrective mechanism would bring about stability in the prices.
Also, prosperity of the farm sector would jerk start rural demand leading to overall growth.
Excellent discussion 👏
The prof has explained everything so well, especially how MSP is a subsidy to consumers rather than a subsidy to farmers. Managing symptoms is not enough, govt should keep an open mind, take expert opinions like these and take concrete steps to resolve the MSP issue. It will benefit farmers, consumers and improve our economic growth.
yep, wheat should be 10000 rs/quintal and rice 20000 rs/quintal. Farmers should be paid 1lakh rupees per month, free electricity, free house, free international travel for one month every quarter. and every year farmers should be paid 1 crore dividend per year.
@@Victor-y9g1w people like you who sit in their cosy AC rooms want to enjoy a luxurious life and you are ok with Businessmen doing the same while they owe the country lakhs of crores? But if farmers ask for a decent price for their crop then all hell breaks loose for you guys. Govt and blind supporters like you want a 10 trillion economy and you think you can achieve it by ignoring farm sector reforms? When govt is happy to stop farmers from earning through exports then they have to support them so that they get a decent price in domestic markets. It would be fun to watch the Businesses of this country being treated the same way as this govt is treating farmers.
If MSP is a subsidy for consumers then it should be directly transferred to them.
and farmers to be paid 10 crores per month.@@1008apocalypse1008
Excellent 👌🙏
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Anybody can follow what this well educated Professor is saying. Fantastic interview
This one sided view is a fantastic view for you, do you know how this will affect inflation and infact MSP is a Soviet era policy
@@NaveenNitinChandra sir it actually wont affect inflation because as you give incentive to farmer through msp they'll put that incentive in producing more crops which will increase food supply also so in that case the prices will remain stabled or they'll get lowered but how will they increase. Infact through msp's money farmers will grow more food whch will eventually help india become more independent and exporting ka kharcha bhi bachega. (so what he is saying is not not one sided view it is reality)!!
I was absolutely not buying Gulati’s arguments from the very beginning. Agriculture is not industry where supply can be adjusted by producing less or more as per demand.
I love you karan thapar ❤ thanks for bringing experts like himanshu to debunk corporate economists like gulati babaji
I have worked with MSP for more then 7 years.....The concept that When government starts purchase price goes gradually up is a hoax..... It won't.....i have seen many times..... In contrary MSP operation goes continuing till last day....i have seen in the state of karnataka....
But why doesn't that happen? Following simple logic of demand and supply it should. Do you have any answer for it ?
he dont have any answer bcz these people believes politics more than economics @@adarshverma2014
@@adarshverma2014It doesn't happen because the supply is high.You can't regulate the supply to what level it is needed.Professor in this video is wrong.And also what the government is going to do with tomatoes etc and other crops if they buy it???
One thing i wish to state clearly..... There is no point in continuing MSP for unlimited period..... It can never bring prosperity to farmers.....Economic conditions of farmers can only improve when investment comes flowing into this sector in large scale by private players ie corporate world..... MSP is out dated idia and shall be used as medicine unfortunately the farmers have mistaken medicine as regular food in this country.....
अगर भारतरत्न महान कृषि विज्ञानी डॉ एम एस स्वामीनाथन MSP पर कुछ गलत कह रहे थे तो मोदी ने उन्हें भारत रत्न क्यों दिया। किसानों को सभी फसलों पर C2+50 से कम मंजूर नहीं
Real professor good knowledge, better than modis policy maker
But Modi would not hire him even if he offers to work with out remuneration 😂
Very good discussion by professor as opposed to Ashok Gulati always take the position of government.
Thank you himanshu sir for giving reasoned arguments to such a highly distorted and misinformed issue in public opinion.
His views shall be taken to local public debates in every nook& corner of the country so than the consumers must know how much they have to pay to producer and how should be paid to business men.
At last, we could hear a saner ,reasoned talk, a broad outlook, from prof.Himanshu,sir, on the contentious issue of MSP, unlike many, many, so called intellectuals, in some way or other setting a subjective, ill informed,
lopsided presentation, as if MSP will lead to an upsurge inflation,price hikes...etc.
As prof,said MSP will,definitely, will stabilise ,benefit the overall economy, in a country ,where about 80 percent of population,with small holdings, struggle and earn an honest livelihood. A self-sustaining countryside, with farming as the back bone , its continued health, is a need ,the govts at states and Union, must, treat as two eyes, caring ,promoting, MSMEs and Agriculture as a cardinal principle of policy makers .
Many have been , saying farmers should be brought out of farming, including many agri experts, ministers,... then and now;
where are you going to take them for a decent living?.
Like PLI to corporates let there be
MSP for farmers ....,at par...
To add to the owes, there were clamours from vested groups to clamp tax on farm incomes, to eliminate subsidies, in power , fertilizer ,seeds etc..
to disrupt the frugal , simple living populace and their livelihood,
a balanced rural economy of our nation.
INDIAN Farmers have the grit, determination, capacity to assimilate, adopt, ...all new technologies, new scientific innovtions;
NO Income Tax,
donot over emphasize organic farming,
let fertilizers be made available, strengthen Agri culture department's services,
so as to reach each farmer, as in sixties and seventies.
Wonder ful insight from prof.Himanshu. நீடுவாழ்க.
Great interview. But Karan should let the interviewee finish their sentences
One of the best discussion i have heard so far. Politicians and people should watch this who dont understand it properly.
Many thanks Karan, for these wonderful and illuminating conversations, especially this one.
Thankyou karan for removing the fallacies being spread by likes of Dr Gulati. Very ably explained with relevant examples by Professor. Irony is that with shallow knowledge and high headedness, Gulati is a trusted advisor of govt.
Smart Professor. I buy each of his argument. Pls bring guests like professor.
Very accurately explain by professor himanshu
I like your approach Karan! You did not bring Himanshu and Gulati on the same show! Talk to them individually listen to each other patiently, and the audience can think and take away something from the debate, rather than a headache! like other channels where
the same bunch of people speak out of tern and are mostly uncouth!
what a wholesome conversation! absolutely loved it!
Income support is like giving a beggar money [which is a favor], whereas MSP is akin to giving a beggar a job, which he is also otherwise entitled to....Chances are that if a farmer gets MSP on all 23 commodities with guaranteed offtake, his agricultural crop portfolio would diversify leading to balanced economic growth, synergistic benefits, reduced imports, export markets development! Then, he may not need your income support.
I am not at all an expert in this topic but just because this person is from JNU, I have serious doubts about whether what this professor is saying is the complete thing. Another point is that two economists and two lawyers will NEVER EVER agree on any topic. This topic is no different.
One option is to try out the MSP for 2-3 years, study the market dynamics and then draft a practical MSP law and legislate it.
And let's not forget the impact global warming has had on the crop production. Erratic weather causes a lot of damage to the crops so the likes of kisan yojnas are required along with MSP. Honestly it is a no brainer if MSP is applied for 21 crops then farmers will grow those that will ensure profits based on the weather conditions, so in places of depleted water tables they would prefer a crop that requires lesser water.
Wonderful interview.. An eye opener indeed
50% markup is essential because for businesses where overall turnover is 2lacs 50% will be hardly 1 lac and that will be total income on that farmer need to sustain.
Let us take another example govt is tax exemption upto 2.5 lac income for every citizen of the country. For a farmer to earn 2.5 lacs he has to have produce worth 5lacs. How much landholding is required to produce a crop worth 5lacs. In any case it is not less than 5-10 acres. More than 90% farmers are less than 10acres. So 50% is minimum upmarket on c2
rather than these 2 separate conversations, you should host them together so that they may retort to each other's claims
I'm looking at you from the United Kingdom. I am also a farmer's son. I appreciate your coverage a lot.
Why do you interfere india ?
Go say long live the queen and dyre
@@Manish_Kumar_Singhit’s not interfering it’s caring for the land of your ancestors exactly like white Australians, New Zealanders, Canadians and Americans still care about what happens in UK… you never stop caring…
Oh that's why the USA fought a war of independence with the UK ?
And the rest also don't use British currency?
Anyways, we are not Anglo-Saxon, and those who pay allegiance to the Christian god and the British monarch can never be our descendents. This is a clear case of interference.
you are a great personality of Indian, (Mr. Karan)
The climate of every state and every place is different And different crops come in different seasons Therefore, it is also wrong for the government to say that if MSP is given then farmers will grow more of those grains on which MSP is higher
So important talk......
Really insightful
गोयल और मुंडा को तो MSP की फुल फॉर्म भी मालूम नहीं है, अरे भाईयों किसान जीने के लिए मिनिमम यानि कम से कम कीमत ही तो मांग रहे हैं
Sahib s Thapar, Vohra, Ravish are one of kind, not to forget there are quite a few more. Hats off to you all.
Actually rich Adani is modern policymakers for poor farmers 😮
Great effort 🙏 full power to you all lovely people out there keep rocking this planet 💯👍🤘👌✌️👊💗🕊️✨
Thanks the the valuable information
Admin: kindly be careful on the remarks about poultry and Aqua sector doing well. They also suffer from price crises. And the farmers struggle.
What a clear and appropriate view! Kudos to you.
Great explanation.
Whatsapp university lacks this
Contradiction- if SMALL FARMER is akin to any other business entrepreneur why to seek subsidy/charity but to seek/ get incentive like PLI for export promotion/ import substitution
But how to reduce/ control/ rationalise
Eye opening interview
Excellent discussion Pro explains so well Government should think on these lines if wants to solve it.
Discussed each and every point related to farmers' agitation comprehensively👍
Super discussion
Problem is that at times Govvt is seen as doing market manipulation activities [offloading produce in market to crash market prices artificially exactly before farmers' produce is scheduled to hit the markets]. There seems to be no will to help the farmers, whereas lots of efforts are made to help Industrialists increase their proifit margins. There is a huge gap between profit margins that farmers are desirous of and profit margins desired by Industry. Thus,middlemen thrive at expense of both farmers & consumers (aam janta).
Middlemen margins need to be squeezed - and there is ample scope for that !
Very informative discussions.
If I am right, in industry the profit is on total capital investment plus recurring expenditure. In agriculture if the same formula is implemented then C2 will have to include the actual price of land and agricultural machinery. With this the C2+50% will give profit much less than the expected profit in industry or business. In MSP C2 includes only input cost on a particular crop and not the land value and machinery cost or its depreciation as is the case in industry or business.
Why does the govt not employ the agriculture ministry to beforehand lay it down for the farmers what to grow in a particular sowing season specific to the region, based on anticipated demand and give msp accordingly?
Poultry, Fisheries and Milk can't be stored for a long time and continue harvested throughout the year buyers can't reduce prices during harvest. Not much beneficial for big companies to store and get a higher price.
The view points in both the interviews were really clear and interesting. Thanks for this format, hoping to see more such discussions. You got your one subscriber back :)
Very good discussion. Thank you Karan Thapar!
Dear Karan, forget the government intervening. You need to stop intervening when experts speak. what happens is you drown out the last few words that they speak. you need to develop another mechanism to interrupt, so that the viewer can pick up each word that the expert is speaking. otherwise, congratualtions to both Drs.
The things like poultry, milk, and fishery can't be compared with crops. Crops are dependent on seasons and hence very vulnerable. Moreover, these seasonal crops from all the farmers are harvested almost at the same time. This increases the supply in the market suddenly, hence their price drop to a very low value. This problem is not in poultry, etc.
Every business has risks, genius! Dairy and Poultry farming have enormous risks of diseases that could wipe out somebody. With contract farming, those risks are shared and small farmers get an assured price and also know-how and expert help from big companies. That is the whole point!!
Milk farmers all over India have lot less land than these Punjabi farmers, yet make good steady income and have less debt and related stress.
Why should the hard-working middle class keep paying for (comparatively rich) land holding farmers from couple of states?!
then farmers should not do farming.
Finally Sanity.
Thanks to the host and the expert guest for Demystifying the MSP debate especially after the misleading interview from the previous expert on the show.
Poultry, Milk& fisheries are not affected by environment, It seems Mr Gulati is not a scientist, he is bogie. He is comparing Poultry, fisheries, dairy with crops,which are having different inputs & adverse impacts,
On fisheries, dairy,Poultry does not have climatic affect,with climatic affect in crops your inputs are changed drastically and severely affects yields
Thank you for bringing Dr.Himangshu to this discussion. The last gentleman was talking crap.
Love& regards from California.
Arguments are for both sides. You can never come to know without trying. So limited time trial in phased manner are a good idea. I think the governments plan works in that manner. It can always be extended if successful. Can can be stopped if there are problems
MSP on all the agriculture products is a Garunty to keep inflation in check because the consumer will know the basic price+ profit, will cost them, then the government will not have the donation especially of corporate House's.
14.50 economists should understand that once government invests in one crop’s MSP, the whole community will be uplifted. Govt will be collecting more in taxes depending upon how many hands the currency exchanges.
Farmers don't pay direct taxes 🙂 !
Thk professor and karan excellent discussion
Secondly, why Govt should enter into every kind of economic activity like purchase of each and every commodity like pulses, potato, onions, garlic etc etc. Govt should make an all india survey with likely demand and supply of major commodity and incentive all geographical area in case of only those commodities which is likely to be imported or to be exported.
Excellent, informative
Small cultivators( farmers, 10 cr ) less than 1 hac must be addressed . 100 % buy back of their crops.
Large cultivator/ farmers ( around 80 lakhs ) ( more than 10hac) , 100% buy back and they should pay income tax.
Rest 4 cr armers with marginal, semi-medium and medium land holdings may be given MSP but govt should guide what to grow.
If MSP is a subsidy for consumers then how come nearly everything is cheaper outside India than in India? Rice is cheaper and better quality in thailand, onions and potatoes are cheaper in Pakistan, wheat is cheaper in the US and tomatoes are better quality and cheaper in Vietnam!
Farmers are failures and failures must be rejected not supported.
In Gujarat sanand govt offered a grant of 2 Billion USD to a foreign company called Micron that is expected to create 5000 jobs. So why not farmers ?
farmers should be paid 1 lakh per month and in addition 1 crore at the end of the year.
Prof. Himanshu's clarity and ability to explain with example on the subject is amazing. ❤
When the price is higher than MSP::: when did it happen???? Please explain in detail
I wonder if politicians study economics.
😂Politicians have access to best economists BUT they do NOT want to follow accordingly because that will not give hundreds of billions of dollars of windfall profits toAdanis/Ambani/Friends ofVishwagurus😂
Karan,the title of the interview give way to misunderstanding.Here "consumer" should be added with a prefix ''PDS consumer'',those who buys subsidised wheat and rice from govt ration shops.
Actually since five decades indian farmers are providing cheap grains to the poorer masses of the country and without any significant profitability when they sell their produce to govt.
C2+50% is reasonable. 50% profits will be justified because as in agricultural operations it is the family as a whole which is engaged in production.
So a shop owner also deserve same ! Why not almost all working professionals deserve that same ? Bruh its gonna halt India's economy literally communist thinking lol to pay everything on minimum fix rate with fix 50% profit 😂
Renowned Journalist Mr. Thapar ji,
MSP is a kind of support to the industrial inputs producers not a farmer.
If a government provide MSP to the farmers, which may help the farmers and reduce unwanted profit of agricultural products purchasing industrialists and baniyas those are recognised as corporate houses in India now.
If a government declines provide legal MSP to farmers. It means the government is anti farmers and supporting the corporate houses.
very clear!
Much more convincing than the arguments of Mr Gulati.
We r not only your supporters, but we r your strongly supporters.
Excellent and well explained
If a question arises he is saying I dont know 50% profit guarantee is needed.Then what you know? just saying intervene and Legal guarantee every crop what the govt is going to do with all those vegetables,cereals etc. ??? Do the government need to force market players yo buy at this price If so it os not free market It will be dictatorship!!!
Point is
There is a problem
Difficulty in earning livelihood through farming.
Farming should be sustainable and it should earn livelihood.
Sometimes we want to earn profit.
Market (take risk ) earns profit. Sometimes very high.
Logical solution
Farmer should market
Not possible due to many reasons
The real solution is modified Agricultural laws.
Why government should buy? If farmers are inefficient at work this is their problem. Government should invest in development
You are great economist. to be selected for harbad nobel prize.
Even after procuring more than surplus, the market price may remain below the MSP when the procured rice and wheat are distributed free for the consumer. Because those consumers who got free ration will not buy rice and wheat in the market. Hence demand will not rise. The government may have to procure the amount of grain equal to surplus plus distributed quantity to increase the demand.
सरकार एक तरफ किसानों को उनकी उपज के दामों के लिए खुली बाजार व्यवस्था स्वीकार करने को कहते हैं,
लेकिन जब प्याज के दाम बढ जाते हैं, जिससे के किसान को अच्छा मुनाफा मिलने लगता हैं, तब सरकार प्याज कि export बंद कर प्याज के दर गिरा देते हैं और प्याज उत्पादक किसान फिर से घाटे में जाने लगता हैं,
ऐसे हि जब गेहूँ के किसान को बढे हुए गेहूँ के दामों से मुनाफा होने लगता हैं, तब सरकार बाहर से गेहूँ import करती हैं जिससे के गेहूँ के दाम गिरने लगते हैं और गेहूँ उत्पादक किसान फिर से होने वाले संभावित फायदे से वंचित रह जाता हैं,
या तो सरकार बाजार में दखल देना हि बंद करे, या फिर किसानों कि उपज के दाम जब बढे या गिरे, तब उन दोन परिस्थितियों में सरकार हमेशा बाजार में intervene करती रहे, ता के ना तो कोई उत्पाद बहुत महंगा हो, और ना ही कोई उत्पाद बहुत सस्ता में बिके
Honestly now I m confused by the argument and counter arguments amongst the economists..
How come common people and farmers understand this when economists are not on the same page.
MSP seems to be subsiding govt votebank.. Why do 80 crore people need free food if we are in amritkaal.
You do know what COVID was, don't you?!
You are right about one thing though. MSP is indeed subsidising votebank.
You are spot on but how do you explain this to modi bhakts in cow belt?
@@Crusader2597 How come there is NO MSP in the cow belt, genius?
Good arguments
Minimum support price must be announced biannually based on COP averaged for the country. Approximately forty items should be covered. Governments can buy upto 20% of the production. No agency or corporate can buy below MSP except in case of quality issues. This itself is not good enough. All input items should be exempted from GST or charged nominally. More than sixty percent of the population is agro based. At the final retail side monitor MRP for finished goods. Squeeze the profit margin of all middlemen and corporates to half of what it is today. For example the highest quality basmati rice retails @ 80/- whereas the farmer is getting less than 20/-. Pay the farmer at least 40/- and profits and taxes add up to the other 40/-. Everybody makes a profit. Exempt farmers earning less than 10 lacs per annum income tax free. Agricultural production comprises a small fraction of the GDP. Where is the problem? Is it the corporate lobby? Or is it because farmers don't buy electoral bonds??
In our country their are geographicaly diversity as per person which are likely to eat for proteen which type of food they will provide to people of India ( weather we use or own or by the people )
Farming is indeed a business. Why then need MSP? Let market forces decide the price. Focus on agriculture infrastructure like storage etc.
You don't have any idea about agricultural . The farmers need promotion to ensure food security.
They should do a special where we have both Himanshu and Gulati
then only we can come to a conclusion
And Devinder is also left
😅 I don’t know what to believe
I wish I could understand everything on my own
Farmers should get some relief.
I like how The Wire presents 2 sides of contentious issues. Did the same for Israel Gaza conflict as well.
All farmers shall unite and stop cultivation for two years All gulaties etc. will come to know what agriculture is