I had heard of it, but never seen this Opera: it is the perfect Romantic Comedy: some fabulous music, and a great libretto with a really good mix of comedy, depth, and interesting characters. I liked this production and casting. I have no idea why this isn't in every Opera House's repertoire. I particularly liked the Overture, the Entr'acte, the close of the First Act, the Opening of the 2nd Act, and Anezka's scene after she had sent both her prospective lover and her cousin off together. A perfect happy Finale also. Glad to have seen this!
..., ópera belamente melodiosa, porém, seus personagens (a alcóolatra Karolina, a frígida Anežka, o guarda-caça bobão Mumlal, o casal sem noção Lidka e Toník) são terríveis, um mais chato que o outro. ..., o libreto (?) parece apressado e os personagens mal resolvidos. ..., o que salva é o simpático apaixonado Ladislav e a montagem sem compromisso. ..., mesmo assim, valeu o tempo assistindo para conhecer esta peça de Smetana.
This performance is so good we should be forced to watch it 10 times before we're allowed to watch anything else!
What a delight! Ive never heard this before. i came in late, so will watch it again later. 😊
I had heard of it, but never seen this Opera: it is the perfect Romantic Comedy: some fabulous music, and a great libretto with a really good mix of comedy, depth, and interesting characters. I liked this production and casting. I have no idea why this isn't in every Opera House's repertoire. I particularly liked the Overture, the Entr'acte, the close of the First Act, the Opening of the 2nd Act, and Anezka's scene after she had sent both her prospective lover and her cousin off together. A perfect happy Finale also. Glad to have seen this!
Интересно! Столько людей постарались!
..., ópera belamente melodiosa, porém, seus personagens (a alcóolatra Karolina, a frígida Anežka, o guarda-caça bobão Mumlal, o casal sem noção Lidka e Toník) são terríveis, um mais chato que o outro. ..., o libreto (?) parece apressado e os personagens mal resolvidos. ..., o que salva é o simpático apaixonado Ladislav e a montagem sem compromisso. ..., mesmo assim, valeu o tempo assistindo para conhecer esta peça de Smetana.
Хорошпя опера,но исполненеи ьтае себе hособенно иужские гллоса.