Voice of Reason

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 พ.ค. 2024
  • Sir Winston Churchill said ' India is not a nation but a mere geographical location'
    Indian Civil Service administered Central Secretariat Service ruined India. Modi ENSLAVED them for his benefit. Today, only 400 IAS are available in Central Government against the slot of 2000 posts. I noticed the decline since 2006 that got worsened under Modi's regime.
    The number of Indian students interested in civil service among educated elite is NIL. As I observed since the beginning of my service in 1993, I knew Indian bureaucracy was an unhealthy place to live and grow. Obviously, the future cannot exist in unhealthy environment.
    I knew, Indian civil service as backbone of indian administration will disappear. Keeping this in mind, neither BJP nor Congress or any party of India will be able to run and sustained India in the future.
    As predicted by me years ago, India will not exist in the future. India did not exist in the past, the present image is a mere mirage of British glory created by Congress and killed by Modi as 4th Beast of Revelation.
    Sir Winston Churchill was absolutely right in predicting the future of India to be ruled by rogues and rascals with low IQ that will not hold India together.
    Modi with Ram slogan is the worst PM of India and the worst leader in the world. That is the destiny of India.
    Photo: 6th Feb, 2024-

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