【Apple】My cheating husband left our 5 year-old alone to go see his lover!? He's unbelievable!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 19 ก.ย. 2024
  • I can't believe I trusted him...
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ความคิดเห็น • 61

  • @francessweeney2308
    @francessweeney2308 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Social services would've insisted that Alex be shown the door. Leaving a child home alone is a very serious offence.

  • @cgamejewels
    @cgamejewels ปีที่แล้ว +9

    They should have reported the father for child abandonment. Let him explain to the police his reasons for leaving a 5 year old at home alone.

  • @roxannduran1561
    @roxannduran1561 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I remember when I was in 1st grade and my brother was in kindergarten, my mom would get us up at 7 get us dressed, and fed, set the alarm on the TV for 7:45, then go to work, we lived just around the corner from school, when the alarm went off, we’d turn it and the TV off and walk to school, I had a key for the door around my neck for after school, and she’d leave a snack for us in the fridge…of course that was 50 years ago, it was a different world back then.

    • @maggiesmith856
      @maggiesmith856 ปีที่แล้ว

      My first day of school, back in the 50s, my father walked me from home to the school. Then at noon he was waiting out front and walked me from school back home. At one pm, I was on my own. "Off you go. You know the way." This was not considered strange. Nowadays, people panic if they see a ten year old walking through a residential area. People are such wimps these days.

    • @larrainehowell5679
      @larrainehowell5679 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@maggiesmith856 Not really, the world really has changed and definitely for the worse, if you look at crime statistics involving children today compared to the 50's or even up till the early 90's the difference is vastly huge, we hear of such horrendous crimes against children on an almost daily basis now, but it wasn't like that during my childhood, hell we didn't even have to lock our doors back then but the same can't be said for now can it? I would be a nervous parent in these times too and I'm no wimp!

  • @Teutonius88
    @Teutonius88 ปีที่แล้ว +33

    Cheating is bad enough, but child abandonment is next level evil.

  • @eerye70
    @eerye70 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think they need to add the element of legal ramifications. Nobody calls the police and reports them for endangerment or neglect.

  • @abx42
    @abx42 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    If my partner left my five-year-old alone... The partner would no longer exist I would be claiming temporary insanity for my plea. And how the hell does a five-year-old use public transportation without anyone batting en eye??? Unless this is in Japan and then that's kind of normal.

  • @Audiogeek-kf2ez
    @Audiogeek-kf2ez ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I was a bit of a womanizer when I was young. When I got married at 32 yrs old, I figured I had all my YA, YA s out. In 32 years of marriage I never strayed. I never realized I did something to be proud of, my children love me. I never had to put up with the teenage hellions, or kids in jail. I turned out to be a very lucky husband and father. More than one of my friends went thru a divorce because of infidelity, or child abuse. I have never been able to figure out why guys like cheating. But abandoning a child is unforgivable.

    • @larrainehowell5679
      @larrainehowell5679 ปีที่แล้ว

      That's because you have a good moral compass and I expect your family fulfilled you in ways your wild days didn't, you just didn't know when you were younger that you were a real family man! Kudos to you and your family.

  • @AuntLoopy123
    @AuntLoopy123 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I'm glad she's divorcing the husband, and not the grandparents.
    I will NEVER understand the "It was just for fun! Not love! She doesn't mean anything to me!" defense. As OP rightly pointed out, the man CHOSE HIS AFFAIR OVER HIS OWN DAUGHTER, and in doing so, he made it clear that his daughter meant LESS than his affair. Likewise, his WIFE meant LESS than his affair, no matter what he SAYS about it. He SAID he was taking care of his daughter, that they had eaten dinner together and he was putting her to bed, but he wasn't even there with her BEFORE dinner. So, everything that came out of his mouth was a LIE. He may not love his affair partner, but, at least in the moment, she meant more to him than his wife OR his daughter, OR his reputation, when the story gets out, as it should.
    Honestly, when he called in a panic, and asked if he should call the police, I wish the OP had said, in a panicky-voice, "YES! Call the police! Report her missing! Oh, NO!" And then, WITH THE POLICE PRESENT, then she should say, "Oh, I know where Anna is. She's safe at her grandmother's house, where she has been since LAST NIGHT, because SHE WALKED THERE, HERSELF, after MY HUSBAND LEFT HER ALONE SINCE THE AFTERNOON, AND DIDN'T EVEN PROVIDE FOOD FOR HER TO EAT, LET ALONE WATCH OVER HER. Oh, and I also can prove EXACTLY WHERE HE WAS THE WHOLE TIME. So, please, officers, do you duty and ARREST HIM FOR CHILD ABANDONMENT. I AM PRESSING CHARGES!"
    Always press the charges! Then, there is NO WAY he can weasel his way out of the consequences. Sure, he's paying now, but only because he actually had good parents who put pressure on him, AND because he ACTUALLY CHOSE TO LISTEN TO HIS PARENTS. What if he blew them off? But he can't blow off police and a court order, now can he?

    • @cgamejewels
      @cgamejewels ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Cheaters used that defense because it worked and their partner would forgive them and get mad at the affair partner. Hence the term "homewrecker".

    • @jaclynsanture6643
      @jaclynsanture6643 ปีที่แล้ว

      all true

  • @keendog91
    @keendog91 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    About 30 years ago, the neighbors from across the street all left for work leaving their teenage son and a 2-year-old at home. At about noon, I saw the little girl on the porch with a little top and no diaper...plus she was barefoot. I went over and knocked on the door only to learn there was no one at home. I know it was against the law, but I took the little girl to my house and gave her something to eat, and bathed her. She was filthy. She didn't talk. My youngest daughter was about the same age, so I put some of my daughter's clothes on her. It was late at night when I heard a knock at the door. It was the teenage son from across the street wanting to get the little girl. I refused to give her to him and asked him to bring his mother over to get her. About an hour later, she came over. We had a long talk and I learned that the little girl wasn't even hers. It was one of her friends who asked her to watch her...7 months ago! The real mother never came back. I asked the woman to leave the girl with me. That I would take care of her. She thought about it for a long time then said she'd better not. She took the little girl back to her house. I called CPS the next morning and explained that this child was being abused (teenage boy used to torment her) and that she was neglected. They never sent anyone out to check and within a few weeks, the entire family left. I remember watching the face of that little girl looking out the window at me as they drove off. The house where they lived was horrible inside. Over 100 beer cans were stacked up in one of the rooms and the bathroom was horrific. The owner, who rented the house to the family, had the house leveled and sold the lot to a business. I have often wondered where that precious soul went and what happened to her. I also made a complaint to CPS and was told there was not enough staff to investigate every report. I understand it's still that way.

    • @ElCid48
      @ElCid48 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I would not give her that child but call CPS and the cops on them all.

    • @AuntLoopy123
      @AuntLoopy123 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      I once had an acquaintance who admitted that her daughter was not so much "adopted," as "kidnapped." I mean, legally speaking. That BRAVE WOMAN saw a little girl being PIMPED OUT BY HER OWN FATHER, and when CPS did NOTHING, because "we don't have enough resources to investigate every report, so we'll spend our resources hounding innocent people who simply watched from their front porch, while their child walked three blocks to school, by themselves, and felt all strong and brave, as that is SO MUCH MORE IMPORTANT than investigating a case of child sexual slavery. Stop calling us," this woman took that little girl, and together, they escaped across state lines.
      She had to do all the criminal stuff with false identities and all that jazz, to protect the child, and herself, because it was possible that the father would want his sex slave back, and send the Feds after her.
      The girl was FIVE when I knew her. They had been established in their current (at the time, they have moved since then) place for a few years. Which means that the father was pimping out a BABY or TODDLER, at most. I shudder to think of the physical damage, as well as psychological damage done to that poor child.
      You are a hero for offering to take her! I WISH that woman had let you. Why would she even keep her, if she didn't want her, in the first place? The only reason I can fathom for her WANTING to keep the child she is abusing is because she ENJOYS ABUSING HER. Or maybe because her "precious son" enjoys abusing the child, and she gives him anything he wants, including a TODDLER as a TOY!
      Some people are just plain evil.

    • @Pm-ci7kx
      @Pm-ci7kx ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I would have called the police, CPS, news channel also. Get other neighbors involved and make sure something is done! That child was in grave danger! I know it’s hard to get anyone else involved and that’s a shame on our society. Thank you for caring enough to do what you could for that child. You are a good person.

    • @keendog91
      @keendog91 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@ElCid48 I did call CPS. They never responded. As for the police, I was referred to CPS. It was a vicious circle and the little girl paid the price.

    • @keendog91
      @keendog91 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@Pm-ci7kx I was young then with two small children. I remember my then-father-in-law told me to just leave the girl alone. That she was a lost cause. We lived in a rural area...little town where we lived only had about two dozen houses....no one was interested...broke my heart. If that happened today, that child would never have gone back....but, wisdom is wasted on the youth.

  • @Zurround
    @Zurround ปีที่แล้ว +4

    One possibly unrealistic aspect of this story was him ONLY facing CIVIL penalties (alimony and child support payments). Um.... I think leaving a child that young when she or he is under your care is DANGEROUS and is FELONY CHILD ENDANGERMENT. Had she DIED (maybe hit by car while crossing street) or gotten KIDNAPPED and then killed by some sicko it would probably be an involuntary manslaughter charge for the father. He should have had some kind of criminal charges for child endangerment.

    • @jaclynsanture6643
      @jaclynsanture6643 ปีที่แล้ว

      yes this so called 'father' should be in in prison forever

  • @justsaying8690
    @justsaying8690 ปีที่แล้ว

    Shocked so much caring about the child
    Glad you got rid of the trash

  • @vene7828
    @vene7828 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    What a wicked evil husband how could he do that to his own child. He should never his child again

  • @NaughtyAelf
    @NaughtyAelf ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Good afternoon everyone! May your week be full of joyful beginnings and blessed endings.

  • @rukiakuchiki6187
    @rukiakuchiki6187 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Irresponsible husband! The audacity

  • @paulahowlett1043
    @paulahowlett1043 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This is a good story but this woman's voice goes thru me like a nail

    • @vaklemptone4444
      @vaklemptone4444 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Good, I thought it was just me! Can't stand her whispering whiny voice!

    • @paulahowlett1043
      @paulahowlett1043 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@vaklemptone4444 I know right.

    • @maggiesmith856
      @maggiesmith856 ปีที่แล้ว

      Watch it with the sound off. I always do.

    • @paulahowlett1043
      @paulahowlett1043 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@maggiesmith856 lol

    • @roxannduran1561
      @roxannduran1561 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Luckily 🤷‍♀️ I’m deaf in one ear and 63% deaf in the other, I take my hearing aids off when I get home so I just read them.

  • @Lisa_The_Norwegian
    @Lisa_The_Norwegian ปีที่แล้ว +3

    No one sane would forgive a parent who endangered a child like that. Anything could have happened. The fact the father thought that was even a little bit okay is beyond shocking!
    Also, why the hell do they have calm voice do the readings and then the shrillest voice in the world do the outro? And I don’t for a second think that isn’t a made up voice, even Fran Drescher doesn’t sound like that.

  • @lindak8664
    @lindak8664 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Jeez i hate the way this woman’s voice fades in and out.

  • @Nukemom1952
    @Nukemom1952 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Funny how often the cheating partner says "I'll never do it again" but flinches in the face of the truth that they did indeed "do it" without regard to marital partners, families, or even friends. They run to cheat as if they'll die if they don't get their itch scratched by someone other than the wife/husband/partner.

  • @wendydouglas425
    @wendydouglas425 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Please, please, please. The younger female voice is so emotionless and childish most of the time. Can’t you get someone who at least sounds like an adult over 18.

  • @dorothylloyd1804
    @dorothylloyd1804 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Glad Anna was safe. Crappy hubby and dad

  • @denisebatts3414
    @denisebatts3414 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why is she talking like that? He was a douche bag .he should have gotten in trouble for this

  • @zeliawestcott1294
    @zeliawestcott1294 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I liked this story, but please do some thing with the female's voice .it;s to soft and low it;s getting annoying

  • @marywray6046
    @marywray6046 ปีที่แล้ว

    That's going to be some pretty expensive fun, well will you learn

  • @ghostwritter1075
    @ghostwritter1075 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Why AGREE to do something if you're NOT going to do it!!!!
    And if CHEATING on your spouse and ABANDONING you child it children is MORE important than being faithful.... Then how about you try staying SINGLE instead!!!!!!! Seems like the better option of this situation then being a LYING, NO GOOD CHEATER!!!!!!
    And if a child has a FATHER...... How in the HELL does the MOTHER get BLAMED for leaving the child ALONE?!!!!!!!

  • @youmadhuh6375
    @youmadhuh6375 ปีที่แล้ว

    Fun fact at 5yrso, kids have already established which parent is the one that takes care of her, play with her, is there for her.. she would've figured which parent is which way before 5yrso.. at 5 she has come to her conclusion.. I wouldn't of left her with him cause it's obvious he isn't used to taking care of her. Is she really shocked he left her home alone all day? He's NEVER helped her with anything involving her or the house.. he's a crappy father.. it's bad enough he's cheating.. he doesn't give a damn about his own child, to where he would leave her home alone to go spend some time with his lover.. anything could've happened.. Anna wasn't important enough for him.. divorce is a given!.. no F'ing way I would trust him with my child .. there's no reason to stay married to him.. he was a shyt husband, a shyt father..he was just taking up space in their house

  • @cindybreweramanda188
    @cindybreweramanda188 ปีที่แล้ว

    Happy Sunday Everyone from Tacoma Washington! ( Stay Safe and warm )

  • @debbietaylor2983
    @debbietaylor2983 ปีที่แล้ว

    STD or as some other countries say STI test ASAP!

  • @colonelrobertsjr.7882
    @colonelrobertsjr.7882 ปีที่แล้ว

    I'm sorry! Me: Sorry you did it or sorry you were caught?!

    • @jaclynsanture6643
      @jaclynsanture6643 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      it is both, but he really should go prison

  • @Icyangel10
    @Icyangel10 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This guy was should have just asked his parents to keep an eye on his kid. His wife would be mad but at least child abandonment wouldn't be what he's shunned for. Then again he's already neglected her & it's not like having an affair was smart to begin with, made worse by the fact he was stupid enough to blame his affair partner which turned into bomb for his reputation at work.
    It's already bad enough what happened but the fact he's messaging his ex-wife & begging for forgiveness from the affair. Yeah it was bad but from the wording the only thing he's trying to apologize over is the affair & not abandoning his child! From what was mentioned it doesn't even sound like he's sorry for abandoning her nor is begging to see her. It sounded like he wasn't even going to try to fight about custody. While he acknowledges her & even acted SLIGHTLY worried about her being missing it's clear he thinks nothing of her like she's some pet you can leave alone for a day.
    Just like how he put his affair partner before his daughter he put trying to beg for his marriage back over the idea he possibly misses the daughter that is the reason he has to keep going to his now miserable job thanks to needing child support.

  • @jonborchardt5548
    @jonborchardt5548 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Did he think they raised the next Macaulay Culkin? (Home Alone)

    • @AuntLoopy123
      @AuntLoopy123 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Home Alone - the kid was twice Anna's age. Five is barely old enough for kindergarten!

    • @jonborchardt5548
      @jonborchardt5548 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@AuntLoopy123 8 in the first Home Alone movie, 10 in the second, but good point. Still didn't justify leavin' a 5-year-old by herself.

  • @theresafernandez350
    @theresafernandez350 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank God that person who says Thanks for watching our videos does not do any of the narration. Their voice is so grating and annoying. Also most of your stories are copies of those on other channels so thumbs down from me.

  • @whitemeteocrazy256
    @whitemeteocrazy256 ปีที่แล้ว

    Anna. Anna!

  • @luvleighangel
    @luvleighangel ปีที่แล้ว

    I do not mean to be that ignorant American, but is “to walk 2 stations” the equivalent of “walking 2 blocks” or “walking 2 doors down”?

  • @garycunningham1313
    @garycunningham1313 ปีที่แล้ว

    Sounds like she is the one doing the complaining. No wonder he is cheating. But there is no excuse for leaiving a 5 year old alone.

  • @sallykoch3681
    @sallykoch3681 ปีที่แล้ว

    Another old story just different names. Need to revamp your channel and get some original stories.