Where did you hear this? I didn't see or hear any notification from him, nor is there anything in Google searches about it. I'm very sorry for his loss and I hope the memory of his father lives on.
Please!!! explain to the audience how the one name Issous ( Ἰησοῦς) is used in your bibles for both Yoshua and Jesus . Because even a novice can see the words "YOSHUA" and "JESUS" is entirely different grammatical and historical. How obvious is the corruption of these "expert scholars" you are referring to. Yoshua and Jesus are NOT similar or related grammatically. So Ἰησοῦς can definitely NOT represent both jesus and yoshua⚫ period (See Hebrews 4:8 in different Bible versions) King James Version 8 For if {Jesus} had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day. English Standard Version 8 For if {Joshua} had given them rest, God would not have spoken of another day later on. SBL Greek New Testament. 8 εἰ γὰρ αὐτοὺς {Ἰησοῦς} κατέπαυσεν, οὐκ ἂν περὶ ἄλλης ἐλάλει μετὰ ταῦτα ἡμέρας. Hebrews 4 refers to Yahusha(Yoshua/in Canaan) and NOT to Yahusha(Messiah from Nazareth) Amateurish "mistakes".....???.....not at all, it was DELIBERATELY corrupted to promote a fraudulent Messiah and to deceive the WHOLE WORLD! Yahusha the Messiah was given the same name as Husha(Hosea) son of Nun, whose name was altered legitimately by Mosheh(Moses) by adding YAH to render it authority......YAH-usha.....Yah(EL ELYON) is Salvation. Husha(salvation) "These are the names of the men which Mosheh sent to spy out the land. And Mosheh called Husha the son of Nun....(to be) Yahusha. Bemidbar (Numbers) 13:16. (Go read yourself about Yahusha/Yoshua) You are miserably misinformed. 😊
Sorry Rabbi Tovia for the loss of your father. Baruch Hashem I was privileged to meet him and shake his hand 2 years ago in Passaic when you spoke there.
Ms Judy, sweet caller that she is, explains precisely what her problem is, along with many Christians: “It’s too simple!” “There has to be something more!” Christians have had it drilled into their heads this huge edifice of doctrines and theologies, so many of which are “Salvation Issues”, that they simply can’t believe that the true message of repentance and forgiveness is so simple. Of course, true repentance can be difficult and is certainly life-long, but they don’t have to worry about that if Jesus did all of it for them. 🤯
Thankyou Rabbi for your patience and understanding of the many who have been misguided by the church. Well answered answered again. I hope 2025 brings more people to your channel so that they will learn the truth.
Finally!!! You explained sacrifice from the Jewish perspective, which is the correct perspective, in a way that is understandable. I suggest you explain it this way in the future every chance you get... that Hashem is merciful and sacrifice is transactional and not mercy.
May the Merciful God comfort you amongst the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem. May the merit of your father’s soul stand you and the whole Jewish people in good stead as you continue your holy work in steering Jews and many other misguided people to the truth.
Rabbi, you definitely inherited the great character trait of patience from your father! May his memory be a blessing! May HASHEM continue to give you the strength, courage, perseverance, and stamina to teach and educate people in the truth of Torah! May we merit to greet the one true Moshiach speedily soon in our days in Peace!
Chag Chanukah Sameach. I ❤ listening and learning from you! I am so blessed to have you in my life. We are all so blessed to have you. Todah Rabah Rabbi Tovia Singer for all you do!
I enjoy reading all your comments concerning Rabbi Singer! Loreneraywood, YOU are a blessing as well! May GOD Almighty bless you with good fortune, happiness and health in all that you do! I would like to meet you someday, you seem like a wonderful person!
Dear Tovia, I am very grateful for your teachings that have helped me to better understand the truth of the Hebrew Scriptures. I was also able to attend a debate you participated in in Nashville Tennessee and seeing you in action and in person has helped to motivate me in my studies of Biblical Hebrew. I’m taking a zoom class from the JTS and my 3rd class will start at the end of January. It is a struggle and my vocabulary is small but it is still very rewarding as I progress in my learning. Reading the scriptures in the original language is much better than relying strictly on the opinions of agenda driven translators. I could never in good conscience approve of or condone Christianity. I know that there are many good people who call themselves Christians but what they teach and believe is based on lies, purposeful mistranslations, and paganism. My problem is that I have no place in the Jewish world, and the Noahide movement just doesn’t fit for me either. I don’t think that any culture or religion owns God and truth is what we should seek without regard to any specific religious dogma. I wish you were closer to my location so I could learn more from you directly. My sense is that you would accept me regardless of my perspective.
I really like how you just go back to the Hebrew bible. It makes sense. I noticed in the comments that your father passed away. I am so sorry to hear that 💔
Every person will have consequences for their sins man, nowhere in the bible says that someone can die and all sins are forgiven. The way for atonement is repentance, hope you straighten your ways man, from the heart
What you said is True, however salvation absolutely did NOT come from God, as is falsely preached by Christianity. Please listen to what the Orthodox Rabbis teach, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11.
My dear Rabbi Singer, I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your father. My deepest condolences to your family and you. I know your father's memory is a blessing to your family and you.
The prophets sacrificed their mind to God. Continually conversing with God. The feasts, etc. are a reminder to the people to collectively think with God.
The caller is calm, respectful and appears knowledgeable. True searchers are refreshing and inspire. Keep listening to Rabbi Singer, whom I had the pleasure having Shabbat together with in the Catskills. Mamakom y'nachem es'khem b'soch shaarei availai Zion virooshalayim.
GOD bless you always rabbi Tovia Singer.🙌🕊🙏 just being back watching your video. cause GOD test me again. i presently suffer pain to my left leg due to accidentally i stooped the wet floor in store without realizing. thus, i am using the wheelchair.♿😥and of this matter i missed to watch your vidoes and now am back i can manage the pain. but i kept thanking GOD and claiming His word in the book of Jer. 33:3 and 6. Amen and Amen.
Wow i feel the LORD teaching me through you. In psalm 50:14 “Sacrifice thank offerings to God, Its like your explaining Psalm 50 to me. God wants thanks over sacrifices. Please read PSALM 50
Rabbi Tovia Shalom. I am a Muslim from Bangladesh. I really love your videos. Today a Christian argue with me if God can do everything or anything why he can't be a man? Astagfirullah. I hope we will get more video on debunking trinity and polytheism of paulinity. Shalom again.
Hi. I have two decades+ invested reading Native American history and culture. I have not found a trinity belief with any of them. Astounding you agree?
"Feeding the poor saves (us) from death". Thank you for sharing that, rabbi, because feeding the poor, etc, is what Jesus taught. When Jews understand that sentence, they'll ask, "If we're saved by charitable works, where is the need for a blood sacrifice - ever again"? Our Bible also says that God desires mercy above sacrifice. Happy Hannukah! 🕎
This is so no sens the affair of sacrifice. The roman occupiers of Judea applied death penatlity to a man who claimed to be King of Israel (ie Mashiah). This was political, and death penality still exists, crossing all times and country. The crucifixion was a threat for any rebelles, like todays. So weird the ytb section comment. I can't answer to @strappedfatman so here my answer : Revelation book is not from Jesus and completly out of the topic, and you just deny Judea was under roman occupation. Amazing. Even 2000 year after the event, you try to clean roman hands and put the fault on jews. Herod was edomite and a secular anyway.
The Roman Empire! Rev.17:9-10 King Herod wanted control over all Judea. Pontius Pilate and King Herod became friends that day. Jesus was killed on their image the Cross! Revelation 19:20
Correct, crucifixion was a punishment for a political act, not a criminal one. Therefore, the Jews are completely exonerated, since they were not prosecuting Jesus for a political crime!
Blessed be the true Judge. I hope that Hashem helps you reconcile your pain with the fact that your holy father's neshama is raised very high on the merit of all the mitzvahs he performed abd the ones you, his holy child, continue to perform in his merit. May we merit to be in the resurrection and continue to learn Torah from Moshe, your father and you.
I am reading in these comments the sad news that your father has died. I am an atheist, but I have always liked the expression Jews use at such times - and I am clearly not alone! : May his memory be a blessing. With sympathy and best wishes.
Our works will never save us, we are not capable of saving ourselves. Yeshua has said the exact same things you are quoting from scripture. If all we had to do was give to the poor and be nice, then why would God have commanded us to do anything at all? Why bother with a temple and sacrifices to begin with? That doesn't line up, there is something missing, and that something is Yeshua. Also, if you really believe what you are saying, why are you advocating a third temple? And why will sacrifices begin again?
Animal sacrifices were offered on an Altar. Torah does not make provision for human sacrifice (a Roman Cross?). Ex 32: 30-35; Deut 24:16; Ezek 18:20. Abraham's offering a prime example; he was given a ram (not a lamb; the blood in Egypt a symbol of the Hebrews not serving an Egyptian idol, the lamb). Torah is the perfect balance of Justice & Mercy, the only such Law. Mashiach will reign accordingly.
Your not supposed to enjoy the sacrifice, its supposed to hurt. Your supposed to give up something of value that is difficult to give up, to help solidify the commitment to God, by not only public shame of having your sins admitted before God on the back of the animal but the monitary cost of the animal. Afterwards you can rejoice in the forgiveness.
Correct me if I'm misguided, but when I grasp for understanding of Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, I take it to mean that if it is said that Christ is Ressurected, then Resurrection is a deal. It happens. What happens to the Spirit after death, is that the body gives up the Spirit or vice versa. And then he goes on to say that that which is to be eternal must be clothed as such. In other words, Christ's Spirit's rising serves as a template, a guide how we clothe our Spirit in preparation for its eternal rise. Christ is the model of this and in humility we aim to cleanse our Sins and clothe our actions in goodness, charity, etc. such that a semblance remains in Spirit for our heavenly journey. That is how his act of rising became a kind of model for how we can overcome death. Given the brutal nature of his death, it reminds us that others sacrifice more than we did, and were more deserving, and so our humility to his sacrifice must inspire us more deeply. The idea of Christ's Arrow of Time is that it matches Paul's initial concept that this was universal, that Christ is the model, but his model applies to all, for example to every holocaust victim. Our compassion should not wain and our heart should not be hardened to any suffering as was the message that Jesus taught in John 9 35 wherein he specifically asks for recognition from the blind man, that such a hero, a Son of Man could and does exist to present a living standard to all humanity.
Acts 8 27-35 So he arose and went. And behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasury, and had come to Jerusalem to worship, 28 was returning. And sitting in his chariot, he was reading Isaiah the prophet.Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go near and overtake this chariot.” So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him. The place in the Scripture which he read was this: “He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; And as a lamb before its shearer is silent, So He opened not His mouth. In His humiliation His justice was taken away, And who will declare His generation? For His life is taken from the earth.” So the eunuch answered Philip and said, “I ask you, of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man?” Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him. Zephaniah 3 10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My worshipers, The daughter of My dispersed ones, Shall bring My offering. Isaiah 56 7 Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices Will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.” Matthew 21 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ” Talmud, Avodah Zarah 3b Rabbi Meir said: "The righteous of the nations of the world have a share in the World to Come. But those who deny the resurrection of the dead and those who say that the Torah is not from Heaven, or those who do not believe in the Messiah, do not have a share in the World to Come………Zohar, Parashat Vayikra 24b: "Those who reject the Messiah and refuse to accept his authority will not be part of the World to Come, for they have no portion in the tree of life." (Matthew 21:33-46;Jeremiah 8:13; John 5:22-29;Matthew 28:18;John 10:16-20) Mark 15 28 “And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, ‘He was numbered with the transgressors.’” (Isaiah 53 3, 53 5, and 53 9) (Zohar 2 212a) "As long as Israel dwelt in the Holy Land, the rituals and sacrifices removed all those diseases from the world; now the Messiah removes them from the children of the world." (Midrash. Konen, BhM, 2 29) “Elijah . . . says to him: ‘Endure the sufferings and the sentence of your Master who makes you suffer because of the sin of Israel.’ And thus it is written: ‘He was wounded because of our transgressions.’ . . . (Is 53 5) - until the time when the end comes.” The Messiah, what is his name? The Rabbis say, The Leper Scholar, as it is said, ‘surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him a leper, smitten of God and afflicted…’. (Sanhedrin 98b) (Pesikta Rabbati, chapter 36) “You have suffered because of the sins of our children, and cruel punishments have come upon you . . . you were put to ridicule and held in contempt by the nations of the world because of Israel . . . All this because of the sins of our children . . . great sufferings have come upon you on their account. And (God) says to him, ‘Be you the judge over these peoples, and do to them whatever your soul wishes . . . all of them will die from the breath of your lips.’ ”
Indeed Jesus is our paasover lamb. Why else would God drstroy the temple twice. The second destruction brought an end to Jewish priesthood and sacrifices. Jesus is the fulfillment of Yom Kippur.
Isa 4 NLV "The Lord will wash away the sin of the daughters of Zion. He will wash away the blood that was shed in Jerusalem, by the spirit of punishment and the spirit of fire. 5 Then the Lord will cover the whole land of Mount Zion and her people with a cloud of smoke during the day, and a bright fire that shines during the night. The Lord’s shining-greatness will cover everything." Question: why does god need to wash away sins again? what did jesus accomplish the first time around? nothing at all
Ralph Ellis's work. King Izus was not a Buddhist monk [Cleopatra To Christ is first in a series] Also Robert Sepehr: 'The Royal Bloodline of Jesus' TH-cam. Both are well researched scholars on topic and authors.
Dear Tovia, the concept of a sacrifice for sins is rooted in our traditions from Adam down to today as illustrated in the Tanakh and by Tanakh I am not meaning the Talmud Commentaries which are not scripture such as Rashi. This sacrificial atonement is a concept applied even in pagan courts with the bail idea. Passover is abundantly clear in it's very elaborate guidance from The Lord. If what you are saying is true then when the 3rd Temple is built, will there be no animals killed by the Levites and priests? Every single year, the High Priest had to come in simple regalia into the Holy of Holies after the blood was shed for the sins of himself and all the people on Yom Kippur.
john the baptist lived in the wilderness, i think it was because his parents were very old when john was born,. it seems like they died, and he was left alone and resorted to the wilderness. it must of broke his heart. he sat alone for years. turn turn turn, there is a season, a place for ever purpose under the heavens. a time to live a time to die, a time to laugh, a time to cry. a time to hold, a time to part.
I ask that this not be deleted. Thank you. WHY bring up Dec 26, 1862 Mankato, MN? 38 souls of Dakota men were hung. Crime?They were starving on their own land as govt commodities were not forthcoming and were being given rancid meat [new reservation life]. They fought back. On one scaffold they died together singing praise to the god they knew: Wakan Tanka. It LITERALLY translates to GREAT SPIRIT as in ONE G'D NO SON. Per the gospel they're either in hell now or will go there at the Resurrection. The Age of H'zeus h'meshiach is ENDING!
The main prohibition against idol worship is not to serve one of the creations, be it an angel, a spiritual power, a constellation, a star or a planet, one of the fundamentals of the physical creation, a person, an animal, a tree, or any other created thing.
Imagine this paganism believe : God created us and we live through tests and will be judged by our belief and actions by God Then God became a human to die for human sins !!! That’s the most confusing believe on earth
I am glad you proclaim the forgiveness of God regardless of sacrificial ritual. "Maybe God will just forgive...," as you said, recalling Hosea 6:6. This Christian totally agrees. The only sacrifice involved in any forgiveness is that of justice itself. The sacrifice of the cross was Jesus' "Father forgive them...," in spite of the injustice of the crucifixion. This set the pattern of faith for the disciple to follow (see 1 Peter 2:23).
A. Jesus showed he did not die on the cross. Three days after the crucifixion Jesus said in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Jesus has not yet died because Jesus has not yet ascended to God meaning God saved the life of Jesus. . B. Jesus showed he was not resurrected from the dead. Paul said Jesus gave him the following revelation. 1 Corinthians 15:35 “How are the dead raised (resurrected) in what kind of body will they (the resurrected dead) come? . 1 Corinthians 15:44 It is raised (resurrected) a spiritual body (however 3 days after the crucifixion Jesus showed that his body was a physical body which Mary could touch and by eating food and showing nail marks on his hand and a wound on his side to his disciples meaning Jesus showed he was not a resurrected spiritual body but was saved from death on the cross by falling into sleep on the cross and waking up after 3 days in his physical body in the same way as other people who appeared to be dead were only sleeping in their physical body in Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping"). . Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:35 and 1 Corinthians 15:44 said that the resurrected come in a spiritual not a physical body meaning the physical body of Jesus 3 days after the crucifixion shows Jesus was not resurrected from death but woke up from sleep in his physical body as foreshadowed before the crucifixion in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52 where sleep looked like death to everyone. . C. How did God save Jesus from death when everyone saw Jesus die on the cross? Mary in Gospel of John 20:15 asks a man if he has seen the body of Jesus and she does not recognise that she is talking to Jesus which shows how God can make people see and believe whatever God wants people to see and believe and explains how God saved the life of Jesus by making everyone believe Jesus was dead on the cross To make Jesus fall asleep on the cross so that everyone believes Jesus was dead is the same thing that happened to Jonah when everyone believed Jonah was dead but Jonah was also saved by God. God saved Jesus from death like God saved Isaac from death and like God saved Jonah from death. . D. What is the message Jesus delivered after God saved Jesus from death on the cross? Jesus was saved on the cross with sleep and woke up in his physical body after 3 days to tell everyone that he has not yet ascended to God meaning he has not yet died meaning he was not sacrificed for anyone’s sins and Jesus in this same verse continues explaining that he is not God in Gospel of John 20:17 when Jesus says he will go to "my Father (The creator) and your Father (The creator); to my God (my Lord) and your God (your Lord)," meaning Jesus is teaching that he is human like every human and he is not God like every human is not God. . E. Why did God make Jesus, Jonah and Isaac believe they would die and then save them? Every human is tested by God. In the Gospel of Mark 15:34 and Gospel of Matthew 27:46 Jesus showed that he did not lose his trust in God when Jesus on the cross said “My God my God why have you forsaken me?’ and this is when God saved Jesus with sleep and woke up Jesus 3 days later to show that God does not forsake people who put their trust in God in the same way as Jonah was saved because he did not lose his trust in God and in the same way as Isaac was saved because he did not lose his trust in God. In the Gospel of Matthew 12:39 the sign of Jonah is that God saved Jesus like God saved Jonah and the way God would save Jesus on the cross is foreshadowed before the time of the crucifixion in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, and Gospel of Luke 8:54 - 8:55.
F. Jesus was not sacrificed. 1. Jesus himself says he was not killed meaning no one sacrificed him. Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father (God, meaning I have not yet died)” . 2. The way God would save Jesus on the cross is foreshadowed before the time of the crucifixion in Gospel of Mark 5:39 Gospel of Matthew 9:24 Gospel of Luke 8:52 and Gospel of Luke 8:54 - 8:55. . 3. People thought Jesus and Jonah were dead. God saved Jonah alive for 3 days in a whale like God saved Jesus alive for 3 days in a stone cave. God saved Jesus by making everyone believe Jesus was dead like everyone believed Jonah was dead. Jesus was not buried under the ground. The body of Jesus was placed inside a stone cave and not under the ground. . 4. Jesus himself says he was not killed. Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father (God, meaning I have not yet died)” . 5. Jesus himself says he is not God. Gospel of John 20:17 “God is my God and your God” meaning God is my Lord and your Lord. . 6. Jesus himself says God created him. Gospel of John 20:17 “God is my Father and your Father” meaning God is my Creator and your Creator. . 7. Jesus did not remove animal offerings because Paul made offerings at the temple several years after the time of Jesus. Acts 24:17 “After an absence of several years, I came to Jerusalem to bring my people gifts for the poor and to present offerings. Acts 24:18 I was ceremonially clean when they found me in the temple courts doing this. There was no crowd with me, nor was I involved in any disturbance. . G. Zechariah and Elizabeth and Jesus are sinless humans meaning they are not God. 1. Zechariah and Elizabeth were both righteous before God, walking blameless in all the 613 laws in the Torah commandments and ordinances in Gospel of Luke 1:6 meaning Jesus is not the only man who is sinless in the sight of God. . 2. Every time a human like Zechariah, Elizabeth and Jesus sincerely repents in prayer God removes their sins and this is why they were praying to God every day. Zechariah and Elizabeth and Jesus were sinless because every time they prayed God removed their sins. When you repent and correct your behaviour God removes your sins and you become sinless in all the 613 Torah commandments and this is why Zechariah and Elizabeth and Jesus prayed everyday to God and everyday God accepted their prayers and they became sinless each day in the sight of God. . 3. Zechariah and Elizabeth and Jesus followed the example of David who prayed to God asking for forgiveness and God forgave his sins without a blood sacrifice. . 4. David is sinless in the sight of God because God forgave all his sins to teach that when a person repents to God like David repented for his sins then God will forgive all your sins and you will be resurrected as a sinless person. . 1 Kings 11:38 And it shall be, if you (Jeroboam) will listen to all that I command you, and will walk in My ways, and do that which is right in My eyes, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as David My servant did, then I will be with you, and will build you a sure house, as I built for David, and will give Israel to you. Note 1. God tells the messiah king Jeroboam to follow the example of David meaning repent for your sins like David repented for his sins. . 5. To remove your sins pray to God like Zechariah, Elizabeth and Jesus prayed to God and you will be forgiven like God forgave everyone who prayed to Him and who returned to good behaviour like David who shows that God will forgive any sin if you sincerely repent to God. . 6. Jews pray 3 or more times each day and Muslims pray 5 or more times each day asking God to forgive their sins. . 7. Jews and Muslims pray to God every day asking for forgiveness of their sins like Zechariah, Elizabeth and Jesus prayed to God every day asking for forgiveness of their sins. . 8. The messiah King David prayed to God and was forgiven his sins like Zechariah, Elizabeth and Jesus prayed to God every day asking forgiveness for their sins and like Jews and Muslims today pray to God every day asking forgiveness for their sins.
Christians don't even believe Jesus cause Jesus said the same thing. In Matthew 25:31-46, the Title of the Chapter is Judgement Day. And it says as clearly as Proverbs and elsewhere that giving Charity saves you from Death. Flat out says it. No sacrifice needed, just do Charity for that's what makes you righteous and you go to heaven and to not do charity makes you wicked and you go to Hell.
Not true at all .. remember In Deuteronomy 13, with one or two witnesses one Sin deserves death. You can’t just create your own doctrine and run with it and declare doing charity work absolves all Sin. The only way Sin gets resolved is by way of the Blood shed for all at the Cross and no other way. For the wages of Sin is death Romans 6v23. Too many believe they can just absolve their own Sin away by creating their own doctrine to wish it away and it runs against the word of God. But to each their own because ultimately we are all separate Souls and must consider the Word of God at our own discretion and for many unfortunately they create their own doctrine to their own detriment and end up under Romans v 3v23.
We often see the first commandment to love G'd missing in the lives of philanthropists. Anyone can be charitable but also not love G'd. The verses about charity presume the donator loves G'd.
I was raised Roman Catholic from birth. I always had questions and doubted so much, a natural skeptic, although I was very devout for most of my young life. Eventually I had learned enough that by my early twenties I believed Christianity was a false religion built upon ancient mythologies, etc. I'm sure all my years in church and surrounded by "crazy Christians" in south Louisiana has led me to constantly be called back to studying this history. I yearn for Truth. The more I learn, the more I wonder if the origin of the new religion in Rome was not in some way developed as a means to end the religion of The Jews? So, yes, a "conspiracy"! As you've stated, it is obvious the authors of The New Testament did not like Judaism. They literally blamed the death of their GOD on The Jews who chose Jesus be tortured and crucified over Barabbas the criminal! I would love a deep dive into this question! Could it be that the origin and development of Christianity was somehow a devious plan to destroy Judaism? One God became a few gods. Honor The Law became....aaaahh not so much worry about it. Just worship this new guy and you'll be okay!
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah.
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Thank you for the reply! Like I said, I'm an eternal skeptic. I don't believe we can prove Moses existed any more than we can prove Jesus did. At the end of the day, most of religion is quite silly and requires a tremendous amount of blind faith. Just not for me. I do however absolutely believe in The Golden Rule and much more so the teachings from India surrounding the likes of Buddhism and Sikhi. Not the religious aspects, much more so the spiritual and philosophical aspects. Cheers!
@@e3rleblanc422 The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings, as God said to him, "I will come unto you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and will also believe in you forever" (Exodus 19:9).
I think that the very early Christians, maybe even Paul, knew about this tension in the Bible - Leviticus is all about sacrifices. Even in Genesis there ate many sacrifices and God even checks Abraham's devotion by asking him to sacrifice his son. Yet, in the waning days of the First Temple, and especially right afterwards, sacrifices are represented in the latter books of the Bible as unnecessary. The Hashmonean period made sacrifices important again (the kings were also the high priests) but many people who were against the priests' corruption in the latter Hashmonean period saw the Pharisee ways, many of whom weren't priests, as a more down-to-earth, popular method of following God as a nation. I think that the whole famous division in Judaism between Mitzvot that are only between God and the person (בין אדם למקום) and those that are between that person to other persons (בין אדם לחברו) started there. What the early Christians probably believed is another step from the Pharisees' concept of the temple as no longer needed to atone for sins against God (also sins against other people, but these require good deeds to the people you wronged) Yet, unlike the vast majority of Judeans who followed the Pharisees these early Judean Christians, gradually saw any of the mitzvot between God and the person as unnecessary. If Yom Kippur is no longer needed to atone for sins with a sacrifice then nothing is needed to atone for sins against God because a greater sacrifice was made. So, much like the Pharisees who diminished the importance of the temple, which is also much like the latter prophets did, so did the early Christians. In their Christian mythology sacrifice is still important but not one made in the temple, and not one made by people but rather by God who cannot be corrupted.
I think it's pretty clear that Jesus himself would have rejected the idea of paying for the sins of others with his life (and that those were put in his words years after he died).. It goes straight against the message of the parable of the Prodigal Son. He didn't "owe" something to his father (representing God clearly)- because his heart was truly repentant, his father forgave him readily without anyone else needing to pay the price of what a debt-collector would require. God is not a debt collector who needs to settle scores. Only Luke, among the canonical gospels, understood this apparently. Jesus' faith, unlike Paul's, was very traditionally Jewish.
So according to your logic, why did God simply not ask us to ask for forgiveness? Why was there a need from the beginning for the sacrifice of animal relatives?
I am no scholar to be able to argue scripture, but can anyone really be kind enough, loving enough and giving enough that God will be required to forgive them? In the OT there were several crimes that demanded the death penalty. Was there any loophole that said you don't need to stone the person who murdered or blasphemed if they have a change of heart to kindness and charity? So, therefore according to the OT if a law is broken, a penalty must be paid. We have all broken God's commandments. Death is the penalty. We all need a Savior. Jesus came to pay the penalty for all sins so we wouldn't have to. Therefore He alone is the sacrifice who paid our penalties and thereby qualifies to be our Great and Glorious Savior.
Genesis 4:7 The word Sin was the name God called the knowledge of evil. It had desire = entity. Just like Proverbs 8:12 I wisdom = entity. John the Baptist said Look at the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world He said, "Not sins as in many like our sins but rather Sin as in One. Rome and the Church twisted the story of Jesus and made religion into a business.
Psalm 110 makes David Christian Isaiah 53 says Messiah get punished by others sins Micah 5 says Messiah in Bethlehem Isaiah 9 says Messiah is God Deuteronomy 18 says prophet be like Moses = new covenant Isaiah 7 14 Messiah born virgin
Hey Friends! Please read the following for more depth on Isaiah 9:6 and its fulfillment in Jesus. Isaiah 9:6 uses the prophetic perfect tense, a common feature in Hebrew prophecy where future events are described as though they have already occurred, emphasizing their certainty. This is the same tense used in Isaiah 53 to describe the suffering Servant, which even many traditional Jewish sources acknowledge as future. The child described in Isaiah 9:6 bears titles like Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace-titles that far exceed what could be ascribed to Hezekiah or any human king. While Hezekiah’s reign was significant, it does not align with the everlasting peace and dominion described in verse 7 and the future tense with which it is stated. Rabbinic sources, such as the Targum Jonathan, identify this passage as messianic, referring to the child as the Messiah. Additionally, Midrash Tanchuma connects the government on His shoulders to the Messiah. Even Isaiah 53, often debated, was historically interpreted as messianic by early Jewish writings like the Talmud (Sanhedrin 98b), which describes the Messiah as the suffering Servant. While it’s true that many Israelis today are secular and may not study Scripture deeply, this doesn’t change the historical and contextual understanding of these prophecies as messianic. The connection between Isaiah 9, 11, and 53 paints a picture of a singular figure who establishes eternal righteousness and peace. While Hezekiah may represent a partial fulfillment, the ultimate fulfillment, given the divine titles and eternal scope, points to the Messiah. Jesus fulfills this description, as demonstrated by His life, death, and resurrection, and will ultimately complete it in His return. hey Tovia how would you respond to this? i got this reply from so be it Jewish missionaries evangelizing Jews in Israel and France when i sent a message to them explaining that Isaiah 9 6 is in the past tense and refers to Hezekiah. what is the prophetic perfect tense and is Isaiah using it here? thank you and condolences on your father
......is t the caller trying in part to understand why sacrifices existed in the first place, at all? Why are unintentional sins handled differently......why was the Temple necessary if tzedukah v'chesed were always sufficient?
Very sorry for the loss of your father, Rabbi. May his memory be a blessing.
Where did you hear this? I didn't see or hear any notification from him, nor is there anything in Google searches about it. I'm very sorry for his loss and I hope the memory of his father lives on.
May your father's memory forever be a blessing!
May his neshama have the highest Aliyah!
So since I have Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry on my mother side of the family am I considered Jewish under Jewish law
Thank you for sharing your knowledge!
I am praying for you and your family over the loss of your father.
Greetings Rabbi.. From St. Louis Mo.. May your father's memory be a blessing.
Hashem bless you Rabbi. Thank you for all that you do, bringing our people out of idolatry.
Please!!! explain to the audience how the one name Issous ( Ἰησοῦς) is used in your bibles for both Yoshua and Jesus . Because even a novice can see the words "YOSHUA" and "JESUS" is entirely different grammatical and historical.
How obvious is the corruption of these "expert scholars" you are referring to. Yoshua and Jesus are NOT similar or related grammatically.
So Ἰησοῦς can definitely NOT represent both jesus and yoshua⚫ period
(See Hebrews 4:8 in different Bible versions)
King James Version
8 For if {Jesus} had given them rest, then would he not afterward have spoken of another day.
English Standard Version
8 For if {Joshua} had given them rest, God would not have spoken of another day later on.
SBL Greek New Testament.
8 εἰ γὰρ αὐτοὺς {Ἰησοῦς} κατέπαυσεν, οὐκ ἂν περὶ ἄλλης ἐλάλει μετὰ ταῦτα ἡμέρας.
Hebrews 4 refers to Yahusha(Yoshua/in Canaan) and NOT to Yahusha(Messiah from Nazareth)
Amateurish "mistakes".....???.....not at all, it was DELIBERATELY corrupted to promote a fraudulent Messiah and to deceive the WHOLE WORLD!
Yahusha the Messiah was given the same name as Husha(Hosea) son of Nun, whose name was altered legitimately by Mosheh(Moses) by adding YAH to render it authority......YAH-usha.....Yah(EL ELYON) is Salvation. Husha(salvation)
"These are the names of the men which Mosheh sent to spy out the land. And Mosheh called Husha the son of Nun....(to be) Yahusha. Bemidbar (Numbers) 13:16. (Go read yourself about Yahusha/Yoshua)
You are miserably misinformed. 😊
B.H. bless you for your great service that you are truly called for.
Please accept my sincerest condolences on the loss of your beloved father. May his memory be forever a blessing ❤
He raised Tovia! ❤
I'm so sorry for the loss of your father, Rabbi.
Sorry Rabbi Tovia for the loss of your father. Baruch Hashem I was privileged to meet him and shake his hand 2 years ago in Passaic when you spoke there.
As a muslim, I totally agree with everything the Rabbi said. We don't agree on everything of course, but very good video.
Ms Judy, sweet caller that she is, explains precisely what her problem is, along with many Christians: “It’s too simple!” “There has to be something more!” Christians have had it drilled into their heads this huge edifice of doctrines and theologies, so many of which are “Salvation Issues”, that they simply can’t believe that the true message of repentance and forgiveness is so simple. Of course, true repentance can be difficult and is certainly life-long, but they don’t have to worry about that if Jesus did all of it for them. 🤯
Happy Chanukah 🕎
Happy here too. Chanukah Sameach!
Thankyou Rabbi for your patience and understanding of the many who have been misguided by the church. Well answered answered again. I hope 2025 brings more people to your channel so that they will learn the truth.
What is the purpose of the lamb on Passover?
I am sorry to hear about your father, Rabbi! May his memory be a blessing!
Finally!!! You explained sacrifice from the Jewish perspective, which is the correct perspective, in a way that is understandable. I suggest you explain it this way in the future every chance you get... that Hashem is merciful and sacrifice is transactional and not mercy.
Quality channel!!!!
I really like this channel !!
May the Merciful God comfort you amongst the other mourners of Zion and Jerusalem.
May the merit of your father’s soul stand you and the whole Jewish people in good stead as you continue your holy work in steering Jews and many other misguided people to the truth.
אמן כן יהי רצון
Rabbi, you definitely inherited the great character trait of patience from your father!
May his memory be a blessing!
May HASHEM continue to give you the strength, courage, perseverance, and stamina to teach and educate people in the truth of Torah!
May we merit to greet the one true Moshiach speedily soon in our days in Peace!
Now imagine if he was born again through our Moshiach!🤗
Condolences to Rabbi and his extended family.....
Chag Chanukah Sameach.
I ❤ listening and learning from you!
I am so blessed to have you in my life.
We are all so blessed to have you. Todah Rabah Rabbi Tovia Singer for all you do!
I enjoy reading all your comments concerning Rabbi Singer!
Loreneraywood, YOU are a blessing as well!
May GOD Almighty bless you with good fortune, happiness and health in all that you do!
I would like to meet you someday, you seem like a wonderful person!
Thank you Rabbi.
Thank u
I am sorry for the loss of your father Rabbi Tovia Singer 🙏🏾
Dear Tovia, I am very grateful for your teachings that have helped me to better understand the truth of the Hebrew Scriptures. I was also able to attend a debate you participated in in Nashville Tennessee and seeing you in action and in person has helped to motivate me in my studies of Biblical Hebrew. I’m taking a zoom class from the JTS and my 3rd class will start at the end of January. It is a struggle and my vocabulary is small but it is still very rewarding as I progress in my learning. Reading the scriptures in the original language is much better than relying strictly on the opinions of agenda driven translators. I could never in good conscience approve of or condone Christianity. I know that there are many good people who call themselves Christians but what they teach and believe is based on lies, purposeful mistranslations, and paganism. My problem is that I have no place in the Jewish world, and the Noahide movement just doesn’t fit for me either. I don’t think that any culture or religion owns God and truth is what we should seek without regard to any specific religious dogma. I wish you were closer to my location so I could learn more from you directly. My sense is that you would accept me regardless of my perspective.
One advantage living in our time is the Internet. Try to connect and fellowship with like-minded people online.
I'm so very sorry for your loss Rabbi Tovia you and your family have my deepest condolences.
ברוך הדיין האמת
May your father’s memory (continue to!) be a blessing for so many. ❤😢
I really like how you just go back to the Hebrew bible. It makes sense. I noticed in the comments that your father passed away. I am so sorry to hear that 💔
Rabbi Singer, I am very saddened to hear of the loss of your father. May his memory be a Blessing. 🕯️🕊️
So sorry to hear of the loss of your father. May his memory be blessed.
Tovia, condolences with your family in Siva and blessed memories Shalom always Amen
Every person will have consequences for their sins man, nowhere in the bible says that someone can die and all sins are forgiven. The way for atonement is repentance, hope you straighten your ways man, from the heart
What you said is True, however salvation absolutely did NOT come from God, as is falsely preached by Christianity. Please listen to what the Orthodox Rabbis teach, as commanded by God in Deut. 17:8-11.
Very sorry about the loss of your father. This is the first I'm hearing of it and I inferred it from somebody else's comment.
My dear Rabbi Singer,
I'm so sorry to hear of the passing of your father. My deepest condolences to your family and you. I know your father's memory is a blessing to your family and you.
My Condolences Rabbi
Thank you for your support. Bless you
@ Amen v’Amen
Thank u for the support
Please accept my condolences, Rabbi. May the memory of your father Rabbi Shlomo Zalmen Hakohain ben Leah be a blessing, amen.
Thank you for this.
My condolences to you and your family on the loss of your father!
The prophets sacrificed their mind to God. Continually conversing with God.
The feasts, etc. are a reminder to the people to collectively think with God.
Our deepest sympathy to your family Rabbi Tovia Singer for your father's loss.
May the memory of your father forever be a blessing!
Love ❤️ your work Rabbi.
My sincere condolences to your family very dear Rabbi Tovia Singer. 💐❤️🙏
Thank you for your guidance...
The caller is calm, respectful and appears knowledgeable. True searchers are refreshing and inspire. Keep listening to Rabbi Singer, whom I had the pleasure having Shabbat together with in the Catskills. Mamakom y'nachem es'khem b'soch shaarei availai Zion virooshalayim.
Thank you Rabbi
הרצאה חשובה מאוד, כל מילה זהב, הרב. תודה!
Your father raised a good man.
GOD bless you always rabbi Tovia Singer.🙌🕊🙏 just being back watching your video. cause GOD test me again. i presently suffer pain to my left leg due to accidentally i stooped the wet floor in store without realizing. thus, i am using the wheelchair.♿😥and of this matter i missed to watch your vidoes and now am back i can manage the pain. but i kept thanking GOD and claiming His word in the book of Jer. 33:3 and 6. Amen and Amen.
Condolences Rabbi Tovia
My condolences, dear rabbi
Im sorry for your loss ❤️
Baruch Dayan HaEmes. May you be comforted among the mourners of Zion and Yerushalyim.
Sorry for the loss of your father Rabbi. May his neshamah be raised high and memory be a blessing ❤
Wow i feel the LORD teaching me through you. In psalm 50:14 “Sacrifice thank offerings to God, Its like your explaining Psalm 50 to me. God wants thanks over sacrifices. Please read PSALM 50
Rabbi Tovia Shalom. I am a Muslim from Bangladesh. I really love your videos. Today a Christian argue with me if God can do everything or anything why he can't be a man? Astagfirullah.
I hope we will get more video on debunking trinity and polytheism of paulinity.
Shalom again.
Hi. I have two decades+ invested reading Native American history and culture. I have not found a trinity belief with any of them. Astounding you agree?
Poor Judy. She reminds me of a cousin of mine that just can't let go of xianity even though she knows it's a lie. Very sad.
ALL AT RIGHT TIME !!!! Love John !!!!
"Feeding the poor saves (us) from death". Thank you for sharing that, rabbi, because feeding the poor, etc, is what Jesus taught. When Jews understand that sentence, they'll ask, "If we're saved by charitable works, where is the need for a blood sacrifice - ever again"? Our Bible also says that God desires mercy above sacrifice. Happy Hannukah! 🕎
Sorry for your loss, Rabbi.
This is so no sens the affair of sacrifice. The roman occupiers of Judea applied death penatlity to a man who claimed to be King of Israel (ie Mashiah). This was political, and death penality still exists, crossing all times and country. The crucifixion was a threat for any rebelles, like todays. So weird the ytb section comment. I can't answer to @strappedfatman so here my answer : Revelation book is not from Jesus and completly out of the topic, and you just deny Judea was under roman occupation. Amazing. Even 2000 year after the event, you try to clean roman hands and put the fault on jews. Herod was edomite and a secular anyway.
The Roman Empire! Rev.17:9-10
King Herod wanted control over all Judea. Pontius Pilate and King Herod became friends that day. Jesus was killed on their image the Cross! Revelation 19:20
Correct, crucifixion was a punishment for a political act, not a criminal one. Therefore, the Jews are completely exonerated, since they were not prosecuting Jesus for a political crime!
God rest your father's soul Rabbi, may he be in peace, as with President Carter.
Love your videos Rabbi❤
Blessed be the true Judge. I hope that Hashem helps you reconcile your pain with the fact that your holy father's neshama is raised very high on the merit of all the mitzvahs he performed abd the ones you, his holy child, continue to perform in his merit. May we merit to be in the resurrection and continue to learn Torah from Moshe, your father and you.
I am reading in these comments the sad news that your father has died. I am an atheist, but I have always liked the expression Jews use at such times - and I am clearly not alone! : May his memory be a blessing.
With sympathy and best wishes.
Absolutely brilliant! Toda Raba Rabbi Tovia!
The minute she said Old Testament she was going down the road of replacement theology. Mexico gonna pay.
Dual covenant theology is just as false as replacement
Our works will never save us, we are not capable of saving ourselves. Yeshua has said the exact same things you are quoting from scripture. If all we had to do was give to the poor and be nice, then why would God have commanded us to do anything at all? Why bother with a temple and sacrifices to begin with? That doesn't line up, there is something missing, and that something is Yeshua. Also, if you really believe what you are saying, why are you advocating a third temple? And why will sacrifices begin again?
Also, Yeshua said He is the temple.
@@theroad4708 Keep the 7 Noahide laws and stop promoting idolatry.
Animal sacrifices were offered on an Altar. Torah does not make provision for human sacrifice (a Roman Cross?). Ex 32: 30-35; Deut 24:16; Ezek 18:20.
Abraham's offering a prime example; he was given a ram (not a lamb; the blood in Egypt a symbol of the Hebrews not serving an Egyptian idol, the lamb).
Torah is the perfect balance of Justice & Mercy, the only such Law. Mashiach will reign accordingly.
Shes always "going to make it short" and never does. But you got to give her credit for trying.
Condolences to your and your family
If your beliefs were correct, you wouldn't be so afraid of evangelists spreading their beliefs in your midst.
What exactly would a sin committed against the temple be?
Perhaps similar to what's considered sin in a church?
Your not supposed to enjoy the sacrifice, its supposed to hurt. Your supposed to give up something of value that is difficult to give up, to help solidify the commitment to God, by not only public shame of having your sins admitted before God on the back of the animal but the monitary cost of the animal. Afterwards you can rejoice in the forgiveness.
So sorry to hear about your father.
המקום ינחם אתכם בתוך שער אבלי ציון וירושלים
Q. How charity saves from death ? 😊
This must mean not the death of body but the death of souls 😊,
am I right ?😊
Correct me if I'm misguided, but when I grasp for understanding of Paul in 1 Corinthians 15, I take it to mean that if it is said that Christ is Ressurected, then Resurrection is a deal. It happens. What happens to the Spirit after death, is that the body gives up the Spirit or vice versa. And then he goes on to say that that which is to be eternal must be clothed as such. In other words, Christ's Spirit's rising serves as a template, a guide how we clothe our Spirit in preparation for its eternal rise. Christ is the model of this and in humility we aim to cleanse our Sins and clothe our actions in goodness, charity, etc. such that a semblance remains in Spirit for our heavenly journey. That is how his act of rising became a kind of model for how we can overcome death. Given the brutal nature of his death, it reminds us that others sacrifice more than we did, and were more deserving, and so our humility to his sacrifice must inspire us more deeply. The idea of Christ's Arrow of Time is that it matches Paul's initial concept that this was universal, that Christ is the model, but his model applies to all, for example to every holocaust victim. Our compassion should not wain and our heart should not be hardened to any suffering as was the message that Jesus taught in John 9 35 wherein he specifically asks for recognition from the blind man, that such a hero, a Son of Man could and does exist to present a living standard to all humanity.
Acts 8 27-35 So he arose and went. And behold, a man of Ethiopia, a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians, who had charge of all her treasury, and had come to Jerusalem to worship, 28 was returning. And sitting in his chariot, he was reading Isaiah the prophet.Then the Spirit said to Philip, “Go near and overtake this chariot.” So Philip ran to him, and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah, and said, “Do you understand what you are reading?” And he said, “How can I, unless someone guides me?” And he asked Philip to come up and sit with him. The place in the Scripture which he read was this: “He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; And as a lamb before its shearer is silent, So He opened not His mouth. In His humiliation His justice was taken away, And who will declare His generation? For His life is taken from the earth.” So the eunuch answered Philip and said, “I ask you, of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man?” Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning at this Scripture, preached Jesus to him.
Zephaniah 3 10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia My worshipers, The daughter of My dispersed ones, Shall bring My offering.
Isaiah 56 7 Even them I will bring to My holy mountain, And make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices Will be accepted on My altar; For My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations.”
Matthew 21 13 And He said to them, “It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you have made it a ‘den of thieves.’ ”
Talmud, Avodah Zarah 3b Rabbi Meir said: "The righteous of the nations of the world have a share in the World to Come. But those who deny the resurrection of the dead and those who say that the Torah is not from Heaven, or those who do not believe in the Messiah, do not have a share in the World to Come………Zohar, Parashat Vayikra 24b: "Those who reject the Messiah and refuse to accept his authority will not be part of the World to Come, for they have no portion in the tree of life." (Matthew 21:33-46;Jeremiah 8:13; John 5:22-29;Matthew 28:18;John 10:16-20)
Mark 15 28 “And the Scripture was fulfilled that says, ‘He was numbered with the transgressors.’” (Isaiah 53 3, 53 5, and 53 9)
(Zohar 2 212a)
"As long as Israel dwelt in the Holy Land, the rituals and sacrifices removed all those diseases from the world; now the Messiah removes them from the children of the world."
(Midrash. Konen, BhM, 2 29)
“Elijah . . . says to him: ‘Endure the sufferings and the sentence of your Master who makes you suffer because of the sin of Israel.’ And thus it is written: ‘He was wounded because of our transgressions.’ . . . (Is 53 5) - until the time when the end comes.”
The Messiah, what is his name? The Rabbis say, The Leper Scholar, as it is said, ‘surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him a leper, smitten of God and afflicted…’. (Sanhedrin 98b)
(Pesikta Rabbati, chapter 36)
“You have suffered because of the sins of our children, and cruel punishments have come upon you . . . you were put to ridicule and held in contempt by the nations of the world because of Israel . . . All this because of the sins of our children . . . great sufferings have come upon you on their account. And (God) says to him, ‘Be you the judge over these peoples, and do to them whatever your soul wishes . . . all of them will die from the breath of your lips.’ ”
Indeed Jesus is our paasover lamb. Why else would God drstroy the temple twice. The second destruction brought an end to Jewish priesthood and sacrifices. Jesus is the fulfillment of Yom Kippur.
Isa 4 NLV
"The Lord will wash away the sin of the daughters of Zion. He will wash away the blood that was shed in Jerusalem, by the spirit of punishment and the spirit of fire. 5 Then the Lord will cover the whole land of Mount Zion and her people with a cloud of smoke during the day, and a bright fire that shines during the night. The Lord’s shining-greatness will cover everything."
Question: why does god need to wash away sins again? what did jesus accomplish the first time around? nothing at all
Jesus was a bhudist Monk named issa and he didn't die for your sins, his name was issa and he survived the crucifixion and was resesitated ❤
Ralph Ellis's work. King Izus was not a Buddhist monk [Cleopatra To Christ is first in a series] Also Robert Sepehr: 'The Royal Bloodline of Jesus' TH-cam. Both are well researched scholars on topic and authors.
Dear Tovia, the concept of a sacrifice for sins is rooted in our traditions from Adam down to today as illustrated in the Tanakh and by Tanakh I am not meaning the Talmud Commentaries which are not scripture such as Rashi. This sacrificial atonement is a concept applied even in pagan courts with the bail idea. Passover is abundantly clear in it's very elaborate guidance from The Lord.
If what you are saying is true then when the 3rd Temple is built, will there be no animals killed by the Levites and priests? Every single year, the High Priest had to come in simple regalia into the Holy of Holies after the blood was shed for the sins of himself and all the people on Yom Kippur.
john the baptist lived in the wilderness, i think it was because his parents were very old when john was born,. it seems like they died, and he was left alone and resorted to the wilderness. it must of broke his heart. he sat alone for years. turn turn turn, there is a season, a place for ever purpose under the heavens. a time to live a time to die, a time to laugh, a time to cry. a time to hold, a time to part.
I ask that this not be deleted. Thank you.
WHY bring up Dec 26, 1862 Mankato, MN? 38 souls of Dakota men were hung. Crime?They were starving on their own land as govt commodities were not forthcoming and were being given rancid meat [new reservation life]. They fought back. On one scaffold they died together singing praise to the god they knew: Wakan Tanka. It LITERALLY translates to GREAT SPIRIT as in ONE G'D NO SON. Per the gospel they're either in hell now or will go there at the Resurrection. The Age of H'zeus h'meshiach is ENDING!
The main prohibition against idol worship is not to serve one of the creations, be it an angel, a spiritual power, a constellation, a star or a planet, one of the fundamentals of the physical creation, a person, an animal, a tree, or any other created thing.
Imagine this paganism believe : God created us and we live through tests and will be judged by our belief and actions by God
Then God became a human to die for human sins !!!
That’s the most confusing believe on earth
I am glad you proclaim the forgiveness of God regardless of sacrificial ritual. "Maybe God will just forgive...," as you said, recalling Hosea 6:6. This Christian totally agrees.
The only sacrifice involved in any forgiveness is that of justice itself. The sacrifice of the cross was Jesus' "Father forgive them...," in spite of the injustice of the crucifixion. This set the pattern of faith for the disciple to follow (see 1 Peter 2:23).
A. Jesus showed he did not die on the cross.
Three days after the crucifixion Jesus said in Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father” meaning Jesus has not yet died because Jesus has not yet ascended to God meaning God saved the life of Jesus.
B. Jesus showed he was not resurrected from the dead.
Paul said Jesus gave him the following revelation.
1 Corinthians 15:35 “How are the dead raised (resurrected) in what kind of body will they (the resurrected dead) come?
1 Corinthians 15:44 It is raised (resurrected) a spiritual body (however 3 days after the crucifixion Jesus showed that his body was a physical body which Mary could touch and by eating food and showing nail marks on his hand and a wound on his side to his disciples meaning Jesus showed he was not a resurrected spiritual body but was saved from death on the cross by falling into sleep on the cross and waking up after 3 days in his physical body in the same way as other people who appeared to be dead were only sleeping in their physical body in Gospel of Mark 5:39 "... The child is not dead but sleeping").
Paul in 1 Corinthians 15:35 and 1 Corinthians 15:44 said that the resurrected come in a spiritual not a physical body meaning the physical body of Jesus 3 days after the crucifixion shows Jesus was not resurrected from death but woke up from sleep in his physical body as foreshadowed before the crucifixion in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24 and Gospel of Luke 8:52 where sleep looked like death to everyone.
C. How did God save Jesus from death when everyone saw Jesus die on the cross?
Mary in Gospel of John 20:15 asks a man if he has seen the body of Jesus and she does not recognise that she is talking to Jesus which shows how God can make people see and believe whatever God wants people to see and believe and explains how God saved the life of Jesus by making everyone believe Jesus was dead on the cross
To make Jesus fall asleep on the cross so that everyone believes Jesus was dead is the same thing that happened to Jonah when everyone believed Jonah was dead but Jonah was also saved by God.
God saved Jesus from death like God saved Isaac from death and like God saved Jonah from death.
D. What is the message Jesus delivered after God saved Jesus from death on the cross?
Jesus was saved on the cross with sleep and woke up in his physical body after 3 days to tell everyone that he has not yet ascended to God meaning he has not yet died meaning he was not sacrificed for anyone’s sins and Jesus in this same verse continues explaining that he is not God in Gospel of John 20:17 when Jesus says he will go to "my Father (The creator) and your Father (The creator); to my God (my Lord) and your God (your Lord)," meaning Jesus is teaching that he is human like every human and he is not God like every human is not God.
E. Why did God make Jesus, Jonah and Isaac believe they would die and then save them?
Every human is tested by God.
In the Gospel of Mark 15:34 and Gospel of Matthew 27:46 Jesus showed that he did not lose his trust in God when Jesus on the cross said “My God my God why have you forsaken me?’ and this is when God saved Jesus with sleep and woke up Jesus 3 days later to show that God does not forsake people who put their trust in God in the same way as Jonah was saved because he did not lose his trust in God and in the same way as Isaac was saved because he did not lose his trust in God.
In the Gospel of Matthew 12:39 the sign of Jonah is that God saved Jesus like God saved Jonah and the way God would save Jesus on the cross is foreshadowed before the time of the crucifixion in Gospel of Mark 5:39, Gospel of Matthew 9:24, Gospel of Luke 8:52, and Gospel of Luke 8:54 - 8:55.
F. Jesus was not sacrificed.
1. Jesus himself says he was not killed meaning no one sacrificed him.
Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father (God, meaning I have not yet died)”
2. The way God would save Jesus on the cross is foreshadowed before the time of the crucifixion in Gospel of Mark 5:39 Gospel of Matthew 9:24 Gospel of Luke 8:52 and Gospel of Luke 8:54 - 8:55.
3. People thought Jesus and Jonah were dead.
God saved Jonah alive for 3 days in a whale like God saved Jesus alive for 3 days in a stone cave.
God saved Jesus by making everyone believe Jesus was dead like everyone believed Jonah was dead.
Jesus was not buried under the ground.
The body of Jesus was placed inside a stone cave and not under the ground.
4. Jesus himself says he was not killed.
Gospel of John 20:17 “I have not yet ascended to the Father (God, meaning I have not yet died)”
5. Jesus himself says he is not God.
Gospel of John 20:17 “God is my God and your God” meaning God is my Lord and your Lord.
6. Jesus himself says God created him.
Gospel of John 20:17 “God is my Father and your Father” meaning God is my Creator and your Creator.
7. Jesus did not remove animal offerings because Paul made offerings at the temple several years after the time of Jesus.
Acts 24:17 “After an absence of several years, I came to Jerusalem to bring my people gifts for the poor and to present offerings.
Acts 24:18 I was ceremonially clean when they found me in the temple courts doing this. There was no crowd with me, nor was I involved in any disturbance.
G. Zechariah and Elizabeth and Jesus are sinless humans meaning they are not God.
1. Zechariah and Elizabeth were both righteous before God, walking blameless in all the 613 laws in the Torah commandments and ordinances in Gospel of Luke 1:6 meaning Jesus is not the only man who is sinless in the sight of God.
2. Every time a human like Zechariah, Elizabeth and Jesus sincerely repents in prayer God removes their sins and this is why they were praying to God every day.
Zechariah and Elizabeth and Jesus were sinless because every time they prayed God removed their sins.
When you repent and correct your behaviour God removes your sins and you become sinless in all the 613 Torah commandments and this is why Zechariah and Elizabeth and Jesus prayed everyday to God and everyday God accepted their prayers and they became sinless each day in the sight of God.
3. Zechariah and Elizabeth and Jesus followed the example of David who prayed to God asking for forgiveness and God forgave his sins without a blood sacrifice.
4. David is sinless in the sight of God because God forgave all his sins to teach that when a person repents to God like David repented for his sins then God will forgive all your sins and you will be resurrected as a sinless person.
1 Kings 11:38 And it shall be, if you (Jeroboam) will listen to all that I command you, and will walk in My ways, and do that which is right in My eyes, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as David My servant did, then I will be with you, and will build you a sure house, as I built for David, and will give Israel to you.
Note 1. God tells the messiah king Jeroboam to follow the example of David meaning repent for your sins like David repented for his sins.
5. To remove your sins pray to God like Zechariah, Elizabeth and Jesus prayed to God and you will be forgiven like God forgave everyone who prayed to Him and who returned to good behaviour like David who shows that God will forgive any sin if you sincerely repent to God.
6. Jews pray 3 or more times each day and Muslims pray 5 or more times each day asking God to forgive their sins.
7. Jews and Muslims pray to God every day asking for forgiveness of their sins like Zechariah, Elizabeth and Jesus prayed to God every day asking for forgiveness of their sins.
8. The messiah King David prayed to God and was forgiven his sins like Zechariah, Elizabeth and Jesus prayed to God every day asking forgiveness for their sins and like Jews and Muslims today pray to God every day asking forgiveness for their sins.
What about Kain and Abel. Sacrificing to God?
Christians don't even believe Jesus cause Jesus said the same thing. In Matthew 25:31-46, the Title of the Chapter is Judgement Day. And it says as clearly as Proverbs and elsewhere that giving Charity saves you from Death. Flat out says it. No sacrifice needed, just do Charity for that's what makes you righteous and you go to heaven and to not do charity makes you wicked and you go to Hell.
Not true at all .. remember In Deuteronomy 13, with one or two witnesses one Sin deserves death.
You can’t just create your own doctrine and run with it and declare doing charity work absolves all Sin.
The only way Sin gets resolved is by way of the Blood shed for all at the Cross and no other way.
For the wages of Sin is death Romans 6v23.
Too many believe they can just absolve their own Sin away by creating their own doctrine to wish it away and it runs against the word of God.
But to each their own because ultimately we are all separate Souls and must consider the Word of God at our own discretion and for many unfortunately they create their own doctrine to their own detriment and end up under Romans v 3v23.
We often see the first commandment to love G'd missing in the lives of philanthropists. Anyone can be charitable but also not love G'd. The verses about charity presume the donator loves G'd.
I was raised Roman Catholic from birth. I always had questions and doubted so much, a natural skeptic, although I was very devout for most of my young life. Eventually I had learned enough that by my early twenties I believed Christianity was a false religion built upon ancient mythologies, etc. I'm sure all my years in church and surrounded by "crazy Christians" in south Louisiana has led me to constantly be called back to studying this history. I yearn for Truth. The more I learn, the more I wonder if the origin of the new religion in Rome was not in some way developed as a means to end the religion of The Jews? So, yes, a "conspiracy"! As you've stated, it is obvious the authors of The New Testament did not like Judaism. They literally blamed the death of their GOD on The Jews who chose Jesus be tortured and crucified over Barabbas the criminal! I would love a deep dive into this question! Could it be that the origin and development of Christianity was somehow a devious plan to destroy Judaism? One God became a few gods. Honor The Law became....aaaahh not so much worry about it. Just worship this new guy and you'll be okay!
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah.
Hi. You will appreciate learning from Efraim Palvanov, also. Happy trails ❤
@@hrvatskinoahid1048 Thank you for the reply! Like I said, I'm an eternal skeptic. I don't believe we can prove Moses existed any more than we can prove Jesus did. At the end of the day, most of religion is quite silly and requires a tremendous amount of blind faith. Just not for me. I do however absolutely believe in The Golden Rule and much more so the teachings from India surrounding the likes of Buddhism and Sikhi. Not the religious aspects, much more so the spiritual and philosophical aspects. Cheers!
@@e3rleblanc422 The authenticity of Moses is based on the public revelation at Sinai: God revealed Himself to the entire nation of Israel, at least three million people, and proclaimed before them the Ten Commandments. The entire Jewish people personally experienced that revelation, each individual in effect becoming a prophet, and each one verifying the experience of the other. With their own eyes they saw, and with their own ears they heard, as the Divine voice spoke to them, and also they heard God saying, "Moses, Moses, go tell them the following ..." They did not receive the occurrence of that event and accept it as some claim or tradition of an individual, but they experienced it themselves. That public revelation, therefore, authenticated the bona fide status of Moses as a prophet of God, and the Divine origin of the instructions he recorded in the Torah. That, and that alone, is the criterion for the belief in, and acceptance of, Moses and his teachings, as God said to him, "I will come unto you in a thick cloud that the people may hear when I speak with you and will also believe in you forever" (Exodus 19:9).
Baruch Hashem
I think that the very early Christians, maybe even Paul, knew about this tension in the Bible - Leviticus is all about sacrifices. Even in Genesis there ate many sacrifices and God even checks Abraham's devotion by asking him to sacrifice his son. Yet, in the waning days of the First Temple, and especially right afterwards, sacrifices are represented in the latter books of the Bible as unnecessary. The Hashmonean period made sacrifices important again (the kings were also the high priests) but many people who were against the priests' corruption in the latter Hashmonean period saw the Pharisee ways, many of whom weren't priests, as a more down-to-earth, popular method of following God as a nation.
I think that the whole famous division in Judaism between Mitzvot that are only between God and the person (בין אדם למקום) and those that are between that person to other persons (בין אדם לחברו) started there.
What the early Christians probably believed is another step from the Pharisees' concept of the temple as no longer needed to atone for sins against God (also sins against other people, but these require good deeds to the people you wronged) Yet, unlike the vast majority of Judeans who followed the Pharisees these early Judean Christians, gradually saw any of the mitzvot between God and the person as unnecessary. If Yom Kippur is no longer needed to atone for sins with a sacrifice then nothing is needed to atone for sins against God because a greater sacrifice was made. So, much like the Pharisees who diminished the importance of the temple, which is also much like the latter prophets did, so did the early Christians. In their Christian mythology sacrifice is still important but not one made in the temple, and not one made by people but rather by God who cannot be corrupted.
I think it's pretty clear that Jesus himself would have rejected the idea of paying for the sins of others with his life (and that those were put in his words years after he died).. It goes straight against the message of the parable of the Prodigal Son. He didn't "owe" something to his father (representing God clearly)- because his heart was truly repentant, his father forgave him readily without anyone else needing to pay the price of what a debt-collector would require. God is not a debt collector who needs to settle scores. Only Luke, among the canonical gospels, understood this apparently. Jesus' faith, unlike Paul's, was very traditionally Jewish.
So according to your logic, why did God simply not ask us to ask for forgiveness? Why was there a need from the beginning for the sacrifice of animal relatives?
I am no scholar to be able to argue scripture, but can anyone really be kind enough, loving enough and giving enough that God will be required to forgive them? In the OT there were several crimes that demanded the death penalty. Was there any loophole that said you don't need to stone the person who murdered or blasphemed if they have a change of heart to kindness and charity? So, therefore according to the OT if a law is broken, a penalty must be paid. We have all broken God's commandments. Death is the penalty. We all need a Savior. Jesus came to pay the penalty for all sins so we wouldn't have to. Therefore He alone is the sacrifice who paid our penalties and thereby qualifies to be our Great and Glorious Savior.
pardon but. she is wrong for misinterpreting as her elders thoughted her. he is wrong for what his elders abandoned.
And blessed you the peacemaker, right? Say again what Tovia abandoned? or did you mean to say "rejected." The serpent is also a sly fox, ey?
Genesis 4:7
The word Sin was the name God called the knowledge of evil.
It had desire = entity.
Just like Proverbs 8:12
I wisdom = entity.
John the Baptist said Look at the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world He said, "Not sins as in many like our sins but rather Sin as in One.
Rome and the Church twisted the story of Jesus and made religion into a business.
אל מלך נאמן❤מחיה המחים🎉 בידו אפקיד רוחי
Psalm 110 makes David Christian Isaiah 53 says Messiah get punished by others sins Micah 5 says Messiah in Bethlehem Isaiah 9 says Messiah is God Deuteronomy 18 says prophet be like Moses = new covenant Isaiah 7 14 Messiah born virgin
Hey Friends! Please read the following for more depth on Isaiah 9:6 and its fulfillment in Jesus.
Isaiah 9:6 uses the prophetic perfect tense, a common feature in Hebrew prophecy where future events are described as though they have already occurred, emphasizing their certainty. This is the same tense used in Isaiah 53 to describe the suffering Servant, which even many traditional Jewish sources acknowledge as future. The child described in Isaiah 9:6 bears titles like Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace-titles that far exceed what could be ascribed to Hezekiah or any human king. While Hezekiah’s reign was significant, it does not align with the everlasting peace and dominion described in verse 7 and the future tense with which it is stated. Rabbinic sources, such as the Targum Jonathan, identify this passage as messianic, referring to the child as the Messiah. Additionally, Midrash Tanchuma connects the government on His shoulders to the Messiah. Even Isaiah 53, often debated, was historically interpreted as messianic by early Jewish writings like the Talmud (Sanhedrin 98b), which describes the Messiah as the suffering Servant. While it’s true that many Israelis today are secular and may not study Scripture deeply, this doesn’t change the historical and contextual understanding of these prophecies as messianic. The connection between Isaiah 9, 11, and 53 paints a picture of a singular figure who establishes eternal righteousness and peace. While Hezekiah may represent a partial fulfillment, the ultimate fulfillment, given the divine titles and eternal scope, points to the Messiah. Jesus fulfills this description, as demonstrated by His life, death, and resurrection, and will ultimately complete it in His return.
hey Tovia how would you respond to this? i got this reply from so be it Jewish missionaries evangelizing Jews in Israel and France when i sent a message to them explaining that Isaiah 9 6 is in the past tense and refers to Hezekiah. what is the prophetic perfect tense and is Isaiah using it here? thank you and condolences on your father
Just stop. We know who Isaiah 9:6 is. It's not gzuz as in a "prophetic perfect tense." Crickets.
@@debrapaulino918 thanks so are you saying there is no prophetic perfect tense? because i ve never heard of it
Jesus pronounced Hey Zus was Mexican, that is why he had a Mexican name
......is t the caller trying in part to understand why sacrifices existed in the first place, at all? Why are unintentional sins handled differently......why was the Temple necessary if tzedukah v'chesed were always sufficient?