"HEY GUYS, I THOUGHT OF A GREAT IDEA FOR A NEW CHAMPION! LETS MAKE A CHAMPION WHO RUNS AND DASHES AROUND A LOT AND REWARD HIM WITH A BULLSHIT SHIELD FOR DOING NOTHING BUT RUNNING AROUND AND DASHING!" -CertainlyT probably. "Yeah that sounds like a great idea, lets do that and give him one of the most powerful defensive abilities ever AND double his critical strike chance!" -other Riot champion designers.
oh and lets give him a 30 second cd on an ult giving him 50% armor pen and that also gives his passive back and that also deals damage and that also makes him dash, great idea, dont you think?
Hey guys let's make a champion with 4 dashes 1 knock up 1 stun 1 shield that scales of FK ad 1 aoe dmg ult that scales of FK ad, let's make her abilities have no cooldown and on top all of that let's make her without mana or energy, cuz that sounds pretty balanced'' RiotGames !
its not that easy to dodge, u will most likely need your flash to dodge it, because most likely you already used your dashes on that fight, if you have any it is. I already won team fights just with that explosion lol..
I LOVE the idea. I love how you notice even the passive while most people don't give it enough importance for such a video. I remember your "top 10 weakest passives" like a year ago or so, and I really love how you give it the importance it deserves
+Martin Pajunk Well, they do SO MUCH research for all of their videos. You just won't feel it unless you make videos like that yourself (not that I do). But when it comes to passives, isn't the "research" extremely simplistic? Unlike videos like "What X champ could have been", where you have to look everywhere from forums to streams et cetera, all you need for this video is to read every passive, select the strong ones and rank them. Not that it's easy; but compared to the other videos, this one is a peace of cake. I agree that some VERY strong passives have been left out, but it's kind of subjective and if 2 different people had to make this same top 10, they may not even have 5 similar passive. I mean; there ARE over 100 champions. And they're only picking out 10 so it's hard to include every strong passive.
Dude..... 1700 ap veigar. A Q would just delete the adc, and the enemy cassio allchatted 'your ult did 2100 dmg. seems fair'. A feed veigar can just output so much damage, and rabbadons is such a great item, as suddenly you add 35% increased ap... which also applies to your passive. And add a blue buff, for 10% increase. And add 2 or 3 infernal drakes. IF THE TABLES WERE TURNED, I'D SHOW YOU NOOOO MERCY
I got like 1200-1300 with no infernal or blue. Rabadon is a must, from powerful you become broken. Last match with veigar was 9/1/11. That 1 death because I saved the stupid adc :))
The fact that a kit revolves around a passive doesn't make that passive an OP one, in my opinion. Aurelion Sol has this passive that is equivalent to a normal skill, yeah... A NORMAL skill, not an OP one. He does need his W to make it really strong, it's hard to use unless you spend a lot of time learning his pattern, and without his Q or R it'd still be nothing more than a pretty Ok thing that you'd have to really work around if you wanted to make good use of it. However, I haven't seen any references to passives like Ashe or Urgot. They're pretty simple, they may not be flashy, but they are pretty strong nonetheless. Urgot's got a free "if I hit you you're gonna do less damage" dueling passive that's pretty unbalanced, but because he's not in the meta nobody really cares. Ashe's is also pretty simple but it gives her a lot of soft-CC and kiting potential, maybe even better than Kalista's if in the right hands. She also has free Crit% at early levels, without the hindrance in late that is Yasuo's or Kalista's AutoAttack-damage-reduction. I'm not gonna talk too much about Veigar's since many people have already pointed it out. But I'll mention that I also think his is a pretty OP passive, allowing him to stack theoretically infinite AP and bursting potential. Unlike Nasus's Q and Sion's W, it is his passive since the mages rework, not something limited to a single skill upgrade and usage. Can I also attract you attention towards Fiora's Passive? It may seem kinda silly as a minigame-like thingy, but it's strong as hell, giving her sustain, extra damage, extra mobility and tank-shredding in just one skill-slot, and just for Basic Attacking in the right spots at the right times. And hey, if Annie's and Braum's 4-hit-kinda passives are included for the CC, taking into account the early potential of Braum's, why not include Jhin's as well for the same early potential of level 1 huge crits that do extra damage for % of missing HP and give him extra mobility? And that's not taking into account the other part of his passive that says "instead of Att.Speed, this champion keeps getting more and more AD until his damage is uncontrollable in Lategame. Also boosted by the Crit%, which he doesn't lose by the way, and level scaling which get's to multiply his AD by a rocking 40% at level 18 even if he doesn't build any of the earlier." Yeah, totally balanced, he doesn't need any nerfs... Oh, wait...
What about Pantheon? You get a shield that COMPLETELY blocks a shot. If the enemy takes the shield off, one move allows you to get it back simply by pointing your mouse to that champ and it will also stun so they cant move. Did I mention it also blocks turret shots?
I'd only add, honorable mention to Nautilus' Passive. It felts like a more fair version of Frozen Mallet right now as well as adds to his whole CC bot theme.
I just love how everybody forgets about one important thing when it comes to kalistas passive, its not only her jumps, but it also nerfs her basics. Her basics only do 90% of her total ad, they stop tracing the target if it gets out of vision, and lastly, they can't be cancelled.. I know its still very good to be able to jump like a madman but still. Its quite bullshit to only do 90% of your total ad on basics...
Yeah it's 30% and 2 minute cooldown and it's up more than Ignite and that's your only form of GW it's insane how much he heals with Spirit Visage. 37.5% max health healing for free (I'm not sure how Runic Armor is calculated in there as well) and the more health he has the more he heals giving him insane survival even more so if you add a Sterak's on top of it.
If you're interested, bonus healing is calculated multiplicatively. So if you have a Spirit Visage giving you 25% bonus healing and Runic Armor giving you 8% bonus healing, you would add 1 to each number and multiply them together to get the percent of healing received. So 1.25 x 1.08 = 1.35 = 35% extra healing received
I feel like Organic Deconstruction should be here somewhere, every three spell hits it makes Vel'koz deal a ton of true damage. It's really the main reason why Vel'koz is a viable pick at all. Not to mention his ult passive, which can make his ult do almost 2000 true damage, making him able to one shot pretty much anyone on the enemy team.
its not nearly as powerful as the other passives. garens passive is basically less impactful than a vamp scepter on a fighter or ad carry who uses it to heal up on a minion wave after a fight. because it doesnt even help him in fights. the sustain is out of combat. plus, you can literally buy his passive on any champion for 2800 gold by getting a warmogs. and finally, mundo has almost the same passive as garen. only that its not deactivated in combat. and then there is voli.
I know that he isn't actually GOOD, I was just trying to defend why he wasn't on the list. I main voli and personally LOOOOOVE his passive, 30% health back on a tank during combat is insane. Midgame you stomp 1v1's, and your speed makes for some really impressive ganks.
Google não deixou eu colocar um nome maior que esse Not really enough of a benefit compared to getting fully healed IMO. Normally in team fights unless you're hardcore caught out you'll still survive with more HP than what Aatrox would get and in lane you'll likely be close enough to your tower to not die. So IMO Anivia's is still far superior to Aatrox's
+Luz Celeste aatrox is untargetable while regening health. I have to say that aatrox is more broken than Anivia. I mean she just turned into an egg and she can still die.
people won't actually remember this, but before rework, the #1 passive in the game was poppy's. If the damage you take is more than 10% of your *current* health, that damage was halfed. That meant that while sitting at half your hp even autos got reduced, and you were super tanky. You could play exaust and bait the hell out of people, while at
The thing about Azir turret's is that they're pretty weak and they don't last very long. Also, you have to be near a ruined turret for it to work. Also, if it's in the laning phase, it's basically useless.
Teemo's passive is camouflage which is just used as a means of being all assassin like or a way to create jukes when escaping but if your pertaining to him getting toxic shots on every auto attack, that is a passive from his e ability. So his passive isn't really much worth here since if he moves anywhere other than bushes, he breaks his stealth. His e ability is the more powered one.
I'm curious why Sion didn't make the list. Yes I know this was a few months ago but still his passive is pretty OP. I mean being able to still attack after death for a few seconds basically allows him to finish teamfights.
What about Sion and karthus and kogmaw Passives which do a lot of damage of used effectively or what about Zilean's which gives a free level up to a teammate?
Sion : Youmuu, drakthaar + righteous glory Karthus : Suicide in teamfights, deal crapton of damage Kog : ye shitty Zilean : You always get level advantage in lane
***** Sion : You get fed easly, so you get tanky quicker Karthus: R+Q, voidstaff/liandry kog: kek Zilean : you still get the xp that you give to allies c:
***** "[...] he grants them enough experience to finish their level. Zilean receives the same amount. [...]" leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Zilean You have to read the whole description mate.
Was expecting to see Galio on this kind of list, he is immortal in mid lane thanks to his passive. Rammus also has a nice passive that works well with his kit. Viktor is also an interesting passive, not overpowered, but different. These are in my top 10 also.
I missed an Illaoi passive and Nautilus passive. Both incredible strong passives Illaoi is nothing without it. And nautilus being able to lock an champ in place for 1 sec with his auto attack is insanely usefull
thats top 10 if you forget darius exict at full stacks does like the dmg of 3 ignites and is magic dmg wich is broken cus ur enemies should build armor. ( forgot the part where his ulti does true dmg vs ur armor so gl)
Kindred hello? permanent increase damage? armor pen items to help the passive? doubles the heal from death's dance because of the passive? can make Q damage higher than before the nerf? KINDRED ????
a match up with annie and veigar result in the first to be stun die, due to the power from phenomenal evil(veigar),if pyromania give annie a better early game, the late-game potential of phenomenal evil is unlimited
Imagine if Aurelian Sol had his Q buffed to be similar to Anivia's Q (As in, instant recast). Or just give him two more passive stars as in urf, that would be fun as well.
1. Veigar passive is limitless and OP AF 2. Syndra passive gives power up on your basic abilities 3. Nautilus passive gives you instant stun If we're only talking about the passive, these guys should be on the list.
I´m quite confused.I was 100% sure rengar was on the first spot!A passive that has 3 components: a free unlimited dash, snowballpotential and a free stronger basic ability seems like the strongest in the game to me!
I've no Idea what you think about it but im of the oppinion that Rumble somehow also deserves a spot in this list since the danger-zone is what makes Rumble so crushing
Even in the comments I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Nautilus. No-one else really has CC on their passive except annie and she has to use the rest of her kit to utilise it - he just autos you once and you;re just rooted. Veigar passive should also be up there.
I think Rengar should've been on this list, because he basically has two (three if you want to count the bone tooth necklace) passive. Aatrox and Zac should also be honorable mentions o;
I'd say Annie's passive would only be fractionally as good without tibbers, so maybe wouldn't have put it at the top and kindred has infinitely scaling % health damage so thought that might make the list, at least low on it
The first point is very valid and yeah her passive isn't nearly as good without Tibbers up in general as for Kindred while that is true, getting a large amount of marks takes a long while to happen. Usually if you can keep up on it you can get about 10 marks but the Jungle marks are rather easy to deny at the cost of potential enemy jungle pressure but that's besides the point.
+The CourierNX true but it is a passive that is almost entirely detached from the rest of the champions kit like even with no other abilities it does a lot, although I suppose it's actually less effective if there are no tanks on the event team so I think your right it wouldn't make the list. What about passives like jhins where it gives bonus stats on items singed, vlad, galio and hecerim being other examples ?
+The CourierNX true but it is a passive that is almost entirely detached from the rest of the champions kit like even with no other abilities it does a lot, although I suppose it's actually less effective if there are no tanks on the event team so I think your right it wouldn't make the list. What about passives like jhins where it gives bonus stats on items singed, vlad, galio and hecerim being other examples ?
"Almost entirely detached?" You... Do know it directly affects both the Q and W, right? Wolf-in the w-gets 40% of the mark's damage with the w, and the q gains bonus damage per mark. And by no means is it only useful against tanks. It's not on the list because there are too many variables to consider within the passive, and, by itself, isn't outright overpowered for free.
Dude, Darius's passive allows him to duel anyone and win trade. Veigar's passive can allow him to put out insane damage in mid and late games. Jhin' passive allows him to do WAY more damage than any other adc and he can get defensive items because he doesn't have issue with damage output.
What about aatrox, azir, jhin, or veigar. Aatrox gets a ga and 55% as, azir used to get 40% as and a tower jhin gets 300+ free ad and veigar can potentially have infinite ap.
So, you missed HUGE things about Kalista's passive. You can't cancel auto attacks, your basic attacks deal 90% AD instead of 100%, and if your target leaves vission, your basic attack misses.
I miss Bard and Veigar. Thanks to their passive, they don't have a "cap" with max level and full items. They can always get stronger, which is really really powerful in late game. Also I like Gold passives like Twisted Fate or Draven very much. MONEY!!!
quiet honestly, i think Ornn's passive should've been on this list as well sice his passive has 3 parts. 1: it gives a permanent 10% bonus armor and MR. 2: it allows ornn to craft (non-consumable) items everywhere anywhere (or at least out of combat). and 3: Ornn's passive allows Ornn to masterwork 2 of his own items at lvl 13 and 1 item for every ally per next level... so how is Ornn's passive not on the list??? And another question.. Braum's passive was on the list because it was OP to be able to stun enemy's by hitting them 4 times which can also be done by allies, however, i think sejuani's passive does that way better, she even can stun someone from a distance and she does max. health dmg when hitting a stunned champ... but ah well :3
You have mistake in Braum's description. I mean - ally champs CAN'T trigger Braum's passive until Braum hits enemies by his Q. In video you said that Q *or* basic atack from Braum allow his team to stack this passive up - which is wrong, cuz it works ONLY with his Q.
i know you wont belive me,if you want go and see the short clip in braum's passive description, i am a 100% sure, i main him, and sorry if my inglish isn't great, i'm from argentina
Why isn't Kindred's, Thresh's, Bard's, Veigar's and all of those "infinite potential" passives (if there are more of those) in (at least) honorable mentions?
soo, cc on passive = op in your book? and you didn't mention Nautilus? A nice long root on you autos that only takes one hit to apply compared to Braums 4, or Annie's 4 abilities. Personally I was expceting to see Volibears passive or Jhins on this list.
But what about Azir??? Even if an enemy destroys his lane turret first, he can just recreate it. On top of that, he also gets the gold that his turret gets so he can perfect cs (almost)
brands passive kinda sets the kit like arlion sol. i think fioras main power is because of her passive alot of lucians dmg is from his passive wait braums passive is here but not nauts? olaf is has crazy 1v1 because of his passive what happend if rengar didnt have a jump isnt zyra based on her passive? also remember all of these are opinions and you can argue it but in the end these are all opinions
How is viegar not on this list ?
why veigar would be onthis list
because he's strong as fuck and any master of skillshots would destroy pretty much any champion.
I think he might have forgotten it got moved to his passive but yeah it makes no sense
How is rengar not here kappa
Veigar,Darius nor Jhin....
Aurelion Sol revolves around his passive?
No, his passive revolves HIM!
dude I said that exact same thing when that part came up XD
Okay that was pretty good
aurelion is the shittiiest champion in the game. He loads shit loads or damage and gets fucked my all melee champions.
Braum's passive has 4 stacks? Jhin aproves
4 hitting intensifies
-"I, have elaborate plans for you."
They're gonna live!..until they die!!!
"And now, The Curtain rises.."
worst passive...taliyah. small move speed bonus when literally hugging a wall out of combat
You should see jayce's passive
Plus ms when hugging wall is actually pretty gud sincs hugging walls while traveling can deny vision
Can you make a video of the WEAKEST PASSIVES please :D
nº1: Janna
He would have to do that very soon to include talon passive :^)
In no way is that the weakest passive in the game. Not even close.
Think of Varus'.
Eric D You dont even notice it till endgame.
You must be on the lead to make it worth.
+canaldecasta litteraly free boots of stats since lvl 1....
"HEY GUYS, I THOUGHT OF A GREAT IDEA FOR A NEW CHAMPION! LETS MAKE A CHAMPION WHO RUNS AND DASHES AROUND A LOT AND REWARD HIM WITH A BULLSHIT SHIELD FOR DOING NOTHING BUT RUNNING AROUND AND DASHING!" -CertainlyT probably. "Yeah that sounds like a great idea, lets do that and give him one of the most powerful defensive abilities ever AND double his critical strike chance!" -other Riot champion designers.
oh and lets give him a 30 second cd on an ult giving him 50% armor pen and that also gives his passive back and that also deals damage and that also makes him dash, great idea, dont you think?
Mad much?
Hey guys let's make a champion with 4 dashes 1 knock up 1 stun 1 shield that scales of FK ad 1 aoe dmg ult that scales of FK ad, let's make her abilities have no cooldown and on top all of that let's make her without mana or energy, cuz that sounds pretty balanced'' RiotGames !
Willixxer Riven
Yeah dude Riven is a balanced champion xD
You know I can make turrets right?
I love playing you, but I'm bronze soooo.....
Ye but your turrets are as squishy as you m8
um no, they arent they scale with him. and played correctly that dude is not squishy. not to mention no amount of MR wills ave you.
Chris Crissey you get it friend
What about Kog maw passive? One game, I actually got a kill with it. So op.
you dont get sarcasm do you..
+Nassim Gadhi you should look up sarcasm
its not that easy to dodge, u will most likely need your flash to dodge it, because most likely you already used your dashes on that fight, if you have any it is. I already won team fights just with that explosion lol..
once my teammate got a double with it
Well if you are good and never die it dosent exist :P
What about azir?
I LOVE the idea. I love how you notice even the passive while most people don't give it enough importance for such a video. I remember your "top 10 weakest passives" like a year ago or so, and I really love how you give it the importance it deserves
Yeah if only he did more research...Im dissapointed by the list,it made no sense.
Personally I feel Viegar or Kindred's passives are also insanely strong. at 10-11 stacks (which is common), a kindred can solo baron.
+Martin Pajunk Well, they do SO MUCH research for all of their videos. You just won't feel it unless you make videos like that yourself (not that I do). But when it comes to passives, isn't the "research" extremely simplistic? Unlike videos like "What X champ could have been", where you have to look everywhere from forums to streams et cetera, all you need for this video is to read every passive, select the strong ones and rank them. Not that it's easy; but compared to the other videos, this one is a peace of cake. I agree that some VERY strong passives have been left out, but it's kind of subjective and if 2 different people had to make this same top 10, they may not even have 5 similar passive. I mean; there ARE over 100 champions. And they're only picking out 10 so it's hard to include every strong passive.
No Phenomenal Evil Power? I think that is a great passive as well
He might have forgotten that Veigar's stacking was made into his passive.
you can get 150-200 ap if you are fed, that is insane
The CourierNX Yea you are most likely right
Dude..... 1700 ap veigar. A Q would just delete the adc, and the enemy cassio allchatted 'your ult did 2100 dmg. seems fair'. A feed veigar can just output so much damage, and rabbadons is such a great item, as suddenly you add 35% increased ap... which also applies to your passive. And add a blue buff, for 10% increase. And add 2 or 3 infernal drakes. IF THE TABLES WERE TURNED, I'D SHOW YOU NOOOO MERCY
I got like 1200-1300 with no infernal or blue. Rabadon is a must, from powerful you become broken. Last match with veigar was 9/1/11. That 1 death because I saved the stupid adc :))
I think jax passive is pretty OP u can get like 2 items worth of attck speed by autoing 8 times
his passive + Guinsoo's Rageblade be quite deadly
Adam Bauckham yh
But the tips for him say he benefits greatly on items with both AD and AP like Guinsoo's Rageblade and Hextech Gunblade
Adam Bauckham guinsoos rageblades gives AS and he gets a fair bit per level scaling
Adam Bauckham plus everyone build trinity force on him which gives like 40% percent or something
The fact that a kit revolves around a passive doesn't make that passive an OP one, in my opinion. Aurelion Sol has this passive that is equivalent to a normal skill, yeah... A NORMAL skill, not an OP one. He does need his W to make it really strong, it's hard to use unless you spend a lot of time learning his pattern, and without his Q or R it'd still be nothing more than a pretty Ok thing that you'd have to really work around if you wanted to make good use of it.
However, I haven't seen any references to passives like Ashe or Urgot. They're pretty simple, they may not be flashy, but they are pretty strong nonetheless. Urgot's got a free "if I hit you you're gonna do less damage" dueling passive that's pretty unbalanced, but because he's not in the meta nobody really cares. Ashe's is also pretty simple but it gives her a lot of soft-CC and kiting potential, maybe even better than Kalista's if in the right hands. She also has free Crit% at early levels, without the hindrance in late that is Yasuo's or Kalista's AutoAttack-damage-reduction.
I'm not gonna talk too much about Veigar's since many people have already pointed it out. But I'll mention that I also think his is a pretty OP passive, allowing him to stack theoretically infinite AP and bursting potential. Unlike Nasus's Q and Sion's W, it is his passive since the mages rework, not something limited to a single skill upgrade and usage.
Can I also attract you attention towards Fiora's Passive? It may seem kinda silly as a minigame-like thingy, but it's strong as hell, giving her sustain, extra damage, extra mobility and tank-shredding in just one skill-slot, and just for Basic Attacking in the right spots at the right times.
And hey, if Annie's and Braum's 4-hit-kinda passives are included for the CC, taking into account the early potential of Braum's, why not include Jhin's as well for the same early potential of level 1 huge crits that do extra damage for % of missing HP and give him extra mobility? And that's not taking into account the other part of his passive that says "instead of Att.Speed, this champion keeps getting more and more AD until his damage is uncontrollable in Lategame. Also boosted by the Crit%, which he doesn't lose by the way, and level scaling which get's to multiply his AD by a rocking 40% at level 18 even if he doesn't build any of the earlier." Yeah, totally balanced, he doesn't need any nerfs... Oh, wait...
Nice one
What about Pantheon? You get a shield that COMPLETELY blocks a shot. If the enemy takes the shield off, one move allows you to get it back simply by pointing your mouse to that champ and it will also stun so they cant move. Did I mention it also blocks turret shots?
10. Malzahar
9. Kled
8. Aurelion Sol
7. Yasuo
6. Kalista
5. Katarina
4. Gnar
3. Evelynn
2. Braum
1. Annie
Honorable : Darius, Tristana
Thank me later :3
Nobody is going to thank you ever
everything except for kalista and Aurelion sol I agree with
why would i thank you when i can just watch the vid?
I'd only add, honorable mention to Nautilus' Passive. It felts like a more fair version of Frozen Mallet right now as well as adds to his whole CC bot theme.
"The reason u play Annie is for her passive" huh I play passive to oneshot scrubs on lvl 6
Annie *
the whole reason u can one shot scrubs is cause of the stun
I just love how everybody forgets about one important thing when it comes to kalistas passive, its not only her jumps, but it also nerfs her basics. Her basics only do 90% of her total ad, they stop tracing the target if it gets out of vision, and lastly, they can't be cancelled.. I know its still very good to be able to jump like a madman but still. Its quite bullshit to only do 90% of your total ad on basics...
where is volibear? Regenerating 20% of max hp with 1 min cooldown isnt op? Lmao
30% and 2min cooldown if im not wrong :P
and dunno about it, the heal itself ist op, maybe the cooldown could be higher thou
Ignite be stuff trash it
Yeah it's 30% and 2 minute cooldown and it's up more than Ignite and that's your only form of GW it's insane how much he heals with Spirit Visage. 37.5% max health healing for free (I'm not sure how Runic Armor is calculated in there as well) and the more health he has the more he heals giving him insane survival even more so if you add a Sterak's on top of it.
If you're interested, bonus healing is calculated multiplicatively. So if you have a Spirit Visage giving you 25% bonus healing and Runic Armor giving you 8% bonus healing, you would add 1 to each number and multiply them together to get the percent of healing received. So 1.25 x 1.08 = 1.35 = 35% extra healing received
you're smart hhahahaha
I have to admit, I was REALLY suprised to see Karthus wasn't on the list.
I think Talon's passive is the best passive in the game.
having no passive is better than his
+Mario . Ikr, glad he gets a rework.
its a joke roflmfaohshmsfoaidmt
bruh id rather have a weak ass passive than having a new passive i rely on that adds 2 extra secs to my burst time hell no
Legit my homeboy the only thing that sets him apart from fake ass ninja is the his burst window
What about Nasus? Crazy life steal from his passive + stacks is what he's based on...
where is talon passive?
best by far
I think fizz passive is more OP
Talon is the best
I feel like Organic Deconstruction should be here somewhere, every three spell hits it makes Vel'koz deal a ton of true damage. It's really the main reason why Vel'koz is a viable pick at all. Not to mention his ult passive, which can make his ult do almost 2000 true damage, making him able to one shot pretty much anyone on the enemy team.
No Garen?
Garen is actually pretty good late-game (his passive).
its not nearly as powerful as the other passives. garens passive is basically less impactful than a vamp scepter on a fighter or ad carry who uses it to heal up on a minion wave after a fight. because it doesnt even help him in fights. the sustain is out of combat. plus, you can literally buy his passive on any champion for 2800 gold by getting a warmogs. and finally, mundo has almost the same passive as garen. only that its not deactivated in combat. and then there is voli.
I know that he isn't actually GOOD, I was just trying to defend why he wasn't on the list. I main voli and personally LOOOOOVE his passive, 30% health back on a tank during combat is insane. Midgame you stomp 1v1's, and your speed makes for some really impressive ganks.
I never played when Draven had his old passive of bleed, nor do I know if this was only counting current passive. But why is it not on the list?
imo Anivia should have made the list
aatrox has even better passive he is untargetable
Luka Zečević doesn't get full HP off it tho.
at least he can't get killed during the passive
Google não deixou eu colocar um nome maior que esse Not really enough of a benefit compared to getting fully healed IMO. Normally in team fights unless you're hardcore caught out you'll still survive with more HP than what Aatrox would get and in lane you'll likely be close enough to your tower to not die. So IMO Anivia's is still far superior to Aatrox's
+Luz Celeste aatrox is untargetable while regening health. I have to say that aatrox is more broken than Anivia. I mean she just turned into an egg and she can still die.
people won't actually remember this, but before rework, the #1 passive in the game was poppy's. If the damage you take is more than 10% of your *current* health, that damage was halfed. That meant that while sitting at half your hp even autos got reduced, and you were super tanky. You could play exaust and bait the hell out of people, while at
azirs passive ? hello !
The thing about Azir turret's is that they're pretty weak and they don't last very long. Also, you have to be near a ruined turret for it to work. Also, if it's in the laning phase, it's basically useless.
It doesn't give him attack speed anymore
+Big Blue Ball its good for seiging
... What happened with Gnar at 2:15 ? Why did he slide thru the wall there? D:
teemos passive is shit
Teemo's passive is camouflage which is just used as a means of being all assassin like or a way to create jukes when escaping but if your pertaining to him getting toxic shots on every auto attack, that is a passive from his e ability.
So his passive isn't really much worth here since if he moves anywhere other than bushes, he breaks his stealth. His e ability is the more powered one.
its way too situational
Does the arrival of Camille and her passive change anything?
your trying too much to say words like "we" our" we understand that your working with people stop it be real
I thought you will include some of the Ressurection type passives, like Sion and/or Anivia.
I'm curious why Sion didn't make the list. Yes I know this was a few months ago but still his passive is pretty OP. I mean being able to still attack after death for a few seconds basically allows him to finish teamfights.
There's a small error at: 4:27-2:29
What about Sion and karthus and kogmaw Passives which do a lot of damage of used effectively or what about Zilean's which gives a free level up to a teammate?
Sion : Youmuu, drakthaar + righteous glory
Karthus : Suicide in teamfights, deal crapton of damage
Kog : ye shitty
Zilean : You always get level advantage in lane
Sion : You get fed easly, so you get tanky quicker
Karthus: R+Q, voidstaff/liandry
kog: kek
Zilean : you still get the xp that you give to allies c:
Zilean : you get the xp that you give :D If you give 500 xp, you'll get 500 xp too c:
"[...] he grants them enough experience to finish their level. Zilean receives the same amount. [...]"
You have to read the whole description mate.
Was expecting to see Galio on this kind of list, he is immortal in mid lane thanks to his passive. Rammus also has a nice passive that works well with his kit. Viktor is also an interesting passive, not overpowered, but different. These are in my top 10 also.
What about Morderkaiser's passive? It's one of the things that make up his identity.
What about Aatrox? Isnt free guardians angel kinda OP?
was old janna's passive in consideration?
I missed an Illaoi passive and Nautilus passive.
Both incredible strong passives
Illaoi is nothing without it.
And nautilus being able to lock an champ in place for 1 sec with his auto attack is insanely usefull
Honestly i was surprised anivia wasn't on this list, getting a second life and a huge baiting tool on a 5min cooldown seems pretty op to me
thats top 10 if you forget darius exict at full stacks does like the dmg of 3 ignites and is magic dmg wich is broken cus ur enemies should build armor. ( forgot the part where his ulti does true dmg vs ur armor so gl)
Idk if it's true but van you look into Voli's and Ali's skin and compare them? They look ALOT like eachother. Just like it was just a remodel.
Kindred hello? permanent increase damage? armor pen items to help the passive? doubles the heal from death's dance because of the passive? can make Q damage higher than before the nerf? KINDRED ????
Volibear, Zac, Vladimir, Vel'koz, VEIGAR, Sion, Pantheon, Maokai, Kindred, Illaoi, Brand, Azir, Anivia, Aatrox. What about them?
Please do a video on the weakest passives too! I really enjoy looking into passive abilities. :)
a match up with annie and veigar result in the first to be stun die, due to the power from phenomenal evil(veigar),if pyromania give annie a better early game, the late-game potential of phenomenal evil is unlimited
What about veigar nasus anivia sion and karthus. Its is nearly impossible to kill karthus in late/mid game without being killed of karthuses pasive
Imagine if Aurelian Sol had his Q buffed to be similar to Anivia's Q (As in, instant recast). Or just give him two more passive stars as in urf, that would be fun as well.
what about Cass, which gives her an additional item slot.
2:42 Was i the only one who thought of smash when he said "Invulnerability frames"?
What about Volibear's broken passive (massive heal)
1. Veigar passive is limitless and OP AF
2. Syndra passive gives power up on your basic abilities
3. Nautilus passive gives you instant stun
If we're only talking about the passive, these guys should be on the list.
Glad to see how many people realized the lack of veigar passive.
What about Veigar, Ashe and Voli?
why is darius's passive not on this list or veigar's passive ???
I´m quite confused.I was 100% sure rengar was on the first spot!A passive that has 3 components: a free unlimited dash, snowballpotential and a free stronger basic ability seems like the strongest in the game to me!
how about darius,pantheon?
Btw can you make a video about top ... mobile champs in league
I've no Idea what you think about it but im of the oppinion that Rumble somehow also deserves a spot in this list since the danger-zone is what makes Rumble so crushing
What about Veigar's passive?
Even in the comments I'm surprised no-one has mentioned Nautilus. No-one else really has CC on their passive except annie and she has to use the rest of her kit to utilise it - he just autos you once and you;re just rooted. Veigar passive should also be up there.
panth passive is pretty op too right?
In my optional viktors passive is also one of the strongest because it upgrades all his abilitys and gives hin also a lot of ap
I think Rengar should've been on this list, because he basically has two (three if you want to count the bone tooth necklace) passive. Aatrox and Zac should also be honorable mentions o;
I think Ekko's passive is pretty strong. The damage, slow, and speed up are all pretty intense.
Does a jungle Aurelion Sol exist?
What about Akali and Darius passive!?
Pantheon can literally block tower shots with his passive and it can be refreshed with W instantly.
I'd say Annie's passive would only be fractionally as good without tibbers, so maybe wouldn't have put it at the top and kindred has infinitely scaling % health damage so thought that might make the list, at least low on it
The first point is very valid and yeah her passive isn't nearly as good without Tibbers up in general as for Kindred while that is true, getting a large amount of marks takes a long while to happen. Usually if you can keep up on it you can get about 10 marks but the Jungle marks are rather easy to deny at the cost of potential enemy jungle pressure but that's besides the point.
+The CourierNX true but it is a passive that is almost entirely detached from the rest of the champions kit like even with no other abilities it does a lot, although I suppose it's actually less effective if there are no tanks on the event team so I think your right it wouldn't make the list. What about passives like jhins where it gives bonus stats on items singed, vlad, galio and hecerim being other examples ?
+The CourierNX true but it is a passive that is almost entirely detached from the rest of the champions kit like even with no other abilities it does a lot, although I suppose it's actually less effective if there are no tanks on the event team so I think your right it wouldn't make the list. What about passives like jhins where it gives bonus stats on items singed, vlad, galio and hecerim being other examples ?
"Almost entirely detached?" You... Do know it directly affects both the Q and W, right? Wolf-in the w-gets 40% of the mark's damage with the w, and the q gains bonus damage per mark. And by no means is it only useful against tanks. It's not on the list because there are too many variables to consider within the passive, and, by itself, isn't outright overpowered for free.
can u make the best champions that is the best in the lategame
wassup jeremy how is it going bro
What about Lucian and Karthus? Their passives are op
Dude, Darius's passive allows him to duel anyone and win trade. Veigar's passive can allow him to put out insane damage in mid and late games. Jhin' passive allows him to do WAY more damage than any other adc and he can get defensive items because he doesn't have issue with damage output.
u have to be a idiot to let darius hit u 5 times in a row
What about aatrox, azir, jhin, or veigar. Aatrox gets a ga and 55% as, azir used to get 40% as and a tower jhin gets 300+ free ad and veigar can potentially have infinite ap.
So, you missed HUGE things about Kalista's passive. You can't cancel auto attacks, your basic attacks deal 90% AD instead of 100%, and if your target leaves vission, your basic attack misses.
I miss Bard and Veigar. Thanks to their passive, they don't have a "cap" with max level and full items. They can always get stronger, which is really really powerful in late game.
Also I like Gold passives like Twisted Fate or Draven very much. MONEY!!!
quiet honestly, i think Ornn's passive should've been on this list as well sice his passive has 3 parts. 1: it gives a permanent 10% bonus armor and MR. 2: it allows ornn to craft (non-consumable) items everywhere anywhere (or at least out of combat). and 3: Ornn's passive allows Ornn to masterwork 2 of his own items at lvl 13 and 1 item for every ally per next level... so how is Ornn's passive not on the list??? And another question.. Braum's passive was on the list because it was OP to be able to stun enemy's by hitting them 4 times which can also be done by allies, however, i think sejuani's passive does that way better, she even can stun someone from a distance and she does max. health dmg when hitting a stunned champ... but ah well :3
What about dariuses passive hemrige and the one whit the autos
Milan Jevtic honourable mentions.
how about Nami?
She is one of the under-estimated utility support champion
You have mistake in Braum's description. I mean - ally champs CAN'T trigger Braum's passive until Braum hits enemies by his Q. In video you said that Q *or* basic atack from Braum allow his team to stack this passive up - which is wrong, cuz it works ONLY with his Q.
Ally can stack up Braums passive after his auto
if braum hitd an enemy with an autoatack, his allies can continue stacking it
I've never seen this working that way...
i know you wont belive me,if you want go and see the short clip in braum's passive description, i am a 100% sure, i main him, and sorry if my inglish isn't great, i'm from argentina
Si ameo nose k ondah esa pasiba funka re piolita con los vasikos
Why isn't Kindred's, Thresh's, Bard's, Veigar's and all of those "infinite potential" passives (if there are more of those) in (at least) honorable mentions?
soo, cc on passive = op in your book? and you didn't mention Nautilus? A nice long root on you autos that only takes one hit to apply compared to Braums 4, or Annie's 4 abilities. Personally I was expceting to see Volibears passive or Jhins on this list.
Why veigar isnt in the list like infinity AP stacks...???
But what about Azir??? Even if an enemy destroys his lane turret first, he can just recreate it. On top of that, he also gets the gold that his turret gets so he can perfect cs (almost)
How is Yorick not on this list? He has like the best passive in the game..
what about Azir passive???
I think morde actually has an insane passive, hes not too great atm but his passive is crazy.
brands passive kinda sets the kit like arlion sol.
i think fioras main power is because of her passive
alot of lucians dmg is from his passive
wait braums passive is here but not nauts?
olaf is has crazy 1v1 because of his passive
what happend if rengar didnt have a jump
isnt zyra based on her passive?
also remember all of these are opinions and you can argue it but in the end these are all opinions
How is Rek'Sai's passive not on this list?
i sugest a video about comps and wombos there are indestructible together
11:49 See Trunde... That's what happens when you want to give your ally the kill. That happened to me today.
what is with veigar?
fioras passive is quite op too, also it should have made the list since alot of her abilities revolve around it
Miss fortunes love tap is broken. It gives you 300 bonus auto attack dm in mid game for free
I really love playing malzahar but the nerf to his passive was very very big
why is braum over nautilus?
can we get one of these for the top 10 best passives ever. nice to see what would have been the strongest ever.
I would argue that Karthus should make it on this list. Being alive for extra 7 seconds after death is arguably a disgusting passive.