As a programmer myself I can shed some light on what's going on. Basically Gaijin have what we call "spaghetti code" on their hands : with years of turnover, years of patchs and fixes here and there and probably a poorly maintained documentation they have no idea what's going on in their own code and struggle to do any slight modification to the game itself or the engine (appart from adding more planes youhouu). This shit leads to funny situation like the rp bonus for new nations, on paper this is really easy to do (if player have one or more top tier vehicle -> apply permament rp bonus) but it is taking them fucking ages because they need to figure out a lot of shit they forgot over the years for this. Unfortunately this is very common in the industry with old games or softwares and there is not much they can do if not starting from scratch.
I wish gaijin has their code what i call "clean" by which i mean you change 1 value for something and thing that use that value will just take it from that and you dont have to go to every thing to use that value but just change 1 value and bam itsbdone (can do some coding but im bad and that also seems like a stupid thing not to do)
in the eleven years i have been playing sim on and off gaijin has made ZERO meaningful changes to air sim mode. in fact they have only negatively changed the mode in it's life span
Remove the spawn point system was a good change, you no longer have to farm with a low br plane in order to enjoy your newly acquired plane, and don't have to wait 30' cool down or more if you crashed at the end of the runaway
Im really, really scared as to what gaijin will do, because you see, they have this monkey's paw way to do. Só they might fix one side and destroy the other just because yes
@fvhrenheit4813Well, the difference with a new game is that we now now how rotten the company has became and how pay to win they are willing to make the game. The game is soo much worst when looking to grind, compression and pay to win unfairness, many old players will not start over.
-New Maps: hell yeah. I also opened a thread on the forum about this -Managing PVE activities: also necessary mostly to prevent zombers. But PVE itself should instead be promoted, especially CAS gameplay, because it requires a lot more effort and it's something incredibly fun that cannot be done anywhere else in WT without pissing off people playing in tanks. I would say to Gaijin to give us MORE pve, expand the available tasks etc -Helis in sim: my wet dream. Gaijin doesnt think about all the helis they could sell if they did this move -Tutorials: yes, very needed, especially ebcause they could prevent some of the TK -Spotter planes/ground radars: good idea, I thought about it myself. They would be extra objective in themselves, both for fighters and for attackers
One of the last points you made about not finding players for 30 minutes-that’s why I play ground sim when I play with props. The much smaller play area creates that greater player density you need when there’s no way to find players.
Gaijin could very well design a strong competitor to DCS by fleshing out sim to have more substance essentially creating a more casual sim game, hell they can give us a map editor to create or edit current missions to be all different and the community would vote to see which one they want officially.
True but they would need to get the basics having the sights in line with the guns for starters. Or aircraft rendering properly in front of clouds.
Yea but that would require work. You think Gajoobles does work? They add 2 planes every 76 years that are copy pastes of other planes already in game. I don't see them ever actually doing something fun.
A weird thing in sim is the AI aircraft always going significantly faster than they would normally and losing zero speed in turns making it nearly impossible to chase them down. Really weird choice for gaijin to have them like that. I’d also suggest just letting us burn up backups as free deaths (each backup prevents any SL loss from the next death). I have so many but I only play sim now and have zero need for them
I would really just do it for free because warthunder air sim is the only gamemode in warthunder that I still like after 10 years of playing WT. And its so close to being awesome.
I would pay AAA game price for working and more diverse SIM gamemode. It has just SO MUCH potential and everything is already in game, just need more maps and different missions.
@@qvad8078 Got already some dcs modules, its a whole different ”game”. Wt sim is alot more casual when you dont have literally hours to play and just wanna jump in for some quick action.
19:54 again the minibases can act as a sort of a spotter area on lower tiers, so if a plane enters it's general area you get a message of "enemy aircraft sighted at x,y,z" kinda like il2. And late WW2/Korea maybe a ewr area that respawns 15-30 minutes after destruction in order to give one more depth area to the play field and one more objective to defend
@jacknickolstine3355 if you could do that, they should at team radio coms, so we could communicate with our teammates, you know like in call of duty every can talk to each other, if don't want to hear them then you can mute them, that system in sim would either be funny asf, chaotic asf, racist asf, or coordinated asf.
One of the things I wish was in Sim and just WT in general is designating CCRP targets on the map. One of the difficulties of using older aircraft with CCRP is that it doesn't tell you where the point is and every SB map has like 20 preplanned target reference points. To be able to designate a point on a map would remove the guess work and make bombing in stuff like the MiG-23BN much easier in Sim.
What could be really cool is if the mini bases on the current maps were used as the spawn points for tanks. Then, by bombing that mini base you could eliminate that particular spawn point for tanks. Since the mini bases respawn after being destroyed, the tanks can still spawn back in afterwards.
for the last one, a great system would be implementing some sort of aircraft spotter unit like they had irl, which maybe if an enemy flies too close to it it gives some vague information about position and where they seem to be heading, and can also be attacked to deny this advantage
Last time they pushed out new maps, I kept crashing into mountains that suddenly appeared at 5000m. Check the replay, it showed me nosediving into the ground, but actual gameplay showed me cruising at altitude, and then faceplanting into a mountain that appeared out of nowhere. It happened twice in the span of an hour. I assume it was just desync or packet loss, but it seemed like everything was running fine until the moment of death.
The sim was nerfed cause of pvp actually, but not what u think, the account farmers used to farm kills by landing near enemy aifield and having friends in other team that used to J out and give the kill to the guy landed next to the aifield, so atop asking to nerf the PVE, that is part of the game and is nice part
you absolutely shouldn't punish the pve players. A lot of people in the sim community play sim because playing attackers and bombers in rb and ab (air ground and naval) can just be torture. instead I think gajin should implement more and different objectives and mechanics into the game like: having AWCAS which you have to protect/destroy and gives you info on the enemy positions or have radar sights which could function similarly, being able to do areal refuelling (you have to protect/take down a tanker which can refuel you), intercepting drones maybe?, SAM sights, capturable airfields like in air ab and so on..
I think punishment as in higher repair cost for J ing out would be fair. It's just tiresome and boring when you chase a zomber rocketing a base and they immidiately J out (or suicide crash into the ground) once they're done
Yea im playing PVE, im the player and youre my environment. Pick a diff plane or learn how to fight. You are not helping yourself by turning your brain off to farm for a month to 2 months only for your KB to tank and you not take the time to learn how to fly. By the time you finally get to the F-16 or F-15 youve been grinding for, what skills will you have by that time to show for it?
the surveillance aircraft objective allows easier spotting of the other objectives by both players and AI alike. I dont think it would take them much effort to just slightly rework it to function as an AWACS, with BRAA calls and datalink for planes that have it
>ask to ad helis to EC >aknowledge the fact that helis have to hide and shiver, just to have a lifetime more than 2 minutes >propose fixed heli spawns next to ground battles 5 mins later, so literally everyone knows where helis are lol. lmao, even. gotta love how you make a point and then contradict yourself in the next 5 minutes
I have been active in the Forums for a bunch of years, up until the big review bomb happened, and they changed the Forums to be way worse. A lot of the stuff you mentioned, I was regularly saying on the Forums, basically everything that has nothing to do with current Top tier. I hoped that change would come with their road map, but Sim got ignored once again. I really hope that your suggestions make it into the game. I want to get back into War Thunder and Sim, these changes would make it worth while again.
It use to be like that, and i agree with you they should be that way. They changed it to stop people from racking up litteraly hundreds of thousands of RP per match.
Also it was not per action, it was doing the action and staying alive, so if they change in order to be like: kill=x; base=y, instead of being tied to survival, I feel like to can be good
Idk if this has been mentioned but I’d say an AWACS/GCI in the higher tier sim games would be great. Maybe only allow it to see inside of the team’s territory and one grid into the enemy’s territory so that it’s not an omniscient GCI that can see the entire map
Top tier on the bigger map with the verticality. The one that looks like a map from crimson skies. That map is so much fun at top tier with those crazy tunnels and s*** that map is so good
Not everyone is good at the pvp aspect of this game. Even in sim, I tend to get shot down more than I can fight. Even the f14a aim54a pheonix missiles are only effective at close range as they lose lock so easy. That’s typically why a lot of people resort to base bombing as that’s the only way to make up the difference when you can’t out fly and out shoot the opposition. Especially when you are fighting jets that you shouldn’t be up against. The battle rating decompression really messed with the matchmaking.
I completely agree with your point about having the game reveal hints about enemy player locations, this is EXACTLY what purpose the surveillance aircraft bot should fulfil. As you mentioned, there is so little incentive to go shoot it down. If the bot gave callouts every minute or so about local traffic with rough approximations (for example, "large, slow-moving aircraft, below the horizon, heading west, spotted in D5) people might instead be DESPERATE to shoot it down.
what i really want if the MADDOG... i want to be able to launch fox 3 missiles blind without being required to see something on the radar which is called MADDOG for those who didnt know... it is a risky thing to launch a fox 3 without seeing anything but the fox 3 will use its own radar from launch.... MADDOG
I don't think they should significantly change the useful actions system or the payments for spawns, I do think you should have the option to use backups if you want but if they make it useable for sim players to use backups that would mean backups would be basically forced to use for second spawns and I think it's silly to ask people to use backups instead of silver lions to spawn when ultimately you're going to be netting something like 150k-200k SL from a single full match of sim. Also, the suggestions for reducing rewards for bombing to the point of it being similar to something like heli EC would also not be good for the health of the gamemode because ultimately I think people who do come to certain BR's to play sim ONLY for bombing are actually experiencing *some* form of sim gameplay other than just farming and they may change their minds and actually try to PvP later down the line. Having some reason for ARB players to come over to sim and *try* it for whatever reason is actually healthier for the gamemode than not and one way they can do that is by having the rewards be like what they are right now which is very very high compared to ARB. Changing the rewards system to favor getting as many kills as possible and having it be uncapped would significantly alter the flow of the gamemode to favor stomping enemy teams from the few players that have the setups to do so easily.
8:41 so they recently gave a nerf at props iirc, I know because I dove from 2k at some guys taking off, and they didn't hit me, at 300kph when I was going up. Dunno how it didn't hit me
20:00 i dont know if you play air rb at all, but they have something a little like this when there is only only player left on a given team. It will highlight the grid square they are in with like a 3 min delay so you at least know the right direction to go to track down that pesky space climbing bomber who is drawing out the match.
Denmark is a very good map for CAS, it’s probably the most fun to play at 11.7 because of how many targets you get. It is also crucial to mention that the airfield placements in that map provide shorter flight distances either to combat or bombing runs. Afghanistan and Vietnam don’t have any benefits apart from their terrains, which in itself it causes a problem for CAS players. The fact that the ground targets spawn god knows where to traverse a buggy terrain which 90% of the time makes them go underneath the map is bad enough, but to add insult to injury, flight times in both of them are unreasonable at lower BRs.
I did not know that the amount of RP and SL that you could get in sim were caped, I always wondered why was I given rewards 15 min later but never thought about it until I had a 12 kill + win game with only 100K SL reward at the end of the match
it would be nice to have larger maps for jets, taking off and getting locked by the enemy at the same time is to common. also maybe spread out the ground battle, tanks lining up like they are are preparing for a field combat in the 1800s
I completely agree with the points you make, I love air sim because playing RB has become stale after 2 thousand hours but there are still many things I hope gets changed so that sim can really reach its full potential
I definitely agree with the surveillance aircraft to Ping On the Tactical map where the enemies are or radar installation that would be awesome also want to say when you get into the Tactical map it would be nice to see where your allies are👍
I believe making the SL insurance a non premium feature would help sim, as well as the base game. So players without prem time are more comfortable playing all modes.
12:07 not necessarily optimal, I think the minibases being the helipads would be a better option, since then you'd have a reason to both defend and attack them Also Helis should start with the engines off
As a cas player, I want them to add missile Spaa to convoys and make you get decent rewards for taking out a whole convoy. Also allow forward air fields that strike planes can attack(they are well defended) and they can be destroyed. Maybe not tho but the first bit Definatly
I play PvP, PvE and both at the same pretty much evenly. 1. Actively punishing PvE players is a bad idea. -First of all punishing players for playing the game is, as a rule, a bad game design. You just don't do it. You don't fix tax evasion by taxing everyone else more, you send the IRS. -PvE gives new and stock players a way to play, learn and grind at the same time. Bombing was the way I got hooked on SIM all those years back, then switched to slinging AIM-9B's then gunning ppl in jets then props and here I am now playing SIM exclusively. -Scaling by numbers of players is also a bad idea. One time I often go PvE is when seeding small matches with 1-2 players in enemy team. Getting immediately stomped by some sweaty vet leads to matches dying before they even rly get going. After a sortie or two there usualy are enough ppl to start going at it as normal. 2. Activity cap is 600 pts every 15 minute window, after that gains are miniscule and most of them come from staying alive, in aircraft (so no J-ing out on runway) and landing after sortie meaning it is better to score 200pts live for entire 15 minutes and land than to score several times that in like 3 minutes but die. IIRC supposedly it was meant to cut sim players some slack for less intense gameplay and fewer opportunities to earn points but IMHO it realy was an attempt at curbing the zombing profitability. Effective one too as with this setup zombing is highly suboptimal and IMHO not worth it to rocket a base and J out as you will loose much over 50% of potential earnings, unless you use software to automate gameplay that is. I used to hate this cap but esp after last patch I came to see it's benefits and at least tolerate it. Bots rocketing bases and crashing are much rarer now, most of them at least attempt to RTB meaning u can shoot them down and with how overcrowded top tier lobbies are ability to RTB after getting one kill and not loose much grind efficiency saves a lot of frustration. Would help with match congestion too if people were more aware of it. I am biased here since I came here for those smaller lower paced ~6v6 lobbies but I do understand that it is frustrating and pretty much actively punishing for those that expect Ace Combat levels of intensity and 10+ kill matches, esp at top tier where 600pts is exactly one kill. On the other hand such attitude is only reinforcing the balance problem and makes people leave lobbies prematurely due to excessive stomping. 3. Perpetual ground battle idea is excellent, as someone that likes his A-10A, Harriers and Jaguars it's annoying how often there is absolutely nothing to do with them, sometimes even for entire match. In general more ground attack targets would be a good idea (ie command bunker or bridge requiring accurate hit with a heavy ordnance, artillery/AA batteries behind the front lines, radar sites that could double as mentioned GCI stations and so on). Also nerf those damned convoy AAA, they are riddiculous. Even M113's firing .50cals will snipe your pilot out. And fix them clipping under terrain, or at least prevent them form beeing able to fire at you from under ground. 4. Rewards. At the moment AAA gives something like 20 (yes twenty) points. It's riddiculous, you'd think jets with guided ordnance should concentrate on taking out AA to open up the air for those less fortunate, instead the only way for them to grind is to yeet those at MBT's and cock block all the other poor bastards. 5. Now to add to all mentioned ideas escort missions need a rework. As of now AFAIK they only increase the reward for each air kill in some proximity by some ammount (like 20 or so %). So 99% of the time people just ignore them as there is no benefit to escorting. On the other hand killing those yelds very little points, they are hard to intercept (#supercruisesabres), and AI escorts/gunners can be absolutely ruthless with deadly aim and UFO energy, so going after them is not worth the effort and people on both sides often just ignore them with their gameplay function reduced to cluttering the radar picture. How about we remove the escorts and start giving out rewards for just staying in proximity over time? Lets say 100pts each 1/3rd of the way for a total of 600 for a round trip to fill out that 15 minute window. Would both give escorting team something to do, create activity hot spots for fighters and give low end players something to kill if apex predators are not around to escort.
Early Helis would be useless; They're incredibly slow, lack any survivability and carry limited armaments mainly consisting of a few weak ATGMs. There is a reason these things were never intended to fly in contested airspace IRL. Late Helis would make fixed-wing CAS completely redundant thanks to their massive ATGM loadouts combined with powerful canons, whilst REDFOR Helis specifically would slaughter literally anything that flew at low altitude because of their insane AA loadouts. This is exactly why Helis should never have been added, they're impossible to balance outside of their own dedicated PvE mode - Even their PvP mode was flat out removed because it was too unbalanced.
😂 also I wanted to add that after landing to restock it would be cool to instantly restock if you taxi over to the repair hangers if they're not destroyed being the only Downer you have to taxi back to the runway to take off
id want the awacs for top tier for the planes with fox 3 missiles to have some sort of ai awacs flying around to give shared data link info on where planes are in the radius of the radar on the awacs
I almost never comment on issues with the game or possible fixes, but it’s very obvious that so many of these issues are localized just to top tier, and it’s a game wide issue. New vehicles have far surpassed the original scope of War Thunder’s modes and while the vehicles themselves are very cool, there are so few single map/mode combination in the entire game at top tier, ground or air, that properly display somewhat realistic combat operations for the vehicles. And it amazes me that people still get excited about new vehicles when they da** well know that they’re getting thrown directly into a mode made for vehicles 80 years younger. It’s frustrating because the solutions are so obvious and yet, despite all of the pleas, they clearly just don’t dedicate resources to improving it. Tbh they very rarely have when it comes to game modes. I will always maintain that War Thunder’s potential, if it were to implement large scale combat like realistic combat operations in a multiplayer setting (like ramrod missions or strike packages, attacking and defending) or what we all thought World War Mode was actually going to be, will always be greater than the games realized potential. Which is crazy to say due to how popular this game still is after a decade. So whether you find it comforting or concerning, a large number of these issues are not just localized to sim. The recommendations in this video are absolutely fantastic, however, like 99.99% of these types of videos for War Thunder, they will likely fall on deaf ears
Making the controls friendly for kbm should probably be the biggest one. it's annoying to play aircraft that dont have damping and you just cant have smooth flying.
I am one of those Denmark enjoyers. I feel like I'm fighting off the soviet invasion. Maybe we could have a large eastern european/Carpathian map that would be good.
in regards to spawn camping (i play mig 23 mld so 11.7) its so bad i have had an enemy harrier use guided bombs against all the airfield defenses and just hover and gun you down the second you spawn in
I'm confident that you don't know how strong the TY90 of the Chinese helis are. They have arround 6km range and are unflarable. You can preflare them but now think of the flare consumption if you have to aggressively pre flare when approaching any heli. Your teammates also most likely won't mark themselves for better identification
I have been frustrated over getting killed at the airfield and my solution: dont award any points for enemy planes that destroy planes in a certain radious around the airfield
What? You do realize airfield strikes have been an important way to hamper enemies irl? Why would you ruin that in the "simulator" mode lol I don't understand how folks want realism then cry and beg for amenities
@@gangstercheesefries1112 you dont seem to realise irl there are layers upon layers of anti air batteries in the approaches towards air fields. Also ground radar, close air patrols. All these are missing. Not to mention that war thunder is QUUUITE far away from real simulator.
i would love to see more weight placed on kills or have gaijin lower the spawn costs, because as it stands i can play a match where i get more kills than deaths, but still go in the red in terms of earnings. this makes it unreasonably frustrating to the point where i find myself getting legitimately angry just because there is a guy sneaking around with heatseekers in the mountains just because i know this 1 death just puts me MROE in the red, even though it should have a relatively negligible effect in the grand scheme.
Gotta hit that dislike for punishing PvE activity. I play Sim because it's a long game mode that allows me to do many things including ground attack sorties. As far as" punishing people who don't play the objective", the US has a 90% winrate in Sim and one of the biggest factors is that US players BOMB BASES. Claiming bombing bases isn't playing the objective is factually false.
5:37 or at least increase the cap to 50-100k SL cause rn I can get ~20k max in 15 minutes while plane’s spawn cost is ~15k so even if I won’t die in 15 minutes I will only get 5k SL profit lmao while in RB I’d get ~60-100k by the same 15 minutes (3 matches that lasts around 5 minutes each that give you 20-40k SL per match)
The heli in sim seems like such a no brainer. Grinding heli upgrades is the most boring and longest grind in the entire game. Currently the only effective way of grinding is PVE (around 3k rp per 30 min) or PVE HELI (around 10k rp per hour). It takes literally dozens of hours to even grind a mid tier heli its ridiculous.
2:29 in reality even someone who does code cant say to any certainty without knowing how the game is built, a simple feature in one game can take 1 week, in the other 3 months.
19:29 You just have to predict where the enemy is going and where the mision objectives are, and sometimes your lucky and sometimes you dont find anybody its how it is, thats the advantage you get if you find someone first but you ja e to lucky and in the rigjt spot.
I would love it if they fixed the RWR/Radar HUD in VR. In flatscreen the HUD is always rendered on screen and you can glance at the RWR/Radar no matter where you are looking in-game, such as at an aicraft you are chasing. In VR the RWR and Radar are rendered fixed in space at really awkward places so you have to turn yout head to look down and left/right to see them, meaning you cannot glance at the RWR/radar unless you are actually not looking where you are going or whatever you may chase, you cannot just quickly glance at them as they are so out of view always. Why cannot they just render the RWR/Radar that follows your view in VR like they do in normal flatscreen... The RWR is almost useless in many situations in VR because of this, it's very annoying and a huge drawback when flying SB in VR imo.
10:41 as a GSB player, I rarely, if ever saw a heli shoot down a plane. The inverse is very common, tough I might say that I only play EARLY cold war, so for more modern Helis the things might be incredibly different
I played a lot of grb and high tier jets usually win against helis unless if it’s a subsonic not really paying attention, or me once trying to look for a Chinese heli hiding in a mountain, thought he moved, looked away and got jumpscared. im not too sure if its the same way in ground sim since I’ve rarely played that at anything above 8.0
Nimbal, I strongly don't agree with the nerfing of the rewards for PvE targets. You are suggesting to nerf rewards to punish a few, while also hurting those that enjoy those tasks that play legit. That's the same mindset and logic that lead to the Useful Action system in the first place, that screwed over players that enjoy PvP. This suggestion is only going to reverse this rule, and ignore the problem that caused it. The issue with the economy was not entirely with those running games with everyone doing PvE only tasks. It was 3rd party farming crews abusing the player-made system to run bot accounts by exploiting certain mechanics. Nerfing PvE rewards won't stop them. They will adapt and work around it. In this case, run more rigged games and farm alt accounts that sit on the runway. If you want to stop the PvE zomber problem, then ignore the PvE tasks. Focus on the runway module system at the airfields, since they need to be redesigned. The entire system is flawed (tents, hangers, fuel, runway) and it allows anyone to abuse it by targeting certain modules first. Let it repair or go to another airfield, and repeat the process. This allows anyone to use them as a continuous farming hit box, ranking in endless amounts of mission score / rewards. It's abuse like this that Gaijin see in their data logs and why the UA system was added, instead of understanding and fixing the main problem.
When was the last time they promoted SB on their live streams? I don't believe they care enough about it and they will continue to drag their heels until more people play this mode. Also, there is no incentive to progress from RB to SB.
Gaijin purposely keeps sim in a shit state to limit the player amount so they don't have to waste resources making things too realistic. This has been going on for years. They make it more trash every year to push people back into RB.
The only thing I wish for in years is to FORCE a cockpit close going above 300knots. And option to create a lobby with sound mods blocked just like trournaments have would be nice .... you all unfornatelly know why....
One major mistake, trusting Gaijin... So far they did because they lowered rewards, they are supposed to be way better honestly. Right not matchmaking is not that bad. BRs are decent for SIM however Gaijin is very bad balancing things they touch all the time meaning they might ruin SIM. 1. Uncap rewards. 2. Add more maps. 3. Make so backups let u spawn jets for free. 4. Add few more missions and make sure there is always something to do to earn SL and RP. 5. Bombing isn't op in SIM and takes long time. It is usually better to rush bases in ARB. U get more RP in less time. 6. Helis are too unbalanced. IR missiles miss them, radar can't lock them and even if u do the missile misses. I play lots of SRB which is competitive and truly, Helis are really op. So no. Their missiles are the strongest... So, no Helis. That is really dumb. However, Helis do need their own better game mode. 7. Controls are so abandoned that people don't even know about the SAS mode. 8. Yes, in prop sim it is really hard to find enemies or have fun dogfights. You also have to fly for really long just to get there. This is why I avoid it. I also get more RP in less time playing props in ARB. 9. Maps in WT are too small for fuel tankers and AWACS because of the new missiles. Will get shot down right away. 10. Gaijin touching ranks and nations ruins the grind. The drama some time ago was about how bad the grind is and Gaijin isn't improving the grind right now. They might make it worse actually. They add more and more vehicles but they dont improve the grind meaning u HAVE to buy premium time + prem vehicle. Greedy tactic. Rewards are kinda bad but the worst part is it's capped. Especially in GRB. Cap is really bad. Gaijin should not be trusted. They openly lie and it has been proven many times. I know Russian and have seen them talk. Very cynical people. Have to be careful with that u suggest and pay attention to details. Gaijin tends to do the double edge sword tactic where they "Buff" something but they have also Nerfed it a lot.
I only care about post WW2 for sim and I think here the red vs blue mode is a lot simpler than it seems, and I am all for it. Split germany into east and west germany, pairing migs with migs and phantoms with phantoms. Do the same for China and Taiwan, Finland and Sweden, Italy and Hungary ect. They have all the flags assigned to the vehicles in game anyway; just filter based on that. This allows you to grind for a bluefor nation's top tier, while still supporting a redfor nation and filling the match maker. for example: The new Iranian tomcat has an iranian flag in the thumbnail and the stat card; it belongs to a red nation and should be sorted accordingly. The requirement should be not mixing flags on your bar. Take Hungary as an example; communist Hungary and modern Hungary can't be in the same loadout. One of the things that makes this game amazing is the sheer number of represented nations; a lot like wargame red dragon has. NOT sorting these nations by affiliation, honestly takes away from a lot of the work gaijin has put in. You never see some of these vehicles used because the tech tree has so many other options....nation sorting fixes a lot of that. I want it in RB also, for the record. I would be willing to opt into a mode that makes me wait in a 3-5 minute queue if it meant I could experience a cold war gone hot match, versus a constant mix of aircraft that would never fight each other.
It's quite stupid that it's consistently PVP enthusiast getting mad at PVE players. It's not arcade it's not realistic, those are true PVP modes. SIM mode is PVPVE so if somebody wants to mostly do PD in it and not try to fight other players stop trying to force them to fight other players, and stop trying to punish them because they don't actively seek out PvP
punishing PvE players in lobbies of 2-5 players would be awesome, and there really isnt any top tier bombers so it makes no sense to bomb in a fighter, so those that do dont earn as much SL or RP
Just forget adding choppers in EC, they are invisible litteraly, if they fly under 100 feet and on any radar too. The only weapon available is targeting pod and Mavericks launched at 7-5km. At this distance they already shot at u their isane missiles (vikr, ty90). Do you really pass pour Time with your eyes in your targeting pod when you Can get shot by every tree (chopper possible position) on the map. With FOX 3 threat at any Time. Choppers are half modeled too. Their propeller are litteraly absent they Can litteraly survive to any shots.
Backups is a bit of an L take. You shouldn’t need backups to respawn in an EC gamemode. Period. Sure you might have a lot of backups accumulated now, but they go quick. You can only get a limited amount of backups for free via the warbond shop, crates, and the battle pass. Other than that, you have to GE them. Like it or not, your suggestion is a little on the P2W side
for the love of god limit the amount of active match's per br bracket in sim, im sick of farmers making new lobbies to leave when people join, if they want to "grind" in sim make them do it in active lobbies like the rest of the game
@@PvtPartzz balance is temporary as buffs and nerfs get introduced throughout the patches. This video is supposed to be about the game mode as a whole Besides I have a whole video dedicated to whinging about the state of top tier
Why didnt germany get the benelux tree? Because almost all the vehicles are BELGIAN not dutch. Whats so hard to understand? Yea the dutch armed forces are basically german. Know what isnt dutch? The F16s. They're belgian. Who is belgium super close with? France. Adding benelux to germany would make zero sense when geographically, politically, culturally, historically, etc. etc. belgium is far closer to france. In reality its a belgian sub tree, the only dutch vehicles are filler ones so it doesnt jump from 8.0 to 10.7.
As a programmer myself I can shed some light on what's going on. Basically Gaijin have what we call "spaghetti code" on their hands : with years of turnover, years of patchs and fixes here and there and probably a poorly maintained documentation they have no idea what's going on in their own code and struggle to do any slight modification to the game itself or the engine (appart from adding more planes youhouu). This shit leads to funny situation like the rp bonus for new nations, on paper this is really easy to do (if player have one or more top tier vehicle -> apply permament rp bonus) but it is taking them fucking ages because they need to figure out a lot of shit they forgot over the years for this. Unfortunately this is very common in the industry with old games or softwares and there is not much they can do if not starting from scratch.
As an amateur programmer I can confirm, spaghetti code is not fun.
This is a big thing in DCS, where a huge project that is in the works is recoding the entire game for Vulkan to finally fix the spaghetti code
I say let them start from scratch!
Thanks. That explains a lot about different situations I wondered about.
I wish gaijin has their code what i call "clean" by which i mean you change 1 value for something and thing that use that value will just take it from that and you dont have to go to every thing to use that value but just change 1 value and bam itsbdone (can do some coding but im bad and that also seems like a stupid thing not to do)
in the eleven years i have been playing sim on and off gaijin has made ZERO meaningful changes to air sim mode. in fact they have only negatively changed the mode in it's life span
Remove the spawn point system was a good change, you no longer have to farm with a low br plane in order to enjoy your newly acquired plane, and don't have to wait 30' cool down or more if you crashed at the end of the runaway
Im really, really scared as to what gaijin will do, because you see, they have this monkey's paw way to do. Só they might fix one side and destroy the other just because yes
@fvhrenheit4813Well, the difference with a new game is that we now now how rotten the company has became and how pay to win they are willing to make the game. The game is soo much worst when looking to grind, compression and pay to win unfairness, many old players will not start over.
Gotta love enigma and what he’s doin for the gamemode
-New Maps: hell yeah. I also opened a thread on the forum about this
-Managing PVE activities: also necessary mostly to prevent zombers. But PVE itself should instead be promoted, especially CAS gameplay, because it requires a lot more effort and it's something incredibly fun that cannot be done anywhere else in WT without pissing off people playing in tanks. I would say to Gaijin to give us MORE pve, expand the available tasks etc
-Helis in sim: my wet dream. Gaijin doesnt think about all the helis they could sell if they did this move
-Tutorials: yes, very needed, especially ebcause they could prevent some of the TK
-Spotter planes/ground radars: good idea, I thought about it myself. They would be extra objective in themselves, both for fighters and for attackers
One of the last points you made about not finding players for 30 minutes-that’s why I play ground sim when I play with props. The much smaller play area creates that greater player density you need when there’s no way to find players.
gaijin please save SIM! its worth saving, people will come!
@@Sky_King7 pilgrimages would be made mark my words
Gaijin could very well design a strong competitor to DCS by fleshing out sim to have more substance essentially creating a more casual sim game, hell they can give us a map editor to create or edit current missions to be all different and the community would vote to see which one they want officially.
True but they would need to get the basics having the sights in line with the guns for starters.
Or aircraft rendering properly in front of clouds.
Yea but that would require work. You think Gajoobles does work? They add 2 planes every 76 years that are copy pastes of other planes already in game. I don't see them ever actually doing something fun.
A weird thing in sim is the AI aircraft always going significantly faster than they would normally and losing zero speed in turns making it nearly impossible to chase them down. Really weird choice for gaijin to have them like that. I’d also suggest just letting us burn up backups as free deaths (each backup prevents any SL loss from the next death). I have so many but I only play sim now and have zero need for them
I would really just do it for free because warthunder air sim is the only gamemode in warthunder that I still like after 10 years of playing WT. And its so close to being awesome.
I agree.
I would pay AAA game price for working and more diverse SIM gamemode.
It has just SO MUCH potential and everything is already in game, just need more maps and different missions.
@@lasse4416 if you want to pay AAA price then you can just go play DCS and buy some jets for that money
@@qvad8078 Got already some dcs modules, its a whole different ”game”. Wt sim is alot more casual when you dont have literally hours to play and just wanna jump in for some quick action.
19:54 again the minibases can act as a sort of a spotter area on lower tiers, so if a plane enters it's general area you get a message of "enemy aircraft sighted at x,y,z" kinda like il2. And late WW2/Korea maybe a ewr area that respawns 15-30 minutes after destruction in order to give one more depth area to the play field and one more objective to defend
@@gabrielneves6602 I actually quite like that Idea 🤔
ffs its that Vietnam match where I got graped and browned
@@RoachEatsVipers hahahahahahaha
AWACS at top tier will be necessary if we get larger maps, I mean like 500km by 500km type of large maps
For now EWRs on the AFs should be ok...i mean they are already on the files...
@@M0LOCK oooooh awesome
I would fly awacs just to be the big eye in the sky 😅
@jacknickolstine3355 if you could do that, they should at team radio coms, so we could communicate with our teammates, you know like in call of duty every can talk to each other, if don't want to hear them then you can mute them, that system in sim would either be funny asf, chaotic asf, racist asf, or coordinated asf.
@WOLFER. yeah VOP would be nice, they have a setting in the menus for it but it doesn't work.
instead of nerfing bomb rewards, buff pvp rewards so everyone benefits
One of the things I wish was in Sim and just WT in general is designating CCRP targets on the map. One of the difficulties of using older aircraft with CCRP is that it doesn't tell you where the point is and every SB map has like 20 preplanned target reference points. To be able to designate a point on a map would remove the guess work and make bombing in stuff like the MiG-23BN much easier in Sim.
this combined with hella OP AAA covering them is what pushed me to master quickly designating dynamic CCRP target points, but yeah your point is valid
What could be really cool is if the mini bases on the current maps were used as the spawn points for tanks. Then, by bombing that mini base you could eliminate that particular spawn point for tanks. Since the mini bases respawn after being destroyed, the tanks can still spawn back in afterwards.
for the last one, a great system would be implementing some sort of aircraft spotter unit like they had irl, which maybe if an enemy flies too close to it it gives some vague information about position and where they seem to be heading, and can also be attacked to deny this advantage
Seems like a great idea, adding AWACS would be so cool
I really thought we were getting SAM sites this updates but nah its just another ARB decoration
Though I'm not really into sim battles, I'm, an ARB player myself, pissed about these - in ARB these are just decoration, nothing more.
Getting some actual SEAD gameplay in here would be pretty cool. They already have several dedicated platforms and none of them have HARM missiles.
Last time they pushed out new maps, I kept crashing into mountains that suddenly appeared at 5000m. Check the replay, it showed me nosediving into the ground, but actual gameplay showed me cruising at altitude, and then faceplanting into a mountain that appeared out of nowhere. It happened twice in the span of an hour. I assume it was just desync or packet loss, but it seemed like everything was running fine until the moment of death.
The sim was nerfed cause of pvp actually, but not what u think, the account farmers used to farm kills by landing near enemy aifield and having friends in other team that used to J out and give the kill to the guy landed next to the aifield, so atop asking to nerf the PVE, that is part of the game and is nice part
Some people forget there’s players that dont play only fighter aircraft
you absolutely shouldn't punish the pve players. A lot of people in the sim community play sim because playing attackers and bombers in rb and ab (air ground and naval) can just be torture. instead I think gajin should implement more and different objectives and mechanics into the game like: having AWCAS which you have to protect/destroy and gives you info on the enemy positions or have radar sights which could function similarly, being able to do areal refuelling (you have to protect/take down a tanker which can refuel you), intercepting drones maybe?, SAM sights, capturable airfields like in air ab and so on..
I think punishment as in higher repair cost for J ing out would be fair. It's just tiresome and boring when you chase a zomber rocketing a base and they immidiately J out (or suicide crash into the ground) once they're done
Why shouldn't zombers be punished for constantly suicide bombing the airfield modules to exploit rockets?
Yea im playing PVE, im the player and youre my environment.
Pick a diff plane or learn how to fight. You are not helping yourself by turning your brain off to farm for a month to 2 months only for your KB to tank and you not take the time to learn how to fly. By the time you finally get to the F-16 or F-15 youve been grinding for, what skills will you have by that time to show for it?
@@FatherExostrawman argument much? Sheesh
the surveillance aircraft objective allows easier spotting of the other objectives by both players and AI alike. I dont think it would take them much effort to just slightly rework it to function as an AWACS, with BRAA calls and datalink for planes that have it
>ask to ad helis to EC
>aknowledge the fact that helis have to hide and shiver, just to have a lifetime more than 2 minutes
>propose fixed heli spawns next to ground battles 5 mins later, so literally everyone knows where helis are
lol. lmao, even. gotta love how you make a point and then contradict yourself in the next 5 minutes
I have been active in the Forums for a bunch of years, up until the big review bomb happened, and they changed the Forums to be way worse.
A lot of the stuff you mentioned, I was regularly saying on the Forums, basically everything that has nothing to do with current Top tier.
I hoped that change would come with their road map, but Sim got ignored once again.
I really hope that your suggestions make it into the game. I want to get back into War Thunder and Sim, these changes would make it worth while again.
5:41 plz for gods sake give us the reward per action, easy as that
It use to be like that, and i agree with you they should be that way. They changed it to stop people from racking up litteraly hundreds of thousands of RP per match.
I know @@huntersmith9673, I remember it. It's been 82 years
Also it was not per action, it was doing the action and staying alive, so if they change in order to be like: kill=x; base=y, instead of being tied to survival, I feel like to can be good
Idk if this has been mentioned but I’d say an AWACS/GCI in the higher tier sim games would be great. Maybe only allow it to see inside of the team’s territory and one grid into the enemy’s territory so that it’s not an omniscient GCI that can see the entire map
Top tier on the bigger map with the verticality. The one that looks like a map from crimson skies. That map is so much fun at top tier with those crazy tunnels and s*** that map is so good
What about objectives where you have to takeout certain air defense systems to be able to push to certain areas of the map further?
Found u
@@juanencarnacion204 nuh uh
Uh huh
@@juanencarnacion204 N u h. U h.
Not everyone is good at the pvp aspect of this game. Even in sim, I tend to get shot down more than I can fight. Even the f14a aim54a pheonix missiles are only effective at close range as they lose lock so easy. That’s typically why a lot of people resort to base bombing as that’s the only way to make up the difference when you can’t out fly and out shoot the opposition. Especially when you are fighting jets that you shouldn’t be up against. The battle rating decompression really messed with the matchmaking.
I completely agree with your point about having the game reveal hints about enemy player locations, this is EXACTLY what purpose the surveillance aircraft bot should fulfil. As you mentioned, there is so little incentive to go shoot it down. If the bot gave callouts every minute or so about local traffic with rough approximations (for example, "large, slow-moving aircraft, below the horizon, heading west, spotted in D5) people might instead be DESPERATE to shoot it down.
what i really want if the MADDOG... i want to be able to launch fox 3 missiles blind without being required to see something on the radar which is called MADDOG for those who didnt know... it is a risky thing to launch a fox 3 without seeing anything but the fox 3 will use its own radar from launch.... MADDOG
25:16 Literally this. All the Eurofighter nations are getting subtree 4th gens until the Eurofighter comes: UK with SA Gripen and Italy with HU Gripen
I don't think they should significantly change the useful actions system or the payments for spawns, I do think you should have the option to use backups if you want but if they make it useable for sim players to use backups that would mean backups would be basically forced to use for second spawns and I think it's silly to ask people to use backups instead of silver lions to spawn when ultimately you're going to be netting something like 150k-200k SL from a single full match of sim. Also, the suggestions for reducing rewards for bombing to the point of it being similar to something like heli EC would also not be good for the health of the gamemode because ultimately I think people who do come to certain BR's to play sim ONLY for bombing are actually experiencing *some* form of sim gameplay other than just farming and they may change their minds and actually try to PvP later down the line. Having some reason for ARB players to come over to sim and *try* it for whatever reason is actually healthier for the gamemode than not and one way they can do that is by having the rewards be like what they are right now which is very very high compared to ARB. Changing the rewards system to favor getting as many kills as possible and having it be uncapped would significantly alter the flow of the gamemode to favor stomping enemy teams from the few players that have the setups to do so easily.
That flying, so smooth...
8:41 so they recently gave a nerf at props iirc, I know because I dove from 2k at some guys taking off, and they didn't hit me, at 300kph when I was going up. Dunno how it didn't hit me
20:09 dude basically just asked for something that is basically the air alert that is already in
20:00 i dont know if you play air rb at all, but they have something a little like this when there is only only player left on a given team. It will highlight the grid square they are in with like a 3 min delay so you at least know the right direction to go to track down that pesky space climbing bomber who is drawing out the match.
Denmark is a very good map for CAS, it’s probably the most fun to play at 11.7 because of how many targets you get. It is also crucial to mention that the airfield placements in that map provide shorter flight distances either to combat or bombing runs.
Afghanistan and Vietnam don’t have any benefits apart from their terrains, which in itself it causes a problem for CAS players. The fact that the ground targets spawn god knows where to traverse a buggy terrain which 90% of the time makes them go underneath the map is bad enough, but to add insult to injury, flight times in both of them are unreasonable at lower BRs.
I like the idea of datalink in later generation aircraft, maybe with the surv plane acting as AWACS
I did not know that the amount of RP and SL that you could get in sim were caped, I always wondered why was I given rewards 15 min later but never thought about it until I had a 12 kill + win game with only 100K SL reward at the end of the match
it would be nice to have larger maps for jets, taking off and getting locked by the enemy at the same time is to common. also maybe spread out the ground battle, tanks lining up like they are are preparing for a field combat in the 1800s
I completely agree with the points you make, I love air sim because playing RB has become stale after 2 thousand hours but there are still many things I hope gets changed so that sim can really reach its full potential
I definitely agree with the surveillance aircraft to Ping On the Tactical map where the enemies are or radar installation that would be awesome also want to say when you get into the Tactical map it would be nice to see where your allies are👍
I believe making the SL insurance a non premium feature would help sim, as well as the base game. So players without prem time are more comfortable playing all modes.
12:07 not necessarily optimal, I think the minibases being the helipads would be a better option, since then you'd have a reason to both defend and attack them
Also Helis should start with the engines off
As a cas player, I want them to add missile Spaa to convoys and make you get decent rewards for taking out a whole convoy. Also allow forward air fields that strike planes can attack(they are well defended) and they can be destroyed. Maybe not tho but the first bit Definatly
Strike Aircraft forward air point spawns. A-10A could work in Air sim, it just takes so long to take off and get up to speed on those things.
I play PvP, PvE and both at the same pretty much evenly.
1. Actively punishing PvE players is a bad idea.
-First of all punishing players for playing the game is, as a rule, a bad game design. You just don't do it. You don't fix tax evasion by taxing everyone else more, you send the IRS.
-PvE gives new and stock players a way to play, learn and grind at the same time. Bombing was the way I got hooked on SIM all those years back, then switched to slinging AIM-9B's then gunning ppl in jets then props and here I am now playing SIM exclusively.
-Scaling by numbers of players is also a bad idea. One time I often go PvE is when seeding small matches with 1-2 players in enemy team. Getting immediately stomped by some sweaty vet leads to matches dying before they even rly get going. After a sortie or two there usualy are enough ppl to start going at it as normal.
2. Activity cap is 600 pts every 15 minute window, after that gains are miniscule and most of them come from staying alive, in aircraft (so no J-ing out on runway) and landing after sortie meaning it is better to score 200pts live for entire 15 minutes and land than to score several times that in like 3 minutes but die.
IIRC supposedly it was meant to cut sim players some slack for less intense gameplay and fewer opportunities to earn points but IMHO it realy was an attempt at curbing the zombing profitability. Effective one too as with this setup zombing is highly suboptimal and IMHO not worth it to rocket a base and J out as you will loose much over 50% of potential earnings, unless you use software to automate gameplay that is.
I used to hate this cap but esp after last patch I came to see it's benefits and at least tolerate it. Bots rocketing bases and crashing are much rarer now, most of them at least attempt to RTB meaning u can shoot them down and with how overcrowded top tier lobbies are ability to RTB after getting one kill and not loose much grind efficiency saves a lot of frustration. Would help with match congestion too if people were more aware of it. I am biased here since I came here for those smaller lower paced ~6v6 lobbies but I do understand that it is frustrating and pretty much actively punishing for those that expect Ace Combat levels of intensity and 10+ kill matches, esp at top tier where 600pts is exactly one kill. On the other hand such attitude is only reinforcing the balance problem and makes people leave lobbies prematurely due to excessive stomping.
3. Perpetual ground battle idea is excellent, as someone that likes his A-10A, Harriers and Jaguars it's annoying how often there is absolutely nothing to do with them, sometimes even for entire match. In general more ground attack targets would be a good idea (ie command bunker or bridge requiring accurate hit with a heavy ordnance, artillery/AA batteries behind the front lines, radar sites that could double as mentioned GCI stations and so on). Also nerf those damned convoy AAA, they are riddiculous. Even M113's firing .50cals will snipe your pilot out. And fix them clipping under terrain, or at least prevent them form beeing able to fire at you from under ground.
4. Rewards. At the moment AAA gives something like 20 (yes twenty) points. It's riddiculous, you'd think jets with guided ordnance should concentrate on taking out AA to open up the air for those less fortunate, instead the only way for them to grind is to yeet those at MBT's and cock block all the other poor bastards.
5. Now to add to all mentioned ideas escort missions need a rework. As of now AFAIK they only increase the reward for each air kill in some proximity by some ammount (like 20 or so %). So 99% of the time people just ignore them as there is no benefit to escorting. On the other hand killing those yelds very little points, they are hard to intercept (#supercruisesabres), and AI escorts/gunners can be absolutely ruthless with deadly aim and UFO energy, so going after them is not worth the effort and people on both sides often just ignore them with their gameplay function reduced to cluttering the radar picture.
How about we remove the escorts and start giving out rewards for just staying in proximity over time? Lets say 100pts each 1/3rd of the way for a total of 600 for a round trip to fill out that 15 minute window. Would both give escorting team something to do, create activity hot spots for fighters and give low end players something to kill if apex predators are not around to escort.
This is a very very good suggestions😮!!!!
Early Helis would be useless; They're incredibly slow, lack any survivability and carry limited armaments mainly consisting of a few weak ATGMs. There is a reason these things were never intended to fly in contested airspace IRL.
Late Helis would make fixed-wing CAS completely redundant thanks to their massive ATGM loadouts combined with powerful canons, whilst REDFOR Helis specifically would slaughter literally anything that flew at low altitude because of their insane AA loadouts.
This is exactly why Helis should never have been added, they're impossible to balance outside of their own dedicated PvE mode - Even their PvP mode was flat out removed because it was too unbalanced.
😂 also I wanted to add that after landing to restock it would be cool to instantly restock if you taxi over to the repair hangers if they're not destroyed being the only Downer you have to taxi back to the runway to take off
Excellent video Nimballs
id want the awacs for top tier for the planes with fox 3 missiles to have some sort of ai awacs flying around to give shared data link info on where planes are in the radius of the radar on the awacs
I almost never comment on issues with the game or possible fixes, but it’s very obvious that so many of these issues are localized just to top tier, and it’s a game wide issue. New vehicles have far surpassed the original scope of War Thunder’s modes and while the vehicles themselves are very cool, there are so few single map/mode combination in the entire game at top tier, ground or air, that properly display somewhat realistic combat operations for the vehicles. And it amazes me that people still get excited about new vehicles when they da** well know that they’re getting thrown directly into a mode made for vehicles 80 years younger. It’s frustrating because the solutions are so obvious and yet, despite all of the pleas, they clearly just don’t dedicate resources to improving it. Tbh they very rarely have when it comes to game modes. I will always maintain that War Thunder’s potential, if it were to implement large scale combat like realistic combat operations in a multiplayer setting (like ramrod missions or strike packages, attacking and defending) or what we all thought World War Mode was actually going to be, will always be greater than the games realized potential. Which is crazy to say due to how popular this game still is after a decade. So whether you find it comforting or concerning, a large number of these issues are not just localized to sim. The recommendations in this video are absolutely fantastic, however, like 99.99% of these types of videos for War Thunder, they will likely fall on deaf ears
Making the controls friendly for kbm should probably be the biggest one. it's annoying to play aircraft that dont have damping and you just cant have smooth flying.
Back in the days in a zero got 22 kills and got 200k xp and now just like 20k xp. GREAT
I am one of those Denmark enjoyers. I feel like I'm fighting off the soviet invasion. Maybe we could have a large eastern european/Carpathian map that would be good.
in regards to spawn camping (i play mig 23 mld so 11.7) its so bad i have had an enemy harrier use guided bombs against all the airfield defenses and just hover and gun you down the second you spawn in
I'm confident that you don't know how strong the TY90 of the Chinese helis are. They have arround 6km range and are unflarable.
You can preflare them but now think of the flare consumption if you have to aggressively pre flare when approaching any heli. Your teammates also most likely won't mark themselves for better identification
I have been frustrated over getting killed at the airfield and my solution: dont award any points for enemy planes that destroy planes in a certain radious around the airfield
What? You do realize airfield strikes have been an important way to hamper enemies irl? Why would you ruin that in the "simulator" mode lol I don't understand how folks want realism then cry and beg for amenities
@@gangstercheesefries1112 you dont seem to realise irl there are layers upon layers of anti air batteries in the approaches towards air fields. Also ground radar, close air patrols. All these are missing. Not to mention that war thunder is QUUUITE far away from real simulator.
i would love to see more weight placed on kills or have gaijin lower the spawn costs, because as it stands i can play a match where i get more kills than deaths, but still go in the red in terms of earnings. this makes it unreasonably frustrating to the point where i find myself getting legitimately angry just because there is a guy sneaking around with heatseekers in the mountains just because i know this 1 death just puts me MROE in the red, even though it should have a relatively negligible effect in the grand scheme.
Gotta hit that dislike for punishing PvE activity.
I play Sim because it's a long game mode that allows me to do many things including ground attack sorties.
As far as" punishing people who don't play the objective", the US has a 90% winrate in Sim and one of the biggest factors is that US players BOMB BASES.
Claiming bombing bases isn't playing the objective is factually false.
5:37 or at least increase the cap to 50-100k SL cause rn I can get ~20k max in 15 minutes while plane’s spawn cost is ~15k so even if I won’t die in 15 minutes I will only get 5k SL profit lmao while in RB I’d get ~60-100k by the same 15 minutes (3 matches that lasts around 5 minutes each that give you 20-40k SL per match)
The heli in sim seems like such a no brainer. Grinding heli upgrades is the most boring and longest grind in the entire game. Currently the only effective way of grinding is PVE (around 3k rp per 30 min) or PVE HELI (around 10k rp per hour). It takes literally dozens of hours to even grind a mid tier heli its ridiculous.
2:29 in reality even someone who does code cant say to any certainty without knowing how the game is built, a simple feature in one game can take 1 week, in the other 3 months.
19:29 You just have to predict where the enemy is going and where the mision objectives are, and sometimes your lucky and sometimes you dont find anybody its how it is, thats the advantage you get if you find someone first but you ja e to lucky and in the rigjt spot.
Definitely need air refueling, on an airfield you refuel in 30 seconds so use the same system for the tanker
Ground spotters at bases, convoys, and battles that radio contacts. Make the scout vehicles matter.
Actually we need kind of reward for fly do some thing and land. Like massive bonus for survive flight. Its will improve immersion
whats funny about the rewards is that once i sunk down a destroyer by my self and it gave me 150 points lol
how do you place your pov above the sight like that, id whiff so many less shots with that
It’s a setting called head movement-Up and Down it’s a necessity in sim and or any fighting in the Cockpit
How can you play with 0 sense of flight? I find it helpful for the background to be unmoving helps with aiming but maybe that's just ground pound.
I have a shiny premium Mi-24 just gathering dust, I would love to take it for a spin in Sim EC.
I would love it if they fixed the RWR/Radar HUD in VR. In flatscreen the HUD is always rendered on screen and you can glance at the RWR/Radar no matter where you are looking in-game, such as at an aicraft you are chasing.
In VR the RWR and Radar are rendered fixed in space at really awkward places so you have to turn yout head to look down and left/right to see them, meaning you cannot glance at the RWR/radar unless you are actually not looking where you are going or whatever you may chase, you cannot just quickly glance at them as they are so out of view always. Why cannot they just render the RWR/Radar that follows your view in VR like they do in normal flatscreen...
The RWR is almost useless in many situations in VR because of this, it's very annoying and a huge drawback when flying SB in VR imo.
10:41 as a GSB player, I rarely, if ever saw a heli shoot down a plane. The inverse is very common, tough I might say that I only play EARLY cold war, so for more modern Helis the things might be incredibly different
I played a lot of grb and high tier jets usually win against helis unless if it’s a subsonic not really paying attention, or me once trying to look for a Chinese heli hiding in a mountain, thought he moved, looked away and got jumpscared. im not too sure if its the same way in ground sim since I’ve rarely played that at anything above 8.0
Nimbal, I strongly don't agree with the nerfing of the rewards for PvE targets. You are suggesting to nerf rewards to punish a few, while also hurting those that enjoy those tasks that play legit. That's the same mindset and logic that lead to the Useful Action system in the first place, that screwed over players that enjoy PvP. This suggestion is only going to reverse this rule, and ignore the problem that caused it.
The issue with the economy was not entirely with those running games with everyone doing PvE only tasks. It was 3rd party farming crews abusing the player-made system to run bot accounts by exploiting certain mechanics. Nerfing PvE rewards won't stop them. They will adapt and work around it. In this case, run more rigged games and farm alt accounts that sit on the runway.
If you want to stop the PvE zomber problem, then ignore the PvE tasks. Focus on the runway module system at the airfields, since they need to be redesigned. The entire system is flawed (tents, hangers, fuel, runway) and it allows anyone to abuse it by targeting certain modules first. Let it repair or go to another airfield, and repeat the process. This allows anyone to use them as a continuous farming hit box, ranking in endless amounts of mission score / rewards. It's abuse like this that Gaijin see in their data logs and why the UA system was added, instead of understanding and fixing the main problem.
When was the last time they promoted SB on their live streams? I don't believe they care enough about it and they will continue to drag their heels until more people play this mode. Also, there is no incentive to progress from RB to SB.
Super sonic A-10 AI would be even funnier than the super sonic F-86 AI
Gaijin purposely keeps sim in a shit state to limit the player amount so they don't have to waste resources making things too realistic. This has been going on for years. They make it more trash every year to push people back into RB.
Not sure about helis, perhaps if ground sim had more options it would give the helis more to do
The only thing I wish for in years is to FORCE a cockpit close going above 300knots. And option to create a lobby with sound mods blocked just like trournaments have would be nice .... you all unfornatelly know why....
I’d say larger maps awacs data link refueling mid air
I kinda want a megalarp mode that has longer sortie times
One major mistake, trusting Gaijin...
So far they did because they lowered rewards, they are supposed to be way better honestly.
Right not matchmaking is not that bad. BRs are decent for SIM however Gaijin is very bad balancing things they touch all the time meaning they might ruin SIM.
1. Uncap rewards.
2. Add more maps.
3. Make so backups let u spawn jets for free.
4. Add few more missions and make sure there is always something to do to earn SL and RP.
5. Bombing isn't op in SIM and takes long time. It is usually better to rush bases in ARB. U get more RP in less time.
6. Helis are too unbalanced. IR missiles miss them, radar can't lock them and even if u do the missile misses.
I play lots of SRB which is competitive and truly, Helis are really op. So no. Their missiles are the strongest...
So, no Helis. That is really dumb. However, Helis do need their own better game mode.
7. Controls are so abandoned that people don't even know about the SAS mode.
8. Yes, in prop sim it is really hard to find enemies or have fun dogfights. You also have to fly for really long just to get there. This is why I avoid it. I also get more RP in less time playing props in ARB.
9. Maps in WT are too small for fuel tankers and AWACS because of the new missiles. Will get shot down right away.
10. Gaijin touching ranks and nations ruins the grind. The drama some time ago was about how bad the grind is and Gaijin isn't improving the grind right now. They might make it worse actually. They add more and more vehicles but they dont improve the grind meaning u HAVE to buy premium time + prem vehicle. Greedy tactic. Rewards are kinda bad but the worst part is it's capped. Especially in GRB. Cap is really bad.
Gaijin should not be trusted. They openly lie and it has been proven many times. I know Russian and have seen them talk. Very cynical people. Have to be careful with that u suggest and pay attention to details. Gaijin tends to do the double edge sword tactic where they "Buff" something but they have also Nerfed it a lot.
Are you playing on mouse and keyboard or some kind of hotas setup? If hotas, which one?
Doesn’t useful action also not count if you die in those 15 minutes?
Preach brother, preach!
What do you think about the RWR changes in SB?
"Germany will most likely get the Swiss F/A-18 because the Typhoon is a few patches off" well do i have news for you past Nimbal lol
@@itzzmadness-_-6712 aged like fine milk 🤌
I only care about post WW2 for sim and I think here the red vs blue mode is a lot simpler than it seems, and I am all for it. Split germany into east and west germany, pairing migs with migs and phantoms with phantoms. Do the same for China and Taiwan, Finland and Sweden, Italy and Hungary ect. They have all the flags assigned to the vehicles in game anyway; just filter based on that. This allows you to grind for a bluefor nation's top tier, while still supporting a redfor nation and filling the match maker. for example: The new Iranian tomcat has an iranian flag in the thumbnail and the stat card; it belongs to a red nation and should be sorted accordingly. The requirement should be not mixing flags on your bar. Take Hungary as an example; communist Hungary and modern Hungary can't be in the same loadout. One of the things that makes this game amazing is the sheer number of represented nations; a lot like wargame red dragon has. NOT sorting these nations by affiliation, honestly takes away from a lot of the work gaijin has put in. You never see some of these vehicles used because the tech tree has so many other options....nation sorting fixes a lot of that. I want it in RB also, for the record. I would be willing to opt into a mode that makes me wait in a 3-5 minute queue if it meant I could experience a cold war gone hot match, versus a constant mix of aircraft that would never fight each other.
It's quite stupid that it's consistently PVP enthusiast getting mad at PVE players. It's not arcade it's not realistic, those are true PVP modes. SIM mode is PVPVE so if somebody wants to mostly do PD in it and not try to fight other players stop trying to force them to fight other players, and stop trying to punish them because they don't actively seek out PvP
punishing PvE players in lobbies of 2-5 players would be awesome, and there really isnt any top tier bombers so it makes no sense to bomb in a fighter, so those that do dont earn as much SL or RP
Just forget adding choppers in EC, they are invisible litteraly, if they fly under 100 feet and on any radar too. The only weapon available is targeting pod and Mavericks launched at 7-5km. At this distance they already shot at u their isane missiles (vikr, ty90).
Do you really pass pour Time with your eyes in your targeting pod when you Can get shot by every tree (chopper possible position) on the map. With FOX 3 threat at any Time.
Choppers are half modeled too. Their propeller are litteraly absent they Can litteraly survive to any shots.
Maybe model the U.S. jets more than 30 percent accuracy
Backups is a bit of an L take. You shouldn’t need backups to respawn in an EC gamemode. Period. Sure you might have a lot of backups accumulated now, but they go quick.
You can only get a limited amount of backups for free via the warbond shop, crates, and the battle pass. Other than that, you have to GE them. Like it or not, your suggestion is a little on the P2W side
Also add a real head look setup for console
The bomber nerf would kill bombers. Cant agree on that.
They HAVE to lower the br of the f4c for it to ne atcually decent in sim, like it used to.
for the love of god limit the amount of active match's per br bracket in sim, im sick of farmers making new lobbies to leave when people join, if they want to "grind" in sim make them do it in active lobbies like the rest of the game
No mention of possible solutions to the god awful team balance at top tier?
@@PvtPartzz balance is temporary as buffs and nerfs get introduced throughout the patches.
This video is supposed to be about the game mode as a whole
Besides I have a whole video dedicated to whinging about the state of top tier
aw hell nah we do NOT want helis in air sim. Everything else is pretty good tho.
Why didnt germany get the benelux tree? Because almost all the vehicles are BELGIAN not dutch. Whats so hard to understand? Yea the dutch armed forces are basically german. Know what isnt dutch? The F16s. They're belgian. Who is belgium super close with? France.
Adding benelux to germany would make zero sense when geographically, politically, culturally, historically, etc. etc. belgium is far closer to france. In reality its a belgian sub tree, the only dutch vehicles are filler ones so it doesnt jump from 8.0 to 10.7.