Do you have a number you'd cap it at even if you're not done with the mail or will you forsure use all the mail on this one individual quilt even if it's unfathomably enormous?
All the mail will get used, “worst” case I see it being 12 blocks by 12 blocks (144 blocks total) and that would be 96” square which is between a queen and king.
The notes for this block were particularly lovely. I'm so glad you share them and that this project is so meaningful to so many.
Fun block with great stories! ❤
Enjoying the replay ❤
You are on turbo❤
Do you have a number you'd cap it at even if you're not done with the mail or will you forsure use all the mail on this one individual quilt even if it's unfathomably enormous?
All the mail will get used, “worst” case I see it being 12 blocks by 12 blocks (144 blocks total) and that would be 96” square which is between a queen and king.
Getting so big
Can you quilt with just a sewing machine or do you need a quilt machine?
I have a longarm I’ll be using for this, but it is entirely possible to quilt on a regular sewing machine