I've beaten this game soooo many years ago I completely forgot you have to use the scepter the very first time 😂 because now when I go back to the game you just fight him straight way
Definitely not considering VIII is my first DQ (and a whole lotta people who didn't start with NES). HOWEVER I have a feeling that they're gonna give us some sort of callback to this in the HD2D remake of III
I think this is where they started to lose me, when the game started to look like a disney presentation. Lovely music in 8, the game itself wasn’t enough to hold my attention, back in the day. Much more of a fan of the NES games. Really interesting final boss, looks like a potentially brutal fight.
Game- Dragon Quest w/ open world- Elden Ring fighting style- Dragon's Dogma (not turn-based) DQMJ2 titan monsters w/ Shadow of Colossus concepts DQMJ3 w/ riding most monsters w/ armor you can get or alchemize w/ weapon attachments (not guns) like in Palworld w/ them having skill trees as well also catching monsters like Pokémon with a device/ball type deal open world in real time multiple Monster Tournaments like gyms lastly fully customizable party members w/ the hero being fully custom like WWE games and armor and weapons and armor and weapons customizable like in Runescape
Blessed be to all, in Revelation 13:1, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns coming up out of the waters, multi-headed means political, singular is religious (being the anti-christ which is Satan). 7 dominions throughout the earth, 10 kings/world leaders, the waters are the people expecting to be "raptured" out of here in famous fly away doctrine, for it will be as in the days of Noah that Yeshua mentions in Matthew 24 (with there being many other references throughout the old and new testament concerning the end times, as Daniel is a overlap of Revelation, and Ezekiel speaks more on the end times (starting in chpt. 43), then any other book in the Bible other then that great book Revelation, the unveiling/uncovering as for the entomology of the word itself), those who are taken abide under God's wrath. The false/spurious messiah comes 1st in Rev. 12 on this earth for a 5 month period, Satan and the fallen angels will be cast to earth (for the angels are coming back to seduce the daughters of men as they did in Genesis 6), he is the son of perdition (perdition means to be put to death, for he has already been judged). The harlot, the woman spoken of is that great city Babylon, babel=confusion (Satan is the author of confusion), God said "to come out of her" in Rev. 18:4 I believe, as well as He did Abraham. It's not until the son of perdition, after the 2nd woe, on the 7th trumpet is when Jesus returns, the Lord's Day (that 1000yr period in 2nd Peter 3:8, the day John was taken to in the spirit, even past where were at now), when Jesus returns the dead will rise in Christ mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (where most people cling to the Rapture Theory), and we will all (meaning everyone to have ever lived who has went before us and who remain), will be in the spirit. Yeshua Messiah will reign here in the new Heaven in the new earth, then at the end of that period Satan will be let loosed a little while because God is fair and everyone will have a chance (not meaning a do what you want now and make up for it then, pertaining to those who have been unable to hear the good news of our Lord and Savior and will be tested by Satan as even Jesus was to set the example on how we combat our enemy today), and they will be tested by him and some will still even then choose to follow/worship Satan, then comes the Great White Throne Judgement prior to the eternity. The mark of beast in the forehead are those without the seal of God in their foreheads (your brain, meaning the truth in your mind), the mark on their hands are those doing the work for the beast, not a tattoo of 666 or a computer chip implanted, many will be deceived and have no idea who they're working for or which kingdom they are advancing. The 1st beast received a deadly wound on 1 of it's heads, a disagreement or falling out (as we even experience today), via the supernatural entity being Satan when he is cast out of Heaven entirely will come to solve the problem (world peace), no nations to wage war against 1 another we/they will all be as 1, a 1 world rule, under Satan (in the beast system). The religious beast who was out of the earth (dust/physically you could say, not flesh for he is a cherubim as serveral are mentioned throughtout scripture), and cast to the earth, the anti-christ isn't a man, it's Satan (looks like a lamb (Jesus), spake like a dragon). He exercises all the powers of the 1st beast (to take advantage, coming to make peace, not war, because it will all come down to his worship, as we worship our almighty Father to whom he originally wanted to be evaluated above YHVH during his overthrow), and when the dragon healed the wound of the 1st beast, and all worshipped it (trampling like cattle, moths to a flame). Many churches will become the harlot and whore after her, and oh how so difficult it will be to speak/preach against peace/ the wound was by the sword and it is truth, for they/ the world will hate you/us for standing on God's Word till the end. Satan uses men just as God does and counterfeits all God does, some of the churches will do the work for him as they are openingly displaying now the Satanic infestation that is spreading like a contagion of death, they'll think your preaching against Jesus, our Messiah to come, for Babylon today is being revived to its fullest making the way and carving the path in blood for the false to come, so many will be deceived that you personally hold so near and dear to your heart, tell them now and let God's Word flow as you sound the alarm. God i pray you open they're eyes, for Yeshua came to save, not to condemn the world and when He comes back, He will will return as our mighty king who the pharisees and scribes originally expected to see. He is our redeemer and this time, He is coming to rule with a rod of iron and wage war on His enemies. Where will you be? Where do you stand? Who do you truly serve? It's His long-suffering and unimaginable love for us all that keeps this world together and 1 day His hand will be removed over the face of the earth, throughout the four corners as far as the eye can, time is running out and everyday im reminded as to who it is i need and why I need Jesus the Christ. I know if I can love you and fight for you, then so can God, for He loves so, so much more then you could ever image. God bless you and Amen.
@@Keezawea Satan returns with the nephilim, (naphi in Hebrew), the fallen angels for Jesus said in Matthew 26:6-38 in that area it will be as in the days of Noah. In Revelation 12 Satan is released by Micheal and the fallen angels will return with him, God shortened the 7yr period to a 5 month period (spilt 7 in half to 2 3.5yr period/ you split the 5 month period up 2 2.5 half months), for the elects sake or no flesh would be saved Mark 13:20, because that's how good our enemy is, snap of a finger to send lightning down from the heavens performing wonders. I study from and study with those who purely teach God's Word from the Hebrew (OT) manuscripts/ and Greek (NT) manuscripts because if your not doing that then your never going to know. Genesis 6:2, Genesis 6:4, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, and Job 38:7 are 5 places in the OT where sons of God are mentioned and please check all this out on the Hebrew manuscripts, plenty of sources you can purchase for easy translation to English, such as a Strong's exhaustive concordance, a companion Bible, etc. Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in OUR image Genesis 1:27 God created man in his own image The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was Satan, not literal fruits or nonsense people teach little children in Sunday schools. The angels look like we do and they are coming back as it was before. It's a shame people have been so deceived that they almost make a religious war over women wearing something on their heads or women preaching. Christianity is a reality, not a religion. I care and love you enough to tell you about all this even if you were to be against me in anyways or think im crazy because thats how good our enemy is, people just don't care enough to go check it our for themselves. You go research sons of God in the Hebrew and get back to me. Joel 1:1 talks about the 4 stages of the locust, that locust army in Revelation. The locust army come during the 1st half of that 5 month period and actual locust have a 5 month life cycle which is from Passover to fall fellowship (thats no accident friend), Noah's flood was a 5 month period. The great book of Daniel 9:27 when the abomination, the abdominal one, the desolator it should be- abaddon in Hebrew, apollyon in the Greek, both *names of Satan (God gave us so we couldn't go wrong and apply it to the old and new testament) in *Revelation (meaning the unveiling/ meaning that book literally means from God its all wide out in the open), that when you see that then you know it's been shortened to a 5 month period. I mean Jesus Himself in Mark 13 said He foretold us all things and Amen you can look that up, means that's that.
@@Keezawea 1.) Did Eve eat a apple? 2.) How long is the Lord's Day? 3.) Who is the false rock? 4.) Who is the tree of life? 5.) What is the sword? 6.) Who returns 1st? 7.) What will happen to our bodies when Jesus returns? 8.) What was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? 9.) What trumpet does Christ return? 10.) Which flood did God send to wipe out the giants? 11.) Which house do we belong to? 12.) What were Yahshua's last 3 words on the cross? 13.) God promised to destroy what and how did He do it? 14.) Salvation is avaliable to who? 15.) Which angel is holding Satan captive at this moment? 16.) Christ gave us authority over who? 17.) What did Jesus leave us with when He ascended back to the Father? 18.) What is the mercy seat? 19.) Which generation do we live in? 20.) What is a watchmen? 21.) Which people's have the seal of God in their foreheads? 22.) What is the mark of the beast? 23.) Who did Jesus say Cain's father was? 24.) Who are the kenites? 25.) When is the Great White Throne Judgement? 26.) Do people burn in a lake of fire forever? 27.) What book of God is your name written in? 28.) What is the famine in the end times? 29.) What entities fell from Heaven? 30.) Jesus said the end times will be as in the days of who? 31.) What is a false teacher? 32.) How many ages are there? 33.) Are we Gentiles? 34.) How many days was Christ in the tomb? 35.) How long did it rain during Noah's flood and how long were they on the ark? 36.) How long was Moses on mount Sinai? 37.) How long were the Israelites in the wilderness and what did God feed and sustain them with? 38.) Who did God give the 10 commandments to? 39.) Which sea did God part? 40.) How many times did Peter deny Christ? 41.) What empire put Christ to death? 42.) Did Yahshua start the catholic church? 43.) How long was Lazarus in the grave? 44.) What is Passover and who became our Passover? 45.) Who was Mary and should we pray to her? 46.) Nebuchezzar was the king of what empire and who was he a type of? 47.) Where will Satan show up at? 48.) Where will God establish His kingdom on Earth? 49.) When did God create all the races of people? 50.) Did everybody come from Adam and Eve? 51.) The old testament was written in what language? 52.) The new testament was written in what language? 53.) Where do people go when they die? 54.) What is a communist country? 55.) What is idolatry? 56.) Is it wrong to take a life in protection or a survival? 57.) Who will lead the one world system? 58.) What are the 2 beast in Revelation? 59.) What is the rapture and is it a lie? 60.) God said that even who will not argue with Satan? 61.) Why did Satan fall? 62.) Did the fallen angels mate with women? 63.) We are saved by what and what alone? 64.) What is the great apostasy? 65.) What is the great commission? 66.) Jesus said to save your life is to lose it but to lose your life for my sake is to what? 67.) Who started Christianity? 68.) What is the cloven tongue? 69.) What are the stars that fell from Heaven? 70.) How many tribes are in the house of Israel? 71.) How many tribes are in the house of Judah? 72.) What are the 4 hidden dynasties? 73.) Who is anti-christ? 74.) What tribes went over the Caucasus mountains? 75.) How many of the 7 churches did Christ have no fault with? 76.) Who was Goliath and what was he? 77.) Where was Jesus crucified? 78.) What is the hill of the skull? 79.) Why was it Jacob God loved and Esau He hated? 80.) Who turned to a pillar of salt? 81.) When did the dinosaurs live? 82.) Who are those with dry bones? 83.) What is the covering women should have over their heads and why? 84.) What was the purpose of the tower of Babel? 85.) Do the battle Hamengog and Armageddon take place at the same time? 86.) Who was the queen of heaven? 87.) What number means spiritual completeness? 88.) How far is the east from the west? 89.) What is the 7 day probation period in the millennium where you cannot approach Christ? 90.) How many plagues did God send upon Egypt? 91.) Which direction was the tribe of Dan, Judah, Ruben, and Ephraim? 92.) What does Yahshua mean? 93.) Why did Abraham trust God in God's order to kill his son Isaac? 94.) Does God and His angels have a form of transportation, a type of vehicle, or sort of aircraft that Ezekiel described? 95.) Why is Eve called the mother of all living? 96.) Can the locust army hurt us? 97.) Can demons read your mind? 98.) Can those who practice the dark arts be saved? 99.) What year did the rapture theory come into being? 100.) When did Israel reclaim it's independence? 101.) Are there both good and bad figs? 102.) How many times did Satan tempt our Lord Jesus the Christ and what were the temptations in order? 103.) Where does the word kingdom come from? 104.) In the book of Hosea 4:6 God said my people are destroyed (cut off) for a lack of what? 105.) What did the tribe of Dan, Judah, Ruben, and Ephraim represent? 106.) What are the vials in Revelation? 107.) Every knee will bow when? 108.) What are horns symbolic of? 109.) What are mountains symbolic of? 110.) What is another name for the Bible? 111.) How long will Satan be in power with his angels on this earth? 112.) What 3 main holidays are part of Babylon's economic system and how have they been infiltrated? 113.) What was the star the came out of Jacob? 114.) What is the 2nd death? 115.) What happens after judgement? 116.) Is God's Word completely translated correctly and is it God's fault? 117.) Did Adam blame Eve? 118.) What does Alpha and Omega mean? 119.) Is God's Word complete? 120.) Are we in a 1 world order now? 121.) Which trumpet are we in and what does it mean? 122.) What did Jesus say He foretold to us in Mark 13? 123.) What does amen mean? 124.) What does Emmanuel mean? 125.) What is the difference in Bethel and Bethaven? 126.) What are the 4 beast around the throne of God in Revelation? 127.) What is the 1st resurrection?
@@Keezawea These are things the church should be teaching, as well as in some points should be teaching against, chapter by chapter, verse by verse. Who the kenites are? The 6th seal, 6th trumpet, 6th vial (Satan comes back 1st) Rapture Theory, teaching people to fly away to save their souls and you don't need to understand the book Revelation Believing Satan is coming back to wage war, instead of coming peaceful The mark of beast, the 2 beast The millennium/ 3rd earth age The 3 earth ages Noah's flood/ the flood that wiped out the 1st earth age/ fossils The fallen angels mating with woman Eve ate a apple Satan wasn't a snake in the garden The angels look just like we do,not flesh Satan is Cain's father When people die they don't go to Heaven of hell/ everyone is either on right or wrong side of paradise in waiting till judgement at the end of the Lord's Day 7 days was a 7000yr period Easter/ Passover Christ-mass
@@Keezawea Blessed be to all, in Revelation 13:1, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns coming up out of the waters, multi-headed means political, singular is religious (being the anti-christ which is Satan). 7 dominions throughout the earth, 10 kings/world leaders, the waters are the people expecting to be raptured out of here in famous fly away doctrine, for it will be as in the days of Noah that Yeshua mentions in Matthew 24 (with there being many other references throughout the old and new testament concerning the end times, as Daniel is a overlap of Revelation, and Ezekiel speaks more on the end times then any other book in the Bible other then that great book Revelation, the unveiling/uncovering as for the entomology of the word itself), those who are taken abide under God's wrath. The false/spurious messiah comes 1st in Rev. 12 on this earth for a 5 month period, Satan and the fallen angels will be cast to earth (for the angels are coming back to seduce the daughters of men as they did in Genesis 6), he is the son of perdition (perdition means to be put to death, for he has already been judged). The harlot, the woman spoken of is that great city Babylon, babel=confusion (Satan is the author of confusion), God said "to come out of her" in Rev. 18:4 I believe, as well as He did Abraham. It's not until the son of perdition, after the 2nd woe, on the 7th trumpet is when Jesus returns, the Lord's Day (that 1000yr period in 2nd Peter 3:8, the day John was taken to in the spirit, even past where were at now), when Jesus returns the dead will rise in Christ mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (where most people cling to the Rapture Theory), and we will all (meaning everyone to have ever lived who has went before us and who remain), will be in the spirit. Yeshua Messiah will reign here in the new Heaven in the new earth, then at the end of that 1000yr period Satan will be let loosed a little while because God is fair and everyone will have a chance (not meaning a do what you want now and make up for it then, pertaining to those who have been unable to hear the good news of our Lord and Savior and will be tested by Satan as even Jesus was to set the example on how we combat our enemy today), many will go through the millennium and go straight to hell, and they will be tested by him and some will still even then choose to follow/worship Satan, then comes the Great White Throne Judgement prior to the eternity. God is that consuming fire, you don't burn and are tortured in hell forever and ever, your name is blotted out which is the eternal punishment because blotted out is forever, no longer existing, period, all souls return to whenst they came, for Jesus Himself would say depart from Me i never knew ye, not keeping you alive in a fiery pit with demons and the devil, all will be erased because none of it will be with us. The mark of beast in the forehead are those without the seal of God in their foreheads (your brain, meaning the truth in your mind), the mark on their hands are those doing the work for the beast, not a tattoo of 666 or a computer chip implanted, many will be deceived and have no idea who they're working for or which kingdom they are advancing. The 1st beast received a deadly wound on 1 of it's heads, a disagreement or falling out (as we even experience today), via the supernatural entity being Satan when he is cast out of Heaven entirely will come to solve the problem (world peace), no nations to wage war against 1 another we/they will all be as 1, a 1 world rule, under Satan (in the beast system). The religious beast who was out of the earth (dust/physically you could say, not flesh for he is a cherubim as serveral are mentioned throughtout scripture), and cast to the earth, the anti-christ isn't a man, it's Satan (looks like a lamb (Jesus), spake like a dragon). He exercises all the powers of the 1st beast (to take advantage, coming to make peace, not war, because it will all come down to his worship, as we worship our almighty Father to whom he originally wanted to be evaluated above YHVH during his overthrow), and when the dragon healed the wound of the 1st beast, and all worshipped it (trampling like cattle, moths to a flame). Many churches will become the harlot and whore after her, and oh how so difficult it will be to speak/preach against peace/ the wound was by the sword and it is truth, for they/ the world will hate you/us for standing on God's Word till the end. Satan uses men just as God does and counterfeits all God does, some of the churches will do the work for him as they are openingly displaying now the Satanic infestation that is spreading like a contagion of death, they'll think your preaching against Jesus, our Messiah to come, for Babylon today is being revived to its fullest making the way and carving the path in blood for the false to come, so many will be deceived that you personally hold so near and dear to your heart, tell them now and let God's Word flow as you sound the alarm. God i pray you open they're eyes, for Yeshua came to save, not to condemn the world and when He comes back, He will will return as our mighty king who the pharisees and scribes originally expected to see. He is our redeemer and this time, He is coming to rule with a rod of iron and wage war on His enemies. Where will you be? Where do you stand? Who do you truly serve? It's His long-suffering and unimaginable love for us all that keeps this world together and 1 day His hand will be removed over the face of the earth, throughout the four corners as far as the eye can, time is running out and everyday im reminded as to who it is i need and why I need Jesus the Christ. I know if I can love you and fight for you, then so can God, for He loves so, so much more then you could ever image. God bless you and Amen.
i defeated him now, one of the best games i have ever played. nice video btw
Thank you, Yeah this is the best ps2 jrpg game, the boss battle is challenging but takes too long to defeat 🤣
I've beaten this game soooo many years ago I completely forgot you have to use the scepter the very first time 😂 because now when I go back to the game you just fight him straight way
Did anyone else choke up at "There, I was called... Ramia"
Definitely not considering VIII is my first DQ (and a whole lotta people who didn't start with NES). HOWEVER I have a feeling that they're gonna give us some sort of callback to this in the HD2D remake of III
I love his "Huh!?" face when the party approaches him.
Yangus’ little exclamation at 24:37 gets me every time.
I think this is where they started to lose me, when the game started to look like a disney presentation. Lovely music in 8, the game itself wasn’t enough to hold my attention, back in the day. Much more of a fan of the NES games. Really interesting final boss, looks like a potentially brutal fight.
A final boss with only (maybe) two forms! Nice to know when you can go all out :D
Gods... I need to play this again.
It's time to replay this game 🎮
thanks for sharing
My pleasure
14:18 Final Battle begin!!💪💪
Yo uh Jessica can’t pray with the godbird soulstone, she can only use it. What am I doing wrong?
Brother what are your emulator and settings? Looks spectacular
I use PCSX2 EMULATOR, here's some screenshot of the setting
Yeah... I'm subscribing because of that screenshot.
Emulation can be tricky, and gatekeeping is sadly common. You're a top bloke, Nerd.
Game- Dragon Quest
w/ open world- Elden Ring
fighting style- Dragon's Dogma (not turn-based)
DQMJ2 titan monsters w/ Shadow of Colossus concepts
DQMJ3 w/ riding most monsters w/ armor you can get or alchemize w/ weapon attachments (not guns) like in Palworld w/ them having skill trees as well
also catching monsters like Pokémon with a device/ball type deal open world in real time
multiple Monster Tournaments like gyms
lastly fully customizable party members w/ the hero being fully custom like WWE games and armor and weapons and armor and weapons customizable like in Runescape
How many xp does he girvevdvdbrhe
Blessed be to all, in Revelation 13:1, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns coming up out of the waters, multi-headed means political, singular is religious (being the anti-christ which is Satan).
7 dominions throughout the earth, 10 kings/world leaders, the waters are the people expecting to be "raptured" out of here in famous fly away doctrine, for it will be as in the days of Noah that Yeshua mentions in Matthew 24 (with there being many other references throughout the old and new testament concerning the end times, as Daniel is a overlap of Revelation, and Ezekiel speaks more on the end times (starting in chpt. 43), then any other book in the Bible other then that great book Revelation, the unveiling/uncovering as for the entomology of the word itself), those who are taken abide under God's wrath.
The false/spurious messiah comes 1st in Rev. 12 on this earth for a 5 month period, Satan and the fallen angels will be cast to earth (for the angels are coming back to seduce the daughters of men as they did in Genesis 6), he is the son of perdition (perdition means to be put to death, for he has already been judged).
The harlot, the woman spoken of is that great city Babylon, babel=confusion (Satan is the author of confusion), God said "to come out of her" in Rev. 18:4 I believe, as well as He did Abraham. It's not until the son of perdition, after the 2nd woe, on the 7th trumpet is when Jesus returns, the Lord's Day (that 1000yr period in 2nd Peter 3:8, the day John was taken to in the spirit, even past where were at now), when Jesus returns the dead will rise in Christ mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (where most people cling to the Rapture Theory), and we will all (meaning everyone to have ever lived who has went before us and who remain), will be in the spirit.
Yeshua Messiah will reign here in the new Heaven in the new earth, then at the end of that period Satan will be let loosed a little while because God is fair and everyone will have a chance (not meaning a do what you want now and make up for it then, pertaining to those who have been unable to hear the good news of our Lord and Savior and will be tested by Satan as even Jesus was to set the example on how we combat our enemy today), and they will be tested by him and some will still even then choose to follow/worship Satan, then comes the Great White Throne Judgement prior to the eternity.
The mark of beast in the forehead are those without the seal of God in their foreheads (your brain, meaning the truth in your mind), the mark on their hands are those doing the work for the beast, not a tattoo of 666 or a computer chip implanted, many will be deceived and have no idea who they're working for or which kingdom they are advancing.
The 1st beast received a deadly wound on 1 of it's heads, a disagreement or falling out (as we even experience today), via the supernatural entity being Satan when he is cast out of Heaven entirely will come to solve the problem (world peace), no nations to wage war against 1 another we/they will all be as 1, a 1 world rule, under Satan (in the beast system).
The religious beast who was out of the earth (dust/physically you could say, not flesh for he is a cherubim as serveral are mentioned throughtout scripture), and cast to the earth, the anti-christ isn't a man, it's Satan (looks like a lamb (Jesus), spake like a dragon). He exercises all the powers of the 1st beast (to take advantage, coming to make peace, not war, because it will all come down to his worship, as we worship our almighty Father to whom he originally wanted to be evaluated above YHVH during his overthrow), and when the dragon healed the wound of the 1st beast, and all worshipped it (trampling like cattle, moths to a flame).
Many churches will become the harlot and whore after her, and oh how so difficult it will be to speak/preach against peace/ the wound was by the sword and it is truth, for they/ the world will hate you/us for standing on God's Word till the end.
Satan uses men just as God does and counterfeits all God does, some of the churches will do the work for him as they are openingly displaying now the Satanic infestation that is spreading like a contagion of death, they'll think your preaching against Jesus, our Messiah to come, for Babylon today is being revived to its fullest making the way and carving the path in blood for the false to come, so many will be deceived that you personally hold so near and dear to your heart, tell them now and let God's Word flow as you sound the alarm.
God i pray you open they're eyes, for Yeshua came to save, not to condemn the world and when He comes back, He will will return as our mighty king who the pharisees and scribes originally expected to see. He is our redeemer and this time, He is coming to rule with a rod of iron and wage war on His enemies.
Where will you be? Where do you stand? Who do you truly serve? It's His long-suffering and unimaginable love for us all that keeps this world together and 1 day His hand will be removed over the face of the earth, throughout the four corners as far as the eye can, time is running out and everyday im reminded as to who it is i need and why I need Jesus the Christ. I know if I can love you and fight for you, then so can God, for He loves so, so much more then you could ever image.
God bless you and Amen.
shut up.
@@Keezawea Satan returns with the nephilim, (naphi in Hebrew), the fallen angels for Jesus said in Matthew 26:6-38 in that area it will be as in the days of Noah. In Revelation 12 Satan is released by Micheal and the fallen angels will return with him, God shortened the 7yr period to a 5 month period (spilt 7 in half to 2 3.5yr period/ you split the 5 month period up 2 2.5 half months), for the elects sake or no flesh would be saved Mark 13:20, because that's how good our enemy is, snap of a finger to send lightning down from the heavens performing wonders. I study from and study with those who purely teach God's Word from the Hebrew (OT) manuscripts/ and Greek (NT) manuscripts because if your not doing that then your never going to know. Genesis 6:2, Genesis 6:4, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, and Job 38:7 are 5 places in the OT where sons of God are mentioned and please check all this out on the Hebrew manuscripts, plenty of sources you can purchase for easy translation to English, such as a Strong's exhaustive concordance, a companion Bible, etc.
Genesis 1:26 And God said, Let us make man in OUR image
Genesis 1:27 God created man in his own image
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil was Satan, not literal fruits or nonsense people teach little children in Sunday schools. The angels look like we do and they are coming back as it was before.
It's a shame people have been so deceived that they almost make a religious war over women wearing something on their heads or women preaching. Christianity is a reality, not a religion. I care and love you enough to tell you about all this even if you were to be against me in anyways or think im crazy because thats how good our enemy is, people just don't care enough to go check it our for themselves. You go research sons of God in the Hebrew and get back to me.
Joel 1:1 talks about the 4 stages of the locust, that locust army in Revelation. The locust army come during the 1st half of that 5 month period and actual locust have a 5 month life cycle which is from Passover to fall fellowship (thats no accident friend), Noah's flood was a 5 month period.
The great book of Daniel 9:27 when the abomination, the abdominal one, the desolator it should be- abaddon in Hebrew, apollyon in the Greek, both *names of Satan (God gave us so we couldn't go wrong and apply it to the old and new testament) in *Revelation (meaning the unveiling/ meaning that book literally means from God its all wide out in the open), that when you see that then you know it's been shortened to a 5 month period.
I mean Jesus Himself in Mark 13 said He foretold us all things and Amen you can look that up, means that's that.
@@Keezawea 1.) Did Eve eat a apple?
2.) How long is the Lord's Day?
3.) Who is the false rock?
4.) Who is the tree of life?
5.) What is the sword?
6.) Who returns 1st?
7.) What will happen to our bodies when Jesus returns?
8.) What was the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
9.) What trumpet does Christ return?
10.) Which flood did God send to wipe out the giants?
11.) Which house do we belong to?
12.) What were Yahshua's last 3 words on the cross?
13.) God promised to destroy what and how did He do it?
14.) Salvation is avaliable to who?
15.) Which angel is holding Satan captive at this moment?
16.) Christ gave us authority over who?
17.) What did Jesus leave us with when He ascended back to the Father?
18.) What is the mercy seat?
19.) Which generation do we live in?
20.) What is a watchmen?
21.) Which people's have the seal of God in their foreheads?
22.) What is the mark of the beast?
23.) Who did Jesus say Cain's father was?
24.) Who are the kenites?
25.) When is the Great White Throne Judgement?
26.) Do people burn in a lake of fire forever?
27.) What book of God is your name written in?
28.) What is the famine in the end times?
29.) What entities fell from Heaven?
30.) Jesus said the end times will be as in the days of who?
31.) What is a false teacher?
32.) How many ages are there?
33.) Are we Gentiles?
34.) How many days was Christ in the tomb?
35.) How long did it rain during Noah's flood and how long were they on the ark?
36.) How long was Moses on mount Sinai?
37.) How long were the Israelites in the wilderness and what did God feed and sustain them with?
38.) Who did God give the 10 commandments to?
39.) Which sea did God part?
40.) How many times did Peter deny Christ?
41.) What empire put Christ to death?
42.) Did Yahshua start the catholic church?
43.) How long was Lazarus in the grave?
44.) What is Passover and who became our Passover?
45.) Who was Mary and should we pray to her?
46.) Nebuchezzar was the king of what empire and who was he a type of?
47.) Where will Satan show up at?
48.) Where will God establish His kingdom on Earth?
49.) When did God create all the races of people?
50.) Did everybody come from Adam and Eve?
51.) The old testament was written in what language?
52.) The new testament was written in what language?
53.) Where do people go when they die?
54.) What is a communist country?
55.) What is idolatry?
56.) Is it wrong to take a life in protection or a survival?
57.) Who will lead the one world system?
58.) What are the 2 beast in Revelation?
59.) What is the rapture and is it a lie?
60.) God said that even who will not argue with Satan?
61.) Why did Satan fall?
62.) Did the fallen angels mate with women?
63.) We are saved by what and what alone?
64.) What is the great apostasy?
65.) What is the great commission?
66.) Jesus said to save your life is to lose it but to lose your life for my sake is to what?
67.) Who started Christianity?
68.) What is the cloven tongue?
69.) What are the stars that fell from Heaven?
70.) How many tribes are in the house of Israel?
71.) How many tribes are in the house of Judah?
72.) What are the 4 hidden dynasties?
73.) Who is anti-christ?
74.) What tribes went over the Caucasus mountains?
75.) How many of the 7 churches did Christ have no fault with?
76.) Who was Goliath and what was he?
77.) Where was Jesus crucified?
78.) What is the hill of the skull?
79.) Why was it Jacob God loved and Esau He hated?
80.) Who turned to a pillar of salt?
81.) When did the dinosaurs live?
82.) Who are those with dry bones?
83.) What is the covering women should have over their heads and why?
84.) What was the purpose of the tower of Babel?
85.) Do the battle Hamengog and Armageddon take place at the same time?
86.) Who was the queen of heaven?
87.) What number means spiritual completeness?
88.) How far is the east from the west?
89.) What is the 7 day probation period in the millennium where you cannot approach Christ?
90.) How many plagues did God send upon Egypt?
91.) Which direction was the tribe of Dan, Judah, Ruben, and Ephraim?
92.) What does Yahshua mean?
93.) Why did Abraham trust God in God's order to kill his son Isaac?
94.) Does God and His angels have a form of transportation, a type of vehicle, or sort of aircraft that Ezekiel described?
95.) Why is Eve called the mother of all living?
96.) Can the locust army hurt us?
97.) Can demons read your mind?
98.) Can those who practice the dark arts be saved?
99.) What year did the rapture theory come into being?
100.) When did Israel reclaim it's independence?
101.) Are there both good and bad figs?
102.) How many times did Satan tempt our Lord Jesus the Christ and what were the temptations in order?
103.) Where does the word kingdom come from?
104.) In the book of Hosea 4:6 God said my people are destroyed (cut off) for a lack of what?
105.) What did the tribe of Dan, Judah, Ruben, and Ephraim represent?
106.) What are the vials in Revelation?
107.) Every knee will bow when?
108.) What are horns symbolic of?
109.) What are mountains symbolic of?
110.) What is another name for the Bible?
111.) How long will Satan be in power with his angels on this earth?
112.) What 3 main holidays are part of Babylon's economic system and how have they been infiltrated?
113.) What was the star the came out of Jacob?
114.) What is the 2nd death?
115.) What happens after judgement?
116.) Is God's Word completely translated correctly and is it God's fault?
117.) Did Adam blame Eve?
118.) What does Alpha and Omega mean?
119.) Is God's Word complete?
120.) Are we in a 1 world order now?
121.) Which trumpet are we in and what does it mean?
122.) What did Jesus say He foretold to us in Mark 13?
123.) What does amen mean?
124.) What does Emmanuel mean?
125.) What is the difference in Bethel and Bethaven?
126.) What are the 4 beast around the throne of God in Revelation?
127.) What is the 1st resurrection?
@@Keezawea These are things the church should be teaching, as well as in some points should be teaching against, chapter by chapter, verse by verse.
Who the kenites are?
The 6th seal, 6th trumpet, 6th vial
(Satan comes back 1st)
Rapture Theory, teaching people to fly away to save their souls and you don't need to understand the book Revelation
Believing Satan is coming back to wage war, instead of coming peaceful
The mark of beast, the 2 beast
The millennium/ 3rd earth age
The 3 earth ages
Noah's flood/ the flood that wiped out the 1st earth age/ fossils
The fallen angels mating with woman
Eve ate a apple
Satan wasn't a snake in the garden
The angels look just like we do,not flesh
Satan is Cain's father
When people die they don't go to Heaven of hell/ everyone is either on right or wrong side of paradise in waiting till judgement at the end of the Lord's Day
7 days was a 7000yr period
Easter/ Passover
@@Keezawea Blessed be to all, in Revelation 13:1, the beast with 7 heads and 10 horns coming up out of the waters, multi-headed means political, singular is religious (being the anti-christ which is Satan).
7 dominions throughout the earth, 10 kings/world leaders, the waters are the people expecting to be raptured out of here in famous fly away doctrine, for it will be as in the days of Noah that Yeshua mentions in Matthew 24 (with there being many other references throughout the old and new testament concerning the end times, as Daniel is a overlap of Revelation, and Ezekiel speaks more on the end times then any other book in the Bible other then that great book Revelation, the unveiling/uncovering as for the entomology of the word itself), those who are taken abide under God's wrath.
The false/spurious messiah comes 1st in Rev. 12 on this earth for a 5 month period, Satan and the fallen angels will be cast to earth (for the angels are coming back to seduce the daughters of men as they did in Genesis 6), he is the son of perdition (perdition means to be put to death, for he has already been judged).
The harlot, the woman spoken of is that great city Babylon, babel=confusion (Satan is the author of confusion), God said "to come out of her" in Rev. 18:4 I believe, as well as He did Abraham. It's not until the son of perdition, after the 2nd woe, on the 7th trumpet is when Jesus returns, the Lord's Day (that 1000yr period in 2nd Peter 3:8, the day John was taken to in the spirit, even past where were at now), when Jesus returns the dead will rise in Christ mentioned in 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (where most people cling to the Rapture Theory), and we will all (meaning everyone to have ever lived who has went before us and who remain), will be in the spirit.
Yeshua Messiah will reign here in the new Heaven in the new earth, then at the end of that 1000yr period Satan will be let loosed a little while because God is fair and everyone will have a chance (not meaning a do what you want now and make up for it then, pertaining to those who have been unable to hear the good news of our Lord and Savior and will be tested by Satan as even Jesus was to set the example on how we combat our enemy today), many will go through the millennium and go straight to hell, and they will be tested by him and some will still even then choose to follow/worship Satan, then comes the Great White Throne Judgement prior to the eternity.
God is that consuming fire, you don't burn and are tortured in hell forever and ever, your name is blotted out which is the eternal punishment because blotted out is forever, no longer existing, period, all souls return to whenst they came, for Jesus Himself would say depart from Me i never knew ye, not keeping you alive in a fiery pit with demons and the devil, all will be erased because none of it will be with us.
The mark of beast in the forehead are those without the seal of God in their foreheads (your brain, meaning the truth in your mind), the mark on their hands are those doing the work for the beast, not a tattoo of 666 or a computer chip implanted, many will be deceived and have no idea who they're working for or which kingdom they are advancing.
The 1st beast received a deadly wound on 1 of it's heads, a disagreement or falling out (as we even experience today), via the supernatural entity being Satan when he is cast out of Heaven entirely will come to solve the problem (world peace), no nations to wage war against 1 another we/they will all be as 1, a 1 world rule, under Satan (in the beast system).
The religious beast who was out of the earth (dust/physically you could say, not flesh for he is a cherubim as serveral are mentioned throughtout scripture), and cast to the earth, the anti-christ isn't a man, it's Satan (looks like a lamb (Jesus), spake like a dragon). He exercises all the powers of the 1st beast (to take advantage, coming to make peace, not war, because it will all come down to his worship, as we worship our almighty Father to whom he originally wanted to be evaluated above YHVH during his overthrow), and when the dragon healed the wound of the 1st beast, and all worshipped it (trampling like cattle, moths to a flame).
Many churches will become the harlot and whore after her, and oh how so difficult it will be to speak/preach against peace/ the wound was by the sword and it is truth, for they/ the world will hate you/us for standing on God's Word till the end.
Satan uses men just as God does and counterfeits all God does, some of the churches will do the work for him as they are openingly displaying now the Satanic infestation that is spreading like a contagion of death, they'll think your preaching against Jesus, our Messiah to come, for Babylon today is being revived to its fullest making the way and carving the path in blood for the false to come, so many will be deceived that you personally hold so near and dear to your heart, tell them now and let God's Word flow as you sound the alarm.
God i pray you open they're eyes, for Yeshua came to save, not to condemn the world and when He comes back, He will will return as our mighty king who the pharisees and scribes originally expected to see. He is our redeemer and this time, He is coming to rule with a rod of iron and wage war on His enemies.
Where will you be? Where do you stand? Who do you truly serve? It's His long-suffering and unimaginable love for us all that keeps this world together and 1 day His hand will be removed over the face of the earth, throughout the four corners as far as the eye can, time is running out and everyday im reminded as to who it is i need and why I need Jesus the Christ. I know if I can love you and fight for you, then so can God, for He loves so, so much more then you could ever image.
God bless you and Amen.