hey! Dragon boots here! im currently ranked 164 in slayer for ironmen, im also dry of the imbued heart iv had 6 gems! this guide is spot on! a little tip for pet hunters though to stop the "burn out" i have been doing all my spider tasks at saranis hunting for the pet while skipping its a welcome break and have gone from 1k to nly 2k kc in a week. im at 1.4k superiors and arax is a welcome addiction and i have hope again! ty for the video :)
Hey Dragon boots! Thanks! Oh ya I've definetely done some Sarachnis for spider tasks when I felt like it and with the new arenea boots its even better now, plus you can currently do araxxor and araytes as well on spider tasks.. Of course I wanted to cover the fastest option just to keep the guide focused but I did mention the wonderful red spider as well.
Glad you liked it! I held off on making this vid until this release because I had a feeling these guys may have superiors which I figured they would shake up the meta quite a bit. I knew they would be quick to kill and that a superior would have a good heart chance but of the slayer requirement but them being high weighted and a big task is the catalyst for the big change.
@@TravagGames Yeah those were my thoughts when they confirmed a superior variant, very nice they are highly weighted. Quality content though, trying to get one of my friends to convert over to turael/aya skipping and this is a great video to hit all the key points.
Thank you for this comprehensive and thorough guide was really helpful. I've been doing my lizards task in mount karuulm sulphur lizards. Cannonable spot it's pretty good.
Glad it was helpful! Ye a lot of people like that spot for lizards. I prefer the annoying ones in the desert but its nice not needing ice coolers for the ones in mount karuulm
Awesome video, Trav. I especially loved the Turael skip deep dive; it was really well done! I also had no idea Ring of the Elements was so insane! Off to GOTR I go!
On should note that positioning is also key. If a superior spawn roll succeeds but the game cannot find a place a superior (it checks SW/SE/NE/NW/center of the dying NPC) without overlapping a non-pathable obstacle, the superior won't spawn. This is important in cramped spaces with large superiors.
This is a really great guide, I appreciate the depth you went into for this. I've never done any kind of Turael/Aya skipping before so I'm sorry if this is a dumb question.... am I supposed to be doing a minimum of 5 aya tasks after getting an undesirable Duradel task? Or just try for a duradel task after every single Turael task?
You want to try for a duradel task after every turael task. Basically you'll always be at a 0 streak, maybe a little more if duradel gives b2b good tasks but you always skip a bad task with turael regardless of your streak.
Thanks for this guide! Do you think its worth the time to make cannonballs to kill araxytes rather than just afking them with venator bow? or does bursting abby demons become better if youre not making cannonballs?
Great guide! I've been slaying abby demons with my venator bow. But after doing some calcs it's only around 4 abby demons a minute, so i might start skipping them cause I don't want to burst them. What is your opinion about Nechryaels? Im getting around 6 kills a minute there, so at least a lot better than abby demons with a venator bow..
Dude great video & well formatted. What kind of kills per hour were you getting when you calc'd the time expected time? Want to check vs my own (without cannonballs) to see how much time I can reasonably expect.
Thanks! Are you referring to the Araxtyes? Conservatively, I was getting about 700+ kills per using Venator and cannon on the big ones (the only ones that spawn superiors as of this comment). Average task with slaughters is about 300 so a task is around 25 min or less.
dont telly from you spot in case you get a b2b t skip task. twiggy is faster to get to spiders. low bird amount is tellying to penguin island and using dihns and spec restoreing at poh and insta telly back to re kill, dwaves are taverly and using the underground pass. cannon down. pharos scepter option 2 run south for lizards run a bit more south for dogs
I'm currently somewhere around a 930 task streak. I think i will make it a thousand for the points and satisfaction. Then, i'm breaking it. At this point i just reslly want te heart. Thx for this meta!
Out of Curiosity, why don't you NPC contact Duradel after finishing the Turael task? Like if you're at banshees, NPC contact, no smoke devil or Araxyte, NPC contact Turael and you might get banshees again. Am I missing something? Great video by the way. This was just a minor detail I was curious about.
A lot of people do what you mentioned, if anything its probably better. I just personally prefer to left click my npc contact for aya/turael and just go to duradel with gloves since the chance of a b2b isnt super high anyways.
Not currently no. There are some good smoke guides up already and a few araxtye ones.. If I did make one, I think it would make more sense to make a guide after thr gourding potion (aggro pot) comes out later this month because that could change the methods up.
Cannoning Cows got me good. imagine minding your own business, grazing away doing cow things and you see a guy pop in and set up a CANON and MOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
appreciate the info! might want to check your mic settings / audio balancing. I think it's peaking or clipping and then it's muffling your audio. for example: 1:34 ,1:48, 1:55, 2:07, 12:50 (just giving you a few examples for you to review) when your audio starts to blow out and then gets really quiet. Pop filter would probably help a lot but I think it might be an automatic gain control taking over. I'm probably just be really sensitive to that kind of thing but it makes it really hard to listen and gives me a headache.
Thanks Trevor! I'll have to get a pop filter up because I know peaked a few times and the muffled audio in some areas of the vid is sometimes me adjusting the peak down so its not as loud. Not ideal of course but its hard to work on botched audio. Ill do some more research on the software and hardware side to prevent this more in the future. Apprecaite you watching. If its hard for you for this vid, watching on mobile without any headphones may be easier
I got my first heart attack 77 or 78 slayer after my 13th superior. I didnt even know what it was. But was a nice 30m drop at the time. I’m 97 slayer now and haven’t seen one since. It was a gargoyle superior.
Yes it is worth it. I upkeep em from stuff some pvm that drops them and some zalcano for steel bars. That being said, once the goading potion comes out on the 25th, you probably wont need a cannon anymore for smokes which would be awesome
@@TravagGames Tysm!!!. About the vid, i see you teleport to kuradal after every task, isnt it worth it to just npc contact kuradal from wherever you are? since if you dont get the desired task, you might be on Ayas next task already?
Its massive. I would have been happy with the fact that we have a 3rd good task in general but the fact that its high weight and high qauntity makes is so so good.
Got my heart a day before araxytes came out but happy to see the grind would have been dramatically faster if I still didn't get it. Happy Hunting! 26 mil slayer xp for my Heart
Congrats on the heart! Means you could focus on bosses like araxxor and thermy. But even the araxtye task overall is really good to do for the loot, boots/dupe boots for wildy, and the venom sacks. Love that the more sacks I get, the less torstols and zulrah scales I need in order to have anti venoms.
Bro I got mine doing wildy slayer im not sure what exp it was since I’ve been 99 for a while but I didn’t think this was a bad grind esp doing wildy its really fun for the keys
@@TravagGames now we know for sure it’s intentional 😭 mod blossom confirmed the minis will not spawn superiors. Still happy about the increased rate of the heart!
Hey Julia. I barraged them most of the time but I did some venator bowing when I felt like it. Barraging is quicker ofc but venator bow is afk, so its all preference and how you are feeling.
Have you done any math on folding in abby demons with wilderness? I'm running accursed sceptre + smoke barrage for a max hit of 52. Cannon can grab all spawns and with tele anchoring scroll they stack themselves. I haven't measured KPH but it's about 130k slayer exp/hr, so I'd guess 800-900 kph? Reason I ask is I never see anyone math out abby demons using that spot and it's by far the better option than any tagging/dancing method for catacombs barraging if you don't need ancient shards. I rarely see PKers so it barely slows me down. I'm thinking it may not be a time loss to do abby demons if you factored that into your math -- thoughts?
I havent tested wildy abbys no. At that KPH they would end up being fairly competative and with the 10% increased superiors it could end up being worth doing. It wouldnt be the worst idea either way (choose to do vs not) But it would need more testing to be sure.
@@TravagGames Small caveat: the 10% increase to superiors is only for krystilia tasks, unfortunately. The KPH does make me think it's on par with the arax/smoke speed and my iron's got bis for barraging it. I'll give it a go edit: Important to add I green logged revs for fun quite a while ago so I've got loads of ether to spare... no shot it's worth the time to farm the wep if you don't already have it.
@@Randomized1337Guy FYI for anyone else going for their heart grind, Mod Ash confirmed that the task doesn't have to be from Krystillia. As long as it's done in the wilderness it will benefit from the 10% increase, which makes Abby Demons pretty competitive
@jackhilton5858 thanks for the reply! Would you mind sharing where he said that? Iirc the wiki specifically says this does not apply unless it’s a Krystilia task. I don’t doubt he’s said that as I figured the bonus would apply - in any case I am definitely going to farm them now that the superior spawn tiles have been fixed.
Combination of the rate for heart being way worse and the kph being lower (around 550 an hour) Whats the kph with an alts? It would need to be really high to make it worth it. Also they have higher weighted than smokes and araxtyes, which takes away time from doing the better tasks.
@TravagGames I killed 289 in 27 minutes so not much higher than what you estimated. Thanks for the video. I think I'll block abby demons too. Probably the biggest time save doing araxytes over those is the time it takes to find an empty world
@@TravagGames Got about 280 in 27 minutes so really wasn't much faster than what you estimated. I think I'll block abyssal demons then. Probably the biggest benefit to not doing them is the time it takes to find a world. Thanks for the video
i got to 700 task streak on my way to 99 slayer and decided to keep going to 1k before breaking it to turael skip. Man do i wish i just turael skipped the whole time. If you need points to buy unlocks, just turael boost with konar every 10th.
My task streak was really high as well. It wasnt a huge detriment while I was still doing a lot of tasks and gaining points but once you narroe your focus, turael skipping is better by a long shot
hi, I might have missed it in the video, but did you include the fact only big araxxytes spawn superiors in your sims? Afaik it's intended that only bigs can spawn them
Hi! Yes the sims were factoring in that only big araxtyes can currently spawn superior so I used the kph for the bigs only.. As mentioned in the vid, if this changes in the future you can burst the smalls making the grind even quicker.
Fairy ring AJQ is way better for cave bugs and cave slime, can also place cannon. Also if you have a construction cape or house tele with your house in taverly, there is a nearby set of stairs with a lot of cannonable dwarves in close proximity.
Ah yes the fiar ring is really good! Good shout on the dwarf location. One thing I'd note is that those dwarves have high hp (26 vs 16) so they dont die as quickly. Maybe if you roll low the mining guild is quicker Since its less running and you dont need to place cannon on quick tasks but you can use the white wolf mountain underpass if you roll high? Ill have to give it a try though, thanks!
And excited too.. already finished Araxxor with only pet to go so now im farming heart then goinf back for pets from all the slayer bosses. Fun story.. I finished my halberd with 2 drops within 10 minutes and went to test it at corp for 1 kill, got a spec sigil lol... thats 3 kc after my arcane sigil too. You have the chance to try araxxor yet? Pretty fun boss eh?
@@TravagGames I was doing 2 maul 2 full ralos to 0 corp and then using the halberd but it’s a bit awkward half the time u end up out of melee distance which I think his melees are better to tank but idk. Also ely flicking with 5 tick tank a hit every 3 atks. Method?
@@blueblue6136omg i was testing the exact same spec haha. Im playing around with it, and some gear choices.. and i think its got potential... i know the melee range thing is potentially annoying but I wonder could work on our benefit with the right tech (higher mage def, some weird movement,etc). Im going to play around with it more and see if something can be discovered (for example out of melee range a lots you to get a hit off before teleporting away, or tick it, etc)
This isn't bad to do anytime after 93 once you have smokes/Araxtyes. The exp you get from tasks like abby demons and even nechs is really nice.. I would say you could do a lite version of this if you want and focus on tasks like araxtyes, smokes, abbys and nechs..All of them really good tasks for exp and decent for heart chance. If you need to do something like hydra at 95, take a break to do that instead. This is an example of a decent middle ground pre-99.
@TravagGames appreciate you fam, great vid btw and subbed ! Im thinking of doing sth similar to this, but keeping all venator bow tasks and some barrage tasks I like, and just turael skip everything to 99.
@@gladiar145thanks for the sub. That sounds like a good plan to 99.. you wont spend much time skipping with that many tasks to do, so thats going to be good for you
Yup, even with blipblock blocking them is still better. Of course its up to you, you could keep doing abbys if you really want to if you like stuff like the exp, passive prayer, whips or totems/shards but I prefer them blocked for me specifically since blocking them is better for heart ans I dont need anything from them as I've killed 25,000 of them already lol.
Did a good amount of pvm from stuff like muspah, wildy, nex, etc to keep them up in between slayer. When Im getting low, I do some zalcano for steel bars.
“Lizards and skeletons are the most annoying, sometimes I’ll just skip them honestly” How do we skip them if we got them from turael, I thought those tasks are unskippable?
Worth is subjective. Its still really good for exp in magic/range, slayer, and prayer if you need that.. and still a decent heeart chance. Strictly speaking for grinding heart, I dont think they are worth having unblocked.
I tell people all the time, slayer streak is pointless unless youre close to a big point boost. Turael skipping and point boosting are the best way to do slayer. Do you what you want, when you want.
Im not 100% sure actually, I usually just kill regular spiders but i can try and do araxtyes to confirm if no one else does before me. Ill reply to you if I get the answer.
Thanks for the video, I’m 28m slayer xp no gem or heart. I’ve killed 2.6k araxtyes on task in the task only cave had 3 superiors and had 0 boots. My rng is awful. Wasted 4k points.
Definetely move on to skipping if you have your blocks/buyables set.. dont worry you'll get your points back some other time. At the time of this comment jagex has confirmed only lvl 146 araxtyes spawn sups so only focus on the big araxtyes if you havent already been. Good luck, rng will turn around!
Supposedly the superior chance for arraxytes is bugged at 1/200 after 9/25 update. A Reddit post goes into detail proving it’s statistically impossible. Not good
Varlamore part 2 messes up Araxtye superiors wow lol. At least someone found it relatively quickly..could have taken much longer before someone did the math at that level of significance. Hopefully they'll restore it soon.
And they spawn superiors which is nice. You'll run out of scrolls very quickly.. without scrolls its probably not worth the extra 4 minute or so the task would take but its not the worst thing.. you'll just need to bring anti venom or use the sacks. Id probably do it if i got like 25-30 spiders and I started carrying a slaughter while skipping.
The fact that a new task makes it a lot more common might have dipped it from panic sellers but dip is more of a long term effect from more hearts entering the game. Short term its probably related to it not having a use at araxxor so people sell them temporarily for araxxor gear like the bludgeon, scythe, SRA, etc; all of which went up in price with the launch
I feel you buddy. I'm at over 500 and probably 400 of those are smokes and abbys but this new meta has me ready to go.. its not that bad to grind casually but I do take breaks.
Abby demons blocked? lmao wrong, they are the 3rd best task, since you can burst / venator bow them. I literally got my imbued heart from one of them lmao.
Tbh for such an essential late game item to need THOUSANDS of hours of dedicated grinding for Ironman is actually unacceptable and shit game design, it needs to be guaranteed at X amount of superiors or make superiors drop a currency or shards for it. This is an objective statement and any disagreements are coping from people spooned a heart for gp, or people who got theirs at 20m xp or more and want others to suffer.
The heart grind is annoying for sure but its only ever going to get shorter and shorter with new updates (elite CAs, new mobs, more blocks from quest points, turael updates/better areas to skip, etc).. over time its going to get more and more reasonable.. still a long grind though and it sucks to go dry on it.
Ya but the benefit of having 4 gems and 0 hearts is that I have infinite x4 eternal slayer rings in case I run out of charges someday from the heart grind. Lol GZ though thats massive
Amazing, amazing video, you deserve more viewers. I started Turael skipping for tasks recently and it's crazy how much better it is.
Thanks so much and I appreciate the support
@@TravagGames Do you have a list of the monsters with a list of the tasks it relates to? Would be extremely useful.
I dont but the osrs wiki has a turael list with the options and alternatices you can do. Just open the turael page and go under tasks.
hey! Dragon boots here! im currently ranked 164 in slayer for ironmen, im also dry of the imbued heart iv had 6 gems! this guide is spot on! a little tip for pet hunters though to stop the "burn out" i have been doing all my spider tasks at saranis hunting for the pet while skipping its a welcome break and have gone from 1k to nly 2k kc in a week. im at 1.4k superiors and arax is a welcome addiction and i have hope again! ty for the video :)
Hey Dragon boots! Thanks! Oh ya I've definetely done some Sarachnis for spider tasks when I felt like it and with the new arenea boots its even better now, plus you can currently do araxxor and araytes as well on spider tasks.. Of course I wanted to cover the fastest option just to keep the guide focused but I did mention the wonderful red spider as well.
Hey Dragon Boots!
I'm Ranger Boots! Nice to meet you.
update we just got the heart! rank 157 superior 1422!
OMGGG GZ! We all getting hearts now! (still hunting)
I got Sraracha at 14 kc. Then I got Vorki at 73.😂
Happy to see this made into video format with the recent addition of Araxxytes. Great video brother! :)
Glad you liked it! I held off on making this vid until this release because I had a feeling these guys may have superiors which I figured they would shake up the meta quite a bit. I knew they would be quick to kill and that a superior would have a good heart chance but of the slayer requirement but them being high weighted and a big task is the catalyst for the big change.
@@TravagGames Yeah those were my thoughts when they confirmed a superior variant, very nice they are highly weighted. Quality content though, trying to get one of my friends to convert over to turael/aya skipping and this is a great video to hit all the key points.
Packed all the essential details in -- thanks so much for the great resource :)!
Thank you for this comprehensive and thorough guide was really helpful. I've been doing my lizards task in mount karuulm sulphur lizards. Cannonable spot it's pretty good.
Glad it was helpful! Ye a lot of people like that spot for lizards. I prefer the annoying ones in the desert but its nice not needing ice coolers for the ones in mount karuulm
Your channel is a hidden gem keep the vids up
BRO I GOT THE HEART TODAY! after doing this for about a week and a half. Thank you so much man!
YOO! Congrats dude! Now you can finally play the game.
Awesome video, Trav. I especially loved the Turael skip deep dive; it was really well done! I also had no idea Ring of the Elements was so insane! Off to GOTR I go!
love how much detail you put into everything, keep it up!
Awesome guide. Have my heart already at 26m exp, but this is all you need to know basically.
On should note that positioning is also key. If a superior spawn roll succeeds but the game cannot find a place a superior (it checks SW/SE/NE/NW/center of the dying NPC) without overlapping a non-pathable obstacle, the superior won't spawn.
This is important in cramped spaces with large superiors.
Wow good to know
Thanks for the teleport tips too. Even with plenty of experience skipping, you had some much more efficient teleports.
This is a really great guide, I appreciate the depth you went into for this. I've never done any kind of Turael/Aya skipping before so I'm sorry if this is a dumb question.... am I supposed to be doing a minimum of 5 aya tasks after getting an undesirable Duradel task? Or just try for a duradel task after every single Turael task?
You want to try for a duradel task after every turael task. Basically you'll always be at a 0 streak, maybe a little more if duradel gives b2b good tasks but you always skip a bad task with turael regardless of your streak.
@@TravagGames Ahhhhh okay I see. We're here for the heart, not for the points at the end of the day. That makes sense, thank you!
Already got the heart but great guide! GL on the grind
when did Isildur start playing OSRS
Probably around the time you turned blind.
@@FrostBeam009 ??
Very nice guide. Appreciate how organized and concisely the information was presented. Time stamps would be very helpful
Thank you! Ive added timestamps/chapters to the video and description
@@TravagGamesexcellent. I really hope to see your channel kick off
huge video, very helpful!
Man I really needed to hear that at 3:18 . I feel so called out XD
Don't make me come over there! Lol. Hopefully this gives you the courage you need he-man.
Thanks for this guide! Do you think its worth the time to make cannonballs to kill araxytes rather than just afking them with venator bow? or does bursting abby demons become better if youre not making cannonballs?
I think it would still be worth it more than abbys even with just venator bow but def try to work some cannonballs into your rotation if you can.
@@TravagGames thanks for the response :)
i did break my 1010 task streak. all i gotta say is Thank you.
Congrats on the road to recovery. Also nice 1k point boost!
Great guide! I've been slaying abby demons with my venator bow. But after doing some calcs it's only around 4 abby demons a minute, so i might start skipping them cause I don't want to burst them. What is your opinion about Nechryaels? Im getting around 6 kills a minute there, so at least a lot better than abby demons with a venator bow..
Thanks! Nechs are strictly worse imo. If you are blocking abbys I'd def skip nechs unless you love them.
@@TravagGames Yh imma just do araxytes and smoke devils from now on I guess, thanks :)
With goading potions, barraging abby demons will be significntly better though.
Dude great video & well formatted.
What kind of kills per hour were you getting when you calc'd the time expected time? Want to check vs my own (without cannonballs) to see how much time I can reasonably expect.
Thanks! Are you referring to the Araxtyes? Conservatively, I was getting about 700+ kills per using Venator and cannon on the big ones (the only ones that spawn superiors as of this comment). Average task with slaughters is about 300 so a task is around 25 min or less.
Insane video
This guide just changed how i slay, maxed and just got achievement cape yday. Super high level shit here man amazing
dont telly from you spot in case you get a b2b t skip task. twiggy is faster to get to spiders. low bird amount is tellying to penguin island and using dihns and spec restoreing at poh and insta telly back to re kill, dwaves are taverly and using the underground pass. cannon down. pharos scepter option 2 run south for lizards run a bit more south for dogs
great video! thank you
Glad you liked it! Gl!
Great video man. Would be sick to see your tip with wilderness/ skipping
Great suggestion! I could make a vid around breaking your streaks, skipping and gaining points
Excellent guide, thankyou
Glad it was helpful! Good luck on your grinds
never in my life will i break my streak but brother i will keep watching your video and give you a sub haha
Thanks for the sub! Never say never lol!
I'm currently somewhere around a 930 task streak. I think i will make it a thousand for the points and satisfaction. Then, i'm breaking it. At this point i just reslly want te heart. Thx for this meta!
Out of Curiosity, why don't you NPC contact Duradel after finishing the Turael task? Like if you're at banshees, NPC contact, no smoke devil or Araxyte, NPC contact Turael and you might get banshees again. Am I missing something? Great video by the way. This was just a minor detail I was curious about.
A lot of people do what you mentioned, if anything its probably better. I just personally prefer to left click my npc contact for aya/turael and just go to duradel with gloves since the chance of a b2b isnt super high anyways.
Great guide. So your saying the cave with bigger ones are the best rate for superiors or only?
Currently it has been confirmed that only the big araxtyes spawn superiors. So yes do them by themselves in the multi slayer cave.
Do you have a slayer guides for rax and smoke devils planned? Showing the methods you do and use?
Not currently no. There are some good smoke guides up already and a few araxtye ones..
If I did make one, I think it would make more sense to make a guide after thr gourding potion (aggro pot) comes out later this month because that could change the methods up.
Managed to get heart on my 87 slayer grind, no gems, just get the drop.
Consider this your gem vid then haha
For lizards you should kill sulphur lizards in the konar dungeon. Takes 1 min to do task, and you can do cannon
you have got a new sub when i get membership again im try this on the iron
Cannoning Cows got me good. imagine minding your own business, grazing away doing cow things and you see a guy pop in and set up a CANON and MOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
appreciate the info!
might want to check your mic settings / audio balancing. I think it's peaking or clipping and then it's muffling your audio. for example: 1:34 ,1:48, 1:55, 2:07, 12:50 (just giving you a few examples for you to review) when your audio starts to blow out and then gets really quiet. Pop filter would probably help a lot but I think it might be an automatic gain control taking over.
I'm probably just be really sensitive to that kind of thing but it makes it really hard to listen and gives me a headache.
Thanks Trevor! I'll have to get a pop filter up because I know peaked a few times and the muffled audio in some areas of the vid is sometimes me adjusting the peak down so its not as loud. Not ideal of course but its hard to work on botched audio. Ill do some more research on the software and hardware side to prevent this more in the future.
Apprecaite you watching. If its hard for you for this vid, watching on mobile without any headphones may be easier
I got my first heart attack 77 or 78 slayer after my 13th superior. I didnt even know what it was. But was a nice 30m drop at the time. I’m 97 slayer now and haven’t seen one since. It was a gargoyle superior.
Hopefully you dont get anymore heart attacks haha. Gz on drop tho!
Hey Travag, is it worth it making cannonballs to keep up smoke devil tasks? how do u upkeep em?
Yes it is worth it. I upkeep em from stuff some pvm that drops them and some zalcano for steel bars.
That being said, once the goading potion comes out on the 25th, you probably wont need a cannon anymore for smokes which would be awesome
@@TravagGames Tysm!!!. About the vid, i see you teleport to kuradal after every task, isnt it worth it to just npc contact kuradal from wherever you are? since if you dont get the desired task, you might be on Ayas next task already?
@@Memeljulia ye a lot of people do that since yoy could get b2b turael tasks after a skip. I just prefer left clicking npc contact personally.
@@TravagGames ty! nice channel!
them being even still means there is a second task at that level of chances. it's pretty cool
Its massive. I would have been happy with the fact that we have a 3rd good task in general but the fact that its high weight and high qauntity makes is so so good.
this is a great guide
Got my heart a day before araxytes came out but happy to see the grind would have been dramatically faster if I still didn't get it. Happy Hunting! 26 mil slayer xp for my Heart
Congrats on the heart! Means you could focus on bosses like araxxor and thermy. But even the araxtye task overall is really good to do for the loot, boots/dupe boots for wildy, and the venom sacks. Love that the more sacks I get, the less torstols and zulrah scales I need in order to have anti venoms.
great vid beast
How many tasks on avarage do you skip before you either get smoke devils or araxities?
9 tasks on average for either of those tasks. With abbys included, its 5.5 tasks on average😮
Bro I got mine doing wildy slayer im not sure what exp it was since I’ve been 99 for a while but I didn’t think this was a bad grind esp doing wildy its really fun for the keys
Great guide, thanks. Little araxytes not spawning superiors is a bug; I’m hoping it’s fixed soon 🤞🏻
Thank you! That would be best case scenario by far.. but even if its intentional, large araxtyes is still an amazing task.
afaik it's not a bug, it's intentional
@@TravagGames now we know for sure it’s intentional 😭 mod blossom confirmed the minis will not spawn superiors. Still happy about the increased rate of the heart!
Can you show us your method for killing the araxytes and smokes?
I can likely make a vid in the future for this, you arent the first person to ask.
Hey Travag, about the abyssal demons, when i venator only them I get about 45k Slayer Xp hr. Should I be barraging them instead?
Hey Julia. I barraged them most of the time but I did some venator bowing when I felt like it. Barraging is quicker ofc but venator bow is afk, so its all preference and how you are feeling.
@@TravagGames I got my heart from araxytes superior today. Tysm!! Gl on ur grind
@@Memeljulia OMG GZZZ! That's huge, happy the new guys are serving you well!
Oh man that's a name I haven't seen in a WHILE
Like league of legends days or runescape days? Probably league of legends, I get a lot of old subs wondering why I'm in their sub box haha.
The classic League of Legends to RuneScape pipeline.
1401 task streak, it shall never be broken
You either quit as a task streaker or live long enough to see yourself become a Turael skipper.
I wonder what the best list for hunting brimstone keys is
Have you done any math on folding in abby demons with wilderness? I'm running accursed sceptre + smoke barrage for a max hit of 52. Cannon can grab all spawns and with tele anchoring scroll they stack themselves. I haven't measured KPH but it's about 130k slayer exp/hr, so I'd guess 800-900 kph?
Reason I ask is I never see anyone math out abby demons using that spot and it's by far the better option than any tagging/dancing method for catacombs barraging if you don't need ancient shards. I rarely see PKers so it barely slows me down. I'm thinking it may not be a time loss to do abby demons if you factored that into your math -- thoughts?
I havent tested wildy abbys no. At that KPH they would end up being fairly competative and with the 10% increased superiors it could end up being worth doing. It wouldnt be the worst idea either way (choose to do vs not) But it would need more testing to be sure.
@@TravagGames Small caveat: the 10% increase to superiors is only for krystilia tasks, unfortunately. The KPH does make me think it's on par with the arax/smoke speed and my iron's got bis for barraging it. I'll give it a go
edit: Important to add I green logged revs for fun quite a while ago so I've got loads of ether to spare... no shot it's worth the time to farm the wep if you don't already have it.
@@Randomized1337Guy FYI for anyone else going for their heart grind, Mod Ash confirmed that the task doesn't have to be from Krystillia. As long as it's done in the wilderness it will benefit from the 10% increase, which makes Abby Demons pretty competitive
@jackhilton5858 thanks for the reply! Would you mind sharing where he said that? Iirc the wiki specifically says this does not apply unless it’s a Krystilia task. I don’t doubt he’s said that as I figured the bonus would apply - in any case I am definitely going to farm them now that the superior spawn tiles have been fixed.
which room is best for the araxytes? been cranking venny bow + cannon in the level 146's room and it is still insane there
Yes thats the room to use since the 96s dont spawn superiors currently.
For lizards I prefer using rada blessing to mount karulum and using a cannon at sulphur lizards
Honestly not a bad idea because of how annoying the others are to kill sometimes.. just takes a bit of time to get up the stairs.
Great vid
good guide but you always gotta have at least 1 or 2 staminas with you. speeds it up even more
Yup! Great idea if you dont mind uses the doses. I personally use nardag teleport every time my energy is low after a task.
jagex confirmed the small ones do not spawn the superiors
Are abyssal demons not worth doing anymore because it's such a lower drop rate than the other two? Would you still do them if you had alts to dance?
Combination of the rate for heart being way worse and the kph being lower (around 550 an hour) Whats the kph with an alts? It would need to be really high to make it worth it.
Also they have higher weighted than smokes and araxtyes, which takes away time from doing the better tasks.
@@TravagGames Appreciate the response, thank you.
Not sure about kph. I have an abyssal demon task now so I'll time it and report back after
@TravagGames I killed 289 in 27 minutes so not much higher than what you estimated.
Thanks for the video. I think I'll block abby demons too. Probably the biggest time save doing araxytes over those is the time it takes to find an empty world
@@TravagGames Got about 280 in 27 minutes so really wasn't much faster than what you estimated. I think I'll block abyssal demons then. Probably the biggest benefit to not doing them is the time it takes to find a world. Thanks for the video
i got to 700 task streak on my way to 99 slayer and decided to keep going to 1k before breaking it to turael skip. Man do i wish i just turael skipped the whole time. If you need points to buy unlocks, just turael boost with konar every 10th.
My task streak was really high as well. It wasnt a huge detriment while I was still doing a lot of tasks and gaining points but once you narroe your focus, turael skipping is better by a long shot
36m slayer exp 650 superiors 1 gem no heart. Hopefully with this new tactic I will unlock it :)
peak tism here
how are your exp drops showing your hits?
Download the customizable XP drops plugin from the plugin hub, you may have to turn on predictable hits from the settings in the plugin
hi, I might have missed it in the video, but did you include the fact only big araxxytes spawn superiors in your sims? Afaik it's intended that only bigs can spawn them
Hi! Yes the sims were factoring in that only big araxtyes can currently spawn superior so I used the kph for the bigs only.. As mentioned in the vid, if this changes in the future you can burst the smalls making the grind even quicker.
@@TravagGames thanks for the answer!
I prefer using xeric talisiman to xeric's inferno for bats if it is a low amount.
Fairy ring AJQ is way better for cave bugs and cave slime, can also place cannon. Also if you have a construction cape or house tele with your house in taverly, there is a nearby set of stairs with a lot of cannonable dwarves in close proximity.
Well you cant cannon dwarves tho😂
Ah yes the fiar ring is really good!
Good shout on the dwarf location. One thing I'd note is that those dwarves have high hp (26 vs 16) so they dont die as quickly. Maybe if you roll low the mining guild is quicker Since its less running and you dont need to place cannon on quick tasks but you can use the white wolf mountain underpass if you roll high? Ill have to give it a try though, thanks!
@@xam8138 why not? I do it all the time
I’m only 90 slayer on my iron and have 2 imbued hearts, didn’t even realise how lucky I actually got.
Oh man lol. Gz! I guess if you were keen on eternal gem you could still use this info down the line lol
Hey mate, only thing id recommend is timestamps in the video. Great information cheers
Hey Ben! I'll add some timestamps to the video shortly. Thanks for watching!
edit: added!
he back he back
And excited too.. already finished Araxxor with only pet to go so now im farming heart then goinf back for pets from all the slayer bosses. Fun story.. I finished my halberd with 2 drops within 10 minutes and went to test it at corp for 1 kill, got a spec sigil lol... thats 3 kc after my arcane sigil too. You have the chance to try araxxor yet? Pretty fun boss eh?
@@TravagGames omg that’s hilarious! No I haven’t tried araxxor yet mostly focused on skilling!
@@TravagGames I was doing 2 maul 2 full ralos to 0 corp and then using the halberd but it’s a bit awkward half the time u end up out of melee distance which I think his melees are better to tank but idk. Also ely flicking with 5 tick tank a hit every 3 atks. Method?
@@blueblue6136omg i was testing the exact same spec haha. Im playing around with it, and some gear choices.. and i think its got potential... i know the melee range thing is potentially annoying but I wonder could work on our benefit with the right tech (higher mage def, some weird movement,etc). Im going to play around with it more and see if something can be discovered (for example out of melee range a lots you to get a hit off before teleporting away, or tick it, etc)
is there an 'efficient' way to do it without 99 slayer?
id like to see if ican get it but im not interested in maxing any skill
im not that hardcore
This isn't bad to do anytime after 93 once you have smokes/Araxtyes. The exp you get from tasks like abby demons and even nechs is really nice.. I would say you could do a lite version of this if you want and focus on tasks like araxtyes, smokes, abbys and nechs..All of them really good tasks for exp and decent for heart chance. If you need to do something like hydra at 95, take a break to do that instead. This is an example of a decent middle ground pre-99.
Is it worth doing Nechs?
Not for the most efficient set-up
@TravagGames thank you! I just got it at Aby demons 16.8m xp :D
Omg congrats!!
There's araxxyte superiors? Or did I misunderstand? Why them if heart hunting?
Yes the 146s have superiors and they are a great task for heart.
How much xp/hr do you reckon this is on average, just skipping for those 2 tasks?
Can very depending on your luck but id say overall you'd probably get about 70-90k per hour. If i get better numbers for yoy i'll edit this comment
@TravagGames appreciate you fam, great vid btw and subbed ! Im thinking of doing sth similar to this, but keeping all venator bow tasks and some barrage tasks I like, and just turael skip everything to 99.
@@gladiar145thanks for the sub. That sounds like a good plan to 99.. you wont spend much time skipping with that many tasks to do, so thats going to be good for you
Are abby demons also worse if you have blipblock? That seems crazy to me
Yup, even with blipblock blocking them is still better. Of course its up to you, you could keep doing abbys if you really want to if you like stuff like the exp, passive prayer, whips or totems/shards but I prefer them blocked for me specifically since blocking them is better for heart ans I dont need anything from them as I've killed 25,000 of them already lol.
How do you get your cannonballs?
Did a good amount of pvm from stuff like muspah, wildy, nex, etc to keep them up in between slayer. When Im getting low, I do some zalcano for steel bars.
“Lizards and skeletons are the most annoying, sometimes I’ll just skip them honestly” How do we skip them if we got them from turael, I thought those tasks are unskippable?
Oh I meant I'll spend the 30 points to skip them if I really don't feel like it and its rolled high but most of the time I'll just do them.
Are abyssal demons not worth doing anymore???
Worth is subjective. Its still really good for exp in magic/range, slayer, and prayer if you need that.. and still a decent heeart chance.
Strictly speaking for grinding heart, I dont think they are worth having unblocked.
I tell people all the time, slayer streak is pointless unless youre close to a big point boost. Turael skipping and point boosting are the best way to do slayer. Do you what you want, when you want.
Dude I’ve been strait up badgering my friends about this lmao. They get so annoyed with me but tureal skipping is just too good these days
@@wrenandrews3782 yeah ive gotten about 10 friends to let go of the streak and they all thank me for it.
can you spawn a superior araxyte on a spider task
Im not 100% sure actually, I usually just kill regular spiders but i can try and do araxtyes to confirm if no one else does before me. Ill reply to you if I get the answer.
Looks like you can!
@@TravagGames thanks and cheers mate
Karyll tele tab is better for dwarfs and icefiends. Theres also fairy ring AJQ for slimes and bugs.
I agree! as an iron though id rather not make the tabs. 100% as a main though. Yes AJQ is great.
Have you gotten heart since the video?
Nope but I havent been farming it too much, maybe 20 hours or so towards it
i got imbued heart within 9 superior monsters from a spiked turoth on the hcim....
You just sped up such a big grind. Gz
Thanks for the video, I’m 28m slayer xp no gem or heart. I’ve killed 2.6k araxtyes on task in the task only cave had 3 superiors and had 0 boots. My rng is awful. Wasted 4k points.
Definetely move on to skipping if you have your blocks/buyables set.. dont worry you'll get your points back some other time. At the time of this comment jagex has confirmed only lvl 146 araxtyes spawn sups so only focus on the big araxtyes if you havent already been. Good luck, rng will turn around!
Supposedly the superior chance for arraxytes is bugged at 1/200 after 9/25 update. A Reddit post goes into detail proving it’s statistically impossible. Not good
Varlamore part 2 messes up Araxtye superiors wow lol.
At least someone found it relatively quickly..could have taken much longer before someone did the math at that level of significance. Hopefully they'll restore it soon.
@@TravagGames yeah not good. They documented over 20k kills before and after. The stats prove it.
you can actually do spider tasks at araxytes, unsure if it's worth the time to go there without a supply of tele scrolls
And they spawn superiors which is nice. You'll run out of scrolls very quickly.. without scrolls its probably not worth the extra 4 minute or so the task would take but its not the worst thing.. you'll just need to bring anti venom or use the sacks.
Id probably do it if i got like 25-30 spiders and I started carrying a slaughter while skipping.
Lassar tabs for icefiends!
Yes i forgot to mention this one! Great for mains in particular. Thanks
Dam i was lucky than just got my heart at 87 slayer on my iron had gem at my first wyrm task
Thats insane! Congrats Jason
Got my imbued heart before my 400slayer points 😂
Sir, you are under arrest! Gz lol
Why did heart drop 15-20m in the space of a day?
The fact that a new task makes it a lot more common might have dipped it from panic sellers but dip is more of a long term effect from more hearts entering the game. Short term its probably related to it not having a use at araxxor so people sell them temporarily for araxxor gear like the bludgeon, scythe, SRA, etc; all of which went up in price with the launch
47 whips 3 heads 1 dagger
Feel you brother.. you must be at like 35m+ exp with those numbers. I dont ever have an abby dagger yet but I've "only" killed about 23k abbys.
Just got my heart at 12m slay xp from an araxxyte
Seen this a lot. Congrats!
No I refuse to break my 783 task streak
Cant save em all!
Numbers go up
and hearts go down... on the ground... to pick up because we got the drop.
kraken is a waste of a block no? cant you just disable them?
No they cant be disabled unless im missing something?
They are very high weight
400superior still no heart 😢
I feel you buddy. I'm at over 500 and probably 400 of those are smokes and abbys but this new meta has me ready to go.. its not that bad to grind casually but I do take breaks.
Abby demons blocked? lmao wrong, they are the 3rd best task, since you can burst / venator bow them. I literally got my imbued heart from one of them lmao.
Not wrong, I clearly explained that blocking them speeds up the heart grind now but if you like them as a task then you can keep em.
Tbh for such an essential late game item to need THOUSANDS of hours of dedicated grinding for Ironman is actually unacceptable and shit game design, it needs to be guaranteed at X amount of superiors or make superiors drop a currency or shards for it. This is an objective statement and any disagreements are coping from people spooned a heart for gp, or people who got theirs at 20m xp or more and want others to suffer.
The heart grind is annoying for sure but its only ever going to get shorter and shorter with new updates (elite CAs, new mobs, more blocks from quest points, turael updates/better areas to skip, etc).. over time its going to get more and more reasonable.. still a long grind though and it sucks to go dry on it.
got mine at 83 slayer sit down
i got 1 gem and 1 heart by 93 slayer
Ya but the benefit of having 4 gems and 0 hearts is that I have infinite x4 eternal slayer rings in case I run out of charges someday from the heart grind. Lol GZ though thats massive
32m xp no heart🫠
It unlucky but its only getting easier over time (new teleports, turael changes, new tasks, blocks,etc). We got this!
FYI, you can't kill araxytes on a spider task. I mean you can, but it wouldn't he completing your slayer task.
They changed it so that it is now