Gegnawoch are: Teklu Hawaz, Gidey, Azsbeha Dagnew, Yaynu Workneh Bihon, Aregawie Berhe and other victims Who Tried to Hamper the current sitautlns.s. i
We all feel happy about Adwa"s victory. No question!. But, is this "general" realy the right Person to Talk about peace?. Who will be then the next Adolf Eichmann?. I realy meant it!.
The most intelligent respectful humble handsome jegena chewa Tegadalay hawey long life to you shaebian kezen bekezenwyarek gibez ye Agame ye Raya Anbessa 👌👍👍👍👍
@@ጓልትግራይሽኮር-ጰ1ቘ tm elki ab mekeleki koynki dea fekri adis abeba dea deytkedi hasawit amhara muluie edbekum enda gezekun tm elkum tzarebu eti tebenay wedi adukum kea hji ktfe eu nskum tray afkum hazu deynatkum aynatkumn eu Entay dea tgrina deyzareb ke kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk adgi amharay
he is using his past close relationship to advance his twisted pro woyane propaganda ,u heard him saying nothing but negative out look about Eritrea and its leader Esayas afewerki,inorder to substantiate this ,he mentioned his past close relationship & an entirely unrelated subject as an evidence to buy trust from people,what a slick person,snake.
His flip flop position with regard to Assab made him very opportunistic individual who is trying to appease some hard core Amhara elit to find some sort of relevance in the future of Ethiopian government position. We Eritrean going through tough internal problems for now but like all in the past issues this one will also pass and we will be united and strong ; able to safeguard our territorial integrity and will be respected in our region and the contintnent. One thing should be clear to him and to the Eritrean people is that this individual doesn't speak for brothers and sisters of tigray people. Our issue with the people of tigray will also soon be addressed and will have a much stronger/better relations than before. This person and few like him will not be part of the new era; he wouldn't be needed in the rest of Ethiopian neither. I don't know where he learned the so called law which would allow him to go and grab someone esles port cuz you happen to like to have it. For now I would advise him to worry about his country future and if he want to try to take our port by force in the future for the second time the Eritrean resistance on the next time around would make look your first attempted to capture the port like a child play. Long live the tigray and Eritrean people together we will make a much bigger history for our peace respect and prosperity.
@@vitaminprotein6878 God! How delusional people you guys are. You fantasize. "Have u ever heard the interview he made about Eritrean army?". Did you remember when cried like a child after watching Eritrea consumed 24,000 agazi troops in 2 days in 1998. The small nation Eri killed about 100,000 soldiers while Eri sacrificed about 18,000. These all loss was made at the hands of your Tsadkan. Shall I tell you his loss now? All your "generals" are sent to Meles Zenawi by Shaebiya. Tadesse Worede was bragging "let alone ine Abiy can come with 10 Isias". But one shaebiya broke his backbone to stay fast in a wheelchair forever. Your "special forces" were played well. All of them gone to their idol in hell. We said we don't need war. We were begging for peace and solidarity for our mutual benefit. But you were so selfish and vagabond as nation. Now your hero Tsadkan is still in his case because he can't get iver the spirit of shaebiya.
@@solomontesfamichael5321 are you for real of you are just ignoring news, TDF captured almost all of wollo and wegera, when I say Amara are the most useless creatures on earth I am being deadly serious, look if rallies and tweets helped in war Amara would be the best, Tsadkan is in mekelle and your point on the ethio-eritrean war was inaccurate, EPRDF captured 25% of Eritrea until isayas went and cried in algiers, but TPLF agreed to reconciliation that's why I hate them, I know there were many casualties but still inaccurate
He using system just to make amhara and oromo trust Upon Him…But It's no good to create Issues about war etc…Anyone wants peace…But Your bad polotics going to make wrongs…So it's good Our ethiopian brother to know him and his Reason…
According to Ethiopia finance ministry the country's debt amounted to 52.57 billion until March 2019,so ,how do you think Ethiopia got in to these kind of debt?since you seem to be concerned about Ethiopia.even though no bady believes you for a minute,
his a real politician andandi negerochi lay balisimama ewiket yalew sew endehone yasitawikal but gazetegniw gin dedeb new fare yehone sew ayidelem yemakesaser sira new yemiserew
The only difference between tplf and shabia was that Shabia implemented exactly what they believed and avoided killing innocent in the wake of election while tplf did artificial election and massacred innocent Ethiopian in the wake of each election.The fact is there were never election in both countries.
I think this man is crazy because he's saying tigray can defence herself without any help from other Ethiopians that not true. Do remember that Ethiopian soldiers were defeated in badme in Zambia and ginbar Asseb by Eritrean soldiers?
make it easy to get more subscribers dear because you recommended to sigh in to subscribers so this is difficult to those who didn't know how to sign in what's that meaning?
there are more ethio-eritrean community leaving in oromia and southern region of the country than tigrains. So Eritrean official have and must interfere to protect the interest of theirs nationalities. given the bad experience took place back 1998-1999
Yosofe Woldeyes of course Eritreans everywhere in the world. Asmera is a ghost town. We got to see it for our selves. 10 soldiers can overthrow Eritrea we don’t need troops
@@bini9214 Indians,Italians,Greeks,Somalians etc are everywhere in the globe . You point is weak. Rather the topic is should be eritrean government intervention in ethiopia issues is necessary? the answer is absolutely yes.😀😂😂😃😂
Yosofe Woldeyes THATS why we welcome Egypt to intervene in our politics. We need Egypt support. It’s just a game and we willl play to win it. WE WILL GO OUT TOGETHER. No winners.
ኢትዮ ፎረም ጀግና ነህ በርታ ኣይዞህ አሸናፊ ነው
መጄር እናመሰግናለን
እግዚአቢሄር አምላክ ጤና ይስጥህ
ጀግናው ጋዜጠኛውም በጣም ነው የምናመስግነው እኔ አንተው የምወደው እውነቱዉን ፍርጥርጥ ጥጥጥ ሰለምታደርገው አና ሰለማትፈራ ነው እንዳንተ አይነት ጋዜጤኛ በአገራችን ላይ ይይይብብብዛዛዛ በበርርታታታታታታታታታ
omer balla የአይጥ ምስክር ድምቢጥ አሉ በአባይ ግድብ ላይ ህውሀትና ኦነግ አብረው እንደሚሰሩ ግልፅና ግልፅ ነው እና አንተስ??? ፃድቃን ገ/ተንሳይ ዛሬ የአዛኝ ቅቤ አንጏች ሆኖ የመጣው ለዚህ ሁሉ ያደረሰን እሱ ይዞት የመጣው ህውህት የሚባል የቀን ጅብ በሜቴክ እንክት እርጎ የዘረፈው ብር በአግባቡ አባይ ግድብ ላይ እንዳይውል ስራው በመዘግየቱ ምክንያት ግብፅ ትንፋሽ አግኝታ በእዲስ ጉልበት እንድትመጣብን ያረገው ዘራፊው የህውሀት ሜቴክ ነው ያም አልበቃ ብሎ እሁን ልይመሰል ይዘላብዳሉ ውስጥ ውስጡን ሌላ እና ውንድሜ ምርጫው ያንተ ነው እኛ ግን አባይ የህልውና ጉዳይ ስልሆነ አንድ ሆነን ያለማንም ተፅእኖም ሆነ እርዳታ እንገድበዋለን እግዚአብሔር ይርዳን
የኛ የ ትግራይ ጀግና💛❤️✊🏾
Gegnawoch are: Teklu Hawaz, Gidey, Azsbeha Dagnew, Yaynu Workneh Bihon, Aregawie Berhe and other victims Who Tried to Hamper the current sitautlns.s. i
#ያዬ በጣም ደስ የሚል ቃለመጠይቅ ነበር ሌ/ጀነራል ፃድቃን እጅግ በሳል ፣ ኣንደበተ ርቱዕ ፣ በእሳት የተፈተኑ ፣ ብዙ ልምድ ያላቸው የሃገር ትልቅ ሃብት ናቸው ፤ በኣሁኑ ጊዜ ለዚች ሃገር በፀጥታ ጉዳይ መድሃኒት ሊሆኑ ይችሉ ነበር ሰሚ ካለ።
ቀጣይ እንግዳ ተወልደ ፣ ስየ ፣ ስዩም ፣ ጃዋር ፣ ኣዲሱ ለገሰ ፣ ካሳ ፣ ሌሎች እንጠብቃለን
ለኔ ‘ሉዐላዊነት’ ማለት ህዝብን በእውነተኛነት ማገልገል ነው point 👌🏾
እንካን ለኣድዋ ድል 124 ኣደረሳቹ ለመላእ ኢትዮጵያውያን
We all feel happy about Adwa"s victory. No question!. But, is this "general" realy the right Person to Talk about peace?. Who will be then the next Adolf Eichmann?. I realy meant it!.
The most intelligent respectful humble handsome jegena chewa Tegadalay hawey long life to you shaebian kezen bekezenwyarek gibez ye Agame ye Raya Anbessa 👌👍👍👍👍
እድሜውን ለትግራይ ህዝብ ብሎ ሲታገልና ሲያታግል በመጨረሻም በድል ስርዓትን የቀየረ ጀግና ከትግራይ ማህፀን የተገኘ ምርጥ ጀነራላችን ነው እናም ትውልድ ሲኮሩብህና ሲያከብሩህ ይኖራሉ።
የኢትዮጵያና የኤርትራ ስምምነት ከኢንተርናሽናል ኮሚኒቲ እውቅና ውጭ ከሆነ የኖቤል ሽልማቱ ከየት መጣ ክቡር ጄ.እንዲሁም ጋዜጠኛው
በአሜሪካ ጫና ነዋ አንተ ደደብ።
Game over agamino
ክክክክክክ ዓጋሚኖ ዳኣ 3 000 000 ህዝብኻ ፋሕ ብትን ኣቢሉ ዝተረፉ ከም ኣድጊ ቻ እናበለ ይገዝእ ኣሎ። ጌም ኦቨር ባርያ ናይ ዓጋሚኖ እምበር።
Kkkkkk game over to shabiya .dekama poor mained
Wey agamie gegen new
@@ጓልትግራይሽኮር-ጰ1ቘ tm elki ab mekeleki koynki dea fekri adis abeba dea deytkedi hasawit amhara muluie edbekum enda gezekun tm elkum tzarebu eti tebenay wedi adukum kea hji ktfe eu nskum tray afkum hazu deynatkum aynatkumn eu
Entay dea tgrina deyzareb ke kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk adgi amharay
ተጋሩ ኩሉና ማለት ሕሙምና ጥዑያትና ካብ ፃድቃን ብዙሕ ክንማሃር ኣለና፡፡ ኩሉ ድሕሪ ዓድኻን ኽብርኻን መንነትካን ምስራዕ፡፡ ካብዚ ዝበልፅ ጅኝነት የለን፡፡
ጥዑያት ዘይብልኩም
General Seraki eyu eko
ልክ የምርጫ ቀን ኢትዬጵያ ብጥብጥ የምትል ስለሚመስለኝ ከአሁኑ ጠኔክሬ እየጸለይኩኝ ነው አምላኬ ህዝቤን ጠብቅ🙏🏾
ጀነራል ፃድቃን ጅግና በጣም እንወዳሃለን እናከብራሃለን
ኢትዮፎረም ፃድቃን ስለጋበዝክልን እናመሰግናለን።
It is good wisdom to avoid problems than to find a solution for problems. It is realy sad when people die serving the evil Instead serving for God.
Smart General !!!
ሕገ መንግስቱ ከ60 ጀነራሎቹ 58 ትግሬ መሆን ኣለባቸው ይላል ወይ?
እኛ ህገመንግስት የምንለው ተፅፎ የተቀበረውን ሳይሆን የተተገበረውን ነው፡ ሌብነት ስራ ነው የሚለውን።
ዘረፋ ለህወሃታውያን መብት ለሌላው ወንጀል ያደረገውን
99%% በእሳት የተፈተነው እኮ ትግራዋይ ነው።
#Zecliff : እና ኣህያ መሆን ነበረበት?
@@user-bz7fj1fk2m 99% በሌብነት የታወቀው ትግራዋይ ነው ለማለት ነው
@@kidg736 ኣህያ ኣገልግሎት ኣለው የቀን ጅብ ምን ጥቅም ኣለው ከጉዳት በስተቀር
አረ አባቴ ህገመንጉስቱን ማን ተሳተፈበትና የምእራባውያንን ኮፒ አረገቹ አፀደቃቹ ሌላው ደሞ ኢሀዲግ ባደረጋቸው ምርጫዎች አንድም ግዜ አሸንፎ አያቅም የሸገር ልጅ ስለሆንኩ ስለሸገር ላውራ ሸገር ላይ ኢሀዲግ አንድም ወንበር አግኝቶ አያቅም የሌባ ጥርቅም ስለነበር ኮሮጆ እየሰረቁ አሸነፍን ብለው ይበጠረቃሉ አይሰቀጥጥም እንደው አይምሮ ያለው ሰው 100%አሸንፍን ምድረ ከርሳሞች
እኛ ህገመንግስት የምንለው ተፅፎ የተቀበረውን ሳይሆን የተተገበረውን ነው፡ ሌብነት ስራ ነው የሚለውን።
ዘረፋ ለህወሃታውያን መብት ለሌላው ወንጀል ያደረገውን ህገመንግስት።
አንድ ነገር ይግባህ የሸገር ልጅ! ኢህአዴግ ፓርቲውና መከላከያው ይለያያል ጀነራል ፃድቃን የመከላከያ ጀነራል እንጂ የኢህአዴግ ፓርቲ አባል አልነበረም ።ምርጫ እየሰረቁ አሸነፍን በሚሉበት ጊዜ እሱ ተባሮ ነበረ። የተባረረው የባድሜ ጦርነት ሲጀመር ነው ከመለስ ጋር ባለመስማማታቸው ስዬ አብርሃ ገብሩ አስራት አሁን ባነንክ በለጬ?
ጀግናው ፃድቃን
Issayas weyanen katefa eritrea teregagalech
My favorite journalist, Keep up the good work. Be strong my dear brother. Always stand up to the truth, nothing else but the truth.
Tsadekanie ye Tegeray jegena 👍💪🙏❤️
No matter what Eritrea will live for ever
But living in Era'ero a life? (ዒራዒሮ)
ምርጥ ውይይት ነበር ያየሰው
ሸመልሰ ውድድድድ ወንድሜ
We love you Tsadkan u are always smart.
Ethio forum is typical Tplf
Game over akame komal hasad
Afeworki Teslay why shabia are crying. Dabo listen kkkkkkkkkkk
The UN and African union is involved in already signed Badme peace deal . Not only in the Redsea nation of Saudi.
አንተና የሚመስሉህ የሞታቹ ሬሶች ናቹ
ሬሳ ይሸታል እንጂ አይነሳም
እኛ ህገመንግስት የምንለው ተፅፎ የተቀበረውን ሳይሆን የተተገበረውን ነው፡ ሌብነት ስራ ነው የሚለውን።
ዘረፋ ለህወሃታውያን መብት ለሌላው ወንጀል ያደረገውን
አንተ ዉሻ ማን ሞሆኑን አዉቀሃል አንተን አድትኖር ያረገ ጀግና ነው
አድሜ ይስጥህ ጀግናችን
ያየሰው እኔ ጀነራል ፃድቃን የሟሳሰሉት ጀግኖች ስትጠይቅ ቡዙ አዉነተኛ መረጃ አና ታሪክ ታገኛለህ በርታ
አንተ ግማታም። ኦሮሞ እንዳተ ያለዉን ግማታም አህያ ከአዲስ አበባ ቂጥህ ላይ ኦሮሞ የሚል መሀተም ታትሞብህ ትባረራለህ።
Very hard but useful interview. I hope "seyei Abraha" is next on your list.
We will aske you where is ethiopian mony
የራሱ መርገጫ የሌለው ህብረተሰብ ትግራይ ብቻ ነው አሁን ስለ አሰብ ኢሳያስ አወራን ብላቹሁ ሌላው የኢትዮጵያ ማሕበረሰብ ይከተለናል ብላቹህ ከሆነ አንድ ነገር ልንገራችሁ የ ኢትዮጵያ ሕዝብ ምን እንዳለ ልንገራችሁ ወያኔዎች ከኣሁን ቦሆላ ቤተ መንግስት ከሚገባ ኢትዮጵያ የምትባል አገር ብትጠፋ ይሻለናል ነው ያለው አትክልት ለማጠጣት እንኳን ቤተመንግስት ስራ አታገኙም
Tigrie form cry like a baby loop
Ene yalameselkut wot aytafitem ...politician from tigray.
he is using his past close relationship to advance his twisted pro woyane propaganda ,u heard him saying nothing but negative out look about Eritrea and its leader Esayas afewerki,inorder to substantiate this ,he mentioned his past close relationship & an entirely unrelated subject as an evidence to buy trust from people,what a slick person,snake.
so what Esayas is a dictator
😂🤮😂🤮🤮🤮🤣🙈🙈🤦🏽♂️🤦🏽♂️joke of the year
Very Good Journalist
ህግ-መንግስቱ ማን ይሙት ማን ተማክሮ ነው የፀደቀው ሌ/ጀነራል ፃድቃን?!
this banda journalist tries to portrayed him as competent person
You are ignorant and Arrogant , because you ignored obvious facts.
His flip flop position with regard to Assab made him very opportunistic individual who is trying to appease some hard core Amhara elit to find some sort of relevance in the future of Ethiopian government position. We Eritrean going through tough internal problems for now but like all in the past issues this one will also pass and we will be united and strong ; able to safeguard our territorial integrity and will be respected in our region and the contintnent. One thing should be clear to him and to the Eritrean people is that this individual doesn't speak for brothers and sisters of tigray people. Our issue with the people of tigray will also soon be addressed and will have a much stronger/better relations than before. This person and few like him will not be part of the new era; he wouldn't be needed in the rest of Ethiopian neither. I don't know where he learned the so called law which would allow him to go and grab someone esles port cuz you happen to like to have it. For now I would advise him to worry about his country future and if he want to try to take our port by force in the future for the second time the Eritrean resistance on the next time around would make look your first attempted to capture the port like a child play. Long live the tigray and Eritrean people together we will make a much bigger history for our peace respect and prosperity.
Badmen mamales news tolo. Yesew. Maret. Zerfo. Wadet. New
አንተ አህያ ግብፅም ግድቡን ማስቆሟ ልክ ነዋ።አቃጣሪ ከኤርትራዊያን በላይ ኤርትራ ሆናችሁ ስታቃጥሩ ጣሊያንን አጨብጭው የተቀበሉ አያቶችህን ያስታውሰኛል።
dedeb neh bademe eko yetewadeklat melaw ethiopiawi new yemifekdw man new
Hasabh menager yshalal gin hasabh mareg aychalim
ሌባ 17 ሚልዬን ዶላር ከአባ ጸሃየ የስካር ሽያጭ የተቀበልከው ዱባይ ባንክ ያስቀመጥቀውስ :
አንተም ዕድል ብታገምኝም የባስክ ትሆን ነበርክ ያም ይሁን ይህ አያቶችህ የዘረፉትን የት እንዳለ እናቃለን ዘራፍ አትበል
ጥርስ የሌለው ዉሻ ብፈክር ? ያስቃል
Good job
Fuck bitch
Our HERE Tsadkan Long live
What do you feel when you heard he was killed among the many other fake generals?
@@solomontesfamichael5321 mtsm you were dreaming, general tsadkan is arguably the best and most educated general in east africa
@@vitaminprotein6878 God! How delusional people you guys are. You fantasize. "Have u ever heard the interview he made about Eritrean army?". Did you remember when cried like a child after watching Eritrea consumed 24,000 agazi troops in 2 days in 1998. The small nation Eri killed about 100,000 soldiers while Eri sacrificed about 18,000. These all loss was made at the hands of your Tsadkan. Shall I tell you his loss now? All your "generals" are sent to Meles Zenawi by Shaebiya. Tadesse Worede was bragging "let alone ine Abiy can come with 10 Isias". But one shaebiya broke his backbone to stay fast in a wheelchair forever. Your "special forces" were played well. All of them gone to their idol in hell. We said we don't need war. We were begging for peace and solidarity for our mutual benefit. But you were so selfish and vagabond as nation. Now your hero Tsadkan is still in his case because he can't get iver the spirit of shaebiya.
@@solomontesfamichael5321 are you for real of you are just ignoring news, TDF captured almost all of wollo and wegera, when I say Amara are the most useless creatures on earth I am being deadly serious, look if rallies and tweets helped in war Amara would be the best, Tsadkan is in mekelle and your point on the ethio-eritrean war was inaccurate, EPRDF captured 25% of Eritrea until isayas went and cried in algiers, but TPLF agreed to reconciliation that's why I hate them, I know there were many casualties but still inaccurate
ኣሁን ኤርትራ የት ያህል ሚሳይሎች ገዝታለሽ ።
350 moddern ታንኮችና 55 የኣየር መከላከያና carbonicጋዝ 31የምድር ዲስትሮየርስ ።እዚ ምናውቀው ነው ፡የማናውቀውስ ?
አታፍርም በባድመ ቁጭ ብለህ ስለ አንድ አገር ልኡላዊነት ታወራለህ ለማኝ ዓጋመ የአድዋ ውሻ
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂ዓጋመ ለመንቲ😂😂😂😂
ካባኹም ንላዕሊ ጸላኢ የብልናን ኣቱም ርኹሳት ዓጋመ ኣምሓሩ ባሕርኹም ይደልዩ ከኣ ይበሃለለይ።
እቲ ሓቂ ተረዳኣዮ!!! No TPLF, no Eritrea (ኣበሃህላ ኣምሓሩ)!!! Only Tigray Supports Eritrean Independence!!!
He using system just to make amhara and oromo trust Upon Him…But It's no good to create Issues about war etc…Anyone wants peace…But Your bad polotics going to make wrongs…So it's good Our
ethiopian brother to know him and his Reason…
Yayesew mirt gazetegna neh.
ምርጫን ሰበብ እያደረጉ በሚልዮን የሚቆጠሩ ዜጎችን ከመረሸን እንደ ኢሱ ይሻላል።
According to Ethiopia finance ministry the country's debt amounted to 52.57 billion until March 2019,so ,how do you think Ethiopia got in to these kind of debt?since you seem to be concerned about Ethiopia.even though no bady believes you for a minute,
Ate komale agame eseka kabeta tigeray begise bale ate resah aleit
Ant yewshet na asemesay key baher men honobeh degmo ethio form alk?
ንምለሊክ ከተድንቆ ጀሚርካ ክክክክ ነዚ ቀታቲ ህዝቢ ትግራይ እዋይ ንዕቀት መል ክትፈልጥ ኣምሓሩ ንዓካን ንህዝቢ ትግራይን ማራዮም ዝንዕቅኩም
እኛ ህገመንግስት የምንለው ተፅፎ የተቀበረውን ሳይሆን የተተገበረውን ነው፡ ሌብነት ስራ ነው የሚለውን።
ዘረፋ ለህወሃታውያን መብት ለሌላው ወንጀል ያደረገውን
his a real politician andandi negerochi lay balisimama ewiket yalew sew endehone yasitawikal but gazetegniw gin dedeb new fare yehone sew ayidelem yemakesaser sira new yemiserew
ጋዜጠኛ ጎበዝ ነህ ሁሉ ጥያቄህን ጥሩ ነው
Guhaf sebay eyou esu abe gubtsh ateka bezaba bekatu ketzareb mahferka
The only difference between tplf and shabia was that Shabia implemented exactly what they believed and avoided killing innocent in the wake of election while tplf did artificial election and massacred innocent Ethiopian in the wake of each election.The fact is there were never election in both countries.
I think this man is crazy because he's saying tigray can defence herself without any help from other Ethiopians that not true. Do remember that Ethiopian soldiers were defeated in badme in Zambia and ginbar Asseb by Eritrean soldiers?
ጻድቃን ክርዳድ
Ethio fourm stop feeling sympathiser to this group called Junta!!!!!!!!!!!
Liba General ye Ethiopian genezeb yezerefe
Alkashe General chemerelet bebademe wegia angetune keteseber sialekes sleneber
ጋዜጠኛ ልማታዊ ጋዜጠኛ እንደነበርሽ ታስታውቂያለሽ አባቴ
"አንድ አህያ ከሚመራው ዘጠና አንበሳ ይልቅ ፡ አንድ አንበሳ የሚመራው ዘጠና አህያ ያሸንፋል" ፡ ታላቁ ናፖሊዮን።
ቪቫ ምኒልክ!
በመጀመሪያ አህያ ምንሌክ ነው አምበሳ ደሞ አሉላ ተብሎ ይታረም
አለም እንደዚያ አይነት ታሪክ ስላልፃፈና ስለማያውቅ ፡ እንደሱ የሚለው የሴራና የተንኮል ፖለቲካና የበታችነት ትርክት ነው።
ከመንደርና ከስርቻ ወጣ ብሎ ማሰብና መረዳት ይጠቅማል፡ ተፈጥሯችሁ ባይፈቅድላችሁም።
እናንተ በተንኮል ነው ከአለም አንደኝነታችሁ የሚታወቀው።
አለም ያለው ፡ቪቫ ምኒልክ ነው።
@@በረከትእንድሪስ የምታነብ ከሆነ አንጣላም ራስ አሉላ ሲዋጉ ምንሊክ ገብርኤል ቤ/ክ ያስቀድስ ነበር
አሉላን ጨምሮ ሁሉንም መሳፍንቶች የሚመራው ምኒልክ ነበር።
ንጉስ ጦሩን ማደራጀትና መምራት እንጂ ነፍጥ አንግቶና ውሃ ተሸክሞ አይዋጋም።
አገር አስፍቶ እና ወራሪን አጥፍቶ ኢትዮጵያን የመሰረተ ምኒልክ ነው። አሁን ያለችዋን ኢትዮጵያ ወደ ነበረችበት ስፋት እንድትመለስ ወሰኗን አስፍቶ ፡ ለቅኝ ግዛት አሰፍስፎ የነበረን ወራሪና ባንዳ ተዋግቶና አጥፍቶ አሁን ኢትዮጵያ የምንላትን ቅርፅ የያዘች ኢትዮጵያን ያወረሰን ከምኒልክና ከጎበና ውጭ ማን ይምጣ?
ወራሪና ባንዳን ቢጎመዝዘውም አለም መስክሮታል።
@@በረከትእንድሪስ ስጀመር የምወዳት እተጌ ጣይቱ ለምናው ወደ ጦር ሜደ የወረዱት ሁለተኛ የኢትዮጵያ ድንበር ቀይ ባህር ነው የቀድሞ አባቶቻችን ቴድሮስ ዮሐንስ አሉላ ጨምሮ ቀይ ባህርን አላስደፈሩም ምንሊክ ግን ኤርትራ ፈርሞ ሰጣቸው እሱን አልበቃ ስላላቸው ወጉት
ኣታ መን ኽሓፍረልካ እዩ ሬሳ
make it easy to get more subscribers dear because you recommended to sigh in to subscribers so this is difficult to those who didn't know how to sign in what's that meaning?
there are more ethio-eritrean community leaving in oromia and southern region of the country than tigrains. So Eritrean official have and must interfere to protect the interest of theirs nationalities. given the bad experience took place back 1998-1999
Yosofe Woldeyes of course Eritreans everywhere in the world. Asmera is a ghost town. We got to see it for our selves. 10 soldiers can overthrow Eritrea we don’t need troops
@@bini9214 Indians,Italians,Greeks,Somalians etc are everywhere in the globe . You point is weak. Rather the topic is should be eritrean government intervention in ethiopia issues is necessary? the answer is absolutely yes.😀😂😂😃😂
Yosofe Woldeyes THATS why we welcome Egypt to intervene in our politics. We need Egypt support. It’s just a game and we willl play to win it. WE WILL GO OUT TOGETHER. No winners.
Uffffffff. When do you live ethiopian alone. Shekmoch!
ቁስሊ ህዝቢ ትግራይ
እኔ ኢህአዴግ መቶ በመቶ ተመርጦ ይሆናል ብዬ አምናለው።ላብራራው
ኢህአዴግ በአገር ውስጥ ያሉትን ተቀናቃኝ ፓርቲዎችን ካጠፋ፣ካሰደደና ካሰረ በኃላ እሱ ብቻ ይቀራል ።በኃላ በምርጫ የሚወዳደረው ኢህአዴግ ብቻውን ስለነበረ አማራጭ ፓርቲዎች ባለመኖራቸው ሊመርጡ የሄዱት የኢህአዴግ ፓርቲ ደጋፊዎች ብቻ ስለነበሩ እነሱ ደግሞ ኢህአዴግን. መቶ በመቶ መርጠውታል።በአጭር አማርኛ ብቻውን የሮጠ ሁሌም አንደኛ ነው እንደሚባለው ብቻውን ሮጦ አንደኛ ወጥቷል ምን ያስደንቃል?
ሆዳም ማፈሪያ ቶርቶራ አፈርኩ ለእንዳታይነቱ ጋዜጠኛ
የኢትዮጵያን፣ ለምን፣ አንቅሮ፣ ትግራይ፣ ከተታቸሁ?ለምን፣ አሰብ፣በእጃችሁ፣ አላስገቹም፣የኢሳት፣ ዘጋቢ፣ ሲሳይ፣ አጌና፣የተናገረውን፣ ደግሞ፣ ጻድቃን፣ ማዳመጥ፣ አለበት፣ የለበስከው፣ሙሉ፣ ልብስ፣ የኢትዮጵያን፣ ደም፣ አለበት፣ አንተ፣ ዶላር፣ ሰብሰብ፣okዶንቆሮ፣ሻዕቢያ፣ ቤተ መንግሥት፣ አስገብቶ፣ አንደገና፣ ጎትቶ፣መቀሌ፣ ከቶሐል፣ቻው
ያየ ሰው ጽንፈኛ የወያኔ አላማ አስፈፃሚ ነህ ያለምንም ጥርጥር
Ante gazetegna leteyekew sile minilk yegeneral tsadkan mels yememhir gebrekidan negigr wede amargna tergumeh simaw keza behala ewnetum tawkewaleh
እየ ሞተ የሚሳደብ ጀበራል።
Menedeka eyu ata zemote ayreayekan deyu zelo entay kemzemesel
100% ተመርጠናል ልትል ነው ታድያ 😂😂😂😂
Tana the Gelila እኮ 😁😁😁😁😁
ኢሳያስ የወያኔ ጌታ!!!
ያንተ ጌታ??
Michael algena ብዙ ከምትለፈልፍ ኣገርህ ኣድን፡፡ ህዝብን ከስደት ኣድን፡፡
@@shiwethagos8714 tegaru nay isseyas shom ktsema kelekin xihxah n xihxah ekin tkona kondafat
Xnah ata sheyati tarikna alena deqi Alula deqi Yohannes zebet nrseaka gizeka tray tetsebe .
Yaysewe shemelese 17 amete betseben salay besedete yemenorewe yalehuge be Esayas mekniate adele
no body believes you ante agame general ,shame on u tegaru officals stolen 20 billions dr public fund during the tigray govt,
አጋሜ ምናምን ትላለህ ሰውን በዘር ለይተህ መሳደብ ካላቆምክ እንደ ሀገር አንድ ለመሆን ከባድ ነው።
mismen ena hade kinkewn kkkk kithalmu tikelu ekum misakum zinebr hibretseb ab africa yelon ,ab ethiopia bota yeblkumn kmeta naykedemekum kimalam tibehalu alekum hji ke hasot minchibirbar tilmet koynu meleleyekum,sala ethiopia abzi hji zelekmo dereja bexhikum ,ketema zayneberakum mesrtkum asphalt serhkum,meat habatmat tegrau fetrikum bi medeb ,so ezi ghenzeb nay hzbi ethiopian public fund dimexe eu ,yekeneylna kitblu yigbae neyru ,kemakum aynu bichew haxibu zikeyd seb ayreanan,kab 10 degree nab 360 degree hasabat kitkiyru xegem yeblkumn kkkkk hji hade kinkewn elka tiray hilem,kisab amhara oromo ziktelekum
Bekba tenekro iewata ymeslal. Eha wshetam. Wgiako meri huneh stgeba enji bhuwala hunes gba malet iaydelem. Ahun demo mn kerena. Btigray yewatatoch mechnanek ialenda? Mann masasat
Fkora bech Ethiopia tfersale dedeboch k history yemaymru whestam
ጫድቃን ውዕጊን ክክክክክክክክ
ኣንተ ጋዜጠኛው ግን የእኝህ የተከበሩ ሌ ጀኔራል ፃድቃንና የኣቶ ልደቱ ኣገራዊ እይታ ኣስተሳሰብ እየወረስክ ይመስለኛል? በጣም ኣሁን እየተመቸኸኝ ነው። *ጎራ ለይተው ኣሽቃባጭ ጋዜጠኞች ስለ በዙብን ነው በያዝከው ያፅናህ*
Mawerat adelem menesat ena...
30 amet zerfew wisky tetu gdelu dhawn Hzbachwen nekw agamy le 1 santim wendmun ygdlal leboch agamy korkoro syker ymtserku leboch
Hayalu berha kkkkkkk amarigna neh yesafkew dedeb go to school and learn
መቼም ሰላምንለማራቅ የማታረጉት ነገር የለም ምነው ትንሽህሊና ቢኖራችሁ ኣቤት ውሸት እንኳን ስትናገሩ እፍረት የምታውቁ እንክርዳዶች ኣገራችሁን ለማረጋጋት ብትሰሩ ይሻላል
Luchya Kiflay Kiflay እውነትም እንክርዳድ😄
.ይቺን ጋዜጠኛ ህውሀት ጠለፋት??? ከናሁ እስከ ወዴት??? ይቺን ይቺን ለኛ አለ አራዳ
Huletachu jegnoch nachu wesagnu bealamah metsnat nw
Ata komal akame hasad wakera hasawi
you called election the one held in Ethiopia, or Drama? Yekeserachu