Nope its straight garbage, blasphemous, cheesy 2nd grade play acting, worst writing ever not to even begin to mention how boring it seems too. Nice try bot.
Would love to see such positive reviews from you when there's a movie about any Hindu gods/ kali Mata and she gets slayed by the priests. Worth a watch i believe. .
Just finish it. Surprisingly i wasn't that scared. Despite all the classic elements of trying to make you jump and those eerie music i didn't flinch. It was an okay film i guess. i was more excited at the end revealing what happened between the priest and his daughter and was hoping they'll make a sequel to it.
surprisingly good acting esp father Peter (Will Beinbrink)... when he rebuke the demons... and it's true when last part it somehow show the Vatican as a place for the unholy ones.
I just finished watching the movie and i loved it. It's different than most possession movies I've seen before. I hope they make a sequel to the movie since the devil was still alive.
@@jesusisking1-v6v can you please read your old Bible.. You will understand all these.. But you have to real old law bible completely.. And compare with new law bible... Then you will understand what I told. ❤
This looks really good. btw I love how lionsgate censured blood here in the trailer hahaha I bet youtube will try to ask you to censore everything in the 2024 Saw Movie trailer hahahaha only some areas of the upcoming Saw trailer will be visible. Hahaha
Reports are that TH-cam will actually be following in FaceBook/Meta’s branding footsteps and changing their name to LibWokeTube. I heard it’s either that or FewlingsTube. Pretty sure.
Best movie of the decade horror demon wise. Seeing demons exorcist a priest was epic and had me and my husband on the edge of our bed it was hilarious with father Michael and brought a new touch to this kind of movie something out of the box and I pray we get a part 2
@@5FtOfRage Care for… what? Um. It? The movie? What. You left us hanging. Guess if I was 5 foot, I’d be full of rage and wouldn’t bother to finish my sentences either
The first half was good. Jump scares will definitely get you. The latter part and the twist were something a little bit cliche for me personally speaking. The last 40 mins was a little too much, I wish they just stick to the idea about one’s faith. But, overall, I highly recommend it if you’re looking for something that is extremely disturbing in nature.
This movie was really blasphemous. I’m not a Holy Roller and I LOVE horror films, but this movie was too much. If your religious, stay clear from this one. I’ve never seen a movie push the boundaries toward full blown blasphemy as this film did. Not a fan of it.
I didn’t like how they showed priests to be Liars and weak and word of god to be weaker and have to make deal with devil.. and how easy devil can be in places of worships and can make its way all the way to waticans.. im not a Christian and I know it’s just a movie but still..God is king of all kings and most Powerful.
Spoiler alert: Ha I finally brought myself to watch this since I've been putting it off. Always thought it looked kind of cheesy. It wasn't that bad but honestly the end had me dying of laughter. How tf is the demon and the priest going to sound like a couple of children trying to exorcise each other? Sitting there like "get out"..."no you get out"..."no you"..."huh uh you first"😂😂😂😂
This movie is more educational than you believe.I think it's one of the best on movies against good over evil.Of course, good always wins but it's pretty nicely done.It's good to know what the enemy's doing.Even if it is just in cinema
Anyone explain the ending tho why the other priest was ok with father Peter being possessed showing him walking away with him like he wanted it or something
Theologically incorrect as the priest can exorcise in the name of God, the higher power, here without the person's consent and in the name of a lower power ...maybe it just means that the demon lied to the priest and that he believed the lie.
Watched the movie, it was more funny than it was scary. I actually for a second though it was a parody. Some of the effects look very cartoony and the whole storytelling looked bad. Weird movie. The possessed women looked more like zombies. Weird story telling in general, seems rushed. But some effects and jump-scares were good. But the running demon Jesus on the wall looked bad.
My kind of movie. Read the positive comments and reviews. Both wife and i dozed off towards the end of it. Especially when it got to the scene with the 3 zombie women. Didnt like it. At all. Sorry not sorry.
Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter. And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great. [This Verse 2:255 is called Ayat-ul-Kursi.]
@@tammyryan225 So the fact that u mock a religion that billions believe in is hillarious. You just insult it with no remorse if u dont like the religon keep to yourself instead of making fun of the most devoted and massive religon.
This is such a sad and FALSE depiction of Christ believers. No man can ever be God, that is blasphemy and the same reason satan was banished from heaven. This movie seems like a waste of time so I won’t even bother, just got intrigued because of the insane choice of title.
Got the feeling everybody in the comments saw another movie. My god was this just your terrible plain normal too bad over the top horror exorcism movie. Not worth it
Пора говорить ПРЯМО. ВСЁ ИСКУССТВО: КИНО, ТЕАТР, МУЗЫКА, КНИГИ, ПОЭЗИЯ , имеет ИСКЛЮЧИТЕЛЬНО ДВА ГЛОБАЛЬНЫХ СМЫСЛА , либо служит ПРОСЛАВЛЕНИЮ БОЖЬЕГО СЛОВА , либо дьяволу. Служить БОЖЬЕМУ СЛОВУ это значит , каждым КАДРОМ, РЕПЛИКОЙ, КУПЛЕТОМ и т.п. "ПРИВОДИТЬ" НАС, ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ, СЛУШАТЕЛЕЙ к ПОКАЯНИЮ, СПАСЕНИЮ ДУШИ, и соответственно наоборот, максимально удалять от него. МЕРЗКОЕ сатанинское КИНО. ФИЛЬМ ДЬЯВОЛЬСКАЯ НАСМЕШКА, и пример МАНИПУЛЯЦИИ человеком. И когда мы видим в фильмы кадры с Господом нашим Иисусом Христом, где он сам одержим демоном, то это обычное БОГОХУЛЬСТВО(ХУЛА НА ДУХА СВЯТОГО). НО БОГА ОБИДЕТЬ НЕ ВОЗМОЖНО ОН БЕССТРАСТЕН, а вот ХУЛА ЕГО это БОЛЬШОЙ ГРЕХ. А ГРЕХ это РАНА которую человек наносит прежде всего сам СВОЕЙ ДУШЕ. РАНА которая ОТКРЫВАЕТ ДУШУ ДЛЯ ДЕМОНОВ мучителей, БЕСОВ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ, слуг дьявола. А почему это происходит. Господь наш Иисус Христос, будучи распятым на кресте, для нашего спасения(под спасением понимается спасение души от ада, после физической смерти тела), воскрес, тем самым победив дьявола, но очень попрал огромную дьявольскую гордыню. И дьявол начал мстить Господу, вот например с помощью таких “деятелей”, подобно создателям этого фильма. А КАК ОСУЩЕСТВЛЯЕТСЯ дьявольская месть, в этом же заключается и НАСМЕШКА над зрителем. САМ ФИЛЬМ НАМЕРЕННО «РАЗЖИГАЕТ», но В ДУШАХ самих ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ, прежде всего действие таких СТРАШНЫХ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ, как СТРАХ и ПОХОТЬ. А ЭТО большие ГРЕХИ. И ВОТ ТАК, ОГРОМНОЕ БОЛЬШИНСТВО ЛЮДЕЙ, ВОЛЬНО ИЛИ НЕ ВОЛЬНО СОГРЕШАЮТ (не вольно значит что, грех только у себя в уме, под действием той или иной порочной страсти, является таким же грехом), И ДЬЯВОЛ «ВВОДИТ» В ДУШУ человека ДЕМОНОВ МУЧИТЕЛЕЙ разных ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ. Ну А «ОБЩЕНИЕ» человека в жизни С любым ДЕМОНОМ, «ПРИВЕДЁТ» рано или поздно только к одному, или К ПСИХИЧЕСКОМУ РАССТРОЙСТВУ, или УБИЙСТВУ, или САМОУБИЙСТВУ. И к АДУ для ДУШИ после физической СМЕРТИ тела. А ПОЧЕМУ МАНИПУЛЯЦИЯ. ПРИОРИТЕТНЫМ демоном который завладевает душой человека после просмотра фильма БУДЕТ ДЕМОН МУЧИТЕЛЬ БЛУДА. ПОТОМУ ЧТО КАК реально примерно ВЫГЛЯДИТ ЭТОТ ДЕМОН ПОКАЗАНО В ФИЛЬМЕ. Но И ЗАЩИТА тоже существует. ЕСЛИ СОГРЕШИЛ (даже только в мыслях, в данном случае почувствовал в себе проявление этих пороков), надо сразу же ПРОИЗНОСИТЬ МОЛИТВУ ГОСПОДА нашего ИИСУСА ХРИСТА. «ГОСПОДИ ИИСУСЕ ХРИСТЕ СЫНЕ БОЖИЙ СПАСИ И ПОМИЛУЙ МЕНЯ ГРЕШНОГО». Стопроцентно помогает. Что касается демона мучителя блуда. Понять его проявление в своей душе можно если ругаешься матом(мат это вообще язык дьявола), а также по грязно похотливым мыслям, за которые «ответственный» тоже он, и которыми он в свою очередь пробуждает демона мучителя похоти. Управляется он страхом(в данном случае дьяволом), поэтому на момент его действия сам человек может находится ещё и в состоянии страха. Всё остальное в фильме полная бессмыслица, за исключением одного момента требующего пояснения. Дело вот в чём. Рано или поздно произойдёт апокалипсис(полное уничтожение привычной земной жизни человека). После апокалипсиса мир не погибнет окончательно, а просуществует в течении ещё 3,5 лет. Это и будет время антихриста. Антихрист это единственная, копия, клон человека, и не просто человека, а Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, и душой его будет дух дьявола. Да И надо учитывать. ДЬЯВОЛЬСКАЯ МЕСТЬ БОГУ ПРОИСХОДИТ И НЕ БЕЗ и НАШЕГО УЧАСТИЯ. ПОТОМУ ЧТО это МЫ НЕ ХОТИМ ОТКАЗЫВАТЬСЯ ОТ греха, от СВОИХ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ. И ВОТ как БЫЛО БЫ ХОРОШО, ЧТОБЫ КАЖДЫЙ зритель ПОНИМАЛ это. НО ЭТО очень «тонкие» моменты, ПОНЯТЬ которые МОЖНО будет ТОЛЬКО ЧИТАЯ, И ГЛАВНОЕ, ИЗУЧАЯ КНИГУ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ. Да и ПОРОЧНЫЕ СТРАСТИ это ГОРДЫНЯ, ТЩЕСЛАВИЕ, ЛУКАВСТВО, СЕБЯЛЮБИЕ, ТРУСОСТЬ, ЧЕЛОВЕКОУГОДИЕ, ЗАВИСТЬ, ЖАДНОСТЬ, ОСУЖДЕНИЕ, АЛЧНОСТЬ, СКУПОСТЬ, СРЕБРОЛЮБИЕ, ЛИЦЕМЕРИЕ, УНЫНИЕ, ЧРЕВОУГОДИЕ, ГНЕВ, РЕВНОСТЬ, ВОРОВСТВО, РАЗДРАЖЕНИЕ, ВЛАСТОЛЮБИЕ, ПОХОТЬ, ЛЮБОПЫТСТВО, ПЬЯНСТВО, КУРЕНИЕ, ПРЕЛЮБОДЕЯНИЕ, ОБИДЧИВОСТЬ, ЗАСТЕНЧИВОСТЬ, ХИТРОСТЬ, РАССЕЯННОСТЬ и т.д. и т.п. И у КАЖДОГО ЧЕЛОВЕКА своя(СТРАСТЬ), так сказать, ЛИЧНАЯ. И ЭТО всё БОЛЕЗНИ (а почему мы все «больны», это тема для отдельной беседы), но БОЛЕЗНИ ДУХОВНОГО ПЛАНА. И ГЛАВНОЕ. ИСТИННАЯ ВЕРА В БОГА, в первую очередь ЗАКЛЮЧАЕТСЯ В «БОРЬБЕ» каждого ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ПРИ ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ, СО своими собственными ПОРОЧНЫМИ СТРАСТЯМИ, И только ТАК можно получить СПАСЕНИЕ для своей ДУШИ. Ну И ЕСЛИ каждый человек захочет "БОРОТЬСЯ" СО своими ПОРОЧНЫМИ СТРАСТЯМИ , ТО для начала, НУЖНО ПОВЕРИТЬ В БОГА, ПРЕСВЯТУЮ ТРОИЦУ: ОТЦА(СОЗДАТЕЛЯ ВСЕГО ЖИВОГО И НЕ ЖИВОГО, ВИДИМОГО мира и НЕ ВИДИМОГО),через СЫНА БОГА СЛОВО(ИИСУСА ХРИСТА), СВЯТОГО ДУХА. А ЧТОБЫ "ПРИЙТИ" к БОГУ или ПОЗНАТЬ БОГА необходимо ПОКАЯНИЕ. Ну А для того ЧТОБЫ ПОНЯТЬ ВСЁ что написано выше , И для ИСКРЕННЕГО ХРИСТИАНСКОГО ПОКАЯНИЯ, которое необходимо УСПЕТЬ(потому что ВРЕМЕНИ осталось очень МАЛО, возможно даже ПРИМЕРНО 1 МЕСЯЦ, И ВСЁ(смотри СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ от МАТФЕЯ, ГЛ. 24)) СДЕЛАТЬ при ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ПЕРВЫМ "шагом" БУДЕТ (и как об этом уже упоминалось выше) ЧТЕНИЕ и ГЛАВНОЕ, ИЗУЧЕНИЕ КНИГИ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯЩЕННОГО ПИСАНИЯ НОВЫЙ ЗАВЕТ. ✋🏻
I usually like these kind of movies but this one was a joke. Demons doing exorcism on the priest, lol! And of course they win. Typical bad ending horror. Waste of time.
No dark-rule have ever been established in the world but proof of rapes in Judah is still there. Theory of the movie is, to revise Bible-verses name of Mary is needed, if not a new-sin will evolve which one have to deal till expiry. Exorcism of any woman is to let her feel obeying orders of Mary. Vivekananda commented that Mary is the honour of all living as she wished to live even after Christ only to judge his capabilities (gunas) as he himself confessed to her that he was close to someone & he can never deny that to the settlers. 2000 years ago woman gospels were derogatory & one who deviated from that was claimed as one new pass-over. Gospels claim if one have will of the God inside he will have one policy to revive all, it's called a change of Christ's evil (while on Cross). Policies of the pastor is there in people's life hence called The Exorcism of God. Bible says Christ remembered his life of evil on the Cross & repented he never paid anyone's money. The issue is freedom & faith of a woman's life. God Bless!
Demons can mock Jesus, but yet they will still fear Him ✝️☝️🔥
None of these exist 😂
@@maxmustermann6612 it does. one day you will see
@@Midnightproduction23One day you will realise that none of it is real and that it is all bs that is being fed to you!
A rare case where the movie is way better than the trailer
Film dares to cross the line and succeeds with shocking visuals. Strong story and great effects. 👍
Nope its straight garbage, blasphemous, cheesy 2nd grade play acting, worst writing ever not to even begin to mention how boring it seems too. Nice try bot.
Strongly recommend it 👌. This movie is underrated.
I'm so tired of people who always say something is underrated
People trying their best to blaspheme Jesus' image. But devil cant win against Jesus. Christ is King..AMEN!!
Is this movie anti-Christ?
@rockkmusic6070 look at end of the trailer..
Geoffrey from Fresh Prince
Gave his life to the lord 😂
I'm glad to see him tbh I always liked him
underrated actor
This movie actually deserves appreciation, a few instances though, nevertheless worth
Would love to see such positive reviews from you when there's a movie about any Hindu gods/ kali Mata and she gets slayed by the priests. Worth a watch i believe. .
I'll wait for a prequel to yours 🤙
this movie is so disturbing and scary in so many levels.
Is out already????
It doesn't scare me
Oh big man isn’t afraid of a movie. Someone be impressed
Atleast his honest unlike your gay ass@@LeeBoswell-z1k
Please don't waste time watching the trailer.
Worth the watch, just go watch it
Don’t tell us what to do and not do alright?!!
Just finish it. Surprisingly i wasn't that scared. Despite all the classic elements of trying to make you jump and those eerie music i didn't flinch. It was an okay film i guess. i was more excited at the end revealing what happened between the priest and his daughter and was hoping they'll make a sequel to it.
Oh, sweet JESUS this looks good!! I'll DEF be renting THIS tonight!
I watched it, the end was pure blasphemous.👍
@@Abonike oh noooooo! Aw, MAN!
surprisingly good acting esp father Peter (Will Beinbrink)... when he rebuke the demons... and it's true when last part it somehow show the Vatican as a place for the unholy ones.
Exactly...the blind leading the blind right to lucifer's lap
Jeffery dun gave his life to the lord
Masta Will would be proud
😂 i had to double look at first.. he aint have much of a life anyways
Watched it last night its freaking scary very much disturbing scenes no unusual jump scares ,Top Scary Movie 😣
I just finished watching the movie and i loved it. It's different than most possession movies I've seen before. I hope they make a sequel to the movie since the devil was still alive.
I am not able to find this movie on ott platform,where is it ?
Let me know that link or website
@@riatyagi1630 It's On Starz Now
@@rumaizasiddique7408 google ffmovies then just enter the movie name in the search bar
Thanks for the spoiler.
From the makers of exorcist 3 William Peter blattys comes exorcism of God the most cruel demon in exorcist returns
William made this??
I don’t see his name in the credits at the end of this video.
Wow, this looks brilliant. Cannot wait to see it.
After i watched this movie It makes sense why islam prohibits statues
So does true Christianity
@@jesusisking1-v6v it's not still making sense that why you guys are praying infornt of some statues..
@@jesusisking1-v6v can you please read your old Bible.. You will understand all these.. But you have to real old law bible completely.. And compare with new law bible... Then you will understand what I told. ❤
@@Dyanamo_fx I don't pray to statues ,anyone who does is sinning
This looks really good. btw I love how lionsgate censured blood here in the trailer hahaha I bet youtube will try to ask you to censore everything in the 2024 Saw Movie trailer hahahaha only some areas of the upcoming Saw trailer will be visible. Hahaha
Reports are that TH-cam will actually be following in FaceBook/Meta’s branding footsteps and changing their name to LibWokeTube. I heard it’s either that or FewlingsTube. Pretty sure.
Best movie of the decade horror demon wise. Seeing demons exorcist a priest was epic and had me and my husband on the edge of our bed it was hilarious with father Michael and brought a new touch to this kind of movie something out of the box and I pray we get a part 2
This looks better than the new exorcism movie with Russel Crowe
yeah the russell crowe devil movie was weak af
Directed by our talented alumni Alejandro Hidalgo!
Just watched it. Bloody great horror movie. You have to watch it.
I really didn't care for
Care for… what? Um. It? The movie? What. You left us hanging. Guess if I was 5 foot, I’d be full of rage and wouldn’t bother to finish my sentences either
Who is here after RLM?
me too
Whoever likes this type of movies should go ahead and watch Siccin..good luck
This was a really cool concept for an exorcism movie. It wasnt a knock your socks off banger, but it was definitely a good one.
🌟 ⭐️ 🌠 💫
The first half was good. Jump scares will definitely get you. The latter part and the twist were something a little bit cliche for me personally speaking. The last 40 mins was a little too much, I wish they just stick to the idea about one’s faith. But, overall, I highly recommend it if you’re looking for something that is extremely disturbing in nature.
Geoffrey is in this movie
Need second part of this movie
This is free on Tubi....awesome movie.....jump scares are off the hook!!!!!
did.....did they censor the blood droplet with a blur mosaic at 1:00???
Yes 😂😂😂
Film maker be like what story do you want. If you watch anything well give you anything 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Amezingggggg Movies this my favorite movie love from Pakistan 🇵🇰
Light aare hai bro😢
This looks great!
I'm genuinely shocked, Saban actually made an epic and awesome movie. Holy F !!!!!
Geoffrey already dealt with Will, this is easy.
Its in the main title 😂
The exorcism of god.
From 2022
This movie was really blasphemous. I’m not a Holy Roller and I LOVE horror films, but this movie was too much. If your religious, stay clear from this one. I’ve never seen a movie push the boundaries toward full blown blasphemy as this film did. Not a fan of it.
I didn’t like how they showed priests to be Liars and weak and word of god to be weaker and have to make deal with devil.. and how easy devil can be in places of worships and can make its way all the way to waticans.. im not a Christian and I know it’s just a movie but still..God is king of all kings and most Powerful.
Thank you. I was looking for this comment
this is way way so much better the the other one.
What other one? lol
Spoiler alert:
Ha I finally brought myself to watch this since I've been putting it off. Always thought it looked kind of cheesy. It wasn't that bad but honestly the end had me dying of laughter. How tf is the demon and the priest going to sound like a couple of children trying to exorcise each other? Sitting there like "get out"..."no you get out"..."no you"..."huh uh you first"😂😂😂😂
This movie is more educational than you believe.I think it's one of the best on movies against good over evil.Of course, good always wins but it's pretty nicely done.It's good to know what the enemy's doing.Even if it is just in cinema
can you release part 2 right now lol
This is not tiktok
I always love to watch this kind of movie. Church and evil .....
The movie was okay. Plus ridiculous amount of companies worked on this movie which is kind of funny since the movie is pretty short
Great to see Joseph Marcell again.
it's like another version of unholy
Watch it today it one of best exorcist movie 🎥🍿 i like it so much
Where is it available?
@@riatyagi1630 Starz
I am Still Alive.
Insta reel dekh kar kon aya
Anyone explain the ending tho why the other priest was ok with father Peter being possessed showing him walking away with him like he wanted it or something
what blasphemy ... no man can be god .. be realistic has no one read the bible ? what happened to pharaoh for saying he was god ..
This movie is not available in india ..
The devil still alive, I wonder if is there another sequel
Theologically incorrect as the priest can exorcise in the name of God, the higher power, here without the person's consent and in the name of a lower power ...maybe it just means that the demon lied to the priest and that he believed the lie.
Watched the movie, it was more funny than it was scary. I actually for a second though it was a parody. Some of the effects look very cartoony and the whole storytelling looked bad. Weird movie. The possessed women looked more like zombies. Weird story telling in general, seems rushed. But some effects and jump-scares were good. But the running demon Jesus on the wall looked bad.
I really don't think Jesus is affected when demons try to mock Him. They only makes themselves look more pathetic 😂
Where can I download this movie?
follow the pirates to the bay and use a bit torrent ship
@@DICACIO1 Lol omg this guy xD
Was it good? 😃
Good comedy. It was ridiculous
Good comedy. It's ridiculous
My kind of movie. Read the positive comments and reviews. Both wife and i dozed off towards the end of it. Especially when it got to the scene with the 3 zombie women. Didnt like it. At all. Sorry not sorry.
Master William
Wow this look awesome
Is there a sequel?
We are not God! God is only God. God will not be mocked! Anyone who says that any human is God well they have committed the little God heresy
Looks awesome
Allah! La ilaha illa Huwa (none has the right to be worshipped but He), the Ever Living, the One Who sustains and protects all that exists. Neither slumber, nor sleep overtake Him. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His Permission? He knows what happens to them (His creatures) in this world, and what will happen to them in the Hereafter. And they will never compass anything of His Knowledge except that which He wills. His Kursi extends over the heavens and the earth, and He feels no fatigue in guarding and preserving them. And He is the Most High, the Most Great. [This Verse 2:255 is called Ayat-ul-Kursi.]
Right! 😂😂I was like “Where he been”?!
Bro got right with god
Please all repent of your sin and give your life to Jesus
This movie is so so disgusting and insulting to all real Christians... May the Lord God forgive them☝️
😂😂😂😂😂 shame on you for dumping your sins on a man that will never save you.
That’s what makes it fun. 😂🎉
@@tammyryan225 you know nothing
@@tammyryan225 So the fact that u mock a religion that billions believe in is hillarious. You just insult it with no remorse if u dont like the religon keep to yourself instead of making fun of the most devoted and massive religon.
Did we ask?
This is such a sad and FALSE depiction of Christ believers. No man can ever be God, that is blasphemy and the same reason satan was banished from heaven. This movie seems like a waste of time so I won’t even bother, just got intrigued because of the insane choice of title.
Anyone who believes they will somehow live on after death is hopelessly deluded.
It doesn't feel legal to watch😭
This movie is So bad I thought it was a parody. My goodness
Such interesting movie.
0:03 🙄cuz "EXORCISM" in title wasn't close enough homage...
Jesus is a messenger of god … not god
Release date?
They're going to be showing the movie on Starz
This “MOVIE” is really bad and it’s a joke. Don’t waste your money and your time, Actors are really BAD!
Yeah.. and those possessed women running around chasing like a zombie.. and also the CGI sucks.
Que película tan mal parece escuela de niñas poseidas hahahaha the walking dead en lugar de zombies niñas poseidas jajaja
Got the feeling everybody in the comments saw another movie. My god was this just your terrible plain normal too bad over the top horror exorcism movie. Not worth it
way ginoohay... not a religious issue probably
This movie sucked. Best comment here.
Jeffrey 😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀
Masta will needs his prayer
Sa donne envie vraiment 🎉🎉
МЕРЗКОЕ сатанинское КИНО. ФИЛЬМ ДЬЯВОЛЬСКАЯ НАСМЕШКА, и пример МАНИПУЛЯЦИИ человеком. И когда мы видим в фильмы кадры с Господом нашим Иисусом Христом, где он сам одержим демоном, то это обычное БОГОХУЛЬСТВО(ХУЛА НА ДУХА СВЯТОГО). НО БОГА ОБИДЕТЬ НЕ ВОЗМОЖНО ОН БЕССТРАСТЕН, а вот ХУЛА ЕГО это БОЛЬШОЙ ГРЕХ. А ГРЕХ это РАНА которую человек наносит прежде всего сам СВОЕЙ ДУШЕ. РАНА которая ОТКРЫВАЕТ ДУШУ ДЛЯ ДЕМОНОВ мучителей, БЕСОВ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ, слуг дьявола. А почему это происходит. Господь наш Иисус Христос, будучи распятым на кресте, для нашего спасения(под спасением понимается спасение души от ада, после физической смерти тела), воскрес, тем самым победив дьявола, но очень попрал огромную дьявольскую гордыню. И дьявол начал мстить Господу, вот например с помощью таких “деятелей”, подобно создателям этого фильма. А КАК ОСУЩЕСТВЛЯЕТСЯ дьявольская месть, в этом же заключается и НАСМЕШКА над зрителем. САМ ФИЛЬМ НАМЕРЕННО «РАЗЖИГАЕТ», но В ДУШАХ самих ЗРИТЕЛЕЙ, прежде всего действие таких СТРАШНЫХ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ, как СТРАХ и ПОХОТЬ. А ЭТО большие ГРЕХИ. И ВОТ ТАК, ОГРОМНОЕ БОЛЬШИНСТВО ЛЮДЕЙ, ВОЛЬНО ИЛИ НЕ ВОЛЬНО СОГРЕШАЮТ (не вольно значит что, грех только у себя в уме, под действием той или иной порочной страсти, является таким же грехом), И ДЬЯВОЛ «ВВОДИТ» В ДУШУ человека ДЕМОНОВ МУЧИТЕЛЕЙ разных ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ. Ну А «ОБЩЕНИЕ» человека в жизни С любым ДЕМОНОМ, «ПРИВЕДЁТ» рано или поздно только к одному, или К ПСИХИЧЕСКОМУ РАССТРОЙСТВУ, или УБИЙСТВУ, или САМОУБИЙСТВУ. И к АДУ для ДУШИ после физической СМЕРТИ тела. А ПОЧЕМУ МАНИПУЛЯЦИЯ. ПРИОРИТЕТНЫМ демоном который завладевает душой человека после просмотра фильма БУДЕТ ДЕМОН МУЧИТЕЛЬ БЛУДА. ПОТОМУ ЧТО КАК реально примерно ВЫГЛЯДИТ ЭТОТ ДЕМОН ПОКАЗАНО В ФИЛЬМЕ. Но И ЗАЩИТА тоже существует. ЕСЛИ СОГРЕШИЛ (даже только в мыслях, в данном случае почувствовал в себе проявление этих пороков), надо сразу же ПРОИЗНОСИТЬ МОЛИТВУ ГОСПОДА нашего ИИСУСА ХРИСТА. «ГОСПОДИ ИИСУСЕ ХРИСТЕ СЫНЕ БОЖИЙ СПАСИ И ПОМИЛУЙ МЕНЯ ГРЕШНОГО». Стопроцентно помогает. Что касается демона мучителя блуда. Понять его проявление в своей душе можно если ругаешься матом(мат это вообще язык дьявола), а также по грязно похотливым мыслям, за которые «ответственный» тоже он, и которыми он в свою очередь пробуждает демона мучителя похоти. Управляется он страхом(в данном случае дьяволом), поэтому на момент его действия сам человек может находится ещё и в состоянии страха. Всё остальное в фильме полная бессмыслица, за исключением одного момента требующего пояснения. Дело вот в чём. Рано или поздно произойдёт апокалипсис(полное уничтожение привычной земной жизни человека). После апокалипсиса мир не погибнет окончательно, а просуществует в течении ещё 3,5 лет. Это и будет время антихриста. Антихрист это единственная, копия, клон человека, и не просто человека, а Господа нашего Иисуса Христа, и душой его будет дух дьявола. Да И надо учитывать. ДЬЯВОЛЬСКАЯ МЕСТЬ БОГУ ПРОИСХОДИТ И НЕ БЕЗ и НАШЕГО УЧАСТИЯ. ПОТОМУ ЧТО это МЫ НЕ ХОТИМ ОТКАЗЫВАТЬСЯ ОТ греха, от СВОИХ ПОРОЧНЫХ СТРАСТЕЙ. И ВОТ как БЫЛО БЫ ХОРОШО, ЧТОБЫ КАЖДЫЙ зритель ПОНИМАЛ это. НО ЭТО очень «тонкие» моменты, ПОНЯТЬ которые МОЖНО будет ТОЛЬКО ЧИТАЯ, И ГЛАВНОЕ, ИЗУЧАЯ КНИГУ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ.
И ГЛАВНОЕ. ИСТИННАЯ ВЕРА В БОГА, в первую очередь ЗАКЛЮЧАЕТСЯ В «БОРЬБЕ» каждого ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ПРИ ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ, СО своими собственными ПОРОЧНЫМИ СТРАСТЯМИ, И только ТАК можно получить СПАСЕНИЕ для своей ДУШИ.
Ну А для того ЧТОБЫ ПОНЯТЬ ВСЁ что написано выше , И для ИСКРЕННЕГО ХРИСТИАНСКОГО ПОКАЯНИЯ, которое необходимо УСПЕТЬ(потому что ВРЕМЕНИ осталось очень МАЛО, возможно даже ПРИМЕРНО 1 МЕСЯЦ, И ВСЁ(смотри СВЯТОЕ ЕВАНГЕЛИЕ от МАТФЕЯ, ГЛ. 24)) СДЕЛАТЬ при ЗЕМНОЙ ЖИЗНИ ЧЕЛОВЕКА, ПЕРВЫМ "шагом" БУДЕТ (и как об этом уже упоминалось выше) ЧТЕНИЕ и ГЛАВНОЕ, ИЗУЧЕНИЕ КНИГИ ЖИЗНИ, СВЯЩЕННОГО ПИСАНИЯ НОВЫЙ ЗАВЕТ. ✋🏻
Terrible movie
0:20 ghgfg
I usually like these kind of movies but this one was a joke. Demons doing exorcism on the priest, lol! And of course they win. Typical bad ending horror. Waste of time.
No dark-rule have ever been established in the world but proof of rapes in Judah is still there. Theory of the movie is, to revise Bible-verses name of Mary is needed, if not a new-sin will evolve which one have to deal till expiry. Exorcism of any woman is to let her feel obeying orders of Mary. Vivekananda commented that Mary is the honour of all living as she wished to live even after Christ only to judge his capabilities (gunas) as he himself confessed to her that he was close to someone & he can never deny that to the settlers. 2000 years ago woman gospels were derogatory & one who deviated from that was claimed as one new pass-over. Gospels claim if one have will of the God inside he will have one policy to revive all, it's called a change of Christ's evil (while on Cross). Policies of the pastor is there in people's life hence called The Exorcism of God. Bible says Christ remembered his life of evil on the Cross & repented he never paid anyone's money. The issue is freedom & faith of a woman's life. God Bless!
I am the 3rd one 😁
Ayeeeee I am the 2nd Viewer
Maybe i'm first view
Blasphemy and a lie.
Its fiction film not a biography film. 🤦
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