People Who Knew A Kid From School Who Died

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 9 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 101

  • @JadeCaro
    @JadeCaro ปีที่แล้ว +115

    The saddest part about the blood transfusion kid is that if a doctor had just done the procedure without the parent's consent, the doctor would've lost their license and sued, even if they had saved the kid. The thing is that medical professionals are not supposed to save you without your or your guardian's permission

    • @markcollins2666
      @markcollins2666 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      The parents of the girl were probably Jehovah's Witnesses, who refuse to take in blood, in any form. Just because the Bible says you shouldn't eat it. So, what's really sad, is that these parents were perfectly willing to write off their little girl, rather than disobey their cult. If this is the case, nothing good awaits these parents, one day.

  • @joelroman6839
    @joelroman6839 ปีที่แล้ว +129

    A boy I knew from school was a jerk to me, and he died at 19. No one will tell me what happened.

    • @notsofunnyjokes1040
      @notsofunnyjokes1040 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      I heard of this boy from school who died in a car crash on the way back from the college we use to go to for career paths. He had hydroplane and this guy I was friends with idk I was he was a racist prick that got away with shit because of this dad being a police office and because he was gay and anything said against him was the person "being homophobic". This guy idc about putting his name on blast OWEN said he deserved it because this dude made fun of him and it was aone time occurrence that the dude made fun of him and it wasn't even about his sexuality and then he posted on Insta he deserved and was playing victim when people were like wtf is wrong with you
      He told me "ehhhhh guess I'll have to ride with it till high school ends I'm not apologizing" this was right before the lockdown he's lucky no one beat his ass in the hall

    • @Le_Best_Gamer
      @Le_Best_Gamer ปีที่แล้ว

      my first though mas murder-

    • @joelroman6839
      @joelroman6839 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@Le_Best_Gamer Nah, he likely did something stupid to cause his death. That bastard was impulsive

  • @Lady_Lele
    @Lady_Lele ปีที่แล้ว +79

    What kind of parents would deny their child lifesaving medical care?! They ought to go to jail for that!

    • @yangarden3827
      @yangarden3827 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      It must have been their religious beliefs, maybe they were Jehovah’s Witness

    • @Lady_Lele
      @Lady_Lele ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@yangarden3827 goodness gracious

  • @chaosspy6723
    @chaosspy6723 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    I knew a girl in High school who had a panic attack that led to a heart attack that killed her. She was stressing out looking for her school laptop. From my understanding, she seemed nice, but I didn't have many classes with her, so I couldn't get to know her that well. it was so weird and random because one day she was there and the next, she wasn't. It was hard to process that she was really gone. The worst part was that her boyfriend is the one who found her because they usually walked to school together.

  • @godofchaos9571
    @godofchaos9571 ปีที่แล้ว +96

    Two separate kids, four months apart.
    The first committed suicide ten days before Christmas. He was suffering from depression for a few years and couldn't handle it anymore. Was friends with him in preschool. It was really rough on the family because the husband died a few years before so the mother and brothers lost two members of their family in less than ten years.
    Second kid got him by a train around the corner from my house on April Fool's Day. It wasn't suicide, he just wasn't paying attention and stepped on the tracks. I didn't know him as well as the first one but it was a small school; we all knew each other well enough.
    It's been a rough year.

  • @_thewildwolf_
    @_thewildwolf_ ปีที่แล้ว +34

    A few months earlier, around January/December/that time, one of my best friends died. She was driving to school, another friend in the passenger, when her car suddenly got out of control and started to swerve. She hit another car and was instantly killed. No warning, and it wasn’t her first time driving nor was she inexperienced. It’s hit me really hard and when I see her name/photo I still feel like breaking down and crying.
    I think the saddest thing is that we’re both seniors. And now she’ll never get to graduate with me or any of our friends. She’ll never have a prom, never go to college.
    Only six feet away but I can’t touch or talk to her ever again.

    • @Thatgothsatori
      @Thatgothsatori ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I am so so sorry you had to go through that but if it was my bff she wouldn't want me to cry so ik yours dosen't either it will get better ik you might cry or get angry every now and again but it will get better and somewhere in the near future you'll remember her and smile without crying and you'll look at pictures without the anger and feeling like you could have done something to help because you will get over it and realize there was nothing you or anyone else could do to prevent what happend and you will also realize that she would hate for you to be sad. She wants yo to live life for the both of you so take something like her picture or your fav necklace from her to prom with you and celebrate her because life is too short to get sad over what happend when you could be happy over what is about to happen .I promise it gets better and there is a force of people at your side to hep with that so take a rest if you need to and relax and let the happiness flow.♥

  • @rin-cp2mj
    @rin-cp2mj ปีที่แล้ว +16

    A girl committed suicide when she was in 8th grade. Her twin sister had died a few months before that by falling into some train tracks and she was there when it happned

    • @allisonkrueger8330
      @allisonkrueger8330 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wow... I guess she couldn’t handle the trauma and loss of her twin 😭

    • @ChrissyBae
      @ChrissyBae 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Wow. Thats awful

    • @_parkchaesoo._4327
      @_parkchaesoo._4327 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      bro the train tracks thing
      one of my really close friends who happened to also be a guy i liked for a few years passed away last year mid october allegedly falling into train tracks but we still dont know exactly what happened because there were no cameras

  • @js8303
    @js8303 ปีที่แล้ว +34

    I always think about how sad it would be if you lost someone from school especially because I’m still in school :(

  • @maria1742
    @maria1742 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    One of my best friends killed herself at 15. It was almost 10 years ago but I'm still not completely over it. Don't think I'll ever be

  • @cutercills9x9productions9
    @cutercills9x9productions9 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    In Kindergarden, I knew a classmate there. He seemed pretty fine and while we did not become good friends, we actually got along together well. After 5th grade, I never saw him again. Then sometime in High School, I found out that he had died recently because somebody insulted him with intention to hurt his feelings (some random person called him homosexual, so he committed suicide out of depression). TBH, I wasn't very sad because I had not seen him for over 4 years, but I bet his family and friends were, and even though people who didn't know him well or didn't see him for years might forget him, those who loved him will never be the same again, since life is a priceless thing that is irreplaceable.
    I have to admit that my cat actually prevented me from suicide a year before him. Recently, I had lost my innocence (you know, kids are normally viewed as innocent creatures in their early years, but as they grow up, the realized the world is a bad place), plus my crush had been rude to me. I also had in my previous year a mean teacher who still would reprimand me for small things, even though I wasn't her student (like ignoring people, since I never greet those who I dislike, or just other stuff that not even my current teachers at that time would have had a problem with). So I had made a mixture of toxic chemicals, including oil lubricant, soap, and other liquids that I knew could hurt me for life if I drank them. But when I was looking for one particular one, my cat came over, and I realized I had forgotten to feed him. So I fed him, and after I was done, I lost my will to die. Up to today, I never have wanted to die, and I can't stop being thankful to my cat for allowing me to experience the life I have now. I obviously have 3 TH-cam channels, a creative side, and other things that I would never have if I had died that night.
    Sadly, the whole word is full of people who take things way too extreme, and these people end up either cutting their life short or having miserable lives. If anyone in the world needs help, these people need it the most.

  • @shadysunflower2099
    @shadysunflower2099 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Unfortunately, a second year at my university died in a fire a few days ago 😕 along with her younger brother. The rest of her family escaped on time and I can’t imagine how they feel. She was Muslim and it’s a terrible thing to happen during Ramadan, and now they have no home as well as missing family…..There was also a junior in my high school who passed by suicide, due to depression according to the school. I was a freshman at the time and barely a few months into the year, so I didn’t know her but I passed her locker everyday and it really hit to see the flowers surrounding it with occasional crying students mourning her there.

  • @s.s.gummybear744
    @s.s.gummybear744 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    In my high school there was a mural dedicated to the students who died, and it had some controversy because there was a female student who committed suicide due to bullying and her friend group pleaded with the school to add her initials to the mural. Students speculated the reason the school refused to add her initials because they were told about how she was bullied and was suffering depression from it and didn’t do anything to help her. The mural for a short while was guarded because there were talks about vandalizing the mural to include her name.

    • @allisonkrueger8330
      @allisonkrueger8330 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      She still should’ve been included, I’m surprised her family didn’t complain to the school about it

  • @Aubrisha_
    @Aubrisha_ ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I had a Bestfriend in the 3rd grade. We were super close. One day he went to the nurse during lunch because his stomach really hurt, we didn’t see him again for a long time. Fast forward maybe a month or 2 he comes back with some really sad news. He has cancer. He showed us his tumor which was on his abdomen, he said it didn’t hurt much at the time and that he was going to get better. We all got his autograph because we told him that he was going to survive and that when he does he’s going to be so famous. After that day, we never saw him again. Fast forward about a year, it’s the 4th grade and his other Bestfriend who was my enemy at the time was in my class. I asked him “how’s m?” He turned to me and said “oh..he died. His funeral was over the summer” my heart broke. He was my best friend. He always helped me when needed, he also loved teather ball, it was his favorite. I’ll never forget him. He’ll always be in my heart ❤️

    • @allisonkrueger8330
      @allisonkrueger8330 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thats messed up his parents didn’t notify you

  • @juliem6587
    @juliem6587 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    When I was a nurse there were several cases where parents refused transfusions for their child. This was due to religious reasons and mostly Jehovah Witness ' . Although I think there was also either a 7th day Adventist or Mormon , but can't remember. The Jehovah's stick in my mind because for one case I was working on a pediatric ward and this family refused to allow a transfusion during an operation, they actually said that they wouldn't have their child back in their home as she'd be contaminated and not recognised by the church. Luckily she was fine but took a lot longer to heal because of blood loss in the operation, she had a bowel resection performed. Having to be polite to those parents was one of the hardest things I had to do. Some religions are awful.

  • @theaceguitarist
    @theaceguitarist ปีที่แล้ว +17

    My junior high had at least one student die every year all three years I was there. Same with two of the three years my little sister was there. School’s been open since like 2011 and I think they’ve lost like 12 students at this point. It’s now considered cursed.
    Of the students who died while me and my sister were there, two of them were our friends.

  • @izordonezorschel4876
    @izordonezorschel4876 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    For the last story..
    it would (probably) just be considered AMA (against medical advise), paperwork has to be signed (as far as I know) for it to go through and I’m pretty sure hospitals aren’t allowed to keep a patient if they, if it’s a child their parents, refuse treatment
    It makes this story particularly sad because the parents would have been advised against it and had enough time to think about it, and the doctor probably wouldn’t have been able to do anything

  • @ericaharrell2459
    @ericaharrell2459 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The sad part is if a parent doesn't want a procedure done for their child because of religious/medical beliefs nothing the doctor can do

  • @maxrobertson2834
    @maxrobertson2834 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    My friend died. I didn’t know I’m super well, but he let me sit with him at lunch, and would always play little jokes on me. He had a seizure disorder that effected him neurologically. I’m not entirely sure what happened, but he passed peacefully in a hospital surrounded by his family. I miss him

  • @evilanimation5812
    @evilanimation5812 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Was in the same class with a kid who went on a skiing trip, they had an accident and was decapitated. Happened in 9th grade :(

  • @Thegamesafoot
    @Thegamesafoot ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Last year, we had a senior at my high school who died in an accident on his way to a scholarship audition. His favorite color was yellow so we planned to wear it on the day of the funeral. When the day came, yellow blossoms bloomed around the school, and died the next day. It was insane

  • @Monica-vl9ek
    @Monica-vl9ek ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The doctors can also recommend other bloodless procedures or other doctors that are comfortable with not using blood transfusions. It’s not always a black and white picture how most people make it sound 🩸

  • @madskribz3798
    @madskribz3798 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    There was a kid who died a few weeks ago at a school in my district. It was so sad to hear about when it happened. I
    Still feel sad for all of his friends and classmates

  • @jeanproctor3663
    @jeanproctor3663 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Re: the last story about the kid that needed a blood transfusion but their parents denied it. The family might have been Jehova's Witnesses. Part of their belief is that they don't allow blood transfusions or organ transplants, even if the person needing them will die without. There are certain things they can use instead of blood but sometimes it's the blood itself that's needed to save the life. If I remember correctly there have been some court cases over the years concerning the life of a patient over religious belief.

  • @rebelcastlewood3247
    @rebelcastlewood3247 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    My Junior year (year before the pandemic) a kid I knew who was like the class clown didn't show up one day and I found out he died that morning driving to school. His poor dad worked at the school as my math teacher at the time. It was hard on a lot of us
    During the pandemic, a girl was killed by her father because her parents got in a argument and she couldn't leave with her mother and brother when they ran. He killed himself afterwards. I didn't know her personally, but it still hurt to have this beautiful young girl have her life taken so soon
    I also knew a kid who was riding his bike home and was hit by a car, the people fled, he died. It took a while for them to find the people who did it, but I remember how hard it was going to school after that, because it was the first classmate's death I experienced

  • @deadsetondreams1988
    @deadsetondreams1988 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Only friend I've ever had pass away. I was friends with twins, we were in skate club together and like a big family. I was the only girl so I looked up to all of them. They tried to make me feel included even though I was definitely the reserved one of the group. And they were all crazy outgoing, especially compared to me. My friends twin brother ended up tragically passing away, I will not disclose how, out of respect for their privacy but it broke me. I was one of the newest members of the group so they all had a stronger bond than I did but I sobbed my freaking eyes out when I found out about it; literally for months on end. I could only imagine how his twin and family members felt. We all built our town's only skate park together we did the fundraising and everything too. And they put a memorial plaque for him at the skate park. I used to always drive past it on purpose to admire all the work we put in. After the plague was added, I literally turned my car around to look at it/ sit at it when I first noticed it and wept.

  • @shreyasharma0905
    @shreyasharma0905 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    The greatest coincidence in my life was I met a senior of mine in school we became friends because we shared the same name same surname and same date of birth except the year in which we were born (9th May our DOB) . We both were in the same sports activity of school and I adored her a lot as she was the sweetest person I have known. We met one day like normally in the school corridor and exchanged a hi hello. Next day everyone at school started talking about her . I thought of it as another petty rumour until later at night all news channels showed how she was killed by one of her classmates . The school had a ceremony in the memory of her . This incident was quite talk of the town for a few months. I miss her ✨🥺

  • @jana4577
    @jana4577 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One of my old classmates in elementary school died. We didnt exactly get the cause of her death, but instead of sending flowers, we were asked to donate to a local drug-addiction-help-center, so we think it was an overdose.

  • @weeiiioow
    @weeiiioow ปีที่แล้ว +2

    One kid at my school was a jerk to others, was really loud and disobedient but he was kind to selective people. He was also really mentally unwell, his parents both left him with his grandparents. No one actually knows what happened; however, he, his grandma, and step-grandpas body was found in their house just before summer began. He was only 9, and his dream was to go to middle school. He was in 4th grade...
    Edit: To Kyuite, I found out about this from TH-cam so don't mind me if I mix something up. Medical professionals cannot physically give a non consenting patient treatment. Even if that person is underage, or an adult that can make decisions of their own. That doctor can strongly encourage treatment if the illness, infection or etc is fatal, but they can't force it upon a patient if they have a valid reason for example: Financial issues, religious reasons, not physically able etc.
    Hope that helps

  • @Jasmine-xy4ry
    @Jasmine-xy4ry ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Hey! I haven’t watched your videos since 2020 but I remembered how much I loved them!!

    • @wonlvr0209
      @wonlvr0209 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same !!

    • @scottpartner8001
      @scottpartner8001 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi I want to tell you a funny story about what I did at work

  • @theresaeng5330
    @theresaeng5330 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    It was 50 years ago, different rules, sad though, can you imagine how the father felt. It was before the laws of locking your guns away it sounds like. Or he had it up away, but kids being kids....will find anything.

  • @macey2468
    @macey2468 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My mom is a kindergarten teacher. She recently lost a student in her class to a four wheeler accident. It was so sad. Please make your kids wear helmets.

  • @4verstaywme
    @4verstaywme ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks kyutie, I was stressing from studying for exams and summative assignments and your video helped me survive the night lol theres so much to do 😅

  • @SammyLammy1D
    @SammyLammy1D ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Not my school, but a friend's:
    Two girls walked over an unsupervised railway crossing. The light signal was broken, so it didn't warn them about the train coming in. It hit them both and killed them in an instant. IIRC it was right outside of the school and multiple students saw it happen.

    • @SammyLammy1D
      @SammyLammy1D ปีที่แล้ว +1

      At my current school, but long before I started there, 4 students and 2 teachers died in the tsunami 2004.
      Another student died in 2017. She was in Paris and died in one of the terror attacks. I didn't know her, but I know people who did.

    • @allisonkrueger8330
      @allisonkrueger8330 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      How could they now hear a train approaching, I live near tracks they are loud

    • @SammyLammy1D
      @SammyLammy1D ปีที่แล้ว

      @Allison Krueger idk honestly, I know some people speculated it might have been a suicide, but I didn't know them so I don't want to make any conclusions.

  • @umalazoff5905
    @umalazoff5905 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    One of my middle school classmates was Miya Marcano. You know the black 19 year old from Florida who died at the same time as Gabby Petito? We weren’t close but she was one of the kindest people I knew and it still hits hard. I had JUST thought of messaging her on social media to say hi a few days prior 😢

  • @_kuraaiii
    @_kuraaiii ปีที่แล้ว +2

    i firmly believe religion should not be considered over the life and health of a patient especially during life or death situations. it's messed up in so many ways. imagine just standing there after seeing someone you know unaliving themselves and not doing anything to stop it or help because 'my religion condemns it'.

  • @SJHredkingdom
    @SJHredkingdom ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Owning a firearm myself, it's best to take ALL precautions. Make sure it's either out of reach, trigger locked, and/ or locked away. And the most important of all, even if you use up the ammo in the firearm, ALWAYS treat it like it's loaded. The event with the two kids could've been prevented if it was, at least locked up in a safe (I doubt trigger locks or vaults for firearms were a thing 50 years ago, BUT I've been proven wrong before). Then the gf "blowing" the bf when he told her it was unloaded...drunk or not, still a no-no.

  • @Nates_anime_artwork_yt76
    @Nates_anime_artwork_yt76 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Let's go Ellen's back with another banger video. I love you so much you're the best youtuber ever. Keep it coming❤❤❤

  • @go1d3n.nightmare
    @go1d3n.nightmare ปีที่แล้ว

    A guy I went to high school with and knew for a few years died earlier last year. He had just graduated and got in a crash on his motorcycle. We weren’t close but we spent a good bit of time together through school activities and it’s still so surreal seeing the photos and videos I have of/with him.

  • @lilicorn7963
    @lilicorn7963 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I feel like the most dangerous things, especially for kids or immature people, are the most unsuspected. The first thing i can think of is "innocent" challenges and bets. Cinnamon challenge, jumping down a flight of stairs etc

  • @leuxiya
    @leuxiya ปีที่แล้ว +3

    i had a pretty close friend who died because of dbd
    this was in 4th/5th grade

  • @shreyasharma0905
    @shreyasharma0905 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Something like this happened in my life too... A boy used to bully me all through junior and middle school, since it wasn't enough for me he joined the same coaching classes which I attended after school just to make fun of me in front of a whole bunch of students and teachers NGL he was the reason I had ZERO friends in middle school. I told my best friend how he(the bully) disturbs me and creates a joke out of me for every move .I changed school and a part of me was happy to never see him again. Years later he(the bully) messaged me on my birthday eve (1 day earlier from my b'day) just to abuse me and talk about all the bad stuff I did (according to him, which was, speaking in English as it's not the first language of my country). I cried for about 4 days due to this . Then years later when we graduated from highschool (mine was different from my best friends) my best friend told me that my bully died but no one from the school knew if it was suicide or an accident. Till this day I can't believe someone like him can commit suicide. May his soul rip . Also never bully anyone. It affects the other person in ways one can never imagine

    • @allisonkrueger8330
      @allisonkrueger8330 ปีที่แล้ว

      Maybe he had an awful home life that caused the suicide and that’s why he was so awful to you? Some of these bullies come from awful backgrounds and bully others as an outlet.

    • @shreyasharma0905
      @shreyasharma0905 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@allisonkrueger8330 he was his family's favourite although some kids told his parents that he bullies but it wasn't a problem according to them .

  • @EmberMoon5585
    @EmberMoon5585 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I didn't know the kid but 11 years ago when I was in kindergarten I would walk to school in a group with other kids and there is a road between my home and my school that is usually safe to cross and a tunnel under the road that most people use because of it being safer, and one day a kid in grade 9 decided to separate from the group and cross the road, I had seen him looking both ways before crossing since I was among the last to go into the tunnel and then I just heard some kids who where already out of the tunnel just scream then the grade 12 kid ran on top of the tunnel while another kid ran towards my school and as we were exiting the tunnel the grade 6 student told us younger kids to just keep walking to school and to not look back. Then while we walked home from school there were police cars and officers and a teacher and a car pulled over and a probably the driver with part of the road blocked off, I didn't know what was happening because I was only 5.
    Years later when I was in grade 5 I found out that the roads were indeed safe to cross but a car was going way over the speed limit and hit the kid, killing him instantly. I only found out when my teacher was reviewing road safety and used him as an example

    • @sorayaluthy520
      @sorayaluthy520 ปีที่แล้ว

      Reminds me of a Story that i know, i didn't know him but he was the older Brother of a Boy in my Parallel class. So he was crossing the street that most kindergarteners have to cross to get to kindergarten, while crossing, a car that came down the hill hit him, flung him across the street in front of a other car, that also hit him and then dragged him along. He passed away on the scene. What was even sadder it happend at 8 in the morning when many schoolchildren headed to school, as well as the kindergarteners.

    • @allisonkrueger8330
      @allisonkrueger8330 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sorayaluthy520 the second driver must’ve been so shocked about what happened that they didn’t stop right away

    • @sorayaluthy520
      @sorayaluthy520 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@allisonkrueger8330 it happend so fast, sadly

  • @AlexaDarks
    @AlexaDarks ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Sadly doctors can’t do anything about that. And to go against the parents will is illegal.

  • @bradytn
    @bradytn ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I was enlisted in '95 with another Marine that had the same surname. I had just got off phone with my family when i get ordered to go to the command office. I was told brother had just passed away. I asked, in the last 2 minutes? They asked what was my first name. I was the wrong person they broke the news to. I knew where the other person was at that moment. I had to send them to get the bad news.

  • @spinasoul
    @spinasoul ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It happened the same thing in the first story when I was in kindergarten but in a house, our friend and her grandmother... I remember not believing it until it appeared in the newspaper with her name and her surname...
    I dont even remember much of my childhood but her best friend crying on the ground and me feeling awfully bad that I thought it was a joke still remains

  • @136-rats-in-a-trenchcoat
    @136-rats-in-a-trenchcoat ปีที่แล้ว

    My grandfather, when he was in high school, was working as a farm hand. He tossed his pitchfork over to where it went, but didn’t look before he threw. It hit his classmate / coworker square in the chest. No one else was around, so he has to run to the police station while the guy (17-18 years old) bled out. The police got him to the hospital, but my grandfather never heard about it again. He might have killed the boy. When asked about details of the injury, he would just say “It was bad” in a grim tone.

  • @thomasmannia
    @thomasmannia ปีที่แล้ว +1

    When I was eight, a ten-year-old at my school died of the flu.

  • @thankyoujieun
    @thankyoujieun ปีที่แล้ว +1

    the last one should be's a situation quite similar to murder....

  • @gamergirlmimi263
    @gamergirlmimi263 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Why do I feel tears coming just by looking at the title 🥺 and kyutie looks cute as always

    • @shadowboxer1
      @shadowboxer1 ปีที่แล้ว

      Here's your bronze medal! ====> 🥉

  • @deannal.newton9772
    @deannal.newton9772 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    A classmate of mine died from stomach cancer in our senior year in high school right before prom. We were in the varsity bowling team together and it was a difficult time for me since we were there together since our freshman year. I didn't attend my classes during the day of his funeral but I did attend the wake and it was really sad.

  • @Nicholaspimpinsohard
    @Nicholaspimpinsohard ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I actually knew three people from my Middle and High School who died. 2 of them I knew very well and as for the third I literally sat at the same lunch table with him a day before he took his own life. This first story is just so very sad and they both didn't deserve to go out like that because they were just trying to have fun before school started back up. In the second story, he went out a hero because he saved his friend but it's just so sad that he didn't make it too. In the third story, it's a complete shame and that 14 year old should be in prison and I don't even care that he's a kid because he took another kid's life easily all over a basketball. Growing up in the 90's was a very wild and chaotic time. In this story right here, the girl was just trying to make it home. In this story right here, I hear about things like this happening all of the time. How easy is it to pull the trigger of a gun? I have never, ever held a gun before and I don't ever want to. I love you!! Have a great day!! Stay safe!!

  • @car17yn71
    @car17yn71 ปีที่แล้ว

    A kid, 12 or 13, was riding in the back of their pick-up truck to make sure the furniture didn't fall out as they were moving (early 90s). He was standing up holding onto a mattress. They went around a curve and he fell out and rolled down into the ditch. They didn't see him fall.
    A young girl (6-8ish) kept going into the road - in town, but on a state highway. A car had stopped and told her that it wasn't safe to go out into the street. Less than 30 minutes later, she was hit by a car and died. I was friends with her older brother.

    • @allisonkrueger8330
      @allisonkrueger8330 ปีที่แล้ว

      That first driver must’ve felt so guilty that they didn’t do more, they should’ve called the police for welfare check for neglect also the parents in the first story should’ve just got the straps and strapped the load down or at least took the curve slower.

  • @randomyoutuber1199
    @randomyoutuber1199 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I wasn't able to watch it 14 hrs and at 10 in the night

  • @lauralove528
    @lauralove528 ปีที่แล้ว

    I had a friend in high school, I started getting a bit closer to after we both graduated. She got murdered by an ex boyfriend and I found out on my 21st or 22nd birthday. I was so sad to find that out. 😢

  • @lindatshappat4973
    @lindatshappat4973 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My kid's classmate killed herself with a gun in her mouth because her uncle had been raping her. She was 15.

  • @notsofunnyjokes1040
    @notsofunnyjokes1040 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I remember this kid from daycare that was at least two years older than me. He had an older brother and a younger brother. His older brother was a bully just an asshole he'd pick on little kids (me included) and the adults there did nothing like I was a girl do something he was basically in middle school and I'm in 1st grade and you're messing with me for you're entertainment how pathetic- Anyways the younger brother would go along with the things he'd do just so he would get picked on cause he got psychical with the boys there when no one was looking (noogies, wet willies where he'd try to dig his finger into their eardrum, push them etc he pulled a chair out from under me when I was trying to sit down did it multiple times even when I tried moving away from him and the adult present would say stop but not intervene). The guy E (who was picked on). During the summer after he graduated I think this was 2019 or 2020 he had gone to a lake with two friends and they were goofing off. E couldn't swim the other two guys didn't know that and thought he was playing around and he drowned in front of them. Idk if they all couldn't swim or if neither of them decided to help them but he was the kindest person you'd ever meet and I feel bad for all that happened to him leading up to this moment or at least until his older brother graduated. I did see his younger brother A at my ex friend's birthday party in 8th grade he seemed sad all he did was ride his bike the whole time at the party came on for some pizza but that's it.

  • @cakes271
    @cakes271 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is so sad 😭

  • @thankyoujieun
    @thankyoujieun ปีที่แล้ว

    what's a 26'er

  • @nathalieroman5758
    @nathalieroman5758 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    been subscribed for manyyy years now

  • @blobbythepotato7062
    @blobbythepotato7062 ปีที่แล้ว +1

  • @WittyRoseKoi
    @WittyRoseKoi ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I love your videos kyutie

    • @js8303
      @js8303 ปีที่แล้ว

      You’re first again 🎉

    • @WittyRoseKoi
      @WittyRoseKoi ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @WittyRoseKoi
      @WittyRoseKoi ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @shadowboxer1
      @shadowboxer1 ปีที่แล้ว

      Here's your gold medal! ====> 🥇

    • @WittyRoseKoi
      @WittyRoseKoi ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yesssssss I did it yayyyyyy

  • @19GAS
    @19GAS ปีที่แล้ว


  • @tracexist
    @tracexist ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @WittyRoseKoi
    @WittyRoseKoi ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Shadow boxer I’m I second

    • @shadowboxer1
      @shadowboxer1 ปีที่แล้ว

      First again! You're on a bit of a roll!

  • @Crybxby_Mel
    @Crybxby_Mel ปีที่แล้ว +1

    First again! I love ur videos Kyutie!!!

    • @shadowboxer1
      @shadowboxer1 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Actually second.
      But here's your silver medal! ====> 🥈

    • @Crybxby_Mel
      @Crybxby_Mel ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@shadowboxer1 Thanks!

  • @radhikacsa3585
    @radhikacsa3585 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hey kyutie!! 1st comment! Keep doing what u r doing chere!!

  • @melle6428
    @melle6428 ปีที่แล้ว

    I thought about you today and how I use to watch your vids all the time when I was smaller , to put into context I remember when that video “I saw her standing there” gameplay was just uploaded 6 years ago, im turning 16 this year and searched up the video to find your channel🩷 happy too see you’re still making videos