Damnation is such an incredible album! I've listened to it countless times in the past 21 years (geez, how is 2003 that long ago already)! I'm so glad they usually play a track from it. 🖤
absolutely kickass snare sound! So punchy! I’m sure the click on the kick attack helps in the heavy parts but it sticks out on something soft like this song imo. But that snare….🤌
@@MrSigi1990I'm late, but according to one particular reviewer who got the album early, not all of them will have growls, but the ones who have them are really heavy. Not death metal heavy, the riffage will be like the modern Opeth albums, but heavier than what you've heard in ICV, though a complex and dense album will be.
Pero que maravilloso, siento por un momento cómo si el tiempo hubiera vuelto atrás, cuando era una adolescente enloquecida por Opeth. No puedo esperar a este album nuevo. ⭐⭐⭐🔥🔥🔥🖤🖤🖤
Damnation and more specifically In my time of need introduced me to Opeth, I was not into growly vocal till a note from BlackwaterPark hit my earphone and I've become a huge fan of them ever since, Damnation is f*cking masterpiece.
Awesome. Mikael Åkerfeldt's stage presence at Wacken 2024 is comparable to David Bowie's performance at the Eurockéennes / Belfort, France in 1996 - both are really great musicians Bowing 🙏🙏🙏
Mikael is not a metal band leader, his musical talent and capabilities are way beyond being limited to a genre …he is one of the greatest musicians ever lived, yet Humble AF !!
Dude, the only thing I've never liked from Wacken, is the audience for sure, they always seems like zombies. I saw a couple guys with Opeth T-.shirts and none of them was singing the song, its pretty sad.
🎉❤..was für'n affengeiler Song Wär sooo gern auch mal nach Wacken getigert Aber leider hatte ich vor einigen Jahren einen schweren Motorrad Crash und sehr viele Op's..hoppl seitdem auf den Krücken durch's Leben~ursprünglich bin ich ja ein Münchner Bub,der jedoch schon seit 20 Jahren in Hamburg/Tonndorf lebt..getrennt lebend,aber trotzdem allerweil guat drauf und a richtiger Gaudibursch,mit "66 Lenzen"😂..schaug ich immer noch relativ gut aus,ähnlich früher Sean Connery Verschnitt,grins😅❤..vielleicht lern ich ja noch amoi a nettes Mädl kenna,für die restlichen Jährchen..❤😊 Grüße euch herzig,aus Hamburg,bussi,Ralf....❤
It’s totally worth it! Back in 2012 I met two guys from Brazil in Wacken who had traveled the world for two days straight to be there, and we are still friends. So many beer and vodka, heavy music together, such good memories 😊
I never use to like opeth, although I never gave them the chance and the songs I heard just didn't click. I saw them at bloodstock and my god, I've missed so much!
This drummer is superb! The kick is a little too clicky for my tastes, but that’s just for this soft material. I’m sure it’s great on the heavy stuff. I want to hear the whole show now! That snare drum has a gorgeous attack! And to hold that groove so tight for so long…masterful. I like what I’ve heard from this current drummer a lot. They all sound great!
Mikael e estroverso,anche lui saltella da un piede all'altro, voglio dire,e in grado durante concerti di questo genere, dove almeno 50,000 persone, e dove la tensione si taglia col coltello dalle emozioni, di suonare tutt altro genere,prodigio!(in un live a Milano ha cominciato a suonare blues pulito durante pausa da un brano all altro)
The whole Damnation album pretty much has this vibe! Slower tempos, mellower tones, clean vocals, and absolutely mesmerizing riffs. One of the rare albums I’ve ever been instantly hooked on.
@@SawyerTilley I still get chills from Morningrise… they really created something nice with the twin melodies at that time… too bad they left that path… I haven’t listened to them in a long time…
hitting that snare like it's when the levee breaks haha jfc relax dude it's pink floyd basically lopez was such a tasteful drummer unrepleacable to this day
Damnation is such an incredible album! I've listened to it countless times in the past 21 years (geez, how is 2003 that long ago already)! I'm so glad they usually play a track from it. 🖤
Fantastic album. One of their top forsure. I know its different but deng its good
Damnation is flawless start to finish.
The drummer is a natural. He is not even trying hard to sound good.
Como así
Sad that he left Paradise Lost
@@somethingelse04… to get where he belongs
Mikael said the way he just nailed the new album on basically the first attempt in studio was absolutely ridiculous.
@@finq0997 where are you guys finding all these recent Mikael interviews?
What a showman Mikael is! All the time praising the Scorpions who were playing alongside! Two legends bands!
I've met him several times and he's just as genuine off stage. 🖤
the moment he tells the crowd to watch the scorps show is so funny and so honorable at same time. Glad there are the streams from magenta
That was hilarious how he kept pausing going "thanks scorps"
@@garrettmartin7923 it was epic 🙏🙏🙏he "was nine years old" and I a bit older - absolutly understandable
That extra snap of the snare really fits, love how good they sound even today
absolutely kickass snare sound! So punchy! I’m sure the click on the kick attack helps in the heavy parts but it sticks out on something soft like this song imo. But that snare….🤌
Opeth at their greatest ever thanx.🎶🎤🎸🎸🎹🥁🎶
They never sounded better. Waltteri is a beast and I'm so happy he got the gig!
Yes this sounded great
this is a wind up isnt it?
If you have never seen them LIVE....
They are a must see!!! Amazing live shows!!! One of my top 3 ever!
The sweetness of that mellowtron ❤ the keyboard work is really amazing and Mikael’s voice is sexier than ever
He was channeling Ray Manzarek or something, I got really strong "Riders on the storm" vibes!
very excited for the new growling album
Same! it's been awhile since the growls from Mikael.. It'd be funny if they change the name of the new album to, "New Growling Album." 😅
Will the whole album contain growls or just the first track?
@@MrSigi1990that would be disappointing AF
@@MrSigi1990I'm late, but according to one particular reviewer who got the album early, not all of them will have growls, but the ones who have them are really heavy.
Not death metal heavy, the riffage will be like the modern Opeth albums, but heavier than what you've heard in ICV, though a complex and dense album will be.
@@MrSigi1990two songs don't have it. it's like old opeth, most songs have growling but some are softer
Such a great song from an outstanding album! Still listen to Damnation pretty often not being an Opeth fan actually.
Damnation is one of the most beautiful albums ever created
Magnífco!!! Hermoso !!!! Los amo! Ya vengan a México 🙏🏻
Al parecer el año próximo...
Obra prima, o Damnation foi um dos discos que mais escutava ali entre 2008/2009. Até hoje acho o melhor trabalho fora da sonoridade Death Metal.
Muito fodah realmente
Embora ame bwp e ghost reveries, tem certos dias, especialmente os chuvosos, onde considero esse álbum o melhor da banda
Steven Wilson has left the building..!🎉
Fantástico!!!!!! Opeth es genial! su musica es diferente a la de otros grupos de hoy, tiene algo especial!!!!
the new song is the best thing they've done since Watershed, hope the rest of the record matches that quality level
great .Real ROCK.Greatings from Morocco
It was absolutely magical to see you there at Wacken ❤!
We met them after the show those guys are the most simpliest coolest and down to earth people we ever met, best band ever
This song means so much to me.
Pero que maravilloso, siento por un momento cómo si el tiempo hubiera vuelto atrás, cuando era una adolescente enloquecida por Opeth.
No puedo esperar a este album nuevo. ⭐⭐⭐🔥🔥🔥🖤🖤🖤
Damnation and more specifically In my time of need introduced me to Opeth, I was not into growly vocal till a note from BlackwaterPark hit my earphone and I've become a huge fan of them ever since, Damnation is f*cking masterpiece.
Awesome. Mikael Åkerfeldt's stage presence at Wacken 2024 is comparable to David Bowie's performance at the Eurockéennes / Belfort, France in 1996 - both are really great musicians
Bowing 🙏🙏🙏
Toller Song🧡habe das Konzert im Live Stream gesehen👍danke Magenta Musik💛
And today, they released a song where Mikael is growling again! What a great time to be a Opeth fan 😁🤘
> What a great time to be a Opeth fan
[Always has been meme goes here]
Mikael is not a metal band leader, his musical talent and capabilities are way beyond being limited to a genre …he is one of the greatest musicians ever lived, yet Humble AF !!
need this in Dallas
The drums sound soo good. Great mix. Saw Waltteri live and he's very very good. Tough job to replace both Martins...
Especially Lopez - he had incredible feel and fills! 🥁
@@Wishpool Lopez haven't played with Opeth fo 18 years...move on.
@@Leatherfacet Duh! I was replying to the first comment. I've "moved on," dear, but that doesn't mean I can't praise Lopez. He was incredible!
Una Maravilla ❤. Gracias por compartirlo
Super Song 🤘❤🤘
Damnation is a incredible album.Great rendition!
summer is miles and miles away...
Dude, the only thing I've never liked from Wacken, is the audience for sure, they always seems like zombies. I saw a couple guys with Opeth T-.shirts and none of them was singing the song, its pretty sad.
They got a fresh transmission in Waltteri. The guy can go any gear they want.
🎉❤..was für'n affengeiler Song
Wär sooo gern auch mal nach Wacken getigert
Aber leider hatte ich vor einigen Jahren einen schweren Motorrad Crash und sehr viele Op's..hoppl seitdem auf den Krücken durch's Leben~ursprünglich bin ich ja ein Münchner Bub,der jedoch schon seit 20 Jahren in Hamburg/Tonndorf lebt..getrennt lebend,aber trotzdem allerweil guat drauf und a richtiger Gaudibursch,mit "66 Lenzen"😂..schaug ich immer noch relativ gut aus,ähnlich früher Sean Connery Verschnitt,grins😅❤..vielleicht lern ich ja noch amoi a nettes Mädl kenna,für die restlichen Jährchen..❤😊
Grüße euch herzig,aus Hamburg,bussi,Ralf....❤
Nostalgic! It's been almost 20years
Great Mix!
Hell yeah
Damn, they sound great. Glad they are back ! ❤
Mixed well, sounds great
Concert was insane, got my mind completely blown
My bucket list is traveling to Germany for that festival. USA
It’s totally worth it! Back in 2012 I met two guys from Brazil in Wacken who had traveled the world for two days straight to be there, and we are still friends. So many beer and vodka, heavy music together, such good memories 😊
I just did it this year (first time). I would recommend it, sooner rather than later. It worth it at least once.
Tuesday Dortmund !
Amazing band
Damnation is always gonna be in my top 3 favourite albums ever
Every time I see Opeth live I wonder why TF I don't listen to them more often. Most aesthetic sound I have heard from this year's Wacken so far
"we" did a record called damnation long time ago... that "we" were lopez, mendez, lidngren and mıkael :((
pink opeth floyd
and Camel
Opeth is great!
Just awesome 👍😎.
Can you 8magine this guy with Demonic vocals during his Bloodbath days..
I never use to like opeth, although I never gave them the chance and the songs I heard just didn't click. I saw them at bloodstock and my god, I've missed so much!
One of their bests!
Please come to Indonesia opeth 🇮🇩
This drummer is superb! The kick is a little too clicky for my tastes, but that’s just for this soft material. I’m sure it’s great on the heavy stuff. I want to hear the whole show now! That snare drum has a gorgeous attack! And to hold that groove so tight for so long…masterful. I like what I’ve heard from this current drummer a lot. They all sound great!
The whole Show is on magenta musik.
Hope Leaves 🤝 In My Time of Need
Legend is legend 🔥🤘🏻
1:42 🤘🏻🤘🏻 Fuck Yeah that seizure
Mikael e estroverso,anche lui saltella da un piede all'altro, voglio dire,e in grado durante concerti di questo genere, dove almeno 50,000 persone, e dove la tensione si taglia col coltello dalle emozioni, di suonare tutt altro genere,prodigio!(in un live a Milano ha cominciato a suonare blues pulito durante pausa da un brano all altro)
A beautiful song! 🎉
Good to see u Mikael after a long time...1st viewer btw 🤘
Que grande Miguelito, solo tu puedes hacer esta obra y a la vez algo tan pesado como forest of october
Hacen buena música los escucho desde que era un bebé! Like!
Damnation es una joya de album❤
Melodia más perfecta .no existe .
Um sonho...
Essa música é maravilhosa puta que me pariu❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Una obra maestra se escuche por donde se escuche
Martins fill at the 4 min mark 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
That snare sounds so delicious. Similar to Martin Lopez 2003 Lamentations. They sound so much better with that tone.
Where’s the whole setlist?
Someone had the entire show uploaded last night, but it was taken down today (for copyright, I'm sure).
@@Wishpoolbro why, is Wacken going to release the whole thing
@@Wishpool oh sh*t I'm late. I hope someone will upload it atleast in the cloud or google drive Not just opeth but other bands too 😊.
Gran canción
I was there \m/
Hell yeah! #metoo 🤘🤘🤘
Very psychedelic, did not know Opeth had this in them, need to explore more
The whole Damnation album pretty much has this vibe! Slower tempos, mellower tones, clean vocals, and absolutely mesmerizing riffs. One of the rare albums I’ve ever been instantly hooked on.
Any Katatonia gigs on the horizon?
Damnation first album I listened to. Prog ears had to start mild lol
I hear some of 80s King Crimson Adrian Belew vibes)
They used to be soooo good........ Morningrise forever
In my opinion, Morningrise sounded very amateur compared to still life, blackwater park etc. Just in my opinion.
@@SawyerTilley I still get chills from Morningrise… they really created something nice with the twin melodies at that time… too bad they left that path… I haven’t listened to them in a long time…
@@hellc590 Fair
Was Fredrik not there?
hitting that snare like it's when the levee breaks haha jfc relax dude it's pink floyd basically lopez was such a tasteful drummer unrepleacable to this day
Lopez was my fav Opeth drummer, too. Incredibly talented!
а что за стажер на барабанах?
You’ll never see the likes of them again
Please for the love of Satan upload this whole concert!🙏
It's available on the Magenta Music site. The full show/remaining weekend live stream. Already re watched it a few times today.
@@desiraes3192 Thanks friend. What an amazing gig it was!
I never been to Wacken. I want to go. I am over 40 and have a weak bladder. If I get close to the stage will there be any toilets nearby??
what happened to the old drummer?
He sells cheese now, i think.
3 years ago
@@micfey Swedish cheese I certainly hope.
@@micfeyhe still in Bloodbath
@@Anoa-gr8nn Oh, didn't know that.
Missing Mendez on this.
Sound like Pink Floyd!
It sounds like King Crimson in early seventies.
Opeth is metal for little girls