From the Competitive EDH Subreddit: "Instead of building a fast car to win the race, you fill the race track with manure and drive your tractor to victory. That is stax." Also, stax comes from $T4KS (aka the 4 Thousand Dollar Solution). Look it up. There's an SCG article on it.
"$T4KS" is more than obviously an acronym, which forms a word that _already_ _exists_ (at least when vocalised - it's called an aPronym), being "Stacks" which more than obviously comes from Smokestack, since it was _the_ Vintage Stax finisher. Maybe Stax comes from "$T4KS", but "$T4KS" ... more than obviously... comes from Smokestack and being a mathematician i like to go to the bottom of the matter, rather than ... what you did.
I enjoy the comments section of this channel immensely because the over all responses are very open and not usually egrading. I see several items on the tutor issue and here is my thoughts: Arguments like this always boil down to the two different aspects that exist in EDH communities. Causal vs Competitive. As with all aspects of this game you adjust accordingly. In the Casual arena; fewer tutors makes the game have more of that random chance experience and slightly more balance for the group. For Competitive, you have to shove every available tutor you can into your deck. (obviously extremes to both ends). Rather then say the community as a whole should adjust; try talking to your meta group and adjust their first. See if changing the group dynamics change the repetitive tutor for combos. I think a lot of EDH issues boil down to the local communities not talking and setting some good standard acts of play. Yes showing up at your local store that is hard to do; but if you play with a group regularly at home or meet ups; talk to them about these issues cause your all probably thinking the same things.
Excellent episode guys, really like Craig's input, and the topic was very well developed and insightful. As far as the Emeria Shepherd vs. Sun Titan debate goes, the answer is, as with most arguments in Magic, it depends. I personally think that in 90%+ of decks and situations you would want Sunny T because like you said, he gets lands back and fetches (even slow ones like Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse) are heavily played in the format. Also, you can play him much earlier, he is more resilient (6/6 vs 4/4), has two triggers instead of one, and doesn't rely on you getting lands to operate. That being said, in landfall decks like Karametra, Emeris Shepherd is a house and can get you enormous resiliency and synergy.
For someone who doesn't have an hour and 20 minutes to listen to something like this an accompanying article that sums up the main points would be amazing.
Green has The Great Aurora! I dunno if this was out before that card but ITS A GREAT RESET BUTTON Puts you at advantage, you can float any extra mana, replay all your lands, and start with play advantage
Tamiyo's Journal works well as a tutor. Cheaper than Planar Portal. For 5 Colorless you basically get a demonic tutor with suspend 3 (assuming it stays in play). Plus it's flexible, as the clue tokens can draw you cards if that's what you need, and they're artifacts, which can be relevant.
Loved this episode. Thanks for the help guys, your passion for EDH has done so much for my love of the hobby. I don't know if you'll see this but I just want you to know that I appreciate your work.
If you guys like Snow Crash then definitely go read Neuromancer. It's the progenitor of the cyberpunk genre that Snow Crash and Netrunner are a part of, and more directly influences Netrunner than Snow Crash does.
Bottled cloister and moonring mirror make a great combo, you exile your hand, then use the moonring mirror to exile your "hand" to return all the cards it's exiled to your hand.
I accidently won two days ago, while trying to get my pili-pala/grand architect combo out. I realized I could tap the architect to make my signet a super-sol ring. It gave me the mana to set the combo off, and it was awesome.
+Joanna Winters I run no "take control of stuff" In my decks, because it is very bad-feeling. I had one game where I lost control of my god, and it stayed on other side of the table the rest of the game.
Emeria Shepherd is quite a lot of fun with Burnished Hart becuase you can sac Burnished Hart to get 2 plains then return the Burnished Hart and some thing else and can loop this for only 3 mana.
+ernilmenegil I wondered if anyone would catch the Alienese, Sindarin and Khuzdul translations. Congrats ernilmenegil, you win some cards! Send your name and address to and I'll personally send you a few packs
Phyrexian Vault, Jar of Eyeballs, Hell's Caretaker, Bloodletter Quill. 4 of my favorites for "tutoring/draw" effects, though I know they're pretty situational.
Something I always try to make a category for is commander synergy and this is a category that is specifically based on your commander. Also another category I use is repitition, and this is a category in which I try to repeat needed effects for the deck. As for the Emeria Sheppard Sun Titan debate. I'm a fan of the Sheppard in mono white decks and Sun Titan in multiple colored decks.
I have a Personal commander objective I keep in mind now. After making a bunch of deck and getting just hosed on mana I've resolved to have more "kick start" cards like rampant growth, sol ring, knight of the white orchid, ponder, brain storm, ext, just very low drops that can help push through a stall in the early game either by ramping, shuffling, or drawing some. I know these fit into different categories, but I can't tell you how many games I had T1 land, T2 land, T3-8 nothing then concede. Now that I've kept these low drop lil boosters in mind I've had much more consistent games. Also Emeria Shepard is better because she has more wings.
I lost to Insurrection last Thursday. I was playing my Rhy's the Redeemed: TOKENS, TOKENS, TOKENS deck. I had at 15 various creatures on the field; dropped Craterhoof and killed two individuals couldn't kill the third do to pillow fort costs. He took his turn and case Insurrection...... womp womp... I died. My finisher was counter acted by another finisher; but at least it was a glorious game. Great topic and refresher on the essentials. A few new cards to look at as always....
I own a Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder deck that runs an abundance of sac outlets, pain for my enemies, and protect yourself cards. Out of the categories, I'm most fond of sac outlets. Attrition is a card that hoses the board if needed. My meta has a few combo players, so Mind Slash nitpicks any combo piece they're holding in their hand. One of my most favorite creatures in the whole game of magic, Corpse Harvester, is a sac outlet that can tutor for any zombie in my library. Some of the zombies include: Sidisi, Undead Vizier, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Gray Merchant, etc. Hecatomb is definitely strange, yet effective in the late game. Having Urborg + ten other lands results in pinging the board to death & players to death. I feel for every problem that can occur in magic, there is a sac outlet to deal with it. That's why I love sac outlets.
You should play Sun Titan and Emeria Shepherd! Make sure Sun Titan is in the graveyard by the time you get to cast Emeria and activate landfall. Bring back Sun Titan and use it to bring back a plains retriggering landfall. Add a sac outlet and a way to get plains consistently in to the graveyard and you can play two plains every turn!
A reason why Emeria Shepard is better? The wombo combo with a sac outlet and Solemn Simulacrum. Imagine this game: sac outlet early, let's say ashnod's altar. Turn 4 you play solemn simulacrum. Turn 8 you put out Emeria Shepard, sac solemn simulacrum to draw a card and generate 2 colorless, and then play a plains, which triggers Emeria Shepard, returning solemn. in response to Solemn's ETB trigger, you sac solemn, and then when you put the plains down you do it again, getting all basic lands in your deck onto the battlefield tapped and drawing that many cards (and generating a bajillion mana if you're using ashnod's altar). That being said, they're both awesome and they are powerhouses in my Reya Dawnbringer deck.
One category that you did not talk about was cards that strengthen Tribal themes. It would be cool to talk about those cards in another Podcast. I brewed up a tribal deck mostly consisting of bear tribal just because.
Since Bottled Cloister has 2 separate text triggers, I believe it would function like Oblivion Ring or Fiend Hunter, thus exiling your hand permanently if the Cloister is removed before the 2nd trigger.
I generally agree that I would run a reliquary tower, but there are certain decks in which it makes a bigger difference than others. I currently only own 2 copies of reliquary tower, and I currently have 7 commander decks assembled (Xenagos God of Revels, Sidisi Undead Vizier, Nekusar the Mindrazer, Meren of Clan Nel Toth, Talrand the Sky Summoner, Daretti Scrap Savant, and Ezuri Renegade Leader). So with that in mind I have to employ it in the deck where it will have the most effect. SIdisi and Meren currently need more self mill and discard than they have at the moment (or Sidisi needs to lean on the graveyard less, but recycling Sidisi from the graveyard to keep replaying her without commander tax has been a winning line of play too often, making other graveyard interactions too tasty for a mono-black deck to pass up), so the addition of reliquary tower is a nonbo at the moment, when I solve those issue I will readdress the issue of reliquary tower and Meren. Daretti is heavier on rummage/loot than "proper" card draw, and I can dump my hand quickly enough that I have yet to discard a card to end of turn barring mana screw. Ezuri and Xenegos are both rarely in the position to need it, but Xenagos is getting better at refilling it's hand and it's only a couple small improvements away from it's favored deck status dragging one of them in, or causing me to purchase a new one, and with Xenagos running Kozilek I do care about explicitly colorless mana. Talrand avoids tutors on purpose (other than Tezzeret to search out mindlock orb) so I lean on a strategy that embraces interchangeability (counters, card draw, ramp, backup wincon, mass removal, steal, and land describes every card in the deck, and many cover multiples(Draining Whelk, Spelljack, Confirm Suspicions, etc)), so it definitely warrants one of my copies. My version of Nekusar is atypical, it's built to demonstrate how the concept of card advantage can be made irrelevant, and grind it out slowly with bleed on draw effects, but because of all the draw effects and heavy reliance on having backup boardwipes for your backup board wipes while keeping a counter in hand I will fill and need the extra storage space. I have more Thought Vessels (2 mana tap for a colorless, no maximum handsize) than Reliquary Towers, so everyone but Meren has one (and I have one waiting to go in Meren when I get the self-mill/discard issue fixed). Honestly I feel that Thought Vessel is superior to Reliquary Tower if you were only to run one of the effect. It's generally better for your mana rocks to tap for colorless than your lands because you will have land before you have a mana rock (barring very expensive cards) and that makes a serious difference in deciding whether or not to keep a hand. Which is not to say that Reliquary Tower isn't absolutely as good as you guys have stated, but Thought Vessel is just as good for exactly the same reason, maybe better. I've been doing a lot deck analysis lately and I'm really seeing Thought Vessel payoff. Last week, before FNM draft, I played out Tezzeret the Seeker specifically to search out Thought Vessel. Xenagos hit Kozilek with Nissa's Revelation and I put Thought Vessel right underneath Koz, and Ezuri has a few expensive card draw artifacts because actual mana costs aren't that important because the deck is better at making non-arbitrarily large amounts mana than actually winning at the moment.
I run a teysa deck, use "75%" junk tutors and none of the teysa combos because everyone hates them..... also expects them..... so I love comboing out for the win in unrelated ways, blood/bond a simple favorite. generally im a modern spike....ish. 8Rack is my pet love, but due to this podcast I've discovered a joy in EDH. please, if you ever get the chance, do a show about teysa, or better yet, one about commanders you rarely use or use only to mislead 😁
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I have a Modern tribal deck that uses Captivating Vampire to take control of creatures. I didn't know Olivia Voldaren, so now I'm imagining how many friendships I can end using Olivia and Captivating Vampire in EDH xD
* I have a Tymaret deck that runs around 8 different "grab" effects that overlap with his sac effects. Yet only now have I realized I should really throw in some ways to give him Infect. * Kamigawan cards like Miren take their names from Japanese, Japanese only has one way to pronounce each vowel. Furthermore, this pronunciation overlaps with how you say those vowels in Spanish; it's pronounced "Mee-ren," not 'Myron" * Emeria Shepherd could get a lot worse if you're grabbing lands from an attacking Sun Titan. * I have a Gisella deck. The earliest I've ever gotten her out was turn four. It also runs Stranglehold and Aven Mind Censor. * I used to run a deck that combined Spell Shock, AEther Flash and Impatience with CoP: Red. * One category I feel you may have missed would be effects that protect your commander; the one card that most EDH decks rely upon. See cards like Swiftfoot Boots or Asceticism for examples. If I only have space for one, I'll go with Sun Titan more often than not.
Ok, in case no one pointed this out, Talrand and Mizzix only trigger when you cast an instant or sorcery, copying one with mirror pool just creates another on the stack.
I removed Sun Titan for Emeria, I find the combo with Sad Robot and Burnished Hart gives me amazing value. But even when that does not go off, having something that can fly and also recursion that my playgroup removes far less reliably than they remove would remove a Sun Titan makes the extra cost worth it.
BURGEONIG!!! Thanks to that card, and the alignment of the stars or some shit, I played my commander, OMNATH, on T2; due to my starting hand being 6 lands and Burgeoning (and T2 draw Sol Ring - 5 player game)
Protect yourself: No Mercy/Michiko Konda. They don't necessarily help if the damage you would take is lethal anyway. But I find them a good deterrent from pings of damage that could add up. Sacrifice Outlets: Ashnod's Altar/Goblin Bombardment, Vampiric Rites. Phyrexian Altar also exists but I avoid it right now for budget constraints. I also really like Vampiric Rites to help advance the game but prefer Ashnod/Goblin when I want the quick sac. Goblin Bombardment has the added benefit of interacting with planeswalkers and Ashnod is generic. Play from the Graveyard: I actually haven't used this option as much so the only thing coming to mind right now is Dread Return. Shoutouts to Drownyard temple as well for fun times with Gitrog Monster. Mana Ramp: Tempt with Discovery. I tend to be a political player and this card has put in insane amounts of work for me. Absolute favorite. Second favorite would be Chromatic Lantern for the color fixing. Card Ramp: Fecundity/Skullclamp. I play Prossh mainly but these cards are ridiculous in any token deck or deck with easy sac fodder generation. STAX: Reality Acid. Favorite card with Brago if I'm in a spiteful mood. Hard to hit permanents like Sensei's Divining Top but when you can enchant any permanent, not much loss there. Take Control: Another option I haven't utilized as much but I found Thalakos Deceiver to be exceptional in my Marchesa deck. Find What You Need: Tezzeret the Seeker/Captain Sisay. Tezz is absolutely amazing for my Brago deck getting whatever artifacts I need from Strionic to Sundial of the Infinite. I didn't realize Captain Sisay searched out anything legendary and as soon as I found out, I went on to make a deck around her. Game Enders: Tooth and Nail and sealed many games for me. Alongside Food Chain and Prossh. But a combination I really enjoy is Seedborn Muse and Vedalken Orrery, absolutely amazing in my Mayael deck and practically anything with green in it. Honorable mention to Vedalken Orrery, you can't cheat it out as with say Leyline of Anticipation but I really like flash and the card helps a lot.
I run both Sun Titan and Emeria Shepherd in my Zur the Enchanter deck. Sun Titan is great for all my enchantments cmc 3 or less. Emeria Shepherd is great for everything else, like Helm of Obedience.
Im sorry but commander is a casual format and i understand that it can get competitive but i like to have fun when i play. If im playing someone that tutors up the same 2 or 3 card combo to win every time it gets old. There is nothing like playing a good game of magic just to have someone draw their 4th tutor in the same game and win from a combo.
0bjectr Casual format. Commander is supposed to be a nice format for people who love interactions and decks doing something completely different every time. If you want to be competitive there's always modern or standard
having answers to your opponents stuff doesn't mean it has to be super competitive it just means you're playing a strategy game and counterplay is part of any strategy. I don't like combo wins but I know some people do so I have ways to stop them. If you get beat the same way over and over again and refuse to adapt because you don't want to be "competitive" you have no one to blame but yourself. Your decks should constantly be changing to answer your opponents' interactions and as a result they should evolve their deck and answer your answer. That's what makes commander or any strategy fun.
if its casual with your friends i can get that, my friends got really sick of my infinite turn combo, but if im entering a tournament im always going as cutthroat as possible.
I generally have a section of my deck of Political play. Things like Split decision, or an assault suit give you a lot of power at the table to influence other players style of play.
solemn simulacrum, and burnished hart are great for none green decks that needs ramp, and they don't force you to keep artifacts on the board to stay ramped.
Sun Titan Vs. Shepard; They are both great, Titan is usually played mid-game as a way to bring back lost pieces targeted by other players. Emeria is potentially a stronger endgame piece since it can actually lead to combos and the such but a cool little value play is "landfall Titan back then bring back another beauty" this is wonderful since you are diversifying your investments letting your opponent have to choose between getting rid of her or Titan. I would probably "landfall a fetch" while Titan is in the grave, this lets you play her effect at instant speed witch usually insures that you have optimum input on the board state in case anything goes down(board wipe etc.).
what about "table politics"? cards you play because, at least in your play group, they will help negotiate with people or make an opponent not want to mess with you, like tempts and curses (i know most don't play these examples, but they are just examples) and anything that "gifts" things
I would never choose one between Titan and Shepherd; if I'm running white I want both.That said, from the perspective of a player that never runs white, one argument for Emeria Shepherd is that it's not an attractive target to steal. For example, last time I ran Mizzix I kicked a Rite of Replication on Sun Titan, getting back Rhystic Study and a lot of mana acceleration. If that had been an Emeria Shepherd, it would have been far less attractive. Instead of putting Study, a rock (I think Darksteel Ingot?) and a bunch of lands into play, they all would have gone to my hand-- where I wouldn't have been able to comfortably play them out given that I needed to hold mana up to keep a board lock going. It would've been another turn without Rhystic Study and frankly I probably would have discarded all of the lands. The difference between them on my end was four fewer Spell Bursts/two fewer Capsizes and more effective mana for my opponents. Niche, but it does happen. Another point of consideration is how many colors you're running. In five-color, Sun Titan is still Sun Titan. But Emeria Shepherd is mostly going to be getting things back to hand, which doesn't feel nearly as good as putting them into play as Sun Titan does. In monocolor or two-color, Shepherd is probably the better card, but in three or five she looks less and less attractive.
Just wanted to echo this, great point on the steal/clone deterrent that Emeria presents. Clones and stealing are super prevalent in my meta, so this is good to consider. Thanks!
+spencersonnier1 Not necessary, per se, if you build enough synergy into your deck, and you run cards that help you prepare (board wipes, artifact, enchant removal, etc) you don't really need tutors. Not saying you shouldn't play them, or that it makes you less of a player if you are dependent on them, but I have personally found that building and playing without them certainly makes the game more challenging and in some cases far more fun.
So two corrections you guys should consider, otherwise this is GREAT information: 1) Any mana in EDH (read the rules) that is of a color other than your commander's color identity that is in your mana pool is "the diamond" mana as you called it, colorless mana is also the mana Sol Ring produces, etc. So it isn't that hard to get it. 2) You guys get quieter and quieter as the video goes on, so consider comparing amps at various times to make sure everything is consistent, even volume levels.
sun titan vs emeria shepard. I love both cards, and if you are playing one, you should probably be playing the other in your deck too. I do enjoy being able to put any CMC permanent onto the battlefield. I know white does not have much ramp, but we all know there is ramp in artifacts and in the best color to have in every so getting her out pre turn 8 is quite easy if you have a little bit of ramp. and, if you are playing something like explosive vegetation, you ramp beyond that, as well as throw more things onto the battlefield. I guess in the end, it comes down to what you prefer to play. Do you like really big creatures, and cheating them out onto the battlefield?!? We all know that cheating stuff into play is fantastic, especially when they are really big fun creatures, or very strong enchantments.
I personally love Tempt With Discovery. Most of the time when I play this, all my opponents search too. Suddenly instead of paying 4 for 1 land, I'm searching for 4 lands. Any lands, not just basics
+Zadok Little We have a player who uses it. Our table works the same way, but the problem is that he plays Temur and grabs some dual lands-- while the black deck grabs Urborg or Cabal Coffers. And then, unless somebody goes off everybody focuses down the guy who's three land drops ahead of everybody else in a deck full of bombs.
+Kestral287 well I'm the guy who grabs urborg and cabal coffers. Sometimes I get things like bojuka bog or other utility lands depending on the situation
I feel like Wheels should be a Category. and my favorite Wheel card is Barbed Shocker. Especially in my Saskia deck when i give him double strike and unblockable.
Pretty much both: an aura only target when you cast it; when it's brought back to the battlefield from the graveyard or blinked; it doesn't target, therefore the hexproof or shroud rule doesn't apply.and you can attach it to any permanent it can legally be attached to (protection will still prevent the attachment)
Sun titan all day. there are a handfull of cards (Immortality comes to mind) thatwhen combined with sun titan and your favotrite sac outlet go infinite.
Well The greatest thing I've ever done with Emeria Shepherd was play it crack Myriad Landscape get 2 plains get back knight of the white orchid and solemn and get 2 more plains and get back Hedron archive and Command Sphere and then crack them to draw three and get Fetch/Swords/Sun titan. Felt pretty great, my opponents were thoroughly disgusted with the amount of value.
What would you consider Thieves Auction or Confusion in the Ranks like cards which can drastically put your opponents on Tilt or drive the game in a different direction but aren't boardwipes?
Political cards are a category that wasn't mentioned. Political cards can make for interesting interactions and forced alliances. I really wish you guys would do a video on the topic of political cards.
+Killa Watt (KillaWatt) We have done a couple of episodes that focused on the political aspect of Commander (which is one of my favorite parts of the format). It's definitely a large topic that we will touch on again but in the meantime you can check out Episodes #2 and #15 and #43
Josh Lee Kwai Ive watched them all. Love the show and content. Informative and gives different perspectives i wouldn't otherwise get within my own playgroups. I really hope you guys delicate an episode to the topic. Its something i secretly love to utilize because half the time people don't either think about it or don't realize its even going on. Thanks for all the content. Keep up the good work.
Sun Titan vs Emeria Shepard Its depends on how you build your deck. I think Emeria is better because you do not have to attack just get lands into play. I can see Emeria being the most powerful in a Selesnya or Abzan deck where you have a lot of land-based ramp and stuff is getting dumped into the graveyard. when you build the deck you can be mindful of putting cards that have plains in the type also ie Canopy Vista, Scattered Grove, and Temple Garden. If you have a lot of powerful cards 3 cmc or less sun titan might be good
I prefer Emeria Shepherd in reanimator decks. Reanimate her and play a plains the same turn is insane. Sun Titan goes in most other decks because of the ETB-effect and you can almost always attack someone with a 6/6 vigilance.
I am always so curious about the art used as the shifting background. I recognize many cards, but some art I don't recognize. How do I figure out what the art is from?
also for a good combo with sun titan to fight against board wipes with you big creatures out use colfenor's urn, it's also really good with yosei on the field too
in a tournament playable set.....if commander weren't legacy playable then we could hope, and if they retroactively banned commander then, though we'd lose toxic 😔, we'd get rid of tnn😁😁, and they could reprint reserve list cards..... JOY
Toxic Deluge is the black one? what about damnation? I thought that was the black one, crux of fate is damnation's cheaper brother, you just have to pick the non-dragon part of the card, or the dragon one, depending on your situaton, if you play zombies and they play dragons, then its one sided wrath :)
From the Competitive EDH Subreddit:
"Instead of building a fast car to win the race, you fill the race track with manure and drive your tractor to victory.
That is stax."
Also, stax comes from $T4KS (aka the 4 Thousand Dollar Solution). Look it up. There's an SCG article on it.
that is the best possible way to describe it i have ever heard, thank you for sharing that, i am literally not breathing right now im laughing so hard
"$T4KS" is more than obviously an acronym, which forms a word that _already_ _exists_ (at least when vocalised - it's called an aPronym), being "Stacks" which more than obviously comes from Smokestack, since it was _the_ Vintage Stax finisher.
Maybe Stax comes from "$T4KS", but "$T4KS" ... more than obviously... comes from Smokestack and being a mathematician i like to go to the bottom of the matter, rather than ... what you did.
6:29 is when it starts
Timmy Wong, Johnny Lee Kwai and Spike Blanchette.
I enjoy the comments section of this channel immensely because the over all responses are very open and not usually egrading. I see several items on the tutor issue and here is my thoughts:
Arguments like this always boil down to the two different aspects that exist in EDH communities. Causal vs Competitive. As with all aspects of this game you adjust accordingly. In the Casual arena; fewer tutors makes the game have more of that random chance experience and slightly more balance for the group. For Competitive, you have to shove every available tutor you can into your deck. (obviously extremes to both ends). Rather then say the community as a whole should adjust; try talking to your meta group and adjust their first. See if changing the group dynamics change the repetitive tutor for combos. I think a lot of EDH issues boil down to the local communities not talking and setting some good standard acts of play. Yes showing up at your local store that is hard to do; but if you play with a group regularly at home or meet ups; talk to them about these issues cause your all probably thinking the same things.
Excellent episode guys, really like Craig's input, and the topic was very well developed and insightful. As far as the Emeria Shepherd vs. Sun Titan debate goes, the answer is, as with most arguments in Magic, it depends. I personally think that in 90%+ of decks and situations you would want Sunny T because like you said, he gets lands back and fetches (even slow ones like Evolving Wilds/Terramorphic Expanse) are heavily played in the format. Also, you can play him much earlier, he is more resilient (6/6 vs 4/4), has two triggers instead of one, and doesn't rely on you getting lands to operate. That being said, in landfall decks like Karametra, Emeris Shepherd is a house and can get you enormous resiliency and synergy.
For someone who doesn't have an hour and 20 minutes to listen to something like this an accompanying article that sums up the main points would be amazing.
It would be soooo useful if there was a list of all the cards they talked about during this episode!
I often think that, but if they made a summary list people might be tempted to skip watching the videos entirely.
Alkaios Bournias Varotsis I'm skipping the video because they don't have a list. I'll find one elsewhere.
Sol ring, command tower, mana vault, mana crypt, sensei’s divining top, mirrorpool, seagate wreckage, toxic deluge, wrath of god, cyclonic rift, blasphemous act, Ezuri’s Predation, austere command, terminus, merciless eviction, Descend upon the sinful, Azusa, burgeoning, consecrated sphinx, gilded lotus, worn powerstone, Thran dynamo, signets, talismans, reliquary tower, entomb, nekusar, Hedron archive, propaganda, ghostly prison, glacial chasm, sidisi undead vizier, captain sisay, demonic tutor, vampiric tutor, planar portal, staff of domination, birthing pod, pattern of rebirth, defense of the heart, gamble, muddle the mixture, firemind’s foresight, drift of phantasms, fabricate, memnarch, blightsteel colossus, vedalken shackles, preacher, Enpress galena, helm of possession, willow satyr, corrupted conscience, treachery, Olivia voldaren, prossh Skyraider of Kher, purphoros, sadistic hypnotist, greater good, perilous forays, goblin bombardment, altar of demensia, Phyrexian tower, phyrexian altar, miren morning well, high market, diamond valley, karador, sun titan. Emeria Shepherd, Krosan verge, yawgmoth’s will, mizzix’s mastery, past in flames, regrowth, eternal witness, reanimate, snapcaster mage, Gisela blade of Goldnight, fatespinner, elesh norn, massacre wurm, aether flash, smokestack, butcher of malikir, martyr’s bond, Linvala, grace pact, stranglehold, karavek the merciless, aven mindcensor, plague wind, mindslaver, cyclonic rift again, insurrection, triumph of the hordes, tainted strike, phyresis, grafted exoskeleton, fog, craterhoof behemoth, exsanguinate, The Gitrog Monster, tooth and nail, pestermite and Kiki, and treskellion and Mikaeus.
@@isaacoddo5704 Solid.
Green has The Great Aurora! I dunno if this was out before that card but ITS A GREAT RESET BUTTON
Puts you at advantage, you can float any extra mana, replay all your lands, and start with play advantage
Tamiyo's Journal works well as a tutor. Cheaper than Planar Portal. For 5 Colorless you basically get a demonic tutor with suspend 3 (assuming it stays in play). Plus it's flexible, as the clue tokens can draw you cards if that's what you need, and they're artifacts, which can be relevant.
Loved this episode. Thanks for the help guys, your passion for EDH has done so much for my love of the hobby.
I don't know if you'll see this but I just want you to know that I appreciate your work.
If you guys like Snow Crash then definitely go read Neuromancer. It's the progenitor of the cyberpunk genre that Snow Crash and Netrunner are a part of, and more directly influences Netrunner than Snow Crash does.
Bottled cloister and moonring mirror make a great combo, you exile your hand, then use the moonring mirror to exile your "hand" to return all the cards it's exiled to your hand.
I accidently won two days ago, while trying to get my pili-pala/grand architect combo out. I realized I could tap the architect to make my signet a super-sol ring. It gave me the mana to set the combo off, and it was awesome.
+Joanna Winters I run no "take control of stuff" In my decks, because it is very bad-feeling. I had one game where I lost control of my god, and it stayed on other side of the table the rest of the game.
Josh: "Necronomicon is the book from uh the evil dead" oof ouch owie my HP Lovecraft lore
Emeria Shepherd is quite a lot of fun with Burnished Hart becuase you can sac Burnished Hart to get 2 plains then return the Burnished Hart and some thing else and can loop this for only 3 mana.
I approve of the elvish script and dwarven runes on the WARNING segment.
+ernilmenegil I wondered if anyone would catch the Alienese, Sindarin and Khuzdul translations. Congrats ernilmenegil, you win some cards! Send your name and address to and I'll personally send you a few packs
Mind slicer+sac outlet in a Meren deck that plays from the graveyard shuts down your opponents pretty well.
I have a mono-white Bruna, the Fading Light deck and I use Sun Titan to bring back Plains to trigger Emeria Shepherd to get back whatever I want.
You know you've lost a game when you tutor a basic land turn 7
I can't tell you how many times I've had to use a demonic tutor to find a basic swamp
Phyrexian Vault, Jar of Eyeballs, Hell's Caretaker, Bloodletter Quill. 4 of my favorites for "tutoring/draw" effects, though I know they're pretty situational.
Something I always try to make a category for is commander synergy and this is a category that is specifically based on your commander. Also another category I use is repitition, and this is a category in which I try to repeat needed effects for the deck.
As for the Emeria Sheppard Sun Titan debate. I'm a fan of the Sheppard in mono white decks and Sun Titan in multiple colored decks.
I have a Personal commander objective I keep in mind now. After making a bunch of deck and getting just hosed on mana I've resolved to have more "kick start" cards like rampant growth, sol ring, knight of the white orchid, ponder, brain storm, ext, just very low drops that can help push through a stall in the early game either by ramping, shuffling, or drawing some. I know these fit into different categories, but I can't tell you how many games I had T1 land, T2 land, T3-8 nothing then concede. Now that I've kept these low drop lil boosters in mind I've had much more consistent games.
Also Emeria Shepard is better because she has more wings.
I lost to Insurrection last Thursday. I was playing my Rhy's the Redeemed: TOKENS, TOKENS, TOKENS deck. I had at 15 various creatures on the field; dropped Craterhoof and killed two individuals couldn't kill the third do to pillow fort costs. He took his turn and case Insurrection...... womp womp... I died. My finisher was counter acted by another finisher; but at least it was a glorious game.
Great topic and refresher on the essentials. A few new cards to look at as always....
It's literally Craig's list
Rival617 You... you are my people
Greg list *
I own a Endrek Sahr, Master Breeder deck that runs an abundance of sac outlets, pain for my enemies, and protect yourself cards. Out of the categories, I'm most fond of sac outlets. Attrition is a card that hoses the board if needed. My meta has a few combo players, so Mind Slash nitpicks any combo piece they're holding in their hand. One of my most favorite creatures in the whole game of magic, Corpse Harvester, is a sac outlet that can tutor for any zombie in my library. Some of the zombies include: Sidisi, Undead Vizier, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, Gray Merchant, etc. Hecatomb is definitely strange, yet effective in the late game. Having Urborg + ten other lands results in pinging the board to death & players to death. I feel for every problem that can occur in magic, there is a sac outlet to deal with it. That's why I love sac outlets.
When talking about board wipes you forgot All is Dust and Ugin, Ugin does a really good job for 7 mana. Also Nevinyrral's Disk.
You should play Sun Titan and Emeria Shepherd! Make sure Sun Titan is in the graveyard by the time you get to cast Emeria and activate landfall. Bring back Sun Titan and use it to bring back a plains retriggering landfall. Add a sac outlet and a way to get plains consistently in to the graveyard and you can play two plains every turn!
one of my new favorite interactions is cyclonic rift(overloaded) with the new biorhyhm druid from dragons of tarkir
A reason why Emeria Shepard is better? The wombo combo with a sac outlet and Solemn Simulacrum. Imagine this game: sac outlet early, let's say ashnod's altar. Turn 4 you play solemn simulacrum. Turn 8 you put out Emeria Shepard, sac solemn simulacrum to draw a card and generate 2 colorless, and then play a plains, which triggers Emeria Shepard, returning solemn. in response to Solemn's ETB trigger, you sac solemn, and then when you put the plains down you do it again, getting all basic lands in your deck onto the battlefield tapped and drawing that many cards (and generating a bajillion mana if you're using ashnod's altar). That being said, they're both awesome and they are powerhouses in my Reya Dawnbringer deck.
i am a fan of podding Sun Titan to get Emeria, dropping a plain than getting sun titan back with Emeria :)
And then getting another plains and getting back something else.
Birthing pod a sun titan to search for Emeria then play a plains and get sun back
One category that you did not talk about was cards that strengthen Tribal themes.
It would be cool to talk about those cards in another Podcast.
I brewed up a tribal deck mostly consisting of bear tribal just because.
Since Bottled Cloister has 2 separate text triggers, I believe it would function like Oblivion Ring or Fiend Hunter, thus exiling your hand permanently if the Cloister is removed before the 2nd trigger.
I generally agree that I would run a reliquary tower, but there are certain decks in which it makes a bigger difference than others. I currently only own 2 copies of reliquary tower, and I currently have 7 commander decks assembled (Xenagos God of Revels, Sidisi Undead Vizier, Nekusar the Mindrazer, Meren of Clan Nel Toth, Talrand the Sky Summoner, Daretti Scrap Savant, and Ezuri Renegade Leader). So with that in mind I have to employ it in the deck where it will have the most effect. SIdisi and Meren currently need more self mill and discard than they have at the moment (or Sidisi needs to lean on the graveyard less, but recycling Sidisi from the graveyard to keep replaying her without commander tax has been a winning line of play too often, making other graveyard interactions too tasty for a mono-black deck to pass up), so the addition of reliquary tower is a nonbo at the moment, when I solve those issue I will readdress the issue of reliquary tower and Meren. Daretti is heavier on rummage/loot than "proper" card draw, and I can dump my hand quickly enough that I have yet to discard a card to end of turn barring mana screw. Ezuri and Xenegos are both rarely in the position to need it, but Xenagos is getting better at refilling it's hand and it's only a couple small improvements away from it's favored deck status dragging one of them in, or causing me to purchase a new one, and with Xenagos running Kozilek I do care about explicitly colorless mana. Talrand avoids tutors on purpose (other than Tezzeret to search out mindlock orb) so I lean on a strategy that embraces interchangeability (counters, card draw, ramp, backup wincon, mass removal, steal, and land describes every card in the deck, and many cover multiples(Draining Whelk, Spelljack, Confirm Suspicions, etc)), so it definitely warrants one of my copies. My version of Nekusar is atypical, it's built to demonstrate how the concept of card advantage can be made irrelevant, and grind it out slowly with bleed on draw effects, but because of all the draw effects and heavy reliance on having backup boardwipes for your backup board wipes while keeping a counter in hand I will fill and need the extra storage space. I have more Thought Vessels (2 mana tap for a colorless, no maximum handsize) than Reliquary Towers, so everyone but Meren has one (and I have one waiting to go in Meren when I get the self-mill/discard issue fixed).
Honestly I feel that Thought Vessel is superior to Reliquary Tower if you were only to run one of the effect. It's generally better for your mana rocks to tap for colorless than your lands because you will have land before you have a mana rock (barring very expensive cards) and that makes a serious difference in deciding whether or not to keep a hand. Which is not to say that Reliquary Tower isn't absolutely as good as you guys have stated, but Thought Vessel is just as good for exactly the same reason, maybe better.
I've been doing a lot deck analysis lately and I'm really seeing Thought Vessel payoff. Last week, before FNM draft, I played out Tezzeret the Seeker specifically to search out Thought Vessel. Xenagos hit Kozilek with Nissa's Revelation and I put Thought Vessel right underneath Koz, and Ezuri has a few expensive card draw artifacts because actual mana costs aren't that important because the deck is better at making non-arbitrarily large amounts mana than actually winning at the moment.
I run a teysa deck, use "75%" junk tutors and none of the teysa combos because everyone hates them..... also expects them..... so I love comboing out for the win in unrelated ways, blood/bond a simple favorite. generally im a modern spike....ish. 8Rack is my pet love, but due to this podcast I've discovered a joy in EDH. please, if you ever get the chance, do a show about teysa, or better yet, one about commanders you rarely use or use only to mislead 😁
I have a Modern tribal deck that uses Captivating Vampire to take control of creatures. I didn't know Olivia Voldaren, so now I'm imagining how many friendships I can end using Olivia and Captivating Vampire in EDH xD
* I have a Tymaret deck that runs around 8 different "grab" effects that overlap with his sac effects. Yet only now have I realized I should really throw in some ways to give him Infect.
* Kamigawan cards like Miren take their names from Japanese, Japanese only has one way to pronounce each vowel. Furthermore, this pronunciation overlaps with how you say those vowels in Spanish; it's pronounced "Mee-ren," not 'Myron"
* Emeria Shepherd could get a lot worse if you're grabbing lands from an attacking Sun Titan.
* I have a Gisella deck. The earliest I've ever gotten her out was turn four. It also runs Stranglehold and Aven Mind Censor.
* I used to run a deck that combined Spell Shock, AEther Flash and Impatience with CoP: Red.
* One category I feel you may have missed would be effects that protect your commander; the one card that most EDH decks rely upon. See cards like Swiftfoot Boots or Asceticism for examples. If I only have space for one, I'll go with Sun Titan more often than not.
asceticism should be banned lol absolutely stupid card
Ok, in case no one pointed this out, Talrand and Mizzix only trigger when you cast an instant or sorcery, copying one with mirror pool just creates another on the stack.
i play Grinning Totem in my derevi deck. I feel it is totaly underrated. it allows me to search my opponents deck for answers
In my green deck I use Nevyril's Disk (or however you spell it) and Ratchet Bomb as board wipes since they don't have any in green really.
I removed Sun Titan for Emeria, I find the combo with Sad Robot and Burnished Hart gives me amazing value. But even when that does not go off, having something that can fly and also recursion that my playgroup removes far less reliably than they remove would remove a Sun Titan makes the extra cost worth it.
BURGEONIG!!! Thanks to that card, and the alignment of the stars or some shit, I played my commander, OMNATH, on T2; due to my starting hand being 6 lands and Burgeoning (and T2 draw Sol Ring - 5 player game)
Protect yourself: No Mercy/Michiko Konda. They don't necessarily help if the damage you would take is lethal anyway. But I find them a good deterrent from pings of damage that could add up.
Sacrifice Outlets: Ashnod's Altar/Goblin Bombardment, Vampiric Rites. Phyrexian Altar also exists but I avoid it right now for budget constraints. I also really like Vampiric Rites to help advance the game but prefer Ashnod/Goblin when I want the quick sac. Goblin Bombardment has the added benefit of interacting with planeswalkers and Ashnod is generic.
Play from the Graveyard: I actually haven't used this option as much so the only thing coming to mind right now is Dread Return. Shoutouts to Drownyard temple as well for fun times with Gitrog Monster.
Mana Ramp: Tempt with Discovery. I tend to be a political player and this card has put in insane amounts of work for me. Absolute favorite. Second favorite would be Chromatic Lantern for the color fixing.
Card Ramp: Fecundity/Skullclamp. I play Prossh mainly but these cards are ridiculous in any token deck or deck with easy sac fodder generation.
STAX: Reality Acid. Favorite card with Brago if I'm in a spiteful mood. Hard to hit permanents like Sensei's Divining Top but when you can enchant any permanent, not much loss there.
Take Control: Another option I haven't utilized as much but I found Thalakos Deceiver to be exceptional in my Marchesa deck.
Find What You Need: Tezzeret the Seeker/Captain Sisay. Tezz is absolutely amazing for my Brago deck getting whatever artifacts I need from Strionic to Sundial of the Infinite. I didn't realize Captain Sisay searched out anything legendary and as soon as I found out, I went on to make a deck around her.
Game Enders: Tooth and Nail and sealed many games for me. Alongside Food Chain and Prossh. But a combination I really enjoy is Seedborn Muse and Vedalken Orrery, absolutely amazing in my Mayael deck and practically anything with green in it.
Honorable mention to Vedalken Orrery, you can't cheat it out as with say Leyline of Anticipation but I really like flash and the card helps a lot.
Do you just have a summarized list of these cards? I appreciate listening, but I do not always have a pen available to write them all down.
Empress Galina now snatches planeswalkers as well =)
I run both Sun Titan and Emeria Shepherd in my Zur the Enchanter deck. Sun Titan is great for all my enchantments cmc 3 or less. Emeria Shepherd is great for everything else, like Helm of Obedience.
Im sorry but commander is a casual format and i understand that it can get competitive but i like to have fun when i play. If im playing someone that tutors up the same 2 or 3 card combo to win every time it gets old. There is nothing like playing a good game of magic just to have someone draw their 4th tutor in the same game and win from a combo.
aven mindcensor
Mind sensor mind lock orb counterspells and instant speed removal. If you don't have answers you don't deserve to win
0bjectr Casual format. Commander is supposed to be a nice format for people who love interactions and decks doing something completely different every time. If you want to be competitive there's always modern or standard
having answers to your opponents stuff doesn't mean it has to be super competitive it just means you're playing a strategy game and counterplay is part of any strategy. I don't like combo wins but I know some people do so I have ways to stop them. If you get beat the same way over and over again and refuse to adapt because you don't want to be "competitive" you have no one to blame but yourself. Your decks should constantly be changing to answer your opponents' interactions and as a result they should evolve their deck and answer your answer. That's what makes commander or any strategy fun.
if its casual with your friends i can get that, my friends got really sick of my infinite turn combo, but if im entering a tournament im always going as cutthroat as possible.
I generally have a section of my deck of Political play. Things like Split decision, or an assault suit give you a lot of power at the table to influence other players style of play.
solemn simulacrum, and burnished hart are great for none green decks that needs ramp, and they don't force you to keep artifacts on the board to stay ramped.
Sun Titan Vs. Shepard; They are both great, Titan is usually played mid-game as a way to bring back lost pieces targeted by other players. Emeria is potentially a stronger endgame piece since it can actually lead to combos and the such but a cool little value play is "landfall Titan back then bring back another beauty" this is wonderful since you are diversifying your investments letting your opponent have to choose between getting rid of her or Titan. I would probably "landfall a fetch" while Titan is in the grave, this lets you play her effect at instant speed witch usually insures that you have optimum input on the board state in case anything goes down(board wipe etc.).
I'm going to run Emeria Shepherd alongside Gitrog and Knight of the Reliquary now in my Karador deck...
I think a good edh deck always have at least a pinch of nice vorthos flavor, and wins with style :)
Dont forget the 10 to 20 cards you can select on your own in the end to individuilize your deck, yeah!
I have a mimeoplasm deck that likes to dump cards in the graveyard and I found that reliquary tower was holding me back.
Reliquary tower good in basically all decks. But given other utility lands available, i almost never run it. 7 is plenty when it's the best 7
Another combo I really like is natural infinity with massacre wurm
Marwyn, the Nurturer and build an elf deck. Nice ramp and a big creature eventually.
Can you do an updated episode of this? I'm just curious what staple cards are not as good anymore as they were 5 years ago
Awesome right up! 🤘🏽
if I ran a lot of fetch lands, I'd make space for both. Think about it. Recur fetch alnds with titan, the get double landfall!
With emeria Sheperd I managed to get a hedron archive back like 3-4 times after cycling it
i think about josh lee kwai before i go to bed at night
Planeswalkers are Legends too!
Yawgmoth's Will can not be reprinted because it is on the Reserved List
what about "table politics"? cards you play because, at least in your play group, they will help negotiate with people or make an opponent not want to mess with you, like tempts and curses (i know most don't play these examples, but they are just examples) and anything that "gifts" things
I would never choose one between Titan and Shepherd; if I'm running white I want both.That said, from the perspective of a player that never runs white, one argument for Emeria Shepherd is that it's not an attractive target to steal. For example, last time I ran Mizzix I kicked a Rite of Replication on Sun Titan, getting back Rhystic Study and a lot of mana acceleration. If that had been an Emeria Shepherd, it would have been far less attractive. Instead of putting Study, a rock (I think Darksteel Ingot?) and a bunch of lands into play, they all would have gone to my hand-- where I wouldn't have been able to comfortably play them out given that I needed to hold mana up to keep a board lock going. It would've been another turn without Rhystic Study and frankly I probably would have discarded all of the lands. The difference between them on my end was four fewer Spell Bursts/two fewer Capsizes and more effective mana for my opponents. Niche, but it does happen.
Another point of consideration is how many colors you're running. In five-color, Sun Titan is still Sun Titan. But Emeria Shepherd is mostly going to be getting things back to hand, which doesn't feel nearly as good as putting them into play as Sun Titan does. In monocolor or two-color, Shepherd is probably the better card, but in three or five she looks less and less attractive.
+Kestral287 This is an interesting point, the fact that it's Emeria is a less attractive target to steal. I like it that line of thought. Good stuff.
Emeria might be nice to bring back enchantments or artifacts to hand and let you cast a noncreature spell if your deck likes that.
Just wanted to echo this, great point on the steal/clone deterrent that Emeria presents. Clones and stealing are super prevalent in my meta, so this is good to consider. Thanks!
i think you guys should talk about under appreciated card like the new Odrich is super broken and he's only 99 cents.
Sad that you all talked about tutors since it was the two of you who really inspired me to build and play without tutors :/
Why do people see tutors as such bad things? We're playing a singleton format. Tutors are necessary.
+tmcdon Well I'll tutor a Memory Lapse and cast it on you to solve that problem.
+popo237 then I'll just replay my spell....
spencersonnier1 I feel we have a miscommunication.
+spencersonnier1 Not necessary, per se, if you build enough synergy into your deck, and you run cards that help you prepare (board wipes, artifact, enchant removal, etc) you don't really need tutors. Not saying you shouldn't play them, or that it makes you less of a player if you are dependent on them, but I have personally found that building and playing without them certainly makes the game more challenging and in some cases far more fun.
I’m watching this 6 years later and I want to see how this have changed
So two corrections you guys should consider, otherwise this is GREAT information:
1) Any mana in EDH (read the rules) that is of a color other than your commander's color identity that is in your mana pool is "the diamond" mana as you called it, colorless mana is also the mana Sol Ring produces, etc. So it isn't that hard to get it.
2) You guys get quieter and quieter as the video goes on, so consider comparing amps at various times to make sure everything is consistent, even volume levels.
sun titan vs emeria shepard. I love both cards, and if you are playing one, you should probably be playing the other in your deck too. I do enjoy being able to put any CMC permanent onto the battlefield. I know white does not have much ramp, but we all know there is ramp in artifacts and in the best color to have in every so getting her out pre turn 8 is quite easy if you have a little bit of ramp. and, if you are playing something like explosive vegetation, you ramp beyond that, as well as throw more things onto the battlefield. I guess in the end, it comes down to what you prefer to play. Do you like really big creatures, and cheating them out onto the battlefield?!? We all know that cheating stuff into play is fantastic, especially when they are really big fun creatures, or very strong enchantments.
Answers.... you have to have answers to all sorts of situations. Swords to plowshares, vindicate, unmake, sweepers...ext
I kinda expected this but for the take control section you missed out It that betrays. I love it even though it’s a 12 drop
I personally love Tempt With Discovery. Most of the time when I play this, all my opponents search too. Suddenly instead of paying 4 for 1 land, I'm searching for 4 lands. Any lands, not just basics
+Zadok Little We have a player who uses it. Our table works the same way, but the problem is that he plays Temur and grabs some dual lands-- while the black deck grabs Urborg or Cabal Coffers. And then, unless somebody goes off everybody focuses down the guy who's three land drops ahead of everybody else in a deck full of bombs.
+Kestral287 well I'm the guy who grabs urborg and cabal coffers. Sometimes I get things like bojuka bog or other utility lands depending on the situation
I feel like Wheels should be a Category. and my favorite Wheel card is Barbed Shocker. Especially in my Saskia deck when i give him double strike and unblockable.
triumph of the hordes is still useful with two creatures if you got a Xenagos and a fatty on the field.
Sun Titan + Pacifism is an awesome combo to get rid of shroud/hexproof creatures :D
Is that because it comes back to the battlefield and because you're not targeting from your hand you can attach it to a permanent?
Pretty much both: an aura only target when you cast it; when it's brought back to the battlefield from the graveyard or blinked; it doesn't target, therefore the hexproof or shroud rule doesn't apply.and you can attach it to any permanent it can legally be attached to (protection will still prevent the attachment)
I like to to meddle with lands like ritual of subdual and hall of gemstone in mono green
Norn's Annex is great too as a way to protect yourself isn't it ?
Isatis Snowfox it's good if it's stacked on top of pillow fort effects
I'm not a fan of it in theory. I have to see it in practice.
yeah, annex by itself isn't a massive stop sign, but on top of ghostly prison, moat, sphere of safety is good
Sun titan all day. there are a handfull of cards (Immortality comes to mind) thatwhen combined with sun titan and your favotrite sac outlet go infinite.
Well The greatest thing I've ever done with Emeria Shepherd was play it crack Myriad Landscape get 2 plains get back knight of the white orchid and solemn and get 2 more plains and get back Hedron archive and Command Sphere and then crack them to draw three and get Fetch/Swords/Sun titan. Felt pretty great, my opponents were thoroughly disgusted with the amount of value.
What would you consider Thieves Auction or Confusion in the Ranks like cards which can drastically put your opponents on Tilt or drive the game in a different direction but aren't boardwipes?
+cz75fanatic I don't think that'd be considered an essential part of most decks.
With new ruling captain sisay could be a really good card in superfriends
Political cards are a category that wasn't mentioned. Political cards can make for interesting interactions and forced alliances. I really wish you guys would do a video on the topic of political cards.
+Killa Watt (KillaWatt) We have done a couple of episodes that focused on the political aspect of Commander (which is one of my favorite parts of the format). It's definitely a large topic that we will touch on again but in the meantime you can check out Episodes #2 and #15 and #43
Josh Lee Kwai Ive watched them all. Love the show and content. Informative and gives different perspectives i wouldn't otherwise get within my own playgroups. I really hope you guys delicate an episode to the topic. Its something i secretly love to utilize because half the time people don't either think about it or don't realize its even going on. Thanks for all the content. Keep up the good work.
Sun Titan vs Emeria Shepard
Its depends on how you build your deck. I think Emeria is better because you do not have to attack just get lands into play. I can see Emeria being the most powerful in a Selesnya or Abzan deck where you have a lot of land-based ramp and stuff is getting dumped into the graveyard. when you build the deck you can be mindful of putting cards that have plains in the type also ie Canopy Vista, Scattered Grove, and Temple Garden. If you have a lot of powerful cards 3 cmc or less sun titan might be good
52:40 yawgwoth
Why do I like this way of saying it better?
for gain control ive been enjoying grave betrayal in blue black zombies its been fun
I prefer Emeria Shepherd in reanimator decks. Reanimate her and play a plains the same turn is insane. Sun Titan goes in most other decks because of the ETB-effect and you can almost always attack someone with a 6/6 vigilance.
Also I think that Emeria is better due to her not having the 3 or less clause on her retrieval
Please do a riku of two reflections episode. he has so many intresting ways to build around him, and he is very popular. :O
I am always so curious about the art used as the shifting background. I recognize many cards, but some art I don't recognize. How do I figure out what the art is from?
for prosh, food chain is a crazy good sack outlet
also for a good combo with sun titan to fight against board wipes with you big creatures out use colfenor's urn, it's also really good with yosei on the field too
How many languages were there on the warning segment in the beginning.
local player runs perilous forays in his Omnath Locus of Rage deck. It's brutal
if you're paying Omnath, LoR and not running perilous forays + mana echoes your doing it wrong! That's what I call a win con.
+Shrouded Blade playing*
Yawgmoth's Will is on the reserved's not getting reprinted.
It's why the price shot up recently...a lot of reserved list cards did.
+Jay Schnurr Makes me glad that I own my one.
Slickplayer101 I traded mine away the day before eternal masters was announced...less than a week before it went up
in a tournament playable set.....if commander weren't legacy playable then we
could hope, and if they retroactively banned commander then, though we'd lose toxic 😔, we'd get rid of tnn😁😁, and they could reprint reserve list cards..... JOY
emeria shepherd or sun titan why choose? both definitely both
that Genghis Khan song is like amazing
I've won a game off of Altar of Dementia using my Omnath, Locus of Rage tokens to kill a player and the mill from the Altar to kill another.
Sun Titan > Emeria Angel because you can get lands back.
Seagate and bottle nets 3 cards for 4 mana. Seems good enough for edh and like josh said Boros is hard pressed
Erik Chupela See this is why I play Sram and 35 draw spells.
has anyone else noticed how many of the cards in your commander intro stuff was reprinted in modern horizons? coincidence? I think not.
Toxic Deluge is the black one? what about damnation? I thought that was the black one, crux of fate is damnation's cheaper brother, you just have to pick the non-dragon part of the card, or the dragon one, depending on your situaton, if you play zombies and they play dragons, then its one sided wrath :)