I see you’re enjoying your journey through immortal Techniques catalogue. He is one of the greats. I’d recommend internally bleeding and the 4th Branch next!
Hey man you have such a refreshing mindset for people that aren't from gen z, I think you can see through the bullshit of this world. You have the right mindset, a communist mindset. For too long our gov and religious institutions have made communism look terrible and yet the world is being controlled by our gov. And our world is very malicious to the people, and you see that and I cab say I love you for this
@@andrewking4548 i don't like to divide myself in any way. I can see and try to see through any ideal.. I am anti establishment no matter the label of said establishment 👍 I also don't associate myself with a generation.. gen x.. z . Millennial.. no thank you I will not be assigned to a box 😁 thanks for your comment .. i can see how you came to your conclusions and your not wrong about gov and religious institutions pointing the finger.. word Mr King
I see you’re enjoying your journey through immortal Techniques catalogue. He is one of the greats. I’d recommend internally bleeding and the 4th Branch next!
I am enjoying the journey.. I'll get on those tracks for the next Doubleheader. Thanks for the great recommendations!!!
great song choices, id recommend reacting to brother ali the collapse, next.
Thanks for coming through and checking out the frequency and Thanks for your recommendation, I'll get on it
The whole song is written from the perspective of the top 1%
@@sirspinalotgti yeah, it's a great song
Hey man you have such a refreshing mindset for people that aren't from gen z, I think you can see through the bullshit of this world. You have the right mindset, a communist mindset. For too long our gov and religious institutions have made communism look terrible and yet the world is being controlled by our gov. And our world is very malicious to the people, and you see that and I cab say I love you for this
@@andrewking4548 i don't like to divide myself in any way. I can see and try to see through any ideal.. I am anti establishment no matter the label of said establishment 👍 I also don't associate myself with a generation.. gen x.. z . Millennial.. no thank you I will not be assigned to a box 😁 thanks for your comment .. i can see how you came to your conclusions and your not wrong about gov and religious institutions pointing the finger.. word Mr King
defo no glorifying from the man
And I like that