And Thank God he brought the US to Energy Independence! So much so, we became a new EXPORTER in his first term! PLUS he filled up the Federal Oil Reserves to record levels to make sure were would be well stocked if things ever went bad in the future! So thankfully, WE are going to be JUST FINE. . .. Well, unless some Richard Potato decides to GUT the Energy Sector in a time of Recession & drain the Federal Reserves (which you are ONLY supposed to do for Emergencies & time of War) to score some cheap political points! . . . . . . Oh, wait.
@@psychcowboy1 He did and does often but its hard for some people to understand logic and common sense. Typically its the brainwashed/ college educated.
Peterson is human garbage who blithers garbage with no evidence to support it. He’s also a shill for the oil industry. If you think he’s smart, you’re automatically not smart. Have fun with that..
Perhaps because he held the same position Timothy Leary had as Dean of Philosophy at Harvard?!? I went to Tim's last birthday party. Fun time! My friend and I played our saxophones on the dance floor. Great view! "Hoisted on the bãtard of our own influence." Had to look up that French word.
1.15 "The way you get vast numbers of people to do what you want them to do is to terrify them". Leaving a country in ruins. Not just Russia but also what they did with us over Covid. He's right, it is in everyone and it was in our country too just a different topic.
Don't you mean 'petard'? As in the phrase, 'hoist by his own petard'? Incidentally a 'petard' (literal translation, "little fart") was an explosive device used to blow open castle gates during the late medieval period. Applying these to the gates of a castle was a very dangerous job as they could go off prematurely, thus 'hoisting' one, by one's own petard... The word you use has a Spanish accent, rather than a French one, and I think means 'bastard'... (It's identical to the same word in French, apart from the French version having a 'circumflex' accent, which is used to indicate the removal of a letter 's' from the Medieval French version...) Timothy Leary's last birthday party must have been quite a shindig! :)
Love how Piers Morgan feigns incredulity at the notion that there's a little bit of Hitler in everyone when we just witnessed the mass discrimination and dehumanization of the unvaxxed last year...
@@HassanZargari Orwell's 1984 being referenced alot because it's gradually becoming our reality, look at what's going on in the world the last few years, mass survilance and the heavy push of elimination of your privacy, censorship and slow death of freedom of speech, history and language being twisted, brainwashing the population to believe lies as the truth and vice versa, and now they're trying to control what you eat via the climate agenda and their attack on farmers.
I remember in 1990s Canadians told me to speak up, swear more, speak my mind, share my opinion. I was a shy scared boy from the USSR. So Western people always speak out. So how come Western people are afraid to say things? That really confuses me. I speak my mind every day and people are ganging up on me on the internet, and calling me a jerk now. But I don't think it's healthy to go back to being a scared little boy from the USSR.
I'm not sure "everyone else" is able to either articulate it or comprehend it in such a way. Decades of subtle indoctrination seems to be working quite well.
Glad to see Dr. Peterson is back in top form. There was a time when I thought we had seen the last of him and he has risen like a phoenix from the ashes.
Which is why he should stop procrastinating and become the PM of Canada already. Hes the only one who could turn the country around after dictator trudeu's reign.
No it's about De Pop u Lat i On. Please let me know if this comment is visible thank you all. Now go find out who and why, and God Bless 🙏 whatever that means to you
I have always felt that way about the environmentalists or the green movement. It is not their desire to save the planet for everyone, but their hatred of other people or humanity in general. Green people tend to be very authoritarian.
Dr Steve truly you tube channel mentions how russia ruined the liberal nwo grip on banking . russia,china ,india started a new banking system . Breaking the ability of the west to cut them off of thier own money. And 4 regions of east Ukraine will join the Russian federation ..a double win for Russia . Who in my opinion is the lessor of two evils than usa democrat/liberal communist. With the demented perversions and attacking the family and indoctrination of our children. Parents are labeled as terrorists for protecting thier children Go russia!
@@watkinsjames82 like the insanity of Germany’s energy policy and how they laughed at Trump when he warned them?
100% spot on.. it's the hatred of humanity that's driving this craziness.. if what they sprouted was the actual truth then they wouldn't have to shut down opposing views.. be warned, the truth will always shine through.
@@mmhmm9271 The question is really, do YOU believe that non-human life has moral value. If a mosquito is sucking blood out of you, do you swat it? Do you live on land that was once the home of a wild creature, displaced because YOU needed a home? Are you willing to admit that you have life because non-humans have lost their lives and homes to make room for you? Would you take a medicine to kill non-human life living within you? Where does your sense of morality begin and end? Do you really know? I just did the same thing that you did. I questioned YOUR morality instead of my own just like you questioned HIS morality instead of YOUR own. You're not going to fix him. You can only fix yourself.
It's not hatred, majority of people are good, caring and full of empathy and compassion. These situations are the making of a few. They want control and are now planning the most evil the world will ever know. Dr.Peterson is sending us all subtle messages in he's interviews. He just mentioned the poor & depopulating the world. Did you know vanguard & Black Rock own absolutely everything! A powerful few who control everything. Some will starve this winter, our politicians don't work for us. They work for this powerful Corporations. Everything is going to get really bad this winter. Communities need to pull together & people will have to help each other out. I just pray we can all do that. Feminism, racism what ever ism was all created by these monsters to separate us. To divide us. Brexit, trump was all a con to get people arguing. The Msm designed to start it, to wind people up, to anger people. Even climate change is just another tax, another way to divide, to start wars. These monsters will be safe but we won't. Please watch...Monopoly Follow the money here on you tube. 🙏
Yup - It appears the Americans led by Biden may succeed in killing more people than Hitler and Stalin put together. And before everyone says it is Putin's fault. Putin is a known vicious dog, and the Ukraine has been goading him for 2 decades. If he turned round and snapped at them, then they should have known that it was coming. If you didn't want to get bit don't go into the radius of his chain. And Ukraine isn't going to be happy until they take The Crimea. Let me tell you, virtually none of the people there want any part of the Ukraine, so get ready to commit genocide if you still want to help Ukraine. The Crimea is 67% Russian and only 15% Ukrainian, and the other 17% or so don't like either of them much. They have been fighting since 1700 and aren't tired yet. Someone smart is going to have to fix this and I don't see anyone with an ounce of intelligence involved.
Damn in less than 5 minutes he can have every liberal mouth piece running for the hills. That short clip is going to be felt this winter.... the poor will suffer and the environmentalists will continue to fly in jets.
@@Jacob-yb6bv except Russia provided fuel to Europe the most reliable way for 50 years. And now that Europe has gone crazy anti-russian the flow of gas is finally drying up. Nothing is wrong with that picture. You want energy, don't be hostile. Russia was trying to be friendly to the last day.
@@vladG30 I'm not sure that "selling something at an agreed-upon price" is necessarily "friendly", but, other than that, you're absolutely correct. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" also comes to mind.
@@MsElke11 like that's a good thing. Yall really don't gaf that he withheld aid to states in emergency, and stole government documents, nuclear documents and shared them elsewhere and supported a coup lmfao
As the apostle John told us two millennia ago, "The whole world lies in the power of the Evil One", i.e. the father of lies, that ancient serpent, known as the Devil (the Deceiver) and Satan (the Enemy of God and humanity).
@@davidw.robertson448 Yes, Leftism is actually the politics of the agenda of Satan -- you'll notice that leftists live in an upside down world, because in the Satanic realm, all truth is inverted.
@@Heaven-dy9lj You found an intelligent statement by JP? Cool, can I see it? 1. 'Putin is a lot more like anyone than anyone thinks'? --Peterson knows I am like Putin and he knows what I think about it? What a total idiot. 2. 'You can't have a totalitarian state unless every person lies about everything all the time?' --So everyone in North Korea is lying about everything all the time? And what does a husband lying to his wife have to do with a totalitarian state? 3. Putin's objective is to devastate Ukraine? --No it isn't Jordan. It is to annex Ukraine back into Russia. What a complete idiot. 4. "We are trying to get ourselves into a situation where there is no good outcome on every front you can imagine.". --Bold claim Jordan, Sounds made up. Who is this WE who has a motive to get into impossible situations? 5. 'All the environmental measures are making the environment worse'? --Is this guy totally full of crap every time he opens his mouth?
Do have any fucking understanding that propaganda is used never proof of Russia invaded Ukraine anyone else who looked into the matter knows it's bull shit media propaganda west has no fucking crap Jordan is not an expert on geopolitics so he should stay the fuck out of politics fool your not well read on it period you don't know the circumstances of the matter period plus how does the media know people check out Jordan Peterson greek people speak Greek I'm from Greece originally personally greek people don't really care for Jordan Peterson really we don't care for American people or British people worthless people period you attack other nations people why the fuck should we care for Jordan Peterson words really from Marcus.
Politicians will never admit things are bad till we're up to our necks in it. Dr Peterson is saying it loud, this situation is effed up. Seriously bad.
Search for the recent news article about the RAND document outlining the fact that this Ukraine military action (will deliberately bring WW3) if the West keeps it up - It allegedly was a US plot to destroy Germany, so the US can survive and thrive. Personally I don't see much surviving after WW3. The climate crisis bs is being used as the catalyst to get Europe into the war because Europe has fallen for all the climate bs, hook, line,and sinker. It's an interesting, yet sickening plot (imo)...
Carlin was a Godless, virtue signaling Liberal who mocked his audience, stated the obvious, and occasionally told a joke. Have fun in Hell, potty mouth!
That George Orwell quote hits very close for me. My father was a very well educated professor, staunchly left-wing, and his environmentalism was exactly as Orwell described: everything was framed as humanity being a blight on the planet. I'm big into futurism, but I couldn't talk to my father about it because he always used to say, "I hope we never go to another planet because we'll just destroy that one too." It's not environmentalism, it's anti-humanism.
Gee, and I thought that "climate lockdowns" were actually about saving the environment, and Putin having the hand on the gas valve was just sheer coincidence... They should be begging Putin to close the valve if they are truly committed. 👀
the guys that sell their soul are the ones that pray "ALL HAIL TO THE UKRAINE, SAVE THE PEOPLE" becouse you guys are praying for the Nazis, the racists, the guys that startet to kill people just becouse they talk another language.... But yeah i know "We aren´t racists, we aren´t the bad guys, we aren´t the aggressors, we are way to intelligent for this" funny thing about this sentences ist, that´s excactly what the nazis said and believed back in their time and we should all know, that they were as wrong as you guys are. Fuck tthe true racists, fuck the extremists, fuck the ukraine
No were in this mess because americans decided to put a creepy grandpa in office . its 100% biden and kamala harris fault . no one else. Not putin . , not trump only the democrats and rhinos.
@@Ricky-tr2hd wars have been going on since the beginning of time just about, the USA alone has started more wars and invaded more countries than anyone else by a staggering amount but you won’t hear anything about that on western media because…ya know “we’re the good guys” and all that bullshit they love to put up as a facade
@@Ricky-tr2hd next winter In northern Europe people might die for cold, if the winter is as cold as last winter. Thanks for EU:s sanctions and electricity crises! And none of that will stop the war In Ukraine and they know it.
That's nothing compared to what they will do with his statement from 6:50 onwards ha ha! ... you just know the media will totally ignore the sarcasm Jordon meant.
First time I've seen Piers Morgan actually listen to somebody . You can't argue with Jordan Peterson who only uses logic and facts . The man should be universally revered .
Paul Kirk Another brilliant interview with J. Peterson and the faces of reactions you can enjoy then he was sitting in Skavlan's show....priceless....👍
The fact that you call Goebbels out for fear mongering while LITERALLY DOING THE SAME THING. The cognitive bias is outstanding. Bravo. You’ve truly outdone yourself. So painfully close to self-awareness.
@@JC-21470 I will repeat it without the link. Dr Peterson ignores the possibility that Putin may be overthrown. This Russian journalist understands that: "Putin is fighting for his survival." "All the measures you're putting in place are actually making the environmental problem worse." Peterson gives no evidence or argument to back up that statement. I for one have never said that reducing greenhouse emissions is about "saving the planet". That is hyperbolae indulged in by only some. To say that those who are concerned about the financial and humanitarian costs of failing to stop the planet warming by several degrees or more means that they hate humanity is also hyperbolae unworthy of a serious thinker. It is my understanding that the monetary and humanitarian costs of failing to stop the planet warming by several degrees or more will be much higher than the costs of doing so.
Most Leftwing people do hate humanity, Well , the poor people anyway, they want massive depopulation of the planet ! Just not them or their families and leftist friends! Just the ignorant masses who don’t follow their ideology.
"If you care about the natural environment which is the sole precondition for human life, then you hate humanity". Do you see how that doesn't make any sense?
@Kotikunnas and? The fact that an autistic Swedish teenager is mistaken about something should have no bearing on your opinion about saving the natural environment from destruction.
@@mmhmm9271 pathetic attempt at a straw man. You put in quotes something that no one has said or even implied. The point is that IF there’s a crisis then why would you do things that are demonstrably WORSE for the environment to allegedly “save the environment?” If you suspect a fire in your home and want to save it, do you douse it in gasoline? Because that’s what these policies are.
@@mera8785 firstly, using "pathetic" as the first word of your argument is hardly a good start. You need to practice controlling your emotions. Secondly, it's not really a straw man. The claim being put forward is that any sacrifice or compromise made in order to protect the environment and its sentient inhabitants from further anthropogenic destruction is born of an anti-human sentiment. That is the actual straw man to which I am responding.
@@mmhmm9271 >> Good point. The thing I don’t understand is this: This West is tying itself in knots assuming anthropogenic is a serious problem while China and India continue to industrialize and burn coal like there’s no tomorrow. There’s some serious self-hatred involved in Greta Thunberg-style moralizing.
Yes, very impressive, not even blinked his eyes. Very good use of debating skills; timing, expression, value, etc. I've looked at it several times and still enjoying it.
The look on Piers Morgan's face is priceless. I don't think he was expecting such a blunt and honest commentary from Dr. Peterson, which is funny because one of the reasons Dr. Peterson is so incredibly popular IS BECAUSE HE TELLS THE TRUTH.
The problem is people assume that Nazism and National Socialism were forms of totalitarianism. They were more like monarchies where the leader ruled by the authority of his charismatic personality instead of by divine right. The USSR was totalitarian because Stalin had nowhere near enough charisma to do that. While the man with the funny mustache and his counterpart in Italy essentially seduced their nations into politically "falling in love" with them.
Well wokeness IS totalitarianism, that's what makes it so pervasive and dangerous. "Everyone everywhere must make their spaces safe, or else we will force it to be so. Don't ask what 'safe' means."
@@yaffayafo82 Not sure how you can come to that conclusion. Almost all successful communist regimes in history are secular. Pro-lifers are mostly religious and conservative, which is anti-woke and pro capitalism.
One thing I admire about Peterson, even if I don't 100% agree with him all the time, is that he is able to articulate and provoke thought with his narrative and prose
He is right the planet is over populated especially the third world countries are not doing anything to control their population. The free world has low birth rates but they open the immigration to the people who don’t use birth control.
People are crazy, the current times are strange and Mr. Peterson is one of the few people that has common sense, which is so necessary to find the truth. My message is "Do not accept lies, listen to those who tell you the truth".
You know not what wisdom is. GOD's prophet speaks: Intelligence without wisdom is like a boat without water. And THAT is the dry ocean of right wing conservatism, which is based in FEAR. Study that line of thought, why don't you, Mr. Peterson and your "foxy" friends. Elijah has returned.
It's right to say that you can't agree with everything that Peterson says, even he knows that not everyone agrees with him... But he's right about a lot of things in this time of uncertainty: Cancel Culture, Racism, Bigotry, Economic Crisis, Climate change, Incompetence, Wars and lies have been so saturated in this moment in time that Dr. Peterson goes against the hypocrisy of it all.
JP is an excellent psychologist, but he's been quite rubbish on most everything else. Especially politics. His main problem on that front is that he trusts institutional sources.
@@darthkek1953 Let's begin with his support of the covid injections and lockdowns. Which he recanted in the last year and admitted was a mistake. Then you can look at his comments on Putin's willingness to use a nuclear weapon if he thinks he will lose. It shows how little he has been listening to what Putin has actually said and how little he knows of the man himself. Putin has only ever warned that if the west chooses to use nuclear weapons, they should not forget that Russia has them two, and will respond appropriately. He never voiced any intention to be the initiator of nuclear confrontation. He has also made several comments about Trump and the capitol riots that speak of similar deep ignorance of the actual events and of the statements and actions of the then president as it relates to those events. Peterson is an excellent thinker, and indeed a quite capable psychologist, but when he strays outside his field of expertise, and starts his thought process off with information from untrustworthy and compromised sources, he ends up with erroneous and quite inaccurate conclusions, as demonstrated above.
Well, I'd say he also needs worthy spiritual successors - or rather, continuing generations thereof, hopefully across the globe - because neither he nor anyone else is going to live here forever.
Jordan Peterson isn't someone to be put into a partisan box, like Piers is used to. And I'm sure he saw the Cathy Newman interview. She spoke a lot and made herself into a forever meme. Most of us outside the UK will only ever remember her for making such a fool of herself while interviewing Peterson, and nothing else.
@Wane Lee It's not that you love the planet, it's that you hate humanity. 6:00: 'If we have an environmental crisis I would imagine we should use measures that fix that problem. All the environmental measures are making things worse, how is that acceptable?' 3:30: 'We are trying to get ourselves into an impossible outcome, hell both ways.' 2:00 'You can't have totalitarian state unless everyone lies about anything.' Let's translate: "Why are people doing all the wrong things? How is it a good idea to do the wrong things? I as a famous intellectual think we should do the right things." Jordan thinks we should do the right things that make things better as opposed to doing the wrong things that make things worse? What a super genius. I would like to hoist something on the petard of JP's foolishness. 1. 'Putin is a lot more like anyone than anyone thinks'? [Peterson knows I am like Putin and he knows what I think about it? What a total idiot.] 2. 'You can't have a totalitarian state unless every person lies about everything all the time?' [So everyone in North Korea is lying about everything all the time? And what does a husband lying to his wife have to do with a totalitarian state?] 3. Putin's objective is to devastate Ukraine? [No it isn't Jordan. It is to annex Ukraine back into Russia. What a complete idiot.]
As a New Zealander I feel completely abandoned by the rest of thr world. We are a small nation - isolated and totally sea locked so it's difficult to get away.
He is only 'controversial' to the left wing media and their minions. The left push narratives through propaganda and JP cuts through their crap with truth.
The single intellectual with an ounce of sense I’ve listened to in a long time. The funny thing is he’s not saying anything a normal, working, sensible person hasn’t been saying, he just has a louder voice in our society to say it with.
What does ETERNITY represent? IT'S FOREVER!! IT`S A LONG TIME!! THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION of your life: Where will you go after you die and enter ETERNITY? Have you ever lied? Hated someone? Did you steal something? If you have committed any of these acts, in God's eyes you are a liar, a murderer and a thief! Under these conditions, you will spend ETERNITY IN HELL!!! But this is not God's desire for you. JESUS CHRIST died for you and rose on the third day. HE did this so that you would be forgiven of your sins and have a relationship with God. If you REPENT from your sins (turn away from them) receive and trust in JESUS CHRIST, you will be forgiven by Him and you will be assured of ETERNAL LIFE!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! Do this today, before you enter ETERNITY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!! "Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:6)
@@07silvali I’d be surprised if a single person ever came to Christ with this tactic. A completely out of place comment from a random no-name stranger that has nothing to do with anything said. I’m a Christian and find it a bit annoying. Good luck but if you really want to evangelize try talking to someone in person and tell them your name. In here, you just seem like a bot if you’re not.
This is one of the most significant discussions I’ve seen in a long, long time. What they are talking about is at the root of everything that is going wrong in modern society. JP was JP, as always…incredible depth of analysis, and struggling to condense it into a short conversation. I was particularly impressed with Morgan, here…no smugness, and he clearly followed JP’s train of thought, maybe having some new ideas occur to him because of it. You can tell, because he barely interrupted JP. This was a seriously thought-provoking exchange, which everyone who cares about intellectual honesty should watch. Then watch it again to pick up what was missed the first time. Kudos to Mr. Morgan for hosting it.
At least Piers realized he was tanking his career by being a smug asshole and decided to tone it down a lot. He has come a long way since being punched in the face by Jeremy Clarkson.
@@ColoradoStreaming 1. 'Putin is a lot more like anyone than anyone thinks'? [Peterson knows I am like Putin and he knows what I think about it? What a total idiot.] 2. 'You can't have a totalitarian state unless every person lies about everything all the time?' [So everyone in North Korea is lying about everything all the time? And what does a husband lying to his wife have to do with a totalitarian state?] 3. Putin's objective is to devastate Ukraine? [No it isn't Jordan. It is to annex Ukraine back into Russia. What a complete idiot.] 4. "We are trying to get ourselves into a situation where there is no good outcome on every front you can imagine.". [Bold claim Jordan, Sounds made up. Who is this WE who has a motive to get into impossible bad outcome situations?[ 5. 'All the environmental measures are making the environment worse'? [Is this guy totally full of crap every time he opens his mouth? All the measures make it worse? Can you give an example?] 6. 'Its not that you love the planet, its that you hate humanity.'? [Who hates humanity Jordan and do you have any evidence for this?] 7. 'We can't say no to Putin?' [WTF are you talking about? Russia Sanctions and weapons sent to Ukraine are us saying Yes to Putin?]
Jordan Peterson should speak on every channel in every country on every continent!! People who are still critically thinking this thing through with eyes wide open want to listen!
In the UK, you could also change that to: "If this WATER crisis were really about NOT having to ration water, we'd be building more RESOVOIRS than blaming it on 'droughts'!!"
@@gerrodmendham461 It's all contrived. There are extremely wealthy and old lunatics at the head of the World who believe themselves above God. They are scrambling to bring about a future they have dreamed of for decades. Time is running out for them though.
@@DonVigaDeFierro gotta agree , even if you were worried about meltdowns, modern reactors have ALOT of security measures to prevent that from happening , making it something nearly impossible to happen , and even then we have thorium nuclear reactors which have an ever *lower* chance of meltdown and are even more cheaper to get energy from since they use thorium which is ALOT more common than uranium , so yeah , pretty much
Well, it's safe to say that Jordan healed, and now he comes in SHARP and dropping bombs left and right (many puns intended). Seeing his thoughts and ideas progress through the years is truly a sight to behold, the man is an inspiration.
@@psychcowboy1 he basically said that if you think you are "all that free thinker" (and thus free) in this west modern society you better go back home and reflect on that... ... Conclusion: you (may) be a slave and speaking second hand and third rate "ideas" from a tolitarian system. Who has programed and brainsmwasemhed your brain.
I picked up on this and marveled. Rarely does Morgan shut up for very long. But, I believe Peterson's reputation preceded this interview and Morgan has watched every last abrasive interviewer brutally taken down. Grudging RESPECT, and a tip of the hat.......
Here In Nordic countries with very cold artic winter the winter will not be fun for poorer people who cannot heat their houses because electricity bills has risen 10 times bigger than last year
@@707megaman those who has fireplace it helps little bit of course but not everyone has and its nowhere near enough alone. We can have up to - 35 degree cold In winters In our countries and the winter is long 5 months
@@aeryncowell3046 well, not really. I voted True Finns party who is not pro EU. But unfortunately most parties are so there Is not much from choosing from.
During covid, it's just the old people, now during this war, it's just the poor people. When they knock on YOUR door, it's too late! How do you boil a frog? Crank the heat up slowly.
The only thing he didn't say was, that this is all deliberate and by design. It's no accident, coincidence. It's full scale depopulation, resetting the social stratas, wealth distribution etc. Yes, a big reset! They've done it before.
You change minds on that more through indirect means. It's too easily dismissed as conspiracy theorizing. We're almost there where a majority now see how so much policy action by the state serves the Great Reset fascist plan.
Thank you for showing this piece with Jordan Peterson and letting him do what he's so good at: getting right at the kernel of truth in the middle of the mess. I hope the world is listening.👂🙏
What does it change? Houndreds of big farmlands all over the globe are set on fire and no one to be held accountable for it. I would put my bet on americans. Those „elites” are trying to create food crisis.
The good doctor is at his best when he does not allow anyone to upset him. He is what's best in us all. I wish I could control my emotions as well as he.
I want to know every elitist every Hollywood movie star every politician that does not have solar panels on their homes. I want to know how many of these politicians have more than one home. I want to see their water bills, their electric bills, their gas bills, etc. It's time these politicians put their money where their mouth is
John Kerry doesnt, neither do Obama, Al Gore, Bill Gates, basically all of them. They know it’s nonsense and there is not a real crisis except the ones they manufacture to subjugate and eliminate us.
I'd say it's vastly higher than that judging by the number of votes 'greens' get. Most have fallen for the climate scam. I'd be interested to see the list.
Can you explain how that's relevant? If voters didn't care about freedom of speech, would you use that as evidence that it's not objectively important?
The AGW crowd have profited from creating climate hysteria for far too long now so it's heartening to hear more people are treating that political issue as subjectively unimportant.
Oh right the oil and gas ....well Trump did warn the EU on that point.
AND the Germans laughed at him,Who is laughing now.Getting exactly what they deserve.
But but but we are smarter than Trump
And we don’t care if we are wrong
And Thank God he brought the US to Energy Independence!
So much so, we became a new EXPORTER in his first term! PLUS he filled up the Federal Oil Reserves to record levels to make sure were would be well stocked if things ever went bad in the future!
So thankfully, WE are going to be JUST FINE. . .. Well, unless some Richard Potato decides to GUT the Energy Sector in a time of Recession & drain the Federal Reserves (which you are ONLY supposed to do for Emergencies & time of War) to score some cheap political points!
. . . . . . Oh, wait.
@@colinmeehan791 The German government laughed at him. It sucks the German people have to suffer the consequences.
Trump knew Biden would start meddling in Ukraine again to start a war
I always respected Dr Peterson, but the fact he could keep Piers silent so long makes me respect him even more.
He was struggling for a while but he did finally shut up
Well, piers said it at the beginning, everyone listens when he talks
maybe Dr. Peterson is controlled opposition. All of his politics are just rebranded Libertarianism
Peterson even managed to slip in that he doesn't believe the climate change narrative and that didn't even prompt Piers to object!
This man speaks the truth, and he doesn't sugarcoat it. If you hate this man it's because you endear to the lie.
Exactly right
Yep sounds about right
@@pierre-julienpeyroux26 Did Peterson say something intelligent?
@@psychcowboy1 He did and does often but its hard for some people to understand logic and common sense. Typically its the brainwashed/ college educated.
I live where he lives so my opinion is from life experiences.
The fact that Dr. Peterson is referred to as "controversial" is a telling testimony to the sorry state of modern society.
In a dumb Leftist society, yes!
Peterson is human garbage who blithers garbage with no evidence to support it. He’s also a shill for the oil industry. If you think he’s smart, you’re automatically not smart. Have fun with that..
Perhaps because he held the same position Timothy Leary had as Dean of Philosophy at Harvard?!?
I went to Tim's last birthday party. Fun time! My friend and I played our saxophones on the dance floor. Great view!
"Hoisted on the bãtard of our own influence." Had to look up that French word.
1.15 "The way you get vast numbers of people to do what you want them to do is to terrify them". Leaving a country in ruins. Not just Russia but also what they did with us over Covid. He's right, it is in everyone and it was in our country too just a different topic.
Don't you mean 'petard'? As in the phrase, 'hoist by his own petard'? Incidentally a 'petard' (literal translation, "little fart") was an explosive device used to blow open castle gates during the late medieval period. Applying these to the gates of a castle was a very dangerous job as they could go off prematurely, thus 'hoisting' one, by one's own petard...
The word you use has a Spanish accent, rather than a French one, and I think means 'bastard'... (It's identical to the same word in French, apart from the French version having a 'circumflex' accent, which is used to indicate the removal of a letter 's' from the Medieval French version...)
Timothy Leary's last birthday party must have been quite a shindig! :)
Love how Piers Morgan feigns incredulity at the notion that there's a little bit of Hitler in everyone when we just witnessed the mass discrimination and dehumanization of the unvaxxed last year...
Underated comment
Excellent point!
Top comment!
Thank you for pointing that out
"The totalitarian state is actually the grip of the lie." That is a profound statement. I can feel that grip growing in the USA.
Thats just leftists in the US. In other parts of the world, especially in Europe, its almost everywhere.
"Lie or else." I've not heard anyone better explain in three words the state of society today.
Very clear
goes very well with "the beatings will continue until morale improves"
I know referencing to 1984 has become sort of a cliche, but dear God that was all I could think about when he was talking about that.
@@HassanZargari Orwell's 1984 being referenced alot because it's gradually becoming our reality, look at what's going on in the world the last few years, mass survilance and the heavy push of elimination of your privacy, censorship and slow death of freedom of speech, history and language being twisted, brainwashing the population to believe lies as the truth and vice versa, and now they're trying to control what you eat via the climate agenda and their attack on farmers.
He says what everyone else is afraid to say.
Which further bolsters his point. With Hitler people went along out of fear of speaking out, and look what happened there ! God help us.
Precisely. His accuracy and confidence in that statement is a reality check.
I remember in 1990s Canadians told me to speak up, swear more, speak my mind, share my opinion. I was a shy scared boy from the USSR. So Western people always speak out. So how come Western people are afraid to say things? That really confuses me. I speak my mind every day and people are ganging up on me on the internet, and calling me a jerk now. But I don't think it's healthy to go back to being a scared little boy from the USSR.
I'm not sure "everyone else" is able to either articulate it or comprehend it in such a way. Decades of subtle indoctrination seems to be working quite well.
Yup, the world need his bravery of speaking truth
Glad to see Dr. Peterson is back in top form. There was a time when I thought we had seen the last of him and he has risen like a phoenix from the ashes.
Which is why he should stop procrastinating and become the PM of Canada already. Hes the only one who could turn the country around after dictator trudeu's reign.
Spot on Dr. Peterson! This energy crisis is not about saving the planet
Money and power 👍
All about control
@@danielw.2473 Full control
No it's about
Please let me know if this comment is visible thank you all.
Now go find out who and why, and God Bless 🙏 whatever that means to you
@@elizabethanthony3916 and control
I'm with Jordan all the way. He cuts through all the Bull$hit and exposes the insanity.
I have always felt that way about the environmentalists or the green movement. It is not their desire to save the planet for everyone, but their hatred of other people or humanity in general. Green people tend to be very authoritarian.
James ? Lol
Dr Steve truly you tube channel mentions how russia ruined the liberal nwo grip on banking . russia,china ,india started a new banking system . Breaking the ability of the west to cut them off of thier own money.
And 4 regions of east Ukraine will join the Russian federation ..a double win for Russia . Who in my opinion is the lessor of two evils than usa democrat/liberal communist. With the demented perversions and attacking the family and indoctrination of our children.
Parents are labeled as terrorists for protecting thier children
Go russia!
@@watkinsjames82 like the insanity of Germany’s energy policy and how they laughed at Trump when he warned them?
Did Peterson say something intelligent?
“You cannot win against someone you cannot say, No, to. Period.” As rock bottom feeling that sounds, it is as true as it gets. Wow.
no. russia will dissolve in 5 years or so
100% spot on.. it's the hatred of humanity that's driving this craziness.. if what they sprouted was the actual truth then they wouldn't have to shut down opposing views.. be warned, the truth will always shine through.
If they ‘loved’ humanity then they’d do great things for it….
They don’t.
@@Jacob-yb6bv do you believe that nonhuman animals and the environment in which they live possess even a shred of moral value?
The question is really, do YOU believe that non-human life has moral value. If a mosquito is sucking blood out of you, do you swat it? Do you live on land that was once the home of a wild creature, displaced because YOU needed a home? Are you willing to admit that you have life because non-humans have lost their lives and homes to make room for you? Would you take a medicine to kill non-human life living within you?
Where does your sense of morality begin and end? Do you really know?
I just did the same thing that you did. I questioned YOUR morality instead of my own just like you questioned HIS morality instead of YOUR own. You're not going to fix him. You can only fix yourself.
It's not hatred, majority of people are good, caring and full of empathy and compassion. These situations are the making of a few. They want control and are now planning the most evil the world will ever know. Dr.Peterson is sending us all subtle messages in he's interviews. He just mentioned the poor & depopulating the world. Did you know vanguard & Black Rock own absolutely everything! A powerful few who control everything. Some will starve this winter, our politicians don't work for us. They work for this powerful Corporations. Everything is going to get really bad this winter. Communities need to pull together & people will have to help each other out. I just pray we can all do that. Feminism, racism what ever ism was all created by these monsters to separate us. To divide us. Brexit, trump was all a con to get people arguing. The Msm designed to start it, to wind people up, to anger people. Even climate change is just another tax, another way to divide, to start wars. These monsters will be safe but we won't. Please watch...Monopoly Follow the money here on you tube. 🙏
@@mmhmm9271 do you believe blacks have even a shred of moral value?
Brilliant Canadian Dr. Peterson he's absolutely correct
Yup - It appears the Americans led by Biden may succeed in killing more people than Hitler and Stalin put together.
And before everyone says it is Putin's fault. Putin is a known vicious dog, and the Ukraine has been goading him for 2 decades. If he turned round and snapped at them, then they should have known that it was coming. If you didn't want to get bit don't go into the radius of his chain.
And Ukraine isn't going to be happy until they take The Crimea. Let me tell you, virtually none of the people there want any part of the Ukraine, so get ready to commit genocide if you still want to help Ukraine. The Crimea is 67% Russian and only 15% Ukrainian, and the other 17% or so don't like either of them much. They have been fighting since 1700 and aren't tired yet.
Someone smart is going to have to fix this and I don't see anyone with an ounce of intelligence involved.
Oil companies have a voice in sky news and the rest just follows
You say that like it's a bad thing.
We need more people like him to expose the fake climate change agendas because are not many people speaking out the truth.
@@mubirunyago9178 you haven't got a clue
Damn in less than 5 minutes he can have every liberal mouth piece running for the hills. That short clip is going to be felt this winter.... the poor will suffer and the environmentalists will continue to fly in jets.
Very well stated Mr. Peña.
Indeed. And it is t like ppl have warned us of energy security for decades including this reliance upon Russia for it.
@@Jacob-yb6bv except Russia provided fuel to Europe the most reliable way for 50 years. And now that Europe has gone crazy anti-russian the flow of gas is finally drying up. Nothing is wrong with that picture. You want energy, don't be hostile. Russia was trying to be friendly to the last day.
@@vladG30 I'm not sure that "selling something at an agreed-upon price" is necessarily "friendly", but, other than that, you're absolutely correct. "Don't bite the hand that feeds you" also comes to mind.
Funny how Piers' link with Goebbels and his use of fear never extends to his understanding of Covid approaches over the last few year.
Well Piers is a twat and we all know that.
Absolutely what I thought and commented. 👏
Me too.
It seems many of that ilke failed to make that connection. The pandemic is the perfect example of Goebbels thesis.
Maybe it was his dig to Piers. Hoping Piers would bite. Or maybe make Piers think
problem is, none of these people can think far enough ahead to realize the dire mistakes we are making as a society
Have no fear....Trump will be back.
@@MsElke11 like that's a good thing. Yall really don't gaf that he withheld aid to states in emergency, and stole government documents, nuclear documents and shared them elsewhere and supported a coup lmfao
"The totalitarian state is actually the grip of the lie." The man is brilliant.
As the apostle John told us two millennia ago, "The whole world lies in the power of the Evil One", i.e. the father of lies, that ancient serpent, known as the Devil (the Deceiver) and Satan (the Enemy of God and humanity).
Yeah that's a beautiful quote.
@@davidw.robertson448 Yes, Leftism is actually the politics of the agenda of Satan -- you'll notice that leftists live in an upside down world, because in the Satanic realm, all truth is inverted.
@@Heaven-dy9lj You found an intelligent statement by JP? Cool, can I see it?
1. 'Putin is a lot more like anyone than anyone thinks'?
--Peterson knows I am like Putin and he knows what I think about it? What a total idiot.
2. 'You can't have a totalitarian state unless every person lies about everything all the time?'
--So everyone in North Korea is lying about everything all the time? And what does a husband lying to his wife have to do with a totalitarian state?
3. Putin's objective is to devastate Ukraine?
--No it isn't Jordan. It is to annex Ukraine back into Russia. What a complete idiot.
4. "We are trying to get ourselves into a situation where there is no good outcome on every front you can imagine.".
--Bold claim Jordan, Sounds made up. Who is this WE who has a motive to get into impossible situations?
5. 'All the environmental measures are making the environment worse'?
--Is this guy totally full of crap every time he opens his mouth?
Do have any fucking understanding that propaganda is used never proof of Russia invaded Ukraine anyone else who looked into the matter knows it's bull shit media propaganda west has no fucking crap Jordan is not an expert on geopolitics so he should stay the fuck out of politics fool your not well read on it period you don't know the circumstances of the matter period plus how does the media know people check out Jordan Peterson greek people speak Greek I'm from Greece originally personally greek people don't really care for Jordan Peterson really we don't care for American people or British people worthless people period you attack other nations people why the fuck should we care for Jordan Peterson words really from Marcus.
Speaking the truth hurts, that’s what Dr. Peterson has said. For once Piers Morgan didn’t interview himself.
When Dr Jordan Peterson talks everyone stops and listens. He will blow you out of the water with facts. He is a brilliant man.
Quite so.
He also didn’t get overbearing, didn’t argue straw man points, wasn’t condescending and wasn’t driven by his ego.
@@Jacob-yb6bv Because he has brilliant mind, we can do with more people like that. Politicians be warned.
Piers saw how the Cathy Newman interview went and decided against replicating her failure.
Excellent. Jordan Peterson is just absolutely excellent.
Sometimes you need a pragmatist to just tell you what you don't want to acknowledge, but know deep down is the truth.
Well said Sir! The Truth is succint, blatant & it hurts.
Bold statement
@@pandoraaphrodite3375 it's true affiliative people aren't critical enough.
Politicians will never admit things are bad till we're up to our necks in it. Dr Peterson is saying it loud, this situation is effed up. Seriously bad.
Search for the recent news article about the RAND document outlining the fact that this Ukraine military action (will deliberately bring WW3) if the West keeps it up -
It allegedly was a US plot to destroy Germany, so the US can survive and thrive.
Personally I don't see much surviving after WW3.
The climate crisis bs is being used as the catalyst to get Europe into the war because Europe has fallen for all the climate bs, hook, line,and sinker.
It's an interesting, yet sickening plot (imo)...
We have the conceit to think we can save the planet, we cant even look after ourselves.
-George Carlin
I miss George.
@@Thee_PinkPanther >> Me, too.
Carlin was a Godless, virtue signaling Liberal who mocked his audience, stated the obvious, and occasionally told a joke.
Have fun in Hell, potty mouth!
Clean your room.
@@abhcoat I busted out laughing when I read your comment! Perfect.
That George Orwell quote hits very close for me. My father was a very well educated professor, staunchly left-wing, and his environmentalism was exactly as Orwell described: everything was framed as humanity being a blight on the planet. I'm big into futurism, but I couldn't talk to my father about it because he always used to say, "I hope we never go to another planet because we'll just destroy that one too." It's not environmentalism, it's anti-humanism.
His comment about the West selling its soul for Russian oil was spot on and a major reason we're in this mess.
Gee, and I thought that "climate lockdowns" were actually about saving the environment, and Putin having the hand on the gas valve was just sheer coincidence...
They should be begging Putin to close the valve if they are truly committed. 👀
The reason for this mess is the continuous expansion eastwards by NATO despite the collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact.
the guys that sell their soul are the ones that pray "ALL HAIL TO THE UKRAINE, SAVE THE PEOPLE" becouse you guys are praying for the Nazis, the racists, the guys that startet to kill people just becouse they talk another language.... But yeah i know "We aren´t racists, we aren´t the bad guys, we aren´t the aggressors, we are way to intelligent for this" funny thing about this sentences ist, that´s excactly what the nazis said and believed back in their time and we should all know, that they were as wrong as you guys are. Fuck tthe true racists, fuck the extremists, fuck the ukraine
No were in this mess because americans decided to put a creepy grandpa in office . its 100% biden and kamala harris fault . no one else. Not putin . , not trump only the democrats and rhinos.
Wow common sense is finally catching up,
Thank God🙏
This guy was always wise. Unfortunately our leaders are not.
Yes, what's happening is absolutely crazy. People are dying in Ukraine but some may die here of starvation.
@@Ricky-tr2hd wars have been going on since the beginning of time just about, the USA alone has started more wars and invaded more countries than anyone else by a staggering amount but you won’t hear anything about that on western media because…ya know “we’re the good guys” and all that bullshit they love to put up as a facade
@@Ricky-tr2hd we have Klaus Shwabb to thank for that!
@@Ricky-tr2hd next winter In northern Europe people might die for cold, if the winter is as cold as last winter. Thanks for EU:s sanctions and electricity crises!
And none of that will stop the war In Ukraine and they know it.
It is not that humanity is hated but humanity needs to relearn to take care of planet Earth.
Peterson: “There’s a bit of Hitler in all of us.”
CNN: “Peterson admits to being a Nazi and says that’s normal!”
"So you're saying you agree with Hitler's agenda?"
He's a psychiatrist and is aware that both 'good' and 'bad' exists in all people.
That's nothing compared to what they will do with his statement from 6:50 onwards ha ha! ... you just know the media will totally ignore the sarcasm Jordon meant.
Don't you just know msm will turn it into that,shameful and uneducated,and totally sad so many people will swallow it
First time I've seen Piers Morgan actually listen to somebody . You can't argue with Jordan Peterson who only uses logic and facts . The man should be universally revered .
Paul Kirk
Another brilliant interview with
J. Peterson and the faces of reactions
you can enjoy then he was sitting in
Skavlan's show....priceless....👍
No they cant argue with Jordan , or the logic , sadly though they can and do ignore it which leaves us all in the same bad place .
The fact that you call Goebbels out for fear mongering while LITERALLY DOING THE SAME THING. The cognitive bias is outstanding. Bravo. You’ve truly outdone yourself. So painfully close to self-awareness.
How can you argue against this guy. He makes sense in a lot of things.
The people against him don't possess their own minds or brains, CNN is their brain. Absorbed by the Borg.
The ones who did argue against him are the laughing stock on videos throughout TH-cam, where he utterly humiliates them with logic, reason and facts.
@@JC-21470 Kindly point out where my earlier analysis is wrong.
@@pshehan1 - Sorry but I do not see a response / analysis from you?
@@JC-21470 I will repeat it without the link.
Dr Peterson ignores the possibility that Putin may be overthrown. This Russian journalist understands that:
"Putin is fighting for his survival."
"All the measures you're putting in place are actually making the environmental problem worse."
Peterson gives no evidence or argument to back up that statement.
I for one have never said that reducing greenhouse emissions is about "saving the planet". That is hyperbolae indulged in by only some.
To say that those who are concerned about the financial and humanitarian costs of failing to stop the planet warming by several degrees or more means that they hate humanity is also hyperbolae unworthy of a serious thinker.
It is my understanding that the monetary and humanitarian costs of failing to stop the planet warming by several degrees or more will be much higher than the costs of doing so.
"It's not that you love the planet, it's that you hate humanity" Wow
Most Leftwing people do hate humanity, Well , the poor people anyway, they want massive depopulation of the planet ! Just not them or their families and leftist friends! Just the ignorant masses who don’t follow their ideology.
“Hoisted on the petard of our own foolishness” - absolutely a great description of Western Governments rushing to ‘go green’.
This man is an international treasure!
Amen Dr Peterson. They hate humanity.
"If you care about the natural environment which is the sole precondition for human life, then you hate humanity".
Do you see how that doesn't make any sense?
@Kotikunnas and? The fact that an autistic Swedish teenager is mistaken about something should have no bearing on your opinion about saving the natural environment from destruction.
@@mmhmm9271 pathetic attempt at a straw man. You put in quotes something that no one has said or even implied. The point is that IF there’s a crisis then why would you do things that are demonstrably WORSE for the environment to allegedly “save the environment?” If you suspect a fire in your home and want to save it, do you douse it in gasoline? Because that’s what these policies are.
@@mera8785 firstly, using "pathetic" as the first word of your argument is hardly a good start. You need to practice controlling your emotions.
Secondly, it's not really a straw man.
The claim being put forward is that any sacrifice or compromise made in order to protect the environment and its sentient inhabitants from further anthropogenic destruction is born of an anti-human sentiment. That is the actual straw man to which I am responding.
@@mmhmm9271 >> Good point. The thing I don’t understand is this: This West is tying itself in knots assuming anthropogenic is a serious problem while China and India continue to industrialize and burn coal like there’s no tomorrow. There’s some serious self-hatred involved in Greta Thunberg-style moralizing.
The way he pauses and then states so calmly “there’s more than a bit”
Yes, very impressive, not even blinked his eyes. Very good use of debating skills; timing, expression, value, etc. I've looked at it several times and still enjoying it.
The look on Piers Morgan's face is priceless. I don't think he was expecting such a blunt and honest commentary from Dr. Peterson, which is funny because one of the reasons Dr. Peterson is so incredibly popular IS BECAUSE HE TELLS THE TRUTH.
Peterson told the truth? About what?
@@psychcowboy1 about you being an idiot 😂
He sums up totalitarianism perfectly, just like wokeness
"Lie! Or else!"
The problem is people assume that Nazism and National Socialism were forms of totalitarianism. They were more like monarchies where the leader ruled by the authority of his charismatic personality instead of by divine right. The USSR was totalitarian because Stalin had nowhere near enough charisma to do that. While the man with the funny mustache and his counterpart in Italy essentially seduced their nations into politically "falling in love" with them.
Well wokeness IS totalitarianism, that's what makes it so pervasive and dangerous. "Everyone everywhere must make their spaces safe, or else we will force it to be so. Don't ask what 'safe' means."
Wokeness and totalitarian are not mutually exclusive. Wokeness is one big aspect of today's totalitarian regime.
@@nuno09 Communist aims are one and the same with wokeness. Both are too cool for church and state, especially church.
@@yaffayafo82 Not sure how you can come to that conclusion. Almost all successful communist regimes in history are secular. Pro-lifers are mostly religious and conservative, which is anti-woke and pro capitalism.
Jordan Peterson is an absolute gem. A Panacea for these turbulent times we are in.
One thing I admire about Peterson, even if I don't 100% agree with him all the time, is that he is able to articulate and provoke thought with his narrative and prose
Well put. Thankyou!
I'd imagine not everyone agrees on everything with anyone, but there should be a whole lot more that people agree with than disagree when he speaks.
I don't think I have ever disagreed with him on any topic. What topic did you find yourself on the other side of with him?
Dr Peterson nails it. As usual.
"The planet's overpopulated anyways, after all, it's just poor people." That hit hard.
@@Willowinthemountains I''m aware. You misunderstand why it hit hard.
Jordan Peterson is an absolute legend
True. As an academic myself I regard him as an inspiration.
He is right the planet is over populated especially the third world countries are not doing anything to control their population. The free world has low birth rates but they open the immigration to the people who don’t use birth control.
People who praise Peterson are aggressively dumb morons who think they are smart because they listen to pseudo intellectual claptrap.
He is a boss in this decade! Average in any other! That’s how far we’ve shifted!
Actually he is pretty darn mediocre
Peterson is right on.
Jordan is one of the most brilliant minds of our time. No matter how much they try to make him look bad, it just backfires. Love this man.
He is so intelligent, we appreciate him here in Canada 😊
Thank you for brutal truth Mr Peterson
People are crazy, the current times are strange and Mr. Peterson is one of the few people that has common sense, which is so necessary to find the truth. My message is "Do not accept lies, listen to those who tell you the truth".
Jordan is full of wisdom.
You know not what wisdom is. GOD's prophet speaks: Intelligence without wisdom is like a boat without water. And THAT is the dry ocean of right wing conservatism, which is based in FEAR. Study that line of thought, why don't you, Mr. Peterson and your "foxy" friends. Elijah has returned.
In this particular case, he is only assuming the cape of Captain Obvious.
not as much as you think
A MILION TIMES ! ! ! ! !
And one week later.......Oil is GONE
It's right to say that you can't agree with everything that Peterson says, even he knows that not everyone agrees with him... But he's right about a lot of things in this time of uncertainty: Cancel Culture, Racism, Bigotry, Economic Crisis, Climate change, Incompetence, Wars and lies have been so saturated in this moment in time that Dr. Peterson goes against the hypocrisy of it all.
Aside from his "ancient DNA helix" moment of silliness, he is basically right about absolutely everything.
With such clear sightedness, why wouldn't you agree with him.
JP is an excellent psychologist, but he's been quite rubbish on most everything else. Especially politics. His main problem on that front is that he trusts institutional sources.
@@gideonroos1188 list the things he is "rubbish" on, and why. Let's get some specifics.
@@darthkek1953 Let's begin with his support of the covid injections and lockdowns. Which he recanted in the last year and admitted was a mistake.
Then you can look at his comments on Putin's willingness to use a nuclear weapon if he thinks he will lose. It shows how little he has been listening to what Putin has actually said and how little he knows of the man himself. Putin has only ever warned that if the west chooses to use nuclear weapons, they should not forget that Russia has them two, and will respond appropriately. He never voiced any intention to be the initiator of nuclear confrontation.
He has also made several comments about Trump and the capitol riots that speak of similar deep ignorance of the actual events and of the statements and actions of the then president as it relates to those events.
Peterson is an excellent thinker, and indeed a quite capable psychologist, but when he strays outside his field of expertise, and starts his thought process off with information from untrustworthy and compromised sources, he ends up with erroneous and quite inaccurate conclusions, as demonstrated above.
"You can't win against someone you can't say No to" exactly!
"But the planet has too many people on it anyway. So you know, that's just poor people."
The revealing truth is that statement is chilling.
May Jordan Peterson live for many more years to come; because the world can't afford to lose him.
He needs armed bodyguards, and that’s not even worrying about the fascists who are puppy dogs at heart and mind, i’m talking about hit men.
Well, I'd say he also needs worthy spiritual successors - or rather, continuing generations thereof, hopefully across the globe - because neither he nor anyone else is going to live here forever.
I believe he has taught many people how to think, so hopefully we see individuals carry on and spread his legacy.
Brilliant man. I’ve never heard Piers so quiet and not talking over his guests.
Piers Morgan likes to hear himself talk; he still didn't shut up enough for my liking, but ya... he wasn't able to refute the doctor.
Sometimes it's best to shut up... or jordan will destroy you
Jordan Peterson isn't someone to be put into a partisan box, like Piers is used to. And I'm sure he saw the Cathy Newman interview. She spoke a lot and made herself into a forever meme. Most of us outside the UK will only ever remember her for making such a fool of herself while interviewing Peterson, and nothing else.
Yeah, it was a nice change.
Piers is bright enough to know when he's out of his depth.
Awesome Piers thanks for having such a great person on. The truths coming out are profound. May God bring us thru these Perilous times
Did JP say something intelligent?
Having this man in the world gives me hope for the future a bastion of common sense pray the rest of us start to learn from people like this.
Put your hope and trust in God. It's not going to get better until Jesus returns. Read Revelations to get an idea of how bad it's about to become.
This man is just Brilliant. Exactly the deep articulation we need right now.
Peterson said something intelligent? What?
@Wane Lee It's not that you love the planet, it's that you hate humanity.
6:00: 'If we have an environmental crisis I would imagine we should use measures that fix that problem. All the environmental measures are making things worse, how is that acceptable?' 3:30: 'We are trying to get ourselves into an impossible outcome, hell both ways.' 2:00 'You can't have totalitarian state unless everyone lies about anything.'
Let's translate: "Why are people doing all the wrong things? How is it a good idea to do the wrong things? I as a famous intellectual think we should do the right things."
Jordan thinks we should do the right things that make things better as opposed to doing the wrong things that make things worse? What a super genius. I would like to hoist something on the petard of JP's foolishness.
1. 'Putin is a lot more like anyone than anyone thinks'?
[Peterson knows I am like Putin and he knows what I think about it? What a total idiot.]
2. 'You can't have a totalitarian state unless every person lies about everything all the time?'
[So everyone in North Korea is lying about everything all the time? And what does a husband lying to his wife have to do with a totalitarian state?]
3. Putin's objective is to devastate Ukraine?
[No it isn't Jordan. It is to annex Ukraine back into Russia. What a complete idiot.]
As a New Zealander I feel completely abandoned by the rest of thr world. We are a small nation - isolated and totally sea locked so it's difficult to get away.
Dr. Peterson is brilliant! God bless him!
Yikes, Dr Peterson just gave everyone a Chess lesson. This entire shit-show is a tactical blunder for the West.
@@RPMZ11 Exactly
Proxy War against Russia from the West.
Or is it another convenient one?
@@Jacob-yb6bv It all seems very convenient. They have known full well for a very long time.
This guy is a genius. Absolutely brilliant
Jordan speaks more sense than most of the faces wheeled out on TV shows nowadays. I don't get why people describe him as controversial.
He is only 'controversial' to the left wing media and their minions. The left push narratives through propaganda and JP cuts through their crap with truth.
That's precisely why the establishment calls him all sorts to scare some normies from ever even listening to him
Because they are trying to defend their own evils
The single intellectual with an ounce of sense I’ve listened to in a long time. The funny thing is he’s not saying anything a normal, working, sensible person hasn’t been saying, he just has a louder voice in our society to say it with.
Did Peterson say something intelligent?
What does ETERNITY represent? IT'S FOREVER!! IT`S A LONG TIME!!
THE MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION of your life: Where will you go after you die and enter ETERNITY? Have you ever lied? Hated someone? Did you steal something? If you have committed any of these acts, in God's eyes you are a liar, a murderer and a thief! Under these conditions, you will spend ETERNITY IN HELL!!! But this is not God's desire for you. JESUS CHRIST died for you and rose on the third day. HE did this so that you would be forgiven of your sins and have a relationship with God. If you REPENT from your sins (turn away from them) receive and trust in JESUS CHRIST, you will be forgiven by Him and you will be assured of ETERNAL LIFE!!! The Bible says that God will make you BORN AGAIN. He will give you a NEW heart and NEW desires. THAT'S THE TRUTH!!! Do this today, before you enter ETERNITY!!! Tomorrow can be too late!!!
"Jesus answered him, I am the WAY, and the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, BUT THROUGH ME." (John 14:6)
@@psychcowboy1 Nowadays, common sense is equal to genius.
@@07silvali I’d be surprised if a single person ever came to Christ with this tactic. A completely out of place comment from a random no-name stranger that has nothing to do with anything said. I’m a Christian and find it a bit annoying. Good luck but if you really want to evangelize try talking to someone in person and tell them your name. In here, you just seem like a bot if you’re not.
@@DonVigaDeFierro Did Peterson say something intelligent?
Pigs do fly. Piers did an interview I don't hate. Literally the first.
"Lie, or else..." Dr Peterson is a wise owl.
This is one of the most significant discussions I’ve seen in a long, long time. What they are talking about is at the root of everything that is going wrong in modern society. JP was JP, as always…incredible depth of analysis, and struggling to condense it into a short conversation. I was particularly impressed with Morgan, here…no smugness, and he clearly followed JP’s train of thought, maybe having some new ideas occur to him because of it. You can tell, because he barely interrupted JP. This was a seriously thought-provoking exchange, which everyone who cares about intellectual honesty should watch. Then watch it again to pick up what was missed the first time. Kudos to Mr. Morgan for hosting it.
At least Piers realized he was tanking his career by being a smug asshole and decided to tone it down a lot. He has come a long way since being punched in the face by Jeremy Clarkson.
Yeah, he was smug once in the beginning and then gladly he changed.
100%. You made me watch twice..
Did Peterson say something intelligent in this video?
@@ColoradoStreaming 1. 'Putin is a lot more like anyone than anyone thinks'?
[Peterson knows I am like Putin and he knows what I think about it? What a total idiot.]
2. 'You can't have a totalitarian state unless every person lies about everything all the time?'
[So everyone in North Korea is lying about everything all the time? And what does a husband lying to his wife have to do with a totalitarian state?]
3. Putin's objective is to devastate Ukraine?
[No it isn't Jordan. It is to annex Ukraine back into Russia. What a complete idiot.]
4. "We are trying to get ourselves into a situation where there is no good outcome on every front you can imagine.".
[Bold claim Jordan, Sounds made up. Who is this WE who has a motive to get into impossible bad outcome situations?[
5. 'All the environmental measures are making the environment worse'?
[Is this guy totally full of crap every time he opens his mouth? All the measures make it worse? Can you give an example?]
6. 'Its not that you love the planet, its that you hate humanity.'?
[Who hates humanity Jordan and do you have any evidence for this?]
7. 'We can't say no to Putin?'
[WTF are you talking about? Russia Sanctions and weapons sent to Ukraine are us saying Yes to Putin?]
Jordan Peterson should speak on every channel in every country on every continent!!
People who are still critically thinking this thing through with eyes wide open want to listen!
If this energy crisis were really about saving the planet we'd be building more nuclear reactors than wind farms.
YES we all know it and still, we don't believe the lie of Climate Alarmism - the evidence is not there.
In the UK, you could also change that to: "If this WATER crisis were really about NOT having to ration water, we'd be building more RESOVOIRS than blaming it on 'droughts'!!"
@@gerrodmendham461 It's all contrived. There are extremely wealthy and old lunatics at the head of the World who believe themselves above God. They are scrambling to bring about a future they have dreamed of for decades. Time is running out for them though.
Exactly. You cannot call yourself an environmentalist and oppose the BEST and CHEAPEST source of energy we have available...
@@DonVigaDeFierro gotta agree , even if you were worried about meltdowns, modern reactors have ALOT of security measures to prevent that from happening , making it something nearly impossible to happen , and even then we have thorium nuclear reactors which have an ever *lower* chance of meltdown and are even more cheaper to get energy from since they use thorium which is ALOT more common than uranium , so yeah , pretty much
Extraordinary, the man is a sage.
He really is.
Or a prophet! 😁
Thank God for Jordan Peterson - where would the world be without his voice?
Well, it's safe to say that Jordan healed, and now he comes in SHARP and dropping bombs left and right (many puns intended). Seeing his thoughts and ideas progress through the years is truly a sight to behold, the man is an inspiration.
Agreed, Jordan is on fire right now.
I just realized that you are right, Jordan is healed, healthy and energetic again.
Jordan Peterson never fails to impress me. The man knows human behavior! And I believe him, every word.
Did Peterson say something intelligent?
He listens and then speaks from that "public" idea of speaking. In this case he used famous authors to make his statement, he uses that nicely.
@@psychcowboy1 he basically said that if you think you are "all that free thinker" (and thus free) in this west modern society you better go back home and reflect on that...
Conclusion: you (may) be a slave and speaking second hand and third rate "ideas" from a tolitarian system. Who has programed and brainsmwasemhed your brain.
@@Josuegurrola Did Peterson say something intelligent?
@@psychcowboy1 Only to those who actually listen.
The best part about this interview is Jordan's brain works quicker than Piers' mouth. So he doesn't get interrupted 🤣
I picked up on this and marveled. Rarely does Morgan shut up for very long. But, I believe Peterson's reputation preceded this interview and Morgan has watched every last abrasive interviewer brutally taken down. Grudging RESPECT, and a tip of the hat.......
Agreed, Piers didn't stand a chance
Mr. Peterson's brain does actually function properly, which makes him the sane antithesis of 'Joe Bidenists'.
Yes and that’s a first! As Morgan loves the sound of his own voice much more than anyone he interviews!
Here In Nordic countries with very cold artic winter the winter will not be fun for poorer people who cannot heat their houses because electricity bills has risen 10 times bigger than last year
@@707megaman those who has fireplace it helps little bit of course but not everyone has and its nowhere near enough alone. We can have up to - 35 degree cold In winters In our countries and the winter is long 5 months
Yup you get what you vote for.
@@aeryncowell3046 well, not really. I voted True Finns party who is not pro EU. But unfortunately most parties are so there Is not much from choosing from.
@@susanna8612 that sucks, why would you live in a climate like that?
During covid, it's just the old people, now during this war, it's just the poor people. When they knock on YOUR door, it's too late!
How do you boil a frog? Crank the heat up slowly.
Piers was shut down with the hard truth. He had no answers - his script was shredded. Jordan calmly monstered him. Awesome to watch.
Piers is an attention seeking tool.
When Piers doesn't interrupt a guest for over 45 seconds, then it is either highly intelligent or piers is scared. This was both.
Thank you Pierce Morgan for this amazing interview and Dr.J.Peterson.thank you are a breath of fresh air in this mad world 👏👏👏😊
absolutely, spot on
The only thing he didn't say was, that this is all deliberate and by design. It's no accident, coincidence. It's full scale depopulation, resetting the social stratas, wealth distribution etc. Yes, a big reset! They've done it before.
Yes, only this time we are aware and fight back! Or ,at least, we try to !
Moving populations to other locations and erasing their histories..."You didn't build that" a la Obama
Exactly 💯 correct
When did they do it before?
You change minds on that more through indirect means. It's too easily dismissed as conspiracy theorizing. We're almost there where a majority now see how so much policy action by the state serves the Great Reset fascist plan.
A voice of wisdom and sanity that we are not hearing from most sources.
Thank you for showing this piece with Jordan Peterson and letting him do what he's so good at: getting right at the kernel of truth in the middle of the mess. I hope the world is listening.👂🙏
What does it change? Houndreds of big farmlands all over the globe are set on fire and no one to be held accountable for it. I would put my bet on americans. Those „elites” are trying to create food crisis.
The world is listening..... including Davos.
Davos= enemies of humanity
The world is spinning out of control dashing to & frow. Chasing events, not really listening to reason.
He really gets right to the endosperm of the truth
Jordan Peterson is controversial? Really? Man is logical as it gets.
He's controversial because he dared stand up to the woke mob.
Exactly why people like Mr Peterson are called controversial.
Naked Emperors don't like their folly pointed out. Nor do their sycophantic supporters.
The good doctor is at his best when he does not allow anyone to upset him. He is what's best in us all. I wish I could control my emotions as well as he.
Thank you Jordan for speaking the truth.
He's a Genius in a world of 🤡 clowns
Debate him if you’re not a clown….
Until you try to challenge him, and see what happens. I respect the man.
Looks like JP is ready to strut back onto the world stage again. About time. We need him.
Succiently said what's been on my mind since the beginning. I wish I had that ability to be so articulate.
He’s not controversial, it’s just some people find it hard to accept the truth
I really lOve Brutal Honesty, ty Mr. Peterson for being Honest and forthright on all that you do... Carry on Sir!
I want to know every elitist every Hollywood movie star every politician that does not have solar panels on their homes. I want to know how many of these politicians have more than one home. I want to see their water bills, their electric bills, their gas bills, etc. It's time these politicians put their money where their mouth is
then let them put their money in the trough of hypocrisy
They won’t rest assured.
John Kerry doesnt, neither do Obama, Al Gore, Bill Gates, basically all of them. They know it’s nonsense and there is not a real crisis except the ones they manufacture to subjugate and eliminate us.
And the flight list to Epstein island as well
global warming ranks 24th on a list of 29 issues that voters say they’ll think about when deciding whom to vote for in November
Seems like your president Lesko Brandon is changing America’s ‘climate’ all right . . .
I'd say it's vastly higher than that judging by the number of votes 'greens' get. Most have fallen for the climate scam. I'd be interested to see the list.
That's because most ppl have finally woken up to their UTTER BS regarding global warming! Just 👣👣👣 FOLLOW THE 💰💰!
Can you explain how that's relevant? If voters didn't care about freedom of speech, would you use that as evidence that it's not objectively important?
The AGW crowd have profited from creating climate hysteria for far too long now so it's heartening to hear more people are treating that political issue as subjectively unimportant.
"That's just poor people" He hit the nail on the head there
You were right on what ever reason poor people most effect not elite
Fizer hates humanity.
I agree. As well as the government members that hold stock in the company . Convenient huh
Pfizer is just a greedy corporation. It doesn't have any feelings at all towards humanity.
Absolutely brilliant interview. I loved how he rendered PM speechless.
Morgan just wanted to get Peterson to say 'Boo hiss, Putin bad like Hitler'...........but he didn't...Ha ha ha!!
Piers knows he's not in the presence of a narcissist or a liar. Indeed, this man speaks the truth unabashedly.
@@premonitions1390 Did Peterson say something intelligent?
I love how Dr. Peterson says you need to understand your darkness, and everyone has it. He's a smart man.
Wow common sense caught up at last, only took years???
Lol no they're just getting ready to jump off the sinking Liberal ship now that they're ending and not able to line their pockets through it anymore..