Ill be releasing an extended version of the battle with the MAPWORK for members, make sure to join up Extended version of the battle for members =
ty co ty odpierdalasz chłopaku z tymi czechami pod grunwaldem?Co ty odpierdalasz pytam sie i i;le było Polaków a ile Litwinów w tej bitwie bo przedstawiasz odwrotne proporcje? Co ty odpierdalasz !!!!!!??
@@tolik5929 The Roman Republic was incredibly stubborn and resilient. Few if any civilisations can boast not only coming back for more after 3 or more massive defeats but also win the war/campaign in the end. But the Roman did, first with Carthage, then Pyrrhus of Epirus and then of course the Cimbri at the turn of the 1st century BC
One reason was they were made up from the Equite class that could afford the horses. Those monied men didn't want to get too heavily engaged thus suffering heavy loss. Just one of the many reasons. Cheers
@@lancewilliams4190 They didn't have a strong horsemanship culture, that's why they would use mercenaries or allied troops from other nations. During Julius Caesar campaign most of his cavalry were recruited from among germanic and gallic tribes.
Dude Rome was barely out of many wars that just gave them central Italy. During this period the Greeks had the better supplies and forces. This was hundreds of years before Rome became a real superpower
@@bingingbinging8597 nope. rome won against the Greeks and had the upper hand in less than 100 years . Asituation than kept going like this until all greek regions were asimilated in the empire
Thanks for the history lesson,ive always loved ancient Greece yet i didn't realize they fought do valiantly against the tomans in those early battles, slidt peace of incredible history to me,i just kinda thought The romans just moved in on them and annihilated them from the start,, really admire the Greek tenacity,😁👍
The use of elephants in ancient combat fascinates me. Did Pyrrhus use Indian elephants from the east, the now extinct beasts from North Africa, or imported forest elephants from south of the Sahara? There is evidence on some coins that Carthage elephants were much smaller. Maybe standing as high as a Budweiser horse, but stockier and less manageable. 1:52
just discovered and instantly love your content. question - how did the roman centre break through the pikes and take the advantage to push them back? seems unlikely considering how significant pike formations were at the time.
Die Römer haben das Epirotische Zentrum doch gar nicht Durchbrochen. Sondern haben noch mit der Phalanx gekämpft als Pyrrhos Kavallerie ihnen in den rücken fiel. Generell hat tatsächlich nie eine Römische Armee eine Pieken Phalanx durchbrechen können. Sondern die Phalangen die durch die Römer besiegt wurden kämpften immer auf unebenen Gelände und wurden dann auch noch flankiert.
@@rvrrvr6412 Welche Hellenistische Armee hatte den ihrer Meinung nach keine Unterstützung? Die Diadochen und Taktiker späthellenistischer Armeen waren sich durchaus im klaren das ihre Phalangen einen Flankenschutz benötigten. Da zumindest im Osten relativ wenige Griechen für die Armeen der Diadochen verfügbar waren. Kompensierten sie diese schwäche in dem sie einheimische Hilfstruppen für diese aufgaben einsetzten. Während Griechen in den Phalangen und der Schweren Kavallerie kämpften. Erst in der späthellenistische zeit änderte sich das. Als Thyreophoroi und Thorakitai wohl eine Mischung aus Peltasten und Schwertkämper als Flankenschutz eingesetzt wurden.
Rom war gerade erst dabei zu einer Großmacht zu werden. Da es damals nur Mittelitalien kontrollierte. Erst nach dem Pyrrhischen Krieg erlangte es auch die Hegemonie über Süditalien. Was Epirus angeht. So war es ebenfalls dabei eine Großmacht zu werden nur scheiterte dieses Großmachtstreben. Im Pyrrhischen Krieg. So das Pyrrus Traum von einem Panhellenischen Königtum das sich von der Ostküste Griechenlands bis nach Syrakus erstreckte geplatzt ist.
In 279 the roman republic was a small part of italy, with an estimated population of 150.000 to 250.000 of all age groups... NO WAY THEY FIELDED 40.000 Troops or the other ridiculous numbers floating around on wikipedia. And also this wasnt their first defeat either and ontop of that they until just then had ended the costly conflict with the samnites. And Phyrhus... the armada neccessary to ferry 40.000 , including, supplies, thousands of cavalary and war elephants did NOT exist in other than a paralell universe at that time. Furthermore I proclaim that Pyrhus never said the words attributed to him, but that they are roman invention justifiying their retreat and another defeat against him. A typcial tactic throughout the history of ancient rome. Even if we presume the 40.000 to be correct, losing not even 10% of your army in a pitched battle vs a equvialently skilled and sized enemy ,and emerge victorious is not only to be expected but a pretty GOOD outcome. It all makes NO sense at all.
Yeah. If you're playing Roman - you need to allocate some of your infantry to protect your flanks. Unless you've got allied Cavalry it's going to fold. That''s what Caesar did against Pompeii. The Roman idea here was that they were going to punch right through - which they were doing - but they got their flanks turned. Same thing as Cannae just not as bad. No Numidian Cavalry at their rear. One thing that made a difference against Hannibal at Zama - was the Numidian Cavalry was on the Romans side. The Carthaginians could be real ass holes and they'd pissed the Numidians off so they switched sides. Ooops. Then it was the Carthaginian Cavalry getting driven off on the flanks and the Numidians - *_COMING BACK_* to take the Carthaginians from the rear that decided the battle. Your Better Cavalry would win on the flanks but then chase the enemy Cavalry. Your Best Cavalry would do the same - but then - *_COME BACK_* to hit the enemy in the rear. I heard that Pyhrrus got killed in a street battle when the mother of a soldier he was fighting threw a chamber pot down and hit him in the head with it. Wikipedia gives a slightly different version .
Well...if the whole army has a force around 40k soldiers and they lost "just" 3500 of them in it can be so devastating, to be called ''Pyrrhic victory'' ? Great video btw!
Even in modern armies, 10 - 15% losses render a combat unit ineffective for continued offensive operations. 30% losses are considered catastrophic. I doubt it was any different in Pyrrhus’ time. One more ‘victory’ like that and he’d be done, and he knew it.
Rome cloud field more armies Greece couldn't so 3500 in 1 battle is rough plus they can't just replace weakening his army hence why its a pyric victory as 2 or 3 more victories will end up in defeat
@@2020-h3e They had 40000 to begin with and lost 3500 dead, they had enough force to pursue and not let the other side recover and make that victory useless.
@@Dmitriy_D One defeat is unacceptable. He has no choice but to be careful. The small loss was a fatal blow to the great king. victory for the Pyros That's sad. 😢 I understand what you're saying. Do you know any Chinese figures from the Far East who are similar to Pyros? It was called Zhuge Liang in China 1800 years ago. Do you happen to know? One defeat has destroyed dozens of fights and victories, and one defeat comes from constant bleeding Even if he won, it was a decisive defeat... Personally, it had to be perfect. It causes a lot of stress. You become afraid to chase. 😮
@@Dmitriy_D If you destroy 10,000 enemy soldiers he must have feared the loss of 1000 of your troops. I think that's the fear of Pyros and Jegalyang. You didn't want to acknowledge the limitations of national power and manpower. But it was a harsh reality. The hapless king and the prime minister There was no escaping the endless war of attrition. They were unfortunate people!
@@2020-h3e You should look at this strategically, his hesitance brought the end to his kingdom instead of making it into an empire. He eventually lost to the Romans and Roman empire was created instead of Macedonian.
피로스의 승리는 위대합니다. 피로스는 위대한 전사 였습니다. 그의 꿈은 알렉산더 였습니다. 하지만 피로스의 승리로 결국 종결 되었습니다. 그렇기에 슬픕니다. 아킬레스를 존경한 알렉산더는 피로스에게 영감을 줬습니다. 하지만 피로스는 성공하지 못했습니다. 대신 한니발은 피로스의 병법을 공부 했습니다. 그리고 카이사르 에게도 영향을 줍니다.
Ask the channel owner (Bellum et Historia). Isn't the Kingdom of Epiros also part of the Greek Empire? I am asking because the argument below is so ridiculous. I definitely learned. "Sparta", "Athens", "Macedonia", "Epiros", "Thebes", "Corint", "Troy" Every city-state is a federation of the Greek Empire. Pyros the Great was also part of the power of the Greek Empire and was not actually a vassal? I think it's definitely Greek history. But if it's not Greek history, which country is it? Epiros is not Greek history? Isn't Epiros a Greek historian? He claimed so. He said it was not Greek history. What the hell are you talking about... The crazy guy's claim is Epiros is Illyria? Is Illyria Slavic? Is Rome Germanic? Are Koreans part of the Chinese? Is it a comedy... He has no conscience and is disgusted. I'm Korean, but I'm angry. Italian and Albanian far-right claims? 😮 Am I mistaken by any chance? Thank you. Bellum et Historia 귀하 한국에서 DM.J
History of the Illyrians - Ancient Civilizations DOCUMENTARY / Kings and Generals Plisi, historia mijëraveçare që tregon lidhjen e vjetër të shqiptarëve me tokën dhe Zotin / Tirana Today Plisi (Pileus) Shqiptare dhe origjina e tij / Adrian Illyrian Arvanite - Fustanella / King Bardhuli Gjuha e Homerit e flasin Shqiptarët pa qënë në dijeni. / N'mesterrit Shqip Gjuha e Homerit, Homer language / ILLYRICUMSACRUM Helene Ahrweiler: Arvanites or Albanians of Greece / ALB GOD
These 'sensationalistic' scenes always show someone sticking a sword into a foe and spinning around in a 360 degree circle to finish him off. There is no way any soldier in this type of battle would perform such acrobatics!
sono di Ascoli , dove avvenne la battaglia, la mia città era con Roma eravamo detti i SOCI (non cittadini romani), Ascoli (per curiosità) è molto più antica di Roma !
Vermutlich weil Pyrrhos befürchtet hat das die Römer sie sonst mit Wurfspeeren beschießen. Woraufhin die Elefanten in Panik geraten und in die Eigenen Reihen stürmen.
Pirus was King of Epir He was not from grecae tribe, this tribe still not existed, please dont mix everything, and dont use terminology wrongly . Existed city states, corinthian alliance or hellenic bun not such as grecae tribe
Es gab aber eine gemeinsame Hellenische Identität. Auch wenn die Zugehörigkeit zur eigenen Stadt wichtiger war als diese Identität. War es für die Hellenen ein wichtiges Identifikation Merkmal. Vorfallen um sich von den Nicht Hellenen also den Barbaren abzugrenzen. Der Erzähler verwendet wahrscheinlich das Wort Griechen da der Begriff Hellenen unter seinen Zuschauern nicht so bekannt ist.
NON SI DICE : "MANIPOLATORIA" (abusi sulla mente) / ??? MA SI DICE : "MANIPOLARE" (tipo di inquadramento dello esercito Romano circa le Unita' Minori di base, il MANIPOLO. Molto più' tardi, l'esercito Romano si basera' su un'altra Unita' Minore di base, la COORTE. Quindi poi si dira' "COORTICO' e' necessario studiare almeno un po' delle culture di cui si vuole trattare, prima di presentarsi AL MONDO che grande esiste oltre i confini esigui degli States, O.K. ?
Ill be releasing an extended version of the battle with the MAPWORK for members, make sure to join up
Extended version of the battle for members =
Were the elephants used by Pyrrhus the large Indian elephants shown? I think a smaller species from Africa might have been more easily obtained.
ty co ty odpierdalasz chłopaku z tymi czechami pod grunwaldem?Co ty odpierdalasz pytam sie i i;le było Polaków a ile Litwinów w tej bitwie bo przedstawiasz odwrotne proporcje? Co ty odpierdalasz !!!!!!??
When did this happened sir??????
Why do you lie?????
Remove this vidoe😮😮😮😮😮😮
Epirus has never been greek not was pirro greek. Why not say ancient USA fought Rome😅😅😅😅😅
The soundtrack of TW:R 1 is still absolutely superb
Immediately got the nostalgia
Totally. I had it on r2 for a while...made all the difference
Yeah, it's the best music for any game ever created in my view.
Not just a history lesson, but a simulation to view. War elephants.. Wow. Bravo to this channel .
But now I will remember better the origin of the term "pyrric victory" because already knew but I had forgotten.
I knew of the term and its meaning but only realised in the last minute of this video that this was it!
Ahhhhhhh but just like the Americans at kasserine pass , the Romans were quick learners , and made good in the end .
@@tolik5929 The Roman Republic was incredibly stubborn and resilient. Few if any civilisations can boast not only coming back for more after 3 or more massive defeats but also win the war/campaign in the end. But the Roman did, first with Carthage, then Pyrrhus of Epirus and then of course the Cimbri at the turn of the 1st century BC
Amazing camera angles.
And so glad to see missiles not having a silly 'vapour trail'.
“Glory crowns the deeds of those who expose themselves to toils and dangers.”
― Alexander the Great
my teamates be getting that victory and then saying ez
Love the Rome total war theme
I love the old Rome Total War is the best!
Roman cavalry was pretty consistant (crap) through the ages. Great video, as always.
I noticed that too. Why? It has always bewildered me.
One reason was they were made up from the Equite class that could afford the horses. Those monied men didn't want to get too heavily engaged thus suffering heavy loss. Just one of the many reasons. Cheers
@@lancewilliams4190 They didn't have a strong horsemanship culture, that's why they would use mercenaries or allied troops from other nations. During Julius Caesar campaign most of his cavalry were recruited from among germanic and gallic tribes.
@@generalbelisarius8103 i think they learned that important lesson because of cannae
Yeah, they where pretty shit until they became the best in the world (Clibinarii, Bucelarii, Kataphractoi). Funny that!
Despite his much smaller kingdom and limited resources, King Pyrrhus posed an existential threat to the Romans.
Dude Rome was barely out of many wars that just gave them central Italy. During this period the Greeks had the better supplies and forces. This was hundreds of years before Rome became a real superpower
@@bingingbinging8597 nope. rome won against the Greeks and had the upper hand in less than 100 years . Asituation than kept going like this until all greek regions were asimilated in the empire
The History Channel Today: *Ancient Aliens*
The History Channel it was meant to be: *Video*
Great video
very informative
It would have been nice to see the map of where Epirus city and the battle were.
Ill be releasing an extended version of the battle with the map for members, make sure to join up
You’re the greatest historian in the history of humanity my ninja!!!!!!
Excellent presentation!!😊
Many many thanks
Hi bro I just watch your video and videos and are amazing by the way where can I have that mod ?
Thanks for the history lesson,ive always loved ancient Greece yet i didn't realize they fought do valiantly against the tomans in those early battles, slidt peace of incredible history to me,i just kinda thought The romans just moved in on them and annihilated them from the start,, really admire the Greek tenacity,😁👍
My apologies I butchered s few words in my comment o hope you get my meaning 😊
Немо се много дивити...Историја је углавном лажна!!!
@@MilivojeGajic my translate to English option is not popping up,,it's a little frustrating
More Pyrrus please
Alexander, Pyrrus, Hannibal, Scipio Africanus, Marius, Caesar,
The use of elephants in ancient combat fascinates me. Did Pyrrhus use Indian elephants from the east, the now extinct beasts from North Africa, or imported forest elephants from south of the Sahara?
There is evidence on some coins that Carthage elephants were much smaller. Maybe standing as high as a Budweiser horse, but stockier and less manageable. 1:52
The elephants were a gift from king Ptolemy of Egypt
whats the background soundtrack at 0:05
Epic battle
Roman started off weak but they got much more strength in the following decades defeating the samites
Me encanta tus videos muy buen trabajo
just discovered and instantly love your content. question - how did the roman centre break through the pikes and take the advantage to push them back? seems unlikely considering how significant pike formations were at the time.
They weren’t the silver shields
Die Römer haben das Epirotische Zentrum doch gar nicht Durchbrochen. Sondern haben noch mit der Phalanx gekämpft als Pyrrhos Kavallerie ihnen in den rücken fiel.
Generell hat tatsächlich nie eine Römische Armee eine Pieken Phalanx durchbrechen können. Sondern die Phalangen die durch die Römer besiegt wurden kämpften immer auf unebenen Gelände und wurden dann auch noch flankiert.
@@MarschallHstorysie hatten auch keine Unterstützung. Alexander schützte seine phalanx mit vielen verschiedenen Truppen
@@rvrrvr6412 Welche Hellenistische Armee hatte den ihrer Meinung nach keine Unterstützung? Die Diadochen und Taktiker späthellenistischer Armeen waren sich durchaus im klaren das ihre Phalangen einen Flankenschutz benötigten. Da zumindest im Osten relativ wenige Griechen für die Armeen der Diadochen verfügbar waren. Kompensierten sie diese schwäche in dem sie einheimische Hilfstruppen für diese aufgaben einsetzten. Während Griechen in den Phalangen und der Schweren Kavallerie kämpften. Erst in der späthellenistische zeit änderte sich das. Als Thyreophoroi und Thorakitai wohl eine Mischung aus Peltasten und Schwertkämper als Flankenschutz eingesetzt wurden.
the two superpowers of the time
Not really seleukid and ptolemeic empire evrn syrracuse or macedonia or carthage were stronger than epirus and rome
Rom war gerade erst dabei zu einer Großmacht zu werden. Da es damals nur Mittelitalien kontrollierte. Erst nach dem Pyrrhischen Krieg erlangte es auch die Hegemonie über Süditalien. Was Epirus angeht. So war es ebenfalls dabei eine Großmacht zu werden nur scheiterte dieses Großmachtstreben. Im Pyrrhischen Krieg. So das Pyrrus Traum von einem Panhellenischen Königtum das sich von der Ostküste Griechenlands bis nach Syrakus erstreckte geplatzt ist.
great video!
Extended version of the battle for members =
9:51 "Now is the hour -- to bravely retreat!"
"Еще одна такая победа и я уйду к гетерам и в запой"- НеПирр😊
9:46 nome da musica?
What voice AI are you using for the narrator?
I hear ya man, I've been thinking too.
How we can download your mod they're great
Why greek palanx didnt work in center?
Some corrections: velites is pronounced wel-i-tays. The plural of pilum is pila.
The narrator sounds like Matt Berry
Olympic standard javelin throwing
In 279 the roman republic was a small part of italy, with an estimated population of 150.000 to 250.000 of all age groups... NO WAY THEY FIELDED 40.000 Troops or the other ridiculous numbers floating around on wikipedia. And also this wasnt their first defeat either and ontop of that they until just then had ended the costly conflict with the samnites.
And Phyrhus... the armada neccessary to ferry 40.000 , including, supplies, thousands of cavalary and war elephants did NOT exist in other than a paralell universe at that time.
Furthermore I proclaim that Pyrhus never said the words attributed to him, but that they are roman invention justifiying their retreat and another defeat against him. A typcial tactic throughout the history of ancient rome.
Even if we presume the 40.000 to be correct, losing not even 10% of your army in a pitched battle vs a equvialently skilled and sized enemy ,and emerge victorious is not only to be expected but a pretty GOOD outcome. It all makes NO sense at all.
당시에 대규모 군단은
불가능 했다는 것입니까?
그런데 4만명의 군사조직이 불가능 합니까?
총력전이 아니었는가?
동시대 입니다.
같은시기 중국에서는 15만명을 동원했고 (대규모 징병제를 시행 했습니다)
한국은 1년만에 무너졌습니다...... (4만명 입니다)
당시 유럽의 중심은 그리스와 이탈리아
대규모 징병이 안될이유가??
If you're playing Roman - you need to allocate some of your infantry to protect your flanks. Unless you've got allied Cavalry it's going to fold. That''s what Caesar did against Pompeii.
The Roman idea here was that they were going to punch right through - which they were doing - but they got their flanks turned.
Same thing as Cannae just not as bad. No Numidian Cavalry at their rear.
One thing that made a difference against Hannibal at Zama - was the Numidian Cavalry was on the Romans side. The Carthaginians could be real ass holes and they'd pissed the Numidians off so they switched sides. Ooops. Then it was the Carthaginian Cavalry getting driven off on the flanks and the Numidians - *_COMING BACK_* to take the Carthaginians from the rear that decided the battle.
Your Better Cavalry would win on the flanks but then chase the enemy Cavalry.
Your Best Cavalry would do the same - but then - *_COME BACK_* to hit the enemy in the rear.
I heard that Pyhrrus got killed in a street battle when the mother of a soldier he was fighting threw a chamber pot down and hit him in the head with it. Wikipedia gives a slightly different version
8:51 Who took this ride? 🤣
Well...if the whole army has a force around 40k soldiers and they lost "just" 3500 of them in it can be so devastating, to be called ''Pyrrhic victory'' ?
Great video btw!
Even in modern armies, 10 - 15% losses render a combat unit ineffective for continued offensive operations. 30% losses are considered catastrophic. I doubt it was any different in Pyrrhus’ time. One more ‘victory’ like that and he’d be done, and he knew it.
아주 슬픈 현실입니다....
피로스는 안타까운 사람 입니다.
알렉산더나 한니발 카이사르 보다도 훨씬 더 힘들다.....
Rome cloud field more armies Greece couldn't so 3500 in 1 battle is rough plus they can't just replace weakening his army hence why its a pyric victory as 2 or 3 more victories will end up in defeat
His reluctance to pursue the Romans seems like a strategical mistake.
추격을 했다면 에피루스의 군대손실이 심각했을 것입니다.
피로스는 인력이 부족합니다.
작은나라의 국왕으로서 어쩔수 없었다고 생각합니다.
@@2020-h3e They had 40000 to begin with and lost 3500 dead, they had enough force to pursue and not let the other side recover and make that victory useless.
One defeat is unacceptable.
He has no choice but to be careful.
The small loss was a fatal blow to the great king.
victory for the Pyros
That's sad. 😢
I understand what you're saying.
Do you know any Chinese figures from the Far East who are similar to Pyros?
It was called Zhuge Liang in China 1800 years ago.
Do you happen to know?
One defeat has destroyed dozens of fights and victories, and one defeat comes from constant bleeding
Even if he won, it was a decisive defeat...
Personally, it had to be perfect.
It causes a lot of stress.
You become afraid to chase. 😮
If you destroy 10,000 enemy soldiers
he must have feared the loss of 1000 of your troops.
I think that's the fear of Pyros and Jegalyang.
You didn't want to acknowledge the limitations of national power and manpower.
But it was a harsh reality.
The hapless king and the prime minister
There was no escaping the endless war of attrition.
They were unfortunate people!
@@2020-h3e You should look at this strategically, his hesitance brought the end to his kingdom instead of making it into an empire. He eventually lost to the Romans and Roman empire was created instead of Macedonian.
피로스의 승리는 위대합니다.
피로스는 위대한 전사 였습니다.
그의 꿈은 알렉산더 였습니다.
하지만 피로스의 승리로 결국 종결 되었습니다.
그렇기에 슬픕니다.
아킬레스를 존경한 알렉산더는 피로스에게 영감을 줬습니다.
하지만 피로스는 성공하지 못했습니다.
대신 한니발은 피로스의 병법을 공부 했습니다.
그리고 카이사르 에게도 영향을 줍니다.
javelin throwing to start the battle, not the usual barrage of arrows? interesting
em razão da famosa frase dita por Pirro após a vitória, tenho certeza que as baixas reais foram muito mais altas do que as mencionadas.
Where the Thracians mercenary? I know Pyrrhus hired many Thracians mercenary skirmish.
Ask the channel owner (Bellum et Historia).
Isn't the Kingdom of Epiros also part of the Greek Empire?
I am asking because the argument below is so ridiculous.
I definitely learned.
"Sparta", "Athens", "Macedonia", "Epiros", "Thebes", "Corint", "Troy"
Every city-state is a federation of the Greek Empire.
Pyros the Great was also part of the power of the Greek Empire and was not actually a vassal?
I think it's definitely Greek history.
But if it's not Greek history, which country is it?
Epiros is not Greek history?
Isn't Epiros a Greek historian?
He claimed so.
He said it was not Greek history.
What the hell are you talking about...
The crazy guy's claim is
Epiros is Illyria?
Is Illyria Slavic?
Is Rome Germanic?
Are Koreans part of the Chinese?
Is it a comedy...
He has no conscience and is disgusted.
I'm Korean, but I'm angry.
Italian and Albanian far-right claims? 😮
Am I mistaken by any chance?
Thank you.
Bellum et Historia
한국에서 DM.J
History of the Illyrians - Ancient Civilizations DOCUMENTARY / Kings and Generals
Plisi, historia mijëraveçare që tregon lidhjen e vjetër të shqiptarëve me tokën dhe Zotin / Tirana Today
Plisi (Pileus) Shqiptare dhe origjina e tij / Adrian Illyrian
Arvanite - Fustanella / King Bardhuli
Gjuha e Homerit e flasin Shqiptarët pa qënë në dijeni. / N'mesterrit Shqip
Gjuha e Homerit, Homer language / ILLYRICUMSACRUM
Helene Ahrweiler: Arvanites or Albanians of Greece / ALB GOD
You are a discount Chinese person and your history says so much the Chinese owned you guys for centuries before the Mongolian invasion
쓰레기 같은 소리는 정신병원에 가서 해라
I am pretty sure the greeks also had skirmishers who threw spears and stones into the romans.
Shoulda used battle giraffes in my opinion
These 'sensationalistic' scenes always show someone sticking a sword into a foe and spinning around in a 360 degree circle to finish him off. There is no way any soldier in this type of battle would perform such acrobatics!
I think the shields of the Roman Army on this Period are round, not the scutum.
This was the third century armor and shields, these are correct
King Phyrus: “The Macedonian pike is invincible!”
Rome: “Hold my crappy ancient wine.”
That’s when Greece conquered Rome and ruled for 300 years
Other way around
sono di Ascoli , dove avvenne la battaglia, la mia città era con Roma eravamo detti i SOCI (non cittadini romani), Ascoli (per curiosità) è molto più antica di Roma !
Inchinatevi al re Pirro🇦🇱🏛
@@pep-dx5vb 😉 La storia narra che ci oponemmo anche ai Barca assediati per mesi. Durante la discesa di Annibale verso la Puglia.
Rome always was an Infantry army.
Pyrrhus just flew to close to the sun.
please next video tbarstan V arab
Spartans were on the side of the Romans.
Oh FINE, I will reinstall Rome 2 Total War...
Pershendetie kjo histori qe po tregon zotrote nuke eshte lufta greko romake Se Pirrua nuke ishte grek po ishte nga epiri dhe epiriotet ishin Ilire
그리스가 맞습니다.
@@2020-h3ePer cfar ka te drejte greqia se ka mar historin e nje shteti tjeter Pirrua nuke ishte grek
당신이 답답합니다.
러시아와 소련은 다른 나라 입니까?
"마케도니아" "아테네" "스파르타" "테베" "에피루스" 모두가 "그리스제국" 의 연방입니다.
@@2020-h3eMuhabeti eshte per kohen Atike dhe jo sote
입을 다물면 아무도 당신이 무식하다고 이야기 하지 않을 것입니다 😅
why did greece put their elephants in back, its stupid bro, if you buy the elephants warfare, you must use it
Vermutlich weil Pyrrhos befürchtet hat das die Römer sie sonst mit Wurfspeeren beschießen. Woraufhin die Elefanten in Panik geraten und in die Eigenen Reihen stürmen.
B.C.E. or just NPC...?
100 years later .. Greek who?? 😂
En français
roma contro grecia? quale grecia?
Roma contro albania al massimo (ai tempi illiria)
why don't british people try to pronounce foreign word the correct way? Latin ist not english...
나의 생각은 영국과 미국이 세계의 중심 이라고 생각하는 오만함 이라고 생각합니다.
Wow, the ancient Greeks and Romans spoke English!!!! Who knew!!??
전장을 지도에 병사들의 배치상황과 진격을 표시해야 시청자가 일목요연하게 이해할 수 있는데 이 영상은 의미없는 CG일 뿐이다.
The battlefield was displayed on the map, try watching it again
Watch the video ffs
War......the absolute dumbest of all events
Why not -279 before JC. You want to forget Christianity?
Pirus was King of Epir
He was not from grecae tribe, this tribe still not existed, please dont mix everything, and dont use terminology wrongly .
Existed city states, corinthian alliance or hellenic bun not such as grecae tribe
Es gab aber eine gemeinsame Hellenische Identität. Auch wenn die Zugehörigkeit zur eigenen Stadt wichtiger war als diese Identität. War es für die Hellenen ein wichtiges Identifikation Merkmal. Vorfallen um sich von den Nicht Hellenen also den Barbaren abzugrenzen. Der Erzähler verwendet wahrscheinlich das Wort Griechen da der Begriff Hellenen unter seinen Zuschauern nicht so bekannt ist.
They were no greeks, but Macedonians and Illyrians (Slavic peoples) and the strategy is pure Macedonian
더러운 거짓말을 집어치우세요.
역사왜곡과 문화침략은 역겹다!
나의 질문에 대답 해주세요!
당신 댓글의 바로 윗댓글을 해명 해주세요!!
Macedonians are Greeks, and Slavs didn't exist back then ;) you are a clown
I wonder if the Romans knew that they were fighting the Greeks !! Because Pyrrhos was not Greek ;)
Pirro was 100% illyrian 🇦🇱
(abusi sulla mente) / ???
(tipo di inquadramento dello esercito Romano
circa le Unita' Minori di base, il MANIPOLO.
Molto più' tardi,
l'esercito Romano
si basera' su un'altra Unita' Minore di base,
Quindi poi si dira'
e' necessario studiare
almeno un po' delle
culture di cui si vuole
trattare, prima di
presentarsi AL MONDO
che grande esiste oltre
i confini esigui degli States, O.K. ?
Iran NO.1!!! 🇮🇷 🇮🇷 🇮🇷
Spartans were on the side of the Romans.