I was in 5th grade when this album came out. One day we had a substitute teacher and the whole class broke out singing “We don’t need no education!” The guy looked at us like we were mad. Great memory.
In the 70s Pink Floyd stored their equipment a couple of street from where I lived. The kids singing are on the record are from the school in the street where I lived and my sons school. Great song.
To be fair Bob Ezrin deserves a lot of credit as (he says) Roger wasn't interested in using it as a song and wanted no singles. If you notice its only ONE verse and ONE chorus repeated over and over, so Bob added the kids choir, and he said the final product made Roger smile. I'm glad he changed it around because as a story about a narcisstic selfihs prick I never really had much time for The Wall, but in a new incarnation, well, it does need a few changes to make it more universal, at least the best tracks.
The Wall was all my friends and I listened to and watched (it was the late 80's through early 90's) when we hung out and everytime I hear any song off the album it takes me right back to my high school years. Pink Floyd is and was such an important band.
I like how he says he hopes children and students are heard more, unfortunately, they aren't. If you really want to be heard you have to fight it all the time
It all depends WHERE you are educated and the resources available. Montessori schools are very much geared toward self expression and guided learning. And in reality, if you think of kids access to technology and the speed of their neural nets compared to adults, it might well be that kids should be telling adults 'shut up, when I want your opinion I'll give it to you'. There is now a huge backlash against 16 years old suing for the vote, mostly by adults who basically vote for one party all the time based on personal ideology rather than issues. It seems that a 16 year old is just as capable of that.
Yeah, depends where you are. I know it's true for Belgium and Germany, but in the Netherlands where I'm from it's more like the opposite. Children express their opinion very clearly, maybe a bit too much as teachers are sometimes bullied away.
Thank you, thank you for making this, recording this. This is a treasure you folks are doing the work that transcends film making. You are allowing artists to expose their soul, their story about creativity in an beautiful way. Thanks for the artist that are willing to share and thank you again for making this. You deserve all the possible praises just from the first 45 seconds of this video, it is insane, let alone the whole video or other amazing ones that you shared with us Thank you!
Here in the US you dont even need to be registered to vote anymore, and you dont need to show up to vote either....I cant imagine who will get elected next under this mess...im just praying its not jeff bezos
@@DiscountDivorcePhotography Demented Biden got elected who can't even put a sentence together without a teleprompter. How America end up in this mess?
I watched The Wall movie over 200 times. I listened to the album more than that. I saw Pink Floyd in 1994 play the full Dark side of the Moon. I saw Roger perform The Wall on his last tour. I went back and saw Roger perform from his new album after that. All in all these are all just bricks in The Wall. But what a fucking wall....
I got to see him perform The Wall on tour,too,with a friend in May 2012. That wall of screens and footage formed the backdrop,and on it were many images of things that were and still are wrong with our world,that need righting. I also got to see Floyd play at Wembley Stadium in 1988,but that was without Roger of course.
If this were a Gilmour video, the outpouring of love in the comments would've been universal. Since it's Roger, everyone always wants to take a shot. The man is a genius, first and foremost musically, despite everyone, including Gilmour, dismissing him as a mere lyricist. All of you far right trolls calling him boring simply can't understand his thought process. You're the Stepford Wives he's referring to, ignorant and aloof. Like helpless beasts, you're observing with indifference (or joy) the slaughter of your brethren by the pigs in power, thinking it will never happen to you.
I guess you have some good points, But, you must understand, though not in this video he (Waters) vehemently supports terrorists, such as the PLO. Even The Simon Wiesenthal Center condemns him.
They condemn him on the basis of antisemitism, do they not? Let's see some evidence of that, and we'll stack it up against his half a decade career spent decrying prejudice, and supporting the idea that all lives are created equal.
You, nor Roger, have any special insight into world affairs. Simply put, some countries attack others. Japan attacked the U.S., so the U.S. fought Japan. Some terrorists states attack innocent countries. And those countries must fight back. Example: Palestine attacking Israel. Israel fighting back does not make them terrorists. If you are not directly affected by the terrorist attacks, you can do one of three things. 1) Do nothing. 2) Help the defenders and condemn the attackers. 3) Support the attackers while condemning the defenders. Roger has chosen the third option.
In the last lecture of our 4 year teaching degree all of our lecturers walked into the hall with dark glasses on and put a tape player on the podium, hit play and this song came on. They walked out of the hall leaving this song playing. I sat there with a massive grin crying silently. What a way to leave us, with their final 'ray of hope'. We all had different motivations as teachers. Different biases. Some still thought children were blank slates or vessels to be filled. Others that children were almost like a different species. Most of us thankfully saw them as young humans with families, backgrounds, different abilities, interests, challenges. We knew that if we didn't do our best then it wouldn't be a successful career. But schools are run by politicians. And they're full of people who have never lived outside of the school system. No one should make a decision about schools without teaching first just as a manager should run a shop without first working on the floor. And no one should tell children who they are and what they should do with their lives. Too many career politicians who have never 'served the public' telling the public what to do, and too many teachers who haven't known a life without school bells, curricula and sadly too many fall into 'teaching to the test' rather than helping humans learn for whatever reason that human has a need to learn 'a thing'. This song played when I was a kid at school, played while I was training to be a teacher, played when I worked as a teacher. When I had my own children they had free choice to choose how they wanted to be educated. One tried school out but decided to opt for home ed. The other never wanted to go at all. We were privileged to be able to have the choice. Both are off to uni next year doing what they want to do. I'm so grateful that we have so much education available on TH-cam and the like. It's a great time to be a learner. No teacher can pretend to 'know it all' and no teacher needs to either. Great time to be a teacher too, if you want. You just got to stop seeing children as people to have power over. Control is not how humans learn. They need freedom to learn.
@@katarzynamariamuszynska2811 He quit the band, and was somehow surprised and offended that they continued without him. In his mind, “I quit” should have meant “the band is finished,” but in reality it was “I quit” followed by “okay, we’ll manage.” He didn’t deal well with that, and still has his ranting moments.
I had the very great pleasure of seeing them play live in Florence whilst on vacation one summer just outside the Medici house. Amazing, cause for years I worked in a bakery 3 doors down from their recording studio and had no idea who they were, I didn’t discover them for many years, but when I did wow great music.
This track resonated even more back then because teachers definitely still had the whip hand in school because corporal punishment was still allowed, and some teachers could be vicious. Now pupils do what they want, when they want, if they want.
I agree with Ricky Gervais about pop stars and actors shutting the f up when it comes to preaching politics. Unless you are a Roger who lives it and understands the subject from top to bottom. The world needs more like him with a voice and real passion. And one of the best songs ever...
While Ricky isnt totally wrong with that, what he forgets is the enormous amounts of time that rich folks like successful musicians and actors have to research and study these subjects. Tom Morello is just one example. These people can really know a fuckton about these subjects which is specifically why one should adress the argument rather than the person because thats just gonna result in an ad hominem. Not to mention the absurd lose-lose-situation that people outside of the political right are where, when they dont have a masters in political science, they are dismissed as "people who dont know anything about it anyway" and when they DO have a masters in political science they get dismissed as "brainwashed by the leftist universities". So what the fuck are they supposed to do?
how in the heck did you guys put this together??? every moment I am reinforced with my life but actually seeing the statement of fact of how the poetry of life is translated into music.
@ 2:02 " When you hit puberty and start getting snotty... it's good to have an adult around who will say: "Hang on, let's talk about that", rather than: "Be Quiet !" "... I experienced it as "Be Quiet !... Nobody's interested in what you think ! Shut Up !..." ... "I think kids these days, hopefully have more of a voice..." ... except I'm afraid that kids no longer have angst... they have entitlement. Two very different manifestations of anger. Which is stronger, more impressive ?
I continued to contemplate on that and I just worry. I was a kid of the 70s and that punk angst and the sexuality of the disco and metal era were motivating. We were GenX and the world needed to change. On the other hand, kids nowadays are way more informed and connected by the internet and social media, BUT it's just that, social media... they have their opiate of iPhones and game systems and TH-cam and more importantly, I think, PornHub so they aren't really connecting and too used to instant gratification ! I fear what will happen when the powers-that-be realize the trouble they're in and shut off the pipe and if these millennials will suffocate if they lose everything they depend on nowadays...
Paul Walsh Totally agree. However, I’m sure *you* will agree that having access to so much “information” - which is all too often tainted by uninformed opinions - is a real minefield, especially for those with no critical thinking skills.
While I LOVE Dark Side of the Moon and the Brick albums, my deepest appreciation is for his "Amused to Death". I have to agree also that Roger Waters was the soul of Pink Floyd. Danke!!!
Yeah, Amused to Death was really somethinge else. He made no money off it, but imagine how much cash it would have made if it had been a Pink Floyd album. It would have been like 'the wall part 2' but as it didn't have Pink Floyds name, people were like "who?"
Roger Waters is a true poet, author and artist. He wears his heart on his sleeve as is appropriate and has enormous empathy. he taught me how to be a writer. ( does not show here, ha ha )
Great album and song. I agree with your assessments. When everything else fails, start a war, arms trading is big business. According to my History of Economics book, that's how the US got out of the Great Depression.
Roger it's called 'intelligence' No matter if the conveyance is manned or not there is still a person making a decision based on info. The ordinance is released regardless if the pilot is in the cockpit or a control center in the USA. If anything a person who is not in fear of their lives can make better decisions. Troops on the ground also contribute to 'collateral damage'
I disagree when he says people just accept injustice as an inevitability. That's just surface level thinking. People do talk about injustice, and people ARE working to do something about it, every day, in droves. The reason it goes on anyway is that those in power who benefit from it and perpetuate it as a result abuse their authority to shut down anyone who could potentially succeed at disarming them. The wall is penetrable, which is why it's so heavily guarded.
It's worse now. Kids are told to express themselves but also told, through government policy, what to think and what not to think. The curriculum is censored in many parts of the world (including parts of the USA) with pages deleted from text books etc.
Hier, weer. 0:26 Het moet zijn: "Ik leefde mijn leven en was eigenlijk niet voorbereid op iets." en dat is toch heel wat anders dan "... dat mijn leven al echt bezig was. Ik was me niet aan 't voorbereiden op iets." Hij zegt "actually" en zijn leven was wel bezig maar leefde dat zonder daar verder over na te denken en eigenlijk was hij niet voorbereid op iets dat zou kunnen gebeuren. Niet voorbereid op iets wat hem zou kunnen overkomen ipv dat hij zich niet aan het voorbereiden op iets was. Tjongejonge, wie deed de vertaling bij de publieke omroep? Daarna: "Het plotselinge besef dat het allang begonnen was. Je had het alleen niet gemerkt.", nee, "Het plotselinge besef dat het een tijd geleden al begonnen was maar je had dat niet in de gaten dat het al begonnen was". Als het al "gemerkt" zou kunnen zijn dan had dat "opgemerkt" moeten zijn. Dat is toch heel wat anders? Gaat zo maar door en door en dat wil dan een goed verhaal vertellen. Triest.
The Thrawn Scotsman it’s up to the parents in my opinion. Do you actually watch after your kid and teach them ways? Or do you give them the phone or tablet and let them watch TH-cam videos? Lots of parents nowadays don’t seem to realize when you have a baby that you must raise it.
@@mattdrones4665 I don't have kids and if i did, they would be brought up with respect and knowledge. That's why when I dated single women with kids it didn't go well. They let their kids run the house.
@@thethrawnscotsman5260 Well, the verdict is out on that. Most of the spoiled kids I know were definitely more spoiled by parents. In the school system a LOT of what we thought was 'normal education' was just cruelty, neglect, and really shitty curriculae. But its true that in places where education is 'managed' by government, it tends to be fairly shittily run. Mostly because teachers don't have much say and government is catering to the whims of the day. I know a lot of really good teachers, but they just don't get the resources to educate in the way that new research is showing kids should be educated. ANd on the flip side, whenever I see shitty teachers, for some reason governments really seem to seek them out to give them more authority. But education is still far better than when I was a kid, which was only one step removed from what The Wall portrays. I had teachers at a young age who belittled me, granted it was a lot more subtley than screaming at a kid and calling them stupid, but kids pick up on that stuff prettily readily and don't really have the context to deal with it.
Let the rich lead the world's armies into battle and face the same risks as the common Soldier, such as Roman consuls did in ancient Rome.. and see how much Warfare we need..
Legendary song, an amazing message from him, but it will be nice to hear more facts about the song. I heard the kids on the song were not planned, and they visited the studio that day. Is it true?
We don't know, they were in a band with him for a LONG time, and were in no hurry to kick him out. But by all accounts with other bands who knew them, they pretty much were barely on speaking terms at the end. Rick was kicked out by the whole band for not contributing, and basically once you start doing all the work and the other guys want a quarter of the paycheque, well, that can make you grumpy, just ask Robbie Robertson. But in general I agree. "Trying" may be putting it kindly.
I am a teacher and I think we should let our students express their opinions but we need some discipline in the classroom to creat a learning friendly environment. If we just let kids do and say whatever they want, we punish the kids who actually want to listen and learn. I always tell children to come and talk to me after a class but no one does. Sometimes they talk during the class about issues that are not related to the class and I don't find this behavior accaptable. The salaries are low, the classrooms are overcrowded, teachers live under pressure. We need discipline and rules and a certain degree of quietness to function or groups of 10 students.
This was the stoner kid go to, we used to hit the midnight showing on Callow Avenue, Bremerton WA. We didn't understand every bit of it, but we did identify with the anti authority seeds it planted.
Greatest lyricist ever. Want proof? "A bomb hits the theatre, the operetta lingers, then the piano lid comes crashing down and breaks his fucking fingers."
this song is really good i still dont understand why it caused a lot of backlash. why did people hate this song. or was it just the teachers that hate this song.
I was in 5th grade when this album came out. One day we had a substitute teacher and the whole class broke out singing “We don’t need no education!” The guy looked at us like we were mad. Great memory.
Hmm, double negative.
Indeed in need of education.
@@kiereluurs1243 LOL. Then dropped out of school, now living in a box.
@@kiereluurs1243 not you as well with you double negative theory tryna ruin how I look at the song as a 15 year living in today's society
"The Wall" is the anthem of my generation. Thank you Roger for the words.
In the 70s Pink Floyd stored their equipment a couple of street from where I lived. The kids singing are on the record are from the school in the street where I lived and my sons school. Great song.
To be fair Bob Ezrin deserves a lot of credit as (he says) Roger wasn't interested in using it as a song and wanted no singles. If you notice its only ONE verse and ONE chorus repeated over and over, so Bob added the kids choir, and he said the final product made Roger smile. I'm glad he changed it around because as a story about a narcisstic selfihs prick I never really had much time for The Wall, but in a new incarnation, well, it does need a few changes to make it more universal, at least the best tracks.
If you want to tell: Is your son also in the video?
The Wall was all my friends and I listened to and watched (it was the late 80's through early 90's) when we hung out and everytime I hear any song off the album it takes me right back to my high school years. Pink Floyd is and was such an important band.
I don't know about you guys but I always eat my meat before I even consider pudding.
It all about finishing your meat before having any pudding!
Yeah, but what about your *greens*?
You can have a pie and eat it too.....
Don't eat animals. It's not necessary or kind.
Well if you don't eat your meat, you won't get any pudding!
I like how he says he hopes children and students are heard more, unfortunately, they aren't. If you really want to be heard you have to fight it all the time
It all depends WHERE you are educated and the resources available. Montessori schools are very much geared toward self expression and guided learning. And in reality, if you think of kids access to technology and the speed of their neural nets compared to adults, it might well be that kids should be telling adults 'shut up, when I want your opinion I'll give it to you'. There is now a huge backlash against 16 years old suing for the vote, mostly by adults who basically vote for one party all the time based on personal ideology rather than issues. It seems that a 16 year old is just as capable of that.
Yeah, depends where you are. I know it's true for Belgium and Germany, but in the Netherlands where I'm from it's more like the opposite. Children express their opinion very clearly, maybe a bit too much as teachers are sometimes bullied away.
3:21 the subtitle is wrong. He says he's making it less about Pink the character in The Wall, not Pink Floyd the band.
the boy in the film is called "pink floyd" as well :D
Is called Pink, only Pink.
@@statelessoyster1037 yes, just Pink that is what he ment
Floyd Pinkerton is the name of Bob Geldof's character in the film.
best richard gere interview i have ever seen
He does look like Richard Gere now, not when Richard Gere was younger and better looking.
Hahahaha -brilliant
Man, that video "scarred" me for quite a while. That ish was..."brutal" back then!
Jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja
remember myself and a schoolbus full of kids singing this song to our teachers when it came on the radio
Thank you, thank you for making this, recording this. This is a treasure you folks are doing the work that transcends film making. You are allowing artists to expose their soul, their story about creativity in an beautiful way. Thanks for the artist that are willing to share and thank you again for making this. You deserve all the possible praises just from the first 45 seconds of this video, it is insane, let alone the whole video or other amazing ones that you shared with us
Thank you!
"The veneer of democracy that we spread thinly over what we call freedom is a very thin veneer indeed."
Here in the US you dont even need to be registered to vote anymore, and you dont need to show up to vote either....I cant imagine who will get elected next under this mess...im just praying its not jeff bezos
@@DiscountDivorcePhotography Some say you don't even have to be alive to vote
he has an incredibly dumbed down view of global politics
@@dessertstorm7476 glad you're a expert at politics
We would be lost without you
Que *crickets*
Demented Biden got elected who can't even put a sentence together without a teleprompter. How America end up in this mess?
I watched The Wall movie over 200 times. I listened to the album more than that. I saw Pink Floyd in 1994 play the full Dark side of the Moon. I saw Roger perform The Wall on his last tour. I went back and saw Roger perform from his new album after that. All in all these are all just bricks in The Wall. But what a fucking wall....
I got to see him perform The Wall on tour,too,with a friend in May 2012. That wall of screens and footage formed the backdrop,and on it were many images of things that were and still are wrong with our world,that need righting. I also got to see Floyd play at Wembley Stadium in 1988,but that was without Roger of course.
Same me!
What he said at 3:50 was gold. Some people still don't get it.
If this were a Gilmour video, the outpouring of love in the comments would've been universal. Since it's Roger, everyone always wants to take a shot. The man is a genius, first and foremost musically, despite everyone, including Gilmour, dismissing him as a mere lyricist. All of you far right trolls calling him boring simply can't understand his thought process. You're the Stepford Wives he's referring to, ignorant and aloof. Like helpless beasts, you're observing with indifference (or joy) the slaughter of your brethren by the pigs in power, thinking it will never happen to you.
I guess you have some good points, But, you must understand, though not in this video he (Waters) vehemently supports terrorists, such as the PLO. Even The Simon Wiesenthal Center condemns him.
They condemn him on the basis of antisemitism, do they not? Let's see some evidence of that, and we'll stack it up against his half a decade career spent decrying prejudice, and supporting the idea that all lives are created equal.
The blind leading the blind. Open your eyes.
@@roscianyt Well, that's a well thought out, articulated argument supported by evidence.
You, nor Roger, have any special insight into world affairs. Simply put, some countries attack others. Japan attacked the U.S., so the U.S. fought Japan. Some terrorists states attack innocent countries. And those countries must fight back. Example: Palestine attacking Israel. Israel fighting back does not make them terrorists. If you are not directly affected by the terrorist attacks, you can do one of three things. 1) Do nothing. 2) Help the defenders and condemn the attackers. 3) Support the attackers while condemning the defenders. Roger has chosen the third option.
In the last lecture of our 4 year teaching degree all of our lecturers walked into the hall with dark glasses on and put a tape player on the podium, hit play and this song came on. They walked out of the hall leaving this song playing. I sat there with a massive grin crying silently. What a way to leave us, with their final 'ray of hope'.
We all had different motivations as teachers. Different biases. Some still thought children were blank slates or vessels to be filled. Others that children were almost like a different species. Most of us thankfully saw them as young humans with families, backgrounds, different abilities, interests, challenges. We knew that if we didn't do our best then it wouldn't be a successful career. But schools are run by politicians. And they're full of people who have never lived outside of the school system. No one should make a decision about schools without teaching first just as a manager should run a shop without first working on the floor. And no one should tell children who they are and what they should do with their lives. Too many career politicians who have never 'served the public' telling the public what to do, and too many teachers who haven't known a life without school bells, curricula and sadly too many fall into 'teaching to the test' rather than helping humans learn for whatever reason that human has a need to learn 'a thing'.
This song played when I was a kid at school, played while I was training to be a teacher, played when I worked as a teacher. When I had my own children they had free choice to choose how they wanted to be educated. One tried school out but decided to opt for home ed. The other never wanted to go at all. We were privileged to be able to have the choice. Both are off to uni next year doing what they want to do. I'm so grateful that we have so much education available on TH-cam and the like. It's a great time to be a learner. No teacher can pretend to 'know it all' and no teacher needs to either. Great time to be a teacher too, if you want. You just got to stop seeing children as people to have power over. Control is not how humans learn. They need freedom to learn.
This album got me through some rough times! Absolute masterpiece..Cant consolidate the message with $50 per tshirt though..
It's a great album but it is the last thing you should listen to if you are going through rough times.
@@gagd233 I know it doesn't sound like that, but I second that
@@gagd233 why?
@@gagd233 clearly not for this dude lol
I was expecting to hear the story behind the song.
The story is told _in_ The Wall.
It's just another brick in the wall...
IKR kept watching waiting for the part about "the story behind the song" to begin, but he just kept rambling about political nonsense
Riley awww reality is hard 😩
@@all_is_1485 wut?
Oi, Rog! You got through a whole interview without slagging your bandmates! Nicely done!
let's face it though, since Division Bell, he's been more grown up about it all.
@@tehf00n I think you are reading old interviews, he hasn't done that since the nineties.
If only he spent the time talking about the song.
Why he should slagging his bandmates?
@@katarzynamariamuszynska2811 He quit the band, and was somehow surprised and offended that they continued without him. In his mind, “I quit” should have meant “the band is finished,” but in reality it was “I quit” followed by “okay, we’ll manage.”
He didn’t deal well with that, and still has his ranting moments.
I had the very great pleasure of seeing them play live in Florence whilst on vacation one summer just outside the Medici house. Amazing, cause for years I worked in a bakery 3 doors down from their recording studio and had no idea who they were, I didn’t discover them for many years, but when I did wow great music.
He says it how he sees it that’s why I love pink floyd
Gilmours guitar solo in this song is sublime....a focus Work OF ARRRT!!!! But Richard Wright's organ and Keys bed under it---- the Essencr of Eauty!!!
Wow Roger you absolutely nailed that to the WALL. AMAZING. I concur completely.
Wow, Roger still looks great! I saw him on the Radio Kaos Tour, Saratoga Performing Arts Center (SPAC), August 28, 1987. [Good Gawd!]
This is an amazing Channel 😁👍🏻👍🏻
I could listen to Roger Waters talk all day... his conversation is music to my ears.
This IS what Rock and roll is all about....
45 yr old still bumpin 😊😉👍❤💥💣
Roger Waters is well aware of what Americans are doing all over the world and I respect him for that.
A great personal history along with amazing guitar creations..that's The Wall. Saw The Wall show in 2011 unforgettable evening.
No dark sarcasm in the classroom..just on the internet..
I love these guys because my dad wanted to play this for one of his graduations and they didn't let him because it was about the teachers
Got my tickets for this coming September. Can't wait.
What a shame I can only give this vid a single LIKE cause I'd certainly click a couple hundred times.
He is spot on!
This track resonated even more back then because teachers definitely still had the whip hand in school because corporal punishment was still allowed, and some teachers could be vicious. Now pupils do what they want, when they want, if they want.
The intellect and the beating heart of the Floyd
Gues kids nowadays would call him "woke af" ;)
Healthy Roots & Strong Wings umm bc he is?? lmao stay woke
Okay it's not even cool when children say it so this is borderline torture
deranged lefty is more like it.
Al Bundy What the hell is wrong with you
@@lewb.8619 yeah, every sane person needs to blindly support their clan's aggression around the world...
I agree with Ricky Gervais about pop stars and actors shutting the f up when it comes to preaching politics. Unless you are a Roger who lives it and understands the subject from top to bottom. The world needs more like him with a voice and real passion. And one of the best songs ever...
While Ricky isnt totally wrong with that, what he forgets is the enormous amounts of time that rich folks like successful musicians and actors have to research and study these subjects. Tom Morello is just one example. These people can really know a fuckton about these subjects which is specifically why one should adress the argument rather than the person because thats just gonna result in an ad hominem. Not to mention the absurd lose-lose-situation that people outside of the political right are where, when they dont have a masters in political science, they are dismissed as "people who dont know anything about it anyway" and when they DO have a masters in political science they get dismissed as "brainwashed by the leftist universities". So what the fuck are they supposed to do?
I love the kid choir.
Without Gilmour there is no PF.
@Real Sense wrong Without Syd there would be no Pink Floyd. Syd started the band not Roger
Syd started the band WITH Roger, genius 😫
how in the heck did you guys put this together???
every moment I am reinforced with my life but actually seeing the statement of fact of
how the poetry of life is translated into music.
We are all bricks in the wall of humanity. We come in different shapes, sizes and colors and that is what makes the wall beautiful.
Unfortunately the "be quiet" culture is all around, I break it every single day to be able to live in this world.
Best Richard Gere interview I have ever seen
I love how he says "school teacher".
Saw him do The Wall in San Francisco in 2012.
As amazing as ever!
One of my favorite albums. And great sounding, if you have a copy from the right mastering house.
@ 2:02 " When you hit puberty and start getting snotty... it's good to have an adult around who will say: "Hang on, let's talk about that", rather than: "Be Quiet !"
"... I experienced it as "Be Quiet !... Nobody's interested in what you think ! Shut Up !..."
... "I think kids these days, hopefully have more of a voice..."
... except I'm afraid that kids no longer have angst... they have entitlement. Two very different manifestations of anger. Which is stronger, more impressive ?
Paul Walsh
Interesting point 👍🏼
I continued to contemplate on that and I just worry. I was a kid of the 70s and that punk angst and the sexuality of the disco and metal era were motivating. We were GenX and the world needed to change.
On the other hand, kids nowadays are way more informed and connected by the internet and social media, BUT it's just that, social media... they have their opiate of iPhones and game systems and TH-cam and more importantly, I think, PornHub so they aren't really connecting and too used to instant gratification !
I fear what will happen when the powers-that-be realize the trouble they're in and shut off the pipe and if these millennials will suffocate if they lose everything they depend on nowadays...
Paul Walsh
Totally agree. However, I’m sure *you* will agree that having access to so much “information” - which is all too often tainted by uninformed opinions - is a real minefield, especially for those with no critical thinking skills.
I will agree. And us GenXers were just as guilty of that too...
Killings for no reason. I love what he said at the end.
Waters’ righteous, informed anger should always be an inspiration to future generations.
Wise words in november 2021!!!!
Love this message ❤️
While I LOVE Dark Side of the Moon and the Brick albums, my deepest appreciation is for his "Amused to Death". I have to agree also that Roger Waters was the soul of Pink Floyd. Danke!!!
you misspelled David Gilmour
@@DJDanceClassic Granted, a genius in his own right.
@@BuckRogers2000 gutten morgen
Yeah, Amused to Death was really somethinge else. He made no money off it, but imagine how much cash it would have made if it had been a Pink Floyd album. It would have been like 'the wall part 2' but as it didn't have Pink Floyds name, people were like "who?"
I remember this....40 years ago... it was my 21st birthday... I wonder what happened to the kids at 02:00?
For a second I was ready to ask when Richard Gere was ever in Pink Floyd. :P
Roger waters telling it like it is...👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Thank you guys!
Roger Waters is a true poet, author and artist. He wears his heart on his sleeve as is appropriate and has enormous empathy. he taught me how to be a writer. ( does not show here, ha ha )
I think he had to hold back the true meaning of his song. The song already says everything clearly.
Loved this song and album
First single I ever purchased. England was pretty glum back then, but did we know? I guess not being young.
Great album and song. I agree with your assessments. When everything else fails, start a war, arms trading is big business. According to my History of Economics book, that's how the US got out of the Great Depression.
Song for 2020. 10000%.
Roger it's called 'intelligence' No matter if the conveyance is manned or not there is still a person making a decision based on info. The ordinance is released regardless if the pilot is in the cockpit or a control center in the USA. If anything a person who is not in fear of their lives can make better decisions. Troops on the ground also contribute to 'collateral damage'
Wow, hear hear Roger! 3:35 is where the fun starts..
Big fan. That song means alot to me.
Thanks for uploading this video; I fully agree with Roger !!!
I disagree when he says people just accept injustice as an inevitability. That's just surface level thinking.
People do talk about injustice, and people ARE working to do something about it, every day, in droves. The reason it goes on anyway is that those in power who benefit from it and perpetuate it as a result abuse their authority to shut down anyone who could potentially succeed at disarming them.
The wall is penetrable, which is why it's so heavily guarded.
*Roger Waters is Pink Floydd not that other chap in the group now* ⭐️
Excellent words- nice!
It's worse now. Kids are told to express themselves but also told, through government policy, what to think and what not to think. The curriculum is censored in many parts of the world (including parts of the USA) with pages deleted from text books etc.
Educate your kids.
The internet makes that impracticable. The reason why so much shit is changing is that kids are seeing the other side of the picture.
He is 100% correct about the Government in all first world countries are like this.
Really a fantastic interview. Thank you!
Watched the wall tour at Amsterdam arena ...Immense
hes so right about the modern USSA
Such great words....ahh why arent these people running the world...Pink Floyd...heros!
He looks remarkably good for his age... one of those guys who got better looking as he got older 🔥
I love PF. I have 3 original copies of that album. stole one from my momma, got one at The Goodwill, and one on eBay. peace and love
Now listen to the differences?
It's 2024 and it's as true as ever.
I had no idea about the war reference. Roger Waters is awesome.
Hier, weer. 0:26 Het moet zijn: "Ik leefde mijn leven en was eigenlijk niet voorbereid op iets." en dat is toch heel wat anders dan "... dat mijn leven al echt bezig was. Ik was me niet aan 't voorbereiden op iets." Hij zegt "actually" en zijn leven was wel bezig maar leefde dat zonder daar verder over na te denken en eigenlijk was hij niet voorbereid op iets dat zou kunnen gebeuren. Niet voorbereid op iets wat hem zou kunnen overkomen ipv dat hij zich niet aan het voorbereiden op iets was. Tjongejonge, wie deed de vertaling bij de publieke omroep? Daarna: "Het plotselinge besef dat het allang begonnen was. Je had het alleen niet gemerkt.", nee, "Het plotselinge besef dat het een tijd geleden al begonnen was maar je had dat niet in de gaten dat het al begonnen was". Als het al "gemerkt" zou kunnen zijn dan had dat "opgemerkt" moeten zijn. Dat is toch heel wat anders? Gaat zo maar door en door en dat wil dan een goed verhaal vertellen. Triest.
Team Roger!
Now the world has flipped and the kids are trying to tell the adults what to do and don't want to discuss it....
The Thrawn Scotsman it’s up to the parents in my opinion. Do you actually watch after your kid and teach them ways? Or do you give them the phone or tablet and let them watch TH-cam videos? Lots of parents nowadays don’t seem to realize when you have a baby that you must raise it.
@@mattdrones4665 I don't have kids and if i did, they would be brought up with respect and knowledge. That's why when I dated single women with kids it didn't go well. They let their kids run the house.
Depends highly on the kids AND the parents. But I'd be lying if I said I didn't know some spoiled kids.
@@mikearchibald744 In fairness, parents in Scotland have a tough time as much of the ability to parent is now government run!
@@thethrawnscotsman5260 Well, the verdict is out on that. Most of the spoiled kids I know were definitely more spoiled by parents. In the school system a LOT of what we thought was 'normal education' was just cruelty, neglect, and really shitty curriculae.
But its true that in places where education is 'managed' by government, it tends to be fairly shittily run. Mostly because teachers don't have much say and government is catering to the whims of the day. I know a lot of really good teachers, but they just don't get the resources to educate in the way that new research is showing kids should be educated.
ANd on the flip side, whenever I see shitty teachers, for some reason governments really seem to seek them out to give them more authority. But education is still far better than when I was a kid, which was only one step removed from what The Wall portrays. I had teachers at a young age who belittled me, granted it was a lot more subtley than screaming at a kid and calling them stupid, but kids pick up on that stuff prettily readily and don't really have the context to deal with it.
Let the rich lead the world's armies into battle and face the same risks as the common Soldier, such as Roman consuls did in ancient Rome.. and see how much Warfare we need..
And yet the world was pure warfare and chaos then, less so now. Interesting, but moronic point.
Legendary song, an amazing message from him, but it will be nice to hear more facts about the song. I heard the kids on the song were not planned, and they visited the studio that day. Is it true?
No words can describe this man .❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤what a brilliant interview👏👏👏👏👏⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Top. Van wanneer is dit interview?
2012, november 2012.
Bedankt Leo!
I cannot imagine how trying being in a band with roger would have been .
Yes, I think so. At best inspiring but at worst dictatorial.
Feel sorry for how Rick Wright RIP was treated by Roger.
TBH I would've liked it
We don't know, they were in a band with him for a LONG time, and were in no hurry to kick him out. But by all accounts with other bands who knew them, they pretty much were barely on speaking terms at the end. Rick was kicked out by the whole band for not contributing, and basically once you start doing all the work and the other guys want a quarter of the paycheque, well, that can make you grumpy, just ask Robbie Robertson. But in general I agree. "Trying" may be putting it kindly.
@@70ad25 Richard Wright had a crippling cocaine addiction by that time, the song “Nobody Home” is about him…
I Love The pre covid reactions
I am a teacher and I think we should let our students express their opinions but we need some discipline in the classroom to creat a learning friendly environment. If we just let kids do and say whatever they want, we punish the kids who actually want to listen and learn. I always tell children to come and talk to me after a class but no one does. Sometimes they talk during the class about issues that are not related to the class and I don't find this behavior accaptable. The salaries are low, the classrooms are overcrowded, teachers live under pressure. We need discipline and rules and a certain degree of quietness to function or groups of 10 students.
I'd like to think, I HOPE, this is changing.
Well said
This was the stoner kid go to, we used to hit the midnight showing on Callow Avenue, Bremerton WA.
We didn't understand every bit of it, but we did identify with the anti authority seeds it planted.
Greatest lyricist ever. Want proof? "A bomb hits the theatre, the operetta lingers, then the piano lid comes crashing down and breaks his fucking fingers."
I could never have any pudding if I didn't eat my meat 😁
this song is really good i still dont understand why it caused a lot of backlash. why did people hate this song. or was it just the teachers that hate this song.
Funny how he addresses money while sitting in front of a 300k mixing desk...😆
Cool music though, but I expected rather more about the song.
@@sg-yq8pm Sure, I know that it was irrelevant. Point taken . . .
wtaers swam up his own arse many moons ago, he sees himself as some sort of philosophical giant...hes not correct about this...
There was so much wisdom and philosophy behind the songs of that time. Now we got bots spitting bs as music