Of course he is willing to die to win Hill is not :D Finally someone who really understands Jiří's mindset (he also speaks about the power of being present in the moment alot)
He reminded me of this quote from Band of Brothers. "...accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it." -Ronald Speirs
Jiri is like the Modern day or intense version of Lyoto Machida. Both are honorable fighters with a sense of moral code that guides them in their training and fighting.
The universe is strange. it's almost like it give you exactly what you need, when you need it. Sometimes that comes in the form of a POTF video about Jiri Prochazka and the importance of solitude and singleness of purpose
And some guys were surprised when he got the title, like do you all even recognize what he is? He basically embodies a higher being in most aspects of humankind
i never enjoyed being alone until i started to question my existence to myself, meditating with the goal to find my way and become who i've always wanted to be. then i came across miyamoto musashi and learned about his 21 rules of the dokkodo which is the simplest principles that one can apply to life yet hard to follow when you consider how attached you are to things and how many desires you have. i am glad jiri is on this wavelength as well but compared to me his life is on the line when trying to pursue his way.
Truly an underrated channel, i enjoy all these logical reasonings on how people get to the point of success, not just by sheer chance and luck, but grit, determination, mastering of skills and mind. Its a testament to these individuals, and offer great examples that we can take away and integrate to our own very lives. Great stuff.
I genuinely appreciate that! It is my goal to try to highlight fighters mindsets but put it out in a digestible form that people can apply in their own lives and taste their own success. It takes a ton of work but I love reading comments like this
@@5crb30 wtf are you talking about. A ufc match is war, they’re trying to kill each other. Anyone willing to walk in the cage has my respect. What have you done besides becoming a keyboard warrior?
@@christinalove8223 Shut the f*** up...These fighters are not warriors ..Mushashi fought wars in which life is at Risk ...These fighters dance around for Money .and entertainment ,Ufc fighters are warriors my a**
What may seem to be a madness to someone, can be a logical output of thoughts of someone else. This is the example of that. Not only that ive heard Jiri talk about (lets say) his way of thinking in his (and also mine) native language (numerous of times), but also i assume i share the way he thinks tho i uderstand him a bit ( im not in his head rn.. duh?) gives me maybe different point of view on his mindset and therefore I can say (humbly), I dont see any glimpse of madness, not at all. This video is one of the best (if not the best one) from the foreigner about the way Jiri thinks and works and its one of the reasons i watch his fights yet i am sort of a non-conflict person myself - I watch because of the reasoning Jiri drives himself by - the mastery - progress of somethig he dedicated his life to, and in that I see the value of the sport and his doing - technique, sportsmanship, continuous breaking of the limits of a body and a mind - with clear head and all other factors. Unfortunately in comparison with Jiri i do not have a goal i can focus on so far, but what I can, is give him a credit he deserves and have respect for what he is doing - and also have a bit fun watching his performance of course. Anyway have great day man.
I must say it - i believe this is your best video ever. The Pace, the storytelling, everything was spot on. Thank you for a masterpiece like this. Greetings from Czech Republic 🇨🇿
Hey, you are very welcome!! This one was for you, and now I understand why you requested it! I got distracted by your profile picture and didn't notice the Czech name!
I don’t know why I had the random feeling to watch a jiri motivational video. There has always been something about his aura. But after watching this it all makes sense. He is truly an enlightened being. Only people on a certain level of consciousness will be able to understand. I have been subconsciously doing what he was doing before starting martial arts. Isolation and deep introspection. I have also started my path towards being a monk and martial artist. This video was extremely inspiring for me, thank you for creating this video. I also have no doubt that he practices celibacy for long periods of time as most monks do which is what I think also gives him that edge over so many other fighters. He is truly on another frequency.
@@PsychologyOfTheFight I didn't know this fighter till now. He has an interesting way of viewing things. All i can say is I've learned a lot as always. I would have never seen this coming 😅😅
I want you to know this video deeply impacted me and is incredibly well done. I found this video because of being a huge Jiri fan but I will definitely be checking out all of your other videos!
This is the video that got me into this channel. You are extremely good at explaining concepts of psychology through fighters stories. Dont give up this channel because of the less views. People will show support as the time goes. Thank you for your content ❤
The swervo-mechisinm works for Jiri. Knew once you said "success mechanism" you were referring to Psychocybernetics. Very well put together and thought provoking video.
It’s hard being a Jiri fan. I get so nervous watching him get nailed and stomping forward 😂 (King Mo knockout callback). Other fighters just don’t ever talk about him other than saying he’s “weird”. And then the injury on top of that. WHERES MY BOY AT. I NEED HIM TO PUT JAMAHAL HILL IN THE GROUND.
worth noting luck and genetics will always be a factor, nobody should pretend they don't exist. But sure, mentality and work ethic are also incredibly important
@@PsychologyOfTheFight Yea, you're right. If you you're born 4 ft 5 with one leg and cerebral palsy then in order to get into the NBA you just need a strong enough mindset
@@PsychologyOfTheFight Sorry if I left negative comments. I honestly don't remember or care much. I'm glad you appreciate my support. Keep up the work rate. Peace
Why nobody calls culture appropriation on Jiri, guys is as white as it comes, has nothing to do with Japan and still not only claims to be a samurai as he dresses traditional Japanese garments. As a half Japanese person.....I couldn't care less, just loving the double standards. I would pay to see what would happen to him was he saying he was an African warrior, wearing African garments and identifying as black.....
I don’t think he’s trying to be a samurai, based on his Rakic post fight interview. I think he simply resonates with and lives by the Bushido code. If it helps him live a happier and more fulfilling life, it’s awesome!
I don't believe Jiri Prochazka is a man of the modern times, I feel like someone used a Time Machine and went back to the viking era and abducted him and left in the 21st century.
Do you think Jiri beats Jamahal Hill when he returns?
Of course he is willing to die to win Hill is not :D Finally someone who really understands Jiří's mindset (he also speaks about the power of being present in the moment alot)
I don’t think so since he looks sloppy in all his fights. Hill is more calculated and especially after the shoulder injury I don’t see it.
Oh absolutely bro!!
Yes. Jamal Hill's mind is so strong, but this guy seems stronger mentally.
He reminded me of this quote from Band of Brothers. "...accept the fact that you're already dead. The sooner you accept that, the sooner you'll be able to function as a soldier is supposed to function: without mercy, without compassion, without remorse. All war depends upon it." -Ronald Speirs
Jiri is like the Modern day or intense version of Lyoto Machida. Both are honorable fighters with a sense of moral code that guides them in their training and fighting.
i was a huge machida fan till he popped for PEDs i was so dissappointed
The universe is strange. it's almost like it give you exactly what you need, when you need it. Sometimes that comes in the form of a POTF video about Jiri Prochazka and the importance of solitude and singleness of purpose
That’s… God bro
And some guys were surprised when he got the title, like do you all even recognize what he is? He basically embodies a higher being in most aspects of humankind
Wtf is u talkn bout fam 😭
J'avoue, tu pars en vrille.
God consciousness
@@Takerofbootyeaterofcoochieapparently he's a genius and we're all simpletons
You have no idea what you're talking about.
i never enjoyed being alone until i started to question my existence to myself, meditating with the goal to find my way and become who i've always wanted to be. then i came across miyamoto musashi and learned about his 21 rules of the dokkodo which is the simplest principles that one can apply to life yet hard to follow when you consider how attached you are to things and how many desires you have. i am glad jiri is on this wavelength as well but compared to me his life is on the line when trying to pursue his way.
Finally someone understood. Denisa would rather die than lose. It's not just a phrase
It's pretty amazing in a sport full of already amazing feats
The soundtrack to this was amazing
Thanks brotha. Last Samurai soundtrack
Jiri is truly one of a kind.
I miss Jiri. We need him back now.
Here after his announcement of his rematch
Truly an underrated channel, i enjoy all these logical reasonings on how people get to the point of success, not just by sheer chance and luck, but grit, determination, mastering of skills and mind. Its a testament to these individuals, and offer great examples that we can take away and integrate to our own very lives. Great stuff.
I genuinely appreciate that! It is my goal to try to highlight fighters mindsets but put it out in a digestible form that people can apply in their own lives and taste their own success. It takes a ton of work but I love reading comments like this
Im truly inspired by jiri FUCK i want to be like him.
Jiri reminded me of the legendary samurai Miyamoto Musashi
Don't compare Musashi to this puny fighter...Mushashi Never lost any war
@Hudson Reyes You know Mushashi fought real fights with sword ...Not these UFC fighters have guts to do that ....
@@5crb30why you so butthurt lmao
@@5crb30 wtf are you talking about. A ufc match is war, they’re trying to kill each other. Anyone willing to walk in the cage has my respect. What have you done besides becoming a keyboard warrior?
@@christinalove8223 Shut the f*** up...These fighters are not warriors ..Mushashi fought wars in which life is at Risk ...These fighters dance around for Money .and entertainment ,Ufc fighters are warriors my a**
I just love and admire him so much. He is the archetype for what a life of dedication to self love, getting better, and healing leads to.
Jiří is my favorite fighter, I've seen every video on him, thanks for this, I'm personally in love with his madness.
You're welcome brotha! This one was highly requested. Definitely the most interesting guy I have ever researched!
Bro I look up Jiri videos everyday hoping something new comes out LMAO. I am a Jiri addict.
@@zayffon1325 Same bro.
What may seem to be a madness to someone, can be a logical output of thoughts of someone else. This is the example of that. Not only that ive heard Jiri talk about (lets say) his way of thinking in his (and also mine) native language (numerous of times), but also i assume i share the way he thinks tho i uderstand him a bit ( im not in his head rn.. duh?) gives me maybe different point of view on his mindset and therefore I can say (humbly), I dont see any glimpse of madness, not at all. This video is one of the best (if not the best one) from the foreigner about the way Jiri thinks and works and its one of the reasons i watch his fights yet i am sort of a non-conflict person myself - I watch because of the reasoning Jiri drives himself by - the mastery - progress of somethig he dedicated his life to, and in that I see the value of the sport and his doing - technique, sportsmanship, continuous breaking of the limits of a body and a mind - with clear head and all other factors. Unfortunately in comparison with Jiri i do not have a goal i can focus on so far, but what I can, is give him a credit he deserves and have respect for what he is doing - and also have a bit fun watching his performance of course. Anyway have great day man.
@@jakubklofac3927 Madness is just a different way to refer to it as unorthodox.
This video blew my mind. There is a true method to his madness
Dude what a badass!!! Trying to get to the edge of what he can take and going to such extreme measures.. RESPECT 👑
I must say it - i believe this is your best video ever. The Pace, the storytelling, everything was spot on.
Thank you for a masterpiece like this. Greetings from Czech Republic 🇨🇿
Hey, you are very welcome!! This one was for you, and now I understand why you requested it! I got distracted by your profile picture and didn't notice the Czech name!
Its not just the same country :D Jiří is a beast, and more people should understand the memtal part of his game:D
@@matousondrich3033 For sure! Thank you for the great recommendation! Do you have any other requests?
@@PsychologyOfTheFight I do not, but I believe that whatevet your next video will be its gonna be a banger
6:32 Shavkat Rakhmonov has a 100% finish rate with 17 fights
You are correct, my mistake!
Both are absolutely insane
18 soon to be 19
This channel is a gem. Thanks sir for sharing your content and vision with us.
You are very welcome! Thank you for stopping by!
Man Alex is my favorite fighter in the world, but this dude is the man too. If Jiri wins I would not be upset. Dude is awesome.
I don’t know why I had the random feeling to watch a jiri motivational video. There has always been something about his aura. But after watching this it all makes sense. He is truly an enlightened being. Only people on a certain level of consciousness will be able to understand. I have been subconsciously doing what he was doing before starting martial arts. Isolation and deep introspection. I have also started my path towards being a monk and martial artist. This video was extremely inspiring for me, thank you for creating this video. I also have no doubt that he practices celibacy for long periods of time as most monks do which is what I think also gives him that edge over so many other fighters. He is truly on another frequency.
You're on your way brother, keep going
This video is beautiful af!
I appreciate the kind words! Thank you for stopping by!
I cannot wait to see him fight again. Hug fan of this Warrior.
Before I watch, I just want to say thank you. I've been waiting for a long time
You're welcome! How did you like it?
@@PsychologyOfTheFight I didn't know this fighter till now. He has an interesting way of viewing things. All i can say is I've learned a lot as always.
I would have never seen this coming 😅😅
I want you to know this video deeply impacted me and is incredibly well done. I found this video because of being a huge Jiri fan but I will definitely be checking out all of your other videos!
Love to hear it man. Thank you for checking out the channel, glad you liked the vid!
Rewatching this one Again.. One of your videos that help me the most. Thank you and Thanks to Jiri Prochaska for never straying from the WAY🔥💯
Thank you for your videos! I’m rewatching these many times
You are very welcome my friend
amazing vid
Thank you so much my friend
thank you for putting this out, this will help a lot of fighters
This is the video that got me into this channel. You are extremely good at explaining concepts of psychology through fighters stories. Dont give up this channel because of the less views. People will show support as the time goes. Thank you for your content ❤
Appreciate the kind words a ton man. Comments like this keep me going despite the metrics. Thank you so much, I will keep going!
@@PsychologyOfTheFight can you please tell me the name of the music in this video
@@abhijithmsaji2220 It's the last samurai soundtrack
jiri is the GOAT
Thank you for uploading, going to look into making that purchase. You deserve massive success.
Thank you so much!! Appreciate the kind words and support a ton!
Really love your videos bro, hope you can continue posting more
Appreciate it bro, I will!
Jiri would be a great guest on JRE
my favourite fighter, love the mindset and his fighting 🙌
The swervo-mechisinm works for Jiri. Knew once you said "success mechanism" you were referring to Psychocybernetics. Very well put together and thought provoking video.
Dude is the real life Isaac Netero 👑
So true, he also embodies the discipline of Kuroki Gensai and the formless style of Kanoh Agito.
There is a saying "Luck helps the brave or who tries". That's what I saw in Jiri vs Glover.
Amazing work!
Thank you!!
Last Samurai music is a big W
Bro that last samurai soundtrack is amazing it suits jiri. Thank you for the great video.
Dude shout out to you for recognizing it! You are very welcome, thank you for checkin it out!
one of my favorite channels on youtube
Means the world, thank you so much!
It’s hard being a Jiri fan. I get so nervous watching him get nailed and stomping forward 😂 (King Mo knockout callback). Other fighters just don’t ever talk about him other than saying he’s “weird”. And then the injury on top of that. WHERES MY BOY AT. I NEED HIM TO PUT JAMAHAL HILL IN THE GROUND.
JH will fuck him up he don’t give a shit about all that ninja shit
love you brotha ! amazing video fr ... brought me most def into a higher vibration ... 🔥🔥🔥
All love brodie!! Appreciate it!!
The king is back love to see it
My man!
Hey! Another dope video! As a request, please make a video about Glover, he deserves it 🫡
Love this vid!
Great video. Keep it up mate! Greetings from Czech Republic
Appreciate it man!! Thank you for the kind words
Great video
Thank you
Just found your channel these videos are great man thank you
Means a ton man, thank you for checking them out!
Another great video
Thanks again! Appreciate you!
You gotta do a Cory Sandhagen video... lots of info to work with
He is a really interesting guy! Thank you for the recommendation
thank you man
You are very welcome! Thank you for checking out the video!
If you build up the system and get the thing and be patient. And have undeniable head. You can conquer anything
powerful content🔥🔥🔥
Appreciate it bro!!
Great video.
Some day you'll get a million views on your video within the first 24 hours of uploading it. Keep working 👏 💪
I appreciate it a ton man! I'll keep at it! 💪
The drug addict analogy hit the nail on the head.
Anybody know the background track on this video? It’s so peaceful and beautiful
The Last Samurai soundtrack
Is the background music from The Last Samurai?
Yes! Good catch
You gotta do Leon Edwards after he won against Kamaru Usman. 2-1 🇯🇲
“One small problem”😂
worth noting luck and genetics will always be a factor, nobody should pretend they don't exist. But sure, mentality and work ethic are also incredibly important
Mindset problem
@@PsychologyOfTheFight Yea, you're right. If you you're born 4 ft 5 with one leg and cerebral palsy then in order to get into the NBA you just need a strong enough mindset
Ever gonna make videos about boxers on this channel?
Maybe! I'm experimenting with a jiu jitsu video. Who would you be most interested in seeing from boxing?
Winner of benavidez vs plant!
But honestly bro you’re so genius with these videos I’m sure you’d make a 0-100 fighters video entertaining , keep it up man
@@gfjgcgfhcbb7483 I could check it out! I get a lot of requests for Mike Tyson. Appreciate the support big time bro!
Whats the song please
Last Samurai soundtrack
That some Netero shit 😮
6:30 wrong.
Shavkat rakhnanov has 17 Fights, and 100% finishing rate
You right!
@@PsychologyOfTheFight anyways a great video 👍
What song is this you're using?
Last Samurai Soundtrack
I have one!
Music fits too well. Should probably give credit to Hans before you get copyrighted though.
It was copyrighted instantly, but it fit too well to pass up on
if you guys wanna read a book about success mechanism read the book psychocybernetics.... it was really good
Idk if it’s fair to say glover wasn’t ready to die he was 42 fighting a much younger fighter
Come on jiri show us that samurai spirit ,show them what real martial arts is ,prove this boxers and wrestlers wrong
He will submit Jamal hill in Round 4
The disrespect to the actual Samurai.
You keep leaving negative comments on my videos, but you keep watching them… I appreciate the support!
@@PsychologyOfTheFight Sorry if I left negative comments. I honestly don't remember or care much. I'm glad you appreciate my support. Keep up the work rate. Peace
Anyone going in there knows the risk.
Why nobody calls culture appropriation on Jiri, guys is as white as it comes, has nothing to do with Japan and still not only claims to be a samurai as he dresses traditional Japanese garments. As a half Japanese person.....I couldn't care less, just loving the double standards.
I would pay to see what would happen to him was he saying he was an African warrior, wearing African garments and identifying as black.....
I don’t think he’s trying to be a samurai, based on his Rakic post fight interview. I think he simply resonates with and lives by the Bushido code. If it helps him live a happier and more fulfilling life, it’s awesome!
Bertebiev has 18 kos ? 100% if I remember correctly
You right, my b! Good catch
Just saying but Beterbiev has a 100% finish rate in over 15 fights... Just throwing that out there...
Only problem is this dude takes way too many hits to the head
I don't believe Jiri Prochazka is a man of the modern times, I feel like someone used a Time Machine and went back to the viking era and abducted him and left in the 21st century.
Nice title, almost like you stole it from Mixed Martial Academic's video that was posted years ago
Shoutout to him!
Alex Potan pereira enters the chat 🗿
Lol if he had a "samurai" mindset he would have sepukku'd himself after a loss. Stop it.
Dude is DEF lying... All these fantasy stories to prop himself up, how childish.