These are nice radio’s, I bought 3 of them. The one I had in the house using as a base station developed a problem with the transmitter, it got very weak and lots of static…the receiver still works fine. I replaced the radio with the new spare I had put up in the closet. The radio I have in my truck works just fine, no problem with the hot summers or cold…
@@WW5RM sorry he did not read the book to know what the radio will do and not do where as I know what my radio does as I have a T E C . to call and he built it
Very good video and helpful, looking to buy a good gmrs radio Would like to have 50 Watts not really interested in the B Tech OR the wouxon 50 watt Radios, The wouxon 905G also has the Tone scan, just trying to make a decision thank you for the video.
one test do with ths radio go park a few block from the repeater see if it gets intermod other repeater you hear you on another frq from the one you hearing
and the one thing he did not tell you if he turn's it on and talks on it the f c c will remove it from it and take him too jail for trans mitting with a license I have bacley the same radio and i have a license stuped did not read any thing
These are nice radio’s, I bought 3 of them. The one I had in the house using as a base station developed a problem with the transmitter, it got very weak and lots of static…the receiver still works fine. I replaced the radio with the new spare I had put up in the closet. The radio I have in my truck works just fine, no problem with the hot summers or cold…
This was the most useful and well done video on this radio I've seen.
Great video thanks! I wasn't aware of the tone scan, that is actually a cool feature.
awesome video it really helped me out i have the same radio thankyou for sharing
Note: The power indicator Mi is actually for Medium power. When that area of the display is blank, the channel is in High Power (per the manual)
AS of 2024 we all run 5 watts on hand held I run 45 watts
and ant with midland radio
Is this radio wide or narrow band ? ...Alan in 🇨🇱
I saw where someone had Nar on thier screen. That should be Narrow FM. How you turn it on or off i have no clue. Maybe with the software?
@@WW5RM sorry he did not read the book to know what the radio will do and not do where as I know what my radio does as I have a T E C .
to call and he built it
by the way @ww5rm I hold a licensee for G M R S
That call button needs a deactivate setting, so you don"t send the call tone out over the aid.
mine don't have that
Very good video and helpful, looking to buy a good gmrs radio
Would like to have 50 Watts not really interested in the B Tech
OR the wouxon 50 watt Radios, The wouxon 905G also has the
Tone scan, just trying to make a decision thank you for the video.
I would go with rugged radio no junk just 45 watts of talk power
and I run it 24/ 7 days a week
one test do with ths radio go park a few block from the repeater see if it gets intermod other repeater you hear you on another frq from the one you hearing
Does this work with a two way radio GXT1050VP4
SORRY I DON't know
and the one thing he did not tell you if he turn's it on and talks on it the f c c will remove it from it and take him too
jail for trans mitting with a license I have bacley the same radio and i have a license stuped did not read any thing