I know that most people don't believe Shirley's case anymore. But, one aspect is still unexplained to me. It is a rule in the artistic world that it is considered theft if you put your name on someone elses canvas or art work. When Shirley died, the bank which held her mortgage hired a cleaning company to prepare the house for market. A small door was found hidden behind a cabinet which lead to a small storage room. This room held all of Shirley's canvases. They were all group by signature. They were sent to a university for appraisal. The university wanted to contact the "different" artists as they were all very good. As it turned out, the university testified that each group was unique onto itself. The university also testified that uniqueness in technique comes from the brain. Yet all of the pieces were from Shirley in different stages of personality. In other words, it was not possible for Shirley to imitate someone elses brush strokes since that comes from the brain directing the hand in how it moves on the canvas. The university said it was not possible for the same person to have created the diffferent pieces. Shirley had done so in different personalities.
I believe her story. I survived 43 years of this. Oh, the abilities I had when switching. Absolutely different abilities that I don't have today. And the horrid pain of healing. I'm healed today. Jesus did it. Jn 3:16 God bless the reader.
And nobody considered this discovery happened after her death? When a group of people (jews) who’re trying to support and solidify a flimsy hoax to add more credibility in the psychiatry field of study. Imagine the fallout if this was clearly a hoax and for the past 60 years universities have been teaching this theory to students, how would that impact the industry? Consider the NGO’s raising funds for supposed research into the issue, if they now have to stop, millions if not billions would be lost. We see the same machine in cancer research, let’s say there was a cure, what would it mean to countless NGO’s and the money they generate? That’s why the sources of cancer and the various cures are kept hidden since it would wipe out the pharmaceutical industry and everything else connected to the disease.
I was treated for DID. While I questioned the whole time- and still do - the veracity of the diagnosis, there is no doubt that talking about my issues as though I was different people helped me find a strange place of safety from which to confess some traumatic events that had actually happened to me or behaviors of which I was now fearful of admitting. Eventually I was able to “integrate” Or become at peace with these different pieces of me and found deep healing that had previously eluded me.
Please help me , mother of my children was acting different ages sexes . Et. Violent cheating. She referred to herself as we . Do you think she will ever get better.
Ya'll dumb,lol!...it was the 60s-70s....nobody including doctors knew what the hell...and "cashing in" story's like that was the norm back then because nobody considered it may be harmful. The movie Sybil is all true. It finally got people to seriously take this kind of mental illness seriously. When trauma splits your brain into a hundred peices, one would try to "make friends" with the voices that are being heard purposely just to escape reality. Watch this movie with Sally Fields. It is horror and Hell. It's based on these true events and poor Sybil, the abuse and blackness and neglect by her own parents turned her world to black... and it's a heartbreaking story. That poor little girl. She went through Hell.😔
I read an autobiography about a woman who innocently went in a psychiatric ward to be misdiagnosed & suffered years of inappropriate medications & false memory recall which were planted through a psychiatrist. She slowly got well via stopping medication & avoiding the pursuing psychopathic doctor & returned to a healthy weight through exercise after suffering obesity also. I think that was bipolar her false diagnosis. Apologies I cannot remember book title. Several autobiographies I’ve read aren’t available in shops. I returned them to the owners. This one was a library book.
It's now called dissociative identity disorder and is a spectrum disorder, not usually manifesting in separate "selves" or alters. Back in the '90s I remember everyone claiming they were "multiples", and tons of magazine articles came out about "MPD" and how it was related to early trauma. When I saw a trauma psychologist in the '90s, I said, "You must see a flood of people with multiple personalities", and she said, "I've never seen one." Her belief was that early trauma can compromise boundaries to the point of not being able to develop a cohesive "self". But imagination can rush in to fill the gaps, and the culture was then actually encouraging people to "tell their stories" about being "multiples" (Roseanne Arnold claimed to be one after her then-husband Tom Arnold told her that HE was one). I had one friend ask me, "So, have you named them?" "Named what?" I asked. She knew I was seeing this trauma therapist, and I guess just "assumed".
Thankyou for sharing that story. I used to wonder if I had MPD because i experience dissociation quite frequently. Your the first person to every explain that and clear it up for me. 😌
Unfortunately these false diagnoses confuse the real issue which is Dissociative Identity Disorder. It is not likely that a therapist will diagnose this in the way that these stories describe. A person suffering from this will usually seek treatment because it is terrifying to experience. Trauma does not usually have to be hunted for through hypnosis. Flashbacks, nightmares, family history and even social services intervention will confirm the history of long term early childhood trauma. It is a great disservice to those who are suffering from DID to imply that they are not experiencing this disorder. How ironic that they are abused as children and then abused by absolute strangers who believe they "know more" because of a single conversation and an interview with Roseanne Arnold who is a known hysteric.
@@suepall5425 Oh yes. They were called "alters". When jargon forms around a condtion that has been in the news a lot, the whole thing solidifies into canon/cant.
One of my cousins went through some type of hypnotism therapy to access repressed memories several years ago. While, it had nothing to do with DID, she did end up“remembering “ a lot of terrible, sick, Traumatic events. Many of these memories involved my mom and my aunt (two people who would do anything to protect a child from abuse, Who simply aren’t capable of allowing something like that to happen to her.). My other cousin - the older sister of the one with the supposed repressed memories - even denied that these things had happened. It was very hard on the whole family, but especially hard on my aunt and my mom. Do you have your own daughter/niece accuse you of being a part of such horrible abusive behavior, would be so heartbreaking. She tried to talk to me and my sister about it a few times, and it was so uncomfortable. She truly believed that these things had happened to her. She still does believe that they happened, to this day - although she has forgiven my mom and aunt for what she claims happened, and they have made progress in getting their relationship back to semi normal. But, it’s hard to get back to normal with a relationship in which someone truly believes that you allowed terrible things to happen to them, especially when you didn’t. Unfortunately, there are many people out there who claim to be able to do these kinds of therapies. They may even believe that they are doing some thing helpful and that they really are unlocking repressed memories. But it can be very dangerous and it could potentially make the person’s problems in life far worse than they already are. Another point of interest, is that my cousin’s memories were very similar to a few of the biggest news stories that were happening around that same time - or shortly before. So that made me very skeptical as well. Who knows how someone’s brain might work in piecing together information. A lot goes on in our subconscious mind. It’s dangerous to mess with this kind of stuff unless you know 100% what you are doing.
Well hopefully it didn't really happen, and your family isn't in denial and trying to cover things up. I recently found out some disturbing things that took place in my family on my mom's side. And most of them have been brainwashed by their mom to act like it didn't happen, or made them feel shame, guilt, and fear if they talked about it. It's horrible sibling rivalry because of it and everything else. The Lord allowed all of these things to be revealed to me through various family members. I know some people are just in denial, and families that function like this is a cult very much so.
Who knows how someone’s brain might work in piecing together information-- that too in a drugged state--there is no found science that those drugs would actually make you come up with true repressed trauma!! And if not then the patient maybe under heavy influence and while the line of questioning is pushing them to a direction- the whole thing is flawed to the least and fraud. Disservice to patient, creating a mental disease in a person rather than curing them 🤢 it’s so scary ….to trust a person who is a Doctor a profession we give our lives in the hand of.
10:09 bingo! That’s the problem! There’s a difference when we’re playing in front of other people by changing our behavior to fit in the environment and when you’re not playing, when you’re not playing then you’re sick, it’s in them.
We have been diagnosed with the dissociative identity disorder. It's a real disorder and diagnosis takes years before you get an official one. DID is very hard to live with. People only think about the alters with DID and it's more than that its trying to heal from the abuse and dealing with the PTSD and memory loss that happens because you disassociate so much. When it comes to alters yes each of them are their own personhood in our system. They have different opinions and lifestyles than the others. Each alter has a role to play in the system. Our alters front freely during our weekly therapy sessions. Our alters know our therapist well.
Most people with did do not actually split. We just zone out in stressful situations. I even zone out in extremely happy situations. Like when I finally got horses after age 36, and i rode about 15 hours per week, I barely have any recollection of those times. I also go through creative phases where I painted over 500 oil paintings in about 19 months. I look at them and I can't recall painting them because I space out. One can dissociate for any number of reasons. Mine is severe abuse and fear of pleasure.
@@gaylehudson7267 I agree. I think I have split only a few times where I wasn't in the body that I remember. One was when I floated to the ceiling after being with my last rapist when I was 41/2 years old. I remember that one because it was the night I was removed from my mother's care. I also dissociated after taking diet pills and I floated back into my body at the hospital. I mostly would space out and never understand why. I would come back to consciousness later and figure it was just my uncanny ability to fantasize. I could literally ride in the car and space the whole time and not even remember the scenery or anything going there because I was in my head. I thought this was normal and my mom would usually have to tell me what I did sometimes especially when I was little. I have gaps. Also an odd thing I have always done is whenever I move, somehow my whole personality changes! I don't remember most of what I was like at that other time and place. It's frustrating because I want to remember myself! When I was little I had a photographic memory but I don't see anything in my head anymore! I miss having such a good memory sometimes. I miss just remembering things and my friends from my childhood. When I forget big chunks, I forget it all. I don't recall the good or bad. It's why pictures and family videos were always so important to me because it reminds me what I was like at that time. I never will remember it later. I wonder sometimes what my friend thought I was like or said or did that I don't recall sometimes! Sometimes this boy I dated asks me if I remember this or that but I don't. If I didn't still have our emails I wouldn't ever remember a thing and even then sometimes looking at emails makes me feel foreign like I wrote that? It's just kinda odd I wish I was normal sometimes!! 😥💔
I had a friend who was diagnosed with this. Destroyed her family with what turned out to be false memories. For a space of time it was a fad. A common diagnostic method for a time, rarely hear about it nowadays.
Yes that's true.In Europe you had the Dancing Mania, where people would dance till they dropped or died, and there should be something on TH-cam and Wikipedia.Most of it's victims were women, but there were others as well.
Ive been diagnosed with DID since 1986. In my case it's real. I have been doing EMDR and realized I was a child survivor of child pornography. Today our system lives a peaceful life in the south, enjoying our grandkids ❤❤❤
Coming back to watch this after the TikTok DID trend….. I hate that real people who suffer from this are now having to defend themselves all over the place.
That's what I don't like about material like this. They act like it's not a real thing or can't be happening. People be in serious denial more often then not.
@@NutsItsBerserkinTime this video has been posted 3 years ago, by that time the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has been already out. The DSM-5 was published in 2013 and MPD changed to DID. So when they do documentaries like this they should adapt the new term instead of using the old. Otherwise it's not exactly professional.
@Yeah Itsme I've argued with my best friend about this, bc she is a nurse and sometimes a little smartass. I mean it's still in the DSM-5 categoriesed as a disorder. As long as they change it into something else, it's a disorder.
There are people who possess traumatic memories that they are simply unable to handle. What better way to have to possess trauma that is just unmanageable for 'you' than delegating it or them to a person or personality better able to temporarily hold on to it for you. People also possess some characteristics which are simply better suited to some alternate version of themselves. That's not necessarily pathological.
Back in ye olde days, psychiatrists would use dildo/vibrator contraptions to treat women suffering from hysteria, if I'm remembering correctly. I'm no Scientologist (iPhone auto-capitalized that 🤔) BUT I think a great deal of psychology and psychiatry is bogus and more often than not does more harm than good. It's a business and like any business, needs customers. I do believe far too many people are on ssris who shouldn't be. Depressed people go looking for help and are given none in any real sense of the word.
Hysteric has a definite meaning. My ex HUSBAND was diagnosed a hysterical personality, and no he didnt go around acting hysterical. Hysterical personality has definite criteria
I’m not a doctor but I believe people who have had very traumatic events happen to them as children have many different ways of handling it. Maybe personalities are a way they protect themselves or they are associating how they felt at the time of trauma. That’s my speculation. Idk.
From what I’ve heard from a close friend of mine who has DID, it is exactly traumatic events in childhood (especially ones that are repeated) that are the root cause for at least their case. Turned out they discovered this after therapy particularly for CPTSD, and was only able to better understand once they had begun to heal from the trauma. Of course everyone experiences it differently, but hearing from their experiences helped me better understand the truth from those who like to pretend to have this disorder.
@@laurenpaterson3475The mind doesn’t shatter. It dissociates and says, “This isn’t happening to me. It’s happening to this other person in my body.” It’s not multiple personalities. It’s actually multiple aspects of one person’s personality that never integrated into one cohesive personality. I have DID. Constant amnesia and dissociation, flashbacks, severe physical pains… Shock, freeze responses, almost catatonic at times. Also have had debilitating panic attacks and almost passing out from exhaustion suddenly. It messes with your entire body and neurological, physiological, hormonal, and all other systems of your body, too, at the extreme end. I wound up having a psychotic breakdown at my worst. Couldn’t speak or move the ways I wanted to. Memory blackouts, confusion… It’s very painfully real, but it’s not multiple personalities, in reality. And it’s not a fracturing of the mind. It’s a defense mechanism to protect a child in the only way they can. They can’t fight back, or run, so they mentally leave the room and/or their body and their mind compartmentalizes the memories. I didn’t remember most of what happened to me throughout my entire childhood until I was an adult. Shocked the heck out of me.
Living with did now..I have 2 personality. Just had a disagreement with my family. Now im isolated in my spot in the garage watching this...35yrs now and still having trouble knowing my triggers and switching..13 months receiving treatment..Lord help me.
It's horrible and I'm really a good human..I was done horrible as a kid as far bk i can remember coming into this life..I'm holding on!!! I just wish the world could hear my story..Maybe then I can move on better with life.🙏🏽❤️💪🏽
The movie Sybil. It made people really realize that this was a real, true disorder. Watch the movie Sybil. That poor little girl went through so much Hell there was nothing she could do but just escape through her own mind. She was just a little girl, a baby, when her world shattered. Awesome movie, but sooo effin sad😞😥...
Shirley wrote to Flora Schreiber after the movie was released. Shirley stated she needed to "go public, show my real name and face identity". That never happened, wonder why?
I knew someone with DID who did psychedelics. They let you truly unravel and re-experience your unconscious. She was able to remember things from her infancy and early childhood. DID is real.
Many so called professionals are doing their best to convince everyone that “repressed memories “ aren’t real. And many of those have a very good reason to do so, some allegedly have been abusers themselves, or know others that are. Childhood trauma does causes memories to be forgotten, until the child is an adult and the mind can deal a bit better with the severe trauma the young mind couldn’t. It’s TRUE and there are allot of coverups being done to convince the masses it isn’t! Because someone has a PHD in their name… doesn’t mean they aren’t liars!
@@TheSMR1969believe me, those people also have dissociative disorders. Also, dissociative identity disorder happens when extreme trauma happens repeatedly to children up to 9 years old. Has nothing to do with the country you’re from
@@youtubeaccount-gp5ml no disassociate identity disorder happens through repeated trauma how "extreme" it is is irrelevant, some people consider someone touching you up as extreme, others consider watching your family tortured and killed as extreme, it's all opinion, but what's traumatizing for one person might not be for another, again some are just mentally stronger, also no those people don't have disassociative disorders, that's pure assumptions
@@TheSMR1969as we learn more andmore about trauma, the notion of some people being "weaker" and some being "stronger" is a very simplefied notion which is not taking into account other very important causations of trauma. Such as: was there emotional support, was there an emotional healthy adult, was the traumatic event a secret that had to be kept inside. Allso in Africa people suffer from trauma. It is blindness and neglect to say that this isn't the case.
@@maschamulder2640 I never said it's a one thing or the other, I simply stated the fact that some people are mentally stronger than others regardless of upbringing. My entire point is that I will never have sympathy for people in first world countries who have things like depression, anxiety or PTSD unless they have endured serious crap. I lost all faith in many psychology "science" especially with such Nonsense like trying to claim that words can be as traumatic as acts of violence or that masculinity is harmful.
For goodness sake…she probably had a personality disorder. Maybe she did have DID. To let your client read the only book on DID, then to years later begin treating that same client again, then to quietly ignore the fact that not just a therapist but the same therapist (you) suggested a book on DID to her then to deliberately turn the client into a cause celeb in order to sell a book of your own, then to make the client financially dependent on you while racking up a lifetime of debt in unpaid fees, to make the success of the book the escape from paying back those fees, then to continue to profit off the story Dr. Wilbur should have been arrested for this. But to pretend that this is where DID comes from and to use it as a straw man to knock down…many many plausible DID cases, dating from way before and after “Sybil” to pretend that DID is all that strange compared to other phenomena like traumatic (dissociative) amnesia and serious delusions, to equate it always to lying and factitious disorder, that is incredibly stupid. If you have an experience of another specific identity with a separate volition repeatedly taking over your actions, whether you are fully unaware or fully conscience of it or something in between, then it’s basically the core elements of DID P-DID, or OSDD. That dies not mean that these identities have more reality than you experiencing them. It does not mean they necessarily come out every other day or have as complex a “personality” as you do (though that is a possibility).
I don't like the fact that it's trying to make it seem like this is not a real thing. Yes. Some doctor's may have chosen to be unethical, and influenced their patients to lie or what have you. But this don't mean that it's not a real thing that some people suffer with. Also when you have dysfunctional family members, they can and will convince you that something didn't happen, or you lied, or exaggerated. When it really did happen, and you just ended up suppressing those memories or what have you. That's why SO many people tend to have some sort of mental illness or personality disorder in the first place.
The doctors garment tape is showing on her chest where her dress comes away. The doctor that said they’ve been looked at for hoaxes. She didn’t notice that?
It's time to get rid of the medical industrial complex. Psychiatrists and psychologists are definitely unscrupulous people who will create problems for money
Beat me to it. Gender Dysphoria is this decade's trendy "illness." In the early 2000s it was autism and Asperger's. In the 1990s it was ADD. In the 1980s it was MPD / DID. In the 1970s your biorhythms were off. In the 1960s it was trauma from past lives. In the 1950s it was juvenile delinquency from poor parenting. In the 1940s it was loose morals from poverty. Oddballs need a boogeyman to blame for their problems.
hello! i have DID (formerly called MPD) and it's definitely real. there are entire communities of DID systems who can vouch for it. we talk different when we switch, dress different, hold ourselves differently. of course there can be misdiagnosed patients, though.
@@GiDoubt WOW even I have doubts about the disorder but I wouldn’t be as ruthless to go as far as basically telling someone that they’re lying. Even if it’s all fake, I think there has to be some serious reasons why someone would hide behind something like this. That kind of person would also need help to clear out false memories and heal whatever issue they have to address why they split themselves up like that. All mental health issues deserve compassion and kindness. Be curious and ask questions and have doubts but do not be unkind about it.
I used to work as a Psychiatric Aide. Every now and then, we'd get someone claiming to have this. Hilarity always ensued. What a load of crap. So no. It doesn't exist.
Anyone who can 'call upon', 'invite to join', or 'bring out' multiple personalities at will isn't a person with MPD, it's someone with good acting chops and desire for attention.
@Cincoat Seriously.. did you even watch the video? It’s not that it isn’t real, it’s that media morphed perception and turned into a social contagion. The reason why it’s called DID is because of all the fakers.
@Cincoat everything you have said is pure Nonsense, did is simply disassociation, this whole things like "trauma holder" "little" "systems" is all buzzword rubbish, no it doesn't cause headaches and no blood doesn't go to different part, that's not how the brain works, it's not as if different parts of your brain have different personality splits 😂, you sound like you get all your information from tik Tok, LMFAO that is laughable, no having did doesn't mean your alters have different vision or different biological conditions, if you are allergic to something then any other personality state will be aswell, if you are blind in one eye then all your personality states will be aswell, that's biology, the ONLY conditions that would be effected are psychosomatic ones (ones that aren't physical in nature) the idea that different personality states could have different reactions, like one PS being addicted to heroin but the others won't be is just laughable, the film split is not real, you're literally causing more harm to people with DID by spreading such Nonsense This person is spot on, you can't just talk to people in your head, that's not did, that's called making rubbish up for attention. DID where distinct personality states arise happens because of repeated "trauma" as a child, it requires years of disassociation, because it takes years for the blank slate to form separate personality state and no the most complex form of PTSD is complex trauma with Psychosis and disassociation, which makes DID look like walk in a park
It absolutely is possible to communicate and co-front _even without years of psychiatric treatment_. There are multiples afraid to seek counseling _because_ they can communicate and co-front naturally, and they believe that means they're "fake". The fact that you believe this (if you do, and aren't just a troll trying to elicit responses) proves that a lot more educating of the public is needed, even now with multiples coming out of the closet more.
I find this video terribly annoying. It is not *remarkable* for a trauma survivor to split into various ego states and, for someone who tends to be naturally creative, naming those ego states would not be surprising. This video is extremely biased.
Sounds like two women,sufferer and 'expert',who just wanted attention. I find it highly unethical. (EDIT* Now I understand my parents when they said,(during my childhood),that Americans are obsessed with mental illnesses/diagnosis', understand,it's no criticism towards America or Americans in general).
@@queenbaybeee3853 do my research on what? I’m not saying she didn’t lie. I’m saying other people with DID can have that many alters so that alone doesn’t mean she’s lying
DID is a misnomer. MPD makes so much more sense. They are all real They are individuals with different life experiences There is no one they can trust, because if there was ever trust, it was broken They all share a Body, but the Body everyone else sees is only one Body, one person, not many.
I had this theory as well. If theyre in a state of trauma they may be susceptible to possession allowing certain spirits to take residence in ones mind. But i believe each case may vary.
@11:48 " it's important to understand which "stories" are true and ..and are false" . NO Sh!t Sherlock. Yet nevertheless, you wrote "Sybil Exposed"- basically a compilation of suppositions based on random cases which MAY OR MAY NOT BE REALATED PHYSIOLOGICALLY NOR PSYCHOLOGICALLY to Sybil's case; knowing zero intricate details. What a tool.
Multiple Personalities are caused by trauma :/ "posessions" aren't a thing if we really pay attention to what psychiatry says about mental disorders and their circumstances..
I know that most people don't believe Shirley's case anymore. But, one aspect is still unexplained to me. It is a rule in the artistic world that it is considered theft if you put your name on someone elses canvas or art work. When Shirley died, the bank which held her mortgage hired a cleaning company to prepare the house for market. A small door was found hidden behind a cabinet which lead to a small storage room. This room held all of Shirley's canvases. They were all group by signature. They were sent to a university for appraisal. The university wanted to contact the "different" artists as they were all very good. As it turned out, the university testified that each group was unique onto itself. The university also testified that uniqueness in technique comes from the brain. Yet all of the pieces were from Shirley in different stages of personality. In other words, it was not possible for Shirley to imitate someone elses brush strokes since that comes from the brain directing the hand in how it moves on the canvas. The university said it was not possible for the same person to have created the diffferent pieces. Shirley had done so in different personalities.
WOW I never heard that. I am a fine artist and what you say could be true, Kim
unless youve lived around it, you really should not engage in dangerous speculation.
I believe her story. I survived 43 years of this. Oh, the abilities I had when switching. Absolutely different abilities that I don't have today.
And the horrid pain of healing. I'm healed today. Jesus did it. Jn 3:16
God bless the reader.
And nobody considered this discovery happened after her death? When a group of people (jews) who’re trying to support and solidify a flimsy hoax to add more credibility in the psychiatry field of study. Imagine the fallout if this was clearly a hoax and for the past 60 years universities have been teaching this theory to students, how would that impact the industry? Consider the NGO’s raising funds for supposed research into the issue, if they now have to stop, millions if not billions would be lost. We see the same machine in cancer research, let’s say there was a cure, what would it mean to countless NGO’s and the money they generate? That’s why the sources of cancer and the various cures are kept hidden since it would wipe out the pharmaceutical industry and everything else connected to the disease.
@@brawnzen okay Dr. Fauci.
I was treated for DID. While I questioned the whole time- and still do - the veracity of the diagnosis, there is no doubt that talking about my issues as though I was different people helped me find a strange place of safety from which to confess some traumatic events that had actually happened to me or behaviors of which I was now fearful of admitting. Eventually I was able to “integrate” Or become at peace with these different pieces of me and found deep healing that had previously eluded me.
Please help me , mother of my children was acting different ages sexes . Et. Violent cheating. She referred to herself as we . Do you think she will ever get better.
@@raymondparnell439no. Sounds like she’s already showing all the typical signs of DID.
The human mind is capable of things we can't even begin to understand.
She did what! She cash in on her story !! How is that ethical. How a doctor do that to her patient. What the hell!!
GamE FrEak good point
Definitely a yes.. Ethical issues nowadays would kick these therapists right off the board!
Exactly @GamE FrEak
You get paid for anything. Especially if people believe it goes to a good cause
Ya'll dumb,lol!...it was the 60s-70s....nobody including doctors knew what the hell...and "cashing in" story's like that was the norm back then because nobody considered it may be harmful. The movie Sybil is all true. It finally got people to seriously take this kind of mental illness seriously. When trauma splits your brain into a hundred peices, one would try to "make friends" with the voices that are being heard purposely just to escape reality. Watch this movie with Sally Fields. It is horror and Hell. It's based on these true events and poor Sybil, the abuse and blackness and neglect by her own parents turned her world to black... and it's a heartbreaking story. That poor little girl. She went through Hell.😔
The doctors questions are very leading
Literally everything about this disorder is sketchy. I definitely wouldn't rule it out but I'm also nearly certain that most are fabrications.
The interview with Eve and her other personalities, its super interesting. The entire interview in on TH-cam.
It wasn't interesting because that woman was clearly acting
I read an autobiography about a woman who innocently went in a psychiatric ward to be misdiagnosed & suffered years of inappropriate medications & false memory recall which were planted through a psychiatrist. She slowly got well via stopping medication & avoiding the pursuing psychopathic doctor & returned to a healthy weight through exercise after suffering obesity also. I think that was bipolar her false diagnosis. Apologies I cannot remember book title. Several autobiographies I’ve read aren’t available in shops. I returned them to the owners. This one was a library book.
It's now called dissociative identity disorder and is a spectrum disorder, not usually manifesting in separate "selves" or alters. Back in the '90s I remember everyone claiming they were "multiples", and tons of magazine articles came out about "MPD" and how it was related to early trauma. When I saw a trauma psychologist in the '90s, I said, "You must see a flood of people with multiple personalities", and she said, "I've never seen one." Her belief was that early trauma can compromise boundaries to the point of not being able to develop a cohesive "self". But imagination can rush in to fill the gaps, and the culture was then actually encouraging people to "tell their stories" about being "multiples" (Roseanne Arnold claimed to be one after her then-husband Tom Arnold told her that HE was one). I had one friend ask me, "So, have you named them?" "Named what?" I asked. She knew I was seeing this trauma therapist, and I guess just "assumed".
Thankyou for sharing that story. I used to wonder if I had MPD because i experience dissociation quite frequently. Your the first person to every explain that and clear it up for me. 😌
@@nicholelove4008 It took me a very long time to even begin to figure it out! And like everything else, it's a work in progress.
Really does sound like the transgender phenomenon.
Unfortunately these false diagnoses confuse the real issue which is Dissociative Identity Disorder. It is not likely that a therapist will diagnose this in the way that these stories describe. A person suffering from this will usually seek treatment because it is terrifying to experience. Trauma does not usually have to be hunted for through hypnosis. Flashbacks, nightmares, family history and even social services intervention will confirm the history of long term early childhood trauma. It is a great disservice to those who are suffering from DID to imply that they are not experiencing this disorder. How ironic that they are abused as children and then abused by absolute strangers who believe they "know more" because of a single conversation and an interview with Roseanne Arnold who is a known hysteric.
@@suepall5425 Oh yes. They were called "alters". When jargon forms around a condtion that has been in the news a lot, the whole thing solidifies into canon/cant.
One of my cousins went through some type of hypnotism therapy to access repressed memories several years ago. While, it had nothing to do with DID, she did end up“remembering “ a lot of terrible, sick, Traumatic events. Many of these memories involved my mom and my aunt (two people who would do anything to protect a child from abuse, Who simply aren’t capable of allowing something like that to happen to her.).
My other cousin - the older sister of the one with the supposed repressed memories - even denied that these things had happened.
It was very hard on the whole family, but especially hard on my aunt and my mom. Do you have your own daughter/niece accuse you of being a part of such horrible abusive behavior, would be so heartbreaking.
She tried to talk to me and my sister about it a few times, and it was so uncomfortable. She truly believed that these things had happened to her. She still does believe that they happened, to this day - although she has forgiven my mom and aunt for what she claims happened, and they have made progress in getting their relationship back to semi normal. But, it’s hard to get back to normal with a relationship in which someone truly believes that you allowed terrible things to happen to them, especially when you didn’t.
Unfortunately, there are many people out there who claim to be able to do these kinds of therapies. They may even believe that they are doing some thing helpful and that they really are unlocking repressed memories. But it can be very dangerous and it could potentially make the person’s problems in life far worse than they already are.
Another point of interest, is that my cousin’s memories were very similar to a few of the biggest news stories that were happening around that same time - or shortly before. So that made me very skeptical as well.
Who knows how someone’s brain might work in piecing together information. A lot goes on in our subconscious mind. It’s dangerous to mess with this kind of stuff unless you know 100% what you are doing.
That's horrible and just completely sick. Have you not tried to sue the 'hypnotist'?? It's surely illegal to do such a thing to someone
Well hopefully it didn't really happen, and your family isn't in denial and trying to cover things up. I recently found out some disturbing things that took place in my family on my mom's side. And most of them have been brainwashed by their mom to act like it didn't happen, or made them feel shame, guilt, and fear if they talked about it. It's horrible sibling rivalry because of it and everything else. The Lord allowed all of these things to be revealed to me through various family members. I know some people are just in denial, and families that function like this is a cult very much so.
Who knows how someone’s brain might work in piecing together information-- that too in a drugged state--there is no found science that those drugs would actually make you come up with true repressed trauma!! And if not then the patient maybe under heavy influence and while the line of questioning is pushing them to a direction- the whole thing is flawed to the least and fraud. Disservice to patient, creating a mental disease in a person rather than curing them 🤢 it’s so scary ….to trust a person who is a Doctor a profession we give our lives in the hand of.
Or maybe your family is living in denial. Many victims of trauma suffer from family members whom won't recognize their traumas.
I watched some 60s spy shows the avengers and such they we’re obsessed with hypnotherapy and corrupting people
10:09 bingo! That’s the problem!
There’s a difference when we’re playing in front of other people by changing our behavior to fit in the environment and when you’re not playing, when you’re not playing then you’re sick, it’s in them.
And yet some people have no personality!
We have been diagnosed with the dissociative identity disorder. It's a real disorder and diagnosis takes years before you get an official one. DID is very hard to live with. People only think about the alters with DID and it's more than that its trying to heal from the abuse and dealing with the PTSD and memory loss that happens because you disassociate so much. When it comes to alters yes each of them are their own personhood in our system. They have different opinions and lifestyles than the others. Each alter has a role to play in the system. Our alters front freely during our weekly therapy sessions. Our alters know our therapist well.
Most people with did do not actually split. We just zone out in stressful situations. I even zone out in extremely happy situations. Like when I finally got horses after age 36, and i rode about 15 hours per week, I barely have any recollection of those times. I also go through creative phases where I painted over 500 oil paintings in about 19 months. I look at them and I can't recall painting them because I space out. One can dissociate for any number of reasons. Mine is severe abuse and fear of pleasure.
It's not a real disorder, it's made up by people who want attention because they are soft and weak minded
@@gaylehudson7267 I agree. I think I have split only a few times where I wasn't in the body that I remember. One was when I floated to the ceiling after being with my last rapist when I was 41/2 years old. I remember that one because it was the night I was removed from my mother's care. I also dissociated after taking diet pills and I floated back into my body at the hospital. I mostly would space out and never understand why. I would come back to consciousness later and figure it was just my uncanny ability to fantasize. I could literally ride in the car and space the whole time and not even remember the scenery or anything going there because I was in my head. I thought this was normal and my mom would usually have to tell me what I did sometimes especially when I was little. I have gaps. Also an odd thing I have always done is whenever I move, somehow my whole personality changes! I don't remember most of what I was like at that other time and place. It's frustrating because I want to remember myself! When I was little I had a photographic memory but I don't see anything in my head anymore! I miss having such a good memory sometimes. I miss just remembering things and my friends from my childhood. When I forget big chunks, I forget it all. I don't recall the good or bad. It's why pictures and family videos were always so important to me because it reminds me what I was like at that time. I never will remember it later. I wonder sometimes what my friend thought I was like or said or did that I don't recall sometimes! Sometimes this boy I dated asks me if I remember this or that but I don't. If I didn't still have our emails I wouldn't ever remember a thing and even then sometimes looking at emails makes me feel foreign like I wrote that? It's just kinda odd I wish I was normal sometimes!! 😥💔
Amen . survivor here. Integrated after 43 years. Jesus Christ healed what was not humanly possible. Not kidding. God bless the reader. Jn 3:16
And now every other person on TikTok pretends to have it
Mass hysteria follows the publication of a scam book. Great for attracting attention to the patient and for health professionals making money.
Im shocked when i hear that. How id that ethical. Where is doctor n patients confidentiality.
like the trans movement today . But then its also called mass formation psychosis.
I had a friend who was diagnosed with this. Destroyed her family with what turned out to be false memories. For a space of time it was a fad. A common diagnostic method for a time, rarely hear about it nowadays.
Yes that's true.In Europe you had the Dancing Mania, where people would dance till they dropped or died, and there should be something on TH-cam and Wikipedia.Most of it's victims were women, but there were others as well.
I read the book back then…I was 26 or so. It was horrifying to learn what had been done to her.😢
Watching Kill Me, Heal Me and Hyde, Jekyll and Me makes me understand more about DID. The Human brain is very mysterious!
NEVER let a doctor DRUG YOU and question you (especially one on one).
Ive been diagnosed with DID since 1986. In my case it's real. I have been doing EMDR and realized I was a child survivor of child pornography. Today our system lives a peaceful life in the south, enjoying our grandkids ❤❤❤
Coming back to watch this after the TikTok DID trend….. I hate that real people who suffer from this are now having to defend themselves all over the place.
That's what I don't like about material like this. They act like it's not a real thing or can't be happening. People be in serious denial more often then not.
Stuff like this tiktok trend always makes me feel mental health is being made fun of. Could be wrong, but it's how I feel
Stuff like this tiktok trend always makes me feel mental health is being made fun of. Could be wrong, but it's how I feel
It’s called dissociative identity disorder
It literally explains that in the video
Dont Worry Gandalf They Are Only Jealous the title still has the wrong name
@@NutsItsBerserkinTime this video has been posted 3 years ago, by that time the new edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders has been already out. The DSM-5 was published in 2013 and MPD changed to DID. So when they do documentaries like this they should adapt the new term instead of using the old. Otherwise it's not exactly professional.
@Yeah Itsme I've argued with my best friend about this, bc she is a nurse and sometimes a little smartass. I mean it's still in the DSM-5 categoriesed as a disorder. As long as they change it into something else, it's a disorder.
You know there are real problems in the world
There are people who possess traumatic memories that they are simply unable to handle. What better way to have to possess trauma that is just unmanageable for 'you' than delegating it or them to a person or personality better able to temporarily hold on to it for you. People also possess some characteristics which are simply better suited to some alternate version of themselves. That's not necessarily pathological.
but back then everybody called women "hysterics". so i dont think it wasnt valid to call the doctor a hysteric.
Back in ye olde days, psychiatrists would use dildo/vibrator contraptions to treat women suffering from hysteria, if I'm remembering correctly.
I'm no Scientologist (iPhone auto-capitalized that 🤔) BUT I think a great deal of psychology and psychiatry is bogus and more often than not does more harm than good. It's a business and like any business, needs customers. I do believe far too many people are on ssris who shouldn't be. Depressed people go looking for help and are given none in any real sense of the word.
Hysteric has a definite meaning. My ex HUSBAND was diagnosed a hysterical personality, and no he didnt go around acting hysterical. Hysterical personality has definite criteria
he should not be be urging or saying sweetie a lil much sweetie could be a trigger word
It was the first US Sybil War.
I’m not a doctor but I believe people who have had very traumatic events happen to them as children have many different ways of handling it. Maybe personalities are a way they protect themselves or they are associating how they felt at the time of trauma. That’s my speculation. Idk.
Yes I think our mind would shatter to cope
From what I’ve heard from a close friend of mine who has DID, it is exactly traumatic events in childhood (especially ones that are repeated) that are the root cause for at least their case. Turned out they discovered this after therapy particularly for CPTSD, and was only able to better understand once they had begun to heal from the trauma.
Of course everyone experiences it differently, but hearing from their experiences helped me better understand the truth from those who like to pretend to have this disorder.
@@laurenpaterson3475The mind doesn’t shatter. It dissociates and says, “This isn’t happening to me. It’s happening to this other person in my body.”
It’s not multiple personalities. It’s actually multiple aspects of one person’s personality that never integrated into one cohesive personality.
I have DID. Constant amnesia and dissociation, flashbacks, severe physical pains… Shock, freeze responses, almost catatonic at times.
Also have had debilitating panic attacks and almost passing out from exhaustion suddenly. It messes with your entire body and neurological, physiological, hormonal, and all other systems of your body, too, at the extreme end. I wound up having a psychotic breakdown at my worst. Couldn’t speak or move the ways I wanted to. Memory blackouts, confusion… It’s very painfully real, but it’s not multiple personalities, in reality. And it’s not a fracturing of the mind.
It’s a defense mechanism to protect a child in the only way they can. They can’t fight back, or run, so they mentally leave the room and/or their body and their mind compartmentalizes the memories.
I didn’t remember most of what happened to me throughout my entire childhood until I was an adult. Shocked the heck out of me.
I have schizophrenia and my voice is a fully formed personality. So it is possible to have other personalities in your head
Living with did now..I have 2 personality. Just had a disagreement with my family. Now im isolated in my spot in the garage watching this...35yrs now and still having trouble knowing my triggers and switching..13 months receiving treatment..Lord help me.
It's horrible and I'm really a good human..I was done horrible as a kid as far bk i can remember coming into this life..I'm holding on!!! I just wish the world could hear my story..Maybe then I can move on better with life.🙏🏽❤️💪🏽
@@LLLLC83I hear you. Hope you are doing better.
It's caused by Trauma. Also, I'd say Psycho was the first time it was depicted in a story.
The Three Faces of Eve came out first, I think.
the three faces of eve was 1957.
psycho was 1960.
The movie Sybil. It made people really realize that this was a real, true disorder. Watch the movie Sybil. That poor little girl went through so much Hell there was nothing she could do but just escape through her own mind. She was just a little girl, a baby, when her world shattered. Awesome movie, but sooo effin sad😞😥...
Or "stately quothe the raven. Evermore" or Hamlet. Or greek tragedy. Or the bible, or ancient mythology of the Norse.
Shirley wrote to Flora Schreiber after the movie was released. Shirley stated she needed to "go public, show my real name and face identity". That never happened, wonder why?
I knew someone with DID who did psychedelics. They let you truly unravel and re-experience your unconscious. She was able to remember things from her infancy and early childhood. DID is real.
WOW. It was a totally different facial expression and mannerisms when he asked to speak to Eve Black.
Good acting
Can be many souls sharing a body from spiritual POV
Many so called professionals are doing their best to convince everyone that “repressed memories “ aren’t real. And many of those have a very good reason to do so, some allegedly have been abusers themselves, or know others that are. Childhood trauma does causes memories to be forgotten, until the child is an adult and the mind can deal a bit better with the severe trauma the young mind couldn’t. It’s TRUE and there are allot of coverups being done to convince the masses it isn’t! Because someone has a PHD in their name… doesn’t mean they aren’t liars!
🇿🇦 Proudly South-Africa.
Full split is uncommon, but dissociation from severe abuse is not uncommon at all. How would we survive the horror without dissociation?
Bro there's people in Africa who witness things that would scar you for life that don t disassociate, some people are just strong others are just weak
@@TheSMR1969believe me, those people also have dissociative disorders. Also, dissociative identity disorder happens when extreme trauma happens repeatedly to children up to 9 years old. Has nothing to do with the country you’re from
@@youtubeaccount-gp5ml no disassociate identity disorder happens through repeated trauma how "extreme" it is is irrelevant, some people consider someone touching you up as extreme, others consider watching your family tortured and killed as extreme, it's all opinion, but what's traumatizing for one person might not be for another, again some are just mentally stronger, also no those people don't have disassociative disorders, that's pure assumptions
@@TheSMR1969as we learn more andmore about trauma, the notion of some people being "weaker" and some being "stronger" is a very simplefied notion which is not taking into account other very important causations of trauma. Such as: was there emotional support, was there an emotional healthy adult, was the traumatic event a secret that had to be kept inside. Allso in Africa people suffer from trauma. It is blindness and neglect to say that this isn't the case.
@@maschamulder2640 I never said it's a one thing or the other, I simply stated the fact that some people are mentally stronger than others regardless of upbringing.
My entire point is that I will never have sympathy for people in first world countries who have things like depression, anxiety or PTSD unless they have endured serious crap.
I lost all faith in many psychology "science" especially with such Nonsense like trying to claim that words can be as traumatic as acts of violence or that masculinity is harmful.
I'm slowly to identify myself..I might fall in this category. The next minute I totally happy but the next day I just wanna die..
For goodness sake…she probably had a personality disorder. Maybe she did have DID. To let your client read the only book on DID, then to years later begin treating that same client again, then to quietly ignore the fact that not just a therapist but the same therapist (you) suggested a book on DID to her then to deliberately turn the client into a cause celeb in order to sell a book of your own, then to make the client financially dependent on you while racking up a lifetime of debt in unpaid fees, to make the success of the book the escape from paying back those fees, then to continue to profit off the story Dr. Wilbur should have been arrested for this. But to pretend that this is where DID comes from and to use it as a straw man to knock down…many many plausible DID cases, dating from way before and after “Sybil” to pretend that DID is all that strange compared to other phenomena like traumatic (dissociative) amnesia and serious delusions, to equate it always to lying and factitious disorder, that is incredibly stupid. If you have an experience of another specific identity with a separate volition repeatedly taking over your actions, whether you are fully unaware or fully conscience of it or something in between, then it’s basically the core elements of DID P-DID, or OSDD. That dies not mean that these identities have more reality than you experiencing them. It does not mean they necessarily come out every other day or have as complex a “personality” as you do (though that is a possibility).
I don't like the fact that it's trying to make it seem like this is not a real thing. Yes. Some doctor's may have chosen to be unethical, and influenced their patients to lie or what have you. But this don't mean that it's not a real thing that some people suffer with. Also when you have dysfunctional family members, they can and will convince you that something didn't happen, or you lied, or exaggerated. When it really did happen, and you just ended up suppressing those memories or what have you. That's why SO many people tend to have some sort of mental illness or personality disorder in the first place.
The doctors garment tape is showing on her chest where her dress comes away. The doctor that said they’ve been looked at for hoaxes. She didn’t notice that?
Kind of reminds me of the trans fad we're going through now.
What a bigoted thing to say. Being trans isn't a fad
@@nancykostrzak9275the opposite of wokeness is fascism
Yup, social contagion is a bitch.
Funny how they were pushing people to have multiple personalities, now they're pushing for gender dysphoria. All comes to money in the end..
It's time to get rid of the medical industrial complex. Psychiatrists and psychologists are definitely unscrupulous people who will create problems for money
Beat me to it. Gender Dysphoria is this decade's trendy "illness."
In the early 2000s it was autism and Asperger's. In the 1990s it was ADD. In the 1980s it was MPD / DID. In the 1970s your biorhythms were off. In the 1960s it was trauma from past lives. In the 1950s it was juvenile delinquency from poor parenting. In the 1940s it was loose morals from poverty. Oddballs need a boogeyman to blame for their problems.
Even in those days they had video cameras and since it was so rare WHY didn’t they film it if it were true?
hello! i have DID (formerly called MPD) and it's definitely real.
there are entire communities of DID systems who can vouch for it.
we talk different when we switch, dress different, hold ourselves differently.
of course there can be misdiagnosed patients, though.
@@GiDoubt fuck you mean "no
@@GiDoubt buddy i've been medically diagnosed with OSDD and WE are real.
@@thesundaysaint BULLSHIT
@@GiDoubt WOW even I have doubts about the disorder but I wouldn’t be as ruthless to go as far as basically telling someone that they’re lying. Even if it’s all fake, I think there has to be some serious reasons why someone would hide behind something like this. That kind of person would also need help to clear out false memories and heal whatever issue they have to address why they split themselves up like that. All mental health issues deserve compassion and kindness. Be curious and ask questions and have doubts but do not be unkind about it.
@Benjamin Sharpie thank u so much!!! 💓 be safe! - sincerely, ænima system
I forever worried for my health , aware of this condition. But now we are fine.
I used to work as a Psychiatric Aide. Every now and then, we'd get someone claiming to have this. Hilarity always ensued. What a load of crap. So no. It doesn't exist.
Multiple personality disorder does not exist in modern day psychology.
I don't know, but it seems pretty real to all of us.
Who r watching after aparichithudu movie
Brains are like computers! It has RAM!
I believe only geniuses understands this further!
What happened to the horrible mother??
She died in 1948. 64 yrs.
Anyone who can 'call upon', 'invite to join', or 'bring out' multiple personalities at will isn't a person with MPD, it's someone with good acting chops and desire for attention.
Some people, after years of treatment and learning about their system, can control switches. Also it’s not MPD it’s DID
@Cincoat Seriously.. did you even watch the video? It’s not that it isn’t real, it’s that media morphed perception and turned into a social contagion. The reason why it’s called DID is because of all the fakers.
@Cincoat I don't get headaches when I switch to my alter. It's untrue that switching causes headaches for everyone with DID.
@Cincoat everything you have said is pure Nonsense, did is simply disassociation, this whole things like "trauma holder" "little" "systems" is all buzzword rubbish, no it doesn't cause headaches and no blood doesn't go to different part, that's not how the brain works, it's not as if different parts of your brain have different personality splits 😂, you sound like you get all your information from tik Tok, LMFAO that is laughable, no having did doesn't mean your alters have different vision or different biological conditions, if you are allergic to something then any other personality state will be aswell, if you are blind in one eye then all your personality states will be aswell, that's biology, the ONLY conditions that would be effected are psychosomatic ones (ones that aren't physical in nature) the idea that different personality states could have different reactions, like one PS being addicted to heroin but the others won't be is just laughable, the film split is not real, you're literally causing more harm to people with DID by spreading such Nonsense
This person is spot on, you can't just talk to people in your head, that's not did, that's called making rubbish up for attention.
DID where distinct personality states arise happens because of repeated "trauma" as a child, it requires years of disassociation, because it takes years for the blank slate to form separate personality state and no the most complex form of PTSD is complex trauma with Psychosis and disassociation, which makes DID look like walk in a park
It absolutely is possible to communicate and co-front _even without years of psychiatric treatment_. There are multiples afraid to seek counseling _because_ they can communicate and co-front naturally, and they believe that means they're "fake". The fact that you believe this (if you do, and aren't just a troll trying to elicit responses) proves that a lot more educating of the public is needed, even now with multiples coming out of the closet more.
Didn't learn a thing
It's a definite maybe.
What's really happening is there's demons inside the person and they need deliverance in the name of Jesus Christ!!! 🌈☝️✝️☝️🌈
Then why didn’t Jesus stop the abuse and trauma while he could?
The person has to want it, and when the deliverance is done their is a bigger testimony of what Jesus did for them!!! 🌈🕊🆙🕊🌈
@@HeavensLuv Balderdash. Your body gets sick, yes? So why not your mind? Who wants to be mentally ill? What you're claiming is cruel.
Do I believe Dissociative Identity Disorder exists, yes I do. Do I believe that Shirley Mason had DID, no I don’t.
5:50 Women used to dress in shiny ball gowns just to appear on a tv talk show? I don't remember that.🤔🎭
Many of the talk shows were shown late night and were very formal. It would have been around the 1950s.
Someone who has multiple personalities is unaware of them, and each is unaware of the other
I have at least six . Its liké Im watching and hearing my self as a child a mafia type.
An artist a devout
Christian mystic .
SulphuVanished from Traditional Markets ok
Demon possession.
Us at kid called her Fruit cake Alice.
Zakhm J9 theekbNa Ho Dart Recommend Open. Genuine people take proper care to c that it generates till Dry Layer Ed Skin is Formed ok
"Why did I leave Congress?" - repentance
It's a real menthal illnis.
My therapist said up to about 18 percent of ppl have it and aren't aware so it is not 1 percent. :/
Expliotive Doctors and capable ,suppressed actresses!!!Why no male MPD's !!?? shown,
I find this video terribly annoying. It is not *remarkable* for a trauma survivor to split into various ego states and, for someone who tends to be naturally creative, naming those ego states would not be surprising. This video is extremely biased.
Strictness Bet Ho Us Beta Don't Bhagwan Lee DennIss Dhartimaa Parr.
that's not right. you aren't them. i have DID i know what it is like. :l I am NOT THEM.
Zakhm Simon KS Badly Chalaney Says HainHum Hindustani.
How can one person have less than one personality without a lobotomy.
Sounds like two women,sufferer and 'expert',who just wanted attention. I find it highly unethical.
(EDIT* Now I understand my parents when they said,(during my childhood),that Americans are obsessed with mental illnesses/diagnosis', understand,it's no criticism towards America or Americans in general).
300 personalities is bs
Why? Someone’s brain will create however many alters it needs to cope with trauma
@@kat251 because that lady was a fraud do ur research
Just because one persons lying doesn’t mean nobody with DID can have that many alters
@@kat251 Do ur research and then tell me it was proven she lied
@@queenbaybeee3853 do my research on what? I’m not saying she didn’t lie. I’m saying other people with DID can have that many alters so that alone doesn’t mean she’s lying
If DID is so rare, then how do a third of the comments claim to have a diagnosis?
A real load of bs!
Likely demonic!
Suuuuure 👌
Acting maybe?
From a real psychiatrist
DID is a misnomer.
MPD makes so much more sense.
They are all real
They are individuals with different life experiences
There is no one they can trust, because if there was ever trust, it was broken
They all share a Body, but the Body everyone else sees is only one Body, one person, not many.
i have yet to meet a woman with only one personality- it's more common than reported
And I have yet to meet a man who’s not a misogynist fuck who makes fun of mental illness. Wow
@@peachsystem1024 take it easy Sybil. you're proving my point
@@scottyboy7462 so are you :)
I have yet to meet a man who hasn't, in some way, abused a female. So, there's that. Asshat
@@stargazingdaydreamer the pendulum swings both ways honey.
demon posssession
Some would suppose it might be demonic possession. Either way there are some Sicknesses that only the Lord Jesus can Heal!
Bs attention-seekers.
Just another woman
The whole sybel thing was
A marketing gimmick
To make money
I believe they are demons possessing them.
I had this theory as well. If theyre in a state of trauma they may be susceptible to possession allowing certain spirits to take residence in ones mind. But i believe each case may vary.
@11:48 " it's important to understand which "stories" are true and ..and are false" . NO Sh!t Sherlock. Yet nevertheless, you wrote "Sybil Exposed"- basically a compilation of suppositions based on random cases which MAY OR MAY NOT BE REALATED PHYSIOLOGICALLY NOR PSYCHOLOGICALLY to Sybil's case; knowing zero intricate details. What a tool.
for me all those multiple personalities sound as possessed by multiple entities....
You might be right.
Multiple Personalities are caused by trauma :/ "posessions" aren't a thing if we really pay attention to what psychiatry says about mental disorders and their circumstances..
there is no other entities. All those demon n exorcisms r cause by mental illness. Its pretty clear of u think logically.
@@VincentIrkallaOfficial how is she right
Healing is possible for those with DID. #@TimFletcher/DID/ACaseStudy