Metro Awakening 100% deserves to be on this list. There's a few games on here that I actually thought were kinda crap, like the Sniper one (assuming it's the same one I played), and Metro most certainly ain't crap. And, side note, it's implementation of the backpack system is one of the best ways of managing loads of gear in VR that I have ever experienced. All the movement and gunplay and stuff feels great, and as good as any other VR game. The level design, while linear and there to get you through the story, is still solid and always conveys the atmosphere well. And, despite me turning the spiders off, I imagine it might be nightmare full with them turned on too, so great for anyone who likes creepy VR gaming. Easily one of the best VR games and especially on Quest 3, where the visuals really hold up extremely well.
Metro Awakening 100% deserves to be on this list. There's a few games on here that I actually thought were kinda crap, like the Sniper one (assuming it's the same one I played), and Metro most certainly ain't crap. And, side note, it's implementation of the backpack system is one of the best ways of managing loads of gear in VR that I have ever experienced. All the movement and gunplay and stuff feels great, and as good as any other VR game. The level design, while linear and there to get you through the story, is still solid and always conveys the atmosphere well. And, despite me turning the spiders off, I imagine it might be nightmare full with them turned on too, so great for anyone who likes creepy VR gaming. Easily one of the best VR games and especially on Quest 3, where the visuals really hold up extremely well.
Time Stamps would also be a good idea.
You should mention about Metro Awakening and Behemoth instead of Sniper Elite and this roguelike procedurally generated shooter.
VR always seems very grainy etc