Sean Strickland is also a bully he'd say the same things sneako said about miky or worst. Sneako won't even back down when a world champion calls him out at least he got balls.
@@theasianwizard3389ppl who go place to place, here and there, to-and-fro, expecting change because of new environment, only to experience the same things they left, not realizing, it’s them that’s causing the issue.
Sneako is so commited to be part of the alpha male cult that isnt realizing hes not accepted by them and is being humiliated lol.Instead of accepting himself the way hes his trying to "fake til you make it" bullying people that accept themselves
Using autism as an insult, as if its a shameful thing to be autistic, WHILE definitely having autism (yes Sneako shows all signs of high functioning autism) is definitely not a good look.
He used it as a way to guarantee he can talk trash without ever having to fight. Because he knows Zuckerberg would never go on a random stream to discuss the secrets of the world 😂
He definitely was ignored because he wore the Palestinian scarf (Kufa) and converted to Islam. He was the of the low but in my eyes he is a much better now. Those streamers and even this crappy youtuber who prefer to ignore an ongoing genocide just so they don't lose views are disgusting. He literally calls the killing of 30.000 civilians most of which are children (current wars). Everyone will pay for their stances with/ against injustices and even the bystanders
@@therealmaskriz5716 omg the anti-semite card played already lol most jews in Israe lare Ashkenazi who are not semite. Just european brutal colonizers. Palestinians are 100% semite tho. I don't see people talking about that. Also 30.000 civilians killed over 12.000 are literally kids isn't even a debate.
sneako saying, "yeah ill fight you if you get mark zuckerburg to say a certain painter was right" is the most hilarious tactical retreat. Like its not even a reasonable request.
man this whole situation to me is so weird as obviously sneako is an awful awful loser but the jiu jitsu pro even being in contact with mark zuckerberg and much more considering him a friend even just doesn't sit right with me. no real good characters in this situation
Strickland reminds me of this kid who used to bully me in jr high. My mom (who is like… a fuckin saint) thought instead of getting him into trouble, inviting him to dinner. And we showed him love, and god rest his soul he came to our house ever weekend to eat and talk music and play video games. He died a couple of years ago from addiction but I know that my mom and I gave a lonely lost kid some love for a lot of years. Love ya Kody!
Sneako is really just a sad case of a lost person. There is no sneako, he has emptied himself due to some misguided need to mimic whichever superficially masculine strong person he identifies. Everyone recognises how shallow and disingenuous this is, and he gains little to no respect from any besides the lowest common denominator, who is in no way able or interested in holding him accountable for his behavior. He is not even stupid, he is just entirely incapable of thinking for himself, and is completely steered whichever way will garner him his distorted idea of gratification and recognition.
@derfliv206 By engaging with his content, we are just further increasing his publicity and ego. Hate comments have no affect on him. He doesn't care about hate comments. Who would? He's making bank.
Anyone who knows a bit of MMA, knows grappling is generally considered to counter striking, because as soon as you get grabbed, you have low chances to strike back.
@@tekkenjam I will let you know that your argument sounds like this: "For anyone who knows a bit about weapon, knows spear is generally considered a better weapon than a sword because of the range, price, and intuitiveness." "In a 1 on 1 sure, try that shit on a battlefield with ammo flying and getting your guts riddled with bullet on the ground"
I understand Sean's mentality. I grew up like him. My dad was a brutal drunk. Broke my jaw, knocked my teeth out, broke my arm. Beat me daily. Turned me into a psycho. I tried to cave his head in when I was 13 and had to go live with my grandparents. Still deal with that anger.
I can't say suffered exactly what you have. I too had my front tooth dislodged by my father, when he hit me with a sucker punch. I'm glad it was only a jab. Blood poured everywhere, as I snapped. I was able to pick my dad up and dump him, as my younger brother pulled me off of him from the ground n pound. I was always a violent person, with uncontrolled rage as a youth. As I got older (Now in my 30s), it does get easier to manage. The mentality never goes away, finding stoicism helped me immensely.
Jesus is King bro. He died on the cross for all of us including you. He can turn that hardened heart into love man, I promise. Pray to Him. He is real. I am over 1 year sober from alcohol now. He is the truth.
@@Moonl55 How do they get gassed if he has pillow hands and no wrestling? The reason they have to move and throw to get out of his pressure is cause he CAN hurt them. He's no Ngannou of the division but that don't mean he's got a weak punch.
@@hendrxno, he’s a keyboard warrior. He proved that when he ducked the fight with the smaller champion he was bullying online. He was sparring with people that were very nice to him, including Strickland who literally let him throw whatever punches he wanted, until he didn’t. Sneako truly needs a father.
@@LetHimReadHe had no other choice. He clearly wouldn't have challenged Strickland if he knew it would be a real fight. There's a reason why he dodges fights even though theres a long list of names who would gladly take him on. If he wanted to be a tough guy he would take mma seriously and actually get in the ring and actually practice before trashing on ppl 10x his experience. Anyone can challenge anyone, takes a man to actually be disciplined and train. Sneako does not fight and at this point probably never will. He has been doing this for 2 years and is yet to seriously train.
Strickland actually knows how strong he needs to throw punches to torture Sneako, if he really wanted to KO Sneako he would, he's infamous for hurting sparring partners and from the interview alone you know he's not out for blood on Sneako he just wanna pound him.
This guy is a rare upside to maturity and social media: he provides us a perfect example of the most humiliating + diminutive men we can be. Unfortunately typing his name will assist him on the algorithm and make him wealthier.
It's sad what he devolved into, either purposely or not. I used to be a fan of Sneako back in the day, and if anyone remembers, his content pre-COVID was focused primarily on introspective reflections on self-image. Now, it isn't very comfortable to say I was a fan.
The funniest part about him sparring strickland is i think he held back for sure. If he went 100% on sneako it wouldve been night night. He is honest and brutal. Its actually disrespectful for sneako to even ask to spar with him. Someone whos boxed for a couple weeks shouldnt ask a wolrd champion to spar on camera for thier stream.
Bradley is much bigger and stronger than Sean. Bradley however isnt a maniac like Sean and doesnt know technique to cause pain like sean does. Additionally hes slower than Sean. Bradley's punches have more general force, as force equals mass times acceleration. However, sneako feels more pain from Sean's punches and its more painful because sean's punches has better torque and centrifugal force.
@@Enthusiast230 i mean everytime people mention how "force equals mass times acceleration" they seem to completely disregard the fact that acceleration isnt gravity in this scenario; its not a set standard. its completely dependent on the muscle fibers behind the punch, of which a bodybuilder the size of a strongman does not have an equal acceleration on par with a decently sized fighter. will they PUSH harder? yes. will they PUNCH harder? no, more likely the opposite.
Sneako had every chance to back out but his ego was so high that he thought he had chance "without headgear". They already told him about Strickland and what happens next, it's on him
He’s probably so angry because of the constant rejection from people when in real life he doesn’t act like that. Not realising nobody wants to be around someone like that.
Yup, he should realize people don't wanna know unconfortable truths. People wanna hang around streaming about games, entertainment, etc, but not to talk about whats happening in the world. Someone who does it, is just a pain in the rear to the others. People wanna play stupid and ignorant like thats gonna save them, thats why they deny anything that goes off the world's governments narrative. Governments who own social communication; and they are so accurate at manipulating perceptions that the only way for people to speak what the government want people not to talk about it, is used only for futile topics and anyone who tries to "wake" people up to reality, is ignored and flamed and taken down by their own people. Thats stupid. The more people cancel other people, more power the government gets. Thats why nobody wants to get along with Sneako from my perspective. He doesn't give you candy when there's war out there. Plus, he can't say what he thinks in his own streaming? if people dont like it, people shouldn't watch it.
The fact that they didn't disown him before when he used to make fun of people and when he started to stick up for others in Palestine they chose to ignore him and disown him shows the state of people's hearts
Strickland has voiced his opinions on influencers who call out actual fighters before and just what he’d do. He got his golden ticket against sneako and ran all the way home with it
I know most people don’t take them seriously but I think the only ones who seem like they could hold their own with legit fighters is Jake and Logan they take their training pretty seriously and are both in great shape these other influencers tho nah
This is literally the narcissistic behaviour on full display. You can see how disturbed he was when no one paid attention to him during that slap tournament. To these kind of people, attention is all they consume
Mikey could eat 4 steaks, 3 pizzas, and 2 lobster dinners and Still tear off all my limbs and go to practice. That being said, he couldn’t be a friendlier guy.
Genuine question cause I don't know much about the guy but does he have any stand up game what so ever? Not dissing him or anything but remember when Ben askren tried to strike 😂
Martial artist here, headgear doesn’t stop head trama and gloves don’t protect your partner. Headgear is to prevent cuts, but it makes your head a bigger target + the impact transfers through.
The reason they didn't talk to sneako is simply because they want to keep their sponsors. Sneako has been banned on multiple platform and he also spoke out loudly against Israel and that's not good for branding.
Of course!!! Idc what he does, the fact that he had the guts to speak against literal genocide and losing everything for that gives him soo much of my respect. Imagine not supporting genocide and being called “controversial” for that, sick world we live in
@@badassadlusifer820 Hes controversial for saying stuff like "W Taliban" online. Not for speaking out against Israel. Id say those two things cancel each other out.
@@distalion There are still people on yt who have said far worse things than “W Taliban” but they seem to be immortal, seems funny that whoever decides to speak up for Palestine gets silenced by either losing all their views, losing sponsors etc, sponsors even prohibit you from saying specific stuff in support of Palestine. Could be just a coincidence but hey there is always a possibility and this just seems too obvious
@@badassadlusifer820Plus, standing with 🇵🇸 is not a "good take", its just common sense, it comes across as a "good take" because he said it, and him being so dumb saying something so obvious is seen as an intellectual achievement.
I love the jiu jitsu champion, he is so legit, he is the example of a friend a would like to have, not because he can kick ass but because I stands against bullying.
“let me talk to him. i’m going to live stream it.” that’s an interview. that includes pr teams and he would get a set of acceptable questions for mark. he’s runinngggggg
Yeah, a dissing a world champion that probably channeled all of that childhood bullying into his living is nuts. That's like mocking Mike Tyson's lisp and his pigeons at the same time.
I could see it in Stricklands face, that shit is genuine because I lived through that shit too. I hope the VERY best for him and that he may heal from the things he may never speak of.
Aegh sorry to hear about that. I hope you're doing better. I'm not in the place to say if you should or shouldn't haven't fully healed by now, but I hope you have. It's seriously immoral and betrays a weak, insecure, entitled "person" to beat their own family. Just know that by living your own life, and pursuing your goals, you are already 100 times the person they will ever be.
jesus christ, as much as i sympathize with where sean strickland came from, it's worrying to hear him say he fights because he wants to murder someone. it feels like it's only a matter of time before something really bad happens. i hope someone can help him
It's a trick to fight to your fullest potential, many fighters have to justify in their head that it's okay to hit someone so they put on a ruthless persona
Why does he need to be helped? He got a working occupation that is in harmony with him and society, he can sustain himself and there are lots of people able to consent agreeing to fight him. fully knowing that something bad might happen. I dont see the problem here?
@@scrimb Yes there is a middle ground of course. The question remains however why, if two people agree on one or the other and are able to consent (and keep in mind, there is still a referee etc.) why is help to be needed in that case? Forgive me if I got it wrong, Im not that much into it - but it looks like Strickland handles his desire pretty well actually. He doesnt kill anyone and he only messes with people who consent. Isnt that a fair solution?
Mikey is actually an insane fighter. Shocked Sneako had the balls to do something like that to someone as sweet and kind as he comes off to be. Deserved everything he got
I think he is doing all of this for 1. Relevance so he doesnt have to work a real job from his fans throwing money at him 2. Having a horrible end to his previous relationship
If you notice when Strickland is beating on sneako he doesn’t wind it up with his whole body like how he normally does in his fights. Surprisingly Sean couldn’t hurt him a lot more in that small amount of time
I used to love sneako, idk how he turned into the person he is today. He used to be a big inspiration to a lot of people and a good entertainer when he was younger. Crazy how shit has changed
the breakdown on strickland shows hes really still a hurt child under that tough exterior. And man to man Im sorry that was Stricklands childhood experience growing up with an alcoholic father. that shit is no joke. 9:34
My personal belief is that some people in this day and age are trying their damndest to prove that the instinct to survive isnt in every human, like sneako loses braincells daily thinking he can fight someone like a 5 time juju world champ. I cant wait to to begin learning the art of iuju.
Man. Sneako used to pump out such good videos. He'd discuss sensitive subjects, sometimes with unpopular opinions, but without being an asshole. I feel like once he started interacting with Tate, he got poisoned. Got into a mindset where he convinced himself he sees the world more clearly than everyone else. It's a fucking shame.
Tate poisons kids like him They think they can talk shit about anyone they like without Consequences Tate is rich so he gets away but these guys are not as much and ruin their own image
I see the manosphere as mainly, clout Marketing and sh!t posting. The gil with curly hair, Brittney had some funny content and takedowns. I think Sneako should have never allowed line backer Pearl in his space. I also think Kai and ISP are industry plants. Logan too
Having Sneako on your side when things hit the fan is not the flex Sneako thinks it is... would you rather nobody be on your side or someone who's likely to damage your rep even more? This ain't rocket surgery
@@exploremiami585 That's cool and all but he's not cancelled and still popular af, all without the help of Sneako. So again that's not the flex he thinks it is.
@@exploremiami585 Your either a fanboy or don't know anything about life. Do you ever think why they do that ? or maybe ever think deeply about things? From your replys I guess not
"if forest didnt jump in!?!?!?"" so my man got pre game pep talk from jake shields, got beat up by strickland, and then got the fight stopped by forrest griffin?! as sadistic as this sounds that sounds like a great day!! 🤣
14:17 mike is so real for this, even with the elephant in the room he’s still friendly/ chill and it’s hilarious how he hints to the obvious lmfao same with speed ignoring lol
Seeing my guy cry talking about his childhood hit hard, I went through the same shit but it was my step dad and I did the same and went to fighting and then to boxing, I dont know about Sean but my ex step dad fears me now after feeling what its like to be on the other end.
That kids abs are fucking insane I get why Stricklan doesn’t like influencers but the definition of sparring is not going full out and trying to kill your sparring partner.
Nah, we've seen Sean in the ring. He wasn't going all out. Going harder than Sneako was capable of handling, sure, but definitely not all out. He may not have liked Sneako, but he also didn't just lay into him like he could have. Idk if that was because he didn't want any legal trouble or because of morals, maybe even some other reason, but it is the case. If he was honestly trying to hurt Sneako or put him down, he'd have gone down very quick and very hard, but I strongly suspect he didn't want it to be that easy for Sneako.
@@5stargrim Can we stop with the the 'he wasnt going all out 🤓🤓" as if Sean is some kind of anime dragonball character, respectfully it's just kinda cringe man. From the video it is very clear that Sean was going hard. Sean has literally said 'I like to hurt people" and "i have an urge to kill someone" so yea he was definitely trying to hurt Sneako plus Sneako was going down, and very quick. If the fight wasnt stopped sneako probably wouldve gotten knocked out. You realize this whole ordeal lasted only a few seconds right? To your point he may not have been throwing the hardest punches in his entire career but still he did go hard af on him and there's no denying that.
Like Strickland said; this guy didn't earn anything so there's 0 respect. He's not even a fighter. Yet keyboard warrior calls out the champ to play patty cakes for photo ops & clout. Of course he mauled him after giving him lots of chances to back out. Unlike Bradley Martyn dude fights like a grapist.
Sneako saying hes not fighting for money and then says he wants to talk to one of the worlds richest man on stream like he clearly wants money if hes talking to somone so famous
He said beforehand what the topic of the dialogue was going to be and im sure he would have done it even if it was streamed on marks private facebookaccount
@@HitPoint19 I remember watching that. I think it was on either G4 or Spike, i think it was called UFC Unleashed (not sure if thats correct)? It was like a greatest hits of UFC type show. I used to record those on I think TiVo at the time, lol. I watched Ultimate Fighter too. I was addicted lol.
I honestly can't believe Senako fans actually thought he came away from it looking good because he "ate" those punches and didn't get knocked out. They seriously thought Sean, an MMA champ, was going all out? Like come on man, it's clear those punches had the intention of one thing only; dish out as much damage without a KO blow.
@@aimannorzahariwod Sean was going all out. He said so himself after the spar. If you've seen any of his fights, you would know this. He's not known for his fast twitch ability, he's more of a volume fighter. Sneako took all of his punches, but if the fight was stopped 5 seconds too late, Sneako wouldve been taking a nap on the canvas.
"Being against Genocide is controversial..." Unless Hitler does it🤔 Sneako needs to find his own personality. By far the most influenced influencer on the planet.
When an online bully meets a real bully
yes, Sean Strickland that is lol
When an online bully meets a real bully lol
Sean Strickland is also a bully he'd say the same things sneako said about miky or worst. Sneako won't even back down when a world champion calls him out at least he got balls.
I don't think Sean is really a bully.
Sneako behind a screen: "Your daughter calls me daddy too."
Sneako in public: "Hello sir, it's nice to fully meet you."
That foos fav movie got removed from Netflix so makes sense
Internet and screen is never meant to be reality. Wake up
Tbh, that's life bro. You never see who people really are in there home
Whoever daughter calls him daddy doesn't have one 🤡
@@svix01 IKR These people are bigger goobers than Sneako.
That ju jutsu guy had a lowkey terrifying response video he looked pissed
I'm surprised Sneaky thought he would've stood a chance. I mean just looking at his bod alone, I knew it was no joke.
Mikey's a real one that's for sure. He's been bullied, doesn't like feeling bullied. Sneako.... not his cup of tea
Sneako is that fella we all know that constantly complains his life is going to sh*t but lacks the self awareness to see that HE is the problem...
Textbook narcissist
Everywhere you go, there you are type
@@Ham_on_Ryecare to elaborate? Your wording was vague.
a word is a synonym to a complaint
@@theasianwizard3389ppl who go place to place, here and there, to-and-fro, expecting change because of new environment, only to experience the same things they left, not realizing, it’s them that’s causing the issue.
Speed disrespecting him must have hurt him more than those punches ever did
Sneako is so commited to be part of the alpha male cult that isnt realizing hes not accepted by them and is being humiliated lol.Instead of accepting himself the way hes his trying to "fake til you make it" bullying people that accept themselves
@@gs-nq6mw they arent even the "alpha male" cult
@@gs-nq6mw speed isnt even part of that lmao
@@gs-nq6mw u literally have no idea what you are talking about
Using autism as an insult, as if its a shameful thing to be autistic, WHILE definitely having autism (yes Sneako shows all signs of high functioning autism) is definitely not a good look.
The fact that Sneako seems to think Zuckerburg would ever want to waste his time talking to him. He really has a goofy high opinion of himself.
Zuckerberg has MMA skills.
He used it as a way to guarantee he can talk trash without ever having to fight. Because he knows Zuckerberg would never go on a random stream to discuss the secrets of the world 😂
@@Levilevi4 with some incredibly unhinged guy who thinks zuckerberg is behind some grand conspiracy.
Sneako complaining at not getting recognized by other streamers is hilarious: he really cannot see his own bullshit
Most people don’t seem to know who sneako is though. I bet most people who went to my school have never even seen or heard of him
Do a lot of people even know who sneako is? Or at least heard of him?
He definitely was ignored because he wore the Palestinian scarf (Kufa) and converted to Islam.
He was the of the low but in my eyes he is a much better now.
Those streamers and even this crappy youtuber who prefer to ignore an ongoing genocide just so they don't lose views are disgusting.
He literally calls the killing of 30.000 civilians most of which are children (current wars).
Everyone will pay for their stances with/ against injustices and even the bystanders
@issamoshi uhm no. Speed is just as much an antisemite hamas apologist.
Also 30.000 civilians? Not even hamas themselves agree with that.
@@therealmaskriz5716 omg the anti-semite card played already lol
most jews in Israe lare Ashkenazi who are not semite. Just european brutal colonizers.
Palestinians are 100% semite tho. I don't see people talking about that.
Also 30.000 civilians killed over 12.000 are literally kids isn't even a debate.
sneako saying, "yeah ill fight you if you get mark zuckerburg to say a certain painter was right" is the most hilarious tactical retreat. Like its not even a reasonable request.
A pro asking an influencer to fight isn’t even a reasonable request either. I’d rather watch the zuck podcast than see him fight this jiu jitsu dork
@@ShotsMerkzAlloh I'd rather seem him fight the "jiu-jitsu dоrk" any day lmao
It's crazy how you twisted his words lmao
Do u really think sneako agrees with king hiel?!?
man this whole situation to me is so weird as obviously sneako is an awful awful loser but the jiu jitsu pro even being in contact with mark zuckerberg and much more considering him a friend even just doesn't sit right with me. no real good characters in this situation
So much respect for the jiujitsu guy, he handled that with utmost class
I press F for respect but it seems he already has respect
He witewally hawted buwlyeng
Please don’t do that
@@SamStaveley-li6gnWay to prove the point.
@@SamStaveley-li6gn BRO IS EVIL WITH IT
You have to give Sneako props. He is really good at blocking punches with his face.
Did we watch the same video?
Sneako aggressively attacked Sean's fists with his head.
and smile ... while Musumeci avoids getting punched at every single turn coughcough Nate Diaz coughcough
That was Rocky Balboa's main strategy 🤷
Strickland reminds me of this kid who used to bully me in jr high. My mom (who is like… a fuckin saint) thought instead of getting him into trouble, inviting him to dinner. And we showed him love, and god rest his soul he came to our house ever weekend to eat and talk music and play video games. He died a couple of years ago from addiction but I know that my mom and I gave a lonely lost kid some love for a lot of years. Love ya Kody!
Kody sold me fent
@@-_-Code-_-You're implying some weird shit bro
God bless your mother, that's a real woman right there. Compassion is a beautiful thing
@@BehindYou1231GOD DAMN BRO 😭
You're right your mom is a saint, just like mine was.
Who tf does sneako he is that he thinks mark zuckerberg would give a single fuck about him
Sneako is really just a sad case of a lost person. There is no sneako, he has emptied himself due to some misguided need to mimic whichever superficially masculine strong person he identifies.
Everyone recognises how shallow and disingenuous this is, and he gains little to no respect from any besides the lowest common denominator, who is in no way able or interested in holding him accountable for his behavior.
He is not even stupid, he is just entirely incapable of thinking for himself, and is completely steered whichever way will garner him his distorted idea of gratification and recognition.
Right !! I remember back in the days he used to do really interesting and calm videos now he’s completely lost .
Reminds me of those MeatCanyon videos.
It's called greed. He does this for publicity. And yall fall into it with him
@@bushsbakedbeans3777 ???
@derfliv206 By engaging with his content, we are just further increasing his publicity and ego. Hate comments have no affect on him. He doesn't care about hate comments. Who would? He's making bank.
Anyone who knows a bit of MMA, knows grappling is generally considered to counter striking, because as soon as you get grabbed, you have low chances to strike back.
in a 1 on 1 ring match sure. Try that shit outside a bar and get your shit kicked in rolling around on the ground.
@@tekkenjam I will let you know that your argument sounds like this:
"For anyone who knows a bit about weapon, knows spear is generally considered a better weapon than a sword because of the range, price, and intuitiveness."
"In a 1 on 1 sure, try that shit on a battlefield with ammo flying and getting your guts riddled with bullet on the ground"
@@faizalqorni7969You did too much
You've never been in a real fight and it shows.
@@tekkenjamAFAIK they had agreed to a regular fight, mentioning the streets doesn't even make sense. Out of topic buddy.
Mikey traded his ability to speak clearly for more power, truly a heavenly restriction
I understand Sean's mentality. I grew up like him. My dad was a brutal drunk. Broke my jaw, knocked my teeth out, broke my arm. Beat me daily. Turned me into a psycho. I tried to cave his head in when I was 13 and had to go live with my grandparents. Still deal with that anger.
I'm sorry you had to deal with this, and I hope the strength you developed serves you well.
And lemme guess you’ve been to prison
I can't say suffered exactly what you have. I too had my front tooth dislodged by my father, when he hit me with a sucker punch. I'm glad it was only a jab. Blood poured everywhere, as I snapped. I was able to pick my dad up and dump him, as my younger brother pulled me off of him from the ground n pound. I was always a violent person, with uncontrolled rage as a youth. As I got older (Now in my 30s), it does get easier to manage. The mentality never goes away, finding stoicism helped me immensely.
Jesus is King bro. He died on the cross for all of us including you. He can turn that hardened heart into love man, I promise. Pray to Him. He is real. I am over 1 year sober from alcohol now. He is the truth.
@@mitchellcole832so is the Easter bunny. I've seen the eaten lettuce
It’s hilarious you think that Strickland didn’t hold back. That kid would’ve been in the ER if Strickland DIDN’T hold back.
Strickland has pillow hands tho
@@Moonl55 lol The pro fighters Sean KO'd would probably say something different.
Strickland did not hold back
@@sethiddings7293 he literally only has TKOs against people who were deathly gassed or have no chin at all
@@Moonl55 How do they get gassed if he has pillow hands and no wrestling? The reason they have to move and throw to get out of his pressure is cause he CAN hurt them. He's no Ngannou of the division but that don't mean he's got a weak punch.
being friends with mark is actually a huge flex
Love or hate him dudes a huge figure I had no idea he even did martial arts till this video
To get a few $? Lol
Marks a melt. He’s just a thief not the genius you praise him to be. Seems like he duped you too
Strickland got my respect for wailing on Sneako. At the same time, Strickland in another lifetime would have been a legit killer for the mob.
Exactly so ppl shouldn’t talk shit to Sean that was a good lesson now sneeko training more gett better
but sneako wasn't talking shit to sean @@MiguelLopez-p4t
You should get in the ring with Strickland
…how do you know he isn’t?
The sonny liston of our times almost
Sneako is the stereotypical keyboard warrior.
Well to an extent but he deserves some props for getting in the cage with Strickland and taking his beating like a man.
He's the complete opposite, he actually went out there to fight.
@@hendrxno, he’s a keyboard warrior. He proved that when he ducked the fight with the smaller champion he was bullying online. He was sparring with people that were very nice to him, including Strickland who literally let him throw whatever punches he wanted, until he didn’t. Sneako truly needs a father.
@doodoo871 Write that whole essay just to be wrong lol
@@LetHimReadHe had no other choice. He clearly wouldn't have challenged Strickland if he knew it would be a real fight. There's a reason why he dodges fights even though theres a long list of names who would gladly take him on.
If he wanted to be a tough guy he would take mma seriously and actually get in the ring and actually practice before trashing on ppl 10x his experience. Anyone can challenge anyone, takes a man to actually be disciplined and train. Sneako does not fight and at this point probably never will. He has been doing this for 2 years and is yet to seriously train.
Sneako vs Strickland was like when there isnt a healthbar on the bossfight.
when the boss' level is marked as '???'
@@xwarnlord LMAO
Cal kestus vs Vader 💀💀
Strickland actually knows how strong he needs to throw punches to torture Sneako, if he really wanted to KO Sneako he would, he's infamous for hurting sparring partners and from the interview alone you know he's not out for blood on Sneako he just wanna pound him.
7:25 you mean to tell me Sean was beating the living crap out of Sneako ? Yeah you didn’t watch the videozzzz
@@Toxxsicklemons You're delusional
@@Toxxsicklemons No, he didn't want to immediately K.O. Sneako, as to draw out the torture as much as possible.
@@Toxxsicklemonsyou obviously don’t fight 😂 let us talk about it and you sit and watch like a princess.
@@Toxxsicklemonsif he wanted Strickland could unalive Sneako in one punch
6:36 Strickland was talking like a super villain who knows he will win the fight lol
I mean he knew would win %100
@@Inedow_The_Source_of_Racism as did everyone else who saw that coming 😂😂😂
5:57 Jake Shields saying " should use headgear" before Sneako fought Sean is hilarious 😂 he knew what was coming
the fight with sean was literally a boss battle IRL lmao.
This guy is a rare upside to maturity and social media: he provides us a perfect example of the most humiliating + diminutive men we can be. Unfortunately typing his name will assist him on the algorithm and make him wealthier.
It's sad what he devolved into, either purposely or not. I used to be a fan of Sneako back in the day, and if anyone remembers, his content pre-COVID was focused primarily on introspective reflections on self-image. Now, it isn't very comfortable to say I was a fan.
word brotha word..
Honestly, Sneako was actually a good watch when he was younger. I admired him. It seems like the older he gets, the more stupid he gets.
Stop looking up to anyone that you don't know personally. It's a waste of your time.
The funniest part about him sparring strickland is i think he held back for sure. If he went 100% on sneako it wouldve been night night. He is honest and brutal. Its actually disrespectful for sneako to even ask to spar with him. Someone whos boxed for a couple weeks shouldnt ask a wolrd champion to spar on camera for thier stream.
You mean Sneako held back on Strickland? Sneako would've killed him if he tryharded and took it seriously like Strickland goofy ahh did
@@AirMaxWoR the bait is crazy
@@SisyphusMMAHe almost got me, lol.
I don’t think it’s disrespectful though, and honestly the fact that sneako was still on his feet is surprising to me.
@@AirMaxWoRImagine actually believing that lmao!!
His whole strategy is to piss people off and argue with them
Why would Zuckerberg sit down and live stream with a nobody compared to him?
WDYM?! His whole career is built on stolen personal info about everybody and nobody.
@@WhiteGeared still then Zuckerberg is the CEO of Facebook.. Sneako is a nobody lol.
He's a billionaire and sneako is a nobody
@@WhiteGeared sneako who? Mark Zuckerberg is a billionaire
@@WhiteGeared Damn I wonder why no one else before him did it
that knock down from Bradley was more so because he doesnt rotate his hips or transfer weight when punching, it is straight up push punches.
That, coupled with the fact that Bradley is actually huge. No idea why Sneako thought that would be a good look 😂
You think Brad hits harder than sean? Stop.
Bradley is much bigger and stronger than Sean. Bradley however isnt a maniac like Sean and doesnt know technique to cause pain like sean does. Additionally hes slower than Sean.
Bradley's punches have more general force, as force equals mass times acceleration. However, sneako feels more pain from Sean's punches and its more painful because sean's punches has better torque and centrifugal force.
@@Enthusiast230 way to state the obvious
@@Enthusiast230 i mean everytime people mention how "force equals mass times acceleration" they seem to completely disregard the fact that acceleration isnt gravity in this scenario; its not a set standard. its completely dependent on the muscle fibers behind the punch, of which a bodybuilder the size of a strongman does not have an equal acceleration on par with a decently sized fighter. will they PUSH harder? yes. will they PUNCH harder? no, more likely the opposite.
Sneako is like one of those dogs that barks aggressively behind glass door, but once the door opens, he becomes docile and reasonable
That "someone" that jumped in was Forrest Griffin. Apparently the only adult in the room.
Sneako had every chance to back out but his ego was so high that he thought he had chance "without headgear". They already told him about Strickland and what happens next, it's on him
He’s probably so angry because of the constant rejection from people when in real life he doesn’t act like that. Not realising nobody wants to be around someone like that.
What do you mean, what is he doing that rages people?
@@traian7772he's weird and annoying
@@Isaiahb2002sneako right
Yup, he should realize people don't wanna know unconfortable truths. People wanna hang around streaming about games, entertainment, etc, but not to talk about whats happening in the world. Someone who does it, is just a pain in the rear to the others. People wanna play stupid and ignorant like thats gonna save them, thats why they deny anything that goes off the world's governments narrative. Governments who own social communication; and they are so accurate at manipulating perceptions that the only way for people to speak what the government want people not to talk about it, is used only for futile topics and anyone who tries to "wake" people up to reality, is ignored and flamed and taken down by their own people. Thats stupid. The more people cancel other people, more power the government gets. Thats why nobody wants to get along with Sneako from my perspective. He doesn't give you candy when there's war out there. Plus, he can't say what he thinks in his own streaming? if people dont like it, people shouldn't watch it.
Bruh the way Sneako’s content has changed over the course of the last 3-4 years is crazy frfr who would’ve thought
He was like that from almost the beginning it's not unexpected
Sneako’s “punishments” are the result of someone walking around like they’re the shit. When in fact… they ain’t even the fart.
Fuck is this comparison
A funny one@@KfcOwner
Ok Ice Spice.🤦♂️
This comment is underrated
The amount of towels flying into the ring... like they were cleaning hotel rooms. 😆
Sneako is great muslim alhamdulillah
The fact that they didn't disown him before when he used to make fun of people and when he started to stick up for others in Palestine they chose to ignore him and disown him shows the state of people's hearts
this vid is so good. great break down of everything happening to Sneako in 2024
Thanks mate!
hi louaista what is your opinion do you like sniko or hate him after all he didnt bitch out last second
Ayyo dat boi lunesta what up nicca
Sniko 💀
this video is outdated, sneako is doing islamic content
Strickland has voiced his opinions on influencers who call out actual fighters before and just what he’d do.
He got his golden ticket against sneako and ran all the way home with it
I know most people don’t take them seriously but I think the only ones who seem like they could hold their own with legit fighters is Jake and Logan they take their training pretty seriously and are both in great shape these other influencers tho nah
@@ralphwiggum1982Let one of the Paul brothers spar against a boxer in his prime and and not some 40 year old mma fighter and lets see how it goes lmao
@@deinvaterduhs lol you know what I can’t argue with that
@@deinvaterduhsabsolutely disgusting that Jake is going to fight Mike Tyson
Strickland was the one who asked to spar not the other way around
Shoutout to the dude that has a motorcycle in his licing room.
Livin' the dream,man!
He even road it round his house lol
Strickland is basically Trevor from gta 5
I mean Trevor is even more insane, Sean at least won't kill when he gives you a proper beatdown
Iones ever said this before!!! Youre so original! 😂. Drone
Trevor is wayyyyy more of a psycho. In fact I’m pretty sure he’s more inspired by Otis from Devils Rejects.
This is literally the narcissistic behaviour on full display. You can see how disturbed he was when no one paid attention to him during that slap tournament. To these kind of people, attention is all they consume
"You're about to have a very bad day in about a minute" 🤣🤣🤣
the way mikey looked at the camera during his response is the exact same look he'd have in his eyes while taking sneakos life lmfao
Bro looks scared
It's almost like he's more scared of being seen as a loser than actually hurting someone
@@leminer4049Couldn’t be any more wrong
@@deadboyjq He looked far happier beating on a man with one forth of his muscle mass
you think mikey is scared of sneako??? you're either delusional or trolling lmfao@@leminer4049
Mikey could eat 4 steaks, 3 pizzas, and 2 lobster dinners and Still tear off all my limbs and go to practice. That being said, he couldn’t be a friendlier guy.
Genuine question cause I don't know much about the guy but does he have any stand up game what so ever? Not dissing him or anything but remember when Ben askren tried to strike 😂
@@Spacecowboyy69 to be honest that’s a very fair question. He probably has a decent understanding of striking, but I don’t actually know.
That's why friendly people are terrifying
@@Spacecowboyy69no he doesn't 😂 against of the greatest mr.iminari himself he just sat in guard, causing iminari to get mad and throw the match 😂
@@showerthoughts3263understanding =/ skill.
The sad thing is that I now know Sneako.
Martial artist here, headgear doesn’t stop head trama and gloves don’t protect your partner.
Headgear is to prevent cuts, but it makes your head a bigger target + the impact transfers through.
But a fist in the face is definitely different
Gloves definetly protect the other,it doesn't allow you to punch as faster and having a soft pad in your face is way better then 2 knuckles
Scientific evidence says Otherwise
@@heishinmega wym the evidence says bare knuckle sparring has the same concussion rate
Ummm... What? 😂
The reason they didn't talk to sneako is simply because they want to keep their sponsors. Sneako has been banned on multiple platform and he also spoke out loudly against Israel and that's not good for branding.
Of course!!! Idc what he does, the fact that he had the guts to speak against literal genocide and losing everything for that gives him soo much of my respect. Imagine not supporting genocide and being called “controversial” for that, sick world we live in
@@badassadlusifer820 Hes controversial for saying stuff like "W Taliban" online. Not for speaking out against Israel. Id say those two things cancel each other out.
@@distalion There are still people on yt who have said far worse things than “W Taliban” but they seem to be immortal, seems funny that whoever decides to speak up for Palestine gets silenced by either losing all their views, losing sponsors etc, sponsors even prohibit you from saying specific stuff in support of Palestine. Could be just a coincidence but hey there is always a possibility and this just seems too obvious
@@badassadlusifer820Plus, standing with 🇵🇸 is not a "good take", its just common sense, it comes across as a "good take" because he said it, and him being so dumb saying something so obvious is seen as an intellectual achievement.
Interacting with a person who denounces genocide isn’t bad for branding, interacting with the pinnacle of bigotry is bad for branding.
I love the jiu jitsu champion, he is so legit, he is the example of a friend a would like to have, not because he can kick ass but because I stands against bullying.
“let me talk to him. i’m going to live stream it.” that’s an interview. that includes pr teams and he would get a set of acceptable questions for mark. he’s runinngggggg
Imaging siding with zuck. Lol get help.
@@RustieFawn fr if you hate sneako you'd absolutely despise the shit zuck does
@@ZadXanderwe can not like both lmao. Sneako still dodged that fight
@@PlayshotKaloI'll take it
Yeah, a dissing a world champion that probably channeled all of that childhood bullying into his living is nuts. That's like mocking Mike Tyson's lisp and his pigeons at the same time.
I could see it in Stricklands face, that shit is genuine because I lived through that shit too. I hope the VERY best for him and that he may heal from the things he may never speak of.
Aegh sorry to hear about that. I hope you're doing better. I'm not in the place to say if you should or shouldn't haven't fully healed by now, but I hope you have. It's seriously immoral and betrays a weak, insecure, entitled "person" to beat their own family. Just know that by living your own life, and pursuing your goals, you are already 100 times the person they will ever be.
Really saps out the sympathy when he walks around bragging about being horrible
...but he"s telling the truth.
“Jujitsu is for autistic people “that’s an actual sneeko bar. Which is funny since he rly stand on that don’t judge off appearances stuff
when you talk crap about somebody but then cry when they defend themselves
Mikey look like a nerd but in his response video he had that psycho look lmao
"I will take the bullies lunch money" 🥶
jesus christ, as much as i sympathize with where sean strickland came from, it's worrying to hear him say he fights because he wants to murder someone. it feels like it's only a matter of time before something really bad happens. i hope someone can help him
Lots of fighters say that. Mike Tyson used to say it all the time.
It's a trick to fight to your fullest potential, many fighters have to justify in their head that it's okay to hit someone so they put on a ruthless persona
Why does he need to be helped? He got a working occupation that is in harmony with him and society, he can sustain himself and there are lots of people able to consent agreeing to fight him. fully knowing that something bad might happen. I dont see the problem here?
@@RujioWRi like to think that there's a middleground between fighting to win and fighting to kill the other person because you want to
@@scrimb Yes there is a middle ground of course. The question remains however why, if two people agree on one or the other and are able to consent (and keep in mind, there is still a referee etc.) why is help to be needed in that case? Forgive me if I got it wrong, Im not that much into it - but it looks like Strickland handles his desire pretty well actually. He doesnt kill anyone and he only messes with people who consent. Isnt that a fair solution?
Mikey is actually an insane fighter. Shocked Sneako had the balls to do something like that to someone as sweet and kind as he comes off to be. Deserved everything he got
6:09 "we'll do some cardio after." 😂This boy thought he was going be ABLE to do cardio after Sean.
More important things came up like face transplant.
It came off to me more like knowing someone is about to die but not wanting to ruin their final moments
I think he is doing all of this for 1. Relevance so he doesnt have to work a real job from his fans throwing money at him 2. Having a horrible end to his previous relationship
Strickland isnt a bully, he just says what he thinks and is willing to fight for it.
strickland was about to knock Sneako tf out but the ref saved him...
thanks for all the likes...😈
Forest griffin saved him
@@hockey_highlights_and_more Yep was gonna say that "ref" won the first ultimate fighter. Also bit of a psycho XD
As he should. They don’t want people getting life altering injuries
Why you sound so proud ?
I thinknyuure just reading it rhat way @viking9343
If you notice when Strickland is beating on sneako he doesn’t wind it up with his whole body like how he normally does in his fights. Surprisingly Sean couldn’t hurt him a lot more in that small amount of time
Surprisingly 🤣
The spar with Strickland changed sneako, he’s actually respectful now and he ended the beef with charlie
I used to love sneako, idk how he turned into the person he is today. He used to be a big inspiration to a lot of people and a good entertainer when he was younger. Crazy how shit has changed
An inspiration? lol He's always been a prick.
@@dt3583his style of content did inspire other people to make similar content as him back then
@@dt3583 Nah, ironically he was a lot wiser when he was a kid making commentary videos over csgo gameplay
@@MichaelMcDoesntExist true, he got blinded by fame
Bro when he was trying with cinematography I thought to myself this guy's going places. I just didn't realize it was downhill
Sneako is a wannabe andrew tate all the way from the way he sounds when he talks
Mark Zuckerburg as much as he’s an evil robot will kick Sneakos ass so bad, he’s no slouch in fighting area
Mikey is like an anime protagonist to me, I swear
He’s really cool bro. I admir jujutsu fighters.
@@fishandchips2331 the real Jiu Jitsu Kaisen
Hajime no Ippo
the breakdown on strickland shows hes really still a hurt child under that tough exterior. And man to man Im sorry that was Stricklands childhood experience growing up with an alcoholic father. that shit is no joke. 9:34
"Hi, I'm Sneako. And welcome to Jackass"
My personal belief is that some people in this day and age are trying their damndest to prove that the instinct to survive isnt in every human, like sneako loses braincells daily thinking he can fight someone like a 5 time juju world champ. I cant wait to to begin learning the art of iuju.
I like this video. You deserve more subscribers! All the best!
@@rlynotabotRefering to Sneeko
Bro ran around bullying mfs
Got in the ring with someone who likes hurting people and gg
15:45 This is actually a good take from Sneako, so I don't understand what the message is of this "Sneako loses it" section.
this creator is pro isreal lol
sneako brings up some really valid points about the "other" influencers
He didn't take half as much punishment as his girl did when she got with a real man.
Goat comment
People need to stop watching porn man, got kids talking weird af on internet
Define "real man", you probably think someone like Strickland is masculine lmao
Damn,so many definitions of "real man"
BANGERS, more ufc/fighting related content like this please.
wonder why the word zionism is blocked out of the video, like, bruh?
we know who is the victim and who isn't
Man. Sneako used to pump out such good videos. He'd discuss sensitive subjects, sometimes with unpopular opinions, but without being an asshole. I feel like once he started interacting with Tate, he got poisoned. Got into a mindset where he convinced himself he sees the world more clearly than everyone else. It's a fucking shame.
Between him and Adin Ross (kinda), I'm convinced Tate is like a mental poison for people. You meet him, and you come out wrong
Tate poisons kids like him
They think they can talk shit about anyone they like without Consequences
Tate is rich so he gets away but these guys are not as much and ruin their own image
For example?
I see the manosphere as mainly, clout Marketing and sh!t posting. The gil with curly hair, Brittney had some funny content and takedowns. I think Sneako should have never allowed line backer Pearl in his space. I also think Kai and ISP are industry plants. Logan too
@@reallyrecap The manosphere shit is ALL a grift.
He was right about adin doe, everyone turned there back and avoided him when he got cancelled.
Having Sneako on your side when things hit the fan is not the flex Sneako thinks it is... would you rather nobody be on your side or someone who's likely to damage your rep even more? This ain't rocket surgery
@@SyrupyBeard you looking a little too deep into bro. Sneako spoke the truth people actively avoided Adin when he got cancelled.
@@exploremiami585 That's cool and all but he's not cancelled and still popular af, all without the help of Sneako. So again that's not the flex he thinks it is.
@@SyrupyBeard still got canceled and everyone avoided him 🤷🏾♂️
@@exploremiami585 Your either a fanboy or don't know anything about life. Do you ever think why they do that ? or maybe ever think deeply about things? From your replys I guess not
"if forest didnt jump in!?!?!?""
so my man got pre game pep talk from jake shields, got beat up by strickland, and then got the fight stopped by forrest griffin?! as sadistic as this sounds that sounds like a great day!!
14:17 mike is so real for this, even with the elephant in the room he’s still friendly/ chill and it’s hilarious how he hints to the obvious lmfao same with speed ignoring lol
Nah your videos are actually to good bruh, keep it up 100k soon 🙏🏾
16:50 thats how you know he has brain damage because it took him this long to realize this lol
Seeing my guy cry talking about his childhood hit hard, I went through the same shit but it was my step dad and I did the same and went to fighting and then to boxing, I dont know about Sean but my ex step dad fears me now after feeling what its like to be on the other end.
That kids abs are fucking insane
I get why Stricklan doesn’t like influencers but the definition of sparring is not going full out and trying to kill your sparring partner.
Who has insane abs?
Nah, we've seen Sean in the ring. He wasn't going all out. Going harder than Sneako was capable of handling, sure, but definitely not all out. He may not have liked Sneako, but he also didn't just lay into him like he could have. Idk if that was because he didn't want any legal trouble or because of morals, maybe even some other reason, but it is the case. If he was honestly trying to hurt Sneako or put him down, he'd have gone down very quick and very hard, but I strongly suspect he didn't want it to be that easy for Sneako.
@@5stargrim Can we stop with the the 'he wasnt going all out 🤓🤓" as if Sean is some kind of anime dragonball character, respectfully it's just kinda cringe man. From the video it is very clear that Sean was going hard. Sean has literally said 'I like to hurt people" and "i have an urge to kill someone" so yea he was definitely trying to hurt Sneako plus Sneako was going down, and very quick. If the fight wasnt stopped sneako probably wouldve gotten knocked out. You realize this whole ordeal lasted only a few seconds right? To your point he may not have been throwing the hardest punches in his entire career but still he did go hard af on him and there's no denying that.
Would love to see him keep that same attitude against Tyson Fury or Wilder with a "sparring" boxing match.
Like Strickland said; this guy didn't earn anything so there's 0 respect. He's not even a fighter. Yet keyboard warrior calls out the champ to play patty cakes for photo ops & clout. Of course he mauled him after giving him lots of chances to back out. Unlike Bradley Martyn dude fights like a grapist.
When a bully meats a beast
Why do people complain about Strickland not knocking out a streamer? Its a spar, do people really think he goes all out on a spar?
he did not go all out
@@yeabsiraleblanc-cormier8177he did go pretty hard tho
Sean’s a decision fighter, no one expects him to knock anyone out lmao
@@smokexotic its the opposite sean invited sneako to spar
He did he even said I tried to knock him out Strickland a drunk shit talker bro calm down he lucky he didn't fight anybody else
Sneako saying hes not fighting for money and then says he wants to talk to one of the worlds richest man on stream like he clearly wants money if hes talking to somone so famous
All hypotheticals in your head
He said beforehand what the topic of the dialogue was going to be and im sure he would have done it even if it was streamed on marks private facebookaccount
I hate "influencers" so fucking much. Dean should definitely go for all of them when he finally snaps
Is it weird that I feel like Strickland still held back? That could've been a lot worse knowing how much further he could've took it.
yea i have the same feeling he did hold back. otherwise sneako would have been gone k.o.
he hit him hard on the body and on his gloves not on the jaw or back of the ear (which makes people go out)
Yeah, he's still a good guy, in his way.
As much as I hate Sneako, lotta respect for Sneako for not backing down.
He got paid to spar with Sean! If he wasn’t getting recognition and internet clout out of it… he would have moved to another country!
15:15 is on point though
Just found your channel. These videos are great keep it up
Sneako should always remember to never judge a book by its cover
15:20 he is just right what can i say
Yeah, he was spitting facts on that one
7:28 excuse me?! SOMEONE!!!
So… someone ?
Or was he no one?
Forrest Griffin vs Stephan Bonnar was peak UFC, absolute barn burner
@@HitPoint19 I remember watching that. I think it was on either G4 or Spike, i think it was called UFC Unleashed (not sure if thats correct)? It was like a greatest hits of UFC type show. I used to record those on I think TiVo at the time, lol. I watched Ultimate Fighter too. I was addicted lol.
Strickland definitely lit into him but he was hardly going 50%
id say 40%
I think sean was not trying to knock him out but instead trying to unalive him
As an oldest brother of four brothers, nah. Those were “you’ve fucked around, time to find out” punches
I honestly can't believe Senako fans actually thought he came away from it looking good because he "ate" those punches and didn't get knocked out. They seriously thought Sean, an MMA champ, was going all out? Like come on man, it's clear those punches had the intention of one thing only; dish out as much damage without a KO blow.
@@Werewolf.with.Internet.Accessyou’ve never punched anyone half as hard in your entire life
@@aimannorzahariwod Sean was going all out. He said so himself after the spar. If you've seen any of his fights, you would know this. He's not known for his fast twitch ability, he's more of a volume fighter. Sneako took all of his punches, but if the fight was stopped 5 seconds too late, Sneako wouldve been taking a nap on the canvas.
@@aimannorzahariwodYeah, he was going all out 😂 He’s a standup merchant that has good meaty hooks. Sneako is a bum but he took those licks for real.
"Being against Genocide is controversial..."
Unless Hitler does it🤔
Sneako needs to find his own personality.
By far the most influenced influencer on the planet.
He is against genocide he blames others to make it controversial and he is right about that.