It does make me wish that the Master and Missy were cut from the season 10 trailer since it was obvious that Missy was in the vault from the first episode and obvious that the Master would be with the cyber men just from the fact that he hadn't shown up yet. I do, however, not blame them for it since obviously you can't hide the fact that such big actors are returning to doctor who. It was easy to hide someone who had never been in the series before but would've been impossible to hide John Simm.
@@SnowLily06 the marketing and trailers for the Moffat era were awfully full of spoilers and early announcements that kinda ruined the episodes if you followed it. I feel like many people felt underwhelmed by some big moments just because they aleady knew what to expect. A prime example is the Series 10 finale, which was some of the best Doctor Who ever (imo) but would've felt definitely way less impactful if I knew half of it in advance. Thankfully from the Chibnall era onwards they actually got it right and currently for Series 14 I'm really loving what they are teasing and what they're choosing to hide.
I love that you got to start with "River Song, THE BEST CHARACTER" instead of waiting to work it in later. And the fact that the Doctor Who Magazine had Rory listed as "Rory Pond" is PERFECT lol.
My biggest concern with River and the Doctor is neither of them had any choice but to get together, he was told when they met the 2nd time she was his future wife and she was told from birth that she'd be the one who loves the doctor and also his murderer. They were specifically designed for eachother, hmmm in reality that would be toxic as toxicity could be!
It is kinda fucked up. So many twisted things in the Moffat era. Amy shooting River as a child comes to mind. But then again, a big part of the world's marriages are arranged marriages :D
@@theowels5773 He didn't, I had a look and he specified that that there'd be no Daleks or Cybermen (this season actually breaks a trend as this is the FIRST Modern Season in which the Daleks do not appear in ANY capacity) and it'd be mostly new villains, but he never said there'd be NO returning villains this season, he was pretty vague about it honestly.
On the other end of the spectrum the BBC often completely failed to read the memo about keeping something a secret - like Eccleston's decision to leave the role of the Doctor after his first and only season and revealing John Simm's return as the Master opposite Missy in Season 10.
Yea. They made a pretty big deal about it when Jack mentioned that to 10th in Utopia. Jack: Rose. I saw her name on the list. 10th: Oh, no, she's fine. She lives in an alternate world. Something like that (don't remember it word by word).
When I was watching it on PBS as a kid here in America, I didn't notice Bryant's accent. But I also wouldn't have cared if I knew that she wasn't actually an American.
I didn't like Spyfall either cause it was convoluted and then made the master Snidley Whiplash again, instead of the more nuanced writing for them I'd come to expect. ☹
@@R.senals_ArsenalI suppose, but it's still one of the few Chibnall stories that worked for me. And it was far less convoluted than the Flux nonsense.
Spyfall was definitely his best story. I just wish the Master had stated that they were before Missy because in the event that his Master is after Missy, it's a mess of retconning and character assassination.
@@SnowLily06 This part! Missy was such a step in the right direction. Undoing that was criminal. The Master works better written with more than a One Dimensional persona.
#1 that the God of death is Sutekt when the thruth is Evil Dan is the god of Wok, Soup, death, and tricks, and his harbinger was the moon egg fom 12th.The only key to kill evil dan is malcon. And from the 13-to rhe death he becomes the black gardian after that that causes 14 regen into 15 as a watcher who waits -edit THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE, DAN IS AN ANAGRAM FOR "A.N.D" You know how many times they said that this season and since the classic
That's like saying Journey's End is a lie because it's not the final episode of the series, or that the Name of the Doctor is a lie because we don't actually find out his name
I think them editing The Master out of the season 12 trailers was done because they didn't want to spoil The Master's return like they did in season 10.
@@DrWhoFanJ The Master did return in season 12. You can google it if you think I'm wrong. Also, a season preview after the first episode of season 10 spoiled the return of John Simm's Master.
@@cyberinsecuregaming2890 John Simm wasn’t in Season 10. The Master wasn’t in Season 12. Whole-season trailers weren’t a thing for DW until the late 1980s when they were short enough to have been entirely prepared for broadcast before said broadcast commenced. The Master was in Season 10, but played by Roger Delgado, not John Simm.
I think this was written and recorded in advance because that was what was being said about The Legend of Ruby Sunday in the synopsis and in the Radio Times as to not spoil the actual twist reveal before it actually aired
You could also add “The Bells of St. John” to the list of misleading episode titles as the “bells of St. John” merely refers to the ringing of the TARDIS telephone at the start of the episode and otherwise has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the episode’s actual plotline, that being the Great Intelligence using WiFi to take over the world…😵💫😅
On the point of Moffat lying about writing for the new season of Who, I would suggest that a far cheekier denial was the one he did at a press thing where he blatantly gave us the titles of the episodes he'd already written as part of his denial. That was some grade A trolling right there.
No, it's not that deep, it's quite literal, really. It's about how she "died" in her original world, the main Doctor Who reality, "our" Earth. She lived in an alternate world, "Pete's World", but she was declared dead in the original Earth. Even Jack in Utopia mentioned that. All people lost in the battle of Canary Wharf, whether they really died, were converted into Cybermen, or saved in "Pete's World", their names were on a mural thing. They are basically dead for everyone, who knew them.
S'okay. No American was fooled by Nicola Bryant's accent. It's all good. We may have thought, "Hey, what's that Canadian actress doing on Doctor Who?" but certainly we certainly never thought she was American. :D
( 9:29 ) I thought it was mainly Nicola that chose to pretend to be American not the show or showrunner. As Colin baker didn’t know until she told him.
Of course, the old favourite of misleading titles is 'Invasion' Part One -- which led to Invasion of the Dinosaurs part one being junked by mistake, having been confused with The Invasion episode one. 😂
yeah, no Americans believed Nicola Bryant was American or that Peri was American either. No one in America would name their kid Perpugilliam. Moon Unit, Apple, sure, but not Perpugilliam
Tbf, Who didn't lie to us on that one, she lied to Who, and for a good reason. They thought she was Australian, and she was American, but she would've been fired if found out as American, cuz the BBC hates Americans ig, so she had to lie to keep her job, and tbh I'm glad she did, she was quite the companion, and as an American myself, she gives me hope of someday seeing more Americans in Who.
But the thing is, she WASN'T American, she wasn't even Australian, I think Nicola Bryant was British (I may be wrong, I don't know her, never watched Classic Who), but her character, Peri, was supposed to be American,, so she faked her accent to be American. The actress herself isn't American at all. You might've mistaken her for someone else, or misinterpreted what Ellie said about her.
It’s easier to say decades after the fact but as an American that studied acting (and bad accents) for a time every time I have looked at an episode with “American” Peri it’s incredibly obvious she’s from the UK!? I don’t know how used to hearing American accents people were in the 80s but honestly hers was pretty bad. It helped me realize that the myth of Americans being terrible at accents and all UK actors being geniuses at mimicking our accent is complete hogwash. Forgive me if that sounds rude because I like the actress but one of the first things I learned is that whatever accent you are trying make sure you are at least consistent with it, even if it’s not accurate. Lol
You have a very fair point. You're right that she was bloody awful at it as Peri, but I blame the show runner for not just accepting her as an English actress. If she ticked every other box, leave the hiring of an American actress until the next one and make sure they actually got a real one! I would say that, as of now, British actors are *_generally_* better at it, and any number of (but definitely not all!) American actors either come across as trying too hard to be either posh or a Cockney. There are genuinely _thousands_ (at one point it was estimated to be more than 10,000!) of British accents. From what I've been led to believe, we have more distinct accents than the entire USA does. Though sadly, that is diminishing rapidly. 😢 Where I grew up, I could pinpoint someone's home village or town (within about 50 miles from me and a larger locality further out), even if they were only a mile or so from the next one! Nope, I'm not exaggerating. I think things have changed somewhat and are continuing to do so since then because of TV, but I can still hear the differences in each bigger town, let alone the few cities we have, and I've been away for 40+ years. When it comes to actors, compare the very Welsh 🏴😆😉 (yes, I am Welsh) and extremely convincing Sir Anthony Hopkins as Nixon, with the very adorable but dreadfully bad Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. Sorry for the blindingly obvious choice there! It's still pretty early and I didn't sleep more than 2 broken hours. It doesn't do my memory any good. I was going to say Keanu Reeves in Coppola's Dracula film, but then I remembered that he's Canadian, so I quickly looked him up and discovered that he's half-English {so no excuse there! Lol} on his mother's side, and of Hawaiian, Chinese, Portuguese _and_ English descent on his father's, plus he was born in Beirut (where his dad abandoned him and his mother) and lived there for a few years before moving to Australia, then NYC before settling in Canada. Poor kid must have been very confused! But given his backstory, his "English" accent in that film should have been acceptable at least, not terrible as it was... But I can't really wholly pin that on you guys 😅😉. (Why wasn't he cast as the heroic American guy? I've only ever seen clips of it, but I have to assume that such an important character was in it!) I know there have been a multitude of bad accents (for a plethora of places) by any number of actors from all over the world. We really shouldn't have a go at any of them for trying their best, but I guess it's a habit, especially when it's "yours" being murdered lol. As an aside and mentioning two other Welsh actors whose American accents stick the landing; Richard Burton came from a village 2 miles from the aforementioned Sir Anthony (btw, British "Anthony" is not said with the th but a hard t - Antony. Just another aside!), and Martin Sheen came from the town about 2 miles further south, and 6 miles from my village. We all have/had different accents. This sort of thing gives you an ear for how other people speak. Btw, Leslie Nielsen's mum was, IIRC, from the same town - if not, it was another nearby one (his dad was Danish: a third aside! 😂). However, you have Meryl Streep who nails every accent from what I can tell, and even learns to speak the languages even when she doesn't need to speak it in the film. As a very amateur linguist, she is one of my heroes. Sorry for the essay, linguistics in all its forms is one of my greatest passions. Better get on with my Dutch lesson. After another coffee! 😊
“One day, the Doctor Who marketing team will change Series 1 - 13 & Season 1 to their actual numbers season 27 - 40, yes one day, the Doctor Who marketing team will change Series 1 - 13 & Season 1 to their actual numbers season 27 - 40. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.”
As an American fan of Doctor Who fora decades, I was surprised that you said that Nicola Bryant was playing an American character. When I heard her speak the last thing I would have thought she was playing was an American.
yes, If it wasn't for this accent I think I would have liked her more, it was so distracting. I recognized right away it was not American. I thought they should really work on her accent, say she is British, or cast an American actress because it's awful. She is a great actor though, its a shame.
What about that teaser for "Let's Kill Hitler", which aired right after "A Good Man Goes to War", showing the sonic screwdriver in a skeleton hand, having nothing to do with the actual episode and being very misleading about the series arc?
I think Rose the best character, not river. Fun, not Martha, possibly daughter, not Sylvia. Sylvia is kind of ABI CTH made a daughterfield office. What is half like home
Regarding spoilers Endgame Never Says Never, publicly and a response to say never return says that it all is part of the game of entertainment it refreshes a franchise regenerates a cult series dedicated to its fans and though it looks like it has to make odd decisions or replace line ups of episodes or someone or not because they leave or not it's publicly and utterly impossible to see which way round it will go. Doctor Who has become a iconic cultural show it shocks and amazes and thrills and is at the centre of entertainment. Spoilers and Spoilers quiet a ride and on going, so fantastic time.
I was okay with "this is the story of how I died" for a couple of reasons: 1. "This is the story of how I faked my death and became legally dead, while escaping into a parallel dimension" is a mouthful 2. I enjoy suspense 3. Look how heartbroken Rose and the Doctor both are at the end of the episode. The old version of Rose really has died, in a certain way, because that version of her only exists in a universe she no longer has access to. She's starting a whole new life.
Wasn't 'The Doctor's Wife' the name of a fake script outline JNT left hanging around the production office, in the hope it would leak? I always assumed that's where it came from.
Another interesting lie is Matthew Waterhouse radio times credit on Time-Flight. Yes, Adric appeared in the episode as an hallucination, but apparently JNT only included him in the story to hide the fact that the characters dies at the end of Earthshock, the previous story.
I did not know that Nicola Bryant was obligated to keep up her American accent outside of the recording of the show. She didn’t really do a good job of it in the episodes. She’s much better at it now.
I'd say the biggest lie the show keeps telling is that many Dalek and Master stories end off implying that they were killed off for good, and sure enough they keep coming back.
Ms. Littlechild, I dearly love watching your Dr. Who content, though I usually have to watch twice because you are very distracting. It pains me to tell you, but you are wrong. River Song is indeed an incredible character, but Amy Pond is the best character.
That boom comment at the end is good until you remember the landline didn’t actually go boom in the end so I’d call that another misleading title honestly 😂
But Rose did die in the main reality in Doomsday, she was declared dead after the battle of Canary Wharf. She lived in an alternate world, "Pete's World", but was dead for the rest of the reality, unreachable for everyone, who knew her before she met the Doctor. About misleading titles: how exactly was "Let's kill Hitler" misleading? Mels did say it herself just before the opening credits. Sure the act itself didn't happen, as killing Hitler would seriously damage time, changing important events, most likely fixed point in time. Like did anyone seriously expect them actually doing it? Killing Hitler and dealing with the severe consequences? It's Doctor Who, sure, there's strange things going on, but we know the Doctor by this moment, would 11th really allow it? A serious change in events? Like come on. There's nothing misleading about that episode and people are naive, if they think otherwise.
The reason the new season is Season 1 is 100% entirely because of it streaming on Disney+. They’re not going to have it on there as “Season 14” and have viewers wonder where the other thirteen seasons are. It’s also just how Disney would have it labeled for production purposes.
The Dalek Caan saying "one of them will die" thing is so funny to me bc why wasn't Davros like "one of them? only one?"
Hmm good point good point
I think Davros was just like "bro this mf is completely insane i'll just let him say whatever makes him happy and not object"
I kinda thought that the one who would die was Dalek Caan himself, having betrayed Davros by not letting him know he would fail.
@@danielpratt237I thought it dalek Caan because he thought of himself as one of the doctor's companions and he knew he was going to die
The Meta Doctor is mortal, so will die
"She was too busy pining after David Tennant."
Quite right too.
"And I suppose, if this is my last time to say it..."
Best finale lines.
"The Doctor's Wife" was originally a fake episode title "accidentally" caught in a photo of the production office in a1980s Doctor Who Magazine.
I would love to see a Doctor Who spoof where the main villain is called "The Showrunner"
Maybe alluded to in The Greatest Show In The Galaxy?
You have been watching it for the last seven years.
@@happyslapsgiving5421 😂
...Or maybe the main villain has the initials B.B.C.?
"A normal life surrounded by your family isn't a death."
It kind of depends on the family.
"Nobody stays dead in Moffat's Dr. Who"
Meanwhile, Adric be over here like: 😵💀
Who is Adric I don't remember him
Well, Amy and Rory really, really, really died, smack dab in the middle of Moffat's run.
@@hacerkalayc7431a classic era companion, so not written by Moffat
The Master is the few things Chidnall got right, and how he kept his out of the advertising was just genius. I loved that cliffhanger in Spyfall.
It does make me wish that the Master and Missy were cut from the season 10 trailer since it was obvious that Missy was in the vault from the first episode and obvious that the Master would be with the cyber men just from the fact that he hadn't shown up yet. I do, however, not blame them for it since obviously you can't hide the fact that such big actors are returning to doctor who. It was easy to hide someone who had never been in the series before but would've been impossible to hide John Simm.
@@SnowLily06 the marketing and trailers for the Moffat era were awfully full of spoilers and early announcements that kinda ruined the episodes if you followed it.
I feel like many people felt underwhelmed by some big moments just because they aleady knew what to expect.
A prime example is the Series 10 finale, which was some of the best Doctor Who ever (imo) but would've felt definitely way less impactful if I knew half of it in advance.
Thankfully from the Chibnall era onwards they actually got it right and currently for Series 14 I'm really loving what they are teasing and what they're choosing to hide.
@@SnowLily06The Master wasn’t in the Season 10 trailer, and Missy wouldn’t even exist for four decades yet!
@@DrWhoFanJ sorry I meant series 10
@@DrWhoFanJDude, really?
I love that you got to start with "River Song, THE BEST CHARACTER" instead of waiting to work it in later. And the fact that the Doctor Who Magazine had Rory listed as "Rory Pond" is PERFECT lol.
that's his name. that's how it works. "yes it is." (his own words)
That’s quite emasculating
@@ozmond only if you care that much about it. Also their daughter uses the Pond surname. And I'm sure Doctor refers to Rory as Rory Pond.
That time when Nicola Bryant said "glass" in a British accent in between the fake American accent dialogue... Priceless.
My biggest concern with River and the Doctor is neither of them had any choice but to get together, he was told when they met the 2nd time she was his future wife and she was told from birth that she'd be the one who loves the doctor and also his murderer. They were specifically designed for eachother, hmmm in reality that would be toxic as toxicity could be!
It is kinda fucked up. So many twisted things in the Moffat era. Amy shooting River as a child comes to mind. But then again, a big part of the world's marriages are arranged marriages :D
The obsession of anagrams is mind boggling
You missed the most recent one! Russell’s “no returning villains” lie
well technically Russell never said that, he just said there'd be no Daleks or Cybermen.
& kinda implied no others.
Rule 1 lives!
@@friendlyotaku9525Pretty sure he said “no returning villains” in one interview as well tho
@@theowels5773 He didn't, I had a look and he specified that that there'd be no Daleks or Cybermen (this season actually breaks a trend as this is the FIRST Modern Season in which the Daleks do not appear in ANY capacity) and it'd be mostly new villains, but he never said there'd be NO returning villains this season, he was pretty vague about it honestly.
@@friendlyotaku9525 Ahhhh ok fairs, yeah I remembered he said no Daleks or cybermen but yeah misremembered that bit
On the other end of the spectrum the BBC often completely failed to read the memo about keeping something a secret - like Eccleston's decision to leave the role of the Doctor after his first and only season and revealing John Simm's return as the Master opposite Missy in Season 10.
John Simm was not in Season 10.
@@DrWhoFanJNeither was Michelle Gomez. (or is this not a joke?)
@@intothemagic It isn’t a joke, though your response is also true.
@@DrWhoFanJyes he was
@@ozmond No, he wasn’t.
With that Attack of the Cybermen fact, you gave us 11 YOU lied too!!!!!!
Only thing I'd say is that Rose Tyler was listed among the dead on "our earth"
Yea. They made a pretty big deal about it when Jack mentioned that to 10th in Utopia.
Jack: Rose. I saw her name on the list.
10th: Oh, no, she's fine. She lives in an alternate world.
Something like that (don't remember it word by word).
@@Croftice1 🙏
Well, technically Rose Tyler did die on Earth; she is still alive on "Pete's World" (parallel-Earth) of course, with the hybrid 10th Doctor.
When I was watching it on PBS as a kid here in America, I didn't notice Bryant's accent. But I also wouldn't have cared if I knew that she wasn't actually an American.
This American never caught on either. 😟
One could argue that Rose Tyler did technically die, since she was declared dead by the government following the battle
Those Spyfall episodes were fantastic. Shame the rest of the Chibnall era wasn't at that level.
I didn't like Spyfall either cause it was convoluted and then made the master Snidley Whiplash again, instead of the more nuanced writing for them I'd come to expect. ☹
@@R.senals_ArsenalI suppose, but it's still one of the few Chibnall stories that worked for me. And it was far less convoluted than the Flux nonsense.
@@R.senals_Arsenalwe’re still waiting to know who the “real” O was, because the Master replaced him. I guess it was another Tremas situation?
Spyfall was definitely his best story. I just wish the Master had stated that they were before Missy because in the event that his Master is after Missy, it's a mess of retconning and character assassination.
@@SnowLily06 This part! Missy was such a step in the right direction. Undoing that was criminal. The Master works better written with more than a One Dimensional persona.
Nice to see Ellie back in purple
Ellie you are brilliant and so is Shawn 😊😊
Not enough for you to spell his name correctly!
@@DrWhoFanJ i find it hard to spell
#1 that the God of death is Sutekt when the thruth is Evil Dan is the god of Wok, Soup, death, and tricks, and his harbinger was the moon egg fom 12th.The only key to kill evil dan is malcon. And from the 13-to rhe death he becomes the black gardian after that that causes 14 regen into 15 as a watcher who waits
THINK ABOUT IT PEOPLE, DAN IS AN ANAGRAM FOR "A.N.D" You know how many times they said that this season and since the classic
(several creditable newspaper say that)
Can confirm. Evil Dan killed my family.
@@elliesteele2027 Rip, From wok to heart you have my sympathy
Can you IMAGINE if Ecclestone’s departure hadn’t leaked? Hoo boyyy
Anyone else expecting the legend of Ruby Sunday to be in there given that it turns out to just be the label on a video tape?
That's like saying Journey's End is a lie because it's not the final episode of the series, or that the Name of the Doctor is a lie because we don't actually find out his name
0:20. The Tardis was also a set of doors - in the ice tombs on Telos. It wasn't just the cabinet and the pipe organ.
No Ellie you are the best character in Dr. Who.
you know what, fair
I think them editing The Master out of the season 12 trailers was done because they didn't want to spoil The Master's return like they did in season 10.
The Master wasn’t in Season 12, and there weren’t trailers for seasons as a whole when Season 10 was being released.
@@DrWhoFanJ The Master did return in season 12. You can google it if you think I'm wrong. Also, a season preview after the first episode of season 10 spoiled the return of John Simm's Master.
@@cyberinsecuregaming2890 John Simm wasn’t in Season 10. The Master wasn’t in Season 12. Whole-season trailers weren’t a thing for DW until the late 1980s when they were short enough to have been entirely prepared for broadcast before said broadcast commenced.
The Master was in Season 10, but played by Roger Delgado, not John Simm.
@@DrWhoFanJ I'm talking about the modern series, not the classic series.
@@cyberinsecuregaming2890 Then you don’t mean season. How do you expect people to know what you mean when you say something else entirely‽
A secret from the third Doctor era? Third? Did I miss something?
I think this was written and recorded in advance because that was what was being said about The Legend of Ruby Sunday in the synopsis and in the Radio Times as to not spoil the actual twist reveal before it actually aired
@@TheMadManInABox97 So don’t get my hopes up for a Sean Pertwee cameo. Roger that.
@@markstirtonThere never would’ve been.
You could also add “The Bells of St. John” to the list of misleading episode titles as the “bells of St. John” merely refers to the ringing of the TARDIS telephone at the start of the episode and otherwise has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the episode’s actual plotline, that being the Great Intelligence using WiFi to take over the world…😵💫😅
Sascha Dhawan is so underrated in this.
On the point of Moffat lying about writing for the new season of Who, I would suggest that a far cheekier denial was the one he did at a press thing where he blatantly gave us the titles of the episodes he'd already written as part of his denial. That was some grade A trolling right there.
I feel that the story of how Rose Tyler died meant in her mental self. She loved 10 and so being pulled away from the doctor emotionally killed her
No, it's not that deep, it's quite literal, really. It's about how she "died" in her original world, the main Doctor Who reality, "our" Earth. She lived in an alternate world, "Pete's World", but she was declared dead in the original Earth. Even Jack in Utopia mentioned that. All people lost in the battle of Canary Wharf, whether they really died, were converted into Cybermen, or saved in "Pete's World", their names were on a mural thing. They are basically dead for everyone, who knew them.
S'okay. No American was fooled by Nicola Bryant's accent. It's all good. We may have thought, "Hey, what's that Canadian actress doing on Doctor Who?" but certainly we certainly never thought she was American. :D
Having Sylvia as a mother would have been awful in 2008, but I don't think it would be so bad now.
( 9:29 ) I thought it was mainly Nicola that chose to pretend to be American not the show or showrunner. As Colin baker didn’t know until she told him.
My understanding was that she deliberately made the producers think she was American.
@@garybreeze1000 Ah I seeeee!
Officially, Rose Tyler was declared dead in her original universe, even if it wasn't true.
Boom was an amaxing episode imho
Of course, the old favourite of misleading titles is 'Invasion' Part One -- which led to Invasion of the Dinosaurs part one being junked by mistake, having been confused with The Invasion episode one. 😂
yeah, no Americans believed Nicola Bryant was American or that Peri was American either. No one in America would name their kid Perpugilliam. Moon Unit, Apple, sure, but not Perpugilliam
Elon Musk, case closed
Her name should've been Periwinkle so the nickname of "Peri" would make more sense.
@@hydra9627 Elon Musk is from South Africa.
Anyone who thought Rose was going to die has to think if she died, how is she telling the story?
Tbf, Who didn't lie to us on that one, she lied to Who, and for a good reason. They thought she was Australian, and she was American, but she would've been fired if found out as American, cuz the BBC hates Americans ig, so she had to lie to keep her job, and tbh I'm glad she did, she was quite the companion, and as an American myself, she gives me hope of someday seeing more Americans in Who.
But the thing is, she WASN'T American, she wasn't even Australian, I think Nicola Bryant was British (I may be wrong, I don't know her, never watched Classic Who), but her character, Peri, was supposed to be American,, so she faked her accent to be American. The actress herself isn't American at all. You might've mistaken her for someone else, or misinterpreted what Ellie said about her.
I love the little clip of Kris Marshall hinting at the speculation that he could've been the 13th Doctor.
6:39 death in paradise !!
Ellie (the other Ellie), you do seem a little obsessed with River Song...
It’s easier to say decades after the fact but as an American that studied acting (and bad accents) for a time every time I have looked at an episode with “American” Peri it’s incredibly obvious she’s from the UK!? I don’t know how used to hearing American accents people were in the 80s but honestly hers was pretty bad. It helped me realize that the myth of Americans being terrible at accents and all UK actors being geniuses at mimicking our accent is complete hogwash. Forgive me if that sounds rude because I like the actress but one of the first things I learned is that whatever accent you are trying make sure you are at least consistent with it, even if it’s not accurate. Lol
You have a very fair point. You're right that she was bloody awful at it as Peri, but I blame the show runner for not just accepting her as an English actress. If she ticked every other box, leave the hiring of an American actress until the next one and make sure they actually got a real one!
I would say that, as of now, British actors are *_generally_* better at it, and any number of (but definitely not all!) American actors either come across as trying too hard to be either posh or a Cockney. There are genuinely _thousands_ (at one point it was estimated to be more than 10,000!) of British accents. From what I've been led to believe, we have more distinct accents than the entire USA does. Though sadly, that is diminishing rapidly. 😢
Where I grew up, I could pinpoint someone's home village or town (within about 50 miles from me and a larger locality further out), even if they were only a mile or so from the next one! Nope, I'm not exaggerating. I think things have changed somewhat and are continuing to do so since then because of TV, but I can still hear the differences in each bigger town, let alone the few cities we have, and I've been away for 40+ years.
When it comes to actors, compare the very Welsh 🏴😆😉 (yes, I am Welsh) and extremely convincing Sir Anthony Hopkins as Nixon, with the very adorable but dreadfully bad Dick Van Dyke in Mary Poppins. Sorry for the blindingly obvious choice there! It's still pretty early and I didn't sleep more than 2 broken hours. It doesn't do my memory any good.
I was going to say Keanu Reeves in Coppola's Dracula film, but then I remembered that he's Canadian, so I quickly looked him up and discovered that he's half-English {so no excuse there! Lol} on his mother's side, and of Hawaiian, Chinese, Portuguese _and_ English descent on his father's, plus he was born in Beirut (where his dad abandoned him and his mother) and lived there for a few years before moving to Australia, then NYC before settling in Canada. Poor kid must have been very confused! But given his backstory, his "English" accent in that film should have been acceptable at least, not terrible as it was... But I can't really wholly pin that on you guys 😅😉. (Why wasn't he cast as the heroic American guy? I've only ever seen clips of it, but I have to assume that such an important character was in it!)
I know there have been a multitude of bad accents (for a plethora of places) by any number of actors from all over the world. We really shouldn't have a go at any of them for trying their best, but I guess it's a habit, especially when it's "yours" being murdered lol.
As an aside and mentioning two other Welsh actors whose American accents stick the landing; Richard Burton came from a village 2 miles from the aforementioned Sir Anthony (btw, British "Anthony" is not said with the th but a hard t - Antony. Just another aside!), and Martin Sheen came from the town about 2 miles further south, and 6 miles from my village. We all have/had different accents. This sort of thing gives you an ear for how other people speak. Btw, Leslie Nielsen's mum was, IIRC, from the same town - if not, it was another nearby one (his dad was Danish: a third aside! 😂).
However, you have Meryl Streep who nails every accent from what I can tell, and even learns to speak the languages even when she doesn't need to speak it in the film. As a very amateur linguist, she is one of my heroes.
Sorry for the essay, linguistics in all its forms is one of my greatest passions. Better get on with my Dutch lesson. After another coffee! 😊
Ha season 14 is a lie by that standard it is season 40
I really wish New Who was officially Season 27-40. Instead of starting from 1 again now :(
“One day, the Doctor Who marketing team will change Series 1 - 13 & Season 1 to their actual numbers season 27 - 40, yes one day, the Doctor Who marketing team will change Series 1 - 13 & Season 1 to their actual numbers season 27 - 40. Until then, there must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.”
As an American fan of Doctor Who fora decades, I was surprised that you said that Nicola Bryant was playing an American character. When I heard her speak the last thing I would have thought she was playing was an American.
lik everytime he says "i'll keep you/them safe"?
Number 6 is season 1 on Disney even though not on the BBC
Just give Disney a chance Ellie
Nope. It’s Season One. Doesn’t mean we’ll stop calling it Series 14 instead.
Hii I love ur vids they always make me smile.❤❤❤
Thanks Ellie.
My name is Gavin.
If The Doctor's name is revealed to be Gavin, I'm gonna lose my f*ing mind!
Doctor Who is my favorite show, period.
But it's Mildred.
I love Peri, sixy is my favorite doctor..... what a god awful accent though. She couldnt even say America right.
Watching that as a kid (American) and I didn't know why she sounded so weird when talking. I never knew the character was supposed to be American.
yes, If it wasn't for this accent I think I would have liked her more, it was so distracting. I recognized right away it was not American. I thought they should really work on her accent, say she is British, or cast an American actress because it's awful. She is a great actor though, its a shame.
I loved the lie about Stephen Moffat.Boom was my standout episode of this season.
I didn't realize Peri was American until I saw her début episode and American passport some time after I had first met the character
HI Love the title of the video , Just remember Rule number One : the Doctor Lies 👍
5:00 the death is because she has to deal with Nerys.
What about that teaser for "Let's Kill Hitler", which aired right after "A Good Man Goes to War", showing the sonic screwdriver in a skeleton hand, having nothing to do with the actual episode and being very misleading about the series arc?
I was today years old when I found out that Nicola Bryant wasn't an American
I'd argue boom is still a misleading title, yeah the doc steps on a landmine but it doesn't... y'know... boom
That was the joke.
I think Rose the best character, not river. Fun, not Martha, possibly daughter, not Sylvia. Sylvia is kind of ABI CTH made a daughterfield office. What is half like home
honestly "Boom" is misleading because (SPOILERS) the Doctor doesn't explode.
bad Moffat, bad.
Rule one the Doctor lies
River Song - The irritating know it all...
Thats Osgood
@@zarniwoopnu I turned the programme on to see Doctor Who, not the River Song show.!!
Regarding spoilers Endgame Never Says Never, publicly and a response to say never return says that it all is part of the game of entertainment it refreshes a franchise regenerates a cult series dedicated to its fans and though it looks like it has to make odd decisions or replace line ups of episodes or someone or not because they leave or not it's publicly and utterly impossible to see which way round it will go. Doctor Who has become a iconic cultural show it shocks and amazes and thrills and is at the centre of entertainment. Spoilers and Spoilers quiet a ride and on going, so fantastic time.
River Song is the best character!
11th time: "Yeah, we'll explain why it snows"
I was okay with "this is the story of how I died" for a couple of reasons:
1. "This is the story of how I faked my death and became legally dead, while escaping into a parallel dimension" is a mouthful
2. I enjoy suspense
3. Look how heartbroken Rose and the Doctor both are at the end of the episode. The old version of Rose really has died, in a certain way, because that version of her only exists in a universe she no longer has access to. She's starting a whole new life.
Peri isn't from Boston
She doesn't even have a new England accent.
First. Love the videos
9 is pretty impressive considering how far spoiler seekers will go to get some dirt.
Wouldn't removing Sacha Dawan from any promotional material only make it a dead giveaway that he's someone to watch out for?
11:08 who can forget the doctor falls?
Wasn't 'The Doctor's Wife' the name of a fake script outline JNT left hanging around the production office, in the hope it would leak? I always assumed that's where it came from.
Yes, I remember that too. If that happened these days, they would call in Dr Pee to find the leaker.
I think the doctor did die the first time. His idea of using the teselector came after the paradox
Technically Donna did "die" as her life with The Doctor was completely erased due to the meta crisis
Another interesting lie is Matthew Waterhouse radio times credit on Time-Flight. Yes, Adric appeared in the episode as an hallucination, but apparently JNT only included him in the story to hide the fact that the characters dies at the end of Earthshock, the previous story.
1500th like
My Brain Hurts !!
I started watching jodies era in season 12 so i knew it was the master the whole spyfall hah
Series* 12
@@DrWhoFanJ same thing
"Big ol' porkies"
Okay, that's a new one for me.
Btw, the Doctor's name is not Gavin, it's Sheniqua. Just ask River Song, the best character.
It's Cockney rhyming slang: "pork pie" = "lie" because of the rhyme, and then from there it's shortened to "porkie".
I’m still going to believe he is called basil badpenny (that being his middle name)
As hinted through Matt smiths and Capaldis seasons
4:55 bUt CapTAIN jAcK dIEs!!1!!1!
Lie fall,..... it's lie fall
Yep my name is in fact Gavin
you and I are the biggest river fans ever amazinng
The doctor's name was what?
Gavin. 🙃
As an American watching Doctor Who at the time, can confirm that even clueless me didn't buy Peri's accent. ;)
I did not know that Nicola Bryant was obligated to keep up her American accent outside of the recording of the show. She didn’t really do a good job of it in the episodes. She’s much better at it now.
I'd say the biggest lie the show keeps telling is that many Dalek and Master stories end off implying that they were killed off for good, and sure enough they keep coming back.
River song is easily the best plot device, but “character” is a bit of a stretch
Ms. Littlechild, I dearly love watching your Dr. Who content, though I usually have to watch twice because you are very distracting. It pains me to tell you, but you are wrong. River Song is indeed an incredible character, but Amy Pond is the best character.
The Doctor's real name is Rassilon.
The Doctor always lies about his age
*...a secret from the 4th Doctor's era...*
Nicola Bryant wasn't fooling anybody. Her accent was so inconsistent.
That boom comment at the end is good until you remember the landline didn’t actually go boom in the end so I’d call that another misleading title honestly 😂
But Rose did die in the main reality in Doomsday, she was declared dead after the battle of Canary Wharf. She lived in an alternate world, "Pete's World", but was dead for the rest of the reality, unreachable for everyone, who knew her before she met the Doctor.
About misleading titles: how exactly was "Let's kill Hitler" misleading? Mels did say it herself just before the opening credits. Sure the act itself didn't happen, as killing Hitler would seriously damage time, changing important events, most likely fixed point in time. Like did anyone seriously expect them actually doing it? Killing Hitler and dealing with the severe consequences? It's Doctor Who, sure, there's strange things going on, but we know the Doctor by this moment, would 11th really allow it? A serious change in events? Like come on. There's nothing misleading about that episode and people are naive, if they think otherwise.
I appreciate the “masterful” joke
The reason the new season is Season 1 is 100% entirely because of it streaming on Disney+. They’re not going to have it on there as “Season 14” and have viewers wonder where the other thirteen seasons are. It’s also just how Disney would have it labeled for production purposes.
It wouldn’t have been Season 14 anyway because it would be Series 14.
(It’s also very explicitly Season One, not Season 1.)