Maybe he's playing on hard classic. But then, why the hell is he complaining about it? The game even has the turnwheel! You hardly ever have to reset a chapter with that. The game is failproof
i really like how Ian Sinclair can be so emotional with his acting, no matter what he always manages to drive a emotional point home with his acting whiether it's Berkut or Brook
The tank level was one of the only redeemable parts of Ghosts. My ROTC instructor was a tanker in the Gulf, and he always joked about how he never used the coax on the Abrams. He'd order his driver to run them over, and by the time the first man went down, the rest tossed their weapons. The level understands that modern tanks are not these sluggish impenetrable behemoths, but 50mph impenetrable behemoths. With cannons And .50cals.
I loved that Severed ties as well as it the first time since world at war the you could control a tank in a call of duty game. my personal favorite level however would Probably Federation Day (where go to capture Victor Ramos) as I am a sucker for stealth missions and I have to say in general the second act of the game (after Logan and Hesh become Ghosts but before Rorke kills their dad) has the best levels with other highlights including The Hunted (where you are sneaking around the Yucatan Peninsula on your own for the first with nothing but your skills to survive and like the ice cave form RE6 not having to redo if you are caught.) Clockwork (once again I love stealth and infiltration levels) and Into The Deep (Decent controls for an underwater level, good scenery and oh right you are trying to blow up an entire Warship by targeting the thermal exhaust port where have I heard that before.)
I can’t help but be terrified but smile at the same time imagining that happening. I feel sorry for whoever it may have happened to but at the same time the way you typed it was kind a hilarious
That was Major's thing. Taking something terrible and making you laugh at it in spite of yourself. Like how they captured this Iraqi Officer, gave him a pack of cigarettes, and asked him for info. Pretended not to understand English, but whenever someone said something about shooting or hurting him he would take longer faster drags, and he went through the whole pack in about 30 minutes.
I don't see how Echoes is a bad game. Yea maybe its difficult but there's always the rewind option and permadeath is only optional. I feel like the child missions in Awakening were harder tbh. Plus, it experimenting with a lack of weapon triangle and dungeons isn't bad just different.
@@ArbitraryOutcome While Fates was horrible in its story telling in all three games, it's gameplay was the only thing I enjoyed the most over and over again. I mean, I hated how Revelation was a DLC content game but at least I had way more fun than Birthright or GOD DAMN CONQUEST!!! The child stages were a hit and miss with Asugi being my least favorite and Kana being my favorite. Echoes was one of those games that I'm glad I didn't touch because of how the stamina system, Skills/Magic requiring HP, and level design were by far my least moments after watching omegaevolutions, I say its story telling was a positive. However; I feel like people saying Fates is the anti-christ of Fire Emblem is overboard, I'm not defending it or whatever, but its overly hated just like the community bitching about Awakening and Fates characters taking over Heroes roster, personally I'm just a guy who likes these games because I still have fun with them. That's my opinion, I'm sticking to it.
I was fine, and could managw with permadeath... But then that bog. Good God in Heaven, that FREAKING Mire. That Mire is enough to make me reconsider starting the game without perms-death. I hate that mire.
With Nuts and bolts, well, you're right, there are plenty of other games for that, not to mention that people have wanted another Lego Racers since freakin ever! A Lego racing game where you can build your own cart, COME ON!!! It's a match made in heaven!
kurisu7885 and the lies and sheer Contempt for the Series and it’s fans. Oh and treating the player like they’re too stupid to count to three doesn’t help either. “ what is the name of banjo land” REALLY?!
The different equals bad mentality makes no sense Yeah, some games have a core gameplay mechanic that's different from the norm, but it's a breath of fresh air in my opinion Plus the games try to stay true to the formula because there are sections that similar to the main gameplay mechanics of the other games Sad that people refuse to believe that's a thing Being close minded keeps you from experiences all the wonderful things changes can bring
Jon Wootton Well people felt like to me it’s not a different is bad it’s that everything in the game was done because they didn’t wanna make a 3D Platformer or even a Banjo Game So why the fuck did you buy the IP’s with the company and yeah we all shoot Nasty looks at Sakurai for not making a Kid Icarus uprising sequel But at least he’s honest about it and not make a game filled to the brim with contempt
A breakdown of the comments: 5% “good vid!” 10% “OMG U LIKE TOTAL DRAMA TOO????” 30% “why are you playing Sonic Free Riders with a controller?” 55% “FE Echoes isn’t a bad game.”
While I personally enjoy FE Echoes’ gameplay, I can acknowledge some of its problems, especially the horrendous map design. Seriously, if future FE remakes don’t update the map designs, then I’m dreading a Geanology of the Holy War remake... The game has Casual mode like the previous two FE 3DS games though, so I’m not too sure why’d you complain about the permadeth. But hey, at least older FE fans don’t wanna burn it on a cross like the other 3DS games! And I agree, the Coliseum level in Re:Coded and the stealth level in RE6 were great.👌🏽Too bad the games themselves were less than great...
Yeah, map updating would *have* to happen with Genealogy of the Holy War. And maybe tweak the relationship system a bit, given how much impact that's got on the game.
marinus18 I’ll admit that Alm’s maps are simply generic at worst (save for Nuibaba’s map), but Celica’s maps are straight-up awful due to having you trek through deserts, boats and bogs. What fun!
@@amirgarcia547 I never felt either were better or worse. I like the desert maps the most. They need very quite careful maneuvers and thoughts in advance. Especially fun is skirmishing with the pegasi. The bogs suit the army very well with it being more akin to traditional FE and so has plenty of areas for cover. You also need to pay attention to it's scale. As it's very easy to overextend yourself. The boats are indeed monotonous though with just putting a single soldier are the beginning and just take out the units one by one. I do like the one where you fight against that sorcerer as you need to be more aggressive as the enemy has practically infinite reinforcements. I don't find Alm's more specialized maps better to play than the more generic ones. If anything Nuibaba's map is quite easy as you can just rush her and be done with it. Also the maps of Echoes are there for a reason. Echoes is about immersion and so presents believable landscapes. Having all kinds of gimmicks and strange hallways wouldn't suit it.
marinus18 It just isn’t very fun to slog through maps that limit your movement, causing them to take ages to complete and just overall making them incredibly tedious. It’s why the desert maps were my least favorite in Awakening as well. The same goes for the bog levels too since they also limit your movement. With Alm’s maps, at least most of them take place in an open field, so you can just go ahead and move your army without having their movement arbitrarily limited.
@@ianbrennan9635 Judging by the fact that he could reach those low notes, I'd say either a tenor 2 or baritone. Sure his normal voice is high, but some people can sing different than they talk.
10:47 Woah! Hold up! So the game is called Megaman *X* 7, yet you don't even get to play as X himself?! The character this game and franchise is named after?! Jesus, the Zelda franchise being named after Zelda, and not Link, who is the main protagonist, makes more sense than that!
You do get to play as X, but you have to unlock him either after having rescued a certain number of Reploids scattered throughout the levels, or by killing 5 out of the 8 Mavericks in the game. It's still a dumbass way to unlock the title protagonist, but at least he is playable at all in the game.
Personally I thought echoes was a decent game. Yeah, the map designs ranged from bland to meh, but I still enjoyed the game itself. Plus, the stamina mechanic wasn't that terrible since food items were abundant enough for it to not be too obnoxious, heck, you could also offer the useless bottles of alcohol (thanks to censorship) to the mila shrines to regain lost stamina. And in my opinion I would take echoes over fates to be perfectly honest. It's not terrible, but it just felt like it was trying to copy awakening with some of the mechanics like child units shoehorned in because awakening did it and it was successful. Also Takumi can jump off a cliff.
Larry Sucks Yeah, as much as I liked Fates, a few things in it felt shoehorned due to Awakening’s success. Most notably the child units, and especially the lore behind them. Like I can get behind older versions of children coming from the future, but abandoning children in some weird dimension where they’re all grown up in no time flat? Who wrote this?!?!?
I don't see why the maps are a problem. I thought the more complex ones in Awakening with all those features that were meaningless but still confusing weren't better. I feel the larger more spare maps fits the large scale battle system of Echoes really well. Echoes is more strategic in contrast to previous games which were more tactical. So with tactics you need more crud about and Echoes does have plenty of features on that macro scale.
That's cause it's really hard to fuck up the base gameplay of an FE game. The other things though, that's all up in the air. Like, as many of the problems Fates had, it could still be classified as a decent game on it's gameplay alone.
Dude GIVE IAN SINCLAIR A OSCAR WITH THAT PERFOMANCE AS BERKUT! U cold hear the anguish the despair the hatred in his voice! It's like your right there in the room with him saying this to u! God this man is a legend!
11:38 It's a small detail, but I like that Josh uses the version of Sound of Silence preformed by Disturbed and not by Simon and Garfunkel because it fits in more with his fiery heavy metal vibe. Pretty neat if you ask me.
When I heard that version, I was confused. I'm used to Disturbed being quite heavy, this more mellow song was a bit different. I do like it though, and listen to it more than their other stuff now.
HEYHEYHEYWOAH I saw those clips of Mega Man 8 and Pokemon Platinum in the beginning! What do you mean those games are bad? Mega Man 8 maybe, but Platinum?! Also, I feel like I’m one of the only people who really liked Shadows of Valentia. You know casual mode exists and is okay to use, right?
victikirby15 I definitely liked it, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the other FE 3DS games more. Yes, even Fates. A terrible narrative doesn’t change the fact that it had amazing gameplay, aside from a few frustrating maps. (Looking at you, Wind Tribe Village and Takumi’s map.) But yeah, idk why he ragged on the permadeth either when the game has Casual mode, like the other FE 3DS games.
@@TheCubanGeneral Yeah but some of us are horrible at the Game and so a Casual Mode is nice. Because if id dindt have that i would probably never finish any Firer Emblem Game.
And Crush 40's cover of The Cult's "Fire Woman" would be the main theme song. >:3 Meanwhile, I feel that, despite the retcon, Blaze could have had her own campaign in '06 since her gameplay was the most polished...I feel like that was hinting at how she was meant to have Elise's role; consider how Elise serves literally no purpose other than a plot device and...I think you get the point. Not that they couldn't have made a 4th campaign work since Sonic Adventure had 6, counting the final story of Super Sonic. X3
I remember Aliens Colonial Marines. The only good level in the game was one where you end up separated from your squad in the sewers of Hadley's Hope without a gun, which is infested with blind xenomorphs, and you have to go through the level slowly and quietly, as moving too fast makes noise, which the xenomorphs will hear and and be led to your location. That's exactly what the game was advertised as; a thriller full of paranoia and a true fight for survival, instead, that was only limited to one level and the rest was just a clunky shooter with terrible enemy AI. Thank God for Alien Isolation getting it right.
Josh, since you said you liked KH series a lot, why not do a counter video to a top 10 list you made a few years ago. Top 10 Best Kingdom Hearts Bosses. You said yourself that this series have some of the most memorable bosses in existence. Most final bosses in it are amazing!! Please do a list of it
Josh, buddy, you know permadeath in Fire Emblem is optional nowadays, right? Also, stamina in Echoes is easily manageable and only relevant in dungeons, not regular battles. It’s also worth noting that the weapon triangle wasn’t added to the remake for story reasons; the developers didn’t want to add too many new characters. I suppose that you have been spoiled by Awakening and Fates. Not a bad thing, mind you. Many have been, myself included.
You know, you're actually pretty good at singing if that bit where you parodied the Disturbed cover of Sound of Silence is any indication. Any chance for a couple karaoke bits of full songs, just to see what you can do in full?
Yeah, about Elisa? The Green Scorpion did mention that she was the worst character in the Sonic Universe, even worse than Big the Cat. I feel sorry for the character. It's not her fault that she didn't do much; that's on the writers. They should have had her do more, then people wouldn't have disliked her so much and she would have been much less useless.
i once attempted to play sonic 06 without facing any glitches and within like 5 minutes i accidentally skipped to the 2nd stage where i was stopped by stop signs.
18:48 honestly I agree with you Other M sucks ass - Noone will deny that. But Phantoom all most makes it worth it. In the same way as Bumblebee being mute makes Transformers movies bearable, but still
For all the flaws in the writing of Other M, it at least didn't have cringe-worthy forced attempts at humor, soppy romantic drivel, or constant screaming. It's better-written than an awful lot of crappy Hollywood movies - I'll name Armageddon to give one example. Heck, outside of Samus's Captain Obvious monologues that would put the theatrical cut of Blade Runner to shame and the occasional forced symbolism, was there really much to get mad about? I dunno, I remember liking the game both times I've played it but I've just felt like I would not if I replayed it. However, in hindsight I find the game to be more forgettable than anything. I used to defend Samus's portrayal in the game, and while I still feel like it makes some sense when you think about it, I'll admit it's pretty jarring to see her act like this. But here's the epic question: did Other M derail Samus as badly as The Last Jedi derailed Luke Skywalker?
I've always found the hate Duke Nukem Forever got to be equal parts amusing and irritating. I don't know what other people were expecting but it was _exactly_ what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was fine. it didn't knock my socks off but it was still a fun ride through machismo land. When People complained I'd just scratch my head and wonder: "You do know this is a _Duke Nukem_ game... Right?"
I think Duke Nukem Forever really suffered because of when it came out. When the first game came out it was something special but when forever came it it was when FPS fatigue was at it's height so it faced the full force of people getting sick of the genre.
Kind of hard to make a cohesive game if you stick every gaming element from the last 14 years before it came out into the game. They were doomed to fail from the start.
I'm a die hard fan of KH but I haven't played Coded yet (my friend who owns a copy refuses to sell it to me despite him not liking it!!) and I heard from everyone it's the worst KH game with some elements that are decent. But with AC3, I'm with you on that. Gameplay was tons of fun, exploring a new historical era was really fun and naval missions were amazing! The story was weak though and the characters so forgettable. I didn't like Connor at all. But I liked everything else. Most installments in the AC series are better but a select few, imo, are worse than 3
It's almost only that the Ezio saga was a really tough act to follow, and AC3 didn't deliver. Altair wasn't really an interesting character in AC1, he was made so only in Revelations. If Connor was a really charismatic character like Ezio, it would be totally different
I felt the final level of Shadows of Valentia was a cruel difficulty spike. Maybe I just need to get better at strategy games like Fire Emblem. But the difficulty in healing, the brutal enemy strength, and the final battle with Duma having infinitely spawning enemies... So infuriating.
Another good level(s) in bad video games (I personally like the game but I know a lot of other people don't like it at all) is the final boss battle against black doom in Shadow the Hedgehog. Sure, you have to keep an eye on your ring count and make sure it doesn't drop to 0 or else it's instant death, but you have the Chaos Sphere attack now, not to mention if you fill up your hero bar enough, like every other boss battle throughout the game, when you use Chaos Control it slows down time around you, letting you hit Black doom many Times without him being able to stop you. What's more, you can hit him, cancel the time slow down, wait for his eye to move to his other side, reactivate Chaos Control and rinse and repeat until the hero bar runs out.
(Sees Josh’s anger) I’m just gonna (passes him copies of Night in the Woods Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth and Digimon Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s memory and Poochi and Yoshi’s Wolly World And slips out)
Fire Emblem Echoes is a good game, fight me. It gets rid of all the gameplay and story fluff found in Awakening and Fates (like an arbitrary child system where anyone can marry anyone), and while it is a difficult game at times, it's not impossible to rework your strategy. Having two or three bullshit levels thrown into the mix (like Nuibaba) doesn't mean the entire rest of the game is bad, nor does the dungeon crawling somehow ruin the game. Again, it's not bad, it's just different, and I didn't go into this game with rigid expectations. And of course, the story is a return to form in terms of quality. Gone are the weaboo anime tropes of Awakening and Fates, and in their place a story with believable CHARACTERS and VILLAINS with more dimension to them than "Muhahahaha!". Say what you will about the evil wizards (I'm sick of them personally), but Berkut and Fernand are such stand-outs even among other Fire Emblem games, with the former going from a proud noble to a dishonoured, spiteful knight who's forced to resort to underhanded tactics , and the latter leaving the Deliverence you now command, and fighting against you for believable reasons, no matter how much you disagree with them. I liked it for what it was, not what I wanted it to be, and its flaws weren't enough to ruin the experience. Sure, they needed to put more thought into levels like Nuibaba's, but otherwise, it's managable. You just have to adapt to the situation and change formation accordingly.
I agree. I hope we got more Echoes and less Fates. Awakening was alright though. Fire emblem is a series that is constantly innovating and trying new things. Awakening was no exception but fates just exemplified all the bad awakening did and got rid of all the good.
@@iwanthisokatofuckmesilly5222 I don't see why everyone always need to have a conclusion that one is better than the other. I think Echoes and Awakening are perfect compliments to each other. One for casuals and one for hardcore. I did find the shipping system to be rather pointless and just overcomplicated things. The relationship mechanic itself was a good one. I do think both of them would be improved by moving a little closer to the middle. Awakening could do by removing some shipping options and making things slightly more linear and Echoes could do with more freedom in how your units develop.
@@somebody7810 The map being stacked against you is kind of the point. If the characters say the odds are stacked against them it's not really a negative when the actual map reflects that assessment. Also awakening has even more desperate odds as there are several maps where you start out completely surrounded on a mostly featureless plain. Improvement points for Echoes would be more freedom in how to customize your units. I like the system they have but a few more villagers would have helped and making the reset option not just reserved for mercenaries but for everyone.
@@somebody7810 We aren't mentioning that because it only applies to less than half the game. What you consider circle-jerking, the rest of the world considers common sense, so get over yourself and stop acting like a whiny bitch just because nobody agrees with your faulty logic.
The thing about that resident evil game is also something good the PS2 Hulk game had when you're playing as Doctor Banner, if you get found out, it's not necessarily the end, forcing you back to the start... so long as you know what you're doing. If you're quick and (unless you have the invincibility or one hit kill skills unlocked) lucky, you can either hide til everything calms down or just fight everything until every enemy in the close proximity are beaten and any alarms just stop and you can get right back to sneaking around
I thought in Echos that the maps being stack against you was kind of the point and also kind of cool. You are fighting in a war where the enemy has been having the high ground for awhile and you have recently just become an army leader. Of course the odds are going to be stacked against you. But I do understand some of the issue. Anyways, I really do like the video. Keep it up.
You will never convince me that Sonic Boom, Forces, or any other game recent is even remotely on the same level as 06. The glitches are honestly the BEST part of the game. Also, while I love this series and adored every game I've played, including dream drop distance, I acknowledge that this series has it's beyond bullshit moments.
Also, in Uncharted...Okay full disclosure, I'm that wuss who plays games on easy, at least the first time through, so like in 2 and 3, when I played the first Uncharted (and when I replay it), I died FAR more to the janky platforming than to any enemies.
I see a joshcorcher video and I drop everything and watch it!!! I loved that Sound of darkness parody, I had to clean up my monitor because I was actually drinking coffee when it happened.
7:58 Should have used that "Ain't nobody got time for that" clip from the internet. At least Duke Nukem is having a wee, instead of dropping a Nuke Dukey in the toilet! 13:26 What is that clip from? I kinda recognise that green dude. Interesting version of Sound Of Silence, sounds like the Disturbed version too! Isn't that bordered, though, not boarded...?
15:40 simple explanation.... RE6 is an action game with horror elements and was never intended to be scary. Gosh why do I have to keep defending this game?
Ben Minns Still doesn’t mean it’s good though. :P Granted, I don’t think it’s a complete dumpster fire like plenty of fans make out to be: only disappointing compared to their predecessors. Like, I didn’t mind the shift towards action in RE4 and to a degree RE5, but in RE6 it just feels like they tried to cram way too much into a single game. Making it feel like some bloated and overproduced Hollywood movie or something. Which’s why I was definitely glad RE7 went back to the series’ more grounded roots, albeit through a different perspective.
@@amirgarcia547 that's fine, and yeah RE6 is definitely not the best game in the franchise, probably my 5th favourite in out of all of them, but that definitely does not make a this a bad game and does not deserve any of the hate it gets. What urkes me is 1: that people keep calling it a horror game. When you look at it and it clearly see is that is not 2: looking at the games asthetic when looking at it and instantly writing off as not good 3: keep comparing this to and calling it some hollywood garbage when (as an advid movie goer myself) have seen much worse. Josh here points out this level as being one of the games highlights and thats good, but there are definitely better parts of the game than this and this game has more positives than negatives. It does not deserve to be on a list like this.
Ben Minns It’s not a bad game, as I said, but whether or not it’s scary, it still has its fair share of problems. Which is why plenty of people criticize it. In fact, I feel like Capcom bit off more than they could chew and stuffed the game with so much shiet that they didn’t even know what they wanted it to be anymore. The reason I said it feels like a bloated Hollywood action movie is because, well...certain parts of it legit feel straight out of a Michael Bay movie. Leon’s campaign was my favorite because it was actually challenging and tense by having you go against hordes of zombies and other mutated creatures. But as soon as him and Helena go to China, the game throws this out the window in favor of being incredibly bombastic and over-the-top. Seriously, there’s one section where you have to run from a bunch of exploding cars and I’m just like...what? And don’t even get me started on the final fight against Simmons, who turns into a mutated wolf, then a T-rex and then a giant fly. I feel like there’s a limit to this sort of stuff, and Capcom breached it a while ago... Chris’ campaign feels like a 3rd-person Call of Duty since it has you do nothing but gunning down Ja’vo in boring levels with a terrible cover system, and Jake’s campaign has a few fun moments, but they’re too few and far between when you have to deal with the annoying mountain level and a bunch of motorcycle and chase sequences, and a few levels that are repeated from Chris’ campaign as well. Add to that janky gameplay that feels like its working against you half the time, annoying enemies, terrible QTEs and an abysmal and messy story, and I’d say the opposite being that RE6 has more cons than pros. Other than the level Josh mentioned, I can’t think of any other levels I genuinely enjoyed save for the early levels in Leon’s campaign and the final boss in Chris’ campaign. And don’t even get me started on Ada’s campaign, which has terrible and annoying stealth sections, and no local co-op at all. The only part of her campaign I remotely enjoyed is the level where you have to fight the mutated version of her clone. It’s not completely terrible, as I said, but I still only really find it meh at best, and I felt no urge to play it again after I beat it. Whereas I was able to play Revelations and RE7 multiple times and still enjoy them because unlike with RE6, it felt like Capcom actually knew what they were doing when making them. It’s totally fine if you like it though, but there’s more reasons that people dislike than just “muh horror.”
@@amirgarcia547 actually I think the controls let have more freedom than in any RE games than ever. You can run faster, you can straight up hit enemies if they get to close, The guns fire faster, there a lot more weapon models even if the guns all are generally the same. And the cover system is not the worse I've seen. The story while not my favorite is still not that bad. It definitely has most stakes to it than any of the other games.
And I do have my criticisms as well. The level designs are are definitely not the best, Helena harper is my least favorite character in the game and that prevented me from fully enjoying Leons story, I thought simmons was a lame villan until I found out he was the one who destroyed Raccoon City, that fact made it a little personal, and yeah the controls are a little Janky before I tweaked with them. Though I never had a problem with the camera during the eye candy action scenes. But maybe that's because I don't get motion sickness.
yeah when I got to that part of uncharted I basically just called it, "naughty dog trying to imitate resident evil." And I was fine with that. Otherwise, was glad I played through the original trilogy recently
Fire Emblem Echoes is my favorite FE game for the 3ds. I actually like the older FE games for a reason. I find the newer games easier and less interesting maps patronizing at best. So I can try to respect your opinion. . . Buuut as soon as you said 'the maps are stacked in the enemies favor. . .' I found myself saying, 'Thats the point.'
Even then, Echoes is pretty easy. Even in hard, it is still rather easy to come up with a strategy and Mila's turnwheel is bullshit repellent. I think this guy just sucks at FE games
@@iwanthisokatofuckmesilly5222 I also don't get why he says it's hard. Mila's turnwheel makes mistakes due to misclicks a non-issue and if anything I would have like a third difficulty setting of 'brutal'.
Yeah, not gonna lie, I played through the first 3 Uncharted games (not really bothered paying for a ps4 just to play uncharted 4) and number 3 was by far my favourite simple because of how grounded in reality (at least for an Indiana Jones-esque game) it was. It wasn't some supernatural bullshit that caused the downfall of the entire civilisation, it was some hallucinogenic water which I loved. I genuinely played the uncharted games in reverse and was disappointed by how stupid the stories were for 1 and 2 because of how much I enjoyed 3.
I understand why many would not like Echoes gameplay. As much as the 3DS titles each held one severe flaw from making them perfect titles. Echoes did have many issues with their maps throughout, but the story was very well done. Berkut rose throughout into a villain I initially thought of as 'meh' at first. Because as Alm, I was breaking him one victory at a time. This is a villain you didn't drive to a corner, more so he fell through his own faults and eventually snapped. Into one hell of a power hungry monster to battle. The first time I fought him I was losing my mind as an underleveled party where alm didn't have brave lion... Mathilda you monstrous Valkyrie! The story and his map(also not being final boss) made Berkut my favorite bad guy in Fire Emblem. The final map was a blast too, but at that point I was over the big bads coming off of Berkut.
I do have some problems with the story. For example why did Alm become leader when he had next to no experience? I am a fan of Advance Wars Dark Conflict where something similar happens but there it happens 3/4 of the way through. When he already has fought many battles. Also in that game there are no other condidates. The obvious one has already proven she can't do it, the other candidate is no army leader and his girlfriend doesn't have the charisma needed.
The main reason was Clive doing something desperate to reinvigorate his forces. The idea being a villager like what made up the bulk of the deliverance rose to the top. To inspire them to do their best and work to climb the ranks too. My interpretation anyways. I can't detail off the top when Alm took over all the leadership duties, initially intended as a figurehead. Probably right after taking back the castle or Desaix
@@darkjammin79 If that's the case he would make him a mascot but keep making the important decisions himself. Also I don't agree with some of the decisions like Alm's insistence that the life of a peasant is equally worth saving to that of a noble. They are a rebellion so they need to prioritize their objectives. Also with an undiciplined army like that you need firm leadership at the top.
SilverBladeHero 15 Eh, it’s actually the opposite, being that the other recent FE suffer more from narrative problems. But I’d argue that they’re WAY better in terms of their maps and gameplay, sans how unbalanced the pair up mechanic is in Awakening is. Echoes is still a great game if you can get past its gameplay flaws though due to its great story, relatable and well-written (mostly...looking at you, Faye) cast and fantastic world-building.
ImmaLittlePip It definitely stood out more than the maps than the maps from the older games, which were fields, fields, some more fields...maybe a desert or two, and then a castle.
Lets get this party started #10 Still no want #9 meh. No opinion #8 It's rough around the edges #7 WHY?! #6 I don't have anything to say #5 air headed bimbo #4 Okay then #3 intrestering #2 I love this fight! #1 So damn good
If you don't like perma-death just play on Casual's a Fire Emblem staple, and I don't see it going away any time soon. And I loved Echoes. Sure, some of the maps weren't great, but do you really need the weapon triangle when you rarely see axes? It'd put the likes of Dread Fighters at a big disadvantage to all the cavalry and lance-wielding Terrors. Yeah, it was weird in the beginning having a bunch of sword units not have a hit rate advantage against Brigands...but then not counting a rare Terror here and there, axes just kinda drop out of the game. I absolutely loved Echoes. It was so different from the games before it, and after going through Conquest and a bit of Birthright at the time, it was a breath of fresh air.
There is no axes in fire emblem echoes lol. It would be dumb cause theyd have to add new classes or have certain classes be completely broken and throw everything off
@@iwanthisokatofuckmesilly5222 There are axes. Like I said, mostly early game Brigands and Pirates. There's even a Devil Axe you can pick up. You can't use it, but you can give it to an NPC
I think the maps are fine. Echoes plays much more like a traditional turn based strategy game rather than the tactical game that Fire Emblem usually is. So the maps are more sparse and larger to accomdate that large scale of fighting. In the previous game the maps were so busy because you're only active on a small portion. You fight the enemy groups one by one so you need clutter close together. In Echoes because the scale is larger the obstacles are more spaced out.
Yeah Uncharted 1 was not paced great, but for the time it was okay. Naughty Dog is still one of the producers that you can't expect anything easy from in any game pretty much. But Uncharted 1 was incredibly hard
The way uncharted was designed was supposed to make you use the cover system only to have it ripped out that level to make you think on your feet, try playing through the game like this level and you'll find its somewhat easier(some levels not so much)
Plays games on a controller.
Shows Sonic Free Riders footage.
Ya know.
The kinect game. people forget Sonic Riders existed as a console game ? A good game unlike Free Riders ?
@@gato6373 Riders 2 was realy cool. I still enyoi it.
It's not like we's just that Free Riders was THAT bad...
Pretty sure there was a controller option after people complained about the horrible connect controls
@@maverickdarkrath4780 There was never a controller option.
You hate Permadeath? You can turn it off in Echoes. Like fire emblem isn't fire emblem without permadeath.
Honestly Echoes is my favorite game in that franchise and in have played all from 7 onwards.
yeah since shadow dragon remake you can turn it off before that nopes
I believe he will like the game more now that he knows he can turn permadeath off :3
Maybe he's playing on hard classic. But then, why the hell is he complaining about it? The game even has the turnwheel! You hardly ever have to reset a chapter with that. The game is failproof
i really like how Ian Sinclair can be so emotional with his acting, no matter what he always manages to drive a emotional point home with his acting whiether it's Berkut or Brook
The tank level was one of the only redeemable parts of Ghosts.
My ROTC instructor was a tanker in the Gulf, and he always joked about how he never used the coax on the Abrams.
He'd order his driver to run them over, and by the time the first man went down, the rest tossed their weapons.
The level understands that modern tanks are not these sluggish impenetrable behemoths, but 50mph impenetrable behemoths.
With cannons
And .50cals.
God bless the American military.
Reminds me of gallia, one simple light tank can ultimately change the fate of battle.
I loved that Severed ties as well as it the first time since world at war the you could control a tank in a call of duty game. my personal favorite level however would Probably Federation Day (where go to capture Victor Ramos) as I am a sucker for stealth missions and I have to say in general the second act of the game (after Logan and Hesh become Ghosts but before Rorke kills their dad) has the best levels with other highlights including The Hunted (where you are sneaking around the Yucatan Peninsula on your own for the first with nothing but your skills to survive and like the ice cave form RE6 not having to redo if you are caught.) Clockwork (once again I love stealth and infiltration levels) and Into The Deep (Decent controls for an underwater level, good scenery and oh right you are trying to blow up an entire Warship by targeting the thermal exhaust port where have I heard that before.)
I can’t help but be terrified but smile at the same time imagining that happening. I feel sorry for whoever it may have happened to but at the same time the way you typed it was kind a hilarious
That was Major's thing. Taking something terrible and making you laugh at it in spite of yourself.
Like how they captured this Iraqi Officer, gave him a pack of cigarettes, and asked him for info. Pretended not to understand English, but whenever someone said something about shooting or hurting him he would take longer faster drags, and he went through the whole pack in about 30 minutes.
I don't see how Echoes is a bad game. Yea maybe its difficult but there's always the rewind option and permadeath is only optional. I feel like the child missions in Awakening were harder tbh. Plus, it experimenting with a lack of weapon triangle and dungeons isn't bad just different.
[obigatory comment about Fates being the anti-christ]
Oh i thought it was Metroid Prime Echoes
Strange. I throught people liked Echoes.
@@ArbitraryOutcome While Fates was horrible in its story telling in all three games, it's gameplay was the only thing I enjoyed the most over and over again. I mean, I hated how Revelation was a DLC content game but at least I had way more fun than Birthright or GOD DAMN CONQUEST!!! The child stages were a hit and miss with Asugi being my least favorite and Kana being my favorite. Echoes was one of those games that I'm glad I didn't touch because of how the stamina system, Skills/Magic requiring HP, and level design were by far my least moments after watching omegaevolutions, I say its story telling was a positive. However; I feel like people saying Fates is the anti-christ of Fire Emblem is overboard, I'm not defending it or whatever, but its overly hated just like the community bitching about Awakening and Fates characters taking over Heroes roster, personally I'm just a guy who likes these games because I still have fun with them. That's my opinion, I'm sticking to it.
I was fine, and could managw with permadeath... But then that bog.
Good God in Heaven, that FREAKING Mire. That Mire is enough to make me reconsider starting the game without perms-death.
I hate that mire.
With Nuts and bolts, well, you're right, there are plenty of other games for that, not to mention that people have wanted another Lego Racers since freakin ever!
A Lego racing game where you can build your own cart, COME ON!!! It's a match made in heaven!
kurisu7885 and the lies and sheer Contempt for the Series and it’s fans. Oh and treating the player like they’re too stupid to count to three doesn’t help either. “ what is the name of banjo land” REALLY?!
and IIIIIIIii~
Will always love you
The different equals bad mentality makes no sense Yeah, some games have a core gameplay mechanic that's different from the norm, but it's a breath of fresh air in my opinion Plus the games try to stay true to the formula because there are sections that similar to the main gameplay mechanics of the other games Sad that people refuse to believe that's a thing Being close minded keeps you from experiences all the wonderful things changes can bring
Jon Wootton Well people felt like to me it’s not a different is bad it’s that everything in the game was done because they didn’t wanna make a 3D Platformer or even a Banjo Game So why the fuck did you buy the IP’s with the company and yeah we all shoot Nasty looks at Sakurai for not making a Kid Icarus uprising sequel But at least he’s honest about it and not make a game filled to the brim with contempt
@@starvoltnexus3139 Yeah Kinda sad really Nuts and Bolts would be received better if the changes were made for the right reasons
11:40: Okay, that was actually hilarious
Where is a download for the song xD
Kid Danger: *wearing his mighty pup movie outfit* at 17:28 loving the Ed, Edd, and Eddy meme!
2:35 Wait, is that ACTUALLY how the real Mr. Popo sounds? Sorry, I'm just so use to the Abridged version.
DeltaKnight You and me both bro
I call the dub mr popo and abridged lord popo
Pecking order.
A breakdown of the comments:
5% “good vid!”
30% “why are you playing Sonic Free Riders with a controller?”
55% “FE Echoes isn’t a bad game.”
Yeah pretty much
I am a part of the 55% and I am proud of it lol 😂
While I personally enjoy FE Echoes’ gameplay, I can acknowledge some of its problems, especially the horrendous map design. Seriously, if future FE remakes don’t update the map designs, then I’m dreading a Geanology of the Holy War remake...
The game has Casual mode like the previous two FE 3DS games though, so I’m not too sure why’d you complain about the permadeth.
But hey, at least older FE fans don’t wanna burn it on a cross like the other 3DS games!
And I agree, the Coliseum level in Re:Coded and the stealth level in RE6 were great.👌🏽Too bad the games themselves were less than great...
Yeah, map updating would *have* to happen with Genealogy of the Holy War. And maybe tweak the relationship system a bit, given how much impact that's got on the game.
I don't think the maps of echoes are bad at all. They are definitely more simplistic but I feel them functioning just as well as others.
marinus18 I’ll admit that Alm’s maps are simply generic at worst (save for Nuibaba’s map), but Celica’s maps are straight-up awful due to having you trek through deserts, boats and bogs. What fun!
@@amirgarcia547 I never felt either were better or worse. I like the desert maps the most. They need very quite careful maneuvers and thoughts in advance. Especially fun is skirmishing with the pegasi. The bogs suit the army very well with it being more akin to traditional FE and so has plenty of areas for cover. You also need to pay attention to it's scale. As it's very easy to overextend yourself.
The boats are indeed monotonous though with just putting a single soldier are the beginning and just take out the units one by one. I do like the one where you fight against that sorcerer as you need to be more aggressive as the enemy has practically infinite reinforcements.
I don't find Alm's more specialized maps better to play than the more generic ones. If anything Nuibaba's map is quite easy as you can just rush her and be done with it.
Also the maps of Echoes are there for a reason. Echoes is about immersion and so presents believable landscapes. Having all kinds of gimmicks and strange hallways wouldn't suit it.
marinus18 It just isn’t very fun to slog through maps that limit your movement, causing them to take ages to complete and just overall making them incredibly tedious. It’s why the desert maps were my least favorite in Awakening as well. The same goes for the bog levels too since they also limit your movement. With Alm’s maps, at least most of them take place in an open field, so you can just go ahead and move your army without having their movement arbitrarily limited.
16:28 Josh, I ADORE you for using the Mighty Magiswords reference
Oh man, that Sounds of Sonic song. That was perfect, we need more musical Josh!
That raises a good question: what's Josh's vocal range?
@@ianbrennan9635 Judging by the fact that he could reach those low notes, I'd say either a tenor 2 or baritone. Sure his normal voice is high, but some people can sing different than they talk.
That's what I was going to say and I agree we need more song's
10:47 Woah! Hold up! So the game is called Megaman *X* 7, yet you don't even get to play as X himself?! The character this game and franchise is named after?! Jesus, the Zelda franchise being named after Zelda, and not Link, who is the main protagonist, makes more sense than that!
You do get to play as X, but you have to unlock him either after having rescued a certain number of Reploids scattered throughout the levels, or by killing 5 out of the 8 Mavericks in the game. It's still a dumbass way to unlock the title protagonist, but at least he is playable at all in the game.
That whole game ticks me off.
Oh, no wonder you were struggling with Sonic Free Riders. You were using a controller on a kinect game.
Yeah I caught that. Though given what I've heard of Free Riders using the Kinect would somehow manage to be more frustrating.
It was a joke tho...
I don't think he was actually playing it...
Personally I thought echoes was a decent game. Yeah, the map designs ranged from bland to meh, but I still enjoyed the game itself.
Plus, the stamina mechanic wasn't that terrible since food items were abundant enough for it to not be too obnoxious, heck, you could also offer the useless bottles of alcohol (thanks to censorship) to the mila shrines to regain lost stamina. And in my opinion I would take echoes over fates to be perfectly honest. It's not terrible, but it just felt like it was trying to copy awakening with some of the mechanics like child units shoehorned in because awakening did it and it was successful.
Also Takumi can jump off a cliff.
Larry Sucks Yeah, as much as I liked Fates, a few things in it felt shoehorned due to Awakening’s success. Most notably the child units, and especially the lore behind them.
Like I can get behind older versions of children coming from the future, but abandoning children in some weird dimension where they’re all grown up in no time flat? Who wrote this?!?!?
Larry Sucks Takumi is actually my favorite character from Fates
you mean kliff
I don't see why the maps are a problem. I thought the more complex ones in Awakening with all those features that were meaningless but still confusing weren't better. I feel the larger more spare maps fits the large scale battle system of Echoes really well. Echoes is more strategic in contrast to previous games which were more tactical. So with tactics you need more crud about and Echoes does have plenty of features on that macro scale.
That's cause it's really hard to fuck up the base gameplay of an FE game. The other things though, that's all up in the air. Like, as many of the problems Fates had, it could still be classified as a decent game on it's gameplay alone.
13:26 OMG, A _Bump in the Night_ reference?! Way to hit me with a nostalgia bomb, Josh!
Dude GIVE IAN SINCLAIR A OSCAR WITH THAT PERFOMANCE AS BERKUT! U cold hear the anguish the despair the hatred in his voice! It's like your right there in the room with him saying this to u! God this man is a legend!
11:38 It's a small detail, but I like that Josh uses the version of Sound of Silence preformed by Disturbed and not by Simon and Garfunkel because it fits in more with his fiery heavy metal vibe. Pretty neat if you ask me.
When I heard that version, I was confused.
I'm used to Disturbed being quite heavy, this more mellow song was a bit different.
I do like it though, and listen to it more than their other stuff now.
7:06 You probably already knew this but Ian also voices Whis, the mentor to Beerus in the Dragon Ball Z franchise
2:22 That is the best use of a Sam and Max: Season One clip I've ever seen. XD
I saw those clips of Mega Man 8 and Pokemon Platinum in the beginning!
What do you mean those games are bad? Mega Man 8 maybe, but Platinum?!
Also, I feel like I’m one of the only people who really liked Shadows of Valentia. You know casual mode exists and is okay to use, right?
victikirby15 I definitely liked it, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy the other FE 3DS games more.
Yes, even Fates. A terrible narrative doesn’t change the fact that it had amazing gameplay, aside from a few frustrating maps.
(Looking at you, Wind Tribe Village and Takumi’s map.)
But yeah, idk why he ragged on the permadeth either when the game has Casual mode, like the other FE 3DS games.
Also the entire Turnwheel mechanic is a thing.
Hating on Platinum and Mega Man 8 is inexcusable. Hate on Red, Blue, and Mega Man 2 instead
Edit: Huh that rhymed
Honestly permadeath is what makes fire emblem, Like i love my peeps and grinding out my favs so when they die i feel like a horrible tactician.
@@TheCubanGeneral Yeah but some of us are horrible at the Game and so a Casual Mode is nice. Because if id dindt have that i would probably never finish any Firer Emblem Game.
1:53 why is platnum here?...
Gaming Warlord no idea
Maybe he didn't enjoy the 4th generation? (I don't know either.)
Well to be fare tho i love platnum Shinno is not the best region way to many HMs
@@GamingWarlord64 Agreed. Not to mention pacing in Diamond and Pearl was a bit slow. At least Platinum does fix some issues D&P had.
We need Gen 4 remakes to fix the HM problem.
13:07 And this is why we need a standalone 3D Blaze the Cat game.
And Crush 40's cover of The Cult's "Fire Woman" would be the main theme song. >:3
Meanwhile, I feel that, despite the retcon, Blaze could have had her own campaign in '06 since her gameplay was the most polished...I feel like that was hinting at how she was meant to have Elise's role; consider how Elise serves literally no purpose other than a plot device and...I think you get the point. Not that they couldn't have made a 4th campaign work since Sonic Adventure had 6, counting the final story of Super Sonic. X3
Top 10 final bosses?
Top 10 spin off games?
Top 10 best Uncharred moments?
(video opens with a massive explosion induced by Josh's rage)
Me: (with popcorn) This is gonna be good.
You used a Total Drama clip in your video. I LOVE YOU, NOW, MORE THAN EVER, JOSH!
OMG you like Total drama Josh Me TOO it's one of my faves
LadyS Knight I swear that clip will inspire so much fanart
The Gaming Knight How so?
Danae Unrine imagine firebrand in Izzy’s clothes among other things
The Gaming Knight YES
Danae Unrine no Harry Potter reference intended
I remember Aliens Colonial Marines. The only good level in the game was one where you end up separated from your squad in the sewers of Hadley's Hope without a gun, which is infested with blind xenomorphs, and you have to go through the level slowly and quietly, as moving too fast makes noise, which the xenomorphs will hear and and be led to your location. That's exactly what the game was advertised as; a thriller full of paranoia and a true fight for survival, instead, that was only limited to one level and the rest was just a clunky shooter with terrible enemy AI. Thank God for Alien Isolation getting it right.
Josh, since you said you liked KH series a lot, why not do a counter video to a top 10 list you made a few years ago. Top 10 Best Kingdom Hearts Bosses. You said yourself that this series have some of the most memorable bosses in existence. Most final bosses in it are amazing!! Please do a list of it
This is one HOT video
Marcos what are you doing here????
Marcos you watch joshscorcher videos
Josh, buddy, you know permadeath in Fire Emblem is optional nowadays, right? Also, stamina in Echoes is easily manageable and only relevant in dungeons, not regular battles. It’s also worth noting that the weapon triangle wasn’t added to the remake for story reasons; the developers didn’t want to add too many new characters. I suppose that you have been spoiled by Awakening and Fates. Not a bad thing, mind you. Many have been, myself included.
You know, you're actually pretty good at singing if that bit where you parodied the Disturbed cover of Sound of Silence is any indication. Any chance for a couple karaoke bits of full songs, just to see what you can do in full?
Didn't know your a fan of Total Drama.
Or Mighty Magiswords for that matter!
The more you know
Yeah, about Elisa? The Green Scorpion did mention that she was the worst character in the Sonic Universe, even worse than Big the Cat. I feel sorry for the character. It's not her fault that she didn't do much; that's on the writers. They should have had her do more, then people wouldn't have disliked her so much and she would have been much less useless.
i once attempted to play sonic 06 without facing any glitches and within like 5 minutes i accidentally skipped to the 2nd stage where i was stopped by stop signs.
Honestly, I think Sonic is a better character than Blaze. It's somewhat fun to break the game with him, and sometimes Blaze can be unruly.
Well, even broken clocks are right twice a day I suppose.
18:48 honestly I agree with you
Other M sucks ass - Noone will deny that.
But Phantoom all most makes it worth it.
In the same way as Bumblebee being mute makes Transformers movies bearable, but still
For all the flaws in the writing of Other M, it at least didn't have cringe-worthy forced attempts at humor, soppy romantic drivel, or constant screaming. It's better-written than an awful lot of crappy Hollywood movies - I'll name Armageddon to give one example. Heck, outside of Samus's Captain Obvious monologues that would put the theatrical cut of Blade Runner to shame and the occasional forced symbolism, was there really much to get mad about?
I dunno, I remember liking the game both times I've played it but I've just felt like I would not if I replayed it. However, in hindsight I find the game to be more forgettable than anything. I used to defend Samus's portrayal in the game, and while I still feel like it makes some sense when you think about it, I'll admit it's pretty jarring to see her act like this.
But here's the epic question: did Other M derail Samus as badly as The Last Jedi derailed Luke Skywalker?
I've always found the hate Duke Nukem Forever got to be equal parts amusing and irritating. I don't know what other people were expecting but it was _exactly_ what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was fine. it didn't knock my socks off but it was still a fun ride through machismo land.
When People complained I'd just scratch my head and wonder: "You do know this is a _Duke Nukem_ game... Right?"
I think Duke Nukem Forever really suffered because of when it came out. When the first game came out it was something special but when forever came it it was when FPS fatigue was at it's height so it faced the full force of people getting sick of the genre.
Kind of hard to make a cohesive game if you stick every gaming element from the last 14 years before it came out into the game. They were doomed to fail from the start.
>.> fun fact, the 06 song was kinda my idea ...what, this game's been tackled to death, why not make a song about it? :P
Lava Shelter from Shadow The Hedgehog. Grinding done right, and the missions aren't at all tedious.
Unpopular opinion incoming
I actually like kingdom hearts recoded and assassins creed 3
I'm a die hard fan of KH but I haven't played Coded yet (my friend who owns a copy refuses to sell it to me despite him not liking it!!) and I heard from everyone it's the worst KH game with some elements that are decent. But with AC3, I'm with you on that. Gameplay was tons of fun, exploring a new historical era was really fun and naval missions were amazing! The story was weak though and the characters so forgettable. I didn't like Connor at all. But I liked everything else. Most installments in the AC series are better but a select few, imo, are worse than 3
I can top that. I liked No Man's Sky and Nuts and launch.
Mogar Is Ready and it is so cute that you get to pet animals
It's almost only that the Ezio saga was a really tough act to follow, and AC3 didn't deliver. Altair wasn't really an interesting character in AC1, he was made so only in Revelations. If Connor was a really charismatic character like Ezio, it would be totally different
re:Coded is overhated imo. I honestly feel it's the best game out of the command deck trilogy. Its only major flaw is its pointless story
I felt the final level of Shadows of Valentia was a cruel difficulty spike. Maybe I just need to get better at strategy games like Fire Emblem. But the difficulty in healing, the brutal enemy strength, and the final battle with Duma having infinitely spawning enemies... So infuriating.
At least it's at the end...
11:32 - What is this?
11:38 - Oh god, Sonic 06.
11: 41 - W-woah. Josh, since when could you sing?? Like, really well!!
Also Axl from mega man x7 is a good character * puts magic shield up * I have no regrets
Another good level(s) in bad video games (I personally like the game but I know a lot of other people don't like it at all) is the final boss battle against black doom in Shadow the Hedgehog.
Sure, you have to keep an eye on your ring count and make sure it doesn't drop to 0 or else it's instant death, but you have the Chaos Sphere attack now, not to mention if you fill up your hero bar enough, like every other boss battle throughout the game, when you use Chaos Control it slows down time around you, letting you hit Black doom many Times without him being able to stop you.
What's more, you can hit him, cancel the time slow down, wait for his eye to move to his other side, reactivate Chaos Control and rinse and repeat until the hero bar runs out.
(Sees Josh’s anger) I’m just gonna (passes him copies of Night in the Woods Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth and Digimon Cyber Sleuth Hacker’s memory and Poochi and Yoshi’s Wolly World And slips out)
I will admit Mighty Number 8's level and Ray's level in Mighty Number Nine were actually good.
Fire Emblem Echoes is a good game, fight me.
It gets rid of all the gameplay and story fluff found in Awakening and Fates (like an arbitrary child system where anyone can marry anyone), and while it is a difficult game at times, it's not impossible to rework your strategy. Having two or three bullshit levels thrown into the mix (like Nuibaba) doesn't mean the entire rest of the game is bad, nor does the dungeon crawling somehow ruin the game. Again, it's not bad, it's just different, and I didn't go into this game with rigid expectations.
And of course, the story is a return to form in terms of quality. Gone are the weaboo anime tropes of Awakening and Fates, and in their place a story with believable CHARACTERS and VILLAINS with more dimension to them than "Muhahahaha!". Say what you will about the evil wizards (I'm sick of them personally), but Berkut and Fernand are such stand-outs even among other Fire Emblem games, with the former going from a proud noble to a dishonoured, spiteful knight who's forced to resort to underhanded tactics , and the latter leaving the Deliverence you now command, and fighting against you for believable reasons, no matter how much you disagree with them.
I liked it for what it was, not what I wanted it to be, and its flaws weren't enough to ruin the experience. Sure, they needed to put more thought into levels like Nuibaba's, but otherwise, it's managable. You just have to adapt to the situation and change formation accordingly.
I agree. I hope we got more Echoes and less Fates. Awakening was alright though. Fire emblem is a series that is constantly innovating and trying new things. Awakening was no exception but fates just exemplified all the bad awakening did and got rid of all the good.
@@iwanthisokatofuckmesilly5222 I don't see why everyone always need to have a conclusion that one is better than the other. I think Echoes and Awakening are perfect compliments to each other. One for casuals and one for hardcore.
I did find the shipping system to be rather pointless and just overcomplicated things. The relationship mechanic itself was a good one. I do think both of them would be improved by moving a little closer to the middle. Awakening could do by removing some shipping options and making things slightly more linear and Echoes could do with more freedom in how your units develop.
What about the awful (see unfair) map design?
Oh wait, we aren't mentioning that because circlejerking is more important
@@somebody7810 The map being stacked against you is kind of the point. If the characters say the odds are stacked against them it's not really a negative when the actual map reflects that assessment. Also awakening has even more desperate odds as there are several maps where you start out completely surrounded on a mostly featureless plain.
Improvement points for Echoes would be more freedom in how to customize your units. I like the system they have but a few more villagers would have helped and making the reset option not just reserved for mercenaries but for everyone.
@@somebody7810 We aren't mentioning that because it only applies to less than half the game. What you consider circle-jerking, the rest of the world considers common sense, so get over yourself and stop acting like a whiny bitch just because nobody agrees with your faulty logic.
13:26 I cant believe Josh used a clip from Bump in the Night! Not many people know that that great show even exists!
No, you can't. That's an odd choice of footage on the editors' part.
@@cartooncritic7045 its a shame of it was it would be 32 times better
The thing about that resident evil game is also something good the PS2 Hulk game had when you're playing as Doctor Banner, if you get found out, it's not necessarily the end, forcing you back to the start... so long as you know what you're doing.
If you're quick and (unless you have the invincibility or one hit kill skills unlocked) lucky, you can either hide til everything calms down or just fight everything until every enemy in the close proximity are beaten and any alarms just stop and you can get right back to sneaking around
this is a great change to the last intro you had Josh :3
Sorry, Joker. I have to disagree with calling number 8 a bad game. This is just me but I love the fire emblem style of combat and the story behind it.
I thought in Echos that the maps being stack against you was kind of the point and also kind of cool. You are fighting in a war where the enemy has been having the high ground for awhile and you have recently just become an army leader. Of course the odds are going to be stacked against you. But I do understand some of the issue.
Anyways, I really do like the video. Keep it up.
Brook voices a villain in a fire emblem game?! Gotta get it!
You will never convince me that Sonic Boom, Forces, or any other game recent is even remotely on the same level as 06. The glitches are honestly the BEST part of the game.
Also, while I love this series and adored every game I've played, including dream drop distance, I acknowledge that this series has it's beyond bullshit moments.
That "Sounds of silence" parody was awesome 👌👍
Also, in Uncharted...Okay full disclosure, I'm that wuss who plays games on easy, at least the first time through, so like in 2 and 3, when I played the first Uncharted (and when I replay it), I died FAR more to the janky platforming than to any enemies.
I think it's time to remove No Mans Sky from this list, what with the massive updates its gotten
I honestly cannot figure out why you don't have more subscribers!
Look Sonic 06 is a MASTERPIECE.
Even if its the best game ever in the same way that The Room is the best FILM ever made.
11:40 Nice cover of Sound of Silence. I love those custom lyrics.
Dude, my dad owned an N64, and until some time in middle school, I've never even heard of Banjo-Kazooie.
I NEED a full version of hello 06 my old friend! When?
I see a joshcorcher video and I drop everything and watch it!!! I loved that Sound of darkness parody, I had to clean up my monitor because I was actually drinking coffee when it happened.
Was I the only one expecting an earth shattering Ka-BOOM! in the beginning, instead of the nuke?
16:26 I honestly laughed at this. Both the monster truck on a Amish farm and the sneaking music gags made me laugh.
Nice use of the Mr. Bumpy clip. Didn't think anyone else remembered that show.
7:58 Should have used that "Ain't nobody got time for that" clip from the internet.
At least Duke Nukem is having a wee, instead of dropping a Nuke Dukey in the toilet!
13:26 What is that clip from? I kinda recognise that green dude.
Interesting version of Sound Of Silence, sounds like the Disturbed version too! Isn't that bordered, though, not boarded...?
15:40 simple explanation.... RE6 is an action game with horror elements and was never intended to be scary. Gosh why do I have to keep defending this game?
Ben Minns Still doesn’t mean it’s good though. :P Granted, I don’t think it’s a complete dumpster fire like plenty of fans make out to be: only disappointing compared to their predecessors.
Like, I didn’t mind the shift towards action in RE4 and to a degree RE5, but in RE6 it just feels like they tried to cram way too much into a single game. Making it feel like some bloated and overproduced Hollywood movie or something. Which’s why I was definitely glad RE7 went back to the series’ more grounded roots, albeit through a different perspective.
@@amirgarcia547 that's fine, and yeah RE6 is definitely not the best game in the franchise, probably my 5th favourite in out of all of them, but that definitely does not make a this a bad game and does not deserve any of the hate it gets. What urkes me is 1: that people keep calling it a horror game. When you look at it and it clearly see is that is not 2: looking at the games asthetic when looking at it and instantly writing off as not good 3: keep comparing this to and calling it some hollywood garbage when (as an advid movie goer myself) have seen much worse. Josh here points out this level as being one of the games highlights and thats good, but there are definitely better parts of the game than this and this game has more positives than negatives. It does not deserve to be on a list like this.
Ben Minns It’s not a bad game, as I said, but whether or not it’s scary, it still has its fair share of problems. Which is why plenty of people criticize it. In fact, I feel like Capcom bit off more than they could chew and stuffed the game with so much shiet that they didn’t even know what they wanted it to be anymore.
The reason I said it feels like a bloated Hollywood action movie is because, well...certain parts of it legit feel straight out of a Michael Bay movie.
Leon’s campaign was my favorite because it was actually challenging and tense by having you go against hordes of zombies and other mutated creatures. But as soon as him and Helena go to China, the game throws this out the window in favor of being incredibly bombastic and over-the-top. Seriously, there’s one section where you have to run from a bunch of exploding cars and I’m just like...what? And don’t even get me started on the final fight against Simmons, who turns into a mutated wolf, then a T-rex and then a giant fly. I feel like there’s a limit to this sort of stuff, and Capcom breached it a while ago...
Chris’ campaign feels like a 3rd-person Call of Duty since it has you do nothing but gunning down Ja’vo in boring levels with a terrible cover system, and Jake’s campaign has a few fun moments, but they’re too few and far between when you have to deal with the annoying mountain level and a bunch of motorcycle and chase sequences, and a few levels that are repeated from Chris’ campaign as well.
Add to that janky gameplay that feels like its working against you half the time, annoying enemies, terrible QTEs and an abysmal and messy story, and I’d say the opposite being that RE6 has more cons than pros. Other than the level Josh mentioned, I can’t think of any other levels I genuinely enjoyed save for the early levels in Leon’s campaign and the final boss in Chris’ campaign.
And don’t even get me started on Ada’s campaign, which has terrible and annoying stealth sections, and no local co-op at all. The only part of her campaign I remotely enjoyed is the level where you have to fight the mutated version of her clone.
It’s not completely terrible, as I said, but I still only really find it meh at best, and I felt no urge to play it again after I beat it. Whereas I was able to play Revelations and RE7 multiple times and still enjoy them because unlike with RE6, it felt like Capcom actually knew what they were doing when making them. It’s totally fine if you like it though, but there’s more reasons that people dislike than just “muh horror.”
@@amirgarcia547 actually I think the controls let have more freedom than in any RE games than ever. You can run faster, you can straight up hit enemies if they get to close, The guns fire faster, there a lot more weapon models even if the guns all are generally the same. And the cover system is not the worse I've seen. The story while not my favorite is still not that bad. It definitely has most stakes to it than any of the other games.
And I do have my criticisms as well. The level designs are are definitely not the best, Helena harper is my least favorite character in the game and that prevented me from fully enjoying Leons story, I thought simmons was a lame villan until I found out he was the one who destroyed Raccoon City, that fact made it a little personal, and yeah the controls are a little Janky before I tweaked with them. Though I never had a problem with the camera during the eye candy action scenes. But maybe that's because I don't get motion sickness.
Not having all your abilities via authorization is still loads better then gear flying off after hitting a wall.
What is the music playing for the end credits? It sounds familiar, but I can't quite put my finger on it...
Id(Purpose) from Fire Emblem Awakening
0:00 - 0:48
Take note Doug Walker, this is how you do a pre-intro skit
13:37-13:38. No really I mean you only talk about it as much as Doug Walker talks about Animaniacs and Batman: the animated series. 😂😂😂
Or rabbidluigi with Spec Ops: The Line XD
To be fair.
Doug has a very fucking good reason to talk about Animaniacs.
*It's a gift to humanity.*
Cause even in the biggest pieces of shit out there , a gold nugget can always be found .😁👌
I love it that you didn't simply call the kreigsmarine "Nazi's".
no stop nazis
yeah when I got to that part of uncharted I basically just called it, "naughty dog trying to imitate resident evil." And I was fine with that. Otherwise, was glad I played through the original trilogy recently
Fire Emblem Echoes is my favorite FE game for the 3ds. I actually like the older FE games for a reason. I find the newer games easier and less interesting maps patronizing at best. So I can try to respect your opinion. . . Buuut as soon as you said 'the maps are stacked in the enemies favor. . .' I found myself saying, 'Thats the point.'
Finally someone who gets it! I love FE Echoes as well
I fucking love echoes and satisfys my nostalga for Shineing Force 1 and 2
Even then, Echoes is pretty easy. Even in hard, it is still rather easy to come up with a strategy and Mila's turnwheel is bullshit repellent. I think this guy just sucks at FE games
@@iwanthisokatofuckmesilly5222 I also don't get why he says it's hard. Mila's turnwheel makes mistakes due to misclicks a non-issue and if anything I would have like a third difficulty setting of 'brutal'.
@@MrMarinus18 Yeah. I beat it on hard classic with little to no problems.
Interesting idea for a countdown, and enjoyable. Especially the way you kept using clips from shows like that.
At 0:12 how are you playing sonic freeriders with a controller?
Yeah, not gonna lie, I played through the first 3 Uncharted games (not really bothered paying for a ps4 just to play uncharted 4) and number 3 was by far my favourite simple because of how grounded in reality (at least for an Indiana Jones-esque game) it was. It wasn't some supernatural bullshit that caused the downfall of the entire civilisation, it was some hallucinogenic water which I loved. I genuinely played the uncharted games in reverse and was disappointed by how stupid the stories were for 1 and 2 because of how much I enjoyed 3.
Into The Deep - COD: Ghosts
An underwater level that didn't suck. Pretty much the only highlight of the game for me.
11:36 - 12:28 Wow, you have an amazing singing voice. So rich and melodious.
I understand why many would not like Echoes gameplay. As much as the 3DS titles each held one severe flaw from making them perfect titles. Echoes did have many issues with their maps throughout, but the story was very well done. Berkut rose throughout into a villain I initially thought of as 'meh' at first. Because as Alm, I was breaking him one victory at a time. This is a villain you didn't drive to a corner, more so he fell through his own faults and eventually snapped. Into one hell of a power hungry monster to battle. The first time I fought him I was losing my mind as an underleveled party where alm didn't have brave lion... Mathilda you monstrous Valkyrie! The story and his map(also not being final boss) made Berkut my favorite bad guy in Fire Emblem. The final map was a blast too, but at that point I was over the big bads coming off of Berkut.
I do have some problems with the story. For example why did Alm become leader when he had next to no experience? I am a fan of Advance Wars Dark Conflict where something similar happens but there it happens 3/4 of the way through. When he already has fought many battles. Also in that game there are no other condidates. The obvious one has already proven she can't do it, the other candidate is no army leader and his girlfriend doesn't have the charisma needed.
The main reason was Clive doing something desperate to reinvigorate his forces. The idea being a villager like what made up the bulk of the deliverance rose to the top. To inspire them to do their best and work to climb the ranks too. My interpretation anyways. I can't detail off the top when Alm took over all the leadership duties, initially intended as a figurehead. Probably right after taking back the castle or Desaix
@@darkjammin79 If that's the case he would make him a mascot but keep making the important decisions himself. Also I don't agree with some of the decisions like Alm's insistence that the life of a peasant is equally worth saving to that of a noble. They are a rebellion so they need to prioritize their objectives. Also with an undiciplined army like that you need firm leadership at the top.
Olympus Coliseum has never stopped being entertaining to me.
0:42 A *disturbingly* accurate recreation of my childhood gamer rage.
Echoes has tedious grinding and bad maps but that's hardly enough to call it a bad game, especially when other recent FEs have had the same problems
SilverBladeHero 15 Eh, it’s actually the opposite, being that the other recent FE suffer more from narrative problems. But I’d argue that they’re WAY better in terms of their maps and gameplay, sans how unbalanced the pair up mechanic is in Awakening is.
Echoes is still a great game if you can get past its gameplay flaws though due to its great story, relatable and well-written (mostly...looking at you, Faye) cast and fantastic world-building.
I dunno fates relied too much on gimmicks and awakening maps were pretty boring
Not bad but bland
ImmaLittlePip It definitely stood out more than the maps than the maps from the older games, which were fields, fields, some more fields...maybe a desert or two, and then a castle.
Lets get this party started
#10 Still no want
#9 meh. No opinion
#8 It's rough around the edges
#7 WHY?!
#6 I don't have anything to say
#5 air headed bimbo
#4 Okay then
#3 intrestering
#2 I love this fight!
#1 So damn good
If you don't like perma-death just play on Casual's a Fire Emblem staple, and I don't see it going away any time soon. And I loved Echoes. Sure, some of the maps weren't great, but do you really need the weapon triangle when you rarely see axes? It'd put the likes of Dread Fighters at a big disadvantage to all the cavalry and lance-wielding Terrors. Yeah, it was weird in the beginning having a bunch of sword units not have a hit rate advantage against Brigands...but then not counting a rare Terror here and there, axes just kinda drop out of the game. I absolutely loved Echoes. It was so different from the games before it, and after going through Conquest and a bit of Birthright at the time, it was a breath of fresh air.
There is no axes in fire emblem echoes lol. It would be dumb cause theyd have to add new classes or have certain classes be completely broken and throw everything off
@@iwanthisokatofuckmesilly5222 There are axes. Like I said, mostly early game Brigands and Pirates. There's even a Devil Axe you can pick up. You can't use it, but you can give it to an NPC
@@jedimasterpickle3 I feel retarded now cause I forgot about the brigands and such.
I think the maps are fine. Echoes plays much more like a traditional turn based strategy game rather than the tactical game that Fire Emblem usually is. So the maps are more sparse and larger to accomdate that large scale of fighting. In the previous game the maps were so busy because you're only active on a small portion. You fight the enemy groups one by one so you need clutter close together. In Echoes because the scale is larger the obstacles are more spaced out.
Yeah Uncharted 1 was not paced great, but for the time it was okay. Naughty Dog is still one of the producers that you can't expect anything easy from in any game pretty much. But Uncharted 1 was incredibly hard
I need to know where that sneaking music clip is from
Tyronfog it's from mighty magiswords the show is terrible don't watch it
I love kingdom hearts too! One of the original reasons I subscribed
The Number 1 Pick is from the Game "Uncharted: Drake's Fortnite."
I liked Recoded for how each world had it’s own system like Olympus having the turn based battle
The way uncharted was designed was supposed to make you use the cover system only to have it ripped out that level to make you think on your feet, try playing through the game like this level and you'll find its somewhat easier(some levels not so much)
So why do good gamers like bad games?
Have you had this question for a really long time?
Some are so bad that they’re a laugh fest. I’m looking at you Sonic 06
Also nostalgia
Gameplay might be bad, but if the narrative was good and you care about the characters it might be worth it.
I’ve played some bad games and it’s plain to see.
So why do good gamers play all the scum they see
Josh, if you love Kingdom Hearts so much, why don’t you just post a let’s play series of one of the games?