2007 liberals: I don't trust the gov, I think the two towers was a ploy to get us into this war to enrich the military complex, they're attacking the middle class. 2023 neo-libs: I trust the gov, gimme the jab, take my rights, respect muh pronouns, I like soy, pthalates and ESG scores, stop being a conspiracy theorist, the authorities never lie, China is our ally.
Beyond what the word regulated means over 250 years ago is kind of irrelevant. If the militia is to ensure a method of preventing the government turning on your people, then regulated can never mean government oversight. Regulated can however still be true...well trained is still irrelevant then, but a form of self-regulation can be in play. If that form of regulation stated you have to be trained before using a gun, then you might have a discussion. In short, this discussion can never be a government thing, but if regulation at some point means trained then you still need to deal with that part.
They just got done fighting a tyrannical govt, the govt and its militias (militarys) MUST be regulated, they also knew that same govt has no right to regulate a free citizenry hence "shall not be infringed"
So simple, yet people have been beaten over the head so hard for years and years to "think" that these corrupt gobt crooks somehow are more important and smarter then US good American people..
@goated313 Great information man. I'm gonna take this and clean it up a bit so I can keep it in my back pocket. I live in Iowa, and we've got some amazing gun laws, but you never know when this info might come in handy...
Exactly, just look at the cities that already have strict gun control laws like Chicago, I'd bet that there's more illegal guns on the streets there then anywhere else in the USA, criminals definitely don't register their firearms for some reason, I'm just saying, Veterans for America
@nobodyatall7039 "They keep focusing on "well regulated militia" but then when people form militias they call them domestic terrorists." ya' know, that is such an obvious, BUT EXCELLENT post. don't know why i never realized that before. thanks for the point out!
Ya , if you have more than 10 people training together out in the woods or desert area and anyone sees you ,you could get a visit from a ABC Agencie and put under a microscope .
They also ignore the part where the Constitution says the governors of the states are required to provide training for the militia. The reason people aren't well-trained is because the government is failing at its job. And the part where a standing army is prohibited, so the U.S. Army can only fall under the Constitution's "navy" whose jurisdiction excludes U.S. soil. Having the equivalent of a concealed carry license class should happen when kids are like 10. Then they should go through actual training on basic tactics for defending self and community with basic defense weapons like assault rifles and machine guns. (They should also be taught other vital life skills like how to cook, balance a bank account, how to drive, and basic first aid.) Then when they graduate high school, they're ready to defend themselves and their communities against basic threats. Then the real training begins, with tanks and warships and anti-aircraft weaponry. Rockets and mines and artillery. Not a select couple of people who take orders from the governors at all times; any person or group of people who can afford the hardware. And yes, the militias can be drafted into service if the state is under attack. That's their job. Our job. Your job. My job.
The militia that Hamilton referred to is what we call the National Guard. They answer to the governor of the individual state and not the president. They exist to protect the state from the all feared tyranny of the federal government. Reading the Federalist Papers would greatly improve the odds of you not looking foolish.
The whole notion that "well regulated militia" is about it being regulated....is an ignorant argument when you consider it is the SECOND amendment because they wanted people to be armed against a possible TYRANT government....can't protect yourself from that...if that tyrannical government controls who can and can't have guns...now can we?
Government was established in part to protect our rights and the amendments were rights off limits to Government. If the second amendment is protecting our rights then the government is practically irrelevant.
@@BST-lm4po exactly. European subjects love trying to explain to us how backward and savage we are as they interpret the Bill of Rights to be some document the government graciously penned to grant us our rights, because that's the only kind of rule they understand. It's literally the opposite, explaining to the government what rights the _citizens_ inherently possess that the government can't touch.
@@BST-lm4po Then you better get the "10% for the big guy" out of office because he clearly stated, and I qoute; "We, the people, that's us, the government."
These people have no concept of caliber or action. I've gotten the .22 vs AR-15 comparison while debating, without my opponent stating the caliber of the AR. These people will use their confirmation bias and expect you to receive it as factual.
Gun control in America: Turning armed law abiding citizens defenceless for criminals Gun control in Afghanistan: Leaving $85 billions of military equipment for the Taliban
Don’t forget we did the same in Iraq, just for much of it to end up in the hands of ISIS. We now have Taliban and ISIS terrorists rolling around in armored humvees and MRAP’s. They would rather arm foreign governments, terrorists and extremists than arm American citizens. That should tell you something about who they are really afraid of the most. And for good reason.
I love how the journalists asked "do you think all gun owners are well trained?" While ignoring the fact that the government makes it harder and harder everyday for those gun owners to be well trained.
@@stevehartwell1861 People should have to be "well trained" to assert any of their amendment rights. Just pointing out the ill intent of that bad faith question when he knows full well that the government makes it harder to train properly as an average citizen.
@sukamadik5983 They should be using a portion of our tax dollars to fund gun training programs for the average person to be able to, that's definitely part of their job when being our servants.
@@stevehartwell1861 yes, they should be. They should know how to use basic knowledge and reason. And yes a person who owns a firearm should be well trained. In fact you should be well trained on all of your constitutional rights.
Samuel Adams said the constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms
Adams did NOT say that criminals, lunatics, incompetents, and insurrectionists should be allowed to bear arms. That's the only goal of common sense gun control. BTW, I've owned, used and loved guns for 70 of my 75 years. Don't listen to the NRA's apocalyptic bullshit.
Could you imagine having to go back and telling them they have to dumb it down even further? “I’m sorry Ben but you’ve got to dumb it down to the point of “gun good! Everyone should have one! Even if they shoot more than one bullet!”
Remember all the treaties that were broken by the US Government, that were supposedly written to protect Native Americans and provide them equal life. The government is now trying to do the same with law abiding citizens.
I'd add that any side that says "give up your guns and let the government protect you from the evil doers" should no longer have the right to a trial by jury.... if the Government is so powerful and always correct then they should trust that if the Government arrests them they should go directly to sentencing and serve their time..... but of course they will scream that the justice system is corrupt, racist or whatever whining they do whenever it's their butt on the line.....
Yes, its quite shocking how so many leftists cannot understand just how similar their viewpoints and tactics are, to the Third Reich in the 1930's. Obviously talking about the policies and actions prior to the "Final Solution" times, and the concentration camps. Just insert conservative, for Jew.
If "Well regulated" meant what gun control advocates WANT it to mean, it would be contradictory to "The right of the people to keep and bears arms shall not be infringed". Our founders were lawyers. They worded everything VERY carefully. They would not contradict themselves.
I’m a Canadian who thought aversion to firearms was in my DNA. After the Trudeau years, and his systematic removal of Canadian rights and prosperity through authoritarian tactics. I have a new perspective on the second amendment and understand it’s necessity.
Propaganda in the news and in education can make people growing up believe the lies put out by the government. Communists are at work in every place where democracy and free people live and they want to destroy our way of life for their tyrannical enslavement of the people. In order to correct the problem, we need to rise up and remove the entire political group in the government as none of them can be trusted to be what they claim to be. If you were to leave any of them in control, they can corrupt the new group coming in to replace the exterminated group, and nothing will change! The government has to be completely purged in order to make a clean start with uncorrupted holders of power. And they must be made aware that they too have to be true to the will of the people otherwise they too will be removed with force! This is the problem with the current politicians, they believe they are above any laws, and they have the final say over the people, when in reality, it is the other way around.
Who here is old enough to remember the regulator washing machines and the regulator clocks. They weren’t called that because they were under government regulations they were called that because they were quality pieces of equipment, well-made and capable of getting the job done. You will never convince me that a group of men who fought for their freedom from a regulatory government would then turn around and give the powers of regulation back to their own government. That just doesn’t make sense!
they are working on the same idea in current times, since Felons lose their 2A, the communists in control have been working hard to make anything and everything a felony.
everyone forgets that the bill of rights is not written from the perspective of what the people CAN do, it's written in the perspective of what the government CANNOT do.
Exactly...thank you! The Founding Fathers knew that all people have certain inalienable rights just due to the fact that they exist as people. The Constitution establishes the government and then limits what it can and cannot do. Take the first amendment as an example. It does not say that people have the right to free speech because people already have that right. It says that Congress shall make no law abridging that right. In other words, the govt cannot take away a right that you are born with.
Exactly, there are dangerous people out there. We should continue to sell millions of guns without regulation and just hope they don’t fall into criminal hands.
@@anonymous.anonymity. tell me you've never bought a gun without telling me you've never bought a gun. Tell me you've never actually looked at the breakdown of gun violence without telling me you've never actually looked at the breakdown of gun violence
@@anonymous.anonymity. Without regulation? What? There are more gun regulations today than there ever have been at any point in time in history, ever. No guns are being sold without regulation at any time. Why do you believe this lie?
No, Steven is right. There is a deal to be made. At the time of the Bill of Rights meant to allow citizens to be just as armed as the government. So the deal is: We should be allowed to own machine guns and other NFA items.
the people saying 2A doesnt apply to modern rifles is like saying 4th amendment doesnt apply to skyscrapers and high rises because they werent thought of yet.
Also, that means the First Amendmend does NOT apply to TV, magazines and the Internet since they didn't exist in the 18th century so by their logic, the TV stations don't need that amendment.
@@largol33t1 yeah, i dont get it, i mean i aint the brightest bulb on the christmas tree, ( if you met my X-wife youd understand that) but how can people be dumber than me??? they actually see something there to protect us from bad people. but they think its out dated? they think it's the reason Liberals shoot up the places liberals made easy to be shot up? they dont understand WE should have the guns, the government should'nt. they refuse to believe we protect ourselves more times a day than cops protect people? part of me hopes there is a S H T F scenario just to let the nay sayers experience the horror we're trying to avoid!
well better learn when to use it because so far the population has been docile. as you lose your rights little by little because you hallucinate government's imaginary "authority"
Well regulated, well organized or well managed immediately removes the federal government from any claim on controlling guns. Seems like everything they touch becomes a dumpster fire.
exactly, if well regulated meant that, there would need to be gov representatives in every militia to maintain the regulation certification, which they cannot feasibly do. it makes zero sense logically. since militias were designed as a backup military should the gov military abuse citizens or fail to protect the nation. basically non gov national guard.
exactly, if well regulated meant that, there would need to be gov representatives in every militia to maintain the regulation certification, which they cannot feasibly do. it makes zero sense logically. since militias were designed as a backup military should the gov military abuse citizens or fail to protect the nation. basically non gov national guard.
Actually, "well regulated" means that the federal government is required to supply citizens with the arms and training facilities needed to be an effective fighting force capable of securing a "free state". Basically we're all supposed to have HK 416's, plate carriers w/ lvl 4 plates, and several thousand rounds of 5.56 all supplied by the federal government.
Ammo is expensive, I have a S&W shield 45 and just my regular rounds are Remington 230grain FMJs costs over .70 cents a round. My HPs are Hornady's Critical defense 185 grain and my Hornady FXT +Ps are almost $2.00 a round. 😧
I use a lot of 22 as a training tool. It allows me to isolate my fundamentals from recoil control (also fundamental) and then I do recoil control with “larger” rounds. The skills transfer from small round to larger round. It is my personal opinion that when someone doesn’t train with 22, they’re skipping a great tool.
If regulated meant controlled by the govt. they wouldn't have said we have the right to bear arms in a separate sentence. That would've been contradictory. Yes, yes???
yup also the part of threats both foreign and domestic. if we as a nation were alright with gov telling us if we could use or bear arms, we wouldn't care about domestic threats would we? we wouldnt question the current form of gov, just say sure, they know what's best even though they're speaking foreign languages...
Every time someone says to me, "Muskets" I remind them that the 'Puckle Gun' was available in 1776. Then if they are still railing against me I ask, "So, the 1st Amendment doesn't work on Computers, Cell Phone Texting, calling someone, etc.?" That normally shuts them up.
Just for your info, the Puckle gun was patented in 1718, but also, don’t forget about the Belton flintlock and the Ferguson rifle ( I believe both 1776) as well as the Girandoni air rifle (1779).
You might just remind them that a musket was the best readily available military grade weapon at the time. The 2A doesn't specify what type of weapon you have the right to have, probably because they knew that weapons technology would change over time.
It doesn't matter a whole lot really. The preamble to the 2A is the "why" of the operative clause, which is the directive. It is like me saying, do you think we should be armed citizens and you saying yes. Then I ask you why and you say, a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state. You are telling me why the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, not the criteria for keeping and bearing arms. The founders told us why the people have that right, and it is a pretty massive reason for why.
So true I remember my class in Jr.High, after being dropped off one morning by my father I walked through the school to the classroom with two rifles and a shooting case with three revolvers and a spotting scope. I left it all with the teacher until the time for the class when we boarded a bus to the police department's outdoor shooting range. P.S. at the time my father was on the police department and a retired WWII veteran. My father had started teaching me gun safety and shooting at age 6 so by the time I was in the class I already had my hunter safety card and had been hunting and shooting for a few years. The class was a mixture of several subjects and the safety class was just a small part of it, about 4 weeks or so. The class also included photography, leather crafting, and drafting/mechanical design.
You said it with well organized. Organized ammo, and arms. Maybe a few cannons. Good clothing and medical. Food. They are so quick to twist words. We need more of you on our sdes. You're brilliant man. Thanks for the hard work.
I wore my "I am the militia" T-SHiRT one day and went to a gas station... the clerk said "is that a Colion Noir shirt?!😃" ... I said "yup!😁" We both said "he's the man!"😁🤝😀
I doubt it. They will go to their mass graves believing they were right. There is nothing we can say or do to convince them otherwise. They are completely bought in at this point.
Yeah that's pathology that simply never going to happen. It is a fact that we could get rid of all of the guns, and still nobody would be marched in the camps People to think like you are small and are cowardly The idea that the United States would sink into security simply because we don't have guns is the most ridiculous nonsense I have ever heard
Yet those same morons have no problem quoting the 1st Ammendment to justify cursing out cops, insulting those with differing views and opinions. Not to mention those vulgar and obscene displays of parading their filth and abominations. Yet they struggle with the idea of a law abiding citizen having the right and means to defend himself, his family, and the innocent? *HORSE APPLES!*
well, many of them are struggling to subver 2as simple meaning. they have to try and get around it because they know their gun control is unconstitutional.
((( John Stewart ))) knows he's being dishonest about what "Well regulated" means. It's a propaganda tactic, just like how he uses a fake name. His real last name is Leibowitz.
@@mr.kalash7555 It's an _amendment_ . By its very definition, it was not in the original constitution. The Bill of Rights, is simply a nickname for the first 10 amendments, which actually was not first stated as such until the 20th century.
@@ckmoore101buddy, I’m sorry to say this but you’re wrong. The 10 Amendments are very much original to the constitution. They are very much absolute and cannot be altered, changed, or removed by any means
@@ViperPain141 Amendments absolutely can be altered, changed, and removed. 18th Amendment started Prohibition. 21st Amendment ended Prohibition. Gavin Newsome just proposed the 28th Amendment specifically about gun control, which if passed by Congress and then ratified by the States as required could become the law of the land.
@@williamskogen9895 which would be a violation of the Bill of Rights, which are specifically made to keep protection from the government under the court of law
Democrats provably HATE the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Proof? Obama even stated his hatred of the Constitution because in his ignorant USA loathing own words: "the Constitution Limits Government". That statement alone proves the gross ignorance and or hatred by obama for the USA because the concept of LIMITED government, controlled by We The People, was the very core of the founder's belief. I loath obama for his hatred of the USA and his demand of "The Fundamental Transformation of America" which, to this very day, our treasonous vermin in the MSM never once asked the High Traitor In Chief: "Fundamentally Transform America FROM WHAT TO WHAT". Why would our treasonous MSM omit that?
And, while I've never read them, I understand the Federalist Papers are writings and correspondences from the very men who wrote the Constitution and said, (in essence), "Yes! Yes! That's exactly what we meant!" This in response to people questioning what exactly they meant and does it apply to (insert doubt here).
Colion I pray to god you can testify before any governing body that try’s to take away our rights to bare arms! You always well versed! Keep up the good fight as I support you!
I wouldn’t waste my breath. If we had a government that gave a flaming hot fuck about us, we wouldn’t need to so vehemently defend our right to bare arms in the first place. You can’t stop a tyrannical government with words alone. At least no one ever has thus far in history. The only thing men like that understand is violence or the threat of violence. It is the only thing that has ever kept our government somewhat in check. Look at the things they get away with even with an armed populace. Imagine what they could do if we had no right or ability to defend ourselves.
I admire the fact that you have not run out of breath or energy from having to say and make the same points over and over again! You are a true Patriot!
It amazes me that so many departments have the time and money for the touchy-feely b.s. training, but they can never seem to find the time and money for firearms training for their officers. Since so many department heads, which are nothing more than appointed politicians, don't seem to handle the press very well, I kind of wonder if the lack of training is intentional. When a police shooting occurs, they can always fall back on "We didn't train him to do that" regardless of whether or not the shooting was justified.
The thing is, we have a situation right now where one of the wolves is friends with the lamb, but then the lamb votes itself to be the meal along with the other wolf...
Let's not forget that the government also removed firearm safety from public schools. The government doesn't want us well trained because that makes it harder to suppress us if something does happen.
Yeah accept that's not necessary to have a free nation. You can have both a free nation and a nation without guns and that is been proven multiple times around the world. I'd like to think that United States is as good as those other nations but maybe the United States is just weaker, with less character. Either way, the guns need to go because the lives of innocent people are worth more than the guns
It doesn't say "the right of the well regulated militia to keep and bear arms." Having an armed populace gives you a large pool of people to build a well regulated militia.
Well regulated militia simply means that the militia cannot operate outside the scope of the governments definition of militia uscode.house.gov/view.xhtml?path=/prelim@title10/subtitleA/part1/chapter12&edition=prelim
Bro as a retired Marine I totally love ur channel you are so insightful and extremely knowledgeable and I learn so much from you. THANK YOU, for being a GREAT AMERICAN!!!!
If well regulated meant what the leftists believe it meant, wouldn’t you think the founding fathers, in all their meticulous and carefully spoken motivation go on to explain said regulations ? Thank you for clearing this up for many people!
Hell, if that WAS what the Founding Fathers meant, they definitely would've enumerated those "regulations" somewhere. Weird how libs can't ever seem to dig those up, it's _almost_ like they don't exist and never did...
It is a rationale, not a directive. The operative clause states the directive and the preamble states their reasoning. So when they bring up the well-regulated part, they are being dishonest of stupid, because it is the "why" to the operative clause. It is saying, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...why? A well-regulated militia is necessary for freedom or you could just say, freedom is why.
No. People didnt change words to mean what they wanted them to mean back then. So when they said regulated they meant regualted as in properly trained and informed . That what everyone understood when they read it bacl then ,why because word meant what they meant.
@@tomjones7853 As said in the video, strike the trained part- it's well managed and taken care of. Training is intrinsic with that but you'll have idiots looking for clicks or any way to push their pro-criminal agenda if your language isn't perfect.
They dont seem to understand the 2A is not a document from the government to the people telling us what we can and can not have but it is a document from we the people to the government telling them what they can not do!! Big difference.
I’ve long said that this is an odd argument in the nation. On one side you have the pro 2A side who takes their time to learn the legal side and history of the 2nd amendment. They also tend to learn about firearms and tend to be ready to have a conversation on it. The anti 2A seem to be “guns are bad” and I am scared. They have no knowledge on guns, gun laws, and gun safety but are against them because the news says they’re bad.
I find the level of projection interesting. Gun owners see themselves as safe and responsible, so they project that onto general society while recognizing some will be dangerous. Which is no different than most of life. We trust everyone in cars but remain vigilant for dangers. But anti-gun people never think to arm themselves against all the crazy gun nuts. They'll say they don't need guns, so no one else does. If you can't trust yourself with a firearm, others shouldn't be punished for your lack of control. I've also seen a video where the guy trips people up if they say the government should be in control of who has guns instead of the citizens. "Do you trust the government?". They assume their side will be in power, but they constantly fear the right forming a dictatorship. It's strangely ironic.
They’re against guns for these reasons: They don’t have the education on firearms and think that they are the ones hurting people, I think criminals are gonna get them legally and getting rid of them prevents the criminals from getting them, or they themselves are criminals and they don’t want civilians fighting back against them.
As American citizens we were expected by the founders to be willing able to defend the country from invasion. We are not allowed, we are being invaded!
Why can’t the leftists understand that the 2A is a “right” and not a “privilege” that the government can take away when they feel like it. Keep the great work and videos coming! 👏🏽👍🏽
The tactics the left uses, are from Saul Alinsky. The death by a thousand cuts. Flood the system with litigation Flood the system with Chao. Bsstardize normal thinking people. Bastardize the intellectuals And so on and on. READ THE BOOK Saul Alinskys Rules for radicals It has there game plan in it.
The fact that SCOTUS affirmed that the 2A is an "individual right" with _D.C. v. Heller_ and people like Hillary Clinton vehemently disagree with it tells you who you should absolutely never trust in government.
Both the treasonous democrats and RINOs trashed 90% of the 4th Amendment with the deliberately and dishonestly named "Patriot Act" with it's very former Soviet Union like secret FISA court. We need a fully functioning 2nd Amendment to correct that act of treason by democrats and RINOs. We all knew what needed to be done after 9/11 but our ruling elite didn't have the courage to do it.
They Only Understand what Is What is a Privilege to them! Armed Security, Best Health Insurance, Over the Top Pay, Every So Called Holiday, Payed Sick Days, Paid Personal Days........
I know my grandfather was not responsible for this phrase, but he was the first person I heard say it: "If you make guns illegal, only criminals will have guns". On the surface it seems like a throw-away statement by an old guy from the South, but it still rings true. We the people, need to keep our government in check; always, and if that means I will be a criminal because I have "several" firearms, then so be it. This is my hill, and I will die on it.
It’s actually appalling the amount of gun control activists who say “iT SaYS WeLL rEgUlAteD mEAnIng CoNtRolLEd.” It’s not only this argument either, there are many more that give me the same amount of headache and can be easily debunked. 🤦♂️
"Formidable" is what it means. People also get "freedom of the press" wrong too. It's not talking about journalists (as if they're some sacred people), but the PRINTING press. It's freedom to distribute info.
They fail to read that it says "shall not be infringed" right after it says "well regulated militia". So if well regulated actually means restricted, then why tf would it say "shall not be infringed" right after? Leftists can't read.
He doesn't debunk any talking points, but that's a nice that you like to stroke his ego. Here's a fact… Kids are dying practically every day because of the out-of-control gun nonsense we have this country. Multiple countries around the world have demonstrated that you outlaw guns you take guns away, and you virtually eliminate gun deaths. This is a fact that no honest person can deny. Simply put… If we outlaw the guns, take guns away we will save lives. Anyone that denies that fact is either ignorant, stupid, or a liar. As for the Second Amendment? Irrelevant I don't care what the Second Amendment says the lives of innocent people and especially little kids are worth a lot more than gun ownership and always will be worth more
He likes the sound of his own voice, preaching to the choir, and selling merch. Seriously, the “exposing their ignorance” clip was about 25 seconds long, and the remaining 450 seconds was just blathering. I suspect the whole point was that the guy was wearing his shirt…
Exactly! If you need to pass a test to exercise a right, then it's not a right. It's only a privilege to be revoked at the whim of well... there is that word again "regulators". A right is something you have regardless of regulations and regulators.
@@kencleg7721 I am tired of the continual, you are no longer an adult, and you are not responsible for your stupidity this nation is taking. I am okay with restricting voting to people that earn income and don't require an welfare assistance, but when a person is 18, they are an adult and up them should be conferred all the rights AND responsibilities of such!
I’m glad to see the guy wearing a shirt that tells what he believes in and standing behind it, not many people now days will do that because of what they may be called
The militia was the average man willing to stand up for his rights, minute men were willing to respond to a threat in a minute, a well regulated militia was a group of guys that were well practiced with their firearms, and ready at a moments notice to defend what is theirs. We are the well regulated militia of modern times, and we must be ready to stand against a corrupt government at a moments notice.
"Well regulated" also means well-equipped, and able to repair and maintain the arms we possess. It means the ability to practice and drill, individually and in groups, for preparedness. Well regulated means I can possess the ammo and magazines and replacement parts and optics, etc., to be a more proficient member of the militia. As a member of the militia, I should have the same type of arms which are issued to the Organized Military---M16A2, M4, subguns, SAW, etc., plus the other gear. If I am called up by the government, these are the arms I must bring with me, or I must be proficient with and familiar with them if they are issued to me. Think of the Swiss citizenry as the model.
@@danielbeck9191 In many European countries, you're given a choice to serve in the military two years, or public service two years, all before college. This seems like a good system to me, as discipline, and respect is often needed in young people, and the military service would give them that. Public service is an area were discipline is needed to do the tasks set for you, be it caring for the elderly, or digging ditches.
@@FloresTrumpet Bound to obey the constitution. Soldiers swear to uphold and defend it, against all comers, foreign and domestic. Not necessarily the man in office.
@@FloresTrumpet Maybe you should take a harder look at what's happening in America right now, a government body that places the pride flag over the nations flag, which is illegal. A political party (DNC) which has weaponized federal agencies against political opponents, and aliened themselves with our nations enemies (communist countries) for profit.
@@FloresTrumpet You really need to stop believing the main stream media, and start thinking logically. That was no coup, nobody but an innocent unarmed female was shot. A coup is much more direct, and hazardous to the health of all involved, a simple study of coups through out history would prove that, even to the simplest mind. That was nothing but a frame up by the DNC, turning a protest into a marketing press play for points, but the Jan 6th show was a complete bust. We watched it play out, then the video tapes of the most videoed building in the nation proved, they were let in by capitol cops, and guided around the the building by them. Use your head for more than a hat rack, think before you speak.
Appreciate your videos, info and presentation… I often refer folks to your channel during 2A discussions. I wear pro-2A tshirts just about everywhere I go in public and I get a lot of comments and opens up the opportunity for discussions, usually the conversations end with anti-gun folks learning a thing or two and often end up agreeing with the points I make, it all comes down to approach and being armed with knowledge and facts, they really have no debate at that point. I wasn’t sure what type of responses I’d get but more than not I get a thumbs up, I’m with you brother or something similar, it showed me there are actually more folks in support of 2A than the media like to portray, many are just afraid to be vocal about it and need someone to “lead the way” so to say! 🙂🔥💪🤝
I’d like to take a second and thank you Colion and 2nd amendment advocates for giving information and advice for proper gun safety. I just went today to my local gun range with my parents and had and absolute blast.
It really does not mater what the Second Amendment says. The Bill of Rights does not give us any rights. We have those rights anyway. It just makes it clear the government should lay off.
True. Our rights are God-given and the government is there to help ensure that we keep them. The governments role is not to take our rights away but rather to represent the people in defending our rights.
Once again, Colion, an excellent video and discussion. And you were right on when you said even after they understand what the Second Amendment means, there will be those who don't care. If proven wrong, they won't care.
Everyone I have ever debated with, even after proving them wrong and debunking every argument, always just ends with “whatever, who cares? You could never beat the government in a real war anyway.” Really? Cause they don’t have the greatest track record against counter-insurgencies. If a bunch of fish head eating, tunnel rat Vietnamese and sandal wearing Afghan goat f**kers armed with old Soviet weapons could beat them, millions of Americans with brand new AR15s don’t stand a chance? Idk about that, I’m a gambling man, and I like those odds. The only question remaining is whether enough Americans still possess the necessary ballsacks to stand and fight like men. Maybe that’s why they’re pushing this transgender stuff so hard! Lmfao.
Video commentary is spot-on. I've commented this before on how according to the wording of the United States Constitutional 2nd Amendment to deny (ANY) legal American Citizen the right to possess a firearm would be to Infringe. That includes felons and people with mental illness. Many Americans will not like to hear this, but that is more reason for all of us to arm yourself and learn to defend you and yours effectively. Most people have no idea that in the 1920's anyone could walk into your local hardware store and walk out with a Tommy gun, or into the drug store and leave with many different kinds of opiates. Government intervention to Americas right to purchase alcohol spawned a huge crime wave that was used to kickstart the gun control as we know today. It worked so well they started criminalizing many other things spawning more huge crime waves and more gun control measures, and so on.
@@sthcproductions It's good the hear from someone who has a clue. For instance, Lee Harvey Oswald ordered an WW2 surplus Italian bolt action rifle out of the back of a magazine. He eventually used said riffle to shoot JFK, but the American firearm owner in him didn't kill the President, the weak minded communist in him did.
The man being interviewed made one slip of one word in the entire conversation and the interviewer thought he "had him." As gun owners we must be at the top of our game and be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks.
I have finally heard someone else use the argument "free state" not as the state as in government. But free state as in the status of the people. A doctor asks a nurse on the state of a patient and the nurse doesn't say "Oklahoma"
And what most people do not realize is that the 2nd Amendment actually says " the right of the people " which is only the second Right listed as " the right of the people ".
Defund Gun Control
➡ bit.ly/33QJASD
Hey buddy, when are you going to start making shirts that say H@ng treasonous and pedophile politicians? I'd buy a few.
2007 liberals: I don't trust the gov, I think the two towers was a ploy to get us into this war to enrich the military complex, they're attacking the middle class.
2023 neo-libs: I trust the gov, gimme the jab, take my rights, respect muh pronouns, I like soy, pthalates and ESG scores, stop being a conspiracy theorist, the authorities never lie, China is our ally.
Beyond what the word regulated means over 250 years ago is kind of irrelevant. If the militia is to ensure a method of preventing the government turning on your people, then regulated can never mean government oversight. Regulated can however still be true...well trained is still irrelevant then, but a form of self-regulation can be in play. If that form of regulation stated you have to be trained before using a gun, then you might have a discussion.
In short, this discussion can never be a government thing, but if regulation at some point means trained then you still need to deal with that part.
Can you post a link to the original video?
They just got done fighting a tyrannical govt, the govt and its militias (militarys) MUST be regulated, they also knew that same govt has no right to regulate a free citizenry hence "shall not be infringed"
The Bill of Rights was written to limit THE GOVERNMENT not the people.
It should be 'keep gov out of the people's rights'
So simple, yet people have been beaten over the head so hard for years and years to "think" that these corrupt gobt crooks somehow are more important and smarter then US good American people..
That's the most important part!
You definitely won the internet with this post
@goated313 Great information man. I'm gonna take this and clean it up a bit so I can keep it in my back pocket.
I live in Iowa, and we've got some amazing gun laws, but you never know when this info might come in handy...
Disarming responsible citizens doesn't end violence, it only fuels the tyrants more.
And makes committing crimes safer for the criminals.
Exactly, just look at the cities that already have strict gun control laws like Chicago, I'd bet that there's more illegal guns on the streets there then anywhere else in the USA, criminals definitely don't register their firearms for some reason, I'm just saying, Veterans for America
That's how this dude interviewer keeps his job by spewing the same agenda of the biden polit bureau.
Making law abiding citizens helpless won't make criminals harmless!
Not to mention it also fuels more violence because people lose the ability to defend themselves.
They keep focusing on "well regulated militia" but then when people form militias they call them domestic terrorists.
They hate it when we tell them we are the militia.
@nobodyatall7039 "They keep focusing on "well regulated militia" but then when people form militias they call them domestic terrorists."
ya' know, that is such an obvious, BUT EXCELLENT post. don't know why i never realized that before. thanks for the point out!
Ya , if you have more than 10 people training together out in the woods or desert area and anyone sees you ,you could get a visit from a ABC Agencie and put under a microscope .
They also ignore the part where the Constitution says the governors of the states are required to provide training for the militia. The reason people aren't well-trained is because the government is failing at its job.
And the part where a standing army is prohibited, so the U.S. Army can only fall under the Constitution's "navy" whose jurisdiction excludes U.S. soil.
Having the equivalent of a concealed carry license class should happen when kids are like 10. Then they should go through actual training on basic tactics for defending self and community with basic defense weapons like assault rifles and machine guns. (They should also be taught other vital life skills like how to cook, balance a bank account, how to drive, and basic first aid.) Then when they graduate high school, they're ready to defend themselves and their communities against basic threats.
Then the real training begins, with tanks and warships and anti-aircraft weaponry. Rockets and mines and artillery. Not a select couple of people who take orders from the governors at all times; any person or group of people who can afford the hardware.
And yes, the militias can be drafted into service if the state is under attack. That's their job. Our job. Your job. My job.
The militia that Hamilton referred to is what we call the National Guard. They answer to the governor of the individual state and not the president. They exist to protect the state from the all feared tyranny of the federal government.
Reading the Federalist Papers would greatly improve the odds of you not looking foolish.
A few years ago the US supreme court ruled that the 2nd amendment was to protect INDIVIDUAL rights. PERIOD.
2008 I think
The whole notion that "well regulated militia" is about it being regulated....is an ignorant argument when you consider it is the SECOND amendment because they wanted people to be armed against a possible TYRANT government....can't protect yourself from that...if that tyrannical government controls who can and can't have guns...now can we?
Government was established in part to protect our rights and the amendments were rights off limits to Government. If the second amendment is protecting our rights then the government is practically irrelevant.
The same Supreme Court also ruled that police have no duty to protect you so stay armed folks
Your all wrong, it was actually written in 1776. Stop thinking the government "allows" us to have our right.
It takes real brain power to confuse “Bill of RIGHTS” with “Government Regulated”. 🇺🇸
I've thought this since I was 10
one thing i learned.. they have tried to "edit the meaning" since 1776.....
It also says "The Right of the PEOPLE"!
Not the Right of the State
Not the Right of the Feds
Not the Right of the Gov't
@@BST-lm4po exactly. European subjects love trying to explain to us how backward and savage we are as they interpret the Bill of Rights to be some document the government graciously penned to grant us our rights, because that's the only kind of rule they understand. It's literally the opposite, explaining to the government what rights the _citizens_ inherently possess that the government can't touch.
@@BST-lm4po Then you better get the "10% for the big guy" out of office because he clearly stated, and I qoute;
"We, the people, that's us, the government."
What is absolutely mind blowing to me is when someone says they do not trust the government yet they will want to ban guns cause they look scary.
These people have no concept of caliber or action. I've gotten the .22 vs AR-15 comparison while debating, without my opponent stating the caliber of the AR. These people will use their confirmation bias and expect you to receive it as factual.
But too them an M1A wouldn’t look scary but is actually more powerful than an ar chambered in .223/5.56mm 🙈
Those are NPC's.
People who want to ban guns AND doesn't own a single gun,
shouldn't be allowed to vote.
In a war, they will hide behind people who own and use gun.
Libtards 'assume 'they are doing the right thing. Their Democrat party icon is an ' Ass' and it is destroying you and me .
Gun control in America: Turning armed law abiding citizens defenceless for criminals
Gun control in Afghanistan: Leaving $85 billions of military equipment for the Taliban
Don’t forget we did the same in Iraq, just for much of it to end up in the hands of ISIS. We now have Taliban and ISIS terrorists rolling around in armored humvees and MRAP’s. They would rather arm foreign governments, terrorists and extremists than arm American citizens. That should tell you something about who they are really afraid of the most. And for good reason.
And that's why from here on out, I will refer to them as the "talibiden."
For the Chinese you mean
Proper Gun control is hitting what you are aiming at.
Also and most important. The constitution is a list of restrictions on the government NOT the people.
We the People!!!
I love how the journalists asked "do you think all gun owners are well trained?" While ignoring the fact that the government makes it harder and harder everyday for those gun owners to be well trained.
Must a person be "well trained" to assert their 1A, or any other right?
@@stevehartwell1861 People should have to be "well trained" to assert any of their amendment rights. Just pointing out the ill intent of that bad faith question when he knows full well that the government makes it harder to train properly as an average citizen.
@sukamadik5983 They should be using a portion of our tax dollars to fund gun training programs for the average person to be able to, that's definitely part of their job when being our servants.
@@stevehartwell1861 yes, they should be. They should know how to use basic knowledge and reason.
And yes a person who owns a firearm should be well trained.
In fact you should be well trained on all of your constitutional rights.
@@dubjubs that's a no.
Samuel Adams said the constitution shall never be construed to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms
Tell that to the governor of California.
@residentboejiden5796, you shouldn't own guns because you're mentally ill. But we sane people should.
Adams did NOT say that criminals, lunatics, incompetents, and insurrectionists should be allowed to bear arms. That's the only goal of common sense gun control. BTW, I've owned, used and loved guns for 70 of my 75 years. Don't listen to the NRA's apocalyptic bullshit.
Why I will always drink his beer
@@spartin001fullcan't do that he's too busy trying to find new ways of taxing the one's that haven't moved out of the s#ithole known as California
Every single word of the original constitution (plus the bill of rights) places restrictions on the government, not on the people.
"Negative liberties of the Government" is how Obama stated it. Tyrants gonna Tyrant.
Obama him self said the constitution was a bill of negative rights because it's say what the government can't do to you not what it can do to you .
Could you imagine having to go back and telling them they have to dumb it down even further?
“I’m sorry Ben but you’ve got to dumb it down to the point of “gun good! Everyone should have one! Even if they shoot more than one bullet!”
As always, Colion is one of the most articulate people on the planet earth. Thank you for what you do!
Any side that says "give up your guns and let the government protect you from the evil doers" shouldn't be trust and should be publicly shamed.
Remember all the treaties that were broken by the US Government, that were supposedly written to protect Native Americans and provide them equal life.
The government is now trying to do the same with law abiding citizens.
I'd add that any side that says "give up your guns and let the government protect you from the evil doers" should no longer have the right to a trial by jury.... if the Government is so powerful and always correct then they should trust that if the Government arrests them they should go directly to sentencing and serve their time..... but of course they will scream that the justice system is corrupt, racist or whatever whining they do whenever it's their butt on the line.....
Yes, its quite shocking how so many leftists cannot understand just how similar their viewpoints and tactics are, to the Third Reich in the 1930's. Obviously talking about the policies and actions prior to the "Final Solution" times, and the concentration camps. Just insert conservative, for Jew.
The same Government that wants to defund police and release criminals. Total Insanity !
Should immediately lose all funding for any security services that use any guns.
If "Well regulated" meant what gun control advocates WANT it to mean, it would be contradictory to "The right of the people to keep and bears arms shall not be infringed". Our founders were lawyers. They worded everything VERY carefully. They would not contradict themselves.
Exactly!! And as we know, they did it for Very Good Reasons!!
Great point!
They were also very young and fresh off the battlefield
I’m a Canadian who thought aversion to firearms was in my DNA. After the Trudeau years, and his systematic removal of Canadian rights and prosperity through authoritarian tactics. I have a new perspective on the second amendment and understand it’s necessity.
Trudeau is not done doing damage to your rights yet, is he?
Move to Alberta, make a stand.
Then vote and do something about it. Fight.
Propaganda in the news and in education can make people growing up believe the lies put out by the government.
Communists are at work in every place where democracy and free people live and they want to destroy our way of life for their tyrannical enslavement of the people.
In order to correct the problem, we need to rise up and remove the entire political group in the government as none of them can be trusted to be what they claim to be. If you were to leave any of them in control, they can corrupt the new group coming in to replace the exterminated group, and nothing will change!
The government has to be completely purged in order to make a clean start with uncorrupted holders of power. And they must be made aware that they too have to be true to the will of the people otherwise they too will be removed with force!
This is the problem with the current politicians, they believe they are above any laws, and they have the final say over the people, when in reality, it is the other way around.
I used to love Canada. Now I don't have any desire to visit. 😢
Who here is old enough to remember the regulator washing machines and the regulator clocks. They weren’t called that because they were under government regulations they were called that because they were quality pieces of equipment, well-made and capable of getting the job done.
You will never convince me that a group of men who fought for their freedom from a regulatory government would then turn around and give the powers of regulation back to their own government. That just doesn’t make sense!
A tyrannical government could very easily redefine what it means to be well-trained or fit for service … against itself…
They have.
they are working on the same idea in current times, since Felons lose their 2A, the communists in control have been working hard to make anything and everything a felony.
everyone forgets that the bill of rights is not written from the perspective of what the people CAN do, it's written in the perspective of what the government CANNOT do.
Exactly...thank you! The Founding Fathers knew that all people have certain inalienable rights just due to the fact that they exist as people. The Constitution establishes the government and then limits what it can and cannot do. Take the first amendment as an example. It does not say that people have the right to free speech because people already have that right. It says that Congress shall make no law abridging that right. In other words, the govt cannot take away a right that you are born with.
Exactly, there are dangerous people out there.
We should continue to sell millions of guns without regulation and just hope they don’t fall into criminal hands.
@@anonymous.anonymity. tell me you've never bought a gun without telling me you've never bought a gun. Tell me you've never actually looked at the breakdown of gun violence without telling me you've never actually looked at the breakdown of gun violence
@@timothywilliams4869 you have more guns than people and daily mass shootings.
It’s not rocket science, you donut
@@anonymous.anonymity. Without regulation? What? There are more gun regulations today than there ever have been at any point in time in history, ever. No guns are being sold without regulation at any time. Why do you believe this lie?
No, Steven is right. There is a deal to be made. At the time of the Bill of Rights meant to allow citizens to be just as armed as the government. So the deal is: We should be allowed to own machine guns and other NFA items.
We can own those firearms, it's just expensive, cuz government got in the way of freedom.
WhistlinDiesel owns an M1 Abrams. I think that's a start. Too bad he is an absolute idiot of an internet celeb
Nfa items, yes. Full auto? No
@@iowa_lot_to_travel9471 coward!
I think it's horrible that honest gun owners need insurance to keep them out of jail for protecting other people and themselves from criminals.
and now we know the insurance plans are scams. They can choose to not represent clients for any reason even if you are paid in full.
the people saying 2A doesnt apply to modern rifles is like saying 4th amendment doesnt apply to skyscrapers and high rises because they werent thought of yet.
The 1st amendment doesn't apply to the internet. Right? 🤔
They're saying that muskets use by Militia are far more inferior,
compared to musket use by US soldiers,
at that time.
Also, that means the First Amendmend does NOT apply to TV, magazines and the Internet since they didn't exist in the 18th century so by their logic, the TV stations don't need that amendment.
@@largol33t1 yeah, i dont get it, i mean i aint the brightest bulb on the christmas tree, ( if you met my X-wife youd understand that) but how can people be dumber than me??? they actually see something there to protect us from bad people. but they think its out dated? they think it's the reason Liberals shoot up the places liberals made easy to be shot up?
they dont understand WE should have the guns, the government should'nt.
they refuse to believe we protect ourselves more times a day than cops protect people?
part of me hopes there is a S H T F scenario just to let the nay sayers experience the horror we're trying to avoid!
Defund Gun Control
And politicians!
“,the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed”
Well, good thing you weren't the proof-reader on the final document.
Auto correct is a bitch, isn’t it?
He is a cave man a logical one at that cut him some slack
@@khatdubell there fixed it
@@lost_pmc_3927 err
The musket argument is one of my favorites. By that logic, written speech is only protected when done by quill pen.
Remember the musket, was a weapon of war.
Fantastic to see this! It's very important to expose the ignorance of the anti gunners as often as possible!
The 2nd Amendment has NEVER been more important in this country than right now!!
well better learn when to use it because so far the population has been docile. as you lose your rights little by little because you hallucinate government's imaginary "authority"
@Reichwing Extremist we will shut THEIR communication down and food supply
Your 2a is already pretty much gone. They've taken most of your guns
Well regulated, well organized or well managed immediately removes the federal government from any claim on controlling guns. Seems like everything they touch becomes a dumpster fire.
exactly, if well regulated meant that, there would need to be gov representatives in every militia to maintain the regulation certification, which they cannot feasibly do.
it makes zero sense logically. since militias were designed as a backup military should the gov military abuse citizens or fail to protect the nation.
basically non gov national guard.
exactly, if well regulated meant that, there would need to be gov representatives in every militia to maintain the regulation certification, which they cannot feasibly do.
it makes zero sense logically. since militias were designed as a backup military should the gov military abuse citizens or fail to protect the nation.
basically non gov national guard.
@@usern4metak3ns Correct. The militia is the backup for the IRR, Inactive Ready Reserve.
Actually, "well regulated" means that the federal government is required to supply citizens with the arms and training facilities needed to be an effective fighting force capable of securing a "free state". Basically we're all supposed to have HK 416's, plate carriers w/ lvl 4 plates, and several thousand rounds of 5.56 all supplied by the federal government.
"...people don't even have enough money to go to the range for fun."
Truer words have never been spoken...
Ammo gets expensive.
Ammo is expensive, I have a S&W shield 45 and just my regular rounds are Remington 230grain FMJs costs over .70 cents a round. My HPs are Hornady's Critical defense 185 grain and my Hornady FXT +Ps are almost $2.00 a round. 😧
That's intentional.
@@Noconstitutionfordemocrats1 They might not be able to ban firearms (yet?), but they can sure try and limit your access to ammunition.
I use a lot of 22 as a training tool. It allows me to isolate my fundamentals from recoil control (also fundamental) and then I do recoil control with “larger” rounds. The skills transfer from small round to larger round.
It is my personal opinion that when someone doesn’t train with 22, they’re skipping a great tool.
If regulated meant controlled by the govt. they wouldn't have said we have the right to bear arms in a separate sentence. That would've been contradictory. Yes, yes???
yup also the part of threats both foreign and domestic. if we as a nation were alright with gov telling us if we could use or bear arms, we wouldn't care about domestic threats would we?
we wouldnt question the current form of gov, just say sure, they know what's best even though they're speaking foreign languages...
It's amazing how the gun grabbers suddenly forgot what a comma means.
Oh are you using those pesky commas?
@@nickloven6728 have you looked at public education? Most are functionally illiterate.
Anti-gun people are idiots. They lie to get their way. Their way is their way because they're too stupid to understand how things work
Every time someone says to me, "Muskets" I remind them that the 'Puckle Gun' was available in 1776. Then if they are still railing against me I ask, "So, the 1st Amendment doesn't work on Computers, Cell Phone Texting, calling someone, etc.?" That normally shuts them up.
Just for your info, the Puckle gun was patented in 1718, but also, don’t forget about the Belton flintlock and the Ferguson rifle ( I believe both 1776) as well as the Girandoni air rifle (1779).
You might just remind them that a musket was the best readily available military grade weapon at the time.
The 2A doesn't specify what type of weapon you have the right to have, probably because they knew that weapons technology would change over time.
heres a few more;
volley gun
nock volley gun
puckle gun
cook volley gun
pepperbox pistol
chambers flintlock
kalthoff repeater
cookson volitional repeater
fergison rifle
belton flintlock
jennings rifle
girandoni air rifle
chambers machine gun
Of course nowadays the looney Lefties don’t think much about the 1st Amendment either.
Thank you Colion for clarifying what "regulated" really means. Too many aren't aware of the original intent. 🇺🇸
It doesn't matter a whole lot really. The preamble to the 2A is the "why" of the operative clause, which is the directive. It is like me saying, do you think we should be armed citizens and you saying yes. Then I ask you why and you say, a well-regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state. You are telling me why the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, not the criteria for keeping and bearing arms. The founders told us why the people have that right, and it is a pretty massive reason for why.
I've heard politicians say that an AR-15 is useless against a government with F-16's. I guess nobody told Ho Chi Mihn.
Bring firearm safety / handling back to schools like they used to have and they will be well trained.
Yup! I trained with live ammo (22LR) in high school on an NRA approved range. No one was ever shot or hurt.
@@greenacres4518 Same here! This was a time and place where almost all pickups had a gun rack with at least one rifle in it!
@@MarilynStangl and a fishing rod
So true I remember my class in Jr.High, after being dropped off one morning by my father I walked through the school to the classroom with two rifles and a shooting case with three revolvers and a spotting scope. I left it all with the teacher until the time for the class when we boarded a bus to the police department's outdoor shooting range. P.S. at the time my father was on the police department and a retired WWII veteran. My father had started teaching me gun safety and shooting at age 6 so by the time I was in the class I already had my hunter safety card and had been hunting and shooting for a few years. The class was a mixture of several subjects and the safety class was just a small part of it, about 4 weeks or so. The class also included photography, leather crafting, and drafting/mechanical design.
You said it with well organized. Organized ammo, and arms. Maybe a few cannons. Good clothing and medical. Food. They are so quick to twist words. We need more of you on our sdes. You're brilliant man. Thanks for the hard work.
Sdes don't matter. It has nothing to do with being left or right. It has everything to do with being an American.
@Marin3r101 yeah, on the pro gun side. You're either with us or against us. What are you talking about. There is no side? Wake up
I wore my "I am the militia" T-SHiRT one day and went to a gas station... the clerk said "is that a Colion Noir shirt?!😃"
... I said "yup!😁"
We both said "he's the man!"😁🤝😀
Yahoo 😊
thankyou for your clear take on this i have to show this to all my 2A doubters!
And those who eventually get marched into a camp who thought the 2nd amendment was out dated will realize they were wrong the whole time.
Yep. They did a trial run in Australia during the plandemic.
Camps are already being built in CA
I doubt it. They will go to their mass graves believing they were right. There is nothing we can say or do to convince them otherwise. They are completely bought in at this point.
Yeah that's pathology that simply never going to happen.
It is a fact that we could get rid of all of the guns, and still nobody would be marched in the camps
People to think like you are small and are cowardly
The idea that the United States would sink into security simply because we don't have guns is the most ridiculous nonsense I have ever heard
The Second Amendment was added to assure and protect the First Amendment !!
Never give a inch. It is our right to protect our families, fellow man & ourselves. Come & take it!
I love the "they only had muskets" argument from people expressing their opinion on social media.
It's amazing people struggle understanding our Second Amendment.
Yet those same morons have no problem quoting the 1st Ammendment to justify cursing out cops, insulting those with differing views and opinions. Not to mention those vulgar and obscene displays of parading their filth and abominations. Yet they struggle with the idea of a law abiding citizen having the right and means to defend himself, his family, and the innocent?
well, many of them are struggling to subver 2as simple meaning. they have to try and get around it because they know their gun control is unconstitutional.
((( John Stewart ))) knows he's being dishonest about what "Well regulated" means. It's a propaganda tactic, just like how he uses a fake name. His real last name is Leibowitz.
The problem is not their understanding it, its their hatred of anything that allows us to be independent of government reliance and control.
They don't struggle. They are voluntarily ignorant
Gun controller arguments are falling apart
They never had real weight. They only took off because 80% of the country is made up of NPC's
That implies they were cohesive, sensible, and legal to begin with.
They're using EMOTIONAL ROUNDS!!!😱
They will do anything possible to take Your rights as a gun owner away🤬
Good work Colion. Keep fighting the good fight.
The more people buy your shirt, the greater the victory for all of us.
It’s not that they lack common sense, it’s that they’re purposely disingenuous…
Fun fact, many founding fathers didn't think the second amendment was needed because they thought that gun rights were such common sense
I find that hard to believe since they not only put it in the constitution... they put it in the bill of rights.
@@mr.kalash7555 It's an _amendment_ . By its very definition, it was not in the original constitution. The Bill of Rights, is simply a nickname for the first 10 amendments, which actually was not first stated as such until the 20th century.
@@ckmoore101buddy, I’m sorry to say this but you’re wrong. The 10 Amendments are very much original to the constitution. They are very much absolute and cannot be altered, changed, or removed by any means
@@ViperPain141 Amendments absolutely can be altered, changed, and removed. 18th Amendment started Prohibition. 21st Amendment ended Prohibition. Gavin Newsome just proposed the 28th Amendment specifically about gun control, which if passed by Congress and then ratified by the States as required could become the law of the land.
@@williamskogen9895 which would be a violation of the Bill of Rights, which are specifically made to keep protection from the government under the court of law
The Second Amendment is only 27 words, and even that is too much for liberals to comprehend. Thank you Colion. Another great video! MOLON LABE!
They can't be honest about anything - they care more about winning. It has been pretty effective.
That's because most can't read cursive
Democrats provably HATE the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Proof? Obama even stated his hatred of the Constitution because in his ignorant USA loathing own words: "the Constitution Limits Government". That statement alone proves the gross ignorance and or hatred by obama for the USA because the concept of LIMITED government, controlled by We The People, was the very core of the founder's belief. I loath obama for his hatred of the USA and his demand of "The Fundamental Transformation of America" which, to this very day, our treasonous vermin in the MSM never once asked the High Traitor In Chief: "Fundamentally Transform America FROM WHAT TO WHAT". Why would our treasonous MSM omit that?
Oh, the leftists comprehend it all too well. They hate and fear it.
And, while I've never read them, I understand the Federalist Papers are writings and correspondences from the very men who wrote the Constitution and said, (in essence), "Yes! Yes! That's exactly what we meant!" This in response to people questioning what exactly they meant and does it apply to (insert doubt here).
It can and should be noted that any tax on weapons, ammunition or access to shooting ranges and training is in fact an infringement of our rights.
First sentence of the constitution, We the people. Last sentence of the second amendment.... The right of the people shall not be infringed.
Colion I pray to god you can testify before any governing body that try’s to take away our rights to bare arms! You always well versed! Keep up the good fight as I support you!
I wouldn’t waste my breath. If we had a government that gave a flaming hot fuck about us, we wouldn’t need to so vehemently defend our right to bare arms in the first place. You can’t stop a tyrannical government with words alone. At least no one ever has thus far in history. The only thing men like that understand is violence or the threat of violence. It is the only thing that has ever kept our government somewhat in check. Look at the things they get away with even with an armed populace. Imagine what they could do if we had no right or ability to defend ourselves.
I admire the fact that you have not run out of breath or energy from having to say and make the same points over and over again! You are a true Patriot!
"Do you think all Americans that have guns are well-trained?"
"No, some of them are cops."
Mic drop🤜🏽🖐🏽 🎤 ⬇️
It amazes me that so many departments have the time and money for the touchy-feely b.s. training, but they can never seem to find the time and money for firearms training for their officers. Since so many department heads, which are nothing more than appointed politicians, don't seem to handle the press very well, I kind of wonder if the lack of training is intentional. When a police shooting occurs, they can always fall back on "We didn't train him to do that" regardless of whether or not the shooting was justified.
Our law enforcement in my area are very well trained.
To be fair that 12 pound NY police trigger pull is just making accuracy FAR worse.
careful. your host bows to those cowards of broward, nv, Uvad TX, colombine, VA tech. etc...
“Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!”
-Benjamin Franklin
Not actually a Franklin quote but it IS a good analogy.
You got to love Benjamin
The thing is, we have a situation right now where one of the wolves is friends with the lamb, but then the lamb votes itself to be the meal along with the other wolf...
Let's not forget that the government also removed firearm safety from public schools. The government doesn't want us well trained because that makes it harder to suppress us if something does happen.
largely at the behest of supposed "gun safety" organizations. so weird. its almost like they want people unsafe around guns instead of safe.
Remember 2020?
I believe firearms safety should be mandatory in 6th grade and up.
Mr. Noir you are by far the most leading Sentry of the 2nd Amendment! Absolutely awesome
I am glad to see more people like you stand up and speak out against these thugs that want to disarm this country, it is not going to happen!!
The ability to defend oneself against a tyrannical government will never be "outdated", as tyrants always prove it necessary.
To say that is outdated is to say human history is outdated
Yeah accept that's not necessary to have a free nation. You can have both a free nation and a nation without guns and that is been proven multiple times around the world.
I'd like to think that United States is as good as those other nations but maybe the United States is just weaker, with less character.
Either way, the guns need to go because the lives of innocent people are worth more than the guns
It doesn't say "the right of the well regulated militia to keep and bear arms." Having an armed populace gives you a large pool of people to build a well regulated militia.
Common sense is in short supply.
@@khatdubell With the public schools and colleges being turned into indoctrination centers it's an endangered species.
Well regulated militia simply means that the militia cannot operate outside the scope of the governments definition of militia
Bro as a retired Marine I totally love ur channel you are so insightful and extremely knowledgeable and I learn so much from you. THANK YOU, for being a GREAT AMERICAN!!!!
Thank you for everything you're doing for the 2A community bro
I need my defund gun control shirt.
They always want to take a constitutional right that actually says SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED UPON .
If well regulated meant what the leftists believe it meant, wouldn’t you think the founding fathers, in all their meticulous and carefully spoken motivation go on to explain said regulations ? Thank you for clearing this up for many people!
Hell, if that WAS what the Founding Fathers meant, they definitely would've enumerated those "regulations" somewhere. Weird how libs can't ever seem to dig those up, it's _almost_ like they don't exist and never did...
It is a rationale, not a directive. The operative clause states the directive and the preamble states their reasoning. So when they bring up the well-regulated part, they are being dishonest of stupid, because it is the "why" to the operative clause. It is saying, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed...why? A well-regulated militia is necessary for freedom or you could just say, freedom is why.
No. People didnt change words to mean what they wanted them to mean back then. So when they said regulated they meant regualted as in properly trained and informed . That what everyone understood when they read it bacl then ,why because word meant what they meant.
@@tomjones7853 As said in the video, strike the trained part- it's well managed and taken care of. Training is intrinsic with that but you'll have idiots looking for clicks or any way to push their pro-criminal agenda if your language isn't perfect.
Pro criminal is the best way to describe what is happening today.
You are a modern day hero!! Thank you for all you do to educate people on their God given rights!
They dont seem to understand the 2A is not a document from the government to the people telling us what we can and can not have but it is a document from we the people to the government telling them what they can not do!! Big difference.
They want to control our guns but they can’t even control their emotions…
Yes gun controllers get real nasty when confronted with the true facts .
They can't control our national debt, but they want to control guns!
I’ve long said that this is an odd argument in the nation. On one side you have the pro 2A side who takes their time to learn the legal side and history of the 2nd amendment. They also tend to learn about firearms and tend to be ready to have a conversation on it. The anti 2A seem to be “guns are bad” and I am scared. They have no knowledge on guns, gun laws, and gun safety but are against them because the news says they’re bad.
I find the level of projection interesting. Gun owners see themselves as safe and responsible, so they project that onto general society while recognizing some will be dangerous. Which is no different than most of life. We trust everyone in cars but remain vigilant for dangers. But anti-gun people never think to arm themselves against all the crazy gun nuts. They'll say they don't need guns, so no one else does. If you can't trust yourself with a firearm, others shouldn't be punished for your lack of control.
I've also seen a video where the guy trips people up if they say the government should be in control of who has guns instead of the citizens. "Do you trust the government?". They assume their side will be in power, but they constantly fear the right forming a dictatorship. It's strangely ironic.
They’re against guns for these reasons: They don’t have the education on firearms and think that they are the ones hurting people, I think criminals are gonna get them legally and getting rid of them prevents the criminals from getting them, or they themselves are criminals and they don’t want civilians fighting back against them.
Your videos should be mandatory in all schools. Thanks, man. Keep telling the truth!
As American citizens we were expected by the founders to be willing able to defend the country from invasion. We are not allowed, we are being invaded!
How can you defend your country when you can’t even stop killing each other’s children in schools.
Why can’t the leftists understand that the 2A is a “right” and not a “privilege” that the government can take away when they feel like it. Keep the great work and videos coming! 👏🏽👍🏽
The tactics the left uses, are from Saul Alinsky. The death by a thousand cuts.
Flood the system with litigation
Flood the system with Chao.
Bsstardize normal thinking people.
Bastardize the intellectuals
And so on and on.
Saul Alinskys
Rules for radicals
It has there game plan in it.
The fact that SCOTUS affirmed that the 2A is an "individual right" with _D.C. v. Heller_ and people like Hillary Clinton vehemently disagree with it tells you who you should absolutely never trust in government.
Both the treasonous democrats and RINOs trashed 90% of the 4th Amendment with the deliberately and dishonestly named "Patriot Act" with it's very former Soviet Union like secret FISA court. We need a fully functioning 2nd Amendment to correct that act of treason by democrats and RINOs. We all knew what needed to be done after 9/11 but our ruling elite didn't have the courage to do it.
Because their lust for power and control are far greater.
They Only Understand what Is What is a Privilege to them! Armed Security, Best Health Insurance, Over the Top Pay, Every So Called Holiday, Payed Sick Days, Paid Personal Days........
I know my grandfather was not responsible for this phrase, but he was the first person I heard say it: "If you make guns illegal, only criminals will have guns". On the surface it seems like a throw-away statement by an old guy from the South, but it still rings true. We the people, need to keep our government in check; always, and if that means I will be a criminal because I have "several" firearms, then so be it. This is my hill, and I will die on it.
It’s actually appalling the amount of gun control activists who say “iT SaYS WeLL rEgUlAteD mEAnIng CoNtRolLEd.” It’s not only this argument either, there are many more that give me the same amount of headache and can be easily debunked. 🤦♂️
"Formidable" is what it means.
People also get "freedom of the press" wrong too. It's not talking about journalists (as if they're some sacred people), but the PRINTING press. It's freedom to distribute info.
"Yeah but the 1700s had muskets and flintlocks. Modern day things don't apply to any rights made a billion years ago bro".
@@smallestgoober9399 How did "Rights" change?
regulated simply meant to be supplied, not its modern redefinition of to restrict. if anything it implies the government should GIVE us guns.
They fail to read that it says "shall not be infringed" right after it says "well regulated militia". So if well regulated actually means restricted, then why tf would it say "shall not be infringed" right after? Leftists can't read.
Can we just give it up to how smart Colion is? He debunks every gun control talking point with ease.
It's honestly not that hard. Politicians are just that stupid
He did what most others don't:
Be skeptical.
He doesn't debunk any talking points, but that's a nice that you like to stroke his ego.
Here's a fact… Kids are dying practically every day because of the out-of-control gun nonsense we have this country.
Multiple countries around the world have demonstrated that you outlaw guns you take guns away, and you virtually eliminate gun deaths.
This is a fact that no honest person can deny.
Simply put… If we outlaw the guns, take guns away we will save lives. Anyone that denies that fact is either ignorant, stupid, or a liar.
As for the Second Amendment? Irrelevant I don't care what the Second Amendment says the lives of innocent people and especially little kids are worth a lot more than gun ownership and always will be worth more
I mean it helps that hes a lawyer
He likes the sound of his own voice, preaching to the choir, and selling merch. Seriously, the “exposing their ignorance” clip was about 25 seconds long, and the remaining 450 seconds was just blathering.
I suspect the whole point was that the guy was wearing his shirt…
If you have to be trained to buy a gun than you should have to be well educated to vote.
Exactly! If you need to pass a test to exercise a right, then it's not a right. It's only a privilege to be revoked at the whim of well... there is that word again "regulators". A right is something you have regardless of regulations and regulators.
Up the voting age to 25 or property owners only those that pay taxes not just w2 workers
Who gets to decide what well educated means? Keep in mind the education system is dominated by marxists
Or at least provide ID.
@@kencleg7721 I am tired of the continual, you are no longer an adult, and you are not responsible for your stupidity this nation is taking.
I am okay with restricting voting to people that earn income and don't require an welfare assistance, but when a person is 18, they are an adult and up them should be conferred all the rights AND responsibilities of such!
I bet you win a lot of cases as an attorney, Colion. You are very good at making your points.
@goated313Leaving this post so I can copy-paste your comment on my PC later.
Good sources. We'll done.
So beautifully said! In order to keep these people free, the right to keep & bear arms was not to be infringed ❤ 🇺🇸
Thank you for sharing your message, and you are absolutely correct that common sense isn’t common anymore! 🇺🇸🇺🇸Protect our 2A🇺🇸🇺🇸
I’m glad to see the guy wearing a shirt that tells what he believes in and standing behind it, not many people now days will do that because of what they may be called
Mr. Collin please continue the great work that you do, educating and advising us on our second amendment!! God bless you.
They know the right meaning. They, like always are trying to spin it around and convince us otherwise.
The militia was the average man willing to stand up for his rights, minute men were willing to respond to a threat in a minute, a well regulated militia was a group of guys that were well practiced with their firearms, and ready at a moments notice to defend what is theirs. We are the well regulated militia of modern times, and we must be ready to stand against a corrupt government at a moments notice.
"Well regulated" also means well-equipped, and able to repair and maintain the arms we possess. It means the ability to practice and drill, individually and in groups, for preparedness. Well regulated means I can possess the ammo and magazines and replacement parts and optics, etc., to be a more proficient member of the militia.
As a member of the militia, I should have the same type of arms which are issued to the Organized Military---M16A2, M4, subguns, SAW, etc., plus the other gear. If I am called up by the government, these are the arms I must bring with me, or I must be proficient with and familiar with them if they are issued to me. Think of the Swiss citizenry as the model.
@@danielbeck9191 In many European countries, you're given a choice to serve in the military two years, or public service two years, all before college. This seems like a good system to me, as discipline, and respect is often needed in young people, and the military service would give them that. Public service is an area were discipline is needed to do the tasks set for you, be it caring for the elderly, or digging ditches.
@@FloresTrumpet Bound to obey the constitution. Soldiers swear to uphold and defend it, against all comers, foreign and domestic. Not necessarily the man in office.
@@FloresTrumpet Maybe you should take a harder look at what's happening in America right now, a government body that places the pride flag over the nations flag, which is illegal. A political party (DNC) which has weaponized federal agencies against political opponents, and aliened themselves with our nations enemies (communist countries) for profit.
@@FloresTrumpet You really need to stop believing the main stream media, and start thinking logically. That was no coup, nobody but an innocent unarmed female was shot. A coup is much more direct, and hazardous to the health of all involved, a simple study of coups through out history would prove that, even to the simplest mind. That was nothing but a frame up by the DNC, turning a protest into a marketing press play for points, but the Jan 6th show was a complete bust. We watched it play out, then the video tapes of the most videoed building in the nation proved, they were let in by capitol cops, and guided around the the building by them. Use your head for more than a hat rack, think before you speak.
Appreciate your videos, info and presentation… I often refer folks to your channel during 2A discussions. I wear pro-2A tshirts just about everywhere I go in public and I get a lot of comments and opens up the opportunity for discussions, usually the conversations end with anti-gun folks learning a thing or two and often end up agreeing with the points I make, it all comes down to approach and being armed with knowledge and facts, they really have no debate at that point. I wasn’t sure what type of responses I’d get but more than not I get a thumbs up, I’m with you brother or something similar, it showed me there are actually more folks in support of 2A than the media like to portray, many are just afraid to be vocal about it and need someone to “lead the way” so to say!
Huge support. Retired LEO here, support you 💯.
I’d like to take a second and thank you Colion and 2nd amendment advocates for giving information and advice for proper gun safety. I just went today to my local gun range with my parents and had and absolute blast.
It really does not mater what the Second Amendment says. The Bill of Rights does not give us any rights. We have those rights anyway. It just makes it clear the government should lay off.
True. Our rights are God-given and the government is there to help ensure that we keep them. The governments role is not to take our rights away but rather to represent the people in defending our rights.
Once again, Colion, an excellent video and discussion. And you were right on when you said even after they understand what the Second Amendment means, there will be those who don't care. If proven wrong, they won't care.
Everyone I have ever debated with, even after proving them wrong and debunking every argument, always just ends with “whatever, who cares? You could never beat the government in a real war anyway.” Really? Cause they don’t have the greatest track record against counter-insurgencies. If a bunch of fish head eating, tunnel rat Vietnamese and sandal wearing Afghan goat f**kers armed with old Soviet weapons could beat them, millions of Americans with brand new AR15s don’t stand a chance? Idk about that, I’m a gambling man, and I like those odds. The only question remaining is whether enough Americans still possess the necessary ballsacks to stand and fight like men. Maybe that’s why they’re pushing this transgender stuff so hard! Lmfao.
Video commentary is spot-on. I've commented this before on how according to the wording of the United States Constitutional 2nd Amendment to deny (ANY) legal American Citizen the right to possess a firearm would be to Infringe. That includes felons and people with mental illness. Many Americans will not like to hear this, but that is more reason for all of us to arm yourself and learn to defend you and yours effectively. Most people have no idea that in the 1920's anyone could walk into your local hardware store and walk out with a Tommy gun, or into the drug store and leave with many different kinds of opiates. Government intervention to Americas right to purchase alcohol spawned a huge crime wave that was used to kickstart the gun control as we know today. It worked so well they started criminalizing many other things spawning more huge crime waves and more gun control measures, and so on.
Up until like the 70s, you could order guns and explosives from magazines and comic books
@@sthcproductions It's good the hear from someone who has a clue. For instance, Lee Harvey Oswald ordered an WW2 surplus Italian bolt action rifle out of the back of a magazine. He eventually used said riffle to shoot JFK, but the American firearm owner in him didn't kill the President, the weak minded communist in him did.
Colion, U’ve nailed it once again! Keep up the great work of keeping we the People informed!
I have said this before, BUT this sums it up...I LOVE YOUR CHANNEL. You educate so well, to both sides. Colion, may God Bless You for your patriotism!
Americans used to be able to mailorder machineguns with no background checks, but that was when an Americans freedom was respected.
If being poorly trained was a reason to restrict firearms that would be like fighting obesity by making vegetables illegal
its funny the people who think 'well-regulated' means govt. controlled, but ignore 'shall not be infringed'
The man being interviewed made one slip of one word in the entire conversation and the interviewer thought he "had him."
As gun owners we must be at the top of our game and be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks.
Never quit!!!y'all are making a difference.😊
I have finally heard someone else use the argument "free state" not as the state as in government. But free state as in the status of the people. A doctor asks a nurse on the state of a patient and the nurse doesn't say "Oklahoma"
And what most people do not realize is that the 2nd Amendment actually says " the right of the people " which is only the second Right listed as " the right of the people ".