What If The Edict Of Nikaea Had Never Been Passed? - 40K Theories

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 28 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 578

  • @matics453
    @matics453 4 ปีที่แล้ว +776

    Well then #MagnusDidNothingWrong would have been justified..

    • @Shadowzdota
      @Shadowzdota 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Is that heresy I see?

    • @maddlarkin
      @maddlarkin 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      @@Shadowzdota Brother, get the flamer... The HEAVY Flamer!!!

    • @LordBloodraven
      @LordBloodraven 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@maddlarkin Spare your flamer, prepare for Exterminatus.

    • @HereticDuo
      @HereticDuo 4 ปีที่แล้ว +61

      I'm converted, he really did do nothing wrong and was constantly accused by his own brothers of treachery and was then even attacked by the space wolf legion who tried to kill him after he desperately tried to warn the emperor of the real betrayal.
      Everyone was a complete arsehole to him when he was the one person with actual common sense.
      If I were in his position after all that i'd say "fuck it, kill them all" too.

    • @trialnerror3643
      @trialnerror3643 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@HereticDuo Then you are a untrustworthy and traitorous bastard

  • @DISTurbedwaffle918
    @DISTurbedwaffle918 4 ปีที่แล้ว +416

    >Magnus still damages the throne in his haste to warn the Emperor
    >The Emperor heeds the warning, but still intends to reprimand Magnus
    >He sends Russ with explicit orders to not heed any orders given by Horus
    >Russ and the Wolves confront Magnus and the Sons
    >There's perhaps a small skirmish, as many of the Sons think they did nothing wrong and shouldn't be reprimanded
    >In the confusion, the Death Guard and Sons of Horus attack, as Horus realizes Magnus has revealed his treachery
    >Magnus and Russ are forced to fight side by side against the traitors, but the two forces are overwhelmed and must retreat
    >Magnus uses his powers to teleport his Sons and the Wolves to their fleets, but fails to save himself as Horus and Mortarion confront him
    >Magnus duels his brothers, his psychic might being the only thing giving him an advantage against two Primarchs
    >Seeing that the battle is lost, and his people have made it off the planet, Magnus opens a massive Warp rift above the planet, and Prospero falls into the Immaterium, dragging the traitor fleets in with it
    Magnus is MIA, the traitors are temporarily set back, Prospero still burns, but the Imperium is bolstered by the very vengeful Thousand Sons, and we get a baddass three way Primarch fight.

    • @teroslarone1171
      @teroslarone1171 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      Small skermish doesn‘t work since.
      A) Tzeentch controls the flesh curse, aka the biggest barganing chip against the TS
      B) The tutelaries are still around to manipulate the sons.

    • @praise_kek340
      @praise_kek340 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      We can only imagine.

    • @pedrovilasgomes9144
      @pedrovilasgomes9144 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      Considering that Malcador could kill Horus without much difficulty on his part, and that Magnus is more powerful than Malcador I don't think he would be so easily overwhelmed, specially if we consider the presence of Leman in this hypothetical scenario

    • @brendanmuller7301
      @brendanmuller7301 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@pedrovilasgomes9144 Whyd magnus lose then

    • @licensed_beheader
      @licensed_beheader 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@brendanmuller7301 There were swarms of sisters of silence present.

  • @barrysingh2872
    @barrysingh2872 4 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    "I hereby forbid you from fulfilling the purpose I designed you from the ground up to do" - the Emperor.

  • @Sarindanvelor
    @Sarindanvelor 4 ปีที่แล้ว +545

    i can see the alternate history now
    >thousand sons remain loyal due to the edict of nikaea not knee capping the legion of sorcerers
    >alpha legion becomes the chapter to gain tzeentch's favor with alpharius becoming a demon prince of tzeentch
    >alpha legion splits as omegon stays loyal to the imperium leading to omegon taking up the name alpharius as the chapter becomes split between loyalist and heretic sides
    >magnus warns the emperor about horus possibly without screwing up the human webway project as badly due to being able to openly practice magic
    >leman rus doesn't get sent to bring magnus in and magnus gets told about the golden throne and his role in operating it
    >thousand sons use their magic to bolster the imperium's defenses while the full force of the space wolves is there to provide support in the coming battle
    >not bound to the golden throne the emperor is able to lead the battle personally with the aid of malcador and thanks to magnus being on the throne malcador doesn't surrender his life and is able to use his psychic powers to aid the emperor in the coming battle
    >the emperor defeats horus this time without taking mortal damage
    >the emperor picks up the pieces and moves forward with what's left of the astartes legions continuing to spread the imperial truth now with the horus heresy thoroughly crushed

    • @VaultBoy1300
      @VaultBoy1300 4 ปีที่แล้ว +86

      A dream i would wish to never wake up from if i could so choose.

    • @samhobbs9116
      @samhobbs9116 4 ปีที่แล้ว +42

      A what if story I would love to be told i detail.

    • @BajoniGoblin254
      @BajoniGoblin254 4 ปีที่แล้ว +60

      i agree with everything except that Big E still wouldn't have killed Horus, since he wanted to save him. Emps would have gotten nearly killed, and then mister multiverse balls... erm... Ollanius Pious wouldve sacrificed himself and Emps wouldve killed Horus. He wouldnt die, but Malcador wouldve prolly done some warp fuckery to save him/use his lifeforce to restore Emps to a liveable (maybe coma-like state (not as major as current, but maybe like pre-awakening Guilliman)) state. Sanguinius would be dead (fucking prophecy), but there would be more loyalist primarchs alive, and they would take their legions and go conquer the galaxy while BIG E recovers. (somethings may be wrong as i have only read 2 books (novels) and neither of them are pre-heresy)

    • @vraska8799
      @vraska8799 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      I think Leman Russ would still try to attack Horus before he gets to Terra, this time with his legion at top strenght.

    • @FireRevanShadow
      @FireRevanShadow 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Wolves would still not be there, he would still almost die to Horus and most wolves wouldn't be on terra for the final battle.

  • @8076A
    @8076A 4 ปีที่แล้ว +214

    Really the Primarchs acted like actual children over Psykers, refusing to fight alongside FRIENDLY FORCES over them having a different outlook and style of warfare. That'd be like the Marines refusing to fight alongside the Army in conflict, it doesn't make sense and is completely idiotic. The compromise suggested was by far the best option, train the Librarians intensively, and bolster your own forces immensely.
    Also I disagree with the idea that the Thousand Sons staying loyal would be "slim". From what I've read/heard my understanding is that initially Magnus was going to accept the Emperors degree and die when the Space Wolves began razing Prospero, not wanting to commit any more "sins" for lack of a better term. But his immense psychic power had him hearing his people be slaughtered and could not take it anymore and began to fight back. - So if the Burning of Prospero never occurred, the primary reason for his turning to the traitors for sanctuary would not exist, which accounted for somewhere around 80-90% of the reason he turned. I doubt he would turn traitor over being looked down upon by others for using psychic abilities, and instead would strive to prove them all wrong about their assumptions.

    • @commie4164
      @commie4164 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      not really. psykers are perhaps the single most dangerous thing in 40k. and i dont mean that they are the most powerful or the most deadly soldiers. i mean they are the most unstable and unpredictable. even a trained psyker can become possessed or corrupted by a deamon, or simply mutated by the energy of the warp. in an already unpredictable environment such as a battlefield, the last thing you need to worry about is that one or more of your soldiers may suddenly begin attacking friend and foe indiscriminately or turn into a writhing mass of tentacles that does the same.
      the primarchs were generals. and there would be no reason for a general to view such an unstable weapon as desirable or even viable, when the imperium's military technology was already superior to virtually everything else they encountered in 30k.

    • @ogrebattler
      @ogrebattler 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      commie416 not entirely true as pointed out in this video that psykers are especially potent against warp entities. There are also the grey knights which have no records of ever turning to chaos or becoming daemon possessed. So like any tool of war, proper precautions ensure proper safe use

    • @robertnelson9599
      @robertnelson9599 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      Another issue is that some Primarchs hated psykers for personal reasons. Mortarion and the Death Guard despised psykers due to years of living under psychic warlords. Angron hated psykers because their powers caused him pain due to reacting with the Butcher's Nails. Perturabo was too close-minded to ever consider psykers, and Leman Russ was just a massive hypocrite so they do not count.

    • @boxtank5288
      @boxtank5288 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      And then be rather smug on the Golden Throne, utilizing his powers to their zenith.

    • @gothpunkboy89
      @gothpunkboy89 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

      @@commie4164 Untrained psykers are the most dangerous thing in 40k. As has been proven countless times the sheer existence of the Warp can corrupt just about anything be they psykers or not. The entire Traitor Legions show the corrupting effect of the Warp on non psykers.
      The fact the Eldar have not all been instantly killed given their heavy use of psyker abilities disproves this argument right away. Otherwise they should have been killed for thousands of years ago.

  • @Brutalyte616
    @Brutalyte616 4 ปีที่แล้ว +132

    I imagine that the Emperor would probably revise the Edict to allow the continued existence of the Librarius, but the Chaplaincy would probably still be implemented to appease Magnus's detractors by monitoring any and all psykers within the Legions for signs of corruption and disloyalty. It's entirely possible that the Chaplaincy may have even been expanded to include Blanks, with the Sisters of Silence being dispatched to supplement the Chaplaincy in the time it would take for such a force to be established. This would give the Emperor and Malcador eyes and ears in every Legion, limiting the Traitors' movements and suppressing the influence of Chaos, which could drastically affect how events would turn out for the Word Bearers, Emperor's Children, and even the Night Lords. This would also establish Blanks as a known and highly valued element in Imperial society, and they might have even been elevated to similar level of prestige as the Navigator Houses.

    • @anerd2886
      @anerd2886 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      Except Navigators are much less likely to make you want to tear your own eyes out or straight up kill you by standing in the same elevator. Agree that a system like the Chaplains would still have been implemented and it would have greatly slowed the progress or perhaps prevented much of the Heresy. I don’t think the Sisters of Silence or Blanks would been added to the Chaplains as it would create wayyy to many problems for the typical legion to deal with. Notable exception being Rogal Dickhead who would probably request some and still kick out all psykers because it’s the most sickest thing to do with the least amount of effort just as he likes it.
      And also probably the Space Wolves cause fuck those guys lol

    • @supercellodude
      @supercellodude 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      There seems to be incompatibilities between Blank aspirants and the space marine implantation process. It might have to do with the progenoids, but it's part of why there aren't Blank marines in M41.

    • @Sigismund697
      @Sigismund697 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I mean he sent Custodians to keep an eye on the Word Bearers and you saw how that worked, I doubt sending some sisters would've made any difference other than having less around Himself

  • @mdsx01
    @mdsx01 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    One of the reasons Magnus found out about the treachery, as well as why he choose to warn the Emperor in a way that broke the Terran webway, was because he was desperate to prove that the edict was wrong. Without the Edict, the Sons would have been out campaigning, and Istvaan would have caught them off guard as well.

  • @shadowstrider8295
    @shadowstrider8295 4 ปีที่แล้ว +49

    Just picture if the Thousand Sons were still Loyal, and were present at the battle of Terra.
    Hundreds of drop pods and Thunder Hawks descend from the atmosphere and the traitors lead by Angron charging for the gates of the Imperial Palace, and all of a sudden dark clouds form above them and lightning strikes the charging armies and then they feel the ground start to heat up and suddenly raging fires erupt from the ground. And then debris from ships that were destroyed in their descent would be hurled into the front lines, as Magnus brings a damn building down on top of Angron, only to follow it up with engulfing him in psychic fire.

    • @Sidragrosm
      @Sidragrosm 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      ...or he just..? Y'know... Mind-Fucks Angron to death, much like The Emperor did Horus... *THAT* would've put the Traitor Legions SERIOUSLY on the back foot, if not scatter them, yeah?

    • @sessy01
      @sessy01 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@Sidragrosm telekinetically rips the nails out

    • @chaoslance4959
      @chaoslance4959 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Basically this is the reason why they (writters) had to put Magnus on Horus' side... Heretics would be way too fucked over just by him (and as someone else mentioned in the comments, Malcador). I am torn now, as I didn't realise it before... on the one hand, I understand the narrative decision, on the other hand I fucking hate it.

    • @commie4164
      @commie4164 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@Sidragrosm actually. the traitor legions likely would have been a more effective fighting force *without* angron. angron from the beginning already incredibly unstable, and should have been aborted by big e. but by the time of the siege of terra he was essentially nothing more than a rabid dog attacking anything he could see, friend or foe. he caused destruction sure, but it lacked the finesse needed to win a battle or a war. abandoning your allies to go attack hab blocks and rip civilians limb from limb while still alive is brutal and all, but its not particularly effective as an actual combat strategy.

    • @teroslarone1171
      @teroslarone1171 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      People way overhype magnus these days. He was good but if he stayed loyal his legion would be gone from the flesh change and him fighting deamon angron would be his end.

  • @54tisfaction
    @54tisfaction 4 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    From the standpoint of the character of The Emperor, his intelligence, and him being the one allowing Psychers in the Legions in the first place, his passing of the Edict of Nikaea doesn't make sense.
    The original "First Council of Nicaea" settled an internal dispute between two teachings of early Christianity. In 40k, The Emperor simply got confused and conflicted about his own teachings...

    • @teroslarone1171
      @teroslarone1171 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The council happened because too many were calling for Magnus and the TS to be removed, not only for the ise of psykers bit their hole conduct. This was the emperor telling magnus that he had reached the line amd should stop before he goes over it.

    • @54tisfaction
      @54tisfaction 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      @@teroslarone1171 The Emperor actually forbade the Legions to use psykers. That is not equivalent of saying "don't cross the line" to Magnus. He essentially said "I've changed my mind" and forbade Librarians in all the legions, and Magnus, to use their powers.
      This decision was no longer enforced after the Horus heresy, because the surviving Empire of Man could see that it was a bad decision.

    • @Aceshot-uu7yx
      @Aceshot-uu7yx ปีที่แล้ว

      Cause the emperor, dispite what fans of the imperium try to claim, is not omniscient. He dosen't know every single detail about the warp and how chaos is powered, else he would not have banned religion or created a crusade of repression that fed all the gods. The emperor knew he wanted to hide magic and the supernatural, can't let it get out thst the arbiter of science is a wizard that made a deal with demons. The emperor is a hypocrite, plain and simple. The man thought this would work and made a decision that was completely ignored by any person who knew the actual facts.

  •  4 ปีที่แล้ว +35

    Wouldn't this mean that Malcador would have been able to be teleported onto the Vengeful Spirit? Granted that everyone was dispersed, but there would be a chance he could have reached the Emperor or even Sanguinius before the fatal moments.

    • @scottland8698
      @scottland8698 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Imperial Dovahkiin I have a vivid image of malcador not fucking around and just deleting Horus on sight, you ask me he could and would without hesitation

    • @samhobbs9116
      @samhobbs9116 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@scottland8698 Oh yea, he would not have had the hesitation that the Emperor did

    • @commie4164
      @commie4164 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@scottland8698 yes this. the only reason horus was able to wound the emperor was the emperor's sentimentality staying his hand. malcador would suffer no such weakness and his psychic powers would be more than sufficient to defeat horus, even when he was being juiced up by the chaos gods. this is of course assuming that malcador got to horus first, or at least before horus managed to inflict any injuries.

    • @disgustingweeabootrash1542
      @disgustingweeabootrash1542 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Something tells me that a fight between Malcador and Horus would result in a lot more embarrassment for Horus:
      Malcador: "Hi Ultimate Being, I'm Malcador."
      Horus: "You... YOU DARE TO..."
      Malcador: "No I'm doing truth."

    • @Visor3410
      @Visor3410 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@disgustingweeabootrash1542 Although Malcador was a badass and he froze Horus before - now he was empowered by Chaos so much so that I honestly think that only The Emperor could take him down but to be fair Malcador and The Emperor together would just mop the floor with Horus without breaking any sweat.

  • @TheDiablotak
    @TheDiablotak 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Wouldn’t the Thousand Sons and Magnus be less likely to be on Prospero at the time of the Hersey because they were only there because they were in self imposed exile. They would in my opinion be in 1 of a few possible places: 1) out campaigning in the Great Crusade probably some where far flung in the same way that the blood angels or Ultra Marines were sent away by Horus. 2) spread out as garrisons or amongst the other legions to facilitate the expansion of the librarious.3) and most interestingly imo in terra with the emperor. They are the for most psyker’s and scholars in the adeptus Astartes, and therefore best suited to assist with the web way project. Also the emperor even admits that magnus was intended to operate the golden thrown so he would probably be doing so if he hadn’t been censured at Nykeea. Even if he wasn’t atop the golden thrown he could very well have been utilized to bolster the project in some way either psychically or as just another great mind to work through its problems and issues.

  • @superdavidss
    @superdavidss 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    You're my favorite 40k channel in YT. Instead of watching TV, I browse your productions. Far more entertaining and informative. Warhammer 40k lore is AWESOME.

  • @muttonhammer7284
    @muttonhammer7284 4 ปีที่แล้ว +61

    yeah the heresy could have been avoided if the emperor hadn't been such a wad

    • @CaptainRufus
      @CaptainRufus 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      The Emperor was an authoritarian aspie douchebag. Many of his followers were even worse. But he created the seeds of his own downfall.

    • @mcvgs1780
      @mcvgs1780 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The Emperor is a single parent that also has to rule over an entire Imperium and conduct R and D for the benefit of mankind all at the same time. No matter how powerful the Emperor was he was still human and wouldn't be able to evenly spread his attention in all of these responsibilities and in this one he fell short on some of his 18 of his sons.

    • @matthewmcneany
      @matthewmcneany 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ​@@CaptainRufus The Emperor is a fiction created by the Adminstratum to keep the people in line. Even if there was such a man the 10,000 years of religious veneration has destroyed any accuracy in the original records of the era. Treat all 40k cannon as if it is in universe propaganda of the current Imperium and even the inconsistencies (like the squats) start to make sense.

    • @c0278x
      @c0278x 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Lets see... abandon the crusade in it's crucial final stage, publicly shame your most loyal legion (Word Bearers), all but disband the legion who could argually best counter the chaos demons (Thousand Sons) by listening to the most brutal of his primarchs, beeing completely oblivious about the following rebellion because he's busy with his new pet project... need i continue?
      The more videos i watch and the more Horus Heresy books i read, the more i regard the Emperor as a complete douche nozzle 🤦🏼‍♂️

    • @logandelaharpe6317
      @logandelaharpe6317 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@c0278x space wolves are the most loyal
      World eaters
      Night lords
      Death guard
      And even the blood Angel's are more brutal

  • @Zer0SumGame
    @Zer0SumGame 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I've seen some people suggest that all Magnus had to do for the Council of Nikea to end in his favour was *to keep his mouth shut,* and that the whole thing was a test on the Emperor's part to see if Magnus could put the greater good above his own ego. Had he not stood in his own defense, and allowed others to speak in favour of the Librarius, he would have proven himself to the Emperor.
    The Council of Nikea *was* the Trial of Magnus the Red, but not in the way anyone present save the Emperor thought.

  • @AsbestosMuffins
    @AsbestosMuffins 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    "Brute force their way through Dorne's defenses."
    "I am the best at defensive structures!" -Dorne

  • @Nyctophora
    @Nyctophora 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    "Do as I say not as I do" eh Emps.

  • @perturabo420
    @perturabo420 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The Council of Nikaea in simple terms:
    Anti-psyker Primarchs: Ugh, Magnus, there is an ugly blister on your right hand. Tie it behind your back so we don't have to see it.
    That idiotic and hypocritical Wolf Priest and his even worse Primarch: CUT OFF HIS HAND!!!
    Targutai Yesugei: Let's put a Band-Aid on the blister.
    Emperor: The Band-Aid sounds fine, but since I need to cater to the manchildren that my sons are, you need to tie that hand behind your back, Magnus.

  • @cadet1ice
    @cadet1ice 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Leman Russ: Librarians are bad and deserved to be outlawed
    Also Leman Russ: Also, my Rune Priests are totally not "Librarians or psychic"

  • @Deano3225
    @Deano3225 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I agree with a number of others that the odds of remaining loyal are actually pretty good. Would they fall to Tzeentch later? Maybe, but that would be far easier to deal with if it occured. Having Magnus/Thousand Sons/Other psykers would certainly give an edge, and outweigh any negative on the Phalanx. Plus with a more useful Emperor, more Custodes, more Wolves etc. that would make a big difference.
    I also feel that the Khan would have been far quicker to aid the loyalists. Nikaea was a sting to him too, and the loyalty of the Scars takes time to settle.
    However, for me the most important benefit is to do with Istvaan. I cannot remember which of the (earlier) HH novels it was, but one highlights that the librarians felt unwell/troubled. As they could not use their abilities they kept quiet, and had they all had a normal librarius, they would have noticed that some great tragedy was imminent. A minor point perhaps, but as the Librarius on Isstvaan stopped using powers in battle, and ignored the personal problems they experienced, it may have saved more loyalists, and even Ferrus Manus.
    Perhaps a little far-fetched, but I can only see good from not having the edict.

  • @deamonomic
    @deamonomic 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The decree was ultimately a trap set by chaos.
    By the time of the meeting the thousand sons legion was already beyond saving. Their familiars (lil ghost demons that served them) were a trap set for magnu and his legion. While they did help the thousand sons, this was only to lure the legion into a false sense of security and to get them to put trust/reliance upon the creatures.
    Now even if they had not gotten the decree passed, the entire thousand sons legion was already HEAVILY tainted by chaos, their powers/minions turning on them would likely cause an even more adverse reaction (utter destruction of all psychers) depending on the situation in which the demons spring their trap.

  • @kingbaldwiniv5409
    @kingbaldwiniv5409 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Let's be realistic, the two most successful loyal legions (and largest) both rescinded the edict. The 9th rescinded the edict, the 6th didn't care about the edict, the 5th apparently used psykers a bit anyway. What were are really talking about here are the 18th and the 10th.
    Corax and Dorn already denounced psykers.
    Sure, if two of the smallest legions having a bit of a leg up makes a difference, okay.
    I doubt it though.
    If Dorn weren't a knob, THAT would have made a difference.
    For the massacre of Isstvan, that MIGHT have made a difference.
    To have a real, different effect, your theory depends on Dorn not being intractable. . . not likely.
    The 1st, 9th, and 13th were full steam ahead, that makes up the bulk of the numbers of the loyalists.

  • @icosaphilia6342
    @icosaphilia6342 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Emps may still have sent Russ after Magnus but with a warning not to trust Horus, that may still have avoided the burning of Prospero

  • @AsbestosMuffins
    @AsbestosMuffins 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Super Psycker Emperor of Mankind: "Ya you supersticious brats are right, we should ban people with godlike magical powers, just not me, and I'm also not a god."
    Leaman Russ, half wolfman, primarch of the werewolf man legion : "The thousand suns are mutant freaks"

  • @khartog01
    @khartog01 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Magnus was key to Big E's Webway project. He needed him for it to succeed but did not take Magnus to Terra. The Emperor's mistake was treating Magnus like he was just another primarch when he was the lynchpin to his whole fucking plan.

  • @andorrotheinsane4604
    @andorrotheinsane4604 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Meaby The sons of Horus would have owend a libraries of der own, healing Horus after he was wounded on the moon, so the heresy would not have happened

    • @FatalShadow13
      @FatalShadow13 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      There would still have been Lorgar wanting to bring Horus to that witch coven. At that point no one would have had reason to suspect the Word Bearers of treachery. I don't know, I see where where you're coming from though.
      By the same token would Emperor's Children librarian have noticed something weird about the Lair Blade?

  • @Erebdai
    @Erebdai 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    If the counsel of Nikea had not resulted in the Edict of Nikea and psychers had been allowed to operate within the imperium, then I believe Magnus, Malcador and the Emperor would have teamed up to work on the webway project.
    Magnus would have sat on the throne and finalized the webway.
    Malcador and Emps would have intercepted the shenanigans going on with Erebus and Horus.

  • @federationprime
    @federationprime 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Just finished A Thousand Sons, feeling sad about Magnus

  • @TheRemiCay
    @TheRemiCay 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Here is the part I don't understand; what makes you so sure that Magnus would have turned to chaos anyway? If the Edict of Nikaea had not passed, it would have meant the emperor supported and stood on the side of Magnus; he would be one of the few Primarchs to have evidence that the emperor sided with them. Add to this the knowledge the legion already has of the warp giving them some more ability to resist the temptations, and I believe it quite possible that the Thousand Sons would have stayed largely loyal to the Imperium.

  • @a.d.3352
    @a.d.3352 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great video it woud be of great change to the loyalist force and might end up Emperor still being alive as well as Malcador

  • @derrabbit7289
    @derrabbit7289 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I put together a loyalist kill team of thousand sons from grey knights and tomb king bits. No Nikea, no Magus joining the traitors side.

  • @MrKevmomoney
    @MrKevmomoney 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If Tzeentch wasn’t able to become the patron god of Magnus and the Thousand Sons, then I think his next choice would of been Konrad Kurze and the Night Lords. The God of Sorcery and Fate influencing a Primarch that can see the fate of everyone and everything.

  • @squeethemog213
    @squeethemog213 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Now this was really interesting. I would love to see more of a spin on this theory as I am still very new to the lore of 40k. I honestly just think the thousand sons are cool :3

  • @Smeghead76
    @Smeghead76 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    It's said more than once that even without the incredibly idiotic Edict of Nikaea, it was unlikely that the Thousand Sons would stay loyal... but never was it explained _why_ this would be the case. Also, the Emperor should have given each of the Primarchs an "in case of emergency" way to contact him after his return to Terra. That said, though, even if Magnus had damaged the Imperial Webway gate on Terra in this scenario, it's possible that it could have been repaired with the assistance of Magnus and some of the more powerful Thousand Sons such as Azhek Ahriman and Iskandar Khayon.

  • @darthbloodborn
    @darthbloodborn ปีที่แล้ว +1

    love the work u do buddy😊

  • @inquisitorgarza312
    @inquisitorgarza312 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Emperor’s should have ignored the other Primarchs remarks and evidence because he knew that Chaos was extremely weak against physic powers. He created weapons that were meant to combat Chaos, but we cannot forget that this council was not about the physics abilities. This council was a conference of hatred because of Leman and Mortalion were bias against Magus. The Emperor’s should have taken Magus side on the Council, was the Imperium a government that allowed the studies of scientific purposes, so why not allow the studies of the warp with a scientific mind.

  • @VigoVonCarstein
    @VigoVonCarstein 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Psykers, while extremely powerful against warp spawn, are also gateways for the daemon to corrupt. They are a great strength and a great weakness at the same time.

    • @thecommentguy9380
      @thecommentguy9380 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      wouldnt have been a problem if magnus was allowed to train them i think

  • @pablodickson2541
    @pablodickson2541 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    It is much more than “very small chance”, on the contrary, highly likely they would have remained loyal!

  • @procar09
    @procar09 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Would say that if the edict was not passed, it would be possible that Russ would've been swayed to the traitor side and affirmed more doubts of traitors such as mortarion. His distrust of psykers would be weighed against his loyalty to the Emperor, and should either side triumph over the other, it would weigh far favourably in either side's cause.

  • @PhillyBoy264
    @PhillyBoy264 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Still my favorite channel on TH-cam

  • @KakashiSannin
    @KakashiSannin 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    You know, Magnus made some good points, the Edict should never have passed.
    *If the Edict never passed, there would be no Chaplains*

  • @DocWolph
    @DocWolph 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I find that Emperor is the cause to most of the biggest problems generated in and by humanity. He knows what he is, he assumes a great responsibilities, and yet refused to actually hold himself to an actually higher standard. To literally attain to being a god, genuinely couched with the humility of being "just a man". At least then he would recognize for what and whom he is fighting and would be enthused to influence mankind and not merely control it. This might then direct the Emperor to gain knowledge and wisdom, over sheer power, to best lead humanity and any other races that would heed him. Before the fall, Humanity was, it is said, nearly godlike in their technological advance and likely a Kardashev Type 2+ civilization. The Imperium is currently a Kardashev Type 1+ civilization.
    The Emperor might then have convinced Human colonies to become self-sufficient instead of relying on a fragile system of trade such that almost no one could really fend for themselves should the need ever arise. Further to discourage rampant expansion too far, too quickly, with inadequate support within reach. Also, to curtail the development or use of General A.I.(GAI), programs capable of emulating human thought and emotion or, failing that, develop a better relationship with GAIs by not relying on them for so much.
    The Emperor was a deliberately insular, unfriendly, selfish, untrusting, and untrustworthy man with the powers of a god. One could say he was soulless for his lack of empathy and respect. That he never once considered the lessons Humanity had to learn on their own and add that to his knowledge and wisdom because he believed, if not was told erroneously, that humanity was beneath him yet he had to protect it. Resulting in poor decision making and not hearing or tolerating just criticism that would have saved everyone in the GALAXY a LOT of problems. Even the sheep dog respects the sheep and he did not.
    The Emperor could have prevented most, if not all, of the travails Humanity must endure going into now M42 and did not because he never questioned what he did himself nor allowed those he claimed to trust to question him.

  • @AG-fx5bk
    @AG-fx5bk 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Really short: no Nikea = loyal Thousand Sons

  • @Soundwave3591
    @Soundwave3591 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    if magnus and the psychic abilities of his legion were never proscribed, it's possible that, as he would have been able to better practice with and hone his powers, he could have interceded earlier or more directly when Erebus was corrupting Horus to the side of Chaos, perhaps circumventing the Horus Heresy entirely! I mean, Lorgar's fall was still a thing, but one or two corrupted legions is far less a threat than, you know, EIGHT.
    If not that, he very likely could have reached out to Malcador, or one of the Librarians on Terra itself to relay his message rather than smashing his way through the barriers around the webway.
    As there would be no prohibition on psychic abilities, Magnus would not be punished for his actions (reprimanded father-to-son, perhaps, for endangering the Webway, but not publicly penalized as he was in reality) And therefore brought into the fold of the Webway project. With the asset of Russ and the Wolves on Terra (or close at hand) and the aid of the Thousand Sons to defend against the Warp Entities, the Horus Heresy could very well have gone differently, with all the powers of the Thousand Sons and their knowledge brought to bear against the traitors.
    a very fun moment might have Magnus saving Russ' life in some manner, to the Wolf's begrudging thanks.

  • @Visor3410
    @Visor3410 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I realise that Leman Russ later regretted what he had done and that he was played much like other primarchs by Horus BUT I can't oversee this super huge hypocrisy over the mutations and sorcery while he had his fucken Wulfen and Rune Priests all around him...

  • @williamamely7038
    @williamamely7038 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If the edict not exist, it would be possible for the Emperor to use the Thousand Sons legion to rid the webway of the demonic entities. While it would mean that Magnus would learn of the project, he would keep that knowledge from his brothers.

  • @h0b0y0da4
    @h0b0y0da4 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Hey anyone know the artist for the thumbnail? I checked the artist in the description but found nothing

    • @40KTheories
      @40KTheories  4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It's official art from the novel 'Saturnine'
      Artist is Mauro Belfiore

    • @h0b0y0da4
      @h0b0y0da4 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@40KTheories awesome, thanks fam

  • @AngelWolf12
    @AngelWolf12 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    To be fair it basically didn't.
    The Ultramarines decided to ignore it. The Dark Angels decided to ignore it. The Blood Angels decided to ignore it. The Space Wolves decided to ignore it. The White Scars decided to ignore it. The Salamanders decided to ignore it. The Imperial Fists decided to ignore it. The Alpha Legion decided to ignore it. The World Eaters decided to ignore it. The Iron Hands decided to ignore it. The Iron Warriors decided to ignore it. The Night Lords decided to ignore it. The Sons of Horus decided to ignore it. The Emperor's Children decided to ignore it. The Word Bearers decided to ignore it. The Thousand Sons decided to ignore it.
    The only Legions that actually listened were the Death Guard, who didn't have librarians to begin with, and the Raven Guard, until they decided to ignore it too. The Edict was just an excuse to kill the Thousand Sons.

  • @mikewaterfield3599
    @mikewaterfield3599 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    i dont think it would take much to keep the crimson king loyal, your brother breaking your back and burning your home planet is a pretty strong case for breaking ties. A loyal magnus most of all opens the possibility of big E regenerating post Horus. A very real possibility for wining the great game.

  • @MGone3
    @MGone3 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If the Emperor had believed Magnus, he could have told every other Primarch not to listen to orders from Horus

  • @Therondallman
    @Therondallman 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I believe the Thousand sons and Magnus would be loyal without a doubt regardless of any punishment made towards the legion or it's primarch since none of their ranks harboured love for chaos

  • @jamesramirez1413
    @jamesramirez1413 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Can you please do a 40K Theories about the Coronavirus outbreak. Even tho the timeline of humanity is still set in 2k millenia do you think by any chance that this is the doing of Grandfather Nurgle?

  • @YOGI-kb9tg
    @YOGI-kb9tg 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    personally i feel if this did happen i believe the thousand suns would stay loyal for a time depending if the emporer stays as he is or if he would be alive would determine if magnus would turn to chaos

  • @denniskrust2137
    @denniskrust2137 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Seeing as the Emporer created Magnus and the 15th Legion to BE psykers it made no sense for him to ban them using their powers. This is just a plot hole in the 40K history. It was necessary for the Horus Heresy Timeline but was otherwise illogical.

  • @ryantaylor6530
    @ryantaylor6530 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    What is the lore explanation around most loyalist chapters now having Librarians in the 41st Millenium?

  • @MrAbawmidabull
    @MrAbawmidabull 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Bit hypocritical for the Emperor to ban everyone else from using the Warp when he couldn't have even taken over Terra wothout him using it.

  • @zackrussell2194
    @zackrussell2194 ปีที่แล้ว

    Perhaps most important of all, Nemiel wouldn't have gotten his head slapped off by the Lion

  • @MrSphinchee
    @MrSphinchee 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Theory video idea: if not the thousand Son's, which legion would Tseetch be the patron god of?

    • @golgotretze
      @golgotretze 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Alpha Legion, obviously. They fit Tzeentch even better than the Sons. Problem is that Alpha Legion is mainly a Renegade Legion (not residing in the Warp, and mostly untainted by Chaos). So only a fraction of the Alpha Legion would get corrupted.

  • @ternel
    @ternel 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    If the edict never occurred, it is quite possible Dorn and Corax would have been tempted to join Horus.
    What chance would Terra have against the Iron Warriors AND Imperial Fists?

    • @lekhaclam87
      @lekhaclam87 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Dorn is super loyal to Big E though. I don't think losing the case against Magnus would raise his chance of joining Horus much if at all.

    • @lukablaikie7119
      @lukablaikie7119 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Iron Warriors would have sided with Big E just to fight Imperial Fists. That or just fight everyone out of sheer spite and stubbornness.

  • @lucifiaofthefreecouncil1312
    @lucifiaofthefreecouncil1312 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    why didn't magnus just take the Photep directly to terra and deliver his warning in person? I mean if anyone could cut through the warp storms via a ship would be magnus right? or at the very least get close enough to terra to send an astropathic message himself?

  • @liamwilliams8452
    @liamwilliams8452 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Where did that map of the Sol System come from? It's fucking gorgeous.

    • @40KTheories
      @40KTheories  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      The limited edition of 'The Solar War'

  • @singletona082
    @singletona082 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Can pretty much gurentee if magnus stayed loyalist, russ would have turned traitor.

  • @thesagepilgrim4441
    @thesagepilgrim4441 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Magnusites represent

  • @nolanncerdan7039
    @nolanncerdan7039 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @brigidtheirish
    @brigidtheirish 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Rogal Dorn, whyyyyyyy? Leman Russ and Mortarion I understand being complete assholes, but you're supposed to be *sensible.*
    Also noticed that Vulcan wasn't mentioned here. Maybe if he stood with Magnus, that would've helped turn the trial around.

  • @madtrapper1312
    @madtrapper1312 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    What if the council of nikea never happens gee I don’t know maybe the emperor would be a paraplegic skeleton

  • @StarsShatteredBeyond
    @StarsShatteredBeyond 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Russ: We need to ban all psykers
    The Emperor: Am I a Joke to you
    The half-psyker demoigon sons with magical powers hating on psykers, have they not found the STC for mirrors? At least most psykers look like regular humans.

  • @Dir_Grobbman
    @Dir_Grobbman 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why didnt magnus just try to contact malcodor instead of the emperor?

  • @RedPilgrim.
    @RedPilgrim. 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Should those chapter come in contact with daemon, they're F'ed. The wolves are a hypocrite tsk tsk tsk...

  • @shalicha8891
    @shalicha8891 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    questian wht year when it take to have our own specimens like the emperor himself wonld say like sickness and any disease cannot pass through their armor, and we all wish we can have a time machine that we can travel through time and space and dimension right guys!

  • @E.K939
    @E.K939 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I love the Thousands Suns They'r my second favourite legion. Of course the Iron warriors are the best legion.

  • @MiddleAgedGuy73
    @MiddleAgedGuy73 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Didn't the Emperor create Magnus to use the warp?

  • @peterwall8191
    @peterwall8191 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The Imperium died on Nikaea. The scientific, free of superstition ,human empire He claimed He was building died right then and there.
    Do i need to say He behaved like an idiot? Surround the whole of the palace in impenetrable wards? In what world does this make sense?
    The machine of the Imperium, still needed to be able to communicate. Dispatches for provisions had to be approved, personnel stationed, news reach the administrators, orders reach the, few, local governors.
    It was the single most bone headed move ever, next to sending Russ after Magnus. He ought to have known what would have happened.
    For a genius, He made a hell of a lot rookie mistakes.
    Nikaea again! A psycker, is forbidding other psyckers to use their powers. Not a good look. Tf He was thinking is beyond me.
    Who in their right mind, sides with that hysterical bitch who was dead set on poisoning his own sons? Mortarion was crazy, why would anyone rational listen to him, and give him satisfaction?
    But for Nikaea Magnus had no gripe, he would have remained loyal. Eventually he would have asked fro help with the flesh change, and would have assisted with the battle in the webway.
    Neve mind. It would not have been Grim Dark if things made sense.
    This is the setting dreams come to die, to be resurrected as nightmares.
    Its why we love it, is it not? Grim, Dark ,over the top Irrational, with no happy endings for anyone. We love to visit, but none of us would want to live there.

  • @kitten2799
    @kitten2799 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    But unless there's lore i've not read, which is not unlikely, Magnus never actually told The Emperor why he came to Terra. He just stood there, psychiucly being told what he has ruined, and then he left.

  • @FarsightAE
    @FarsightAE 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Original thousand sons had the best appearance. Space egyptians.

  • @goncalovicente1
    @goncalovicente1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I might be misremembering (since it's been a while that I've read the Dark Angels books), but didn't they (the DA) also had Chaplains before Malcador's decree?

    • @40KTheories
      @40KTheories  4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yeah the Dark Angels did. I made an on screen annotation regarding it when detailing which chapters/legions would be left with Chaplains/Chaplain proxies, since I forgot about them during the recording process

    • @goncalovicente1
      @goncalovicente1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@40KTheories Alright. Thank you for clarifying.

  • @johnnyscifi
    @johnnyscifi 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    I believe that Magnus would have fallen to Tzeentch, regardless...:p

  • @Kameth
    @Kameth 4 ปีที่แล้ว +682

    Thousand Sons: We are all psykers
    Imperium: Boo! Weirdos! Freaks!
    Grey Knights: We are all psykers
    Imperium: Yay! The holiest of all holy!
    Magnus the Red: Am I a joke to you?

    • @ElectromagNick
      @ElectromagNick 4 ปีที่แล้ว +138

      Well, holiest of all holy until they need to bath is Sororitas blood to prevent corruption from Khornate daemons.
      No, I'm never letting that go, and Matt Ward should never be allowed to live that down.

    • @Maxibon2007
      @Maxibon2007 4 ปีที่แล้ว +72

      Blood Ravens : Mummy!, Daddy! Stop fighting!

    • @maddlarkin
      @maddlarkin 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      The small difference being the Grey Knights never randomly turned into braying chaos spawn for no apparent reason

    • @stephenkolostyak4087
      @stephenkolostyak4087 4 ปีที่แล้ว +27

      @@maddlarkin somewhere a Justicar named Alaric chuckles to himself...

    • @NeverLookBackOnce
      @NeverLookBackOnce 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      @@ElectromagNick Matt Ward has committed too many sins.

  • @andrewniehoff8612
    @andrewniehoff8612 4 ปีที่แล้ว +621

    Russ was a hypocrite due to his rune priests and the curse of the wulfen. He hid his legion's flaws and actions and blamed Magnus for his.

    • @valandil988
      @valandil988 4 ปีที่แล้ว +76

      Absolutely. Agreed.

    • @eltonjohntubola3212
      @eltonjohntubola3212 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Well he is. But Magnus is a huge dick himself.

    • @Chaos_Pawn
      @Chaos_Pawn 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @Loc T correction Red MAGICAL dick

    • @celticfox
      @celticfox 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @Βασίλειος Κυρίκος he can cast once, he can cast twice...

    • @christophercombs7561
      @christophercombs7561 4 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Mortarion too given his own psyker abilities

  • @boredashell124
    @boredashell124 4 ปีที่แล้ว +220

    I cheered when Ahriman sent Wyrdmake's soul to be ripped apart in the warp. Nothing but a dirty two faced hypocrite and he deserved what he got.
    Did Magnus screw up? Yes.
    Did he deserve what happened to him? I don't think so.

    • @Visor3410
      @Visor3410 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      couldn't agree more... I hated Wyrdmake almost as much as fucking Erebus. It was a really nice payback especially Wyrdmake realising what Space Wolves had done before his death.

    • @gruffen4
      @gruffen4 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      @@Visor3410 not gonna lie, i would've liked wyrdmake to have taken that news back to his legion instead of just getting his soul shredded

      @MDMDMDMDMDMDMDMDMD 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@gruffen4 I feel like that would have been more destructive/helpful long term

    • @MajinOthinus
      @MajinOthinus 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@MDMDMDMDMDMDMDMDMD Oh it would have, but if *anyone* would have talked to *anyone else* (yes, looking at you big E), the whole HH wouldn't have happened.

    • @jagnestormskull3178
      @jagnestormskull3178 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@MajinOthinus My summary of the Horus Heresy:
      "What we have here, is a failure, to communicate!"

  • @Big_E_Soul_Fragment
    @Big_E_Soul_Fragment 4 ปีที่แล้ว +244

    Rune Priests: We're not Psykers! We could just do everything a Psyker can do!

    • @josephsteven1600
      @josephsteven1600 4 ปีที่แล้ว +55

      Good old: "when I do it, it's different"
      Silly Space Wolfs

    • @Tacoguy1000
      @Tacoguy1000 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

      Oseph Steven Kings of hypocrisy.

    • @supercellodude
      @supercellodude 4 ปีที่แล้ว +41

      "The space wolves are revealed to be shitmasters supreme because those aren't friendly spirits: those are fucking daemons" - The Emperor

    • @risa123456789
      @risa123456789 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      To be fair, they intentionally woven so much ritualistic behavior and strength of belief into their psyker practices that, ironically, they made themselves far less corruptible

    • @telenNG
      @telenNG 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      There are no wolves on fenris demons need to stop playing dress up as furry woodland creatures XD

  • @noahturner6807
    @noahturner6807 4 ปีที่แล้ว +153

    The Only thing I am guilty of is the simple pursuit of knowledge.

    • @jjvagnar1
      @jjvagnar1 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      "...and of doing everything wrong"

  • @oatlord
    @oatlord 4 ปีที่แล้ว +268

    "Yeah! Take that, dirty psykers!" (nervously looks back and forth)

    • @bobbobinson6209
      @bobbobinson6209 4 ปีที่แล้ว +47

      It's okay. Nobody saw him say it.

    • @sweatysocks8214
      @sweatysocks8214 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@bobbobinson6209 I don't think any would even listen to him anyways.

  • @si1verg3cko
    @si1verg3cko 4 ปีที่แล้ว +113

    As someone who more or less reads/listens to general lore my impression at the very least is Magnus probably would not have turned traitor since he was loyal to the Emperor and even hid the presence of the Imperial fleet from Prospero itself since he accepted the consequences of the Emperor's order of extermination for breaking the Edict of Nikea as well as destroying the web way project. It wasn't until he saw the ashes of his Legion and he was given an out that he flipped.
    Also could have been minimized in hindsight if the Emperor was more open about his project in general and the existence of the Warp in the first place since the Emperor's secrecy on a lot of things certainly help plant the seeds of many of the traitor legions leaving including Horus himself.

    • @Sigismund697
      @Sigismund697 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      The risk was too high, the Emperor didn't know of whatever warp bullshit could've happened to the primarchs after they were taken away
      Even the possibility they were dead was likely, Malcador and Valdor certainly thought so

    • @jmgollde843
      @jmgollde843 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      He only really "flipped" when several of his Shards outright refused to return to him. Can't really stay good if you lose everything that made you good.

    • @TheSpicyLeg
      @TheSpicyLeg ปีที่แล้ว

      That’s just it: the existence of Chaos itself, the actual fact it exists, is dangerous. Dangerous to regular old humans, dangerous to inquisitors, and yes, dangerous to primarchs. It is known that the Emperor told one Primarch about Chaos, one the Emperor knew wouldn’t fall to its temptations. We don’t actually know which Primarch was told, though I believe - like most of the lore community - it was the Lion. However, the were Primarchs that Big E knew absolutely should not be told of Chaos, because they’d fall to it, either through personality quirks or a burning curiosity that would lead them to the forbidden. Magnus the Red was one of the latter.
      Imagine that you grew up in a society where the concept of racism did not exist. No one had even thought of it. Your leader, though, knows of racism. He wants to start a breeding program to make super humans, but he knows if the concept of racism is known, some people will inevitably fall into it and instead of wanting to breed better traits, they’ll want to breed out “negative” traits. The Emperor knew that chaos is strengthened by belief, just as he is now.
      That’s why the Inquisition would rather raze an entire world than have the “secret” get out. Even if the imperium’s citizens know of Chaos but refuse to listen to the temptations, just their belief that chaos is a thing strengthens it.

  • @rayanhey2411
    @rayanhey2411 4 ปีที่แล้ว +171

    The hypocrisy of the Space Wolfs is too much.

    • @cadet1ice
      @cadet1ice 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      That's there schtick, hypocrisy.

    • @boydsinclair7606
      @boydsinclair7606 4 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      The loyal Sons of Russ never sullied their honour with the foul witchery of the warp.
      By the way, have you met our Runepriest? He'll divine your future and fire lightning from his fingertips.
      Wolves: this is fine.

    • @TheRedJadex
      @TheRedJadex 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I almost wanna slap Russ for that.

    • @tyler1tanner
      @tyler1tanner 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Yeah this one of my biggest problems with the space wolves, they BLATANTLY utilize psykers all the time yet deny they are psykers. There is literally not a single difference. They are malificarum

    • @boydsinclair7606
      @boydsinclair7606 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@TheRedJadex that would make a hell of a headstone;
      "Here lies one brave enough to slap Russ.
      There's also some bits over there, and some there, but most of them is in this hole."

  • @juliovictormanuelschaeffer8370
    @juliovictormanuelschaeffer8370 4 ปีที่แล้ว +111

    Corvus: all Psykers should be banned, they are a risk for the Imperium and Humanity at large!
    Magnus: why are you invisible all of a sudden?
    Corax: it's nothing! Nothing at all!

    • @roguepsykerhaaker4813
      @roguepsykerhaaker4813 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      god damn closet psyckers

    • @Firepup740
      @Firepup740 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I read this in the tts voices

    • @lolbots686
      @lolbots686 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      later tts
      corvus:sooo uh....i know i sort of got a bit assholish with the nikea incident but uh...ik you understandably hate leman but we good?
      magnus:ugh....yeah we are im not gonna hold it aganst you 10 milenia in the making. doesnt mean i excuse your part in it though you daemonic fuck.
      corvus:...thats fair enough.
      leman:ahem. so uh....magnus
      leman:soo regarding... our issues you wanna get it all out or?
      magnus:...dear gods yes but we're taking it somewhere else damm it. WITHOUT YOUR HELP TZEENCH!
      tzeench:*quickly fucks off before true death by anathema*

    • @kannonball5789
      @kannonball5789 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Also Corvus: *becomes a mass of crows, shadows, and lightning in the Eye of Terror*

  • @legionaireb
    @legionaireb 4 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    Nice update, but I have to disagree with your opinion that the chances of the Thousand Sons remaining loyal would have been 'incredibly low.' With Magnus having 'won' the council deliberations, much of the antagonism directed to him by other legions would have dissipated, and with no Burning of Prospero, there would have been little incentive for them to side with Horus, especially since Magnus KNEW Horus was being manipulated.
    I would like to know what the basis of your assertion that the Thousand Sons were so strongly inclined to turn traitor in spite of Nikaea going their way is.

    • @40KTheories
      @40KTheories  4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      The odds of the Thousand Sons remaining low would be due more in part to the Emperor being angered by Magnus's destruction of the Imperial Webway as opposed to just violating the edict, which would still more than likely result in the Emperor sending Russ to apprehend him if the Emperor did indeed ignore Magnus's warnings, which in turn would lead to Horus intercepting/altering the orders, leading to the Burning of Prospero regardless and ultimately forcing the Thousand Sons to seek sanctuary with the traitors.

    • @samhobbs9116
      @samhobbs9116 4 ปีที่แล้ว +14

      @@40KTheories That would not have happened if Magnus had been allowed to practice sorcery. He would have been skilled enough to avoid it happening or been able to psychically talk with the emperor directly. Or by not being ostracized he could have easily contacted another primarch like Dorn or Ferrus

    • @kevinprime1000
      @kevinprime1000 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      There was also at least one powerful demon operating to undermine the thousand sons legion, as seen in Prospero burns.
      Seen posing as an equerry of the thousand sons at the council of Nikaea, among other things.

    • @40KTheories
      @40KTheories  4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @Sam Hobbs It's worth remember that the primary reason as to why Magnus sent the Astral Projection in the first place was due to Astropathic communications being too slow and too difficult at that particular time period due to an increase in warp storm activity. If the warp storms still occurred then whether Nikaea passed or not would be close to irrelevant in this regard, since Magnus would be desperate to warn the Emperor of Horus's betrayal, and since he didn't have the power to break through the barriers put up by the Emperor by himself (resulting in him making his inadvertent pact with Tzeentch) this would still result in Magnus screwing up in his attempts to do good.

    • @chaoslance4959
      @chaoslance4959 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      @@40KTheories I think Sam Hobbs posted a valid concern about this. The reason why Magnus went DIRECTLY to the Emperor was the fact he was too afraid to contact anyone else. If he could reach Guilliman, Dorn or Ferrus... damn, maybe even Russ himself... but he couldn't, his only hope was to talk to big E and hope for forgivness he broke the edict.

  • @supercellodude
    @supercellodude 4 ปีที่แล้ว +124

    Perhaps the Emperor could've pulled Magnus through the webway tear to sit on the gold porta-potty lighthouse while He amassed his forces to contain the daemons. Although the Thousand Sons would be inconvenienced by the loss of their primarch, Magnus could've started his penance while actually alive and relatively well instead of what happened to the Emperor post-heresy.

    • @OverseerXIII
      @OverseerXIII 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      The emperor is dumb that way.

    • @supercellodude
      @supercellodude 4 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Tho events like the duel probably wouldn't change in the above scenario, the Emperor might've had the capability to resurrect using His perpetual properties. Also, Malcador wouldn't have had to sacrifice himself to maintain the Golden Throne. Also, with Magnus and the Thousand Sons as loyalists, they might've played a bigger part in defending Sol in realspace and the warp.

    • @Sigismund697
      @Sigismund697 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@supercellodude or have the Wolves turn traitor with what their hatred of pyskers

    • @FatalShadow13
      @FatalShadow13 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@Sigismund697 I really doubt that, Russ was the one Primarch that The Emperor never had a fear of falling to the temptations of the Warp. He always and always will be His most loyal son.

    • @zachsmith1676
      @zachsmith1676 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@supercellodude not to mention that the Thousand Sons could have destroyed the Fleet sent to Prospero whilst they were still in the warp... If they were still loyal due to the Edict of Nikaea then it is my belief that they'd have turned that sheer amount of power upon the forces of Chaos...

  • @Hawkens4k
    @Hawkens4k 4 ปีที่แล้ว +58

    he definitely hear less chicken puns from The Skele-lord himself.

    • @Sidragrosm
      @Sidragrosm 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      True, but he'd still get hit w/the ol' "Horn-tits" wise crack...(or worse yet, that Russ was still "better" than he was...) ~Cue "Doom-Bolt to the Face..!"~

    • @sessy01
      @sessy01 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Magnus the big red nerrrrrrrrd

  • @hunter5559
    @hunter5559 4 ปีที่แล้ว +26

    Leman Russ being judgemental towards a Legion with a genetic flaw that mutates it's memebers? HMMMM sounds kinda hypocritical to me XD

    • @MajinOthinus
      @MajinOthinus 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You are talking about hypocrisy incarnate "But my psykers are different", what did you expect.

    • @teroslarone1171
      @teroslarone1171 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      One problem with that, the Wolves saw the wulfen as a flaw a curse that while giving them power came with a price. The TS didn‘t see the connection between their psychic recruits and the flesh change.

  • @nicholasfallbrook9810
    @nicholasfallbrook9810 4 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    What if Magnus refused the deal with Tzeentch? What if the clone of Fulgrim escaped from the collection of Trazyn?

    • @lootboxplayer7555
      @lootboxplayer7555 4 ปีที่แล้ว +31

      What if shadow sun comes back to kitten

    • @advictoriamsshitposts8689
      @advictoriamsshitposts8689 4 ปีที่แล้ว +23

      @@lootboxplayer7555 "THAT'S NOT FUCKING CANNON-"

    • @blackstripes0812
      @blackstripes0812 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ad Victoriam actually it has been confirmed to be canon

    • @Maxibon2007
      @Maxibon2007 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Nicholas Fallbrook what if Fulgrims clone really does contain the original soul of Fulgrim and that, that Slaneshi Deamon was never banished from his body despite claims, that would explain everything.

    • @anerd2886
      @anerd2886 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      What if Magnus has been allowed to continue practicing his magic. would he have even needed to make a deal in order to contact Terra ? What if Instead, he could do a little practice and calling Big E up without having to use the cosmic megaphone he borrowed from Tzeentch?

  • @UGNAvalon
    @UGNAvalon 4 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    The lack of gloating Magnus soundbites in this video saddens me..
    Also, would it be possible that a loyalist Thousand Sons legion would end up becoming the primogenitor to the equivalents of the Grey Knight & Exorcist chapters post-Heresy?

    • @celticfox
      @celticfox 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Only if they want the Flesh Change to affect more chapters

    • @robertnelson9599
      @robertnelson9599 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      If they figured out a true cure to the Flesh Change, then yes.

    • @juliovictormanuelschaeffer8370
      @juliovictormanuelschaeffer8370 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      But most importantly, could the Blood Ravens have existed with a Loyalist Sons?

  • @pavonian7531
    @pavonian7531 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    14:02 I feel like without the edict of Nikaea the emperor wouldn't have built the webway project in such a way that Magnus magic calling him would damage it. That or he would tell Magnus 'if you ever need to use sorcery to contact me in an emergency, contact Malcador instead and he'll relay the message. I'm working on a secret project where no one is allowed to magic telephone me'. Like, surely the only reason he didn't do that is because the Emperor assumed no one would ever break his edict in the first place. No edict, no staggeringly easy to exploit weakness, no broken webway, no need for any punishment, #MagnusDidNothingWrong

    • @40KTheories
      @40KTheories  4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      Considering that the construction of the Webway began long before the council of Nikaea took place, I think that such a prospect would be relatively unlikely. That being said, the Emperor should have had given his sons an emergency contact code or something like that regardless.

    • @robertnelson9599
      @robertnelson9599 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I always thought that Big E keeping the Webway Project under wraps was the dumbest thing he ever did. Why would he not let the Primarchs, if no one else, know what he was doing that was more important than the Great Crusade?

    • @Aristaios
      @Aristaios 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Magnus knew of the project he mentions it to Ahriman i think in the Thousand Sons novel

    • @teroslarone1171
      @teroslarone1171 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Robert Nelson Because he didn‘t want anyone to know, no one meeded to. They are adults they should be able to conduct the great crusade just fine.

    • @1Okoya1
      @1Okoya1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Even if he didnt want them to know the details I think a simple" Hey kid's Dad's got a major project thats gonna help out the great crusade ALOT so I need Horus to step up and run the military while I'm doing this" would have headed off so much of the impetus for the HH

  • @Ainniseoir
    @Ainniseoir 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Another possible outcome to magnus' warning for the Emperor while causing the damage to the webway is that instead of sending rus to bring magnus in chains he could simply recall magnus directly therefore avoiding the burning of prospero. This could occur as the Emperor seeing magnus' actions (while still damaging his project) as good natured and simply trying to help.

  • @SSecularScholar
    @SSecularScholar 4 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Is it possible that the end of the dinosaurs was caused by the War in Heaven?

    • @supercellodude
      @supercellodude 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      probably. In older fluff, the pariah gene was introduced to Earth's biosphere some time during or after the War in Heaven.

    • @OmniGSage
      @OmniGSage 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Roughly the same time period, so it's possible.

    • @Ajehy
      @Ajehy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      It wasn’t a meteorite, it was a damaged chunk of Old One spaceship! Carrying bio-tech that introduced the Pariah gene!
      *insert History Channel Aliens Meme here*

  • @MSte21
    @MSte21 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    The Emperor's foolishness and the jealous hypocrisy of the other Primarchs ensured that the tragedy of Magnus would happen. With a man like the Emperor in charge, the Imperium was always doomed to fail, in one way or another.

  • @dkakito
    @dkakito 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Without the Council, Magnus may have been invited to work on the Human Webway project, as he was like, the 2nd strongest psyker there was

  • @1Okoya1
    @1Okoya1 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    Another factor is that with Magnus , Malcador , AND the Emperor in play there was a real chance that the three most powerful human psychers in exsistance might actually have been able to FIX the webway breach , or at least seal it off permanently , and if you doubt those three could do so , then how about those three backed by the entire thousand sons legion ?

    • @thecommentguy9380
      @thecommentguy9380 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      the sons would be dead to flesh change if he remained loyal

    • @thecommentguy9380
      @thecommentguy9380 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @manofthewest5395
    @manofthewest5395 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    The legions that didn't dispand their librariuses:
    The Thousand Sons blatantly ignored the edict. The White Scars because Jaghatai was unable to show up to the meeting and didn't get the message until after the heresy started. The World Eaters because their librarius was already so small they didn't even bother disbanding it. And the Word Bearers, who were already secretly sacrificing people to Chaos.

    • @MajinOthinus
      @MajinOthinus 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      And let's not forget the Space Wolfs because "muh Runepriests".

    • @synergy8879
      @synergy8879 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@MajinOthinus magnus: “muh rune priests get their power from fenris, power from fenris my shiny red ass, only power you get is the incredible feeling for fucking dogs.”

  • @Aristaios
    @Aristaios 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    ironically enough the emperor would break his own edict by the creation of the Grey Knights

  • @svagglaorde4387
    @svagglaorde4387 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    Imagine a TTS episode about the Trial of Magnus the Red.

    • @bigmoe9856
      @bigmoe9856 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @sofija1996
      @sofija1996 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I'd love to see it, but it'd require some rewrites - Magnus's flashback to Webway Incident (ep. 13 IIRC) frames Nikaea as more of a minor inconvenience than a heavy blow.
      Then again, TTS team could frame those earlier scenes as "eh, it's Magnus's memories from 10 thousand years ago, he could be repressing or forgetting some things to make himself look like a Cool Tough Dude and distance himself from Daddy E" and do a second, more... detailed and emotional take at Nikaea, Webway incident and Burning of Prospero - for instance, when Leman Russ makes it to the Imperial Palace and Magnus is forced to truly face his personal demons.

    • @kikagezumi
      @kikagezumi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@sofija1996 To be fair, it was an inconvenience. It's not like they did anything but sit on their planet afterwards and ignore the Edict. Only thing that happened, was Magnus fucked up his delivery, because Big Daddy E didn't give him an emergency contact number, or bring him and his Legion to Terra to sit on them/ Bring them into the project.