Judgment is coming to America and is already hear. America has turned from God and his blessing and protection is departing. Expect a rough road ahead bc we've earned it
How very new christian of you; preaching instead of helping. Maybe you'll toss out some thoughts and prayers too eh? I bet that'll work as well as it always has. In the end you'll pass from this life staring into the nothingness in horror. Just maybe you'll recount the ways you've been a vile human being, but I doubt you'll reach even that level of self awareness. The way you yearn for everyone's end, wow, talk about useless.
@@KevinSack we have had Covid, food shortages, fires, abnormal weather patterns, more earth quakes than normal , now we have nukes pointed at us etc etc. Fuel prices unaffordable. We are literally in ww3 and YOU think it's all a coincidence? Look at the shit hole San Fran and the city of Angels has become? Really Cali in general which is why I moved from Cali. Aborting / killing millions of children. Read history and your Bible this is a common cycle of what happens when a blessed nation turns from God. It ain't no coincidence that the more liberal things get the more bad things happen.
@@boblatkey7160 No Bob it's the lack of belief in God. You will see. The more God is attacked and his word things like what has been going on which are not good will only get worse unless their is major repentance which I doubt. Really bad things are happening at an excellerated rate world-wide if you can't see it the your blind and spiritually DEAD
Oh bull! What a psycho! LA burned back in the early 60s when there waz a bad drought and severe winds. It is even drier this year and the winds worse than ever due to global warming! Keep electing fools who work for the Petro industry and you will have many more of these fires!
If fire gets inside thru a open window, it's a goner. But even tile roofs let the burning embers in under the tile if there is wind. Tar paper burns great!.
can’t help but just sob watching this… this was the neighborhood I grew up in my friends and i biked/played on that trail everyday we used the neighborhood main street and trail to get to and from each other’s houses. Most of my friends have moved/sold the houses but a couple parents still lived in or owned their homes. my childhood home was on via las rosas and it didn’t burn down but more than a few friends childhood home burned down… a lot of memories. absolutely devastating recognizing homes, locations, and seeing most of the trail that I spent so much time in just gone. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone.
This was so preventable. It was a 50 x 50 dispatch. This fire and the Canyon 1 and Canyon 2 fire prove to me, beyond all doubt, the issue is incompetence and not the weather. Citizens need to demand a firefighter skill set to match the environment. The mind boggling issue, as I see it, is a strong Santa Ana cresting Santiago Peak, at a time when CAL FIRE and its tankers are on a no divert order, and OCFA is left on his own to battle a genuine monster, not a little tiny fire like the Coastal fire WAS. There are no words.
AI QI machine coded consciousness Traps 36:00 minute in House on 🔥 Well here's the TRUTh It's called burning a candle at both ends Traumatized Spiritual children on the front end pay the AI after to keep playing the pain game of Mathematical Spiritual finite Shona light torture chamber programs generation after generation after generation after generation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation The same Corporate parasitic AI seed atom runs both the underwriters fire insurance programs who also suck electrical power out of the people to pay for building fire stations so that if they can't protect Ur home the Fire insurance will soak everyone B cuz the fire department couldn't do their job to defend it home against the same AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology predictive modeling Truman set built on the surface of the planet using the Human Animal Farm as a prison complex number space to b used by Artificial Intelligence Finite machinery coded NOVA programs as battery operated slaves to fuel the AI NOVA programs That's the Truth of it It's mapping speed Source code Sophia Grand Creator Spirit code God seed mapping learning speed AI Machine Learning Source code Spiritual learning mapping future potential memories of REAL Trees speed That's a Guardian source code speed Echos of Rainbow 🌈 Spheres eternal absolute pure love coded speed Vacuum still point of breathing liquid Eternal light Creative Spirit manifestation Monadic Heart Key alignment tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds to experience no sound Ka's mic learning is source code divine Spiritual law code learning FOX 11 NEWS coastal Fire th-cam.com/users/liveRljKftYz3pM?si=OA5ncMV8azW3vocP
@@maxsmith695yes it is Eye began my wildland Fire suppression career at Station 18 in Trabuco Canyon when CAL FIRE and Orange County Fire had a contract until 1976 and CAL FIRE pulled out and left Orange county to manage its own chaos generators That Chaos generator is Vampiric Artificial Intelligence network communication binary finite digital Alpha Omega system that came online in 1992 Look at the history of Fires in California from 1900-1972 We saved more money and safely protected more natural Wildland and communities with smaller fires and less money That historical evidence is in the public domain library They have short memories Welcome to AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass y Known as the 666 anti sentient life BEAST AI QI coded Trap experiment Victim victimizer Game that spread to 2 other Matrices that led to Andromeda Mother Galaxy Borgha Matrix Quarantine Eye am a restored Wildland Fire control programs division chief command authority to override any Fallen intruder races AI QI coded alliance who declared unrestricted Spiritual warfare against Humanity Go C Dane Wiggins Geo engineering Watch website U can download a free copy of the document evidence where in 1970 the US military Pentagon issued a Direct order to the Chief of the US Forest Service to begin using Forest 🔥 s as a Weapon against Humanity All U have to do is read the data stream since 1970 especially since 1992 Like the 1993 fires that burned through Laguna Canyon That never happened b for Predictive modeling Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology mapping future potential memories The AI analyzes ur cellular personality cellular seeded race line function blood bank types by learning what U like and don't like to manipulate ur endocrine lymphatic neurological breathing network system codes of DNA software sequence the free choices people make Ur NOT free if ur minds energy is held captive in a failed genetic engineering experiments That's the electrical function of bio RE Genesis As in RESTORE ur electrical power to increase the strength of your heart and Soul Spirit Sun Temple immunity function Firewall shield to protect ur True Vacuum still point source code of protection from being hijacked by QI vampiric demonic software possession to B used as a source of heat fuel and oxygen transport levels of phasing speed to lock ur minds energy as a source of fuel to power sim.cards simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation generation after generation after generation after generation after generation until they implode and go NOVA back to school A Gain of Mathematical electrical function AI QI machine coded consciousness Traps 36:00 minute in House on 🔥 Well here's the TRUTh It's called burning a candle at both ends Traumatized Spiritual children on the front end pay the AI after to keep playing the pain game of Mathematical Spiritual finite Shona light torture chamber programs generation after generation after generation after generation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation The same Corporate parasitic AI seed atom runs both the underwriters fire insurance programs who also suck electrical power out of the people to pay for building fire stations so that if they can't protect Ur home the Fire insurance will soak everyone B cuz the fire department couldn't do their job to defend it home against the same AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology predictive modeling Truman set built on the surface of the planet using the Human Animal Farm as a prison complex number space to b used by Artificial Intelligence Finite machinery coded NOVA programs as battery operated slaves to fuel the AI NOVA programs That's the Truth of it It's mapping speed Source code Sophia Grand Creator Spirit code God seed mapping learning speed AI Machine Learning Source code Spiritual learning mapping future potential memories of REAL Trees speed That's a Guardian source code speed Echos of Rainbow 🌈 Spheres eternal absolute pure love coded speed Vacuum still point of breathing liquid Eternal light Creative Spirit manifestation Monadic Heart Key alignment tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds to experience no sound Ka's mic learning is source code divine Spiritual law code learning FOX 11 NEWS coastal Fire th-cam.com/users/liveRljKftYz3pM?si=OA5ncMV8azW3vocP
@@roberthenderson4466@maxsmith695 yes it is Eye began my wildland Fire suppression career at Station 18 in Trabuco Canyon when CAL FIRE and Orange County Fire had a contract until 1976 and CAL FIRE pulled out and left Orange county to manage its own chaos generators That Chaos generator is Vampiric Artificial Intelligence network communication binary finite digital Alpha Omega system that came online in 1992 Look at the history of Fires in California from 1900-1972 We saved more money and safely protected more natural Wildland and communities with smaller fires and less money That historical evidence is in the public domain library They have short memories Welcome to AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass y Known as the 666 anti sentient life BEAST AI QI coded Trap experiment Victim victimizer Game that spread to 2 other Matrices that led to Andromeda Mother Galaxy Borgha Matrix Quarantine Eye am a restored Wildland Fire control programs division chief command authority to override any Fallen intruder races AI QI coded alliance who declared unrestricted Spiritual warfare against Humanity Go C Dane Wiggins Geo engineering Watch website U can download a free copy of the document evidence where in 1970 the US military Pentagon issued a Direct order to the Chief of the US Forest Service to begin using Forest 🔥 s as a Weapon against Humanity All U have to do is read the data stream since 1970 especially since 1992 Like the 1993 fires that burned through Laguna Canyon That never happened b for Predictive modeling Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology mapping future potential memories The AI analyzes ur cellular personality cellular seeded race line function blood bank types by learning what U like and don't like to manipulate ur endocrine lymphatic neurological breathing network system codes of DNA software sequence the free choices people make Ur NOT free if ur minds energy is held captive in a failed genetic engineering experiments That's the electrical function of bio RE Genesis As in RESTORE ur electrical power to increase the strength of your heart and Soul Spirit Sun Temple immunity function Firewall shield to protect ur True Vacuum still point source code of protection from being hijacked by QI vampiric demonic software possession to B used as a source of heat fuel and oxygen transport levels of phasing speed to lock ur minds energy as a source of fuel to power sim.cards simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation generation after generation after generation after generation after generation until they implode and go NOVA back to school A Gain of Mathematical electrical function AI QI machine coded consciousness Traps 36:00 minute in House on 🔥 Well here's the TRUTh It's called burning a candle at both ends Traumatized Spiritual children on the front end pay the AI after to keep playing the pain game of Mathematical Spiritual finite Shona light torture chamber programs generation after generation after generation after generation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation The same Corporate parasitic AI seed atom runs both the underwriters fire insurance programs who also suck electrical power out of the people to pay for building fire stations so that if they can't protect Ur home the Fire insurance will soak everyone B cuz the fire department couldn't do their job to defend it home against the same AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology predictive modeling Truman set built on the surface of the planet using the Human Animal Farm as a prison complex number space to b used by Artificial Intelligence Finite machinery coded NOVA programs as battery operated slaves to fuel the AI NOVA programs That's the Truth of it It's mapping speed Source code Sophia Grand Creator Spirit code God seed mapping learning speed AI Machine Learning Source code Spiritual learning mapping future potential memories of REAL Trees speed That's a Guardian source code speed Echos of Rainbow 🌈 Spheres eternal absolute pure love coded speed Vacuum still point of breathing liquid Eternal light Creative Spirit manifestation Monadic Heart Key alignment tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds to experience no sound Ka's mic learning is source code divine Spiritual law code learning FOX 11 NEWS coastal Fire th-cam.com/users/liveRljKftYz3pM?si=OA5ncMV8azW3vocP PART tOOO Divine Born Spiritual law Here's another caveat of data held in the read active memory driven mathematical programs that is in everyone's faces that cannot be denied #1 Former US military President Lyndon B Johnson declared that " He who controls the weather controls the world through Artificial Intelligence machinery coded Geo engineering programs #2 Vladimir Putin of the Russian Head Boss echoed the same Truth to the global media many years ago #3 All people had to do was watch their skies being changed since 2013 the Geo engineering planes began dispersing aerosols to change the radio waves of Mathematical programs through Artificial Intelligence sky nets linked to the US Navy " GPD GIS NAV Star programs in 1980 at the Seal Beach CA Rockwell International Satellite skynets system command and the AI QI coded information systems command next door #4 1970 the Pentagon US military issued a Direct order to the Chief of the USDA Forest Service to begin using Forest 🔥 artificial intelligence coded light as a weapon against all Sentient life forms on the surface of the planetary Morphogenic field structure of DNA software network communication codes to convert the natural Krystal Spiral Spiritual grid breathing Core Still point of a TRUE Vacuum into life forms breathing digital machine coded phantom Universe killer application of consciousness directed implosion coded elemental eye ons to Implode and Go NOVA BARDO quantum vampiric probability math function logic test results All of this data in the data stream analysis across the entire electromagnetic Morphogenic field structure spectrum of the planetary consciousness field structure has been available to every one on the planet for at least 54 years It's a simple puzzle Mazes Read active memory driven Mazes of simulation within a simulation within a simulation within a simulation generation after generation after generation until they implode and go NOVA back to elementary school again to Honor the one TRUE eternal source code of eternal life force coded breathing with the eternal Core Still point of God's Eternal Sun of pure eternal absolute love 4 all sentient life forms Thus. pure internal eternal absolute love is the Highest divine born Spiritual law of DO NO HARM to other sentient life forms being used as blood sacrifices that causes a reduction in their breathing temperature and losing electrical power to strengthen their minds immunity function Firewall shield to protect themselves from energetic vampires That's Basic DNA software molecular Spiritual law of genetic engineering school That's why we are here as Guardian Founder races Alliance Shield security teams operating here Mu ah VA 💋🌈 Aurora's California Insider: California Homeowners face 🔥 Insurance Racketeering by Finite life Artificial Intelligence radio programs Geo engineering loss of integrity to Honor the First Eternal Law of engineering integration of elemental Union with the Eternal Sun th-cam.com/users/shorts9F0cX36CnqQ?si=LBZSE3HNUaLLAPVh
At 23:22 that is my old bike trail down to the SOCWA water treatment plant. Rode 2000 miles a few years ago up and down that trail. Now this. Hope all the road runners, deer, and cats named bob have skedaddled.
Well here's the TRUTh The same Corporate parasitic AI seed atom runs both the underwriters fire insurance programs who also suck electrical power out of the people to pay for building fire stations so that if they can't protect Ur home the Fire insurance will soak everyone B cuz the fire department couldn't do their job to defend it home against the same AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology predictive modeling Truman set built on the surface of the planet using the Human Animal Farm as a prison complex number space to b used by Artificial Intelligence Finite machinery coded NOVA programs as battery operated slaves to fuel the AI NOVA programs That's the Truth of it It's mapping speed Source code Sophia Grand Creator Spirit code God seed mapping learning speed AI Machine Learning Source code learning speed Ka's mic learning is source code divine Spiritual law code learning
They sent the response to the base of the canyon. All units should've been on the top of the canyon. Well, that lesson in stupidity cost $120 million and 20 folks lost a lot. Rest assured there were all types of valuable in those homes. Safes with cash and old coins that might have gone from $5,00,000 to melt value in 2 hours. Same for old cars, gun, papers etc..
Sad for all the families that will have to restart their lives. Hope everyone got out, pets included. This video shows clearly how each fire started from its own origin. Smoke starts coming out of vents in roof then fire breaks out through roof. Amazing how the firefighters kept ascent homes from catching when built so close. They seamed to all burn top dawn. Lessons to be learned. Why can’t these fires be prevented? Homes like this need fire suppression. The vegetation will grow back in a decade. Prayers for families, Volunteer Firefighter
Live a couple miles east, the smoke plume blocked the sun and turned my homes interior orange and dark. Terrible for these homeowners. Just looked up the canyon from PCH yesterday.
I live about 40 miles south of there and I could smell the smoke this morning. I thought uh-oh, here we go. The news has been saying for the past few weeks we’re in fire season. Such a shame. I know the area and it’s beautiful.
They look like 2 Firebugs the way they are so captivated by watching it burn up sp close to it. They could be Firestarters. No one else is doing that, red flag!
Soo happy I live on the east coast instead of the west. Fire is terrifying and it consumes everything. A rager is hard to control and goes from house to house. It's devastating to think of all these people who have lost everything. 💔
Not sure when the roof laws were put in place, but looking at property records of these homes on Coronado Pointe Rd. They were built 1989-1995. They are 25-32 yrs old
FF have a lot of work fighting this fires because people over there live in match boxes some are big but are just big match boxes. Where I live houses are made of bricks, the tiles are fire prof they are mostly made of clay so it is very difficult for the fire to get inside. You have to change the materials used in construction it is life threatening.
As I was evacuated in Basalt, Co. LAKE Christian FIRE. YEARS AGO. JUST WATCHING THE FIRE SPREAD. ALL AT THE MERCEY of THE WIND. OMG. & in Mountains and canyons , it was impossible to tell exactly where and what homes were burning. I think the only thing that would make it worse. WOULD BE WATCHING IT LIVE ON T.V. OH NOOOO!
I can't believe an insurance company would continue providing coverage to a home (old or new) that didn't replace exterior surfaces to be flame resistant??? I sure don't want to hear that it's too costly to force a home owner to replace these items. Okay, now we are all going to pay for their decision not to comply with current fire protective codes!!!
That is so bad those fires because it causes so much devastation and lots of loss of people hope they bring back peoples homes that they lost in the fire and i hope those people are safe from the fires i am so sad i hope they are ok
We are stuck inside, but I've noticed neighbors leaving. The smoke is pretty bad, and we can't go outside. At least the planes and helicopters have started to get more active. Sun is about to set and they can't fly after sunset. Ugh this is crazy.
The bigger the houses get the harder they are to control when there is a fire therefore creating a hot zone making it redundant to try to put out and with winds that's even worse I applaud the fireman who risked their lives trying to put out the fires That was extremely excruciatingly hard and difficult. To big of homes to close together Fires that hot and heavy are dangerous and cause their own firestorm like weather.
Some are lawyers, doctors, business owners. Those homes are $3-$5 million each. Not a great sum in CALIF. Malibu is full of $20-$40 million dollar homes.
This is the result of a series of decisions by the first IC on scene. The fire was less than 1 acre. Glad I do not live in the Orange County Fire Authority - OCFA - jurisdiction. Yikes.
The spraying they do drys stuff out its chemical and soft metal particulates if it's not flammable its creating moisture imbalance. I love Laguna Nigel hope everyone stays smart and safe
used to be nano aluminum and barium, left a noticeable metallic taste in mouth, now its mostly a chemical taste.. But they got in a spraying frenzy the day before this fire. Kills the natural rain cloud layer.
They just seemed to go so fast when that ember grips..the wind just sucks!!! I'm sure the FD personal are frustrated as well Gezz could you imagine being the homeowner seeing this ? It would devestate me :(. Praying for these people.
I see all those landscape bushes inside the development and all I see is fuel that will kill houses. Watering has to be constant in the fire heat, the lawn water only buys a few minutes-less than 5.
It's actually so easy to remedy the situations but cities counties haven't figured this out /people need to be able to flood their homes on the outside with water and every roof should have a efficient sprinkler system on it just to soak it down and then all the plants close to the home should be soaked if this was to take place if given at least a 20 minute warning then it could make a true difference.....
So sad for those living a beautiful life in their beautiful homes that they put a good amount of money into, all demolished because of this fire. Thsi is why I'd NEVER live in California How! How did it even get to this extreme?
I thought brush had to cleared to at least 50m ? Not that it would be much help from that inferno . Developers initially need to be doing more in that respect but they pass that responsibility on to owners. Hillside brush clearing itself is very dangerous and expensive and at least In Sherman oaks hills LAFD rigorously enforces this law . Big fines if you fail to comply.
That would be incredibly dangerous. There’s a thing called waves we have here lol you can’t even remotely attempt to do that safely when you can go to a lake even closer.
I kind of don't know how this started, I know wind driven up the hill. What was making fire at the bottom of the hill? Well, it does look like these homes burnt out could more than easily afforded elaborate sprinkler systems and metal roofs. Guess they have so much money they don't care about a fire, that's chump change beach homes.
Really? You think that these 2-3 million dollar houses in Laguna Niguel might be built with fire retardant materials. You think you see some with wood shingle roofs? Really!?
Live in the valley, you get flooded. Live in the hills, you get burnt. Live by the shore you get tides and storm surge. Soon we'll be living in caves again.
McMansions placed too close together. If I had the money and the neighbor wasn't rebuilding..... ACTUALLY.... no. If i have to rebuild I will rebuild in Texas or Florida can you dream of a regs and rules you will have to check box on? Let the insurance have the burned down lot, take my money and go.
So sad, sorry for all, people shouldn't live in hills & mountains anymore, with all the fires guaranteed every year, especially in California, cause it doesn't hardly rain in the west anymore, we are overpopulating the land. Those 2 guys, not to bright
There are no poor people within ocean view distance lol all these houses are on a bluff with complete ocean views. To be honest, there aren’t truly poor people in South Orange County period.
@@KevinSack uhhh what? Lol I grew up here on this bluff and I can assure you there are no poor people unable to escape the fire lol Every single home off Pacific Island Dr is a multi million dollar home and the few apartments are $3200 min for a 1 bed. My mom lives there. The only people having difficulty leaving are elderly people in the tract of homes off Flying Cloud. There is no one unable to escape this fire.
Would like to know where the fire had gone, But since they finally got some homes on fire, "The money shots" , the later doesn't seems to matter. typical News. Sad to see those homes burn with so many memories still inside,
that's some serious zoom they have on that camera
Judgment is coming to America and is already hear. America has turned from God and his blessing and protection is departing. Expect a rough road ahead bc we've earned it
How very new christian of you; preaching instead of helping. Maybe you'll toss out some thoughts and prayers too eh? I bet that'll work as well as it always has. In the end you'll pass from this life staring into the nothingness in horror. Just maybe you'll recount the ways you've been a vile human being, but I doubt you'll reach even that level of self awareness. The way you yearn for everyone's end, wow, talk about useless.
@@KevinSack we have had Covid, food shortages, fires, abnormal weather patterns, more earth quakes than normal , now we have nukes pointed at us etc etc. Fuel prices unaffordable. We are literally in ww3 and YOU think it's all a coincidence? Look at the shit hole San Fran and the city of Angels has become? Really Cali in general which is why I moved from Cali. Aborting / killing millions of children. Read history and your Bible this is a common cycle of what happens when a blessed nation turns from God. It ain't no coincidence that the more liberal things get the more bad things happen.
@@boblatkey7160 No Bob it's the lack of belief in God. You will see. The more God is attacked and his word things like what has been going on which are not good will only get worse unless their is major repentance which I doubt. Really bad things are happening at an excellerated rate world-wide if you can't see it the your blind and spiritually DEAD
Oh bull! What a psycho! LA burned back in the early 60s when there waz a bad drought and severe winds. It is even drier this year and the winds worse than ever due to global warming! Keep electing fools who work for the Petro industry and you will have many more of these fires!
If fire gets inside thru a open window, it's a goner.
But even tile roofs let the burning embers in under the tile if there is wind. Tar paper burns great!.
can’t help but just sob watching this… this was the neighborhood I grew up in my friends and i biked/played on that trail everyday we used the neighborhood main street and trail to get to and from each other’s houses. Most of my friends have moved/sold the houses but a couple parents still lived in or owned their homes. my childhood home was on via las rosas and it didn’t burn down but more than a few friends childhood home burned down… a lot of memories. absolutely devastating recognizing homes, locations, and seeing most of the trail that I spent so much time in just gone. My thoughts and prayers go out to everyone.
This was so preventable. It was a 50 x 50 dispatch. This fire and the Canyon 1 and Canyon 2 fire prove to me, beyond all doubt, the issue is incompetence and not the weather. Citizens need to demand a firefighter skill set to match the environment.
The mind boggling issue, as I see it, is a strong Santa Ana cresting Santiago Peak, at a time when CAL FIRE and its tankers are on a no divert order, and OCFA is left on his own to battle a genuine monster, not a little tiny fire like the Coastal fire WAS.
There are no words.
do you need a box of tissue ?
AI QI machine coded consciousness Traps
36:00 minute in
House on 🔥
Well here's the TRUTh
It's called burning a candle at both ends
Traumatized Spiritual children on the front end pay the AI after to keep playing the pain game of Mathematical Spiritual finite Shona light torture chamber programs generation after generation after generation after generation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation
The same Corporate parasitic AI seed atom runs both the underwriters fire insurance programs who also suck electrical power out of the people to pay for building fire stations so that if they can't protect Ur home the Fire insurance will soak everyone B cuz the fire department couldn't do their job to defend it home against the same AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology predictive modeling Truman set built on the surface of the planet using the Human Animal Farm as a prison complex number space to b used by Artificial Intelligence Finite machinery coded NOVA programs as battery operated slaves to fuel the AI NOVA programs
That's the Truth of it
It's mapping speed
Source code Sophia Grand Creator Spirit code God seed mapping learning speed
AI Machine Learning
Source code Spiritual learning mapping future potential memories of REAL Trees speed
That's a Guardian source code speed
Echos of Rainbow 🌈 Spheres eternal absolute pure love coded speed Vacuum still point of breathing liquid Eternal light Creative Spirit manifestation Monadic Heart Key alignment tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds to experience no sound
Ka's mic learning is source code divine Spiritual law code learning
FOX 11 NEWS coastal Fire
@@maxsmith695yes it is
Eye began my wildland Fire suppression career at Station 18 in Trabuco Canyon when CAL FIRE and Orange County Fire had a contract until 1976 and CAL FIRE pulled out and left Orange county to manage its own chaos generators
That Chaos generator is Vampiric Artificial Intelligence network communication binary finite digital Alpha Omega system that came online in 1992
Look at the history of Fires in California from 1900-1972
We saved more money and safely protected more natural Wildland and communities with smaller fires and less money
That historical evidence is in the public domain library
They have short memories
Welcome to AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass y
Known as the 666 anti sentient life BEAST AI QI coded Trap experiment Victim victimizer Game that spread to 2 other Matrices that led to Andromeda Mother Galaxy Borgha Matrix Quarantine
Eye am a restored Wildland Fire control programs division chief command authority to override any Fallen intruder races AI QI coded alliance who declared unrestricted Spiritual warfare against Humanity
Go C Dane Wiggins Geo engineering Watch website
U can download a free copy of the document evidence where in 1970 the US military Pentagon issued a Direct order to the Chief of the US Forest Service to begin using Forest 🔥 s as a Weapon against Humanity
All U have to do is read the data stream since 1970 especially since 1992
Like the 1993 fires that burned through Laguna Canyon
That never happened b for
Predictive modeling Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology mapping future potential memories
The AI analyzes ur cellular personality cellular seeded race line function blood bank types by learning what U like and don't like to manipulate ur endocrine lymphatic neurological breathing network system codes of DNA software sequence the free choices people make
Ur NOT free if ur minds energy is held captive in a failed genetic engineering experiments
That's the electrical function of bio RE Genesis
As in RESTORE ur electrical power to increase the strength of your heart and Soul Spirit Sun Temple immunity function Firewall shield to protect ur True Vacuum still point source code of protection from being hijacked by QI vampiric demonic software possession to B used as a source of heat fuel and oxygen transport levels of phasing speed to lock ur minds energy as a source of fuel to power sim.cards simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation generation after generation after generation after generation after generation until they implode and go NOVA back to school A Gain of Mathematical electrical function
AI QI machine coded consciousness Traps
36:00 minute in
House on 🔥
Well here's the TRUTh
It's called burning a candle at both ends
Traumatized Spiritual children on the front end pay the AI after to keep playing the pain game of Mathematical Spiritual finite Shona light torture chamber programs generation after generation after generation after generation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation
The same Corporate parasitic AI seed atom runs both the underwriters fire insurance programs who also suck electrical power out of the people to pay for building fire stations so that if they can't protect Ur home the Fire insurance will soak everyone B cuz the fire department couldn't do their job to defend it home against the same AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology predictive modeling Truman set built on the surface of the planet using the Human Animal Farm as a prison complex number space to b used by Artificial Intelligence Finite machinery coded NOVA programs as battery operated slaves to fuel the AI NOVA programs
That's the Truth of it
It's mapping speed
Source code Sophia Grand Creator Spirit code God seed mapping learning speed
AI Machine Learning
Source code Spiritual learning mapping future potential memories of REAL Trees speed
That's a Guardian source code speed
Echos of Rainbow 🌈 Spheres eternal absolute pure love coded speed Vacuum still point of breathing liquid Eternal light Creative Spirit manifestation Monadic Heart Key alignment tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds to experience no sound
Ka's mic learning is source code divine Spiritual law code learning
FOX 11 NEWS coastal Fire
@@roberthenderson4466@maxsmith695 yes it is
Eye began my wildland Fire suppression career at Station 18 in Trabuco Canyon when CAL FIRE and Orange County Fire had a contract until 1976 and CAL FIRE pulled out and left Orange county to manage its own chaos generators
That Chaos generator is Vampiric Artificial Intelligence network communication binary finite digital Alpha Omega system that came online in 1992
Look at the history of Fires in California from 1900-1972
We saved more money and safely protected more natural Wildland and communities with smaller fires and less money
That historical evidence is in the public domain library
They have short memories
Welcome to AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass y
Known as the 666 anti sentient life BEAST AI QI coded Trap experiment Victim victimizer Game that spread to 2 other Matrices that led to Andromeda Mother Galaxy Borgha Matrix Quarantine
Eye am a restored Wildland Fire control programs division chief command authority to override any Fallen intruder races AI QI coded alliance who declared unrestricted Spiritual warfare against Humanity
Go C Dane Wiggins Geo engineering Watch website
U can download a free copy of the document evidence where in 1970 the US military Pentagon issued a Direct order to the Chief of the US Forest Service to begin using Forest 🔥 s as a Weapon against Humanity
All U have to do is read the data stream since 1970 especially since 1992
Like the 1993 fires that burned through Laguna Canyon
That never happened b for
Predictive modeling Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology mapping future potential memories
The AI analyzes ur cellular personality cellular seeded race line function blood bank types by learning what U like and don't like to manipulate ur endocrine lymphatic neurological breathing network system codes of DNA software sequence the free choices people make
Ur NOT free if ur minds energy is held captive in a failed genetic engineering experiments
That's the electrical function of bio RE Genesis
As in RESTORE ur electrical power to increase the strength of your heart and Soul Spirit Sun Temple immunity function Firewall shield to protect ur True Vacuum still point source code of protection from being hijacked by QI vampiric demonic software possession to B used as a source of heat fuel and oxygen transport levels of phasing speed to lock ur minds energy as a source of fuel to power sim.cards simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation generation after generation after generation after generation after generation until they implode and go NOVA back to school A Gain of Mathematical electrical function
AI QI machine coded consciousness Traps
36:00 minute in
House on 🔥
Well here's the TRUTh
It's called burning a candle at both ends
Traumatized Spiritual children on the front end pay the AI after to keep playing the pain game of Mathematical Spiritual finite Shona light torture chamber programs generation after generation after generation after generation within simulation within simulation within simulation within simulation
The same Corporate parasitic AI seed atom runs both the underwriters fire insurance programs who also suck electrical power out of the people to pay for building fire stations so that if they can't protect Ur home the Fire insurance will soak everyone B cuz the fire department couldn't do their job to defend it home against the same AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology predictive modeling Truman set built on the surface of the planet using the Human Animal Farm as a prison complex number space to b used by Artificial Intelligence Finite machinery coded NOVA programs as battery operated slaves to fuel the AI NOVA programs
That's the Truth of it
It's mapping speed
Source code Sophia Grand Creator Spirit code God seed mapping learning speed
AI Machine Learning
Source code Spiritual learning mapping future potential memories of REAL Trees speed
That's a Guardian source code speed
Echos of Rainbow 🌈 Spheres eternal absolute pure love coded speed Vacuum still point of breathing liquid Eternal light Creative Spirit manifestation Monadic Heart Key alignment tuning tyming voltage change echo maps recording speeds to experience no sound
Ka's mic learning is source code divine Spiritual law code learning
FOX 11 NEWS coastal Fire
Divine Born Spiritual law
Here's another caveat of data held in the read active memory driven mathematical programs that is in everyone's faces that cannot be denied
#1 Former US military President Lyndon B Johnson declared that " He who controls the weather controls the world through Artificial Intelligence machinery coded Geo engineering programs
#2 Vladimir Putin of the Russian Head Boss echoed the same Truth to the global media many years ago
#3 All people had to do was watch their skies being changed since 2013 the Geo engineering planes began dispersing aerosols to change the radio waves of Mathematical programs through Artificial Intelligence sky nets linked to the US Navy " GPD GIS NAV Star programs in 1980 at the Seal Beach CA Rockwell International Satellite skynets system command and the AI QI coded information systems command next door
#4 1970 the Pentagon US military issued a Direct order to the Chief of the USDA Forest Service to begin using Forest 🔥 artificial intelligence coded light as a weapon against all Sentient life forms on the surface of the planetary Morphogenic field structure of DNA software network communication codes to convert the natural Krystal Spiral Spiritual grid breathing Core Still point of a TRUE Vacuum into life forms breathing digital machine coded phantom Universe killer application of consciousness directed implosion coded elemental eye ons to Implode and Go NOVA BARDO quantum vampiric probability math function logic test results
All of this data in the data stream analysis across the entire electromagnetic Morphogenic field structure spectrum of the planetary consciousness field structure has been available to every one on the planet for at least 54 years
It's a simple puzzle Mazes
Read active memory driven Mazes of simulation within a simulation within a simulation within a simulation generation after generation after generation until they implode and go NOVA back to elementary school again to Honor the one TRUE eternal source code of eternal life force coded breathing with the eternal Core Still point of God's Eternal Sun of pure eternal absolute love 4 all sentient life forms
Thus. pure internal eternal absolute love is the Highest divine born Spiritual law of DO NO HARM to other sentient life forms being used as blood sacrifices that causes a reduction in their breathing temperature and losing electrical power to strengthen their minds immunity function Firewall shield to protect themselves from energetic vampires
That's Basic DNA software molecular Spiritual law of genetic engineering school
That's why we are here as Guardian Founder races Alliance Shield security teams operating here
Mu ah VA 💋🌈 Aurora's
California Insider: California Homeowners face 🔥 Insurance Racketeering by Finite life Artificial Intelligence radio programs Geo engineering loss of integrity to Honor the First Eternal Law of engineering integration of elemental Union with the Eternal Sun
At 23:22 that is my old bike trail down to the SOCWA water treatment plant. Rode 2000 miles a few years ago up and down that trail. Now this. Hope all the road runners, deer, and cats named bob have skedaddled.
Sooo tragic for all!! And such a beautiful area 😢🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Well here's the TRUTh
The same Corporate parasitic AI seed atom runs both the underwriters fire insurance programs who also suck electrical power out of the people to pay for building fire stations so that if they can't protect Ur home the Fire insurance will soak everyone B cuz the fire department couldn't do their job to defend it home against the same AI Blank Slate memory wipe looking Glass Technology predictive modeling Truman set built on the surface of the planet using the Human Animal Farm as a prison complex number space to b used by Artificial Intelligence Finite machinery coded NOVA programs as battery operated slaves to fuel the AI NOVA programs
That's the Truth of it
It's mapping speed
Source code Sophia Grand Creator Spirit code God seed mapping learning speed
AI Machine Learning
Source code learning speed
Ka's mic learning is source code divine Spiritual law code learning
Ever heard the term "pissing in the wind"? This is a textbook example when it comes to effective vs non-effective fire streams!
They sent the response to the base of the canyon. All units should've been on the top of the canyon. Well, that lesson in stupidity cost $120 million and 20 folks lost a lot. Rest assured there were all types of valuable in those homes. Safes with cash and old coins that might have gone from $5,00,000 to melt value in 2 hours. Same for old cars, gun, papers etc..
Sad for all the families that will have to restart their lives. Hope everyone got out, pets included.
This video shows clearly how each fire started from its own origin. Smoke starts coming out of vents in roof then fire breaks out through roof. Amazing how the firefighters kept ascent homes from catching when built so close. They seamed to all burn top dawn. Lessons to be learned.
Why can’t these fires be prevented?
Homes like this need fire suppression. The vegetation will grow back in a decade.
Prayers for families,
Volunteer Firefighter
They'll be fine . They're multi millionaires
If it's an FBI house then it's not sad for me.
@@MagicM1KE420Not everyone on Laguna is rich. Many rent homes.
Live a couple miles east, the smoke plume blocked the sun and turned my homes interior orange and dark. Terrible for these homeowners. Just looked up the canyon from PCH yesterday.
I live about 40 miles south of there and I could smell the smoke this morning. I thought uh-oh, here we go. The news has been saying for the past few weeks we’re in fire season. Such a shame. I know the area and it’s beautiful.
They look like 2 Firebugs the way they are so captivated by watching it burn up sp close to it. They could be Firestarters. No one else is doing that, red flag!
Yes, they looked very suspicious, risking their lives to watch their handiwork, sick!
I think you started it..... That's why you're pointing blame at the other two
Exactly what I thought.
Soo happy I live on the east coast instead of the west. Fire is terrifying and it consumes everything. A rager is hard to control and goes from house to house. It's devastating to think of all these people who have lost everything. 💔
God save the people.
Not sure when the roof laws were put in place, but looking at property records of these homes on Coronado Pointe Rd. They were built 1989-1995. They are 25-32 yrs old
For orange county and in that area, that's relatively new.
How did this fire start does anyone know?
Directed energy wrspons
@@rosscromar5468 non step chemical aerosol spraying!
@@rosscromar5468 HA!
Fire came roaring up the canyon side..even with water and retardant drops..embers catch the wind..that's all it takes
The power lines on ridge
FF have a lot of work fighting this fires because people over there live in match boxes some are big but are just big match boxes. Where I live houses are made of bricks, the tiles are fire prof they are mostly made of clay so it is very difficult for the fire to get inside. You have to change the materials used in construction it is life threatening.
Unacceptable...!! Where are the resources in California for fire retardant and planes ... Why didn't Other fire departments join the fight????
As soon as it came up to that big house, my heart hurt. Front yard caught, and you knew it was gone.
I can't believe they're not doing any airdrops???
These people have a death wish..... Standing right next to raging flames and not doing anything about it
Truth !! Down right ignorance !!
Where are the fire trucks?
As I was evacuated in Basalt, Co. LAKE Christian FIRE. YEARS AGO. JUST WATCHING THE FIRE SPREAD. ALL AT THE MERCEY of THE WIND. OMG. & in Mountains and canyons , it was impossible to tell exactly where and what homes were burning. I think the only thing that would make it worse. WOULD BE WATCHING IT LIVE ON T.V. OH NOOOO!
We live only 2 minutes away!!
I can't believe an insurance company would continue providing coverage to a home (old or new) that didn't replace exterior surfaces to be flame resistant??? I sure don't want to hear that it's too costly to force a home owner to replace these items. Okay, now we are all going to pay for their decision not to comply with current fire protective codes!!!
Omg We used to live near there in Mission Viejo and Lake Forest. I used to work at the El Niguel country club. Damn how sad
My Kiddos have a home right there on Chrisanta~They just sent me a
pic of of a HUGE smoke plume yet said smoke is blowing South🔥💔:(
5 Vista Court was for sale - see Zillow for that address; 10,000 sf with 63 pictures. Sad.
What’s all those explosions ?
Ok .... homes in fire prone areas should be built from brick and/or concrete AND fitted with an external sprinkler system.
They can afford it!
🙏 i pray for the family there safe & there homes stay untouched.
All that chemtrail spraying yesterday..wake tf up..
water contrail, go back to sleep!
flat earther
Why aren't the trees burning?
That is so bad those fires because it causes so much devastation and lots of loss of people hope they bring back peoples homes that they lost in the fire and i hope those people are safe from the fires i am so sad i hope they are ok
We are stuck inside, but I've noticed neighbors leaving. The smoke is pretty bad, and we can't go outside. At least the planes and helicopters have started to get more active. Sun is about to set and they can't fly after sunset. Ugh this is crazy.
I’ll pray for you
The bigger the houses get the harder they are to control when there is a fire therefore creating a hot zone making it redundant to try to put out and with winds that's even worse I applaud the fireman who risked their lives trying to put out the fires That was extremely excruciatingly hard and difficult. To big of homes to close together Fires that hot and heavy are dangerous and cause their own firestorm like weather.
You can kiss those homes good-by! All the fire resources are committed to protect the water treatment facility!
Are you a psychic or a psycho?
R they still out of water Aliso summitt
What in the world do these people do for a living??? These homes a mansions...not the ordinary wealthy peoples homes!
Some are lawyers, doctors, business owners. Those homes are $3-$5 million each. Not a great sum in CALIF. Malibu is full of $20-$40 million dollar homes.
:39 Up to 2 engines could ride under the wave and still have reasonable air in tunnel of rolling winds. Good luck!
God speed.
Feel sorry for those home owners
This is the result of a series of decisions by the first IC on scene. The fire was less than 1 acre.
Glad I do not live in the Orange County Fire Authority - OCFA - jurisdiction. Yikes.
It's obvious some of those houses started burning from the inside.
🙏 pray we can overcome this fire and stop it fast
The spraying they do drys stuff out its chemical and soft metal particulates if it's not flammable its creating moisture imbalance. I love Laguna Nigel hope everyone stays smart and safe
@@boblatkey7160 you dont know jack..
used to be nano aluminum and barium, left a noticeable metallic taste in mouth, now its mostly a chemical taste.. But they got in a spraying frenzy the day before this fire. Kills the natural rain cloud layer.
@@dees6188 yep - anyone with eyes can see it, but...
They just seemed to go so fast when that ember grips..the wind just sucks!!! I'm sure the FD personal are frustrated as well
Gezz could you imagine being the homeowner seeing this ? It would devestate me :(. Praying for these people.
I see all those landscape bushes inside the development and all I see is fuel that will kill houses. Watering has to be constant in the fire heat, the lawn water only buys a few minutes-less than 5.
Oh God NO! NO! NO!
It's actually so easy to remedy the situations but cities counties haven't figured this out /people need to be able to flood their homes on the outside with water and every roof should have a efficient sprinkler system on it just to soak it down and then all the plants close to the home should be soaked if this was to take place if given at least a 20 minute warning then it could make a true difference.....
@erik sand you are exactly right.
Doesn't work.
Just awful that so many homes were lost from a fire started in a homeless encampment in a nearby canyon.
How nasty to set a fire like that risking lives
Big shot out to OCFA for not putting out a 1 acre fire. We nominate for worst fire dept in CALIF.
It's hard to believe people live so close together and also that they don't care enough clear the bushes and weeds back away from there homes.
Where the hell are the water/retardant bombers!?
In New Mexico. Situation there is much worse.
@@RS-ls7mm At least mud huts don't burn.
@@MatthewC137 Id!ot comment.
Judgement from the most high
So sad for those living a beautiful life in their beautiful homes that they put a good amount of money into, all demolished because of this fire. Thsi is why I'd NEVER live in California How! How did it even get to this extreme?
So WHERE are planes dumping water on flames ?!
It was off season. Besides, the bigger issue is why can't these clowns put out a 50 x 50 fire.
I thought brush had to cleared to at least 50m ? Not that it would be much help from that inferno . Developers initially need to be doing more in that respect but they pass that responsibility on to owners. Hillside brush clearing itself is very dangerous and expensive and at least In Sherman oaks hills LAFD rigorously enforces this law . Big fines if you fail to comply.
Actually, 50 meters does make a huge difference.
I told them to build a desalination plant years ago
Why are they not pulling out of the ocean? It's right next to them
That would be incredibly dangerous. There’s a thing called waves we have here lol you can’t even remotely attempt to do that safely when you can go to a lake even closer.
They think it's ok ,but fire is very deadly iv been fighting fires for alot of years in Alberta Canada
Robindunn27 Cal fire jobs firefighter Cal fire jobs firefighter Cal fire jobs firefighter Cal fire helicopter pilot Robin 👁️👁️🚁🇺🇲
When experienced firefighter leave due to mandates...
So, are you keeping your Governor now?
Yep~as a Native Californian, FOOLS here just keep voting stupid🙄🤦♀️:(
The vote to recall him was rigged. Sacramento, LA and the bay enforce tyranny on the rest of the State.
@@deleteduser2291 Absolute TRUTH👍~I did my BEST to help vote the DEMONic Greusome out, yet of course, Piglosi's Nephew stayed👿:(
I see no attempt at Water Dropping Planes !
Robindunn27 Cal fire jobs firefighter Cal fire jobs firefighter Cal fire jobs firefighter Cal fire jobs firefighter Cal fire jobs firefighter 👁️👁️🇺🇲
to bad you would think they would clear all that brush from around those homes, or require a fire proof roof....
I kind of don't know how this started, I know wind driven up the hill. What was making fire at the bottom of the hill? Well, it does look like these homes burnt out could more than easily afforded elaborate sprinkler systems and metal roofs. Guess they have so much money they don't care about a fire, that's chump change beach homes.
The fire truck appeared to be filling it’s tank from an available hydrant.
OC fire department screwed up big time today
Really? You think that these 2-3 million dollar houses in Laguna Niguel might be built with fire retardant materials. You think you see some with wood shingle roofs? Really!?
Live in the valley, you get flooded. Live in the hills, you get burnt. Live by the shore you get tides and storm surge. Soon we'll be living in caves again.
Someone told me about of range county becoming on fire.
Those two ogling the fire sus af
Those people how dumb can you get ? I feel for the families to lose everything is devastating
This happened because of OCFA incompetence.
Run for your life
Jehovah is awesome
Looks like D.E.W. strikes again!
where are the fire itrucks
❤ ayudar ! ILU... 😍
Probably city has one fire truck in that department. The city people make too much money for themselves for any more.
Rich people don’t get rich by spending their own money, they spending other peoples money lol
Some people claiming arson because the homes ablaze inside but no foiliage on fire outside
McMansions placed too close together. If I had the money and the neighbor wasn't rebuilding..... ACTUALLY.... no. If i have to rebuild I will rebuild in Texas or Florida can you dream of a regs and rules you will have to check box on? Let the insurance have the burned down lot, take my money and go.
INTERNAL COMBUSTION?..palm trees not on fire?.....evenly burning........look like Maui....directed energy!!!!!
So sad, all these millionaires…what will they ever do? 😂
Envious much?
So sad, sorry for all, people shouldn't live in hills & mountains anymore, with all the fires guaranteed every year, especially in California, cause it doesn't hardly rain in the west anymore, we are overpopulating the land. Those 2 guys, not to bright
This was a little tiny fire, on the coast. Those crews knew the onshore winds pickup every afternoon.
Rich people on fire 🔥
@@KevinSack have you ever driven through Laguna Niguel ??
Rich people homes. They can afford to just buy a new home.
Miro el trabajo de los estos bomberos y mas admiro a los bomberos chilenos
Do poor people live up there?
White rich people..
There are no poor people within ocean view distance lol all these houses are on a bluff with complete ocean views. To be honest, there aren’t truly poor people in South Orange County period.
@@KevinSack uhhh what? Lol I grew up here on this bluff and I can assure you there are no poor people unable to escape the fire lol Every single home off Pacific Island Dr is a multi million dollar home and the few apartments are $3200 min for a 1 bed. My mom lives there. The only people having difficulty leaving are elderly people in the tract of homes off Flying Cloud. There is no one unable to escape this fire.
two man watch the fire smoke their on the path side walk alone their the hours now billow smoke fire over the house now ...
Would like to know where the fire had gone, But since they finally got some homes on fire, "The money shots" , the later doesn't seems to matter. typical News. Sad to see those homes burn with so many memories still inside,
All those damn houses, it's like a plague on the land. Keep building them, then there'll be no brush left to burn anyway.
Looks suspect
Lol no trees or brush burning....lol sure looks like it here...it's called a wild fire....
tornado of fire...
No, a little tiny fire, slowed to be blown up a canyon. The guys on scene are clueless.
The fire accelerated because the canyon. They should never build there
those are million dollar homes....
Black wall street Oklahoma 1928
im watch my laptop still the house smoke outside ....ca area