In Jesus name if its fasting i will do it kuti Jorum abude .Its a sad story nhayi hupenyu wake angogara mujeri .Satan hana simba uchabuda chete in Jesus name.
I feel sorry for amai siwela ,she is going through tough time .lm sure Jorum was supposed to do something kumhuri yaaka parira mhosva bcz now ngozi yapinda mumusha saka zvoitwa sei manje ?yes tete Tilda, we need to pray for this family. I also pray for baba wa Jorum to be healed in Jesus Name.
Yaaa it never rains but it pours pa sure. I think munhu akaurayiwa na Jorum yaiva mhuri inotovavo nezvayo saka its a problem. I heard by a friend kuti kwavo kuManicaland kune dzimwe mhuri dzisinga batwi. Hanzi ukauraya from that family, ivo vanenge vaine mushonga wekuti hama yavo imuke then iwo musha wacho unenge uine rinonzi gamba. Hanzi this gamba chikwambo chinorwira for that musha and anenge atori munhu akauraiwa mune that musha anenge achimukawo sengozi, ofwhich rinoenda even kune anyone anenge akanganisira that family and its a big problem. So maybe Jorum is in such a situation kuti akauraya musha wakadaro zvekuti iiiiiiii zvakangoma. Zvinorwadza kurarama hupenyu hwakadai.
Mhuri ngaifambe iyi iudzwe chikonzero chaita musoro uteme. A lot must be done. (1) Jorum arrested on murder charges aligned to a girlfriend (2) The brother attempted murderer aligned to a girlfriend (3) Jorum rearrested rape aligned to a girlfriend. ??????????????
Ngozi iripachena iyi fix issue ye ngozi first everything will fall in line kuvuraya munhu kunokoka two judgements 1 yenyika iyo yaunopihwa mutongo wako kuma courts then 2 ngozi judgement iyi kusvika waripa inoramba yaka parker munzinza
Nhai Tete pamhuri iyi hapana here nhau dzakaparwa kare nevakuru vamwe dzinogona dziriidzo dzinoda kuripwa not kuti yakaparirwa mhosva naJoram per se zvinopisa tsitsi izvi veduwee. It seems like pane nhau hombe inotoda kugarirwa pasi iripwe
Kudzinza kune zvakaparwa, there must be an investigation by the Siwelas to unravel and unpick their family history and deal with these issues. The Blood of Jesus can wash all this mess clean.
Gogo is in pain.Great pain.Two sons arrested.Husband in hospital.This is an avenging spirit yemunhu akauraiwa na Joram.The good thing is ngozi iyi haisi kuuraya.Sezvo vachiziva munhu akaurawa na Joram ngavaende varipe ngozi.Zvinogadzirika izvi.
@Tete Tilder kutsvaga mhuri yakaparirwa mhosva it's a very good move but vanhu ngavaone maSpritual doctors because there is something behind all these crimes. To my analysis pane mhiko dzakaiswa dzekuti vasarore vanhu ava. Zvine chirewo daidzai vakuru vauye.
Kasi kunema test anoyitwa.Rape ine forced entry it leaves bruses uyezwe kuti vakareperwa payi and how they got there.I think someone is not happy that Jorum was realised.
I recently started following your programs of you tilda. For the good work of educating our nation and beyond. I have never realized the suffering or trying to live like people how are in prisons . The issue that made me to comment is about the girl who got simbarashe to be imprisoned for 18yrs. Firstly, it's a disgrace to our judges and there justice system. Well educated technocrats who can't try and verify facts putting innocent people inside destroying there future. The same mistakes are done again to people who are found guilty some of the judgements they hand down are illogical, irrational and inhumane. Example there is a guy who was a football playplayer
As Zimbabweans we have to accept that ngozi is there. Yes you can turn to christianity but the spirit will follow you and your family. If a family member spills blood set aside your differences and contribute towards the payment that is required.
Aaah zvaJorum mmmm zvakutoda Mwari vacho aah 😯 mweya ikumuteera ngaanamate and chivanhu ngachiitwe futi mhepo dzikumuteera..asiyane nevakadzi futi he has a curse upon his life when it comes to women 😫🙌🙌🙌
Haaa ndarwadziwa mufunge ko zvadarirei after a long time urimujeri wobuda wodzokera zvekare Mwari pindiray, chandinoziva ndechekuti naJesu zvinhu zvose zvinogoneka
Kubudisa Joramu mu prison is not the solution. The root problem is the spirit of the dead which need to be appeased. Ngozi haitsipikwe mushonga kuripa vanopera vese neNgozi iyo minyama yacho haimbofi yapera zvayo kana pasina kubhadharwa they need to pay period.
Havanawo here marelatives besides baba namai siwela coz ngozi iyi ikabva kumba kwaana jorum ichabatawo dzimba dzavo so they must not be relaxed... I think kutsvaga hama dzaana jorum dzioneswe zviripo zvinogona kubatsira kutsvaga vakaurairwa hama yavo
Ndanzwa kurwadziwa veduwee mbuya Siwela, going through all these by herself apa munhu wechikuru. Mwari baba vanzwireiwo Tsitsi muva yambutse panguva yekuedzwa iyi.
Press like if you believe Joram will be cleared of this.
Why shud he be cleared. Maybe he did rape
@@cdechirume2979 Obviously we are still getting the facts, but from what we've heard, there's elements of a set up.
Jorum dai angosiyana nezve vakadzi cz twice hes been arrested nenyaya dzevakadzi idzi
Mkadzi asungisa Jorum you will never have peace ...
Veduwe zvorwadza
ZVAKAOMA shuwa Mwari ave naye mukadzi iyeye
Amen amen 🙏🙏
God bless JORUM
In Jesus name if its fasting i will do it kuti Jorum abude .Its a sad story nhayi hupenyu wake angogara mujeri .Satan hana simba uchabuda chete in Jesus name.
Lets pray for Tilder foundation
We do not want to work moving backwards but foward .Enough is enough satan murevi wenhema
Amen 🙏🏻
Munotii nemunhu akaurawa na Jorum before musati manamata yakaripiwa here ngozi iyo ngativei both sides
@@shelazmhofela6840 we pray for Tilder foundation .God forgave Joram and he served his crime
Mwari mukazorangariravo mhuri yekwa Siwela tinoziva kutonga ndekwenyu. Gogo Siwela don't lose heart.
My heart is broken ndabva ndafeeler kunge mai vangu sure😭😭
Kune mhepo mumusha umu nekuda kwemunhu akauraiwa. Musha uyu hauna kuchengetedzwa. May God have mercy
Iiiiiiiii zvorwadza veduwe ukutonzwa kuti Gogo vakabatikana. Kani chirichokwadi kuti Joramu Hana kurepa Ka, mukadzi uyu nemurume wake Mwari varikuzviwona
Not only do I hear Gogo Siwela's pain,but I actually feel it.Shame very sorry Gogo 👏👏👏
The pain is too much for gogo Siwela🥺
I feel for mbuya Siwela this is just too much veduwee
This family needs deliverance, there's a spiritual force in the background, kune mhepo dzirikusimudzwa.
Mwari pindirai munyaradze mhuri iyi,get well soon sekuru and gogo Mwari vakutungamirirei muwane kubatsirikana nekuzorora mupfungwa🙏
Now Jorum and. Ngeke bek in prison amana aaaaa ndabaikna
Tilder ngaambosiya mabhanditi akadero agare kujere ikoko
Aaaah nhasi ndazorwadziwa veduwe mwari ngaapindire veduwe jorum abude
Jorum haafanirwe kubata chinhu chinonzi mukadzi kupfurikidza nengozi yaakaunza mumusha
Mweya wemunhu waakauya ndourikuiita kuti mhuri iyi ipinde mujeri,haana mhosva Jorum but the mweya wengozi uyu
I feel sorry for amai siwela ,she is going through tough time .lm sure Jorum was supposed to do something kumhuri yaaka parira mhosva bcz now ngozi yapinda mumusha saka zvoitwa sei manje ?yes tete Tilda, we need to pray for this family. I also pray for baba wa Jorum to be healed in Jesus Name.
Mhuri yekwaakapara mhosva haisikubatika
Yaaa it never rains but it pours pa sure. I think munhu akaurayiwa na Jorum yaiva mhuri inotovavo nezvayo saka its a problem. I heard by a friend kuti kwavo kuManicaland kune dzimwe mhuri dzisinga batwi. Hanzi ukauraya from that family, ivo vanenge vaine mushonga wekuti hama yavo imuke then iwo musha wacho unenge uine rinonzi gamba. Hanzi this gamba chikwambo chinorwira for that musha and anenge atori munhu akauraiwa mune that musha anenge achimukawo sengozi, ofwhich rinoenda even kune anyone anenge akanganisira that family and its a big problem. So maybe Jorum is in such a situation kuti akauraya musha wakadaro zvekuti iiiiiiii zvakangoma. Zvinorwadza kurarama hupenyu hwakadai.
Mhuri ngaifambe iyi iudzwe chikonzero chaita musoro uteme. A lot must be done.
(1) Jorum arrested on murder charges aligned to a girlfriend
(2) The brother attempted murderer aligned to a girlfriend
(3) Jorum rearrested rape aligned to a girlfriend.
Ngozi iripachena iyi fix issue ye ngozi first everything will fall in line kuvuraya munhu kunokoka two judgements 1 yenyika iyo yaunopihwa mutongo wako kuma courts then 2 ngozi judgement iyi kusvika waripa inoramba yaka parker munzinza
I remember it was said Joram achatswakirwa mukadzi na tete so that asawira munezwakadai. Vakadzi havataure chokwadi
Hungori hutsinye hwakaitirwa Jorum but nyaya yekuti vanyenga mukadzi vemunhu I nyaya dzinongoripisanwa Kuma sabhuku why vanhu vasina tsitsi
ndoona sekty munhu waakauraya ndiye akukonzera zvese izvi.Dai vaenda kunotaura nemhuri yemushakabvu varipisane.
Joram is going to be Released in Jesus name... we know he killed someone but Jesus died on the Cross so these People like Joram can be Forgiven
He need lawyer
That works In africa. You want a criminal to be released in jesus name?? Ita mushe. Respect the law. It's all about evidence
@@cdechirume2979 okay Mr Clever
@@cdechirume2979 He paid the price for his crime iweeee!!! It was self-defence in any case, manslaughter not murder.
Nyaya yanetsa Mhuri iyi haisi imwechete. Jorum akatanga aita munyama mukuru pamhosva yekutanga chaiyo. Akasairirwa mumhosva nemweya mikukutu chaiyo. Jambwa racho!!! Hameno chokwadi.
This is not a curse. This is Ngozi. I am a Christian but i know and have witnessed this in my life. The solution Kuiripa period.
true ,
Taura hako
Vanhu ava tikaita zvekutamba varikupera vese and futi shame..dai mwari vapindira😢
Nhai Tete pamhuri iyi hapana here nhau dzakaparwa kare nevakuru vamwe dzinogona dziriidzo dzinoda kuripwa not kuti yakaparirwa mhosva naJoram per se zvinopisa tsitsi izvi veduwee. It seems like pane nhau hombe inotoda kugarirwa pasi iripwe
Kudzinza kune zvakaparwa, there must be an investigation by the Siwelas to unravel and unpick their family history and deal with these issues. The Blood of Jesus can wash all this mess clean.
Gogo is in pain.Great pain.Two sons arrested.Husband in hospital.This is an avenging spirit yemunhu akauraiwa na Joram.The good thing is ngozi iyi haisi kuuraya.Sezvo vachiziva munhu akaurawa na Joram ngavaende varipe ngozi.Zvinogadzirika izvi.
And zvakaoma chokwadi mayi Siwela chokwadi zvakavaomera mwari ngavapindire
@Tete Tilder kutsvaga mhuri yakaparirwa mhosva it's a very good move but vanhu ngavaone maSpritual doctors because there is something behind all these crimes.
To my analysis pane mhiko dzakaiswa dzekuti vasarore vanhu ava.
Zvine chirewo daidzai vakuru vauye.
True mumhuri mana joramu mutori nemhepo dzirimo besides munhu akauraiwa na joramu
@@ZimNet24 yes that's the route cause of that murder.
Chokwadi kune mweya watogara uri mu mhuri iyi ndowakatokonzeresa kuti jorum auraye munhu
Uuuuummm inyaya inorwadza chaizvo I feel sorry for gogo siwela Mwari ngaava simbise zvikuru panguva ino
Kasi kunema test anoyitwa.Rape ine forced entry it leaves bruses uyezwe kuti vakareperwa payi and how they got there.I think someone is not happy that Jorum was realised.
People should not use prison system has an institute to revenge like in this case
That's true, it's not fair doing this to someone for a crime he didn't commit
It shows the inefficiency and dysfunction of our judiciary, people just being thrown willy nilly into remand prison on spurious claims.
Ngozi inoda kuripwa iyi,,, 😢
Ngozi is real now i understand
Eish zvava kungoda Mwari kusimbisa gogo Siwela but mutoro wavakatakura uri kurema zvokwadi. Tete muri cei henyu nhasi
But pakatambwa nenguva mu 22 years vakadii kuitira mhuri iyi something
I recently started following your programs of you tilda. For the good work of educating our nation and beyond. I have never realized the suffering or trying to live like people how are in prisons . The issue that made me to comment is about the girl who got simbarashe to be imprisoned for 18yrs. Firstly, it's a disgrace to our judges and there justice system. Well educated technocrats who can't try and verify facts putting innocent people inside destroying there future. The same mistakes are done again to people who are found guilty some of the judgements they hand down are illogical, irrational and inhumane. Example there is a guy who was a football playplayer
As Zimbabweans we have to accept that ngozi is there. Yes you can turn to christianity but the spirit will follow you and your family. If a family member spills blood set aside your differences and contribute towards the payment that is required.
Hakuna chinonzi ngozi ,but demons do operates as if the dead person's spirit is coming back.
Going to church and having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ his beloved son are two different things.
If you believe in ngozi that's you. What you believe is what you face
I will never believe those things as long as Jesus Christ lives.
So, that "we" passage exclude me ,my family,my friends and all my relatives.
Gogo is heartbroken shame zvorwadza
Ingozi iyo hapana zvinofamba untill they appease the spirit of the man that Jorum killed
Since i heard it i haven't believed it cz i was waiting kusvika tete imi mazvitaura i know the Siwela brothers from 054
😭😭😭. Nyaya huru kunoripa 🙏🏻. Ngozi inotambudza apa vanenge vachidzungaidzwa. Nguva ichienda vanhu vachitambidzwa. Panoda kuyanana nevakaparirwa mhosva. Zvinopera pasina kana n’anga kana mu profita mufunge 🙏🏻. Ngatipfugame Jehova varerutse 🙏🏻
Tete pakabuda joramu pamari yehuku nemari dzakabviswa mungadai makaenda kunotsvaga vanhu vakaparirwa mhosva . Look now pazvinhu zvese hapana chakabuda
Ichokwadi vangu
Aaah zvaJorum mmmm zvakutoda Mwari vacho aah 😯 mweya ikumuteera ngaanamate and chivanhu ngachiitwe futi mhepo dzikumuteera..asiyane nevakadzi futi he has a curse upon his life when it comes to women 😫🙌🙌🙌
Nhai Mwari weeee,,, Mwari batsirai Joram nemhuri yake... Pakaipa. Sorry gogo. Shuwa
Haaa ndarwadziwa mufunge ko zvadarirei after a long time urimujeri wobuda wodzokera zvekare Mwari pindiray, chandinoziva ndechekuti naJesu zvinhu zvose zvinogoneka
Muchimbouyaqo kunemamwe majeri around the country nhaika
Patove nengozi yakasimudzwa zvakaipa nehama dzacho
This is Spiritual. Mweya yetsvina chaiyo
Chokwadi nhayi veduwe Ngeke, Jorum Vasungwazve saka that's true kuti akapinda mujeri achamudzokera kachipiri uuuuu zvakaoma vana 2 mujeri baba kuchipatara Amayi varipanguva yakaoma
Uuummm zvinorwadza veduwee, but munhu uya akaurawa na Jorum ndiye cause, Africa is Africa, zvakaoma kurarama. Xikwembu axipfune vakahina 😢
Zvinodzimba Moyo zvinogumbura I know ths firmly speed recovery mdhara swelaa
Nhai tete ko mudanga manajoramu hamuna here chero 2 mombe zvadzo vaende kuye kunokumbira ruregerero
Haaaa nhai veduwee Jorum watirwadzisirei .hope hauna hko kuraper aaaaaa
Yaah .ma1 joramu dai tabatanidza mari tawana lawyer akwanise kubuda😭😭😭😭
I feel so sad for gogo ndarwadziwa zvangu
You have a soft sport in your heart. You are so human, l like the way you talk and sympathse with people. Shame nyaya ya Jorum and his brother.
Ndanzwa tsitsi nagogo sewela Mwari pindira pamhuri iyi veduwe nguva yavari yakarema
I think first solution kutsvakwa mhuri yemunhu akashaika, then poripiwa ,all these munin'ina kuzobaya musikana nebanga futi ,ingozi iya yosimuka
Mwari ngavawanire nyasha,hupenyu hwakadai hwakaoma,mbuya vashushikana
Umm panyika pano hapana zororo
Uuuu so sad gogo weduwee ndokunzwirai tsitsi
Mwari ratidzai ukuru hwenyu pamhuri iyi lm heartbroken eishy
Gogo Siwela zvonaka dont wory vanotoratidza varikubatikana ummmm
Mweya wengozi uri kutenderera
Aah futizve ere akomana Mwari pindai pabasa wanhu wenyu watanga
There is a curse in this Swela family
Mushonga wengozi kuripa hama yangu Jorum akauraya munhu ka this is a big lesson
Kubudisa Joramu mu prison is not the solution. The root problem is the spirit of the dead which need to be appeased. Ngozi haitsipikwe mushonga kuripa vanopera vese neNgozi iyo minyama yacho haimbofi yapera zvayo kana pasina kubhadharwa they need to pay period.
Looking good tete Tider
Aaaa saka mhosva haana , vekumatare ngavanyatse kuongorora nyaya iyi .asi pane mhepo yomushakabvu iripaari , ngavaripe musikana waakauraya
Vanhu mukungoti mwari itirai joram nyasha iye joram akunamata here akanokumbira ruregerero kwaakaponda here .vana mose musauraya .musadzivirira joram imbotauraiwo nevaakaparira mhosva
Mukadzi uyu nemurume wake vanofanirwa kusungwa
Ingozi iyi tete inoda kuripwa,,, that died man his spirit isvl not yet rest in piece akamutswa nehama dzacho,,, kusvika aripwa
Siwela family very sorry mutoro wacho wakaoma. I pray mwari vapindire. Get well soon sekuru siwela. Ivo vakadzi Ava chiiko nhai. Zvakaoma
Zvakaoma hazvo ,be strong gogo Siwela mwari vachapindira,sekuru nayai nekukurumidza
Zvakaoma hazvo
Tete dai mavabatsira shuwa nekutsvaga vanhu vakaparirwa mhosva naJoram
Sorry shuwa nagogo zvavaremera
Unotoshaya kuti mumba macho Vari voga vanenge vachifunga kuti
Mwari ngaavawanire nyasha
Ummm hw true is dic 😭😭😭😭 ohh God pindirai Jorum abude
Mwari nzwirai tsitsi mhuri iyi ndarwadziwa nagogo
Havanawo here marelatives besides baba namai siwela coz ngozi iyi ikabva kumba kwaana jorum ichabatawo dzimba dzavo so they must not be relaxed... I think kutsvaga hama dzaana jorum dzioneswe zviripo zvinogona kubatsira kutsvaga vakaurairwa hama yavo
Eish Mwari ndiye munyaradzi veduwee ..zvinorwadza izvi but why again
Musikana akaurawa na jorum ndiye ari kupfuka kuita sengozi inoda kuripwa avaroori vasati varipa ngozi iyi vakasaripa pachafa vamwe ,zvinorwadza
Akauraya murume not musikana
@@melomatenga4469 ndaita mistake thanks, anoda kuripwa nekuti anenge achiti ungada kuroora ini ndakafawo pamusana pako
Any update on this story,is Joram still in jail?
Ummmm shame, ndarwadziwa veduwee. Mukadzi nemurume vasungisa Jolam mwari avaitire nyasha. Ndanzwira tsitsi mbuya avo tete zvakaoma chokwadi ummmmm. So sorry gogo
Mushonga wengpzi kuiripa.imhosva here kuroorwa nhai anhuwe.
Ndanzwa kurwadziwa veduwee mbuya Siwela, going through all these by herself apa munhu wechikuru. Mwari baba vanzwireiwo Tsitsi muva yambutse panguva yekuedzwa iyi.
Umm so sad zvesure mukadzi uyu kaa ane hutsinye sure
Iyewo wotadza kunyatso tswaga munhu ari single here nhai, how many chances nhaimi, they are cursed
He was lied to
Didn't you hear kuti akanyeperwa?
Makasimba here tete?Amugoni here tete kusanganisa muri yakawurayirwa mwana nemhuri yekwana Jorum.
I can feel for gogo veduwee. Hope Jorum will be released soon.
Amen 🙏🏻
Uuuum Tete ndabatikana chokwadi mujere makabva manje manje adzokazve nhasi mwariii madarireiko kudero 😭😭😭 ko kutsvaga loya azviiti hre Tete sure jorum oita upenyu rwemujere hre
Zvakaoma iyi inenge yatove ngozi
Ko iye anga akufendesana nevakadzi vevanhu kkkkkkk zvakaoma ka blaz kanonetsa aka
Haaaa zvakaoma, this family is under evil spiritual arrest. I'm seeing nothing fruitful must come from this family.
It's a heavy load upon that lady.
Zvakaoma inyaya yemuface akauraiwa iri Kuda kufambirwa iyi ngozi
Zvakaoma izvi mhuri iyi yakatoiswa curse panodiwa minamato yakakura apa dai Mwari wavaitira nyasha
Yooo yakaendesa joram pekutanga ndoyakaendesa munin'ina futi
Hawu, are they cursed or what
Dai vataurirana nemhuri yemusikana wavakauraya uyu ...mweya wake wakasimba ngozi yacho haiperi mybe for more generations to come.
Hapana muskana akaurayi, aive murume
Joram should go and apologise to the family he wronged
Mweya iriko isingadi zvakanaka pamunhu,tinoiraira