Excellent info- I did a similar thing with my Mz-1. I split the casing off the original battery pack,and then fitted slightly smaller batterys than the 18650,can't recall the number on them,but they fitted inside the casing,and I use the original power adaptor to charge them up! I think the unit has a built in timer which knocks off a set time,rather than sensing a full charge. I get around 80 minutes of recording from it,but have never timed the playback as yet.
Wow, nice, but be informed that with the 18650 batteries you can easily squeeze five-six hours of recording time out of it. You should consider an upgrade!! :-)
Yes, PM me if you experience any issues getting this printed and installed. I have four kids, a fantastic wife and a demanding job, thus very very little time, but sometimes I print for other people.
No, you can leave the AC/DC in place while the batteries are in, because the MZ-1 doesn't start charging automatically. It only charges when you hit the 'stop' button while not playing. It must be said you should never charge the batteries whilst in the player. Neither the player and the MZ-1's circuitry are up to that task, and it will lead to your player and batteries being damaged. So take care not to hit the 'stop' button once too many.
Let me know if I can be of any help!! I have four kids, a fantastic wife and a demanding job, thus very very little time, but sometimes I print for other people.
No, I can leave the AC/DC in place while the batteries are in, because the MZ-1 doesn't start charging automatically. It only charges when you hit the 'stop' button while not playing. It must be said you should *never* charge the batteries whilst in the player. Neither the player and the MZ-1's circuitry are up to that task, and it will lead to your player and batteries being damaged. So take care not to hit the 'stop' button once too many.
No, not with the MZ-1 charger. The charger was made for NiCad battery technology of the days, and a different capacity. The 18650's have NiMh technology on board and a hugely larger capacity.
Thank goodness for 3D printing right? Now we can give these old units new life!
Yes, and with the new battery technologies, these old devices all of a sudden get much more autonomy.
Excellent info- I did a similar thing with my Mz-1. I split the casing off the original battery pack,and then fitted slightly smaller batterys than the 18650,can't recall the number on them,but they fitted inside the casing,and I use the original power adaptor to charge them up! I think the unit has a built in timer which knocks off a set time,rather than sensing a full charge.
I get around 80 minutes of recording from it,but have never timed the playback as yet.
Wow, nice, but be informed that with the 18650 batteries you can easily squeeze five-six hours of recording time out of it. You should consider an upgrade!! :-)
Brilliant thanks! I have an MZR-1 that’s been in the loft since the 90s so may give this a try
Yes, PM me if you experience any issues getting this printed and installed. I have four kids, a fantastic wife and a demanding job, thus very very little time, but sometimes I print for other people.
Great, will the Walkman,s adapter not charge the battery as is when you plug it on?
No, you can leave the AC/DC in place while the batteries are in, because the MZ-1 doesn't start charging automatically. It only charges when you hit the 'stop' button while not playing. It must be said you should never charge the batteries whilst in the player. Neither the player and the MZ-1's circuitry are up to that task, and it will lead to your player and batteries being damaged. So take care not to hit the 'stop' button once too many.
Congrats, very well done.
Fantastic information. Many thanks.
Let me know if I can be of any help!! I have four kids, a fantastic wife and a demanding job, thus very very little time, but sometimes I print for other people.
Thank you for this. I assume you remove the batteries when using the wall plug?
No, I can leave the AC/DC in place while the batteries are in, because the MZ-1 doesn't start charging automatically. It only charges when you hit the 'stop' button while not playing. It must be said you should *never* charge the batteries whilst in the player. Neither the player and the MZ-1's circuitry are up to that task, and it will lead to your player and batteries being damaged. So take care not to hit the 'stop' button once too many.
how is capacity for samsung 18650
Five-six hours of recording time, nine hours of playback time.
Could you use the player to charge ?
No, not with the MZ-1 charger. The charger was made for NiCad battery technology of the days, and a different capacity. The 18650's have NiMh technology on board and a hugely larger capacity.
I love frilly mechanics combined with digital technology. The eighties and nineties were a quirky era for such things :-) (CD, DAT, MD,...)