Looking for an app for my soon to be launched membership community. The community will have a handful of "sub groups" for specific topics that people can opt in to joining in order to keep communication neat and tidy per topic. I want it to be user friendly and will only be using it for people to engage with each other and for me to drop in notes and reminders for upcoming live calls I will be hosting within zoom (and sending emails to group members with the zoom link). I will also be housing the recordings for these calls on my personal website within the private membership space. I've done some research on Telegram, Discord, and Slack and am still having a hard to time determining which app makes the most sense for what I am looking to create. Any recommendations?
8USD/person comapared to 0 USD for discord, if you use it as "online office" it is no brainer... I rather spend those money to teambuilding than pay 200USD a month just to communicate... Discords UI is great compared to hectic environment of Slack...
haven't used slack yet but want to as have had TONS of frustration as a user of discord. Two MAIN complaints about discord. 1.) Not at all intuitive - horrible ui 2.) spamers GALORE seem to have to constantly weed through the scammers and spamers to get to the people and groups that we're already linked in to.
If you are wanting a communication platform for your team or small community then Slack is better suited to you. Discord is a much better tool for wider communities. While you can run professional communities and groups through Discord, Slack is much better suited.
Looking for an app for my soon to be launched membership community. The community will have a handful of "sub groups" for specific topics that people can opt in to joining in order to keep communication neat and tidy per topic. I want it to be user friendly and will only be using it for people to engage with each other and for me to drop in notes and reminders for upcoming live calls I will be hosting within zoom (and sending emails to group members with the zoom link). I will also be housing the recordings for these calls on my personal website within the private membership space. I've done some research on Telegram, Discord, and Slack and am still having a hard to time determining which app makes the most sense for what I am looking to create. Any recommendations?
Great explanation
8USD/person comapared to 0 USD for discord, if you use it as "online office" it is no brainer... I rather spend those money to teambuilding than pay 200USD a month just to communicate... Discords UI is great compared to hectic environment of Slack...
haven't used slack yet but want to as have had TONS of frustration as a user of discord. Two MAIN complaints about discord. 1.) Not at all intuitive - horrible ui 2.) spamers GALORE seem to have to constantly weed through the scammers and spamers to get to the people and groups that we're already linked in to.
If you are wanting a communication platform for your team or small community then Slack is better suited to you. Discord is a much better tool for wider communities. While you can run professional communities and groups through Discord, Slack is much better suited.
Discord is for external communities, but Slack for Internal