Telegram is fine. But, by default, it is not end-to=end encrypted. I know about "secret chat". Unfortunately, it is hidden deep down in the menus. Even where it is encrypted, Telegram uses its own encryption instead of an open source method that gives you confidence. From a conversation privacy perspective WhatsApp is better. WhatsApp suffers from sending your metadata to Facebook. Signal seems better for privacy and setting everything to being secure out of the box. I wouldn't say dont use Telegram. It is just not secure.
I love Telegram so much man. So easy to transfer image from PC to CP back n forth and i hope it last for a lifetime so people can store images and memories on telegram encrypted :(.
@@jopansmark 100mb is not small what I'm saying is what's the point of using discord if they make you pay for that limit while telegram has a free unlimited one
What functions do you think and from which applications should I add a Telegram yet?
You did amazing work thank you
Discord is the father of all.. it's a mess when you scroll through community updates n general chats in telegram
Telegram is fine. But, by default, it is not end-to=end encrypted. I know about "secret chat". Unfortunately, it is hidden deep down in the menus.
Even where it is encrypted, Telegram uses its own encryption instead of an open source method that gives you confidence.
From a conversation privacy perspective WhatsApp is better. WhatsApp suffers from sending your metadata to Facebook.
Signal seems better for privacy and setting everything to being secure out of the box.
I wouldn't say dont use Telegram. It is just not secure.
@@rexgyana yes accepted
@@StephenTownsley id like to see telegram take privacy more seriously. like seriously serious
The best app in the world
Discord is better
#1 Telegram
#2 Discord
@@crashoverride-2024bro there is 100 times less server features in telegram then discord
You didn't mention telegram bots. Now you can automate bot functions in buttons and sections, just like an automated website
I'm enjoying Telegram a lot, it is also censorship free; Thank you for the video.
Cool video man🎉
I love Telegram so much man. So easy to transfer image from PC to CP back n forth and i hope it last for a lifetime so people can store images and memories on telegram encrypted :(.
Does image quality lessen when you send and transfer
@@uriecui2765 no ! there's an option to send compressed image but you can send uncompressed version. That's what i like the most about it
Does this use the internet and not phone carrier to make calls?
da internet
The biggest plus are groups and channels, the biggest minus is lack of feed function like twitter.
Does Telegram app must be first installed in phone before installing it in the PC to be activated?
No, but you have to register YOUR account by phone number
it is true that it is not open source programm ? and the owner are russian ?
I can't use the reminder function,it doesn't give me the option
You can't watch most videos in Telegram without a huge amount of waiting and buffering.
Absolutely not true......I watch videos on my telegram app without any issues....buffers very fast.
Dear teleblog bro please put top telegram bots video bro I'm waiting and this video is super bro 👌
Honestly, it's the best app everyone should be on.
Does the image quality lessen when you send via teleg
@@uriecui2765 nope
Discord is better
Is it possible to download pictures or videos from telegram Chanel that has restricted saving content ?
Cool content.
how to open view reply message
Utopia p2p is a great messenger!
Telegram cannot download big files from TH-cam
Telegram and discord move the app industry to anther level..
I don't get how some people stll use the meta shity app
I need to set up telegram does it cost money ?
It’s free, but u can upgrade to premium for extra more features.
Telegram How to search America America Russia Europe group etc?
yeah we iranians use telegram since it came out 😂
Bruh we Iranians are taking all over the world
Is telegram banned in iran? Like other social media platforms that u have to use VPN to access it?
All in Telegram bot
I love telegram
Ok, thank you Mother Russia, but I don't think so.
The people only use the other apps because of friends and family nothing more. And without your people every messaging app is useless unfortunately
Is this app really good? I honestly think that this person in the video is biased.
Telegram is the best app in the world, I'm not exaggerating
Discord: hold my beer
Signal is the king!!!
You didn't meet telegram
@@samandehghan1901 u didn't meet discord
@@Soprano_enthusiastdiscord different than telegram each on have their on purpose
Discord is better
For now
It will always be
Telegram is basically the same thing
Another cheating apps
nah, im just using Discord
Discord vs Telegram.. I bet discord will win
yes, discord is better in every way
@@jopansmark discord is shit lmaoo they make you pay a fucking subscription just to send 100mb max worth of files on telegram it's unlimited
@@rift9106 you planning to send a fuckin encyclopedia in discord? Just send a link to the file bam problem solved
@@rift9106 did you get banned on google drive? Also files like configs, pictures and mods usually do not exceed 100 mb
@@jopansmark 100mb is not small what I'm saying is what's the point of using discord if they make you pay for that limit while telegram has a free unlimited one