Gate place as so small back then,i liked the public relase version while shopping area i think i like new layouts better but i like this alpha stage vibes a lot better
oh this looks quite nice. way more like classy pso/ phantasy start univere and phantasy star portable. not like what we have now, which feels a little bright and wild overall. still pretty ok tho... I just don't like how intrusive / penetrating the casino entrance and the decor is... yikes
To be completely honest, I wish the lobby still looked like this
it really had some special charm to it
I agree
i dont agree
Better on the eyes. The new lobby is too bright to be a space station area.
And now, this legendary myth lobby is returning...for SS Studio thingy.
This still looks pretty cool even in today's standards, if not better cuz it looks more lived-in to me
This lobby looks good.
I hate it when video games throw out amazing alpha/beta content that doesn’t make it to the cut
Should have seen the alpha 1 lobby.
@カルムくん わーお
@@adf-11fraven スクリーンショット撮影クエストが実装されて、今までムービー上でしか見たことない場所、レアフィールド(パラレルワールド等)とかにも自由に行けるようになって、そこではクエスト扱いなので、武器も持ちこめるし、PAもDBも自由に使えます、もちろんクエストなのでPT組んでいけますし、リーダー限定ですけど、フィールドから直接エステに飛べたりもします。その中のフィールドにα版のロビーも実装されるみたいで、今の運営が、当時の運営の人にデーターがないか探してもらったみたいで、偶然にも一人の元開発スタッフがデーター保有してて、実現したってわけです
I would like to see reference of phantasy classic or remake one stage.
I can see why they changed it so much. But I like the darker colors.
Looks better than the current lobby.
Shop place is 1st start video
Next room is gate place Damn soo much they have changed
Never see this before tho
Gate place as so small back then,i liked the public relase version
while shopping area i think i like new layouts better but i like this alpha stage vibes a lot better
oh this looks quite nice. way more like classy pso/ phantasy start univere and phantasy star portable. not like what we have now, which feels a little bright and wild overall. still pretty ok tho... I just don't like how
intrusive / penetrating the casino entrance and the decor is... yikes
I agree. It's like a really good mix of Pioneer II and The Guardians Colony.
Daheck 12 years? Seriously...
Just wanted to say
Blue Burst 4 life baby!!!!!!
Hellz yeah!
8 anos depois e esse lobby vai voltar :*)
but WHAT ABOUT THE LOBBY MUSIC FROM PSO 1! :,( at least theyre making a legit sequel to pso 1 about 12 years later :)
so i missed the whole ark station so are they really bringing this gem back
Cool stuff!
Lol this is on my recommendation.
Meh looked way to much like the original PSO.
this layout better
cant wait