Your accent - immanquablement Québécois ;) When I used DWM, I replaced the workspace selection boxes with a dmenu-based switcher, freeing up screen space to add a "fuzzy clock" that displayed time in a more conversational style. For example, "01:26" became "half past one," and "15:24" was shown as "twenty past three." Efficiency isn’t exactly a concern when displaying time, but since it might be for you, you could do as I did and omit the "am/pm" indicator; we have our biological clocks to tell us that - or you could just look outside.
Your accent - immanquablement Québécois ;) When I used DWM, I replaced the workspace selection boxes with a dmenu-based switcher, freeing up screen space to add a "fuzzy clock" that displayed time in a more conversational style. For example, "01:26" became "half past one," and "15:24" was shown as "twenty past three." Efficiency isn’t exactly a concern when displaying time, but since it might be for you, you could do as I did and omit the "am/pm" indicator; we have our biological clocks to tell us that - or you could just look outside.
I am a programmer, I never look outside cause that would require using Windows...
I finally found you again
You had lost me... damn
I just have an 8GB RAM disk to download to. Doesn't use any space unless there are files on it.