Hey man just wanted to say I can see your weight loss journey and wanted to encourage you, your progress is great! I love the content too. I’d like to see some solo plays of Slay the Spire board game too maybe? :)
C1 - Black Widow. I really love the preparation card aspect to her kit. I can't wait to see how she evolves with the new cards from the next set. C2 - Hawkeye. He's not the strongest hero by any stretch, but I just really like the character, so I find that I play him more than most other heroes. C3 - This is likely my least played cycle of heroes. Groot is probably my favorite off the top of my head, but I'll have to give them all another game or two to really tell. C4 - This cycle is really a really tough choice for me. Honestly, as much as the community hates on them, I really love playing all of these characters. I've got to give it up to Warmachine though. Especially after Float Like A Butterfly released, he is up there with my favorite heroes in the whole game. C5 - ghost Spider is so much fun. Honestly, any character that shines in protection is going to get some kudo points from me. C6 - this is another wave that I haven't really done much with. Honestly, I've just never been super into X-Men or Mutants as a whole. Probably Cyclops? I find his whole attachments thing pretty interesting. C7 - this cycle marks the time when I found a local group to actually play with. So even though I don't care much about mutants, I've gotten alot more games in with these next cycles. Angel is the standout this time. I really like when I am encouraged to flip alot. C8 - Bishop really takes the win for this cycle for me. The way that he can tank a hit can just be super fun sometimes. C9 - obviously this isn't out yet, but I haven't been this excited for a cycle since wave one. Maria Hill looks like she's going to be my favorite between her and Fury, but I'm looking forward to learning more.
I would say mine are C1; She-hulk, C2; Ant-man/Wasp (I love playing them together), C3; Gamora, C4; Spectre C5; SP//dr, C6; Phoenix, C7; X-23, C8; Jubilee. I guess I like playing events and form changers is what I have found.
Great video! With so many excellent heroes in the game, it’s great to just hear about the personal favorites! Also props to you for being a support player 💪🏼 world needs more like you!
I'm a solo player, and my favorites seem to change each year, but here’s what I’d say mine are right now: Cycle 1: Black Panther Cycle 2: Wasp (with Spider-Woman a close second) Cycle 3: Gamora Cycle 4: Vision Cycle 5: Ironheart or SP//DR (a tie) Cycle 6: Storm Cycle 7: Psylocke (with Cable a close second) Cycle 8: Magik (with Bishop and Magneto next) But I know I could have different answers for some of these a month later, and I actually enjoy playing every hero. 🙂
I have all the heroes to date, but I haven't played the game nearly as extensively as you have, so I can't really do a wave-by-wave breakdown. That said, I greatly enjoyed this video!! I think my favorite hero overall is Quicksilver, though I feel immense joy playing Protection Drax, so he's a close runner-up. For Quicksilver, it's just so much fun turning little +1's of chip damage into larger and larger effects with his frequent readying! You get to feel like a speedster, and that's just fun. For Protection Drax, I love to play tanks in MMOs, MOBAs and stuff like that, so getting to be in the frontline, taking a beating, protecting my teammates, getting stronger all the while -- that's just thrilling for me!
Here are mine! (I don't own them all) 1. Ms. Marvel - we agree! 2. Scarlet Witch - Quicksilver is cool, but I find it so much fun to embrace the chaos to do really cool things. Plus my favorite aspect is Justice and she had a great Justice precon. 3. The only one I own is Star-Lord 4. The only one I own is Vision 5. Nova (he's my favorite in the comics too!) - SP//dr is really strong but sort of feels to me like I'm playing the SP//dr game and not really playing Marvel Champions. 6. Cyclops - I like Gambit too but I like the straightforwardness of Cyclops just a little more than the gimmickness of Gambit. 7. Don't own any 8. Don't own any either
Great idea for a video!! 1: She-Hulk 2: Scarlet Witch 3: Star-Lord 4: Spectrum 5: Ironheart 6: Cyclops 7: Domino 8: Iceman A mix of just characters I love (Wanda and Bobby for example) and folks with fun gimmicks (Domino and Cyclops). Or a combo of both (the rest).
For me it's got to be as follows. C1.) Captain America. Strong hero that can fill almost any role/archetype you want. C2.) Ant-man. All 6 heros could work here. But I find ant-mans flipping mechanic to be a lot of fun. C3.) Drax. He's just a fun and unique hero. Plus, I like the ready hero archetype. C4.) Vision. He's so underrated. He is strong in all four aspects and has multiple builds that work for him. C5) Ghost Spider. This is another hard one. My answer changes every time I think about it. But for now it's Ghost Spider. C6.) Shadowcat. Ghost spider made me fall in love with protection. Shadowcat perfected that love. The ability to take on high difficulty villians and take no damge all game just feels amazing. And she's such a thinky puzzle. Everything I want in a hero. C7.) Psylocke. She is my favorite X-character of all time. And she's good to boot. No other hero in the game has as many resources at thier disposal turn one as she does. And she's really flexible. Which is great for true solo. C8.) Ice-man. I love putting him in a bootcamp or command team build and abusing the Ice Clones. Once his slide is out plus combat training he hits for 4 every turn. Then his clones can hit for 3 each. That's 10 a turn without playing a single card. Super fun.
Love the videos, I play true solo but have been thinking about playing two handed solo for some variance. Could you do a video on all the things you can do on another player's turn? I have an idea of some but would like an indepth idea of options
I personally split core and wave 1 up so here we go. Core - Iron Man Wave 1 - Doctor Strange Wave 2 - Scarlet Witch Wave 3 - Venom Wave 4 - Vision Wave 5 - Nova Wave 6 - Cyclops Wave 7 - Psylocke Wave 8 - Nightcrawler
@@jasco.gaming pretty close! Core - Iron Man Wave 1 - Thor Wave 2 - Scarlet Witch Wave 3 - Venom Wave 4 - Vision Wave 5 - Miles Wave 6 - Colossus Wave 7 - Cable Wave 8 - Nightcrawler Psylic is probably my third favorite hero in the game though, and Nova is super fun!
Big ask, Nelson, but here we go: C1: Ms. Marvel is up there for me too. I know a lot will like cap. C2: QS and Ant-Man both fight for it, but I think readying QS pushes him ahead in the race. C3: Rocket 100% agree. C4: Nebula? Psh, Vision 100% has even more unique builds imo. C5: I love Nova. Sp//dr is also my favorite. I can't pick. C6: Oof, another amazing wave...Colossus? Cyclops? Storm? Gambit? They are all so fun... Colossus just cause he's my favorite X-men. C7: Psylocke, but damn if there aren't a lot of winners in this one too. I love Domino too. C8: One of the weaker waves outside Magik imo. Iceman can be fun too, but I think he can feel a bit clunky. Can't wait for AoS! Both new heroes look so unique.
I'm doing the list as of today who I'd want to play the most. Then I may cheat and give my overall. C1 - Thor. He just got a ton of love with the last two hero packs and he is so fun, finally. My favorite overall would be Black Widow, but I've done everything with her, so she's dropped way down. I expect that by the end of next year, it will be Black Widow again or Iron Man. C2 - Right now, it's Spider-Woman. It's historically been Ant-Man. C3 - Drax, who has also got a ton of love this year. Never thought he was going to have good leadership decks. I expect it to be Rocket after this next wave. C4 - Adam Warlock. I think War Machine will get boosted a lot next wave, but I only enjoy him multiplayer and don't see that changing. C5 - I have no idea lol. Its such a good wave. Gun to my head I'll say Nova, but 4 of the 6 are in the running side by side. C6 - I think its still Cyclops, but Colossus has moved way up for me. I always enjoyed him, but have gotten much better at playing him. Its a really good wave though as well. C7 - Another really tough wave. I'd say X23, because she really feels different based on your deck. I enjoy every hero here however. C8 - Bishop. I suspect he won't stay there but he held the spot all year. I enjoy Magik a lot, sonetimes, but my turns take SO long and takes so much mental bandwidth. I don't think I'll ever play her multiplayer again due to that, so she probably won't displace him.
Nice picks. Here are mine. Cycle 1 is black widow, cycle 2 is scarlet witch, cycle 3 is venom, cycle 4 is nebula (so that one I agree with you as the best hero in that cycle), cycle 5 is Spider-Ham, cycle 6 is Wolverine, cycle 7 is x-23 and cycle 8 which is actually my favorite cycle would also be iceman but both magneto and nightcrawler were very close behind.
Not too surprising, but a lot of your choices involved what I'd call "evergreen" abilities: resources are good, getting cards is good, readying is good. Those things will always be good, regardless of cycle. Whereas Miles, for example, steady/stalwart handcuffs him no matter what cards you bring along with him.
The pick I didn't expect AT ALL was Nebula. My experience with her (only played her once and never touching her again hahahaha) was horrendous. The fact that you have to use them that turn and they get discarded is so bad for me. In a card game where there is luck in what you might draw, forcing you to use something or keep in hand (which I find a very bad decision and should be done in rare cases for very specific combo enabling cards) is not nice. Also they get discarded meaning I cannot play for late game set up where my deck is thin cause I have everything out to play my hero events. I feel like these cards litter the deck late game... As you can tell I had a very very bad experience with her 🤣
Core box: Spider-Man Cycle 1: Captain America (card-wise Ms. Marvel is powerful, but I still prefer Cap). Cycle 2: Ant-man by a long shot Cycle 3: My favorite hero… Star Lord!!! Cycle 4: War Machine “ratatatata” Cycle 5: Sp//dr, funny story, someone in BGG sold her to me with Spiderham super cheap because he received twice by mistake… played her and fell in love with her setup. Cycle 6: Cyclops, I really like him as a character and find him fun. Cycle 7: X-23, I really like her signature ally and dynamic. Cycle 8: Iceman… I thought I would hate him because of the reviews, but once I played the heroes in the cycle, I liked him a more than the others!
I’ve noticed in your videos and others that people have custom cards? They always look great and was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of how to get those. Thanks!
Thanks Nelson. Always enjoyable. If you can keep only 10 heroes, factoring deckbuilding, which would they be? The truth is, most of us players, can't or won't buy every hero pack. So if you can have only 10 heroes for the game, who would they be?
I totally agree with you. Like myself, i bought all packs but build each hero distinctly based on my card pool availability. Sometimes, most of us dont have the time to deckbuild from zero. 😂
I get why you like Ms Marvel, but ==> she's almost my least favorite from that cycle (Hulk is by far the worst)... Six of her cards just make me go to sleep: Big Hands and Sneak By. I actually customized those cards, adding [very slight] alter ego powers to make them but at least more interesting. Hero cards are supposed to be better than aspect cards. Hers are not. And her personas really corner you into playing Justice --although there's a case for Aggression. Why did she come in Protection? Maybe the devs were playing her in solo only? I dunno. She flips way too much to protect the team. I swapped her into Justice immediately, and never looked back. It was the same with Vision. What were the devs thinking? Angel is a good Protection build, he can be great in other aspects, but his packaged aspect makes sense.
This was tough but here's mine: C1- Black Widow. Big fan of preparations C2- Ant-man. The flipping between giant and tiny is super satisfying. Still one of my favorite designs in the game. C3- Isn't it Obvious? Drax! He plays in a way that makes me think this is how Hulk should feel. But it works perfect for Drax. I'm a big Star Lord fan too but gotta give it to my namesake. C4- War Machine. I'm with you on this being the "worst" wave in terms of heroes (not that they are unenjoyable though!). But when Rhodey gets his engine going it's an absolute blast. C5- Really struggled here, but I'm going with Ghost Spider. Similar to Black Widow, I'm drawn to heroes with reactive tendencies. C6-Gambit. Similar to you, my favorite X-men and the game absolutely did him justice. This might be my vote for best cycle in the game. More heroes, but even if you subtract 2 random ones, I'd still think so. C7- Psylocke. Just an incredibly fun puzzle of a hero. Bonus that I love the character. C8- dislaimer here....I'm still catching up here, I took a year off from Champions and currently I only own AoA, Iceman, and Nightcrawler. And of those only one I have brought to the table is Nightcrawler, but I do love him and wouldn't be surprised if he ended up my true favorite of this wave!
@TurtleDude05 I have not. Pool is on my list of things I really need to explore more in general, my aforementioned break started not long after Mutant Genesis came out, So I've been taking my time going through all the heroes I missed. I've really only used Pool with Pool himself. I can see how Drax pool could be fun though!
@DraxWithASax It is very fun. Sticktoitevness is really great for Drax. It's a cheaper C.I.T.T. Tic Tac Toe keeps Mantis alive to support drax. War is decent card draw, and some of the allies can help with thwarting. The rest is all Gardians, Limitless Stamina and resource cards for the most part. Once you start thinking about it, the deck pretty much builds it's self.
Would love to see “top 3 heroes by aspect”.
Love this idea!
Yeah I usually pick a Hero based on aspect more than anything else. Love your opinion and how far your channel has come. Keep it up!
And show possible decks for them!
Hey man just wanted to say I can see your weight loss journey and wanted to encourage you, your progress is great! I love the content too. I’d like to see some solo plays of Slay the Spire board game too maybe? :)
Thank you so much! I super appreciate it! And StS is one of my favorite video games! I’m hoping to get the board game sometime!!
@@NelsonAllOverCardsStS 2 early access soon!
C1 - Black Widow. I really love the preparation card aspect to her kit. I can't wait to see how she evolves with the new cards from the next set.
C2 - Hawkeye. He's not the strongest hero by any stretch, but I just really like the character, so I find that I play him more than most other heroes.
C3 - This is likely my least played cycle of heroes. Groot is probably my favorite off the top of my head, but I'll have to give them all another game or two to really tell.
C4 - This cycle is really a really tough choice for me. Honestly, as much as the community hates on them, I really love playing all of these characters. I've got to give it up to Warmachine though. Especially after Float Like A Butterfly released, he is up there with my favorite heroes in the whole game.
C5 - ghost Spider is so much fun. Honestly, any character that shines in protection is going to get some kudo points from me.
C6 - this is another wave that I haven't really done much with. Honestly, I've just never been super into X-Men or Mutants as a whole. Probably Cyclops? I find his whole attachments thing pretty interesting.
C7 - this cycle marks the time when I found a local group to actually play with. So even though I don't care much about mutants, I've gotten alot more games in with these next cycles. Angel is the standout this time. I really like when I am encouraged to flip alot.
C8 - Bishop really takes the win for this cycle for me. The way that he can tank a hit can just be super fun sometimes.
C9 - obviously this isn't out yet, but I haven't been this excited for a cycle since wave one. Maria Hill looks like she's going to be my favorite between her and Fury, but I'm looking forward to learning more.
Love to see War Machine on the list! It’s always fun to see someone enjoying a hero that’s not my favorite!
I'm glad to see Nebula get some attention. I find Gamora and Nebula are the last ones that anyone mentions when they talk about the Guardians.
She took some time to grow on me, but I find her fascinating to play!
I would say mine are C1; She-hulk, C2; Ant-man/Wasp (I love playing them together), C3; Gamora, C4; Spectre C5; SP//dr, C6; Phoenix, C7; X-23, C8; Jubilee. I guess I like playing events and form changers is what I have found.
Great video! With so many excellent heroes in the game, it’s great to just hear about the personal favorites!
Also props to you for being a support player 💪🏼 world needs more like you!
I'm a solo player, and my favorites seem to change each year, but here’s what I’d say mine are right now:
Cycle 1: Black Panther
Cycle 2: Wasp (with Spider-Woman a close second)
Cycle 3: Gamora
Cycle 4: Vision
Cycle 5: Ironheart or SP//DR (a tie)
Cycle 6: Storm
Cycle 7: Psylocke (with Cable a close second)
Cycle 8: Magik (with Bishop and Magneto next)
But I know I could have different answers for some of these a month later, and I actually enjoy playing every hero. 🙂
Interesting breakdown. Can't get enough of this game! You ever play Spirit Island, I think the puzzle aspect of the spirits would appeal to you.
Spirit Island is my favorite game! Such a great puzzle!
Great vid! Thanks, Nelson!
I have all the heroes to date, but I haven't played the game nearly as extensively as you have, so I can't really do a wave-by-wave breakdown. That said, I greatly enjoyed this video!! I think my favorite hero overall is Quicksilver, though I feel immense joy playing Protection Drax, so he's a close runner-up.
For Quicksilver, it's just so much fun turning little +1's of chip damage into larger and larger effects with his frequent readying! You get to feel like a speedster, and that's just fun.
For Protection Drax, I love to play tanks in MMOs, MOBAs and stuff like that, so getting to be in the frontline, taking a beating, protecting my teammates, getting stronger all the while -- that's just thrilling for me!
Here are mine! (I don't own them all)
1. Ms. Marvel - we agree!
2. Scarlet Witch - Quicksilver is cool, but I find it so much fun to embrace the chaos to do really cool things. Plus my favorite aspect is Justice and she had a great Justice precon.
3. The only one I own is Star-Lord
4. The only one I own is Vision
5. Nova (he's my favorite in the comics too!) - SP//dr is really strong but sort of feels to me like I'm playing the SP//dr game and not really playing Marvel Champions.
6. Cyclops - I like Gambit too but I like the straightforwardness of Cyclops just a little more than the gimmickness of Gambit.
7. Don't own any
8. Don't own any either
Great idea for a video!!
1: She-Hulk
2: Scarlet Witch
3: Star-Lord
4: Spectrum
5: Ironheart
6: Cyclops
7: Domino
8: Iceman
A mix of just characters I love (Wanda and Bobby for example) and folks with fun gimmicks (Domino and Cyclops). Or a combo of both (the rest).
For me it's got to be as follows.
C1.) Captain America. Strong hero that can fill almost any role/archetype you want.
C2.) Ant-man. All 6 heros could work here. But I find ant-mans flipping mechanic to be a lot of fun.
C3.) Drax. He's just a fun and unique hero. Plus, I like the ready hero archetype.
C4.) Vision. He's so underrated. He is strong in all four aspects and has multiple builds that work for him.
C5) Ghost Spider. This is another hard one. My answer changes every time I think about it. But for now it's Ghost Spider.
C6.) Shadowcat. Ghost spider made me fall in love with protection. Shadowcat perfected that love. The ability to take on high difficulty villians and take no damge all game just feels amazing. And she's such a thinky puzzle. Everything I want in a hero.
C7.) Psylocke. She is my favorite X-character of all time. And she's good to boot. No other hero in the game has as many resources at thier disposal turn one as she does. And she's really flexible. Which is great for true solo.
C8.) Ice-man. I love putting him in a bootcamp or command team build and abusing the Ice Clones. Once his slide is out plus combat training he hits for 4 every turn. Then his clones can hit for 3 each. That's 10 a turn without playing a single card. Super fun.
Love the videos, I play true solo but have been thinking about playing two handed solo for some variance. Could you do a video on all the things you can do on another player's turn? I have an idea of some but would like an indepth idea of options
I personally split core and wave 1 up so here we go.
Core - Iron Man
Wave 1 - Doctor Strange
Wave 2 - Scarlet Witch
Wave 3 - Venom
Wave 4 - Vision
Wave 5 - Nova
Wave 6 - Cyclops
Wave 7 - Psylocke
Wave 8 - Nightcrawler
Ah a person of culture!
@Rathamak I've been called an aristocrat 🧐🎩
@@Rathamak btw, how does my list stack up to your list
@@jasco.gaming pretty close!
Core - Iron Man
Wave 1 - Thor
Wave 2 - Scarlet Witch
Wave 3 - Venom
Wave 4 - Vision
Wave 5 - Miles
Wave 6 - Colossus
Wave 7 - Cable
Wave 8 - Nightcrawler
Psylic is probably my third favorite hero in the game though, and Nova is super fun!
@@Rathamak I haven't brought Thor back out with the new minion summoning cards. I know I should but the holidays have made it tricky to do so.
Big ask, Nelson, but here we go:
C1: Ms. Marvel is up there for me too. I know a lot will like cap.
C2: QS and Ant-Man both fight for it, but I think readying QS pushes him ahead in the race.
C3: Rocket 100% agree.
C4: Nebula? Psh, Vision 100% has even more unique builds imo.
C5: I love Nova. Sp//dr is also my favorite. I can't pick.
C6: Oof, another amazing wave...Colossus? Cyclops? Storm? Gambit? They are all so fun... Colossus just cause he's my favorite X-men.
C7: Psylocke, but damn if there aren't a lot of winners in this one too. I love Domino too.
C8: One of the weaker waves outside Magik imo. Iceman can be fun too, but I think he can feel a bit clunky.
Can't wait for AoS! Both new heroes look so unique.
Spider-Man, Antman, Venom, Nebula, Miles, Gambit, Angel, Nightcrawler.
Lined up on Nebula and Gambit!
Core Box - Captain Marvel
Wave 1 - Captain America
Wave 2 - Scarlet Witch
Wave 3 - Starlord
Wave 4 - Spectrum
Wave 5 - Nova
Wave 6 - Colossus
Wave 7 - Angel
Wave 8 - Nightcrawler
I'm doing the list as of today who I'd want to play the most. Then I may cheat and give my overall.
C1 - Thor. He just got a ton of love with the last two hero packs and he is so fun, finally. My favorite overall would be Black Widow, but I've done everything with her, so she's dropped way down. I expect that by the end of next year, it will be Black Widow again or Iron Man.
C2 - Right now, it's Spider-Woman. It's historically been Ant-Man.
C3 - Drax, who has also got a ton of love this year. Never thought he was going to have good leadership decks. I expect it to be Rocket after this next wave.
C4 - Adam Warlock. I think War Machine will get boosted a lot next wave, but I only enjoy him multiplayer and don't see that changing.
C5 - I have no idea lol. Its such a good wave. Gun to my head I'll say Nova, but 4 of the 6 are in the running side by side.
C6 - I think its still Cyclops, but Colossus has moved way up for me. I always enjoyed him, but have gotten much better at playing him. Its a really good wave though as well.
C7 - Another really tough wave. I'd say X23, because she really feels different based on your deck. I enjoy every hero here however.
C8 - Bishop. I suspect he won't stay there but he held the spot all year. I enjoy Magik a lot, sonetimes, but my turns take SO long and takes so much mental bandwidth. I don't think I'll ever play her multiplayer again due to that, so she probably won't displace him.
Nice picks. Here are mine. Cycle 1 is black widow, cycle 2 is scarlet witch, cycle 3 is venom, cycle 4 is nebula (so that one I agree with you as the best hero in that cycle), cycle 5 is Spider-Ham, cycle 6 is Wolverine, cycle 7 is x-23 and cycle 8 which is actually my favorite cycle would also be iceman but both magneto and nightcrawler were very close behind.
Not too surprising, but a lot of your choices involved what I'd call "evergreen" abilities: resources are good, getting cards is good, readying is good. Those things will always be good, regardless of cycle. Whereas Miles, for example, steady/stalwart handcuffs him no matter what cards you bring along with him.
The pick I didn't expect AT ALL was Nebula. My experience with her (only played her once and never touching her again hahahaha) was horrendous. The fact that you have to use them that turn and they get discarded is so bad for me.
In a card game where there is luck in what you might draw, forcing you to use something or keep in hand (which I find a very bad decision and should be done in rare cases for very specific combo enabling cards) is not nice. Also they get discarded meaning I cannot play for late game set up where my deck is thin cause I have everything out to play my hero events. I feel like these cards litter the deck late game...
As you can tell I had a very very bad experience with her 🤣
Haha totally fair! I like the puzzle that she presents, she gets tricky for sure and she’s not super strong, but that’s I think why I like her!
What’s your favorite quicksilver deck? I’m going to play him and Scarlet Witch soon.
I recently tried him in ‘Pool with laser swords and that was a blast!!
Core box: Spider-Man
Cycle 1: Captain America (card-wise Ms. Marvel is powerful, but I still prefer Cap).
Cycle 2: Ant-man by a long shot
Cycle 3: My favorite hero… Star Lord!!!
Cycle 4: War Machine “ratatatata”
Cycle 5: Sp//dr, funny story, someone in BGG sold her to me with Spiderham super cheap because he received twice by mistake… played her and fell in love with her setup.
Cycle 6: Cyclops, I really like him as a character and find him fun.
Cycle 7: X-23, I really like her signature ally and dynamic.
Cycle 8: Iceman… I thought I would hate him because of the reviews, but once I played the heroes in the cycle, I liked him a more than the others!
Starting of right with Ms. Marvel. She is still top 5 for me.
I’ve noticed in your videos and others that people have custom cards? They always look great and was wondering if someone could point me in the direction of how to get those. Thanks!
Thanks Nelson. Always enjoyable. If you can keep only 10 heroes, factoring deckbuilding, which would they be? The truth is, most of us players, can't or won't buy every hero pack. So if you can have only 10 heroes for the game, who would they be?
I totally agree with you. Like myself, i bought all packs but build each hero distinctly based on my card pool availability. Sometimes, most of us dont have the time to deckbuild from zero. 😂
Oooh this is a fun idea! Would you include core as 5/10 heroes or just hero packs?
What is best aspect for solo or its depnded of hero you play?
Probably based on hero, but generally I would say leadership!
So many heroes unplayed...
For cycle 1 I would pick Black Widow
And for cycle 2 I agree Quick Silver is great.
I noticed 5 of your 8 picks only have 9 HP. I don't know what that means but it's kinda interesting!
Cycle 1: Captain America
Cycle 2: Ant-Man
Cycle 3: Venom
Cycle 4: Adam Warlock
Cycle 5: Ironheart
Cycle 6: Shadowcat
Cycle 7: Domino
Cycle 8: Iceman
Favorite hero in the game: Ironheart
Man, we didn't match a single hero in any wave. People play VEEEERY differently.
That’s so fun!
I get why you like Ms Marvel, but ==> she's almost my least favorite from that cycle (Hulk is by far the worst)... Six of her cards just make me go to sleep: Big Hands and Sneak By. I actually customized those cards, adding [very slight] alter ego powers to make them but at least more interesting. Hero cards are supposed to be better than aspect cards. Hers are not. And her personas really corner you into playing Justice --although there's a case for Aggression. Why did she come in Protection? Maybe the devs were playing her in solo only? I dunno. She flips way too much to protect the team. I swapped her into Justice immediately, and never looked back. It was the same with Vision. What were the devs thinking? Angel is a good Protection build, he can be great in other aspects, but his packaged aspect makes sense.
Someone talk me out of overpaying for Dr. Strange….
I can see Nelson went keto 🤭
Ant Man
This was tough but here's mine:
C1- Black Widow. Big fan of preparations
C2- Ant-man. The flipping between giant and tiny is super satisfying. Still one of my favorite designs in the game.
C3- Isn't it Obvious? Drax! He plays in a way that makes me think this is how Hulk should feel. But it works perfect for Drax. I'm a big Star Lord fan too but gotta give it to my namesake.
C4- War Machine. I'm with you on this being the "worst" wave in terms of heroes (not that they are unenjoyable though!). But when Rhodey gets his engine going it's an absolute blast.
C5- Really struggled here, but I'm going with Ghost Spider. Similar to Black Widow, I'm drawn to heroes with reactive tendencies.
C6-Gambit. Similar to you, my favorite X-men and the game absolutely did him justice. This might be my vote for best cycle in the game. More heroes, but even if you subtract 2 random ones, I'd still think so.
C7- Psylocke. Just an incredibly fun puzzle of a hero. Bonus that I love the character.
C8- dislaimer here....I'm still catching up here, I took a year off from Champions and currently I only own AoA, Iceman, and Nightcrawler. And of those only one I have brought to the table is Nightcrawler, but I do love him and wouldn't be surprised if he ended up my true favorite of this wave!
Have you tried drax in the pool aspect? It works surprisingly well. Not quite as good as protection. But it's pretty close.
@TurtleDude05 I have not. Pool is on my list of things I really need to explore more in general, my aforementioned break started not long after Mutant Genesis came out, So I've been taking my time going through all the heroes I missed. I've really only used Pool with Pool himself. I can see how Drax pool could be fun though!
@DraxWithASax It is very fun. Sticktoitevness is really great for Drax. It's a cheaper C.I.T.T. Tic Tac Toe keeps Mantis alive to support drax. War is decent card draw, and some of the allies can help with thwarting. The rest is all Gardians, Limitless Stamina and resource cards for the most part. Once you start thinking about it, the deck pretty much builds it's self.
@@TurtleDude05 sounds like a great excuse to pull out one of my favorite heroes!
@@DraxWithASax Did you need an excuse? 🙃