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As someone one who has played this game sense release if they want to add another Warframe to the start of the game they should as Loki for a stealthy option, he is pretty beginner friendly for a stealth frame
as an more expressed player your next Warframe you can get is either on earth(Gara/Koumei/Revenant) or Venus (Rhino) i recommend the Venus on, also every thing is free even the platinum there is a market if you want a short cut to Warframes ect, but every thing is farmable in Warframe. (note that the earliest wareframe that i would get is earthier Koumei or Rhino because there both one of the more power full Warframes and because Revenant is locked behind a quest (i don't know when you would unlock the quest) , that side some are locked behind clans which are free you'd have to look in recruiting and i have to admit that the begging is not that friendly and we welcome new players. (this is suppose to be informational/help full not rude sorry if i came off rude)
OH u are so wrong in a good way on many things u said .... u will go to a epic storry but its looked for u a long time.... DO not Farm rhino or anny other frame for a looong time will feel like trash and u loose much of the skill needed (rhino is to powerfull) i talk from experence ... Get into a clan so u have a goot pool of frames and wapons. add me if u like ( Masterminde )i enjoi helping new players .... but do not expect free stuff :) BTW u can sell ur guns and so on to free up slots.
"An alien species called the Tenno" oh my boy... you have so much to learn... (also you literally get Warframe parts for building new Warframes by doing assassination missions, you simply have to build the parts idividually) 👍🏻
@@Capitano1stMcDonaldsHarbinger No. Some are based on specific missions. And... RNG. Ivara is gotten through spy missions. Only if you don't lose any of the data.
For the newbies: 1) Nightwave is your friend. Try to do as much of it as you can per week for free access to weapon and Warframe slots, cosmetics, mods, etc 2) The story kicks into 3rd geard after The Second Dream quest. Don't worry, I think they should cut out the fluff as well, and I've been playing since 2016 3) Our community is *HUGE* . If you need anything, you need only ask. Just stay away from region chat unless you love the feeling of running your tongue along the street behind a garbage truck leaking dumpster juice after leaving a Taco Bell.
I would say on 2, if you do push the main story, you can be there in 15 hours, here Geek Media Central chose not to. They have reduced the grinds to get there a lot too. In fact getting all the way through new war isn't too bad now if that is your aim. And to Geek Media Central, there is overarching narratives. As for the junction specter fights, with the power creep over the years, they are a lot easier than they were in 2016 lols, I don't consider them boss fights at all now.
@@EwanMarshallspectre fights at the junctions are possibly a check to make sure people who only played on teams could handle the game solo occasionally, since the quests are mainly solo.
@@ClockworkCanary-3 agreed. It's really odd those rate times seeing a player who gets completely carried thru the first part of the game seem to have no idea how to play by the end of the Star chart... I thought I heard they switched the default for new players to "solo", which it honestly should be. First squad I ever got into, they just blew away the whole map while I did nothing. Then they jumped into a planet I hadn't unlocked yet and I got downed in the first doorway. "Dude, how? Oh, he's MR1..."
It's nice to see a somewhat non-biased review of the new player experience but there are quite a few things here that are misleading or flat-out wrong. -The platinum required to buy additional slots can be earned for free by trading items you earned with other players. It can be tedious at times, yes, but it's a pretty tradeoff to not have to spend any real money -There ARE Warframes you can access early, the game just doesn't necessarily hold your hand in getting them, but it does make an effort to nudge you towards it. You are required to beat the Jackal on Venus to progress, and upon doing so you'll get one of Rhino's blueprints. The game expects the player to put two and two together and realize the boss drops Rhino components, and replay it a few times -The crafting times are another tradeoff of the game being free to play. But yeah they're kinda annoying -Most Warframes don't *have* super abilities. They do often have a fourth ability that's more powerful than the rest of their kit, but they're not meant to be an instant win button. They're better used in combination with the other abilities. -Locking most Warframes away from new players isn't a bad thing. Some Warframes are too complex for a new player to enjoy. If I started the game with someone like Limbo I would've probably quit. -Pretty much all weapons lack immediate heft, everything requires a bit of investment. You did also make a few pretty valid points here, such as the spy missions feeling disjointed from everything else, the starchart being a bit of a slog, and the poor early game story. Overall, I'm happy to you're continuing the game, but I do recommend making an updated review later, as you haven't finished the tutorial yet.
"If I started the game with someone like Limbo I would've probably quit." - I absolutely agree with this sentiment. I started playing back when Loki was one of the starter options and I picked him, and he was so horrible back then before I had decent mods to make his kit work (and by kit, I mean pretty much just invis), that I actually DID quit for a while. I only got back into it because a friend got into it and wanted me to come back to join him. I'm glad I did.
i wouldnt say every weapon lacks immediate heft. some, like the lex for example, will easily carry you for most of the early planets(up to jupiter, and outside the open worlds), with minimal mods. other weapons slike the kohm, hek and sobek will also do incredibly well earlier on with no issues. but sooner or later mods will start to be required. it is a major if not the most important power players have, so the game need to force them to make use of it. you can probably still do it, without using potatoes, and using auto-mod. but something like a mid upgraded damage mod, or the elemental mods will be needed.
I’ve played both Warframe and destiny 1 and 2 for years. I love both games for different reasons. As an experienced Warframe player I can tell you this. You have barely scratched the surface of the game. You are essentially still in the tutorial. The main “campaign” or story of the game really dosnt start till you start the “Second Dream” quest. Like the channel wish you success
Thanks for your comment! Does "Second Dream" start after you complete the Star Chart? That would mean the "main" campaign doesn't start until like 30 hours in?
@@GeekMediaCentral that’s correct the main story starts about 20 to 30 hours in it’s crazy I know but it is well worth it! First complete the Uranus junction and play a quest called “ Natah” then you can play “Second Dream” followed by “The war within” and “the sacrafice” Warframe is a huge game with multiple layers. What I love about Warframe is that all major expansions and updates are completely free to everyone and you can fall into a rabbit hole with the story and lore
Ooh, free content! I'll be sticking around then lol. I actually just got Kaliban for free. And, I got blueprints for Koumei. I can't wait to try her out!
@@GeekMediaCentral koumei is awesome. The game has 2 basic and very broad schools of thought for damage, being crit and status. Koumei is a status monster and a lot of fun
@@GeekMediaCentral emphasis on FREE content, you can gain everything in Warframe without spending any real world money, minus Tennogen cosmetics but imo those are worth it as the money spend goes back to the community member that created it. Will say that you talk about paywalls for new players, but isn't it true that a new player in Destiny can't go very far without spending money just to get past the tutorial? Plus new content in Destiny costs money as well. Personally I spend money on a game because I enjoy it and want to show that I do, not to progress further or to continue with new content.
You can access new Warframes as early as Venus. The Bosses of basically every planet drops Warframe parts. Part of the New Player experience is playing with older players and having them assist you , which many are willing to help you farm for Orokin Cells and the like to build new frames. There is a Yearly event on the game's Anniversary ( Around March ) where they give out weapons and cosmetics over the course of a few weeks. Lots of holidays have free Palettes you can buy for 1 credit. This is a game that for years didn't have a story mode, and the early game reflects that. But from someone that was playing for a year before the story hit, it hits hard. So New players , to have some semblance of that experience must play 20-30 hours to get to what we spent 1-2 years doing. This period helps make the story matter more and you'll see when you get there. Good Tenno don't Spoil our new brothers and sisters. If you ever want or need a squad member, or have any questions on mechanics , builds , lore... hit me up. In game Name is the same as my name here. We all lift Together
1-2 years? I still remember the fucking stamina bar and the mk1 paris doing computer integer max value dmg lol. Second dream, war within and this is what you are hit harder than drunk step dad to us.
every planet outside of maybe a couple, have bosses, that drop warframe parts. then there's invasion with phorid dropping another, a few others can easily be aquired in a clan dojo. and vauban can be gotten by simply doing nightwave challenges, its not that expensive. other warframes require more demanding grinding, including some of the boss ones, like equinox and trinity. there are a few that you can get through bounties. and some that are aquired through quests. but if you farm bosses as you get to them(except equinox), you will easily reach a fair number of them.
The "big revelation" you seek are cinematic quests with The Second Dream being the most prolific and beloved by community. Tenno are not aliens, there are no aliens in Warframe, only humans and human mistakes. The thing about slow progress is that contrary to most games Warframe's progress speed increases as you get stronger.
I'm really looking forward to the Second Dream now. You don't think the community is overhyping it? It'd be disappointing if it doesn't live up to the build up now.
@@GeekMediaCentralCool, a recent comment, so I can respond. To quote a great man “keep your expectations low boy, and you will never be disappointed” The Second Dream came out 2-3 years after the game released, so imagine playing a game religiously for years only for it to be flipped on its head by a quest. That’s why so many people talk about it like it’s some life altering thing, because for many of us (including me) it kinda was in regards to Warframe Now, new players who jump in right now are approaching the quest in a completely different context. You’ll only be playing 10-30 hours by the time you reach the Natah quest (which is when it starts) and you’d have constantly been told about the Second Dream, so you have certain expectations I’ll just say to go in with an open mind (if you have not already been spoiled) and know that once you reach the Second Dream is when WF’s story starts to pick up
@@GeekMediaCentral Well, it definitely hits different depending on how invested you are into the game/story. For people who are deep The Second Dream was pretty much mindblowing. And it hit even stronger when it first came out bc we didn't know ANYTHING about that part of the lore. Community cherished Second Dream so much no one would talk about it in public chat to not spoil it for a year after it dropped. Heck, even nowadays people will try to not spoil it if they can.
Pre-Second Dream: "yay, we're space ninjas, boom boom, fire my lasers" Post Second Dream: "...Holy fuck. We are sooo much more than space ninjas..." Post The War Within: "Hey kiddo"
I Wil add something as a veteran, Warframe does not have a endgame. It has more difficult missions, for sure, but the thing is, as you progress in the game, you get so much stronger that most missions can't keep up the difficulty, some weapons in this game can (and will) melt levels of enemies in a few shots. But the thing is, it takes time. Like, a lot of time. If you don't want to spend platinum, you can wait for nightwave to give you slots (warframe and weapon's). Some events throughout the year will give free stuff all the time. And you can also just sell things you don't like to free up slots to try out other stuff. And mods will elevate the gameplay exponentially. Some look unassuming, but the have lots of interactions that will increase the weapon or warframe power many times over. Also, about supers, I know it's called ultimates in warframe, but not all of the frames have a super important 4th ability that packs up a punch (From the starters Mag and Volt can do way more with theirs, for instance) Excalibur is just more focused on gunplay/swordplay. And even then his exalted blade can be built to mince levels of enemies even from afar. Of you are looking for more super feeling I will recommend Gauss (his 4 can overcharge his entire kit) Mesa (pistoleer that has an auto targeting pistol that shoots stupidly fast) or Hildryn (her 4 turns her into a carrier platform that makes all ennermies around her float in place for easy of shooting (there's also Titania and Jade, but this lost is getting too long) Most important new player learning curve is... Very steep. It takes time to have the hang of it. You can chill out and do mission at your pace. The secrets of the universe, and the big bads will be waiting for you. And as a final tip, the community is very good. Most veterans will help if you ask for it. And, most of us older players have stockpiles of mods that we will gladly give away for new players to help your journey. Keep at it, tenno.
Thanks for the in-depth response. It sounds like I ought to give Gauss a try for that "super" ability feel. I'll continue to play and ask questions to the community. Everyone seems so welcoming!
Hello Tenno! As a veteran myself I find the archemidea game mode comes close as being the endgame. Sometimes it's combination of debuffs make it decently difficult. Also it also makes me look over forgotten weapons in my arsenal.
To be fair about junctions its not meant as an epic boss fight, its there as a progression reason to get to a new planet and a small dps check. If you have been a lazy bones and not upgrading gear one of the specters might actually be a roadblock and force you to actually upgrade some of your mods before you move on. Take it from someone who has played since 2013 and has had recently started a new account at mastery rank 0 for challenge lol. Nightwave almost always has weapon slots and warframe slots (two and one respectively) and later on you can try to sell things to earn more platinum for more slots. Grinding for relics and then opening them is usually your easiest bet since you could get a hot new item and sell it for a few plat, then do that a few times and you have enough. Getting hundreds of plat is a different story but small amounts is usually easy to come by. And honestly you could probably get away with having roughly 20 of each weapon slot and 10 warframe slots max and just sell weapons you max that are getting outclassed to save space.
@@GeekMediaCentral I wouldnt recommend staying with 20 and 10 of each. I did the same and i played since beta (Or alpha it is?) times. Reason is, very very lately, some very end game content has been added that basically rely on giving you random warframes and weapons to choose to complete a challenge. If you dont have those, you cant do it. If you have them but never upgraded them, you *can* try it but will fail miserably (Unless carried by really tryhard vets lol) One of those is Archmedia, one of the latest released modes. The other is duviri, an expansion with different contents and modes, that also rely on builds you have (Though here, since its a new player experience Duviri, you can use a default warframe or weapon build made by the game if you dont own them, rather than blocking you from the content. But applies basically the same, you use default? You could accomplish the missions, but will be insanely hard and frustrating. If you plan for the long term, save everything you can. Or the ones that were easy to farm and fabricate, sell them in order to make space for harder equipment, once you reach end game you can then worry about building once again only the stuff that was easy to farm. Or just dont sell anything, choose your fighter but DONT do what he recommended without having this in mind.
How is it at MR0? I was reading updates and it looks like I'll be locked out of a couple of things (MR5 requirements) but depending on access I might skip em.
@@grimsage5809 Are you asking as a new player or someone doing a mr 0 challenge or something? I 'completed' the main story no problem with never upgrading my mastery.
20 hours? You have completed barely the 25% of the tutorial, bro! :D But take your time, Warframe is a FULL free-to-play game, all the content is always aviable for all the players, so you don't need to rush. I'm a Destiny player, so I can tell you: take your time. And ask, talk to other players how to expand your gaming style, don't play solo everytime. Use the HELP and the REGION (but depends in wich region you are) chat, the Warframe Community is one of the best in the gaming world. But remember: NO SPOILER! You deserve to have the coplete experience by yourself, any good Warframe player know this. Oh, and think this: I have almost 65 diffent frames for a total cost of 25 Euro in 4 years. I hope to see you in game!
The best advice I could give a new player is to keep in mind that this game is designed to keep you engaged for years, not hours. And it's also VERY easy to get sidetracked, which will hinder the feeling of progress. As mentioned, focus is key. Once you learn the systems, you definitely need to complete all nodes in the system, since that unlocks "hard mode". Eventually you'll stack up so many resources that forging blueprints as you get them is no big deal. You will also earn platinum discounts periodically in-game, so never pay full price. Just wait til you get a hefty discount like 75% off.
One thing worth mentioning is that the items obtained from opening relics can be traded to other players, and the standard currency for them is Platinum, the premium currency. This ultimately means that you can farm for the premium currency by performing such trades, mitigating the issue.
@@LuminoRay also, for relic cracking, always go with a team because then you can choose from any of the items, not just yours. Who knows what will show up?
LOL, it's funny how the narration shows how far he is into the story. Sorry you haven't gotten another frame yet. You totally have access to them since they drop of most planet junctions and bosses as well as some in cetus and fortuna. ... and virtually nobody plays conclave. Further, unlocking all the nodes on a planet give you access to nightmare missions on that planet, giving access to more challenging content and more powerful mods. I'd recommend you use your early plat for slots.
Greetings new Tenno! Glad to see more people pick up Warframe! Just a few tips for starting out, the auto modding feature is notoriously bad. It’s serviceable, but in the long run, most frames want 1 or 2 survivability mods, and the rest of the mods go into improving the effectiveness of their abilities, with bonus range or energy efficiency, for example, to make them feel even more impactful. To add to that, most Warframes don’t really have a “Super” like in Destiny, true, but as long as you have energy and a nice mod set up, all 4 of your Frame’s abilities are use in a concerto. It’s about the entire kit, not always a “I press this one button and win”. It varies from Frame to Frame of course. Weapon slots for me when I was starting out weren’t much of an issue. Once the weapon reaches lvl 30, you’ll have finished gathering the “Mastery Points” for that weapon. Mastery Points contribute to your Mastery Rank. Higher Mastery Ranks unlock better weapons, and eventually you’ll want to level up every weapon and Frame for their Mastery Points. Pretty much all early game weapons/non-Prime weapons fall under “MR Fodder” weapons, and can be deleted from your inventory when you’ve finished leveling them. Of course, if there is a weapon you want to keep, save it and unlock more slots if you’re full. And with the newest update that gave everyone Caliban, the newest Frame Koumei is fairly easy to farm as well, and has a 36 hour crafting time (12 hr for her individual parts, 24 hr for the final build), and she’s farmed on Cetus after beating a quest called Saya’s Vigil. Very early on into the game! And finally, everyone is talking about the Second Dream. It’s true, that’s the hallmark of the game for sure, but the quest right before it called “Natah” is both a prerequisite to the Second Dream, and is also the lead up. Once you start Natah, the narrative starts there, not just at the Second Dream, so at least pay attention to the quest going in! Take care, looking forward to more content if you plan on making more!
So, a few things that I'm sure others will, or have already, tell/told you: there is absolutely a story/campaign, it just isn't thrust into your face as a requirement beyond the first Vor's Prize. The Second Dream is the first quest that is more than kinda tutorializing some of the content (Like Saya's Vigil and Vox Solaris are more or less teachingnyou how Cetus and Fortuna work) Conclave is a dead game mode, overall. Inventory slots, up until MR 30 (VERY late in most player's play time, even players focus grinding everything they can find) are admittedly a limiting factor, and the top advice from most veterans is to use the free plat you get on them. Platinum does not *need* to be purchased, technically, but it is going to be very rare for a new player to trade things. ***DO NOT USE PLAT TO RUSH THINGS CRAFTING*** More slots can be gained from Nightwave rankings as well, having looked into it a bit more while typing everything out. There are, indeed, more pets and companions, including several breeds of Kubrow (dogs), Kavats (cats, trickier to get than Kubrow), Sentinels (robots that hover around you doing stuff), robot dogs (closer to end game), and a couple others kinda best described as Infested versions of Kubrows and Kavats that are dogs again, and foxes. Most Warframes are farmed by specific means, commonly as rewards for some of the star chart bosses. Some are aquired through quests, as well, and a handful of the newer ones are aquired through a particular mission type with a pity system in place to be able to get that frame, paired weapons, and so forth. Occasionally, there are frames given out as well, both Prime ones occasionally through Twitch Prime promotions, and, more rarely, promotions where DE just gives everyone things (like for next week or so at time of typing this, Caliban will be gifted to anyone logging in, along with an inventory slot) If you continue to play, make a habit to rank up items to 30, then do a check to see if it's something that would be absolutely horrible farm to try and re-aquire (Xoris is one of the msot infamous examples) before considering selling it. It can be a safe assumption if it is an item given *outright* by a quest, it might be required for something so worth looking up if that is the case or not before selling to make room in inventory. As you go on, Warframe becomes increasingly more about *how* to go about doing things through customization of so many things. Frame and weapon choice, mods for those, and more, rather than the end game activities themselves. There is a massive swath of things you've yet to even see hints of. To compare to Destiny 2, you're to the Free Roam bits of Old Earth in the story with one element class. Edit: Also, at the mention of free login things, this year had tth8ng come from late march to mid may for the anniversary of Warframe's release, and daily login rewards alsp can vary wildly during milestones.
What an amazing comment! Thank you so much for all of this information. I understood almost everything except for the ranking up items to level 30 and then selling. Where can I find out which weapons are worth keeping vs selling?
@@GeekMediaCentral You can only gain xp once per equipment be it Warframe, Primary weapon, secondary weapon, melee, companion or vehicle. The majority of equipments have a max level of 30, but some can reach 40. Warframes, companions and vehicles give you 200 xp per level (6000/8000 total). Primary, secondary or melee weapons, be it yours or from your companion will give you 100xp per level (3000/4000 total). Therefore, after reaching max level, if the weapon is not good and/or you dont intend to invest on it, sell. The few cases where you need to be careful are quest reward and prisma weapons. For quest rewards i believe all of them are sold at Cephalon Simaris, but its quite a bother to farm reputation with him. For prisma, you can sell it if you really need inventory slot, but be aware it might be difficult to get it again. In every case, level whatever you got to max level.
@GeekMediaCentral Primarily, it's a case of what feels good to use, if you have gotten a weapon that is the same thing but better, or is hard to re-acquire on if it should be kept or sold. By the time you're digging into any meta things, you should be at a point that it isn't an issue to re-acquire items from their various places. Also! Forgot to mention one other location to get frames and weapons that aren't specifically farmed for. Clan dojos! Most established clans will have the facilities built, though starting a clan of your own is possible as well, getting everything built and researched will definitely take a long while without members assisting the growth.
@@xipment5477i also add wraith weapons in there as well as their the grineer “prisma” weapon variants. As for rep with simaris it’s easy to do stealth scans with his scanner during a stealth mission. I’m a little slow at it but I can cap my standing in 10 minutes (32,500 standing) on Adaro Sedna. It’s a little tricky to do this at first because of the stealth element and with not having the rechargeable scanner augment but I use Octavia with Lull and its augment endless lullaby. I’ve seen people use Ivara for invisibility and sleep arrows or wisp, banshee, or equinox can be used.
@@XHero1330curcuit can help with the frames too as more then half are available through circuit and that can include hard/annoying to get frames (ivara being one of them).
Maybe this is an uncommon take, but I don't think time-gating on most things is bad at all. On quest items it's quite annoying, but you can go farm other things while you wait for it. You typically don't /need/ the warframe/weapon you're waiting to craft to continue progressing though, so waiting for those things isn't a big deal to me. IMO if it's one of the things keeping the game free to play, I'll happily take it.
Intermediate player here, mastery 16. There are more mission types than just the 6 he mentioned at the start. There's also Survival, Interception, Disruption, Defection, The Index, Arena, Conclave, Rescue, Capture, Railjack variations of some aforementioned mission types, and finally The Duviri Paradox. Also warframe level design is done with precedurally generated tilesets that differ depending on enemy faction and planet. They're nothing like strikes at all, because no 2 runs through one mission are necessarily the same in terms of layout. And one final thing I will say, early game is incredibly slow, and I would absolutely recommend that you play it with friends because its much more enjoyable than just playing alone.
I definitely agree with being picky about what you choose to spend time on, and you probably won't get many warframe players argueing against the points you have made as it's pretty much what we have been telling DE for ages. BUT, one thing we as a community try to tell new players is: At least try to reach the quest "The Second Dream" If you are interested in story THAT is when it starts to pick up and you start unlocking more systems, there are even better quests afterwords but that is THE starting point for all of it.
I've heard this comment a couple of times now since posting this video. So Second Dream starts after the Star Chart is completed, right? So, that's about 25-30 hours into the game?
@@GeekMediaCentral No, the Second Dream does not require the entirety of the star chart to be completed. In fact, as far as I know, none of the story quests do. Each of them only has specific requirements. I think the Second Dream should be available after getting to Uranus, if I remember correctly. The quest chain starts with a quest called "Natah."
@@GeekMediaCentral Second Dream starts after you complete the Neptune Junction. Time-wise it's dependent on whether you have help and/or knowledge. It took me about 200 hours (on my own, no knowledge) to get there, I helped a friend of mine get there in about 30-40 hours (knowledge, slight assistance), and I hard carried a streamer one time in about 10 hours. Be careful what you assume, if you know what you're doing, Warframe can vary between, "I'm doing thousands of damage super easy," all the way to, "My pet's crashing the game with it's damage output and I've got 4 million health... I love games with no challenge!" Rule #4 of Warframe: Don't be ashamed to ask questions, we all started somewhere, and the community loves helping new players fall in love with the game. Also, Rule #7 of Warframe: Have fun and make some Warfriends!
Thank you so much for the perspective. Yeah, I guess knowledge and assistance are factors on how quickly you progress in this game. I got accepted by a Clan, so I guess I need to utilize them lol. Time to make some Warfriends!
I appreciate you making this video, as it has finally made me buckle down and decide to create my first TH-cam video discussing your points, what I agree with, what I disagree with, and how I feel DE could improve the new player experience to ensure that this does not continue to happen.
One additional note - Nightwave weeklies are unlike those in Destiny. If you complete all the weeklies in a week, it starts going back to uncompleted weeklies from previous weeks **complete with the partial progression you've already made.** I was amazed and loved that after my experience with Destiny (and most other games with weeklies for that matter.)
It's worth mentioning that the update that just came out a few days ago did more to emphasize how you actually get more slots without platinum: leveling up weapons to max increases your "Mastery Rank." Because of this it's worthwhile to craft and build as many weapons and frames as you can, as each one moves you toward that goal. Every rank gives you more inventory slots, as well as a higher daily cap for faction standing. Nightwave will also usually award extra inventory slots at certain milestones. Regarding "endgame" content - there's no such thing as "seasons" in this game, and truthfully endgame content is a bit sparse apart from a few weekly challenges. The core of this game, even at the high end, never really changes: set your sights on a new piece of gear, farm it, build it, try it out, take it to max level, and then ditch it, or - if you like it - take it even further with upgrades like the Reactors/Catalysts, Forma (for changing mod slot polarities), and Exilus adapters. This game is a ton of fun, but it's systems on top of systems on top of systems. I hope you enjoy the rest of the game even half as much as I did.
Thank you so much for the great information! Despite its new player experience, I actually do enjoy this game. But, I also love grinding and intricate progression systems (such as Path of Exile). Not everyone is hardcore like us! LOL But yeah, I'm definitely going to stick with this!
@@GeekMediaCentral One last thing - the newest warframe was intentionally placed early on the story progression path, and given a build timer of 24 hours rather than the usual (and ridiculous) 72 hours. You're not the first to complain about the timegating, believe me - but they're finally starting to make some changes and give earlier players a way to diversify their loadouts before you have huge stockpiles of resources and six different items rolling out of the oven every day. Now if only they would just increase the starting number of slots...
Unless they changed it, increasing Mastery doesn't grant item slots, it grants _loadout_ slots (saveable gear configs that let you quickly switch between specific warframe/weapon sets).
Some fair criticism since this vodeo is more structured like a "guide" than anything else. 1) platinum osnt really a premium currency, its a trading currently, there are a lot of ways to make platinum but the easiest way is prime junk, just pop some relics with randoms and sell parts in bulk or if u get anything valuable sell separately. 2) 20 hours in and still haven't gotten a new frame. Warframe rhino is available from the first hour or two after u start playing, gara is a bit trickier but she is arguably more early game since get all the mats for her in the same place where you get her components. Game won't hold ur hand and tell u to farm something but it will tell you qhere u can farm it. 3) conclave is dead dont even bother. 4) there are way more game modes on earth alone compared to what you have listed, there is sabotage, exterminate, interception, survival and a lot more further u get into the game. 5) semse of progression without purpose. While that is a problem i feel like DE did a lot to eliminate it, you know what is your main story (they added a filter to codex) and that should be the motivation, there are some local villains but you'll figure out who the big bad os later. 6) get into the endgame ASAP... Warframe has no actual endgame, just finish ur story and then farm for stuff u like or one might argue fashinframe is the endgame which i agree with 7) nevr and i mean NEVER use autoinstall mod feature, modding is the most complex system in the game it is what makes warframe so unique and that's what separates noobs from experienced players, take your time and study and understand mods. There were also some lore inaccuracies calling tenno "allien race" but that comes from the fact of not knowing and there is no real problem connected to that imo, but maybe if u're making a video you should understand subject a bit deeper than the average player. Especially of you're going to give advice. Besides that.... Yeah warframe new olayer experience is lacking and ot is confusing but if you know what you're doing or have friends with you it gets much better problem is that there is really no in game way to learn what exactly to do, so u have to get urself a goal thats about it. Good luck on your waefame journey and keep up the good work
I have 6600 hours on Destiny 2 and 200 on Warframe so far. I still believe that Destiny 2 is better, but god damn Warframe is special. I left D2 after the Echoes episode to try different games, and decided to choose Warframe for it's reputation as a rival of D2. This game is phenomenal. The fact that all of this is free is amazing, the build crafting goes places Bungie would never dare reach, the number of materials is the nemesis of every person that has ever complained about vendor tokens, and the agility of the characters and their speed gives a completely different combat from D2. D2's first person is unrivaled, Warframe can't compare, but in exchange you have flashy melee weapons that are unlike anything in D2. I prefer the D2 way of allowing the player to make their own character, instead of playing as predefined characters (introducing the tenno kids was a mistake. Can I mute their voice lines?). Overall I feel like I am going to spend the next couple of years in Warframe, but D2 will still be in my heart the better game.
The grind became my constant objective, given there was always something to work towards building. Joining a clan made a huge difference early on. The Tenno were super helpful-no one handed me frames, weapons, or slots, but they guided me through farming materials and offered great advice. After about 80 hours of play, I had 6 built Warframes, 1 Prime, and a ton of new weapons. All without spending money on slots. I focused on grinding for Platinum, using relics and the marketplace, and completing Nightwave challenges since sometimes slots were available as rewards. It was a fun first time experience. Made better by the Tenno that helped me.
@@GeekMediaCentral Yeah, don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand something. There are Tenno that genuinely want to help new players out, since they are the life blood of live service games like Warframe. Being welcoming encourages new players to join and stay, which in turn attracts more players to try it out.
Whether a Big Tenno gives you something depends largely on the Tenno you encounter. Some sell everything they don't need to fund their Platinum acquisition, others only sell things when they need Platinum, and the fewest hate trading and accumulate things over the years... Depending on how you catch the last two, they may give you something to make your path easier or to get you started with a warframe you like.
i had similar response to his pronunciation of "Chassis" like if dude even mastered english but hes talking like he has mastered warframe after 20 hours lolololol
@@Coffeeddicted I disagree Auto install just put random mods on any new player can do that. When you do it yourself you're learning something when you push Auto install you've learned nothing.
The new player perspective basically only scratches the absolute outer surface really tells us how far and deep this game has gotten. Btw the community is great at keeping information and spoilers away from new players until they find things out themselves, and you're gonna know why the further you get.
@GeekMediaCentral play the main quest. It's literally the main quest so it contains the story and lore. The star chart is there for player progression. You'll discover a gazillion of new things to do and never lose purpose everytime you log in once you finish all the main quests.
20 hours to do 10+ years of content. The new players experience is lack luster but that is the dust you blow off the treasure chest before you open it.
I liked your point about supers, while warframe does have some frames with big defining abilities like mesa gunning down an entire room, gauss supercharging his kit or titania changing how you play the game, these kinds of frames are the exception rather than the rule. Warframe's design philosophy has moved towards creating a more well rounded kit rather than the build up to one big spectacular move. There are pros and cons to both, those big iconic supers can really define a character, you can look at abilites in destiny and say "that's what makes a titan a titan". In warframe it's more about how those abilities interact that defines a frame it takes at least 2 abilies to create the Mag blender, it takes the combo of 3 for Gara to unlock her infinite damage scalling and if Octavia uses all 4 she trivialises the entre game. Rather than the one button moment, it's the combo of these abilities that creates the frames iconic moments, on one hand the multiple smaller abilities are definitely less impressive looking than the one trick ponies, but on the other they offer more freedom to build those diffrent combos however you like.
I jumped from D2 to Warframe a little over a month ago and I am really enjoying it. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts once you get a little deeper into the game.
Hey guy, completely agree, a lot of your points really ring true. I played Destiny, played Halo, played all the games prior to Warframe and all of them have fallen to the wayside and yet I still play Warframe. One thing that you as a new player may not have noticed, the specter that you fight on the planetary junctions when you get to unlock the next planet, that's the specter of the Warframe you get from that planet. For instance, when you went to Mars you fought Frost so beating the assassination mission will net you Frost parts. Cheers -Alpharious-
@@GeekMediaCentral as you unlock new junctions you also get story quests. You did Howl of the Kubreo, but there are lots more. A vast number of them give you the blueprints for new frames and weapons. One last tip (pro tip); If you *unequip* all but 1 weapon, all the XP of the level will go to just that one. XP is spit always between; 50% for the frame - bonus XP for using abilities 50% for all weapons - bonus XP for stealth kill combos If you have 3 weapons equipped, 16.6% for each. If 2, 25% And a full 50% for just 1. This is also distorted when adding in a pet or even a pet with guns. Distorted even more later on. So, unequip all but 1 weapon, level it to max, then sell it. The Mastery farming loop. There are community dedicated missions for just this thing. Look for Hydron on Sedna. Happy hunting. *Leave after 10* *Wink* Cheers -Alpharious-
@@beatooze8025 i´ll have to tell you that you got it slightly wrong, or misleading. First, if you kill an enemy with your warframe abilities or with the parazon finisher, 100% of the affinity goes to the warframe. Second, if you kill an enemy with a weapon, 50% of that affinity goes to the weapon used to kill, and 50% goes to the warframe you are using. If you are playing solo, weapons that you dont use dont gain affinity, except from the yellow affinity prisms. When another player kills an enemy its another story. if an ally kills an enemy when you are in affinity share range, 25% of that total affinity goes to your warframe, and 75% goes to your loadout of weapons. So, if you have 3 weapons, the affinity goes equally 25% to each weapon. If you have 2 weapons, it goes 37,5% each weapon. if you have only one, it gets the 75%. again, if an ally kills an enemy in range of shared affinity. And pets are calculated separatedly. thats how it works since since a long time now. i´ve been playing since 2013. this is not to be mean, just to correct some misinformation. good luck tenno and happy hunting!
@@nemenhat1 hey quick question I've recently got back in the grind to get to MR 30 because I'd like to be one of those Tenno that hands out the blessings to those in need I'm at 29 do I need to fully max out my Kuva/Tenet weapons or stop at a certain point?
@@Gravesyte not gonna lie, from what I understand, you get the full mastery when you completely level up the weapon, usually at lvl30, but with the liches weapons it's indeed at lvl40
DE Literally reworked the new player experience not too long ago, and it's waaaaay easier now compared to when I started. That 50 starter platinum you get is specifically to buy slots for yourself. And later on you can and will trade with other players for the premium currency, so it's not that big of a deal that it seems. And also, the Auto Install option early on is fine, but honestly, it's really fcking bad xd
Ah, I see. Well it's great that they're working on the new player experience. I'm hesitant to spend my platinum. But, people have suggested to use it on slots. So, I guess I'll try that. Thanks!
@@GeekMediaCentral You're welcome :D And that 50 starter plat is something you won't be able to trade like, ever, so the reason everyone says to buy slots with those is because you literally can't do anything else with them :D They're there for a sole reason, slots. (I mean, you can also buy cosmetics like color themes and helmets with them from the market, but earlygame I don't think those should be anyones priorities)
As a Vet of both games Destiny and Warframe since day one, I find both games scratching different itch, but Warframe is my home, if you can get over the NPE, there is a very satisfying evolutions of your play style, grand story telling, and in advance game play, when you acquire your true self and focus school, Warframes, companions, advanced mods, Arcanes, chards etc..., synchronized build will make you the super from Destiny at all time at base and god like when every thing starts working, it's a symphony of destruction like nothing else you've seen before, good luck Tenno, and looking forward for the update.
It's refreshing to see an unbiased review of warframe like this. As a player with a couple hundred hours in the game, i'd just like to say how easy it is for normal players to get the premium currency for free.
Legendary Drops went exactly the same situation as you did when he first started. His videos show a real-time journey from doubting the game to loving it. That's the thing with Warframe sometimes. Everyone had their own doubts of the game when they first started and then come around when they get to a certain point. Even I, who hasn't played for years, still continue to speak highly about the game. It took me months to figure out the game because I went in without asking for help. Eventually, I was able to learn and then keep up with players far better and faster than me. The factions are the fun part of the game. If you joined one or two the others hate, they may decide you randomly jump you in a level with their chosen units. It doesn't matter if you're solo or with a party. They will just come in and wreck your shit. You will learn that getting randomly ambushed by third-party enemies while you progress the game, makes the missions you go in more fun or annoying, however way you wish to feel about it.
Yeah. I'm going to take my time and enjoy the journey! Multiple people have mentioned Legendary Drops. I'm curious to check out his journey. But at the same time I don't want to spoil the Warframe experience. Maybe I'll check out their content after I complete the The Second Dream storyline. 🤷♂️
DE did actually try to introduce new players a way to experience new warframes by implementing the duviri paradox, tho personally I think that quest kind of messes up a new player's sense of progression since you don't really own the warframes you play in the duviri or circuit. It also really confuses the story of the game which btw doesn't really start until you reach Uranus to get the Natah quest which is like 20-30 hours into the game. I wish they hint about the quest more so new players have something to strive for. The MR system is also kinda poorly explained as it is the main progression system as you finish the story quests.
As someone who has well over 3000 hours into destiny 2, i would completely disagree with most points you made. this is my personal opinion and i dont want to say that anyone is in the wrong here. Warframe feels way more rewarding than destiny. gunplay is mostly on par depending on the guns you use. You can put more time into the game to get the frames, weapons and cosmetics and if youre just not about that you can always trade for them with other players. New players can purchase weapon blueprints from the market without spending any premium currency. In point of main story i have to say that the main quest is very cohesive and i dont understand that you were pointing out that there is "no big bad". Quite frankly i'd like to if you have finished the main story, beacuse its breathtakingly well done. i honestly couldnt bother doing the destiny grind anymore because everything feels like a chore and doesnt really reward you with anything. WF offers you all of its content without demanding anything. Bungies DLC policy is and always cut off new players from veterans because of its paid expansions. So all in all i'd recommend WF over destiny to anyone who wants to play a sci-fi looter shooter. edit: forgot to add that 99% of weapons dropped are for basically shards, most weapons are reskinned copy-paste models and most of the time even unuasable for general play.
Thank you for your thoughtful response and perspective! Trying to take in all the information you've provided here... I get the feeling that Destiny is comparable to Diablo whereas Warframe would be like Path of Exile. Each game serves different audiences and expect different investment from their player base.
@@GeekMediaCentral pretty much. Destiny is much more of a "grab a character, get the same weapon over and over again but stronger", whereas Warframe you go and farm the resources instead of the actual weaponry like in Destiny
hey! nice video. The editing was very nice and the flow was good. It's always good to get insight on new-player experiences. However, I feel like a lot of your points were very ill informed and not very accurate which upsets me because I love warframe The frames do have amazing "super attacks", but excalibur is a tutorial frame. Naturally, his 4th would be less impressive than his endgame peers (frames like Dante literally room nuke with bleed statuses with their 4ths). Ironically, the other 2 tutorial frames have really broken 4th abilities. You don't need to spend premium currency on warframe and weapon slots, they're available as you rank up in MR and the nightwaves. Not to mention, you get free premium currency that you can use to buy a good starter boost of slots for both. Additionally, you can earn premium currency by selling grinded items, meaning you don't even need to spend money for the headstart. So it's not just a way to make a person pay money to enjoy a F2P game. I'm not going to pretend that there's many efficient plat farms early game but there is enough to at least get you some warframe and weapon slots. Your point about not having any alternative frames 100 hours in bewildered me. As you have the entire prime rotational frames, Earth that has at least 3 farmable frames. Vauban from NW. Rhino who is almost every baby tenno's first crafted frame and many more. I will not defend the craft time though, 12 hours for each piece and then 72 hours for the final frame is a joke. No excuses. I actually almost quit the game years ago when I was first crafting rhino. I said "oh I'll get back on in 3 days" and forgot so I didn't get back online for months! Thankfully, I did. I will say though it gets better in later levels as you always have something on craft so you're always claiming other things while the other items are still on timers.
Great insight! The more I play, the more I understand how much Warframe offers and make it accessible early on. The problem was that it wasn't explained very well at the beginning. It expects new players to look up guides or ask veteran players in chat how things work.
@@GeekMediaCentral I do agree, as an experienced player it is easy to take knowledge for granted in most games. But when a game is as old as warframe it's super easy to get lost in how simple I perceive the game to be. Also, have you seen that the next update will be increasing the base amount of warframe and weapon slots for accounts that people start with? It's nice to see warframe even today is still adding new-player experience changes every update. Hopefully, one day the game will be accessible enough where you can truly stary as a new player without needing an experienced friend or the wiki open on a second monitor.
When you're so new in the game you are justified to feel this way. But after a while you'll see that you don't have to spend money for the premium currency, you can get it for free when you eventually start trading. Also when it comes to frames if you farm a frame for maybe a couple hours excluding the time gating you should have a frame. Everything in Warframe is free excluding specific cosmetics
Nice to see a new Tenno welcome to Warframe. Also wanted to note at 2:41, missions are not arranged the same when replayed. Most Warframe missions on tile sets that randomly arranged every time you play. Same pieces but organized differently, same for enemy locations. Hope you're enjoying the game and that you post more content.
Mod slot priority order is left to right, top to bottom. This isn't mentioned in any of the tips, but is extremely important to know after getting a bit of progress. I don't know if it still determines companion ability usage probability. Learning the element combinations for raw damage is good for new players. Learning them for status effects won't be needed until probably mid game.
@@GeekMediaCentral Yep, and I also forgot to mention that mod elements take priority over innate elements on weapons. For example; having cold and toxin mods on ignis (fire damage weapon) will produce a weapon with fire and viral damage, whereas having one elemental mod will have that element combine with the preexisting element.
It's not "probability", but "priority". Companions will always do the first precept in the order you mentioned if they are able. If that ability is out of range or on cooldown, it will skip to the next one.
@@thegrouchization Oh, my bad. Guess my memory was a bit off on that. Might have gotten mixed up with how determining which status procs occur when proccing status based on percentage of total damage performed by a weapon or ability a particular damage type is.
Yo, an actual new player experience. An actual new player speaking his mind on the good and the bad parts of the game? Insane. No sugar coating trying to get sponsorships and views/clickbaiting. I hope you enjoy the game in general. There are parts you will love and parts you will hate. Speak your mind. Say what it works for you and what doesnt work. Things dont get better unless you leave feedback for the devs. Maybe they don't like (like DE completely ignores any content creator who even speaks about the bugs), but this is how things get improved.
nice video, but you should have really at least played up to second dream. that is kinda the real beginning of the game. might sound crazy but everything before is basicly the tutorial. only at that point you have all your big gameplay systems unlocked and the story actually also starts at that quest. you get your chase for the truth and what you are as well as your big bad guy at this point. oh and there are technically no aliens. you are not an alien, neither are the corpus, grineer or infested.(or any other factions aside from maybe the murmur, but those are more extra dimensional)
If you haven't noticed yet, you can build multiple items at once, with no limit that I am aware of. When you do this, the crafting times are NOT added together. It's also NOT a queue. The items are built simultaneously, and each item progresses at full speed. This can save you a full day when crafting warframes, since building all three components simultaneously still only takes 12 hours. If you want a different way to get warframes, finish the Saturn-to-Uranus junction, then start the Duviri Paradox quest. Gameplay on Duviri is very different from normal Warframe, but bear with it. On completing the quest, you get access to the Circuit, which is an endless series of back-to-back missions in which you use semi-random gear instead of your own. Every week, the first time you start Circuit, you can choose one warframe from a set of three. This 'frame is not the one you will be playing with, though it can appear as a usable 'frame, but rather the reward for doing Circuit. For every mission you complete, you get progress towards the next reward tier, and by the time you hit tier 10, you will have the all required blueprints for the chosen 'frame. You also get resources and mods. Progress is saved between runs, but is reset when the week ends. While the missions in a single Circuit run gradually get harder, this increased difficulty does NOT carry over between runs. There is no limit to the number of runs you can start, and no wait timer between runs. One thing to note is that the warframes you can choose for your Circuit rewards are NOT random. There are 33 'frames you can obtain via Circuit, split into eleven sets of three. These sets rotate in a set order. I do not recommend you pick Octavia before you finish her associated quest, however, even though she's fairly powerful. Any other warframe should be fine, just not Octavia. She needs a special crafting component that you can't obtain without doing her quest. Doing Circuit didn't give that item when I last picked Octavia. Edit: for selling duplicate mods, I prefer sorting by name. Conclave isn't just you. It was a very unpopular gamemode that almost nobody plays anymore. If you want to play Conclave, you need to find people manually. Modding is its own complex subject. Automodding works at first, but isn't viable for late-game. Also, let me give you some advice. By now, you will likely have several mods that you can upgrade ten times. I do not recommend doing that early on. Instead, go for seven or eight times. The cost per upgrade increases exponentially, whereas the increase in stats does not. Going from zero to ten upgrades is four times as expensive as zero to eight, and only makes the mod itself 22% stronger.
you absolutely have access to new frames before 20 hrs in they do however take 3 days to build, as soon as you get to venus you have access to fossa which nets you rhino
@@GeekMediaCentral yes, his chassis and neuroptics both have a 38.72% drop rate with his systems having a 22.58% most assassination missions are how you farm warframes, theres also bounties when you get to hub areas on earth venus and deimos that each give their own chance at warframe parts, then theres also the frames you get from the clan dojo which is more dependent on you having joined a clan
@@GeekMediaCentral Also because I don' t think I've seen anyone mention it, but for the more "standard" warframes, you get the components through drops and the blueprint to put them all together usually in the marketplace - *for credits*. Do not think you need to spend plat. You can also get versions of all the starter weapons (MK1-*) through the marketplace for credits as well. Never assume that just because the marketplace lists the platinum price up front that there aren't other ways to get something - drill down for details.
Many new things to do and unlock will appear after certain story quests. So if you are interested you can stick around and find out. Warframe is known for having a lengthy beginning and its also not the best at presenting the story, unfortunately, while at the same time having a very extensive and interesting lore. It's also a sandbox powercreep game - so you decide what you wanna do and how. I have played game for a few years, and many factors just keep me coming back to the game. Theres simply no actual alternatives to it, theres wannabes like TFD and games in the same genre, but its just its own thing. I will say, however, that some of the criticisms are certainly valid, and I would like quicker access to other frames, weapons and content for newer players. Also I agree, that some bossfights could and should be updated, as many just dont stand the test of time anymore. DE is not that great at making bosses, honestly, lol. Either way ty for the video. I hope more people start adressing the issues featured.
I'm definitely going to stick around to explore more of the game's features and story. At the same time I want Destiny players to know what they're in for if they're switching over.
Welcome, new Tenno! Always happy to see new players. It's very clear that you are very early in and have some things flatout wrong. A few other commenters have already made some good points, but I will add and/or reaffirm a few more: - The community is absolutely wonderful and there is always someone willing and able to help in chat! - The Wiki is your friend if you want to find out where to get something. - Mods are where the real power of your equipment lie. - There is a wonderful, deep, engaging story with stakes and a (few) Big Bad(s) which starts around Uranus with the Quest Natah. - Many frames can be gotten pretty early on through Assassination missions. - Another way to get more frames is to play The Circuit each week. The Circuit can be accessed after completing the Duviri Paradox. - This game is vast and complex and yes, takes a buttload of time to really figure out but I think as the longevity of the game and the community proves: It is worth it. Other than that: this game is a marathon, not a sprint. You're in for the long haul.
It's always great to have more Tenno in the community. As a Vet who has been playing since 2016, the best advice i can give is that you are somewhat right. Warframe is very complicated, and many of the turorials do a poor job of explaining the games systems. The game is very difficult to pick up, so its largely recommended to look things up and preferably have veteran players that can teach you the ropes and help bus you around to the places you need to get respurces from. If Destiny is about having instant gratifying, Warframe is a slow burn game. The more you play and learn, the more the game grows on you. Most of the early game is foreshadowing, world building, and build-up. The main story really kicks off about the time you get to Neptune. The quest chain of Natah, leading into the Second Dream, and then War Within is honestly one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had. Out of all things what keeps me comin back to warframe is the community. The game devs keep open and frequent lines of communication with the player base, have events and celebrate the accomplishment of their players, and heavily listen ton player feedback. And the playerbase itself is one of the most welcoming gaming communities I've been a part of. Just... avoid region chat because of the chaotic shenanigans that happen there.
Early in the game's life most of the story was encapsulated within timed events, most of which simply aren't running anymore. The developers have gone back and added some of the new-style cinematic quests to early levels, but most of that notable-villain story you mention is gated behind a large swath of star chart content. Assassination missions can feature notable personalities, but removed from the context of their events I expect most new players are going to ask "okay, but why do I care about this named NPC?" unless they pick through the wiki for records of what's been discontinued. While some mechanics are also notable stumbling blocks (like maximally effective modding), I feel not converting old events into cinematic quests could be the biggest pain point for new players because it handicaps their engagement at the time they have the least investment.
I will look forward to more of this new player experience videos! When I started Warframe in 2020, spy missions were the most challenging for me as well. The puzzle part especially on corpus consoles were like timed boss battles to me. I was terrible at it. I played on Nintendo Switch. I recall I got into WF coz it was shown as f2p in Nintendo store. My first looter shooter, so I got nothing to compare it to.(I was mainly into MMOs like Ragnarok Online, WoW, etc.) Cetus was the reason I got hooked into WF. My playthrough was very difficult as I immediately figured out that I had to do bounties to make Gara and I stubbornly decided to get her as my 2nd frame. I was mr1 when I started cetus bounties... i played mainly solo but did pub if I get frustrated from dying on higher level bounties. I was really unlucky with the gara component on the highest difficulty. Playing only after my after work hours. I managed to start the main craft on Gara a week later and was flabbergasted that I had to wait 72h. Demotivated, I somehow stumbled into trade chat and saw someone buying [Auger Secrets] mod for 30plat... I had multiple of them from my Cetus bounty grind. Having the ability to trade for the ingame premium currency with the time I spent was a huge 'Wow' moment and felt very rewarding. From that point on... It was a my personal main main quest to have loads of plat just from trading. Here i am now. 3,000+hrs and counting, semi annual hiatuses, Legend Rank 3(Almost having all items ingame)... And I am LOADED! Hahaha. Oh yeah, "2nd Dream" was my 2nd 'Wow' moment. I've been spending $$$ only on "Tennogen"(player/artist designed skins with artist getting 30% of revenue) skins to support Digital Extremes now. I am confident that the time and lately the money i am spending are well worth it. After all... Warframe is in good hands and will have more years for me to enjoy with... I got so into sharing my starting experience and final thoughts, it got so long. so apologies and thanks on the long read. 😅
Welcome to Warframe, remember, you're here forever. Always good to hear a newcomemer's opinion. I'm glad you decided to stick around for a bit. Just do us a favor, if you manage to get a couple hundred hours under your belt, post an update.
Make sure to make another video later on the game. Your video is very misleading and you seem to talk and say things that you dont truly understand. Its good dont get me wrong but it feels like a Destiny player jelous about their playerbase moving to warframe. So if you want to maake a review look deeper to the things you plan to say against it. Again, very misleading. Half of the cons you mentioned are not even a thing. Perhaps you are aproaching it too much as a destiny player. Edit: i regret this. I was completely blurred by me having 1k hours on the game.
You're probably right. My view is a little jaded as Destiny player. But, I feel like most of these observations would be made by anyone new coming to the game.
@@GeekMediaCentral i see your point. I could be wrong, its just that my first experience with warfrane felt a little different, and i could be looking at it as a vivid warframe player! I hope you have a nice experience with everytging the game has to offer. After all... everythings free!
Chill, that is the exact perspective we want. With Destiny Winding we want to hear from that playerbase as to why they would/would not play WF. He IS a Destiny so his approach makes sense. Nothing came off to me that he was trying to *mislead*, he was giving his impressions based on what the game gives him.
your account of the new player experience is pretty much spot on. luckily for you the narrative will start picking up and becoming heavier and heavier starting with the Natah quest. there were already at least one little pointers at something new. You can find where you can get the parts for different warframes and with the duviri paradox they did add an alternative way to farm out warframe blueprints and their component blueprints using the new gamemodes they offer. As for inventory space there are different ways of earning them, the nightwave offers at least 2 weapon slots and 1 warframe slot if you choose to participate in that. otherwise you can trade prime item parts and mods with players for the premium currency and its actually very easy to get yourself the required platinum to buy more slots once you know how the trading works. Oh and the market offers the option to purchase the blueprints for the weapons you can buy for platinum. HOWEVER you should try to join a clan at some point as there are a lot of weapons and several warframes you can get from a clan's social place which is called the dojo.
Can’t wait for this man to keep playing and make a video about his experience, he’s correct in many topics on this video, but like me and many others will say, this is still just the surface of the game, and truthfully, you’re gonna be in the “tutorial” phase for a while until you get to “The Second Dream” Quest, there the Campaign takes a HUGE turn and that’s essentially the ‘start’ of the game… besides that, all the ‘problems’ of warframe can easily be solved through the community, the community is without a doubt one of the most helpful things included in the game, and everyone in the community adores helping people, especially new players… love the video, can’t wait till your next one, and we’re glad to see you start your warframe journey.
You’re easily able to get a new Warframe slot as well as weapon slot from the 50 platinum you get when you begin. You’re also able to get more slots from night wave, the free battle pass as well. Your point about conclave not having players or being unavailable for new players is flawed. You didn’t even have your lobby on public, it was on SOLO. You won’t play with any other payers while on solo. Finally you say there’s nothing for you to progress towards. Or better yet a motive that makes you push forward. The thing is, there is a motive and it’s gaining new/ better gear, warframes, mods, etc. These all funnel into the fact that you’re a walking powerhouse the more you progress and build your gear. Also another point is when you said that there’s no big bad guy you must defeat but when you first start there is in a sense. The first quest you ever play gives you some sort of story to follow and keep you intrigued. That’s all, goodbye.
If you want to be introduced to new frames early i recommend duviri cause after the tutorial and the mission you'll be introduced to th duviri circuit that'll have 3 frames you can choose 1 very week and it changes but you'll still have to get their building materials but you'll get the blueprints and parts just by playing the circuit and in there you'll get to try frames and weapons for free or use your own when they appear
@Sunnyboy_684 When it comes to Duviri, I've seen mixed responses regardless of doing the quest either before or after New War. Usually they don't know what's going on or why. I was always fascinated by their lore. Though I rarely see streamers go lore hunting around Duviri or scan fragments on regular missions. I would recommend it for new players mainly because circuit is more efficient to farm the base frames. Their is also melee weapons you can only get in Duviri that are usually better than most melee weapons you can obtain in the regular missions.
Oh my god man, such a unique point of view and nice change of phase on warframe content just because you're actually going in as a free to play gamer that just knows warframe exists. I really hope you can endure the toughness of free to play early game, because then you're in for a treat and i really wish i can see you reach the later states of the game; you're gonna fall in love with it. I'll definitely be subscribing and eagerly waiting for your next take on your progress.
New Tenno! Welcome to warframe, we’re very happy to see more players joining us! If you stick with the game it will definitely reward you as you keep going forward.
8:30! Ah there we have it again. A new player calling Warframe an MMO and therefore expecting that everyone in this game is considering PvP a feature. That there is some kind of matchmaking that prevents new players from entering the "big boy club". Noone plays conclave. Warframe is a cooperative game and NOONE and I repeat: NOONE cares, wants or considers playing PvP. This is a leftover thing that needs to be removed to stop all these players and especially all these people that create videos about Warframe's new player experience to freaking talk about how they find noone playing PvP and then have some misconception about features that this game doesn't have. Warframe has no PvP. Period. This is no rant against you btw., it is against DE and their refusal to drag Conclave to the backyard and put it out of its misery.
@Camothor10 you are insane. Coming from someone who bothered to reach max rank and grind out the syandana. You're insane. Incredibly buggy, full of exploits, overpowered weapons and straight up broken. I hope they wipe it and replace it with something else
Any time limit in this game is an attempt by the developers to give a chance to enjoy the process. You can go through the entire star system and all the quests on the starting items, but if you want something new, then do exactly that. Fish, dig, farm, complete orders in open locations, complete side quests, explore, scan, grow a ton of pets, pump up syndicates and factions, assemble your melee weapon, secondary weapons and even primary weapons from parts. So much can be done while your Warframe/weapon is being created
For Mod Dupes there is a tab, but i would recommend putting atleast a single rank into one of every mod you get so when you get dupes you can just quickly head over to the dupes tab and click the un-upgraded ones
Its great to see people trying out warframe the goal to content is steady progress through the star chart. Warframes pieces can be gained at most assinations early on and the blueprint through the market for credits. A dojo will give you access to more Warframes and weapons, but most weapons here require more rare materials. Missions like defense, survival, and spy have rewards that usually can only be gained through doing this type of mission certain mods and Warframes farming these can help while waiting for crafting. I would say warframe isnt a rush to end game content take it at your own pace and do content that looks interesting it is much closer to a single player game than most mmos. Getting to certain points in the start chart and story are important for getting materials more efficiently mostly for credits and endo. As for conclave there are almost no PVP players in the game.
I know I upset some people. Alot of comments saying I'm still in the tutorial until 40 hours in. It's not a deal breaker for me...But younger players nowadays won't stick around that long, I think.
For context; It took me ~300 hours to stop feeling clueless, and ~600 hours in I started feeling like I 'got it'. I have no idea how they could possibly fix this for new players, so as it is it's just a game for people willing to grind for the long haul.
“Warframes dont have True super ability, you dont fill up a gauge pop it and perform a god-like ability” Thats cus warframe has god like abilities at .01 sec coolsown, no gauge needed to fill… you just have to build right and know what ur doing.
Thanks for joining one of my favourite games ^^ I feel bad that you missed out on getting the new frames from each planet you went to. And I do hope that the other fans have assured you of something; while there isn’t some great revelation about the story by Phobos, there most certainly is by Uranus and Neptune. After that, revelations come thick and fast from planets you’ve already been to, like Earth, Venus and Deimos. Not a bad take on the game, but an important note is that you don’t want to rush to the endgame. The mid-game is some of the best content you can experience. Another thing to take away is that there are no ‘supers’, you have ability 1-4. Some 4th abilities are powerful and transformative, some frames want you to use the 2nd or 3rd abilities as your main mode instead. And finally, the best time to join the game is the Anniversary every year. You get free things, new updates and previews of what’s to come.
Not trying to be rude here but you are comparing a game you played a little bit vs a game you know all about or at jeast a great deal of. Play the game a bit more, the disjointed bit i agree from a new player perspective or coming from other games you pick a class/character and main it warframe has a frame for each mission type try wukong im a spy mission or Ivara. Warframe has abilities that wipes out entire rooms without the need to fill up a bar.
Oh yeah. I'll definitely play Warframe more. I'm really enjoying it so far. But, at the same time I have to be honest with how Warframe treats new players.
i didnt see anyone talk about it in the brief scroll through the comments but the premium currency is premium but also fully tradable in game and thus anything you want to get in this game(save a select few things) you'll NEVER have to come out of pocket irl for. You can trade warframe prime parts, relics, weapons, mods, all kinds of things for platinum.
lol conclave. What’s that. Only done it once when there was an event for Christmas when they came out with the snowball fight and rewarded some cosmetics.
As a warframe player of almost 6 years, this was a very good summary about the state of the new player experience. You really highlighted some of the main gripes that really sets people off to drop the game. Time gating, slots, lack of story and progression in early game, and no overarching goal are a few of the multitude of things you mentioned and pointed out to be standing issues. DE has some improvements to the experience, but in short, most of these concerns which should have been addressed ages ago where overshadowed by Steve Sinclairs' obsession with reworking the lighting engine and particle effects. Luckily, we have had some improvement over the years, though a lot is left to be desired such as a proper modding tutorial, information about what the tenno are, and a whole slew of things. Some of it has to do with the fact that a majority of significant content in the game was developed 2-3 years after the initial release of warframe(cough cough second dream), the fact that the "good shit" fucking flashbangs you with an overwhelming amount of content and main story, and that a significant amount of lore is the "read this wall of text in your codex" type of situation. Overall, its the culmination of needing to satisfy concurrent players with new updates and content, reworking old systems and User interface, and changing what is at this point 10-12 year old legacy content to suit the modern era which really bottlenecks introduction into this game. One big issue that DE hopefully addresses is the experience for "fresh" and not "starting" players, the distinction between them being a completely new account, and someone who has a few hours in. They have catered a lot more recently to the "starting" players but not the "fresh" ones. I do hope they proactively work toward that audience considering how they reworked the entire beginning of the game. At this point, the brand new player experience still consists of veterans dumping a whole lot of valuble resources onto newer players to help get over the very monotonous beginning, so DO ask for help(they will give so much stuff, me included). If you run into any issues or questions, just message my ign "soggyrice".
4:20 does everything have to be that dramatic? You're an op dude in a suit scavenging gear in a system going to crap cause of various oppressive factions cause you just woke up in a daze and realized they've gone and flogged all your stuff. And of course, doing missions for boss lady. At first, thats kinda your purpose. 4:25 - *[cough]* _it's actually on Uranus_ *[cough]* - 5:00 the bosses are assasinations they're usually a bit more indepth with mechanics. the "spectres" are just void ghosts in suits similar to yours that are trying to scare enemies away from the solar relays that you can only challenge by doing mini-challenges to prove your worth. But you need to re-control the relay to move on, so I guess you just gotta go through them. 5:18 🤔 or are you? ... I've probably said too much already. don't worry, it'll get explained better later. As many have probably said, tutorial area. ;) 6:05 actually. you're just kinda doing it wrong cause you don't know any better cause the game needs some slightly better hand holding. I saw you fight the jackal. Did you notice the rhino part it dropped at the end if you beat it? or was it all still just a bit much? a lot of the early frames come from boss farms. While later, they'll come from specific special missions. checking them out in the market and inspecting their blueprint will teach you where each of them comes from. 6:50 yeah, probably. hopefully it's on it's way to get better. The frame that just came out actually takes significantly less time to build. So I can only hope that they're gonna follow similar later down the line with the other frames with another wave of tweaks and further new player experience stuff. 8:40 nah. you're good. no-one plays conclave seriously or at all. nothing usable in the PvE game carries over to it or from it anyways, bar a few non-damage related mods and maybe a handful of warframe ability augments that got ported over that you can get out of nightwave occasionally that are just kinda "cool" at best. 9:40 Bad. no. don't do it. at first, maybe you'll be fine. But later on with better choices of mods and upgrades, it'll actively inhibit you cause it sorta has no idea how to build. You're almost always better off just slapping on some elemental mods and/or base damage (serration, pressure point etc). But I guess you're kinda limited at the start due to not having gear leveled. :V Then later on figuring out how to analyze a weapon's stats and customize other stuff like crit damage and status effects etc to play to the weapons strengths. 9:56 I mean. you will have to eventually to unlock some late game stuff that locks off some potent modding gear useful for later game. but thats long off. But if you can do it, it's not a bad idea to get them out so you're not going on a backtracking spree later. but yes, at first, focus down the story and just progressing through the planets. 11:27 ouch, shoulda gotten a second opinion on picking that up, chief. Thats one of those afformentioned augments that came out. only good for team player, but you're never gonna really get plastered by that many effects in one go anyways... Although they might appreciate the shields in the later game, theres a lot better things you can use that slot for than that mod. X_X 15:00 skill issues. but also, the game used to be about "space ninjas" infiltration and sabotage and such before at some point they eventually power crept themselves so hard they literally became roving war crime dispensers with fantastical powers from the void. So somewhere down the line stealth became an undesireable or an active hinderance. --But I'm just good at both kinds of games-- 15:55 alright, you warded me off destiny (if it wasn't just the price tag and authors themselves). I fricking HATE having to scrutinize different copies of gear for hours. Quit chucking gear loot at me that I have to sort through and can't just stuff in my infinite dimensional storage in the back of the ship. I just wanna play the damn game. 16:20 *[dumpsters your video]*
Warframe is a far-from-perfect game and I've levelled lots of criticisms at it in the past, however, while I agree with some points, you were just misinformed/wrong about others. The spectres aren't boss fights. They are teasers for future warframe options as you progress. Vor, Fossa, Seargent, Lech Kril, Alad V, Lephantis, and other Assassination Mission targets are "boss fights". I know some things are easy to miss but if you read the quest rewards and check what's in your foundary you'll see the blueprints to start building warframes that drop from each boss fight (Except Vor, he drops weapon parts for a pistol and a melee weapon). Also, claiming that Digital Extremes making you play for what is (generously) no more than 10 hours at most before more warframes become available is a disservice is unreasonable. For a long-term, free MMORPG that has a fast movement system and multiple systems the intention should never be to flood players with information. As it stands, they do that a bit too much already, and learning multiple frames is better served after a player understands the systems. You can get your second warframe on your second planet, and that's pretty reasonable. Also, also, in the first cut scene they get given a cinematic of three different warframes in action, so it's not as if the player is not aware there is a possibility to play different frames. Mentioning that there are a whole 9 separate resources to collect without specifying that you can collect multiple resources just by completing missions without making an intended effort to do so, and more so if you do, is giving an incorrect opinion. The fact is, most warframes you only need to collect one or two resources for, because, as you progress, you collect a bunch of resources that you won't immediately need, and the grind, while present, is not as daunting as you're portraying. You don't NEED to use the premium currency to increase your inventory space. You can, to a limit, but a lot of your space will open up more from levelling. Don't get me wrong, I actually agree the inventory is too restrictive when you first start, however, you're still giving an incorrect opinion. Don't delete duplicates, and don't sell them for credits. You can use them for Endo, which is a less-used and less-available resource. Some missions will require a focus on defensive positioning. Finishing objectives as quickly as possible is a good rule of thumb but not always the best, especially when it comes to opening relics on endless. Wandering around the ship is immersive. Just saiyan. Also, you need to complete each node on the star chart at least once to unlock the end game stuff, so skipping it isn't the best suggestion. You're skipping a lot of the content in the name of speedrunning and then complaining that you're not invested in the lore or universebuilding. That's your playstyle. If you want to take your time and soak up the aesthetic and lore, cool. If you want to speedrun to max your mechanics, also cool. But you can't have both. You can play both ways in Warframe, but not at the same time. Just because you didn't find the punchy weapons doesn't mean they aren't there. Try the Spartan Laser. Also, as someone who's played Destiny 2, the gunplay and melee combat in Warframe is far more satisfying, for me. This will be a person-to-person thing, and everyone is entitled to their different aesthetic tastes. But Destiny felt too slow, heavy, grounded even. You use mods to make your abilities change. Exhalted Blade can do more damage, travel further, and even change damage types if you want. And stacking attack speed means you can throw it out more often.
There is much more mission types. For now there is 30 different. But some are just variation of something else or multistage mission. For example. One of the base mission is defense or mobile defense. But you have also mirror defense which make you constantly switch location but its endless so is more like defense than mobile defense. Excavation is also form of defense but you have to find drill, power it and defend. So veterans sometimes sarcasticaly simplify this to kill/defend/gather. But there is bunch of variety. Big bad is, revelations about you too. But not from the start. You dont get 20 minutes "summary of previous expansion". Lore is everywhere but its hidden sometimes better than secrets in from software games. For example there is crazy lore about your ship "AI". But you have to gather his memory fragments on planets. Which unlock some lore panels. And you have to figure out how find hidden messages in it. One of the most important lore dump in game is not only hiden in place where you have acces after finishing one of the big quests that you unlock around 50-100 ours in game. But this lore is spoken in high poetry. About frames. Timers exist obviously to encourage you to spend some money. Warframe need some way to make money. And i even heard from Destiny veteran that DE just should release payed expansion. Which is hiliarious. Bc this is one of reasons why there is more people hating destiny than ever played this game. And it would totaly kill warframe. About quick acces to new frames. I dont think its needed. Try to master at least one before you get next. Before Koumei update first frame that you could actualy try to get was rhino on venus. Now its Koumei. Everything for her crafting you can get from earth, venus, and you need some stuff from cetus which introduce you to resource gathering in open world. And she is interesting, complex and fckn broken AF frame. But i agree with slots. This is big problem when you start. And if no one teach you how to make money in this game it can be really hard to overcome. Pvp is completly dead bc its imposible to balanse warframe movement for pvp. Completly dont agree on your power take. And mele. You just barely licked those and comparing this to some high seizure inducing content in destiny. Everything in destiny that isnt shooty shooty weapon is some kind of cooldown thing. Ult? Sure. It can look fun. But for me its stupid. Its like "now i'm just doing stuff, but wait when i grow stronger and start shoting fire and shit". Its boring but very visualy rewarding.... which is definition of korean mmo cheap shit. Its literally "wait, then push button to win". And mele is literally the same. Its BIG BONK on timer. Big bada bum with zero effort from you. But its flashy so even if its not effective then it look nice. If you wanna big bonk puch there is frame. Atlas. If you put some work in his build you can literally go trough whole mission just bonking everyone to death with one punch. Imagine this BIG BONK destiny style. But like 2-4 times in a second. Constantly. Melee in warframe is such big mechanic that it has one of biggest entry on wiki and multiple additional info for specifics of certain submechanics. There is 27 melee cathegory, each with unique combo, sometimes even more than one unique for every type bc there are also stances. On top of that tennokai which is another subsystem. Abilities/skills are also more advanced. There is less pathing than in destiny. But much more abilities overall. And much more reliance on them. You constantly cast something. There is no 30s(HOW MUCH?!) cooldown on fire granade... wtf. No. You wanna fire ball? Cast 5 in a second. And then 3 times ultimate that sets on fire everything, and everything that dies with that fire can drop energy so you can cast more ultimates. Or maybe Dante? You start mission and imidiently you cast 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2 4, and maybe 1. And then you basicaly not use your melee or guns bc its waste of your potential. No no no, stapth. Even in early game you should see that melee and power systems are more involved in gameplay than in destiny. Its literally like diablo 4 and path of exile. In diablo you not only have less options, but also 2 viable builds on any character. In comparision to much more complex PoE were META build are usualy used by 2-5% of players. And this is biggest % of all builds. Next. Do not go fast. Mission yes. Its a speedrun. But trying to get everything to be in endgame is something i would call "a destiny tourist trap". There is no endgame. There is no raid bosses. No dungeons or whatever. Warframe has many things to do and this you should do. Some of everything or try to focus on one thing. If you are bored of one thing then go to another. Only 'REAL' goal that you can actualy show in warframe is "catch them all". There is sh1t ton of everything. More than 50 frames. + primes. Around 1000 unique weapons. Plenty of pets. Also 6 unlocked later skill trees. Bunch of syndicates(not only main 6). To fully master everything you have to do everything bc content is everywhere. You dont just go to raid lvl mission and drop some legends +500. There is technicaly something that can be called endgame. Its Called Deep archimedea. And for most players(i'm not talking about crazy veterans) its cry in shower lvl of hard. But rewards... arent unique to it. Its just way to get more of stuff that you can get in limited dayli amount elswhere.
I am a Destiny player who has played from D1 beta. I LOVE Destiny. Though I have gotten a bit tired of it recently and have needed a break from it. I watched a video called something like, “ warframe is a wake up call” and got intrigued by what he said and thought II would give Warframe a try. I was pretty skeptical at first. The fighting seems way too easy at first, but it has become much more fun as I have progressed. I largely play solo, but there are missions that I absolutely need help and it is easy to quickly switch to public and get the help. The problem with this is that most of these warframers as SO damn fast and skilled that i can’t keep up with them. The missions are often done before I can even get to the assassinations. I much prefer working at my pace and experimenting with the skills my warframes have. Yes destiny has its super and I love that, but these warframes have some interesting synergy’s that are very fun to play in their own right. As for story. It was weak at first, as anyone should expect. The first stuff you do was done early in this games development. Of course it’s weak. Kind of like Destiny’s weak starter. But OH MY GOD it gets really good! And “the new war” was COMPLETELY EPIC in my opinion! The Lore is really getting fleshed out right now for me. and this game has is just full of things to do. I have only touched the surface of railjack, and archwing missions. I won’t lie, I have had to watch a lot of warframe content creators just to figure out what to do next, but I have to say that has really added to my enjoyment of this game. I have yet to actually complete a kuva mission, though I think I understand how to do them now. I am excited to start hunting archons but need to get through the quest Angels of Zariman and don’t feel that I am powerful enough to do that yet. So, now I am farming for more powerful mods and trying to build my first Prime weapon. It’s all very complicated and that is what is making it so fun for me! I have some much still to do! I have to say that I am enjoying warframe every bit as much as I enjoy Destiny and I would certainly recommend this game to Destiny players. If you
9.5k hours in to destiny and played warframe since 2 weeks ago and I can say it's night and day difference between the 2 games , im just getting ready for the new war I have all side quest and wf quest mostly done not really touched open world as of yet but I have had space gundam missions I have done them underwater and also been a real space pirate in a railjack a game truly made for the players and I'm ashamed of myself that it took me this long to play it
nicely done. as a noob myself its overwhelming and the limits they put on and the trade stuff or buy cred is a reall problem. you nailed the drawbacks to new players enjoying it very well.
People already dropped alot of helpful comments so I'm not sure what I can add contribute, but your first time experience kinda mirrors mine with the game. I first played on PS4 completely blind without anyone's help and quit before even reaching Second Dream. Then years later when Warframe hits the Switch I gave it another chance, this time armed with the wiki and a helpful clan, and man... I feel stupid for quitting the game back then. Warframe's learning curve is super steep, but trust me it's worth it in the end, there's a reason why the game is still going strong after a decade.
The funniest thing is that there definitely is an overarching villain and an awesome quest about your origin. It's all about doing the quests on the codex.
Heyo, i super enjoyed the video because as someone who has played WF for 8 years i forget the way new player experience the game. You said quite a few things that aren't representative of how Warframe works. They are NOT your fault however it would take too long to list them. Once again, this is DE's fault NOT YOURS. But i would like to offer a couple tips. 1) You can get a frame relatively early in the game called "Rhino" he drops from the boss Fossa on Venus. That's the first frame i always recommend people get because it shows bosses, farming for a frame, and resource gathering. 2) You can purchase the blueprints to a lot of different weapons from the marketplace. You buy the blueprint with credits then build it in the foundry, no money required! You could also join a clan to get access to 50+ weapons and 3-4 frame blueprints. 4) Build times suck, im with you there. However, once you get into the game they don't really matter because as you are building that frame or weapon you will have 6 other frames and 15 weapons you haven't touched XD 5) Slots are another point that turns a lot of players off, i wish they would change it to give new players 5 Warframe slots and 25 weapon slots to start with. I offer this to every single new player i talk to (it's not because you are a creator), you are more than welcome to add me in game (KIlluaWalker) and i will gift you 3 frame slots and 8 weapon slots :) This goes for any other new player in Warframe that see's this message. I love this game so i want others to as well. 6) Warframe is designed in a way to hook you with the movement and gameplay then introduce the story later on. It's suppose to be an "eye opener" kind of moment that i think works pretty well. If the gameplay can't carry you to that point then it's probably not the game for you. Nonetheless, the story quest "the second dream" is widely considered the point where WF gets Serious. Good Luck!
Warframe is a lot easier to get into if you go into chat, let them know you're new, and ask any questions you have. The community is insanely helpful, and just a genuinely really friendly bunch. I've been gifted things just because one player or another was feeling generous that day, and I had players almost clambering over each other to guide me through the basics of Warframe when I was first starting out. So don't be afraid to reach out. This community loves the game, and are more than happy to help flatten out some of the steeper parts of the learning curve and ensure more players, you included, can enjoy Warframe as much as they do.
small correction, you unlock 3 more planets once you progress farther in the story! but as a veteran player with 968 hours in game i really enjoyed seeing a new player expierence on this game that isnt being given everything by viewers. Syndicates and standing are a later star chart thing alot of frames can be earned from bosses you fight during the campaign (star chart) plat can be earned by trading things like prime frames and weapons or vaulted items for only 500 subs, your content is top tier man keep it up love from sweden
Welcome Tenno! Warframe doesn't really have a specific super broken ability that will nuke everything alone, it's more a game of stacking buffs on buffs on buffs. For a more concrete example, you could take the starter bow, and with a good setup, use it in supprisingly high level missions.
There's a lot of inaccuracies in this video, but good effort, and honestly i don't blame you, only being 20 hours in, when the "tutorial" itself is like 100 hours, give or take. This is an issue with warframe tbh, and it 'does' accurately represent the 'new player experience' to a degree, that new players really don't even understand what kind of game warframe is, much less how the systems or monetization works, - let alone what a warfame even is. lol These are luxuries reserved for players who invest a lot of time to learn and understand it, unfortunately. It's a huge iceberg, and that's the issue, it's a beautiful iceberg, unlike anything else that is out there, it's pure gold, but new players aren't able to see the ice under the water, and don't understand the time required to even know what they've gotten themselves into, and thus their judgements are based on purely what they see from the initial - and that doesn't exactly paint an accurate picture of the game. This really needs to be fixed somehow. First impressions are important, and when you're offering one of the most unique and creative and soulful gaming experiences out there, new players need to see and understand that from the get go, not after 100 hours. Otherwise you get people logging in, playing a few basic missions, seeing all the microtransactions in the market and wondering why they have no new stuff and conclude it's some pay 2 win nonsense and uninstall, never giving it a chance, when nothing could be further from the truth. New players need more direction, it's really my only gripe with game, 600 hours in, Well, that, and the crafting times, but it's not a time gate once you realize you can easily farm the 'premium currency' in game. Once you get into the flow, you'll have so much stuff in the foundry to claim, there's always something cooking in the mean time while you chase your next goal.
One thing Warframe has in spades is options. As far warframes and weapons, find the area or boss their loot drops from and farm, farm, farm. Mod and Forma warframes and weapons for more power and better mod utility.
Mission types you missed are: - Exterminate - Excavation - Disruption (though the first one isn't seen until Mars) - Interception - Survival - Sabotage Missions can be broken into two main groups: basic, and endless. Basic are Extermination, Spy, Rescue, Mobile Defense, Capture, Sabotage, and Assassination. Endless ones are Defense, Interception, Survival, Disruption, and Excavation. As you might have guessed the basic ones have a single set of objectives, that you run through the mission to complete with extraction at the end. These are the ideal missions that (if run solo so as to not feel pressured by other players) are great for taking your time to explore every nook and cranny for resources and lockers. You'll be free to look for secret rooms and might even find some rare spawns because once the objective is over with you have nothing stopping you from looking around aside from a trickle of enemy spawns. Endless missions, are their name implies, are endless and can be run for as long as you can keep up with the ever increasing enemy level. However, endless missions can also be split into two groups: Freeform and Single Tile. In Single Tile Endless missions you'll be doing the majority of the mission in a single large tile. These two are Defense and Interception, and they usually will use the same tile for both modes. These kinds of missions don't have a physical extraction point to run to, instead just asking you after each reward stage if you want to stay or go. Be warned that failing the main objective will mean giving up everything from all the previous waves so don't get too greedy. Freeform on the other hand uses a full tileset like the the basic missions, and allows you to move around forwards and backwards to suit the objective. These are Survival, Excavation, and Disruption. So long as you can complete the first reward cycle you can leave whenever you want by running to extract. If you're in a squad you can leave on your own by staying at extract for 30 seconds. When dealing with endless missions of most types the main rewards you get are based on a cycle of drop tables. This follows the AABC system, where the first 2 rewards come from drop table A, and then drop table B, and drop table C, before cycling back to two As again. This means that "the good stuff" tends to take at least 4 cycles to access, or 8, 12, 16, etc cycles if you want another shot at it in the same session. The exception to this is Disruption which is much better explained by the table on the wiki page. That one has rewards that scale based on the number of conduits you save, and by the time you reach round 4 you'll always get at least a B table reward even if you only save 1 out of 4. Even besides all this there's still another half dozen or so mission types, but they're rare enough or far enough ahead in the chart they aren't worth mentioning here to keep from overloading any more than I probably already have. Edit: Tip to the menu thing, you can access menus even faster with the gear wheel, Q by default on PC. You can use this to fast travel to each of the stations, and when in the player hubs like the relays or the open world towns you can use this wheel to travel to all of the vendors. As far as the ability use thing, it depend heavily on the frame you use, there is 58 of them after all. Excalibur is mainly just the sword guy, yeah, but Mag and Volt are quite capable of nuking off a whole room of enemies.... and excal to an extent with his 3rd ability. - Spy feeling slow; it can be just as fast once you know their routes or use a frame with abilities that can trivialize the sensors. - A lot frames are accessible to the new players, you just have to go out and get them - Our main argument for the slow craft times is that there is no limit to how many things can craft at once, so working on a bunch of things at once that are staggered means you can get into a rhythm of having new things to try all the time. That said, it is a common pain point of a LOT of new players, so the usual 72hour craft time on the final assembly was dropped for Koumei to 24 as an experiment to make her more accessible. - Slots, similarly are a common pain point, which I think could be addressed by simply front loading more on a new account, but the main thing we have going for us is that you can still get all of the premium toys by trading items for plat, which allows the whales and F2Pers to coexist in a symbiotic relationship. Get into running fissures to open relics and there will always be a market for people to buy even the most common prime parts off of you. When you get here it is HIGHLY recommended to avoid the ingame trade chat and to use the market website.
@@GeekMediaCentral Hehe yeah I might as well be. Really makes it seem equally daunting when you think "how would they tutorialize all of this?" Also hiiiighly recommend The Kengineer's videos. His guides on basic concepts like game modes, modding for damage and how status effects work can be invaluable to understanding them quickly. And if he's made a guide on a specific frame he'll likely include new player friendly builds for them
One of my favourite interactions was me and someone else was helping a newbie, a rare resource called morphatronics dropped, the other dude was saying, why they want this, what it does, what it's used for. They where like huh, what? I said, this is shiny, you want shiny. Oh OK nick thanks. This game is overwhelming, speak simply first, mastery comes later.
It may look suspicious, but in the game the market is your friend, in there you can buy some weapons for credits, the non premium currency that drops from pretty much every mob and container, as well as find out where weapons and warframe parts drop. A good chunk of frames drop from assassination missions, the earliest boss you fight as a newbie is the jackal on venus, other frames drop from unique missions, such as citrine from the mirror defence on mars. Warframe is not for everyone, yes, but the point that will for sure define if a new player is gonna get hooked or not is the quest the second dream, if a new player reach that point in the game they will know for sure if they will keep playing or not. The main issue is that warframe throws a bunch of stuff at you and doesn't hold your hand after the awekening, the game gives you a lot of freedom of choice which could overwhelm a new player, DE is still doing adjustments to the new player experience, I heard they would rework the guest vor's prize as it was the second tutorial quest after the awekening, but I'm not sure since I just saw them commenting about it on the dev shorts live in the youtube waframe channel. Warframe is a game about patience, pick one thing and work your way towards it at your own pace, warframe may be a "fast" game, but it is more like a marathon then a race, you don't need to speedrun the levels unless you think that is fun.
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Ironically all the things you said aren't there - show up after you reach Uranus and start the real story.
As someone one who has played this game sense release if they want to add another Warframe to the start of the game they should as Loki for a stealthy option, he is pretty beginner friendly for a stealth frame
as an more expressed player your next Warframe you can get is either on earth(Gara/Koumei/Revenant) or Venus (Rhino) i recommend the Venus on, also every thing is free even the platinum there is a market if you want a short cut to Warframes ect, but every thing is farmable in Warframe. (note that the earliest wareframe that i would get is earthier Koumei or Rhino because there both one of the more power full Warframes and because Revenant is locked behind a quest (i don't know when you would unlock the quest) , that side some are locked behind clans which are free you'd have to look in recruiting and i have to admit that the begging is not that friendly and we welcome new players. (this is suppose to be informational/help full not rude sorry if i came off rude)
@@the_don4671 since*
OH u are so wrong in a good way on many things u said .... u will go to a epic storry but its looked for u a long time.... DO not Farm rhino or anny other frame for a looong time will feel like trash and u loose much of the skill needed (rhino is to powerfull) i talk from experence ... Get into a clan so u have a goot pool of frames and wapons. add me if u like ( Masterminde )i enjoi helping new players .... but do not expect free stuff :) BTW u can sell ur guns and so on to free up slots.
"An alien species called the Tenno" oh my boy... you have so much to learn... (also you literally get Warframe parts for building new Warframes by doing assassination missions, you simply have to build the parts idividually) 👍🏻
Can you get every Warframe through assassinations?
@@Capitano1stMcDonaldsHarbinger No. Some are based on specific missions. And... RNG. Ivara is gotten through spy missions. Only if you don't lose any of the data.
@@iseeundeadpeople9 Oh damn. good thing there's no time limit on getting all of them.
@@Capitano1stMcDonaldsHarbinger It's easier to get Ivara Prime. There are many primes that are easier to get than the standard versions.
@@Capitano1stMcDonaldsHarbinger no, but theres different ways to get every Warframe for free
For the newbies:
1) Nightwave is your friend. Try to do as much of it as you can per week for free access to weapon and Warframe slots, cosmetics, mods, etc
2) The story kicks into 3rd geard after The Second Dream quest. Don't worry, I think they should cut out the fluff as well, and I've been playing since 2016
3) Our community is *HUGE* . If you need anything, you need only ask. Just stay away from region chat unless you love the feeling of running your tongue along the street behind a garbage truck leaking dumpster juice after leaving a Taco Bell.
OI, dont insult the leaking dumpster like that, comparing it to Region chat
region chat do get wild at times doesn't it xD
I would say on 2, if you do push the main story, you can be there in 15 hours, here Geek Media Central chose not to. They have reduced the grinds to get there a lot too. In fact getting all the way through new war isn't too bad now if that is your aim.
And to Geek Media Central, there is overarching narratives. As for the junction specter fights, with the power creep over the years, they are a lot easier than they were in 2016 lols, I don't consider them boss fights at all now.
@@EwanMarshallspectre fights at the junctions are possibly a check to make sure people who only played on teams could handle the game solo occasionally, since the quests are mainly solo.
@@ClockworkCanary-3 agreed. It's really odd those rate times seeing a player who gets completely carried thru the first part of the game seem to have no idea how to play by the end of the Star chart... I thought I heard they switched the default for new players to "solo", which it honestly should be. First squad I ever got into, they just blew away the whole map while I did nothing. Then they jumped into a planet I hadn't unlocked yet and I got downed in the first doorway. "Dude, how? Oh, he's MR1..."
It's nice to see a somewhat non-biased review of the new player experience but there are quite a few things here that are misleading or flat-out wrong.
-The platinum required to buy additional slots can be earned for free by trading items you earned with other players. It can be tedious at times, yes, but it's a pretty tradeoff to not have to spend any real money
-There ARE Warframes you can access early, the game just doesn't necessarily hold your hand in getting them, but it does make an effort to nudge you towards it. You are required to beat the Jackal on Venus to progress, and upon doing so you'll get one of Rhino's blueprints. The game expects the player to put two and two together and realize the boss drops Rhino components, and replay it a few times
-The crafting times are another tradeoff of the game being free to play. But yeah they're kinda annoying
-Most Warframes don't *have* super abilities. They do often have a fourth ability that's more powerful than the rest of their kit, but they're not meant to be an instant win button. They're better used in combination with the other abilities.
-Locking most Warframes away from new players isn't a bad thing. Some Warframes are too complex for a new player to enjoy. If I started the game with someone like Limbo I would've probably quit.
-Pretty much all weapons lack immediate heft, everything requires a bit of investment.
You did also make a few pretty valid points here, such as the spy missions feeling disjointed from everything else, the starchart being a bit of a slog, and the poor early game story.
Overall, I'm happy to you're continuing the game, but I do recommend making an updated review later, as you haven't finished the tutorial yet.
"If I started the game with someone like Limbo I would've probably quit." - I absolutely agree with this sentiment.
I started playing back when Loki was one of the starter options and I picked him, and he was so horrible back then before I had decent mods to make his kit work (and by kit, I mean pretty much just invis), that I actually DID quit for a while.
I only got back into it because a friend got into it and wanted me to come back to join him. I'm glad I did.
i wouldnt say every weapon lacks immediate heft. some, like the lex for example, will easily carry you for most of the early planets(up to jupiter, and outside the open worlds), with minimal mods. other weapons slike the kohm, hek and sobek will also do incredibly well earlier on with no issues.
but sooner or later mods will start to be required. it is a major if not the most important power players have, so the game need to force them to make use of it. you can probably still do it, without using potatoes, and using auto-mod. but something like a mid upgraded damage mod, or the elemental mods will be needed.
oh god imagine if Limbo was a starter frame. And I say that as a Limbo main ._.
@@AnymMusic I just started Limbo and I can see why and how someone would quit, lol. But I am up for the challenge.
@@Markadown It is a great frame, but there are certainly a load of mechanics to understand with it.
I’ve played both Warframe and destiny 1 and 2 for years. I love both games for different reasons. As an experienced Warframe player I can tell you this. You have barely scratched the surface of the game. You are essentially still in the tutorial. The main “campaign” or story of the game really dosnt start till you start the “Second Dream” quest.
Like the channel wish you success
Thanks for your comment! Does "Second Dream" start after you complete the Star Chart? That would mean the "main" campaign doesn't start until like 30 hours in?
@@GeekMediaCentral that’s correct the main story starts about 20 to 30 hours in it’s crazy I know but it is well worth it! First complete the Uranus junction and play a quest called “ Natah” then you can play “Second Dream” followed by “The war within” and “the sacrafice”
Warframe is a huge game with multiple layers. What I love about Warframe is that all major expansions and updates are completely free to everyone and you can fall into a rabbit hole with the story and lore
Ooh, free content! I'll be sticking around then lol. I actually just got Kaliban for free. And, I got blueprints for Koumei. I can't wait to try her out!
@@GeekMediaCentral koumei is awesome. The game has 2 basic and very broad schools of thought for damage, being crit and status. Koumei is a status monster and a lot of fun
@@GeekMediaCentral emphasis on FREE content, you can gain everything in Warframe without spending any real world money, minus Tennogen cosmetics but imo those are worth it as the money spend goes back to the community member that created it. Will say that you talk about paywalls for new players, but isn't it true that a new player in Destiny can't go very far without spending money just to get past the tutorial? Plus new content in Destiny costs money as well. Personally I spend money on a game because I enjoy it and want to show that I do, not to progress further or to continue with new content.
You can access new Warframes as early as Venus. The Bosses of basically every planet drops Warframe parts. Part of the New Player experience is playing with older players and having them assist you , which many are willing to help you farm for Orokin Cells and the like to build new frames.
There is a Yearly event on the game's Anniversary ( Around March ) where they give out weapons and cosmetics over the course of a few weeks. Lots of holidays have free Palettes you can buy for 1 credit.
This is a game that for years didn't have a story mode, and the early game reflects that. But from someone that was playing for a year before the story hit, it hits hard. So New players , to have some semblance of that experience must play 20-30 hours to get to what we spent 1-2 years doing. This period helps make the story matter more and you'll see when you get there. Good Tenno don't Spoil our new brothers and sisters.
If you ever want or need a squad member, or have any questions on mechanics , builds , lore... hit me up. In game Name is the same as my name here. We all lift Together
Thank you so much for being open and welcoming into the community. I really appreciate it 🙏
Newest warframe Koumei also can be earned on earth.
Hell you can get a new frame as early as earth with the release of koumei
1-2 years? I still remember the fucking stamina bar and the mk1 paris doing computer integer max value dmg lol. Second dream, war within and this is what you are hit harder than drunk step dad to us.
every planet outside of maybe a couple, have bosses, that drop warframe parts. then there's invasion with phorid dropping another, a few others can easily be aquired in a clan dojo. and vauban can be gotten by simply doing nightwave challenges, its not that expensive.
other warframes require more demanding grinding, including some of the boss ones, like equinox and trinity.
there are a few that you can get through bounties. and some that are aquired through quests.
but if you farm bosses as you get to them(except equinox), you will easily reach a fair number of them.
The "big revelation" you seek are cinematic quests with The Second Dream being the most prolific and beloved by community.
Tenno are not aliens, there are no aliens in Warframe, only humans and human mistakes.
The thing about slow progress is that contrary to most games Warframe's progress speed increases as you get stronger.
I'm really looking forward to the Second Dream now. You don't think the community is overhyping it? It'd be disappointing if it doesn't live up to the build up now.
@@GeekMediaCentralCool, a recent comment, so I can respond. To quote a great man “keep your expectations low boy, and you will never be disappointed”
The Second Dream came out 2-3 years after the game released, so imagine playing a game religiously for years only for it to be flipped on its head by a quest. That’s why so many people talk about it like it’s some life altering thing, because for many of us (including me) it kinda was in regards to Warframe
Now, new players who jump in right now are approaching the quest in a completely different context. You’ll only be playing 10-30 hours by the time you reach the Natah quest (which is when it starts) and you’d have constantly been told about the Second Dream, so you have certain expectations
I’ll just say to go in with an open mind (if you have not already been spoiled) and know that once you reach the Second Dream is when WF’s story starts to pick up
@@flamingdoge6242 I will temper my expectations accordingly. Thank you!
@@GeekMediaCentral Well, it definitely hits different depending on how invested you are into the game/story. For people who are deep The Second Dream was pretty much mindblowing.
And it hit even stronger when it first came out bc we didn't know ANYTHING about that part of the lore.
Community cherished Second Dream so much no one would talk about it in public chat to not spoil it for a year after it dropped. Heck, even nowadays people will try to not spoil it if they can.
Pre-Second Dream: "yay, we're space ninjas, boom boom, fire my lasers"
Post Second Dream: "...Holy fuck. We are sooo much more than space ninjas..."
Post The War Within: "Hey kiddo"
I Wil add something as a veteran, Warframe does not have a endgame. It has more difficult missions, for sure, but the thing is, as you progress in the game, you get so much stronger that most missions can't keep up the difficulty, some weapons in this game can (and will) melt levels of enemies in a few shots.
But the thing is, it takes time. Like, a lot of time.
If you don't want to spend platinum, you can wait for nightwave to give you slots (warframe and weapon's). Some events throughout the year will give free stuff all the time. And you can also just sell things you don't like to free up slots to try out other stuff.
And mods will elevate the gameplay exponentially. Some look unassuming, but the have lots of interactions that will increase the weapon or warframe power many times over.
Also, about supers, I know it's called ultimates in warframe, but not all of the frames have a super important 4th ability that packs up a punch (From the starters Mag and Volt can do way more with theirs, for instance) Excalibur is just more focused on gunplay/swordplay. And even then his exalted blade can be built to mince levels of enemies even from afar.
Of you are looking for more super feeling I will recommend Gauss (his 4 can overcharge his entire kit) Mesa (pistoleer that has an auto targeting pistol that shoots stupidly fast) or Hildryn (her 4 turns her into a carrier platform that makes all ennermies around her float in place for easy of shooting (there's also Titania and Jade, but this lost is getting too long)
Most important new player learning curve is... Very steep. It takes time to have the hang of it. You can chill out and do mission at your pace. The secrets of the universe, and the big bads will be waiting for you.
And as a final tip, the community is very good. Most veterans will help if you ask for it. And, most of us older players have stockpiles of mods that we will gladly give away for new players to help your journey.
Keep at it, tenno.
Thanks for the in-depth response. It sounds like I ought to give Gauss a try for that "super" ability feel. I'll continue to play and ask questions to the community. Everyone seems so welcoming!
Fashion frame is end game
@@GeekMediaCentral if you have any questions, I can answer. My in game nick is the same as this one.
Hello Tenno!
As a veteran myself I find the archemidea game mode comes close as being the endgame. Sometimes it's combination of debuffs make it decently difficult. Also it also makes me look over forgotten weapons in my arsenal.
@@NilasJunkyard oh right, that is definitely the most difficult content so far
To be fair about junctions its not meant as an epic boss fight, its there as a progression reason to get to a new planet and a small dps check. If you have been a lazy bones and not upgrading gear one of the specters might actually be a roadblock and force you to actually upgrade some of your mods before you move on. Take it from someone who has played since 2013 and has had recently started a new account at mastery rank 0 for challenge lol.
Nightwave almost always has weapon slots and warframe slots (two and one respectively) and later on you can try to sell things to earn more platinum for more slots. Grinding for relics and then opening them is usually your easiest bet since you could get a hot new item and sell it for a few plat, then do that a few times and you have enough. Getting hundreds of plat is a different story but small amounts is usually easy to come by.
And honestly you could probably get away with having roughly 20 of each weapon slot and 10 warframe slots max and just sell weapons you max that are getting outclassed to save space.
Great information here. I'll have to come back and re-read it before my next session. Thank you!
@@GeekMediaCentral I wouldnt recommend staying with 20 and 10 of each. I did the same and i played since beta (Or alpha it is?) times.
Reason is, very very lately, some very end game content has been added that basically rely on giving you random warframes and weapons to choose to complete a challenge. If you dont have those, you cant do it. If you have them but never upgraded them, you *can* try it but will fail miserably (Unless carried by really tryhard vets lol) One of those is Archmedia, one of the latest released modes. The other is duviri, an expansion with different contents and modes, that also rely on builds you have (Though here, since its a new player experience Duviri, you can use a default warframe or weapon build made by the game if you dont own them, rather than blocking you from the content. But applies basically the same, you use default? You could accomplish the missions, but will be insanely hard and frustrating.
If you plan for the long term, save everything you can. Or the ones that were easy to farm and fabricate, sell them in order to make space for harder equipment, once you reach end game you can then worry about building once again only the stuff that was easy to farm. Or just dont sell anything, choose your fighter but DONT do what he recommended without having this in mind.
How is it at MR0? I was reading updates and it looks like I'll be locked out of a couple of things (MR5 requirements) but depending on access I might skip em.
@@grimsage5809 Are you asking as a new player or someone doing a mr 0 challenge or something? I 'completed' the main story no problem with never upgrading my mastery.
@Darthmufin challenge running lol. they removed a couple "build a weapon mr5" replacing with quest requirements
20 hours? You have completed barely the 25% of the tutorial, bro! :D But take your time, Warframe is a FULL free-to-play game, all the content is always aviable for all the players, so you don't need to rush. I'm a Destiny player, so I can tell you: take your time. And ask, talk to other players how to expand your gaming style, don't play solo everytime. Use the HELP and the REGION (but depends in wich region you are) chat, the Warframe Community is one of the best in the gaming world. But remember: NO SPOILER! You deserve to have the coplete experience by yourself, any good Warframe player know this. Oh, and think this: I have almost 65 diffent frames for a total cost of 25 Euro in 4 years. I hope to see you in game!
True, this review is not even half ass lame.
25%? nah it seems 5%
The best advice I could give a new player is to keep in mind that this game is designed to keep you engaged for years, not hours. And it's also VERY easy to get sidetracked, which will hinder the feeling of progress. As mentioned, focus is key.
Once you learn the systems, you definitely need to complete all nodes in the system, since that unlocks "hard mode".
Eventually you'll stack up so many resources that forging blueprints as you get them is no big deal.
You will also earn platinum discounts periodically in-game, so never pay full price. Just wait til you get a hefty discount like 75% off.
One thing worth mentioning is that the items obtained from opening relics can be traded to other players, and the standard currency for them is Platinum, the premium currency. This ultimately means that you can farm for the premium currency by performing such trades, mitigating the issue.
@@LuminoRay also, for relic cracking, always go with a team because then you can choose from any of the items, not just yours. Who knows what will show up?
LOL, it's funny how the narration shows how far he is into the story. Sorry you haven't gotten another frame yet. You totally have access to them since they drop of most planet junctions and bosses as well as some in cetus and fortuna.
... and virtually nobody plays conclave.
Further, unlocking all the nodes on a planet give you access to nightmare missions on that planet, giving access to more challenging content and more powerful mods.
I'd recommend you use your early plat for slots.
I was just about to mention conclave lol we don't do that here, keep that in destiny.
@Gravesyte Sometimes there are players in conclave and its fun to play, but i definetly see why not many players want to play it
Greetings new Tenno! Glad to see more people pick up Warframe!
Just a few tips for starting out, the auto modding feature is notoriously bad. It’s serviceable, but in the long run, most frames want 1 or 2 survivability mods, and the rest of the mods go into improving the effectiveness of their abilities, with bonus range or energy efficiency, for example, to make them feel even more impactful.
To add to that, most Warframes don’t really have a “Super” like in Destiny, true, but as long as you have energy and a nice mod set up, all 4 of your Frame’s abilities are use in a concerto. It’s about the entire kit, not always a “I press this one button and win”. It varies from Frame to Frame of course.
Weapon slots for me when I was starting out weren’t much of an issue. Once the weapon reaches lvl 30, you’ll have finished gathering the “Mastery Points” for that weapon. Mastery Points contribute to your Mastery Rank. Higher Mastery Ranks unlock better weapons, and eventually you’ll want to level up every weapon and Frame for their Mastery Points. Pretty much all early game weapons/non-Prime weapons fall under “MR Fodder” weapons, and can be deleted from your inventory when you’ve finished leveling them. Of course, if there is a weapon you want to keep, save it and unlock more slots if you’re full.
And with the newest update that gave everyone Caliban, the newest Frame Koumei is fairly easy to farm as well, and has a 36 hour crafting time (12 hr for her individual parts, 24 hr for the final build), and she’s farmed on Cetus after beating a quest called Saya’s Vigil. Very early on into the game!
And finally, everyone is talking about the Second Dream. It’s true, that’s the hallmark of the game for sure, but the quest right before it called “Natah” is both a prerequisite to the Second Dream, and is also the lead up. Once you start Natah, the narrative starts there, not just at the Second Dream, so at least pay attention to the quest going in!
Take care, looking forward to more content if you plan on making more!
So, a few things that I'm sure others will, or have already, tell/told you: there is absolutely a story/campaign, it just isn't thrust into your face as a requirement beyond the first Vor's Prize. The Second Dream is the first quest that is more than kinda tutorializing some of the content (Like Saya's Vigil and Vox Solaris are more or less teachingnyou how Cetus and Fortuna work)
Conclave is a dead game mode, overall.
Inventory slots, up until MR 30 (VERY late in most player's play time, even players focus grinding everything they can find) are admittedly a limiting factor, and the top advice from most veterans is to use the free plat you get on them. Platinum does not *need* to be purchased, technically, but it is going to be very rare for a new player to trade things. ***DO NOT USE PLAT TO RUSH THINGS CRAFTING*** More slots can be gained from Nightwave rankings as well, having looked into it a bit more while typing everything out.
There are, indeed, more pets and companions, including several breeds of Kubrow (dogs), Kavats (cats, trickier to get than Kubrow), Sentinels (robots that hover around you doing stuff), robot dogs (closer to end game), and a couple others kinda best described as Infested versions of Kubrows and Kavats that are dogs again, and foxes.
Most Warframes are farmed by specific means, commonly as rewards for some of the star chart bosses. Some are aquired through quests, as well, and a handful of the newer ones are aquired through a particular mission type with a pity system in place to be able to get that frame, paired weapons, and so forth. Occasionally, there are frames given out as well, both Prime ones occasionally through Twitch Prime promotions, and, more rarely, promotions where DE just gives everyone things (like for next week or so at time of typing this, Caliban will be gifted to anyone logging in, along with an inventory slot)
If you continue to play, make a habit to rank up items to 30, then do a check to see if it's something that would be absolutely horrible farm to try and re-aquire (Xoris is one of the msot infamous examples) before considering selling it. It can be a safe assumption if it is an item given *outright* by a quest, it might be required for something so worth looking up if that is the case or not before selling to make room in inventory.
As you go on, Warframe becomes increasingly more about *how* to go about doing things through customization of so many things. Frame and weapon choice, mods for those, and more, rather than the end game activities themselves.
There is a massive swath of things you've yet to even see hints of. To compare to Destiny 2, you're to the Free Roam bits of Old Earth in the story with one element class.
Edit: Also, at the mention of free login things, this year had tth8ng come from late march to mid may for the anniversary of Warframe's release, and daily login rewards alsp can vary wildly during milestones.
What an amazing comment! Thank you so much for all of this information. I understood almost everything except for the ranking up items to level 30 and then selling. Where can I find out which weapons are worth keeping vs selling?
You can only gain xp once per equipment be it Warframe, Primary weapon, secondary weapon, melee, companion or vehicle. The majority of equipments have a max level of 30, but some can reach 40.
Warframes, companions and vehicles give you 200 xp per level (6000/8000 total).
Primary, secondary or melee weapons, be it yours or from your companion will give you 100xp per level (3000/4000 total).
Therefore, after reaching max level, if the weapon is not good and/or you dont intend to invest on it, sell. The few cases where you need to be careful are quest reward and prisma weapons. For quest rewards i believe all of them are sold at Cephalon Simaris, but its quite a bother to farm reputation with him. For prisma, you can sell it if you really need inventory slot, but be aware it might be difficult to get it again. In every case, level whatever you got to max level.
@GeekMediaCentral Primarily, it's a case of what feels good to use, if you have gotten a weapon that is the same thing but better, or is hard to re-acquire on if it should be kept or sold. By the time you're digging into any meta things, you should be at a point that it isn't an issue to re-acquire items from their various places.
Also! Forgot to mention one other location to get frames and weapons that aren't specifically farmed for. Clan dojos! Most established clans will have the facilities built, though starting a clan of your own is possible as well, getting everything built and researched will definitely take a long while without members assisting the growth.
@@xipment5477i also add wraith weapons in there as well as their the grineer “prisma” weapon variants.
As for rep with simaris it’s easy to do stealth scans with his scanner during a stealth mission. I’m a little slow at it but I can cap my standing in 10 minutes (32,500 standing) on Adaro Sedna. It’s a little tricky to do this at first because of the stealth element and with not having the rechargeable scanner augment but I use Octavia with Lull and its augment endless lullaby. I’ve seen people use Ivara for invisibility and sleep arrows or wisp, banshee, or equinox can be used.
@@XHero1330curcuit can help with the frames too as more then half are available through circuit and that can include hard/annoying to get frames (ivara being one of them).
Maybe this is an uncommon take, but I don't think time-gating on most things is bad at all. On quest items it's quite annoying, but you can go farm other things while you wait for it. You typically don't /need/ the warframe/weapon you're waiting to craft to continue progressing though, so waiting for those things isn't a big deal to me. IMO if it's one of the things keeping the game free to play, I'll happily take it.
Intermediate player here, mastery 16.
There are more mission types than just the 6 he mentioned at the start. There's also Survival, Interception, Disruption, Defection, The Index, Arena, Conclave, Rescue, Capture, Railjack variations of some aforementioned mission types, and finally The Duviri Paradox.
Also warframe level design is done with precedurally generated tilesets that differ depending on enemy faction and planet. They're nothing like strikes at all, because no 2 runs through one mission are necessarily the same in terms of layout.
And one final thing I will say, early game is incredibly slow, and I would absolutely recommend that you play it with friends because its much more enjoyable than just playing alone.
I definitely agree with being picky about what you choose to spend time on, and you probably won't get many warframe players argueing against the points you have made as it's pretty much what we have been telling DE for ages. BUT, one thing we as a community try to tell new players is: At least try to reach the quest "The Second Dream" If you are interested in story THAT is when it starts to pick up and you start unlocking more systems, there are even better quests afterwords but that is THE starting point for all of it.
I've heard this comment a couple of times now since posting this video. So Second Dream starts after the Star Chart is completed, right? So, that's about 25-30 hours into the game?
@@GeekMediaCentral No, the Second Dream does not require the entirety of the star chart to be completed. In fact, as far as I know, none of the story quests do. Each of them only has specific requirements. I think the Second Dream should be available after getting to Uranus, if I remember correctly. The quest chain starts with a quest called "Natah."
@@GeekMediaCentral Second Dream starts after you complete the Neptune Junction. Time-wise it's dependent on whether you have help and/or knowledge. It took me about 200 hours (on my own, no knowledge) to get there, I helped a friend of mine get there in about 30-40 hours (knowledge, slight assistance), and I hard carried a streamer one time in about 10 hours. Be careful what you assume, if you know what you're doing, Warframe can vary between, "I'm doing thousands of damage super easy," all the way to, "My pet's crashing the game with it's damage output and I've got 4 million health... I love games with no challenge!"
Rule #4 of Warframe: Don't be ashamed to ask questions, we all started somewhere, and the community loves helping new players fall in love with the game.
Rule #7 of Warframe: Have fun and make some Warfriends!
Thank you so much for the perspective. Yeah, I guess knowledge and assistance are factors on how quickly you progress in this game. I got accepted by a Clan, so I guess I need to utilize them lol. Time to make some Warfriends!
@@GeekMediaCentral Swazdo-lah new Tenno, and may your blade be ever red with the blood of your enemies!
I appreciate you making this video, as it has finally made me buckle down and decide to create my first TH-cam video discussing your points, what I agree with, what I disagree with, and how I feel DE could improve the new player experience to ensure that this does not continue to happen.
I love it! Can't wait to hear your thoughts!
One additional note - Nightwave weeklies are unlike those in Destiny. If you complete all the weeklies in a week, it starts going back to uncompleted weeklies from previous weeks **complete with the partial progression you've already made.** I was amazed and loved that after my experience with Destiny (and most other games with weeklies for that matter.)
It's worth mentioning that the update that just came out a few days ago did more to emphasize how you actually get more slots without platinum: leveling up weapons to max increases your "Mastery Rank." Because of this it's worthwhile to craft and build as many weapons and frames as you can, as each one moves you toward that goal. Every rank gives you more inventory slots, as well as a higher daily cap for faction standing. Nightwave will also usually award extra inventory slots at certain milestones.
Regarding "endgame" content - there's no such thing as "seasons" in this game, and truthfully endgame content is a bit sparse apart from a few weekly challenges. The core of this game, even at the high end, never really changes: set your sights on a new piece of gear, farm it, build it, try it out, take it to max level, and then ditch it, or - if you like it - take it even further with upgrades like the Reactors/Catalysts, Forma (for changing mod slot polarities), and Exilus adapters.
This game is a ton of fun, but it's systems on top of systems on top of systems. I hope you enjoy the rest of the game even half as much as I did.
Thank you so much for the great information! Despite its new player experience, I actually do enjoy this game. But, I also love grinding and intricate progression systems (such as Path of Exile). Not everyone is hardcore like us! LOL But yeah, I'm definitely going to stick with this!
@@GeekMediaCentral One last thing - the newest warframe was intentionally placed early on the story progression path, and given a build timer of 24 hours rather than the usual (and ridiculous) 72 hours. You're not the first to complain about the timegating, believe me - but they're finally starting to make some changes and give earlier players a way to diversify their loadouts before you have huge stockpiles of resources and six different items rolling out of the oven every day. Now if only they would just increase the starting number of slots...
Unless they changed it, increasing Mastery doesn't grant item slots, it grants _loadout_ slots (saveable gear configs that let you quickly switch between specific warframe/weapon sets).
New player from D2 myself about 80 hours in, keep pushing through amazing story in this game. Great opinion this is how I felt 20 hours in lol
OMG! I love the genuine new player perspective without streamer bias! Keep up the good content!
Thank you so much! Will do!
Some fair criticism since this vodeo is more structured like a "guide" than anything else.
1) platinum osnt really a premium currency, its a trading currently, there are a lot of ways to make platinum but the easiest way is prime junk, just pop some relics with randoms and sell parts in bulk or if u get anything valuable sell separately.
2) 20 hours in and still haven't gotten a new frame. Warframe rhino is available from the first hour or two after u start playing, gara is a bit trickier but she is arguably more early game since get all the mats for her in the same place where you get her components. Game won't hold ur hand and tell u to farm something but it will tell you qhere u can farm it.
3) conclave is dead dont even bother.
4) there are way more game modes on earth alone compared to what you have listed, there is sabotage, exterminate, interception, survival and a lot more further u get into the game.
5) semse of progression without purpose. While that is a problem i feel like DE did a lot to eliminate it, you know what is your main story (they added a filter to codex) and that should be the motivation, there are some local villains but you'll figure out who the big bad os later.
6) get into the endgame ASAP... Warframe has no actual endgame, just finish ur story and then farm for stuff u like or one might argue fashinframe is the endgame which i agree with
7) nevr and i mean NEVER use autoinstall mod feature, modding is the most complex system in the game it is what makes warframe so unique and that's what separates noobs from experienced players, take your time and study and understand mods.
There were also some lore inaccuracies calling tenno "allien race" but that comes from the fact of not knowing and there is no real problem connected to that imo, but maybe if u're making a video you should understand subject a bit deeper than the average player. Especially of you're going to give advice.
Besides that.... Yeah warframe new olayer experience is lacking and ot is confusing but if you know what you're doing or have friends with you it gets much better problem is that there is really no in game way to learn what exactly to do, so u have to get urself a goal thats about it.
Good luck on your waefame journey and keep up the good work
I have 6600 hours on Destiny 2 and 200 on Warframe so far. I still believe that Destiny 2 is better, but god damn Warframe is special. I left D2 after the Echoes episode to try different games, and decided to choose Warframe for it's reputation as a rival of D2. This game is phenomenal.
The fact that all of this is free is amazing, the build crafting goes places Bungie would never dare reach, the number of materials is the nemesis of every person that has ever complained about vendor tokens, and the agility of the characters and their speed gives a completely different combat from D2. D2's first person is unrivaled, Warframe can't compare, but in exchange you have flashy melee weapons that are unlike anything in D2. I prefer the D2 way of allowing the player to make their own character, instead of playing as predefined characters (introducing the tenno kids was a mistake. Can I mute their voice lines?).
Overall I feel like I am going to spend the next couple of years in Warframe, but D2 will still be in my heart the better game.
The grind became my constant objective, given there was always something to work towards building.
Joining a clan made a huge difference early on. The Tenno were super helpful-no one handed me frames, weapons, or slots, but they guided me through farming materials and offered great advice.
After about 80 hours of play, I had 6 built Warframes, 1 Prime, and a ton of new weapons. All without spending money on slots.
I focused on grinding for Platinum, using relics and the marketplace, and completing Nightwave challenges since sometimes slots were available as rewards.
It was a fun first time experience. Made better by the Tenno that helped me.
Great story! All I'm hearing are positive things about this community and how willing they are to help new players. It warms my heart!
@@GeekMediaCentral Yeah, don't be afraid to ask if you don't understand something.
There are Tenno that genuinely want to help new players out, since they are the life blood of live service games like Warframe. Being welcoming encourages new players to join and stay, which in turn attracts more players to try it out.
Whether a Big Tenno gives you something depends largely on the Tenno you encounter. Some sell everything they don't need to fund their Platinum acquisition, others only sell things when they need Platinum, and the fewest hate trading and accumulate things over the years... Depending on how you catch the last two, they may give you something to make your path easier or to get you started with a warframe you like.
Nearly spit out my water when the guy said use Auto install goddamn noobs are hilarious
i had similar response to his pronunciation of "Chassis" like if dude even mastered english but hes talking like he has mastered warframe after 20 hours lolololol
Tbf as a new player that's totally valid, im pretty sure auto install comes up with better builds dps wise, than one newbie trying to build it
I can clearly infer that this video is a dip of a toe opinion of the game rather a proper introductory experience of a newbie.
@@Coffeeddicted I disagree Auto install just put random mods on any new player can do that. When you do it yourself you're learning something when you push Auto install you've learned nothing.
The new player perspective basically only scratches the absolute outer surface really tells us how far and deep this game has gotten.
Btw the community is great at keeping information and spoilers away from new players until they find things out themselves, and you're gonna know why the further you get.
4:18 bro is just describing the events of second dream to new war
lol what? Really? Well, crap...
@@GeekMediaCentral Yup, it does pretty much sum them up
@GeekMediaCentral play the main quest. It's literally the main quest so it contains the story and lore. The star chart is there for player progression. You'll discover a gazillion of new things to do and never lose purpose everytime you log in once you finish all the main quests.
@@GeekMediaCentral Yepp, there's a lot more story, you just haven't reached the point where it kicks into the next gear.
20 hours to do 10+ years of content. The new players experience is lack luster but that is the dust you blow off the treasure chest before you open it.
I liked your point about supers, while warframe does have some frames with big defining abilities like mesa gunning down an entire room, gauss supercharging his kit or titania changing how you play the game, these kinds of frames are the exception rather than the rule.
Warframe's design philosophy has moved towards creating a more well rounded kit rather than the build up to one big spectacular move. There are pros and cons to both, those big iconic supers can really define a character, you can look at abilites in destiny and say "that's what makes a titan a titan". In warframe it's more about how those abilities interact that defines a frame it takes at least 2 abilies to create the Mag blender, it takes the combo of 3 for Gara to unlock her infinite damage scalling and if Octavia uses all 4 she trivialises the entre game. Rather than the one button moment, it's the combo of these abilities that creates the frames iconic moments, on one hand the multiple smaller abilities are definitely less impressive looking than the one trick ponies, but on the other they offer more freedom to build those diffrent combos however you like.
I jumped from D2 to Warframe a little over a month ago and I am really enjoying it. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts once you get a little deeper into the game.
Hey guy, completely agree, a lot of your points really ring true. I played Destiny, played Halo, played all the games prior to Warframe and all of them have fallen to the wayside and yet I still play Warframe.
One thing that you as a new player may not have noticed, the specter that you fight on the planetary junctions when you get to unlock the next planet, that's the specter of the Warframe you get from that planet.
For instance, when you went to Mars you fought Frost so beating the assassination mission will net you Frost parts.
Yo! That's actually a great tip! Nobody else mentioned this to me. I'm gonna have to back-track and farm those warframes then. Thank you!
@@GeekMediaCentral as you unlock new junctions you also get story quests.
You did Howl of the Kubreo, but there are lots more. A vast number of them give you the blueprints for new frames and weapons.
One last tip (pro tip);
If you *unequip* all but 1 weapon, all the XP of the level will go to just that one.
XP is spit always between;
50% for the frame
- bonus XP for using abilities
50% for all weapons
- bonus XP for stealth kill combos
If you have 3 weapons equipped, 16.6% for each.
If 2, 25%
And a full 50% for just 1.
This is also distorted when adding in a pet or even a pet with guns. Distorted even more later on.
So, unequip all but 1 weapon, level it to max, then sell it.
The Mastery farming loop. There are community dedicated missions for just this thing.
Look for Hydron on Sedna. Happy hunting.
*Leave after 10*
@@beatooze8025 i´ll have to tell you that you got it slightly wrong, or misleading.
First, if you kill an enemy with your warframe abilities or with the parazon finisher, 100% of the affinity goes to the warframe.
Second, if you kill an enemy with a weapon, 50% of that affinity goes to the weapon used to kill, and 50% goes to the warframe you are using.
If you are playing solo, weapons that you dont use dont gain affinity, except from the yellow affinity prisms.
When another player kills an enemy its another story. if an ally kills an enemy when you are in affinity share range, 25% of that total affinity goes to your warframe, and 75% goes to your loadout of weapons.
So, if you have 3 weapons, the affinity goes equally 25% to each weapon.
If you have 2 weapons, it goes 37,5% each weapon.
if you have only one, it gets the 75%. again, if an ally kills an enemy in range of shared affinity.
And pets are calculated separatedly. thats how it works since since a long time now. i´ve been playing since 2013.
this is not to be mean, just to correct some misinformation. good luck tenno and happy hunting!
@@nemenhat1 hey quick question I've recently got back in the grind to get to MR 30 because I'd like to be one of those Tenno that hands out the blessings to those in need I'm at 29 do I need to fully max out my Kuva/Tenet weapons or stop at a certain point?
@@Gravesyte not gonna lie, from what I understand, you get the full mastery when you completely level up the weapon, usually at lvl30, but with the liches weapons it's indeed at lvl40
DE Literally reworked the new player experience not too long ago, and it's waaaaay easier now compared to when I started. That 50 starter platinum you get is specifically to buy slots for yourself. And later on you can and will trade with other players for the premium currency, so it's not that big of a deal that it seems.
And also, the Auto Install option early on is fine, but honestly, it's really fcking bad xd
Ah, I see. Well it's great that they're working on the new player experience. I'm hesitant to spend my platinum. But, people have suggested to use it on slots. So, I guess I'll try that. Thanks!
@@GeekMediaCentral You're welcome :D
And that 50 starter plat is something you won't be able to trade like, ever, so the reason everyone says to buy slots with those is because you literally can't do anything else with them :D They're there for a sole reason, slots. (I mean, you can also buy cosmetics like color themes and helmets with them from the market, but earlygame I don't think those should be anyones priorities)
As a Vet of both games Destiny and Warframe since day one, I find both games scratching different itch, but Warframe is my home, if you can get over the NPE, there is a very satisfying evolutions of your play style, grand story telling, and in advance game play, when you acquire your true self and focus school, Warframes, companions, advanced mods, Arcanes, chards etc..., synchronized build will make you the super from Destiny at all time at base and god like when every thing starts working, it's a symphony of destruction like nothing else you've seen before, good luck Tenno, and looking forward for the update.
It's refreshing to see an unbiased review of warframe like this. As a player with a couple hundred hours in the game, i'd just like to say how easy it is for normal players to get the premium currency for free.
Legendary Drops went exactly the same situation as you did when he first started. His videos show a real-time journey from doubting the game to loving it.
That's the thing with Warframe sometimes. Everyone had their own doubts of the game when they first started and then come around when they get to a certain point. Even I, who hasn't played for years, still continue to speak highly about the game. It took me months to figure out the game because I went in without asking for help. Eventually, I was able to learn and then keep up with players far better and faster than me.
The factions are the fun part of the game. If you joined one or two the others hate, they may decide you randomly jump you in a level with their chosen units. It doesn't matter if you're solo or with a party. They will just come in and wreck your shit. You will learn that getting randomly ambushed by third-party enemies while you progress the game, makes the missions you go in more fun or annoying, however way you wish to feel about it.
Yeah. I'm going to take my time and enjoy the journey! Multiple people have mentioned Legendary Drops. I'm curious to check out his journey. But at the same time I don't want to spoil the Warframe experience.
Maybe I'll check out their content after I complete the The Second Dream storyline. 🤷♂️
DE did actually try to introduce new players a way to experience new warframes by implementing the duviri paradox, tho personally I think that quest kind of messes up a new player's sense of progression since you don't really own the warframes you play in the duviri or circuit. It also really confuses the story of the game which btw doesn't really start until you reach Uranus to get the Natah quest which is like 20-30 hours into the game. I wish they hint about the quest more so new players have something to strive for. The MR system is also kinda poorly explained as it is the main progression system as you finish the story quests.
As someone who has well over 3000 hours into destiny 2, i would completely disagree with most points you made. this is my personal opinion and i dont want to say that anyone is in the wrong here. Warframe feels way more rewarding than destiny. gunplay is mostly on par depending on the guns you use. You can put more time into the game to get the frames, weapons and cosmetics and if youre just not about that you can always trade for them with other players. New players can purchase weapon blueprints from the market without spending any premium currency. In point of main story i have to say that the main quest is very cohesive and i dont understand that you were pointing out that there is "no big bad". Quite frankly i'd like to if you have finished the main story, beacuse its breathtakingly well done. i honestly couldnt bother doing the destiny grind anymore because everything feels like a chore and doesnt really reward you with anything. WF offers you all of its content without demanding anything. Bungies DLC policy is and always cut off new players from veterans because of its paid expansions. So all in all i'd recommend WF over destiny to anyone who wants to play a sci-fi looter shooter.
edit: forgot to add that 99% of weapons dropped are for basically shards, most weapons are reskinned copy-paste models and most of the time even unuasable for general play.
Thank you for your thoughtful response and perspective! Trying to take in all the information you've provided here... I get the feeling that Destiny is comparable to Diablo whereas Warframe would be like Path of Exile. Each game serves different audiences and expect different investment from their player base.
@@GeekMediaCentral pretty much. Destiny is much more of a "grab a character, get the same weapon over and over again but stronger", whereas Warframe you go and farm the resources instead of the actual weaponry like in Destiny
hey! nice video. The editing was very nice and the flow was good. It's always good to get insight on new-player experiences. However, I feel like a lot of your points were very ill informed and not very accurate which upsets me because I love warframe
The frames do have amazing "super attacks", but excalibur is a tutorial frame. Naturally, his 4th would be less impressive than his endgame peers (frames like Dante literally room nuke with bleed statuses with their 4ths). Ironically, the other 2 tutorial frames have really broken 4th abilities.
You don't need to spend premium currency on warframe and weapon slots, they're available as you rank up in MR and the nightwaves. Not to mention, you get free premium currency that you can use to buy a good starter boost of slots for both. Additionally, you can earn premium currency by selling grinded items, meaning you don't even need to spend money for the headstart. So it's not just a way to make a person pay money to enjoy a F2P game. I'm not going to pretend that there's many efficient plat farms early game but there is enough to at least get you some warframe and weapon slots.
Your point about not having any alternative frames 100 hours in bewildered me. As you have the entire prime rotational frames, Earth that has at least 3 farmable frames. Vauban from NW. Rhino who is almost every baby tenno's first crafted frame and many more. I will not defend the craft time though, 12 hours for each piece and then 72 hours for the final frame is a joke. No excuses. I actually almost quit the game years ago when I was first crafting rhino. I said "oh I'll get back on in 3 days" and forgot so I didn't get back online for months! Thankfully, I did. I will say though it gets better in later levels as you always have something on craft so you're always claiming other things while the other items are still on timers.
Great insight! The more I play, the more I understand how much Warframe offers and make it accessible early on. The problem was that it wasn't explained very well at the beginning. It expects new players to look up guides or ask veteran players in chat how things work.
@@GeekMediaCentral I do agree, as an experienced player it is easy to take knowledge for granted in most games. But when a game is as old as warframe it's super easy to get lost in how simple I perceive the game to be.
Also, have you seen that the next update will be increasing the base amount of warframe and weapon slots for accounts that people start with? It's nice to see warframe even today is still adding new-player experience changes every update. Hopefully, one day the game will be accessible enough where you can truly stary as a new player without needing an experienced friend or the wiki open on a second monitor.
When you're so new in the game you are justified to feel this way. But after a while you'll see that you don't have to spend money for the premium currency, you can get it for free when you eventually start trading. Also when it comes to frames if you farm a frame for maybe a couple hours excluding the time gating you should have a frame. Everything in Warframe is free excluding specific cosmetics
Nice to see a new Tenno welcome to Warframe.
Also wanted to note at 2:41, missions are not arranged the same when replayed.
Most Warframe missions on tile sets that randomly arranged every time you play. Same pieces but organized differently, same for enemy locations.
Hope you're enjoying the game and that you post more content.
Warframe is what old MMOs were like. Not this minimal content, simplified and watered down bs modern "MMOs" are.
As a Warframe player I spent meny hours understanding the systems. You do deserve more subs so good luck to you
That's a very nice compliment. Thank you!
@@GeekMediaCentral your welcome
Mod slot priority order is left to right, top to bottom. This isn't mentioned in any of the tips, but is extremely important to know after getting a bit of progress. I don't know if it still determines companion ability usage probability.
Learning the element combinations for raw damage is good for new players. Learning them for status effects won't be needed until probably mid game.
Oh wow! The thought had never even crossed my mind that mods could be prioritized in order to produce certain preferred outcomes. That's nuts!
@@GeekMediaCentral Yep, and I also forgot to mention that mod elements take priority over innate elements on weapons. For example; having cold and toxin mods on ignis (fire damage weapon) will produce a weapon with fire and viral damage, whereas having one elemental mod will have that element combine with the preexisting element.
It's not "probability", but "priority". Companions will always do the first precept in the order you mentioned if they are able. If that ability is out of range or on cooldown, it will skip to the next one.
@@thegrouchization Oh, my bad. Guess my memory was a bit off on that. Might have gotten mixed up with how determining which status procs occur when proccing status based on percentage of total damage performed by a weapon or ability a particular damage type is.
@@thegrouchization Warframe is so full of interconnecting concepts and mechanics, it can be pretty easy to get mixed up or forget small details.
Yo, an actual new player experience. An actual new player speaking his mind on the good and the bad parts of the game? Insane. No sugar coating trying to get sponsorships and views/clickbaiting.
I hope you enjoy the game in general. There are parts you will love and parts you will hate. Speak your mind. Say what it works for you and what doesnt work. Things dont get better unless you leave feedback for the devs. Maybe they don't like (like DE completely ignores any content creator who even speaks about the bugs), but this is how things get improved.
nice video, but you should have really at least played up to second dream. that is kinda the real beginning of the game.
might sound crazy but everything before is basicly the tutorial. only at that point you have all your big gameplay systems unlocked and the story actually also starts at that quest.
you get your chase for the truth and what you are as well as your big bad guy at this point.
oh and there are technically no aliens. you are not an alien, neither are the corpus, grineer or infested.(or any other factions aside from maybe the murmur, but those are more extra dimensional)
If you haven't noticed yet, you can build multiple items at once, with no limit that I am aware of. When you do this, the crafting times are NOT added together. It's also NOT a queue. The items are built simultaneously, and each item progresses at full speed. This can save you a full day when crafting warframes, since building all three components simultaneously still only takes 12 hours.
If you want a different way to get warframes, finish the Saturn-to-Uranus junction, then start the Duviri Paradox quest. Gameplay on Duviri is very different from normal Warframe, but bear with it. On completing the quest, you get access to the Circuit, which is an endless series of back-to-back missions in which you use semi-random gear instead of your own. Every week, the first time you start Circuit, you can choose one warframe from a set of three. This 'frame is not the one you will be playing with, though it can appear as a usable 'frame, but rather the reward for doing Circuit. For every mission you complete, you get progress towards the next reward tier, and by the time you hit tier 10, you will have the all required blueprints for the chosen 'frame. You also get resources and mods. Progress is saved between runs, but is reset when the week ends. While the missions in a single Circuit run gradually get harder, this increased difficulty does NOT carry over between runs. There is no limit to the number of runs you can start, and no wait timer between runs.
One thing to note is that the warframes you can choose for your Circuit rewards are NOT random. There are 33 'frames you can obtain via Circuit, split into eleven sets of three. These sets rotate in a set order. I do not recommend you pick Octavia before you finish her associated quest, however, even though she's fairly powerful. Any other warframe should be fine, just not Octavia. She needs a special crafting component that you can't obtain without doing her quest. Doing Circuit didn't give that item when I last picked Octavia.
Edit: for selling duplicate mods, I prefer sorting by name. Conclave isn't just you. It was a very unpopular gamemode that almost nobody plays anymore. If you want to play Conclave, you need to find people manually.
Modding is its own complex subject. Automodding works at first, but isn't viable for late-game. Also, let me give you some advice. By now, you will likely have several mods that you can upgrade ten times. I do not recommend doing that early on. Instead, go for seven or eight times. The cost per upgrade increases exponentially, whereas the increase in stats does not. Going from zero to ten upgrades is four times as expensive as zero to eight, and only makes the mod itself 22% stronger.
you absolutely have access to new frames before 20 hrs in they do however take 3 days to build, as soon as you get to venus you have access to fossa which nets you rhino
Looking through my foundry, I do have the Rhino neuroptics plans. Do I have to farm The Jackal in order to get the other components to drop?
@@GeekMediaCentral yes, his chassis and neuroptics both have a 38.72% drop rate with his systems having a 22.58% most assassination missions are how you farm warframes, theres also bounties when you get to hub areas on earth venus and deimos that each give their own chance at warframe parts, then theres also the frames you get from the clan dojo which is more dependent on you having joined a clan
Thank you so much for the tips!
@@GeekMediaCentral for sure, always happy to see new people in the community
@@GeekMediaCentral Also because I don' t think I've seen anyone mention it, but for the more "standard" warframes, you get the components through drops and the blueprint to put them all together usually in the marketplace - *for credits*. Do not think you need to spend plat. You can also get versions of all the starter weapons (MK1-*) through the marketplace for credits as well. Never assume that just because the marketplace lists the platinum price up front that there aren't other ways to get something - drill down for details.
I remember playing Warframe many years ago. As soon as you mentioned Lost Ark I could tell what the gripes would be about HAHA! Great video!
Many new things to do and unlock will appear after certain story quests. So if you are interested you can stick around and find out. Warframe is known for having a lengthy beginning and its also not the best at presenting the story, unfortunately, while at the same time having a very extensive and interesting lore. It's also a sandbox powercreep game - so you decide what you wanna do and how. I have played game for a few years, and many factors just keep me coming back to the game. Theres simply no actual alternatives to it, theres wannabes like TFD and games in the same genre, but its just its own thing.
I will say, however, that some of the criticisms are certainly valid, and I would like quicker access to other frames, weapons and content for newer players. Also I agree, that some bossfights could and should be updated, as many just dont stand the test of time anymore. DE is not that great at making bosses, honestly, lol.
Either way ty for the video. I hope more people start adressing the issues featured.
I'm definitely going to stick around to explore more of the game's features and story. At the same time I want Destiny players to know what they're in for if they're switching over.
Welcome, new Tenno! Always happy to see new players. It's very clear that you are very early in and have some things flatout wrong. A few other commenters have already made some good points, but I will add and/or reaffirm a few more:
- The community is absolutely wonderful and there is always someone willing and able to help in chat!
- The Wiki is your friend if you want to find out where to get something.
- Mods are where the real power of your equipment lie.
- There is a wonderful, deep, engaging story with stakes and a (few) Big Bad(s) which starts around Uranus with the Quest Natah.
- Many frames can be gotten pretty early on through Assassination missions.
- Another way to get more frames is to play The Circuit each week. The Circuit can be accessed after completing the Duviri Paradox.
- This game is vast and complex and yes, takes a buttload of time to really figure out but I think as the longevity of the game and the community proves: It is worth it.
Other than that: this game is a marathon, not a sprint. You're in for the long haul.
It's always great to have more Tenno in the community. As a Vet who has been playing since 2016, the best advice i can give is that you are somewhat right. Warframe is very complicated, and many of the turorials do a poor job of explaining the games systems. The game is very difficult to pick up, so its largely recommended to look things up and preferably have veteran players that can teach you the ropes and help bus you around to the places you need to get respurces from.
If Destiny is about having instant gratifying, Warframe is a slow burn game. The more you play and learn, the more the game grows on you. Most of the early game is foreshadowing, world building, and build-up. The main story really kicks off about the time you get to Neptune. The quest chain of Natah, leading into the Second Dream, and then War Within is honestly one of the best gaming experiences I've ever had.
Out of all things what keeps me comin back to warframe is the community. The game devs keep open and frequent lines of communication with the player base, have events and celebrate the accomplishment of their players, and heavily listen ton player feedback. And the playerbase itself is one of the most welcoming gaming communities I've been a part of. Just... avoid region chat because of the chaotic shenanigans that happen there.
Early in the game's life most of the story was encapsulated within timed events, most of which simply aren't running anymore. The developers have gone back and added some of the new-style cinematic quests to early levels, but most of that notable-villain story you mention is gated behind a large swath of star chart content. Assassination missions can feature notable personalities, but removed from the context of their events I expect most new players are going to ask "okay, but why do I care about this named NPC?" unless they pick through the wiki for records of what's been discontinued. While some mechanics are also notable stumbling blocks (like maximally effective modding), I feel not converting old events into cinematic quests could be the biggest pain point for new players because it handicaps their engagement at the time they have the least investment.
I will look forward to more of this new player experience videos!
When I started Warframe in 2020, spy missions were the most challenging for me as well. The puzzle part especially on corpus consoles were like timed boss battles to me. I was terrible at it. I played on Nintendo Switch. I recall I got into WF coz it was shown as f2p in Nintendo store. My first looter shooter, so I got nothing to compare it to.(I was mainly into MMOs like Ragnarok Online, WoW, etc.)
Cetus was the reason I got hooked into WF. My playthrough was very difficult as I immediately figured out that I had to do bounties to make Gara and I stubbornly decided to get her as my 2nd frame. I was mr1 when I started cetus bounties... i played mainly solo but did pub if I get frustrated from dying on higher level bounties. I was really unlucky with the gara component on the highest difficulty. Playing only after my after work hours. I managed to start the main craft on Gara a week later and was flabbergasted that I had to wait 72h.
Demotivated, I somehow stumbled into trade chat and saw someone buying [Auger Secrets] mod for 30plat... I had multiple of them from my Cetus bounty grind. Having the ability to trade for the ingame premium currency with the time I spent was a huge 'Wow' moment and felt very rewarding.
From that point on... It was a my personal main main quest to have loads of plat just from trading.
Here i am now. 3,000+hrs and counting, semi annual hiatuses, Legend Rank 3(Almost having all items ingame)... And I am LOADED! Hahaha. Oh yeah, "2nd Dream" was my 2nd 'Wow' moment.
I've been spending $$$ only on "Tennogen"(player/artist designed skins with artist getting 30% of revenue) skins to support Digital Extremes now. I am confident that the time and lately the money i am spending are well worth it. After all... Warframe is in good hands and will have more years for me to enjoy with...
I got so into sharing my starting experience and final thoughts, it got so long. so apologies and thanks on the long read. 😅
Welcome to Warframe, remember, you're here forever.
Always good to hear a newcomemer's opinion. I'm glad you decided to stick around for a bit. Just do us a favor, if you manage to get a couple hundred hours under your belt, post an update.
Thanks, will do! I'm definitely planning to showcase more of this great game.
Make sure to make another video later on the game. Your video is very misleading and you seem to talk and say things that you dont truly understand. Its good dont get me wrong but it feels like a Destiny player jelous about their playerbase moving to warframe. So if you want to maake a review look deeper to the things you plan to say against it. Again, very misleading. Half of the cons you mentioned are not even a thing. Perhaps you are aproaching it too much as a destiny player.
Edit: i regret this.
I was completely blurred by me having 1k hours on the game.
You're probably right. My view is a little jaded as Destiny player. But, I feel like most of these observations would be made by anyone new coming to the game.
@@GeekMediaCentral i see your point. I could be wrong, its just that my first experience with warfrane felt a little different, and i could be looking at it as a vivid warframe player! I hope you have a nice experience with everytging the game has to offer. After all... everythings free!
Oh, I'll be sticking around for a while lol. I really enjoy Warframe so far. I just got blueprints for Koumei, so I really want to try her out!
Chill, that is the exact perspective we want. With Destiny Winding we want to hear from that playerbase as to why they would/would not play WF. He IS a Destiny so his approach makes sense. Nothing came off to me that he was trying to *mislead*, he was giving his impressions based on what the game gives him.
@@greatmatt301 you are 100% right
your account of the new player experience is pretty much spot on. luckily for you the narrative will start picking up and becoming heavier and heavier starting with the Natah quest. there were already at least one little pointers at something new. You can find where you can get the parts for different warframes and with the duviri paradox they did add an alternative way to farm out warframe blueprints and their component blueprints using the new gamemodes they offer. As for inventory space there are different ways of earning them, the nightwave offers at least 2 weapon slots and 1 warframe slot if you choose to participate in that. otherwise you can trade prime item parts and mods with players for the premium currency and its actually very easy to get yourself the required platinum to buy more slots once you know how the trading works.
Oh and the market offers the option to purchase the blueprints for the weapons you can buy for platinum. HOWEVER you should try to join a clan at some point as there are a lot of weapons and several warframes you can get from a clan's social place which is called the dojo.
As a new player a few years back, the valkyr spectre was kicking my ass
for me it was the trinity spector
Can’t wait for this man to keep playing and make a video about his experience, he’s correct in many topics on this video, but like me and many others will say, this is still just the surface of the game, and truthfully, you’re gonna be in the “tutorial” phase for a while until you get to “The Second Dream” Quest, there the Campaign takes a HUGE turn and that’s essentially the ‘start’ of the game… besides that, all the ‘problems’ of warframe can easily be solved through the community, the community is without a doubt one of the most helpful things included in the game, and everyone in the community adores helping people, especially new players… love the video, can’t wait till your next one, and we’re glad to see you start your warframe journey.
You’re easily able to get a new Warframe slot as well as weapon slot from the 50 platinum you get when you begin. You’re also able to get more slots from night wave, the free battle pass as well. Your point about conclave not having players or being unavailable for new players is flawed. You didn’t even have your lobby on public, it was on SOLO. You won’t play with any other payers while on solo. Finally you say there’s nothing for you to progress towards. Or better yet a motive that makes you push forward. The thing is, there is a motive and it’s gaining new/ better gear, warframes, mods, etc. These all funnel into the fact that you’re a walking powerhouse the more you progress and build your gear. Also another point is when you said that there’s no big bad guy you must defeat but when you first start there is in a sense. The first quest you ever play gives you some sort of story to follow and keep you intrigued. That’s all, goodbye.
Getting a daily bonus for logging in is f wild as a previous destiny player , keep playing WF and it's unbelievable that it's FREE
If you want to be introduced to new frames early i recommend duviri cause after the tutorial and the mission you'll be introduced to th duviri circuit that'll have 3 frames you can choose 1 very week and it changes but you'll still have to get their building materials but you'll get the blueprints and parts just by playing the circuit and in there you'll get to try frames and weapons for free or use your own when they appear
wasn't duviri moved to jupiter or something?
And also for story etc ots WAY better to play duviri after new war
ya i honestly for got about duviri because i don't have any warframes i need to get -_-
@Sunnyboy_684 When it comes to Duviri, I've seen mixed responses regardless of doing the quest either before or after New War. Usually they don't know what's going on or why. I was always fascinated by their lore. Though I rarely see streamers go lore hunting around Duviri or scan fragments on regular missions.
I would recommend it for new players mainly because circuit is more efficient to farm the base frames. Their is also melee weapons you can only get in Duviri that are usually better than most melee weapons you can obtain in the regular missions.
@@Razzledazzle1234567 i agree I just got the warframes that I needed and just forgot about it not ganache lie
Oh my god man, such a unique point of view and nice change of phase on warframe content just because you're actually going in as a free to play gamer that just knows warframe exists.
I really hope you can endure the toughness of free to play early game, because then you're in for a treat and i really wish i can see you reach the later states of the game; you're gonna fall in love with it.
I'll definitely be subscribing and eagerly waiting for your next take on your progress.
i played both warframe and destiny i got tired of bungie greed but still play warframe
Hopefully Bungie is turning a new leaf with the increased presence of Sony overlooking their decisions. How many hours do you have in Warframe?
New Tenno! Welcome to warframe, we’re very happy to see more players joining us! If you stick with the game it will definitely reward you as you keep going forward.
8:30! Ah there we have it again. A new player calling Warframe an MMO and therefore expecting that everyone in this game is considering PvP a feature. That there is some kind of matchmaking that prevents new players from entering the "big boy club". Noone plays conclave. Warframe is a cooperative game and NOONE and I repeat: NOONE cares, wants or considers playing PvP. This is a leftover thing that needs to be removed to stop all these players and especially all these people that create videos about Warframe's new player experience to freaking talk about how they find noone playing PvP and then have some misconception about features that this game doesn't have. Warframe has no PvP. Period. This is no rant against you btw., it is against DE and their refusal to drag Conclave to the backyard and put it out of its misery.
Replace it with necramech pvp
Disagree I love conclave I have definitely played way less than the main game but it is always fun to go back to
@Camothor10 you are insane. Coming from someone who bothered to reach max rank and grind out the syandana. You're insane.
Incredibly buggy, full of exploits, overpowered weapons and straight up broken. I hope they wipe it and replace it with something else
@@igreshi I don’t play the shit out of it but it’s fun to play every once in a while I probably only have like 15 hours on it
@Camothor10 I just really want it to be replaced with necramech pvp
Any time limit in this game is an attempt by the developers to give a chance to enjoy the process. You can go through the entire star system and all the quests on the starting items, but if you want something new, then do exactly that. Fish, dig, farm, complete orders in open locations, complete side quests, explore, scan, grow a ton of pets, pump up syndicates and factions, assemble your melee weapon, secondary weapons and even primary weapons from parts. So much can be done while your Warframe/weapon is being created
For Mod Dupes there is a tab, but i would recommend putting atleast a single rank into one of every mod you get so when you get dupes you can just quickly head over to the dupes tab and click the un-upgraded ones
Oh yeah! That's a simple solution. I'm going to try that!
Its great to see people trying out warframe the goal to content is steady progress through the star chart. Warframes pieces can be gained at most assinations early on and the blueprint through the market for credits. A dojo will give you access to more Warframes and weapons, but most weapons here require more rare materials. Missions like defense, survival, and spy have rewards that usually can only be gained through doing this type of mission certain mods and Warframes farming these can help while waiting for crafting. I would say warframe isnt a rush to end game content take it at your own pace and do content that looks interesting it is much closer to a single player game than most mmos. Getting to certain points in the start chart and story are important for getting materials more efficiently mostly for credits and endo. As for conclave there are almost no PVP players in the game.
No body touches conclave u will never see another soul in conclave
05:55 if you do "The Duviri Paradox" you can acess and try all warframes of the game, this quest was available for you to do since the beginning
I wanna hate your review as a tenno but you hit the probs hard the newbie experience needs some love
I know I upset some people. Alot of comments saying I'm still in the tutorial until 40 hours in. It's not a deal breaker for me...But younger players nowadays won't stick around that long, I think.
For context; It took me ~300 hours to stop feeling clueless, and ~600 hours in I started feeling like I 'got it'. I have no idea how they could possibly fix this for new players, so as it is it's just a game for people willing to grind for the long haul.
Wow 600 hours in? I'm barely closing on 100. LOL
“Warframes dont have True super ability, you dont fill up a gauge pop it and perform a god-like ability”
Thats cus warframe has god like abilities at .01 sec coolsown, no gauge needed to fill… you just have to build right and know what ur doing.
Thanks for joining one of my favourite games ^^
I feel bad that you missed out on getting the new frames from each planet you went to. And I do hope that the other fans have assured you of something; while there isn’t some great revelation about the story by Phobos, there most certainly is by Uranus and Neptune. After that, revelations come thick and fast from planets you’ve already been to, like Earth, Venus and Deimos.
Not a bad take on the game, but an important note is that you don’t want to rush to the endgame. The mid-game is some of the best content you can experience.
Another thing to take away is that there are no ‘supers’, you have ability 1-4. Some 4th abilities are powerful and transformative, some frames want you to use the 2nd or 3rd abilities as your main mode instead.
And finally, the best time to join the game is the Anniversary every year. You get free things, new updates and previews of what’s to come.
Not trying to be rude here but you are comparing a game you played a little bit vs a game you know all about or at jeast a great deal of. Play the game a bit more, the disjointed bit i agree from a new player perspective or coming from other games you pick a class/character and main it warframe has a frame for each mission type try wukong im a spy mission or Ivara.
Warframe has abilities that wipes out entire rooms without the need to fill up a bar.
Oh yeah. I'll definitely play Warframe more. I'm really enjoying it so far. But, at the same time I have to be honest with how Warframe treats new players.
i didnt see anyone talk about it in the brief scroll through the comments but the premium currency is premium but also fully tradable in game and thus anything you want to get in this game(save a select few things) you'll NEVER have to come out of pocket irl for. You can trade warframe prime parts, relics, weapons, mods, all kinds of things for platinum.
don't bother on pvp, Warframe pvp sucks
LOL You're the first person that's commented on the PVP! I guess most people don't even know it exists.
As a fellow tenno, pvp sucks
lol conclave. What’s that. Only done it once when there was an event for Christmas when they came out with the snowball fight and rewarded some cosmetics.
Oh yeah, most players never touch pvp. Maybe with drunk friends, but yeah, it basically don't exist.
I like playing it against my friends
As a warframe player of almost 6 years, this was a very good summary about the state of the new player experience. You really highlighted some of the main gripes that really sets people off to drop the game. Time gating, slots, lack of story and progression in early game, and no overarching goal are a few of the multitude of things you mentioned and pointed out to be standing issues. DE has some improvements to the experience, but in short, most of these concerns which should have been addressed ages ago where overshadowed by Steve Sinclairs' obsession with reworking the lighting engine and particle effects. Luckily, we have had some improvement over the years, though a lot is left to be desired such as a proper modding tutorial, information about what the tenno are, and a whole slew of things. Some of it has to do with the fact that a majority of significant content in the game was developed 2-3 years after the initial release of warframe(cough cough second dream), the fact that the "good shit" fucking flashbangs you with an overwhelming amount of content and main story, and that a significant amount of lore is the "read this wall of text in your codex" type of situation. Overall, its the culmination of needing to satisfy concurrent players with new updates and content, reworking old systems and User interface, and changing what is at this point 10-12 year old legacy content to suit the modern era which really bottlenecks introduction into this game. One big issue that DE hopefully addresses is the experience for "fresh" and not "starting" players, the distinction between them being a completely new account, and someone who has a few hours in. They have catered a lot more recently to the "starting" players but not the "fresh" ones. I do hope they proactively work toward that audience considering how they reworked the entire beginning of the game. At this point, the brand new player experience still consists of veterans dumping a whole lot of valuble resources onto newer players to help get over the very monotonous beginning, so DO ask for help(they will give so much stuff, me included).
If you run into any issues or questions, just message my ign "soggyrice".
4:20 does everything have to be that dramatic? You're an op dude in a suit scavenging gear in a system going to crap cause of various oppressive factions cause you just woke up in a daze and realized they've gone and flogged all your stuff. And of course, doing missions for boss lady. At first, thats kinda your purpose.
4:25 - *[cough]* _it's actually on Uranus_ *[cough]* -
5:00 the bosses are assasinations they're usually a bit more indepth with mechanics. the "spectres" are just void ghosts in suits similar to yours that are trying to scare enemies away from the solar relays that you can only challenge by doing mini-challenges to prove your worth. But you need to re-control the relay to move on, so I guess you just gotta go through them.
5:18 🤔 or are you? ... I've probably said too much already. don't worry, it'll get explained better later. As many have probably said, tutorial area. ;)
6:05 actually. you're just kinda doing it wrong cause you don't know any better cause the game needs some slightly better hand holding. I saw you fight the jackal. Did you notice the rhino part it dropped at the end if you beat it? or was it all still just a bit much?
a lot of the early frames come from boss farms. While later, they'll come from specific special missions. checking them out in the market and inspecting their blueprint will teach you where each of them comes from.
6:50 yeah, probably. hopefully it's on it's way to get better. The frame that just came out actually takes significantly less time to build. So I can only hope that they're gonna follow similar later down the line with the other frames with another wave of tweaks and further new player experience stuff.
8:40 nah. you're good. no-one plays conclave seriously or at all. nothing usable in the PvE game carries over to it or from it anyways, bar a few non-damage related mods and maybe a handful of warframe ability augments that got ported over that you can get out of nightwave occasionally that are just kinda "cool" at best.
9:40 Bad. no. don't do it. at first, maybe you'll be fine. But later on with better choices of mods and upgrades, it'll actively inhibit you cause it sorta has no idea how to build. You're almost always better off just slapping on some elemental mods and/or base damage (serration, pressure point etc). But I guess you're kinda limited at the start due to not having gear leveled. :V Then later on figuring out how to analyze a weapon's stats and customize other stuff like crit damage and status effects etc to play to the weapons strengths.
9:56 I mean. you will have to eventually to unlock some late game stuff that locks off some potent modding gear useful for later game. but thats long off. But if you can do it, it's not a bad idea to get them out so you're not going on a backtracking spree later. but yes, at first, focus down the story and just progressing through the planets.
11:27 ouch, shoulda gotten a second opinion on picking that up, chief.
Thats one of those afformentioned augments that came out. only good for team player, but you're never gonna really get plastered by that many effects in one go anyways... Although they might appreciate the shields in the later game, theres a lot better things you can use that slot for than that mod. X_X
15:00 skill issues. but also, the game used to be about "space ninjas" infiltration and sabotage and such before at some point they eventually power crept themselves so hard they literally became roving war crime dispensers with fantastical powers from the void. So somewhere down the line stealth became an undesireable or an active hinderance. --But I'm just good at both kinds of games--
15:55 alright, you warded me off destiny (if it wasn't just the price tag and authors themselves). I fricking HATE having to scrutinize different copies of gear for hours. Quit chucking gear loot at me that I have to sort through and can't just stuff in my infinite dimensional storage in the back of the ship. I just wanna play the damn game.
16:20 *[dumpsters your video]*
Warframe is a far-from-perfect game and I've levelled lots of criticisms at it in the past, however, while I agree with some points, you were just misinformed/wrong about others.
The spectres aren't boss fights. They are teasers for future warframe options as you progress. Vor, Fossa, Seargent, Lech Kril, Alad V, Lephantis, and other Assassination Mission targets are "boss fights".
I know some things are easy to miss but if you read the quest rewards and check what's in your foundary you'll see the blueprints to start building warframes that drop from each boss fight (Except Vor, he drops weapon parts for a pistol and a melee weapon). Also, claiming that Digital Extremes making you play for what is (generously) no more than 10 hours at most before more warframes become available is a disservice is unreasonable. For a long-term, free MMORPG that has a fast movement system and multiple systems the intention should never be to flood players with information. As it stands, they do that a bit too much already, and learning multiple frames is better served after a player understands the systems. You can get your second warframe on your second planet, and that's pretty reasonable. Also, also, in the first cut scene they get given a cinematic of three different warframes in action, so it's not as if the player is not aware there is a possibility to play different frames.
Mentioning that there are a whole 9 separate resources to collect without specifying that you can collect multiple resources just by completing missions without making an intended effort to do so, and more so if you do, is giving an incorrect opinion. The fact is, most warframes you only need to collect one or two resources for, because, as you progress, you collect a bunch of resources that you won't immediately need, and the grind, while present, is not as daunting as you're portraying.
You don't NEED to use the premium currency to increase your inventory space. You can, to a limit, but a lot of your space will open up more from levelling. Don't get me wrong, I actually agree the inventory is too restrictive when you first start, however, you're still giving an incorrect opinion.
Don't delete duplicates, and don't sell them for credits. You can use them for Endo, which is a less-used and less-available resource.
Some missions will require a focus on defensive positioning.
Finishing objectives as quickly as possible is a good rule of thumb but not always the best, especially when it comes to opening relics on endless.
Wandering around the ship is immersive. Just saiyan.
Also, you need to complete each node on the star chart at least once to unlock the end game stuff, so skipping it isn't the best suggestion.
You're skipping a lot of the content in the name of speedrunning and then complaining that you're not invested in the lore or universebuilding. That's your playstyle. If you want to take your time and soak up the aesthetic and lore, cool. If you want to speedrun to max your mechanics, also cool. But you can't have both. You can play both ways in Warframe, but not at the same time.
Just because you didn't find the punchy weapons doesn't mean they aren't there. Try the Spartan Laser. Also, as someone who's played Destiny 2, the gunplay and melee combat in Warframe is far more satisfying, for me. This will be a person-to-person thing, and everyone is entitled to their different aesthetic tastes. But Destiny felt too slow, heavy, grounded even.
You use mods to make your abilities change. Exhalted Blade can do more damage, travel further, and even change damage types if you want. And stacking attack speed means you can throw it out more often.
There is much more mission types. For now there is 30 different. But some are just variation of something else or multistage mission. For example. One of the base mission is defense or mobile defense. But you have also mirror defense which make you constantly switch location but its endless so is more like defense than mobile defense. Excavation is also form of defense but you have to find drill, power it and defend. So veterans sometimes sarcasticaly simplify this to kill/defend/gather. But there is bunch of variety.
Big bad is, revelations about you too. But not from the start. You dont get 20 minutes "summary of previous expansion". Lore is everywhere but its hidden sometimes better than secrets in from software games. For example there is crazy lore about your ship "AI". But you have to gather his memory fragments on planets. Which unlock some lore panels. And you have to figure out how find hidden messages in it. One of the most important lore dump in game is not only hiden in place where you have acces after finishing one of the big quests that you unlock around 50-100 ours in game. But this lore is spoken in high poetry.
About frames. Timers exist obviously to encourage you to spend some money. Warframe need some way to make money. And i even heard from Destiny veteran that DE just should release payed expansion. Which is hiliarious. Bc this is one of reasons why there is more people hating destiny than ever played this game. And it would totaly kill warframe. About quick acces to new frames. I dont think its needed. Try to master at least one before you get next. Before Koumei update first frame that you could actualy try to get was rhino on venus. Now its Koumei. Everything for her crafting you can get from earth, venus, and you need some stuff from cetus which introduce you to resource gathering in open world. And she is interesting, complex and fckn broken AF frame.
But i agree with slots. This is big problem when you start. And if no one teach you how to make money in this game it can be really hard to overcome.
Pvp is completly dead bc its imposible to balanse warframe movement for pvp.
Completly dont agree on your power take. And mele. You just barely licked those and comparing this to some high seizure inducing content in destiny. Everything in destiny that isnt shooty shooty weapon is some kind of cooldown thing. Ult? Sure. It can look fun. But for me its stupid. Its like "now i'm just doing stuff, but wait when i grow stronger and start shoting fire and shit". Its boring but very visualy rewarding.... which is definition of korean mmo cheap shit. Its literally "wait, then push button to win". And mele is literally the same. Its BIG BONK on timer. Big bada bum with zero effort from you. But its flashy so even if its not effective then it look nice. If you wanna big bonk puch there is frame. Atlas. If you put some work in his build you can literally go trough whole mission just bonking everyone to death with one punch. Imagine this BIG BONK destiny style. But like 2-4 times in a second. Constantly.
Melee in warframe is such big mechanic that it has one of biggest entry on wiki and multiple additional info for specifics of certain submechanics. There is 27 melee cathegory, each with unique combo, sometimes even more than one unique for every type bc there are also stances. On top of that tennokai which is another subsystem.
Abilities/skills are also more advanced. There is less pathing than in destiny. But much more abilities overall. And much more reliance on them. You constantly cast something. There is no 30s(HOW MUCH?!) cooldown on fire granade... wtf. No. You wanna fire ball? Cast 5 in a second. And then 3 times ultimate that sets on fire everything, and everything that dies with that fire can drop energy so you can cast more ultimates. Or maybe Dante? You start mission and imidiently you cast 2, 2, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2 4, and maybe 1. And then you basicaly not use your melee or guns bc its waste of your potential. No no no, stapth. Even in early game you should see that melee and power systems are more involved in gameplay than in destiny. Its literally like diablo 4 and path of exile. In diablo you not only have less options, but also 2 viable builds on any character. In comparision to much more complex PoE were META build are usualy used by 2-5% of players. And this is biggest % of all builds.
Next. Do not go fast. Mission yes. Its a speedrun. But trying to get everything to be in endgame is something i would call "a destiny tourist trap". There is no endgame. There is no raid bosses. No dungeons or whatever. Warframe has many things to do and this you should do. Some of everything or try to focus on one thing. If you are bored of one thing then go to another. Only 'REAL' goal that you can actualy show in warframe is "catch them all". There is sh1t ton of everything. More than 50 frames. + primes. Around 1000 unique weapons. Plenty of pets. Also 6 unlocked later skill trees. Bunch of syndicates(not only main 6). To fully master everything you have to do everything bc content is everywhere. You dont just go to raid lvl mission and drop some legends +500.
There is technicaly something that can be called endgame. Its Called Deep archimedea. And for most players(i'm not talking about crazy veterans) its cry in shower lvl of hard. But rewards... arent unique to it. Its just way to get more of stuff that you can get in limited dayli amount elswhere.
Holy! So much info in here. I'm going to have to re-read this a few times to digest it.
Thank you so much for the breakdown! 🙏
I am a Destiny player who has played from D1 beta. I LOVE Destiny. Though I have gotten a bit tired of it recently and have needed a break from it. I watched a video called something like, “ warframe is a wake up call” and got intrigued by what he said and thought II would give Warframe a try. I was pretty skeptical at first. The fighting seems way too easy at first, but it has become much more fun as I have progressed. I largely play solo, but there are missions that I absolutely need help and it is easy to quickly switch to public and get the help. The problem with this is that most of these warframers as SO damn fast and skilled that i can’t keep up with them. The missions are often done before I can even get to the assassinations. I much prefer working at my pace and experimenting with the skills my warframes have. Yes destiny has its super and I love that, but these warframes have some interesting synergy’s that are very fun to play in their own right. As for story. It was weak at first, as anyone should expect. The first stuff you do was done early in this games development. Of course it’s weak. Kind of like Destiny’s weak starter. But OH MY GOD it gets really good! And “the new war” was COMPLETELY EPIC in my opinion! The Lore is really getting fleshed out right now for me. and this game has is just full of things to do. I have only touched the surface of railjack, and archwing missions. I won’t lie, I have had to watch a lot of warframe content creators just to figure out what to do next, but I have to say that has really added to my enjoyment of this game. I have yet to actually complete a kuva mission, though I think I understand how to do them now. I am excited to start hunting archons but need to get through the quest Angels of Zariman and don’t feel that I am powerful enough to do that yet. So, now I am farming for more powerful mods and trying to build my first Prime weapon. It’s all very complicated and that is what is making it so fun for me! I have some much still to do! I have to say that I am enjoying warframe every bit as much as I enjoy Destiny and I would certainly recommend this game to Destiny players. If you
9.5k hours in to destiny and played warframe since 2 weeks ago and I can say it's night and day difference between the 2 games , im just getting ready for the new war I have all side quest and wf quest mostly done not really touched open world as of yet but I have had space gundam missions I have done them underwater and also been a real space pirate in a railjack a game truly made for the players and I'm ashamed of myself that it took me this long to play it
nicely done. as a noob myself its overwhelming and the limits they put on and the trade stuff or buy cred is a reall problem. you nailed the drawbacks to new players enjoying it very well.
Thank you for your feedback! It can definitely be overwhelming for new players, but it's great to hear that my video resonated with you.
People already dropped alot of helpful comments so I'm not sure what I can add contribute, but your first time experience kinda mirrors mine with the game.
I first played on PS4 completely blind without anyone's help and quit before even reaching Second Dream. Then years later when Warframe hits the Switch I gave it another chance, this time armed with the wiki and a helpful clan, and man... I feel stupid for quitting the game back then. Warframe's learning curve is super steep, but trust me it's worth it in the end, there's a reason why the game is still going strong after a decade.
The funniest thing is that there definitely is an overarching villain and an awesome quest about your origin. It's all about doing the quests on the codex.
You're right! There's so much story and lore I'm just starting to get a grasp of it.
Heyo, i super enjoyed the video because as someone who has played WF for 8 years i forget the way new player experience the game. You said quite a few things that aren't representative of how Warframe works. They are NOT your fault however it would take too long to list them. Once again, this is DE's fault NOT YOURS.
But i would like to offer a couple tips.
1) You can get a frame relatively early in the game called "Rhino" he drops from the boss Fossa on Venus. That's the first frame i always recommend people get because it shows bosses, farming for a frame, and resource gathering.
2) You can purchase the blueprints to a lot of different weapons from the marketplace. You buy the blueprint with credits then build it in the foundry, no money required! You could also join a clan to get access to 50+ weapons and 3-4 frame blueprints.
4) Build times suck, im with you there. However, once you get into the game they don't really matter because as you are building that frame or weapon you will have 6 other frames and 15 weapons you haven't touched XD
5) Slots are another point that turns a lot of players off, i wish they would change it to give new players 5 Warframe slots and 25 weapon slots to start with. I offer this to every single new player i talk to (it's not because you are a creator), you are more than welcome to add me in game (KIlluaWalker) and i will gift you 3 frame slots and 8 weapon slots :) This goes for any other new player in Warframe that see's this message. I love this game so i want others to as well.
6) Warframe is designed in a way to hook you with the movement and gameplay then introduce the story later on. It's suppose to be an "eye opener" kind of moment that i think works pretty well. If the gameplay can't carry you to that point then it's probably not the game for you. Nonetheless, the story quest "the second dream" is widely considered the point where WF gets Serious.
Good Luck!
Warframe is a lot easier to get into if you go into chat, let them know you're new, and ask any questions you have. The community is insanely helpful, and just a genuinely really friendly bunch. I've been gifted things just because one player or another was feeling generous that day, and I had players almost clambering over each other to guide me through the basics of Warframe when I was first starting out. So don't be afraid to reach out. This community loves the game, and are more than happy to help flatten out some of the steeper parts of the learning curve and ensure more players, you included, can enjoy Warframe as much as they do.
Sounds like an amazing community 👏
small correction, you unlock 3 more planets once you progress farther in the story!
but as a veteran player with 968 hours in game i really enjoyed seeing a new player expierence on this game that isnt being given everything by viewers.
Syndicates and standing are a later star chart thing
alot of frames can be earned from bosses you fight during the campaign (star chart)
plat can be earned by trading things like prime frames and weapons or vaulted items
for only 500 subs, your content is top tier man keep it up
love from sweden
Thank you for the tips and the kind words 🙏
8:25 the reason why you never got a match is simply because no one does warframe pvp, its one of the worst gameplay modes in the game
Damn... that's unfortunate. I'd like to test out PVP.
Welcome Tenno!
Warframe doesn't really have a specific super broken ability that will nuke everything alone, it's more a game of stacking buffs on buffs on buffs.
For a more concrete example, you could take the starter bow, and with a good setup, use it in supprisingly high level missions.
There's a lot of inaccuracies in this video, but good effort, and honestly i don't blame you, only being 20 hours in, when the "tutorial" itself is like 100 hours, give or take. This is an issue with warframe tbh, and it 'does' accurately represent the 'new player experience' to a degree, that new players really don't even understand what kind of game warframe is, much less how the systems or monetization works, - let alone what a warfame even is. lol
These are luxuries reserved for players who invest a lot of time to learn and understand it, unfortunately. It's a huge iceberg, and that's the issue, it's a beautiful iceberg, unlike anything else that is out there, it's pure gold, but new players aren't able to see the ice under the water, and don't understand the time required to even know what they've gotten themselves into, and thus their judgements are based on purely what they see from the initial - and that doesn't exactly paint an accurate picture of the game.
This really needs to be fixed somehow. First impressions are important, and when you're offering one of the most unique and creative and soulful gaming experiences out there, new players need to see and understand that from the get go, not after 100 hours. Otherwise you get people logging in, playing a few basic missions, seeing all the microtransactions in the market and wondering why they have no new stuff and conclude it's some pay 2 win nonsense and uninstall, never giving it a chance, when nothing could be further from the truth.
New players need more direction, it's really my only gripe with game, 600 hours in, Well, that, and the crafting times, but it's not a time gate once you realize you can easily farm the 'premium currency' in game. Once you get into the flow, you'll have so much stuff in the foundry to claim, there's always something cooking in the mean time while you chase your next goal.
Love your take… two words for you… Second Dream. It’s beginning of something that is stupidly good. Look forward to seeing more of your content.
Its nice seeing people finally starting to notice warframe, despite some of its short comings
One thing Warframe has in spades is options. As far warframes and weapons, find the area or boss their loot drops from and farm, farm, farm. Mod and Forma warframes and weapons for more power and better mod utility.
Earned yourself a sub, will be watching your journey closely
Thank you so much! I really appreciate it!
Mission types you missed are:
- Exterminate
- Excavation
- Disruption (though the first one isn't seen until Mars)
- Interception
- Survival
- Sabotage
Missions can be broken into two main groups: basic, and endless.
Basic are Extermination, Spy, Rescue, Mobile Defense, Capture, Sabotage, and Assassination.
Endless ones are Defense, Interception, Survival, Disruption, and Excavation.
As you might have guessed the basic ones have a single set of objectives, that you run through the mission to complete with extraction at the end. These are the ideal missions that (if run solo so as to not feel pressured by other players) are great for taking your time to explore every nook and cranny for resources and lockers. You'll be free to look for secret rooms and might even find some rare spawns because once the objective is over with you have nothing stopping you from looking around aside from a trickle of enemy spawns.
Endless missions, are their name implies, are endless and can be run for as long as you can keep up with the ever increasing enemy level. However, endless missions can also be split into two groups: Freeform and Single Tile. In Single Tile Endless missions you'll be doing the majority of the mission in a single large tile. These two are Defense and Interception, and they usually will use the same tile for both modes. These kinds of missions don't have a physical extraction point to run to, instead just asking you after each reward stage if you want to stay or go. Be warned that failing the main objective will mean giving up everything from all the previous waves so don't get too greedy.
Freeform on the other hand uses a full tileset like the the basic missions, and allows you to move around forwards and backwards to suit the objective. These are Survival, Excavation, and Disruption. So long as you can complete the first reward cycle you can leave whenever you want by running to extract. If you're in a squad you can leave on your own by staying at extract for 30 seconds.
When dealing with endless missions of most types the main rewards you get are based on a cycle of drop tables. This follows the AABC system, where the first 2 rewards come from drop table A, and then drop table B, and drop table C, before cycling back to two As again. This means that "the good stuff" tends to take at least 4 cycles to access, or 8, 12, 16, etc cycles if you want another shot at it in the same session. The exception to this is Disruption which is much better explained by the table on the wiki page. That one has rewards that scale based on the number of conduits you save, and by the time you reach round 4 you'll always get at least a B table reward even if you only save 1 out of 4.
Even besides all this there's still another half dozen or so mission types, but they're rare enough or far enough ahead in the chart they aren't worth mentioning here to keep from overloading any more than I probably already have.
Edit: Tip to the menu thing, you can access menus even faster with the gear wheel, Q by default on PC. You can use this to fast travel to each of the stations, and when in the player hubs like the relays or the open world towns you can use this wheel to travel to all of the vendors.
As far as the ability use thing, it depend heavily on the frame you use, there is 58 of them after all. Excalibur is mainly just the sword guy, yeah, but Mag and Volt are quite capable of nuking off a whole room of enemies.... and excal to an extent with his 3rd ability.
- Spy feeling slow; it can be just as fast once you know their routes or use a frame with abilities that can trivialize the sensors.
- A lot frames are accessible to the new players, you just have to go out and get them
- Our main argument for the slow craft times is that there is no limit to how many things can craft at once, so working on a bunch of things at once that are staggered means you can get into a rhythm of having new things to try all the time. That said, it is a common pain point of a LOT of new players, so the usual 72hour craft time on the final assembly was dropped for Koumei to 24 as an experiment to make her more accessible.
- Slots, similarly are a common pain point, which I think could be addressed by simply front loading more on a new account, but the main thing we have going for us is that you can still get all of the premium toys by trading items for plat, which allows the whales and F2Pers to coexist in a symbiotic relationship. Get into running fissures to open relics and there will always be a market for people to buy even the most common prime parts off of you. When you get here it is HIGHLY recommended to avoid the ingame trade chat and to use the market website.
Wow! You're like a walking/talking Warframe wiki! Thank you so much for all of this information. I need to read it a few times to take it all in.
Hehe yeah I might as well be.
Really makes it seem equally daunting when you think "how would they tutorialize all of this?"
Also hiiiighly recommend The Kengineer's videos. His guides on basic concepts like game modes, modding for damage and how status effects work can be invaluable to understanding them quickly. And if he's made a guide on a specific frame he'll likely include new player friendly builds for them
One of my favourite interactions was me and someone else was helping a newbie, a rare resource called morphatronics dropped, the other dude was saying, why they want this, what it does, what it's used for. They where like huh, what? I said, this is shiny, you want shiny. Oh OK nick thanks.
This game is overwhelming, speak simply first, mastery comes later.
Lol I love it! Dumb it down to single syllable words 😆
"Shiny" "strong" "new".
It may look suspicious, but in the game the market is your friend, in there you can buy some weapons for credits, the non premium currency that drops from pretty much every mob and container, as well as find out where weapons and warframe parts drop.
A good chunk of frames drop from assassination missions, the earliest boss you fight as a newbie is the jackal on venus, other frames drop from unique missions, such as citrine from the mirror defence on mars.
Warframe is not for everyone, yes, but the point that will for sure define if a new player is gonna get hooked or not is the quest the second dream, if a new player reach that point in the game they will know for sure if they will keep playing or not.
The main issue is that warframe throws a bunch of stuff at you and doesn't hold your hand after the awekening, the game gives you a lot of freedom of choice which could overwhelm a new player, DE is still doing adjustments to the new player experience, I heard they would rework the guest vor's prize as it was the second tutorial quest after the awekening, but I'm not sure since I just saw them commenting about it on the dev shorts live in the youtube waframe channel.
Warframe is a game about patience, pick one thing and work your way towards it at your own pace, warframe may be a "fast" game, but it is more like a marathon then a race, you don't need to speedrun the levels unless you think that is fun.