ADHD: Signs, Symptoms, Solutions

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 27 ก.ค. 2024
  • ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and is considered a mental disorder. Children with ADHD have trouble paying attention, are hyperactive, and have difficulty controlling their behavior. It is estimated that it affects globally around 5% of all children aged 3 to 17 and that boys are 4 times as likely to be diagnosed with ADHD than girls.
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  • @sprouts
    @sprouts  2 ปีที่แล้ว +110

    Help us to reach more parents and teachers to learn about ADHD:

    • @Sweetdays88
      @Sweetdays88 ปีที่แล้ว

      This really helped with my ADHD at school 🙂

  • @honkhonk9269
    @honkhonk9269 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3628

    wow imagine having a school that supportive

  • @jessicabrauman
    @jessicabrauman 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2559

    For me, ADHD is like this:
    If everyone's mind is a bag, and the things you have to do, remember, plan, prioritise etc are marbles in the bag, well, people without ADHD not only have a bigger bag then me and can fit more in, but my bag has a hole in it and sometimes marbles fall out.

    • @pengu1nmusic
      @pengu1nmusic 3 ปีที่แล้ว +79

      I guess you can say people with ADHD have "lost their marbles"

    • @galaxi6585
      @galaxi6585 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      me but i dont have a bag

    • @gemmalamprey8051
      @gemmalamprey8051 3 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      thats a creative way at looking at it i believe people with adhd become really good at expressing there emotions and creative thinking

    • @jahnelledp
      @jahnelledp 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@galaxi6585 lol same 😆 think i misplaced it like i do literally everything

    • @V_098
      @V_098 3 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      I plan thoroughly beforehand..
      Nice right? Maybe I’ll be productive!
      I get overwhelmed and then I am paralysed and I don’t do anything. Again. And the cycle repeats

  • @lemon_y8446
    @lemon_y8446 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1515

    Then there's the teachers thinking he's a spoiled kid .... 😒

    • @Rhino11111111
      @Rhino11111111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +35

      Arsema Tesfaye either way, they should not be allowed to spoil everyone else’s education. It was so frustrating in school being stuck in an English class with people like this. It was a far cry from my other subjects. I am just lucky I passed my exams, but the amount of time wasted on these kinds of people ruined it for everyone else.

    • @trolleycartwheel9409
      @trolleycartwheel9409 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Luckily I didn't encounter one in my elem or high school days... or maybe I am that one😂.

    • @genericname8727
      @genericname8727 4 ปีที่แล้ว +55

      Everyone learns differently. Ryan, your education was probably tailored to the way you learn, or at least closer to it. I doubt the sort of coping mechanisms or learning strategies for ADHD kids were taught in your school, because they’re rarely taught at all. Tailoring the education for students like you probably spoiled the education of your ADHD classmate more than it spoiled your education. The fact that learning is often made inaccessible to students with ADHD often leads to frustration, feelings of helplessness, and acting out to mask insecurities. They’re often made to feel dumb even when they’re very intelligent and capable of great academic success with the right support. Maybe develop a bit of empathy for those who aren’t like you. Everyone deserves an education. Part of that education should probably include how to empathise with others..

    • @lemon_y8446
      @lemon_y8446 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Omg generic name ure my twin or sth

    • @pixiestixs3111
      @pixiestixs3111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

      Try living with ADHD. It sucks. Ryan, you have your opinion but the struggle is real for us too.

  • @scowlsmcjowls2626
    @scowlsmcjowls2626 2 ปีที่แล้ว +215

    How many gazillions of kids went through life surrounded by ignorence and as a result suffered even more. Its heart wrenching.

    • @jacqueslee2592
      @jacqueslee2592 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      The private prison system, psychiatric and health care system, and tobacco and drug industry profited from these children.

    • @zainjaved18
      @zainjaved18 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I was one of them my brother

    • @msk-qp6fn
      @msk-qp6fn ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I think there were some people with some minor cases of adhd and most of them got better when they were finally surrounded with people who didnt judge them.

    • @leonsantamaria9845
      @leonsantamaria9845 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      You really have problems like me you make it....👍😊

  • @RedHeadsRock1010
    @RedHeadsRock1010 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1317

    I am 22 years old, officially diagnosed with ADHD only two years after I entered college. ADHD was still known as the "fidget disorder" when I was in school, and when my mother took me to a doctor at 11-years-old thinking my problem was simple insomnia, we walked out the second he suggested looking into ADHD. I love my mom, but growing up she had this vision of a "perfect family" where nothing could be "wrong" with any of us. I struggled through school in a way that went unnoticed because I got straight A's and took all AP, gifted, and honors courses. My teachers loved that I was always willing to participate in anything put before me and any time I blurted something out it was seen as my "over-achiever personality." I would finish people's sentences for them, jump from one thing to another, switch emotions as often as blinking, talk 24/7, mishear or zone out during anything auditory-related (conversations, movies, music), procrastinate assignments because for some reason I COULDN'T FORCE MYSELF TO START THEM UNTIL THE DAY BEFORE THEY WERE DUE, miss social cues enough that my family had a running joke to hold up a "sarcasm fork" whenever there was a double-meaning to something. I remember distinctly that I was known as the "book smart" one for my grades, but "lacking any common sense" because I always seemed to be off in my own world.
    My brain functioned at 110% all the time and it was exhausting. I was a competitive athlete so I feel that helped manage my hyperactivity symptoms enough AND pass off my exhaustion as constantly physical. Then college hit where routine was pretty much tossed out the window and suddenly I was DYING. I remember going days without eating because I was so focused on school work that I woke up one morning and blacked out. It was a wake up call for both me and my mom. My brain was not normal and that was okay.
    I let my ADHD get so bad that I have ADHD induced anxiety. I started Lexapro to manage the minor anxiety symptoms and then spent a full year switching ADHD pills every month until my doctor and I found something that fit. I cannot properly put into words what it was like to find one that worked. I cried. I could THINK. I wasn't watching a hundred TV channels at once - I could STAY on a channel by CHOICE.
    For any parents on here that have heard horror stories about ADHD medicine making a child quiet, uncreative, and devoid of personality -
    1) that is either not the right medicine for your child (it took a year for me to find one that worked and I was starting to lose hope) or your child doesn't have ADHD (consult with an actual child psychologist I swear to gOD)
    2) I don't know how to explain to someone with a neurotypical brain how strange it is to suddenly realize you get to CHOOSE your thoughts and emotions - to suddenly have a remote for your TV and realize "oh, wait, I have to actually push the button to change channels now." The first two or three weeks I was on the medicine that worked - Vyvanse 30mg - my mom was terrified because suddenly I wasn't "happy" (hyperactive) 24/7. I didn't have the permanent smile on my face that I trained myself to have when I was a kid to show I was "very interested and definitely listening to the conversation." I could ACTUALLY listen to the conversation, think about it for a minute, and REACT. No trained response to blend in!!!! I could actually hear what people were saying and process it. So when my family had a normal conversation and I listened to it, from my mom's perspective I was "blank faced and quiet," and when I spoke up I was "monotone and devoid of personality."
    That's because for the first time I could actually HAVE a personality other than: "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" all the time. And I had no idea who I was.
    I adjusted after a good month - two months of being able to control my own thoughts for at least 4-5 hours a day by using mindful practices and examining my own emotions. Some people describe ADHD medicine as dialing down input to a manageable degree, but my brain still processes a crap ton of things at once - it just doesn't get mixed up in my brain anymore. I feel like, instead, I've been given a handy little filing system that helps me organize and prioritize. I don't know how I survived so many years at 110%, but now that I know THIS is how easy it is for other people to think, I am NEVER going back.

    • @hanakamil5593
      @hanakamil5593 4 ปีที่แล้ว +46

      Damnn girl. I feel you!!! I have Adhd too. & when I was in highschol I was always at the top of my class & I very was athletic.
      But when I went to college, I lost it. Things were completely out of control. There was a week when I ate only once in 24 hours for a week straight....
      But hang in there you've got this & u r not alone.
      So many great brain have Adhd. Albert Einstein, Steven Hawkins, Bill Gates (& the long list goes on)

    • @hanakamil5593
      @hanakamil5593 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Plus am turning 22 soon too😊....

    • @bxbbletae1268
      @bxbbletae1268 3 ปีที่แล้ว +28

      @@malayus7155 I suggest u actually get diagnosed, um.. self diagnosing isn't always right. I'm going to get diagnosed, bc my psychologist and therapist suggest that for me bc I have too many symptoms for ADHD, my mom didn't like that but she learned to accept it, to accept that I can't stop moving at all, even when I'm sleeping, to be so talkative I'm excessively talkative, to accept that I always zone out, to finally accept that I actually can't focus like a normal person, and when I do I focus too much I can spend HOURS doing whatever I'm doing and after that, i just drop dead and sleep, if that's called blacking out? Idk I'm not sure, I always procrastinate, and I'm always finishing up everyone's sentences I'm not the best at Being patient, and I'm disorganized, I hate that about myself I'm always loosing things and then finding them again when I don't even need them anymore, my rooms... A mess, a day after I clean it, it's a mess again, I hate Being called lazy bc I'm actually trying my best, my mom hates it when I forget to complete my house chores, I tell her to forgive me bc I forgot and she always says I didn't forget I'm just making an exsuse up, the amount of times I have been told to get something or do something and I stop walking and ask, wait what am I supposed to get again?? Or wat I supposed to do again?? Is EMBARRASSING, I swear my brain just forgets or starts thinking about other things, I have been called nicknames bc of this, I don't like them but I just go along with it. I would have said more, but I just realized I'm typing so much, but yea seek for help! sorry, for typing so much- have a nice day/night.

    • @bxbbletae1268
      @bxbbletae1268 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@malayus7155 I personally think u don't have ADHD, I related to this person a lot, and I can't actually focus, even on the things I adore and love, there r 3 types of ADHD, can I ask? How much do yk about ADHD?

    • @christinedge7627
      @christinedge7627 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

      Hold up, you have problems hearing sarcasm too?! That's considered a missed social cue?! I was diagnosed with ADD when I was ten and I've always had a hard time hearing sarcasm to the point where my friends/family had to tell me whether or not someone was being sarcastic. I had no idea I was missing social cues this whole time.
      It honestly baffled me and my family, because I could "speak" sarcasm but couldn't "hear" it.

  • @daemon.running
    @daemon.running 3 ปีที่แล้ว +583

    Sounds just like myself. "You're smart, just lazy" was the most common thing said. In place of school, and parental support, medication was administered.

    • @maven9323
      @maven9323 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thought i had ADHD

    • @maven9323
      @maven9323 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      But turns out I'm just an artist, how did I find out? I painted good without even having any experience

    • @blue.orangeade
      @blue.orangeade 2 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      yeah. it really hurts. really really hurts. 100% on my exams and my notebooks are empty and i never turn I homework. grades started going downhill too once getting good grades actually required consistent studying. "she has so much potential" "she's smart but needs to put in effort" "doesn't work hard enough" "needs to pay attention" all this, plus me telling my parents multiple times as a kid that something is wrong with me and that I keep forgetting things, wasn't enough to get me diagnosed. just- thank God. other people round the world have it worse than me.

    • @infinitum4940
      @infinitum4940 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@blue.orangeade same it hurts I feel I have adhd

    • @wesleyhendrix4010
      @wesleyhendrix4010 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      “You’re smart you just need to apply yourself”

  • @cof...
    @cof... 2 ปีที่แล้ว +704

    As someone with ADHD, the invalidating and ignorant "it's not an excuse" will forever be engrained in my head and always will give me a flight or fight response when I hear it.

    • @davidcardozo290
      @davidcardozo290 2 ปีที่แล้ว +40

      Hurts more than a papercut wound washed with lemon and salt.

    • @cycy9154
      @cycy9154 2 ปีที่แล้ว +47

      I'd argue ADHD is not an excuse.
      It's a valid reason instead.

    • @illegalopinions4082
      @illegalopinions4082 2 ปีที่แล้ว +60

      "You're not the only person with ADHD, you know" is the one that sticks with me. Honesty did me no favours and people seemed to conveniently "forget" my issue when it suited them.

    • @adriii2306
      @adriii2306 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      @@illegalopinions4082 Exactly like, yes, i know that i am not the only person with it, and all the others that have it struggle just like me

    • @rnin689
      @rnin689 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      I have adhd, I don’t like to use it as an excuse but when people say Adhd has no reason for how I act, then I get tilted and get annoyed

  • @stephanecaron8894
    @stephanecaron8894 3 ปีที่แล้ว +446

    Note that there are a few different types of ADHD, this video seams to focus ADHD-Hyperactive, the most common / stereotypical variant of the disorder. I have ADHD-Inatentative which means I'm prone to hyper-focus on one thing / task and have difficult time transitioning to the next thing task. To use a school example: I would get hyper-focused on silent reading but would struggle with math which followed silent reading (in part) because my brain couldn't make the shift from reading to math mode nearly as quickly as nuro-typical kids could, and (in part) due to reading being much more enjoyable (in spite of my mild-dyslexia) then math.

    • @yourlocalgardenvarietyidio1030
      @yourlocalgardenvarietyidio1030 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Dude I'm the opposite of what you can focus good on i focus good on math science band pe (eh) then humanities oh boy I was failing it over winter break.

    • @7RadioactivePotatoes
      @7RadioactivePotatoes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      This is me. I'm almost 28 and I have ADHD-Inatentative. I have so many hobbies that I switch between. I'll focus on them for a few months and do nothing else but that single hobby, and then get burnt out and find another hobby that I focus on for a few months. Rinse and repeat lol It makes doing my job really hard, or trying to get things done around the house. I have clutter, but my brain doesn't register it, so it goes unnoticed. I only notice it when someone else starts cleaning the clutter and therefor I start cleaning it as well.

    • @highonimmi
      @highonimmi 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@7RadioactivePotatoes i'm 56...same here.

    • @dagamingmanyt
      @dagamingmanyt 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Oh my god finally another person with the same type of ADHD

    • 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      There is also this other disorder called ADD which is ADHD with out have hyper activity

  • @addisonhunt2066
    @addisonhunt2066 4 ปีที่แล้ว +373

    I have adhd and what helps me most is when people recognize that I’m not lazy and that trying harder isn’t going to fix anything because I’m already trying my hardest. I have had my fair share of people telling me it’s not real that when someone recognizes that it is and that I can’t control it then it helps me as far as emotions and self esteem go.

    • @babysaturn9160
      @babysaturn9160 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      I have ADHD to and I'm 20 years old..i notice I still havr the symptoms and its hard to not sit still. Self esteem is also a problem with me. Everythings a rollercoarster

    • @ewoudvanpareren5031
      @ewoudvanpareren5031 3 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Sounds familiar. I count myself lucky not to have been born earlier, when it was more commonly diagnosed as laziness and stubbornness by teachers and kept at that.

    • @hannacook859
      @hannacook859 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Read driven to distraction, that will help you understand yourself, videos like this are vile and destroy the self esteem of people with ADHD as well as turn people without ADHD to behave in a discriminatory, dismissive, arrogant, demeaning way towards people with ADHD, read the book, you will get a good picture of what ADHD really is (it was written by two doctors with ADHD) and will help you know that this video and people that talk like this are in the wrong and offensive

    • @blue.orangeade
      @blue.orangeade 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      it is so HARD sometimes to keep telling yourself that when everyone around you is insisting otherwise! I've known all along my entire life whenever something is due to adhd that i can't control (I have never been a lazy person!!) and my gut feeling would trump whatever my parents told me bc they didn't know what it was like being me. but these days it's so hard to sustain that. I start beating myself up for things I know DEEP DOWN I can't control.

    • @ginaventura865
      @ginaventura865 ปีที่แล้ว

      I tell my great grandson 6 yrs old that he has a super power , hes needs to control it. Heard this on a vedio., His mother is in denial, the father and the other grandmother have ADHD .

  • @miriambarreiro9556
    @miriambarreiro9556 4 ปีที่แล้ว +270

    Its nice to see a video that doesnt say that its all invented by society or that medicating the kids is bad. Great job!

    • @MrHj123
      @MrHj123 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      As someone who was medicated for this. It isn't fun. I had a lot of bad side effects to most of the meds they pushed to me.

    • @isaacalberda250
      @isaacalberda250 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I wonder if u realize that adhd medications are amphetamines. Abt one step away from meth. They’re incredibly addictive, and the massive list of side effects and long term effects are semi understood in adults and barely researched in children. I was on them from 4th to 9th grade and not a thing improved, I developed a mild tick, showed symptoms of bipolar, stunted growth and it probably did permanent damage to my developing brain. The only reason amphetamines work to help adhd is bc it stimulates your brain artificially instead of just doing something you’re interested in. I don’t disagree with their use in adults who choose to get that help but you should not put kids on prescription speed

    • @Romaninx
      @Romaninx 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      @@isaacalberda250 Meth is about 5 times as powerful as Adderall when it comes to releasing dopamine (, it interacts with other chemicals in your brain at a much stronger rate as well. So it's not "one simple step away from meth" stop spreading misinformation, Adderall is also designed for people with ADHD to regulate their lack of dopamine and other malfunctions in the brain's wiring. I somewhat agree with your opinion on children. I believe all options in terms of behavioral therapy and environmental shifting should be exercised before we place them on such a powerful medication, but if the child still shows symptoms and is not progressing. I believe it's best to medicate the child and ask for their input on whether or not they should stop, continue, or try a new medication; additionally, weigh the pros and cons with them. And yea you're kinda right about that stimulation part, but as a student, I'm going to have to study things I don't want to, in order to get good grades and get into a graduate program or in a child's perspective do well in class and not repeat a grade or get up in the morning and do their chores or whatever responsibilities 5-17-year-olds have. It also affects other parts of a child's life too, like simply finding the drive as a kid to hang out with friends and participate in social events. I regret that a large part of my childhood (7-17) was spent playing video games or sleeping because I would easily get drained from school, and finding the will to go outside and wait for my friends to start doing something fun took way more time than starting up my ds. And that most of what people thought was shyness, was actually my anxiety manifesting itself from my undiagnosed ADHD. Again it does suck that there are people that were either misdiagnosed or simply not given the treatment they needed and just pumped full of drugs so their child wasn't labeled "a loser or stupid". But that's not to say that medicating children in any way is inherently bad, just as long as you take the proper precautions and use it as a last resort (some people don't have the luxury of having the world accommodate their illness). This all coming from a guy that showed signs of ADHD but was never diagnosed until I was 20. Getting the diagnosis and the medication has helped me a ton, and I don't plan on stopping until I have full control of my environment and responsibilities and can simply live a life in which my ADHD won't hinder or cripple me.

    • @queeny5613
      @queeny5613 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@isaacalberda250 I think its good to rmeber that outside the USA meds are NOT routinely prescribed in fact u have to be at least moderate to even qualify for am assessment we also don't have Adderal due to the side effects. More is a us problem than a drug one

    • @brobuscus1152
      @brobuscus1152 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      @@isaacalberda250 This is almost entirely misinformation. Amphetamines are similar to meth and that isnt necessarily a bad thing. Methamphetamine has a lot of societal connotations and amphetamine receives them by proxy. Desoxyn is meth and a lot of people with adhd (who can access it) find it to be one of the best medications available for managing adhd assuming they take it as prescibed in 5mg doses. The problem with methamphetamine comes from using it recreationally by smoking, rectally taking it, or injecting it in doses far above 5mg. Most meth addicts take well over 50mg in the course of a night so obviously its going to overstimulate them even if they have adhd since 5mg of methamphetamine is roughly equivalent to 20-30mg of adderall.
      Amphetamine can be addictive for the average person but there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that taking meds for adhd significantly reduces the chances they develop substance abuse disorders and I can attest to this. I can stop drinking after 2 or 3 cans if I choose to rather than drinking the whole 12 pack in about 3-4 hours. I have little to no interest in taking MDMA or cocaine anymore like I was before my diagnosis. Even if I didnt find stimulants effective there are quite a few non stimulants on the market nowadays that work more like antidepressants.
      The other problem is that amphetamine and similar adhd drugs are often not paired with talk therapy or other forms of help like they should be. If a doctor had actually listened to you they should have switched medications a bunch before deciding whether to stop treatment or try second/third line medications like wellbutrin, non stims etc. When the right medication is found it should basically be like putting on glasses. The reason they work is that they correct a dopamine imbalance in the brain (to oversimplify things a bit) which reduces the impact of impaired functions, over/understimulation, and anxiety. Taking more of the same medication isnt going to fix that if there is no improvement in the first place and can lead to severe side effects.

  • @SusanaGomez-mp8sk
    @SusanaGomez-mp8sk 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +162

    I could remember several years ago, I suffered severe depression and mental disorder. Was actually diagnosed with ADHD. Not until my son recommended me to psilocybin mushrooms treatment. Psilocybin treatment saved my life honestly. 8 years totally clean. Never thought I would be saying this about mushrooms.

    • @Paul_Michael
      @Paul_Michael 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Congrats on your recovery. Most persons never realizes psilocybin can be used as a miracle medication to save lives. Years back i wrote an entire essay about psychedelics. they saved you from death bud, lets be honest here.

    • @CristiandlfDeval
      @CristiandlfDeval 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Can you help me with the reliable source 🙏. I'm 56 and have suffered for years with addiction, anxiety and severe ptsd, I got my panic attacks under control myself years ago and they have come back with a vengeance, I'm constantly trying to take full breaths but can't get the full satisfying breath out, it's absolutely crippling me, i live in Greece. I don't know much about these mushrooms. Really need a reliable source!! Can't wait to get them.

    • @BrownGeorge-pw2xo
      @BrownGeorge-pw2xo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hey! Yes Dr.medshrooms.

    • @gefferystones2814
      @gefferystones2814 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How do I reach out to him? Is he on insta

    • @JacksonSmith-wc8oo
      @JacksonSmith-wc8oo 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Yes he's Dr.medshrooms.Lsd and psilocybin are amazing teachers along its dmt mah dudes have safe trips all. Shrooms are blessings from nature.

  • @roselydemon666
    @roselydemon666 ปีที่แล้ว +83

    For me ADHD is a big problem in primary school none of my teachers cared and thought I was a loss case and so I stopped trying because I thought I was to dumb, people around me are smart and can easily answer all the teacher questions, and even my friends helped to explain to me but I didn’t understand a single word but I just say I understand to not make them angry until primary 3 my home room teacher saw this and that every week on spelling tests I would get 0 or 1 out of 10 everyone thought I was dumb but my teacher didn’t so he put me in special classes and would give me fun games instead of boring lessons, in the end of the week on spelling test I was excited than ever since my teacher helped me a lot. After I got my test back I was jumping with joy since it was my first time like first first time since I joined school I got 10 out of 10, I still remember that I was so happy than I thank my teacher over and over again, but after primary 3 things went back to normal…. I got 0 or 1 out of 10 and my teacher didn’t care but I knew one thing from that moment that I wasn’t dumb I’m just not normal like other kids, I just have a hard time learning but my so called “friends” just convinced me that I’m dumb… and I was actually dumb to believe that I was actually dumb, I still can’t believe that believe those words…. I wish I can improve myself more…

    • @unicxrnnxrris
      @unicxrnnxrris ปีที่แล้ว +4

      That’s all basically me I’m in secondary school and it’s hard for me for every subject it’s hard so yeah and I’m dumb I take medication for it as well I hate myself

    • @ellen_yzone14
      @ellen_yzone14 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@unicxrnnxrris ❤❤❤ more love to you. You are important and can be more

    • @unicxrnnxrris
      @unicxrnnxrris ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ellen_yzone14 Tysm

    • @ellen_yzone14
      @ellen_yzone14 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@unicxrnnxrris your welcome. I used to hate myself to when I im young. am Adhd to. But We get mature and we learn how to shift our perspective. We also learn to love and accept our flows. we cope and we managed.

    • @unicxrnnxrris
      @unicxrnnxrris ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ellen_yzone14 I’m super bad at school like I struggle with work and then my friends are so much better then me I don’t rlly like it that much

  • @ImCarolB
    @ImCarolB 2 ปีที่แล้ว +63

    When I first began teaching (in my 40s), I found myself with a number of ADHD or ADD students. I began reading everything I could on the subjects and discovered that I, myself, had ADD (without hyperactivity). It explained so much! I always thought school was so boring and never really wanted to be a teacher. With the right medication, I was able to focus better and I used organizing tricks to put my life in order. I worked hard to make learning more varied and interesting for all the kids, and teach them those skills that could help them reach their goals. It's not easy and I know it's frustrating for those who move ahead easily. When I was a kid, the "scattered" kids would interrupt my progress, so I'd just get off topic and daydream.

    • @CircumcisionIsChildAbuse
      @CircumcisionIsChildAbuse 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      isn't that the irony of stuff like that, how often people manage to come to those conclusions because they themselves have those qualities. "that looks...familiar." and then suddenly you're putting the pieces together. I had to do that with autism when I realized how many of my close friends all happen to be autistic. One of which was a person who specifically works with those same under developed children. Birds of a feather I guess.
      I wish I had a teacher like you. Like decided to yell at me and isolate me at the back of the class, literally as far back from every other student as humanly possible. Might as well have been the elementary school equivalent to solitary confinement. It's amazing how short tempered so many elementary school teachers can be.

  • @danieljrpeters6637
    @danieljrpeters6637 3 ปีที่แล้ว +72

    I have ADHD. It's hell especially when your in university.

    • @naseeb46
      @naseeb46 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Now truer words have never been spoken!

    • @nerdgeekcosplay909
      @nerdgeekcosplay909 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@naseeb46 SAY IT LOUDER

    • @Swashbucklebuckle
      @Swashbucklebuckle 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I was a long-term student and after 13 years of studying a nature science with modest success, I decided to drop out and try to find work with only my bachelor's degree... At least the voice in the back of my head which is telling me I am a failure is slowly getting quieter...

    • @CircumcisionIsChildAbuse
      @CircumcisionIsChildAbuse 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      wow you got into university....woe is you.

    • @davidcardozo290
      @davidcardozo290 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@Swashbucklebuckle Everybody has to silence that voice a hundred times and more. Although it's never gone... no problem, silence it again. In the end, victor writes history.

  • @nucleo3586
    @nucleo3586 3 ปีที่แล้ว +101

    I’m thirteen years old and I’m professionally diagnosed with ADHD, ADHD can lead to skin picking, nail tearing, finger and neck popping, hair pulling, etc. I can only use moveable fidgets, it’s hard for me to stay focused even when watching tv, if my brain tells me to do something I do it, I zone out to the point where people have to tap me on the shoulder, my school accommodates me well with different plans put in place, there’s no help at home only parents who don’t understand.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Thanks for sharing your experience! And good luck at home!

    • @rantersparadise
      @rantersparadise 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      At least school cares.

    • @icezak4964
      @icezak4964 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      2 years younger than you, I am also experiencing the same thing, and I am starting to get to the point where I’m failing everything so please tell me some advice

      @VVVHHHSSS 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hey dudes, you guys are young, I hope the best for you guys. Never feel afraid to ask for help, it's not worth isolating yourself or getting angry over adhd. I ended up getting depressed bc I was afraid of asking for help. Not worth it. Be strong, live your best life.

    • @creampuff6449
      @creampuff6449 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I have adhd and I have this habit where I tear the skin around my fingers and nails and i eat those... I used to do it a lot back then, but now the habit has reduced a bit.

  • @DeborahAnnsuperversatile
    @DeborahAnnsuperversatile 2 ปีที่แล้ว +47

    The part where wanting to learn from mistakes, yet still doing them (accidentally), really stuck out to me. My therapist said not to say that my mistakes are an accident, but they are. I want to fix them, and I try so hard, yet somehow still slip right back into them again. I notice it and get super angry at myself. Then I feel guilty, then I try again, and it goes around in circles again and again and again.

    • @nagito177
      @nagito177 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      i feel the exact same

    • @minstrelleng
      @minstrelleng ปีที่แล้ว +2

      my son feels like that too.

  • @asielmilian38
    @asielmilian38 4 ปีที่แล้ว +504

    People who have ADHD are very creative.

    • @Hasaryu
      @Hasaryu 4 ปีที่แล้ว +34

      Very true Asiel. It often helps for me to have a creative outlet, which improves my productivity. Thank you for pointing that out.

    • @rakijaenjoyer5488
      @rakijaenjoyer5488 4 ปีที่แล้ว +111

      As a person with ADHD, I have creative ideas, but I forget to do them 😂

    • @Deletedtemp
      @Deletedtemp 4 ปีที่แล้ว +33

      As someone with ADHD autism and Asperger’s syndrome seeing someone like you saying this really makes my day because I get bullied about being autistic and having ADHD so you saying this nice stuff really helps and makes me notice humanity still accepts people

    • @Z0niC101
      @Z0niC101 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

      Yes very True I play minecraft to get my ideas out

    • @isabella5666
      @isabella5666 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Thank you :D💕✨

  • @despair7606
    @despair7606 ปีที่แล้ว +74

    I was at school today and this girl with ADHD asked me if I had it. I said no and that I never had been checked for it. Later i tried explain to my mom what the girl said and that maybe j should get checked for it but my mom said no she doesn't think it that. This video really helped me while I was watching it I was like "oh I do that too" most of the things you described in the video I relate to especially the focusing problem and forgetting assignments. I continually forget my assignments, forget to do them, forget to turn then in, and I hate working with other people as I have trouble focusing on what their saying. I wish I could get checked so that away if it's not ADHD I can figure out what it is/ or can help with my focusing problem

    • @alpha_jasperflair1097
      @alpha_jasperflair1097 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      I agree i havent been diagnosed yet but my parents are highly irritated of me they kept saying im getting older and im still so immatured i feel like all this time im not a normal person i just hate my brain i cant finish tasks or focus on anything at all even if i try forcing myself it just cant work and they still cant understand me i know its simple but idk why i cant do it its hard for me to change maybe my problems have a different solution

    • @abhisrisaha9720
      @abhisrisaha9720 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@alpha_jasperflair1097 It's K just care about your self n #LY

    • @Ame.IsRain
      @Ame.IsRain ปีที่แล้ว +1

      heyo! as someone with diagnosed adhd,its okay to self diagnose if you do research. (ex: videos, online tests, and looking at symptoms for ATLEAST!! a week or so) but fi your not sure make sure to specify that ur self diagnosed.

  • @MindfulAttraction2.0
    @MindfulAttraction2.0 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    that was me up until i was like 28. I got into art and then i learned to actually focus. And it helped me focus when it came to subjects that I don't like. It's like I just needed a spark

    • @divyanshtiwarix
      @divyanshtiwarix ปีที่แล้ว


    • @lilceasar69
      @lilceasar69 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm 12 and I have ADHD stress,depression, insomnia and there's my parents thinking it's the damn phone 💀

    • @MindfulAttraction2.0
      @MindfulAttraction2.0 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@lilceasar69 it's true tho. It affects you.

    • @victoriarose1309
      @victoriarose1309 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@MindfulAttraction2.0 if it wasn’t my phone, it would just be smth else💀

  • @sophiae4150
    @sophiae4150 3 ปีที่แล้ว +45

    Emotional disregulation, trouble or hitches in early learning(tying shoes, bike riding), hyper fixations, a constant need for new things or activities in order to feed their need for dopamine, and a low object permanence are super big issues that need to be talked about more. Also the fact that women with adhd are less likely to be diagnosed because they’ve been taught to mask it is an issue 💛💛 Because we live in a society that values male voices over female voices, women with adhd are less likely to burst out with their thoughts. :) maybe go into detail a bit more but as someone who lives with people with adhd I found this video to barely scratch the surface of what happens in a mind with adhd. Still amazing for teaching children about Adhd but there’s always more to it. :) have a great day! 💕

    • @CircumcisionIsChildAbuse
      @CircumcisionIsChildAbuse 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      You know men and women don't necessarily have to have equal representation in mental illness right? Like how the vast majority of extreme violent offenders are male, I don't' see too many woman speaking about demanding harsher (equal) punishments for committing the same crime. If something is underdiagnosed there's going to be a whole myriad of reasons not the simple politically motivated "woe is woman" regurgitated ad nauseum excuse. With how many difference lenses there are for observing behavior and statistical deviations, the fact that people like to scream about one particular issue is typical of gender bias. Seems less about what is moral or ethical, it seems to be more about what genitals you have that determine how sensitive you are about things. It's as if females are higher in neuroticism or something but I don't see anyone crying about those clinical statistics.
      You think being over diagnosed is a GOOD thing? You think MORE boys being diagnosed is a good thing for the world? Why is that exactly? Why do you think that boys are more likely to be noticed for their behavior? There's a hundred different explanations for complex social issues. Pandering to ONE, is a distortion. You know how many times more likely boys are to be abused and bullied because of their ADHD as a result of that diagnosis that they're less likely to get the help they need because they're often ignored for being rambunctious. You can spin ANY narrative you want if you try hard enough.
      ....I don't know how it is that woman get away with being openly sexist so long as they make it about womans rights when its an issue of mental health, not your genitalia and political ideology.

    • @2africas527
      @2africas527 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @kirpdeb
      @kirpdeb ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You seem to know more than the video. I am a woman with ADHD ~ without the H.

    • @janettechampagne
      @janettechampagne 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Females with ASD experience the same path to diagnosis, unfortunately, and oftentimes ADHD/ADD is comorbid with ASD. This is changing though, and there is much hope for the future =).

    • @darklord9581
      @darklord9581 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s not a very good assumption saying they value male voices over females when most males or in a mental health crisis cause we been told all our life’s to “be the man” and to “get over” and All that other toxic masculinity non sense like “boys don’t cry” and we masked it most of our life’s which also creates mid life crises in some later on.

  • @neenykins18
    @neenykins18 4 ปีที่แล้ว +42

    Thanks! My daughter was diagnosed at age 7 and although low on the scale, I often get uncooperative Learning Support Teachers. She is now in 2nd year of high school and hardly does homework and assignments on time. I only hope she can pass core subjects to get a good job one day. She also has dyslexia but is very creative. I'm hoping she gets a career in the media studies area.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Hi neenykins18. Thank you so much for sharing your story!

    • @saravanapriyas7851
      @saravanapriyas7851 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Thank u for making me boost mam since my son who is 8yrs old was an adhd child

  • @baileyford6460
    @baileyford6460 3 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    As a teen with adhd I can say it's difficult to focus I can Bearley work. But I still strive to become something

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Hi mrbumble
      :) Thanks for sharing your story, hang in there!

  • @ryujinyamazaki7345
    @ryujinyamazaki7345 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Im confused if i have adhd or im just lazy procrastinating

  • @elgekok560
    @elgekok560 4 ปีที่แล้ว +31

    Not even matter:
    Dude who didn't have a severe case of adhd nor noticable bullying from other people and started treatment very young with countless support from litteraly almost everyone in his life: *aDhD iS nOt An ExCuSe If I cAn Do It ThEn YoU sHoUlD dO iT tOo*

    • @foxsisters6257
      @foxsisters6257 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      this!!!! so true it’s annoying

    • @toiletmangaminghd5714
      @toiletmangaminghd5714 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @nerdgeekcosplay909
      @nerdgeekcosplay909 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Me: I run on ambition and spite.

    • @maplewhatever5581
      @maplewhatever5581 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @UnhappyTestimony
      @UnhappyTestimony 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

      😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 I already explain this 90000000x ofc im exaggerating I said THEY CAN DO IT AND I CANT DONT YOU SEE THE PROBLEM HERE???

  • @cbouder
    @cbouder 2 ปีที่แล้ว +98

    Thank you for producing this video. I have a concern however, that this video omits some information. In your examples, the child is always experiencing academic failure. There are children however, often labeled as "gifted," who have ADHD but go undiagnosed because they are academically successful in primary school. Additionally, the video puts an age limit on the disorder at 17. I understand that the focus of the video is on children, but it seems worth a mention that ADHD can go undiagnosed and persist into adulthood. I'd love for your content to include these variations of the disorder.

    • @barnabascee1889
      @barnabascee1889 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

      I don't think you ever "recover" from ADHD. You can take medicine, and you can learn coping strategies. That's it. It's a myth that you ever "get over it". It's part of who I am and always will be.

    • @ayyymacaroni
      @ayyymacaroni 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Called 2-e. Yeah.

    • @privatepo5876
      @privatepo5876 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Thanks for the comment. My son is intelligent and has been diagnosed with ADHD. He’s been reading since he was 2. A new set of problems occur because since he is competent that he is just has a behavioral issue

  • @GideonMetFan1981
    @GideonMetFan1981 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    As someone who has ADHD,I can tell you that this video really describes my struggles during my school days.My schoolmates started to laugh whenever my teachers is scolding me for unable to pay attention and none of them understand what I have been through,even teachers.They started to blame me on my video games and comic books where in real case is that I have the symptoms that causes me not to pay attention to teachers whenever they teaching in class.Teachers tends to call me slow,but real thing is that I need times for me to understand certain subjects that I'm still struggling to learn.
    I hope that both parents and teachers will work together in solving these issues.We need more understanding,not judging.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You're right. Thank you for sharing your story!

  • @g7cap687
    @g7cap687 4 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    I always liked to study my own subjects at home at my own pace,studying faster than the school program.I studied 2 years in 1 while studying on the 3rd year in 3 months.If you have ADHD find your own unique way to study and don't follow what teachers say that you have to do,you already have what you need.Success must come from withing us.We need a bigger picture of what's going on and we can't work just because,we need a defined target to go chase

  • @karennay5993
    @karennay5993 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I'm probably the oldest one posting on this subject. I'm 63 and was diagnosed with ADHD in my 40s and just recently went through a 3hr cognitive test because I thought I had the beginnings of dementia. Well, guess what... it's the ADHD along with anxiety. So I'm back on medication to help boost my executive functioning.
    When I was in elementary school I was always in trouble for talking too much. I did poor academically unless it was a subject of great interest. I lived for recess to run and play. By high school I was involved in sports and this was a great help in that it was something I finally did well. However, my grades weren't the best, I hated school since it felt like torture sitting and not understanding the subjects, math being the worst.
    Years later I went back to college, I had better coping skills and did well ultimately earning a Masters degree.
    Hang in there kids!!! Things get better!

  • @NapNapLeGrand
    @NapNapLeGrand 4 ปีที่แล้ว +126

    Two words: percy jackson.

    • @genericname8727
      @genericname8727 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Great books.

    • @ruxiangg7312
      @ruxiangg7312 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      half-bloods are all ADHD. :3

    • @mamiadorkorcoleman1999
      @mamiadorkorcoleman1999 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      ru xiangg or dyslexic

    • @ruxiangg7312
      @ruxiangg7312 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@mamiadorkorcoleman1999 true

    • @pixiestixs3111
      @pixiestixs3111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I’m not even kidding in one of my classes a teacher played Percy Jackson, and when ADHD was mentioned everyone looked at me. SMH it was kinda funny tho.

  • @bluubird7077
    @bluubird7077 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    My son went through all the narrator described. The teacher treated him with disdain and often isolated him instead of giving him things to do that would keep his attention. She even at one point told my son to stop learning at home so that when he came into school he wouldn't know all the answers and disrupt the lesson. It was painful. It was sad.
    I believed him when he talked about how she made him feel and how he treated others and not him. I talked with her. She blamed it on his behavior. He wasn't violent. He was interested in learning, in the end, he didn't do the learning the way expected him to. Instead of testing him for being gifted, she made him the source of humiliation and blamed in on him. I eventually moved him from the school.
    He thrived at the new school. The first school was a test school and the second was public school. At one school the teachers expected students to "be" or behave a certain way. They second school was accepting of my son as he was, let my son know that busy did not = bad and took the time and care to support at school, the supports I was trying at home. I also listened to input from the teacher.
    By the time he was done at the second school, he tested into a "magnet program" which challenged him at a level that kept him engaged. He still struggled with executive function but at least he wasn't stifled or ridiculed, like at the first school. Middle school had it's own set of challenges though. Oye ve.
    I wish ALL educators knew that busy does not = bad and I also wish that students were not penalized or ridiculed for not doing what "everyone else" can do.
    Lastly, not all public schools are "bad." Some are genuinely invested in the community and lifting the spirits of those that attend and their families.
    Thanks for reading.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thank you for sharing Bluu Bird!

  • @samteadee
    @samteadee 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This was me when I was a kid. I got diagnosed with ADHD at 25. It's good to have clarity on things as I reflect on my school days.

  • @Bendylife
    @Bendylife 3 ปีที่แล้ว +21

    I just got diagnosed this year after years and years of struggling and failing and dropping out of school, not keeping jobs, having trouble with everything. I was only diagnosed with Anxiety and only treated for that for so long but nothing ever worked. I finally understand how my brain functions and what I can do. Restarting my life at 27.
    I was not like the kid in this video though. I was a polite girl that liked to learn but couldn't do work on my own. I never did homework but could get great marks on tests from listening in class (only if I was interested, but I really like learning so it wasn't as hard. Give me a textbook to read, tho and I wouldn't be able to.) People called me lazy, uncaring. I'd loose friends for forgetting to contact them or saying something with out thinking first. I'm honestly shocked that school did so little for so long. My problems started in grade 4 and continued until I dropped out in grade 12. I don't recall anyone taking any specific interest into why that was apart from an assessment for a learning disability in grade 4 and the odd teacher saying there were there If I wanted to talk, but would never understand when I did. A child couldn't be expected to just know they have a nurodevelopmental disorder.
    I hope schools are better today. They really failed me when I was a kid.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks for sharing this! I hope too!!!

    • @cameronr7223
      @cameronr7223 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I sound really similar to you in that I was an amazing test taker but could never focus to do my homework. I would listen in class if I was interested and would be the first to raise my hand. I hated reading uninteresting text books but place a good book in front of me and I could read the whole thing in a couple days and write a detailed paper over it. If I was not interested in something, no matter how hard I tried, I would not be successful in it. I don’t know where or how to be diagnosed as an adult. I have 3 kids now and work full time so I have no time for myself. I also forget important dates and are terrible at texting friends back. Anything date related I struggle with even if it is something I am interested in

    • @cupio-stardust
      @cupio-stardust ปีที่แล้ว

      Unfortunately it’s gotten worse, my own parents don’t even believe me and just take away my things.

  • @Tuklo-Hishi
    @Tuklo-Hishi 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I have ASD & was diagnosed with Senesory Prossesing Disorder & ADHD in grade school, at a young age. I wasn't found out to definitely have Asperger's until I was an adult though it was heavily suspected by many sense I was very little & throughout my entire life (well into adulthood).
    In school & after school (College) I was eventually allowed to pick my Studies. When this happened I used my skill at hyper focusing to pick 1 or two subjects at a time & then follow those subjects (and all the related courses) until I finished the entire curriculum with in an accelerated period (ahead of everyone else) going at my own pace; with high marks; before moving on to the next subject & then using my hyper focus to do it there.
    I was allowed & encouraged to take notes & read ahead in the text, as I wanted, on my own time. This allowed me to then take my notes outside of class (prepared in clear & clean cartigorized list) and add illustrations which where visually relevant to the topic or subject, through drawings (as I am a visual artist & have a Masters, a Batchelors & Special Studies Award in Visual Arts: from & after College).
    I was allowed to wear shades in class to combat with the lighting (either too bright or due to florescent lighting) & special noise filtering earplugs used by concert musicians on stage; to help regulate my sight & hearing.
    I was also given special, untimed testing modifications, in a a silent room, by myself, with no clock, & with noise canceling headphones on.
    I was allowed to ride my bike too & from school & to drink coffee in class & at school (to the goldilocks point) as an alternative to potentially addictive medications.
    I was given extra time & extensions on schoolwork & class projects all the time, due to my OCD, by my teachers (much to the envy of many students) because I would often reach burnout & meltdown points much quicker than most & because when I did turn in my work it was always (as one Professor pute it) "Well worth the weight, as it was always above & beyond what was asked for & the quality of the work was beyond what any had ever expected or foresaw".
    I was encouraged to developed lateral learning skills by taking possibly related courses in two separate subjects, whose materials, subjects, & information could be used to enrich, enhance, expand & support what I was learning in one or each subject. This allowing me to see the interconnectiveness between Sciences, Mathematics & Logic Therums, Literary & Humanities Studies (such as Philosphy, Sociology & Psychology), & the Arts (both classic & graphic & media [such as video editing & broadcasting]).
    I now have a Doctrit in Philisophy, A Masters in Holistic Counceling, A Masters in Arts, A Batchelors in Arts & Sciences, Special Studies & Associates in Photography & Literaturary Arts, & a Masters in Science (Logic Theory).
    Having very physical activities before & after school helped out quite a bit, having extensions when needed, being able to streamline & parallel my study & course studies & curriculum, being able to work at my own pace, not being pressured by strickt dead lines, and by carefully organizing & scheduling my day & life where all very helpful.
    To this day, I tend to have my patterns & routines, and tend to order things, & now use medications along with sensory shielding & filtering items (such as headphones, earplugs, sunglasses, special/comfy clothing). I have also used exposure therapy to raise my tolerance to things as well (where possible).

  • @augwa5645
    @augwa5645 3 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    im soooooo tired of
    "youre a bright kid, you just need to work on your time management and stop being so lazy"
    like bestie im trying so hard

  • @Abigailk59
    @Abigailk59 4 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I love the drawings in the videos. They're amazing!

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Thank you!

  • @ThatClinicalInstructor
    @ThatClinicalInstructor 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This is absolutely positively 100% dead on about what my child goes through. Well done, Sprout!

  • @luanamoonlight3068
    @luanamoonlight3068 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    I was officially diagnosed at the Age of 31, but the teachers always suspected that I was somehow different than the other kids. I was extremely smart, always had high grades but could never focus during class. My coping mechanism was reading books, as long as you would let me read I was the calmest kid around, but did one dare to take away my books they had an explosive hurricane in class. Later in high school there was only 1 teacher that knew how to deal with me, she let me leave the classroom if things got too noisy or too distracting, sadly by the end of the 3rd year my grades started dropping as I was being held back with my capabilities and I ended up dropping out of school. I now have a 5 year old Daughter that also has ADHD and we are still trying to find her way to cope with things. She's a happy go lucky kid though and she loves everything and everyone ^^

  • @kwkwpzjxkfifoejwpwksiwowkie
    @kwkwpzjxkfifoejwpwksiwowkie 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I am 13 years old and i'm diagnosed with adhd. I started boxing 2 years ago and now im competing in the national team here in spain, boxing and training is my life and its what i want to dedicate to in my life. Before discovering sports i was an impulsive kid who used to yel things randomly and when i was with more people i had anxiety so i was doing crazy thing all the time, now i'm able to control myself and to be a focused kid in school.

  • @tarysunshine3878
    @tarysunshine3878 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    A wise colleague once told me, if god give a minus,he also give a plus.
    I realize my son in the spectrum very early so I focus in developing his potential. It really help him to focus in class
    Keep in mind it’s easier said then done
    The parents have to consistent & discipline
    Now he’s studying at a pesantren. A special boarding that learn Al Quran & academic live. Because he already develop his potential it’s easier to learn without our constant supervision
    It’s a very hard school & I’m proud of him only for surviving. He even becomes an honored student there

    • @sidi590
      @sidi590 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @sarahkalonji2744
      @sarahkalonji2744 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Mashallah may allah reward u and ur son

  • @TheDreadedGreenBeret
    @TheDreadedGreenBeret 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I appreciate this video dearly. More needs to be understood about how we are all on different parts of the spectrum. As a teacher this is a stigma I am trying to change. People with these abilities are unique and bring zest to the world. They also outperform their peers in many ways when they are taught to use their super powers properly. Thank you so much!

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Welcome. If you have a good classroom exercise for this, pls email me. We need teachers that can help us with activities.

  • @tonijorge_eng
    @tonijorge_eng 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Incredibly well-argumented video! I am an English teacher looking for solutions for some of my students, and this video has opened my eyes to some of them. Many are not disruptive per se, but because of their conditions. The teacher should make the lesson as attractive as possible so students accomplish their objectives and contents. Still, when we have a child with ADHD disorder, it is best to let them "be themselves", and accommodate the curriculum, classroom management plan and classroom display so we achieve a climate where all students feel welcomed.

  • @meravshaer2079
    @meravshaer2079 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    great video!
    as a teacher in a class of special education, with 13 students, most of them with ADHD this video helps me seeing another side of them, and gives me hope for their future

  • @JL-zn7me
    @JL-zn7me 6 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Most teachers and principals in public schools, are not fully educated or equipped on ADHD. These children have major challenges and a lot of their behaviors is not their fault! From experience, I can tell you, they become a target, they are seen as “ the bad kid”… when actuality, they are struggling. It’s so important to have a diagnosis, a therapist, a psychiatrist, an IEP and 504, and a student advocate for! It’s also important to be a good parent and be understanding and patient. Of course, there are some groundings involved but the most important thing is you stand up for your son or daughter! EVERY TEACHER AND PRINCIPAL NEEDS TO SEE THIS VIDEO! A school setting is extremely difficult and we need support, not teachers who refuse to teach these children, which is what happened to my child!

  • @battelbad12
    @battelbad12 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I have the combination hyper focus and distraction ADHD. I know it is weird but it is the case for me. I am easily get bored and distracted when it comes to matter i am not interested in. However, when it comes to interesting topics i am hyper focus onto the object and spent countless hours on it. Couple with overthinking and loneliness it is super hard for me to express my frustration.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Hey, be there with you. You can face all your obstacles :)

    • @samaradragonhart5719
      @samaradragonhart5719 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Combination ADHD is not as unusual as you might think, it actually is one of the categories. I don't know if knowing that helps any, but you aren't alone. I'm sure it's hard, but keep going, you've got this.

  • @yeseniafelix7625
    @yeseniafelix7625 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The Jillian Lynn part(I might have misspelled that) gave me goosebumps 💜

  • @rodvictorcasada1491
    @rodvictorcasada1491 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    This Channel is underrated, i hope someday this channel will get a million subscribers.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Thanks Rod! If you want to support us more, to make more videos like this one, there are a few things you can do right now.
      1. You can share this video with a friend or people from school or work.
      2. You can also support us directly, with a small monthly subscription at

  • @madsteeez
    @madsteeez 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I'm sure my son has ADHD and I'm sure it's due to my speed habit the years before he was born. I'm trying to take full responsibility and be as patient as I can maximally be. I support him wherever he can blow off any of his unlimited energy. We go skating together, swimming, snowboarding soon, climbing, eventually surfing❤️ if he wants to🙏. He's 5.

  • @gdthegreat
    @gdthegreat 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Man, nice video.
    Please make a video on its solution in depth.
    Thanks to you and lots of love.

  • @betweentwoaliceacook3954
    @betweentwoaliceacook3954 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I’m an older person and I believe I was one of those females who was never diagnosed. I remember writing my alphabets backwards, not being able to read and comprehend what I read. It seemed I was 5 years behind in learning. Reading was always the worse time for me in school, mostly because I could not sound the words out. When I was taught to sound the words, all I would hear was the telephone voice from Charle Brown. But as I got older I made my own accommodations. I relied on memory and patterns. I would write a new word down until I could see it in a pattern, once the pattern was set the word was in my memory. Proud to say I am a college graduate it was not easy but I made it.

  • @getsuga-2b27
    @getsuga-2b27 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    These videos never talk about innatentive adhd or combined type, they just generalise it. I'm not very hyperactive but i still have adhd.

    • @user-lb8oj5qo4r
      @user-lb8oj5qo4r 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Acquire 🔝☝️quality shrooms, dmt, Isd&more sychedelics from the source encrypted on my TH-cam name/title

  • @TG-tb3ci
    @TG-tb3ci 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I just love what you are doing. Making this meaningfull videos in life i would say , when it comes to love,respect , understand on one another and letting everyone know that we all have our differences and uniqueness.❣️and thank you for making a big change 😊in how we see and understand each other.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thanks TG! Check out our website or join us on

  • @FIREDAN126
    @FIREDAN126 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I am 13 years old,I was diagnosed with ADHD about one to two years ago. I take pills that allows me to concentrate and do good in school,but I am very forgetful and unorganized. But if I forget my pills then I might forget my work at home and then I would have to stay after school which would make me go home and cry. So I pray that everyone including myself will get better and grow out of ADHD.GOD BLESS U ALL!

  • @emreseyit1277
    @emreseyit1277 4 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    All ADHD kids have to be hyperactive is wrong. Kids like me that suppressed kids are can be shy and too afraid to say or do something. Easily distracted but if succeeds to focus they can learn anything real fast. EQ is off-limits. If can focus IQ is, too.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You're right! We chose to picture the way it's most commonly experienced, but really, ADD can also show in a very quiet person who is "dreaming" or wondering away in the mind a lot.

  • @sparklypee263
    @sparklypee263 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Something I’ve heard parents and teachers tell my all my life is ”she’s smart, but disinterested.” Truth is I’m very interested, just not in what’s considered productive or normal.

  • @brainstormingsharing1309
    @brainstormingsharing1309 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Absolutely well done and definitely keep it up!!! 👍👍👍👍👍

  • @jenstornell
    @jenstornell 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Adhd is not caused by bad food, bad sleep or bad family relationships. The person is born with it. It's genetic.

    • @davidcardozo290
      @davidcardozo290 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yep. Funny thing people still judges the very own origin of things, as if they are unacceptable or something. Whatever I guess.

  • @mostafayehya3111
    @mostafayehya3111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    @Sprouts are you watching me? literally, I was reading about ADHD and went to youtube to find how ADHD looks like and BAM got a notification of this video : |

    • @kunafeh
      @kunafeh 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It's the google that's watching you my friend :)

    • @bunnyrabbit4632
      @bunnyrabbit4632 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@kunafeh 😂😂😂😂

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  4 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @jeremybagby7872
    @jeremybagby7872 ปีที่แล้ว

    I am 28 years old and have adhd and autism, and in honesty I just went with the flow of things, I was always set in my mind just daydreaming, I would get mad at the teacher because she would make me focus on my work, I regret not listening to her back then cause I could’ve learned a lot about computers and art, my main focus was just getting through the day and play games when I got home, the way I got through school was a agenda that kept track of my progress and my homework assignments my grandma helped me with my homework ,I’m grateful for her helping me cause I couldn’t concentrate on my own, i remember one thing of homework that took all day to finish and it was time to go to bed after we were done, my advice for people with adhd is to give them 5 to 10 minute breaks so they can relax and to remember their assignments it’s how I got through school and I’m also grateful for the programs I went to when I was 19-21, they helped alot

  • @aronnok9204
    @aronnok9204 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Great insights. Thankyou Sprouts

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Akhil raj, thank you for the support! If you like our channel and our vision, you can subscribe or you can become a Patron on
      Thank you!

  • @elisabethoctavia1016
    @elisabethoctavia1016 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have such a good grade, but sometimes I can't focus and processing my friend's words. Though, it's not such a big problem. I already had the worst scenario that I almost can't socialize when I was in middle school.
    Now I'm a highschooler. Yet, I always remember my mom's word back then in middle school. "You looks like you don't have any emotion." It had been stab in my heart until now. But, I know she only want the best for me and I adore her very much.
    I don't know if I have ADHD or not. I just wanna share my experience.

  • @superdrill6649
    @superdrill6649 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I am 13 years old. ADHD is certainly been hard for me but I think with hard set planning and finding what truly fits your life will help you, but I as have gone on through my life I realize that at least for me it given me certain edge that I think because I learn some things later that I learn some things earlier in that process and I hope and believe that other people can do this too. I think that ADHD Sparks a Special kind of creativity that almost no else can be found.

    • @yourlocaltoad5102
      @yourlocaltoad5102 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      That’s a great outlook on life with adhd!

  • @feliceirawaty3039
    @feliceirawaty3039 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My first daughter has difficulties in learning. When she studied at school she couldn't finish her schoolwork, at test she didn't write anything. She was so stressed when had to face with homework or any school lessons. She went on some therapists for a few months. They said she has ADD because lack of concentration and cannot focus. At home, she cannot sit still, always wandering around, but at school she could sit well. She also has lack of friends because almost no children wants to play with her because of her attitude like suddenly grabbing smth when others are playing, cycling in the middle of a field when others are playing badminton, etc.. Since this covid19, her school is conducting home learning, and at home she is studying with me. So, I decided to stop her study at school and the therapies and do homeschooling at home with me. It has been almost a month and I see that she feels happy with it, we study only the important things/common things that a child should know, 1 or 2 hours a day...But, when it comes to something which she has interested in, she can be focus for quite a long time...I am not so sure of this symptoms.. She can play games in handphone quite well and when she meets other friends who is playing games too, my daughter will come close and talks to them, sometimes asking them something about the games.. Is she positively an ADD?

  • @Zanophane_Gaming
    @Zanophane_Gaming 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Never have I ever thought that my ADHD was just like this, I was completely wrong. this with autism makes me a very interesting person to talk to.
    Also i cannot sleep for the LIFE of me. seriously, i try to sleep and that ONLY happens when i put music on.

  • @jasonmullin3522
    @jasonmullin3522 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I'm almost 40. I was diagnosed in 4th grade. They tried Ritalin when I was young, but it made me moody and depressed. My mother tested food, and found that cutting chocolate and wheat from my diet helped, but I still struggled with school up until I quit at 18. Would love to say things are good not, but still suffer bad depression that has never been able to be treated well. Few times I have overcome the apathy to try something, the medications have had bad side affects. Muscle twitchs in the face and back spasms. For the last few years, I'v really noticed that I have issues with single-tasking, most free times are spend playing games and listening to youtube or music at the same time. I also have to be doing something at all times to not feel uneasy.
    My youngest so also had adhd along with hair twisting and picking issues, but medication seems to be helping with him. Schools good, other then forgetting homework and projects.

  • @fanyeung93
    @fanyeung93 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I’m 9 years old I have ADD and thank you for the wise comment.👍😄

  • @sofiemunkhvidegaard5730
    @sofiemunkhvidegaard5730 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you so much for this video

  • @ChoonayChiggle
    @ChoonayChiggle ปีที่แล้ว

    I never really realized it for so long and it’s nice to know there’s a reason why have a lot of trouble with academics. It kinda pushes me more knowing the reason and that’s just how I am. instead of feeling like I’m lazy and dumb my whole life and wanting nothing to do with school

  • @daniweesnaw
    @daniweesnaw 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    lol one kind of good thing about anxiety is that it keeps me from being impulsive, this is a nice video though thank you for this :)

  • @goofball2228
    @goofball2228 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    ADHD can be very serious. I have ADHD, and most of my friends have it too. My friends and I have a long history of anger, aggression, and impulsivity. Some of my ADHD friends have been in trouble with the law because of their behavior. My Grandpa with ADHD has also had a history of smoking and drinking and legal troubles because of it. For me I have trouble with emotions and school work. It’s so bad!

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @OdensMovieMagic
    @OdensMovieMagic 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    For me, this my ADHD: I day dream a lot, when ever I think of something I do it. A lot of the time teachers get mad at me even though they know that I have ADHD.

    • @user-lb8oj5qo4r
      @user-lb8oj5qo4r 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Acquire 🔝☝️quality shrooms, dmt, Isd&more sychedelics from the source encrypted on my TH-cam name/title

  • @KenH60109
    @KenH60109 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Wow I agree with a few things on this except the bad grades and forgetting assignments, most of that stays, I do fidget a lot though. I blurt our answers all the time and often can’t contain what I try to say, I have to keep reminding myself to shut up about some things. I mean I’m not too concerned but now I think I should look more into this.

  • @JenniJemm
    @JenniJemm 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have ADHD and finally got treated when I was 26. As a kid, my teachers thought I should get tested, as did a family doctor, but my mother didn't believe it was real and said I just needed my ass beat and screamed at me as well for not doing good enough in school.

    • @Swashbucklebuckle
      @Swashbucklebuckle 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Oh my god I am so sorry for you!!! :/ What a toxic way of thinking and behavior from your mother... I wasn't diagnosed before the age of 32 and I can't fathom why teachers never came up with the idea. Nobody had a clue about it. And today, my 7 y/o nephew is going through the same hell, but at least he got his diagnosis early.

  • @bmotroll2768
    @bmotroll2768 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I have one child that acts a lot like I did as a child. She was a bit harder to console as a baby vs my other two and she is fidgety and often needs explaining to more than once. One thing I can say about her time in utero I was a picky eater and didn’t get the sources of iron that I needed to the point of nearly fainting, there was also shaking and weakness. We were also on a tight budget and couldn’t afford red meat. I had an anemic problem and was prescribe iron supplements that I often puked up, they tasted horrible and my pregnancy wouldn’t allow them to digest. Similarly, I believe that since I was my mothers third child and she potentially didn’t have adequate means to support her pregnant self, similarly to how poor my affordable diet was with my second birth. I sincerely believe that its possibly the cause. Perhaps it can be altered by diet after birth, however I cannot force feed her the things I think she needs and all I can help with is making healthy food hidden among her meals and teach her to overcome work on concentrating and controlling herself at some points. She’s brilliant and capable of learning and doing many things. She has more energy and will power vs my other two somewhat cautious children so likewise to my healthy pregnancies there are pros and cons to attention disorders.

  • @mr.stealyogirl5870
    @mr.stealyogirl5870 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    AAW LEO! He tries so hard! Im so glade he has a really good supportive friend in class to help!
    I have ADHD btw :)

  • @sam3524
    @sam3524 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think teachers should always make a list of exactly when every assignment is due in the first place. I don't have ADHD but it's honestly stupid when teachers talk about the assignment for like 5 seconds out of the entire class time, and have no written or digital record of it.

  • @oomsou5018
    @oomsou5018 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I honestly can’t remember my copping methods of ADHD. I just remember taking meds and going to a therapist but the therapist was more for my autism. Honestly I acted a lot like Leo as you described him in the beginning to the point where I was just a nusense (I can’t even spell the word right) to the class and just everyone around me. It was only really at home did I have any focus but even then it was for the wrong stuff. Now that I’m 20 I don’t have to deal with these issues as often as I have somewhat gotten better and kinda feel like I’ve beaten many urges out of myself and just constantly tell myself no and how much of a problem I am till my mind finally submits. But it doesn’t work all the time. I do still take meds for focus in school apparently. But my grades aren’t always the best as it’s still easy for me to just not have the patience to study for more than 5 minutes. But still try and I get passing grades even if they aren’t the best. But life isn’t so bad at this point. High school was just awful and the worst years of my life and thank god im an adult now who can control myself better to where I almost don’t blurt out every single thing in my head in class or at people.

  • @mirarosberg1024
    @mirarosberg1024 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Got diagnosed with not ADHD but ADD (which is a pretty outdated term but whatever it’s basically the same thing just the hyperactivity is not as visible and is more in my brain) in the start of high school, luckily my mom told my new teachers very early that I was gonna get diagnosed and my two main teachers were actually specialized for “special kids” like me and were very understanding and offered me very early help with reading, concentration etc. My mom had always thought I had something and her younger sister has the same diagnoses as me (ADD and social anxiety/phobia) which helped her understand from my perspective. Not everyone is as lucky as me and get reduced in some way. Had a very hard time writing this text too lmao it was way too much pressure I put on myself.

  • @Geosbudy
    @Geosbudy ปีที่แล้ว +1

    My main exams for college came but I got sick so I lost time, my parents hired a tutor, he noticed my ADHD so every time he could touch my hand to see whether I was concentrating.... Man A's are hard to get

  • @notwwwe
    @notwwwe ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wish schools were that supportive
    In 6th grade a test i did showed that i had the reading proficiency of a 2nd grader. But the test also showed that i knew big words so the average score came back as normal. So even tho i could barley reed, my teachers went "well nothing wrong here".
    Turns out i have adhd and dyslexia! Who could have seen that comming?!?!

  • @omegaPSI2006
    @omegaPSI2006 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "While working in a group he is restless and having trouble focusing"
    I got kicked out of a gifted school because of this. And my aversion to getting touched when I was younger. First of many very harsh consequences I've had because of it. I can honestly pinpoint this event as the start of a Snowball rolling downhill, my self esteem in education killed my further education. Bad GPA during grammar and high-school and getting a 2 year degree from college took me 8 years. I could have had a doctorate by now. I just don't have enough self esteem to go back, and I'm confident that if my symptoms aren't killing my chances I'm killing them myself as a self fulfilling prophesy.
    My coping mechanism is not healthy. Essentially a deep shame and fear of messing up keeps me doing what I need to do. Not fun.

  • @Kaoklaiporpuramuk
    @Kaoklaiporpuramuk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Looks like my whole childhood haha
    I know for sure i have ADHD but over the years I managed to cope with it more and more by doing everytime small tasks and write everything down and repeat everything.
    Especially because my attention span is so short and also I tend to forget a lot of stuff I need to recheck everything 2 3 or even 4 times to make sure all is in place

  • @mikethegoo
    @mikethegoo 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have it too. A possible cause can be a low dopamine production/release. That means you would be starved of "fun" or "reward chemicals". That would explain why you can be distracted fast. If everything is interesting, why go with boring? It may also explain why I personally sometimes feel the need for some kind of affection or more intense emotion and other times, overstimulated. I personally sometimes feel like I'm going crazy because I have nobody to really cuddle with or bond with, other times, overstimulation causes me to just hear everything as one incoherent blur, and anything that adds on top of it makes me angry. In those cases, I need to leave the situation because any stimuli will make it worse. Even if I am in a quiet room, the ticking of the clock would enrage me even more at that point. It goes away over time, but it's still a nuisance when it happens.
    I would explain my ADHD as an eternal storm though. I can't control it, but it gets calmer at times. When that happens, I can gently try to guide it. If it decides it's not gonna do it today, trying to force it will only make it worse. My medication makes it a bit better, but still not cure it.

  • @jsmith5479
    @jsmith5479 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I have a friend with adhd and he started taking meds for it and it turned him into a zombie just walking around on his own looking at the floor totally disconnected from everything, so I don't think medication is always the answer.. I think it made it easier for people around him to handle him but didn't make things easier for him.. after a certain amount of time he stopped taking his meds because he didn't like being a zombie and he learnt to cope with it with the help, support and understanding from his friends.

    • @alfredo2484
      @alfredo2484 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The wrong medication can be hurtful,but the right medication can help many people. There could have been many other reasons of why he was a zombie,but at least now he seems to feel better,this is the only important thing

  • @Kristen242008
    @Kristen242008 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    You need to make sure that you tell everyone that there are 3 different types of ADHD. Primarily Hyperactive type, Primarily inattentive type, and Combined type. Women "typically" more tend to have Inattentive. I have Inattentive type, Autism, and Dyslexia. (Edit to add) I didn't get diagnosed with any of these conditions until well into adulthood. I was 36 when diagnosed with Inattentive type ADHD, 37 with Autism, and was recently diagnosed with Dyslexia at 38. So it doesn't cut off at 17.

  • @doggonemess1
    @doggonemess1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I wasn't diagnosed until I was almost 30. I was exactly like the example in the video. After a while I basically gave up and decided that I was one of the stupid kids who couldn't make it. The one exception is when I lived in San Diego. The schools there are much, MUCH better than Maryland. (At the time, I mean. I think they've improved in MD in recent years.) My grades were slipping and my parents limited me to 1 hour of electronic entertainment per day. That made me do my homework, at least. They also said I could get a huge reward when the report card came if I did well. It worked, I went from C's and D's to four A's and two B's.
    But there was something special about the teachers and the environment that worked really well with my condition. Maybe just being able to walk around outside between classes instead of the school feeling like a brick jail (which describes every east coast school I've seen). I had an incentive to get my grades up, I had time allotted to do my work, and I had teachers who really cared about what they were doing. It all worked for me. Just remembered - we had a period set aside for study hall. So I could get my homework done IN school and then felt like I had more freedom after.
    On a side note, when we moved back to Maryland, I failed three classes and barely graduated. The school was run like a prison, most of the teachers were nearing retirement and burned out, it was overcrowded, and all I wanted to do was escape from the place. So whatever I was doing in CA didn't work in MD.

  • @sadiee4313
    @sadiee4313 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I was diagnosed with ADHD at the age of 8 and I was prescribed Adderall. From a young age, I struggled with impulse control and sensory issues. Everyone always talks about the attention deficit part of ADHD but not the other things that come with it. I couldn’t handle hearing vacuums, blow dryers, sirens, fire alarms, scoreboard buzzers. I would have what others would perceive as a fit, but it was really a sensory meltdown. If I was in a loud restaurant, the noise would make me sick to my stomach. I remember struggling to fit in and make friends. I just couldn’t control what I was saying and doing. I felt so alien and inferior to my peers, when in reality I was smarter than all of them. My mother, who is a special needs teacher, waited as long as possible to put me on meds. When my behavior in school became a problem, she took me to the doctor. My life drastically changed when I started meds and I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.

    • @reclusiarchgrimaldus1269
      @reclusiarchgrimaldus1269 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      It sounds more like a mix of ADHD Autism Spectrum Disorder, but I'm not a doctor so I suggest asking a medical professional

  • @Z0niC101
    @Z0niC101 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    uhhhh im not going to lie this is quite literally describing my ENTIRE LIFE

  • @mamaaa4148
    @mamaaa4148 4 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    I HAVE ADHD I was bullied for acting wierd to the point I got homeschooled

    • @meowmep1366
      @meowmep1366 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Wolfie Corner I’m so sorry to hear that :(

    • @You-TubeUser2836
      @You-TubeUser2836 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Screw those bullies. They are just jealous of you for some odd reason

    • @mamaaa4148
      @mamaaa4148 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@You-TubeUser2836 I know

    • @shinjiikarifrombrazil7750
      @shinjiikarifrombrazil7750 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Boris Elijah No often they like to compensate their problems with feeling superior to others. So they arent jealous

    • @mamaaa4148
      @mamaaa4148 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      To bad a misdiagnosed

  • @Screeno1993
    @Screeno1993 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I'm undiagnosed, very likely autism, and add, and the scariest one is... OSDD/DID... And the part where that kid got support at school made us cry so much. We NEVER got that. We got the whole "he's clever but he's lazy" thing. ... We didn't know we were suffering from childhood trauma and constant dissociation. We only discovered all this a year ago after struggling through life, and suddenly we began to remember the horrific bullying we experienced. Then, came the childhood trauma.
    And we realised... It's no wonder we are so dissociated. No wonder we don't have a singular consistent identity. Here we are. 28 years old, and the pain of everything from the first 16 years or so of our life came crushing down on us.
    The attachment issues, the trauma due to sensory overwhelm, then all the trauma to do with school, being ostracized, misunderstood, and abused. And at home our mother never understood us and punished us for things we couldn't ever help due to autism/add.
    It's no wonder we have less than an identity. Developmental trauma leaves a person fragmented.
    We're only just on the road to professional help, after a 6 month breakdown where we have not eaten much, barely gone out the house, had daily flashbacks and severe dissociation so bad we pass out..
    And we're stuck in our parents house due to being so non functional we need help with things we thought we had handled. (Aka being encouraged to eat)
    We might be getting dialectical behavioural therapy soon. We hope that will help us get a more uniform sense of self. Thing is, being in the UK, we have just been passed around various NHS services for our whole life, ended up being diagnosed with "anxiety" and "depression" which are of course, just symptoms of trauma really.
    The worst thing was when we realized things were wrong. We lost our relationship, our job, everything.
    And we realised we have been Dissociating severely, constantly at least since being 11. Our life got taken away from us and it's a mess and we often can't remember it at all.
    I just hope that the future will be better than the past. That I can put together these shattered parts with glue that holds them together forever and finally be the person I can be, whole and left the past behind.
    Trauma is bad for anyone as a child and teen.
    But when you're not neurotypical and very sensitive.. it hurts more.
    I cannot begin to describe some of the horrible things I've felt and been through.
    I just want to finally leave them behind and live.

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thank you for sharing your story. I wish you all the very best 🙏😑

    • @Screeno1993
      @Screeno1993 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@sprouts thank you. That little bit of acknowledgement helps

  • @TienNguyen-ix3zb
    @TienNguyen-ix3zb 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    What a great video, I actually got to know more about ADHD and for some unknown reason a 15 year old boy like me found myself in it.
    I often forget trivial things like homework or books, lose focus a lot in class, as if every minute I think about something other than the lecture. I also have a hard time sitting still and often have to shake my thighs and hum to temporarily not get too restless, I also easily blurt out when I often interrupt other people's conversations, lectures or lose my temper while queuing. My cousin also has ADHD and, as I read, it's hereditary. So if there's someone out there who can help me, please help, cause I'm pretty concerned about myself.🙏

  • @KaylaPearlCPNinja
    @KaylaPearlCPNinja 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I wasn’t diagnosed with ADHD until I was in my junior year of high school.
    Flying under the radar for so long, made getting my diagnosis so much more complicated.

  • @alinima1892
    @alinima1892 4 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I absolutely loved it, but I felt like you should’ve said that with the medication he looses his appetite

    • @K00Lkid
      @K00Lkid 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      So trueeee

    • @pixiestixs3111
      @pixiestixs3111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I knowwwwww. I actually got made fun of for the amount of time I stayed the same weight or lost weight. They used to say I had Anorexia because sizes they couldn’t fit in were to big for me. And what’s The deal with the parents saying “I’m worried, I think you should eat more.” When I literally can’t eat anymore.

  • @vanessamensah6653
    @vanessamensah6653 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    At school when I try to explain to my friends and teachers about my ADHD they think its not a big case, and I'm just being lazy.

  • @victorhumphrey131
    @victorhumphrey131 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My younger brother has ADHD. He seems to do just fine in school and is overall a quiet, calm person. I notice sometimes while he is doing homework, he can easily get sidetracked and play a music video while cracking himself up. He is also pretty physical at times with Mom and at times is very loud and energetic. He at times says strange things just to see how we react and often gets a kick out of it. I think one thing that helps him out is him going to swim practice and competing at meets as he is incredibly solid. (He once swam four miles in a practice. You might call BS but he had a two-hour practice that day and I have seen first-hand his hard work paying off). Overall, I love the little devil very much as I respect his self-control, his intelligence, his wit, his confidence, his resilience in living with ADHD and he being able to be unapologetically himself. (He's like a honey badger as he is fearless, thick-skinned, and unwavering.)

    • @sprouts
      @sprouts  7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I love your description of him!

  • @AmandaSbarros
    @AmandaSbarros 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I thought I couldn't have ADHD because I was extremely responsible, my grades were really good and no one would complain. Until I realized that I developed OCD as a coping mechanism of trying not to be rejected or seeing as someone lazy. It turns out I'm actually miserable!!!!

  • @7towers777
    @7towers777 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    This channel I find to be fantastic.
    Yeah it's person diagnosed ADHD I find it woefully inadequate and in certain areas completely inaccurate.. overall they have grasped the struggle, but the explanation as to why is the most inaccurate

  • @armin6047
    @armin6047 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    That is me 99% i’am not that hyperactive but I never really was in that sense of interrupting people. I was/am always “polite” and it works for us with adhd as long as you train and it get easier the more you do it. It is absolutely nothing wrong if it is not possible for you.
    We may also talk fast/loud/a lot when it comes to a topic we like. Fidgeting is inevitable.
    I was diagnosed when I was six years old, and I never got the help I needed at school. They knew I had difficulties for concentrating and yet blamed me if I forgot stuff, or if I didn’t finished my homework. Which again can cause anxiety for even going to school or even try do do something you are led to believe you cant do. Even when you try your very best.
    Us with adhd are almost doomed to believe its a bad thing, do to the school system. It is not. It is not a bad thing, nor a good thing. It just is, and you can choose to see it in different ways.
    Yes, we have trouble concentrating, but we also have a wild imagination, most of us anyway. This imagination feels quite real sometimes and it feels really good dosing off in your own fantasy land where everything is possible!
    It sounds stupid, childish and useless but since we can think about multiple things at the same time and impossible things, I think that makes us quite good at seeing things other may not see, like problem solving or understanding the situation around you and most of all the reflection we can see, write and talk about. Because we can see different perspectives and angles of single things. It kinda feels like a super power.
    But like this symbol (☯️). It must be balance, so when you gain something (imagination) you loose the other (Concentration) thats how i see it anyway and the connection of it too.
    I know i wrote (we and us) as in “all of us with “adhd/add” but it is different for everyone. This is something that applies to me. If there are anyone out there reading this, tell me what your experience is of “adhd/add”. (If you have it or think you may have it)
    Edit: If you use drugs for adhd/or add, and it works wonders for you? Good for you! But if it dose you more harm, like depression, not eating and/or total lose of self? Please consider taking any more medication and talk to your doctor.
    You can try something that actually worked for me, and that was acupuncture. After I did it, the teachers said I did 40% better than i usually did! And that no one has ever achieved that rate before. I didn’t even notice.
    I don’t care if you believe in acupuncture or not, because there is a possibility you might get what need of it, it’s a chance worth taking.

  • @samanthakim5035
    @samanthakim5035 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I have an ADHD classmate and whenever she shares her thoughts we just listen because mostly it's helpful and just ignore her being that. Some others may probably lowkey laugh at her. She’s my back seatmate and I do get second-hand embarrassment and get annoyed a bit, but I try to understand that it’s her behavior.

  • @kfizzledizzle8467
    @kfizzledizzle8467 4 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    "YoU'rE sMaRt BuT lAzY..."

    • @calmv3587
      @calmv3587 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      "yOu'Re sMarT bUt YOu'Re juST AcTiNg lIkE yOU aReN't" it annoys me so much even if i don't have adhd...