One might argue that _all_ rapiers are ultra-great. ♥ Though it still breaks my heart that almost NO ONE uses the ordinary Rapier or its AMAZINGLY COOL weapon art stance attacks >///
Nah, purposely miss a few rolling r1's, roll again, delay your attack, they parry, then unleash your wombo combo. Parry king wannabes are easy to trick/bait. There are the mastersut there, but the other 99% are trash at it.
You can r1 and hit just right beside your opponent to bait a parry and from there on you could follow up with a weapon art or a shield poke, just be creative.
Was NOT expecting that my reddit post from two whole years ago with only twenty upvotes would be referenced in this great video. Nearly choked on my popcorn lmao. It is a joy to see someone not only give the greatlance a chance, but also explain in depth what makes it such an interesting off-meta pick. There's a lot of info here that I didn't even know about the weapon back when I still played DS3 (backstab counterplay, and Horsehoof ring tech, for example). Makes me want to pick up the game again for some more invasions. Great video dangitjm!
Your reddit post is like the first thing that comes up if you google greatlance, I’ve been using it a few days n only just saw jm had uploaded but your post has been a tab on my phone since last week. Watched bbanishing from that post too, it’s good jam
I'm sorry for missing this message after so long but I wanted to give you kudos for the guide you had made. I actually found it through Adam Barker who linked that same guide through his two Greatlance videos the year before. Thank you for your contributions and for giving the game a bit more life.
Just a quick tip that I'm sure a lot of people already know:Valorheart acts as a sword in your offhand, but still has the stability of the shield it comes paired with, so it can both block a hit or two when you shield poke and offer the quick and tracking hits of a straightsword r1 with l2, so you can easily catch people spamming roll Edit before I go to bed:Valorheart scales best with dex, but has some solid str scaling too, so it fits best on a quality build with a refined greatlance. Due to this, the fairly high weight on both weapons, and the fact that you need good armor for poise with the lance, greatlace+valorheart is definitely a high lvl build, around meta or above.
Nigga just use Target Shield or Llewellyn's. Offhand swap for Caestus for juicy hyperarmor when you need it. Both Target Shield and Llewellyn's have enough stability to allow you to setup parry or block a stray hit to buffer a roll. Also just saying - if Jim was doing this series with DS/DSR then Hand Axe would have to be on it. When DSR came out I spent about a month just bodying people with Hand Axe and 2h Longsword in Anor Londo. So much fun.
@Chuan Li yup, i love gettings cestus with fanal/thunder weapons, pontiff rings and wolf cgs in the back. perseverance, and after 4 hits 864 dmg per punch. most broken build ever for me is still pure vit/ faith with solar talisman weapon art (miracle perseverance) and the nameless king bolt. 750+750 at melee range, and they cant decast you.
@@theartgoose I think The Raff once put it best and this is one of my all-time favorite quotes from him: "SunlightBlade is basically the BuzzFeed of the Souls community". Basically entertaining as long as you have no idea how to actually play the game. Content creators such as dangitjim, iamamish, TheMochaLatte and _begrudgingly_ I will add saintriot to this list, are some of the ones the SLB-watchers later discover and then have their WHOLE WORLD blown up and PvP is never the same again for them.
I usually never leave comments on videos, and it'll likely get buried, but I felt I had to for this one. Everything about this video oozes quality; the commentary, the gameplay footage and its implementation, the way that information about the weapon is presented, the music choice, the first-hand knowledge - it's all brought together into a well-paced and expertly presented video. I didn't feel like 24 minutes had passed, as I was so enthralled by the enthusiastic tale of this weapon. Hopefully this video brings you the subscribers that you clearly deserve!
That last little lick you threw in there is perfect. I honestly just feel better about myself, your voice is elegant and your words speak to my heart, even though this is just some dark souls video. Very unexpected and has earned by sub :D
Great video. It's unfortunate you didn't mention that the best offhand for glance is a fist especially demon fist. Due to the insane low recovery, parrying ppl has never been easier and attacking them with offhand fist after lance r1 puts ppl in a blender that is no short of ss and cs r1 potentials. Combine that with the fact that glance when u turn and burn in are extremely hard to outspace it's a great recipe for a powerful build. Also the reason why demon fist is because it has insane stamina damage and does not bounce off of perseverance. So it means you can have ur quality build or heavy without worrying about shields much at all. It's crazy how it kind of counters turtles in a way when used with glance as main hand and offhand as demon fist. The caestus with lance really complement each other and bbnaishing really knew what he was doing when he used it against me in that tourney. NEXT WEAPON: Demon fist!
I would go with a parry shield or a small shield. Also, does OH Longsword combo into Glance R1 or weapon art? That was my first thought - offhand straight sword. Could also run Corvian Greatknife too.
I gotta say, I really super appreciate this video. Not because it highlights the use of a sleeper weapon, but because it caused a load of your followers to pick up the weapon. With no idea how to use it, or how to be efficient with it, i've been steamrolling Great Lance users left and right. Just goes to show the majority of the DS community can't think for themselves, and I appreciate your effort to highlight this flaw. Keep fighting the good fight.
What with all the people with me moving or passing away, my life has been hectic. I've been chugging through college at the hopes of getting a decent living all the while people like friends and family are straying away from me and my reasoning is: time. I never realized that youth is something to be cherished but also to be missed and truly, I have been doing so in these past few months but alas, gone are the days of the past where life was simple and nice. I had been dreading to think what would become of me in the future as well but at least I'm still alive and the one who controls the rudder of this beautiful ship called: life. edit: i may have been drunk when i wrote this but at least i didn't make any spelling errors. also, i'm slightly enlightened by this embarrassing side of me even if it was pragmatic and silly.
spoken like a real kid who thinks he has grown up. you will look back to moments like this and you will gringe so hard you can't sleep for another 2 hours
@@praiseit6848 i like my drunk existential me. also, im well aware that adulthood is much more hellish than i anticipated. never knew that fucking up your taxes even if youre paid under the table would be much of a problem and im constantly tired with little to no sleep.
@@praiseit6848 I remember these days, when I would tell younger people about how when you get to 15 everything becomes more complicated. But then I became 17 and that's when I started telling 15 year olds, about how that's where like really starts.
A week or so ago I got recommended this video, but didn't think much of it since I've never really like the lance playstyle (maybe I still have ptsd from DS2). A few days ago me and a friend picked a forgotten DS3 co-op run back up from a year ago. Yesterday I found the Aquamarine dagger video when looking for builds on that specific weapon and subscribed after watching the Rose of Ariandel video. Today I finished the playlist and came full circle. :D Gotta say, your channel was a pleasant find indeed. This playlist is everything I love about the soulsborne games and their community. The video quality is great, they're super informative, fun to watch and the wholesome endings make me fell all warm and fuzzy inside. I hope you're doing good in this pandemic, or just in general, and hope to see more great content from you in the future. Thanks for making my day a bit brighter. :) Edit: Two days later and I've completely depleted your entire upload library, and hunger for more. Can't wait for what the future might bring, no matter what you upload.
After a long and strange night full of anxiety and panic due to attacks, waking up to this gem in my suggested videos was an honor and a blessing. Those last few words spared me of another day like last night. Although you might not see this, thank you for the help. ♡
Just found your videos a few days ago. Dude you have some of the best DS content I've watched, and I have watched a LOT of DS PvP vids. I hope you'll keep making DS vids till Elden Ring drops - it's you content creators that keep this game alive, and I can't thank you all enough for continuing to kindle this fading fire of a game
Im so glad this is on the underrated series. It has and always will be my favorite weapon in souls hands down. I made a couple videos about it like a year ago, but they dont have the polish this video has. Us greatlance users are an illusive race, and this video probably wont change that. If the greatlance isn't in Elden Ring, I'm gonna be Bissed off. love you man :)
I haven’t watched a better video in a while. I don’t even play dark souls anymore but you just repaired my depression and lust for the good old 1 shots of dark souls
That "Jund Sweep" is meant as a nod to its discoverer is all well and good, and he deserves to be recognized. But I'll probably remember it because "Jund" is also a name of a three color combination (Black Red Green) in Magic: The Gathering. That, however, is neither here nor there.
Can i just say how much i love your intros? There's value in jumping straight into a video but i just love the way you build up anticipation for the topic you want to discuss, especially for this video. I think while the patches were great and this is probably a viable weapon now, the main reason they didnt take off is because at this point the meta had already established enough for people to just stick to their guns, no pun intended. Im really looking forward to the gameplay here, as youve pointed out there wasn't much content around this weapon and ive barely ever fought against it as well. Thank you! 5:49 I think the difference between Pikes and Spears is that for Pikes the one-handed moveset is equal, if not slower than the two-handed moveset while for Spears the one-handed is (usually) faster. But i havent touched this game in a while so take my words with a grain of salt lol
Holy shit dude. I feel good seeing that you are still strong in youtube comment sections man. I havent commented but ive seen your comments back since otz was still posting scholar vids like years ago. Praise the sun \[T]/
@@alecgarcia952 Cheers! Thats how i got to know him (commenting/watching Ds vids before i had a channel) and ill always be up for enjoying good Souls content. Always feels great to see subs of mine in other Souls channels :D
I have come to watch the video once again for some reason and have come to realise one very very important thing you forgot, or simply did not know about this beautiful weapon: The JUMPING ATTACK Every other build Ive made after making my specific build for this weapon has included the posiblity of using it, I always like to have it in hand for duels as its probably the weapon Ive used the most by now and I can confidently say the jumping attack is a core component of this weapon for various reasons: 1) R1 to jumping attack is a true combo both one handed and 2 handed as long as the R1 doesnt connect at its very tip (basically if they are too far away the jumping attack is late and they can roll) Ive tested this with friends both at very little latency and medium latency, also I use it constantly in the arena and it works 2) This is important for the two handed move set because the R1 to weapon art combo will not work in certain situations, such as when the enemy is positioned to your left and very close (althoug I guess you can free aim it) or when they are too far away 3) But it is even more important for the one handed moveset where you have no true combo within the greatlance itself, of course using it with the offhand caestus or estoc is very important but many times you might have a shield and can only use this combo, also the caestus will only connect with the R1 at a close distance and the jumping attack will connect at all distances except the very tip, while also being more damaging 4) For the one handed jumping attack you will get a rolling attack after the jumping attack which will catch most player unaware and this can pseudo combo into some thigs such as caestus which will also pseudo combo roll catch into a normal R1 5) Lastly the jumping attack itself has an amacing range and a very forgiving hitbox, in fact it has the most forgiving hitbox out of all the attacks this weapon has so it is easy to catch people who believe they have both outspaced it and strafed it, this is by no means safe against agressive players because you can get backstabbed or simply hit mid jump and you obviously shouldnt throw a jumping attack to an agresive player, but agains defensive players or people who want to parry you it is jet another way to deal with them I know its been a long time since the video was posted and most people wont read this comment but I wanted to get it out there, you will not be using this attack every single time you use this weapon, but in some occasions its the right attack to use and its good to know about it
Well hot damn - I was thinking about shaking up one of my builds, and this looks promising as hell. Great video - so informative and great production man. You're one of a kind JM.
I personally like the dark infusion best. With 30/30 i get to do cool stuff like use great combustion for surprise attacks, great deep soul for that pew pew, dark edge/soul greatsword for roll catches, and even lightnig arrow. The dark infusion might not have the highest damage but it fits my playstyle. Also dark drakeblood greatsword.
you should use black flame instead of great combustion. It just does more damage, and it's all dark damage unlike ds1. Dark infusion is high damage also. You just gotta use the right weapons. Drakeblood greatsword has fairly low damage. You should use a dark infused claymore or the onyx blade is another good one
@@robertor.7781 i use great combustion because ive encountered enough bug pellets to warrant its use. Also the dark drakeblood is more of a joke weapon to give nubes a fair fight. Its not for people i take seriously.
I watched the video for the DS3 weapon review and opinion and got little from it. However. the message you delivered at the end of your vid was a solid and up lifting reminder. Thank you.
You've finally done it, I was so excited for this video to come out and it was as great as I thought it would be. Even better to be honest! Knowing me I'll use this weapon when the hype dies down cause I'm a hipster loser but I can't wait to fight others using it. And the music selection was amazing as always, Celeste OST honestly put the whole video together. I love you vids, never change JM!
This is your most interesting entry in the series yet I think. Great work. It's a weapon I may struggle to wrap my head around, but I have a lot more respect for the thing now. Absolutely worth the wait.
No Views? What?! How is this possible Am I the First? YES I AM Also the Greatlance is forever a weapon to be in my heart thank you ^~^ I nearly cried at that ending New Decade New Me Same ol journey for everyone, Cheers Yall
I like using Greatlance with Demon Fist in the lefthand. Your one handed R1 is one of the longest attacks in the game and despite the tracking issues has lower recovery than people think. The offhand fist/parry tool is good for the pressure, something Greatlance lacks, as well as a way to deal with shields because it deals high stamina damage, something Greatlance also can't do alone. It also works on the same build. Being able to parry is also useful as more of a mindgame, because people are more hesitant to whiff punish your attack. Also I hope people don't underestimate the running R1, the tracking and stamina consumption aren't great but if you space it properly, you have one of the fastest neutral attacks in the game. It's great for vs stationary enemies like punishing magic casts, crossbow reload, as a whiff punish or something to catch people off guard, but it's best to use it sparingly. I would only advise using this weapon on a strength or quality build. Quality is less ideal but gives you better damage on more backup weapons. Regardless, elemental builds aren't great for this weapon because you want your trades with this weapon to count, so the Leo Ring is essential. This weapon still suffers against shields by itself even with chip damage, so the loss in counter damage isn't worth it. Strength is the best build for this weapon alone, and comes with a lot of benefits such as high flat defences, access to greatshields and solid damage output. Happy new year, thanks for the gold kind stranger. Footage of good greatlance use:
I go g9 strats for str build with greatlance. 60 str high dex. I got it to like 27, and the damage is really nice from corvian and other stuff. I gotta try demon fist tho good call
For people who don't use Leo Ring for whatever reason Greatlance works pretty good as a Lightning weapon. Maybe on par with Dark I would say except it can be hard countered with LKS. Still a honorable mention.
Mert Tuncer elemental greatlance is bad. It doesn't do very good damage vs like a physical greatlance. Also, even if you have chip damage, it's still very easy to reaction roll. It's also slow enough to get trades most of the time. Physical greatlance is far superior
@@robertor.7781 physichal greatlance has same moveset with it in terms of reaction rolling and bad trade options except Leo ring. I am not saying best build for Glance is a faith build I am saying it works pretty good as a Lightning weapon more than Dark or Crystal because actually Lightning Glance has higher AR compared to them. Also 66 str Heavy Lance is superior to 40 40 Refined Lance.
Mert Tuncer I meant that it gains more with a physical build. The best greatlance infusion is heavy. I tried looking at every other infusion including blessed, they all do significantly less than heavy. The ar doesn't mean everything especially being that it's split, but that is interesting that lightning has better scaling than crystal. I never looked into that. Usually, it's the same scaling and base damage just different element. Dark and chaos are usually less than crystal and lightning, but I never checked them in comparison to eachother. Just in comparison to 60 str greatlance. It's cuz I'm trying to find the most optimal build for greatlance, but it seems like heavy greatlance is the only option. Even with 60 str and 60 fth, heavy outperforms lightning and blessed without a buff. It's so weird. As far as I know, it's the only weapon like that. It doesn't make any sense. I'll keep looking into it tho
thanks for making these vids, i love it when ppl find ways to viably play this game without meta weapons. keep up the good work, this is probably the most unique ds3 content on youtube!!!!
It's nice to see someone talk about a weapon's capabilities outside of just how many true combos it has, although I'm not too happy you showcased the great lance's sweep glitch. Such things are better forgotten when a game isn't being updated anymore.
I’d argue that the sweep is more of a situational, almost gimmick, kind of attack. Still easily telegraphed, so it ought to be used only to knock off the few remaining HP of someone close to zero. But in that regard, the Gundyr’s Halberd is much more devastating and dangerous as a wake up and overall attack and that weapon has remained relatively unchanged too.
Greatlance is by far one of my most favorite weapons and I'm glad it was covered here, can't wait for all those ganks using it tho XD well JM its been a great 10 years, lets make these next 10 Years even better than the last
I was gonna do a spear+miracles character, and I got bored and left it. This video made me want to use either a spear only character with this weapon or an attempt of doing this with miracles. Imagine that R1+WA combo while using lightning blade. Btw, you convinced me already and I'm just starting the combos part of the video
Glance works pretty good at lightning infusions. Except it doesn't benefit from Leo. You can use it with Lightning Stake or Sunlight Spear to give yourself a trading option.
Love the pacing and editing of the video i initially clicked for the greatlance since im a darksouls nerd but your editing and pacing and just way of speaking really got me to stay watching and i hope this video isnt a fluke since i hope to see more videos like this even if they are not informative.
Thank you, man. This was a great watch. I haven't played in over a year due to a dose of burn-out but the glorious montage starting at 3:20 has given me strong grounds to reconsider.
Um, that's an ultra great rapier
I hadn't considered that but you're right
One might argue that _all_ rapiers are ultra-great. ♥
Though it still breaks my heart that almost NO ONE uses the ordinary Rapier or its AMAZINGLY COOL weapon art stance attacks >///
@@AlrauneDollmind Estoc Bestoc
@@AlrauneDollmind ok weebmaster64
Um, I think the technical name for it is a large small sword.
I Like This Weapon very much
Hi prod!
Please return to the video factory, sir
great lance, bro
@@Voidicus yo u do b gay tho😳
Prod not once have I seen you use this weapon
“Throwing knives will also be a fine addition to our collection”
You are a bold one.
Throwing knives are so uncivilized
Solair of Astoria, we meet again
Already know it's good content. It's going to make me try the build, and get bored halfway through the run.
The struggle.
@@jmnthem oh my god you two actually put it into words.
dangitjm taxation is theft, unsubscribed
Ah, the "Dark Souls 3", as it is known to some.
Welcome to DarkSouls. Get Great idea for a build planned out then realize the builds not as great as you thought or early game and lose steam.
R1 once
*gets parried on reaction and 1 shot killed by chaosdagger*
Nah, purposely miss a few rolling r1's, roll again, delay your attack, they parry, then unleash your wombo combo. Parry king wannabes are easy to trick/bait. There are the mastersut there, but the other 99% are trash at it.
When they try to parry do R2 and then they do weird pikacchu face
This near enough happened to me but...I missed and thrust directly P A S T the guy and did a panic roll R1
You can r1 and hit just right beside your opponent to bait a parry and from there on you could follow up with a weapon art or a shield poke, just be creative.
Ah the chaos dagger. Even I had one.
Was NOT expecting that my reddit post from two whole years ago with only twenty upvotes would be referenced in this great video. Nearly choked on my popcorn lmao.
It is a joy to see someone not only give the greatlance a chance, but also explain in depth what makes it such an interesting off-meta pick. There's a lot of info here that I didn't even know about the weapon back when I still played DS3 (backstab counterplay, and Horsehoof ring tech, for example). Makes me want to pick up the game again for some more invasions.
Great video dangitjm!
Your reddit post is like the first thing that comes up if you google greatlance, I’ve been using it a few days n only just saw jm had uploaded but your post has been a tab on my phone since last week. Watched bbanishing from that post too, it’s good jam
I'm sorry for missing this message after so long but I wanted to give you kudos for the guide you had made. I actually found it through Adam Barker who linked that same guide through his two Greatlance videos the year before. Thank you for your contributions and for giving the game a bit more life.
Good for you
And so it was that the questionable yarn was questionable no more, for now, it was understood.
For me, the whole video could have been you saying "fully charged r2 cant be parried" and I would have given it a like.
Weird looking Estoc you got there.
600 likes and no replys, ill be first
@@knightplatinum9676 I know right?
Came for the weapon advice, stayed for the wholesomeness at the end.
If someone busts out the Greatlance, you'd better run and Heide.
Therighttrousers343 Hyde*
Frost Troll boi
@@frosttroll3411 Nah he meant Heide. Like Heide's Keep from DS2 I'm guessing
@@frosttroll3411 *Jekyll
SpicyDeer sorry I typed that as a joke and I don’t know ANYTHING about darksouls 2, I’m only just past Anor Londo in DS1
Just a quick tip that I'm sure a lot of people already know:Valorheart acts as a sword in your offhand, but still has the stability of the shield it comes paired with, so it can both block a hit or two when you shield poke and offer the quick and tracking hits of a straightsword r1 with l2, so you can easily catch people spamming roll
Edit before I go to bed:Valorheart scales best with dex, but has some solid str scaling too, so it fits best on a quality build with a refined greatlance. Due to this, the fairly high weight on both weapons, and the fact that you need good armor for poise with the lance, greatlace+valorheart is definitely a high lvl build, around meta or above.
*SL 50 Raw/Vit build incoming*
Nigga just use Target Shield or Llewellyn's. Offhand swap for Caestus for juicy hyperarmor when you need it. Both Target Shield and Llewellyn's have enough stability to allow you to setup parry or block a stray hit to buffer a roll.
Also just saying - if Jim was doing this series with DS/DSR then Hand Axe would have to be on it. When DSR came out I spent about a month just bodying people with Hand Axe and 2h Longsword in Anor Londo. So much fun.
That's mind fucky.
I gotta see what that looks like.
Of course it's underrated, 80% of this online community is spamming weapon arts with dlc weapons
Radamanthys Astages ikr.
Radamanthys Astages fucking waste of potential
Or r1 with a lothric k**ht straight sword
I waited 3 games to finally do some crazy fucking spins holding 2 giants swords, so sorry for that
@Chuan Li yup, i love gettings cestus with fanal/thunder weapons, pontiff rings and wolf cgs in the back. perseverance, and after 4 hits 864 dmg per punch. most broken build ever for me is still pure vit/ faith with solar talisman weapon art (miracle perseverance) and the nameless king bolt. 750+750 at melee range, and they cant decast you.
Dark Souls: We Ain't Dead Yet Edition
Invincibility frames: *EXIST*
Literally every Dark Soul play- R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1
scott jund vids in 2016... oh those were the days
14:05 I don't know what Scott Jund called the Weapon Art, but I'm Italian, and I would call it a "spazzata" [sputt-suh-tuh]
Io direi pure "spaccaculi"
@@andryuu_2000 "lancia rotante" alla Chuck Norris
Spaghetti Bolognese
@@yorshka6955 what do you think that meas?
spazzata e’ swipe
You have no idea how long I've waited for this GL video JM
thought you would say "The great lance is, for lack of a better term, great"
Oh look, SunlightBlade's Top Ten Hatemails is next in the recommendations!
.... I'd rather just watch this twice.
What have you got to lose? It’s just a few, (hundred) brain cells lost per video watched, I’m sure the EpIc moments you’ll see are worth it!
Did I miss sum? What’s so bad about them?
@@theartgoose I think The Raff once put it best and this is one of my all-time favorite quotes from him: "SunlightBlade is basically the BuzzFeed of the Souls community". Basically entertaining as long as you have no idea how to actually play the game.
Content creators such as dangitjim, iamamish, TheMochaLatte and _begrudgingly_ I will add saintriot to this list, are some of the ones the SLB-watchers later discover and then have their WHOLE WORLD blown up and PvP is never the same again for them.
@@AlrauneDollmind hmm ok I can see that
@@AlrauneDollmind thx for shoutout lol I forgot I said that
Wow if i didnt know any better i would think you were a therapist. Man those closing speeches are amazing.
DS content the first day of the New Years
I love this community
Finally started playing souls games and this is one of the best DS vids I've seen so far. Great work.
This is quality content and it really gets my dark souls itch going. I hope your channel blows up.
Thank you for that outro - I know this video was made before COVID hit the US but it’s definitely a message I appreciated hearing right now.
I usually never leave comments on videos, and it'll likely get buried, but I felt I had to for this one. Everything about this video oozes quality; the commentary, the gameplay footage and its implementation, the way that information about the weapon is presented, the music choice, the first-hand knowledge - it's all brought together into a well-paced and expertly presented video. I didn't feel like 24 minutes had passed, as I was so enthralled by the enthusiastic tale of this weapon. Hopefully this video brings you the subscribers that you clearly deserve!
Many thanks, kind stranger.
That last little lick you threw in there is perfect. I honestly just feel better about myself, your voice is elegant and your words speak to my heart, even though this is just some dark souls video. Very unexpected and has earned by sub :D
Great video. It's unfortunate you didn't mention that the best offhand for glance is a fist especially demon fist. Due to the insane low recovery, parrying ppl has never been easier and attacking them with offhand fist after lance r1 puts ppl in a blender that is no short of ss and cs r1 potentials. Combine that with the fact that glance when u turn and burn in are extremely hard to outspace it's a great recipe for a powerful build. Also the reason why demon fist is because it has insane stamina damage and does not bounce off of perseverance. So it means you can have ur quality build or heavy without worrying about shields much at all. It's crazy how it kind of counters turtles in a way when used with glance as main hand and offhand as demon fist.
The caestus with lance really complement each other and bbnaishing really knew what he was doing when he used it against me in that tourney.
NEXT WEAPON: Demon fist!
I would go with a parry shield or a small shield. Also, does OH Longsword combo into Glance R1 or weapon art? That was my first thought - offhand straight sword. Could also run Corvian Greatknife too.
@@danlorett2184 parry shield would serve the same role as demon fist but worse because you can't attack with it.
@@aether3456 but you can shield poke. welp.
@@cridus_ still worse
Babba Gabri you have a video of the glance combined with the demon fist? Would be interesting to see done effectively.
I gotta say, I really super appreciate this video. Not because it highlights the use of a sleeper weapon, but because it caused a load of your followers to pick up the weapon. With no idea how to use it, or how to be efficient with it, i've been steamrolling Great Lance users left and right. Just goes to show the majority of the DS community can't think for themselves, and I appreciate your effort to highlight this flaw. Keep fighting the good fight.
What with all the people with me moving or passing away, my life has been hectic. I've been chugging through college at the hopes of getting a decent living all the while people like friends and family are straying away from me and my reasoning is: time. I never realized that youth is something to be cherished but also to be missed and truly, I have been doing so in these past few months but alas, gone are the days of the past where life was simple and nice. I had been dreading to think what would become of me in the future as well but at least I'm still alive and the one who controls the rudder of this beautiful ship called: life.
edit: i may have been drunk when i wrote this but at least i didn't make any spelling errors. also, i'm slightly enlightened by this embarrassing side of me even if it was pragmatic and silly.
spoken like a real kid who thinks he has grown up.
you will look back to moments like this and you will gringe so hard you can't sleep for another 2 hours
@@praiseit6848 i like my drunk existential me. also, im well aware that adulthood is much more hellish than i anticipated. never knew that fucking up your taxes even if youre paid under the table would be much of a problem and im constantly tired with little to no sleep.
sir this is wendys
@@praiseit6848 I remember these days, when I would tell younger people about how when you get to 15 everything becomes more complicated. But then I became 17 and that's when I started telling 15 year olds, about how that's where like really starts.
Thx for the little speach at the end. I needed that. Almost brought me to tears tbh
Ah! There you are... my pointy great lance... you've been at my side all along...
A week or so ago I got recommended this video, but didn't think much of it since I've never really like the lance playstyle (maybe I still have ptsd from DS2). A few days ago me and a friend picked a forgotten DS3 co-op run back up from a year ago. Yesterday I found the Aquamarine dagger video when looking for builds on that specific weapon and subscribed after watching the Rose of Ariandel video. Today I finished the playlist and came full circle. :D
Gotta say, your channel was a pleasant find indeed. This playlist is everything I love about the soulsborne games and their community. The video quality is great, they're super informative, fun to watch and the wholesome endings make me fell all warm and fuzzy inside.
I hope you're doing good in this pandemic, or just in general, and hope to see more great content from you in the future. Thanks for making my day a bit brighter. :)
Edit: Two days later and I've completely depleted your entire upload library, and hunger for more. Can't wait for what the future might bring, no matter what you upload.
After a long and strange night full of anxiety and panic due to attacks, waking up to this gem in my suggested videos was an honor and a blessing. Those last few words spared me of another day like last night. Although you might not see this, thank you for the help. ♡
Just found your videos a few days ago. Dude you have some of the best DS content I've watched, and I have watched a LOT of DS PvP vids. I hope you'll keep making DS vids till Elden Ring drops - it's you content creators that keep this game alive, and I can't thank you all enough for continuing to kindle this fading fire of a game
Im so glad this is on the underrated series. It has and always will be my favorite weapon in souls hands down. I made a couple videos about it like a year ago, but they dont have the polish this video has. Us greatlance users are an illusive race, and this video probably wont change that. If the greatlance isn't in Elden Ring, I'm gonna be Bissed off. love you man :)
I haven’t watched a better video in a while. I don’t even play dark souls anymore but you just repaired my depression and lust for the good old 1 shots of dark souls
That "Jund Sweep" is meant as a nod to its discoverer is all well and good, and he deserves to be recognized. But I'll probably remember it because "Jund" is also a name of a three color combination (Black Red Green) in Magic: The Gathering. That, however, is neither here nor there.
That wholesome content at the end, was exactly the kind of stuff I wanted to hear coming into this decade.
I've been listening to Resurrections all the time lately as well. Good taste in both weapons, and music.
ik this is 4 months old but the final message made me well up a bit. thank you brother, stay safe
thanks a ton for the shout out brother! so very kind of you.
But of course, my friend! :D
Dang didn't expect such feels from an analysis of the greatlance. Great vid, 10/10 would watch again
Can i just say how much i love your intros? There's value in jumping straight into a video but i just love the way you build up anticipation for the topic you want to discuss, especially for this video. I think while the patches were great and this is probably a viable weapon now, the main reason they didnt take off is because at this point the meta had already established enough for people to just stick to their guns, no pun intended. Im really looking forward to the gameplay here, as youve pointed out there wasn't much content around this weapon and ive barely ever fought against it as well. Thank you!
5:49 I think the difference between Pikes and Spears is that for Pikes the one-handed moveset is equal, if not slower than the two-handed moveset while for Spears the one-handed is (usually) faster. But i havent touched this game in a while so take my words with a grain of salt lol
Why do all of your videos sound so weird lak? Don't think I ever saw an answer to that.
@@PantsuGod idk either, from using semi-scuffed video capture methods and editing software i suppose
Holy shit dude. I feel good seeing that you are still strong in youtube comment sections man. I havent commented but ive seen your comments back since otz was still posting scholar vids like years ago. Praise the sun \[T]/
@@alecgarcia952 Cheers! Thats how i got to know him (commenting/watching Ds vids before i had a channel) and ill always be up for enjoying good Souls content. Always feels great to see subs of mine in other Souls channels :D
Made me cry at the last few seconds there. Happy new year
that last minute hit way different in mid 2021. i only wish i had found your channel sooner Jim, but thanks for the great content nonetheless
3:36 The hits are sync with the music
I have come to watch the video once again for some reason and have come to realise one very very important thing you forgot, or simply did not know about this beautiful weapon:
Every other build Ive made after making my specific build for this weapon has included the posiblity of using it, I always like to have it in hand for duels as its probably the weapon Ive used the most by now and I can confidently say the jumping attack is a core component of this weapon for various reasons:
1) R1 to jumping attack is a true combo both one handed and 2 handed as long as the R1 doesnt connect at its very tip (basically if they are too far away the jumping attack is late and they can roll) Ive tested this with friends both at very little latency and medium latency, also I use it constantly in the arena and it works
2) This is important for the two handed move set because the R1 to weapon art combo will not work in certain situations, such as when the enemy is positioned to your left and very close (althoug I guess you can free aim it) or when they are too far away
3) But it is even more important for the one handed moveset where you have no true combo within the greatlance itself, of course using it with the offhand caestus or estoc is very important but many times you might have a shield and can only use this combo, also the caestus will only connect with the R1 at a close distance and the jumping attack will connect at all distances except the very tip, while also being more damaging
4) For the one handed jumping attack you will get a rolling attack after the jumping attack which will catch most player unaware and this can pseudo combo into some thigs such as caestus which will also pseudo combo roll catch into a normal R1
5) Lastly the jumping attack itself has an amacing range and a very forgiving hitbox, in fact it has the most forgiving hitbox out of all the attacks this weapon has so it is easy to catch people who believe they have both outspaced it and strafed it, this is by no means safe against agressive players because you can get backstabbed or simply hit mid jump and you obviously shouldnt throw a jumping attack to an agresive player, but agains defensive players or people who want to parry you it is jet another way to deal with them
I know its been a long time since the video was posted and most people wont read this comment but I wanted to get it out there, you will not be using this attack every single time you use this weapon, but in some occasions its the right attack to use and its good to know about it
Well hot damn - I was thinking about shaking up one of my builds, and this looks promising as hell. Great video - so informative and great production man. You're one of a kind JM.
Yo, amish! I've seen your recent video too. Now I'll try and blend that and this one together to git gud with a greatlance.
@@cryog3nic_759 Good luck! I'm guessing this will take a while to get used to.
iamamish you haven't seen jeenine use it?
Kroy Wen I have of course. But he used it in a very particular way that I consider beyond my skill level.
The quality of this video is insanely good. I can't believe you only have 60k subs. Loved the explanation. Very well done!
I personally like the dark infusion best. With 30/30 i get to do cool stuff like use great combustion for surprise attacks, great deep soul for that pew pew, dark edge/soul greatsword for roll catches, and even lightnig arrow. The dark infusion might not have the highest damage but it fits my playstyle. Also dark drakeblood greatsword.
you should use black flame instead of great combustion. It just does more damage, and it's all dark damage unlike ds1. Dark infusion is high damage also. You just gotta use the right weapons. Drakeblood greatsword has fairly low damage. You should use a dark infused claymore or the onyx blade is another good one
@@robertor.7781 i use great combustion because ive encountered enough bug pellets to warrant its use. Also the dark drakeblood is more of a joke weapon to give nubes a fair fight. Its not for people i take seriously.
Dang, a JM upload and it’s on one of my favourite weapons in DS3? Must be my lucky day.
dangitjm and iamamish upload on the same day! Now this.. this is epic.
I watched the video for the DS3 weapon review and opinion and got little from it. However. the message you delivered at the end of your vid was a solid and up lifting reminder. Thank you.
You've finally done it, I was so excited for this video to come out and it was as great as I thought it would be. Even better to be honest! Knowing me I'll use this weapon when the hype dies down cause I'm a hipster loser but I can't wait to fight others using it. And the music selection was amazing as always, Celeste OST honestly put the whole video together.
I love you vids, never change JM!
This is your most interesting entry in the series yet I think. Great work. It's a weapon I may struggle to wrap my head around, but I have a lot more respect for the thing now. Absolutely worth the wait.
My first covenant duel in DS2, guy had a lance. He did the charging attack, and I sidestepped. He threw himself of the edge. Master kill.
Very good high quality video, your best in this series so far
This video was way tp high quality for a weapon review. I mean that as a compliment, although perhaps a confused one.
I was just chilling watching some DS3 PvP videos, and then BLAM that end speech. Hit me hard.
We ain't dead yet.
oh dang, celeste music
lov it
love your content man i hope you realize the impact you have on people's lives. brings a smile to my face every time i watch one of your videos
3:00 "You know what dks3 pvp wasn't that bad look at all these fun fights why did I ever quit?"
5:01 "Oh yeah..."
I really appreciate the way you use music in your videos. Keep it up!
You know you've played and watched too much dark souls when you sound like this guy
That last inspirational quote made me tear a bit. Happy new year mate
No Views? What?! How is this possible Am I the First? YES I AM Also the Greatlance is forever a weapon to be in my heart thank you ^~^ I nearly cried at that ending New Decade New Me Same ol journey for everyone, Cheers Yall
I did not expect that at the end. I made the hardest decision in my life and made a huge change. Thanks for the encouragement
I'll be hoping the best for you and your future.
Hearing that Celeste soundtrack made my ears NUT
4 years later and still doing the ds3 weapon documentaries, keep up the good work
I like using Greatlance with Demon Fist in the lefthand. Your one handed R1 is one of the longest attacks in the game and despite the tracking issues has lower recovery than people think. The offhand fist/parry tool is good for the pressure, something Greatlance lacks, as well as a way to deal with shields because it deals high stamina damage, something Greatlance also can't do alone. It also works on the same build. Being able to parry is also useful as more of a mindgame, because people are more hesitant to whiff punish your attack.
Also I hope people don't underestimate the running R1, the tracking and stamina consumption aren't great but if you space it properly, you have one of the fastest neutral attacks in the game. It's great for vs stationary enemies
like punishing magic casts, crossbow reload, as a whiff punish or something to catch people off guard, but it's best to use it sparingly.
I would only advise using this weapon on a strength or quality build. Quality is less ideal but gives you better damage on more backup weapons. Regardless, elemental builds aren't great for this weapon because you want your trades with this weapon to count, so the Leo Ring is essential. This weapon still suffers against shields by itself even with chip damage, so the loss in counter damage isn't worth it. Strength is the best build for this weapon alone, and comes with a lot of benefits such as high flat defences, access to greatshields and solid damage output.
Happy new year, thanks for the gold kind stranger.
Footage of good greatlance use:
I go g9 strats for str build with greatlance. 60 str high dex. I got it to like 27, and the damage is really nice from corvian and other stuff. I gotta try demon fist tho good call
For people who don't use Leo Ring for whatever reason Greatlance works pretty good as a Lightning weapon. Maybe on par with Dark I would say except it can be hard countered with LKS. Still a honorable mention.
Mert Tuncer elemental greatlance is bad. It doesn't do very good damage vs like a physical greatlance. Also, even if you have chip damage, it's still very easy to reaction roll. It's also slow enough to get trades most of the time. Physical greatlance is far superior
@@robertor.7781 physichal greatlance has same moveset with it in terms of reaction rolling and bad trade options except Leo ring. I am not saying best build for Glance is a faith build I am saying it works pretty good as a Lightning weapon more than Dark or Crystal because actually Lightning Glance has higher AR compared to them. Also 66 str Heavy Lance is superior to 40 40 Refined Lance.
Mert Tuncer I meant that it gains more with a physical build. The best greatlance infusion is heavy. I tried looking at every other infusion including blessed, they all do significantly less than heavy. The ar doesn't mean everything especially being that it's split, but that is interesting that lightning has better scaling than crystal. I never looked into that. Usually, it's the same scaling and base damage just different element. Dark and chaos are usually less than crystal and lightning, but I never checked them in comparison to eachother. Just in comparison to 60 str greatlance. It's cuz I'm trying to find the most optimal build for greatlance, but it seems like heavy greatlance is the only option. Even with 60 str and 60 fth, heavy outperforms lightning and blessed without a buff. It's so weird. As far as I know, it's the only weapon like that. It doesn't make any sense. I'll keep looking into it tho
Masterpiece. You always have the best guides, on the best topics.
I was like oh an old ds3 video read the comments and than looked at the dates. Didn't expect that.
thanks for making these vids, i love it when ppl find ways to viably play this game without meta weapons. keep up the good work, this is probably the most unique ds3 content on youtube!!!!
Dork Souls 3? In my 2020? Its more likely than you think!
It's nice to see someone talk about a weapon's capabilities outside of just how many true combos it has, although I'm not too happy you showcased the great lance's sweep glitch. Such things are better forgotten when a game isn't being updated anymore.
I’d argue that the sweep is more of a situational, almost gimmick, kind of attack. Still easily telegraphed, so it ought to be used only to knock off the few remaining HP of someone close to zero. But in that regard, the Gundyr’s Halberd is much more devastating and dangerous as a wake up and overall attack and that weapon has remained relatively unchanged too.
People who used the Grand Lance in Dark Souls 2: lmao
Love that game's PvP
@@andryuu_2000 Too bad it's filled with hacker twinks.
That philosophical ending did catch me offguard but you got my like
Ds2 ivory king PTSD kicks in.
Well-informed video, the citations to other videos/content creators is a nice touch, very professional.
Ah, yes
I remember trying this thing for memes and ending up using it for big-brained reads
The end there... Wow didn't think a dark souls off-meta weapon showcase could make me cry
Greatlance is by far one of my most favorite weapons and I'm glad it was covered here, can't wait for all those ganks using it tho XD well JM its been a great 10 years, lets make these next 10 Years even better than the last
will always always *always* love your outros. We aint dead yet.
I'm going to make my Sir Lancethot character now
Prince Thiccard
@@Anhero64 I like that name. It is going on the list
Nice combo. Greatlance and meaningful message really adds some spice to it.
Tried using this weapon a long time ago and treated it like any other weapon. Was decent with it . Now I know my mistake.
Yet another great video. Always a pleasure to see you in my sub box, Jimbob. Hope you have a happy new year.
What?! The full charged R2 is unparry-able?!! I never thought I would learn something new in this game. Thanks, I'll start to use it.
wasn’t expecting that last bit, thanks bud
alright maybe its time to dust off the ol' Leo Ring for a while
Just discovered your channel, what a lovely Dark Souls gem to have found
Oh i see 2020 starting great...
I was gonna do a spear+miracles character, and I got bored and left it. This video made me want to use either a spear only character with this weapon or an attempt of doing this with miracles. Imagine that R1+WA combo while using lightning blade.
Btw, you convinced me already and I'm just starting the combos part of the video
Ok, finished the video now.
22:51 How could you not have said great instead of underrated? bruh
Glance works pretty good at lightning infusions. Except it doesn't benefit from Leo. You can use it with Lightning Stake or Sunlight Spear to give yourself a trading option.
You should do a video on the underutilized friede's great scythe
Love the pacing and editing of the video i initially clicked for the greatlance since im a darksouls nerd but your editing and pacing and just way of speaking really got me to stay watching and i hope this video isnt a fluke since i hope to see more videos like this even if they are not informative.
I prefer ultra great whips.
Thank you, man. This was a great watch. I haven't played in over a year due to a dose of burn-out but the glorious montage starting at 3:20 has given me strong grounds to reconsider.
If it aint strength it aint worth it
JM I love the vid! Please keep finding new things to keep us hollows from going full hollow! Love you you beautiful man