One of the greatest love songs ever. No gimmicks, no unnecessary riffs and runs, and all that jazz - just a simple nice melody sung with a great tone. Sir Paul is the best pop singer ever :)
I was watching the February 1964 appearance that the Beatles made on the Ed Sullivan show and saw them live at Dodger Stadium in L.A. back in 1966. It has been my pleasure to have listened to their music for all these years. Almost every single recording of theirs takes me back to another place and time in my life. I struggle to understand how anyone could not love their lyrics, their music and their significance in modern music, around the world, for nearly a half century now.
This song just brings such a presence of peace over me. It's just so enchantingly, awesome, & beautiful. It's just a towering affirmation of the connect between men, & women. ,
The Beatles were the Super Heros of a generation. Turbulent times that we had to find some common connections if we were going to endure, learn and grow through. Love was that common thread that Beatle songs were all about. Paul once said this was his favorite song that he had penned. Love is.........all you need.
@@mileswalcott7241 they didn’t release they’re album songs as singles. They didn’t think people should pay twice for songs. If they released more singles they would have had so many more number ones.
I also wanted this 4 my wedding song, 30 yrs. ago. But my piano player didn't know it. My album melted in the back of my car, & we didn't have computers to go to, like we have today to listen & learn beautiful this. so I lucked out. I agree, NOTHING BETTER :)
This is what you looked like when I got to see you in Atlanta, Ga. in 1992/3...thanks to my twin sister standing in line for hours to get the tickets. I came up from Jax., Fl. to see you with my hubby and youngest daughter.....sweet, sweet, Paul. How thankful I am to have been there! The absolute thrill of my entire life!
I was only 5, but my dad (who was a musician) thought that they were a once in a lifetime talent. He let me stay up to watch the shows with my older siblings. These are some of my earliest memories and I feel the same way about that show and the Beatles to whom he compared to a modern day Mozart! I too hope that their music lives on!
Bellísima canción . Recuerdos de universidad . Momentos maravillosos inolvidables donde reinaba el Amor y la Felicidad.Los extrañarte toda mi vida mi Valentín.Te Amaré por siempre y para siempre mi ❤
@Juan Jacinto I believe the choice of F vs D is imperative as at that stage of his aged vocal chords, it was difficult to reach. I think he still could, like hit or miss, but that's what rehearsals are for. To ensure what will be best infront of a LIVE audience. VERY COOL!
It will be a truly sad day when, if a musically bankrupt future ever happens, nobody listens to a Beatles song, or even knows who they were. I was really fortunate to be 9 years old when they first appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. Thank god for that show! Thank god for The Beatles!
I was 8 or 10 i do this remember in Arica... Chile... going to the elementary school with this song in my mind.... Radio Arica AM I live in Fargo North Dakota now... tears
I was blessed enough to hear Paul sing this and soooo many other timeless songs on his New World Tour in the 90's. this was that tour. Chance of a lifetime for a Beatles fan like me.
Cuando Paul canto esta cancion en su primer concierto el 21de noviembre de 1993 en la Ciudad de Mexico, fue muy especial ya que mientras la cantaba volteaba su mirada a su esposa Linda y fue un momento muy romantico.Gracias Paul.
Oh Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart swells to near ability to burst looking at you, hearing your beautiful voice and musical genius. U is gorgeous! lol ;-) Luv u!
Funny how a song you've heard and sang along with a million times can one day, all of the sudden, say what you're thinking and feeling so perfectly... Kids, they just don't write 'em like this anymore.
Du grand Paul, ça fait plaisir de voir Linda même furtivement. John avait mille fois raisons, c'est vraiment l'une des plus belles chansons de Paul. C'est fabuleux.
Thank you Paul for the memories of years that have passed us by.............My childhood, bf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, kive tiy,,,,,,,,,, Here,,,,,,, There, Everywhere.......................
See, I don't understand how one man (or four, really) can be so fricking amazing at…life. The Beatles have some God-given gift for being amazing at songwriting, performing, recording, interviews/press conferences/being famous, being epicly cool and good-looking, and promoting peace and animal rights. Basically, they win at life, and this here song proves it.
One of the most beautiful songs ever written in my opinion by anyone much less my favorite musician Sir Paul The Melody Maestro. That song gets a giant sigh from the audience when ever he starts that verse " To Lead a Better Life " The best Concert ever all 7 times that I have seen Paul McCartney. Glenn Augustyn
I can't agree more! Sadly, I will never get to see sir Paul, my favorite musician and one of my favorite people in the world, in a concert because im from Israel. He came here once on 2008 but I was only 7 and didn't know anything about him. I wish he would come here again... I just can't explain what I feel whenever I hear him sing...
Well, I had to wait 42 years to see him (and saw him this April in Düsseldorf :-), so don't stop dreaming, perhaps he comes to Israel or you may have a chance to travel ...
Eva Luise Dick thank you very much for the nice comment! I thought about that too. I travel a lot, mostly in europe, so I might see him there once. I wish.
This song was created with the Beach Boys in mind according to Paul. Hence the a capella background vocals dominated by Paul with a hint of BBoys sound in the studio version. One of Paul's best that even the hard to please John WAS pleased! This is actually a definitely strong LIVE rendition with brilliant strumming and higher-octave vocals from Sir Paul.👍❤
Genius!! He's Genius, he knows how to give another colour to each song in concerts, it sounds Great! ' cause he' s one of the best composers with john and George all over two centuries
John once said, as I heard, that this was the most beautiful song Paul ever wrote. I tend to agree with that. so simple and beautiful.
It's a Masterpiece.
Paul,s compositions will be for ever long after we are gone his music will live on forever and loved by future generations! A true master !!!!
Paul McCartney is the Beethoven of our times
@@thomasbowler5942 completamente de acuerdo.
Thanks for sharing! Paul is my icon!! Watch for an expanded play list on my channel coming soon. 6to8 weeks!
One of the greatest love songs ever. No gimmicks, no unnecessary riffs and runs, and all that jazz - just a simple nice melody sung with a great tone. Sir Paul is the best pop singer ever :)
Right on:)
And the best composer ever
Rock singer
I was watching the February 1964 appearance that the Beatles made on the Ed Sullivan show and saw them live at Dodger Stadium in L.A. back in 1966. It has been my pleasure to have listened to their music for all these years. Almost every single recording of theirs takes me back to another place and time in my life. I struggle to understand how anyone could not love their lyrics, their music and their significance in modern music, around the world, for nearly a half century now.
Beautifully said... greetings from across the pond in England.
The Beatles had so many great songs it is hard to pick favorites, however, I believe this is one of their best. Top ten for sure.
Absolute musical perfection.
This man was touched by God!!!! He makes the world a better place to live!!!! Love him so much....
At that time, Jane Asher was his God
Yes! To whom much is given, much is required.
Thanks again to all who prayed 4 my dog McCartney that was in the hospital...He is 100% fine. Prayer really does the job :)
he's not a dog!!! >:(((
@@diamondcomplex2376 HA ! NO I have a dog & his name is McCartney after the great Sir Paul :)
This song just brings such a presence of peace over me. It's just so enchantingly, awesome, & beautiful. It's just a towering affirmation of the connect between men, & women. ,
В далёком 77году эту песню мне спел мой молодой человек.Сколько воды утекло, а я помню её всю жизнь. И, поверьте, ничего лучше больше не слышала...💯💯😒
The most touching thing is that John Lennon admitted this was his favorite song that Paul McCartney ever wrote.
one of the most beautiful songs Paul ever wrote! I love this song so much!!
The Beatles were the Super Heros of a generation. Turbulent times that we had to find some common connections if we were going to endure, learn and grow through. Love was that common thread that Beatle songs were all about. Paul once said this was his favorite song that he had penned. Love is.........all you need.
I love this 1966 classic Ballard from the Revolver album one of Paul's best love songs of the Beatles era.
The Beatles should have released this as a single
@@mileswalcott7241 they didn’t release they’re album songs as singles. They didn’t think people should pay twice for songs. If they released more singles they would have had so many more number ones.
I also wanted this 4 my wedding song, 30 yrs. ago. But my piano player didn't know it. My album melted in the back of my car, & we didn't have computers to go to, like we have today to listen & learn beautiful this. so I lucked out. I agree, NOTHING BETTER :)
What a voice... sweet melody like honey to the soul.
Absolutely my all-time favorite Beatles song!
Recuerdos maravillosos mi viejo Adorado los llevaré en mi ❤
I like this song heard it this morning and been playing it over and over hehehe
This is what you looked like when I got to see you in Atlanta, Ga. in 1992/3...thanks to my twin sister standing in line for hours to get the tickets. I came up from Jax., Fl. to see you with my hubby and youngest daughter.....sweet, sweet, Paul. How thankful I am to have been there! The absolute thrill of my entire life!
This was John's favorite Paul Song. Amazing, I wish he play this in this new tour.
I was only 5, but my dad (who was a musician) thought that they were a once in a lifetime talent. He let me stay up to watch the shows with my older siblings. These are some of my earliest memories and I feel the same way about that show and the Beatles to whom he compared to a modern day Mozart! I too hope that their music lives on!
changing my life with the wave of her hand..
1 of the most beautiful loves songs ever written, and will be forever
Lovely to see glimpse of Linda.
Bellísima canción . Recuerdos de universidad . Momentos maravillosos inolvidables donde reinaba el Amor y la Felicidad.Los extrañarte toda mi vida mi Valentín.Te Amaré por siempre y para siempre mi ❤
Beautiful, Beautiful. The changing of keys is brilliant. Love Paul.
You mean that F (after Cm) when the original plays D? I prefer the original 100 times more.
@Juan Jacinto
I believe the choice of F vs D is imperative as at that stage of his aged vocal chords, it was difficult to reach.
I think he still could, like hit or miss, but that's what rehearsals are for.
To ensure what will be best infront of a LIVE audience.
Paul McCartney you are the best ! Thank you for your music !❤️
Bellísima canción.Momentos inolvidables mucho sentimiento y ternura en esta melodía ❤
多麼美好的一首歌 時間一直消逝 熟悉的人遠去 只有音樂不曾離開
This beautiful song showcases his sweet, angelic voice like no other.
such a beautiful, perfect love song; from a dynamic soul
I think this is the best love song ever. Always it brings me in other dimension of feeling. :)
This is just a beautiful performance. I really hope he sings this song in the upcoming tour.
did he
EPIC!!!!! Every time i here this song i always experiencing GOOSEBUMPS.....
Paul is the nicest man I have ever seen. Kind and a genious at the same time. We are all blessed to know him and llisten to his songs.
My cousin's favorite Beatles song. RIP Jen.
WOW i love this version! He still got it with the voice.
Paul McCartney is the world's best songwriter!
Here,there and everywhere THE BEATLES FOREVER ❤❤❤❤
what an ab fab song,great lyrics and great music,my only regret is not to have seen the beatles live.Thank God for you tube.Cheers
My love for Paul will never die. The greatest love song writer in the world. xoxooxoxo
Paul McCartney's voice drives the windmills of my mind to sweet reminiscing!
Best. Musician. Ever. Period.
🎈adoro todas músicas de Paul, desde quando cantava nos Beatles🎈
It will be a truly sad day when, if a musically bankrupt future ever happens, nobody listens to a Beatles song, or even knows who they were. I was really fortunate to be 9 years old when they first appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show. Thank god for that show! Thank god for The Beatles!
I was 8 or 10 i do this remember in Arica... Chile... going to the elementary school with this song in my mind.... Radio Arica AM I live in Fargo North Dakota now... tears
Stunning. This is beautiful
One of my all time favourites - and now it's stuck in my brain again for quite some time! Thanks for posting!
one of the greatest songwriters who ever lived.
I've just watched that episode, so I searched the song. It's beautiful here, and in Friends. :)
♪♫❤♪♫ Paul McCartney ♪♫❤♪♫
I've Followed you ' Here There & Everywhere' .....
Love you forever & forever Love you with all my heart !!!!! xXXXXx
the best ive heard paul sing this great
...knowing that love is to share....
~best line ever!
Wow Love it Paul love all your song 💓💖😍💞💕🙏👍
Makes me smile and cry simultaneously.
by far, he greatest singer composer of the 20th century
and here there everywhere is his best!
many thanks Elisa ,,..,, Elisa EveryWhere ... I,m stay here ..Always Paul ...Here There --....
I was blessed enough to hear Paul sing this and soooo many other timeless songs on his New World Tour in the 90's. this was that tour. Chance of a lifetime for a Beatles fan like me.
Cuando Paul canto esta cancion en su primer concierto el 21de noviembre de 1993 en la Ciudad de Mexico, fue muy especial ya que mientras la cantaba volteaba su mirada a su esposa Linda y fue un momento muy romantico.Gracias Paul.
Best love song ever written by the best man ever.
It is the most beautiful song I have ever heard.
One of the most beautiful songs in my opinion.
Absolutely!!! PAUL is the greatest of all times!!!!!
What a great version. Didn't think this would be good live...but it IS!
Oh Paul!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My heart swells to near ability to burst looking at you, hearing your beautiful voice and musical genius. U is gorgeous! lol ;-) Luv u!
I want this to be the first song at my wedding...nothing better
the best song ever written.
Funny how a song you've heard and sang along with a million times can one day, all of the sudden, say what you're thinking and feeling so perfectly... Kids, they just don't write 'em like this anymore.
Du grand Paul, ça fait plaisir de voir Linda même furtivement. John avait mille fois raisons, c'est vraiment l'une des plus belles chansons de Paul. C'est fabuleux.
Thank you Paul for the memories of years that have passed us by.............My childhood, bf,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, kive tiy,,,,,,,,,, Here,,,,,,, There, Everywhere.......................
No words to describe how much I love this song! I would give 6 stars to this clip.....if I could!! :)
See, I don't understand how one man (or four, really) can be so fricking amazing at…life. The Beatles have some God-given gift for being amazing at songwriting, performing, recording, interviews/press conferences/being famous, being epicly cool and good-looking, and promoting peace and animal rights. Basically, they win at life, and this here song proves it.
Beautiful description. Thank you💗
Paul is a genius and this is one of his finest moments.
The best quote i've ever seen on You Tube!!!
I miss Linda. She was Paul's soulmate. What a strong woman. We love U.....RIP!!!!!!!!
the beatles were the best of their generation fab songs, they will be legends til the end of time
wow that was really GREAT!!!!!!! He has the best voice and the best songs when he was in the Beatles and in Wings!
awesome guitar strumming. Beautifully done.....
One of the most beautiful songs ever written in my opinion by anyone much less my favorite musician Sir Paul The Melody Maestro. That song gets a giant sigh from the audience when ever he starts that verse " To Lead a Better Life " The best Concert ever all 7 times that I have seen Paul McCartney. Glenn Augustyn
I can't agree more!
Sadly, I will never get to see sir Paul, my favorite musician and one of my favorite people in the world, in a concert because im from Israel.
He came here once on 2008 but I was only 7 and didn't know anything about him.
I wish he would come here again...
I just can't explain what I feel whenever I hear him sing...
Well, I had to wait 42 years to see him (and saw him this April in Düsseldorf :-), so don't stop dreaming, perhaps he comes to Israel or you may have a chance to travel ...
Eva Luise Dick thank you very much for the nice comment!
I thought about that too. I travel a lot, mostly in europe, so I might see him there once. I wish.
This version has me with tears streaming down my face. The best version ever :)Thanks 4 uploading ElisaPrincess! NICE!!!!!
Mt opinion is this is one of the best songs ever written
This song brings me back to my unforgettable momory as being a school boy at that time chasing girls around with great fun.
Thank U Paul, For The Best Music EVER!
0:43 I wonder if every time he signs an autograph on those Hofner bass, he checks if it's the one stolen from him from way back.
I don't know what we'll do the day Paul is no longer in this world!
This song was created with the Beach Boys in mind according to Paul.
Hence the a capella background vocals dominated by Paul with a hint of BBoys sound in the studio version.
One of Paul's best that even the hard to please John WAS pleased!
This is actually a definitely strong LIVE rendition with brilliant strumming and higher-octave vocals from Sir Paul.👍❤
You are correct to counter pet songs
Beautiful song ❤
Such a Great Guy, wish I could meet him.
Genius!! He's Genius, he knows how to give another colour to each song in concerts, it sounds Great! ' cause he' s one of the best composers with john and George all over two centuries
He still has the power to leave you speechless, fantastic!
You bet he is going to do it! It's a classic!
This is an absolutely STUNNING performance!!
A masterclass from a master
My all time favourite...thanx :)
The world forgives you for the mullet, Paul, because of this wonderful song and all the others of course!
If I ever, ever get married, I want this song in my wedding! Love it, love it!
What a musicial versatility Paul is having!
one of john lennon's favorite beatles songs :)