Now there’s a first for me. I have NEVER seen Sand ripped. These operators might benefit from a little schooling in Optimizing a 631 and D10 pushcat. Watch a little TH-cam action in Southern California where scraper-shows are a common theme. A scraper shouldn’t have to wait for the crawler nor should the pushcat continue pushing once the apron is dropped. Pretty friendly material to work in though. Nice video’s as well.
Not sure why you would have a single shank ripper on a push tractor, clearly a multishank ripper is the best option, complete 50% more ripping for the scrapers each pass
Wonderful video and perfect close up. Good job 👏
Now there’s a first for me. I have NEVER seen Sand ripped. These operators might benefit from a little schooling in Optimizing a 631 and D10 pushcat. Watch a little TH-cam action in Southern California where scraper-shows are a common theme. A scraper shouldn’t have to wait for the crawler nor should the pushcat continue pushing once the apron is dropped. Pretty friendly material to work in though. Nice video’s as well.
It is strange. Ought to catch the pan on the fly too. No use stopping.
Da steckt Power dahinter. Klasse Video.
Die bringen was weiter! Mein Baustellenhighlight 2018... Saugeiles Video, Tom! :-)
super video!merçi!
Changing direction at full throttle?
Not sure why you would have a single shank ripper on a push tractor, clearly a multishank ripper is the best option, complete 50% more ripping for the scrapers each pass
Can't be that tough
I would like to see more companies in Europe adopt the Push-Pull scrapers. Would eliminate the push Cat.
not the most efficient way imo , mass excavators and haul trucks much easier on equipment than what that dozer is getting done to itself
@@scottcorwin3614 complete rubbish, expensive dirt if scrapers can do it and you chose excavators and trucks
I know it's all about speed .
where is it?
Mongul is there