I was misdiagnosed ADD/ODD at 13. I found out I had Bipolar at 36. All those years of struggle. I'm now 39 and have my shit together, rebuilding my life, and relationships. It's actually going very well. There is hope my friends.
Tim Standaert Wow your story sounds nearly similar to mine’s. I was also misdiagnosed with ADHD during my childhood but then three years ago at age 33 I was probably diagnosed with BP2 and years I started to wonder if I really was Bipolar because I’d either over joyful and confident and very active but then out of the blue I’d start feeling depressed and I’d isolate myself from everybody or I’d lose interest in the things I enjoy doing. I’m now 36 and I’m now in a much better place mental health wise and I haven’t had any major depression since then 🤩😁
Thank you for the encouragement! I'm 36 and have only now been "shown the light", so to speak. Knowing that there is hope and that maybe I, too, can get my shit together and rebuild my life by age 39, literally helps guide me on a better path. Thank you.
I have Bipolar II and ADHD. I appreciate what you do so much. So many doctors don't bother explaining or putting things in context. A resource like yours helps us get the most out of our doctors as well as helping us make our loves ones understand.
He is so amazing I can understand what he is saying sitting in the doctors chair is intinateding ecpecially when you really don't know what is wrong with you
AnimeAshOgoshi I can share some of my experience. Dealing with ADHD and Bipolar is a challenge. To live with either you need to manage your sleep, diet, activity and emotional state. Bipolar and ADHD make that very difficult. Also ADHD makes it hard to develop healthy habits because it is difficult to practice. So here is how I try to work around these. 1) For Bipolar I focus on my meds. I take them on time and I understand what the do. I work with my Dr to make sure my doses and meds are the best possible. This provides stability. 2) ADHD I take my meds and work with my therapist on building better habits/skills. I try to identify ways I get stuck and we practice new ways of approaching problems. 3) Wellness. Sleep, diet, exercise help us manage our conditions and get the most out of life. It is difficult for me addressing wellness, so I try to have micro goals. Goals so simple I can do them everyday. Then I try and build on these goals to do more. Building confidence is important because ADHD and Bipolar can really bring us down.
I am taking a stimulant. It hasn’t triggered mania in me. If you have ADHD and you’re on the right med/dose then the stimulant has the opposite effect it would have for most people. However I have had antidepressants trigger mania.
I had the opposite. I was misdiagnosed with bipolar (despite never, ever having a "magical mania" feeling, never engaging in manic behavior, and always having a reason (situational) when I was depressed.) I was put on meds that did more harm than good and it wasn't until I was an adult that I *finally* got the right diagnosis of ADHD, medication, and treatment. My life is so much better now. Although I really wish I didn't have to wait so long to get the correct diagnosis, but because I was a girl, I wasn't flunking school, nor running around the classroom hyper, I suffered for a long time and was given medication I didn't need. However, I'm thankful it was finally figured out and I'm on the right path.
I was never treated for either and didn't get treatment until I was in my 60's. I was depressed and suicidal since I was 5 yrs old and have been all my life. I now am on meds for my bipolar and depression. I don't think about suicide anymore. I had a very tough time as a child with this. I also have CPTSD and insomnia for all my life. The meds help me now and am so fortunate to be alive. Thank you very much for what you do Robert. I've given your site to the counsellors at our local crisis center. It has helped them to help others. You are very appreciated.
Thank you. This is important. My brother first got diagnosed ADHD. After years and years of struggling me and two of my siblings got the diagnoses BiPolar and finally got the right help.
I just posted in the main comment section. I wanted to ask you how your brother is now? What medications is he on? I may be in the same boat as him, I'm just so lost right now. Do I have ADHD, do I have Bipolar? Do I have anxiety disorder? Is this a "co-occurrence disorder"? Any guidance or info I'd really appreciate.
Robert you are the best. When I watch you I feel it's Ok to have bipolar disorder. Your like-ability, and easy way of talking about our condition is comforting. I'm sorry that you suffer. So do I. A few years ago I stopped trying to explain to my friends what my experience was like. That did not work. Their suggestions completely missed the mark. But whenever I walk into a DBSA meeting (Depression Bipolar Support Alliance) meeting I can sense that everyone just understands without having to explain. I've found the right meds and the right treatment plan on my own and I am doing OK most of the time. But I'll have days when the train feels like it is going to jump the tracks. But even those days are not so bad. I've got a good life. So I am very glad you are brave and good at doing what you do here on TH-cam. Thank you.
Kevin, you hit the nail on the head. My family and friends don’t understand. I bought a bipolar workbook when I was manic and was going to go through it and do all this research so I could be Superman and “beat it.” I cycle through fairly quickly so that failed. The book is around the house somewhere or maybe in a storage building. I’m getting off track... my sister, who thinks she’s my mom, read ONE FREAKING SENTENCE OR PHRASE and all of a sudden she had a PHD in BP! She told me when I get “off track,” I need to stop myself. It’s not that easy! UGH! She did say that she understands why I have done the things I’ve done though. I wonder if she really understands? Probably not... not with her PHD, ya know?!
Excellent video, as usual! I would strongly urge many people to watch as I feel the two are often misdiagnosed. I was diagnosed with manic depression or bipolar disorder when I was 16, & later (18) diagnosed with ADHD as well. (comorbid). At that age I was not on any medications for either illness but I can say that episodes of my bipolar were extremely heightened- and usually not in a good way. It took years of doctors and lots of honesty from me to get me right. Self-medicating via drugs or alcohol is so common, and so detrimental. Now, on a great course of diet, exercise, therapy and medication, I am (willing) and able to treat both - which keeps my spark but doesn't completely put out the flame. 😉 Loved this video! 💜 (Bipolar 1 & ADHD & PTSD)
Thank you. I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar II, severe depression, ADHD, you name it. The past two years have been some of the hardest in my life, mostly because of these misdiagnoses. I've always known deep down that I've had bipolar 1 but would not admit it out loud. I am currently seeing a new doctor and have been put on bipolar medication, which has helped me tremendously. the hardest part in all of this throughout my entire life has been trying to get doctors to listen to me. I believe I have bipolar 1 and ADHD and I believe I've had both my entire life. Thank you for giving me the courage to finally say this to My doctor. I have a phone appointment this Tuesday and plan on telling her just that. I'm tired of being told by a "professional" that I have a black and white, cut and dry disease, when in fact I know there is something more to it. Just....thank you for being so open and honest. You have helped me over the past few months more than I can properly put into words. So of all this rambling....thank you.
The best explanation I have ever heard comparing ADHD and Bipolar. My son was diagnosed a severe behavior disorder in Kindergarten...2 yrs later he was diagnosed mostly deaf! Then came diagnose of ADHD.. I refused meds for him and we fought the school. Then at 16 i saw all the signs of Bipilar i ignored earlier... Hyped up energy..talking fast...i can do anything attitude..no sleep..then severe depression..sleeping alot...hiding in his room..this was up n down and he started drinking at 18..then pot smoking...he was super intelligent andchad few problems in school but he dropped out of college...his ups n downs got worse.. He went from workaholic to alcoholic and now at 35 alk i basically see is a wasted young man drinking sex and bars is his life....Ive talked to him so often about bipolar...I have it..his great grandfather and 2 great uncles had it..possibly my great aunt on moms side..rampant in this family. He wont get professionally diagnosed or seek help. He knows I am on meds that help and I gave him lots of tools to help...he just wont do it.. I'm so fearful he will have a bad end...he has many factors in his life besides deafness..rejection from bio dad..abusive step dad..me being "off the wall" most of his life..etc... Any suggestions. I would love for him to watch your videos they are sooooo helpful... Anyway thank you for you...you do help me realize bipolar is doable❤
Rob thank you for cutting through all the fluff and junk. You make it so much easier to understand this disease. I have wrested with this question all my life. This is the best explanation I've gotten yet. Thank you again
I have to live with both of these disorders (BP II, Combined Presentation ADHD). I am so thankful that I found a Psychiatrist, as well as an excellent physician that were finally able to help me. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 24, and my academic, social, and romantic life suffered greatly. I'm doing a lot better, (not perfect, and trying to balance things is hard), but I can say with honesty that it can, and does get better, so if you are struggling, don't give up hope! So remember, when you are feeling like you can't keep going on, if something doesn't work out, you still learned what doesn't work, and you can try something new next time.
I am now in my 60s and I have recently realized that I don't always recognize that someone close to me has both adhd and bipolar, even though I have received treatment off and on for 3 decades.However, when I observed the psychotic break, then suddenly, I could observe their layers of chaos. I could listen and understand. Thank you so much for your help with this community of highly intelligent and capable people who need kindness and care.
I have ADHD and was undiagnosed until I was 18! The ONLY statement I personally disagree with is that ADHD sufferer's act on impulse and CHOOSE what to do! In my early years I just had to get a crazy idea in my head and I would do it without a moments hesitation OR considering the consequences! However I worked very hard to develop my own coping mechanisms as otherwise I was going to continue to be arrested and would have ended up in prison! I appreciate the help and insights into bipolar disorder and your videos have helped me a lot so thanks very much
I was diagnosed with ADHD, at first and a couple years later, just a few days ago, i was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type 2. I still believe i have ADHD but a less severe form.
I got diagnosed with Bipolar 1 after a psychotic break; but I also highly suspect I have ADHD and want to get assessed for it asap. I've been thinking I have ADHD since before I had the break and it's been a thing for as long as I can remember.
I am a psychologist with bipolar type 2... my boyfriend have ADHD and I think my father have Bipolar disorder and ADHD... BUT its still very hard to make the difference... this video was such a help for me! You should make one with the diferences between Bipolar disorder and Borderline Personality. Thanks!!
I think they all share a common pathology but are different stages of the same disease or disease expression. You can actually see this where a person starts out with ADHD, then it goes into bipolar and then into CFS and fibromyalgia.
Thank you so much for this distinction. My bipolar symptoms began very young but I was diagnosed with ADD and my parents didn't believe in Psychiatry necessarily so I wasn't diagnosed as bipolar until I was 32 which made my life unbelievably difficult up until that time.
I’ve just found your channel and as someone with Biplolar Type 1 with Mixed States and Rapid Cycling as well as Generalised Anxiety Disorder life can be a literal roller coaster. I have wondered if I also have ADHD but have not worried about a formal diagnosis as I’m pretty stable med wise and don’t want to mess with it. It’s nice to know I’m not alone.
Hey there ! Rob is available on patreon. You can message him, text or even have a call with him there. For a very limited time he is offering free support phone calls for all patrons right now in which he can lend an ear, give advice or answer questions. Take gentle care. Sometimes we all need someone to talk to: www.crisistextline.org/ teenlineonline.org/talk-now/ Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member (H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds On Patreon, you can message Rob directly, get a phone/video call, watch videos that are more personal in nature, and access a great community. www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
please excuse this traumadumping in a video four years old, it just really hit home for me. so i was given what i keep referring to as a 'soft diagnosis' of bipolar about two weeks ago and i'm so frustrated about the whole thing because i first started showing symptoms and was clearly in a manic episode when i was about 21, but was told by a psychiatrist i have adhd. got a full diagnosis and changed meds. this recent 'soft diagnosis' (ie changing meds and seeing the effects of them quite early) has essentially confirmed i have both in retrospect, i absolutely did what you mentioned in the video in my initial assessment - even though i had all the hallmarks of a manic episode, i was telling the first psychiatrist everything he wanted to hear, dodging the topic and didn't even mention any of my negative symptoms because i was embarrassed and i really didn't want that diagnosis. thank you for this video. i've been trying to list off my clear symptoms of mania and differentiate them from my adhd feelings and showing these differences this clearly really help. i'm due to see this second psychiatrist again next month and hopefully my deeper understanding will get me the diagnosis i clearly need now four years later.
I wish people understood more about this. I’m on meds and in therapy, did 2 PHP/IOPs within a year... and they’ve helped, but I still struggle. I feel like people expect me to be okay now forever. And I sometimes forget and expect that too, and get frustrated when my I’m highly symptomatic. I blame myself and have to eventually remember it’s just an illness. I can’t control every single aspect of it. It’s scary really. And it’s great to see how it differs from ADHD because online I saw I had many symptoms, yet my symptoms line up more accurately and consistently with bipolar. Your channel really helped me help my doctors diagnose me and get me help.
Im 52 and did not realized i have ADHD till diagnoser at 40..I just thought I was extremely forgetful and disorgamized due to extreme business and stress. My daughter was diagnosed woth bipolar 2 at age 14. She is 30 now and struggle to maintain normal activity during manic episodes.
You gnow more than these doctors. Thanks for putting clarity out there. The mixed mania with bipolar 1 is no joke & is hardly ever spoken on. Thank you so much. You just shut down an episode from ensuing❤
If I could give you a big hug through this internet I so would. You're unlocking tools and information I have searched for all my life, and everytime I try to blame something else, like the thyroid, for instance, I listen to you and face my facts once more. I so needed this today!
I was suggested to have ADD when younger, so no medication was "needed". Now I have bipolar, I can see how measleading it was for my 17 years old self to hear that
If anyone interested I have live fb vlog unedited vid- journal thingy of MY life as a bipolar Polar warrior Secret polar bear living in the wrong climate ⚠️strong unedited language no script etc so mute around the kids & fragile sensibilities If interested pm me I can share where to find it...... if that’s ok saying on here Rob x
@@nicolaalford0 Rob doesn't mind sharing or promoting ones own work in this context. Spamming isn't allowed obviously. - Dianna Polar Warrior Team Member For additional content consider joining us on Patreon! www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
Thank you Rob. I've been having some really bad days lately. Those are some SHOCKING statistics about the suicide rate. I know I struggle with that myself. I thought about Robin Williams when you started talking about celebrities...so sad😔
I have both. My doctor quickly handed me an adderall prescription when I told him that I felt like my bipolar was under control but that my ADD, that I had as a kid, was destroying my life. The adderall gives me mania, but it is so nice to finally be able to focus...FINALLY...so that I can get things done. I've been able to clean things up and manage my life...but I now struggle with the mania part and I'm afraid to say anything to lose the focus I finally got with adderall.
I was diagnosed ADHD in elementary school on through middle school. Late middle school / early high school I quit taking my meds and just lived life. Struggled all though my teens and twenties. Wasn't until I was 30 (now 36) that I was diagnosed bipolar 1. I didn't know that my obsessions and "hobbies" were manias 😂 I definitely knew the depression side. Over the past few years you (along with my docs) have helped me to understand myself and answer / explain questions I've had all my life and couldn't explain it. Thank you so, so, much man. You are definitely doing a good thing. Keep motivated! Thanks again.
@@zz-ic6vy they come and go. Silversmithing, gold Prospecting, Flint knapping, lapidary work, mycology/mushroom hunting, vaporizer coil building, horticulture, my current interest is in the stock market. The list goes on. Funny thing is that once one has subsided I don't really go back to them. Nevertheless, my wife still keeps all the stuff I aquire so that when I do I don't have to buy more things 😂
I have recently been diagnosed with Bipolar II, ADHD, and OCD. At 53 years old, It's a lot to process and take in. There are days when I can face it head on, and other days, I just hide out from the world and my motivation is drained. Thank you for putting some things into perspective, PW.
Hey there! Rob is available on patreon. You can message him, text or even have a call with him there. For a very limited time he is offering free support phone calls for all patrons right now in which he can lend an ear, give advice or answer questions. Take gentle care. Sometimes we all need someone to talk to: www.crisistextline.org/ teenlineonline.org/talk-now/ Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member (H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds On Patreon, you can message Rob directly, get a phone/video call, watch videos that are more personal in nature, and access a great community. www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
I was diagnosed with ADHD and dysthymia at 27. I am now noticing the depression comes in waves or cycles, with periods of normalcy or maybe a slight elation of mood and outlook in between. Not sure what to think now, but omg I so relate to the molasses description, that was the most prominent symptoms for me that caused me to seek help
Children should be educated this information at school. It will have an understanding of peers with these conditions throughout life, in an informed educated manner. And will make the world a better place for everyone. Keep up your good work.X
You have cleared up some differences for me. Yes I may have ADHD, but I am definitely Bipolar II. I recognized myself when you mentioned that while manic a person may do something that they absolutely wouldn't do in a more passive state of mind. Me in a bit shell. Thanks again Rob.
The reason they don't all do that is insurance has to be billed two ways. If you get along with your med provider n they ain't a jerk they'll talk. But if they are officially qualified our stupid system makes it more expensive.
Can you do one of these comparing bipolar and Autism. I feel like they have just as much overlap as bipolar and ADHD, and people on the spectrum are often first misdiagnosed as bipolar.
That would be a great video. I've been diagnosed bipolar with ADHD but my son has autism which mostly effects his sensory processing. I also feel like there's a lot of overlap and wonder if it may be a better diagnosis. For now I'm trusting in my psychologist and being treated for bp and (innatentive) add
@@Chris-fj4ez there defenitely is.. i have both Autism and ADHD.. there are also a ton of overlaps between ADHD and Borderline disorder.. my mother was diagnosed with borderline.. however there are a lot of things she struggles with that also are very ADHD like bad concentration so for all wee know she could be misdiagnosed as well and actually has ADHD wich would make sense
This is an extremely informative video. I was recently diagnosed with adhd and manic depression. Doc put me on lamictal and adderal. It’s been only a week so I suppose it’s too soon to really know if the lamictal is working. So far with the Meds I’ve had ups and Downs. Ups: I’ve been able to think more clearly, and I’m not overwhelmed by the smallest task. I no longer have impulsive urges, I’m actually listening to people when they speak, I’m learning more quickly and doing everything more efficiently Downs: insomnia (probably from taking too high a dose in the evening), loss of appetite, I experienced depression twice so far, and not feeling sociable (only a couple times so far) Both of these illnesses run in my family and so I’m not sure what I have.
When I was a kid in the mid/late 90's-early2000's and struggling with undiagnosed bipolar 1 and aspergers they didn't diagnose bipolar in kids. My first psychotic episode was at 11 years old. I was diagnosed with all kinds of things but never ADHD. I did have a few clinicians say it was likely bipolar but they couldn't diagnose it. I was labeled odd, various anxiety disorders, depression, intermittent explosive disorder to name a few. I got my official diagnosis right before my 18th birthday. My ASD diagnosis just happened recently at 31 years old.
Yes, the lines can in fact blurr easily, Rob. Correct diagnosis is paramount. Adhd isn't my comorbidity but I went through the whole primary care spewing MDD & throwing standalone anti's.. sending me all the way up the mountain where psych docs & stabilizers hang. When you deal with combo illness the dial is just all the way up, perhaps even broken. Thanks for your archive.
Thank you so much for this! I am a PMHNP student, and your video was more helpful than all of my text books! So grateful you are making these videos and making huge differences in so many lives!
The sad part of all of this content...is that most people are so lost in the system from inpatient doctors. I want to thank you so much for your bravery and tenacity about helping us BPD folks.
Thanks for sharing. Depression/Anxiety and mental health in general have such a stigma in our society and the more people like yourself talk about it the more the stigma will reduce in our society. My channel is solely about mental health and reducing this stigma. So many people do not seek treatment because they are afraid what people will say and this is destroying people’s lives. This needs to stop. Keep up the great work.
My bf has both and he's really into me right now. I'm waiting for something to happen at some point and feel better prepared by watching your videos. I really care about him. Thank you for taking the time to explain all of this.
Peer support would be how is phrase that. I love what u do for us man... You are doin good things my brother. Hold your head up high. You deserve mad recognition
Dude this is literally the video I’ve been looking for. I wasn’t aware that there was a relationship between ADHD and Bipolar but I’m aware of the relationship/sliding scale of (schizophrenia/bipolar) and autism and the relationship of dopamine. I’m no doctor but I would definitely I am ADHD and Bipolar Psychosis. I’ve been undiagnosed for Nearly 36 years and I’m about to pay for a private psychiatrist to get the help I need.
This was such great information!! My 18 yo son is out of control.. diagnosis in 5th grade with ADHD.. now mood disorder.. smokes marijuana but won’t take other meds... tearing our family apart( mostly me) I’m so lost with where to go from here😢
You are such a brave man - understanding and dealing with oneself is one of the hardest things, actually I think its THE biggest challenge in the universe - because its key to dealing with the world. Thank you so much for the info - I am super ware of these things as my family has suffered from both ADHD + bI-polar - I wish you good mental and physical health in the future - what you are doing is invaluable work.
Hi Karen!!! I totally agree! I always say that working on one's self is the hardest work of all. In case you are interested Rob offers one on one support on Patreon and he has a support group for patrons only on discord where we have a lot of loved ones who attend. He also has a specific group for partners and family as well. Would love to have you there! Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
Your videos are brilliant. So hard to put this stuff in to words, very helpful to have someone explain things so clearly, makes it easier to explain to others
The more of your videos I watch the more I’m convinced that I know someone with undiagnosed bipolar disorder. Your videos are valuable and help break down stigma
I'm so happy you're addressing this issue. I feel like I have it, but I'm not sure yet. My doctor and I are working on things right now to figure it out.
I was diagnosed ADD. My boyfriend is diagnosed as Bipolar. I think he's also ADHD. He thinks I'm Bipolar. They definitely overlap. Thank you for the videos you post. They're so helpful.
I have both and I must say you are right in everything you said. My life is a living hell, and I still haven’t been able to get the right meds or treatment to help me move on with my life.
My 19 yr old son was recently diagnosed and as a parent dealing with this, it's frightening. He has gone through everything you described you experienced. But also got into drugs on top of it. A couple of months ago, his mania carelessness and no regard to himself or others during a crazy driving episode landed him in the phyche ward for almost a month (where this was recently diagnosed) and will land him in jail on top of everything once it goes through the court system. I seem to be on the receiving end of his behaviour when he gets easily agitated and pissed off.
Hi, I also suffer from bipolar disorder and have done similar things to your son. Just know when we are depressed we feel the guilt of our actions and sometimes end up suicidal. Try to be strong because he doesn't mean any of it. He is going through hell internally and any little bit of agitation could lead to a complete meltdown. I hope he gets the help he deserves and reaches his full potential. I always say sorry when I snap at my parents but it breaks my heart to see what I am capable of and it makes me want to leave them. It is hard but continue to love your son and try to get him the best help available.
I'm TOTALLY impressed with your ability to deliver & express your knowledge and personal experiences. You're AWESOME!! I'm almost 50 yrs old & have researched & watched MANY channels, read books & seen soooo many doctors! I've gotten so much more out of you & your videos!! The only part of my bipolar (w/ dysphoric mania & moods can cycle daily & almost hourly), ADHD & generalized anxiety disorder diagnoses (1 Dr.said I have 7 of the 9 traits of Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms). What I don't understand is the racing thoughts and speech (that I personally call "diahrea of the mouth") where I find it nearly impossible to shut up. What a sight to see & worse to experience. To watch the faces of those "listening" to me is devastating! What is this part of? I've had many different explanations from doctors. What's your opinion?
Thanks a lot for this video. It's really helpful for me, since I question my diagnosis (diagnoses) from ignorant doctors constantly (as in...every second of the day that I'm awake). Your video helps put things in perspective for me, and I really appreciate that. For instance, now I am convinced that I was not up all night because of mania, but much moreso because I drank a very large cup of chilled coffee from Mcdonald's last night to help "stimulate" me, since I can't find a doctor to medicate me at the moment in this crappy state... I will continue to watch your other youtube videos as well.
Hi @chipinchina! Thanks for joining the conversation in the comments. I'm very accessible and happy to answer any questions you have... Below is a link to my private community on Patreon. It's where you can message me directly and I'll get back to you right away. We can also arrange a phone call if that would be more helpful. www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors -Rob
Excellent job! I'm diagnosed Bipolar 1 / ADHD. Aside from Abilify and Straterra being my key med stabilizers; its still trickey to manage both. Its like the bipolar side wants to create ideas and the adhd side thinks ideas are too much work!
Thankyou for all your tips! I recently found your site and find you easy to learn from,very informative. In a real bad cycle at the moment so trying to learn more. found this video informative as both my girls have ADD/ADHD so it was interesting hearing the cross overs.
Thank you so much for these videos! I have been so deep in depression... so much going on! A few years ago, I would wrap a belt around my neck as tight as I could and then go to sleep hoping... praying I wouldn’t wake up! I have gotten back to this again. My niece’s bf called the suicide hotline on me today. I told him I’d never talk to him again. I’m cutting people out of my life. So much is going on and I can’t keep up. I’ve got some physical issues happening that have slowed me down. I would LOVE to be manic again! I need to feel happy again-and for my chest to stop hurting! I feel so disconnected from the world these days!
This video is so useful!! I'm bipolar but I was first diagnosed as ADHD, and my bipolar neighboor the same. Only when we were drawning in depression, doctors canceled the ADHD diagnosis and spot the bipolarity.
Hi, Rob offers one on one support on Patreon if you are interested. He also posts more personal information about his day to day struggles. All patrons can contact him directly by private message and he frequently offers free phone calls!!! If you decide to join, you can mention my name and he will give you a free call. Another Patreon exclusive is Rob hosting and moderating weekly support groups on discord! We have many family and friends take part. Take gentle care! 🙏 Sometimes we all need someone to talk to: www.crisistextline.org/ teenlineonline.org/talk-now/ Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member (H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
Thank you for Polar Warriors. I started watching because I know a few people who have been diagnosed with this disorder. I also wanted to know the difference between someone who had Bipolar disorder and someone who was truly evil. I also have been soul searching. Even someone without this disorder can better themselves through the things that you share. I pray for you and I am thankful to God for you. Don't worry 😉 I am almost 63 and I am not hitting on you. Just a little humor. 😁 Enough said. This will be my 3rd Polar Warrior video that I am posting on my Facebook Page. 🙏 Blessings Anna
Hi Anna, I'm glad that you've found Rob's videos to be helpful. As far as people being evil, bipolar disorder has nothing to do with it. There may be some mean people who happen to have bipolar disorder but there are also many wonderful people who do. And many without bipolar disorder who are mean or nasty. It''s more a personality thing than it is the disorder. I hope you continue to learn more through Rob's videos. -Rachel (Polar Warriors Team Member)
I absolutely love your channel! I’m bipolar 2 and have add and it’s a very delicate balance to have them both treated so one doesn’t affect the other, so a correct medication regimen is utmost important. Having said that, I just want to mention that either conditions are not classified as mental illness anymore but a medical illness of the brain, it’s organic that’s why it is tricky to manage, just like a diabetes type I, thyroid disorders, and others like that. It is very hard for us to manage because it’s a brain disorder that has symptoms that are expressed as symptoms that mental illnesses have in common. But I think that making that distinction is extremely important to have a better understanding why we have such trouble managing it and living with it. I hope you find this helpful as it was to me to learn the real origin of my struggles and why we get episodes even though we are working our hearts out to get well.
Does any one here like me struggling with "who am I" question? I don't my personality and is this from me or from my bipolar?? Is my ups and downs like a flu or are they a part of me??
The solution for me was trying not to panic (to breath slowly and to be as still and confortable as I could be) and trying not to lose sight of who I REALLY was, despite of everything. Because when you hear you have this condition (or other, I can imagine) you tend to identify so much with the symptoms that you almost don't know anymore who you are! You put yourself in doubt! You put the symptoms occupying the place of who you are. And it doesn't feel good to do that and it is not good to put yourself in that position. Because one thing are the symptoms and a certain "illness", another thing is You. You are always you. But, with me, I had the same problem in the beginning, it felt scary, and I felt I was putting myself in great difficulties because there are no guidelines written anywhere (not counting with youtube videos, friends, family and doctors, which are or can be a help) to guide yourself through it. You feel as if your identity and personality is being removed, changed, even lost. But if you stop for a second and try to feel yourself, and who you are, you will find who you are and you will feel yourself. It may take some time and tranquility to find it, to feel it. For as difficult as sometimes it may seem, you are there, always. In my case, I tried to accept the symptoms I was experiencing and tried to understand them, why they were manifesting and appearing, and what were the causes of it. I searched for specialized information and books and read about it. And I found the answers. I started to pay more attention to certain things which have an important role and impact in my well being, such as sleep (I tried to have and maintain a good sleep routine and "hygiene"), food (eating healthy food and changing my diet for the better by discovering new and healthier ways of eating), meditation, sports (practicing some kind of sport or doing some physical exercise, activity), listening to music, dancing, art (painting, drawing), playing an instrument, going to the cinema, reading books, going for a walk... There are plenty of things that we can try and discover to see if it benefits us or if it does some good for us. The most important thing of all, I think, is to never lose sight of yourself and of who you are, taking into consideration also that we change many times and evolve.
This is great timing for me... I only just opened up to my doctor about 5 years ago and they diagnosed me with ADHD. Today my doctor added Trileptal to my regimen, stating "your symptoms seem bipolar and you're on a low... we will try a mood stabilizer." So today he put me on Trileptal (but only 150mg/night for the first week, then next week I think I up to 300mg/night) About 2 years ago I suddenly I couldn't sleep (and it's not from Adderall because I've stopped it a few months ago since I finished school). Anyway, I'm at a loss because my biggest issue is I get 2 or 3 hours of sleep A NIGHT, for the last 2 years. My only medication I'm on is Wellbutrin which I've been on for maybe 4 years, and had no sleeping issues until randomly 2 years ago. I've been using Ambien and Klonopin as sleep aids, but I've built such a high tolerance that I am uncomfortable using them. I'll use Catapress (clonidine) almost everyday for the last two years also in hopes of falling asleep, and when it doesn't work I have to use Ambien or Klonopin. My energy levels are 95% high and great, but I just have problems focusing, randomly worry about unimportant things... but taking the Klonopin recently for sleep I think has had it's rebound affects because the lows I'm having right now are STRONG and sudden... I've been alternating between clonidine, Ambien, and Klonopin for sleep, to hopefully avoid building a tolerance... but the tolerance is now where I can take up to 20mg of Ambien/night and still not sleep. I don't know who to turn to, and I'm on medicaid so even though I overall like my psychiatrist, he doesn't get me in until every 3 months and I'm limited as to my options of which doctors I can see (Bergen County, NJ). If anyone can give me guidance, and their input on Trileptal or whatever drugs they are taking, please help. I apologize in advance if this is not the proper forum to ask this, but I have no where else to go.
Interesting talk and deserves more views. This is about what doctors call differential diagnosis - defending your hypothesis or why something is one thing and not the other.
I always thought there was something wrong with me - maybe adhd -found out I was actually quite normal… with no mental or brain disorders 😮 I couldn’t imagine what it’s like to actually have a mental health disorder / being normal is hard enough man. God bless you all ❤
Hi, thank you for your videos. My name is Lisa. My son is bi polar. I love him dearly and i am trying to help him. It is so frustrating and painful. I pray to God to help me with our situation.
Ty Rob. I’m fairly new to your channel and learn so much. I identify with everything your speaking about. I was tested about 12 years ago. Long and grueling for me. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 rapid cycling..ADHD..DYSCALULAS. ( number blind). I’m 78 female. I live planning how to kill my self. I’ve taken soooo many different drugs. I’m working with a fairly new to me psychiatrist. He’s good enough. I trust his education and experience. But at my age I’m too exhausted to care I was told I have a very high IQ. The difference between smart ppl and high IQ ppl is creativity. Smart can memorize information and use it. High IQ can ppl can solve complex issues with ease. I’m a licensed Cosmetologist and a Trichologist. I took me 4x longer to learn because I kept repeating the class. I developed a way of learning that allows me to memorize just about anything. I make movies in my imagination of what ever I’m learning. I have a library playlist that I’m very proud of. I also learned that a major cause of suicide is that we don’t belong anywhere and we constantly try to fit in. Makes us sicker. To heal we must identify with our creativity. Ok I’ll stop now. Blessings to all my fellow people. 💈💃🏻🇺🇸🎶
Hi, Rob offers one on one support on Patreon if you are interested. He also posts more personal information about his day to day struggles like his recent hospital stay. For the month of July he is offering free phone calls to patrons. Another Patreon exclusive is Rob hosting and moderating weekly support groups on discord! Take gentle care! 🙏 Sometimes we all need someone to talk to: www.crisistextline.org/ teenlineonline.org/talk-now/ Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member (H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
My mom and brother both have Bipolar type 1 and i have been showing signs of type two this video has really helped me understand them on a deeper level and reconnect with them some and how they feel as ling as coming to terms that one day i could be diagnosed thank you.
Hi Madmaddy! In case you are interested Rob offers one on one support on Patreon and he has a weekly support group for patrons only on discord where you can ask questions as well. Take gentle care! Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
I saw a therapist over the summer for a month and in the first session he said I had ADHD. None of the therapist I had for years before ever mentioned ADHD. Which came as a huge shock for me, but at the same I have been debating my chronic depression diagnosis for 4 years because of episodes I have had that confused me and really screwed me up. So when I found a new therapist that I’ve been seeing for six months now and explaining what I’ve been dealing with, she told me that even though people who have adhd can have similar traits as bipolar disorder; she believed that what I was experiencing was more bipolar disorder than adhd. She was saying that I have bipolar 2 with add. I’m just waiting to see a psychiatrist to confirm and help start a health care plan. Thank you for clarifying the difference between the two!
Robert, thank you for this video! Actually, thank you for all your videos! You're videos are helping my newly diagnosed bipolar husband a great deal, as well as me too! Thank you! Do you do speaking engagements?? If not you should! Peace.
Yes. & Thank you! ( Years ago, I'd read an article about how ADD often gets misdiagnosed as Bipolar, and that was exactly what I wanted to believe around that time.) Clarifying the overlaps and differences of the two diagnosises, as well as when someone has both, can do a lot of good for people. -Much appreciated.
I'm really I found your channel. Hoping my 19 yr old with sud and had a psychotic episode a few weeks ago will watch someday. He doesn't yet see the dire circumstances before him.
Wait! You’re not a medical doctor? Well you speak with so much knowledge and understanding. You kept going on and on with si much information and I don’t think you had any cuts (editing must’ve been easy 😆) thank you so much for this information I appreciate it 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Omg! Yes new video!! Aaaand one that’s so relevant. I’ve been wondering about this since I have the dual diagnosis...been really questioning my adhd lately. I got the adhd diagnosis as an adult, then a couple of years later got bipolar 2 diagnosis.
The best explanation ever.Even better than any doctor or psychiatrists I've being to.I'd rather give you my money Rob than some doc that's says try this & come see me in 2weeks time.
Such a well-explained video. I have depression and was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Comparing the symptoms of ADHD and bipolar, I don't seem to fit the bipolar 2 diagnosis. However, the only thing that makes me wonder if I have bipolar is how I react to antidepressants. It either doesn't make much of a difference or I get slightly more impulsive, lose inhibition, then get really depressed and suicidal :/ Same with adhd meds
Hi J, Rob offers one on one support on Patreon if you are interested. He also posts more personal information about his day to day struggles like his recent hospital stay. Take gentle care! 🙏 Sometimes we all need someone to talk to: www.crisistextline.org/ teenlineonline.org/talk-now/ Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member (H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
Thank you for this video. I also have Bipolar 2 and ADHD. To add a little info - apparently, ADHD is associated/caused in part by serotonin shortage in the brain and therefore contributes to addiction issues and eating disorders as sufferers inadvertently try to self medicate. I have had great results with drug abuse and bulimia after getting on a treatment plan for both Bipolar and ADHD. I was misdiagnosed with depression for years before I deteriorated and got treatment from a different Doc. I would HIGHLY recommend that anyone that struggle with eating disorders or addiction of any kind, get tested by a professional for a Bipolar and ADHD combo.
i was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder, when i found out with being two different doctors who told me i'm not bipolar, my current doctor look through almost two years of notes from the previous doctor. she was caring about me and i was awful to her because i wanted to believe i had bipolar disorder. i've watch your videos for years and honestly never had all those experiences in your videos. I took bipolar medication for years and it caused me to react and feel even worse. i remember as a kid once being on that medication i went on a quick manic episode all the time. it's been two months on adhd medication and haven't even had a single manic episode. I believe i got lucky. but i lost everything because of believing and trusting through the traumatic diagnosed i experience as a kid. Now im hoping my ex will see that im not the guy she saw when i was on those medication and better than i ever was.
I have aspergers and bipolar mixed state rapid cycling. I was diagnosed with "manic depression" when I was 16 I was just getting used to an aspergers diagnosis when I recently got sectioned and called bi polar again. I thought that I had been misdiagnosed all these years. I was proud to have aspergers instead of bi polar! You can talk about aspergers! People admire your intelligence! I am ashamed to be bi polar. I've never come off meds because I thought that I didn't need them. People kept saying that I had aspergers, therefore I didn't need medication. I still took it but started reducing it myself because I didn't like the person that I was. I told family and doctors but they can't do anything for long covid or monitor you properly.
Thank you for your comment Rich and for subscribing! :) I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling. Having multiple diagnoses can be a challenge. I have more than one myself, I can relate. I hope you have a good support system in place. If you'd like to help support Rob in what he does with Polar Warriors I'd encourage you to consider joining him on Patreon. He posts exclusive content there and is able to reply to direct messages through that platform. There is also a wonderful support community in the community section. I'll include the link so you can check it out! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead! :) -Rachel (Polar Warriors team member) www.Patreon.com/PolarWarriors
Can I ask you what you personally experience when it comes to the symptoms of these diagnosis, can you distinguish something like "this is the adhd" and "this is the bipolar" clearly? I have bipolar 2 and suspect I have adhd because I have so many of the adhd symptoms but keep thinking what if its just the symptoms of bipolar. Rob focuses on the bipolar but I'm curious to what symptoms do people with both diagnosis have that people with only bipolar have. Would so much appreciate to hear some thought on this form someone who have been diagnosed with both.
I was told by therapist that I had some of the Worst ADHD she had ever experienced and I had been diagnosed bipolar around 1980. It is now 2000 when I was given that information regarding ADHD, and when I did an extremely deep dive with my ADHD, I came to the conclusion that my upbringing is what brought it on because of my challenging experiences as a child. And here’s something that’s completely counterintuitive. I use Adderall to treat my bipolar. Here’s my example if you have a garden hose with very high pressure water shooting out in all directions, that’s something like a manic episode, but if I was to put on a nozzle that directed and control the flow that’s almost similar to adding Adderall to a manic episode. It brings my thought process down and makes it more organized. I can explain more than that.
This is the first video I have seen that you have created. Thank you for the work that you are doing, I will be looking at your other videos and I have subscribed so I'll be updated on new videos. I suffer from BP1 with psychotic features, and I also have been diagnosed with ADHD in the past. Right now I'm in a depressive slump I think. I'm hoping things get better soon.
I have both..adhd since young but in my 20s I had a mental breakdown due to an MS relapse and once I recovered I wasnt the same..my adhd got way worse and I just got so ANGRY...needless to say years of therapy and gardening I've used plants as a form of therapy to deal with all 3 diagnoses
Thank you Rob for reiterating those fine lines that separate or combine us with disorders I am 13 years now diagnosed with 5 disorders bp1 mania mixed w rapid cycling topping the charts at the fabulous number one spot but followed so closely by Panic/Anxiety disorder OCD EXTREME next then here comes the mighty fine Personality Disorder & PTDS but NOW WE GET TO ADD AFTER 10 YEARS & THIS FRIDAY IS MY FREEDOM IF I'M WAITING FOR WORD THAT THIS PLACE I CAN RENT AND LEAVE MOVE RUN THIS FRIDAY TO FREEDOM FOR OVER A YEAR I HAVE STRUGGLED & SURVIVED FOR MY FREEDOM I HAVE ENDURED TEN YEARS OF BEING A VICTIM DIDN'T KNOW IT UNTIL THREE YEARS AGO A D FROM THAT MOMENT THIS MOMENT THE FREEDOM MOMENT HAS BEEN BEING PLANNED FOR THAT DAY THE DAY I GET MY FREEDOM BUT I NOW SUFFER FROM CPTDS I HAVE A LIFE COACH FOR THIS THE VICTIM OF A DIABOLICAL COVERT NARCISSIST BUT WHAT I THIS IS WHAT I Wanted to share with You I too had my Purpose in Life just recently a year ago Literally REVEALED TO ME IKR?! I had already had a page on facebook BRING AWARENESS I AM A VOICE⚘ & I had been doing that even before I created that page I have always SPOKE MY MIND I SPEAK FOR THOSE 2 LEGS 4 LEGS WHO CAN'T SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES I HAVE ALWAYS MY WHOLE LIFE DONE THAT BUT THE PURPOSE WAS NOT ONLY TO BRING AWARENESS BUT TO SHARE MY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MENTAL ILLNESS WUTH THOSE WHO ARE EXPERIENCING IT FOR THE FIRST TIME I REMEMBER MY TRANSITION IT WAS SO AWFUL I WAS 40 WHEN I HAD THE MENTAL MELTDOWN OF A LIFETIME I HAD NO Idea what it was about anyway long story short back in the day there weren't support groups or systems there wasn't all of these self help or crisis centers there wasn't ANYTHING! I WENT THRU MY TRANSITION TO THIS NEW WORLD OUR WORLD ALL ALONE NO DIRECTION NO WORDS NO GUIDANCE HERE I was in a World Completely UNKNOWN TO ME LOST WITHIN MYSELF I was all alone frozen with fear The silence was all around me yet deep inside my soul I was screaming at the top of my lungs for help for SOMEONE to PLEASE HEAR ME I'M ALL ALONE PLEASE I'M HERE I'M AFRAID PLEASE I'M HERE I never FORGOT that awful transition to this world & also they didn't tell you that you can NEVER go Back to the only World you've ever known NO You will never be ACCEPTED YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK UM NO They left that part the fuck out so as I learned & continue every day my brain is just a sponge it constantly soaks up knowledge its never ending but I write blogs I'm a freelance writer ikr?! I did one on triggers & how well you know yourself if you can identify your triggers so my Purpose is to help those as they transition over to their new World OUR WORLD I then spread the knowledge & they listen to every word & I tell them they Are Never Alone I recommend that all go to TheMighty.com the moment you click on it YOU are accepted without asking for acceptance YOU ARE WITH FAMILY NOW YOU WILL NEVER BE ALONE It is my purpose to always be HERE for them I NEVER WANT ANYONE TO EXPERIENCE ANYTHING LIKE WHAT I HAD TO GO THRU ALL ALONE NOONE SHOULD EVER HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE IT'S NOT OUR FAULT WE WE'RE BORN THIS WAY AND THIS IS THE LIFE WE WERE GIVEN TO ENDURE I just wanted to share my purpose with you because you shared your purpose with me & I respect that💖 Lauren⚘
ปีที่แล้ว +1
I was misdiagnosed Schizophrenic at first, then Schizoaffective and finally Bipolar (all the same doctor). Misdiagnosis is serious and can make a lot of harm. Edit: my current diagnosis is Bipolar
This video explains my adhd and bipolar 2 almost to a T. I was always the kid who spaced out but had grand ideas of the world and what I could do from a very young age. Then a lot of the stress of life, my body it just felt like it wasnt prepared for any of it, and despite all the love in the world, my body felt like it couldnt recieve it due to never truly feeling like im in the 'moment' or in control. Even writing this I feel an impulse to share, but what my purpose in writing it I forget even in the moment, and I lose train of thought very easily. I can have the best grades in the school (I have) and then the next year I feel as if school has no purpose because I didnt have my bipolar depression in check, and all those sleepless nights of me doing my best in school and on homework/essays, was just me experiencing mania and adhd hyperfocus on topics i loved. Its crazy to even think of how I lived so long unmedicated, and unfortunately it led to a skewed view of the world and morality, and made me question who I was as a person. But I know im stronger than my illness, my will to persist is something that I will grow and cherish, not something I should fear. I can channel the mental energy in a better way, now that I have the knowledge from people like you, who are just trying to assist others in the time we have. I hope i can get my adhd symptoms in check once I continue further with my treatment of bipolar 2 this year (Im turning 22 later this month, i was diagnosed 2 years ago, but only started receiving treatment 6 months ago because of another break from college). Anyway, thank you for your video. The gambling part helped me see some traits even my mother had as i grew up explaining methods of how we could put the money coming in to good use vs the casino, but sometimes it fell of deaf ears. I want to expand my knowledge on how to help others in my life.
Hi, Rob offers one on one support on Patreon if you are interested. He also posts more personal information about his day to day struggles. All patrons can contact him directly by private message and he frequently offers free phone calls!!! If you decide to join, you can mention my name and he will give you a free call. Another Patreon exclusive is Rob hosting and moderating weekly support groups on discord! We have many family and friends take part. Take gentle care! 🙏 Sometimes we all need someone to talk to: www.crisistextline.org/ teenlineonline.org/talk-now/ Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member (H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds www.patreon.com/PolarWarriors
By minute 3:00 I feel like crying frustrated with the reality that it’s not adhd and that it’s just getting worse and worse with my denial of what’s going on
Thank you so much for this!
Thank u .diagnosed 30 yrs with AdHd and Bi polar. Never have mania. Im depressed all the time..i take on 1 mood.stabizer .is my Diagnosis wrong?
Interesting thanks
“Sometimes you have to lose your mind to come to your senses” … you have no idea how profound this quote is 🙏🏼
I was misdiagnosed ADD/ODD at 13. I found out I had Bipolar at 36. All those years of struggle. I'm now 39 and have my shit together, rebuilding my life, and relationships. It's actually going very well. There is hope my friends.
Tim Standaert hi there Tim ! Pls share how you rebuild your life ...
I feelyou brother
Tim Standaert Wow your story sounds nearly similar to mine’s. I was also misdiagnosed with ADHD during my childhood but then three years ago at age 33 I was probably diagnosed with BP2 and years I started to wonder if I really was Bipolar because I’d either over joyful and confident and very active but then out of the blue I’d start feeling depressed and I’d isolate myself from everybody or I’d lose interest in the things I enjoy doing. I’m now 36 and I’m now in a much better place mental health wise and I haven’t had any major depression since then 🤩😁
Thank you for the encouragement! I'm 36 and have only now been "shown the light", so to speak. Knowing that there is hope and that maybe I, too, can get my shit together and rebuild my life by age 39, literally helps guide me on a better path. Thank you.
yea thats me too
I have Bipolar II and ADHD. I appreciate what you do so much. So many doctors don't bother explaining or putting things in context. A resource like yours helps us get the most out of our doctors as well as helping us make our loves ones understand.
He is so amazing I can understand what he is saying sitting in the doctors chair is intinateding ecpecially when you really don't know what is wrong with you
I also have Bipolar Disorder and ADHD. May I ask how you deal with it?
AnimeAshOgoshi I can share some of my experience. Dealing with ADHD and Bipolar is a challenge. To live with either you need to manage your sleep, diet, activity and emotional state. Bipolar and ADHD make that very difficult. Also ADHD makes it hard to develop healthy habits because it is difficult to practice. So here is how I try to work around these.
1) For Bipolar I focus on my meds. I take them on time and I understand what the do. I work with my Dr to make sure my doses and meds are the best possible. This provides stability.
2) ADHD I take my meds and work with my therapist on building better habits/skills. I try to identify ways I get stuck and we practice new ways of approaching problems.
3) Wellness. Sleep, diet, exercise help us manage our conditions and get the most out of life. It is difficult for me addressing wellness, so I try to have micro goals. Goals so simple I can do them everyday. Then I try and build on these goals to do more. Building confidence is important because ADHD and Bipolar can really bring us down.
@@BecomeUseful Are you taking a stimulant? Have you had any trouble with them triggering bipolar symptoms?
I am taking a stimulant. It hasn’t triggered mania in me. If you have ADHD and you’re on the right med/dose then the stimulant has the opposite effect it would have for most people.
However I have had antidepressants trigger mania.
I had the opposite. I was misdiagnosed with bipolar (despite never, ever having a "magical mania" feeling, never engaging in manic behavior, and always having a reason (situational) when I was depressed.) I was put on meds that did more harm than good and it wasn't until I was an adult that I *finally* got the right diagnosis of ADHD, medication, and treatment. My life is so much better now. Although I really wish I didn't have to wait so long to get the correct diagnosis, but because I was a girl, I wasn't flunking school, nor running around the classroom hyper, I suffered for a long time and was given medication I didn't need. However, I'm thankful it was finally figured out and I'm on the right path.
This is me omg 😢
Me too😭😭
48 and finally diagnosed and medicated. Wow, what difference!
I was never treated for either and didn't get treatment until I was in my 60's. I was depressed and suicidal since I was 5 yrs old and have been all my life. I now am on meds for my bipolar and depression. I don't think about suicide anymore. I had a very tough time as a child with this. I also have CPTSD and insomnia for all my life. The meds help me now and am so fortunate to be alive. Thank you very much for what you do Robert. I've given your site to the counsellors at our local crisis center. It has helped them to help others. You are very appreciated.
Grammy D thanks for sharing
I’m 54 and I appreciate your comments
Much Love
Thank you. This is important. My brother first got diagnosed ADHD. After years and years of struggling me and two of my siblings got the diagnoses BiPolar and finally got the right help.
I just posted in the main comment section. I wanted to ask you how your brother is now? What medications is he on? I may be in the same boat as him, I'm just so lost right now. Do I have ADHD, do I have Bipolar? Do I have anxiety disorder? Is this a "co-occurrence disorder"?
Any guidance or info I'd really appreciate.
Robert you are the best. When I watch you I feel it's Ok to have bipolar disorder. Your like-ability, and easy way of talking about our condition is comforting. I'm sorry that you suffer. So do I. A few years ago I stopped trying to explain to my friends what my experience was like. That did not work. Their suggestions completely missed the mark. But whenever I walk into a DBSA meeting (Depression Bipolar Support Alliance) meeting I can sense that everyone just understands without having to explain. I've found the right meds and the right treatment plan on my own and I am doing OK most of the time. But I'll have days when the train feels like it is going to jump the tracks. But even those days are not so bad. I've got a good life.
So I am very glad you are brave and good at doing what you do here on TH-cam. Thank you.
Kevin, you hit the nail on the head. My family and friends don’t understand. I bought a bipolar workbook when I was manic and was going to go through it and do all this research so I could be Superman and “beat it.” I cycle through fairly quickly so that failed. The book is around the house somewhere or maybe in a storage building. I’m getting off track... my sister, who thinks she’s my mom, read ONE FREAKING SENTENCE OR PHRASE and all of a sudden she had a PHD in BP! She told me when I get “off track,” I need to stop myself. It’s not that easy! UGH! She did say that she understands why I have done the things I’ve done though. I wonder if she really understands? Probably not... not with her PHD, ya know?!
Excellent video, as usual! I would strongly urge many people to watch as I feel the two are often misdiagnosed. I was diagnosed with manic depression or bipolar disorder when I was 16, & later (18) diagnosed with ADHD as well. (comorbid). At that age I was not on any medications for either illness but I can say that episodes of my bipolar were extremely heightened- and usually not in a good way. It took years of doctors and lots of honesty from me to get me right. Self-medicating via drugs or alcohol is so common, and so detrimental. Now, on a great course of diet, exercise, therapy and medication, I am (willing) and able to treat both - which keeps my spark but doesn't completely put out the flame. 😉
Loved this video! 💜 (Bipolar 1 & ADHD & PTSD)
Thank you. I was misdiagnosed with Bipolar II, severe depression, ADHD, you name it. The past two years have been some of the hardest in my life, mostly because of these misdiagnoses. I've always known deep down that I've had bipolar 1 but would not admit it out loud. I am currently seeing a new doctor and have been put on bipolar medication, which has helped me tremendously. the hardest part in all of this throughout my entire life has been trying to get doctors to listen to me. I believe I have bipolar 1 and ADHD and I believe I've had both my entire life. Thank you for giving me the courage to finally say this to My doctor. I have a phone appointment this Tuesday and plan on telling her just that. I'm tired of being told by a "professional" that I have a black and white, cut and dry disease, when in fact I know there is something more to it. Just....thank you for being so open and honest. You have helped me over the past few months more than I can properly put into words. So of all this rambling....thank you.
The best explanation I have ever heard comparing ADHD and Bipolar.
My son was diagnosed a severe behavior disorder in Kindergarten...2 yrs later he was diagnosed mostly deaf!
Then came diagnose of ADHD..
I refused meds for him and we fought the school.
Then at 16 i saw all the signs of Bipilar i ignored earlier...
Hyped up energy..talking fast...i can do anything attitude..no sleep..then severe depression..sleeping alot...hiding in his room..this was up n down and he started drinking at 18..then pot smoking...he was super intelligent andchad few problems in school but he dropped out of college...his ups n downs got worse..
He went from workaholic to alcoholic and now at 35 alk i basically see is a wasted young man drinking sex and bars is his life....Ive talked to him so often about bipolar...I have it..his great grandfather and 2 great uncles had it..possibly my great aunt on moms side..rampant in this family.
He wont get professionally diagnosed or seek help. He knows I am on meds that help and I gave him lots of tools to help...he just wont do it..
I'm so fearful he will have a bad end...he has many factors in his life besides deafness..rejection from bio dad..abusive step dad..me being "off the wall" most of his life..etc...
Any suggestions.
I would love for him to watch your videos they are sooooo helpful...
Anyway thank you for you...you do help me realize bipolar is doable❤
I was diagnosed as bipolar I at 17 but when I was diagnosed and treated for adhd at 38 I received so much clarity in my life💜
Rob thank you for cutting through all the fluff and junk. You make it so much easier to understand this disease. I have wrested with this question all my life. This is the best explanation I've gotten yet. Thank you again
I have to live with both of these disorders (BP II, Combined Presentation ADHD).
I am so thankful that I found a Psychiatrist, as well as an excellent physician that were finally able to help me.
I wasn't diagnosed until I was 24, and my academic, social, and romantic life suffered greatly.
I'm doing a lot better, (not perfect, and trying to balance things is hard), but I can say with honesty that it can, and does get better, so if you are struggling, don't give up hope!
So remember, when you are feeling like you can't keep going on, if something doesn't work out, you still learned what doesn't work, and you can try something new next time.
I also have Bipolar Disorder and ADHD. May I ask how you deal with it?
I am now in my 60s and I have recently realized that I don't always recognize that someone close to me has both adhd and bipolar, even though I have received treatment off and on for 3 decades.However, when I observed the psychotic break, then suddenly, I could observe their layers of chaos. I could listen and understand. Thank you so much for your help with this community of highly intelligent and capable people who need kindness and care.
I have ADHD and was undiagnosed until I was 18! The ONLY statement I personally disagree with is that ADHD sufferer's act on impulse and CHOOSE what to do! In my early years I just had to get a crazy idea in my head and I would do it without a moments hesitation OR considering the consequences! However I worked very hard to develop my own coping mechanisms as otherwise I was going to continue to be arrested and would have ended up in prison! I appreciate the help and insights into bipolar disorder and your videos have helped me a lot so thanks very much
I was diagnosed with ADHD, at first and a couple years later, just a few days ago, i was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type 2. I still believe i have ADHD but a less severe form.
Me too. I feel dumbfounded. I still take my adhd meds.
Me too just found out Monday. I’m devastated and I haven’t told anyone until just now
I got diagnosed with Bipolar 1 after a psychotic break; but I also highly suspect I have ADHD and want to get assessed for it asap. I've been thinking I have ADHD since before I had the break and it's been a thing for as long as I can remember.
Thank you Robert for doing this segment of Bipolar and ADHD differences.
I am a psychologist with bipolar type 2... my boyfriend have ADHD and I think my father have Bipolar disorder and ADHD... BUT its still very hard to make the difference... this video was such a help for me! You should make one with the diferences between Bipolar disorder and Borderline Personality. Thanks!!
I think they all share a common pathology but are different stages of the same disease or disease expression. You can actually see this where a person starts out with ADHD, then it goes into bipolar and then into CFS and fibromyalgia.
Thank you so much for this distinction. My bipolar symptoms began very young but I was diagnosed with ADD and my parents didn't believe in Psychiatry necessarily so I wasn't diagnosed as bipolar until I was 32 which made my life unbelievably difficult up until that time.
I’ve just found your channel and as someone with Biplolar Type 1 with Mixed States and Rapid Cycling as well as Generalised Anxiety Disorder life can be a literal roller coaster. I have wondered if I also have ADHD but have not worried about a formal diagnosis as I’m pretty stable med wise and don’t want to mess with it.
It’s nice to know I’m not alone.
Hey there ! Rob is available on patreon. You can message him, text or even have a call with him there. For a very limited time he is offering free support phone calls for all patrons right now in which he can lend an ear, give advice or answer questions. Take gentle care.
Sometimes we all need someone to talk to:
Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member
(H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds
On Patreon, you can message Rob directly, get a phone/video call, watch videos that are more personal in nature, and access a great community.
please excuse this traumadumping in a video four years old, it just really hit home for me.
so i was given what i keep referring to as a 'soft diagnosis' of bipolar about two weeks ago and i'm so frustrated about the whole thing because i first started showing symptoms and was clearly in a manic episode when i was about 21, but was told by a psychiatrist i have adhd. got a full diagnosis and changed meds. this recent 'soft diagnosis' (ie changing meds and seeing the effects of them quite early) has essentially confirmed i have both
in retrospect, i absolutely did what you mentioned in the video in my initial assessment - even though i had all the hallmarks of a manic episode, i was telling the first psychiatrist everything he wanted to hear, dodging the topic and didn't even mention any of my negative symptoms because i was embarrassed and i really didn't want that diagnosis.
thank you for this video. i've been trying to list off my clear symptoms of mania and differentiate them from my adhd feelings and showing these differences this clearly really help. i'm due to see this second psychiatrist again next month and hopefully my deeper understanding will get me the diagnosis i clearly need now four years later.
Did you find someone to diagnose you ? I need a to find someone to do an assessment via telehealth
I wish people understood more about this. I’m on meds and in therapy, did 2 PHP/IOPs within a year... and they’ve helped, but I still struggle. I feel like people expect me to be okay now forever. And I sometimes forget and expect that too, and get frustrated when my I’m highly symptomatic. I blame myself and have to eventually remember it’s just an illness. I can’t control every single aspect of it. It’s scary really. And it’s great to see how it differs from ADHD because online I saw I had many symptoms, yet my symptoms line up more accurately and consistently with bipolar. Your channel really helped me help my doctors diagnose me and get me help.
Im 52 and did not realized i have ADHD till diagnoser at 40..I just thought I was extremely forgetful and disorgamized due to extreme business and stress.
My daughter was diagnosed woth bipolar 2 at age 14. She is 30 now and struggle to maintain normal activity during manic episodes.
I was diagnosed with bipolar and unsuccessfully treated ... Finally at 31 I was diagnosed with addhd... Meds finally helped. I do have both though
One of the symptoms of bipolar is not thinking you have bipolar
@@rwheels6471 Well, but at the same time, some folks might be misdiagnosed; so that's not the fairest of symptoms.
You gnow more than these doctors. Thanks for putting clarity out there. The mixed mania with bipolar 1 is no joke & is hardly ever spoken on.
Thank you so much. You just shut down an episode from ensuing❤
If I could give you a big hug through this internet I so would. You're unlocking tools and information I have searched for all my life, and everytime I try to blame something else, like the thyroid, for instance, I listen to you and face my facts once more. I so needed this today!
I was suggested to have ADD when younger, so no medication was "needed". Now I have bipolar, I can see how measleading it was for my 17 years old self to hear that
things we kinda forget with time...thank you so much...Im diagnose with both...🙃
You got this!
Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member
Smashed it out the park again Rob xxx
Your username just made my day! Lol! And yes, it really is... 🤣😉🙂🤗
I agree 💯! Your username crushes it! Signed:
Ain'tBipolarABitch! 😂😂😂😉
Some days it’s Ain’t Bipolar A Baffoon
If anyone interested I have live fb vlog unedited vid- journal thingy of MY life as a bipolar Polar warrior
Secret polar bear living in the wrong climate
⚠️strong unedited language no script etc so mute around the kids & fragile sensibilities
If interested pm me I can share where to find it...... if that’s ok saying on here Rob x
@@nicolaalford0 Rob doesn't mind sharing or promoting ones own work in this context. Spamming isn't allowed obviously.
- Dianna
Polar Warrior Team Member
For additional content consider joining us on Patreon!
Thank you Rob. I've been having some really bad days lately. Those are some SHOCKING statistics about the suicide rate. I know I struggle with that myself. I thought about Robin Williams when you started talking about celebrities...so sad😔
I have both. My doctor quickly handed me an adderall prescription when I told him that I felt like my bipolar was under control but that my ADD, that I had as a kid, was destroying my life. The adderall gives me mania, but it is so nice to finally be able to focus...FINALLY...so that I can get things done. I've been able to clean things up and manage my life...but I now struggle with the mania part and I'm afraid to say anything to lose the focus I finally got with adderall.
"Walking in molasas".... I used to call it thinking in treacle... Wow...
I was diagnosed ADHD in elementary school on through middle school. Late middle school / early high school I quit taking my meds and just lived life. Struggled all though my teens and twenties. Wasn't until I was 30 (now 36) that I was diagnosed bipolar 1. I didn't know that my obsessions and "hobbies" were manias 😂 I definitely knew the depression side. Over the past few years you (along with my docs) have helped me to understand myself and answer / explain questions I've had all my life and couldn't explain it. Thank you so, so, much man. You are definitely doing a good thing. Keep motivated! Thanks again.
Lloyd Lupfer what are your hobbies and obssessions?
@@zz-ic6vy they come and go. Silversmithing, gold Prospecting, Flint knapping, lapidary work, mycology/mushroom hunting, vaporizer coil building, horticulture, my current interest is in the stock market. The list goes on. Funny thing is that once one has subsided I don't really go back to them. Nevertheless, my wife still keeps all the stuff I aquire so that when I do I don't have to buy more things 😂
@@zz-ic6vy why do you ask? 😊
I have recently been diagnosed with Bipolar II, ADHD, and OCD. At 53 years old, It's a lot to process and take in. There are days when I can face it head on, and other days, I just hide out from the world and my motivation is drained. Thank you for putting some things into perspective, PW.
Hey there! Rob is available on patreon. You can message him, text or even have a call with him there. For a very limited time he is offering free support phone calls for all patrons right now in which he can lend an ear, give advice or answer questions. Take gentle care.
Sometimes we all need someone to talk to:
Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member
(H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds
On Patreon, you can message Rob directly, get a phone/video call, watch videos that are more personal in nature, and access a great community.
Take happy mushrooms a cap a day see how your perception changes
I was diagnosed with ADHD and dysthymia at 27. I am now noticing the depression comes in waves or cycles, with periods of normalcy or maybe a slight elation of mood and outlook in between. Not sure what to think now, but omg I so relate to the molasses description, that was the most prominent symptoms for me that caused me to seek help
Children should be educated this information at school.
It will have an understanding of peers with these conditions throughout life, in an informed educated manner.
And will make the world a better place for everyone.
Keep up your good work.X
You have cleared up some differences for me. Yes I may have ADHD, but I am definitely Bipolar II. I recognized myself when you mentioned that while manic a person may do something that they absolutely wouldn't do in a more passive state of mind. Me in a bit shell. Thanks again Rob.
Thank god I have a great doctor he doesn’t just medicate he talks to
So important, and awesome for you!
The reason they don't all do that is insurance has to be billed two ways. If you get along with your med provider n they ain't a jerk they'll talk. But if they are officially qualified our stupid system makes it more expensive.
@@rwheels6471 So true mental health in America sucks period
Lester Lasa hello, my son has HADD I dont think medicate we’ll be halp? I dont trost tham .well be happy if you shear information vith me .thanks
Lester Lasa Most of them do.
Can you do one of these comparing bipolar and Autism. I feel like they have just as much overlap as bipolar and ADHD, and people on the spectrum are often first misdiagnosed as bipolar.
That would be a great video. I've been diagnosed bipolar with ADHD but my son has autism which mostly effects his sensory processing. I also feel like there's a lot of overlap and wonder if it may be a better diagnosis. For now I'm trusting in my psychologist and being treated for bp and (innatentive) add
@@Chris-fj4ez there defenitely is.. i have both Autism and ADHD.. there are also a ton of overlaps between ADHD and Borderline disorder.. my mother was diagnosed with borderline.. however there are a lot of things she struggles with that also are very ADHD like bad concentration so for all wee know she could be misdiagnosed as well and actually has ADHD wich would make sense
Feels like a triad. ADHD overlaps with bipolar and autism
This is an extremely informative video. I was recently diagnosed with adhd and manic depression. Doc put me on lamictal and adderal. It’s been only a week so I suppose it’s too soon to really know if the lamictal is working. So far with the Meds I’ve had ups and Downs.
Ups: I’ve been able to think more clearly, and I’m not overwhelmed by the smallest task. I no longer have impulsive urges, I’m actually listening to people when they speak, I’m learning more quickly and doing everything more efficiently
Downs: insomnia (probably from taking too high a dose in the evening), loss of appetite, I experienced depression twice so far, and not feeling sociable (only a couple times so far)
Both of these illnesses run in my family and so I’m not sure what I have.
La haha I 😮😮 was😮😢
I I am a
When I was a kid in the mid/late 90's-early2000's and struggling with undiagnosed bipolar 1 and aspergers they didn't diagnose bipolar in kids. My first psychotic episode was at 11 years old. I was diagnosed with all kinds of things but never ADHD. I did have a few clinicians say it was likely bipolar but they couldn't diagnose it. I was labeled odd, various anxiety disorders, depression, intermittent explosive disorder to name a few. I got my official diagnosis right before my 18th birthday. My ASD diagnosis just happened recently at 31 years old.
Yes, the lines can in fact blurr easily, Rob. Correct diagnosis is paramount. Adhd isn't my comorbidity but I went through the whole primary care spewing MDD & throwing standalone anti's.. sending me all the way up the mountain where psych docs & stabilizers hang. When you deal with combo illness the dial is just all the way up, perhaps even broken.
Thanks for your archive.
Thank you so much for this! I am a PMHNP student, and your video was more helpful than all of my text books! So grateful you are making these videos and making huge differences in so many lives!
Hi are you qualified yet I'm wanting a assessment done via telehealth I can't find 1 where I am. If you can help that would be great
The sad part of all of this content...is that most people are so lost in the system from inpatient doctors. I want to thank you so much for your bravery and tenacity about helping us BPD folks.
Harlem buttafly Thank you for taking the time to comment and a very warm welcome to the channel :-)
Thanks for sharing. Depression/Anxiety and mental health in general have such a stigma in our society and the more people like yourself talk about it the more the stigma will reduce in our society. My channel is solely about mental health and reducing this stigma. So many people do not seek treatment because they are afraid what people will say and this is destroying people’s lives. This needs to stop. Keep up the great work.
My bf has both and he's really into me right now. I'm waiting for something to happen at some point and feel better prepared by watching your videos. I really care about him. Thank you for taking the time to explain all of this.
Did everything work out?
Peer support would be how is phrase that. I love what u do for us man... You are doin good things my brother. Hold your head up high. You deserve mad recognition
I begin to cry because this discribe me so well.. I felt you really understand me
Dude this is literally the video I’ve been looking for. I wasn’t aware that there was a relationship between ADHD and Bipolar but I’m aware of the relationship/sliding scale of (schizophrenia/bipolar) and autism and the relationship of dopamine. I’m no doctor but I would definitely I am ADHD and Bipolar Psychosis. I’ve been undiagnosed for Nearly 36 years and I’m about to pay for a private psychiatrist to get the help I need.
This was such great information!! My 18 yo son is out of control.. diagnosis in 5th grade with ADHD.. now mood disorder.. smokes marijuana but won’t take other meds... tearing our family apart( mostly me) I’m so lost with where to go from here😢
You are such a brave man - understanding and dealing with oneself is one of the hardest things, actually I think its THE biggest challenge in the universe - because its key to dealing with the world. Thank you so much for the info - I am super ware of these things as my family has suffered from both ADHD + bI-polar - I wish you good mental and physical health in the future - what you are doing is invaluable work.
Hi Karen!!! I totally agree! I always say that working on one's self is the hardest work of all. In case you are interested Rob offers one on one support on Patreon and he has a support group for patrons only on discord where we have a lot of loved ones who attend. He also has a specific group for partners and family as well. Would love to have you there!
Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member
Your videos are brilliant. So hard to put this stuff in to words, very helpful to have someone explain things so clearly, makes it easier to explain to others
Wow, thank you!
The more of your videos I watch the more I’m convinced that I know someone with undiagnosed bipolar disorder. Your videos are valuable and help break down stigma
I'm so happy you're addressing this issue. I feel like I have it, but I'm not sure yet. My doctor and I are working on things right now to figure it out.
I was diagnosed ADD. My boyfriend is diagnosed as Bipolar. I think he's also ADHD. He thinks I'm Bipolar. They definitely overlap. Thank you for the videos you post. They're so helpful.
I have both and I must say you are right in everything you said. My life is a living hell, and I still haven’t been able to get the right meds or treatment to help me move on with my life.
My 19 yr old son was recently diagnosed and as a parent dealing with this, it's frightening. He has gone through everything you described you experienced. But also got into drugs on top of it. A couple of months ago, his mania carelessness and no regard to himself or others during a crazy driving episode landed him in the phyche ward for almost a month (where this was recently diagnosed) and will land him in jail on top of everything once it goes through the court system. I seem to be on the receiving end of his behaviour when he gets easily agitated and pissed off.
Hi, I also suffer from bipolar disorder and have done similar things to your son. Just know when we are depressed we feel the guilt of our actions and sometimes end up suicidal. Try to be strong because he doesn't mean any of it. He is going through hell internally and any little bit of agitation could lead to a complete meltdown. I hope he gets the help he deserves and reaches his full potential. I always say sorry when I snap at my parents but it breaks my heart to see what I am capable of and it makes me want to leave them. It is hard but continue to love your son and try to get him the best help available.
I'm TOTALLY impressed with your ability to deliver & express your knowledge and personal experiences. You're AWESOME!! I'm almost 50 yrs old & have researched & watched MANY channels, read books & seen soooo many doctors! I've gotten so much more out of you & your videos!! The only part of my bipolar (w/ dysphoric mania & moods can cycle daily & almost hourly), ADHD & generalized anxiety disorder diagnoses (1 Dr.said I have 7 of the 9 traits of Borderline Personality Disorder symptoms). What I don't understand is the racing thoughts and speech (that I personally call "diahrea of the mouth") where I find it nearly impossible to shut up. What a sight to see & worse to experience. To watch the faces of those "listening" to me is devastating! What is this part of? I've had many different explanations from doctors. What's your opinion?
THANK YOU for making this video!! I will share it with my family members and hopefully they will find it as enlightening as I did!
Thanks a lot for this video. It's really helpful for me, since I question my diagnosis (diagnoses) from ignorant doctors constantly (as in...every second of the day that I'm awake). Your video helps put things in perspective for me, and I really appreciate that. For instance, now I am convinced that I was not up all night because of mania, but much moreso because I drank a very large cup of chilled coffee from Mcdonald's last night to help "stimulate" me, since I can't find a doctor to medicate me at the moment in this crappy state... I will continue to watch your other youtube videos as well.
Hi @chipinchina! Thanks for joining the conversation in the comments. I'm very accessible and happy to answer any questions you have...
Below is a link to my private community on Patreon. It's where you can message me directly and I'll get back to you right away. We can also arrange a phone call if that would be more helpful.
Excellent job! I'm diagnosed Bipolar 1 / ADHD. Aside from Abilify and Straterra being my key med stabilizers; its still trickey to manage both. Its like the bipolar side wants to create ideas and the adhd side thinks ideas are too much work!
You took stratera and abilify??
Was it good?
Thankyou for all your tips! I recently found your site and find you easy to learn from,very informative. In a real bad cycle at the moment so trying to learn more. found this video informative as both my girls have ADD/ADHD so it was interesting hearing the cross overs.
Thank you so much for these videos! I have been so deep in depression... so much going on! A few years ago, I would wrap a belt around my neck as tight as I could and then go to sleep hoping... praying I wouldn’t wake up! I have gotten back to this again. My niece’s bf called the suicide hotline on me today. I told him I’d never talk to him again. I’m cutting people out of my life. So much is going on and I can’t keep up. I’ve got some physical issues happening that have slowed me down. I would LOVE to be manic again! I need to feel happy again-and for my chest to stop hurting! I feel so disconnected from the world these days!
This video is so useful!! I'm bipolar but I was first diagnosed as ADHD, and my bipolar neighboor the same. Only when we were drawning in depression, doctors canceled the ADHD diagnosis and spot the bipolarity.
Hi, Rob offers one on one support on Patreon if you are interested. He also posts more personal information about his day to day struggles. All patrons can contact him directly by private message and he frequently offers free phone calls!!! If you decide to join, you can mention my name and he will give you a free call. Another Patreon exclusive is Rob hosting and moderating weekly support groups on discord! We have many family and friends take part. Take gentle care! 🙏
Sometimes we all need someone to talk to:
Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member
(H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds
Does anyone *in a manic episode* feel like they’re car is on neutral but they’re foot is down on the gas taccing the engine up to 5 or 6
My brain goes MANGMANGMANGMANG 24/7, beer does NOT HELP
Omg can’t believe u said this, I get this feeling too wow 😳❤️
yea i do, thats that anger rage
Thank you for Polar Warriors. I started watching because I know a few people who have been diagnosed with this disorder. I also wanted to know the difference between someone who had Bipolar disorder and someone who was truly evil. I also have been soul searching. Even someone without this disorder can better themselves through the things that you share. I pray for you and I am thankful to God for you. Don't worry 😉 I am almost 63 and I am not hitting on you. Just a little humor. 😁 Enough said. This will be my 3rd Polar Warrior video that I am posting on my Facebook Page. 🙏 Blessings
Hi Anna, I'm glad that you've found Rob's videos to be helpful. As far as people being evil, bipolar disorder has nothing to do with it. There may be some mean people who happen to have bipolar disorder but there are also many wonderful people who do. And many without bipolar disorder who are mean or nasty. It''s more a personality thing than it is the disorder. I hope you continue to learn more through Rob's videos. -Rachel (Polar Warriors Team Member)
You explain things so well...so helpful and informative learning about the condition from the 'inside' Thankyou!
I absolutely love your channel! I’m bipolar 2 and have add and it’s a very delicate balance to have them both treated so one doesn’t affect the other, so a correct medication regimen is utmost important. Having said that, I just want to mention that either conditions are not classified as mental illness anymore but a medical illness of the brain, it’s organic that’s why it is tricky to manage, just like a diabetes type I, thyroid disorders, and others like that. It is very hard for us to manage because it’s a brain disorder that has symptoms that are expressed as symptoms that mental illnesses have in common. But I think that making that distinction is extremely important to have a better understanding why we have such trouble managing it and living with it. I hope you find this helpful as it was to me to learn the real origin of my struggles and why we get episodes even though we are working our hearts out to get well.
Does any one here like me struggling with "who am I" question? I don't my personality and is this from me or from my bipolar?? Is my ups and downs like a flu or are they a part of me??
I often feel the same exact way and I wish I could give you an answer
Im struggling with this exact question, from what I can acquire, it is apart of Bipolar Disorder.
The solution for me was trying not to panic (to breath slowly and to be as still and confortable as I could be) and trying not to lose sight of who I REALLY was, despite of everything. Because when you hear you have this condition (or other, I can imagine) you tend to identify so much with the symptoms that you almost don't know anymore who you are! You put yourself in doubt! You put the symptoms occupying the place of who you are. And it doesn't feel good to do that and it is not good to put yourself in that position. Because one thing are the symptoms and a certain "illness", another thing is You. You are always you.
But, with me, I had the same problem in the beginning, it felt scary, and I felt I was putting myself in great difficulties because there are no guidelines written anywhere (not counting with youtube videos, friends, family and doctors, which are or can be a help) to guide yourself through it.
You feel as if your identity and personality is being removed, changed, even lost.
But if you stop for a second and try to feel yourself, and who you are, you will find who you are and you will feel yourself. It may take some time and tranquility to find it, to feel it. For as difficult as sometimes it may seem, you are there, always.
In my case, I tried to accept the symptoms I was experiencing and tried to understand them, why they were manifesting and appearing, and what were the causes of it. I searched for specialized information and books and read about it. And I found the answers.
I started to pay more attention to certain things which have an important role and impact in my well being, such as sleep (I tried to have and maintain a good sleep routine and "hygiene"), food (eating healthy food and changing my diet for the better by discovering new and healthier ways of eating), meditation, sports (practicing some kind of sport or doing some physical exercise, activity), listening to music, dancing, art (painting, drawing), playing an instrument, going to the cinema, reading books, going for a walk...
There are plenty of things that we can try and discover to see if it benefits us or if it does some good for us.
The most important thing of all, I think, is to never lose sight of yourself and of who you are, taking into consideration also that we change many times and evolve.
It is amazing how you are so knowledgeable and yes u do sound like a medical professional even though you're not a doctor! You are so amazing!
This is so interesting, I found your honest and clear experience important.
I'm so glad!
This is great timing for me... I only just opened up to my doctor about 5 years ago and they diagnosed me with ADHD. Today my doctor added Trileptal to my regimen, stating "your symptoms seem bipolar and you're on a low... we will try a mood stabilizer." So today he put me on Trileptal (but only 150mg/night for the first week, then next week I think I up to 300mg/night)
About 2 years ago I suddenly I couldn't sleep (and it's not from Adderall because I've stopped it a few months ago since I finished school). Anyway, I'm at a loss because my biggest issue is I get 2 or 3 hours of sleep A NIGHT, for the last 2 years. My only medication I'm on is Wellbutrin which I've been on for maybe 4 years, and had no sleeping issues until randomly 2 years ago. I've been using Ambien and Klonopin as sleep aids, but I've built such a high tolerance that I am uncomfortable using them. I'll use Catapress (clonidine) almost everyday for the last two years also in hopes of falling asleep, and when it doesn't work I have to use Ambien or Klonopin.
My energy levels are 95% high and great, but I just have problems focusing, randomly worry about unimportant things... but taking the Klonopin recently for sleep I think has had it's rebound affects because the lows I'm having right now are STRONG and sudden...
I've been alternating between clonidine, Ambien, and Klonopin for sleep, to hopefully avoid building a tolerance... but the tolerance is now where I can take up to 20mg of Ambien/night and still not sleep.
I don't know who to turn to, and I'm on medicaid so even though I overall like my psychiatrist, he doesn't get me in until every 3 months and I'm limited as to my options of which doctors I can see (Bergen County, NJ).
If anyone can give me guidance, and their input on Trileptal or whatever drugs they are taking, please help. I apologize in advance if this is not the proper forum to ask this, but I have no where else to go.
Interesting talk and deserves more views. This is about what doctors call differential diagnosis - defending your hypothesis or why something is one thing and not the other.
I always thought there was something wrong with me - maybe adhd -found out I was actually quite normal… with no mental or brain disorders 😮
I couldn’t imagine what it’s like to actually have a mental health disorder / being normal is hard enough man. God bless you all ❤
Hi, thank you for your videos. My name is Lisa. My son is bi polar. I love him dearly and i am trying to help him. It is so frustrating and painful. I pray to God to help me with our situation.
Ty Rob. I’m fairly new to your channel and learn so much. I identify with everything your speaking about.
I was tested about 12 years ago. Long and grueling for me. I was diagnosed with Bipolar 1 rapid cycling..ADHD..DYSCALULAS. ( number blind). I’m 78 female.
I live planning how to kill my self. I’ve taken soooo many different drugs.
I’m working with a fairly new to me psychiatrist. He’s good enough. I trust his education and experience. But at my age I’m too exhausted to care
I was told I have a very high IQ. The difference between smart ppl and high IQ ppl is creativity. Smart can memorize information and use it. High IQ can ppl can solve complex issues with ease.
I’m a licensed Cosmetologist and a Trichologist. I took me 4x longer to learn because I kept repeating the class.
I developed a way of learning that allows me to memorize just about anything. I make movies in my imagination of what ever I’m learning. I have a library playlist that I’m very proud of.
I also learned that a major cause of suicide is that we don’t belong anywhere and we constantly try to fit in. Makes us sicker. To heal we must identify with our creativity. Ok I’ll stop now. Blessings to all my fellow people. 💈💃🏻🇺🇸🎶
Hi, Rob offers one on one support on Patreon if you are interested. He also posts more personal information about his day to day struggles like his recent hospital stay. For the month of July he is offering free phone calls to patrons. Another Patreon exclusive is Rob hosting and moderating weekly support groups on discord! Take gentle care! 🙏
Sometimes we all need someone to talk to:
Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member
(H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds
My mom and brother both have Bipolar type 1 and i have been showing signs of type two this video has really helped me understand them on a deeper level and reconnect with them some and how they feel as ling as coming to terms that one day i could be diagnosed thank you.
Hi Madmaddy! In case you are interested Rob offers one on one support on Patreon and he has a weekly support group for patrons only on discord where you can ask questions as well. Take gentle care!
Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member
I saw a therapist over the summer for a month and in the first session he said I had ADHD. None of the therapist I had for years before ever mentioned ADHD. Which came as a huge shock for me, but at the same I have been debating my chronic depression diagnosis for 4 years because of episodes I have had that confused me and really screwed me up. So when I found a new therapist that I’ve been seeing for six months now and explaining what I’ve been dealing with, she told me that even though people who have adhd can have similar traits as bipolar disorder; she believed that what I was experiencing was more bipolar disorder than adhd. She was saying that I have bipolar 2 with add. I’m just waiting to see a psychiatrist to confirm and help start a health care plan.
Thank you for clarifying the difference between the two!
Robert, thank you for this video! Actually, thank you for all your videos! You're videos are helping my newly diagnosed bipolar husband a great deal, as well as me too! Thank you!
Do you do speaking engagements?? If not you should!
You are beautiful. Seriously
Yes. & Thank you!
( Years ago, I'd read an article
about how ADD often gets misdiagnosed as Bipolar, and that was exactly what I wanted to believe around that time.) Clarifying the overlaps and differences of the two diagnosises, as well as when someone has both, can do a lot of good for people. -Much appreciated.
I'm really I found your channel. Hoping my 19 yr old with sud and had a psychotic episode a few weeks ago will watch someday. He doesn't yet see the dire circumstances before him.
Wait! You’re not a medical doctor? Well you speak with so much knowledge and understanding. You kept going on and on with si much information and I don’t think you had any cuts (editing must’ve been easy 😆) thank you so much for this information I appreciate it 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
Omg! Yes new video!! Aaaand one that’s so relevant. I’ve been wondering about this since I have the dual diagnosis...been really questioning my adhd lately. I got the adhd diagnosis as an adult, then a couple of years later got bipolar 2 diagnosis.
The best explanation ever.Even better than any doctor or psychiatrists I've being to.I'd rather give you my money Rob than some doc that's says try this & come see me in 2weeks time.
Such a well-explained video. I have depression and was recently diagnosed with ADHD. Comparing the symptoms of ADHD and bipolar, I don't seem to fit the bipolar 2 diagnosis. However, the only thing that makes me wonder if I have bipolar is how I react to antidepressants. It either doesn't make much of a difference or I get slightly more impulsive, lose inhibition, then get really depressed and suicidal :/ Same with adhd meds
this really makes A LOT of seance !!!!! thank U Rob !
Thanks for this, it's put into words what I've been unable to describe within me!
Diagnosed with adhd in 2021
Depressive bipolar diagnosis last week ! I relate this a lot
Hi J, Rob offers one on one support on Patreon if you are interested. He also posts more personal information about his day to day struggles like his recent hospital stay. Take gentle care! 🙏
Sometimes we all need someone to talk to:
Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member
(H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds
Thank you for this video. I also have Bipolar 2 and ADHD. To add a little info - apparently, ADHD is associated/caused in part by serotonin shortage in the brain and therefore contributes to addiction issues and eating disorders as sufferers inadvertently try to self medicate. I have had great results with drug abuse and bulimia after getting on a treatment plan for both Bipolar and ADHD. I was misdiagnosed with depression for years before I deteriorated and got treatment from a different Doc. I would HIGHLY recommend that anyone that struggle with eating disorders or addiction of any kind, get tested by a professional for a Bipolar and ADHD combo.
i was misdiagnosed with bipolar disorder, when i found out with being two different doctors who told me i'm not bipolar, my current doctor look through almost two years of notes from the previous doctor. she was caring about me and i was awful to her because i wanted to believe i had bipolar disorder. i've watch your videos for years and honestly never had all those experiences in your videos. I took bipolar medication for years and it caused me to react and feel even worse. i remember as a kid once being on that medication i went on a quick manic episode all the time. it's been two months on adhd medication and haven't even had a single manic episode. I believe i got lucky. but i lost everything because of believing and trusting through the traumatic diagnosed i experience as a kid. Now im hoping my ex will see that im not the guy she saw when i was on those medication and better than i ever was.
I have aspergers and bipolar mixed state rapid cycling.
I was diagnosed with "manic depression" when I was 16
I was just getting used to an aspergers diagnosis when I recently got sectioned and called bi polar again.
I thought that I had been misdiagnosed all these years. I was proud to have aspergers instead of bi polar!
You can talk about aspergers! People admire your intelligence!
I am ashamed to be bi polar. I've never come off meds because I thought that I didn't need them.
People kept saying that I had aspergers, therefore I didn't need medication.
I still took it but started reducing it myself because I didn't like the person that I was. I told family and doctors but they can't do anything for long covid or monitor you properly.
I have both and I’m really struggling. Thank you for the content you put out. I’m sure it’s probably saved some lives.
Thank you for your comment Rich and for subscribing! :) I'm sorry to hear that you've been struggling. Having multiple diagnoses can be a challenge. I have more than one myself, I can relate. I hope you have a good support system in place. If you'd like to help support Rob in what he does with Polar Warriors I'd encourage you to consider joining him on Patreon. He posts exclusive content there and is able to reply to direct messages through that platform. There is also a wonderful support community in the community section. I'll include the link so you can check it out! I hope you have a wonderful week ahead! :) -Rachel (Polar Warriors team member)
Can I ask you what you personally experience when it comes to the symptoms of these diagnosis, can you distinguish something like "this is the adhd" and "this is the bipolar" clearly? I have bipolar 2 and suspect I have adhd because I have so many of the adhd symptoms but keep thinking what if its just the symptoms of bipolar. Rob focuses on the bipolar but I'm curious to what symptoms do people with both diagnosis have that people with only bipolar have. Would so much appreciate to hear some thought on this form someone who have been diagnosed with both.
I was told by therapist that I had some of the Worst ADHD she had ever experienced and I had been diagnosed bipolar around 1980. It is now 2000 when I was given that information regarding ADHD, and when I did an extremely deep dive with my ADHD, I came to the conclusion that my upbringing is what brought it on because of my challenging experiences as a child. And here’s something that’s completely counterintuitive. I use Adderall to treat my bipolar. Here’s my example if you have a garden hose with very high pressure water shooting out in all directions, that’s something like a manic episode, but if I was to put on a nozzle that directed and control the flow that’s almost similar to adding Adderall to a manic episode. It brings my thought process down and makes it more organized. I can explain more than that.
This is the first video I have seen that you have created. Thank you for the work that you are doing, I will be looking at your other videos and I have subscribed so I'll be updated on new videos. I suffer from BP1 with psychotic features, and I also have been diagnosed with ADHD in the past. Right now I'm in a depressive slump I think. I'm hoping things get better soon.
I'm so glad you found us! Thank you for your support!
I have both..adhd since young but in my 20s I had a mental breakdown due to an MS relapse and once I recovered I wasnt the same..my adhd got way worse and I just got so ANGRY...needless to say years of therapy and gardening I've used plants as a form of therapy to deal with all 3 diagnoses
Thank you Rob for reiterating those fine lines that separate or combine us with disorders I am 13 years now diagnosed with 5 disorders bp1 mania mixed w rapid cycling topping the charts at the fabulous number one spot but followed so closely by Panic/Anxiety disorder OCD EXTREME next then here comes the mighty fine Personality Disorder & PTDS but NOW WE GET TO ADD AFTER 10 YEARS & THIS FRIDAY IS MY FREEDOM IF I'M WAITING FOR WORD THAT THIS PLACE I CAN RENT AND LEAVE MOVE RUN THIS FRIDAY TO FREEDOM FOR OVER A YEAR I HAVE STRUGGLED & SURVIVED FOR MY FREEDOM I HAVE ENDURED TEN YEARS OF BEING A VICTIM DIDN'T KNOW IT UNTIL THREE YEARS AGO A D FROM THAT MOMENT THIS MOMENT
THE FREEDOM MOMENT HAS BEEN BEING PLANNED FOR THAT DAY THE DAY I GET MY FREEDOM BUT I NOW SUFFER FROM CPTDS I HAVE A LIFE COACH FOR THIS THE VICTIM OF A DIABOLICAL COVERT NARCISSIST BUT WHAT I THIS IS WHAT I Wanted to share with You I too had my Purpose in Life just recently a year ago Literally REVEALED TO ME IKR?! I had already had a page on facebook BRING AWARENESS I AM A VOICE⚘ & I had been doing that even before I created that page I have always SPOKE MY MIND I SPEAK FOR THOSE 2 LEGS 4 LEGS WHO CAN'T SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES I HAVE ALWAYS MY WHOLE LIFE DONE THAT BUT THE PURPOSE WAS NOT ONLY TO BRING AWARENESS BUT TO SHARE MY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MENTAL ILLNESS WUTH THOSE WHO ARE EXPERIENCING IT FOR THE FIRST TIME I REMEMBER MY TRANSITION IT WAS SO AWFUL I WAS 40 WHEN I HAD THE MENTAL MELTDOWN OF A LIFETIME I HAD NO Idea what it was about anyway long story short back in the day there weren't support groups or systems there wasn't all of these self help or crisis centers there wasn't ANYTHING! I WENT THRU MY TRANSITION TO THIS NEW WORLD OUR WORLD ALL ALONE NO DIRECTION NO WORDS NO GUIDANCE HERE I was in a World Completely UNKNOWN TO ME LOST WITHIN MYSELF I was all alone frozen with fear The silence was all around me yet deep inside my soul I was screaming at the top of my lungs for help for SOMEONE to PLEASE HEAR ME I'M ALL ALONE PLEASE I'M HERE I'M AFRAID PLEASE I'M HERE I never FORGOT that awful transition to this world & also they didn't tell you that you can NEVER go Back to the only World you've ever known NO You will never be ACCEPTED YOU CAN NEVER GO BACK UM NO They left that part the fuck out so as I learned & continue every day my brain is just a sponge it constantly soaks up knowledge its never ending but I write blogs I'm a freelance writer ikr?! I did one on triggers & how well you know yourself if you can identify your triggers so my Purpose is to help those as they transition over to their new World OUR WORLD I then spread the knowledge & they listen to every word & I tell them they Are Never Alone I recommend that all go to TheMighty.com the moment you click on it YOU are accepted without asking for acceptance YOU ARE WITH FAMILY NOW YOU WILL NEVER BE ALONE It is my purpose to always be HERE for them I NEVER WANT ANYONE TO EXPERIENCE ANYTHING LIKE WHAT I HAD TO GO THRU ALL ALONE NOONE SHOULD EVER HAVE TO DO THIS ALONE IT'S NOT OUR FAULT WE WE'RE BORN THIS WAY AND THIS IS THE LIFE WE WERE GIVEN TO ENDURE I just wanted to share my purpose with you because you shared your purpose with me & I respect that💖 Lauren⚘
I was misdiagnosed Schizophrenic at first, then Schizoaffective and finally Bipolar (all the same doctor). Misdiagnosis is serious and can make a lot of harm.
Edit: my current diagnosis is Bipolar
This video explains my adhd and bipolar 2 almost to a T. I was always the kid who spaced out but had grand ideas of the world and what I could do from a very young age. Then a lot of the stress of life, my body it just felt like it wasnt prepared for any of it, and despite all the love in the world, my body felt like it couldnt recieve it due to never truly feeling like im in the 'moment' or in control. Even writing this I feel an impulse to share, but what my purpose in writing it I forget even in the moment, and I lose train of thought very easily. I can have the best grades in the school (I have) and then the next year I feel as if school has no purpose because I didnt have my bipolar depression in check, and all those sleepless nights of me doing my best in school and on homework/essays, was just me experiencing mania and adhd hyperfocus on topics i loved. Its crazy to even think of how I lived so long unmedicated, and unfortunately it led to a skewed view of the world and morality, and made me question who I was as a person. But I know im stronger than my illness, my will to persist is something that I will grow and cherish, not something I should fear. I can channel the mental energy in a better way, now that I have the knowledge from people like you, who are just trying to assist others in the time we have. I hope i can get my adhd symptoms in check once I continue further with my treatment of bipolar 2 this year (Im turning 22 later this month, i was diagnosed 2 years ago, but only started receiving treatment 6 months ago because of another break from college). Anyway, thank you for your video. The gambling part helped me see some traits even my mother had as i grew up explaining methods of how we could put the money coming in to good use vs the casino, but sometimes it fell of deaf ears. I want to expand my knowledge on how to help others in my life.
Hi, Rob offers one on one support on Patreon if you are interested. He also posts more personal information about his day to day struggles. All patrons can contact him directly by private message and he frequently offers free phone calls!!! If you decide to join, you can mention my name and he will give you a free call. Another Patreon exclusive is Rob hosting and moderating weekly support groups on discord! We have many family and friends take part. Take gentle care! 🙏
Sometimes we all need someone to talk to:
Dianna Polar Warriors Team Member
(H)old (O)n (P)ain (E)nds
By minute 3:00 I feel like crying frustrated with the reality that it’s not adhd and that it’s just getting worse and worse with my denial of what’s going on