18 Surprising Traits of Highly Creative People

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ก.พ. 2025

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  • @BrainyDose
    @BrainyDose  6 ปีที่แล้ว +470

    Are you a highly creative person, or do you know someone like this?
    If you are one, what do you find the most challenging?

    • @rosedunbar7141
      @rosedunbar7141 6 ปีที่แล้ว +42

      concentrating on one project

    • @MamaLizzy16
      @MamaLizzy16 6 ปีที่แล้ว +45

      I have all of these signs. I struggle with being upset at myself for not wanting to leave the house and I struggle with procrastination. My biggest struggle is communicating in a way that others understand me, can be lonely for me emotionally. My husband has most of these signs but we are creative in very different ways. It has been interesting learning from one another.

    • @saharafzal4511
      @saharafzal4511 6 ปีที่แล้ว +45

      others not understanding how far your creativity can go and how much you need your personal space at times

    • @ПримакІванВолодимирович
      @ПримакІванВолодимирович 6 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Brainy Dose do you mean if I live comment with full translate in my mother language? I've ran a little blog where I could put a link in your video, and also I'd put brief . But I've asked to do full translate, so I thought I go to do it why don't I give it to you.
      Порція інтелекту Представляє
      18 неочікуваних рис характеру дуже творчих особистостей
      Дуже креативні люди почуваються не в своїй тарілці в нашому світі прямолінійному і логічному світі.(0.14-0.17)
      Але вони почуваються інакшими з різних причин.(0.17-0.19)
      Наукові дослідження стверджують, що їх мозок структурно відмінний. Що причиною яка змушує їх думати унікальним шляхом. (0.20-0.24)
      Креативні люди діють більш інтуїтивно і творчо ніж їх оточуючі,(0.24-0.31)
      які здавалося працюють ефективно через аналітичні і логічні зусилля. (0.32-0..34)
      Типовій (пересічній ) людині важко зрозуміти хід думок креативної людини. (0.34-0.38)
      Постфактум, існує багає різних речей в творчій людині, (0.40-0.43)які пересічна особистість радше ніколи не зрозуміє (0.43-0.45)
      Перше . Творча особистість грайлива , але дуже дисциплінована. (0.48-0.52)
      Грайливий підхід до діла це один з кваліфікаційних показників креативності. (0.53-0.55)
      Проте це злегка серйозність і захопленість віддзеркалює протилежну черту наполегливість. (0.55-1.02)
      коли креативні люди зайняті справою, вони демонструють рішучість і повністю віддані справі. (1.03-1.05)
      Вони будуть працювати над справою. Часто працюючи до ночі (1.05-1.10)
      Поки не будут задоволені результатом(1.11-1.16)
      Вони розуміють що креативність включає як веселощі так і важкий труд (1.16-1.20)
      Друге . Вони як екстраверти-інтроверти /I made it by myself because It is impossible to translate literally , as you can see we just borrowed both terms from English . But anyway my people have to get what I suppose to mean/ (1.21-1.25)
      В той час як ми загнані в западню розділяючи людей на цілковитих екстровертів і інтровертів (1.25-1.30)
      Креативність вимагає обидва типа персональності. (1.26-1.35)
      Перетворюючи творчих людей на амбівертів(1.35-1.37) /I simple can not translate this because there ain't marches in Ukrainian language. So I diced to us Latina’s term. For sure I'll be OK. /
      Вони як відкрити так і сконцентровані на внутрішньому світі. Соціальні і тихі. (1.37-1.42) /I think It is that what you meant . Because there no close word in my native language I allowed myself use some idioms to put basis mean in words /
      Перебування з іншими людьми може генерує ідеї і натхнення . А повернення в спокійне і спокійне місце (1.43-1.46)
      дозволяє творчій особистості розвідати нові джерела ( горизонти/ literaturely it translate like horizon, but it emphasize idea more clearly then the original word. it totally up to you what we can put as subtitle. ) креативності(1.46-1.53)
      номер три. Вони реалістичні мрійники(1.54-1.57)
      Креативні люди полюбляють літати в хмарах уявляючи що може трапитися і дивуватися світу(1.57-2.02)
      Вони можуть пірнути в уяву і фантазії, при цьому зберігаючи зв'язок з реальністю.(2.02-2.09)/literature it could be translated like ….yet the still keep connection with reality . I'm not great English speaker, I'm just good. So if you don't agree let me know and I'll change translate. /
      Їх називають мрійниками. /yet I really translate they are called dreamers. But literature translated описують , just sounds weird for my in this particular point. /Але це не означає що вони живуть в хмарах. (З єдинорогами / kinda slang what I've used in my blog, it mean live at the castle in a air /) (2.09-2.15)
      Креативні люди, від винахідників до акторів і музикантів , можу перейти від уяви до (2.15-2.20) / I had hard time while I was training to translate this…. I literature mean that the creative people in general ( from inventors to arts and musicians ) can start with idea and finished with solution of word issue. I dunno how translate come up , Ukrainian language doesn't have phase verb if speak frankly want you to give me basis meaning in simple words. /
      рішень Всесвітніх проблем(2.21-2.22)
      Номер чотирі . Їх розум ніколи не скидає оборотів. (2.23-2.27)/literature they brain never decrease speed of spinning. It idiom refers to the cat control panel or to speed of wheels spinning. If I translate it word by word it will not sound cool and intelligent. /
      Мозок звичайної людини з рештою припиняє думає над ідеями,невизначеними сценаріями і можливим незульнатом. (2.28-2.35) / I used Indefinite instead unknown, because unknown I suppose emphasize that something with we have no information about. but original meaning of unknown translated like невідомий/а/мі . It emphasize idea that it in the fog of war. /
      I вони більш люблять відпочити вночі (2.35-2.37)
      Проте мозок креативних людей не зупиняється. (2.38-2.40)
      Фактом , відомо що творчі люди скаржаться про цей феномен. (2.41-2.47)
      Креативність рандомно прокидаєть протягом дня і часто навіть вночі(2.48-2.50)
      Поправді, креативним людям складно вкластися в спати. (2.51-2.54)
      Чимало відомих письменників, музикантів і акторів несплять до пізньої години, працюючи в ніч. (2.54-3.01) / literature most of famous writers , musician and actors don't sleep till late, working …. because awake in those case don't sounds really good. I hope you forget me for what I've done./
      Іх мозок попросту відмовляється вимикатися. (3.03-3.05)
      Номер пять. Вони слідують їхнім захоплення. (3.05-3.08)
      Креативні люди зазвичай мотивовані. (3.09-3.10)/literature they often or in most case are naturally motivated. /
      Це означає що їх мотивація до дії походить радше від внутрішнього бажання(3.11-3.15)
      ніж від зовнішнього бажання винагороди і визняя ( 3.16-3.18)
      Психологами доведено / literature It was convinced by psychologist, why because presenter perfect doesn't exist in Ukrainian. And I have feeling that have shown means torned out in this case. I'm not pro translator , so if I had been incorrect , When I’ve translated lemmy know./ заряджаються енергію від викликів. (мотивуються коли зустрічають виклик) (3.19-3.24) / literature charged by charge or inspired by change/
      Що є ознакою істинної мотивації. Дослідження також демонструють… (3.25-3.27)
      глибинних причин діяти може бути достатньо щоб прокачати креативність (3.28-3.34) / intrinsic could be translate like deepest or essential it look like (I just tried to speak like master Yoda from Star War. On Ukrainian language it’s totally correct to put verb before subject) but anyway here I used прокачать , what is rather slang wich literature means increase
      Креативні люди обирають і порівнюють з захоплення в проблемні ситуації (3.34-3.37)/ literature Great people choose and sunk into problem(difficulties) don't ask. why just believe that some sentences could not be translate word by word. It is because the sentence itself framed by rules of language. I tried just putted basis meaning into words.
      Це дає відчуття влади , від тощо вони можуть можуть задіяти талант.(3.37-3.44) / literature It give sentence of power from knowledge that they can use their talent. Uh I didn’t think that the translating as demanding as that is. But in another hand It force my to think more deeply, then just comprehend general idea. /

    • @yahiaqorane6835
      @yahiaqorane6835 6 ปีที่แล้ว +39

      some creative people have society including family members who don't understand their sense of vision, thus, turning them down, and transforming them into that uncreative society. the challenge in that for the creative person is that they have to constantly ignore the voices, stand firm upon their ideas, vision, and art; and try to prove these voices wrong. (I'm one of them)

  • @DinoSvanhvit
    @DinoSvanhvit 5 ปีที่แล้ว +783

    The hardest thing about being highly creative is that we don’t fit the mould, we are not like most people, so we wind up on the outside of society a bit,
    and a lot of the time we are not ”moneymaking machines”
    which as you turn older leads to loneliness.
    That being said i would’nt trade it for the world.
    I would still choose being me,
    than a ”9-5 worker ” every time. I enjoy creating music way too much to quit. It’s like a drug, it gives my life a direction, and a meaning.
    Take care all you creatives out there.❤️

    • @k.s.alexander9427
      @k.s.alexander9427 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      Same to you 😊

    • @BrianZuma
      @BrianZuma 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      big time man its stupid how all this actually sounds like me when I always have doubted myself if im creative.

    • @jozanmate7482
      @jozanmate7482 5 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      Dino This was the comment i wanted write, big ups man! Im actually really happy rn cause i thought there was something wrong with me. Im glad there are people like me out there.

    • @guerschonauguste9762
      @guerschonauguste9762 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Man this is so true. I wouldn't change anything at all either.

    • @ziomanzo
      @ziomanzo 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      making and listening to Music is the best anti-anxiety. enjoying emotional patterns

  • @lyss9950
    @lyss9950 5 ปีที่แล้ว +246

    Hardest thing about being a highly creative person is when you feel like giving up yet theres another feeling that is telling you to keep going

    • @bakhitangugi
      @bakhitangugi 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      So true 👌🏾

    • @lyndafayesmusic
      @lyndafayesmusic 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Every time I took a typing job at a law firm during college, I kept typing song lyrics on my coffee breaks, and kept trying to remodel the office! (Ring a bell?)

    • @pessimistic_sith3821
      @pessimistic_sith3821 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      exactly like i feel like i should give up on my ideas and let them wither up and die in my head never to see the light of day , but it's so utterly unbearable to keep the ideas in my head that are screaming to be let out, shared and put on paper

    • @Realscrappy-b43
      @Realscrappy-b43 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Truest shit

    • @anastasiamurawski6179
      @anastasiamurawski6179 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Not necessarily. Well, we may not give up when it comes to our artwork, but many creative types battle with mental illness and may give up on life and end their lives.

  • @artdoccmd8778
    @artdoccmd8778 5 ปีที่แล้ว +322

    Now80 years old.gained more insight of myself from this 10 minute presentation than I have learned in those 80 years. Absolutely all those traits are part of me . Building toys at 5, soap box cars at 10, musc , art, restoring cars at 14, orthopedic surgeon at 24. Always searching for better way to perform procedure. Mind doesn’t stop. Do surgery now in sleep after 20 years of hanging up shingle. Now painting , creating new ideas every day. Prefer alone but comfortable as entertainer, educator of medical or art. 4 am now and ..yep! Creating these notes

    • @donnacaraballo618
      @donnacaraballo618 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Wow,if it wasn't for my learn disability and was told I was stupid and had tutoring since I was in pre kindergarten...my one dream was to be a heart or brain surgeon ,use to watch operations and using my hand back then....I also love art....ty for sharing....god bless.. question why toys😇💖💜🌹🌻😁

    • @Wahalatalks
      @Wahalatalks 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Dis you tend to focus no-one thing,maximise it first before moving to the next?

    • @TheGreatHotDogConsumer
      @TheGreatHotDogConsumer 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Surgeon at 24? Awesome

    • @anmoltiwari233
      @anmoltiwari233 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Since, you have a great journey... Wish me all the best beacuse i'm just 18 and i love to think by logic but at the end i always ruined by the feelings and emotions.....

    • @preciousvicious9025
      @preciousvicious9025 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @shadowcat5889
    @shadowcat5889 5 ปีที่แล้ว +687

    Did anyone else accidentally find this video late at night while taking a break from some kind of project or procrastinating finishing it?

  • @enolp
    @enolp 5 ปีที่แล้ว +240

    Most challenging for me is trying to find a job I can actually enjoy

    • @MoPoppins
      @MoPoppins 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Enolp - Figure out how to work for yourself. Entrepreneurship is easier than ever.

    • @tifanylindsay1
      @tifanylindsay1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      Enolp I so relate to this! I finally found one for myself and I’m 36. And the reason I love it is because it’s so unpredictable! Some days I’m in a kitchen, some days I’m driving clients to the emergency room, some days I’m doing chart notes and organizing etc etc. I’m a social worker lol.

    • @deeevonie8765
      @deeevonie8765 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Right with you. Something I'm trying to figure out. We'll get there......

    • @andyroid7551
      @andyroid7551 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Or not want to kill everyone I work with

    • @vixendreamer
      @vixendreamer 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      OMG yaaasss!

  • @carmenbrisebois1151
    @carmenbrisebois1151 5 ปีที่แล้ว +795

    The most chalenging for me is to stick on one thing. I never finish what I begin and I always swich to an other interest.

    • @titilayoamosun
      @titilayoamosun 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Carmen Brisebois omg same

    • @robynmasters335
      @robynmasters335 5 ปีที่แล้ว +38

      I can totally relate. It's like a Puppy. Ooh Ooh. Chase the Frisbee. No Wait, Now let's chase the stick. Ooh, Squirrel.

    • @gyp1414
      @gyp1414 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Yeah I'm starting to get old and my whole life has been that way I'll have 10 art projects going at once from oil paintings acrylic paintings watercolor paintings to model planes and cars to wood carvings.
      And none of them are ever finished even the ones I have hanging on my wall they only got the position cuz other people told me they were good all I see is the mistakes I made on every piece that's why to me they're never finished and they're never good if you are a true artist with god-given talents this is how it is. I have learned to just stop when a project meets all the criteria for being complete.

    • @mamashanshan2772
      @mamashanshan2772 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      I’m so like this too! That’s awesome you shared this!

    • @boycottchinanowusaredi-let2306
      @boycottchinanowusaredi-let2306 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

      ADD, I have it and they have a list somewhere, Sam Walton, (Walmart Founder) had it, so so many of the most successful people in the world, it allows multi-tasking like no others can. I typically have at least 3 inventions in progress, at least 6 more I am thinking about daily, and running my business with many hats. Biggest problem is time and deciding which to prioritize. One thing to remember, when people say you're crazy, you're on to something, and if you just keep going, sooner or later the projects get completed, some are marketable most are not but you just never know when the big one works.

  • @patatajabi
    @patatajabi 5 ปีที่แล้ว +707

    Dont rush art they said..
    Client: i need it tomorrow

    • @tahseti1113
      @tahseti1113 5 ปีที่แล้ว +30

      Great art takes time. Great art by tomorrow takes more money. Its called a rush fee.

    • @dulceboheme
      @dulceboheme 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      J S 😂 true story!

    • @archangecamilien1879
      @archangecamilien1879 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Haha...Christoph Waltz's character would say: "You don't rush inspiration" in Big Eyes, to explain away why he was never seen actually painting the paintings he stole...

    • @archangecamilien1879
      @archangecamilien1879 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Hmm...actually, he bought them, I don't quite remember...he would then pretend he had made them...until he started using his wife's paintings, etc...

    • @archangecamilien1879
      @archangecamilien1879 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I always feel people who say: "X probably stole his ideas from his wife", etc, I always find those stories far-fetched, the stuff of fiction, but there are several documented examples of that type of thing actually happening throughout history...

  • @cruzyferreria1009
    @cruzyferreria1009 5 ปีที่แล้ว +390

    I find myself having to explain the difference between being lonely and being alone. I have to have me time.

    • @nicoleavalon936
      @nicoleavalon936 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      CRUZY Ferreria ikr. Lonely is an emotional state but alone is a physical state which is completely D I F F E R E N T

    • @terrytracey3486
      @terrytracey3486 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      CRUZY Ferreria I understand that clearly

    • @janamoran189
      @janamoran189 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I NEED to have me time !

    • @Nufinat
      @Nufinat 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Me too!

    • @RebelHart9
      @RebelHart9 5 ปีที่แล้ว +9

      CRUZY Ferreria I’m so much more comfortable when I am alone. It allows my brain to just relax and come up with ideas. I can socialize when I need to but alone time is the best time for me. I never free lonely when I’m alone, in fact I almost feel more in touch with who I am.

  • @jaz_cap8931
    @jaz_cap8931 5 ปีที่แล้ว +299

    Highly creative people don't get bored. They always find something to do and to think about

    • @mdanzar9219
      @mdanzar9219 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Thank You dude🙏

    • @tariktv3769
      @tariktv3769 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Ouch lol

    • @limo9402
      @limo9402 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Yeah but not if you have ADHD

    • @amonamoroso779
      @amonamoroso779 4 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      I think some creatives are very intelligent and find themselves bored doing easy things

    • @myfragilelilac
      @myfragilelilac 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yes imagine being non creative during quarantine!

  • @vickiphillips562
    @vickiphillips562 5 ปีที่แล้ว +184

    I feel like a "Jack of all trades, master of none" type. I have so many areas of interest and ideas coming at me and I can't keep up. I procrastinate a lot.

    • @helenelmir6110
      @helenelmir6110 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Vicki Phillips
      Hi Vicki that sounds like me.I just keep wanting to learn new things and read up about different topics. Time is never enough hwy...

    • @neesh6362
      @neesh6362 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      So do i

    • @snowboardgirl1000
      @snowboardgirl1000 4 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @yusuf_alhussainy
      @yusuf_alhussainy 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Daaayum me too!

    • @王子淇-q4u
      @王子淇-q4u 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      All of my projects are unfinished, i barely finish my projects until a long period of time and i decide to continue it when my motivation is replenished and im in the mood

  • @yvescolliere1817
    @yvescolliere1817 5 ปีที่แล้ว +293

    It’s great when you meet a similar minded and talented person.

    • @dontmindme.imjustafraidofe9327
      @dontmindme.imjustafraidofe9327 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Yves Colliere
      Oh, that feeling is amazing.

    • @BiancaStarksMusic
      @BiancaStarksMusic 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@dontmindme.imjustafraidofe9327 Magical! Wish it was me!

    • @raedawn2359
      @raedawn2359 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@BiancaStarksMusic that s a phase fear i s stepping stones and sinking sands

    • @bibipictures554
      @bibipictures554 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      it is, if only it happened more often

    • @joanneedwards6866
      @joanneedwards6866 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      I love that sense of knowing that the other creative, muso, artist etc. just automatically gets you, it's so cool and when you spend time together you spark off each other........awesome.

  • @florenceangeladelacruz3285
    @florenceangeladelacruz3285 5 ปีที่แล้ว +223

    the hardest thing for me is that i can't sleep at night because I can't stop thinking about new ideas in my head 😅

    • @marianneskovbychristensen2669
      @marianneskovbychristensen2669 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Meditation and mindfulness would probably help you "take a break" from your thoughts, and make you able to relax more, when you need it.

    • @florenceangeladelacruz3285
      @florenceangeladelacruz3285 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@marianneskovbychristensen2669 thanks

    • @seekeroftruth399
      @seekeroftruth399 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      I find that keeping a notebook and pen next to my bed is the answer. Before I go to sleep each night, I write down anything on my mind that I need to take care of on a list, and then I'm able to put them out of my mind and go to sleep. They won't be forgotten because they will still be there on my list in the morning. When ideas come to me in dreams, I quickly write them down in my notebook and then go back to sleep. Doing this assures me that I won't forget great ideas that came to me in my dreams.

    • @SarahJones-wy5us
      @SarahJones-wy5us 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      yuuka nakashima , You and me girl! I do my best creative writing at night,regular 9-5 could not even exist that way,although had to for stretches of hell to pay for living expenses, and generally endured this with total boredom and felt trapped in a world that was alien to me.

    • @tatiannaadkins4675
      @tatiannaadkins4675 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Tell me about it, start to doze and then a whole movie, stanza, comic, animation, or song will just materialize and suddenly you are up! And can't wind down until 3 hours later.....#thestruggleisreal

  • @bbiggz5820
    @bbiggz5820 6 ปีที่แล้ว +298

    The struggle is being around non-creatives. Their super judgie and have this weird preception on “creatives”. But i refuse to live a “instruction hand book” life! thx for this video!

    • @pattythompson1739
      @pattythompson1739 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      This says it for me. My husband is all black and white. Opposites attract.

    • @Jlawrencee
      @Jlawrencee 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      i want to refuse as well...but im having some conflicts going on my core creative human values...fear.

    • @transp0rter1
      @transp0rter1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      Yep. They think I should just shut off my creative pursuits, like it's an option. U can't stop liking what u like. The End.

    • @dreameme8173
      @dreameme8173 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      @@transp0rter1 YES ! :) but hate I don't fit in school and subjects I just want to do what I love !Teachers and everyone is saying that won't get a job because of my shyness but they don't understand the feeling of wanting to do something you love and i won't stop .Everytime i draw i feel like myself and free .

    • @dreameme8173
      @dreameme8173 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Yeah.When I say something an unusual they look at me like I'm crazy .And I think they are crazy for being their whole lifetime black and white .People need to think more colorful.

  • @alicjawojcik5003
    @alicjawojcik5003 5 ปีที่แล้ว +445

    You forgot to add that school can be a nightmare for us

    • @erindowling1129
      @erindowling1129 5 ปีที่แล้ว +67

      Alicja Wojcik, that’s because it’s a mindless place to be! It stifles any creativity! Lots of little robots playing follow the leader for 7 hours a day! After years of playing follow the leader, then they all learn to dress alike too. School was horrible for me! I was bored to tears and remember thinking, even in the first grade, how unfair it was to be locked away in the classroom all day when all I really wanted to do was be free and do my own thing. What a waste of all the young years!

    • @seekeroftruth399
      @seekeroftruth399 5 ปีที่แล้ว +22

      In contrast, I LOVED school. The problem was that I was interested in EVERYTHING and couldn't FOCUS in on anything. It's still going on. I could have done so many different things but couldn't just pick something & develop it thoroughly.

    • @BuzziRus
      @BuzziRus 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I get that...

    • @lieselmortlock5160
      @lieselmortlock5160 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      Agreed.....i loathed school

    • @minahabibli3624
      @minahabibli3624 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      It more likely to be boring than nightmare but yes!

  • @briandodd9024
    @briandodd9024 2 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    Damn. Listening to this list was like being called out, point for point. For me, the hardest part about being creative has always been about whether or not my interests and passions were even worth pursuing. I listened too closely to the world and its mediocre views for far too long. I am only now blossoming - at 65.

    • @thisisme3238
      @thisisme3238 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      It's never to late. Keep going!

    • @PaulKMF1
      @PaulKMF1 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I know right? Blossoming at 65 is one of the traits being called out; procrastination. At 62 I feel ya, I've done more in the past 5 years than I ever have.

  • @rapmamori4136
    @rapmamori4136 3 ปีที่แล้ว +44

    For decades, i denied myself to call myself an artist. Now everything makes sense. Im an artist. I may not be good compared to many talented artists that i admire, but still im an artist and i need to accept myself who i really am. Im odd. I'm unique.

    • @sll110
      @sll110 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      me too

  • @DonnyDaison
    @DonnyDaison 5 ปีที่แล้ว +64

    I find one of the hardest things about being a creative person, is that a normal 9-5 feels excruciating, and in order to do a self governed creative career instead It requires a great deal of effort over a very long period of time. Its hard to deal with the high amount of sensitivity to the world around us, so sometimes when experiencing depression or sadness its hard to put in the effort required to make a creative career work. You kind of go into a "what's the point in anything?" kind of mode. But, sometimes these deadlines creep up, and you get the project all done at the last minute over the weekend, and you come up with something amazing. Its a challenging and inconsistent life, but it can also be very rewarding... the last thing you would be thinking during the middle of creating something wonderful is, "I am bored", lol. Creating is extremely fulfilling, its almost like you are making love with the universe.

    • @bobbieoconnor7692
      @bobbieoconnor7692 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      One of the best things to happen to me is getting old & not need to work anymore -- NO 9 to 5 distraction ! -- each 24 hrs is Mine to stick to projects

    • @bobbieoconnor7692
      @bobbieoconnor7692 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      with no interruptions !

    • @Conan....
      @Conan.... 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      just jack off during lunch break

    • @fredflintstone6163
      @fredflintstone6163 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      When I retired at forty I began to play building tree house. Cabins in Forrest using waste products to make new things try learning old self sustaining skills to eliminate need for normal expenses. For great freedom to play be and do what ever when ever I wanted thirty years later I feel like a very Old teenager in love with life 🦊☺️😃🤔🤠

  • @PracticalInspiration
    @PracticalInspiration 6 ปีที่แล้ว +158

    *Staying on task is very true. A creative person that's able to focus can achieve amazing things!*

    • @markmd9
      @markmd9 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Creative people are dreamers, and dreamers have hard times focusing on one task without dreaming about another.

    • @edwardcarberry1095
      @edwardcarberry1095 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes growing up, I always hated never liked changing tasks Saturday and Sunday. Never saw the logic in that ! Huge wastes of time.

  • @CreativeReverie
    @CreativeReverie 3 ปีที่แล้ว +22

    Hardest thing I find about being a creative person.... having conversations with others where you can use your time talking about what you enjoy making, adding details and going deep without having to reach for a point or lesson every 3 seconds to keep anyone engaged or from falling asleep. Finding other creatives is also hard, they're often like me, hiding in their cave or at the back of the bus behind a hoodie and a size too large headset blazing classical music and drifting off into reverie. What a joy when you do find them :) Long live the weird, strange, different, creative, open, thinking, odd, nonconformist, rebel people of earth!

  • @selfan4evr
    @selfan4evr 5 ปีที่แล้ว +59

    As a writer, I definately feel like the things mentioned in this video apply to me. I can relate to all 18 of them. And, yes, I agree that most people dont really "get" us. Living, as we do, in a world that is so overwhelmingly money - oriented, most seem to find it difficult to understand that, for us, money is not the overriding factor with regard to what we do. It's about self - expression, contributing something positive to the world, taking pride in your work and hoping that it will be appreciated, and, of course, loving what you do - so much so, that you would continue to do it even if you never made a cent from it. It's about doing that one thing about which you are completely and absolutely passionate, and that you can't imagine NOT doing - the thing that you are 100% certain you were born to do, no doubt whatsoever.That's what it's all about.

    • @kh75012
      @kh75012 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Hi, yes !!!

    • @helenaartbook
      @helenaartbook 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      This is exactly how I feel!

    • @thisisme3238
      @thisisme3238 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Agree 💯

    • @familysized
      @familysized ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I'm not trying to be mean but as a writer you should know that it's spelt "definitely" not "definately"

    • @douglasmills8243
      @douglasmills8243 ปีที่แล้ว

      I think it would, at least I do, to believe I fall into all the boxes. I find it hard to contain all my thoughts

  • @eileenfuentes6975
    @eileenfuentes6975 5 ปีที่แล้ว +226

    "Creativity is imagination having fun." -Albert Einstein

    • @anjagovinda1584
      @anjagovinda1584 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      ...this is the right quote by Albert Einstein: "Creativity is intelligence having fun"

    • @JaysonT1
      @JaysonT1 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      "I never said that." -Albert Einstein

  • @bobby-k-mastering
    @bobby-k-mastering 6 ปีที่แล้ว +365

    Ideas rushing during sleep. Vivid dreams, almost like reality dreams. Overall tiredness when waking up.

    • @h.l.69
      @h.l.69 6 ปีที่แล้ว +19

      Bob K i also have alot of vivid dreams (often). Sometimes if not always my dreams have hidden meanings. I feel like im visiting ”alternative realities” when im having a very clear or vivid dream. Mysterious and advenure themed dreams just keep my mood lifted.

    • @anzho7071
      @anzho7071 6 ปีที่แล้ว +13

      me too and my mind thinks better at 11:00 pm

    • @Gicchinno
      @Gicchinno 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      My mind does this as well. I find myself up way past when every else is sawing wood and in bed, sleeping (with vivid dreams) while everyone else is up and going on about Life. This makes it hard to fit into Society, doesn't it? @@anzho7071

    • @LisaGemini
      @LisaGemini 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@Gicchinno Yes, it does. We live in a morning people world.

    • @wealthykind
      @wealthykind 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Cute truth

  • @guerschonauguste9762
    @guerschonauguste9762 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    It's crazy how one video described so well what I couldn't put into words. I'm a creative person and I thought something was wrong with me. I do find myself being Introvert AND extrovert! I need my space! I love socializing. I change mood so quickly... I mean everything in this video is accurate!!
    What I find difficult is not being understood... and being forced to fit in a mould that I'm not comfortable in. I'm so glad I found this video. Thank you so much Brainy Dose!

  • @caitlinmacdonald4901
    @caitlinmacdonald4901 5 ปีที่แล้ว +82

    I’m a highly creative person and the most difficult part about it is the inability to switch my mind off

    • @sagitariosolitario774
      @sagitariosolitario774 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @Caitlin Same here specially ready go to bed.

    • @josephinemuringo2453
      @josephinemuringo2453 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I wonder whether I can find a shut down button. It's not funny.

    • @ST-wc7xw
      @ST-wc7xw 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I Need to take sleeping pill sometime

    • @user-eg7bg9dz4j
      @user-eg7bg9dz4j 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      4 years late & just reading this now: This is a common issue, I think creative people need to tell themselves how much better they'll be thinking after a good sleep. Write down what you hope to achieve tomorrow, beit a sketch, music or actual words, knowing you'll be back at it the next day with a fresh new approach. 9 - 5 is an unfortunate societal stigma, but we still have to know when & how to rest the brain what ever the clock is at. Be inspired with the idea of a new day after sleep. Go to sleep with the idea of dreaming about what new ideas tomorrow will bring, but not trying to create at that moment, there's a difference between dreaming & creating. Sleep should allow the mind to roam freely in a dream scape, new ideas will come when you wake with a fresh mind.
      I learned this a while back for self perservation and not burn out...

  • @rochelleesser7961
    @rochelleesser7961 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Man, you guys have me pegged!
    As a creative, I experience all of those things on your list; it's really awesome to see that I'm not alone in this and that you guys really get me!
    I think one of the most challenging things for me is how non-creatives try to force me into their little boxes, and when I refuse to let them do it, I'm labeled as "uncooperative" "lazy" "unorganized" or other equally untrue and hurtful things.....
    So it's awesome when I find others who truly do "get me" 😊

    • @specialvisuals6511
      @specialvisuals6511 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      This hits me so hard right now. Im actually now creating a pitch to make myself clear that he needs to see that in the creative industry HE might be the one be less in the box and see how my brain works and actually see and use my potential. If he understands it I am so relieved. Because if I still feel that he puts me in that box, I'm quiting my job... I don't want that because there is so much potential to create sick stufff.. ARGH. Wish me luck. Thanks for sharing this, really helps me.

    • @rochelleesser7961
      @rochelleesser7961 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@specialvisuals6511 I’m so glad ☺️
      And yes, keep being your authentic self and always, always, follow your heart and your gut instincts! They’re there to guide you, not to be ignored for the sake of others who don’t understand you or have your best interests at heart. 🫶🏼💯✌🏼

    • @leslienaomii
      @leslienaomii 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Yes I agree!! I see this in my life, even my own family tries to put me in a little box and wants me to think the way they think. But I have a grand imagination and big dreams that they don’t understand. But at least we aren’t alone :)

  • @laurac.5478
    @laurac.5478 6 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    As a creative person that has most of these symptoms, I find procarastination the hardest one to control and the one that affects me the most because of... You know, deadlines and such.

    • @broeklien3817
      @broeklien3817 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Laura Correia
      I am now 40 and finally work for myself. I feel that my brain makes me procrastinate because the extra time has to pass in order for a solution to present itself or to utilise the deadline rush to stimulate your brain.
      I think we were meant to be self employed in order to release our maximum potential

  • @shermankiger9167
    @shermankiger9167 5 ปีที่แล้ว +376

    Not all highly creative people are young like in the video.

    • @monikaramgopal7307
      @monikaramgopal7307 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      True 🤣

    • @jamestommasin6542
      @jamestommasin6542 5 ปีที่แล้ว +43

      I am 78 and not about to slow down. There are too many interesting things for me to do, and that's what keeps me going

    • @mig4mar
      @mig4mar 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      We started young😍

    • @nicolaypastore
      @nicolaypastore 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@jamestommasin6542 you older than my grandma

    • @johneckmaniv573
      @johneckmaniv573 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Right on!

  • @Carol-Bell
    @Carol-Bell 5 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    This video explains a lot of why I have felt like “I’m from Mars” and don’t fit in... and why I’m different. It took me a long time to figure out some of why, and that it’s ok to be different. This video explained even more of it.

    • @adriasorensen2249
      @adriasorensen2249 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm from Neptune and was also planet napped. I miss the music in Neptuney loony.

    • @felicityduijkersloot6043
      @felicityduijkersloot6043 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@adriasorensen2249 planet napped 😂😂

  • @SjonnyBB
    @SjonnyBB 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Of the hardest things I find being a highly creative person is having such a different picture of the world and self, and wanting to do things in other ways than others around you

  • @Beiiiibutterlfy
    @Beiiiibutterlfy 5 ปีที่แล้ว +80

    Why does this video describe me better than I can describe myself 😭😭😭😭😭😭
    Thank you so much for this ❤❤❤❤

    • @lyndafayesmusic
      @lyndafayesmusic 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Because...the video "creators" ARE indicative of all of these "traits" too? GOOD VIDEO!!

  • @LisaGemini
    @LisaGemini 5 ปีที่แล้ว +73

    This describes me really well. I'm a writer. I find #8, Procrastination, to be the most challenging issue.

    • @donnacaraballo618
      @donnacaraballo618 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Is being writer hard,I like poems and have ideas for writing but it's a long story why I don't....what do write about...🌻🌹🎃😇💜💖.ty god bless and hope you write a best seller💜💖

  • @starvoyager7313
    @starvoyager7313 5 ปีที่แล้ว +144

    I'm a HIGHLY CREATIVE person and being around people who are happily striving to be mediocre drives me around the bend!
    People who have little or no imagination in seeing multiple possibilities in their endeavors is a deal breaker!
    What most people don't understand about people who seem to have add/adhd is that a lot gets processed in a very short time, and once that's done, we need to move on to the next thing! We're not big on repetition! Lolz ✌😉 Why repeat something when we can go on to something new? 😆🤘

    • @ruebencristobal7790
      @ruebencristobal7790 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Star Voyager My mommy said I'm creative

    • @kandirussell5024
      @kandirussell5024 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Yup... there's too much to experience to repeat routines. I'm always thinking about the next place or thing lol.

    • @jamespurcer3730
      @jamespurcer3730 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Math homework becomes very boring because it is boring.

    • @MsKat444
      @MsKat444 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I have never heard it said so simply! So true!

    • @frontrowattheshitshow8849
      @frontrowattheshitshow8849 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Don’t know what it is about me, but I can’t do something the same way twice. I can’t replicate something I’ve already made because I don’t want to do it again. I at least need to do something different if I remake something, or change it up entirely

  • @PattyParkerHill
    @PattyParkerHill 5 ปีที่แล้ว +56

    Most challenging is finishing completely. There's so much to conquer

    • @enolp
      @enolp 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      there’s always something more you can do or something else you thought of to do and it feels like your work is never complete

    • @Angel-jk8cb
      @Angel-jk8cb 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      True. I have a hard time finishing. Everytime I delete something or add something but then when I see someone else's work, I scrap the whole thing and do it from the start

    • @ftwgunnerpwns
      @ftwgunnerpwns 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Break things down into smaller, easier to handle steps/tasks

  • @demdem76
    @demdem76 5 ปีที่แล้ว +97

    It felt like I was listening to my “personality test” results, only I wasn’t answering on anything beforehand. O.O

    • @enolp
      @enolp 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Juris Demi same lol

    • @XxBrittany20xX
      @XxBrittany20xX 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same! 😆💖

    • @jatinchheda7995
      @jatinchheda7995 5 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @andyroid7551
      @andyroid7551 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I actually did aptitude testing because my parents were wondering why I just couldnt do college. They basically told me that I couldn't do any typical job because I would be absolutely fucking miserable in it. This video matches up directly with what they said about me.

  • @prestofortissimo5417
    @prestofortissimo5417 5 ปีที่แล้ว +39

    I'm a musician, the only places I ever felt like I really belong is when i was in a band with other musicians working toward a common goal...

  • @redswami3
    @redswami3 5 ปีที่แล้ว +18

    Learning to control my emotions has been a real evolution for me

  • @annbrowning
    @annbrowning 5 ปีที่แล้ว +62

    About seven years ago, my mother told me I am different from them (the rest of the family). While I didn’t show it, this hurt my feelings. I am overly sensitive. I need to be alone a lot, and it is frustrating when my work in progress gets interrupted. That’s why I hate the telephone. I keep my ringer on mute. It has been a contradiction that I am both extroverted and introverted. I am many times the life of the party, yet I must have my space to be alone, so I can think and regroup. Most of the time I want to be alone, so I can do my own thing. When it comes to working, I prefer to use my brain in thinking up a solution or producing something, rather than doing manual routine labor. I enjoy researching something to know more about it. I desire to touch surfaces to find out how they feel, and to look at objects and study them for a longer time than normal than what is usual. My mind is never still, and it doesn’t turn off. I even have complex dreams in vivid colors, it seems every night. I don’t sleep well. This video has helped me understand myself. Thank you.

    • @charlievankesteren8756
      @charlievankesteren8756 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Look up INFJ. It may explain more

    • @adoseofmandi
      @adoseofmandi 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      charlie van kesteren lol I was going to mention INFJ as well. She definitely seems like one.
      Also, Tricia, you sound just like me! I relate to everything you said!

    • @AnkhaLavey
      @AnkhaLavey 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You are not alone, i feel exactly like You and all my life i have been judged and even insulted for being that way and only now i see that the problem was never in me.

    • @margaretphillips3264
      @margaretphillips3264 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Tricia Ann I was told I march to the beat of a different drum to most other people. 😀. Happy with that!

    • @kaitlinkriha5654
      @kaitlinkriha5654 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Bruh same now i think im less weird then i thought.

  • @michaelgeorge5153
    @michaelgeorge5153 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    For me, being creative has always been staying on task. Listening to this, there were so many things I could relate to

  • @samueldavies7298
    @samueldavies7298 3 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    A difficulty of being creative is having so many ideas and wanting to share them with a world that doesn´t want to change how they work. Or having so many interests that you feel unchallenged dedicating yourself to only one of them as society expects from you. Amongst other reasons, a consultancy rejected me for taking up their time with my ideas and for being involved in too many areas of work.

  • @semi6544
    @semi6544 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    I procrastinate to make things more challenging or motivate myself, but it doesn't only happen related to creative endeavors. It helps with my focus. I can concentrate because I am running out of time. My mind wonders all the time, but when I have no choice I can focus better.
    There were so many things that on this video that fit me, but they weren't only an indication for creativity for me. They were also a reasoning for some of my anxieties.

  • @neri1220
    @neri1220 5 ปีที่แล้ว +52

    19. They appreaciate when people praise them when they feel that they did well but not when they feel that they did awful.
    I should know, i am one of them.

    • @sleepystars10
      @sleepystars10 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      Neri, very, very true. I always ask for everyone’s opinions on my artwork, and I always tend to argue with them if they say it looks awesome and I’m just saying ‘No, no, see, this is wrong, that’s wrong, that’s wrong.’
      But hey, an artist is their own worst critic!

    • @kristalartdiaries
      @kristalartdiaries 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Same here!

    • @erindowling1129
      @erindowling1129 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I love everything I do and the only other people’s opinion I care about are my grandchildren and they always love it ;)

    • @jjr4361
      @jjr4361 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @StarshineJunnie
    @StarshineJunnie 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    From the responses I read, I am once again convinced that we ALL are creative. I've been known to say that I am the most creative person I know. I've always marveled that others don't 'get me' because it all comes so natural. And, yes, I resonate with this video as do MANY. Nice to know we have company in this creative realm. Thanks for posting this. It really brings some things home.

    • @lyndafayesmusic
      @lyndafayesmusic 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Careful, Junnie; That's what narcissists say about themselves, too? I comment only because I KNOW people who say this about themselves; to them I ask "Creative to serve what purpose ?" o
      @Janet Baker 1) If you look above, you'll see there are 17 likes, so it appears people agree with the statement. 2) Because you self-proclaim you're an artist to others (including strangers like me), it's reasonable to believe those people, who presumably like you or fear you, would make such a self-deprecatory statement to you. 3) As opposed to my circle of so-called narcissists, perhaps you're 'hanging around' with a lot of neurotics. 4) Maybe you're right.
      Steverino Arch
      Steverino Arch
      1 year ago
      Until they meet one of us and realize their limitations.
      Lynda Faye
      Lynda Faye
      1 second ago
      We used to call that " creative constipation!!" i.e, "Too much to do, and never enough time to do it in?"
      Lynda Faye
      Lynda Faye
      1 second ago
      @R.H. Lemorande I'm sure I've met many "narcissistic" people in the art world; but I think one needs to also consider the question , of..WHAT PURPOSE the created , serves, too? Duh, Serving oneself, at the expense of other's (feelings perhaps?) or serving humanity ? I, personally, have dropped a few "wanna-be-type" artist (friends?) as they SERVED mostly "Their bank accounts", while losing focus on what they "might" have created, to serve "humanity ?

  • @ellypads0710
    @ellypads0710 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    They dwell in much emotions that most creative I know including myself has to go through anxiety at some point but this actually makes them interesting. They can create something beautiful from pain.
    Chaos to them is another light to uncover. I am amazed that in my teenage years, I was able to create bunches of poems in just a matter of minute. That happens when I got heartbroken. The words came flowing like a river inside my mind. Creative people are often being undervalued just because they are non-conformist. They are beyond the society's standard. That actually makes them even unique in every way. I cannot imagine a world without them.

  • @normapadro420
    @normapadro420 4 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I'm a creative person. I'm into visual art, writing, photography, art, music producing. I don't have any problems that keeps me from creating.

  • @mrMacGoover
    @mrMacGoover 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Tend to be a critical thinker, I find I'm drained by people that don't show creative intelligence but I can nerd out with someone who is just like me and feel rejuvenated to be around them.

  • @Vyjayanthi41
    @Vyjayanthi41 6 ปีที่แล้ว +54

    I am a highly creative person who did experience both trauma and post traumatic growth. It has been extremely challenging to explain to others that I may be unconventional but never immoral. I may be brilliant, yet I work very hard. I may procrastinate because I want to be certain of what I want. And I love solitude. When post traumatic growth is also thwarted I get depressed.

    • @KennethDonnellyStargazer21
      @KennethDonnellyStargazer21 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      These are familiar themes that are common among brilliant individuals. I recognize them all. They often become the fuel for art, music, etc.

    • @jamielynnwarber2059
      @jamielynnwarber2059 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Breakthrough & Thrive Facebook Group Link
      Check out this group there is a summit going on right now. -Breakthrough and Thrive; Ignite your power, take charge of your healing, and create your happiness after truma

    • @finna5970
      @finna5970 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Wow, I'm creative person as well, Wow I'm speechless

  • @shartle10
    @shartle10 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I have struggled for years to understand certain quirks I have always had, this video laid a lot of it out. I don't feel so awkward now and can understand and appreciate everything.

  • @renaavalli8016
    @renaavalli8016 4 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you so much Brainy Dose for this brilliant video. Loved it, it's helped me to find some answers. Reading and analysing comments, came to the point: many people have no passion for life, don't know how to balance " boring job" with hobbies. Would be delighted to see a video on PASSION! I'm highly passionate about anything I do: walking in the woods, climbing highlands, listening to colleagues, feeding pets, cleaning the house, greeting neighbours, showing gratitude to people, watering plants, listening to music, taking pictures, processing them, cooking, learning new things, analysing areas of improvement, making love... The list could be endless. True PASSION generates enormous amount of energy. You never get bored, you feel uplifted. And another thing... Many creative people suffer from ADHD or even bipolar disorder. I would highly recommend one of the best book that explains almost everything you need to know. Life traps engraved in our brain in a very early childhood. " Reinventing Your Life" by Jeffrey E. Young, Ph.D., and Janet S. Klosko, Ph.D. Thank you for reading my comment. Have a wonderful Day, sending lots of love for all of you!

  • @pj470
    @pj470 5 ปีที่แล้ว +79

    The hardest for me is slowing down my mind so I can sleep

    • @yusuf_alhussainy
      @yusuf_alhussainy 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @missk6295
      @missk6295 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @jaycreativenyc1582
      @jaycreativenyc1582 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Get out of my head !! Lol

    • @barneycarparts
      @barneycarparts 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      They say even though yer dead tired get up and write it down get it out of yer head and on paper otherwise ya just keep it in yer head going over and over the idea or problem with no resolution or plan just loosing even more sleep.

    • @FinnishSuperSomebody
      @FinnishSuperSomebody 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Same. It is 01:37 at night and lots of things goes on my mind so I started watching TH-cam.

  • @nessieserneels5647
    @nessieserneels5647 4 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    You just summed up my whole life in one video. I am literally crying. At the same time, it is so useful that I finally know who I am and can use this information for the rest of my life

    • @Birb_Is_The_Word
      @Birb_Is_The_Word 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Me too 😭😭 this is so accurate!!!

  • @ligershanik7451
    @ligershanik7451 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Oh wow! It describes me so perfectly well. My mind never stops and never gives a break to my body. The list of things I did in my life is so ridiculously long but it makes me very happy. I am an accordion and piano player and a gardener, a public accountant and a movie maker, a senior computer programmer and songwriter, a singer and a real estate property manager, an author of three published books and a photo-shop picture editor, a landlord and a screenplay writer, an advisor and a parties host, a mother and a story teller, a wife and a cleaning lady, my native language is Russian, and I'm all of the above as the video says. I love every activity that the life offers and enjoyed every second doing it, and when a project is done I feel satisfied ...not really, because I'm always ready to jump back in and make more with new ideas... but the new motivating ideas in my head are giving me a push to finalize the current project at some point to give a way to another fun activity. Life is so good to me!

  • @lupezrat
    @lupezrat 4 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Thanks you so much, this video actually made me cry. As a creative person i feel alone and strange and an outsider most of the time; this video made me feel accepted, not alone and actually happy about myself. Thank you ❤️

  • @killa46464
    @killa46464 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    My biggest challenge is overcoming my physical disability ( chronic back condition ) to then actually put ideas into action . The procrastination is drawn out into literally years of a project waiting to be finished ! Besides that , and all the challenges involved in being creative , it has been a blessing . Having a connection to my intuition , confidence in the creative process , feeling an effortless flow , is awesome . My challenge is to honour my own creative mind , respect and appreciate it as much as it deserves . Due to my upbringing and societal values and expectations , much of my natural talent went to waste and for many years just caused me grief and confusion . What I love to do in my life now is to encourage young people to value their creativity . I have an extremely gifted child as a neighbour , and I feel blessed that she is drawn to me and I am a receptive friend who enjoys her talents . When she first came to my house at 5 yrs old , I remember her eyes lighting up when she realised I was actually seeing her for who she is . I saw this relief and joy flow into her , She is 7 now and performing in her first play of Pinocchio next week . I can’t wait ! 😊

  • @pennyvoll1169
    @pennyvoll1169 5 ปีที่แล้ว +77

    This explains me. I think I like myself a little better after hearing this.

  • @ophiuchus1116
    @ophiuchus1116 5 ปีที่แล้ว +60

    Dealing with the world is the hardest thing every day

    • @josephobenauer3093
      @josephobenauer3093 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I just turned 69, I have been married for 47 years, two grown children (theoretically), but there is no one thing that I like more than being alone, not forever mind you, but for awhile.

    • @suekann2065
      @suekann2065 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Stay strong, strength comes from Jesus. Always remember tomorrow will be better. Seek & u will find... Jesus.

    • @killa46464
      @killa46464 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Perhaps try to mix with other creative people . When I joined community singing , I suddenly met so many other creative people . Artists , musicians , writers . I still feel isolated a lot as I have a chronic health condition . However , finally I felt I was amongst my own breed of people . And I felt appreciated for who I am and my creativity . It gave me confidence and helped me to accept and enjoy who I am more . It’s still not easy , but I certainly feel that through sharing my creativity I’ve had my gifts reflected back to me and it’s quite amazing to realise just how creative I can be .
      Good luck . I hope it gets easier for you .

  • @sharon5877
    @sharon5877 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Being a school teacher gives me a creative outlet, because I never teach the same thing the same way from one year to the next. However, pulling off having a job that requires me to show up on someone else's schedule has been the biggest challenge of my life. In a few months I'll hit the 25 year mark and will finally be able to pursue all of my creative interests full time, in whatever way my intuitive whims desire. I'll finally be able to be my authentic me.

  • @beebakally6720
    @beebakally6720 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I didn't see myself as creative until recently. I think we are taught to think of creatives as being only those who sculpt, paint, write literature, poetry or music. I'm a gardener and my canvas is the soil. Others are cooks, others create in their minds, things like philosophy or just simply have ideas and when partnered with others who can turn those ideas into tangible things they sometimes change our world.

  • @jonathanmikarui8931
    @jonathanmikarui8931 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I ticked all the boxes, I’ve been going through a difficult job search the last few months and hearing the last point of how creatives never give up really helped to remind me how resilient I can be. Thanks for picking me up

  • @manuelmontoya8839
    @manuelmontoya8839 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    From my understanding creative thinking tends to go into these 4 steps often in a looping fashion.
    1) Question- when you find something that peaked your interest, you start to have several questions in mind.
    2) Research- with those questions in mind you find answers and/or gather information about subject matters relating to the questions.
    3) Process- with the answers/information you gathered, you take your time to try to fully understand what you have to the best of your abilities.
    4) Expression- after digesting (processing) the answers you were given, you put what you learn into practice, whether as an idea, a part of your art, or a base for new questions (to which the 4 step cycle repeats).

  • @CuteGirl-ch1ee
    @CuteGirl-ch1ee 6 ปีที่แล้ว +261

    This video is simply taking about me.....I have all these 18 traits 🤣🤣🙈🙈

    • @abigailblock8034
      @abigailblock8034 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I have like a little over half of these traits!🙂

    • @rosedunbar7141
      @rosedunbar7141 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      me to

    • @oldiesfreek
      @oldiesfreek 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Exactly! Eerily true here too :P

    • @mallory885
      @mallory885 6 ปีที่แล้ว

      me too!

    • @oldiesfreek
      @oldiesfreek 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Eerily precise... like looking into the mirror of my soul.

  • @nightcoresisters4820
    @nightcoresisters4820 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    The most challenging thing for me is trying to find balance between frustration at interruption and distraction and actually spending time with people more often to avoid that frustration in the first place. I'm disconnected a lot of the time, even with people I'm close to, so trying to find a balance that works despite this lack of connection is hard because I have to make it.
    But on the other hand when I find a connection that's compatible I am energetic and go non-stop and find it hard to balance the other end of the spectrum where I rely on the person I connect with, becoming clingy and ignoring my projects.
    So really, my challenge is finding balance between people and me.

  • @hazzi3383
    @hazzi3383 5 ปีที่แล้ว +43

    “They only work when the feel like it”
    *THATS ME*
    Doesn’t help with school tho

  • @lupezrat
    @lupezrat 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As a creative person the thing that I struggle the most with is the feeling of not belonging, of being an outsider and lonely around people that really affects me 24/7.

  • @possibilus
    @possibilus 3 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    A very cogent and detailed description of traits that define creatives. I count myself in this category and fall into many of these definitions for better or for worse. I would add this too..."highly creative people are able to see the possibilities of combining completely different and sometimes contradictory objects, ideas, and even beliefs into a new and novel approach or solution."

    • @Conan....
      @Conan.... 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      not cogent, sloppy uncontextualized dissected and regurgitated into top 10 bs without any explanation or insight as to why some of the traits listed contradict each other and the reasons why some creatives mostly only relate to the negative traits.

  • @Patric6319
    @Patric6319 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    All are spot on with me. I can sit for hours, with a piece of paper in front, but it's only in the last half an I can have a novel or a script outlined and ready to be written. I am not very good a making friends, too busy procrastinating. As for having a place to write, it is a necessity. My wife, children and family sit and listened to me go off in tangents, before coming back into reality. I listen to people, I can come away from a conversation knowing more about the stranger than they know about me, therefore I have my characters. As for sleep, average is five to six hours, up early but to bed late. Finally, as for having hundreds of ideas, I have four different notebooks, political thrillers, every day, scripts and short story idea, scribbled. At the moment I have outlines for a trilogy of an Irish detective novel, two everyday novels, and three scripts outlined over the last two months.

    • @nathaxly5490
      @nathaxly5490 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Damn :o I’m impressed 👌 Im highly creative everywhere in all art forms so I make a lot of different task but probably the same amount of things - like I’m barfing rainbows or something 😂

  • @ADCIC
    @ADCIC 4 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is all me .. the sad thing is only last year I realized that my relationships don't work out because of how I think and who I am which frustrated me all my life, just not fitting in the mold and often misunderstood. Suddenly 4 years ago not even knowing what I'm doing, with a 6 year old daughter I resigned from my 9-5 job which paid for my ''comfortable'' life because I was suffocating. I felt stuck and dead, can't explain it anyway I have been HAPPY since. I enjoy a quiet simple life, grow my own food, I homeschool my child. I have since secured a piece of land and busy with my house plan. I got the perfect spot, right under the mountain, my back yard is the mountain, I hike up, sit on top of a big rock and enjoy my gorgeous view of valleys and mountains.
    I sit under the stars at night and write pieces for my blog which I haven't started yet I have so may pieces to post already. I am only alive when I'm alone, around nature. My daughter is the same. All along she didn't enjoy the city much. One time visiting the site she commented, ''I like it here, I can't wait to live here.'' She created staff with papers. Just last week she showed me a small purse she sew on her own. She confessed to stealing the needle and thread and sneaking out to sew her purse. I was so shocked I want to support her with all that I can. She is 11 and I am definitely taking her for sewing classes.
    Thank you so much for this video it confirmed a lot. I was thinking just last year that my creative mind is the reason I'm so misunderstood and I don't care anymore because I know who I am and embracing that has brought me so much freedom and peace.

  • @tifanylindsay1
    @tifanylindsay1 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Wow! I have felt so much shame in my life trying to be “like everyone else”. Trying desperately to stop procrastinating and failing miserably, trying to be motivated when I just can’t, trying trying trying. That’s the worst struggle for me. As I’ve gotten older, it has gotten easier but as I was watching this, I learned more about myself than I’ve learned in 36 years. It made me think, “THAT’S why I’m like that??? I’m a creative person - it’s OKAY to be me.” This is the way my God created me! Praise the Lord!

  • @leonardstainzen
    @leonardstainzen 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a creative person I found controlling the emotional waves that crashing onto each other is hardest part yet still holding up to it and working on it.

  • @carmenblahey394
    @carmenblahey394 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    one of the things I find most challenging is being highly sensitive. So many emotions are felt so intensely and to my core. However, as I have gotten older, I've learned to "not take on" as many of those feelings.

  • @Ravuun
    @Ravuun 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I am a graphic designer in a corporate office, and what I find difficult is relating to other employees, even other designers, and having to be consistently creative on demand. I work much better when I'm left alone to hit my flow state in peace, but when you work in on office there's always meetings and deadlines that distract and add pressure.

  • @chandranaidoo4643
    @chandranaidoo4643 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    So glad that I caught this video ! Sums up all my " craziness " scarily well ! :)
    My most challenging traits are sensitivity and vulnerability .. I feel hurt and misunderstood. . This throws me into bouts of depression that I have to dig myself out of. Its not easy.
    Just so amazed at the thoroughness of these researchers. I'd be interested to learn how others cope with their challenges. I have a book project I began 10 years ago ! Every time I decide that this is the year I complete it, another angle pops up and a new desire to reshape the content. Follows a low of self doubt and depression .
    Thank you so much for sharing this info. Bless you.

  • @rosiestewart870
    @rosiestewart870 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    have had many conversations w one of my daughters---when i tell her i can't sleep, she will say, "i just make my mind stop thinking, and i go right to sleep." i can't do that. one bedroom in my house is my messy studio--it's where my easel, canvasses, paints, etc. are. i really need to be around other people, genuinely love them, like to act the clown, but then after a social day, i have to unwind, be alone, maybe do nothing at all. the same daughter tells me i'm "too" sensitive. i can't be any other way. yell at me, criticize me, gang up on me, and i'll cry. not in your presence, but when i'm alone.

    • @kh75012
      @kh75012 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Rosie, your comment is very moving and makes me feel like saying :fight for who you are, as often self_doubt leaves room for criticism. Be proud of who you are as you are unique ! You, your story, will happen only once. You have the power to turn pain into happiness. Believe in yourself, accept your feelings and needs, as this is you. Be kind to yourself and smile as much as you can. I am who I am. I don't have the youtube link but you can check the I AM words power, it did me good 😊 take care. Kat (Paris)

  • @shamamamadee8249
    @shamamamadee8249 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I often feel like a fish in a forest, surrounded by linear thinkers. Thanks for sharing your findings. I feel understood and less alone. I cracked up hearing each of the traits as they so adequately describe me. I’m going to share this with my family so they’re less inclined to think I’m crazy.

  • @josieojeda7235
    @josieojeda7235 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Omg! This video is so me to a T. My dad once told me I'm kinda like a jack of a lot of trades. I have a talent for many skills & crafts. I sleep with a pen & composition book since I was kid to write or draw up my ideas. I find it very hard to sleep because my mind doesn't stop running. I might close my eyes, but I still hear my thoughts loud & clear with bright visions. It's hard to explain to others whom aren't creative. Only those other whom are also creative like me understand me. We say we are going to hangout & half the times we do we hardly say a word (hence introverted & extroverted at the same time) yet we enjoyed spending that time together each working on our projects.
    Yes, my hardest thing to deal with is procrastination because I can't stop new ideas from coming at me (day dreaming) & have to jot them down before I forget & I tend to get sidetracked with that. I can't just stick to one thing. I always want to learn to do new things so I do have many unfinished project. No, I don't like to be rushed. I like to go with the flow. Once I get my flow, I fly high, I finish, & enjoy all the much appreciated praise & comments of my work. No, I'm not a loner. I just enjoy my quiet time in my own space to gather my thoughts & write them down, immediately act on them, or take pictures of things that inspire me to create my own projects.
    Thank you for explaining me in this video. I actually understand myself & appreciate myself a lil more now. ☺💕

  • @richardlandis793
    @richardlandis793 5 ปีที่แล้ว +48

    Procrastination: The greatest nation in the world. Why do something today when I can put it off until tomorrow? One of my struggles.

  • @1lmetcalf
    @1lmetcalf 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    This is one of the most accurate descriptions of a creative person I’ve heard. This just described me so well. I can’t count all the times I’ve said that I’m both an introvert and extravert. Great video!

  • @lindadanesh8524
    @lindadanesh8524 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    This video described me to a T, I've always been artistic, but never thought myself as highly creative until I was hired as in house artist for a business. There is when ideas started to flow and it excited me to see drawings, scupltures, paintings come to fruition when giving classes and helping others with their projects. Creative painting now gives me so much joy and I am thankful to have this God given ability.

  • @poeticposturing3850
    @poeticposturing3850 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The hardest thing about being creative is being viewed as irresponsible and unrealistic, the lack of encouragement and worse, down right criticism for following a creative path.

  • @milolascrafts-lizhawes7949
    @milolascrafts-lizhawes7949 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Every single Trait is a gobsmackinly accurate description of my personality !! Creativity is my 'switch off button' , where I escape lifes' reailites and tap into a compelling need to create.

  • @astridgalactic9336
    @astridgalactic9336 5 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    #19: We are never bored. Always plenty of interesting things to do, daydreams to have, things to make, experiments to test, ideas to explore. Boredom usually only comes with doing jobs you con't like.

    • @sabrinawanderer7560
      @sabrinawanderer7560 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I am bored now. I need a break. But i also love interacting with my students. But yeah, i am bored just for now. Perhaps, it's because i'm itching to have a break for a while from work. I'm heartbroken at the same time😂😂😂😂😂😂poor me😂😂

    • @inkira
      @inkira 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      and practice

    • @Birb_Is_The_Word
      @Birb_Is_The_Word 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      My cousin never believe me that i never bored.

  • @snuggleb100
    @snuggleb100 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Yes I’m a creative person n what I find most challenging is people understanding me especially my A type husband he’s clueless bless his heart ❤️. Thanks for validating us!!!

  • @fermentedtruths
    @fermentedtruths 5 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I absolutely LOVE this video. I was explaining just the other day how I'm introvert and extrovert all at once. Many of the other things ring true as well - working well under pressure, deep thinker, flow state, ADHD... thank you for this!

  • @terrywade3696
    @terrywade3696 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I’m all of them except #13 & #17! I’m equally emotional & logical, not one without the other. I was once tested to see which side of the brain I used the most & the result was, I used both sides of my brain equally! I need stability in order to be creative. I can’t be as creative in chaos. I believe creativity in all its forms is just another way of communicating. Whether painting, drawing, writing, gardening, designing, sewing, cooking, making things, singing, music, all are forms of communication! A thought is being expressed more vividly to communicate.

  • @foretb1162
    @foretb1162 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Thank you for this video. This is me to a T. I have so many talents that when I was growing up I kept asking God to only give me one so that I wouldn't be punished for not finishing a task! I've learned better since. At 62, I've discovered that each of the creative talents I've been blessed with (writing, art, crafting, music, proofreading) has helped me grow and help others struggling to live. Depression is a great motivator (once you've recovered) because it helped me redefine my priorities. It taught me that working at the last minute helps me focus better on a project; that my emotions are not those of others, they are mine. I am conservative in dress but rebellious at others telling me I'm not wearing the perfect outfit....at my age I really don't care at this point in my life! But I will say this: I love being in the zone.....ahh! Sweet, sweet, sweet.....

  • @lanitheromp7267
    @lanitheromp7267 5 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I'm 100% an introvert with multiple projects on the run and million new ideas in my head. Prefer to be alone and do my thing, don't like it to show my projects before they are 100% done. Is good to be alone.

  • @hammer48ful
    @hammer48ful 5 ปีที่แล้ว +17

    One of my problems is getting people to understand what is so clear to you. I find most people don't know how to problem solve in a logical manner.

    • @SegoMan
      @SegoMan 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Critical thinking skills are disappearing fast due to brain washing on many levels.

    • @andreavanderslice8333
      @andreavanderslice8333 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      now you can show them this video!

  • @stephenjohnson8592
    @stephenjohnson8592 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    My biggest problem with getting stuff done is procrastination! I'm a commercial artist & a professional truck driver (retired). My wife even signed me up for membership in the Procrastinaters Club of America! It's real...been a member for 50+ years!

  • @classicalgas8297
    @classicalgas8297 5 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    My mind doesn’t ever stop! I can lay awake until 5:00am when my husband wakes up!

  • @bloodbrotherdan
    @bloodbrotherdan 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I enjoyed this video and it reminded me that creative types truly are quite a different breed. Recognizing the way we've been created helps us to better appreciate those gifts and to better understand how to make use of them so that we can be a blessing to others - gifts are made to be shared and we need to remember that to better understand the purpose behind our design.

  • @AngelaWoolsey
    @AngelaWoolsey 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    I just sent this to people that I know, to help them understand me a little better. Thanks for this video. It’s definitely me!

  • @vilmasoto7937
    @vilmasoto7937 5 ปีที่แล้ว +88

    Thank you giving me more understanding and validation for why am the way i am.

    • @suemitchell1083
      @suemitchell1083 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Although I can’t imagine ,not being imaginative . It would be refreshing to except things visually , without wanting to reinvent them constantly 😆😆

  • @TheBurgessNetwork
    @TheBurgessNetwork 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Out of 18 traits, 17 describe me perfectly. The one I disagree with is being an ambivert. I am an 100% introvert. The fact this video describes me so well is uncanny. Right now I am thinking about quitting my job to write and create art full time and everyone keeps telling me not to give up a steady paycheck. But quitting makes sense to me because I don't conform, I don't like having a boss telling me what to do, and I am miserable. I'm not happy at all. Anyway, thanks for the video.

  • @laurenwatkins8412
    @laurenwatkins8412 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    everything in this video basically describes me! I like being on my own and constantly find myself explaining to people that I'm not lonely, I like being on my own. My sleeping pattern always changes and I always to struggle to finish projects.

  • @pratimpandey2738
    @pratimpandey2738 4 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I think I feel a little blown away seeing this. I was never consciously aware of it and had been doubting myself for quite a long period of time. Thank you.

  • @eduardorodriguez550
    @eduardorodriguez550 6 ปีที่แล้ว +80

    planting something with your bare hands getting full of dirt will make you feel peace and harmony with mother earth and great ideas will come to mind. Try it.

    • @rahimkhaliq3543
      @rahimkhaliq3543 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      so true

    • @Lue_Jonin
      @Lue_Jonin 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      Hiking does this for me.
      Nature heals and inspires at the same time.
      My deepest thoughts and growth of wisdom has come while on trails in the wilderness

    • @aida087
      @aida087 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      I LOVE gardening!! I have a small indoor garden and even though I check my plants on the daily, Sunday mornings are my *ME & my plant babies* time, it's my Nature therapy along with walking in the park!!🌱💚

    • @pyramidpilots6491
      @pyramidpilots6491 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Thats a whole fact!

    • @aujkalenic4203
      @aujkalenic4203 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Alittle higher, Father God, Creator of heaven AND earth
      Peace fulfilled

  • @CarlaMarinaBorralho
    @CarlaMarinaBorralho 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    The most challenging thing could be when people look at you as if they saw a ET after you explained your perspective... or finding my own interior space without being invaded by naturally more concrete world kind of thoughts... or consider this place is my forever place...

  • @Countess559
    @Countess559 5 ปีที่แล้ว +29

    I've always felt like I don't belong anywhere. I can't seem to fit in. I have these traits....geez...why does it feel like a curse? My most challenging moments is being around people who don't get me.

    • @Countess559
      @Countess559 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SatanenPerkele oh trust me i do, it's the opposite. If not, i wouldn't say its a challenge

    • @Countess559
      @Countess559 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@SatanenPerkele i observe them all the time, if you are talking about being fake to fit in.....then.....no....i suck at that lol..

    • @kandirussell5024
      @kandirussell5024 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I've learned to try to be polite but ignore them at the same time. It's hard but necessary.

    • @dreameme8173
      @dreameme8173 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yeah I'm like that too I don't fit in

    • @frontrowattheshitshow8849
      @frontrowattheshitshow8849 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Sounds like you have my problem. My solution has been to be quiet and reserved so that I’m not drawn into uncomfortable conversations where I can’t participate. Although, I will randomly encounter people who share some of my interests, and it’s nice to chat with those strangers.
      Make passing comments on things you observe and they may open up pleasant conversation!

  • @bonniedonahue6452
    @bonniedonahue6452 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    WHat I find the most challenging as a creative person is not being understood, or being misunderstood by others. It's a rather lonely life - until I learned to love myself and let go of holding and tension in my body.

  • @readingoutpost4545
    @readingoutpost4545 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I think I'm highly creative, but I'm deeply misunderstood at the present. With this stuff going on right now between the two political parties, it's split our family. And tonight, after my husband rode with my son on a trip for several hours, my husband basically agreed with my son saying I'm a narcacist. My son is very analytical, probably a genius, and my husband is very ordinary. He was supposed to chastise my son for calling me narcissistic. His thinking was totally redirected by my son's clever verbage! And now what do I do? My son doesn't respect me, and my husband is now in agreement with him! And, I've always thought my son was narcissistic, and I still do. This situation just has me so bummed. I don't know what to think. I've read up on narcissism, and I didn't feel I had those traits of character. This may keep me awake all night... 😳😕