Can We Embody Nonduality? Judith Blackstone

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 14 พ.ค. 2017
    Judith Blackstone leads us in a guided meditation to approach nondual awareness.
    Judith will teach practices from the Realization Process, an embodied approach to nondual awakening. She will discuss how embodiment is an integral aspect of nondual realization. When we embody nondual realization, we know ourselves as subtle, unbounded awareness, pervading our whole body and our environment as a unity. Because nondual awareness pervades our body, we become more coherent and authentic as individuals at the same time as we transcend self/object duality. As the embodiment of nondual awareness, we can heal and deepen our capacity for love, pleasure, mental clarity, subtle perception and contact with other people. When two people attune to nondual awareness together, they experience mutual transparency: a single expanse of awareness pervading them both as a unity.

ความคิดเห็น • 43

  • @ranijnaik
    @ranijnaik 6 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    Meditation starts at 14:28 Loving Gratitude to you Judith!

  • @williamcallahan5218
    @williamcallahan5218 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    She is brilliant. A unique expression of non duality. Understanding and "experiencing embodiment is essential and the job is not done until you this understanding become what you are. Thank you Lovely Lady.

  • @hassanmaqsood8450
    @hassanmaqsood8450 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    That was beautiful. I am so grateful that speakers are bringing us out of esoteric concepts and bringing to light, the next level of mindfulness and full realization. I find this work to be more visceral and applicable.
    It's realization that will free us. God bless all of you.

  • @SuperAshley621
    @SuperAshley621 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Beautiful. What a change in perspective to feel your body in that way. My day went from not feeling great to feeling connected and at peace. Thank you.

  • @threeoms
    @threeoms 7 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    You are simply amazing! Thank you for being.

  • @dh.maitrijit4462
    @dh.maitrijit4462 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Great !

  • @nolliemccain6642
    @nolliemccain6642 5 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    Listening to her brings up WOW ! a ”feeling” of dissolving into whatever this is ....kind of ethereal, yes..I like it😋

  • @TheBabyskywalker
    @TheBabyskywalker 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thanks a lot. This is absolutely lovely

  • @InfinityRealised
    @InfinityRealised 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Wonderful talk !

  • @pamsands1661
    @pamsands1661 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you. This is kripalu yoga as I learned and taught it plus additional awareness. Body Dissolving into surroundings. Surroundings into body. No seperation.

  • @janeruthraphael4644
    @janeruthraphael4644 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    The way I get this in the deepest way is not to discuss it from the mind but to experience it while listening to awakened master Mooji.

  • @zuliasoul872
    @zuliasoul872 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This is just 😗👌

  • @asifmahmud3648
    @asifmahmud3648 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    How is this process different from Vipassana meditation?

  • @QED_
    @QED_ 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    In part, Blackstone is trying to de-emphasize the over-emphasis in certain types of non-duality on "awareness". I myself find that over-emphasis to be a real practical problem. It seems to me that everything can be put in its proper context by returning to the age old Sat-Chit-Ananda formula. I find you simply can't get away from it -- you need to realize all three. Yes, you have awareness (Chit) . . . but you also have bliss (Ananda) . . . and Sat (being). Blackstone is emphasizing the Sat part in this talk . . .

    • @ernestweber5207
      @ernestweber5207 6 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      If that works for you, by all means, pursue it. All aspects are included, so work with that triad. It can put "things" into a useful context.
      However, the emphasis on awareness is primary. It is a mere word and can be distinguished from consciousness, but it implies the core of knowing that goes beyond words and their duality as well as experience and the subject/object pairs. Yet, it contains them. In non-duality, it is about one thing and one thing only, so to speak. From there, everything is secondary and the sky is the limit as far as practices and knowledge go in the panoramic display of multiplicity ornamenting basic space.
      When you are able to ascertain for yourself that abiding in awareness is essence, (with awareness aware of itself as "rigpa") then the emphasis becomes clear as a bell and obvious directly. That is the wide open doorway and the key.

    • @QED_
      @QED_ 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      @Ernest Weber: I hear what you are saying . . . but I'm just not convinced that awareness is primary. You have to BE . . . before you can BE AWARE. Right (?) It's not merely conceptual -- it's ontological. So It seems that Being has a good claim to be primary. Besides . . . if you start using the word "primary" (as you do) you're already in a temporal-spatial context. You don't ever start outside that context and then see whether Being is a necessary prerequisite for Awareness . . . or the reverse.

  • @asifmahmud3648
    @asifmahmud3648 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    In her book The Enlightenment Process, Judith Blackstone says that: "fundamental consciousness has an inherent quality of "I" ness, a quality of "I exist." Then why don't animals, if they too have souls, are conscious of their existence just as humans are. Makes sense?

    • @raindrozest9558
      @raindrozest9558 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      I mean, they are! That's a really old and really stupid human idea that animals aren't conscious. It's just ignorance and a position that tries to justify treating the natural world like shit. It's a very immature and problematic world view.

    • @zerbel
      @zerbel 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      It makes for a fascinating contemplation how our "i" defined("i"dentifiied) by separation gets projected as animals not having a NON-separation I-ness experience. I think that's her point, that all consciousness IS the I-ness, and our separate virtual reality experience is a temporary illusory one that in a sense isn't I-ness because it defines itself against a made-up other (Oneness has an I'ness through It's forms - consciousness Itself being an arising out of "noneness" - but the forms don't have to forget that unified awareness as we imagine to do). Anthropomorphising, whether of a God or into animals, IS the separating mechanism that dreaming Conscisousness uses to distract from the "fact" that It is dreaming of being identified as separate objects called human beings. When we forget that our i's are just eyes for the Universe, they are lost in dreaming for a while. And the animals are "waiting" for their fellow consciousness humans - to wake up!

  • @geffreybolster3780
    @geffreybolster3780 6 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I have seen the best, most efficient way of embracing oneness ('Non-Duality') is to not b l a m e anything/one for lifes fear, pain and suffering. Including the 'Demon mind, with its weaponized ego that would k i l l you! , given the chance'. Where the distinct/separate mind/ego actually comes from, and to what purpose it is trying to destroy everything, is , , not consistant with all one, perfect, 'Gods creation', surrender,. philosophy and vision of 'Spirituality. You wanna blame something/one? Blame all lifes things/beings! To blame all is to accept all. The question then becomes the answer and the concern becomes presence. I am resistance/acceptance balanced. I am life.

    • @zerbel
      @zerbel 5 ปีที่แล้ว

      Yes!, and include "blaming blame"! It is the ignoring(ance) of it "not being personal" (that there is NO separate/permanent central identity resposnible for any/all patterns) that peretuates blame as a tactic for hiding there is no "real" person doing the blaming (in forgetting the impersonal BY focusing on the artificially segragated out temporary pattern that gets defined as blame worthy., THEN "a" person to pin it too, really for the sake of vice versa ). Blaming blame can come out the other end as the funny side of tragic/comic that I (you/s-he), AS the impersonal, can recognize as the circular mechanism that it is. For no reason at all except to have experienced the farce - the much ado about nothing! (the complicity of "reason" in supporting the circulatity of the blame game is also not excused from the hilarity). And yes!, what "happens" then? - presence!, with/of uncaused joy. Thanks, Geffrey/Life

  • @lambolim2178
    @lambolim2178 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    “Can we embody no duality?”
    Lol that’s fking dualistic

  • @swingtrade2
    @swingtrade2 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Does not know if it is puffed or stuffed

  • @eileenlohrer5876
    @eileenlohrer5876 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Why does a speaker say right? 2 min into a talk like we all know what she is talking about?

  • @JJ_Khailha
    @JJ_Khailha 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    “Our individual wholeness” doesn’t sound very non dual. Who is this me she keeps referring to?

    • @Nflamed
      @Nflamed 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      it is perfectly nondual - there's both the forest and the trees, the wholeness of a forest does not negate the trees does it? have you ever looked an object and seen the entire universe within it while also perceiving it as an individual object in the universe? wholeness/oneness manifests as individuality - they are not separate, individuality and wholeness co-arise nonduality = both separate and not separate at the same time - it's paradox and I get that's hard to emrbace. it's both/and not either/or. form is emptiness and emptiness IS FORM. nonduality truly does not negate anything that the ONE is manifested as including the experience of a me

  • @lnbartstudio2713
    @lnbartstudio2713 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    This seems very dualistic. Need to have a physical form in order to be aware. Is this the "nonduality " of panpsychism? How is the body thought to exist here?

    • @raindrozest9558
      @raindrozest9558 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      It's 100% true that you do have a physical body. It exists! This is real non-duality because it's not separating the body out of reality. It's embracing the entire scope of what you are.

    • @radarmike2421
      @radarmike2421 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      And by denying the existence of the body you are being dualistic while calling yourself nondualist. Body exists in a specific frequency. When nonduality is not understood just conceptually but experiencially various frequencies of undivided self expressing themselves in various dimensions is understood to be ONE in Many and Many in One inseparable.

  • @peterjohnson1332
    @peterjohnson1332 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    No need to embody anything. Everything is just as it is.

    • @radarmike2421
      @radarmike2421 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      If you understand embodying is not an effort but an natural process of integration then you know its validity. And if you know this then you can forgive the limitation of english langauge in expressing embodying as a doing, while it is a byproduct of being.
      When you are truly in WHAT IS embodying happens naturally. If what i wrote above applies to you then read no further.
      But If you don't know this and believe there is nothing and you are no one or there is no one to embody etc of countless nonduality jargons then here is some perspective - You are typing using your fingers. Even if you write words 'they are not 'my' fingers' lol. Sorry you are in this focal point that you are in whether you call it mine or not. It is a specific focal point you are in even to feel 'i am no one' otherwise you would be in some oher focal point, like tree's or wind's or frog's or another human's focal point. why are you not in my focal point? Because you are in your focal point. Right now. But you are in your focal point With those hands not any other hands. So no matter how much you utter 'its not me' , it is still a specific body that you see everyday in your perception ,where breathing happens, if someone pinches it hurts in your specific body. So sure there is ' No one here No need to embody anything' can be repeated as concepts using your mouth or typed in using your fingers. Sure you can keep repeating that while embodying happens.

    • @joseluisgomezsoler7601
      @joseluisgomezsoler7601 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      everything is just as it is, including embodying more and more

    • @radarmike2421
      @radarmike2421 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@mf8914 I have been there , realize that , it IS HERE and that dynamic truth guides itself into embodying its nature in ALL aspects of life. Embodying is not an effort or forceful change. It happens by itself as the correct action of the moment. It is perfect what IS. It is creativity. It is inspired action. Evolution ,growth, change does not deny or cancel or is blind to the perfection that already is here as self. Evolution , growth change is how the perfection expresses its self in this dimension. Its this and that. Not this OR that. That is true oneness and nonduality. Nothing is excluded. That you notice its a paradox because self is a paradox . It is nothing and everything at the same time. If you actually realize this then you know this. You cannot hold onto a state of being of nothing all the time. See how that works. You still need to wipe your ass even when you are nothing. The true freedom is in allowing the flexibility of consciousness. There is no one fixed state you can hold onto. The unfolding and embodiment happens on its own when the true knowing of our true nature as always IS, UNCHANGING essence emerges and then it loves to express itself through body.
      But i hear you. I know you might be pointing to looking for self in outer effort. But you know even that is a process of discovery. It is as it should be otherwise it wouldnt be.

    • @Nflamed
      @Nflamed 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mf8914 there's a need for integration if you would like to experience your full humanity and not negate your individuality which is sacred as it is a manifestation of love/life! if you want to relate to others and have personal relationships then you can't just be blissed out all the time in "no self" land...perhaps you don't want those things, which is another story

  • @danielburge2478
    @danielburge2478 7 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    No, 'we' can't. 'We' is duality.

    • @dbuck1964
      @dbuck1964 5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Daniel Burge
      Oh now aren’t you just such a smart little puppy. 🐶

  • @zanubaismail1779
    @zanubaismail1779 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Sweet her. 99 names and qualities of allah. She is almost there ..... One step away.

  • @TheWaveSon
    @TheWaveSon 4 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @truthlover3160
    @truthlover3160 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Boring snoring!