If I have two cents to give, it's this... if you still play with yourself, do not pursue a daughter of the king. Live differently than your brothers in Christ by not chasing after another when you can't control yourself. Make your temple a holy one so if anyone comes, they can enter you at ease and with deeper trust.
Have morals as a man. Women aren't the only ones that can have standards. If she clubs and drinks and lives like the world then it's ok for you not to be interested in her and not pursue her
Very very relatable things. Being with my current girlfriend has taught me I actually have a lot to mature. I see so many of my insecurities and anxieties, ignorance, lack of understanding, lack of planning, etc. But together we strengthen each other.
I know someone in their mid-thirties who hasn't been on a date since highschool prom and has no interest in dating or marriage. But she definitely loves God, some people just like being single and feel no need to get married. It's interesting how marriage is put on a pedestal in a lot of Christian circles, yet Paul even said it's best to not marry since you can serve God wholly without needing to take care of a spouse and children. Not that marriage is bad or not important, but I wonder if marriage would count as an idol for some Christians.
@@piebytez idol is something that takes place of God in life. In that sense, marriage as an idol is kind of difficult to imagine. Because by definition marriage is a covenant before God. I also believe that being interested in marriage early on is very important and can save from some unrealistic expectations and potential issues down the road. Reading about it, talking with married couples, and evaluating your life choices from a perspective of potential romantic relationship can be seen as “obsession” to some people, but it provides a solid foundation for perhaps the most important choice Christians are going to make in their life. It’s not about whether or not they will actually get married, or even want to be married - it’s about carefully understanding what marriage is and being ready for it (as much as one can be ready, I guess) if the opportunity arises.
@@pvkom26 So just to clarify, when I say marriage I'm talking about the marriage relationship not the actual covenant. Do Christians obsess over a bunch of promises they make between their spouse and God? No usually Christians obsess over the actual dating relationship and then the marriage relationship more so than the actual covenant. I'm talking about romantic relationships or even the goal of being married, being an idol. Relationship with God should be the focus of Christians but too often I see this obsession with romantic relationships and ultimately marriage. Sorry, but I don't really understand your perspective, does God just spring marriage onto people? It's something you have to study and be ready for, just in case? It sounds more like a surprise pop quiz instead of a covenant you actively participate in. I personally believe if one is led by the Holy Spirit then He will lead you to whomever you should marry. (if God placed that desire in your heart, again it's not for everyone).
God said it’s not good for man to be alone. For those of us who do deeply desire marriage (and kids) I can’t say it’s idolization for wanting that. It is how God made us
This was very enlightening. Thank you, as a woman who went through something really similar with an ex. He chose to walk away and not do the work and I was heartbroken. But it led me straight back to Jesus as I was away from Him and he didn't know Him personally. We were unequally yoked. It hurt, but some people choose easy and choose not to have a teachable heart. I think that's what's most important. And humility.
I’m 25 and I met a godly woman that I want to marry. She is everything and more that God put in my heart to look for in a partner. I am so thankful to have met her. This video is very relatable lol!
When he talked about comfort and the man being the one to set the tone of "this is not what we're gonna do", that really encouraged me to know that there are men out there who also feel and think the same way. as a woman, I'd love for my man to lead me in this part of the relationship too and to hold each other accountable
I'm 25, single since 2019, spent most of my life single, and all I can think about is how in 5 years that I'll be 30 amd that nothing will have changed. At this point I'm just tired of harboring this desire that has done absolutely nothing but torment me all my life. I've settled into exactly where I'm supposed to be, but the current dating climate is next to impossible right now.
You’re single not because of the “dating culture” .. you’re single for no external reason actually. You’re single because of YOU: your selfish demands that the world conforms to the way YOU want it to be, and your stubborn unwillingness to let go of the way you have been thinking and acting in this area of your life.
@@iElia yes, several times, but with all I was put through in the past 6 years it pretty mich destroyed my capacity to feel genuine attraction to anyone.
Keep praying God will deliver, I went ten years not dating trying to find someone constantly praying to God I tried dating apps, i approached girls from church I did it all right and nothing. It took Covid to bring my now wife back to her home town we met through mutual friends dated and are now happily married. I’m 32 it was a rough ride, just months before we started dating I felt the same as you and had for years, but it was all worth it. Gods timing is not always our timing, trust that he has you and find Joy in him
Man, I clicked this video almost feeling obligated to because it's about jesus but it's crazy how much I just learned from this video. I related with everything you said. Thank you. Praise God!
Thank you for sharing I think in Dating like a lot of things there's a temptation to “Wait till you're ready” but I think more often than not it's being in those things and being challenged that causes you to be ready
Divine timing. God def sent this vid to me. I'm supposed to make it official and exclusive this weekend and in the short time we've known each other i'm battling so many vunerablilities so much so i'm second guessing if im ready. Every struggle u had i'm having. but i now know its going to be ok. I know she's a 1 in a million. and i know God will bless us.
This is a Golden video. The part that i related so much was the DIY skills. Long story short, I was dating a women in the faith, kept it real and told her its my weakness but I was willing to learn. I tried my best to help her one day, she appreciated the effort, but a few months later decided to compare my efforts to her brother and made me feel my efforts weren’t enough.. 🤷🏽♂️
Thank you, I just got into a relationship that I feel is good and Christ centered and some of these thoughts were creeping into my mind. I’m glad you were open and vulnerable to making this video. It is helping to equip me for the journey ahead!
I definitely feel the emotional part. For a long time I never showed my emotions to anyone except for a few people. I started learning that I needed to address them within myself in order to relieve negative feelings and hard situations. Not being over emotional, but not lying by omission to seem like someone you’re not. If they’re the right person, then they will value that aspect of you, and see that that’s your truest deepest self. David was a war lord, and still wrote the psalms. We can be emotional too in a healthy way.
Sometimes I think we live the same lives:D I can relate to your vids on an insane level. Thank God, for leading me here and teaching me through you. Keep doing His work!😊🙏
Before I continue with the video, I just want to offer you encouragement brother. Thank you. I will be praying for you. If there is anything in particular, let me know. God bless man.
Hey man this really spoke to me. I’ve been going through some of the same things in this video and you helped shed light on some things and gave me peace knowing that God is molding me.
I'm going through this, you put into words what I have been thinking lately.This is much more mature (if that's the right word) than your usual videos. I can see you are definitely learning and growing.
I just turned 20 and met my wife when I was 19. The dating - which I prefer to call courtship has been very interesting. It was us trying to figure out how we can show each other love without any physical activity; no hugs, no kisses etc and we definitely are not perfect but what I got to learn was that you need God in order to stay strong. We are humans and we have our own desires but with God things are much better Moreover I learnt that staying strong and faithful to God was not just for us but for everyone around us. I am a leader at church and many younger men and women look up to me. The relationship I have with my wife( some say girlfriend) sets a standard to all my friends on how love looks like and it will forever remind them that you can actually stay faithful without doing anything funny, until marriage. Otherwise I love her
I went through a really rough break up, followed by a couple of rebounds and rejections, all within a year. After that time, my idol of marriage was broken. I still desire marriage, but God let me be a fool for a time to teach me to be content without it.
One thing I really struggle with Christianity and religion in general is esoteric spiritual language. When you say ‘God stretched me’ or ‘God was really testing me’, what do you mean? And is there a way you could explain what you mean without using spiritual language, so that your ideas are accessible to all people?
Not sure if I'm alone here, but the older I get (35) the more I believe God really doesn't care whether lonely people find partners or not. God cares about many things that help us become better, healthier people... but from what I see, hear and have personally experienced it seems God is unconcerned about finding partners for his children.
So good man. Thanks for the tips. Hey this is kind of random question: Recently I got brother in christ zoned by this girl and I really thought God was doing something between us. I was shattered there for a while, and now that I'm a bit more put back together, I'm just like why God? (not in a bitter way). I thought you were doing something here? Any thoughts on that? And is it possible to come back from that? lol. I feel like being friendzoned is one thing, but brother zoned seems to leave no glimmer of hope.
The friendzone and the brother-in-Christzone are the same thing. Yes, it’s possible to come back from this, but it takes a long time and isn’t always worth it.
You'd be suprised, but you will always be able to find someone you like more next. Liking someone tricks your brain into thinking there's no one better, but there always is. You got this.
I've been there with you man. And you'd think I'd learn after the first time. But no, it happened a second time. I thought there was no one else for me, and I felt that she was already a part of me almost. Though you weren't dating this girl, it's the same feelings. You will make it through, but it will take a bit of time like the others have said here.
Clearly she's going against God's will 😎. Don't bother, she will probably not see you any different later. There is no escape from the friend zone or the brother in Christ zone. Don't worry, somewhere is a pretty girl that likes you. If she does take you later, ask her what changed her mind. If she says something like "I'm settling" don't do that champ, you don't deserve that relationship
Dude trust me it's not worth it to give it a second more of thought. Let go, let go immediately and keep on moving with your life. This very thing happened to me and within like 3 months I was already with another girl, my current girlfriend. I didn't devote any more time ever again to that previous girl, didn't message her, didn't try to be her friend, didn't hang out with her, once she made it clear that we weren't anything I made sure that we didn't do hang out or do anything again. Don't ever accept being friendzoned if that is not what you want. Accept what God has made the relationship and move on. If it wasn't meant to be it wasn't meant to be. I'm glad it didn't work out because I truly believe I'm with a better girl now anyway. You don't know what is coming, keep your eyes on God, not on this world, and you will be so much more at peace. I was at peace before I was in a relationship, but while being in a relationship is nice, it also introduces a lot of other stressors, worries, and anxieties into your life. There's a cost you pay. I'm not saying it's not worth it, but there is a cost.
Ok, so real question here. Besides what we all know to be the no no's of physical stuff, like sex and pushing the boundaries of that, what are opinions on the acceptable stuff? For example cuddling and even the "beginning" levels of physical intimacy.
In my opinion when it comes to the grey areas of that stuff as long as you're avoiding the sexual parts and not thinking about sex/lusting it is possibly permissible. You must use your own discernment and self-control and pray if you have concerns. 😎
Even with Christian girls I was dumped largely because I chose to not engage in sex. I wanted to please God first. I'm too old now to marry, and it is disappointing to have missed out on a family. But I believe there might be a reward for having obeyed that command. 1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10.
Got a question if anyone knows the answer I’d much appreciate it. How did he meet his wife, and if any of you want to share your story of how you met your significant other im all ears.
There is a video of his where he said that he married young. With that I mean early twenties. Perhaps your answer can be found there. Or some other video of his. Sorry, the rest of the comment is a bit of a ramble. I personally am still single at the age of 30 and I was never I a relationship. So I can't give you any tips. In Swiss free churches there seems to be a decent number of good single women. But for some reason at best I only manage to get into platonic friendships with them. At least as long as I see them in person. Part of the reason for that is because I am not attracted/interested in a good number of them and partially I don't see any interest on their part. It has been better in the last two years. But for some reason this topic really draggs on in my life. I hope it is just God training me in patience or stuff like this. Of course I could just try to force it. I could treat this entire topic as a job and get at least one "job interview" per week. But I prefer to have a general idea of her character before asking her out. Which slows things down a lot. And as a guy who loves his time alone, this slowing down a lot is not really a bad thing in a way. On the contrary, it wouldn't surprise me if I took the mass dating route, it would turn me off from dating. I'm aware of the responses of the extroverts, the people who adore the presence of just about any woman and the lucky ones. They say if you want to get into a marriage then just put yourself out there and you will find someone. Or I should do this or that, like for example I should also date women I'm not interested in or I should stop caring and then God will give me a wife the next day. I'm glad if it worked out for them and I hope it works for many more. Here I have a question for them. How much in a relationship is the Lords doing and how much of it is about our own effort? - If it is all on us then we should give 100% and then we can increase the chances that we find a suiteable woman. It's a pure playing into statistics at that point. > Chage yourself that you are more attractive to a larger number of women > Go "fishing" in those ponds which are more likely to have the fishes which you are interested in. > Have more throughput. And from that point onwards it is only a question of your goal. Do you want the first thing that works or do you want to have the best possible wife and mother for your children that you can get. If you give yourself a time frame within which you want to be married, you can estimate with which quality of woman you will be with after a while into that process. - If God also has a plan for us then we should also listen what God wants for us. > We should be open for things that God gives us and act when it happens > We should be active and put ourselves into situations where God can work through us. > We should see in which way God opens doors in our life. That way we can better judge if it is currently time of singleness or time of finding a spouse. I'm active, but I'm not active with an efficiency of factory farming. I shoot my shots, but I don't shoot them at every moving target. Can I do more? Certainly. Are my character traits and my personality standing in my way? Certainly. For example all my social connections are initiated and upkept by me. If I stop keeping them up, they disappear. And even when I put in effort, most of the people around me are pretty bad at responding. I'm pretty sure many people just see me as a filler friend (see the video of Dr.K) and I give off a pretty low percieved interest. And that is justified, because my interests also include staying alone at home and talking about topics that not many people are interested in, at least not on a daily basis. If I were to change my character traits and personality, then I may be a better fit what women are looking for. If I changed my interest from things which you do alone to things that require group activity, and then I attach myself to some already existing group, then that may be more interesting to women. If I were to go in some bible school or church leadership then I may be more visible/interesting to women. If I were to enjoy dating, shopping and small talk, I would be around more women. But when I tell stuff like that to people then they say I should be authentic, I should be myself and I shouldn't do those things for the sole purpose of finding a wife. According to their statement, I probably should tone down many of my social activities because I already do those while one of the main motivators is to be in more contact with people, including a potential spouse. What do I feel about the entire situation? It's always great hearing people say that it is intersting to talk to me, I'm such a great person, I have all those great qualities. I have a good job, am great at reflecting, great at giving advice, great to get along, loyal and various other things that sound nice and positive. And then they all have their own social network and don't care about including me. The reason I mentioned this is not because I feel better than others or left out or It bothers me. I just find feedback of people often pretty useless. Because their words and their actions don't really align. For example why say I give great advice but don't ask for advice? Why say I will be a great husband at some point when you don't show interest of giving it a chance? And when it comes to romantic relationships, it sometimes feels draining, but usually I really enjoy my single life. The main problem I have is that I want a family and the older I get, the less likely I can have one. It wouldn't surprise me, if I would stop caring about being in a relationship as a whole, once I have given up on being able to have children. I mean it would be nice to have a person who actively shows interest in me with her actions. But I already have a nice life so being married to a woman solely as a confident boost or whatever is not really necessary.
If you’re a virgin don’t let anyone shame you into settling for marrying a non virgin who is now a believer. I’m saving myself for my wife and I expect her to be a virgin too because that’s my one of my only standards and I won’t settle for less. Don’t let anyone shame you into settling for less than what you want. Keep seeking God, delight in Him, and don’t lose faith and God will give you your hearts desires. Keep going! God bless :)
No shame. "She has to be a virgin" was never on my list of requirements. Would it be good? yes… but knowing how *intense* my sex-drive was as a teen/young-man, I could extend grace to someone who didn't keep themselves. But now I'm a 42 y/o literal kissless virgin, and while I think God showed me my future wife, I have no idea how he's going to bring us together.
Get rid of the idea that a woman who has repented of past sins is somehow "beneath" you, no matter what those sins were. Pursue a woman who has also given her life to Christ, yes, but Christ can redeem anyone...why judge someone for who they were before Christ saved them? The old man (or woman, as the case may be) is dead, crucified with Christ.
@@OneWingedShark I hope God does bring the one He has for you to you. As for me, virginity has always been on my short list of requirements for marriage. I will marry the virgin with that God has for me. May Father God bless and guide you always in Jesus Mighty Name!
Just out of curiosity, do you just do these on the fly or do you write a script for them? I ask because I want to start my own channel as well but it can be really discouraging because it takes me so long in my limited free time (hence why it takes so long) writing scripts. I want to start my own Christian channel but marriage has taken even more time. I wish I could say they was just a matter of watching too much TV, playing video games, etc, but sadly that’s not the case. We both have full-time jobs and we’re trying to save money by not eating out, But sometimes it feels like all we’re just doing is making meals and cleaning the dishes. Do you have a full-time job outside of TH-cam? If so, what am I doing wrong?
He mentioned in other videos that these videos require preparation and work (in a video titled 10 Habits of Real Men Isaac confessed that on some days he was too lazy to prepare for new videos - if I remember correctly). I suggest researching this topic well before investing time and effort. It’s somewhat competitive, even among Christian content specifically, and gaining subscribers to the point where it becomes profitable can take quite a while (if ever). Not trying to discourage you, just want to suggest coming in with the journey mindset, where you enjoy every step of the way. God bless
Sometimes good men don't show interest in a woman because she is not worth showing interest in in their eyes. Good men want a wife that is likely to stay with him for the rest of his life and that will be a good rolemodel to their children. Past behavior is usually something they look at as a sign for future behavior. Sometimes good women don't show interest in good men, because they judge them by the wrong criterias. Good men usually are not (as) exciting. And todays society teaches women that romance has to be exciting. Sometimes good men and good women are in completely different social circles and miss each other because of that. Those social circles can be at the same place, geographcially speaking, but they just don't interact with each other. Sometimes good men don't go to a church, because this church is solely focusing on women's way of doing church while the men's way of doing church is discouraged. Sometimes the good men don't exist because they can't be good men due to society. For example what do you do if you put all jobs overseas, and the ones which are here you give to women and foreigners for equities sake? Also once you found a job, you still can't afford a house and car because of the economy. So you end up with a bad job and living in your parent's basement. That influences a mans social standing and his character. Both of which are considered necessary for being a good man. Those are just some thoughts. Make with them what you want.
Around 70% of the couples I know got together within a year of someone moving churches, if you go to a new church and make yourself at home you might get noticed soon enough.
I care not to be judged by this comment because I will not be coming back to it nor will I get anything that tells me that I got a reply. Virgin Men can choose what kind of woman they want, if they care a lot about a woman with no body count then all power to him because God will bless him with such a powerful and Godly and virtuous woman. Now if he wants low body count like less than 2 anything 2 or more is a red flag for him then all power to him because he has real standards. If he needs her to have less than 8 men she opened her legs to then hey his choice again and God will look for a woman in those categories for him sense he is pure and he is a virgin. Now if a woman wants a virgin man and she is a virgin then well she is in a very amazing spot because a ton of men are going their own way and are virgins because they care more about pleasing God and taking care of their soul and their life over any woman's is a man any woman would love to have as long as she does not play games with him and is just honest with him and does no word smithing and just say it bland and simple and forward. If a woman who is a virgin wants A Godly man who may not be Virgin, but then again it literally is impossible to tell if he is not a virgin or is one unless he tells you and women just have to believe him or not believe him cause it is their choice to believe in the man they love or not same with the man as well, but if the man lets say is not a virgin and a virgin woman has standards, sure she has every right to do so she has her own mind and her own purity on the line and she has to be careful who she gives her flower to be in a man's garden for him to water that flower with his seed. She must be careful not to marry a weak man who will not take control and not be pushed around not just by her but by any woman and that he lead the family and she be submissive to her husband and let him be the man of the house as he honors her and lets her be the woman of the house, idk about you guys but I am not putting on a birth simulator thing on my stomach...yeah....no...just no....we men already have to deal with pain that never ends we don't need a pain that is so powerful and all at once in one full huge kick in our spine and more. So yeah I will let the woman be a woman and I will be what I am good at and actually work my behind off and provide for my wife so she can be my helper and she can be the housewife and she can read books and take care of the house and run the taxes as well as the budget and our funds our garden even our children and their learning so they never have to go to a public school to be brain washed by any government, the housewife career is not an easy one because it takes full commitment and giving up their jobs to make a housewife their new job and career that has had too much of a bad rep for being a very good career and a well respected one and honorable and virtuous one at that. Honestly people do what they want and like. People can hate all they want but if you hate me because I say women are to be the helpers of men and they are to be the housewife and not the laborers and military then your no real Christian because you yourself are picking and choosing what you do like and not like in the Bible, doing exactly what the evil and satanic Jewish Pharisees did and change law to be their law and not God's law and perverse everything while sucking off little boys penises while sercumsizing them being pedos and oh let's not forget your promoting Satan and all his demons by defiling the Bible no matter of your baptist or Orthodox or what ever I don't care you perverse God's intended purposes of man and woman you are an abomination and will burn in the fires of hell if you do not repent from your evil and wicked ways. If not then go on ahead and rip open your garments like the Jewish Pharisees did when they beat, abused, cursed, spit on, whipped to the point his ribs from the back of his body you could see his lungs and muscles and more as they put him on a cross and mocked him just like Satan does. So go on tell me I am wrong and tell me I am extreme. They thought Jesus was extreme and you may say you hate me but in reality you hate God and Jesus because I love Jesus and I will die for him and I will gladly put my head on a chopping block and smile at you and say "May God help you all because he stores his wrath in heaven for all of you!"
This guy is wrong on some stuff, especially biblical male supremacy. Women did military (Deborah) and have every right to learn weapons and self defense - to not is foolish. MEN are supposed to stay home and work the land with his wife and family; the money system pulled men from their home and family and put overwhelming burden in each spouse in and out of the home. That is not God's plan but for men to be home just as much as mom - mom is mainly a single mom and spouses are lonely , stressed, and cheating. The Bible is being taught as male supremacy that spiritually abuses women and children and brainwashed people will defend twisted scripture out of context, hermeneutics and exegesis because they don't study scripture under the Holy Spirit but fallible men. Christ is the head of man, man is not a god that he proceeds over Christ but is to be in SUBMISSION not authoritarianism. The husband is the SPIRITUAL leader not THE leader. He does not rule over Eve, that verse is Adam would rule over the earth more than Eve cause she would be pregnant more often and feeding, etc. When we read wrong we treat wrong...like this guy on some thing.
Surat No. 5 Ayat NO. 76 76 Say, ‘Do you worship something other than God, that has no power to do you harm or good? God alone is the All Hearing and All Knowing.’
Maybe TH-cam purposely recommends atheist videos to people that watch Christian content in an effort to corrupt them. TH-cam has an agenda....... and it isn't a good one.
You can tell youtube that it shouldn't recommend videos of certain channels anymore. Also if you delete all cringe Atheist videos on your watch-history, then that also helps a lot.
Don’t. If you’re over 30, give up and let cynicism turn your heart to stone, because God has either forgotten you, or you’re just plain not good enough.
@iansmith5052 oh okay, then He’s just cruel and indifferent to your suffering. The only consolation anyone gives, Christian or not, is “it could always be worse.” What a completely empty, worthless platitude.
@@BruceJC75 what a self centered, conceited attitude to think that God owe's you anything and that if you haven't gotten what you "want" and don't "need" that He's forgetful or indifferent. God isn't cruel for not giving you everything you want. He gave you what you really need, His son. Marriage isn't forever but eternity is. It seems like your reaction to all of this is one of many reasons why God's not giving you someone yet. A relationship takes two selfless people. It's not about "owning" a person for yourself or your desires, it's about living for that person to the point of giving up your own life for them out of love; you know, like Jesus did.
@@foodforthought8874 I’ve lived my entire life serving other people. I took care of my great grandmother for three years after a terrible stroke, helped both of my parents get through severe drug addiction, and now I’m caring for my grandparents in their old age, and I bought a house for my mom and stepdad. The one thing I want is a happy, loving relationship, and my prayers have gone completely ignored. In fact, just when I thought they might finally be answered, I had my heart completely crushed and was totally blindsided. I think I just won’t bother asking for anything anymore if that’s how things are gonna go. Thanks, but no thanks.
@@foodforthought8874 I’ve been living to serve other people my entire life. I took care of my great grandmother for three years after a terrible stroke, helped both of my parents through terrible drug addiction, and now I’m caring for my grandparents in their old age. I also bought a house for my mom and stepdad so they could afford to rent at an actually affordable price. The one thing I want is a happy, loving relationship, and just when I thought my prayers had finally been answered, I only got blindsided and my heart crushed. I think I just won’t bother asking for anything if God is only gonna send me some incredibly painful heartbreak that I didn’t need.
Good advice, I dated a guy that boast how good he was and he did many things with hands and his past! But in reality was a lazy, gaming all day long, negligent I even have to pick him up when tires 🛞 went flat I left him, he still trying to show how good he is when he never admitted or try to be different
If I have two cents to give, it's this... if you still play with yourself, do not pursue a daughter of the king. Live differently than your brothers in Christ by not chasing after another when you can't control yourself. Make your temple a holy one so if anyone comes, they can enter you at ease and with deeper trust.
Good point. Ima going to unalive myself. I will never be romanticly loved
Have morals as a man. Women aren't the only ones that can have standards.
If she clubs and drinks and lives like the world then it's ok for you not to be interested in her and not pursue her
Yes well said
that phrase: humility comes before honor. DUDE. That's exactly what I needed to hear. Thank you :)
Very very relatable things. Being with my current girlfriend has taught me I actually have a lot to mature. I see so many of my insecurities and anxieties, ignorance, lack of understanding, lack of planning, etc. But together we strengthen each other.
Lack of planning is the same for me as well
I know this channel is for men, but I learn a lot from this channel. God bless you and your family
Amen 🙌🏼
I know someone in their mid-thirties who hasn't been on a date since highschool prom and has no interest in dating or marriage. But she definitely loves God, some people just like being single and feel no need to get married. It's interesting how marriage is put on a pedestal in a lot of Christian circles, yet Paul even said it's best to not marry since you can serve God wholly without needing to take care of a spouse and children. Not that marriage is bad or not important, but I wonder if marriage would count as an idol for some Christians.
@@piebytez idol is something that takes place of God in life. In that sense, marriage as an idol is kind of difficult to imagine. Because by definition marriage is a covenant before God.
I also believe that being interested in marriage early on is very important and can save from some unrealistic expectations and potential issues down the road. Reading about it, talking with married couples, and evaluating your life choices from a perspective of potential romantic relationship can be seen as “obsession” to some people, but it provides a solid foundation for perhaps the most important choice Christians are going to make in their life. It’s not about whether or not they will actually get married, or even want to be married - it’s about carefully understanding what marriage is and being ready for it (as much as one can be ready, I guess) if the opportunity arises.
@@pvkom26 So just to clarify, when I say marriage I'm talking about the marriage relationship not the actual covenant. Do Christians obsess over a bunch of promises they make between their spouse and God? No usually Christians obsess over the actual dating relationship and then the marriage relationship more so than the actual covenant. I'm talking about romantic relationships or even the goal of being married, being an idol. Relationship with God should be the focus of Christians but too often I see this obsession with romantic relationships and ultimately marriage. Sorry, but I don't really understand your perspective, does God just spring marriage onto people? It's something you have to study and be ready for, just in case? It sounds more like a surprise pop quiz instead of a covenant you actively participate in. I personally believe if one is led by the Holy Spirit then He will lead you to whomever you should marry. (if God placed that desire in your heart, again it's not for everyone).
God said it’s not good for man to be alone. For those of us who do deeply desire marriage (and kids) I can’t say it’s idolization for wanting that. It is how God made us
@@pvkom26I agree! And well said
This was very enlightening. Thank you, as a woman who went through something really similar with an ex. He chose to walk away and not do the work and I was heartbroken. But it led me straight back to Jesus as I was away from Him and he didn't know Him personally. We were unequally yoked. It hurt, but some people choose easy and choose not to have a teachable heart. I think that's what's most important. And humility.
I’m 25 and I met a godly woman that I want to marry. She is everything and more that God put in my heart to look for in a partner. I am so thankful to have met her. This video is very relatable lol!
When he talked about comfort and the man being the one to set the tone of "this is not what we're gonna do", that really encouraged me to know that there are men out there who also feel and think the same way. as a woman, I'd love for my man to lead me in this part of the relationship too and to hold each other accountable
Broken down intensely. Let God show you who you are and who he is created you to be.
I'm 25, single since 2019, spent most of my life single, and all I can think about is how in 5 years that I'll be 30 amd that nothing will have changed. At this point I'm just tired of harboring this desire that has done absolutely nothing but torment me all my life. I've settled into exactly where I'm supposed to be, but the current dating climate is next to impossible right now.
You’re single not because of the “dating culture” .. you’re single for no external reason actually. You’re single because of YOU: your selfish demands that the world conforms to the way YOU want it to be, and your stubborn unwillingness to let go of the way you have been thinking and acting in this area of your life.
Did you ever approach someone you liked?
I feel you same boat
@@iElia yes, several times, but with all I was put through in the past 6 years it pretty mich destroyed my capacity to feel genuine attraction to anyone.
Keep praying God will deliver, I went ten years not dating trying to find someone constantly praying to God I tried dating apps, i approached girls from church I did it all right and nothing. It took Covid to bring my now wife back to her home town we met through mutual friends dated and are now happily married. I’m 32 it was a rough ride, just months before we started dating I felt the same as you and had for years, but it was all worth it. Gods timing is not always our timing, trust that he has you and find Joy in him
Man, I clicked this video almost feeling obligated to because it's about jesus but it's crazy how much I just learned from this video. I related with everything you said. Thank you. Praise God!
Thank you man!
Thank you for sharing
I think in Dating like a lot of things there's a temptation to “Wait till you're ready” but I think more often than not it's being in those things and being challenged that causes you to be ready
Divine timing. God def sent this vid to me. I'm supposed to make it official and exclusive this weekend and in the short time we've known each other i'm battling so many vunerablilities so much so i'm second guessing if im ready. Every struggle u had i'm having. but i now know its going to be ok. I know she's a 1 in a million. and i know God will bless us.
Deal With the issues that hurt. Stop 🛑 dealing with the symptoms...
This is a Golden video. The part that i related so much was the DIY skills. Long story short, I was dating a women in the faith, kept it real and told her its my weakness but I was willing to learn. I tried my best to help her one day, she appreciated the effort, but a few months later decided to compare my efforts to her brother and made me feel my efforts weren’t enough.. 🤷🏽♂️
Thank you, I just got into a relationship that I feel is good and Christ centered and some of these thoughts were creeping into my mind. I’m glad you were open and vulnerable to making this video. It is helping to equip me for the journey ahead!
I definitely feel the emotional part. For a long time I never showed my emotions to anyone except for a few people. I started learning that I needed to address them within myself in order to relieve negative feelings and hard situations. Not being over emotional, but not lying by omission to seem like someone you’re not. If they’re the right person, then they will value that aspect of you, and see that that’s your truest deepest self. David was a war lord, and still wrote the psalms. We can be emotional too in a healthy way.
Sometimes I think we live the same lives:D I can relate to your vids on an insane level. Thank God, for leading me here and teaching me through you. Keep doing His work!😊🙏
feels very relatable, would be great to see more stuff about this
The timing of this video ❤
6:47 🔥🔥💯
7:48 amen amen “honoring to God” 💯
This video blessed me very much! Thank you bro! God bless✝️🙏🏽❤️
Before I continue with the video, I just want to offer you encouragement brother. Thank you. I will be praying for you. If there is anything in particular, let me know. God bless man.
Hey man this really spoke to me. I’ve been going through some of the same things in this video and you helped shed light on some things and gave me peace knowing that God is molding me.
i like the new hairstyle
I'm going through this, you put into words what I have been thinking lately.This is much more mature (if that's the right word) than your usual videos. I can see you are definitely learning and growing.
I needed this Isaac
Timely and practical! Thanks Isaac!
thank you bro!
I just turned 20 and met my wife when I was 19. The dating - which I prefer to call courtship has been very interesting. It was us trying to figure out how we can show each other love without any physical activity; no hugs, no kisses etc and we definitely are not perfect but what I got to learn was that you need God in order to stay strong. We are humans and we have our own desires but with God things are much better
Moreover I learnt that staying strong and faithful to God was not just for us but for everyone around us. I am a leader at church and many younger men and women look up to me. The relationship I have with my wife( some say girlfriend) sets a standard to all my friends on how love looks like and it will forever remind them that you can actually stay faithful without doing anything funny, until marriage. Otherwise I love her
No hugs seems a little overkill
God bless you
I went through a really rough break up, followed by a couple of rebounds and rejections, all within a year. After that time, my idol of marriage was broken. I still desire marriage, but God let me be a fool for a time to teach me to be content without it.
Thankyou for this.
Very encouraging.
Love the vids
One thing I really struggle with Christianity and religion in general is esoteric spiritual language.
When you say ‘God stretched me’ or ‘God was really testing me’, what do you mean? And is there a way you could explain what you mean without using spiritual language, so that your ideas are accessible to all people?
God sometimes tests us with trials to ensure that our faith is genuine and not shallow.
She’s out there, somewhere. Just have to wait, until we find each other.
More accurately until god lets us find each other
😢 I don’t know if I’d ever meet one 😔😮💨
@@stillgeneric6270 agree
I have never been in a relationship before. I have been single since birth and I know god will bring my wife and be happy.
There is no set timeline for each couple. But curious about how long you dated your now wife?
30 still single
I’m 25
32* seems imposible at times tbh
@@aliperez7154it is. Give up. God has turned His back on us.
@@aliperez7154Same. 29 still single.
I’m 35 and single
Not sure if I'm alone here, but the older I get (35) the more I believe God really doesn't care whether lonely people find partners or not. God cares about many things that help us become better, healthier people... but from what I see, hear and have personally experienced it seems God is unconcerned about finding partners for his children.
I can relate!
So good man. Thanks for the tips. Hey this is kind of random question: Recently I got brother in christ zoned by this girl and I really thought God was doing something between us. I was shattered there for a while, and now that I'm a bit more put back together, I'm just like why God? (not in a bitter way). I thought you were doing something here? Any thoughts on that? And is it possible to come back from that? lol. I feel like being friendzoned is one thing, but brother zoned seems to leave no glimmer of hope.
The friendzone and the brother-in-Christzone are the same thing.
Yes, it’s possible to come back from this, but it takes a long time and isn’t always worth it.
You'd be suprised, but you will always be able to find someone you like more next. Liking someone tricks your brain into thinking there's no one better, but there always is. You got this.
I've been there with you man. And you'd think I'd learn after the first time. But no, it happened a second time. I thought there was no one else for me, and I felt that she was already a part of me almost. Though you weren't dating this girl, it's the same feelings. You will make it through, but it will take a bit of time like the others have said here.
Clearly she's going against God's will 😎. Don't bother, she will probably not see you any different later. There is no escape from the friend zone or the brother in Christ zone. Don't worry, somewhere is a pretty girl that likes you. If she does take you later, ask her what changed her mind. If she says something like "I'm settling" don't do that champ, you don't deserve that relationship
Dude trust me it's not worth it to give it a second more of thought. Let go, let go immediately and keep on moving with your life. This very thing happened to me and within like 3 months I was already with another girl, my current girlfriend. I didn't devote any more time ever again to that previous girl, didn't message her, didn't try to be her friend, didn't hang out with her, once she made it clear that we weren't anything I made sure that we didn't do hang out or do anything again. Don't ever accept being friendzoned if that is not what you want. Accept what God has made the relationship and move on. If it wasn't meant to be it wasn't meant to be. I'm glad it didn't work out because I truly believe I'm with a better girl now anyway. You don't know what is coming, keep your eyes on God, not on this world, and you will be so much more at peace. I was at peace before I was in a relationship, but while being in a relationship is nice, it also introduces a lot of other stressors, worries, and anxieties into your life. There's a cost you pay. I'm not saying it's not worth it, but there is a cost.
What were the areas you were strong in?
Ok, so real question here. Besides what we all know to be the no no's of physical stuff, like sex and pushing the boundaries of that, what are opinions on the acceptable stuff? For example cuddling and even the "beginning" levels of physical intimacy.
In my opinion when it comes to the grey areas of that stuff as long as you're avoiding the sexual parts and not thinking about sex/lusting it is possibly permissible. You must use your own discernment and self-control and pray if you have concerns. 😎
Even with Christian girls I was dumped largely because I chose to not engage in sex. I wanted to please God first. I'm too old now to marry, and it is disappointing to have missed out on a family. But I believe there might be a reward for having obeyed that command.
1 Corinthians 6: 9, 10.
Did you make mistakes when planning dates? How did your wife respond to those situations? Even if u failed.
Got a question if anyone knows the answer I’d much appreciate it. How did he meet his wife, and if any of you want to share your story of how you met your significant other im all ears.
There is a video of his where he said that he married young. With that I mean early twenties. Perhaps your answer can be found there. Or some other video of his.
Sorry, the rest of the comment is a bit of a ramble.
I personally am still single at the age of 30 and I was never I a relationship. So I can't give you any tips. In Swiss free churches there seems to be a decent number of good single women. But for some reason at best I only manage to get into platonic friendships with them. At least as long as I see them in person. Part of the reason for that is because I am not attracted/interested in a good number of them and partially I don't see any interest on their part. It has been better in the last two years. But for some reason this topic really draggs on in my life. I hope it is just God training me in patience or stuff like this.
Of course I could just try to force it. I could treat this entire topic as a job and get at least one "job interview" per week. But I prefer to have a general idea of her character before asking her out. Which slows things down a lot. And as a guy who loves his time alone, this slowing down a lot is not really a bad thing in a way. On the contrary, it wouldn't surprise me if I took the mass dating route, it would turn me off from dating.
I'm aware of the responses of the extroverts, the people who adore the presence of just about any woman and the lucky ones. They say if you want to get into a marriage then just put yourself out there and you will find someone. Or I should do this or that, like for example I should also date women I'm not interested in or I should stop caring and then God will give me a wife the next day. I'm glad if it worked out for them and I hope it works for many more.
Here I have a question for them. How much in a relationship is the Lords doing and how much of it is about our own effort?
- If it is all on us then we should give 100% and then we can increase the chances that we find a suiteable woman. It's a pure playing into statistics at that point.
> Chage yourself that you are more attractive to a larger number of women
> Go "fishing" in those ponds which are more likely to have the fishes which you are interested in.
> Have more throughput.
And from that point onwards it is only a question of your goal. Do you want the first thing that works or do you want to have the best possible wife and mother for your children that you can get. If you give yourself a time frame within which you want to be married, you can estimate with which quality of woman you will be with after a while into that process.
- If God also has a plan for us then we should also listen what God wants for us.
> We should be open for things that God gives us and act when it happens
> We should be active and put ourselves into situations where God can work through us.
> We should see in which way God opens doors in our life. That way we can better judge if it is currently time of singleness or time of finding a spouse.
I'm active, but I'm not active with an efficiency of factory farming. I shoot my shots, but I don't shoot them at every moving target. Can I do more? Certainly. Are my character traits and my personality standing in my way? Certainly.
For example all my social connections are initiated and upkept by me. If I stop keeping them up, they disappear. And even when I put in effort, most of the people around me are pretty bad at responding. I'm pretty sure many people just see me as a filler friend (see the video of Dr.K) and I give off a pretty low percieved interest. And that is justified, because my interests also include staying alone at home and talking about topics that not many people are interested in, at least not on a daily basis.
If I were to change my character traits and personality, then I may be a better fit what women are looking for.
If I changed my interest from things which you do alone to things that require group activity, and then I attach myself to some already existing group, then that may be more interesting to women.
If I were to go in some bible school or church leadership then I may be more visible/interesting to women.
If I were to enjoy dating, shopping and small talk, I would be around more women.
But when I tell stuff like that to people then they say I should be authentic, I should be myself and I shouldn't do those things for the sole purpose of finding a wife. According to their statement, I probably should tone down many of my social activities because I already do those while one of the main motivators is to be in more contact with people, including a potential spouse.
What do I feel about the entire situation? It's always great hearing people say that it is intersting to talk to me, I'm such a great person, I have all those great qualities. I have a good job, am great at reflecting, great at giving advice, great to get along, loyal and various other things that sound nice and positive. And then they all have their own social network and don't care about including me. The reason I mentioned this is not because I feel better than others or left out or It bothers me. I just find feedback of people often pretty useless. Because their words and their actions don't really align. For example why say I give great advice but don't ask for advice? Why say I will be a great husband at some point when you don't show interest of giving it a chance?
And when it comes to romantic relationships, it sometimes feels draining, but usually I really enjoy my single life. The main problem I have is that I want a family and the older I get, the less likely I can have one. It wouldn't surprise me, if I would stop caring about being in a relationship as a whole, once I have given up on being able to have children. I mean it would be nice to have a person who actively shows interest in me with her actions. But I already have a nice life so being married to a woman solely as a confident boost or whatever is not really necessary.
@@ModelingTabi oh I’m single
@@ModelingTabi 24
Not being emotionally vulnerable ultimately crumbled my last relationship. I’m trying to fix that but it’s hard
If you’re a virgin don’t let anyone shame you into settling for marrying a non virgin who is now a believer. I’m saving myself for my wife and I expect her to be a virgin too because that’s my one of my only standards and I won’t settle for less. Don’t let anyone shame you into settling for less than what you want. Keep seeking God, delight in Him, and don’t lose faith and God will give you your hearts desires. Keep going! God bless :)
No shame.
"She has to be a virgin" was never on my list of requirements.
Would it be good? yes… but knowing how *intense* my sex-drive was as a teen/young-man, I could extend grace to someone who didn't keep themselves.
But now I'm a 42 y/o literal kissless virgin, and while I think God showed me my future wife, I have no idea how he's going to bring us together.
Prepare for backlash.
Get rid of the idea that a woman who has repented of past sins is somehow "beneath" you, no matter what those sins were. Pursue a woman who has also given her life to Christ, yes, but Christ can redeem anyone...why judge someone for who they were before Christ saved them? The old man (or woman, as the case may be) is dead, crucified with Christ.
@LinkSkywalker42 You're right. But so is he to have his preference. Stuff like this can and often does break marriages apart. God bless.
@@OneWingedShark I hope God does bring the one He has for you to you. As for me, virginity has always been on my short list of requirements for marriage. I will marry the virgin with that God has for me. May Father God bless and guide you always in Jesus Mighty Name!
Just out of curiosity, do you just do these on the fly or do you write a script for them? I ask because I want to start my own channel as well but it can be really discouraging because it takes me so long in my limited free time (hence why it takes so long) writing scripts.
I want to start my own Christian channel but marriage has taken even more time. I wish I could say they was just a matter of watching too much TV, playing video games, etc, but sadly that’s not the case. We both have full-time jobs and we’re trying to save money by not eating out, But sometimes it feels like all we’re just doing is making meals and cleaning the dishes.
Do you have a full-time job outside of TH-cam?
If so, what am I doing wrong?
He does you-tube full time
He mentioned in other videos that these videos require preparation and work (in a video titled 10 Habits of Real Men Isaac confessed that on some days he was too lazy to prepare for new videos - if I remember correctly).
I suggest researching this topic well before investing time and effort. It’s somewhat competitive, even among Christian content specifically, and gaining subscribers to the point where it becomes profitable can take quite a while (if ever). Not trying to discourage you, just want to suggest coming in with the journey mindset, where you enjoy every step of the way. God bless
How did you meet your wife
How did you meet your wife? Or rather how did your wife meet you? Asking for a friend 😅 cos like where the godfearing Christian guys at ??
There's tons of us
Sometimes good men don't show interest in a woman because she is not worth showing interest in in their eyes. Good men want a wife that is likely to stay with him for the rest of his life and that will be a good rolemodel to their children. Past behavior is usually something they look at as a sign for future behavior.
Sometimes good women don't show interest in good men, because they judge them by the wrong criterias. Good men usually are not (as) exciting. And todays society teaches women that romance has to be exciting.
Sometimes good men and good women are in completely different social circles and miss each other because of that. Those social circles can be at the same place, geographcially speaking, but they just don't interact with each other.
Sometimes good men don't go to a church, because this church is solely focusing on women's way of doing church while the men's way of doing church is discouraged.
Sometimes the good men don't exist because they can't be good men due to society. For example what do you do if you put all jobs overseas, and the ones which are here you give to women and foreigners for equities sake? Also once you found a job, you still can't afford a house and car because of the economy. So you end up with a bad job and living in your parent's basement. That influences a mans social standing and his character. Both of which are considered necessary for being a good man.
Those are just some thoughts. Make with them what you want.
Around 70% of the couples I know got together within a year of someone moving churches, if you go to a new church and make yourself at home you might get noticed soon enough.
first 🔥
I care not to be judged by this comment because I will not be coming back to it nor will I get anything that tells me that I got a reply.
Virgin Men can choose what kind of woman they want, if they care a lot about a woman with no body count then all power to him because God will bless him with such a powerful and Godly and virtuous woman. Now if he wants low body count like less than 2 anything 2 or more is a red flag for him then all power to him because he has real standards. If he needs her to have less than 8 men she opened her legs to then hey his choice again and God will look for a woman in those categories for him sense he is pure and he is a virgin.
Now if a woman wants a virgin man and she is a virgin then well she is in a very amazing spot because a ton of men are going their own way and are virgins because they care more about pleasing God and taking care of their soul and their life over any woman's is a man any woman would love to have as long as she does not play games with him and is just honest with him and does no word smithing and just say it bland and simple and forward. If a woman who is a virgin wants A Godly man who may not be Virgin, but then again it literally is impossible to tell if he is not a virgin or is one unless he tells you and women just have to believe him or not believe him cause it is their choice to believe in the man they love or not same with the man as well, but if the man lets say is not a virgin and a virgin woman has standards, sure she has every right to do so she has her own mind and her own purity on the line and she has to be careful who she gives her flower to be in a man's garden for him to water that flower with his seed. She must be careful not to marry a weak man who will not take control and not be pushed around not just by her but by any woman and that he lead the family and she be submissive to her husband and let him be the man of the house as he honors her and lets her be the woman of the house, idk about you guys but I am not putting on a birth simulator thing on my stomach...yeah....no...just no....we men already have to deal with pain that never ends we don't need a pain that is so powerful and all at once in one full huge kick in our spine and more. So yeah I will let the woman be a woman and I will be what I am good at and actually work my behind off and provide for my wife so she can be my helper and she can be the housewife and she can read books and take care of the house and run the taxes as well as the budget and our funds our garden even our children and their learning so they never have to go to a public school to be brain washed by any government, the housewife career is not an easy one because it takes full commitment and giving up their jobs to make a housewife their new job and career that has had too much of a bad rep for being a very good career and a well respected one and honorable and virtuous one at that.
Honestly people do what they want and like.
People can hate all they want but if you hate me because I say women are to be the helpers of men and they are to be the housewife and not the laborers and military then your no real Christian because you yourself are picking and choosing what you do like and not like in the Bible, doing exactly what the evil and satanic Jewish Pharisees did and change law to be their law and not God's law and perverse everything while sucking off little boys penises while sercumsizing them being pedos and oh let's not forget your promoting Satan and all his demons by defiling the Bible no matter of your baptist or Orthodox or what ever I don't care you perverse God's intended purposes of man and woman you are an abomination and will burn in the fires of hell if you do not repent from your evil and wicked ways. If not then go on ahead and rip open your garments like the Jewish Pharisees did when they beat, abused, cursed, spit on, whipped to the point his ribs from the back of his body you could see his lungs and muscles and more as they put him on a cross and mocked him just like Satan does. So go on tell me I am wrong and tell me I am extreme. They thought Jesus was extreme and you may say you hate me but in reality you hate God and Jesus because I love Jesus and I will die for him and I will gladly put my head on a chopping block and smile at you and say "May God help you all because he stores his wrath in heaven for all of you!"
This guy is wrong on some stuff, especially biblical male supremacy. Women did military (Deborah) and have every right to learn weapons and self defense - to not is foolish. MEN are supposed to stay home and work the land with his wife and family; the money system pulled men from their home and family and put overwhelming burden in each spouse in and out of the home. That is not God's plan but for men to be home just as much as mom - mom is mainly a single mom and spouses are lonely , stressed, and cheating. The Bible is being taught as male supremacy that spiritually abuses women and children and brainwashed people will defend twisted scripture out of context, hermeneutics and exegesis because they don't study scripture under the Holy Spirit but fallible men. Christ is the head of man, man is not a god that he proceeds over Christ but is to be in SUBMISSION not authoritarianism. The husband is the SPIRITUAL leader not THE leader. He does not rule over Eve, that verse is Adam would rule over the earth more than Eve cause she would be pregnant more often and feeding, etc. When we read wrong we treat wrong...like this guy on some thing.
Learn to break sentences bruh
Surat No. 5 Ayat NO. 76
76 Say, ‘Do you worship something other than God, that has no power to do you harm or good? God alone is the All Hearing and All Knowing.’
Commenting so the algorithm will stop recommending cringe Athiest videos to me.
My issue is with the modern church and neo Christians not God, TH-cam
What are your contentions exactly?
@@reaganlecroy7773 Landry list, using God as nothing more than a sky genie, pedestalising fee fees over scriptural truth barely scratches the surface
Maybe TH-cam purposely recommends atheist videos to people that watch Christian content in an effort to corrupt them. TH-cam has an agenda....... and it isn't a good one.
@@pondfishrancherfee fees???
You can tell youtube that it shouldn't recommend videos of certain channels anymore. Also if you delete all cringe Atheist videos on your watch-history, then that also helps a lot.
Don’t. If you’re over 30, give up and let cynicism turn your heart to stone, because God has either forgotten you, or you’re just plain not good enough.
@iansmith5052 oh okay, then He’s just cruel and indifferent to your suffering. The only consolation anyone gives, Christian or not, is “it could always be worse.” What a completely empty, worthless platitude.
@@BruceJC75 what a self centered, conceited attitude to think that God owe's you anything and that if you haven't gotten what you "want" and don't "need" that He's forgetful or indifferent. God isn't cruel for not giving you everything you want. He gave you what you really need, His son. Marriage isn't forever but eternity is. It seems like your reaction to all of this is one of many reasons why God's not giving you someone yet. A relationship takes two selfless people. It's not about "owning" a person for yourself or your desires, it's about living for that person to the point of giving up your own life for them out of love; you know, like Jesus did.
@@foodforthought8874 I’ve lived my entire life serving other people. I took care of my great grandmother for three years after a terrible stroke, helped both of my parents get through severe drug addiction, and now I’m caring for my grandparents in their old age, and I bought a house for my mom and stepdad. The one thing I want is a happy, loving relationship, and my prayers have gone completely ignored. In fact, just when I thought they might finally be answered, I had my heart completely crushed and was totally blindsided. I think I just won’t bother asking for anything anymore if that’s how things are gonna go. Thanks, but no thanks.
@@foodforthought8874 I’ve been living to serve other people my entire life. I took care of my great grandmother for three years after a terrible stroke, helped both of my parents through terrible drug addiction, and now I’m caring for my grandparents in their old age. I also bought a house for my mom and stepdad so they could afford to rent at an actually affordable price. The one thing I want is a happy, loving relationship, and just when I thought my prayers had finally been answered, I only got blindsided and my heart crushed. I think I just won’t bother asking for anything if God is only gonna send me some incredibly painful heartbreak that I didn’t need.
@@foodforthought8874 Perfect response :) - it's okay to yearn for marriage but marriage shall not be idolised.
Good advice, I dated a guy that boast how good he was and he did many things with hands and his past! But in reality was a lazy, gaming all day long, negligent I even have to pick him up when tires 🛞 went flat I left him, he still trying to show how good he is when he never admitted or try to be different
This video is what I needed. Damn 😢 thank you