香港人估大馬廣東話 | Hong Kongers Guessing Malaysian Cantonese | 20題挑戰猜馬來西亞廣東話

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 3 ต.ค. 2024
  • 你好啊~ 今次好開心邀請到我的香港中學同學,Chiki和Miki 同我玩估馬來西亞的廣東話。
    Hello everyone, hope you’re well. I’m glad to have invited my friends since high school (Chiki and Miki) to be my guests in this video. Chiki and Miki will be taking up the challenge to guess some of the Malaysian Chinese Cantonese phrases - an exciting and fun game.
    Hope you enjoy the video and please like, subscribe and share my channel. Thank you!

ความคิดเห็น • 848

  • @windsfire2642
    @windsfire2642 2 ปีที่แล้ว +38


    • @paulyi729
      @paulyi729 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @enghongchua4148
    @enghongchua4148 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    羅D(麵包) - roti
    馬打(警察) - mata (馬拉文意思:眼睛),寮(意思係小屋)
    鐳(錢) - duit
    飲嗲(飲茶) - teh (源自福建話)
    蘇媽(全部) - semua
    架週(打擾) - kacau
    千猜(隨便) - cincai (源自福建話:凊彩)
    牙攞(吵架) - gaduh
    滅查啦(打官司) - bicara
    去撩(去玩) - 一般指遊玩,並非形容捉弄人 耍人
    馬來西亞廣東話經常發音錯誤嘅情況 :
    速度 - “縮”度
    正常 - 正“祥”
    吉祥 - 吉“常”
    趕工 - “管”工
    開始 - 開“屎”
    超越 - 超“約”
    娶老婆 - “草”老婆
    由於以前馬來西亞鄉村地方冇乜店鋪,所以大多數開一個檔口仔就係咁賣茶飲茶,而家就會叫店鋪嘅做“茶室” 檔口仔賣茶嘅就叫“茶檔”

  • @usmfoodtechnology2456
    @usmfoodtechnology2456 2 ปีที่แล้ว +50

    "so ma" = all ("so ma" is a direct translation of the Malay word "semua", meaning "all").
    "mai lo di" = buy bread. ("lo di" is a direct translation of the Malay word "roti", meaning "bread").

    • @kingwong8290
      @kingwong8290 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Pannai la

    • @choonengwong69
      @choonengwong69 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @alexckwong8379
      @alexckwong8379 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@choonengwong69 Klang valley區華人一般叫茶室 kobidin

    • @katherinegoh2318
      @katherinegoh2318 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @gp2779
      @gp2779 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Roti is actually a Tamil word, not Malay.

  • @shangaton9899
    @shangaton9899 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    大馬嘅廣東話重保留著舊式廣州粵語發音同埋用詞。 尤其係怡保同埋芙蓉地區。有啲吉隆坡本地人係其實不知不覺用更順德音佛山音嚟講廣東話。好多係跟返自己祖籍方言。係會有多少鄉下詞句,類似: 水草。古時,係用水草做飲管,又領嚟綁粽綁嘢。舊時鄉下人好忌用雨字, 咪叫"落水" 咯。以前我去新界圍村,聽過圍村人都有用而個嘅詞句。

    • @a7062250
      @a7062250 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @guitarjackli
      @guitarjackli 7 หลายเดือนก่อน +2


  • @waterhphbhk
    @waterhphbhk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +40


    • @xyes
      @xyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      怡保仲会好似客家话咁用 “开” 嚟代替 “咗”,所以试过去当地都会闹出唔少笑话。

    • @waterhphbhk
      @waterhphbhk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該
      @ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      香港喱最鍾意偷來講的 撚 這個粗口都是廣州話粗口,圍頭話係冇架。香港人講圍頭話啦,我地澳門人一個字都唔識聽
      香港人講返圍頭話啦 自卑唔講圍頭話真可憐
      茶樓、點心、腸粉、冰室係香港人抄襲偷盜廣州嘅嘢 我澳門人真係睇唔慣。冰室,又叫冰廳,廣州話用以稱呼冷飲店。其是南粵地方一種主要售賣冷飲、雪糕及沙冰等冷凍食品的飲食場所,起源發跡於廣州。在香港流行於1950至1960年代,被認為是茶餐廳的前身[1][2]。過往廣州的冰室會經營雪糕、凍奶、冰水,兼營咖啡、奶茶等熱飲和西餅麵包
      廣州塔英文叫Canton Tower
      我係澳門人 澳門一直係廣府話/廣州話地區
      但香港唔係 香港一百年前還在講圍頭話(香港話) 一百年前澳門和廣州影響力遠遠高過香港
      香港人放棄圍頭話學我地講廣州話 香港人講廣東話口音非常難聽好多懶音(畢竟係抄返黎)
      魯迅講過:一直如此 便是對嗎
      潮州都係廣東 梅州又係廣東

    • @waterhphbhk
      @waterhphbhk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 香港未開發前係鄉,唔係古城,初期好多人講嘢帶鄉音唔出奇!

    • @waterhphbhk
      @waterhphbhk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      @@ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 香港用Hong Kong做拼音英文名,一早有歷史資料講過,係英國水手登陸時,海邊問路遇到水上人村民,佢哋用自己鄉音讀地名發音係Hong,或許呢個鄉音係圍頭話唔定,我無考究,當時香港仲未開發,未有廣州人移民,所以你話香港人早期唔係講廣州廣東話應該可能無錯,但後來廣州移民多左,廣東話形成香港主流語言,呢個係廣州文化發展,呢啲根本係「發展」而唔係「抄襲」,就好似有人將佛法帶嚟中國,你唔會話中國抄襲印度㗎嘛,呢啲叫「發展」而唔係「抄襲」,用「抄襲」嚟形容係一種「本末倒置」嘅思想!

  • @arii1987
    @arii1987 2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

    Generally, the inland cities/towns have Cantonese speaking people like in Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Sitiawan and Seremban. The coastal cities and towns have Hokkien speaking people like in Penang, Klang, Melaka, Johor Bharu and Singapore. It has a lot to do with the gangs of yesteryears the Ghee Hin and the Hai San. Anyway, the languages in Malaysia are mixed, be it the Chinese dialects or Indian languages. I am a Tamil and if I were to speak to some in India, they will instantly recognize that I am a foreigner, and my Tamil has words from other languages. This is the beauty of Malaysia.

    • @quireyuyue
      @quireyuyue 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      The same like when Hong Kong ppl come to KL. Instantly know that they're not Malaysian XD

  • @chooikokkeong4831
    @chooikokkeong4831 2 ปีที่แล้ว +23

    there are some elements of mixture between our national language and cantonese as we live in a multi cultural society.
    1 ) yum teh (bahasa malaysia-national language of malaysia ) - drink tea - yum lai cha
    2) jhau lui (duit in bm) - here's your change (of money) - jhau san ji
    3) mata liu (mata-mata in bm means police) - police station - king chak kuk
    4) semua (in bm means all) - all - soh yau/ham paa lang
    5) kacau (in bm means disturb) - disturb - sou yiu
    6) pak sak (pasar means market in bm) - market - kai si
    7) pan nai (pandai means clever in bm) - clever - ying ming or lek
    it depends on where do you live (geographical area) ?
    ipoh - most people speak cantonese
    penang, taiping, melaka and johore - most people speak hokkien
    sarawak - hakka
    kuala lumpur - mandarin

    • @dcwtf09
      @dcwtf09 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      KL born people speaks Cantonese, Mandarin and English are generally second language.

    • @chessten
      @chessten 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      KL folks are majority cantonese. Its because of many from other states work at KL after graduation that they start using mandarin as common language among Chinese that cause the KLites to adapt.

    • @midnightsun1728
      @midnightsun1728 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I'm very sure that no one says yum teh anywhere in Malaysia. It's yum cha.

    • @chooikokkeong4831
      @chooikokkeong4831 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@midnightsun1728 true and sometimes we hear people speaking hokkien “lim teh”!

    • @How-zh7gu
      @How-zh7gu ปีที่แล้ว

      Teh is Hokkien

  • @Jeremy-lq4ii
    @Jeremy-lq4ii 2 ปีที่แล้ว +24

    Malaysian Chinese checking in, team "banana". Yes our Cantonese are a bit funny because we mixed it with different languages and dialects. Its our "rojak" language, we grow up learning at least 5 languages/dialects. English/Malay for academics, Cantonese/Mandarin speaking casually with friends and to the uncle/aunty (yes everyone is our relatives) when buying "char kuey teow" from our local "kopitiam", and for me I speak Hakka to communicate with my grandparents. Yeap, our brain really can process that much of lingua franca.

  • @kean-leongang1167
    @kean-leongang1167 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Chiki was right. Before I turned 2 years old, I can already understood English (my aunt), Malay (neighbors), Mandarin (Taiwanese movies on TV), Cantonese (Hong Kong movies on TV), Hokkien (Dad), Teochew(Mum) and even Tamil (family estate workers), and I hadn't even gone to school yet. The Cantonese community here in Malaysia wasn't the largest, but most Malaysian Chinese can speak Cantonese, thanks to the soft power of Hong Kong Media industry. Yes, I learnt my Cantonese from Stephen Chow, vulgar words and all.

    • @vivianliew8250
      @vivianliew8250 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      I'm also from Malaysia. Since I'm borned I understand English (parents ), mandarin (primary school parents send me to Chinese school, and also of course from Chinese dramas and Chinese varieties show), malay(its a must language to learn both English and malay in all schools ), cantanose (learned myself through listening to my parents talking to each other and also hk drama ), my dialect is teochew(my mother's side ), hakka(father, but I totally don't understand at all as my father didn't teach me hakka😅) ..

  • @waterhphbhk
    @waterhphbhk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10


    • @WayneHong864
      @WayneHong864 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @waterhphbhk
      @waterhphbhk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @kWW4182
      @kWW4182 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @taytzuleong5584
    @taytzuleong5584 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    In Malaysia, we locals mix a lot of our languages together. Some of the words in this video are a mixture of cantonese and malay. Some of them are malay words in cantonese pronounciation.

  • @irenelai.2406
    @irenelai.2406 2 ปีที่แล้ว +14

    我來自吉隆坡。六歲前懂得廣東話同埋客家話。上咗小學同中學就必須學埋馬來語,英語,華語(普通話)。讀大學時(選擇讀酒店管理就必須要學法語)。畢業出來做咗幾年酒店再去讀個 MBA 順便學埋日語。本身為了追韓劇就上網自學韓語。雖然識多種語言不過都唔係精嗰隻但係都好夠用。

  • @winnie3351
    @winnie3351 2 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    actually teh是茶 teh tarik 才是拉茶😂但每个地区的叫法不一样 所以不是每个人都会叫饮teh kl人多数也是叫yam cha(饮茶)😂
    然後羅迪和羅里不是馬來西亞式英文 它是我們的馬來話語言roti和lori😂

  • @eugenelau7519
    @eugenelau7519 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27


  • @phy8225
    @phy8225 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    5. It's from 腳車 and we read it in Cantonese.
    6. "Lim Teh" (飲茶), a Hokkien word. We never say it as "yam teh". We say it as "yam cha". Teh can be milk teh or Chinese tea.
    I think you have written it down by using Cantonese sound/word. When you read it, it's a bit off and doesn't really sound like how we Malaysian speak Cantonese.

  • @obedienceisbetterthansacrifice
    @obedienceisbetterthansacrifice 10 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Very entertaining video! 👍👍
    By the way, the cantonese spoken in both Malaysia and Singapore are very similar.

  • @張君-h5g
    @張君-h5g 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @leealex24
    @leealex24 2 ปีที่แล้ว +29


  • @davidscz
    @davidscz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    炸东京 is usually used by people in the 80s/90s, nowadays seldom hear people use - it doesn't sound decent, haha
    蘇嗎 comes from the Malay word "Semua" - there are many similar words acclitamised to Malay language, same goes for 鐳 , it comes from the word "duit" but because cantonese words have no similar pronounciation, they substituted it to a word with closest pronounciation

  • @faithwithfruits
    @faithwithfruits 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11

    I'm a Banana Cantonese Malaysian, I can speak but don't know how to read and write Cantonese. I totally enjoy this video. However some of your pronunciation is off, making it hard for me to guess as well. Hahaha. I wish TH-cam have function to leave voice comments.

  • @edwardchong1180
    @edwardchong1180 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Haha….we Malaysian feel so cute about Hong Kong Cantonese just like what you feel when in Malaysia. My dad once visit Hong Kong and wanted to go to morning market there and ask Hong Konger saying “ where is the pasar? and people there don’t know because pasar is actually Malaysia malay language…..just like semua….meaning is all….also girl really say “ you liu me” means you flirt me. This video makes me laugh a lot …..👍😍

  • @rayiscoolandawesome
    @rayiscoolandawesome 2 ปีที่แล้ว +20

    I'm Malay Malaysian, I found it interesting when listening to some Malaysian Cantonese words 👍👍👍

    • @lewy7601
      @lewy7601 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      wow then you should know cantonese then

    • @rayiscoolandawesome
      @rayiscoolandawesome 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@lewy7601 I was referring to those that share similarity with Malay like others have mentioned such as lodi, mata, soma.. I know Chinese transliterated foreign words into Chinese language.. I'm not familiar with Cantonese so it's exciting to listen to those words for the first time

    • @ericklmy
      @ericklmy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Bro When I eat the food cooked by my mother everyday, I noticed our food is not 100% Chinese. The ingredients are all mixed Malaysian.
      You are right. We use many words directly translated from BM 😂 We are Malaysian lah. Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin

    • @rayiscoolandawesome
      @rayiscoolandawesome 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@ericklmy hehe yes we're Malaysian anyway..thank you for the hari raya wish 😍

  • @whylsl
    @whylsl 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Hi Hi Athena, "lo-di" is adapted from Bahasa way back from 1900s after arriving in Malaya from China as used by local then. Basically the word "Ro-ti" = Bread = adapted from Bahasa M'sia, originally a Sanskrit word for bread too, commonly"Ro-ti" is still used in India/Sri Langka too. Lo-ri = Lorry (when British for truck, off loader). Teh = Tea but does not mean all the tea in M'sia as there are many varieties of tea from "teh tarik" to "teh si" to "teh Cham" & depending if from Malay, Chinese, Indian, Middle east restaurant or western or japanese, korean etc, all taste differently (even if called the same name). "Jo-motor" = sit on motor bike (since motor commonly understood as motorcycle as a bike with motor engine mechanism. Mata-Mata = Police in Bahasa M'sia = Eye (or Mata = Eye = back then, the police/government/spy watching every steps of the public during the emergency situation back in the 40s, 50s, 60s (before independent)

  • @WayneHong864
    @WayneHong864 2 ปีที่แล้ว +62


    • @waterhphbhk
      @waterhphbhk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5


    • @luikaihang1110
      @luikaihang1110 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      老兄,美國人叫車用嘅油為【Gasoline】, 英國人叫佢做【Petro】,美國人叫【elevator】英國人叫【lift】美國人叫【truck】英國人叫【lorry】。我哋可以下結論美國人聽唔懂英國人,英國人亦聽唔懂美國人。我喺新加坡土生土長,我未喺香港生活過一日,我去到香港同香港互相溝通完全冇問題。同樣喺台灣用閩南話亦冇大問題。何需將不必要的一啲不同處放大呢?好似:【落水】一詞,喺我鄉下仍然叫【落雨】為【落水】,咁又誰先誰後?

    • @ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該
      @ほしのみやこ中國香港人應該 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      香港喱最鍾意偷來講的 撚 這個粗口都是廣州話粗口,圍頭話係冇架。香港人講圍頭話啦,我地澳門人一個字都唔識聽
      香港人講返圍頭話啦 自卑唔講圍頭話真可憐
      茶樓、點心、腸粉、冰室係香港人抄襲偷盜廣州嘅嘢 我澳門人真係睇唔慣。冰室,又叫冰廳,廣州話用以稱呼冷飲店。其是南粵地方一種主要售賣冷飲、雪糕及沙冰等冷凍食品的飲食場所,起源發跡於廣州。在香港流行於1950至1960年代,被認為是茶餐廳的前身[1][2]。過往廣州的冰室會經營雪糕、凍奶、冰水,兼營咖啡、奶茶等熱飲和西餅麵包
      廣州塔英文叫Canton Tower
      我係澳門人 澳門一直係廣府話/廣州話地區
      但香港唔係 香港一百年前還在講圍頭話(香港話) 一百年前澳門和廣州影響力遠遠高過香港
      香港人放棄圍頭話學我地講廣州話 香港人講廣東話口音非常難聽好多懶音(畢竟係抄返黎)
      魯迅講過:一直如此 便是對嗎
      潮州都係廣東 梅州又係廣東

    • @li_tsz_fung
      @li_tsz_fung 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      @@luikaihang1110 話題嚟姐,實際使用上,溝通上嚟可能每幾句就有一兩個用字令對方覺得奇怪,但多數會明白。但我自己都覺馬來西亞廣東話好近舊式廣東話,因為我鄉下都會講落水,邊皮,去撩,火(燈)。佢哋仲要唔係講開火,係講「做烘火」

    • @WayneHong864
      @WayneHong864 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      @@luikaihang1110 兄弟,comment纯粹是交流和讨论为何彼此同样语言但词汇用法不同,没有你所说的“一点不同处放大”😅

  • @brandonng2883
    @brandonng2883 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I was born and raised in Sandakan, Sabah and both my grandfathers are from Hong Kong. It's fair to say I got confused too when I first went to Kuala Lumpur and discovered many of these words or phrases. I only understood Jeung Cue, Sui Cou and Zha Dung Ging though I use Zha Dong Gin and Gao Sui Fai (Pay water bill) as creative replacement for defecating and peeing, respectively.

    • @furoki91
      @furoki91 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      I still find people in Sandakan speaking the most authentic and logical Cantonese as I've been to other states that you mentioned .

    • @brandonng2883
      @brandonng2883 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@furoki91 It is for a reason and that is due to Sandakan being the Little Hong Kong back in the days. There's subtle differences too like Fetch You (with transportation) is called Zhong Nei like you would say fill water Zhong Sui instead of Zhoi Nei. Some of them call ice cubes as Suet instead of Bing. Then, Green is Cheng Sik instead of Luk Sik. Maybe the Cantonese there is influenced by some of Hakka words.

    • @furoki91
      @furoki91 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@brandonng2883 Exactly bro, you have superb observation on differentiating them, even i born here too in Sandakan but I didn't realize it until you say it 😂

    • @brandonng2883
      @brandonng2883 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@furoki91 hahaha it's not superb, really 😊 I love to compare languages from different countries or areas. I also enjoy perfecting my linguistic skill as much as I can. If you're still staying in Sandakan, probably you wouldn't notice these subtle differences as these words are common there.

    • @leealex24
      @leealex24 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Outside of HK and maybe Guangzhou, Malaysia has probably the next highest cantonese speakers at least 3-4mil people especially in the capital, Kuala Lumpur. Cantonese has a very high status among ethnic chinese in Malaysia.

  • @cjmultichannel7972
    @cjmultichannel7972 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @Maruchiru
    @Maruchiru 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    書館 = 學校
    打油 = 入油
    打包 = 拿走
    雪茶 = 凍飲嘅茶
    加雪 = 加冰

    • @waterhphbhk
      @waterhphbhk 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @chinleong8152
      @chinleong8152 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @mokk3649
      @mokk3649 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@chinleong8152 广东话是香港人从英文 cantonese 翻译过的,正确应该是广府话或广州话。
      英国人叫错广州为 canton

  • @OvDevilz
    @OvDevilz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    You are right. Very few younger generations speaks cantonese unless their family use it as common language. My wife is Hakka and she speaks Hakka Hokkien Cantonese Mandarin Malay and English. I am Malay and do not speaks any Chinese dialect. My wife using other than Mandarin when she converse with others who use other dialects. Once my wife spoke to her uncle in Cantonese (I could understand a bit thanks to Stephen Chow 😅) but when I asked my daughter what are they talking about - she said she have no idea 😂 - she speaks Malay English and Mandarin only, and her Mandarin is better than the other two.

    • @silentboomber
      @silentboomber 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Love your family, a truly Malaysian family

  • @Sam-db2xw
    @Sam-db2xw 2 ปีที่แล้ว +10


    • @GLoop無縫循環歌曲
      @GLoop無縫循環歌曲 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      正解 😅

    • @helloathena
      @helloathena  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @runeer
      @runeer 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @kevinchujialeh2134
      @kevinchujialeh2134 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@runeer 我之前都听讲batu其实都系闽南语?

  • @SOKA.28
    @SOKA.28 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Many Cantonese words originate from our Malay words.. A blend. Example "so ma" comes from the Malay word "semua" - meaning all.

  • @mokk3649
    @mokk3649 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    teh 在华人或马来餐店是普通奶茶,在印度餐店才是拉茶
    teh 原字是闽南语,英文 (tea ) 和马来文都借用
    roti 原字是印度语 (煎饼),英文和马来文都借用 (马来文也用意为面包)

    • @xyes
      @xyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      其实宜家好少人会讲 “饮teh”,都系一啲KL老广先会同佢哋嘅老朋友咁讲,宜家都会讲 “饮茶”。

    • @li_tsz_fung
      @li_tsz_fung 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @xyes
      @xyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@li_tsz_fung 睇你点嗌咯。
      西马半岛一般剩系以下几种组合,亦都视乎间茶店用嘅系油脂定奶制嘅 “炼奶”/“淡奶”:
      1)Teh = 茶 + 炼奶
      2)Teh'C = 茶 + 淡奶 + 糖
      3)Teh'O = 茶 + 糖
      4)Teh'C/O kosong = (2) / (3) 走糖
      5)Teh kaw = (1) 要茶味冲得浓啲
      以上 (4)、(5)组合都泛指 走糖 或者 杯奶茶边部分需要较浓嘅意思。
      6)Teh 生熟奶 = (1)+ 淡奶 (沙巴(1)叫做 Teh奶)
      7)Teh 三C = (6)+ 糖
      仲有一啲比较少听过嘅配搭,当然再加上 美碌、屙华田、生炒咖啡、即容咖啡、好力克、麦皮、柠檬、桔仔、咸柠檬、咸桔,就睇间茶档有几千变万化。

    • @mokk3649
      @mokk3649 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @mrngkokloong
      @mrngkokloong 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@xyes 一就是“饮茶”,二就是“limteh”.。。。.哈哈

  • @happysmileyman
    @happysmileyman 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    例子飲Teh,是源自英國殖民的影響,將紅茶(Ceylon tea)的文化更加本土化

  • @khongmunhing6948
    @khongmunhing6948 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    In Malaysia, Cantonese also have 2 types. The Cantonese in Ipoh area more like Hong Kong Cantonese. The Cantonese you have learn is from KL Cantonese.

    • @hoyewkheong1
      @hoyewkheong1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      in ipoh,
      we seldom say 掌住,but 睇住。

    • @thomasanthony2970
      @thomasanthony2970 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Those are none native cantonese speaker hence the 不标准粤语 even the native speaker started to do so. I give you an example牛腩 most people pronounce it lam instead of nam.

    • @jingyitou838
      @jingyitou838 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thomasanthony2970 I disagree, Cantonese has many variations, so pronunciation changes according to local accents and term usage changes too, Cantonese is not just restricted to the standardized Cantonese in Hong Kong. Even in HK, there are variations in pronouncing words starting with "ng", like ngam (correct), some people actually only pronounced it as "am". There were also accent variations in pronunciation of similar sounds like l and n, because the Cantonese speaker here came from different part of Guangzhou to Malaysia in the past, so some variations occurs according to their different origins. HK standardized their Cantonese for educational purposes so the modern Cantonese we hear there now is more standardized and less colloquial like those in South East Asia, that is not used as a standard medium in schools, that explains why they felt like the Cantonese terms in Malaysia seems to be something they will use in HK in much older days.

    • @leealex24
      @leealex24 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Outside of HK and maybe Guangzhou, Malaysia has probably the next highest cantonese speakers at least 3-4mil people especially in the capital, Kuala Lumpur. Cantonese has a very high status among ethnic chinese in Malaysia.

  • @ericwong3825
    @ericwong3825 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    我係潮汕人,「腳車」係福建/潮汕話叫法,即係單車。「落水」係客家話 👌
    D問題太容易啦 😎

    • @mattlee7059
      @mattlee7059 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      客家话都叫脚车 as 单车

    • @jackgnofy2195
      @jackgnofy2195 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Teh (Tea) - 馬來話
      Duit (廣東讀音‘囡’) - 馬來話

    • @ansonmok72
      @ansonmok72 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      落水打淋床。 客家话

    • @路人甲-j9v
      @路人甲-j9v 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@jackgnofy2195 teh不是馬來語,而是福建話傳過去馬來語。teh是福建話,teko也是福建话傳過去。馬來語很多loanwords的比如guru, teh,cawan,sabun,kitab,那些全部都是其他语言的借词。当然英语也有马来语借词比如paddy是从马来语padi,rambutan也是马来语,orangutan也是马来语等等。

  • @nickcccw99
    @nickcccw99 2 ปีที่แล้ว +11


    • @poonsamson
      @poonsamson 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @yokelengleng
      @yokelengleng 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @bowlampar
    @bowlampar ปีที่แล้ว +3

    毫無疑問,你嘅客好靚,,你自己 都好甜美 除咗健談同友好 之外.

  • @blast7105
    @blast7105 2 ปีที่แล้ว +15

    Welcome to Malaysia. Hopefully more Hong Kongers visit Malaysia. Malaysia is a nice place to stay.🤗

  • @whlok
    @whlok 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4


    • @kantotong9044
      @kantotong9044 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      檳城叫 豆水

    • @sutetchang6452
      @sutetchang6452 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @johnnycage558
    @johnnycage558 2 ปีที่แล้ว +36

    I'm a banana myself, I speak Cantonese 90% of the time with my kids and family although my parents are hokkien. My kids can speak at least4 language, Bahasa, mandarin, Cantonese and English at the same time. So it all boils down to own family conversation usage, if you are good in Cantonese and English, speak more of it at home, mandarin and Bahasa they can pick up at school when they mix with kids. So there u go, multi lingual exposure since age 5, and now he's 10

    • @MegaMaking
      @MegaMaking 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      if you speak cantonese... then you are not a banana.. a banana is someone that cannot speak in any chinese dialects completely.

    • @johnnycage558
      @johnnycage558 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

      @@MegaMaking still considered banana because cannot read Chinese😂 when go karaoke sing Chinese song must use hanyi Pinyin

    • @myownmyown3617
      @myownmyown3617 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

      No, banana is Chinese who cannot write in Chinese..

    • @luikaihang1110
      @luikaihang1110 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

      I am Cantonese. All my life I speak this language from the day I started to be able to speak to someone. I was also lucky and blessed, I guessed, because my wife who is not a Cantonese spoke to me from day one I know her in Cantonese. There is an added good result for me to have used Cantonese daily in my communication with others. I am able to read and write Chinese although I have not been to a school using the Chinese language as a teaching medium even for one second. My command of Chinese had surprised all my friends that had got their education in Chinese schools. In another reply of yours, you mentioned that you cannot write in Chinese, hence you think you are a banana. There are millions, even now, in China that do not write anything in Chinese, except perhaps their name. I know for sure this is true for the generation born before WW2. I am very happy to know that you spoke cantonese to your kids 90% of the time. This is excellent. Encourage them to put in some effort and they will be able to read and write in Chinese. I am rather sure by the time they grew up, if they are now a young child, they would probably have to function in Chinese.

    • @bk1571
      @bk1571 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@myownmyown3617 Can only write own name in mandarin consider banana?

  • @martinong9380
    @martinong9380 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @xyes
      @xyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @runeer
      @runeer 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @ewinglian2829
    @ewinglian2829 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @路人甲-j9v
      @路人甲-j9v 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      也不是全部都那样,比如像“水草”,“一堂车”就是以前的的词汇关系,不是我们变了而是他们用新的词汇代替了以前的。其实就是以前straw就是水草。被用来喝饮料。但是随着塑料普及化,straw(水草)被plastic straw(直接翻译=塑料水草,吸管) 代替。而他们把plastic straw叫吸管而我们口语还是用回“straw” 水草本身,而非开创一个新的名词给他(plastic straw),叫他吸管。

  • @sultonamangkabumisekeperha8218
    @sultonamangkabumisekeperha8218 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    DUIT is a loanword from Dutch. 'The duit was a copper Dutch coin worth 2 penning, with 8 duit pieces equal to one stuiver and 160 duit pieces equal to one gulden.'
    Others Malay loanwords from Dutch such as Kamar, gaji, engsel, ilusi, debat, kursus, laci, massa, misi, seterika, sepanduk, etc.
    Malay has many loanwords from Portuguese, Dutch, English, Chinese, Arabic, Persian, Java, etc. and most of Malay words came from Sanskrit.

  • @lchan1977
    @lchan1977 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I can confirm that marrying an aussie hongkie, she doesnt understand some of our cantonese and way we speak. But after 20yrs of marriage, she now understands but when she speaks, its still original hongkie cantonese. There will be times when she will go "what?"

  • @kazynvlog616
    @kazynvlog616 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    *单车 = 单行自行车的缩写

  • @colby_247
    @colby_247 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    To be honest, I didn't use 'hoi fo' but i know it means turn on the lights. Zha dong geng I don't think it's common but I like to use it among friends haha. Yat kao chin probably use by cantonese speaker in KL because in Ipoh we say the same like Hong Kong.
    Love this video, it's really fun.

  • @leafchin
    @leafchin 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Welcome to Malaysia. The Cantonese language from the video is mostly from West Malaysia. If you come to East Malaysia, Sandakan, Sabah. You will find out that most of the Cantonese language is the same as Hong Kong Cantonese.

  • @awakening333
    @awakening333 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Ngo bong nei kong, "so ma" , "teh" and "ma da" are Malay words, not Malaysian Cantonese. And "lo di" is also a Malay word (roti) for bread. By the way, we called pineapple as "wong lai", not wong lei". haha

  • @wesleypoon7043
    @wesleypoon7043 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    2.开火会系开燈 因为老一辈会將电叫做电火 正会有开火
    3. 其实炸东京已经唔用咗
    8 蘇媽來自马來文 semua嘅譯音
    11 馬打寮 寮係一個小屋 以前大馬剛建國時期都係有一個好細嘅警局 都係老一輩正會講
    12 買羅啲 羅啲係馬來文麵包譯音
    14 應該放 "去遼"
    16 羅里 係大型貨車
    19 茶檔嘖係 一個小小個鋪位 係賣飲品嘅
    21. 我幫你講 小朋友已經唔講咗 上1到2代正會講嘅話 已經隔1-2代嘅話咗
    16:07 呢一方面 我要反駁下啦 其實啲方言 有小朋友係識得講嘅 但係冇上一輩咁勁咯 北馬同南馬都係比較注重福建話 北馬有自己嘅鄉音 南馬都係 反而中馬係以粵語為主嘅

  • @jeffcsl75
    @jeffcsl75 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5


  • @tnehhonju1314
    @tnehhonju1314 2 ปีที่แล้ว +7


  • @shutengloke5907
    @shutengloke5907 2 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Stay in KL and speak Cantonese for over 50 years. Never heard of people say "Yam Teh" before.
    "Lui" is from the Malay word "duit" which means money.
    "So Ma" is from the Malay word "semua" which means all of them.
    "Wong Lei" should be pronounce as "Wong Lai"
    "Jo Moto" should be pronounce as "Joh Motor"
    "Ma Da Liu" should be pronounce as "Ma Ta Liew". Mata which in Malay means eyes
    "Mai Lo Di" should be pronounce as "Mai Lo Ti"
    "Hoi Liu" means to go for a trip/vacation.

    • @danielmak1762
      @danielmak1762 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      my oldman said Yam Teh,
      and he is pure cantonese ... don;t know other language
      so i guess it depends on the grouping they are in

    • @jingd2643
      @jingd2643 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      same here, only heard yam cha

    • @quireyuyue
      @quireyuyue 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@danielmak1762 most probably depends on Cantonese sub group. They will have some differences here n there.

    • @alexwong-s7s
      @alexwong-s7s 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Lim Teh (Hokkien) = Yam Teh (probably derived from Hokkien)

    • @ms.chuisin7727
      @ms.chuisin7727 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      More to Hokkien "lim teh". Probably a Hokkien trying to speak Cantonese

  • @inazuma9313
    @inazuma9313 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    講真,我覺得我地馬來西亞人受到香港電影電視很多影響,有部分香港詞語都可以算係睇電視學返來嘅,不過我可以感覺到宜家部分年輕人都係以華語為主(即係普通話)廣東話已經唔係講得咁流利,有一部分係父母關係,我係怡保人 如果有香港人來到怡保旅遊相信都會感到好親切,因為我地嘅口音同你地香港人唔會差好遠,始終我地日常生活都係以廣東話(粵語)為主

    • @yokelengleng
      @yokelengleng 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @inazuma9313
      @inazuma9313 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@yokelengleng 目前我相信是大部分都會,過幾十年後可能就比較少了

    • @LokyuanChan
      @LokyuanChan 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @senghongng9760
    @senghongng9760 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Athena, each episode of your vlog is impressive.I wish you can visit Singapore one day.
    Keep up the good work.Stay safe,stay healthy.

  • @anonnymous4864
    @anonnymous4864 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    "Ngo Pong Lee Kong" is usually considered a rude way of saying "Let me tell you this", as when you arguing with someone, OR when you are stressing a point in a serious way to the other person. Although between close friends "Ngo Pong Lee Kong" could sometimes have none of the negative connotations with the meaning "Let me help you by telling you this." Never use "Ngo Pong Lee Kong" when talking to your elders as it's considered very rude, something which is "Mo Tai Mo Sai". "Cha Tong" normally refers to a smaller restaurant, we don't say "Cha Charn Tang" because over here "Charn Tang" means the bigger and more expensive restaurant.

  • @ngeo88
    @ngeo88 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @HardyDimension
    @HardyDimension 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


    • @LokyuanChan
      @LokyuanChan 4 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @黃金-p3o
    @黃金-p3o 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    的確是五十年代的廣東話,當時香港人都係咁講法。 已經變成古文😀😀

  • @lewy7601
    @lewy7601 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8


    • @ansonmok72
      @ansonmok72 2 ปีที่แล้ว


  • @KongEric-e7l
    @KongEric-e7l 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    幫 呢個字係大馬有三個意思就系你地所知嘅 話你知 跟住第二個意思亦都可以用係其它方面例如 幫你一齊 即系同你一齊咁解 咁第三個幫就真係幫你嘅幫喇 對於邊皮呢個字系客家話翻譯去粵語

  • @sinalbertckwong6406
    @sinalbertckwong6406 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    ....hoi foh also meant newly married couple starting a home together BEGIN TO COOK MEAL AT HOME. Beginning with purchases of all required kitchen and dinning utensils.

  • @jameslee9742
    @jameslee9742 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I'm from Singapore seriously I'm find ours and Hongkong Cantonese much alike.. Malaysia our next door speaking a very different Cantonese lol.. But Bomb Japan we use in our earlier Cantonese Gen in Singapore lol

  • @Guarayakha
    @Guarayakha 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Malaysian here. "Zha dong geng" is still too advance for me 🤣At most i use "Fong Zha Dan"

  • @cheewoonchong8768
    @cheewoonchong8768 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @chooikokkeong4831
    @chooikokkeong4831 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    one more word that i can remember would be tapao. it is actually takeaway food in malaysia ! in hkg means someone died and need to tapao.

  • @HCYann
    @HCYann 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


    • @iisimkhoo1303
      @iisimkhoo1303 2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1


  • @MorgannaMGone
    @MorgannaMGone 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    哈哈哈 呢条片好得意呀

  • @jeffreywong3280
    @jeffreywong3280 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I didnt know “ngo bong nei kong” is wrong haha and when chiki got the “bomb tokyo” right at first guess i was so impressed and laughed out loud 🤣
    When we ask someone to yum cha, it doesnt mean to drink milk tea literally…we asking someone to hang out and have a drinks and often supper too 😁

    • @philliphor1988
      @philliphor1988 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      ' 我帮你讲 ' = 是受当地的福建话影响 Ngo kah li kong 我跟你说。
      当时南洋于 40,50 年代当地娱乐不多,都是看港产粤语片及听流行曲为主,加上吉隆坡是当时的首都,人口汇聚,都以粤语方言沟通,主要大家都 ' 以乎 ' 能听得懂粤语,慢慢的便流行起来,又渗雜了其他藉贯的方言,加上了一些马来语,形成了 ' 马来西亚广东话 ' 的特色 喔 !

  • @artmonster986
    @artmonster986 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    these few also sound funny for gong kongers.

  • @CK-or3jf
    @CK-or3jf 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @sengpohlee
    @sengpohlee 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Ipoh still have a large Cantonese speaking community 😊

  • @mengh1980
    @mengh1980 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Hokkien + Mandarin + English + Malay + Cantonese,
    Money 'Lui', stem from Hokkien, when Spanish Rio is used as currency in China I heard

  • @korubi-ippe
    @korubi-ippe 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    “So ma” must have been loaned from Malay’s “semua”.

  • @tomatom1261
    @tomatom1261 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    這個Lui很common,但我一直都只會念沒思考過它本來是哪個字。上網一查才知道又是福建話銅鐳(Tang Lui)。

  • @dng8112
    @dng8112 2 ปีที่แล้ว +18


    • @vilyng
      @vilyng 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @lfryd95
      @lfryd95 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

      炸东京 蛮常用啊 炸伊拉克 也可以

    • @BoonBoonAlexanderhotmailcom
      @BoonBoonAlexanderhotmailcom 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      現在很少聽到人說炸東京了;另外真的沒聽過人用廣東話講飲teh ,通常是講飲茶。

    • @xyes
      @xyes 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      印象中,“炸东京” 好似系由某谐剧对白而嚟揶揄原子弹炸日本广岛事件同对日本蝗军嘅仇恨,的确历史久远,二战之后嘅产物。
      “饮 Teh” 系有啲老广先会讲,宜家都讲饮茶。

    • @benjaminchong7979
      @benjaminchong7979 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      啱!炸東京是因為老一輩的華人的抗日情緒,所以拿東京來侮辱開玩笑,KopiTiam嘅Teh係奶茶,Mamak檔嘅先叫拉茶 Teh Tarik,唔係羅迪係 Roti 源自馬來語 麵包之意。鐳係源自馬來語 Duit 錢之意,蘇媽係Semua 全部之意

  • @Rin-cu5fz
    @Rin-cu5fz 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    看评论好像有好多都说我们的广东话混了福建话。我倒是觉得混了很多客家话,像客家粤语😂 我的公公是客家人,婆婆是广东人,她嫁给我公公后才开始学客家话。但是听她说粤语时也是说Lui,水草,一堂车,去撩,soma ngin 全部人, 我帮你讲.... 这些都是客家话在用的词😂 😂😂

  • @lowloongwai3029
    @lowloongwai3029 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @mysustazen623
    @mysustazen623 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Yam 'cha'' 飲茶 是出来聚会 喝茶(什么水都可以)+吹水
    Yam ' teh' 不是广东话 通常福建人/潮州人等等多的地方常用

    • @LokyuanChan
      @LokyuanChan 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

      对,teh = tea =茶,变去奶茶就不对了😂😂

  • @reccaact
    @reccaact 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Not all chinese people in each state of Malaysia uses Cantonese in their daily life. Some uses Mandarin. For me, as as KL native I converse mainly in Cantonese. I only learn to speak Mandarin when I started working. It very common to find a Malaysian speaking 3 to 4 languages, as we are a multicultural country.

  • @LHITShappy
    @LHITShappy 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    我細個喺廣州讀書時候,我嘅英文補習老師佢曾經用過'開火'來形容開燈。 然後’飲管’喺我哋廣東大陸叫做吸管

  • @foong171183
    @foong171183 2 ปีที่แล้ว +27

    Our Malaysian cantonese are mix with Malay, Mandarin, Hokkien, Hakka and other dialects. E.g. Teh (tea), liu (play) and Wong lei (pineapple) are from Hokkien, soma is from malay - semua.
    And, most of us can mix all in one sentence. E.g. my son always likes to use this words, Let's gaduh meaning Let's fight

  • @TheGundambaba
    @TheGundambaba 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Good game but Athena pronunciation is a bit off from Malaysian Cantonese...but her friends still able to guess it...not bad.....many malaysian cantonese are mixed with english and malay

  • @athleticos99
    @athleticos99 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    sui chou= straw= cause look like water grass but yam gun never heard before

  • @keanwai7370
    @keanwai7370 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Not Jo motor but it's Chor motor, means sit motorcycle, ma da liu means police station, jeung Chu means watch for awhile, mai lo di means buy bread

  • @cheewoonchong8768
    @cheewoonchong8768 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @唐伯虎點蚊香-p2k
    @唐伯虎點蚊香-p2k 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @k.593
    @k.593 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    我終於懂爲什麽之前去香港旅行我爸爸不在香港講廣東話 就是要說普通話 原來會有那麽多誤會 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈😂😂

    • @LMFNightking
      @LMFNightking 2 ปีที่แล้ว


    • @k.593
      @k.593 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@LMFNightking 蛤?我msia的wor

  • @anakmalaysia7180
    @anakmalaysia7180 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    KL Tower International Jump 2016 - N2N Studio

    • @helloathena
      @helloathena  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3


  • @lnewsmusic1622
    @lnewsmusic1622 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    2,3, 12 and 13 I have never heard the Malaysian version before before, bicycle is from mandarin, pineapple also from mandarin.

  • @yinhaucandychan7053
    @yinhaucandychan7053 ปีที่แล้ว +1


  • @Banzai431
    @Banzai431 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    You're reminding me of when I tried to speak to some Hongkies in Melbourne and they didn't know what I was saying lol

  • @冰狼-i4d
    @冰狼-i4d 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    8:53 那个不是应该读:cuo motor吗?

  • @Johnang8
    @Johnang8 ปีที่แล้ว

    马来语钱是Duit (镭),Mata(马打) 是眼睛,因为当你做违法行为是就会有眼睛盯着你(警察),semua 马来语是全部(苏妈),Roti是面包(罗迪)

  • @pangjimyong2182
    @pangjimyong2182 2 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    马来文(苏媽=semua全部,妈打=mata警察,雷=duit钱,班赖=pandai醒目,阿嘎啊嘎=agak -agak大慨, 多隆=tolong帮帮忙/求求你),
    福建(庆菜=qing cai是旦, 喜别=see bie 非常, kia su =怕输,sua gu=孤陋寡闻,hok jia=好吃,老牙=品质差,diam-diam=静静啦),

    • @skyking5094
      @skyking5094 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      马来西亚福建人 觉得这些都是福建直接翻译广东话

  • @winsonlim1695
    @winsonlim1695 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Athena, "Luit"" = Money= Duit(pronounce as dooit), duit=malaysia legal tender RM. Mata=policeman (the actual word is mata-mata but over the time it began to shorter and the word became MATA, the actual meaning mata= eye in Malay word. some other interesting words can add to your video such as "Gostan""=car reversing, 割车=overtaking,打油 = 入油, 找钱= balance of refund of $$ after actual amount of payment of a price of commodity.

  • @alanlee5339
    @alanlee5339 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    "so ma" is actually a word derived from malay language "semua" not cantonese, semua meaning All

  • @MangGai168
    @MangGai168 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Teh 其实係福建话"茶"嘅发音,因马来西亚早期係由好多中国前辈先贤下南洋谋生,有福建、海南、潮州,一旦碰面就相约饮茶。。久而久之Teh 就成为马来文中嘅"茶"。

  • @oceanocean9880
    @oceanocean9880 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hello nice video

  • @klipjiang4422
    @klipjiang4422 2 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    从来都没听过“炸东京”,是“黄lai” ,“错moto”, “买roti”。不是所有的马来西亚华人都是广东祖籍贯的,只是大部分广东籍贯都聚集在吉隆坡和霹雳。还有很多马来西亚华人是别的祖籍贯,比如福建,客家,等。所以我们在家会和家人用自己的祖籍语,而不同祖籍贯的马来西亚华人会以华语(普通话)来沟通。至于为什么会有些马来西亚华人不会华语而只会自己的祖籍语是因为小学就读马来学校或英文学校,而会华语的是读华语学校。

    • @nlbb373
      @nlbb373 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1


    • @klipjiang4422
      @klipjiang4422 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@nlbb373 说真的,在家讲广东话,从来都没跟我家人说过我要去“炸东京”,只说过“哦屎”。别怀疑,我和我的家人都是用马来西亚式的广东话来沟通🤪。

    • @kevinchujialeh2134
      @kevinchujialeh2134 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@klipjiang4422 其實,由於早期日本蝗軍入侵馬來亞時虐殺了許多無辜的百姓,所以當時的人們想要上大號時都說「炸東京」,希望炸彈能夠好像糞便掉入坑這樣把東京夷為平地,從而結束世界第二大戰。 雖然老一輩的人漸漸逝去,但這個有趣的詞畢竟還是傳了下來,當中也包含著早期華人的歷史訊息。

    • @klipjiang4422
      @klipjiang4422 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@kevinchujialeh2134 不懂lei, 我来自Perak真的没听过。 🫣

    • @huisy2774
      @huisy2774 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      @@klipjiang4422 我家族(PERAK人)orang tua也會說炸東京,現在很少說了~~

  • @selinalaw8996
    @selinalaw8996 5 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @clemtravlog
    @clemtravlog 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    通常我们不会说yam teh,而说yam 茶或Lim Teh。
    坐摩多应该是chuo 摩多,不是zuo摩多。
    茶档不是我们这里常用的。通常说kopi diam或mamak 档。