looks interesting. I have a couple hub drive ebikes that are fine for their purpose. my quest is to find a good ebike to run the logging roads there are many around here. safe to ride thru the woods with miles to explore. minimal to no traffic :) grades are 6% to 22% the longest runs (a couple miles) are about 12% up then ez going along the ridges. my hub drives get warm & arent the best for this - hence my quest to find A mid drive ebike thats better suited for the Loggin roads & occasional trails please let me know what you might have? I prefer the step thru as Ive found that type has become my favorite. the other option for my need is the philodo H8, but its a step over & hub drives.
Actually this one is better as a replacement for my step through.
you the best ebike presentator!
Looks sweet!
I want to up grade my bike but my spark x wont die lol
Its been 5 yrs already and going strong .
Glad to hear your bike has been going strong!
looks interesting.
I have a couple hub drive ebikes that are fine for their purpose.
my quest is to find a good ebike to run the logging roads there are many around here.
safe to ride thru the woods with miles to explore. minimal to no traffic :)
grades are 6% to 22% the longest runs (a couple miles) are about 12% up then ez going along the ridges.
my hub drives get warm & arent the best for this -
hence my quest to find A mid drive ebike thats better suited for the Loggin roads & occasional trails
please let me know what you might have?
I prefer the step thru as Ive found that type has become my favorite.
the other option for my need is the philodo H8, but its a step over & hub drives.