The Book of the Fallen with Satyros Phil Brucato and Jacqueline Bryk

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 22 เม.ย. 2021
  • The early Nephandi were introduced as a tie in for Werewolf: The Apocalypse but over time they’ve gone from slavering cultists to the Wyrm to something more insidious. Satyros and Jax talk with Adam and Terry about the state of the Nephandi in Mage: The Ascension 20th Anniversary Edition as revealed in Book of the Fallen and the heartache and tragedy in which the book was forged.
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  • @bsgarrett724
    @bsgarrett724 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Not sure if anyone will read this as this video is 2 years old but what the hell I got stuff to say about this. First off I'm a huge fan of the pod cast though I've only had a few experiences playing mage. I've been designing my own system for awhile and in many ways you guys have been a big inspiration on how I have been approaching my ideas. So thank you for just being. Anyway on to the meat of it. I have played and run games with evil characters or more to the point formerly evil characters. It's definitely not something every player can pull off or for most game runners to handle effectively but when it can be done it can say volumes about the core concepts behind a game. I would truly enjoy playing or running a game with some one playing a Nephandi style atonement arch. Heavy emphasis on the atonement because how I would want to play it and how I would explain to someone else if I was running the story is that this is a choice but atonement does not equal redemption. As a Nephandi one would have done unforgivable things and choosing to atone for those crimes is just that a choice. There would be not light at the end of the tunnel and the character would be just as damned as the other Nephandi that character had left. Further the character would have to have fallen due to trauma not because they were evil to begin with. The character would have at some point a moment of clarity and reemergence of empathy for others that broke the shackles of pain that character had wrapped themselves in. That's the character base idea but then how that relates to the rest of the game is where the real story can take shape. Obviously his former compatriots will want to flay the character alive along with anyone that has been brave enough to take the character in. The Nephandi are evil and they need to be the bad guys but it can still have complexity to how that happens and how someone becomes so broken. For both the character and others who have fallen the underwent trauma that turned them antisocial that was caused by individuals that were antisocial . The Nephandi are in many cases the abused running to an group that is controlled by abusers.
    Then there are those on the side "Good" that will hunt the character because they believe once a Nephandi always a Nephandi, or at least that's the narrative they spin. I put good in quotes because there is a difference between being right and being righteous. I find someone that denies they have a shadow self far more dangerous then someone that has just given in to it. If you will forgive me for using D&D terminology on this post I have always played and run that there is a fine line between Lawful-Good and Lawful-Evil. The difference for me is that the former leads others by example but without expectations of being followed while the latter rules over others and makes examples of those that refuse to follow. The White Council from the Harry Dresden books are an example of the latter and that attitude is also prevalent in both the Traditions and Technocracy in Mage.
    A character on an Nephandi style atonement arc would not only be a great investigation into the complexity that can turn someone to evil but also on the hypocrisy often found in those that claim to be good.

  • @MrHousecup
    @MrHousecup 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I loath Robert Greene also. I feel that he wrote The Devil's Bible. But what does it mean to be all edge and no point? I thought his point was do whatever you can to have a leg up from everyone else.

  • @johnstratton8678
    @johnstratton8678 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    I won't give you the "All equal!!!" Lecture (even though we are all equal), instead IT IS the "we are all SphereCubes?!?" Lecture...

  • @wesleygracia3011
    @wesleygracia3011 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    I definitely prefer old world of darkness, even with its silly/edgy and outdated ideas, because at the end it was fun, and great stories could be said, for pretty much anyone. These new authors sound like political activists rather than game developers.

  • @jdrtv7055
    @jdrtv7055 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Terrifying, indeed!
    ...I was talking about these authors. They wrote a whole rpg saga about how different points of view shape the World on a way no one solely holds the truth, and everything is always more complicated than it seems. This should bring anyone to a better understanding of each political side, for instance, for which one would adopt in the end a more nuanced point of view.
    But still, these authors stay imprisoned in their own political biais, thinking Putin and Trump's politicies would be only motivated by selfish and evil agendas. Weither you support them or hate them, can't you even imagine that those guys do politics not only for money but also because they got a vision by which they do believe they are acting in a way to make the World a better place? Patriotism, for instance, by which they are honestly believing they are protecting their own nation.

    • @dannykimes2323
      @dannykimes2323 25 วันที่ผ่านมา

      honestly the episode got way to politically charged for me, it was around the fifth time trump was brought up before the twenty minute mark that I kinda spaced out. Also I know the Nephandi are terrible but I am not a fan of dropping constantly saying you shouldnt play one and also not writing what the book was literally made to be which was all things nephandi. They did not write rules for playing one. (Wouldnt want to personally just... I dunno feel like it was a bait and switch imo.) [also yes replying to a 2 year old comment, just wanted to agree on the whole bit here with you.]