Air Wipp - The Treasure Hunt
- เผยแพร่เมื่อ 10 ก.พ. 2025
Welcome to pirates of Air Wipp!
Filmed & color correction: Isabelle Grönqvist.
Edit by: Filip Ljungberg and Marcus Gustafsson.
Jack: Marcus ''Zyrken'' Gustafsson
Pirate: Felix Kellner
Pirate 2: Oscar Hallbäck Stigendal
Injured Pirate: Filip Ljungberg
Music by:
Hans Zimmer - pirates of the caribbean
Video EQ:
Canon 5D Mark II
550 D (settings 60FPS NTC)
Canon EF 70-200mm F/2,8L IS II USM
SAMYANG 14 mm F/2,8
Canon EF 24-70mm F/2,8L IS USM
Program used:
Sony Vegas 10 Pro
Finalcut Pro
Instagram: / airwipp
Facebook: / airwipp
Our Academy:
Words can't even describe how epic this is.
The best production of Parkour video I've ever seen.
The black bars would be perfect, remember that for the next please!
Greetings from Italy
great idea, great performance! One of the best "story-videos" on parkour i have ever seen!
I love it .....great job guys. For me this is the best video on You Tube!
Great video guys. The location was so tasty! And Filips injury scene was a good laugh haha
pirates wearing air max,realistic,these guys are sikk! keep up the good work lads.
Hahhahahaha, i love the way he dropped his hat at 2:49 :)
this is reeally sweet nice parkour !!!
Airrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr-Wipp did a great job.
Så jävla grym film! Riktigt bra jobbat!
sick guys. sick music and sick video ... do you need much more ?
that was sick!
Det står to be continue, kommer det mer? :) ändå grym ide, grymt ställe, grymm kamera utrustning, grymma flips och tricks! :D
Så jäkla skillad! ni e grymma :D förstog att det tog lång tid att fixa med den.
Marcus Gustafsson is awesome! i have trained with him for one day!
Original and Awesome!!
haha the best Swedish Parkour video ever when i see this i feel great to be Swedish :D bästa video någonsin ju ^^
Väldigt snyggt gjort!
awesome!!! keep doing this!
This is awesome Marcus!!!!! :)
Yes! So epic, I love it!!
Super nice
Den var lite osammanhängande i jakten tyckte , ena stunden så hoppa oscar ner i vattnet, och marcus var aldrig nere vid vattnet te.x. O.o men annars var det sjukt bra filmat, bra skådespeleri, helt klart värt att göra en fortsättning!
Haha that was epic!
Beautiful place. similar feel to the one that Ryan Doyle was at. with the back flipping pigeons
3:32 Jack:'' Where is the Toilet?''
Hahaha funny video! Nice edit, well performed :)
NI e fan kungar:) så jävla najs , föresten var fan e ni ?:P.
Bra jobbat! Vart riktigt bra :D
This is good for you!
wow, great job guys :D
wow. thats it's amazing;d I like this video
Great job guys:)
sickkk, but sacha powell gainered the jump at 2:30 haha
@MPTcinema its all about the setings in the edeting program! :) you neet to have the same settings as the video is filmed with!
At 4:21 Jack just chillin!
helt sjukt
Fantastic :)
FINALLY ! :D awesome!
best video ever! ;D
@AirWipp Ok nice stuff... but can you please detail how you got such a clean image on the scene! like what's the ISO, Aperture, and whitening settings?
Nicee !
waoow the cool captain jack..:)))
@skyseigami No. More that he cracked his pants! hahaha!
niiiiice!! 4:07
Wow! incredible idea.
What's the camera equipment you used here?
@Jan1992xl The spots that we could use was not what we expected so we had to use flips to make the hunt more exiting. Try making a movie on malta where all spots have to look old without risking your lifes (a lot of building where at the edge of collapsing, and others where closed to public).
But I get your point, thanks for the comment
Hurray Freerun cosplay!!!
fuuuucking awsome, what camera do you guys use
Sjuka videos !
Skulle gärna vara med på akademin ...
Epic shoes for pirates lol xD
Fan vad nice grabbar :D
Great short film. Where was this filmed? What country are the actors from?
@AirWipp we want to see some movie of SPIDER MAN or ZORO Maybe xD! Good Work Guys Wishes From @Tfpkofficiel
Amazing shoot... fucked up at the last bit... where you all seen waiting behind the tree to come out and run lol
Härlig video ! :)
are u using Nike Free 3.0 ? :D Epic vid
Original vidéo ! :)
eller om man ska ta det på svenska kanske, FET GRYM VIDEO KILLAR
catch him....Captain Jack Cyrken! Hahahaha :P :) ;) Filip...Your the le baaaws!
@AirWipp Update it with what lenses you used please :)
@zyyrk I do have, my videos looks excellent so far, but i wanna shoot this night scenes, and i cannot because i have no idea how to handle my canon 550d at night.
I know the appeture bullshit but i cannot figure what's wrong... any ideas?
"To be Continue"
beautiful! what country?
If you ever get chased, make sure you do some flips!
Just another parkourgasm.........Make the moves make sense for hell's sake!!!!!!!!
Man Do I hate when that happens. You try to go catch someone and you accidentally wallflip inwards... ugh.
There are too many flip, is monotonous but the idea is not bad and the place is really nice.
what kind of people this dislike this awesome shit?! shame on them!
I see captain jack sparrow got himself brand new shoes!
ni är riktigt grymma :D
Sweden I think... :D
17 people love to play the violin.
I suggest you make Assassins Creed video next :D
Dat sparrow!
Its pretty much the same jumps all the time, but its not like i could do better :D
I LIke how they had sneakers back then...
i would totally do stuff like this if my friends freeran tho lol
Ofcourse theyre not going to catch him when they stop along the way to do flips and wall jumps for no particular reason, they're very ineffective at chasing someone!
it would have gone so much faster if they wouldn't have done all those flipps
Where was this filmed?
har ni lärt er allt själva? och vart är ni ? :o
Kapten Jack AirWipp ;) Pirets of the CarriAirWipp ;)
Oh yum..
without the flips you would of caught him
Ezio would have been proud.
nice shoes jack sparrow :))
Woha sicl
notice his shoes in 1:14
Pirates of the Parkourbean
What song starts at 3:00?
@ParkourLiverpool they could actually catch him if they didnt do flips.
the dislike must be Davy Jones
never to much Flips ;)
is that thing at 3.24 hard to do? XD